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"We tell it as it is"

Number 95
The UFO Monthly
75 cents

October, 1975


This 100-foot in diameter circle of 91 sequenced ISO-watt 91 spotlights by 100 one-million candlepower strobes. The P.S.I,
spotlights with one coded central light serves as a wide angle complex is designed to attract and study UFO's through a
visual signal at the Project Starlight International (P.S.I.) variety of sophisticated instruments. P.S.I, equipment was
facility near Austin, Texas. The electro-mechanical sequencer displayed and discussed at the recent UFO Conference at
may be replaced by a more versatile solid-state device, and the Ft. Smith, AR (story begins on page 10).
Founded 1967

The UFO Monthly
26 Edgewood Drive
Quincy, Illinois 62301
Dwight Connelly
Carolyn Connelly In this issue
Business Manager
humanoid reported in Ontario3 Canada—- :- 3
Walter H. Andrus First issue of PSI Journal available- •— , -4
Director of MUFON Ontario family 'invaded' after UFO sighting— 4
'Light in the sky' case investigated in California 5
Ted Bloecher
Hurrianoid/Occupant Cases
Friedman reviews Jacobs ' 'UFO Controversy ' •> 8
Ft. Smith conference—a summary and critique r 10
Joseph M. Brill Men say UFO visited dairy in California 14
Iron Curtain countries South Africa sightings described——•—— — 16
Adamski photo—copy or original?— • 17
The Rev, Dr. Barry Downing Giant UFO in France reportedly stalls cars 17
Religion and UFOs 'The Two' lead Oregon's 'missing persons' -18
MUFON Director Walt Andrus' Message •: -19
Lucius Parish Recapping and Commenting - -20
Books, Periodicals, History Astronomy Notes for November — -SO
South River, M (1963) correction • -20
Marjorie Fish
Extraterrestrial Life
L Title ofJ publication Skylook the UFO Monthly; 2. Date of filing: Oct. 15, 1975; 3. Frequency of issue;
Stan Gordon monthly; Location of known office of publication' 26 Edgewood Drive, Quincy, IL. 62301; 5 Location of
Creatures & UFO's headquarters or general business offices of the publisher; 26 Edgewood Drive, Quiney, IL 62301, 6 Names
and addresses of publisher, editor, and managing editor: publisher, Dwight Connelly, 26 Edgewood Drive,
Quincy. IL 611301, editor, Dwight Connelly, 26 Edgewood Drive, Quincy, IL H2301; managing editor, none;
Gary Graber 7. Owner Dwight Connelly. 26 Edgewood Drive, Quincy, IL. 62301; 8. Known bondholders, mortgagees,
Artist and other security holders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or
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Bob Kirkpatrick issue published nearest to filing date, 135; G. Total, average number copies each issue during preceding
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West Coast Coordinator Dwight Connelly, publisher.

Ted Phillips Information regarding membership in the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) should be requested
UFO Landing Traces from Walt Andrui, Director: MUFON; 103 Oldtowne Road; Sequin, Texas 78155.

David A. Schroth The contents of SKYLOOK are determined by the editor and staff, and do not necessarily
St. Louis/Mass Media represent the official judgment of MUFON. Opinions of contributors are their own, and do
not necessarily reflect those of the editor, the staff, or MUFON. Books or other items adver-
John F. Schuessler tised are not necessarily endorsed by SKYLOOK or MUFON.
UFO Propulsion
SKYLOOK THE UFO MONTHLY is published monthly by Dwight Connelly, 26 Edgewood Drive,
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Page 2
Thought barn was.on fire .

UFO, humanoid reported in Ontario

By Henry H. McKay
UFO Centre .
Following is a report of a
UFO and creature incident re-
portedly observed during the
evening hours of Oct. 7, 1975.
The events are described by
Robert A. Suffern, age 27, who
resides off the Three Mile Lake
Rd., Utterson, which is some 10
miles N. W. of the town of
Bracebridge, Ontario. The top-
ography is of rolling hills and
numerous lakes, an agricultural
and rural resort area located
in the Miiskoka Lakes District.
initial enquiries were made
to the relevant police agency
which confirmed as to the sub-
stance and origin of the re- This is a sketch of the UFO as drawn by Mr. Suffern. No sketch of the reported
ported incident. My first per- humanoid seen in conjunction with the UFO is available at this time.
sonal contact was made with
Constable Fred Dean, OPP (On- was irregular and crinkled. I light colour.
tario Provincial Police) Brace- could not hear any sound other I returned home and had time
bridge Detachment during the than the motor of my car. I to get the kids to bed. The T.
early hours of Thursday, Oct.9, only saw it momentarily and V. was on and suddenly the
1975. He provided background then it went straight up at a sound.stopped and when I looked
information on the geographical fast sp ed and disappeared. it had blacked out for a matter
features of the terrain and There were no lights. . of seconds. I went to the door
further details on the individ- I turned around and started and out behind the barn in the
uals involved. for home, turned onto the Three pasture I saw an orange flour-
Mr. Suffern1s statement fol- Mile Lake Road and then I saw escent light that wasn't flash-
lows: the thing on the side of .the ing. The light seemed to follow
At about 8:30 p.m. tonight I road. He was . on the grass the contour of the land and
got a phone call from my sister shoulder of the road and was a- headed out over Three Mile
Shirley 'who lives about 300 bput to cross from my.right to Lake. • -
yards north-east of my house. my left. It suddenly pivoted , I debated for some time who
She said it looks like a fire and turned towards the.pasture to call and then I called the
at my barn. I went out and at and vaulted over the fence and O.P.P. in Bracebridge.
first I couldn't see anything, out of sight. .About 10 years ago in the
but then I heard the cattle It appeared to be short and same area I saw a similar ship
rustling, but told my sister I had very broad shoulders which in.flight over my barn.
couldn't go out because I was seemed to be out of proportion. (End of Suffern's Statement.)
looking after the baby. She The movements were similar to Following a brief interview
came down to the house and I an ape or a midget, but it was with Suffern a more detailed
took her car and' went to the very agile. It reached up with inspection was made of the. spe-
barn and saw nothing. I went its hands, grabbed the fence, cific areas concerned and com-
out the lane and drove down the post and vaulted over with no mented on herein. No apparent
road and then turned idown a effort. The head portion was effects or traces were noticed
side road. covered in a globe and I could following close scrutiny of the
Then I saw the ship in the not detect any mask or face area where the creature and the
centre of the road. It was the portion. The suit was a silver craft were reported.
colour of the dull side of alu- colour and one piece—the globe The sketch is a copy of the
minum foil wrap and the surface was a contrasting white or ship, drawn by Robert Suffern.
Page 3
He estimated the size as d-9ft.
(2.4-2.7m) top to bottom of Ontario family invaded by media
lowest portion and a width of
approximately 12-14 ft. (3.6- following UFO, humonoid report
4.2m). The ship appeared to
look like the dull side of a- The quickest way to have your the scene.
luminum foil, wrinkled and dis- privacy invaded and your peace- Mrs. Suffern chatted with
playing a narrow dark band a- of-mind shattered is to report the reporter and outlined the
round the edge of the clam-like an unidentified flying object. previous night's activities be-
portion of the structure. He Robert Suffern, the man who fore telling the reporter where
indicated the ship had rested spotted not only a spacecraft to find her husband's job site.
on or close to the gravelled but also glimpsed what appar- Just as the reporter was
road surface. ently was one of its passan- leaving, a radio station phoned
Suffern is engaged in the gers, said he is "a little and a television crew from
building trade as a carpenter embarrassed" about the whole Toronto arrived. More than 25
and would be familiar with thing. .nedia representatives phoned
aluminum foil for its insula- "We figured that the police the house several times each
tion qualities and a good judge wouldn't tell anyone...they during the day, she said.
for estimating the relevant would just make a report and "I hope my husband is having
dimensions. pass it along to somebody," he a peaceful time," she said.
No other witnesses have been said. The Orilla reporter managed
reported from that neighbour- However, a Toronto radio to locate Mr. Suffern on a cot-
hood at this date, but further station happened to talk to the tage roof at Skeleton Lake
information is expected from Bracebridge OPP detachment and several miles away and set up
Mr. Suffern. the story was out. an interview at the UFO landing
Mr. Suffern works as a car- site later that afternoon.
A similar report penter and went .off to work
Wednesday morning following a Wanted Autograph
A somewhat similar report is sleepless night. Upon returning to the Suffern
apparently under investigation
residence, Mrs. Suffern said a
by the Center for UFO Studies. woman had just left the house
This incident supposedly took No Sleep
who had driven all the way to
place Oct. 12 north of Alton,
"We didn't get any sleep at
the Suffern house for one pur-
II. pose.
After hearing their dog bark- all," Mrs. Suffem said. "We
were just too scared."
"She wanted Bob's autograph,"
ing, a farm couple reportedly
Following the radio story on Mrs. Suffern exclaimed. "All
went out and saw four crea^
the reported sighting, the this way for an autograph. She
tures, each about 3^ feet
phone rang repeatedly and con- apparently follows all these
tall. The creatures were re-
tinued to ring all morning, types of sightings. She told
portedly dressed in silvery,
afternoon, and evening. Mostly us to expect hundreds of people
luminous "clothing," and ap-
from radio, television, and on the weekend, for God's sake.
peared to walk stiff legged. She said that at the last
No UFO was reported in con- newspaper types wanting to get sighting place near Toronto,
nection with this sighting, but information. Bracebridge OPP people were lined up to see the
the couple said they had found supplied the name, number, and site and get autographs. This
a matted area in a field where address, is incredible. I kind of wish
a heavy object might have rest- Mrs. Suffern was polite to we hadn't phoned the police."
ed. When, and if, additional all callers, including the Mrs. Suffern added that a
information becomes available, PACKET AND TIMES reporter who team of UFO specialists from
it will be printed in SKYLOOK. was the first media person on York University were now on
their way to the.Suffern house
First issue of P.S. I. Journal available and the CBC were flying a tele-
vision crew up to Bracebridge
Free copies of the first eludes articles on PSI, speci- where they would hire a cab to
issue of the Project Starlight fic instrumentation at PSI, and take them the 13 miles north.
International JOURNAL are the Charles Hickson sighting at "Maybe we had better pack
available to those "genuinely PSI. ' our things," she laughed. "Our
interested in instrumented re- neighbors probably think we're
search," according to Douglas Write to Douglas Johnson, crazy now and we have no quiet
Johnson, associate editor of Project Starlight Interna- here. Boy, I hope, this ends
the JOURNAL. tional, P.O. Box 5310, Austin, soon. I need some sleep. No
The 16-page publication in- Texas 78763. saucers, just sleep."
Page 4
UFO or planet?

