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(ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING) Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester I E II E III E IV E V E VI E VII E VIII E !m"#!t"$# !m"#!t"$# !m"#!t"$# !m"#!t"$# !m"#!t"$# !m"#!t"$# !m"#!t"$# !m"#!t"$# N$%em&er' M!+' N$%em&er' M!+' N$%em&er' M!+' N$%em&er' M!+' ())* (),) (),) (),, (),, (),( (),( (),-

S+..!&/s !00."c!&.e t$ the st/1e#ts see2"#3 !1m"ss"$# t$ the B.Tech. (E#%"r$#me#t!. E#3"#eer"#3) C$/rse "# the !c!1em"c +e!r ())*4,). Summary of Revised Scheme of Examination
Total Credits for B.TECH. Degree: 240 Semester wise credits: I : 0! II : 0! III : 0! I" : 0! " : 0! "I : 0! "II : 0! "III : 0 Classification of Credits in each semester Semester I II III I" " "I "II "III Total credits Credits - H #$ #4 00 0 00 00 00 00&04' %)40 Credits - A ## #% 04&02' 0 &02' 00 00 00 00&04' 4)42 Credits - C 00 00 24&02' 22&02' 2( 0 22 4 #40)#44 Credits - M 00 00 00 00 02 00 0( #2 22 Total Credits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240

Percentage of H, A, #*.00)#%.%+ #4.#+)#+.* *(. )%0.00 $.#+ #00.00 C out of total credits ' The credits are for one s,-.ect onl/ that can -e offered 0or chosen -/ st,dent1 either -/ H,manities or 2ther Engineering De3artments. H 4 C 6 H,manities! Social St,dies and Basic Sciences 4llied Engineering Core 0incl,ding ma.or 5ro.ect and 5ractical Training1 6andator/ Core


There shall -e the following fo,r /ear Degree co,rses ,nder the 7ac,lt/ of Technolog/.

i. ii. iii. i9. 9. 9i. 9ii. 9iii. ix. x. xi.


Bachelor of Technolog/ 0Electrical1 Bachelor of Technolog/ 0Electronics 8 Comm,nication1 Bachelor of Technolog/ 06echanical1 Bachelor of Technolog/ 0Ci9il1 Bachelor of Technolog/ 05rod,ction 8 Ind,strial1 Bachelor of Technolog/ 05ol/mer Science 8 Chemical Technolog/1 Bachelor of Technolog/ 0Com3,ter1 Bachelor of Technolog/ 0Instr,mentation 8 Control1 Bachelor of Technolog/ 0En9ironmental1 Bachelor of Technolog/ 06an,fact,ring 5rocess 8 4,tomation1 Bachelor of Technolog/ 0Information Technolog/1Bachelor of Technolog/ 0Bio Technolog/1

In addition to the conditions laid down in 2rdinance I! a candidate see:ing admission to an/ of the a-o9e Co,rses of st,d/ for the Bachelor;s Degree sho,ld satisf/ the following conditions. $a% Educational &ualifications: i. 4 candidate 3assing an/ one of the following examinations and sec,ring %0 3ercent or more mar:s in the aggregate of 5h/sics! chemistr/ 4nd 6athematics shall -e eligi-le for admission to the first Semester of Bachelor of Engineering Co,rse 3ro9ided he)she has 3assed in each s,-.ect se3aratel/ < Senior Schools Certificate Examination 0#2 /ear co,rse1 of the Central Board of Secondar/ Ed,cation 0C.B.S.E.1! =ew Delhi. Indian School Certificate Examination 0#2 >ear co,rse1 of the Co,ncil for Indian School Certificate Examination! =ew Delhi. B.Sc. 0?en.1 ?ro,3 @4; final Examination of the Ani9ersit/ of Delhi or eB,i9alent examination. B.Sc. 0Hons.1 Examination in 5h/sics! chemistr/ and 6athematics of the Ani9ersit/ of Delhi with com-ination of 5h/sics! Chemistr/! 6athematics and eB,al weightage to the s,-sidiar/ s,-.ects or eB,i9alent examination. 4n/ other examination recogniCed as eB,i9alent to the Senior School Certificate Examination of the C.B.S.E -/ the Ani9ersit/ of Delhi. 0core or electi9e1

ii. iii. i9. 9.


9ii. 4 candidate m,st additionall/ ha9e 3assed English as a s,-.ect of st,d/ at the #2th class le9el
N TE : There shall -e no direct admission to an/ le9el of the Co,rses a-o9e the Ist Semester. . Ander each B.Tech. Degree co,rse certain s,-.ects are offered which can -e classified as Theor/) 5ractical) Drawing) Design) 5ro.ect) 5ractical Training. 7,rther classification is -ased on the relationshi3 of the s,-.ects with the degree co,rses admitted to! namel/ H,manities and Social Science) Basic Sciences) 4llied engineering! De3artmental! core! etc. In addition to the a-o9e! a s,-.ect co,ld -e classified as a com3,lsor/ one or as one of the 3reDreB,isite for another s,-.ect. The Committee of co,rses and St,dies of the concerned De3artment shall do this classification.


4 st,dent who .oins the first semester will -e a,tomaticall/! deemed to ha9e registered for the s,-.ects which are listed ,nder the first Semester of the SA??ESTED SCHE6E 27 EE4F=I=?. E9er/ st,dent is reB,ired to register for the s,-.ects to -e ta,ght in the second and s,-seB,ent semesters. This 3rocess of registration shall start .,st -efore the start of next semester. The st,dent will also indicate d,ring registration of s,-.ect) s,-.ects of earlier Semester0s1 in which he) she desire to a33ear! if otherwise eligi-le. S,ch a st,dent will -e allowed to a33ear in the End Semester Examination and his) her mar:s of mid terms acti9ities will remain ,naltered since attendance is com3,lsor/! a st,dent will -e 3ermitted to register for co,rse) co,rses which he can attend. The n,m-er of theor/ s,-.ects 3ermitted will not -e more than six. The total d,ration of contact 3eriod sho,ld not ordinaril/ exceed thirt/ two ho,rs 3er wee:. B.Tech. Degree shall -e awarded if a st,dent has earned a minim,m of 22( credits as s3ecified in each degree 3rogram s,-.ect to -rea: ,3 and com3,lsor/ credit as mentioned there in. Howe9er! a st,dent ma/ register in s,-.ects leading to a maxim,m of 240 credits in the entire co,rse. 4 st,dent sho,ld :ee3 a watch on his 3rogress and register in those 3a3ers in which he m,st earn the credit to satisf/ the a-o9e reB,irement of the 3artic,lar degree. If a st,dent earns more than a s3ecified minim,m credit for degree the -est mar:s in the minim,m credits 0satisf/ing the a-o9e conditions1 will -e considered for the 3,r3oses of classification of res,lt.



Evaluation and Revie) The committee of Co,rses 8 St,dies in each De3artment shall s3ecif/ the following for the degree co,rse:D

0a1 0-1

S,ggested Scheme of Eearning. 6inim,m credits needed for the degree co,rse and -rea: ,3 in terms of classification of co,rses i.e. a. -. c. d. e. f. g. H,manities and Social Sciences Basic Sciences 4llied Engineering De3artmental Core 5ractical Training Ans3ecified) Electi9e and 5ro.ect.

The committee of co,rses 8 St,dies in each De3artment shall a33oint one or more E9al,ationDc,mD Fe9iew Committees each dealing with gro,3 of s,-.ects. This E.F.C consist of the teachers who are li:el/ to teach s,-.ects in the gro,3. The E.F.C. has the following f,nctions: i. ii. To recommend a33ointment of 3a3er setters) examiners of 9ario,s examinations at the start of each Semester. To get 3re3ared B,iCCes! assignments! test 3a3ers etc. for the midDterm and the end semester examination and to get them e9al,ated. =ormall/ each concerned teacher! who is also a mem-er of E.F.C.! will do this .o- for his class. Howe9er! in exce3tional circ,mstances an/ 3art the wor: will -e entr,sted to some other mem-er of E.F. C. The mode of e9al,ation of the midDterm acti9ities whose weightage shall -e 0G and the end of term examination whose weightages shall -e +0G 0The midDterm acti9ities will -e one mid term test or 20G weightage which will -e s,33lemented -/ assignments! B,iCCes etc. for a theor/ co,rse with weightage of #0G1. 7or a 3ractical co,rse! 0G weightage -e gi9en for internal e9al,ation and +0G for End Semester Examination. 4t the end of the Semester! the E.F.C. Chairman will send to the Ani9ersit/ the


consolidated mar:s for the midDterm acti9ities and the End Semester in se3arate col,mn for ta-,lation and for declaration of res,lts.

i9. To consider the indi9id,al re3resentation of st,dents a-o,t e9al,ation and ta:e the remedial action if
needed. 4fter scr,tiniCing the E.F.C ma/ alter the mar:s awarded ,3ward) downward. The decision of the EFC shall -e final. The candidate shall a33l/ for the same on a 3rescri-ed 3erforma along with the e9al,ation fee 3rescri-ed the Ani9ersit/ from time to time onl/ for the end Semester Examination within se9en da/s from the date of declaration of res,lt. 9. To moderate the B,iC) assignment test 3a3ers gi9en -/ each concerned teacher in class with a 9iew to maintain ,niformit/ of standards and co,rse co9erage amongst 9ario,s classes and to attain sti3,lated le9el of learning. To re9iew and moderate the mid term and end of term res,lts of each class with a 9iew to maintain ,niformit/ of standards and co,rse co9erage amongst 9ario,s classes and to attain sti3,lated le9el of learning. To la/ g,idelines for teaching a s,-.ect. Classification of Result+ 4 st,dent has to sec,re 40G or more mar:s in a s,-.ect e9al,ation to earn the credits assigned to the s,-.ect. 4 st,dent after ha9ing sec,red the minim,m credit as needed for the degree co,rse will -e eligi-le for the award of degree. The final res,lt will -e e9al,ated as -elow: Each s,-.ect will carr/ #00 mar:s.


9ii. *(

a9erage mar:s =

0Credits 6ar:s Sec,red1 0 Credits 1

0See cla,se * for -est grades in the minim,m credits1

The final res,lt will -e classified -ased on the a9erage mar:s as follows. 7irst Class with Distinction +*G or more 7irst Class %0G or more -,t less than +*G Second Class *0G or more -,t less than %0G 5ass Class 40G or more -,t less than *0G (. 4 st,dent has to 3,t in a minim,m of +*G attendance se3aratel/ in each s,-.ect for which he has registered. 4 relaxation ,3 to a maxim,m of 2*G ma/ -e gi9en on the 3rod,ction of satisfactor/ e9idence that: 0a1 0-1 The st,dent was -,s/ in a,thoriCed acti9ities. The st,dent was ill. =ote:D 0i1 4 st,dent sho,ld s,-mit the e9idence to the a-o9e fact within three wor:ing da/s of res,ming the st,dies. Certificates s,-mitted later will not -e considered. 0ii1 0iii1 =o relaxation in attendance -e/ond 2*G is 3ermitted in an/ case. The registration of a st,dent stands cancelled if his attendance reB,irements are not satisfied in the s,-.ect.


The d,ration of the co,rse is not less than ( Semesters and the s3an is not more than #4 semesters. 4 st,dent who earn #* credits or less at the end of the first semester will recei9e a warning for his)her 3oor 3erformance! if he fails to earn at least 2* credits at the end of the second semester! he has to lea9e the co,rse and instit,tion.

In case a st,dent has not earned a minim,m of #00 credits at the end of eight semester! his admission to the co,rse and the instit,tion stands cancelled. The admission stands cancelled at the end of #4 semester in an/ case. #0. The Instit,tion )Ani9ersit/ ma/ cancel the registration of all the s,-.ects in a gi9en semester if: #. 2. ##. The st,dent has not cleared the d,es to the instit,tion )hostel. 4 3,nishment is awarded leading to the cancellation.

4t discretion of the instit,tion the res,lt ma/ -e withheld e9en if the registration of the st,dent stands. There shall -e a Central 4d9isor/ Committee consisting of the following: 0a1 0-1 0c1 0i1 0ii1 #2. Dean! 7ac,lt/ of Technolog/! 0Chairman of the Committee1 Heads! of the Instit,tions. Heads of the De3artments in the 7ac,lt/ of Technolog/.

This Committee shall ha9e the following f,nctions: la/ g,idelines for the 3rocess of registration. gi9e an inter3retation of the r,les in case of difference of o3inion which shall -e -inding on all. Ander 9er/ exce3tional conditions minor relaxations in r,les ma/ -e allowed and im3lemented -/ the Central 4d9isor/ Committee. Howe9er! same relaxation in r,les can not -e granted in a s,-seB,ent semester. In case the conditions warrant s,ch a relaxation again! the r,les shall ha9e to amended. 7or all Theor/ 5a3ers 0Code:TH1 there is one minDsemester test of 0 mar:s 020&#0 4ssignments1 and an endDsemester exam. of ho,rs d,ration for +0 mar:s. The total mar:s for the Theor/ 5a3ers is th,s #00. 7or all 5ractical 5a3ers 0Code: 5F1 there is semester assessment of 0 mar:s and an end semester exam of ho,rs or 4 ho,rs d,ration for +0 mar:s. The total mar:s for the 5ractical 3a3er is th,s #00. 7or all 9al,ation of Sessional 0Code < "S1 there is semester assessment of #00 mar:s. There is no endD semester exam for these co,rses. Credit of "S are not incl,ded in the total credits of semester. Howe9er! it is mandator/ to 3ass the "S co,rse. 4t "II and "III semester le9els there is assessment of 5ractical Training Fe3orts -/ a d,l/ constit,ted Board. The re3ort is to -e s,-mitted -/ s,mmer )winter -rea:s. The total mar:s associated with each 5ractical Training Fe3ort is #00 mar:s of which 0 mar:s are awarded -/ the de3artment on the -asis of s,3er9ision of Ind,strial Training. 4t "III semester le9el there is assessment of 5ro.ect Fe3ort -/ a d,l/ constit,ted Board. The re3ort is to -e s,-mitted -/ the st,dent of the 3ro.ect wor: 3erformed at the "II and "III semester le9els. The total mar:s associated with the 3ro.ect re3ort is #00 mar:s of which 0 mar:s are awarded -/ the de3artment on the -asis of g,idance of 5ro.ect Hor:. The total credits in all scheme of examination to B.TECH. Co,rses ,3to "III semester will -e 240 and the denominator for calc,lation of a9erage mar:s for final res,lt will -e 22(. The 3ro.ect and the 5ractical Training after " 8 "I Semester are mandator/. Candidates sec,ring 2 % to 240 credits are declared to ha9e 3assed B.TECH. 7inal examination. Candidates sec,ring 22$ to 2 * credits are declared to ha9e 3assed B.TECH. 7inal examination 3ro9ided the/ s:i3) fail in not more than 4 credits in C2FE. Candidates sec,ring exactl/ 22( credits are declared to ha9e 3assed B.TECH. 7inal examination! 3ro9ided the/ s:i3) fail in not more than 4 credits in core! not more than 4 credits in 433lied Engineering! and not more than 4 credits in 433lied Sciences 8 H,manities.

