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Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary

TUESDAY Morning Prayer

God, come to my assistance. - Lord, make haste to help me Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it as in the !eginning, is no , and ill !e fore"er. #men. H$M% Mother of &hrist, o'r hope, o'r (atroness, Star of the sea, o'r !eacon in distress, G'ide to the shores of e"erlasting day God)s holy people on their pilgrim ay. Virgin !y "o !'t Mother of all grace, &hosen !y God to !e his d elling-place, Blessed are yo'* God)s ord yo' did !elie"e, $o'r +$es+ 'ndid the +%o+ of sinf'l ,"e. -a'ghter of God, ho !ore his holy One, -earest of all, the &hrist, yo'r lo"ing Son, Sho 's his face, O Mother, as on earth, Lo"ing 's all, yo' ga"e o'r Sa"ior !irth.
Melody* Farley &astle ./../../../ M'sic* H. La es, .012-.223 4e5t* #lma 6edemptoris 4ranslator* 7ames 8'inn, S7

Or* Behold then the 9oy of the hole 'ni"erse. Let the 'nion of God and man in the Son of the Virgin Mary fill 's ith a e and adoration. Let 's fear and orship the 'ndi"ided 4rinity as e sing the praise of the e"er-"irgin Mary, the holy temple of God, and of God himself, her Son and spotless Bridegroom. 4o him !e glory for e"er and e"er. #men.
&yril of #le5andria :c. ;<3-===>

(S#LMO-$ #nt.. 4he angel Ga!riel as sent to the Virgin Mary, ho as engaged to !e married to 7oseph. or* Blessed are yo', O Virgin Mary, for yo' carried the &reator of the orld in yo'r om!. (salm ./. #"o al of a good r'ler If you love me, keep my commandments (John 14:15) My song is of mercy and 9'stice? @ sing to yo', O Lord. @ ill alk in the ay of perfection. O hen, Lord, ill yo' comeA @ ill alk ith !lameless heart ithin my ho'se? @ ill not set !efore my eyes hate"er is !ase. @ ill hate the ays of the crooked? they shall not !e my friends. 4he false-hearted m'st keep far a ay? the icked @ diso n. 4he man ho slanders his neigh!or in secret @ ill !ring to silence. 4he man of pro'd looks and ha'ghty heart @ ill ne"er end're. @ look to the faithf'l in the land that they may d ell ith me. He ho alk in the ay of perfection shall !e my friend. %o man ho practices deceit shall li"e ithin my ho'se. %o man ho 'tters lies shall stand !efore my eyes. Morning !y morning @ ill silence all the icked in the land, 'prooting from the city of the Lord all ho do e"il.

#nt. 3 Blessed are yo' among omen, and !lessed is the fr'it of yo'r om!. Or* $o' are the mother of yo'r maker, yet yo' remain a "irgin for e"er. -aniel ;*32,3B,31,;=-=. #Cariah)s prayer in the f'rnace. With your whole hearts turn to od and he will !lot out your sins" (#cts $:1%") Blessed are yo', and praise orthy, O Lord, the God of o'r fathers, and glorio's fore"er is yo'r name. For yo' are 9'st in all yo' ha"e done? all yo'r deeds are fa'ltless, all yo'r ays right, and all yo'r 9'dgments proper. For e ha"e sinned and transgressed !y departing from yo', and e ha"e done e"ery kind of e"il. For yo'r name)s sake, do not deli"er 's 'p fore"er, or make "oid yo'r co"enant. -o not take a ay yo'r mercy from 's, for the sake of #!raham, yo'r !elo"ed, @saac yo'r ser"ant, and @srael yo'r holy one, to hom yo' promised to m'ltiply their offspring like the stars of hea"en, or the sand on the shore of the sea. For e are red'ced, O Lord, !eyond any other nation, !ro'ght lo e"ery here in the orld this day !eca'se of o'r sins. De ha"e in o'r day no prince, prophet, or leader, no holoca'st, sacrifice, o!lation, or incense, no place to offer first fr'its, to find fa"or ith yo'. B't ith contrite heart and h'm!le spirit let 's !e recei"ed? as tho'gh it ere holoca'sts of rams and !'llocks, or tho'sands of fat lam!s, so let o'r sacrifice !e in yo'r presence today as e follo yo' 'nreser"edly? for those ho tr'st in yo' cannot !e p't to shame. &anticle