'Light in sky' requires careful investigation

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because of the fre- They also stated they saw
quency with which we encounter the "flashes, like silent explo-
"light in the sky" type of report, it was tions," occasionally from the
felt that the following investigation object, but only with averted
should1 be reported in some detail for vision.
SKYLOOK readers. Mrs. K saw the object like
"two bright glowing lights
By Ann Druffel stuck together," but each seem-
ed composed of several lights
On a waim evening shortly equivalent in brightness to
after midnight, July 24, 1974 large stars. The object as a
Clint K., 21 years old, de- whole was not . circular, but
cided to sleep outside in his neither was there separation of
back yard in Long Beach, CA. the conglomerate lights. The
'About 1 a.m. he awakened and edges were so bright that no
saw a brilliant white light clearcut outline could be de-.;
shining above the trees in his termined. (See Figure 2)
back yard. The light was in
the southeast. Clint noticed
that the sky was clear and Figure 1
Thinking that the ob j ect earth or surrounding dark sky.
might be a brilliant planet, he From time to time, with ho
watched it idly. He soon be- regular pattern, but at least
came aware that it was moving four times between 1 a.m. and
slowly toward the southwest, 3:30 a.m., the object seemed to
but more rapidly, he thought, make a "jump" from its slow
than stars or planets should path westward, zigzagging a-
move. He had been camping many round in a sort of squarish mo-
times and had often watched tion. Clint was confident these
bright stars and planets in the "jumps" were not due to optical
night sky. illusion or to eyestrain from
He continued to watch it for staring at the object over so
the next two and one-half long a period of time.
hours, intrigued by its appear- By 4 a.m. Clint was convinced
ance . The bright ' obj ect at that the object was truly
first seemed roundish, like strange and wanted to get other
bright stars seen elsewhere in witnesses. His family and he
the sky, but presently it took were aware of UFOs, having read
on an elongated shape, rather articles in the popular press.
like that of a "sausage." The He woke up his mother and his
brightness prevented him from sister Laurette, 15 years old.
seeing an actual, clearcut They also attempted to awaken
shape. The entire thing was his father, but he refused to
about the size of a quarter come out to see the object.
moon. (See Figure 1) Mrs. K and Laurette accom-
panied Clint outside, and from
Two Globs of Light 4 a.m. to 4:35 a.m. the object
was viewed by all three. Mrs. Figure 2
It seemed "like two globs of K and Laurette also saw the
light stuck together." It was "jumping motions" made two or Laurette stated that most of
giving off white light compara- three times by the object dur- the time she saw a "middle
ble to that of the full moon in ing their vigil. They state bright blob," which was so
spite of its smaller size, but the motions were seen at least brilliant it was hard to look
the glow did not light the by two persons simultaneously. at. On occasion she thought
Page 5
differing from the short areas Investigation by M U F O N
of meteors he had seen.
The witnesses had the feel- The witnesses considered
ing that the objects were re- calling the police during the
lated to the main object, per- night, but decided not to for
haps separating from or re- fear of ridicule. That after-
turning to it. In addition, noon, still July 24, they con-
all had a "feeling that there tacted Griffith Observatory in
was an immense amount of activ- Hollywood and were referred to
ity, of things zooming around SKYNET #3 Druffel, who investi-
up there, all of which couldn't gated the case on behalf of
be seen." They stated they MUFON.
thought they were "only getting The investigator has for at
glimpses of what was going on." least ten years received occa-
See Figure 4 for a sketch of tional reports of what seem to
the paths of six of the fainter be that type UFO known in the
obj ects, directions roughly literature as "cloud cigars" or
Figure 3 "carrier craft." All these re-
she could see an elongated Clint and Laurette, though ports, at least five in number,
white glowing rectangle behind fascinated by the display, re- have come from south Long Beach
the middle bright clump. The tired at 4:35 and 4:45 respec- and the associated Santa Cata-
rectangle was not so bright as tively, leaving Mrs. K alone in lina Channel area. This report
the center and seemed to be the yard. She watched until 5 seemed to fit into this type of
hidden most of the time by the a.ra. The sky became light with report, on which the investi-
central light. (See Figure 3) approaching sunrise, the main gator has been making a con-
object faded, and the smaller certed study.
"Zooming" Objects objects were becoming harder to Aware that the planet Jupi-
see. Then she, too, went into ter was in the early morning
From about 3 to 5 a.m., the the house. southeast sky at this time,
witnesses saw smaller, fast
"zooming" objects traveling
across the sky. Some seemed to
come from the direction of the »Y
bright object; others seemed to
be going toward it. These ob-
jects were never actually seen
to enter or leave the main
bright obj ect, but appeared
and/or disappeared several di-
ameters away. The paths of
other smaller objects had no
relation to the location of the
large object.
These small objects were
generally white in color, the
size and appearance of "aver-
age-size stars." Their paths
across the sky encompassed any-
where from 60 degrees to 100
degrees, and all lasted for 3
to 5 seconds. Clint noted that
these objects, though basically
white, went through color
changes, all very pale, but en-
compassing all colors of the
spectrum, "like stars reflect-
ing colors, as if they were
going through the different
layers of air." He was sure
they were not meteors, because
of the straight, long paths, Figure 4

