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Achraf Touati Lesson Title: Solving Algebraic Equations Introduction: Students will learn the process of solving algebraic

equations with variables on both sides by implementing video technology. They will also learn to apply previously learned skills and concepts in this process. This class will take place in a computer lab to allow students to use interactive media. Content Area and Grade or Age Level of Students: 9th - !th "rade Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson# the students will be able to$ %dentify the difference between numerical and algebraic e&pressions 'efine the terms coefficient# constant# and variables Simplify e&pressions with parentheses (alance an algebraic equation Solve an algebraic equation with variable on both sides

Content Standards State of Florida Standards: )A.9 !.A. $ E&pand and deepen understanding of real and comple& numbers by comparing e&pressions and performing arithmetic computations# especially those involving square roots and e&ponents. *se the properties of real numbers to simplify algebraic e&pressions and equations# and they convert between different measurement units using dimensional analysis.

National Standards +rite equivalent forms of equations# inequalities# and systems of equations and solve them with fluency,mentally or with paper and pencil in simple cases and using technology in all cases*se symbolic algebra to represent and e&plain mathematical relationships.

Relative Advantage *sing video technology and other interactive tools in algebra class will help

capture the students. attention and help them visuali/e abstract concepts. Also# it will encourage collaborative work and make learning environment more fun. Timeline: ! hours 0 !1 minutes2 Materials and E ui!ments The class will be conducted in a computer lab with a smart board. Students will use notebooks to take notes. The following are the materials that will be used in this class$ Introductor" video: http$33www.youtube.com3watch4v56'7gh8Ak9:* #o$ to solve e uations tutorial: http$33www.youtube.com3watch4 v5wShn6em%r!; Solving e uations online game: http$33www.math-play.com3Two-Step-Equations-"ame.html S%ills assessment: http$33www.mrmaisonet.com3<*%==ES3Simplify>and>solve>for>&.htm

Grou!ing Strategies: The math session will be conducted in a computer lab with a total of !1 computers. Since there are ! students# each student will have a computer. Students will work in pairs# as they will play an online algebra game that recommends ! players for better engagement. Learning Activities Students will watch an introductory video about the use of equations in real life in order to make learning more meaningful. Teacher will review previously learned concepts such as integers# like and unlike terms# and order of operations. Students will watch the video tutorial about solving equations collectively and take notes. Students will be allowed to repeat the tutorial video on their individual computers if they wish to do so. As pairs# students will play the online interactive video# which is about solving equations. Teacher will assist# answer questions# and provide guidance as necessary.

Assessment After completing all the activities# students will be assigned an online qui/# which will assess the learners. skills and level. Ada!tations for Learners $it& S!ecial 'eeds$ ?or learners who have difficulty starring at computer screens# they will be provided with hard copies of all the assignments that will be completed in class# including the final qui/. ?or students who suffer from hearing difficulties# caption will be used in all video tutorials. ?inally# students with learning disabilities will be given an e&tended time on all assignments.

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