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Philosophical Summary After the bomb period 1. 2.

2. Wittgensteins Tractatus logico-philosophico Relationship between language and reality define limits of science Influential amongst logical positivists The limits of my language are the limits of my world If you cant express it, you cant understand it Saw language as a tool, that described the world Apophatic reasoning If you cant disprove something, it doesnt mean its proven. Logical Positivism Observational evidence is essential for knowledge First Vienna circle All knowledge should be codifiable by a single standard language of science Rationalism + Empiricism Movement away from philosophy No longer popular rejected in 50s/60s Two Main ideas o Analytic/Synthetic Distinction Analytic propositions are ones that are true or false in virtue of their meaning alone All bachelors are unmarried men Can know this by looking at the accuracy of the language Synthetic propositions are ones that a true in virtue of how the world is All bachelors are bald Can know this only by going out into the world o Verifiability theory of meaning There must be a world independent of the physical world, to say that there is a universal language The meaning of a sentence is how you verify it If there is, in principle, no way to verify a statement then its meaningless cant verify it with any senses Observational statements build towards theoretical statements Classical empiricism Knowledge comes from and is justified by sense experience George Berkeley, David Hume and John Locke Response to classic rationalism reason Without sensory perception no thoughts can exist


4. Jung & Freud Inner-mind experiments

Introverts and extraverts Personal and collective unconsciousness Dream analyses The ego, The id, and the super-ego o Id your primitive animal desires o Ego your conscience, your sub-conscious o Super-ego what you present to the world

5. Sartre Existence precedes essences o Human beings are free o Authenticity o The look - when someone is looking at us, we lose some of our identity, because others create us o The other Women and minorities they were othered o Pour-soi, tre-soi For oneself, and being ones self Authentic living A tree or a rock is not conscious of itself Consciousness as something, as human beings should be 6. Karl Marx Marx & Engels wrote the manifesto Government policy taken by Stalin According to Marx, social life is fundamentally about conflict over food, land, money, and other material goods. Marx believed that the ideal government would be a communist state where resources are equally shared. 7. Dialectical Materialism a. Battle of consumerism b. Economic order grows to a state of maximum efficiency, whilst simultaneously developing internal contradictions and weaknesses that contribute to its systemic decay. c. Tension with money, capital d. For someone to be rich, someone has to be poor Modernism Drive to find meaning and to find a definitive meaning Questioning of meaning Modernist texts unreliable narrator Post-modernism Yolo

Celebrating unreliable narrators No absolute Simulacra

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