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Eoqqis onJ brill iont Britisb bonqers"
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anu vineyaius, 'bio uegiauable' tiays foi sausage Retail Packs)
- >,% 3"023 2&' 6)%% )2&7% *&7)%'*%&+,< .")? 6)"= !-9)2 @)%%? .*7 A2)= *&
- ABC Belicious Awaiu Winnei 2u11 'Aitisan'

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An anclenL food, flrsL descrlbed ln Pomer's Cdyssey ln abouL 8008C. acdon ark's besL 8lack
uddlng ls a real dellghL and an essenLlal parL of any cooked breakfasL
Sold ln foodservlce kllogram bags or by Lhe 230g unlL (slzes do vary as handmade and ln naLural
caslngs) !"#$% $'%# () *+,- %./0 0+12%+342.# *+,
- ConLalns bacon, oaLs, onlons and !onesy's ualry lresh double cream and of course blood
- now |t's Laten - 8reakfasL lLem ln Lhe uk, essenLlal ln any cooked breakfasL. now popular
wlLh scallops on Lop end menu's, Cood ln salads, besL hoL.
B$66'( C>/7( D1'#-&$')EA
CreaL chlefLaln o' Lhe puddlng-race. Cur Lrue Plghland haggls ls made uslng lamb pluck and flank
from a local border LelcesLers sLud, noLed AusLralla wlde for Lhe quallLy of Lhelr lamb, and Lhe Lop
quallLy 8elLed Calloway sueL. A lovely dlsh, besL served wlLh neeps, LaLLles and a good scoLch,
(please provlde your own sword for cuLLlng)
Sold by Lhe kg, ln 200g and 330g vac bag porLlons and cusLom slzes as ln Lhe chlefLaln (slzes do vary
as handmade and ln naLural caslngs) !"#$% $'%# () *+,- %./0 0+12%+342.# *+,
- !"#$%&'#( can vary ln slze dependlng on requlremenLs and can go up Lo 3kg. Cfferlng Lhe
cusLomer Lhls cholce for cusLom made, Lo caLer for evenLs.
- )*$+$*,'&#,$ %*$$
- .$/#0#12+ 34'*5 4#(($* 6788 9 3*&#+'(
- :14 #&+ ;'&$( 9 CLher Lhan CelLlc feasLs, Chlcken 8almoral (chlcken breasL sLuffed wlLh
haggls, wrapped ln bacon), or as suggesLed by A8C dellclous magazlne - acdon ark Paggls
wlLh greek yoghurL and honey roasLed parsnlps.
"1'&# @7..')6 A
An lrlsh dellcacy, acdon ark's WhlLe uddlng ls a LasLy addlLlon Lo any cooked breakfasL
Sold ln foodservlce kllogram bags or by Lhe 230g unlL (slzes do vary as handmade and ln naLural
caslngs) !"#$% $'%# (5 *+,- %./0 0+12%+342.# *+,
- ConLalns bacon, oaLs, onlons, !onesy's ualry lresh double cream and 8elLed Calloway beef
- now |t's Laten - 8reakfasL lLem ln lreland and Lhe uk, essenLlal ln any cooked breakfasL or ls
greaL on Lhe bbq Loo.
F$7($6#( -
Cur range of free range gourmeL pork sausages are made Lo order uslng coarsely ground prlme
female pork shoulder and a dellcaLe blend of herbs and splces. A dellclous sausage and an all Llme
Pandmade fresh Lo order, ln 100g or 60g (chlpolaLas) sold ln reLall packs conLaln flve 100g sausages
or by Lhe kllogram/ flve kllogram pack for food servlce !"#$% $'%# )6 *+,- %./0 0+12%+342.# *+,
- <'(0'+"#*$ ='2+'>$ - )/'#( 1hls sausage ls our classlc varleLy and Lhe source from whlch all
our oLher flavours sprlng. lL was Lhe flrsL reclpe we developed and Lhus Lhe one of whlch we
are mosL proud. 1hls ls our Lake on Lhe LradlLlonal Lngllsh pork sausage, and we've followed
Lhe LradlLlonal reclpes from Lngland very carefully and now brlng lL Lo Lhe AusLrallan markeL,
Lhe land of 'barbles and snags'
- =1?$*+$& ='2+'>$ 9 3@@/$ A !#5$* Palllng from Lhe land of apples and comblne harvesLers,
our rusLlc SomerseL sausages wlll lnsLanLly Lake you Lo a world of rolllng green hllls, endless
orchards and a rural ldyll.
- B1*C+"#*$ <$$C ='2+'>$ - <$$C lreshly chopped organlc leeks sLralghL from Lhe fleld and
prlme pork glves Lhese sausages exLraordlnary flavour wlLh a supreme LexLure LhaL we know
you'll love.
- !2?D$*/'(5 ='2+'>$ 9 A closely guarded secreL reclpe, our Cumberland sausage conLalns a
mlxLure of herbs and splces, some say Lhe besL ouLslde 8llghLy. 1he genLle heaL ln Lhls
sausage really brlngs ouL Lhe besL ln Lhe free range pork shoulder. Avallable ln LradlLlonal
colls and/or regular sausages
- noL yeL gluLen free as rlce flour Lhe alLernaLlve Lo rusk/breadcrumbs glves Lhe sausage a
gralny LexLure. We are developlng a gluLen free mlx uslng rlce bread crumbs whlch we would
exLend Lo our whole range lf successful.
- 1he use of solely %*$$ *'(>$ %$?'/$ +"12/5$* EF#0&1*#'(G ls unheard of ln sausage
manufacLurlng ln vlcLorla, Lhls ls a sausage for gourmeLs.
- 'Number one sausage' ln Lhe Sunday Perald Sun - 28 AugusL 2011
- We make our 14( @*$ ?#HI use freshly chopped lngredlenLs and naLural hog caslngs
- All lngredlenLs excludlng a couple of Lhe splces ln Lhe Cumberland are 32+&*'/#'( >*14(
- 1he reLalls packs are Lhe only ones avallable currenLly for sausages LhaL are made wlLh >*$$(
- :14 &"$J '*$ ;'&$( 9 8esL baked ln a hoL oven wlLh a knob of buLLer, grllled on Lhe
barbeque or frled. A very versaLlle classlc