Page 6
however, she asked the witness- Probable Explanation southern California. Therefore,
es during the initial tele- Clint saw Jupiter that night as
phone interview to look at Estimated azimuth and eleva- "yellow."
Jupiter on the early morning of tion figures for Jupiter on the 4. The witnesses were pos-
the 25th to see if that could date and time reported were ob- sibly able to see the four at-
have been what they had seen. tained from Griffith Observa- tendant Galilean satellites of
tory. Jupiter, which were all in evi-
Weather was checked. On the 1 a.m. Elevation: JUPITER 30+ dence around the equator of the
morning of July 24, the skies degrees - OBJECT 36 degrees - planet on the date in question.
were exceptionally clear, the ^Azimuth: JUPITER 130-140 de- It is possible for persons with
result of sporadic thunderstorm grees -.OBJECT 125 degrees. exceptional eyesight to see
activity from a weak southeast- 4:30:a.m. Elevation: JUPI- these satellites without opti-
erly front which had been af- TER 45-50 degrees - OBJECT a- cal aids. The witnesses might
fecting the Los Angeles Basin bout 45 degrees. Azimuth." JUP- have seen them as indistinct
area several days. ITER 190 degrees - OBJECT 185 extensions of the disk. This
During an on-the-spot inves- degrees. could account for Laurette's
tigation at the witnesses' home It has been noted by personal impression of a "shadowy rec-
on July 26, Clint stated that observation of the investigator tangle behind the central blob
he had seen Jupiter the night (also an amateur astronomer) of light," and also might ex-
before, but that it was "yel- that Jupiter at its brightest plain Mrs. K's impression that
low," in comparison to the tends to look brilliantly white the object was "a conglomera-
bright white object the family when viewed in smog-free air, tion of light sources," or "two
had viewed. especially in the early morning blobs stuck together." The ob-
Figures on azimuth and ele- hours when the sky is relative- ject appeared round to Clint at
vation were taken, with engi- ly free of ground glow. In first, a normal impression. As
neer's compass and elevation- normal smoggy or hazy air, it he stared, his eyesight probab-
finder. Clint first viewed the assumes a steady, yellow glow. ly resolved the brilliant
object at about 25 degrees ele- It is assumed, therefore, planet and the attendant satel-
vation, 125 degrees azimuth. that the object viewed by the lites into a "sausage-shape."
At about 4:30 a.m. it was be- witnesses on July 24 was Jupit- 5. The zooming lights seem-
tween 40-45 degrees high, and er seen under an unusual set of ingly coming from the object
about 185.degrees azimuth. circumstances, outlined below: could have been Delta Aquarid
1. The sky was abnormally meteors, annually seen in late
Honest, Stable Witnesses clear, giving Jupiter an unus- July and early August. The
ual appearance. It. might be height of the display was on
The witnesses in .the inves- noted here that the night staff the mornings of July 27 and 28.
tigator's opinion,, are honest of the Griffith Observatory had One of the radiants of the
and stable witnesses, reporting several calls on the night in shower was slightly west of
what they saw—no more, no question in which Jupiter was Jupiter.
.less. She was impressed by the reported as a UFO. 6. Delta Aquarids are, by
careful way in which . they 2. Mrs. K has exceptionally reputation, "slow and bright,"
sought to describe. their ex- good far vision. Her children which could explain the fact
perience. and husband confirm this, Mr. that the objects were not
From July 27 through August K remarking that ."she has eyes recognized as meteors by the
2, efforts were made to identi- like a "scope!"' The children, witnesses. The other faint ob-
fy the reported objects. Other were probably; able to see the jects seen zooming in other di-
researchers in the area, were disk of Jupiter with unaided rections than FROM the object
contacted, but no correlating eyes. The planet at this time could have been from the meteor
UFO reports could be turned up. was -2.4 magnitude, or about shower's second radiant, or
Professional and amateur astro- 15-20 times the size and bril- sporadic meteors. The one ob-
nomical sources were contacted, liance of a first-magnitude ject which made a right angle
out these also failed to turn star. Its disk is 45" in equa- turn in the north and "joined
up any qualified observer who torial diameter, large enough with another," traveling west
had seen a "peculiar astronomi- for a person with exceptional to east, remains unexplained.
cal object" in the Long Beach eyesight to see it as more than (See Figure 4)
area on the date in question. a point source of light. Since there is a high proba-
Consultation with a profes- 3. By July 25, the skies bility that the object viewed
sional astronomer and two qual- over Long Beach had probably by the witnesses has a conven-
ified amateur astronomers, plus returned to . "normal," even tional explanation, no further
research into astronomical though the weak southeasterly action is planned on this case
journals, led to the informa- front was still affecting moun- at the present time. (Report
tion detailed as follows: tain and desert regions of filed August 6, 1974)
Page 7
Friedman says

Jacobs' history of Uf ology well done

EDITOR'S NOTE: Stanton T. Friedman reality. sources without presenting much
is a nuclear physicist and renowned lec- Certainly neither the scien- of the data itself. One example
turer and investigator in the UFO field. tists nor the journalists are is Proj ect Blue Book Special
He was one of 12 scientists who provided portrayed as . the objective Report 14, a vital document
testimony on the UFO enigma to the truth seekers that both groups done for the Air Force in 1955
Committee on Science and Astronautics,
House of Representatives, on July 29,1968.
would have the public believe and containing more data about
they are—and which a careful UFO sightings than all other
study indicates they are not. Air Force documents combined.
By Stanton T. Friedman
Jacobs, along the way de- The reader would have bene-
"THE UFO CONTROVERSY IN stroys the myth of the high fited from the knowledge that
AMERICA," by Dr. David M. quality investigative efforts 19.7 per cent of the 2,199
Jacobs (Indiana University of Project Blue Book. sightings investigated were
Press;, $12.50) is a fascinating The 1896-97 wave of sightings listed as "unknowns"—complete-
volume—a much-revised version of powered airships is present- ly separate from the "insuffic-
of the author's PhD thesis in ed in depth as a yet-to-be- ient data" cases—and that the
history at the University of solved mystery. The descrip- better the quality of the
Wisconsin in Madison. It is tions of the objects and their sightings the MORE likely they
probably the best overall view behavior were not a clear were to have been listed as
of "ufology" in the United chronicling of flying saucers "unknowns." Also, that the
States ever written. The period but rather the pronouncements statistical comparison of the
between 1896 and 1974 is well from on high by newsmen and characteristics of the "un-
covered from an historical scientists 78 years ago--and knowns" versus the "knowns"
viewpoint. sound much like those of our clearly showed that the two
Jacobs has examined a great time. Prejudice and character groups were totally dissimilar.
deal of material, especially defamation were evidenced far Jacobs mentions the Gallup
concerning the role of the U.S. more frequently than objective Poll of 1973, which showed that
Air Force and the private UFO truth seeking. Technology may 51 per cent of adult Americans
groups such as the National In- change, but the nature of man believe in UFOs. He didn't
vestigation Committee on Aerial does not. mention that the poll showed
Phenomena (NICAP) and the Aeri- Since Jacobs was a graduate that the greater the education
al phenomena Research Organi- student in history when much of of the individual, and the
zation (APRO). His is the dis- this volume was written, it is younger he is, the more likely
interested third party, objec- not surprising that he doesn't he is to believe in UFOs. In
tive view. There are more dig into such areas as the both cases the data would have
than 50 pages of references and feasibility of interstellar, helped the reader make his own
notes, along with an index, and travel to any degree and that evaluation of the rhetoric of
the approach is scholarly. he seems naively to accept the the skeptical scientists and
The author has provided the notion that Project Blue Book journalists.
best description I have seen of was the only Air Force organi- There are a number of minor
the attitudes of a number of zation investigating UFOs. inaccuracies, including such
older scientists who have be- Considering Blue Book's to- trivia as the dates of the ex-
come embroiled in the UFO con- tally inadequate capability for cellent Dick Cavett show on
troversy: Dr. James E. McDon- obtaining data about flying UFOs (No. 2, 1973) and of the
ald, Dr. Donald Menzel, Dr. Ed- craft as compared with, for ex- famous Coyne helicopter case
ward U. Condon and Dr. J. Allen ample, the Aerospace Defense (Oct. 18, 1973) over Mansfield,
Hynek. Also portrayed in some Command with its 35,000 mem- Ohio. Jacobs is wrong about
depth are a number of non- bers, its huge radar net, the composition of both the
scientists like Donald Keyhoe closed communication and com- American Institute of Aeronau-
who spent so much effort at- puterized data evaluation sys- tics and Astronautics Committee
tacking the Air Force for its tems, Blue Book was much more on UFOs and the group which ap-
secrecy on UFOs, along with the likely an unwitting cover than peared on the Today show. But
writers for the NEW YORK TIMES the major focus for high qual- overall Jacobs' work is an ex-
and other newspapers who de- ity technical data on UFOs. cellent source book and re-
voted so much- time attacking Jacobs also has the annoying quired reading for any serious
the people who accept UFO habit of talking about data layman or Ufologist.
Page 8
s55fe/ In Others Words
By Lucius Parish by such researchers.as George yet another of those books
Fawcett, Hayden Hewes, Kevin which "explains" UFOs as secret
Randle, George Earley, Jim German devices,- perfected since
. . In the past, I've had con-
Lorenzen, Don Berliner, Joe World War II by Nazi scientists
sisistently good words to say who fled to Antarctica or South
about the NATIONAL ENQUIRER'S Brill, Wehdelle Stevens and
others. This magazine is now America. The authors, Mattern
.UFO material. However, an ar-
ticle on "Men in Black" by an excellent source of infor- § Friedrich, speculate that
Harold Lewis in the Sept. 23 mation -and it is something like perhaps extraterrestrials in-
issue of the ENQUIRER is a bit "old home week" when one looks spired and aided the Nazis in
different. Two of the persons .through the list of contribu- their development of "saucers."
I mentioned in the article have tors in each issue. The" #,.5 This is a variation on an old
informed me that Lewis' ima- issue should be out by the time theme and really says nothing
gination apparently played an this column sees print. which has not been said (or
*•' important role in the writing speculated about) elsewhere.
Not much on UFOs, per se, in
of the article. So, unless.the the November issue of SAGA, al- The authors' apparent neo-Nazi
remainder of the MIB cases, views will prove distasteful.to
though this does contain arti- many persons, .no matter what
cited by Lewis can be checked cles on cattle mutilations,
. out, one must look at them with disappearing ships in Lake .On- they have to say about UFOs.
a suspicious eye. The Oct. 7 tario, and Keel's column on The book may be ordered (at
ENQUIRER contained an article strange disappearances in gen- $4.95, plus 75£ postage) from:
on landing traces found in Can- Samisdat Publishers Ltd. - 206
eral. Carlton St. - Toronto, Ontario,
ada, while the Oct. 14 issue
gave the opinions of Soviet The November issue of PROBE Canada.
scientists on a hypothetical THE UNKNOWN has an interesting UFOs AND OTHER WORLDS' by
exploded planet between Mars article on an ancient Indian Peter Ryan § Ludek Pesek must
and Jupiter. scroll, rock paintings, and UFO
activity in the Great Lakes rank as one of the worst UFO
NATIONAL STAR for Sept. 23 region. books of recent years. Actual-
carried a short article on Pre- John Wallace:Spencer's second ly, only about half the book's
cision Monitoring Systems and book, NO EARTHLY EXPLANATION, 48 pages are concerned with
their plans for a network of is now available in a paperback UFOs, and the information pre-
UFO detection posts. An arti- edition from Bantam Books. sented is both incomplete and
cle in the Oct. 7 STAR linked erroneous. Pesek's space art
UFOs with cattle mutilations Those who have read the pre- is the only redeeming " feature
arid included a Texas "mystery vious "Sourcebooks" of Fortean here. The book was designed
helicopter" and "creature" re- phenomena which have been com- for juvenile readers, but it is
port which was strpngly remin- piled by William R. Corliss actually a juvenile book, in
iscent of the West Virginia will be pleased to learn of his the truest sense of the word.
. "Mothman" stories of 1966-67. latest effort, STRANGE UNIVERSE The price is $1.75, from Pen-
(Vol.'l). This deals with as- guin Books Inc. - 7110 Ambassa-
Recent UFO articles in NA- tronomical mysteries , and has dor Road - Baltimore, MD 21207.
' TIONAL TATTLER have dealt with considerable material of inter-
sightings behind the Iron Cur- est to UFO researchers. If For those of our readers who
tain (Sept. 21 issue); fashion you're intrigued by such topics speak French, a Canadian publi-
model Marie Dunham1s UFO sight- as telescopic meteors, intra- cation called UFO-QUEBEC may be
ing and claimed telepathic com- mercurial planets (Vulcan), and of interest. This is a quar-
munication with its crew (Sept. strange appearances on the terly magazine, covering all
28 j.ssue); the opinions of Brad Moon, Mars and other planets, aspects of Ufology, with a sub-
Steiger and John White on UFOs you'll find STRANGE UNIVERSE scription rate of $5.00 per year
(Oct. 5 issue); and.the experi- well worth for U.S. and European subscrib-
reading. It is
ences of David Mahon of Browns- available from the author at: ers. It is very well-done, with
town, iL. (Oct. 12 issue). P.O. Box 107 - Glen Arm, MD photos and illustrations, the
21057. The price is $7.95. address is: UFO-QUEBEC - P. 0.
The W (November) issue of Box 53 - Dollard-des-Ormeaux,
OFFICIAL dFO contained articles UFOs NAZI SECRET WEAPON? is Quebec - Canada H9G 2H5.
Page 9
A summary and critique
Ft. Smith Conference
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following ac- "Ri
count is subjective and based on the
impressions of the writer. It is not in-
tended to reflect the views of any other
individual or any organization.