,eneral Notes+ #.

2. .



%. +. (. $. #0.

FIRST SEMESTER (ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING) S. No. TH# TH2 TH TH4 TH* TH% 5F# 5F2 5F 5F4 Course No. 64 #0# HA #02 5H #0 CH #04 EE #0* IT #0% 5H #0+ CH #0( EE #0$ IT ##0 T TAPractice ./ 0rs 1/// ./ Subject L-T-P Ev !u t"o# Sess"o# ! 6athematicsD# Comm,nication s:ills 433lied 5h/sics 433lied Chemistr/ Electrical sciences 7,ndamentals of Information Technolog/ 433lied 5h/sics Ea433lied Chemistr/ EaElectrical Sciences EaInformation Technolog/ EaD#D0 2D#D0 D#D0 D#D0 D#D0 2D#D0 0D0D2 0D0D2 0D0D2 0D0D2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E#$ +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 Tot ! M r%s #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 Cre$"t T&'e 4H H 4H 4H 44 4 2H 2H 24 24

SECON( SEMESTER (ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING) S. No. TH# TH2 TH TH4 TH* TH% 5F# 5F2 5F 5F4 Course No. 64 ### E= ##2 4S ## 4S ##4 6E ##* C2E ##% 6E ##+ 6E ##( C2E ##$ 5E #20 Subject L-T-P Ev !u t"o# Sessional 6athematicsDII En9ironmental Sciences 433lied Sciences Engineering 6aterials 6echanical Sciences 5rinci3le of Eang,age 3rogramming D#D0 2D0D0 4D0D0 4D0D0 D#D0 2D0D0 0D0D 0D0D2 0D0D2 0D0D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 Tot ! M r%s #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 Cre$"t T&'e 4H 2H 4H 4H 44 24 4 24 24 4

Engineering ?ra3hics 6echanical Science Ea5rogramming Eang,ages Ea6echanical Hor:sho3



./ 0rs



T)IR( SEMESTER (ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING) S. No. TH# TH2 TH TH4 TH* TH% 5F# 5F2 5F Course No. E=E 20# E=E 202 E=E 20 E=E 204 E=E20* E=E 20% E=E 20+ E=E 20( E=E 20$ E=E 2#0 T TASubject L-T-P Ev !u t"o# Sess"o# ! Strength of 6aterials 6athematics and =,merical 6ethods S,r9e/ing En9ironmental Chemistr/ 8 6icro-iolog/ B,ilding material 8 B,ilding constr,ction Hater Engineering S,r9e/ing Ea-orator/ En9ironmental 6icro-iolog/ EaHater Engineering EaSelf St,d/ D I D#D0 D#D0 D0D0 D#D0 D0D0 D#D0 0D0D2 0D0D2 0D0D2 0D0D2 ./ 0rs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 E#$ Tot ! M r% s #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 1/// Cre$"t T&'e 4C 4H C 4C C 4C 2C 2C 2C 2C)4 ./

FO*RT) SEMESTER (ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING) S. No. TH# TH2 TH TH4 TH* TH% 5F# 5F2 5F Course No. E=E 2## E=E 2#2 E=E 2# E=E2#4 6E 2#* E=E 2#% E=E 2#+ E=E 2#( E=E 2#$ E=E 220 Subject L-T-P Ev !u t"o# Sess"o# ! Haste Hater Engineering Engineering Economics 8 4cco,ntanc/ Earth Sciences! ?IS 8 Femote Sensing Elements of Str,ct,ral 4nal/sis 7,ndamentals of 6echanical Engineering H/drolog/ 8 ?ro,ndwater Engineering Haste Hater Engineering Ea?IS 8 Femote Sensing Ea-orator/ Strength of 6aterials EaSelf St,d/DII D#D0 D0D0 4D0D0 4D0D0 D0D0 D#D0 0D0D2 0D0D2 0D0D2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E#$ +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 Tot ! M r%s #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 Cre$"t T&'e 4C H 4C 4C 4 4C 2C 2C 2C 2C)4





NOTE: St,dents will ,nderta:e Three wee:s of S,r9e/ Cam3 d,ring s,mmer -rea: after fo,rth semester. FIFT) SEMESTER (ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING) S. No. TH# TH2 TH TH4 TH* 5F# 5F2 5F 5F4 Course No. Subject L-TP D#D0 D#D0 D#D0 D#D0 D#D0 0D0D2 0D0D2 0D2D0 0D0D2 0D0D2 ./ Ev !u t"o# Sess"o# ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E#$ +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 Tot ! M r%s #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 1/// Cre$"t T&'e 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 2C 2C 2C 26 2C ./

E=E 0# E=E 02 E=E 0 E=E 04 E=E 0* E=E 0% E=E 0+ E=E 0( E=E 0$ E=E #0 T TA-

Hater S,33l/ 8 En9ironmental Sanitation Hea9/ 6etal Femo9als ?eotechnical Engineering En9ironmental H/dra,lics Instr,mentation En9ironmental H/dra,lics Ea?eotechnical Engineering EaInstr,mentation S,r9e/ Cam3 E9al,ation 6inor 5ro.ect #

NOTE: St,dents will ,nderta:e Eight wee:s of Ind,strial Training d,ring s,mmer -rea: after fifth semester.

SI+T) SEMESTER (ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING) S. No. TH# TH2 TH TH4 TH* 5F# 5F2 5F 5F4 Course No. Subject L-TP D#D0 D#D0 D#D0 D#D0 D#D0 0D0D2 0D0D2 0D0D4 0D0D2 ./ Ev !u t"o# Sess"o# ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *0 E#$ +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 #*0 Tot ! M r%s #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 200 #00 1/// Cre$"t T&'e 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 2C 2C 4C 2C ./

E=E ## E=E #2 E=E # E=E #4 E=E #* E=E #% E=E #+ E=E #( E=E #$ T TA-

Solid Haste 6anagement 4ir 8 =oise 5oll,tion and Control ?lo-al Harming and Climate Change Hater Engineering : Design 8 433lications 5ro.ect 6anagement 4ir 8 =oise 5oll,tion EaSolid Haste 4nal/sis 6inor 5ro.ect II Ind,strial Training I I

NOTE: St,dents will ,nderta:e Eight wee:s of Ind,strial Training d,ring s,mmer -rea: after sixth semester.

SEVENT) SEMESTER (ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING) S. No. TH# TH2 TH TH4 5F# 5F2 Course No. Subject L-TP D#D0 D#D0 D#D0 D#D0 0D0D 0D0D 0D0D4 0D0D4 ./ Ev !u t"o# Sess"o# ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 *0 *0 E#$ +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 #*00 #*0 Tot ! M r%s #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 200 200 1/// Cre$"t T&'e 4C 4C 4C 4C C C 46 46 ./

E=E 40# E=E 402 E=E 40 E=E 404 E=E 40* E=E 40% E=E 40+ E=E 40( T TA-

Electi9e I Hastewater Engineering : Design 8 433lications Ind,strial Haste 6anagement En9ironmental 5lanning 8 6anagement Hater B,alit/ monitoring EaS/stem Sim,lation 6a.or 5ro.ect D I Ind,strial training I II

EIG)T) SEMESTER (ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING) S. No. TH# TH2 TH 5F# 5F2 Course No. Subject L-TP D#D0 D#D0 D#D0 0D0D #D0D2 0D0D2 0D0D #0 23 Ev !u t"o# Sess"o# ! 0 0 0 0 0 #00 #00 00 E#$ +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 Tot ! M r%s #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 #00 400 1/// Cre$"t T&'e 4C 44)H 4C C C 26 #06 ./

E=E 4## E=E 4#2 E=E 4# E=E 4#4 E=E 4#* E=E 4#% E=E 4#+ T TA-

Electi9e I II Electi9e I III 023en1 En9ironmental Im3act 4ssessment 8 4,dit En9ironmental Integrated 5lanning 8 5ractices En9ironmental Engineering Estimation 8 E9al,ation Seminar 6a.or 5ro.ect II

-#ST Elective # 04n/ one from the following1 #. 2. . 4. *. %. +. (.


6onitoring 8 5erformance E9al,ation of Hater)Hastewater treatment 5lants En9ironmental s/stem 6odeling 4d9anced 5lanning 8 Design of En9ironmental Engg. Hor:s 7ire haCard 8 Safet/ Control S/stem Bio 6onitoring TechniB,es Soil 5oll,tion S,rface Trans3ort =oise 5oll,tion S,rface and gro,nd water 5oll,tion

5en Elective I ## 04n/ one to -e selected from the following1 #. 2. . 4. *. %. +. 4d9anced 6echanics of 7l,ids and Sediment 6otion Fis: 8 relia-ilit/ 4nal/sis of En9ironmental s/stems "entilation and 4ir Conditioning C4D 8 Software De9elo3ments 4nal/tical 6ethods of J,alit/ 6anagement En9ironment and S,staina-le De9elo3ment En9ironmental Biotechnolog/

5en Elective 6 ### 0The st,dents can choose an/ electi9e offered -/ other de3artments1 #. 2. . 4. *. %. Hater 8 Soil Conser9ation =on Con9ention Energ/ S/stems 4nal/sis of "i-ration and Control of =oise 5oll,tion 4d9anced water and wastewater treatment ?ro,nd Hater De9elo3ment 4nd 6anagement Disaster 6anagement


Sylla7us revised Environmental Engineering

T0ird Semester
ENE 2/1 - Strengt0 of Materials
T0eory # - .rd Semester 8N#T 1 Analysis of Stresses+ Stress tensor! 5rinci3al stresses! Transformation eB,ations! Stress in9ariants! 5lane stress! 6ohr;s circle for 3lane stress! 2ctahedral stresses! Differential eB,ations of eB,ili-ri,m! Com3onents of stresses in c/lindrical 3olar coordinates. 6aterial 3ro3erties. 8N#T 2 Analysis of Strain+ Deforma-le -odies! Conce3ts of normal strain and shear strain! Strain com3onents at a 3oint! Transformation eB,ations! 5rinci3al strains! 6ohr;s circle for strains! Com3ati-ilit/ conditions! Dis3lacement eB,ation of eB,ili-ri,m! 5lane strain. 8N#T . Stress-Strain relations+ Aniaxial tensile test! Elasticit/! 4nelasiticit/! Hor:Dhardening! anisotro3h/! homogeneit/ and contin,it/! ?eneraliCed Hoo:e;s law! Eame;s constants! 6od,les of rigidit/! B,l: mod,les! Felation -etween the elastic constants! 5rinci3le of s,3er3osition! AniB,eness theorem! Thermal effects. 8N#T 9 8nia:ial -oading+ Bars of 9aria-le crossDsection! Staticall/ indetermine 3ro-lems in tension and com3ression! Thin c/lindrical and s3herical 9essels. 8N#T ; <eflections due to 7ending+ The moment c,r9at,re relation! 6aca,la/;s and momentDarea method! Castigliano;s theorem. Sta7ility of Columns+ Sta-le and ,nsta-le eB,ili-ri,m! E,ler;s form,la for long col,mns! Fan:ine;s form,la. S5rings+ T/3es of s3rings! Close coiled and o3en coiled s3rings! Torsion and shear centre.. Feferences: #. 7eodos/e9! ".! KStrength of 6aterialsL! 6ir 5,-lishers! 6oscow. 2. Benham! 5.5.! 8 Harnoc:! 7.".! K6echanics 8 Solids 8 Str,ct,resL! 5itman 5,-lishing! Eondon. . Seel/! 7. B. 8 Smith! M. 2.! K4d9anced 6echanics of 6aterialsL! To:/o! To33an. 4. Shanelo/! 7.F.! KStrength of 6aterialsL! 6c?raw Hill Boo: Com3an/. *. Timoshen:o! S.! KStrength of 6aterialsL! "ol. I! 6c?raw Hill Boo: com3an/. %. S. H. Crandall! =.C. Dahal 8 T. M. Eardener! K4n introd,ction to the mechanics of SolidsL! 6c?raw Hill Boo:s Co. +. I. H. Shames! KIntrod,ction to solid mechnicsL! 5rentice Hall of India Etd.

MA 2/2 Mat0ematics and Numerical Met0ods T0eory ## - .rd Semester - T P Credit . 1 / 9H <ifferential E=uations+ Bessel;s eB,ation! Bessel f,nctions of first :ind! rec,rrence relations< Eegendre;s eB,ation! Eegendre;s 3ol/nomials! Fodrig,e;s form,la. !ourier Series+ 7o,rier series! E,ler;s form,lae! e9en and odd f,nctions< 7,nctions ha9ing ar-itrar/ 3eriod< Half range ex3ansions< Harmonic anal/sis. 4ector Analysis + Fe9iew of 9ector alge-ra< Tri3le 3rod,ct< differentiation of 9ectors< 23erators grad< di9 and c,rl! their geometrical and 3h/sical significance< Integration of 9ectors! wor: dome in 9ector fields! green;s! stoc:;s and ?a,se di9ergence theorem. !unctions of Com5le: 4aria7les+ 4nal/tic f,nctions! Harmonic con.,gate! conformal transformation of f,nctions 0sim3le 3ro-lems1! Ca,ch/;s integral theorem! Ca,ch/;s integral form,la! resid,es! resid,e theorem.


Numerical Analysis+ .433roximations and ro,nd off errors! Tr,ncation errors and Ta/lor Series. Determination of roots of 3ol/nomials and transcendental eB,ations -/ =ewtonDFa3hson! Secant and Bairstow;s method. Sol,tions of linear sim,ltaneo,s linear alge-raic eB,ations -/ ?a,ss Elimination and ?a,ssDSiedel iteration methods. C,r9e fittingDlinear and nonlinear regression anal/sis. Bac:ward! 7orward and Central difference relations and their ,ses in =,merical differentiation and integration! 433lication of difference relations in the sol,tion of 3artial differential eB,ations. =,merical sol,tion of ordinar/ differential eB,ations -/ E,ler! 6odified E,ler! F,ngeDN,tta and 5redictorDCorrector method.

