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lMC81An1 nC1LS & 1lS 1C SCC8L A

SecLlon A CuesLlons 1 4 ( a senLence wlLh a mlsslng word )

?ou are advlsed Lo spend 4 mlnuLes on Lhese quesLlons.
1?LS Cl vCCA8uLA8? l1LMS
1.Anlmals ( Cender mascullne and femlnlne ) , anlmals and Lhelr young,
Mammals, blrds, flshes, repLlles, amphlblans, lnsecLs, oLher anlmals
2.Anlmal homes barn, huLch, den, lalr , burrow, sLy, sLable, avlary, aplary,
3.laces alrporL, harbour, hellpad, quarry, reservolr, landflll, deserL, cemeLery, sawmlll eLc
4.Cb[ecLs - drawer, screwdrlver, spanner, buckeL, LooLhpasLe, rake, hoe, mlcroscope eLc.
3.1ransporL alr, land and waLer LransporL, hovercrafL, rafL, scooLer, yachL, cable car eLc.
6.Cames sporLs equlpmenL , sporLs aLLlre , lndoor games, ouLdoor acLlvlLles, LelemaLch eLc.
7.CloLhlng LradlLlonal cosLume, vesL, [ackeL, plnafore, doLhl , [lppa, overall, apron eLc.
8.looLwear sneakers, sandals, sllppers, booLs, clogs, hlgh-heeled shoes , splkes eLc.
9.CccupaLlons Lhlngs ,lnsLrumenLs or Lools used by Lhe people
10.Pobbles collecLlng sLlckers, maklng handlcrafL, gardenlng, flower arrangemenL,
11.lanLs frulL, flowers, Lrees
12.klLchen uLenslls ( pesLle and morLar, flsh sllce, gas cyllnder, chopplng board , saucer eLc.)
13.8elaLlonshlps ( docLor-paLlenL-nurse, aunL-uncle-nlece-nephew, eLc.
14.8ulldlngs descrlpLlon of bulldlngs , parLs of Lhe bulldlngs ( mlnareLs, arches, porch eLc. )
13.lood and urlnks
16.arLs of Lhe body head, arm and leg
17.CollecLlve nouns for people, Lhlngs and anlmals
18.eople Cender ( Mascullne and lemlnlne ) ,
Samples quesLlons.
1. 1he hunLer Lurned hls head when he heard Lhe low _____________of a bear.
A. growl 8. bleaL C. roar u. bark
2. Copal ls sLaylng wlLh hls ___________because hls parenLs have passed away.
A. hosL 8. Leacher C. frlends u. guardlan
3. karlm pracLlces blowlng Lhe _____________durlng hls lelsure.
A. drum 8. clarlneL C. gulLar u. cymbal
SecLlon A CuesLlons 3 7 ( A paragraph ls glven wlLh 3 blanks . CpLlons are ln phrases )
?ou are advlsed Lo spend only 3 mlnuLes for CuesLlons 3 -7.
-undersLand Lhe paragraphs and Lhe plcLures before chooslng your answer.
-Look aL Lhe conLexL ( slLuaLlon ) ln Lhe paragraph. SLudy Lhe plcLures carefully. Answer all quesLlons.
-Check 8ead Lhe paragraph uslng Lhe phrases you have chosen.
SecLlon A CuesLlons 8 10 ( SenLence Level )
?ou are advlsed Lo spend only 3 mlnuLes on CuesLlons 8 10
- A plcLure ls glven for each quesLlon
- SLudy Lhe plcLures carefully.
- Make sure Lhe senLence you choose flLs Lhe plcLure glven.
SecLlon 8 ( Soclal Lxpresslons )
CuesLlons 11 13 ( 3 quesLlons wlLh varlous slLuaLlons )
?ou are advlsed Lo spend only 6 mlnuLes on SecLlon 8.
1ypes of SlLuaLlons and 8esponses
1. CreeLlngs
2. lnLroduclng yourself and oLhers
3. 1aklng leave
4. Clvlng and seeklng lnformaLlon
3. Clvlng lnsLrucLlons and carrylng ouL lnsLrucLlons
6. 8equesLlng for ob[ecLs
7. 1elephone conversaLlons
8. CLher soclal expresslons
9. Clvlng dlrecLlons
- undersLand Lhe slLuaLlon and Lhe senLences ln each plcLure.
- Look aL Lhe plcLures and ask yourself whaL Lhe people are dolng.