#nd no e follo yo' ith o'r hole heart, e fear yo' and e pray to yo'. #nt. ;* 4r'sting in the Lord)s promise, the Virgin Mary concei"ed a child, and remaining a "irgin, she ga"e !irth to the Sa"io'r. Or* De share the fr'it of life thro'gh yo', O da'ghter !lessed !y the Lord. (salm .;0*.-.3 (raise for the onderf'l things God does for 's &e has won you for himself"""and you must proclaim what he has done for you: he has called you out of darkness into his own wonderful li'ht (1 (eter ):%)" (raise the name of the Lord, praise him, ser"ants of the Lord, ho stand in the ho'se of the Lord in the co'rts of the ho'se of o'r God. (raise the Lord for the Lord is good. Sing a psalm to his name for he is lo"ing. For the Lord has chosen 7aco! for himself and @srael for his o n possession. For @ kno that the Lord is great, that o'r Lord is high a!o"e all gods. 4he Lord does hate"er he ills, in hea"en, on earth, in the seas. He s'mmons clo'ds from the ends of the earth? makes lightning prod'ce the rain? from his treas'ries he sends forth the ind. 4he first-!orn of the ,gyptians he smote, of man and !east alike. Signs and onders he orked in the midst of yo'r land, O ,gypt, against (haraoh and all his ser"ants. %ations in their greatness he str'ck and kings in their splendor he sle . Sihon, king of the #morites, Og, the king of Bashan, and all the kingdoms of &anaan. He let @srael inherit their land? on his people their land he !esto ed.

F@6S4 6,#-@%G

(hilippians 3*2-B

4ho'gh he as in the form of God, 7es's did not regard eE'ality ith God something to !e grasped. 6ather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a sla"e, coming in h'man likeness? and fo'nd h'man in appearance. Or Sirach 3=*.-.2

Disdom sings her o n praises, !efore her o n people she proclaims her glory? @n the assem!ly of the Most High she opens her mo'th, in the presence of his hosts she declares her orth* +From the mo'th of the Most High @ came forth, and mistlike co"ered the earth. @n the highest hea"ens did @ d ell, my throne on a pillar of clo'd. 4he "a'lt of hea"en @ compassed alone, thro'gh the deep a!yss @ andered. O"er a"es of the sea, o"er all the land, o"er e"ery people and nation @ held s ay. #mong all these @ so'ght a resting place? in hose inheritance sho'ld @ a!ideA +4hen the &reator of all ga"e me his command, and he ho formed me chose the spot for my tent, Saying, )@n 7aco! make yo'r d elling, in @srael yo'r inheritance.) Before all ages, in the !eginning, he created me, and thro'gh all ages @ shall not cease to !e. @n the holy tent @ ministered !efore him, and in Fion @ fi5ed my a!ode. 4h's in the chosen city he has gi"en me rest, in 7er'salem is my domain. @ ha"e str'ck root among the glorio's people, in the portion of the LO6-, his heritage. +Like a cedar on Le!anon @ am raised aloft, like a cypress on Mo'nt Hermon, Like a palm tree in ,n-gedi, like a rose!'sh in 7ericho, Like a fair oli"e tree in the field,

like a plane tree gro ing !eside the ater. Like cinnamon, or fragrant !alm, or precio's myrrh, @ gi"e forth perf'me? Like gal!an'm and onycha and s eet spices, like the odor of incense in the holy place. @ spread o't my !ranches like a tere!inth, my !ranches so !right and so gracef'l. S,&O%- 6,#-@%G From a sermon !y St. Leo the Great, pope
:Sermo . in %ati"itate -omini, 3, ;* (L 0=, .1.-.13>