ENE 2/. Surveying

T0eory ### 6 .rd Semester 8N#T # - Introd,ction: 2-.ect 8 sco3e of s,r9e/ing! classification of S,r9e/ing! 3rinci3les of s,r9e/ing! s,r9e/ing instr,ctions. Basic S,r9e/ing TechniB,es: Chain S,r9e/ing < Instr,ments of chain s,r9e/ing! corrections to meas,red lengths! meas,rement of offsets! limiting length of offsets! field wor: of chain s,r9e/ing! -oo:ing of field notes! con9entional s/m-ols! o-stacles in chain s,r9e/ing! errors in chain s,r9e/ing 8 their corrections. Com3ass s,r9e/ing: instr,ctions in com3ass s,r9e/ing! s/stem of recording the -earing! determination of meridian com3asses! tra9ersing 8 gra3hical method of ad.,stment. 8N#T ## D 5lane ta-le S,r9e/ing: 5lane ta-le and its accessories! methods of 3lane ta-ling! two 3oint 3ro-lem! three 3oint 3ro-lems -/ different methods. Ee9elling: Introd,ction! t/3es of le9eling! le9eling instr,ments! o3erations and ad.,stments of le9els! ordinar/ le9eling! errors of le9eling! effect of earth;s c,r9at,re and atmos3heric refraction in le9eling ! 3recise le9eling! modern le9eling instr,ments! conto,ring: characterstics and ,ses of conto,r! modern methods of de3icting relief on ma3. 8N#T ### - 4reas ! "ol,me and EarthB,a:e Com3,tations : Different methods of determination of areas from 3lan! areas of irreg,lar -o,ndaries! areas of field notes -/ latit,des and de3art,re methods! instr,mental methods of determining areas! areas of cross section! determination of earthB,a:e 9ol,mes. 8N#T #4 D Theodolite Tra9ersing : Transit theodolites! o3eration and ad.,stment of theodolites! horiContal angle -/ the method of re3etition and reiteration! 3ermanent ad.,stments of theodolite! theodolite tra9ersing! tra9erse com3,tations! so,rces of errors! chec: in a tra9erse! closing error and its ad.,stments! omitted meas,rements. 8N#T 4 D Setting o,t Hor:s : Setting o,t of -,ildings! c,l9ert! 3i3elines and sewers! ,ndergro,nd t,nnels and centre line of dams! -ridge s,r9e/s. Fo,te S,r9e/ing : Feconnaissance ! 3reliminar/ and location s,r9e/s of roads! railwa/! canal and 3i3e alignments! longit,dinal and cross sections! com3,tation of earthwor: and mass ha,l c,r9es. Feferences: #. 2. . 4. *. 4gor! F! KS,r9e/ingL! "ol. I 8 II! Nhanna 5,-lications! Delhi. 4rora! N.F.! KS,r9e/ingL! "ol. I 8 II! Standard Boo: Ho,se! Delhi. Bannister! 4. and Ba:er! F.! KSol9ing 5ro-lems in S,r9e/ingL! Eongman Scientific Technical! A.N.. Nennie! T.M.6. and 5etrie! ?.! KEngineering S,r9e/ing Technolog/L! Blac:ie 8 Sons Etd! Eondon. 5,nmia! B.C.! KS,r9e/ingL! "ol. I 8 II! Eaxmi 5,-lications! =ew Delhi.


ENE 2/9 - Environmental C0emistry > Micro7iology

T0eory #4 - .rd Semester 8N#T # D Chemistr/ of Hater and Haste Hater: H/drological c/cle! str,ct,re of water molec,le! water as a sol9ent. 5rinci3les of eB,ili-ri,m chemistr/! 3H! oxidation I red,ction and the a33lication of 3rinci3les of chemistr/ for sol9ing En9ironmental Engg. 3ro-lems. 8N#T ## D Chemistr/ of 3oll,tions d,e to detergents! 3esticides! 3ol/mers! trace organics! metals! 3etrole,m and radioacti9e com3o,nds. 8N#T ### D Chemistr/ of the 4irD en9ironment: Chemistr/ of the atmos3here! Com-,stion related air 3oll,tion! glo-al en9ironmental 3ro-lems I chemistr/ of C7C! oCone de3letion! green ho,se effect etc. En9ironmental 6icro Biolog/: -asic 3rinci3les of micro-ial transformation of organic matter! Biodegradation! acclimatiCation of wastes and micro-ial inhi-ition mechanisms. 8N#T #4 D Str,ct,re and 7,nction of cell constit,ents: 5,re and 6ixed c,lt,res! aero-ic and anaero-ic meta-olism! micro-ial growth and d/namics! micro-ial taxonom/! classification 8 mor3hological as3ects of -acteria! f,ngi! 3rotoCoa! algae and other higher aB,atic life forms. 8N#T 4 - Bioassa/ tests for toxicit/ e9al,ation! 5athogens and Indicator organisms. Fole of microorganisms in water 8 waste water engg. 6icro-iolog/ a33lied to air 3oll,tion control 0-io scr,--ers and -io filters1. Text Boo:s #. 4.N. De: En9ironmental Chemistr/ 2. Saw/er! 6cCart/! and 5ar:in: Chemistr/ for En9ironmental Engineering Feference Boo:s #. 6anahan: En9ironmental Chemistr/ 2. 5elcCar! Chan! and Nrieg: ?eneral 6icro-iolog/ . Stannier I ?eneral 6icro-iolog/ 4. EarinCar I ?eneral Biochemistr/ *. Sharma: 6icro-iolog/ %. Nr,eger and Mohansson: 6icro-iolog/ +. Tortora! 7,n:e and Case: 6icro-iolog/ (. 6cNinne/: 6icro-iolog/ for Sanitar/ Engineer

ENE 2/; ?uilding material > ?uilding construction

T0eory 4 - .rd Semester 8N#T 1 ?uilding Materials+ Bric:s! Stone! Eime! Tim-er! 3l/wood! glass! 3lastics! steel! al,min,m: classification! 3ro3erties and selection criteria. Cement! aggregate! admixt,res: t/3es! 3ro3erties! selection criteria and tests. 5re3aration and 3ro3erties of concrete! concrete mix design. Introd,ction to destr,cti9e and nonDdestr,cti9e tests. 6ortar: T/3es! classification and strength! I.S. s3ecifications. 8N#T 2 Cement+ T/3es! Com3osition! 5ro3erties! Ases and s3ecifications. Tests on cementDnormal consistenc/! initial setting! final setting! tensile and com3ressi9e strengths! ,nso,ndness! fineness! heart of h/dration. Aggregates+ Classification! 3ro3erties! 3orosit/ and a-sor3tion! -,l:ing of sand! sie9e anal/sis< grading c,r9es! fineness mod,l,s! im3,rities and tests on aggregates. -ime and Cement Mortars+ Concrete: 5ro3erties! wor:a-ilit/DSl,m3 Test! Com3actionDfactor test and "eeDBee consistometer test< -leeding! shrin:age and cree3! mixing and 3lacing of concrete! com3ressi9e and tensile strengths! effects of waterDcement ratio! com3action! age! c,ring tem3erat,re on strength of concrete! 6od,les of elasticit/. 5oisson;s ratio. 8N#T . <esign of concrete mi:es+ 5ro3ortioning of aggregates! 4CI and other methods of mix design. 8N#T 9 ?uilding Construction+ B,ilding -/elaws! mod,lar coDordination. Eoads on -,ildings. T/3es of fo,ndations and selection criteria. Bric: masonr/! stone masonr/! -onds. T/3es of walls! 3artition and ca9it/

walls! design criteria. 5refa-ricated constr,ction. 5lastering and 3ointing. Dam3ness in -,ildings! its ca,ses and effects. Dam3 3roofing materials and techniB,es. 8N#T ; ?uilding Construction+T/3es of floors! constr,ction details and selection criteria. T/3es of roofs and roof co9ering! treatment for water 3roofing. Doors and windows: siCes and locations! materials. Stair and staircases: t/3es! materials! and 3ro3ortions. Eifts and escalators. Hhite washing! colo,r washing! 3ainting! distem3ering. Sh,ttering! scaffolding and centering. Ex3ansion and constr,ction .oints. 4co,stics 8 so,nd and fire 3roof constr,ction! I.S. s3ecifications. Feferences: #. 4rora! S. 5. 8 Bindra! S. 5.! K4 text -oo: of B,ilding Constr,ctionL! Dhan3at Fai 8 Sons! Delhi. 2. Mha! M. 8 Sinha! S. N.! KB,ilding Constr,ctionL! Nhanna 5,-lishers! Delhi. . N,l:arni! C.M.! K4 text -oo: of Engineering 6aterialsL! 4hmeda-ad Boo: De3ot! 4hmeda-ad. 4. N,l:arni! C. M.! K4 text -oo: of Engineering Constr,ctionL! 4hmeda-ad Boo: De3ot! 4hmeda-ad. *. N,mar S,hil! KEngineering 6aterialsL! Standard 5,-lishers Distri-,tors! Delhi. %. N,mar S,shil! KB,ilding Constr,ctionL! Standard 5,-lishers Distri-,tors! Delhi. +. 6cNa/ H.B.! KB,ilding Constr,ction! K"ol.# to 4! 2rient Eongman Etd.! H/dera-ad! Bom-a/! 6adras! Delhi! "ol. #8 2D#$$*! "ol. D#$$%! "ol.4D#$$(. (. 5,nmia! B. C.! K4 text -oo: of B,ilding Constr,ctionL! Eaxmi 5,-lications! Delhi! 6adras. $. Singh S,rendra! KEngineering 6aterialsL! Nonar: 5,-lishers 59t. Etd.

ENE 2/' Water Engineering

T0eory 4# - .rd Semester 8N#T #: Characteristics of Hater: 5h/sical! Chemical and Biological standards. Theor/ and 23eration of D 4eration s/stem! SedimentationDT/3e I D T/3e I" settling. 8N#T ##: Theor/ and 23eration of DCoag,lation! 7locc,lation! Softening! 7iltration! slow! and ra3id gra9it/ filter! 6,lti media filter etc. 8N#T ### D Disinfection theor/ and a33lication of chlorination! Altra "iolet ra/s! Fe9erse 2smosis! 6iscellaneo,s methods of water treatment I Femo9al of Iron and 6anganese! hardness! fl,orides! colo,r! taste and odo,r! dissol9ed metals and gases. 8N#T #4 D 2 8 6 of Hater treatment 3lants! Domestic 8 Ind,strial water treatment. 8N#T 4 D Hater s,33l/ engineering : water demand! design 3eriod! 3o3,lation forecasting! so,rce of water! h/drological conce3ts! gro,nd water and its de9elo3ment! con9e/ance of water! 3i3e materials! corrosion! la/ing of 3i3es! 3i3e a33,rtenances ! 3,m3s for water s,33l/! distri-,tion s/stem! 3lanning of water s,33l/ 3ro.ects. Text Boo:s #. 6etcalf and Edd/.! Hastewater Engineering: Treatment! dis3osal! and re,se.! T6H! =ew Delhi 2. Merr/ 4. =athanson: Basic En9ironmental technolog/: water S,33l/! Haste management and 5oll,tion Control! 7ifth Edition 5HI . Halter M. He-er! Mr: 5h/sicochemical 5rocesses for water B,alit/ control! Hile/DInterscience 5,-lication Feference Boo:s: #. 7air! and ?e/er: Hater and Hastewater Engineering! "olDI and II! Mohn Hile/ and sons! =ew >or:. 2. 5ea9/! Fowe and Tcho-anoglo,s: En9ironmental Engineering . 45.5. Sincero and ?.4. Sincero: En9ironmental Engineering! 4 design 433roach! 5HI 3,-lications 4. Birdie: Hater S,33l/ and Sanitar/ Engineering *. Steel and 6c?hee: Hater S,33l/ and Sewerage. %. Hammer and Hammer! Mr.: Hater and Hastewater Technolog/. +. ?arg: Hater S,33l/ Engineering 0En9ironmental Engineering "ol.DI1 (. Fa.,: Hater S,33l/ and Hastewater Engineering $. Nshirsagar: Hater S,33l/ and Treatment #0. 5,nmia: Hater S,33l/ and Hastewater Engineering


ENE 2/* - Surveying

Practical # - .rd Semester List of Experiments (new experiments may also be designed) #. 2. . 4. *. %. +. (. $. #0. ##. #2. # . St,d/ of different Ee9els and Ee9elling staff. 5ractice for tem3orar/ ad.,stment. To find o,t the red,ced le9els of gi9en 3oints ,sing D,m3/ le9el. 0Fed,ction -/ Height of Collimation method1. St,d/ of a Tilting 0I.2.51 Ee9el and to find o,t the red,ced le9els of gi9en 3oints 0Fed,ction of data -/ Fise and 7all method1. "isit to Ea- for the st,d/ of : 0a1 6a3 in the ma:ingDs,r9e/ of India 3,-lication 0-1 Con9entional S/m-ol charts and Different t/3es of ma3s. To esta-lish a Bench 6ar: -/ chec: Ee9elling with I.2.5. le9el and closing the wor: at the starting Bench 6ar:. To 3erform 7l/ Ee9elling with a I.2.5. le9el. To draw the longit,dinal and crossDsections 3rofiles along a gi9en ro,te. 5ractice for Tem3orar/ ad.,stments of a "ernier Theodolite and ta:ing HoriContal and "ertical ang,lar meas,rements! -/ Feiteration method. 0i1 6eas,rement of a horiContal angles -/ Fe3etition method at three Ceros and fo,r re3etitions. 0ii1 Determination of ele9ation and horiContal distance of a gi9en 3oint ,sing S,-stance Bar and a "ernier Theodolite. 0i1 Determination of the Tachemetric constants of a gi9en Theodolite. 0ii1 To determine the gradient -etween two gi9en 3oints ,sing Tacheometric method. To determine the -earing of a gi9en tra9erse ,sing 5rismatic Com3ass! and 3lotting of the tra9erse. Esta-lishment of a gi9en tra9erse ,sing Tacheometric method. Determination of ele9ations of a gi9en 3oint -/ Trigometrical Ee9elling. St,d/ and ,se of different t/3es of 6icroDo3tics Theodolites and Total Station.