By Dwight Connelly

The Ft. Smith UFO Conference

Oct. 17-19 was .originally bil-
led as the first conference to
bring together the four major
UFO groups: Aerial Phenomena
Research Organization (APRO),
Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS),
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), and
National Investigations Commit-
tee.on- Aerial Phenomena (NI-
:CAP). Bill Pitts, director,of Charles Hickson, left, and Lou Parish met for the first time at the One of the h
the conference, nearly.reached conference. . P.S.I, instrum
this goal—only. NICAP' s direc-:
Dr. R. F. Haines of APRO and when requested to do so.
, tor.was missing. Three . out of
CUFOS and presented to the con- - : . Some observers suggested it
four is still a record, how- ference . would be difficult for persons
ever. Probably the most important who dislike each other to sit
In addition to the so-called
element in this resolution was
''big four," the conference down and divide up UFO research
that each group would "come to so that each UFO group would
featured Project Starlight Int-
an agreement, within the near
ernational (PSI) Director Ray specialize in one or more spe-
future," concerning areas of cific area—especially when
Stanford and his crew, as well"basic emphasis" for each
as Ground Saucer" Watch (GSW) APRO, CUFOS, GSW, MUFON, and
group. Presumably this would -NICAP allegedly have special-
Director (western section) Bill
mean that APRO, for ^example,
Spaulding. TWO of the most im- ists in virtually all areas of
might concentrate on contact UFO research.
pressive presentations of the cases or humanoid cases, while
conference came from these org-
MUFON might concentrate on Hickson and Pascagoula
anizations. It would thus seemground traces or photos, thus
there are at least six "top" reducing duplication of ef-
UFO groups in the U.S., rather One of the highlights of the
than four, although they are in conference was the Friday night
In spite of the joint reso- presentation by Charles Hickson
some cases organized different-
lution and the verbalization of
ly to reflect different goals. of his alleged experiences in
statements recognizing the need being taken aboard a UFO.(along
for cooperation, underlying with Calvin Parker) at Pasca-
Cooperation? personality conflicts were ap- goula, MS, Oct. 11, 1973.
parent at the convention. Hickson's story was essen-
Pitts indicated in setting There were frequent comments tially the same as he has told
up the conference that one of that this or that group or in- numerous times, although he has
the key goals was to increase dividual had attempted to work been credited with various ver-
the amount of cooperation be- with this or that group or in- sions concerning specific de-
tween UFO groups: UFO--United dividual only to be rebuffed. tails, as UFO researcher-
for Objectivity. Perhaps the Convention participants indi- critic Philip Klass has pointed
most positive indication of at cated that some of those call- out. Hickson was to have taken
least some disposition toward .ing most loudly for the sharing a polygraph exam at the con-
cooperation came in the form of of information had, in fact, ference, but decided not to
a joint resolution drafted by refused to share information "because I want to take one

Page 10
features varied attractions

ghlights of the conference was the demonstration of Dr. J. Allen Hynek, the best-known name in Ufology, found himself
nts. busy with both the media and conference participants.
from, a qualified person under Hickson is how more or less angular size of the full moon
conditions not connected with' a self-employed in a field re- (about 30 feet in diameter when
UFO conference." Klass and lated to his previous work at distance was calculated), emit-
others have charged that the the shipyards. He is also ted an unusual orange color.
polygraph exam given to'Hickson working on a book with the help Beneath the object the light
several days after his alleged of a friend, Professor William appeared to be. brighter, .form-
encounter - was conducted by a "Chic1.1 Mendez. . Hickson says he ing something resembling : a
person whose skill was somewhat has not made ' any money on his shaft or beam which illuminated
questionable. . experience, .and that he does the hillside below. The object
. The most convincing !testi- not intend to. moved slowly parallel with the
mony on behalf'.of Hickson comes He has had at least one UFO ridge in a northerly direction,
from those on-the scene immedi- sighting . since the Pascagoula only : a few feet above the
ately after the incident alleg- experience, and he suggests trees. After being in view for
edly occurred, such as Dr. that he has had at' least one about 25 seconds, the object
James Harder of APRO, who con- additional contact (i.e. when darted backward over the ridge
ducted an abbreviated hypnosis asked how he knew that the "ro- toward a ravine and disappear-
on Hickson soon after the ex- bots" at Pascagoula were extra- ed. . '
perience. Dr. Harder and others terrestrial he indicated that • Hickson's initial reaction
present were convinced that subsequent events had something to the sighting, according to
Hickson and Parker could not to do with this conclusion). the PSI JOURNAL, was, "Well,
have faked the. terror which The one subsequent sighting I'll be!" The JOURNAL article
they demonstrated at the sher- which has been made public thus indicated, however,, that "Hick-
iff's office. far occurred about,9 p.m. on son's reaction left some of
Dr. Harder told me at the Oct. 12, 1974, at the Project those present with the subjec-
convention that "there is no Starlight International facil- .tive feeling that he was
question" but that Hickson ex- ity near Austin, Texas,, with pleased to be seeing something
perienced what. he. claims to five witnesses. On this occa- strange, but was not nearly as
have experienced. sion the group saw a very bril- startled as the others present
I had an opportunity to talk liant object resembling a disc —as if he had already seen or
with Hickson on two different on ^edge; or a sphere, about experienced something much more
occasions during the confer- 5,000 feet -to the , southwest startling at an earlier time."
ence. A rather retiring indi- over some trees. The object, :- Hickson said he and his fam-
vidual, .despite his notoriety, about 60 to. 80 percent- the ily still ; live in the same