- 8ead Lhrough all Lhe opLlons glven before you choose Lhe besL opLlon.
- use your common sense Lo declde on Lhe besL answer.
- Make a good guess lf you are unsure of Lhe answer.
SecLlon C ( Crammar )
CuesLlons 16 21 ( 6 senLences wlLh a mlsslng word ln each senLence )
?ou are advlsed Lo spend only 8 mlns. Cn CuesLlons 16 21 .
- lcLures may be glven for some quesLlons.
- lf no plcLures are glven, look for clues ln Lhe senLence.
- Make a good guess lf you are unsure of Lhe answers.
- WrlLe Lhe word ln Lhe blank and read Lhe senLence aloud.
- lf Lhe senLence ls loglcal and grammaLlcally correcL, clrcle LhaL opLlon as your answer.
- Answer all quesLlons.
Crammar lLems 1esLed
1. ArLlcles
2. nouns
3. ronouns
4. Ad[ecLlves
3. Comparlson of Ad[ecLlves
6. Adverbs
7. reposlLlons
8. Con[uncLlons
9. WP-quesLlons
10. 1enses resenL 1ense, resenL ConLlnuous 1ense, asL 1ense, asL ConLlnuous 1ense,
asL arLlclple, luLure 1ense
11. verbs lnLerrogaLlve verbs, Maln verbs, verbs-Lo-be,
12. Sub[ecL-verb AgreemenL
13. CuanLlflers
14. ueLermlners
13. AnLonyms
16. Synonyms
SecLlon C ( Spelllng )
CuesLlons 22 23 ( 2 senLences wlLh a mlsslng word ln each senLence)
?ou are advlsed Lo spend 2 mlns. on CuesLlons 22 & 23
- SLudy Lhe plcLures and senLences glven.
- lL Lhere are no plcLures glven, look for clues ln Lhe senLence.
- Check Lhe opLlons glven and choose Lhe correcL spelllng for Lhe mlsslng word.
- 8ead Lhe senLence agaln and check your answers.
CaLegorles of Words 1esLed
1. laces
2. Cb[ecLs
3. Cames
4. vehlcles mode of LransporL
3. CloLhlng
6. CccupaLlons
7. Pobbles
8. Anlmals - lnsecLs
9. 8elaLlonshlps
10. 8ulldlngs
11. lrulL
12. vegeLables
13. lood
14. Ad[ecLlve descrlpLlon
13. lood
16. urlnks
SecLlon C ( uncLuaLlon )
CuesLlons 24 and 23 ( lor each quesLlon, 4 senLences are glven )
?ou are advlsed Lo spend only 2 mlnuLes on CuesLlons 24 and 23
-Look aL all Lhe opLlons carefully and focus on Lhe puncLuaLlon marks.
-8ead each senLence carefully . Make sure LhaL you choose Lhe senLence wlLh Lhe correcL puncLuaLlon.
SLC1lCn u ( 1Lx1 CCMLL1lCn )
CuesLlons 26 30 ( A plcLure and a shorL LexL wlLh 3 mlsslng words )
?ou are advlsed Lo spend only 6 mlnuLes on SecLlon u
- SLudy Lhe plcLure. 8ead Lhe LexL carefully.
- SLudy Lhe opLlons glven for each blank.
- CeL Lhe clues Lo Lhe answers from Lhe plcLure and senLences glven.
- Choose Lhe mosL sulLable word Lo flll ln each blank.
- lf you are unsure of Lhe answers, make a good guess.
- uo noL leave any quesLlon unanswered.
1ypes of Crammar lLems 1esLed
1. ArLlcles- a,an,Lhe 6. reposlLlons along, across, from, agalnsL
2. nouns park, beach, broom 7. Con[uncLlons so, buL, whlle,
3. ronouns- Lhey, Lhem, Lhemselves 8. Wh- quesLlons whom , who, whaL, when
4. Ad[ecLlves beauLlful, heavy 9. 1enses resenL ConLlnuous
3. Adverbs- slowly, qulckly 10. Sub[ecL-verb AgreemenL
11. CollecLlve nouns herd , swarm , Lroop, flock
12. lnflnlLlve-Lo
SLC1lCn L ( 8LAulnC CCM8LPLnSlCn )
CuesLlons 31 40 ( 2 SLlmull )
?ou are advlsed Lo spend only 13 mlnuLes on Lhls secLlon.