ENE 2/@ 6 Environmental Micro7iology

Practical ## - .rd Semester #. 2. . 4. *. %. Ase of microsco3e : Bacterial 6or3holog/ and Staining method. Biological examination of Hater : 4lgae! -acteria 8 5rotoCoa. I J,antitati9e 3lating method. Indicator 8 Indices : 7ecal Stre3tococci! 4naero-ic -acteria I Estimation of s,gars! 5roteins. Biochemical acti9ities of Bacteria: h/drol/sis of 5ol/saccharides! 3roteins! li3ids. Bacteria in waste water. Determination of -iodi9ersit/ index.

ENE 2/3 - Water Engineering -a7

Practical ### - .rd Semester 4nal/sis of Hater for: 3H! Colo,r! T,r-idit/! Solids! Hardness! 4l:alinit/! 4cidit/! Iron! 6agnesi,m! 5ottasi,m! S,l3hate! Calci,m! Fesid,al Chlorine! Coliforms! 7aecal! Electrical Cond,cti9it/ etc. Determination of o3tim,m 3H and dose of coag,lant -/ Mar Test Disinfection of water s,33l/ -/ chlorination Defl,oridation of water s,33lies

ENE 21/ - Self Study - #

Practical #4 - .rd Semester


!ourt0 Semester

ENE 211 - Waste Water Engineering

T0eory # 6 9t0 Semester 8N#T # - Haste Hater Treatment 8 Dis3osal: Haste water characteristic! Standards of dis3osal! need for treatment! stream 3oll,tion and self 3,rification! 5rocess :inetics. 8N#T ## - 5reliminar/ treatment! Screens! detrit,s tan:s! grit cham-ers and s:imming tan:s! 3rimar/ treatment! se3tic and imhoff tan:s! 8N#T ### - Secondar/ treatment I Tric:ling filters and 4cti9ated sl,dge 3rocess! oxidation ditches! 4naero-ic technologies D A4SB. 8N#T #4 - Dis3osal sewage on land and in water! sewage farming and oxidation 3onds. Sl,dge handling! treatment and dis3osal. 2 8 6 of Sewage treatment 3lants. 8N#T 4 D Sewerage s/stem : J,antit/ of sanitar/ and storm sewage. H/dra,lics of sewers! Design of sewers. constr,ction of sewage s/stem! sewer a33,rtenances and sewage 3,m3s. Design of sewerage s/stems and allied wor:s. Text Boo:s: #. 6etcalf and Edd/ Inc: KHaste water engineeringL! Tata 6c. ?raw Hill! =ew Delhi 2. 5ea9/! Fowe 8 Tcho-anoglo,s KEn9ironmental EngineeringL! 6c. ?raw Hill! =ew Delhi. Feferences: #. Hastewater Treatment Conce3t and design a33roach I ?.E. Naria and F.4. Christian! 5HI 5,-lications 2. Jasim!S. KHater Hor:s Eng#ineeringL!5rentce Hall 5,-lication! =ew Delhi. . 6an,al on sewerage 8 sewage Treatment! C.5.H.E.E.2.! 6inistr/ of Ar-an De9elo3ment 06oAD1! ?2I! =ew Delhi 4. 7air 8 ?e/er KHater s,33l/ and waste water dis3osalL. *. 5ar:er : Haste water s/stem engineering %. Hastewater Engineering -/ S.N.?arg! Nhanna 3,-lication +. 6.=.Fao 8 4.N.D,tta: Hastewater treatment! 5HI 3,-lication (. Standard 6ethods for the Examination of Hater and Hastewater! 4.5.H.4.! =ew >or:

ENE 212 - Engineering Economics > Accountancy

T0eory ## 6 9t0 Semester 8N#T # D 7irms and -,siness decisions! cost of 3rod,ction! cons,mers demand! mar:ets and ind,stries< general eB,ili-ri,m! economic efficienc/. 8N#T ## - 6icro ")s 6acro economics< Conce3ts of growth and insta-ilit/! national o,t3,t and income determinants of gross national 3rod,ct! three trends in modern economics. 8N#T ### - 6one/ and credit! -an:s 8 credit creation! 3,-lic control of mone/ s,33l/ 8 le9el of interest rates! conce3t of real interest rate! mone/ 3rices and inflations : economic growth 8 -,siness c/cle! limits to economic growth! mone/ and goals of economic 3olic/! monetar/ 3olic/ in 3ractice. 8N#T #4 - InterD ind,str/ anal/sis! international trade 8 gains from international trade! free trade 8 3rotection! rate of exchange. Balance of 3a/ments. Direct 8 indirect taxes! shifting and incidence of taxation 3,-lic


ex3endit,re! defecit financing! fiscal 3olic/ and economic acti9it/. 5rinci3les of 3lanning and ind,strialiCation in India. 8N#T 4 - 5rinci3les of do,-le entr/ s/stem! Ban: reconcialisation statement! single entr/ s/stem! .oint 9ent,re and consignment acco,nt 3artnershi3 acco,nt! Ee9elised cost! 3rice disco,nting 3roced,re.

ENE 21.- Eart0 Sciences, ,#S > Remote Sensing

T0eory ### 6 9t0 Semester 8N#T 6 # Earth Science: Introd,ctio : Definition and sco3e of geolog/! -ranches of geolog/! origin! age and interior of earth! earth mo9ements! im3ortance in Engineering. 8N#T ## - 6inerals : 5h/sical and o3tical 3ro3erties of roc: 8 ore forming minerals. ?eological 4gencies. Heathering! erosion -/ r,nning waters! glaciers wind and oceans and their engineering im3ortance . 8N#T ### - Str,ct,ral ?eolog/: Di3! stri:e! folds! fa,lts 8 .oints and their engineering as3ects. ?eo Chemistr/: Effect of roc:s on the B,alit/ of gro,nd water ) s,rface waters! the ca,ses of salinit/ 8N#T #4 - ?IS: Introd,ction to ?IS! com3onents of ?IS! data-ase str,ct,re! "ector and raster method! ?IS software 3ac:ages. 8N#T 4 - Femote Sensing: 7,ndamentals of Femote Sensing! 5h/sics of Femote sensing. 4tmos3heric interaction! Scattering! reflection! a-sor3tion and transmission 3latforms and sensors! gro,nd tr,th! remote sensing data for ma33ing! Image Inter3retation.

ENE 219- Structural Analysis

T0eory #46 9t0 Semester 8N#T # - F.C.C.: Introd,ction to wor:ing stress and limit rate FCC Designs! Designs of FCC Beams! sla-s 8N#T ## I Design of Col,mns! footings! staircases in -,ildings 8N#T ### D Design of FCC Fetaining walls! water Tan:s 0o9erhead and ,ndergro,nd tan:s etc.1 as 3er IS codes 8N#T #4 D Steel : Steel elements! Fi9eted and Helded .oints! Sim3le tension and com3ression mem-er! sim3le tr,sses. 8N#T 4 - B,ilt ,3 and encased girders and col,mns.

ENE 21; D !undamentals of Mec0anical Engineering

T0eory #46 9t0 Semester 8N#T # D Thermod/namics: Basic Conce3ts I s/stems! 3ro3erties! eB,ili-ri,m! Oeroth Eaw! heat and wor:! 3oint and 3ath f,nctions. 7irst law of thermod/namics! -asic thermod/namic 3rocesses for ideal gases! non flow and stead/ flow energ/ eB,ations< 8N#T ## - Second law of thermod/namics! re9ersi-ilit/! Carnot c/cle! entro3/! 9ario,s 3rocesses on TDs and HD s 3lanes< sat,rated and s,3erheated steam! steam ta-les and 6oller diagram. 8N#T ### D I.C. Engines : Ideal heat engine c/cle I S.I. engine c/cles : Two and 7o,r stro:e o3eration engines! 9al,e timing diagram! detonation! 3reignition and :noc:ing! car-,retion and f,el in.ection! engine 3erformance testing. 8N#T #4 D 4ir com3ressors : Feci3rocating air com3ressors! single and m,lti stage com3ression! clearance and 9ol,metric efficienc/. Fotar/ com3ressors.


8N#T 4 D Heat Transfer: Basic modes of heat transferD cond,ction! con9ection and radiation< thermal resistance and 3otential! o9erall heat transfer coefficient< elementar/ treatment of one dimensional heat transfer calc,lations.

ENE 21'- Hydrology > ,round)ater Engineering

T0eory #46 9t0 Semester 8N#T # - 5reci3itation+ Sco3e of h/drologic c/cle! Horld water -alance! India;s water -alance! T/3es and forms of 3reci3itation! 6eas,rement of 3reci3itation! T/3es of rain ga,ges! 4deB,ac/ of rain ga,ges! 4d.,stment and filling in of missing dada! 49erage rainfall o9er an area! Basic statistics and freB,enc/ anal/sis. 8N#T ## 6 E9a3oration+ E9a3oration and its meas,rements! Estimation of e9a3oration. 7orm,lae of 5enman! Thornwaite and Balane/DCriddle medod. E9a3oration control. Infiltration: 7actors affecting infiltration! Infiltrometers! Infiltration indices. 8N#T - ### - F,n 2ff: S,rface r,n off! factors affecting r,n off! H/drogra3hs! flow rating c,r9es and flow d,ration c,r9es. 6ass c,r9e. Fainfall r,nDoff relationshi3. Stream ga,ging ! meas,rement of stage and 9elocit/. 8N#T #4 - Anit H/drogra3h: Anit h/drogra3h. Deri9ation of ,nit h/drogra3h. S/nthetic AH! IAH. 7loods: 7lood flow form,lae! 7reB,enc/ anal/sis ,sing external t/3e and log 3earson t/3e III distri-,tion! flood ro,ting thro,gh reser9oirs. 8N#T 4 - ?ro,nd Hater: Elements of ?ro,nd Hater modeling:DDarc/;s law! ,nconfined and confined aB,ifers! and their 3ro3erties! stead/ and ,nstead/ flow in wells! gro,nd water B,alit/! so,rces of 3oll,tion! remedial and 3re9enti9e meas,res! gro,nd water -,dgeting and recharging of gro,nd water. Text Boo:s: #. Engineering H/drolog/ -/ N. S,-raman/am! Tata 6c ?raw Hill. 2. Hater Feso,rces Engineering -/ H,r-s and Mames! 5HI 5,-lications. Feference Boo:s: #. Engineering -/ H. Fagh,nath 8 Hille/DEastern 2. Hater Feso,rces 8 ?ro,nd water -/ 6.C. Chat,r9edi! Tata 6c ?raw Hill. . Engineering H/drolog/ -/ M. Fami Fedd/! Eaxmi 5,-lication.

ENE 21* - Waste Water Engineering -a7

Practical # 6 9t0 Semester #. 2. . 4. *. %. 4nal/sis of Haste Hater 7or: B2D! C2D! =itrate! 4mmonia St,d/ of 2x/gen transfer s/stem St,d/ of -iological reactors: E9al,ation of :inetic 3arameters Solid Settling test 0T/3e I 8 T/3e II1 Sl,dge "ol,me Index 6ethanogenesis acti9it/

Feference: #. 6ath,r : Hater 8 waste water testing. 2. Saw/er! 6c Cart/ 8 5ar:in Chemistr/ for En9ironmental Engg. . Standard 6ethods 5.4! H.4 =ew >or:


ENE 21@ - ,#S > Remote Sensing -a7oratory

Practical ## 6 9t0 Semester Based on Theor/ 5a3er E=E I 2#

ENE 213 - Strengt0 of Materials -a7

Practical ### 6 9t0 Semester List of Experiments (new experiments may also be designed) #. 2. . 4. *. %. +. (. $. #0. ##. #2. # . Introd,ction to testing eB,i3ments. Aniaxial tension test 06ild steel! Tim-er1 Aniaxial com3ression test 0Tim-erDalong and across! concrete! -ric:s! etc.1 Torsion test 06ild Steel)4l,min,m1 Bending stress distri-,tion in -eams ,sing demec ga,ges and extensometer. 4nal/sis of tr,ss model with s3ring mem-ers. Com3ression test on -ric: masonr/ s3ecimen. Hardness Test Cree3 Test Im3act Test Strength of Etched and AnDetched glass. S3ring Test To st,d/ the microstr,ct,re of 9ario,s metals.

ENE 22/ - Self Study - ##

Practical #4 - 9t0 Semester

ENE ./1 - Water Su55ly > Environmental Sanitation
T0eory # 6 ;t0 Semester 8N#T # - Hater s,33l/ in ,r-an and r,ral areas: Eocating a well! constr,ction of well! t,-e wells 8 Fanne/ wells. Hater lifting arrangement! so,rce selection in hill/ and r,ral areas. 433ro3riate Treatment technolog/ for r,ral water s,33lies. 8N#T ## D Distri-,tion s/stem 3lanning for r,ral comm,nities. Design of Distri-,tion s/stem! T/3es of Feser9oirs 8N#T ### D Health as3ects of water s,33l/ and sanitation. S/stem of Sanitation! Dis3osal of water in r,ral ) ,r-an areas. H,man excreta and the 3oll,tion ca,sed! excreata treatment and management in r,ral areas and ,r-an sl,ms. 8N#T #4 I J,antit/ of Sanitar/ Sewage! factors affecting! "ariations. J,antit/ of Storm sewage 8N#T 4 I Design of sewers! Integrated a33roach to health and sanitation. Transmission of diseases thro,gh air! water 8 food! Insect 9ector and rodent control. "ital statistics! moralit/ rates. Feferences: #. Birdie: Hater S,33l/ and Sanitar/ Engineering 2. =athanson: Basic En9ironmental technolog/: water S,33l/! Haste management and 5oll,tion Control! 7ifth Edition 5HI . Merr/ 4. =athanson: Basic En9ironmental technolog/: water S,33l/! Haste management and 5oll,tion Control! 7ifth Edition 5HI 4. 5ea9/! Fowe and Tcho-anoglo,s: En9ironmental Engineering


*. Steel and 6c?hee: Hater S,33l/ and Sewerage %. 5,nmia: Hater S,33l/ and Hastewater Engineering +. ?arg: Hater S,33l/ Engineering 0En9ironmental Engineering "ol.DI1

ENE ./2 - Heavy Metal Removals

T0eory ## 6 ;t0 Semester 8N#T # 6 Introd,ction: Hea9/ metals! Effects! So,rces! Catastro3hs! 5ermissi-le limits 8N#T ## I Chemical 5reci3itation techniB,esD -/ h/droxides! s,l3hides! car-onates 8N#T ### I 4dsor3tion techniB,es I Classification! adsor3tion isotherm! -atch mode! col,mn mode 8N#T #4 I Ion Exchange techniB,es 8 6em-rane 5rocessD re9erse osmosis 8N#T 4 I Electrocoag,lation TechniB,es 8 6iscellaneo,s techniB,es Text Boo:s: #. Bradl: Hea9/ metals in the En9ironment: 2rigin! Interaction and remediation! Elese9ier 2. Halter M. He-er! Mr: 5h/sicochemical 5rocesses for water B,alit/ control! Hile/DInterscience 5,-lication Feferences: #. Da9id 2. Coone/: 4dsor3tion Design for wastewater treatment! Eewis 5,-lishers 2. Halter M. He-er! Mr and 7rancis 4. Di?iano! 5rocess D/namics in En9ironmental S/stem! 4 Hile/ Interscience 3,-lication . 5ea9/! Fowe and Tcho-anoglo,s: En9ironmental Engineering

ENE ./. - ,eotec0nical Engineering

T0eory ### 6 ;t0 Semester 8N#T # D 5hase Diagram and Felationshi3s : ?rain siCe characteristics! 4tter-erg;s Eimits! other sim3le Engineering 3ro3erties indi9id,al and -,l: 3ro3erties! fall 9elocit/! cla/ minerals! classification and identification of soils. 8N#T ## - Soil Hater: Effecti9e and =e,tral Stresses! 5ermea-ilit/! Introd,ction to see3age 4nal/sis! Design 3rinci3les of 7ilters! B,ic: sand 3henomenon 8N#T ### D Stress Distri-,tion in Soil 6ass: 2ne dimensional theor/ of consolidation! consolidation test and anal/sis! Ea-orator/ Com3action test! 7ield com3action and control. 8N#T #4 D Shear Strength of Soil: Theor/ and Ea-orator/ tests! cohesi9e and =onDcohesi9e soil. 8N#T 4 D Theories of Earth 5resent and ca3acit/! Design of Shallow 7o,ndations. 5ile 7o,ndation! Fetaining Halls( ?ro,nd Im3ro9ement TechniB,es: Introd,ction to roc: mechanics! Introd,ction to Fele9ants IS Codal 3ro9isions.