Page 11
house as at the time of the there are varying degrees and
sighting, and that the family types. Working with a volun-
has experienced no particular teer from the audience, Mrs.
problems as a result of his ex- Mildred Higgins, he demonstrat-
perience. He says Parker has ed a technique which made use
now recovered from a bad case of a ball suspended from a
of nerves which grew out of the chain, which was in turn held
sighting. by the person being regressed--
a type of pendulum which was
Polygraph Exam Workshop moved by the subject to indi-
cate answers.
A series of workshops for
investigators was conducted
Saturday morning, beginning Cattle Mutilation
with a polygraph presentation
by Sgt. Charles Hill. The
planned polygraph examination This workshop was conducted
of Hickson was, as already by Kevin Randle of APRO, who
noted, cancelled at Hickson's introduced the session by say-
request, but Sgt. Hill tested ing that there is no connection
another individual who claimed between UFOs and cattle mutila-
to have been taken aboard a UFO tions. Indicating his dis-
several years ago. fBecause pleasure at having to investi-
the individual does not desire gate mutilations when he could
additional publicity, his name be checking UFO cases, Randle
will not be used.) said the mutilations were the
Sgt. Hill indicated that this result of cultist groups and
individual "had not fully con- natural predeators. He said
vinced himself that the exper- some of these cases were mis-
ience had taken place," accord- represented by persons claiming Philip Klass, who has written two books
ing to the polygraph exam. to be UFO researchers. Randle "explaining" UFOs, took an active part
I later talked with this in- indicated that investigating in the conference.
dividual and his wife, and he mutilation cases had brought
maintained that the event had him threats, apparently from Klass the Nonbeliever
occurred as reported. His wife members of cultist groups, and
said that events over the past that he had become concerned Philip Klass, author of UFOs
several years, especially pre- enough to carry a gun. IDENTIFIED and the more recent
dictions which came true, had UFOs EXPLAINED, was reportedly
convinced her he was telling Some members of the audience
questioned whether there was attending his first UFO con-
the truth. The witness said he ference, so on the last day of
had been trying to put the ex- enough evidence to conclude
that there is positively no re- the conference I asked him his
perience out of his mind,"tell- reactions. He said he had en-
ing myself it didn't happen," lationship between UFOs and
mutilations, and it was sug- joyed the conference, and that
which he thinks may account for everyone had treated him very
the results of the polygraph gested that UFO investigators
keep an open mind on the sub- well. His most frequent and
exam. ject. Randle commented that most vocal critic was Stanton
Sgt. Hill explained to the his investigations had failed Friedman, who presented a tall;
investigators that the skill of entitled "UFOs Are Real."
the polygraph operator is of to turn up any relationship.
Throughout the conference,
extreme importance, and that Sources outside the workshop Klass continued to defend his
investigators should use only later indicated that a recent analyses of key UFO cases, such
those operators who have been case in Colorado involving as the Delphos, KS., case, ap-
adequately trained, preferably strange lights and a string of parently with sincerity. He
from states having strict cattle mutilations might tie frequently asked questions of
licensing requirements. UFOs with some of the mutila- other speakers, and tape re-
tions. This source .also sug- corded numerous sessions. Over-
Hypnotic Regression gested that radioactivity had all, he appeared to be an asset
been found at the sites of some to the convention, keeping UFO
Dr. Leo Sprinkle of APRO mutilations, indicating that proponents on their toes,
discussed the technique of hyp- investigators should routinely though seemingly not changing
notic regression, noting that check this. any minds.

