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Law and Government

At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst. -Aristotle
Source: http://www.prismnet.com/~dierdorf/chancel.jpg

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Maintaining Civil Order

Gallery 3.1 Lorem Ipsum dolor amet, consectetur

This picture shows a Roman Assembly. Source: http://sjsdblogs.com/shelbykernshumanities/les/2013/09/246238-2ktc6hq.jpg

Part I - Lessons on Democracy One important lesson learned from the rise of democracy and direct democracy in Athens is that everyone in a civilization
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should be equal from beginning to end. They allowed Athenian men over the age of 18 to be part of their government. Athenian assemblies were made up of 6,000 citizens and a

Council of 500 that created the laws. The assembly debated and voted on laws proposed by the council.(Frey 261) The inconsiderate part of this is that unwise choices are made and it is very time consuming. Decisions are often changed because of the big group of 500 and they dont get much done. The Council of Elders made up of 30 people were part of the government and created laws for the civilization of Sparta. The Spartan assembly had a fewer amount of people than Athens. They made laws much more efficiently than an Athenian assembly would. I think its good that they shared power among 28 elders and 2 kings and would make good de10
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cisions for their civilization. Members of the Assembly could only vote yes or no on laws suggested by the council of elders. (Frey 265) Everything has its own imperfections. Like the Athenian people could debate the laws while the Spartans could only vote yes or no, not being able to express their feelings. They actually ended up being one of the most successful ancient civilizations. The overall lesson that I learned while studying about the rise of the Roman Republic is that everyone should be equal from beginning to end so that there will be less conflicts between people. I learned this from the Order of Conflicts when the plebeians wanted

more rights but eventually left and the patricians soon realized that they were very important to the government. The plebeians had to fight for what they wanted. They began to demand more political rights. (Frey 319) In order for a civilization to be successful, they need to have fair leaders that think for the people and everyone should have the right to do what they want.

Part II - Code of Law Even though our civilization is very successful and thriving right now, there are many things that can threaten our civilization. Murdering is a huge threat to anyone that it can happen anywhere, any time. Many people like women and children dont have the same rights to do what free men can and face many abusive things. People steal and break into other peoples houses; weapons like knives and swords are dangerous and threatening. In our civilization of Stellda, we created a few laws to prevent these threats. It is written that all people shall follow these laws:

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I. If you are caught stealing something impor- will minimize chaos in our civilization. The reatant, one of your hands shall be cut off II. If you murder anyone, you shall be put to death but will be handled at court first III. If you are purchasing any kind of weapons you must take and pass a government test, if you dont you cant have any weapons IV. If you dont have a signed form when leaving or entering the city you are banned from the city for 6 months V. If you harm any wild animals, you have to pay for it The laws and penalties above will help shape and make a successful civilization. It
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son why one of your hands is cut off when you are caught stealing something important is because each time you steal, you will not have any more hands to steal and do bad things. If you are found guilty first at court, then its just like an eye for eye. Weapons are only for protection and not for murdering others or hurting others. Our civilization needs to keep track of what kind of people is coming and entering the city for safety issues. Lastly, wild animals are very important to our civilization because they provide us many things like clothing and food so

we have to keep them safe just in case if anything happens.

Part III - Political Leadership Lessons from Julius Caesar Lessons should be learned from Julius Caesars short dictatorship. In just one year, he did things that filled the needs of most people. The plebeians were especially happy with what Caesar did but that caused

Law court at the town of Stellda

the patricians to have many conflicts. For a successful civilization, you have to fulfill the needs of all people and not just most people. He gave work to thouThis is a picture of Julius Caesar. Source: sands of Romans by http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130606052821/spartacus /images/5/55/Juliuscaesar.jpg

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starting projects to make new roads and public buildings. (Quote from Julius Caesars Rule as Dictator) Using this, he was able to expand his civilization and also gave work to many plebeians. Julius Caesar also limited slaves from a hundred to three per person. This pleased the plebeians very much. As for the patricians, they were not very happy with what Caesar did. The reason for this is that with less slaves, less work will be done because they are working at a much slower pace. So they have to pay the laborers more money to get work done faster. Caesar did many good things so that there will be no rebellion. There are many things that you can

take from Julius Caesar, but the most important one is that if you want to keep a civilization very successful you need to make everyone happy.

Part IV - Political Leadership Lessons from Augustus Caesar Augustus Caesar was a good and fair leader of Rome; he did many things to please the citizens. Augustus tried to avoid the bad fate that happened to his grand uncle, Julius Caesar by not making the same mistakes. Be14

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cause Romans feared the power of king, he never asked for that title. Instead, he referred to himself as First Citizen. (Political Leadership of Caesar Augustus) What he did was he lived a normal life, he ate average food so the people would feel like Augustus is just like them and think just like them. Augustus Caesar prevented assassination by ate. He balanced the rights for both the Patricians and the Plebeians unlike Julius Caesar who gave the Plebeians so many rights to do so many things and ignored the needs of most of the Patricians. Despite his enormous wealth and power, his public image was

that of a hardworking and strict but honest father figure (Political Leadership of Caesar Augustus) By showing this, Augustus gained popularity among the people and also gained their support and trust. When natural events came, like floods, the Romans wanted to give Augustus more power. The reason for this is because the people thought things like this tor; they marched to the senate and wanted them to make Augustus dictator. Overall, there are lessons to be taken from the dictatorship of Augustus Caesar. He died with the Romans honoring him as a god.

charming his own military and disarming the sen- are happening because Augustus isnt a dicta-