ENE ./. - Environmental Hydraulics

T0eory #4 6 ;t0 Semester 8N#T # - Eaminar 7low: 7low -etween 3arallel 3lates! 7low -etween coaxial c/linders! 7low thro,gh circ,lar 3i3es! 5ower a-sor-ed in "isco,s flow. Conce3t of friction factor. 6eas,rement of "iscosit/. Fe/nold;s =,m-er and its significance. Bo,ndar/ Ea/er: Bo,ndar/ Ea/er along a thin 3lace and its characteristics! Eaminar Bo,ndar/ Ea/er! T,r-,lent Bo,ndar/ la/er! laminar S,- la/er! Dis3lacement! energ/ and 6oment,m thic:ness! Se3aration of Bo,ndar/ la/er.


8N#T ## - T,r-,lent 7low: =at,re of T,r-,lent flow and its origin. Fe/nold;s stress 3randtl;s mixing length h/3othesis! H/dro d/namicall/ smooth and Fo,gh Bo,ndaries. Esta-lishment of Eaminar and T,r-,lent flow in a 3i3e. "elocit/ distri-,tion for T,r-,lent flow in smooth and Fo,gh 3i3es. 7riction factor in smooth and ro,gh 3i3es for t,r-,lent flow. 5i3e 7low: 6ood/;s diagram! 6inor losses in 3i3e flow! Hard/ cross 6ethod! Conce3t of EB,i9alent Eength! 7low in 3arallel 3i3es. 8N#T ### - 23en Channel 7low: Introd,ction! Classification of o3en channel flow. ?eometric elements of channel section. "elocit/ and 3ress,re distri-,tion in o3en channel. Correction factors. Aniform flow in channels. Esta-lishment of 6anning;s form,las. Energ/ and S3ecific force. Critical flow conce3t. Channel con9e/ance! Section factor for critical flow and ,niform flow com3,tation. 6ost economical section of a channel. 8N#T #4 - ?rad,all/ "aried 7low D ?rad,all/ 9aried flow eB,ation! ass,m3tion! different forms of eB,ation! characteristics of flow 3rofiles! classification of flow 3rofiles on mild! stee3! horiContal and ad9erse slo3es! 4nal/sis of flow 3rofiles. Sol,tion of the grad,all/ 9aried flow eB,ation! ?ra3hical integration method. Direct ste3 method! Standard ste3 method. 8N#T 4 - H/dra,lic M,m3: Definition! t/3es of h/dra,lic .,m3! .,m3 in horiContal rectang,lar channel! Energ/ loss and length of .,m3s! t/3e of h/dra,lic .,m3. 5,m3s: Feci3rocating 3,m3s! wor:ing 3rinci3le of -oth single acting and do,-le acting 3,m3. Indicator diagram. 7rictional loss. Centrif,gal 3,m3! its ad9antage o9er reci3rocating 3,m3. Classification of centrif,gal 3,m3 -ased on s3ecific s3eed. 23eration of centrif,gal 3,m3 in series and 3arallel. T,r-ines: Introd,ction! T/3es and their classification -ased on head and s3ecific s3eed. Text Boo:: #. H/dra,lics and 7l,id 6echanics -/ 6odi and Seth. Feference Boo:s: #. Engineering 7l,id 6echanics -/ F.M.?arde. 2. 23en Channel H/dra,lics -/ ".T.Chow. . Engineering H/dra,lics -/ H.Fo,se.

ENE ./. - #nstrumentation

T0eory 4 6 ;t0 Semester 8N#T # D 7,ndamentals: Instr,mental methods! selection of methods! 3recision and acc,rac/! Errors in meas,ring signals! Transd,cers! meas,rement of non electrical B,antities li:e 3ress,re! tem3erat,re le9el flow etc. 8N#T ## D S3ecial 4nal/tical methods: Colorimetr/! S3etctromentr/! 7lo,rimetr/! =e3helometr/! t,r-idimetr/ 8N#T ### D 7lame 5hotmetr/! 4,tomic 4-sor3tion S3ectro 5hotometr/ 8N#T #4 D Chromotogra3hic method: ?as Chromotogra3h/! EiB,id Chromotogra3h/! H5EC and Ion chromatogra3h/ 8N#T 4 D Continio,s monitoring instr,ments: =DIF for C2! Chemil,menescent anal/sis for =2x. 7lo,rescent anal/sis for S22 Text Boo:: #. Instr,mentation Control -/ 4.N. Ta/al 2. Instr,mentation -/ =a:ra . Hand-oo: of Instr,mentation -/ No3al:ar

ENE ./' - Environmental Hydraulics -a7

Practical # - ;t0 Semester "elocit/ distri-,tion in o3en channel! flow metering -/ weirs 8 9ent,ring fl,mes! demonstration of s,-Dcritical! critical and s,3erDcritical flows! H/dra,lic .,m3 characteristics and flow 9is,aliCation.


5rinci3les of rotoDd/namic machines and im3act of .et on 3lain and c,r9ed s,rfaces! t/3es of 3,m3s and st,dies of 3,m3 characteristics! t/3es of t,r-ines and their characteristics. Demonstration of diff,sion and dis3ersion 3henomenon! sediment trans3ort.

ENE ./* - ,eotec0nical Engineering -a7

Practical ## - ;t0 Semester Based on co,rse wor: E=E I 0

ENE ./@ - #nstrumentation -a7

Practical ### - ;t0 Semester Based on co,rse wor: E=E I 0

ENE ./3 - Survey Cam5 Evaluation

Practical #4 - ;t0 Semester E9al,ation -ased on the wor: done d,ring the s,r9e/ cam3 held in the s,mmer -rea: after fo,rth semester

ENE ./3 - Minor ProAect #

Practical 4 - ;t0 Semester

Si:t0 Semester
ENE .11 - Solid Waste Management
T0eory # 6 't0 Semester 8N#T # - 2rigin of domestic solid wastes! ref,se anal/sis com3osition 8 B,antit/ of ref,se 8 trans3ortation of ref,se! economics of ref,se collection 8N#T ## - Solid waste in ind,stries! agric,lt,ral waste I its effect on en9ironment. 8N#T ### - Solid waste handling methods! treatment 8 dis3osal of solid wastes. Sanitar/ landfill! lechates 8N#T #4-. Com3osting I Theor/ of com3osting! design of com3osting 3lant! reco9er/ of -ioenerg/ from organic waste. Incineration 8N#T 4 - Cost economics St,dies in solid waste management. Introd,ction to linear 3rogramming 8 trans3ortation 3ro-lem! ro,te 8 cost o3timisation. Text Boo:: #. Tcho-anoglo,s! ?.! Theisen! H.! 8 "igil! S.4< Integrated Solid Haste 6anagement: 6c?raw Hill! =ew >or: 2. Solid Haste Engineering! 5rinci3le 8 6anagement iss,es -/ "en Te Chow Feference Boo:s: #. Merr/ 4. =athanson: Basic En9ironmental technolog/: water S,33l/! Haste management and 5oll,tion Control! 7ifth Edition 5HI 2. Bhide! 4.D.! B.B. S,ndaresan! Solid Haste 6anagement in de9elo3ing co,ntries. . 6an,al on 6,nici3al solid Haste 6anagement! C5HEE2! ?o9t. of India. 4. ?,idelines for 6anagement and Handling of HaCardo,s wastes 62E7 0#$$#1! ?o9t. of India.


*. Datta! 6< Haste Dis3osal in Engineered Eand fills! =arosa 5,-lishers! Delhi. %. Haste 6anagement K4sian and 5acific Center for Transfer of Technolog/ 0=.D.1 IndiaL! Se3tem-er #$$ .

ENE .12 - Air > Noise Pollution and Control

T0eory ## 6 't0 Semester 8N#T # - 4ir 3oll,tion: Definition! so,rces! classification. Effects on en9ironment incl,ding li9ing and non li9ing matter. 4ir 5oll,tion Chemistr/. 4m-ient 4ir J,alit/ 6onitoring TechniB,e! 4ir 5oll,tion indices!! standards! norms! r,les and reg,lations. 8N#T ## - 4n introd,ction to metrolog/! 3l,me rise and dis3ersion! wind and 3oll,tion rose diagram. 8N#T ### - 4ir 3oll,tion control 3rinci3les! -asic design of air 3oll,tion control eB,i3ment s,ch as gra9itational! settling cham-er! c/clone! -ag filter! ES5 and scr,--er. 8N#T #4 - En9ironmental Felated C,rrent To3ics! 2Cone Ea/er de3letion! Car-on credit! ?reen -ench! Car-on SeB,estration! Car-on 7oot 3rints 8N#T 4 6 =oise: Definition! 3oll,tion! effects! so,rces! 3ermissi-le limit. =oise 4cts. Text Boo:s: #. C.S. Fao! 4ir 3oll,tion and control 2. Fao and Fao: 4ir 5oll,tion Control Engineering. . Merr/ 4. =athanson: Basic En9ironmental technolog/: water S,33l/! Haste management and 5oll,tion Control! 7ifth Edition 5HI Feference Boo:s: 4. 5ea9/! Fowe and Tcho-anoglo,s: En9ironmental Engineering. *. 6artin Crawford: 4ir 5oll,tion Control Theor/. %. Har: and Harner: 4ir 5oll,tion: Its 2rigin and Control. +. =e9ers: 4ir 5oll,tion Control Engineering. (. 6/coc:! 6cNenna and Theodore: Hand-oo: of 4ir 5oll,tion Control $. Engineering and Technolog/.S,ess and Craxford: H.H.2. 6an,al on Ar-an 4ir J,alit/ 6anagement

ENE .1. - ,lo7al Warming and Climate C0ange

T0eory ### 6 't0 Semester 8N#T # INe/ conce3ts of glo-al warming! climate change! greenho,se gas effect! Interrelationshi3 -etween the three 3henomenon! ?reenDHo,se Effect as a =at,ral 5henomenon and increase in ?reenho,se gas effect -eca,se of anthro3ogenic acti9ities! ! ?reen Ho,se ?ases 0?H?s1 and their Emission So,rces! ?lo-al Harming 5otential 0?H51 of ?H?s! 5ast 5resent and 7,t,re trends of glo-al warming. 8N#T ## I 7actors res3onsi-le for glo-al warming I 4nthro3ogenic and =at,ral. 8N#T ### 6 Im3acts of climate change 02-ser9ed and 3ro3osed1: ?lo-al and India! Tem3erat,re Fise! Sea Ee9el rise! Coastal Erosion and landslides! Coastal 7looding! Hetlands and Est,aries loss 8N#T #4 6 6itigation and 4da3tation: Difference -etween mitigation and ada3tation in relation to glo-al warming! "ario,s mitigation and ada3tation meas,res ta:en)3ro3osed to com-att glo-al warming 8N#T 4- =ational and International 3olicies to com-at glo-al warming! N/oto 6echanism! 4rchitect,re of N/oto 5rotocol! its im3ortance! significance and role in Climate Change. "ario,s car-on trading mechanisms li:e Clean De9elo3ment 6echanism 0CD61! E,ro3ean Anion Emission Trading Scheme 0EADETS1. St,d/ of different :ind of c,rrent 3ro.ects ,nder N/oto from India. Fole of Co,ntries and CitiCens in Containing ?lo-al Harming

Text: Hand o,ts -/ the co,rse instr,ctor Feferences: #. 5ac:e and Smith! Climate Change. 2. ?il-est 6asters! 7,ndamental of en9ironmental engineering and science. . Cam-erdge Ani9ersit/ 5ress! Technical S,mmar/!I5CC0200#1 4. 7o,rth 4ssessment Fe3ort -/ I5CC! 200+.

ENE .19 - Water Engineering+ <esign > A55lications

T0eory #4 6 't0 Semester 8N#T # - Design of inta:e str,ct,re! Detailed design of Hater Treatment 5lant! 8N#T ## - Design of Clarifocc,lator! Slow Sand 7ilter! Fa3id Sand 7ilter 8N#T ### 6 Design of 4erators! Sedimentation tan:! al,m dosing tan: 8N#T #4 - Design of Hater distri-,tion networ: and allied wor:s. 23timiCation of design 8N#T 4 - D/namic 5rogramming Conce3ts 8 433lications in Hater Engg. design. Feferences: #. 6an,al on Sewerage and Sewage dis3osalDC5HEE2! ?o9t. of India. 2. 6etcalf and Edd/! Hastewater Engineering: Treatment! dis3osal! and re,se. T6H! =ew Delhi. . 7iar! ?.6.! and ?e/er! M.C.! Hater and Hastewater engineering! "olDI 8 II! Mohn Hile/ and sons! =ew >or:. 4. Steel! E.H! and 6c ?hee! T.M.! Hater S,33l/ and Sewerage. 6c ?raw Hill Boo: Co.! =ew >or:. *. 5ea9/! Fowe and Tcho-anoglo,s: En9ironmental Engineering %. Hammer! 6.M.! Hater and Hastewater Technolog/. Mohn Hile/ and sonsDInc! =ew >or:. +. ?arg! S.N.! Hater S,33l/ EngineeringD "olDI! Nhanna 5,-lishers! =ew Delhi.