- 3 mulLlple cholce quesLlons are glven afLer each sLlmull.
CuesLlons 31 33 (non llnear ) CuesLlons 36 40 ( Llnear )
1. noLlces 1. LeLLers
2. AdverLlsemenLs 2. Speeches
3. ulary enLrles 3. ulalogues
4. 1lmeLables 4. lacLual assages
3. Maps & llow CharLs 3. narraLlve assages
- 8ead Lhe LexL or sLudy Lhe sLlmulus glven carefully.
- Co Lhrough each quesLlon and all Lhe opLlons glven.
- Choose Lhe besL answer from Lhe opLlons glven
- Clrcle A,8,C or u Lo mark Lhe correcL answers. Shade Lhe space provlded ln Lhe answer sheeL.
- Answer all Lhe easy quesLlons flrsL. 1hen go back Lo Lhe dlfflculL quesLlons.
- uo noL wasLe Llme. Cross ouL Lhe opLlons one by one unLll you geL Lhe correcL answer.
1ypes of CuesLlons
1. undersLandlng maln ldeas.
2. LocaLlng deLalls or speclflc lnformaLlon
3. Sequenclng ldeas / evenLs
4. undersLandlng meanlng of words
3. 8ecognlslng cause and effecL relaLlonshlps
6. redlcLlng ouLcomes
7. urawlng concluslons.
1lS 1C SCC8L 'A' lC8 AL8 2 ( Su8!LC1lvL )
Sk Lngllsh aper 2 Sub[ecLlve
1lme 1 hour 13 mlns.
no of quesLlons 3 1oLal marks 40 marks
3 SecLlons SecLlon A, SecLlon 8 and SecLlon C
* uplls are LesLed on Lhe ablllLy Lo consLrucL senLences wlLh Lhe correcL sLrucLure and grammar.
uplls wlLh a good command of Lhe language are able Lo express ldeas .
SecLlon A - CuesLlon 1
- SenLence consLrucLlon based on glven words and graphlcs.
- A composlLe plcLure wlLh helplng words based on Lhe plcLure.
- May use or may noL use all Lhe words glven
- MusL wrlLe 3 senLences based on Lhe plcLure glven.
SecLlon 8 CuesLlon 2
- lnformaLlon Lransfer quesLlon.
- uplls have Lo read and undersLand lnformaLlon of Lhe 3 lLems based on Lhe varlous Loplcs .
- CuesLlon 2 a - Word Lransfer word and phrase level
- CuesLlon 2 b - SenLence level whlle maklng a preference lnLo grld (b)
- 8emember Spelllng , puncLuaLlon ( Landa bacaan ) dan leglblllLy ( Lullsan yang [elas )
SecLlon C CuesLlon 3
-noLe expanslon quesLlon.
-WrlLe a composlLlon ln a few paragraphs based on Lhe plcLures and words glven.
-8ead lnsLrucLlons carefully before answerlng Lhe quesLlon.
-uplls who have a good command of Lngllsh are able Lo score hlgh marks ln Lhls secLlon.
1lS Cn AnSWL8lnC 1PL uS8 LnClSP LAnCuACL AL8
AL8 2
-Look aL Lhe plcLures and observe Lhe acLlvlLles and slLuaLlon ln lL.
-1he helplng words glven wlll help puplls geL a general ldea of whaL Lhe slLuaLlon ls ln Lhe plcLure.
-uplls may or may noL use Lhe helplng words Lo consLrucL senLences ln SecLlonA and C.
Powever read Lhe lnsLrucLlons carefully.
-1he senLences musL be relaLed Lo Lhe slLuaLlon ln Lhe plcLures.
-uplls musL be careful wlLh Lhe spelllng of words, caplLal leLLers and puncLuaLlons when
Lransferrlng lnformaLlon from Lhe orlglnal LexL.
-1ry noL Lo make grammaLlcal and spelllng errors when consLrucLlng senLences.
-Slmple senLences, compound senLences and complex senLences can be used Lo consLrucL senLences.
-WrlLe ln paragraphs for SecLlon C.
-uo consLanL revlslon of your Leachers' noLes , use Lhe dlcLlonary and do a loL of pracLlces ln answerlng
Lhe Lngllsh papers. uo noL forgeL Lo do all your correcLlons.
lMC81An1 nC1LS & 1lS 1C SCC8L A
uS8 AL8 2, SecLlon A CuesLlon 1
( 1 plcLure and 10 words are glven . WrlLe 3 senLences abouL Lhe plcLure. )
?ou are advlsed Lo spend 13 mlnuLes on Lhls secLlon.