*ary conceived in her soul !efore she conceived in her !ody" # royal "irgin of the ho'se of -a"id is chosen. She is to !ear a holy child, one ho is !oth God and man. She is to concei"e him in her so'l !efore she concei"es him in her !ody. @n the face of so 'nheard of an e"ent she is to kno no fear thro'gh ignorance of the di"ine plan? the angel tells her hat is to !e accomplished in her !y the Holy Spirit. She !elie"es that there ill !e no loss of "irginity, she ho is soon to !e the mother of God. Dhy sho'ld she lose heart at this ne form of concei"ing hen she has !een promised that it ill !e effected thro'gh the po er of the Most HighA She !elie"es, and her faith is confirmed !y the itness of a pre"io's onder* against all e5pectation ,liCa!eth is made fr'itf'l. God has ena!led a !arren oman to !e ith child? he m'st !e !elie"ed hen he makes the same promise to a "irgin. 6,S(O%SO6$ Hail Mary, f'll of grace, the Lord is ith yo'. - Hail Mary, f'll of grace, the Lord is ith yo'. Blessed are yo' among omen and !lessed is the fr'it of yo'r om!. - 4he Lord is ith yo'. Glory to the Father... - Hail Mary, f'll of grace, the Lord is ith yo'. Or* #fter the !irth of yo'r Son, yo' remained a "irgin. - #fter the !irth of yo'r Son, yo' remained a "irgin. Mother of God, intercede for 's? - yo' remained a "irgin. Glory to the Father... - #fter the !irth of yo'r Son, yo' remained a "irgin. &#%4@&L, OF F,&H#6@#H L'ke .*2<-B1

#nt. @n his great lo"e for 's, God sent his Son in the likeness of o'r sinf'l nat're.

4he Messiah and his forer'nner Blessed !e the Lord, the God of @srael? he has come to his people and set them free. He has raised 'p for 's a mighty sa"ior, !orn of the ho'se of his ser"ant -a"id. 4hro'gh his holy prophets he promised of old, that he o'ld sa"e 's from o'r enemies, from the hands of all ho hate 's. He promised to sho mercy to o'r fathers and to remem!er his holy co"enant. 4his as the oath he s ore to o'r father #!raham, to set 's free from the hands of o'r enemies, free to orship him itho't fear, holy and righteo's in his sight all the days of o'r life. $o', my child, shall !e called the prophet of the Most High, for yo' ill go !efore the Lord to prepare his ay, 4o gi"e his people kno ledge of sal"ation !y the forgi"eness of their sins. @n the tender compassion of o'r God the da n from on high shall !reak 'pon 's, to shine on those ho d ell in darkness and the shado of death, and to g'ide o'r feet into the ay of peace. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit* as it as in the !eginning, is no , and ill !e for e"er. #men. @%4,6&,SS@O%S De cele!rate the !eginning of o'r sal"ation hen the coming of the Lord as anno'nced !y the angel. Let 's pray ith 9oy in o'r hearts, saying* *ay od+s holy *other intercede for us" Mary recei"ed God)s ord ith 9oy, - may 9oy fill o'r hearts as e elcome o'r Sa"io'r.

$o' looked ith lo"e on yo'r lo ly ser"ant, - in yo'r mercy, Father, remem!er 's and all yo'r children. Mary, the ne ,"e, as o!edient to yo'r ord, - may e echo her lo"ing o!edience. May God)s holy Mother help all in distress, enco'rage the fainthearted, console the sorro f'l, - may she pray for yo'r holy people, for the clergy, and for all omen dedicated to yo'r ser"ice. O'r FatherG &O%&LH-@%G (6#$,6 God o'r Father, yo'r Dord !ecame flesh and as !orn of the Virgin Mary. May e !ecome more like 7es's &hrist, hom e ackno ledge as o'r redeemer, God and man. De ask this thro'gh 7es's &hrist o'r Lord, Dho li"e and reigns ith yo' and Holy Spirit One God, fore"er and e"er, #men. May the Lord !less 's, protect 's from e"il and !ring 's to e"erlasting life. - #men.

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