Page 12
PSI Demonstration also enhanced the many unoffic,- tured part of the conference,
ial conversations throughout probably with each conducted in
Project Starlight Inter- the three-day event. two or more time slots.
national Director Ray Stanford, As noted, the Saturday 2 p.m.
his wife Kitty-Bo, and other to 5 p.m. segment of the con-
PSI personnel presented a most Convention Critique'
ference featured nothing but
interesting demonstration of public relations-type material
PSI equipment, which was trans- It is perhaps somewhat un-
appreciative to critique what from APRO, CUFOS, and MUFON,
ported to Ft. Smith from Aus- yet there were no alternative
tin, Texas, for the conference. was a unique, first-of-a-kind
UFO meeting. Overall, it was a sessions for this time period.
A highlight of the presentation On Sunday, Walt Andrus was
was a demonstration of the very fine meeting, and some of
the not-so-fine aspects were scheduled to discuss MUFON's
video-modulated laser beam, Investigator's Manual at 8 a.
which may be used for signaling perhaps beyond the control of
conference director Bill Pitts, m., the same time that Bill
UFOs and for possible testing Spaulding was supposed to dis-
of whether UFOs cause light who deserves congratulations cuss Ground Saucer Watch in the
beams to bend. for a fine job of pulling to-
gether diverse elements for the main session. Andrus wisely
The growing equipment com- cancelled his session so as not
plex at the Austin site is uti- first time. to conflict with what turned
lizing sophisticated instrumen- It would, in my opinion, out to be one of the better
tation in studying the UFO phe- have been preferable to have presentations of the confer-
nomenon. scheduled Charles Hickson1s
presentation on Saturday, since ence .
GSW Photo Analysis many of us have full-time jobs So much for the formal ses-
and long distances to travel, sions. The informal sessions
Bill Spaulding, director of making a Friday evening session were marred by three factors.
the Western Section of Ground difficult. Friday evening would First, two different "parties"
Saucer Watch, with headquarters have been, a good time for the were scheduled for Friday
in Arizona, described equipment directors of the three "major" night, effectively splitting up
which enables GSW to break down UFO groups to tell why they are the participants the very first
UFO photos into various ele- the best—a generally useless night of the UNITED for Objec-
ments for analysis. activity. If anyone wants to tivity conference. There was
Spaulding invited UFO organ- know what the various UFO no party of any kind on Satur-
izations to send photos for an- groups allegedly do, it is not day night. A little coordina-
alysis, but noted that a heavy difficult to obtain written in- tion and cooperation would have
volume of photos would slow formation. Unless a group has made this aspect of the confer-
down the process and possibly a worthwhile contribution to a ence more enjoyable and valua-
require charges to offset GSW convention program--such as ble.
costs. PSI's demonstration of instru- Secondly, the motel facili-
Participants mentation equipment, and GSW's ties did not seem conducive to
demonstration of photo analysis the gathering of individuals
When all is said and done, —it does not deserve a prom- into informal groups. The major
the best thing about a UFO con- inent place on the program. sessions were held across the
vention is the people it at- The Saturday morning work- street from the motel, and
tracts . It was good to see shop sessions on polygraph ex- there seemed to be no central
Walt and Jeanne Andrus again aminations, hypnotic regres- area, other than a small lunch-
after their move from Quincy to sion, and cattle mutilations room, where participants could
Seguin. I enjoyed meeting Tom- conflicted with the regular mingle with each other. The
my Bland for the first time, programs featuring the FAA conference was physically
and talking with Gene Steinberg radar team,'• the NORAD presen- split.
in person instead of by phone. tation, and the resoloutibn- Sessions which begin at 8 a.
It's always interesting to chat proclamation involving cooper- m. should be outlawed at all
with Allen Greenfield, and of ation between UFO groups. In conventions where participants
course our own Lou Parish. fact, the very interesting normally go to bed after mid-v
Allen,Hynek, Ray Stanford, workshop on polygraph exams re- night—especially where break-
Charles Hickson, Leo Sprinkle, sumed in the afternoon, though fast service was as slow as at
James Harder, Coral and Jim unscheduled, conflicting with the motel headquarters.
Lorenzen, Bill Spaulding, Bill Dewey Fournet's discussion of Finally, the Saturday after-
•Pitts, Walt Andrus, Dewey Four- Proj ect Blue Book. Since the noon session was just too long.
net, Philip Klass, Stan Fried- workshop sessions were of con- Not many people can listen to
man, Capt. Stephen Pease, and siderable value they should speakers from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
others on the official program have been scheduled as a fea- with no scheduled break. This
Page 13
was especially unfair to the
5:00 speaker, Philip Klass, who
was more or less an
outside Southern
Obviously, part of the sched- By Richard Hall
uling problem involved too many International Coordinator '
speakers and not enough time.
This in itself indicates the (A spate of UFO sightings in
high quality of the conference. Rhodesia and S. Africa which ap-
Perhaps it would have been parently began the first week of
impossible to limit the less July may stir a new official in-
interesting aspects of the pro- vestigation. MUFON Representa-
gram (i.e. the PR from the tive Carl Van Vlierden in Wands-
three UFO groups). Maybe the beck, S. Africa, has submitted
directors would not have come extensive newspaper coverage of
to the conference, .if they had the incidents and is circulating
not been allowed to speak for a MUFON report forms to key wit-
full hour each. Moreover, it nesses. This preliminary report
might have been difficult to Is this Mr. Klass? I've run out of swamp summarizes the main sightings to
justify providing PSI and GSW gas. date)..
with time . for their excellent -
presentations while denying Reports of oddly behaving
equal time to APRO, CUFOS, and Men say dairy lights in the sky began early in
July in the vicinity of Salis-
Perhaps some sort of criteria visited by UFO bury, Rhodesia, and quickly
mushroomed into a minor "flap"
can be worked out for future DAILY OBSERVER/Corning, CA, with wide newspaper publicity.
meetings." Perhaps the directors Oct. 16, 1975--Tyrone Philips, On July 13 a couple driving
of the major UFO groups will 38, and Hubert Brown, 22, claim to S. Africa, from Fort Victoria
agree to talk only when they they, saw a UFO at the Kent to Beitbridge (southern tip of
have something new and of gen- Plott . Dairy at 3:30 a.m. on Rhodesia), said that their car
eral interest to say—such as Sept. 30, 1975. The dairy, was followed by a UFO (D. F.
discussions on new equipment, where both are employed, is ADVERTISER 8/6/75). (EDITOR'S
new techniques, or new in- located seven miles south of NOTE: this was in the same area
sights. . .Corning, off Highway 99W. as the reported teleportation by
The object was described as "Peter" and "Frances" on May
A Summary disc shaped with a dome on top. 31, 1974; see March, 1975, SKY-
"It made a humming sound and LOOK. )
In summary, it was a good lit up the whole lot like day- On the same date at Berea,
meeting. There was a good mix- light," according to Brown. Orange Free State, S. Africa,
ture of the "popular" UFO , The object was first spotted journalist Gavin Alcock was sit-
material (Hickson), the current by Brown, who .had gone to the ting in his 16th floor flat when
scientific advances (PSI, GSW, back lot to round up the cows. he heard a loud .crash and a
NORAD, FAA), the "nuts and He ran back to the milk house sound like thunder. Rushing to
bolts" (workshops), the histor- and got Philips. a window, he saw a large glowing
ical (Fournet and Blue Book), They watched the .UFO hoverr orange, cigar-shaped object in
and the skeptical (Klass). ing and emitting a bright red the sky. The object "grew in-
Stanton Friedman seemed to light. After three to five visible from the center till
bring nearly all these elements minutes it soared off "in the just the edge was visible, then
together in his entertaining blink of an eye" as the two men vanished- completely." (RAND
and reasonably scientific talk, tried to get closer. The cows DAILY MAIL 7/14/75)
"UFO's Are Real." had fled from the area and gone
The field of UFO studies behind the barn when they saw Sightings Near Prison
would benefit from an annual the UFO raising a huge cloud of
conference of this type, al- dust. . . July 15: .Prison officials at
though the conferences sponsor- The case is being investi- Khami, Bulawayo (SW Rhodesia),
ed by individual UFO groups gated by Paul Cerny, MUFON di- saw an orange UFO, almost cir-
might suffer. Perhaps a week- rector for Northern California. cular with a flattish bottom and
long joint conference in a re- As additional details become rounded top, pacing their car at
sort area each summer could available, they will be printed a distance of about 2-3 km at
combine the best of all confer- in SKYLOOK. (Submitted by Joe 8:30 p.m. About 30 minutes
ences . Brill) later another prison officer saw
Page 14
Africa reports several UFO sightings
a similar object in about the about the overall reliability of sisting of two hemispheres weld-
same place. Next night at 7:30 the witness, but this informa- ed together. At one end are the
p.m. a bright, round, silvery tion has not been cleared for remains of a threaded pipe
object was seen hovering motion- publication.) screwed into a hole, and at the
less about 4 km northeast of the Police in Salisbury personally : other a gaping hole apparently
prison. After several minutes it witnessed and chased a UFO on burned through the metal. Orange
moved away rapidly in an easter- July 28. As three police on the and white markings, some re-
ly direction. (BULAWAYO CHRON- roof of the police station sembling faint lettering, were
ICLE 7/18/75; dates of the pris- watched, two officers in a pa- noted on the surface.
on incidents vary in other news trol car drove toward an object According to information re-
reports, but this one was clos- hovering .about 150 m above the ceived from the South Africa
est to the scene and seemed most ground. As they approached, the embassy by former international
reliable). UFO moved away and eluded them. coordinator Joe Brill, the ball
Late in July, Wing Commander At midnight that night, a motor- was examined by the Center for
Roger Simmonds, member, of Parli- ist reported, a "big bright Scientific and Industrial Re-
ament for Hatfield, asked the orange light" about twice as big search in Pretoria, but the
government to set up a committee as the setting sun, indented on Center was ' unable to identify
to investigate the sightings. top, followed his car as he the object or1 - its country of
In response the minister of drove from Marandellas to Rusape origin. The Center has now re-
transport and"power, Roger Haw- (southeast . of Salisbury). An turned the ball to the Capetown
kins, said: "I agree with him odor like foul sea water per- police.
that this is no joke and is a meated the car. (RAND DAILY MAIL During the first week of Aug-
matter that has and must be 7/31/75). ust there were numerous sight-
treated with some degree of ser- ings in the vicinity of New-
iousness." Metal Ball castle, Natal. In one case a
A Rhodesian Air Force spokes- farm family watched a silvery
man, however, claimed the ob- At Joubertina, S.. Africa, in object fringed with red, shaped
j ects "never show up on radar" an area called the Langkloff (at something like a rugby ball,
and--ironically--cited the fact, the southern tip of the conti- through binoculars and chased
that the U.S. Air Force had nent) , a silvery sphere crashed it in a truck. The UFO seemed
found explanations for 95% of to earch July 29, just missing a to diminish in size, then" "just
all reports. Minister Hawkins farmhouse and shattering a hard vanished in mid-air." (NATAL
said he would look into, the.'pos- boulder. (See SKYLOOK No. 93, MERCURY- 8/7/75)
sibility of forming a UFO inves- page 13). Later, reports, indicate As a result of the sightings,
tigation committee. . (RAND DAILY that it appears to be manmade, Carl Van Vlierden obtained from
MAIL 7/25/75; P.E. EVENING POST possibly some Russian space a newspaper columnist a 1972
8/9/75). hardware. According to the OUDT- green fireball report that he
SHOORN COURANT .(8/6/75) it is had mentioned while reporting
Man Reports Bruises about 60 cm in . diameter, con- the current sightings.
On July 26 at Macheke, about
110 km east of Salisbury, a wit-
ness reported physiological ef- Ancient Astronauts group plans Mexican trip
fects. John Clark, 54, a sales-
man, said a brightly lighted ob- The Ancient Astronaut Society pancy, including all land ar-
ject appeared at tree-top level is sponsoring a Thanksgiving rangements, air fare from Chi-
near his home and he was flung week trip to archeological cago to Mexico City to Villa-
to the ground and could not sites in Mexico Nov. 23-29. hermosa to Mexico City to Chi-
move. He showed police large The trip will include visits cago, meals, hotel costs, and
bruises on his shoulders and to the Pyramid of the Sun, the entrance fees. Non-members of
chest that he said were caused colossal statues of Tula, the the Ancient Astronaut Society
by the "UFO"" "I think thVooject • enormpusiv-jstbne heads ^ rat La must include an addit.iona-l\ $25
J . ,- . -. . .

was just examining.me, he said.

•. : T T* t i . .
Venta^:;.carid the Paleque..•Stone for membership. .. ••!,•!..
(P.E. EVENING POST 8/9/75). '_.;''; (Von Daniken's "astronaut:in a .. Complete information, •. is
space icapsule"). . .a.•••,. <_..,- available from the ABC Travel
(EDITOR'S NOTE: SKYLOOK-has The /cost of .the; tour. is::$595 Service of. Mexico, 1925,. N.
additional details on'this?inci- per'-person double- occupancy-or Lincoln,;. Ave., Chicago,. .;. IL
dent which raises some "question $655 .per. person single . occu- 60614.- , . -.-. ; ,
, Page 15
By Donald A. Johnson