1. 8ead Lhe lnsLrucLlons carefully.
2. SLudy Lhe plcLure and words glven.
3. use Lhe words Lo make 3 compleLe senLences Lo descrlbe Lhe plcLure. ?ou may noL use all Lhe words
4. use llnkers or senLence connecLors and con[uncLlons where approprlaLe.
3. 8ead Lhe senLences and check lf Lhey are loglcal and grammaLlcally correcL.
6. Make sure Lhe senLences descrlbe Lhe plcLure loglcally and correcLly.
7. Make your senLences lnLeresLlng. ?ou may add ad[ecLlves and adverbs.
8. ?ou musL be conslsLenL when uslng Lenses Lo descrlbe Lhe plcLure. Lg. resenL and resenL
ConLlnuous 1ense. ay aLLenLlon Lo Sub[ecL-verb AgreemenL.
9. Check your answers and correcL any mlsLakes ln grammar, spelllng and puncLuaLlon.
Sample Answers:
1. 1he bread vendor, who ls wearlng a helmeL, uses a moLorcycle Lo sell bread , buns and cakes Lo hls
2. 1here are many Lypes of bread hung around Lhe conLalner on Lhe moLorcycle whlch ls parked under a
shady Lree.
3. Many chlldren are buylng Lhelr favourlLe bread, buns and cakes from Lhe frlendly bread vendor.
4. 1he hard- worklng bread vendor geLs hls supply of bread from a bakery ln Lown.
3. 1wo women who are carrylng Lhelr bables, are walklng Lowards Lhe bread vendor .
1. Lnclk Ahmad, who ls a bread vendor goes from place Lo place on hls moLorcycle Lo sell hls bread and
2. Pe keeps Lhe bread, buns and cakes ln a blg conLalner behlnd hls moLorcycle and hangs some of Lhem
around lL.
3.Pls cusLomers are housewlves and chlldren who love Lo buy Lhelr favourlLe breads from hlm.
4.Lnclk Ahmad's dellclous bread, buns and cakes are made ln a famous bakery ln Lown.
3.A Malay woman and her Chlnese nelghbour wanL Lo buy some bread and Lhey are walklng Lowards
1. 1he bread vendor sells hls bread on a moLorcycle.
2. Pe parks hls moLorcycle under a blg shady Lree.
3.A few chlldren are buylng Lhelr favourlLe bread from hlm.
4.1here ls a blg conLalner aL Lhe back of hls moLorcycle.
3.1he Lwo women are carrylng Lhelr bables.
MC8L uSLluL 1lS 1C SCC8L A ln SLC1lCn A
-lf you do noL know Lhe word glven or unsure of lLs meanlng, do noL use lL.
-?ou are noL requlred Lo wrlLe a sLory.
-SenLences do noL have Lo be ln sequence.
-1he Lense used musL be conslsLenL.
-lor SecLlon A, puplls may use Lhe resenL ConLlnuous 1ense Lo descrlbe Lhe acLlons LhaL are happenlng
aL presenL.
-?ou may name Lhe people ln Lhe plcLure buL you musL be speclflc. Lg. uan kamarlah, who ls wearlng a
scarf, ls carrylng her baby.
-lf Lhere are Lwo boys , you may say , 1he elder boy ls walklng away whlle hls younger broLher ls sLlll
buylng Lhe bread."
- uo noL puL yourself ln Lhe plcLure. Avold wrlLlng , My famlly and l ..." or l am very happy."
1able 1
Sub[ecL + verb + redlcaLe
1he bread vendor ls selllng fresh bread, buns and cakes Lo hls cusLomers.
1he chlldren are buylng Lhelr favourlLe bread.
1he Lwo women are carrylng Lhelr bables and walklng Lowards Lhe bread vendor.
1he women and chlldren boughL a loL of bread, buns and cakes from Lnclk Ahmad, Lhe bread vendor.
CCnS18uC1lnC CCMCunu SLn1LnCLS
ConsLrucL 2 slmple senLences flrsL. !oln Lhem LogeLher wlLh con[uncLlons eg. and , so, whlle,buL,
because, as , when , so LhaL .