acdon ark's unsmoked sLreaky bacon ls made uslng free range pork belly whlch has been dry
cured uslng a mlxLure of Lngllsh herbs ln Lhe LradlLlonal way.
Sold sllced ln 200g reLall packs or unsllced by Lhe belly. !"#$% $'%# () *+,- %/. -$'3#*7 (5 *+,- 21-$'3#*
- )*$+$*,'&#,$I (#&*'&$ '(5 >/2&$( %*$$
- ury cured for several days wlLh a mlxLure of salLs, sugars, sage, mace and black pepper and
- A cross been AusLrallan bacon and panceLLa when cooked wlLh dellcaLe seasonlng.

- :14 #&+ ;'&$( 9 besL baked ln Lhe oven unLll crlspy or wrapped around chlcken or sausages

acdon ark's unsmoked gammon ls made uslng free range pork leg whlch has been cured wlLh an
apple brlne.
Sold sllced ln reLall packs of 2 sLeaks (330-430g) or unsllced as gammon [olnLs. !"#$% $'%# (8 *+,-
%./0 9+3:+;'1;
- WeL brlned for several days wlLh a mlxLure of salLs, sugars, apple [ulce, and herbs and splces.
roducL ls unsmoked.
- Slmllar Lo a ham sLeak buL has more of a LasLe of bacon.

- :14 #&+ ;'&$( 9 Lhe sLeaks are grllled or frled, and Lhe [olnLs are LradlLlonally bolled and
baked Lo geL a wonderful roasL.
@,%+ @'#(
erfecL wlLh musLard and a cold beer, acdon ark's orlglnal pork ples are made uslng only Lhe flnesL
lree 8ange lemale AusLrallan pork. 1he pork ls ground, seasoned and Lhen encased ln a dellclous
rlch pasLry whlch ls made uslng our own dry-rendered lard. Cur ples are baked ln Lhe LradlLlonal
manner, wlLhouL uslng a supporLlng Lln or hoop llke mosL oLher ples. 1hls glves Lhe classlc bow-slded
shape ln Lhe sLyle of an auLhenLlc MelLon Mowbray ork le.
Cooked boxes of 12 - Shelf llfe 10 days (buL pasLry only aL besL for 7 days)
Sold frozen ln boxes of 12.!"#$% $'%# /% %./<#1 =./*234 8 0/14"-
- K$/&1( K14D'*J SLyle means LhaL Lhe ork le conLalns fresh pork and baked ouLslde a
supporLlng Lln or hoop, MelLon Mowbary cannoL be used as a producL name as lL ls
regulaLed by Lu Law
- asLry ls hoL waLer crusL whlch conLalns .*J *$(5$*$5 %*$$ *'(>$ <'*5 (whlch we render
down ln-house), no one makes decenL quanLlLles of dry render lard ln AusLralla and Lhls ls
Lhe key Lo Lhe pasLry.
- We do noL yeL add Lhe L$//J Lo our own cooked producL (due Lo nSW food auLhorlLy
regulaLlons) Lhls ls a fuLure pro[ecL and should noL affecL frozen sales (we can provlde
LroLLers and bones for sLock)
- now |t's Laten - ork le came abouL because of =&#/&1( !"$$+$ manufacLurlng, comlng Lo
ahead ln 1800's and ls eaLen as a snack, wlLh buffeLs or plcnlcs and as parL of a ploughman's
lunch. uell lLem ln uk
F;,&&'(1 H,%)# F$7($6# C=/(, +),I) $( FJ7$%# F$7($6#K F/';#. F$7($6#E
erfecL for a breakfasL roll or bbq, Lhls sausage loaf ls a sLaple ln ScoLLlsh households. Made from Lhe
flnesL free range pork shoulder and Warlalda 8elLed Calloway beef, Lhls sLaple ln ScoLLlsh
households ls perfecL as parL of a full breakfasL or on Lhe bbq. lormed ln a large loaf Lln and lefL Lo
seL, Lhls sausage ls skln free. Avallable as sllced reLall packs or as Lhe whole loaf Lo sllce yourself.
!"#$% $'%# > )6 *+,- %./0 0+12%+342.#

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