While traveling - through

Bangkok on my way to a teaching
assignment .in southern Thailand
during October, 1973, I . was
fortunate to make the acquaint-
ance of two reporters on the
staff of the English language
.newspaper, THE BANGKOK NATION. Christina Loowrakwong, 13, describes This is a sketch drawn by Christina's
the UFO she says she saw behind Aree brother ' from a description given by
I confessed .an interest in Court and San Francisco Court. Christina.
the UFO phenomenon and, be-
cause news items were by this lights over Soi Aree. as they were driving on Suk-
time appearing in the . Asian Two school girls, Lisanette humvit Soi 20 at 10 p. m.
papers on the U.S. "Pascagoula" Hansen, 12, and Christina Loow- (northwest but in the same ap-
wave, I questioned them on rakwong, 13, of Soi Aree Court, proximate area as the other
whether they knew of any local reported the same or a similar sightings).
reports. My candidness soon was object passing behind Aree NATION reporters called Don
rewarded when the*y revealed two Court and San Francisco Court. Muang Airport to check for
very interesting reports. Lisanette Hansen, whose radar contact and no .contact
The first, much to my amaze- father Mr. Ashjorn Hansen, was reported, nor were any
ment, was a contactee case in- works as an international mar- scheduled aircraft or helicop-
volving a former member of the keting expert for the U.N., ter flights in the area.
Thai Parliament. This pres- said the object had small Mr. Thewin took a series of
tigious individual's encounter square windows with bright six photographs of the object
was alleged to have occurred lights inside. Christina, who with a 35mm camera equipped
sometime during 1972. His name saw the object first, stated it with a telephoto lens as it
and address were given to me, was in the shape of a "half flew by. I was unable to meet
but unfortunately my stay in wing" with many red lights go- with Mr. Thewin because he was
Bangkok was too short to ar- ing on and off on top. out on assignment, but was able
range for • a translator and an They reported the object to encourage Mr. Vinich to
interview. moved slowly and smoothly with- allow me to borrow the nega-
out sound, and disappeared in tives of these pictures for
Photo Case the direction of Klong (canal) analysis.
Toey Port. The parents of the .When .analysis was finally
The second case proved much girls rushed out after they performed (I waited sometime
easier to investigate because were told of the UFO and waited after my return to the United
it happened to involve two of for sometime in hopes of catch- States and was slightly remiss
the staff members of the BANKOK ing a view of the object should in having this done)', the neg-
NATION--their chief photog- it return. It did r.ot. atives were found to show two
rapher and his assistant. It One other resident in the lights—sadly of only point
.was also mere recent and it in- area reported the UFO to the source dimensions.
volved photographs of the ob- local police station, but said However, it was determined
ject. they paid no attention to his that the lights WERE in focus
The sighting began in the claim. and that the camera, by judging
evening of August 30, 1973, THE -BANGKOK NAT-ION- .photog- from stars which could be found
shortly after 8 p.m., when Mr. raphers, Thewin Chanyawongse in the background, had not mov-
Sombat Srichuros, 19, an atten- and Vinich Thinviratana, next ed or jumped noticeably during
dant of Aree gas station on reported, sighting a .similar UFO any of the exposures. It was
Rama IV Road,, reported to THE with a . flashing red light in further determined that the
NATION that he had seen a fly- the center and two blue flash- lights were blinking with some
ing object with flashing green ing lights, one on either end, type of alternating pattern as
Page 16
craft that has banked and
leveled off. If these lights
were blue as reported by Mr.
. Thewin and, Vinich then this ex-
planation would seem dubious
due to their unconventional
color pattern. In any event,
it is my opinion and the opin-
ion of the analyst that the
photos indicate the presence of
some type of object and cannot ,
be said to be of any natural |
celestial phenomena or the re- •"•
suit of negative tampering. j-

Giant UFO in France

reportedly stalled cars
This section of the photo shows two . SOUTH AFRICAN STAR, Oct. 1,
lights from the alleged UFO. 1975 — Police in Maubenge,
•France, were reportedly ques-
was reported, and that the dis- tioning motorists who claimed
tance between the lights had their cars mysteriously quit
remained fairly constant, sug- running as they tried to ap-
gesting they had emanated from proach a giant flying saucer
one object. on the evening of Sept. 30.-
The .saucer, which about 10 Adamski phoro—
Perpendicular Lights eyewitnesses said was at least
250 meters (over 700 feet) in copy or original?
The first negatives show the diameter, was reportedly hover- According to the magazine
lights almost perpendicular to ing over a field near town. UFO CONTACT, the British ufol-
the horizontal, with the orien- The.sighting came as French and ogist who on Sept. 20 "exposed"
tation changing until in the foreign specialists:met in the George Adamski's "spaceship"
final negative they, are: paral- Alpine.city of Grenoble for a photo as a picture of a bottle
lel with the horizontal. Al- three-day symposium.on flying cooler has changed his mind.
though I have not yet received saucers '. Richard Lawrence, secretary
a.reply from Mr. Thewin regard- The motorists reported that of the British UFO Association,
ing camera specifications or as soon-as the.saucer flew 'off, reportedly now says that "Frank
exposure time, through analysis their auto engines, headlights, Nicholson, the man who designed
the exposure time can -be esti- and radios began working again.. the bottle cooler, says he made
mated as ho more than a few (Submitted by Joe Brill) it in 1959, modeling it on
seconds. Adamski's- 1952 picture."-
Negative number 5, greatly If this is true, the bottle
enlarged, is reproduced with cooler is the "fake," not
this article. The blur in the UFQ Adamski's photo, says the
lower right-hand corner is of a International Get Acquainted
large blossom of a bush-size tie-toes . , Program (IGAP), publisher of
plant which stands about the and > : UFO CONTACT, in their October
height of a man. The object was pins' : issue.
traveling from left to right a- FOR.SALE:
cross the frame when the expos- We have a few of these left from the
ure was taken, and it appears 1975 MUFON Symposium in Des
the Moon through binoculars,
that there are two dark spots Moines. They are sterling silver and
directly behind and to the left make great gifts for Ufologists. Only The nature of the Universe,
of each light which are presum- $5.00 plus $1.00 for.postage, insurance etc; Back issues: Sky ,§ Telr
ably shadows of the light sour- a n d handling. .- . . . escope, Celestial Observer.
;" r S K Y L O O K UFO books also available,
ces . ' 26 Edgewood Drive.. Write- for list.
It should be mentioned that . Quincy, Illinois 62301 Mark R. Herbstritt
it is the opinion of the photo- 967 Theresia Street
analyst that the photos repre- .. St. Mary's, PA 15857'....
.sent the wing lights of an air-
Page 17
No UFO connection

The Two' lead Oregon 'missing persons'

The much-publicized (over- such a connection to exist in
publicized, most UFO research- the public mind, since a UFO
ers would probably say) disa- theme was utilized by "The Two"
pearance of approximately 20 to recruit followers.
persons in Oregon has seemingly "The Two" have been identi-
run its course. Through the fied as Marshall Herff Apple-
fine efforts of Bill Heniges in white Jr., 44, and Bonnie Lu
Portland and John Schuessler in Trousdale Nettles, 48. Both
Houston, SKYLOOK has been pro- had at one time lived in Hous-
vided with considerable mater- ton.
ial of special interest. Applewhite was chairman of parently because of a techni-
While there is apparently no the music department at the cality.
legitimate connection between University of St. Thomas from The couple refer to the Bible
the Oregon activities and UFOs, 1966 to 1970 when he was given as a source of their informa-
the popular press has caused "terminal leave." According to tion, and at one time said that
Father Patrick 0. Braden, pres- their spiritual guide is a 19th
UFO NEWSCLIPPING ident of St. Thomas, Applewhite Century Franciscan monk, Broth-
SERVICE was given terminal leave be- er Francis.
The UFO NEWSCLIPPING cause of personal problems, An underground newspaper re-
SERVICE will keep you in- health problems, and a need for porter said that he had attend-
formed of all the latest United ed the meeting of 200-300 per-
States and World-Wide UFO ac- a rest. He is a son of a Pres-
tivity, as it happens! Our ser- byterian minister. Nettles, a sons in Waldport, Oregon, and
vice was started in 1969, at former nurse, was reared a Bap- that he was convinced that the
which time we contracted with tist. "other planet" talked about by
a reputable international news- The couple left Houston in the "space couple" was in real-
paper-clipping bureau to obtain May, .1974, reportedly after ity a piece of fiction from a
for us, those hard to find UFO writing, bad checks. They were Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., novel.
reports (i.e., little known photo- also accused of taking a car "They were talking about a
graphic cases, close encounter and credit cards belonging to a place where people would be
and landing reports, occupant four dimensional," said the re-
cases) and all other UFO re- man who had visited them in
ports, many of which are car- order to talk about spiritual porter, Avrum Fried. "If you
ried only in small town or beliefs. remember Vonnegut, you'll re-
foreign newspapers. At the time of their arrest member that the people on Tral-
on the stolen car and credit famadore were 4-D and invisible
Our UFO Newsclipping Service cards the couple thanked police and that they communicated by
Report, is a 20 page photo-offset, for arresting them, saying the tapdancing and making noxious
monthly publication containing arrest would lead them closer noises with their anatomy."
the latest United States and to a new world. While in jail Fried said the representa-
Canadian UFO newsclippings, the couple said they expected tives of the "space people" at
with our foreign section carry- the recruitment meeting at
ing the latest English, Austra- to be assassinated, and re-
lian, New Zealand, South Afri- quested that their bodies be Waldport did not talk about the
can, and other foreign UFO left alone until their resur- noises, but that they did talk
newsclippings! We publish more rection, which they said would about 4-D and tapdancing. .
UFO reports from around the be three days after death. They He added, "You show me where
globe than ANY other publica- did not say who would assassi- it says that in the Bible. It's
tion in the World! Stay informed -nate them. out of Vonnegut."
—subscribe to the UFO NEWS- They later told a reporter Fried said the group went
CLIPPING SERVICE! that "death for us will just be from Waldport - to Eugene, OR,
a metamorphosis. We have given then to Folsom, CA, for another
For subscription information up sex and the other things meeting. Eventually the group
and sample pages from our ser- arrived in Colorado, then moved
vice, write today to: considered important in this
UFO NEWSCLIPPING world." The couple also said to Illinois.
SERVICE, Dept. S they believed they had known As SKYLOOK went to press,
3521 S.W. 104th each other in previous lives. the exact whereabouts of "The
Seattle, Washington, 98146 The car and credit card theft Two" and their followers was
charges were later dropped, ap- not known.
Page 18
Director's Message
By Walt Andrus