ENE .1; - ProAect Management

T0eory 4 6 't0 Semester 8N#T # - Im3ortance of estimation! different t/3es of estimates! s3ecification: general and detailed. 6ethods of estimation! Estimates of FC wor:s! Estimates of -,ilding. 8N#T ## - 4nal/sis of rates! 3rime cost! wor: charge esta-lishment! B,antit/ of materials 3er ,nit of wor: for ma.or ci9il engineering items! Feso,rce 3lanning thro,gh anal/sis of rates! mar:et rates! 5HD sched,le of rates and cost indices for -,ilding material and la-o,r. Introd,ction to 9al,ation. 8N#T ### - 5ro.ect c/cle! organiCation! 3lanning! sched,ling! monitoring! ,3dating and management s/stem in constr,ction Bar chart! 6ilestone chart! Hor: down str,ct,re and 3re3aration of networ:s. 433lication of networ:! TechniB,es li:e 5EFT! ?EFT!C56! 42= and 424 techniB,es. 8N#T #4 - 5ro.ect monitoring< cost 3lanning! reso,rces allocation thro,gh networ: techniB,es. Time 9al,e of mone/! 3resent econom/ st,dies! EB,i9alent conce3t! financing of 3ro.ects! economic com3arison! 3resent worth method! eB,i9alent ann,al cost method! disco,nted cash flow method! de3reciation and -rea: e9en cost anal/sis.


8N#T 4 - Eegal as3ects of contracts! their relati9e ad9antages and disad9antages! Different t/3es of contracts! their relati9e ad9antages and disad9antages! Elements of tender 3re3aration! 3rocess of tendering! 3reD B,alification of contracts! E9al,ation of tender 3re3aration! 3rocess of tendering! E9al,ation of tender! contract negotiation and award of wor:. Feferences: #. Estimating and costing -/ B.=.Datta. 2. 5EFT and C56 3rinci3le and a33lication -/ E.S.Srinath. . 5EFT and C56 3rinci3le and a33lication -/ B.C.3,namia. 4. Constr,ction 3lanning and management -/ A.N.Sri9ast9a. *. Estimating! costing and "al,ation in Ci9il Engineering -/ 6. Cha:ra-ort/. %. Constr,ction! 3lanning! eB,i3ment and method -/ F.E. 5e,rif/. +. =etwor: anal/sis techniB,es -/ S.N.Bhatnager.

ENE .1' - Air > Noise Pollution -a7

Practical # 6 't0 Semester 5re3arator/ wor:s for am-ient air monitoring 7ield monitoring -/ high 9ol,me sam3ler! Hand/ Sam3le! 5ersonal Sam3ler Determination of S56! Smo:e =,m-er! ?as Com3osition s,ch as HC! C2! =2x! S22 8 other 3oll,tants. 6eas,rement of metrological 3arameter s,ch wind 9elocit/! h,midit/! 3ress,re! tem3erat,re and la3slet etc #. H.H.2.: Selected 6ethods of 6eas,ring 4ir 5oll,tants. 2. 5ande/ and Carne/: En9ironmental Engineering

ENE .1* - Solid Waste Analysis -a7

Practical ## 6 't0 Semester Based on Theor/ Co,rse E=E D ##

ENE .1@ - Survey Cam5 Evaluation

Practical ### - 't0 Semester

ENE .13 - Minor ProAect ##

Practical #4 - 't0 Semester

Sevent0 Semester
ENE 9/1 6 Elective #
T0eory # 6 *t0 Semester

ENE 9/2 6 Waste)ater Engineering+ <esign > A55lications

T0eory ## 6 *t0 Semester 8N#T # - Design of 9ario,s 3rimar/ ,nits in a Sewage Treatment 5lant.


8N#T ## - Design of 4cti9ated sl,dge 3rocess! Tric:ling filter! 2xidation ditch! oxidation 3ond! 8N#T ### - Imhoff Tan:! Se3tic Tan:! FBC etc. A3flow 4naero-ic Sl,dge Blan:et 8N#T #4 - Design of sl,dge digestion! Incineration etc. 433lication of the conce3ts of nonlinear o3timiCation to waste water treatment design. 8N#T 4 - Design of sewer networ:s 8 o3timiCation. Feferences: #. 2. . 4. *. %. +. (. 6an,al on Sewerage and Sewage dis3osalDC5HEE2! ?o9t. of India. 6etcalf and Edd/! Hastewater Engineering: Treatment! dis3osal! and re,se. T6H! =ew Delhi. Hastewater Treatment Coce3t and design a33roach I ?.E. Naria and F.4. Christian! 5HI 5,-lications 7iar! ?.6.! and ?e/er! M.C.! Hater and Hastewater engineering! "olDI 8 II! Mohn Hile/ and sons! =ew >or:. 4naero-ic Sewage treatment -/ "an Haandel and Eettinga! Mohn Hile/ 8 Sons 5,-lication Ec:enfelder! 4cti9ated sl,dge treatment of ind,strial wastewater Steel! E.H! and 6c ?hee! T.M.! Hater S,33l/ and Sewerage. 6c ?raw Hill Boo: Co.! =ew >or:. Hammer! 6.M.! Hater and Hastewater Technolog/. Mohn Hile/ and sonsDInc! =ew >or:. ?arg! S.N.! Hater S,33l/ EngineeringD "olDI! Nhanna 5,-lishers! =ew Delhi.


ENE 9/. 6 #ndustrial Waste Management

T0eory ###6 *t0 Semester 8N#T # - 6agnit,de of ind,strial waste generation and their characteristics. Effl,ent standards for dis3osal into water -odies! sewer 8 land. Haste Hater characteriCation and 3rocess s,r9e/. 8N#T ## - 6ethods of waste red,ction s,ch as 9ol,me 8 strength red,ction! segregation! re,se! rec/cle! material conser9ation! reco9er/ 3rocess o3timiCation. =e,traliCation! eB,aliCation! 3ro3ortioning and solidification. 8N#T ### - Theories of waste water treatment: 3retreatment! -iological treatment ad9anced treatment 8 sl,dge handling. 8N#T #4 - Com-ined treatment of raw ind,strial waste with sewage! common effl,ent treatment for ind,strial estates! selection 3roced,re for 3h/sical! chemical 8 -iological methods of ind,strial waste water treatment. 6anagement of ind,strial wastes from small scale ind,stries. 8N#T 4 - Detailed considerations of waste 3rod,ced from different ind,stries in res3ect of 3rocesses followed! nat,re 8 B,antit/ of wastes! their characteristics. As,al methods of waste management 8 treatment methods for dis3osal.! re,se or reco9er/. ?ross 3oll,ting ind,stries haCardo,s wastes! their treatment and control.

ENE 9/9 6 Environmental Planning > Management

T0eory #46 *t0 Semester 8N#T # - Carr/ing Ca3acit/ 0Hater! 4ir! =oise! Traffic1! -ased 3lanning of towns! Ind,strial estates 8 large Ind,strial 5ro.ects. 5lant Ea/o,t and constr,ction logic of 3ro.ect traffic management 8N#T ## -Im3ortance of En9ironmental Engineering 6anagement 8 5lanning! Introd,ction to IS2 #4000 En9ironmental 6anagement S/stems 0E6S1! ?eneral ?,idelines on 3rinci3les! s/stems and s,33orting techniB,es. 8N#T ### - 6eas,rement and E9al,ation reB,ired for E6S! E6S Doc,mentation! 4,dit of E6S


8N#T #4 - 4gencies for en9ironmental 3lanning! exec,tion maintenance I their str,ct,re 3ower 8 res3onsi-ilities. 8N#T 4 - En9ironmental legislations: Hater act 0#$+41. 4IF act 0#$(#1! En9. 5rotection 4CT #$(% and their 4mendments other legislations rele9ant to the 3rotection of en9ironment

ENE 9/; 6 Water =uality monitoring -a7

Practical #6 *t0 Semester 5roced,re for determining B,alit/ of nat,ral and 3oll,ted water. Design of monitoring networ:s 8 field instr,mentation. 6onitoring of ri9ers! water B,alit/ indices determination. Biomonitoring of ri9ers! ,se of statistical tests in water B,alit/ monitoring and anal/sis.

ENE 9/' 6 Environmental System Simulation

Practical ## 6 *t0 Semester Basics of com3,ter 3rogramming and software de9elo3ment. Software for en9ironmental awareness. Elements of water s,33l/ networ: design! h/dra,lic sim,lation of water distri-,tion networ: design! h/dra,lic sim,lation of water distri-,tion networ:! com3,ter sim,lation of water s,33l/ schemes! elements of o3timiCation in networ: design. Elements of storm water management models! com3,ter sim,lation of t/3ical Storm Hater Drainage S/stem. Elements of air and water 3oll,tion dis3ersion models! mathematical modeling! com3,ter sim,lation of sim3le air 3oll,tion model. 433lications of Einear 5rogramming! Trans3ortation 3ro-lem! D/namic 5rogramming and game theor/ to 9ario,s en9ironmental engineering 3ro-lems. Elements of gro,nd water modeling. Feferences:

#. S/stem Sim,lation B/ ?eoffre/ ?ordon! 5rentice Hall 0Higher Ed,cation Di9ision! 5earsonEd,cation1
2. 5ea9/ and Fowe: En9ironmental Engineering: 0T6H 3,-lications1 . 4r/a! S. 5al 0#$$(1. 4ir 5oll,tion 6eteorolog/ and Dis3ersion! #st Edition! 2xford Ani9ersit/ 5ress. ISB= 0D#$D*0+ $(D . 4. Barrat! Fod 0200#1. 4tmos3heric Dis3ersion 6odelling! #st Edition! Earthscan 5,-lications. ISB= #D(* ( D %42D+. *. Hater Feso,rces Engineering -/ H,r-s and Mames! 5HI 5,-lications. %. Introd,ction to H/drolog/ -/ Harren "issman! Mr and ?ar/ E Eewis 05earson ed,cation1 +. Heera and ?,3ta: 23eration Fesearch (. 6an,als of rele9ant E54 6odels

ENE 9/* 6 MaAor ProAect - #

Practical ### 6 *t0 Semester

ENE 9/@ 6 #ndustrial training 6 ##

Practical #4 6 *t0 Semester

Eig0t Semester

ENE 911 6 Elective - ##

T0eory #6 @t0 Semester

ENE 912 6 Elective - ###

T0eory ##6 @t0 Semester

ENE 91. 6 Environmental #m5act Assessment > Audit

T0eory ##6 @t0 Semester 8N#T # - 2-.ecti9es of En9ironmental Im3act assessment! 6ethodolog/ for EI4: -aseline st,d/! sco3ing chec: list scales 8 weighted matrices! networ:s o9erla/s! index methods. 8N#T ## - 5lanning of en9ironmental factors to -e e9al,ated! at site< 5rediction and assessment of im3act on air water land demogra3h/ 8 -iological en9ironment! Consideration of h,man 9al,es in design 8 exec,tion of 3ro.ects! 8N#T ### - Im3act 4nal/sis oh h/dro 3ower) thermal 3ower 3ro.ects etc 8N#T #4 - En9 Im3act 4nal/sisD laws 8 stat,s in India Element of en9ironment a,diting I water! material! 8 f,el -alance. Con9ersion efficienc/ of man,fact,ring 3rocesses 8N#T 4 6 Identification of 3rocess o3eration im-alances res,lting in reso,rce loss and their im3act on en9ironment Feferences: #. KEn9ironmental 3oll,tion 8 Control in Chemical 3rocess Ind,stries -/ S.C. Bhatia K Nhanna 5,-lishersL! Delhi 2. En9ironmental im3act assessment -/ Canter. . En9ironmental Chemistr/ -/ Stanle/ E. 6anahan! "Ith Ed. Eewis 5,-lishers! Eondon 4. D/ing Hisdom: Fise! 7all! and 3otential of India;s Traditional rain water har9esting s/stems -/ 4nil 4garwal 8 S,nita =ara/an! CSE 5,-lication. =ew Delhi.

ENE 919 6 Environmental #ntegrated Planning > Practices

Practical # - @t0 Semester

ENE 91; 6 Environmental Engineering Estimation > Evaluation

Practical ## - @t0 Semester #. 2. . 4. 5lan! ele9ation and sectional 9iews of a small -,ilding and details of its different com3onents. Estimation of B,naties of earth wor:! concrete! masonr/! wood wor:! steel wor:! F.C.C. etc. 5l,m-ing wor:s for different 3art of -,ilding electric wor:s 4nal/sis of Fates of im3ortant items of Ci9il Engineering Constr,ction Com3lete estimate from wor:ing drawings for a single strore/ domestic -,ilding with a flat ) 3iched roof. 5l,m-ing scheme in a single store/ residential -,ilding.