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Part V - Lessons from the Decline of the Western Roman Empire The main reasons for the decline of the Western Roman Empire are unemployment and political corruption. Rome could have prevented unemployment if the farmers used slave labor like the wealthy landowners. By doing that, the farmers wouldnt have to lose or sell their farms because they cant compete with others. These people... contribute to an ever increasing crime rate. (Decline of the Western Roman Empire) The crime rates would go down because the farmers wouldnt have to steal things if they had their own farm. Rome had 37 different emperors - 25
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of whom were removed from office by assassination. (Decline of the Western Roman Empire) People were unhappy with the emperors so thats why there were so much assassination. They couldve prevented political corruption by creating an effective system to decide the new emperors and keep it like that if it is working out well. In our civilization, we will prevent both unemployment and political corruption. To decrease the crime rate, we will make sure that everyone has a job. We will also make sure that farmers can be like the wealthy men and landowners who used slave labor so that they would not have to lose or sell their farms. We

would prevent political corruption from happening by coming up with a system to vote for new emperors that people like and keeping the system if it is good. We will not sell the throne to the highest bidder but we will find a good emperor that is not selfish but will think what is best for the people.

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Belief Systems

Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich. -Napoleon Bonaparte
Source: http://beliefsystemproject.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/5/3/13537304/287047050.gif

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Impact of Belief Systems

A map of the world. Source: http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/world_maps/txu-oclc-264266980-world_pol_2008-2.jpg

A belief system is the key to a successful civilization like Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and many other religions. A belief system makes a peaceful society and keeps a civiliza19
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tion running out well. It helps create unity and harmony within a society. They will have few arguments and rebellion since people agree on what is right and what is wrong. Hav-

ing a belief system helps give you a goal in life, it teaches people morals and values, helping them determine what is right and what is wrong. It guides people whenever they have a dilemma, making decisions easier. In order to further understand the importance of a belief system on society, and their influence on their followers, acknowledge the moral dilemma below: In Europe, a woman was near death from a special kind of cancer. There was one drug that the doctors thought might save her. It was a form of radium that a druggist in the same town had recently discovered. The drug was expensive to make, but the druggist was
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charging ten times what the drug originally cost him to produce. He paid $400 for the radium and charged $4,000 for a small dose of the drug. The sick woman's husband, Heinz, went to everyone he knew to borrow the money and tried every legal means, but he could only get together about $2,000, which is half of what it cost. He told the druggist that his wife was dying, and asked him to sell it cheaper or let him pay later. But the druggist said, "No, I discovered the drug and I'm going to make money from it." So, having tried every legal means, Heinz gets desperate and considers breaking into the man's store to steal the drug for his wife.

If Heinz was a Hindu facing this dilemma, he wouldnt steal the drug from the druggist. He wouldnt because he follows karma and he doesnt to have a bad after life for stealing. On Frey 149, it explains to us what karma is, Karma was made up of all the good and evil that a person had done in past lives. If you do something good, you will receive something good and vise versa if you do something bad. Heinz will also know that the druggist is going to have a bad afterlife because he couldve saved a life but he didnt. Heinz wouldnt steal the drug even if he was a Buddhist. According to The Four Noble Truths, he cannot have any cravings such as
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wanting the drug from the druggist. He taught, people should travel the Eightfold Path. This path follows the middle way. (Frey 159) One of the rules of the Eightfold Path is the right action meaning not to kill, steal or lie and you have to be honest. Since he is a Buddhist, he cannot steal or have any cravings. On the other hand, if Heinz follows Confucianism which is based on the teachings of Kungfuzi. There would be a different solution to this. According to Confucianism, there are five basic relationships: ruler and subject, husband and wife... all people must respect and obey those above them. (Frey

208) Heinz would respect his wife because it is one of the five basic relationships. So he would steal the drug from the druggist. Belief systems impact those who follow it. It helps shape and navigate peoples lives. It gives people a goal in life so they would try their best to reach it. In the moral dilemma above, it is clear that having a religion helped Heinz through his problem. It helped him decide between right and wrong.

Belief System of Stellda In an effort to create a successful civilization, the people of Stellda have established their own belief system. It shares similar religious beliefs and teachings with other world religions and helps the people of Stellda live with strong moral values. Here are some examples: Honey in our civilization means honesty and honesty means being truthful and not to tell any lies. The people of Stellda believe that honesty is very important because it teaches people to build strength of character and to be sincere. Honey connects to Buddhism because it is like the eight-folded path

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where you are required to be honest. Do not kill, steal, or lie. Be honest. (Frey 159) This will help improve our civilization because people will always have to be truthful to others. Whenever someone does something bad, they have to confess which promotes people to always do good things. Every month, there is one day called Honey Day. its when everyone has to go to church and tell god all the bad and good things you did in the previous month. Faires in our civilization means to be fair and show respect to everyone. Fairis is very important to the people of Stellda because we believe that everyone should be treated
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equally no matter what. Faires relates to Confucianism because Confucius wanted to teach men of good character... All people must respect and obey those above them. (p.208) He wanted everyone to be fair. It will help our civilization because no one will feel left out if they are treated equally. In our civilization, we will practice this belief by going to the church once a month. People will learn to be equal and show respect as a community. Dough means charity in our civilization. We believe that charity is very important because it will the teach the citizens many good morals and values through it. We will practice

this belief by donating a small percent, 1.5% of your wealth to the people in need every year. Dough connects to the third pillar, Zakat of the Five Pillars in the Islamic religion. The word zakat means purification. Muslims believe that wealth becomes pure by giving some of it away and that sharing wealth helps control greed. (p.98) This will help our civilization by teaching us to help others in need and so that they will not be greedy.

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