1976 MUFON UFO Symposium areas of electromagnetics, geo- I regret that I have been
magnetics, and atmospheric dis- unable to find time to set up
Robert Stinson and the Mich- turbances . my amateur radio station since
igan Section of MUFON are moving to Seguin, Texas, in
pleased to announce that the New Consultant order to keep in constant com-
1976 MUFON UFO SYMPOSIUM will munications with MUFON's four
be held June 12 and 13, 1976, Dr. W. Ray Foster, 104 West nets.
in Ann Arbor, Michigan at Web- 19th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio
43210; Telephone: (Business) Ft. Smith Conference
er's Inn at 3050 Jackson Road.
Bob will be assisted by Ron (614) 422-6290, professor of Bill Pitts, MUFON state sec-
Westrum, Robert Masta, Dave geology at Ohio State Univer- tion director, is to be com-
Stupple, Nils Pacquette, Chic sity, has volunteered to serve mended for this ambitious
Mendez, and Dave Fideler, all as a consultant in geology. Dr. undertaking, whereby he had at-
of whom have attended MUFON Foster joins three other con- tempted to bring the directors
Symposiums. The brochure de- sultants in geology: Dorothy J. of the four major UFO organiza-
picting Weber's facilities and Gore, Loren W. Slentz, and tions in the United States to-
delicious food promises to ex- Irvin Summers. gether for a combined meeting.
ceed previous accommodations in J. Stanley Fouch, state sec- He was successful in securing
quality at a competitive price. tion director in Kansas, has outstanding representation from
joined the MUFON staff as an APRO, the Center for UFO Studi-
State Section Directors advisor in computer technology. ies, and MUFON.
Stan and his wife, Dorothy, re- We were very proud of the
Joe Santangelo, state direc- side at 9714 Ensley Lane, Lea- :ine contributions made by
tor for Massachusetts, has ap- wood, Kansas 66206. Stan's MUFON members Stanton T. Fried-
pointed the following members many years of experience in the man, consultant in nuclear phy-
to positions of greater respon- computer field with the I.B.M. sics; William H. Spaulding,
sibility as state section di- Corporation eminently qualifies state director for Arizona; and
rectors: David R. Downs, 632 him to assume this position. Ray Stanford, Project Starlight
Oak Hill Avenue, Attleboro, MA. International of Austin, Texas.
02703; Telephone: (617) 222- Amateur Radio Nets Your Director titled his pre-
7326 for Bristol County and sentation "MUFON: A DYNAMIC
Fred R. Youngren, 31 Highland Joe Santangelo, WINXY, Mas- SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZATION." A
Avenue, Lexington, MA. 02173; sachusetts state director and vote of thanks is extended to
Telephone: (617) 862-2061 for net control station for one of
Lou Parish and Ed and Mildred
Middlesex County. Dave has a MUFON's amateur radio networks, Higgins for their help to Bill
B.S. in Elementary Education would like to remind ham radio Pitts.
and is vice president of the operators and short-wave lis-
New England UFO Study Group, teners of the frequencies in
while Fred has a M.S. in Aero KHZ and the time in Universal
Time (UT) of each of the four
John L. Warren, Ph.D., state MUFON amateur radio nets. They 103 Oldtowne Rd.
director for New Mexico, has are Saturdays at 1200 hours on Seguin, TX 78155
selected Joseph S. Accetta, 491 7220, 1300 hours on 3975, 1400 Phones:
Bryce Avenue, Los Alamos, N.M. hours on 7228, and on Sunday at
87544; Telephone: (505) 672- 1800 hours on 14270. A tele- 512-379-9216
1581, as state section director phone call from Elmer J. (MUFON headquarters and
for Los Alamos County. Joe is Romigh, Jr., WA5CTJ, colonel, Walt Andrus' home)
a physicist, a Ph.D. candidate USAF (Ret.) in Bandera, Texas,
at the University of New Mexico advised that the twenty meter 512-379-8850
and director of the Los Alamos net (14,270 KHZ) may shift to (Director Walt Andrus'
UFO Study Group. He has con- 14,284 KHZ, to avoid interfer- place of employment)
centrated his research in the ence with a NASA net.
Page 19
Recapping and commenting
By Richard Holt

(This month's column is directed "contactees" received all the I would add that "science as
toward articles appearing in the August, publicity and presented to the we know it" may well fall short
1975, issue of SKYLOOK.) public at large a highly dis- of being able to figure out,
This is an especially in- torted picture of what consti- what sort of entities we are
triguing issue incorporating, tuted the UFQ problem. dealing with, but primarily be*
as it does, examples of most of Today it is possible to talk cause science refuses to. try.
the hard-core problem areas and more openly about contact re- If we begin substituting--
controversies of the UFO sub- ports because the entire UFO what? mysticism?--for seienti-'^
ject-including human efforts subject has become more respec- fie method (which means only
to rationalize what is going table, and the reports are pre- careful, systematic validatlorM
on. In the latter area, I found sented and viewed in a more of evidence and 'logical reas-on'-
Rev. Barry Downing's review of balanced perspective. The sit- ing about it) then- we o,pe'n
Ernest Moyer's book on contac- uation today is due, in no door wide for totally
tees, religion, and UFOs to be small measure, to NICAP's pio- al acceptance of everything' a'jt-vsft
thoughtful and balanced. neering efforts. face value and.-,leave our's.elves: ;
Still, I take sharp issue-- no standards for sifting' '.out
and will continue to do so-- truth from falsehood.
with those who are perpetuating Ernest Moy-.e'r probably Is e,^>;J
the myth that NICAP ("scien- tirely sincere in his. ambitious -
tific," in Downing's example)
"has more or less avoided con-
ronomy project. However, if ...'-hi"? -ap-
parent standards . of'wlija^.con-
stitutes evidence'we're g|
tact cases all together." His
"case in point," the Barney and
Betty Hill report, was investi-
By Mark Herbstritt
ly adopted, then we
almost any liter a*itfr,e: ,!p
gated and brought to light by almost, anyit
NICAP. to. • Im.de e'd-y.
I make no brief for NICAP November Sky point, probably ortiy"
since 1970, but while I was As- help us.
Mercury--it may be seen as a
sistant Director we constantly morning "star" during the first
investigated contact cases in- few days of the month but by the South Ri
sofar as our limited resources 28th it is in superior conjunc- Ted Bloecher says it has beeiv
would allow, compiling thick tion. brought to his attention
files in ma-ny cases. Venus—rising about four hours the South River encounter (
Had Downing suggested that we before the Sun, it dominates the August SKYtOOK, p. 5) date
avoided TALKING ABOUT contact south-eastern sky during the Friday, Oct. 23, 19,6:3;^ is'
cases, that would have been early hours of the morning. possible, since Fridatv^ -the 23rd5
more accurate. And for good Greatest western elongation is 'ttea>5?ear fell on a "W
reason; our investigations in on the 7th. Bloecne'f- wrote to the
more cases than not led us to Mars--in Gemini and becoming for clarification, and
be highly skeptical of the very bright as it approaches the following ""reply: " '- ' - 5
"contactees." The constant opposition, it rises about three "...please be advised -t-h'at;'
standard applied was the de- hours after sunset. ,: the encounter occurred on FrSfl
termined credibility of the Jupiter--on the 15th it is day night which would have beera
witness (claimant), and many magnitude -2.4. It is well up the 25th instead of the 23rd of-;-
were established beyond reason- in the east at sunset. October, 1963. The. . .meriting
able doubt to be liars and Saturn--is magnitude +0.3. It that I attended probably eftcl^
frauds. is in Cancer and rises before on October 23rd. However, -I
Hindsight is a marvelous midnight. recall meeting with variousvN'ew''
thing, especially when it over- There is a total eclipse of England state forestry people
looks the context of the times. the moon visible in the eastern on Thursday and Friday and -.then-
In those days NICAP was trying part of North America on the leaving for New Jersey late
to get serious attention for night of the 18th. Friday afternoon. Please accept
good reports from credible wit- The Taurid meteor shower my apology for giving you' the
nesses, while the colorful reaches maximum on the 4th. wrong date."
Page 20

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