ENE 91' 6 Seminar

Practical ### - @t0 Semester

ENE 91* 6 MaAor ProAect ##

Practical #4 - @t0 Semester


Electives #
Monitoring > Performance Evaluation of WaterBWaste)ater treatment Plants
8N#T # 6 Design of 5rimar/ Anits: D Screening! ?rit Cham-er! 5rimar/ Sedimentation Tan:! EB,liCation Tan: 8N#T ## 6 6ethodolog/ for monitoring of 3rimar/ ,nits: 7lowrates! B2D! C2D! TSS 8N#T ### 6 Design of secondar/ ,nits and its monitoring 8N#T #4 6 Design of Biogas holder! Sl,dge digestion cham-er! Sl,dge dr/ing -ed and its monitoring techniB,es 8N#T 4 6 E9al,ation of 3erformance -ased on water and wastewater 3arameters

Environmental system Modeling

8N#T # - S/stems Engineering I definition 8 Conce3ts! Data-ase 6anagement! Constr,ction of 6athematical 6odels! 5ac:age Com3iler 3rograms 8N#T ## - Statistical modeling 06,lti9ariate 4nal/sis1! 7,ndamental 6eas,re of statistics! 5ro-a-ilit/ distri-,tion! Sim3le and m,lti3le regression anal/sis! Cl,ster 4nal/sis 8N#T ### - Deterministic 6odeling! Stochastic 6odeling 8N#T #4 - 6odels of main sewers! ,r-an waste water collection and treatment s/stems! 6odels of solid waste collection! trans3ort 8 dis3osal 8N#T 4 - 6odel of water B,alit/ 8 contamination! 6odeling of water 8 waste water treatment 3rocesses and alternati9es

Advanced Planning > <esign of Environmental Engg(

8N#T # - En9ironmental 8 H,man 4cti9it/: Feso,rce! 5oll,tion Fe,se 8 6anagement! 8N#T ## - 5lanning : Short and long term! master 3lans! 3er ca3ita cost! ex3ansion and extensions 8N#T ### - Eand ,se 3lanning 8 6anagement: Im3act of land ,se on h,man life! control of haCard in land ,se management of land ,se! assessment B land as waste dis3osal sites 8N#T #4 - Hater 3lan o3timiCation techniB,es! sim,lation! growth! Theories of settlement o9ercrowding. Shim! s3oradic growth consideration! o-.ecti9es 8 sco3e with case st,dies! Design of content for 9olatile organic car-on com3o,nds 8N#T 4 - 6anagement of 3ri9ate 8 3,-lic managed ,tilities! management of water s,33l/ and sewerage schemes! en9ironmental o-.ecti9es 8 targets. Atilities! eB,i3ment maintenance and 3re9enti9e maintenance


!ire 0aCard > Safety Control System

8N#T # - Classification of fire! grades of fire haCard. Classification of -,ilding )str,ct,res )materials)chemicals according to fire load. 7ile haCard anal/sis! conseB,ences 8 management! mode of fire! fir fighting! 5ro9ision of -,ilding 8 ind,strial str,ct,res. fromDfire safet/ angle 8N#T ## - Different t/3es of fire alarms detectors 8 exting,ishers! fire fighting reB,irements as 3er =BC #$( )m,nici3alit/ water s,33l/ reB,irements for fire reB,ired fire flow! storage! wet risers< s3rin:ler! fire fighting ser9ices! etc. 8N#T ### - ?eneral disc,ssion on toxicolog/! 5h/siological effect of 9ario,s co,3ons! Classification of haCardo,s chemical condition! 2cc,3ational health 8 safet/ conce3t 8N#T #4 - 5rotection 8 3re9ention meas,re of accident 8 haCardo,s trans3ortation 4 storage of chemicals! lea:age 8 accident 3re9ention 8N#T 4 - Ind,str/ at rise 8 disaster management: s,r9e/ of one -,ilding for 3lanningDfire safet/ controls S,r9e/ of two ind,stries for disaster )safet/ control s/stem

?io Monitoring Tec0ni=ues

8N#T # - St,d/ of aB,atic and terrestrial -iotic comm,nities; classification of comm,nities. 5h/siognomic classification! Ha-itat classification florist;s classification! d/namic s/stem -iome s/stem. 8N#T ## - Biotic Comm,nities of ta:e 8 5ond: =e,ston Biota of lentic! littoral! limonitic Cone! 3rofo,ndal Cone and -enthos of la:e -ottom Biotic Comm,nities of lotic ha-itat! Biotic Comm,nities of esta-lish marine en9ironment 3attern of distri-,tion of -iota is terrestrial ecos/stem! 8N#T ### - Ecological Tods and TechniB,es: Sam3ling. 5lan:ton< 3lant 4nd animal 3o3,lation. Estimation of 3rimar/ 3rod,ction of cons,mer! Biometr/ 8N#T #4 - 5lant as -ioindicators of air 3oll,tion: alfalfa! to-acco! macro3h/tes! aB,atic 3lants! algae! Coo3lan:ton Diata,es! -enthic 8N#T 4 - Biological indices 8 indicators for water B,alit/ monitoring: Bacterial 3oll,tion index of n,trient 3oll,tion index! organic 3oll,tion

Soil > ,round)ater Pollution

8N#T # - ?ro,ndwater flow eB,ation! the Contin,it/ eB,ation 3artiall/ sat,rated flow! -o,ndar/ and initial conditions! conser9ation of mass is a deforming 3oro,s medi,m! gro,ndwater for eB,ation for confined and ,nconfined aB,ifer! -o,ndar/ and initial condition of the aB,ifer s/stem 8N#T ## - ?ro,nd water flow eB,ations! The contin,it/ eB,ation! 3artiall/ sat,rated flow! -o,ndar/ and initial conditions conser9ation of mass in a deforming 3oro,s medi,m! gro,ndwater flow eB,ation for confined and ,nconfined aB,ifer! -o,ndar/ and initial conditions of the aB,ifer s/stem 8N#T ### - ?ro,ndwater J,alit/: The mass trans3ort 3ro-lem conser9ati9e and non conser9ati9e s/stems 23timiCation methods for ?ro,nd water management: stochastic! linear and d/namic 3rograms! B,adratic 3rogramming! m,lti o-.ecti9e 3rogramming 8N#T #4 - Im3act of indiscriminate land dis3osal of sewage effl,ent 8 solid waste! im3act of Eeachates on gro,ndwater< case st,d/ for ash 3ond lachate on gro,nd water 8N#T 4 - ?enesis of arsenic contaminations is gro,ndwater< case st,d/ of s,- logia H. Bengal

Case st,d/ of gro,ndwater contamination di9e to agric,lt,ral r,nDoff 4-sor3tion ca3acit/ of soils is single and m,lti com3onent s/stem! case st,dies.

Surface Trans5ort Noise Pollution

8N#T # - So,nd! Difference -etween so,nd and noise! 6eas,rement of noise! So,rces of noise 3oll,tion! 4m-ient noise le9el standards!

8N#T ## - 7actors affecting noise 3oll,tion! Foad traffic noise !

8N#T ### - Fail noise! H,man health im3act of noise 3oll,tion!

8N#T #4 D 6odelling of road traffic noise!

8N#T 4 D 6odelling of rail noise! 6itigation of noise 3oll,tion Text Boo:: #. =oise 5oll,tion and Control Strateg/ -/ S.5. Singal 2. 4d9ance air and noise 3oll,tion control! "ol. 2. -/ Eawrence N. Hang! =orman C. 5ereira! >,ngDTse H,ng . =oise 5oll,tion -/ Oachar/ Inseth

Electives ## Advanced Mec0anics of !luids and Sediment Motion

8N#T # - 4d9anced 6echanics of 7l,ids and Sediment 6otion! Basic 3otential flow and their s,3erim3osition 8N#T ## - =a9ier ISto:e;s eB,ation and its a33rox sol,tion. Introd,ction to t,r-,lence! Fe/nolds stress. Bo,ndar/ Ila/er characteristics and sol,tion! 8N#T ### - Fesistance eB,ation and ,ni9ersal 9elocit/ 3rofile! element of 3i3estone networ: design! 8N#T #4 - Introd,ction to water hammer! 6echanics of sediment motion! -ed. 8N#T 4 - Eoad and s,s3ended load! total load! resistance of all,9ial channel silting and sco,ring! regime theories

RisD > relia7ility Analysis of Environmental systems

8N#T # - Conce3ts of statistical and 3ercei9ed ris:! Fole of ris: assessment in modern technological social and en9ironment context TechniB,es of ris: assessment. 433lication of 3ro-a-ilistic and 6ar:o9 models in ris:

estimation! catastro3hic fail,re models! haCard model and their a33lication in ci9il engineering. Introd,ction to f,CC/ theor/ in ris: anal/sis! ,ncertaint/ in ris: assessment and decision ma:ing ,nder ,ncertaint/ and ris:. Felia-ilit/ conce3t: 6TT7! 6TB7 -ath t,- c,r9e! haCard rate and fail,re densit/ f,nctions! ,sef,l life of com3onents! s/stem meas,res 03erformance! effecti9eness and worth1! 7a,lt tree anal/sis of En9ironmental Egg. S/stem 8N#T ## - S/stem relia-ilit/ of series! 3arallel and nonDseries I 3arallel s/stem! relia-ilit/ a33roximations and -o,nd! relia-ilit/ im3ro9ement com3onent im3ro9ement and red,ndanc/ conce3t Felia-ilit/ Com3,tation for ex from 9al,e distri-,tion 8N#T ### - "entilation and 4ir Conditioning: Introd,ction: =ecessit/ of refrigeration! air conditioning heating 8 9entilation! histor/ of refrigeration! methods of refrigeration! ,nit of refrigeration and C.2.5. Fe9ersed content c/cle: refrigeration c/cle! heat 3,m3 c/cle! effect of tem3erat,re! diffic,lties "a3ors Com3ression Fefrigeration s/stem: sim3le sat,rated c/cle. Ase of refrigerant ta-les and 5Dh diagrams! effect of s,- cooling and s,3er cooling and s,3er heating. Heat exchanger! act,al c/cle! Fefrigerant: Introd,ction! nomenclat,re! desira-le 3ro3erties common refrigerants! oCone de3letion! alternati9e refrigerants secondar/ refrigerant Com3onents: Detail of com3ressors! condensers! Ex3ansion de9ices and e9a3orators "a3or 4-sor3tion refrigeration s/stem: Introd,ction de9elo3ment! ammoniaDwater s/stem! water. Eithi,m -romide s/stem! Electrol,x refrigerator 8N#T #4 - 5s/chrometer/: sim3le definition 3s/chometric chart! 3s/chometric 3rocesses. Introd,ction to heat load estimation H,man comfort: 7ader infl,encing h,man comfort conce3ts of effecti9e tem3erat,re. Comfort charts 4ir distri-,tion and 9entilation: contin,it/ eB,ation! Berno,lli;s eB,ations! 3ress,re losses! s/stem resistance! d,ct siCing! 9entilation s/stem! air s,33l/ and extraction s/stem 8N#T 4 - 4ir conditionings s/stem selection and a33lication miscellaneo,s! Controls: H.5. ) E.5. c,to,t! thermostat solenoid 9al9es etc. com3o,nd com3ression! steam .et refrigeration! solid car-on dioxide cascade refrigerators! introd,ction to cr/ogenics. Hater coolers! refrigerators and ,nit air conditioner.

CA< > Soft)are <evelo5ments

8N#T # - Introd,ction to C4D: Introd,cti9e to interacti9e com3,ting and ,se of gra3hics reB,irement of interacti9e com3,ting! dedicated 9)s time sharing modes! interaction interfaceD 8N#T ## - CFT as a dis3la/ de9ice! gra3hical J,alit/ ca3acit/! s3eed of modification! 8N#T ### - Eine drawings solid area gra3hics! geometr/ of 3lotting two dimensions. 8N#T #4 - Three dimensional gra3hics! ,se of inter acti9e tool! 8N#T 4 - 433lication of cad in En9ironmental engineering 5ro-lem

Analytical Met0ods of &uality Management

8N#T # - Introd,ction to B,alit/ 3lanning and control! total B,alit/ management! ,se of decision tree or models 8N#T ## - En9ironmental 3rocess control! statistical control charts for 9aria-le! content chart for attri-,tes! m,lti characteristic control chart 8N#T ### - 7ail,re data anal/sis and relia-ilit/! Identification of 3recision o-.ect -ased on B,alit/ reB,irements 6ethodolog/ of anal/tical B,alit/ content of la-orator/ testing en9ironmental B,alit/ 8N#T #4 - Hater and air B,alit/: Statistical E9al,ation of Data KCar of clan! sam3ling distri-,tion! 3recision and acc,rac/! statistical interference! 3recision and acc,rac/! regression and coDrelation 8 factor anal/sis

8N#T 4 - Trend anal/sis Harmonic anal/sis! 7,CC/ logic -ased B,alit/ anal/sis! indices -ased anal/sis

Environment and Sustaina7le <evelo5ment

8N#T # - 5rinci3les of s,staina-le de9elo3ment! E9ol,tion of ideas a-o,t s,staina-ilit/! Bo,ndaries of s,staina-le de9elo3ment!

8N#T ## - Conce3t of en9ironmentall/ s,staina-le de9elo3ment! En9ironmental dimensions of s,staina-ilit/!

8N#T ### - Iss,es of en9ironmentall/ s,staina-le ,r-an en9ironment! S,staina-le trans3ort indicators!

8N#T #4 - Strategies for 3romoting en9ironmentall/ s,staina-le de9elo3ment! Technolog/ role towards en9ironmentall/ s,staina-le trans3ort infrastr,ct,re!

8N#T 4 - Social and en9ironmental! res3onsi-ilities towards en9ironmentall/ s,staina-le de9elo3ment. Te:t ?ooDs+

#. En9ironment 3rotection strategies for s,staina-le de9elo3ment -/ 4-d,l 6ali:! Elisa-eth ?rohmann. 2. S,staina-le de9elo3ment: conce3ts! rationalities! and strategies -/ S/l9ie 7a,che,x! 6artin 2PConnor! Man
9an der Straaten.

. S,staina-le de9elo3ment -/ S,san Ba:er. 4n introd,ction to s,staina-le de9elo3ment -/ Mennifer 4. Elliott

Water > Soil Conservation

8N#T # - Definition and sco3e of soil conser9ation! cans of sis erosion! mechanics of erosion! ,ni9ersal soil loss eB,ation! soil erosion d,e to mind and its control! 9egetation management! i.e. stri3 cro33ing st,--le m,lching and other 3ractices! T/3e of soil erosion d,e to waterDsheet erosions! rill erosion! g,ll/ erosion! sediment trans3ortation is channel sediment de3osition in reser9oirs 8N#T ## - 6ethod of soil erosion Control! B,nding and terracing on agric,lt,ral land for g,ll/ control! -ench terraces! 9egetated water wa/! conto,r trenching! g,ll/ sta-iliCing stri3! dro3 s3illwa/s! ch,te s3illwa/! dro3 inlet s3illwa/! chec: dam! ri9er training wor:s

8N#T ### - Biological methods of soil erosion control! grass land management! forest management! Soil B,alit/ management! drainage wor:s! reclamation of salt affected soil Hater conser9ation! water har9esting ! rainfall r,noff relation water storage in 3o,nds! la:es! reser9oirs and aB,ifers! gro,nd water recharging thro,gh wells! chec: dams and storage wor:s

8N#T #4 - Hater losses: infiltration! see3age and e9a3oration losses 3oll,tion) contamination of water B,alit/ d,e to agric,lt,ral 3ractices i.e. fertiliCers and 3esticides! self 3,rification of s,rface water! so,rces of agric,lt,ral water 3oll,tant! dis3ersion in gro,nd water

8N#T 4 - =eed for 3lanned ,tiliCation of water reso,rces! economics of water reso,rces ,tiliCation. 7lood 3lains Cones management! modif/ing the flood! red,cing s,sce3ti-ilit/ to damage! red,cing s,sce3ti-ilit/ to damage! Fed,cing the im3act of flooding

Non-Conventional Energy Systems

8N#T # - Introd,ction< Con9entional and =onDcon9entional so,rces< ?lo-al energ/ trends< Energ/ scenario in India. Solar Energ/: Introd,ction< 6eas,rement of solar radiation< Solar energ/ collectorsDconcentrating and nonDconcentrating< 5rinci3les and s/stems of solar 3hotoDthermal and 3hoto9oltaic con9ersion< storage of solar energ/ 8N#T ## - Hind Energ/: Introd,ction< 5rinci3les of wind energ/ con9ersion< SiteDselection considerations< Basic com3onents of HECS< Design considerations of horiContal and 9erticalDaxis machines< En9ironmental im3lications of wind energ/! Biomass Energ/: Introd,ction< 5otential in India< T/3es of -iomass and -iomass con9ersion technologies< Biogas generation< Design considerations and t/3es of -iogas 3lant< Energ/ 3lantation< BioDh/drogen 3rod,ction< En9ironmental as3ects of -iomass energ/ 8N#T ### - ?eothermal Energ/: Introd,ction< =at,re and classification of geothermal fields< 9a3o,rDdominated and liB,idDdominated s/stems< Eimitations< 5ros3ects in India 8N#T #4 - H/droDelectric and tidal energ/: Introd,ction< 5rinci3les of con9ersion< Classification and Com3onents of con9ersion s/stems< 2TEC< 4d9antages and limitations< 5otential in India. 8N#T 4 D =,clear Energ/: Introd,ction< fission and f,sion reactions! 5rinci3les and Com3onents< Energ/ release rates! 4d9antages and limitations< 3resent stat,s and f,t,re 3ossi-ilities

Analysis of 4i7ration and Control of Noise Pollution

8N#T #+ =oise 3ro3erties! effects 8 standards: =oise reg,lations! occ,3ational safet/ and health act. 02SH41 standard. 2SH4;s reg,lations on =oise control! Im3,lse =oise! "aria-le =oise! 4dministrati9e Controls 8N#T ##+ 4co,stics: The soma field! scale of meas,rement! lo,dness 8 o-.ecti9e meas,rements! com3lex =oise 8N#T ### - Engineering controls 8 design: 6aintenance! machines s,-stit,tion! 9i-ration dam3ing! Excessi9e 9i-ration ca,ses! o3erator isolation! s/stems design! 5ersonal safet/: 4co,stic 3ro-lem! ear 3rotection! m,ff t/3e 3rotectors! ear 3rotection 5rogram 8N#T #4 - Enclos,res 4 Barriers: Eead as a noise -arrier! 5len,m -arriers! -arriers aro,nd 3i3e! wires and rectang,lar d,ct wor:! -arriers ,nder two wa/ .oist s/stems! high transmission loss ceilings! aco,stical foams Ta/lor in noise red,ction dam3ing com3o,nds 8N#T 4 - "i-ration: =at,re of 9i-ration! so,rces! effects 8 meas,rements of 9i-ration! dis3lacement! 9elocit/ 8 acceleration! 5ea:! a9erage and F6S 9al,es! 5rinci3les of 9i-rations transd,cers! 9i-ration meters "i-ration Control: 5ads and mo,nts ! r,--er isolators! s3rings s/stem! ad.,sta-le dam3ers! -asic installation 3rinci3le of 9i-ration mo,nt! anti 9i-ration meters "entilating s/stems: =oise criteria 4Dweighted so,nd le9el! insertions 8 transmission losses! =oise red,ctions method! Introd,cti9e to =oise 8 9i-ration instr,mentation! a,diometric testing and Dosimeters

Environmental ?iotec0nology
8N#T #: Conce3t of En9ironmental Biotechnolog/ and En9ironmental Engineering! sco3e and im3ortance. ?enetic engineering str,ct,re of D=4! F=4! Fe3lication of D=4! genetic code! Transcri3tion! 5rotein s/nthesis. 8N#T ## D Bioremediation! T/3es of -ioremediations! Bio a,gmentation for -ioremediation! Bioreactors! Bioremediation of her-icides! 3esticides! h/drocar-ons! oil s3ills. =o9el methods of 3oll,tion control I "ermi technolog/! 6ethane 3rod,ction! Foot Cone treatment! 6em-rane technolog/! Biodegrada-le 3lastics. 8N#T ### D 6icro-iolog/ of waste water treatment. a1 4ero-ic 3rocesses : 4cti9ated sl,dge! oxidation ditches! tric:ling filters! towers! rotating discs! rotating dr,ms! oxidation 3onds. -1 4naero-ic 3rocesses : 4naero-ic digestion! anaero-ic filters! A3 flow anaero-ic sl,dge -lan:et reactor. Treatment schemes for waste waters of dair/! distiller/! tanner/! s,gar and anti-iotic ind,str/. 8N#T 6 #4 - 4ir 3oll,tion and its control thro,gh -iotechnolog/! Biotechnolog/ in red,ction of C22 emission! Bioscr,--ers! Bio-eds! Biotric:ling filters and their a33lications. 8N#T 4 D 6icro-iolog/ of degradation of xeno -iotic in en9ironment I ecological considerations! deca/ -eha9ior and degradati9e 3lasmids! h/drocar-ons! s,-stit,ted h/dro car-ons! oil 3oll,tion! s,rfactants! 3esticides. Biological detoxification of c/anide! oxalate! ,rea! 3etrochemical ind,str/ effl,ents! toxic organics! 3henols. Feferences : #. 6icro-ial Biotechnolog/ : 4. =. ?laCer and H. =i:aids . 2. 6olec,lar Biotechnolog/ : ?lee: and 5asternac:. . Biotechnolog/ : 4 Text Boo: of Ind,strial 6icro-ilog/! T. D.Broc:! 4. Ind,strial 6icro-iolog/ : 5resscott and D,nn. *. Biotechnolog/ : B. D. Singh ! Nal/ani 5,-lishers.

<isaster Management
8nit-# - =at,ral HaCards and Disasters: Conce3t of En9ironmental HaCards! En9ironmental stress 8 En9ironmental Disasters. T/3es of En9ironmental haCards 8 Disasters: =at,ral haCards and Disasters! "olcanic HaCards) Disasters! D Ca,ses and distri-,tion of "olcanoes! D HaCardo,s effects of 9olcanic er,3tions! D En9ironmental im3acts of 9olcanic er,3tions! EarthB,a:e HaCards) disasters! D Ca,ses of EarthB,a:es! D Distri-,tion of earthB,a:es! D HaCardo,s effects of earthB,a:es! EarthB,a:e HaCards in India! H,man ad.,stment! 3erce3tion 8 mitigation of earthB,a:e! C,m,lati9e atmos3heric haCards) disastersD Eightning! Hailstorms! C/clones: D Tro3ical c/clones 8 Eocal storms! D Destr,ction -/ tro3ical c/clones 8 local storms 0ca,ses ! distri-,tion h,man ad.,stment! 3erce3tion 8 mitigation1! Cold wa9es! Heat wa9es! 7loods! Ca,ses of floods! 7lood haCards in India! D 7lood control meas,res 0 H,man ad.,stment! 3erce3tion 8 mitigation1! Dro,ghts: D Im3acts of dro,ghts! D Dro,ght haCards in India! D Dro,ght control meas,res. 8nit-## - 6an ind,ced haCards 8 Disasters: 6echanics 8 forms of Soil Erosion! D 7actors 8 ca,ses of Soil Erosion! Conser9ation meas,res of Soil Erosion! Chemical haCards) disastersDD Felease of toxic chemicals! n,clear ex3losion! Sedimentation 3rocesses! D ?lo-al Sedimentation 3ro-lems! Fegional Sedimentation 3ro-lems! Sedimentation 8 En9ironmental 3ro-lems! Correcti9e meas,res of 2 Erosion 8 Sedimentation! Biological haCards) disasters! 5o3,lation Ex3losion 8nit 6### - Emerging a33roaches in Disaster 6anagementD Three Satges: #. 5reD disaster stage 03re3aredness1D 0a1 5re3aring haCard Conation ma3s! 5redicta-ilit/) forcasting 8 warning! -1 5re3aring disaster 3re3aredness 3lan! c1 Eand ,se Coning! d1 5re3aredness thro,gh 0IEC1 Information! ed,cation 8 Comm,nication 5reDdisaster stage 0mitigation1 Disaster resistant ho,se constr,ction! 5o3,lation red,ction in 9,lnera-le areas! 4wareness

2. Emergenc/ Stage:D a1 Fesc,e training for search 8 o3eration at national 8 regional le9el! -1 Immediate relief! c1 4ssessment s,r9e/s . 5ost Disaster stageDFeha-ilitationD a1 5olitical 4dministrati9e 4s3ect! -1 Social 4s3ect! c1 Economic 4s3ect d1 En9ironmental 4s3ect 8nit-#4+ - =at,ral Disaster Fed,ction 8 6anagement: a1 5ro9ision of Immediate relief meas,res to disaster affected 3eo3le! -1 5rediction of HaCards 8 Disasters! c1 6eas,res of ad.,stment to nat,ral haCards 6itigationD disc,ss the wor: of following Instit,tionD0a1 6eteorological o-ser9ator/! 0-1. Seismological o-ser9ator/! 0c1. "olcanolog/ instit,tion! 0d1. H/drolog/ Ea-orator/! 0e.1 Ind,strial Safet/ ins3ectorate!0 f1. Instit,tion of ,r-an 8 regional 3lanners! 0g1. Cham-ers of 4rchitects! 0h1. Enginering Co,ncil! 0i1 =ational Standards Committee! Integrated 5lanningD Contingenc/ management 5re3aredness :Da1 Ed,cation on disasters! -1 Comm,nit/ in9ol9ement! c1 The ad.,stment of H,man 5o3,lation to =at,ral haCards 8 disasters! Fole of 6edia! 433lication of ?eogra3hical Information S/stem0?IS1 in Disaster ris: management 8nit 64 - 4 regional s,r9e/ of Eand S,-sidence! Coastal Disaster! C/clonic Disaster 8 Disaster in Hills with 3artic,lar reference to India! Ecological 3lanning for s,staina-ilit/ 8 s,stana-le de9elo3ment in IndiaD S,staina-le r,ral de9elo3ment:4 Femed/ to Disasters! DFole of 5ancha/ats in Disaster mitigations! En9ironmental 3olicies 8 3rogrammes in IndiaD Instit,tions 8 =ational! Centres for =at,ral Disaster red,ction Feferences: #. Sa9inder Singh En9ironmental ?eogra3h/! 5ra/ag 5,sta: Bhawan! #$$+ 2. Nates!B.I 8 Hhite! ?.7 The En9ironment as HaCards! oxford! =ew >or:! #$+( . F.B. Singh 0Ed1 Disaster 6anagement! Fawat 5,-lication! =ew Delhi! 2000 4. H.N. ?,3ta 0Ed1 Disaster 6anagement! Ani9ersiters 5ress! India! 200 *. F.B. Singh! S3ace Technolog/ for Disaster 6itigation in India 0I=CED1! Ani9ersit/ of To:/o! #$$4 %. 4.S. 4r/a 4ction 5lan 7or EarthB,a:e!Disaster! 6itigation in ".N. Sharma 0Ed1 +. Disaster 6anagement II54 5,-lication =ew Delhi! #$$4 (. F.N. Bhandani: 4n o9er9iew on =at,ral 8 6an made Disaster 8 their Fed,ction! !CSIF! =ew Delhi $. 6.C. ?,3ta 6an,als on =at,ral Disaster management in India! =ational Centre for Disaster 6anagement!II54! =ew Delhi! 200#

,round Water <evelo5ment And Management

8nit6 # - ?ro,nd Hater 2cc,rrence: ?ro,nd water h/drologic c/cle! origin of gro,nd water! roc: 3ro3erties effecting gro,nd water! 9ertical distri-,tion of gro,nd water! Cone of aeration and Cone of sat,ration! geologic formation as 4B,ifers! t/3es of aB,ifers! 3orosit/! S3ecific /ield and S3ecific retention! ?ro,ndwater Basin 6anagement: Conce3ts of con.,nction ,se! Case st,dies. 8nit 6 ## - ?ro,nd Hater 6o9ement: 5ermea-ilit/! Darc/;s law! storage coefficient. Transmissi9it/! differential eB,ation go9erning gro,nd water flow in three dimensions deri9ation! gro,nd water flow eB,ation in 3olar coordinate s/stem. ?ro,nd water flow conto,rs their a33lications. 8nit 6 ### - 4nal/sis of 5,m3ing Test Data I I: Stead/ flow gro,ndwater flow towards a well in confined and ,nconfined aB,ifers I D,3it;s and Theism;s eB,ations! 4ss,m3tions! 7ormation constants! /ield of an o3en well interface and well tests! 4nal/sis of 5,m3ing Test Data I II: Anstead/ flow towards a well I =on eB,ili-ri,m eB,ations I Thesis sol,tion I Moco- and Chow;s sim3lifications! Eea: aB,ifers. 8nit 6 #4 - S,rface and S,-s,rface In9estigation: S,rface methods of ex3loration I Electrical resisti9it/ and Seismic refraction methods. S,-s,rface methods I ?eo3h/sical logging and resisti9it/ logging. 4erial 5hotogrammetr/ a33lications along with Case St,dies in S,-s,rface In9estigation. 8nit 6 4 - 4rtificial Fecharge of ?ro,nd Hater: Conce3t of artificial recharge I recharge methods! relati9e merits! 433lications of ?IS and Femote Sensing in 4rtificial Fecharge of ?ro,nd water along with Case st,dies! Saline Hater Intr,sion in aB,ifer: 2cc,rrence of saline water intr,sions! ?h/-enD HerC-erg relation! Sha3e of interface! control of seawater intr,sion.

Te:t ?ooDs: #. ?ro,nd water H/drolog/ -/ Da9id Neith Todd! Mohn Hile/ 8 Son! =ew >or:. 2. ?ro,ndwater -/ H.6.Fagh,nath! Hile/ Eastern Etd. Feferences: #. ?ro,ndwater -/ Baw9wr! Mohn Hile/ 8 sons. 2. ?ro,ndwater S/atem 5lanning 8 6anagemnet I F.Hilles 8 H.H.?.>eh! 5rintice Hall. . 433lied H/drogeolog/ -/ C.H.7etta! CBS 5,-lishers 8 Distri-,ters

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