1. 1he chlldren are buylng Lhelr favourlLe bread whlle Lhelr moLhers are waLchlng Lhem.
2. 1he players are rushlng Lo Lake shelLer because lL ls ralnlng.
1. nAML + WPC + AC1lCn + AC1lCn
LaLlpah, who ls wearlng a scarf , ls sweeplng Lhe compound.
2. nAML + Au!LC1lvL + AC1lCn
SlLl khaLl[ah, a helpful pupll, ls helplng her Leacher Lo carry her heavy bag.
3. nAML + CCCuA1lCn + AC1lCn + AC1lCn
Lnclk Ahmad, Lhe bread vendor, who ls wearlng a helmeL, ls selllng bread and cakes Lo hls cusLomers.
4. nAML + CCCuA1lCn + AC1lCn + WPlLL + AC1lCn
n Ashah, Lhe Leacher, ls showlng her puplls how Lo make paper flowers whlle slLLlng on Lhe floor.
3. nAML + uLSlCnA1lCn + AC1lCn + WPlLL + AC1lCn
larah and 8anl , Lwo acLlve chlldren, are ln Lhelr LracksulLs whlle walLlng for Lhelr coach Lo Lraln Lhem .
Scorlng Cood and LxcellenL marks for CuesLlon 1
Cood marks - 7 and 8
- MosL senLences are correcL.
- lew slngle word errors.
- lew errors ln grammar, spelllng and puncLuaLlon.
- ldeas are relevanL Lo Lhe plcLure.
LxcellenL marks 9 and 10
- Slmple and compound senLences - SenLences are correcL. -
- nearly no grammaLlcal, spelllng and puncLuaLlon errors.
- ldeas are relevanL Lo Lhe plcLure.
8AC1lCL lC8 CuLS1lCn 2
SecLlon 8 CuesLlon 2
( A sLlmulus ls glven. lcLures wlLh shorL noLes are glven.
CompleLe a Lable wlLh lnformaLlon from Lhe sLlmulus.
1hen wrlLe a paragraph glvlng reasons for a cholce made. )
?ou are advlsed Lo spend 23 mlnuLes on Lhls secLlon.
1. 8ead Lhe lnsLrucLlons and lnformaLlon glven carefully.
2. lor CuesLlon 2 a , look aL Lhe Lable and flnd Lhe lnformaLlon you need Lo compleLe Lhe Lable.
Look for key words. 8efer Lo Lhe answers glven as examples Lo follow.
3. 1ransfer Lhe lnformaLlon Lo Lhe blanks ln Lhe Lable. Check your spelllng, grammar and
puncLuaLlon . WrlLe neaLly and clearly.
4. lor CuesLlon 2 b, choose one opLlon from Lhe cholces glven.
1here ls no rlghL or wrong cholce. ?ou musL Lry Lo glve good reasons for maklng your cholce.
3. ?ou can use Lhe lnformaLlon from Lhe Lable Lo help you llsL ouL reasons for your cholce.
6. ?ou do noL have Lo make a comparlson wlLh Lhe oLher lLems.
7. LlsL down Lhe polnLs and reasons .
8. use a varleLy of senLences, slmple and compound.
9. use ad[ecLlves Lo make Lhe descrlpLlon more lnLeresLlng.
10. use llnkers Lo glve Lhe descrlpLlon a smooLher flow. ( 8esldes, 1herefore, Moreover eLc. ) Powever,
use Lhem approprlaLely ,and noL for every senLence.
1. CuesLlon 2 a lull marks ls 10.
1 mark for each correcL answer. no mark for an answer wlLh spelllng errors.
2. CuesLlon 2 b- lull marks ls 3
Cood mark - 4
- Language used ls good.
- Slmple and compound senLences.
- Some errors. MosL reasons are well planned, relevanL and clear.
- Some puncLuaLlon and spelllng errors.
- Meanlng ls sLlll clear.
LxcellenL mark - 3
- Language used ls very good.
- Pardly any errors.
- 8easons are clear and well planned, relevanL and lnLeresLlng.
- Slmple and compound senLences.
- Spelllng and puncLuaLlon correcL.
SuCCLS1Lu SLn1LnCLS lC8 AnSWL8lnC CuLS1lCn 2 8
( AL? 1PLM A8C8lA1LL? )
1. rlce / lee / lare / CosL
- 1he prlce ls low .
- 1he handbag ls cheap. lL cosLs 8M20.
- lL ls Lhe cheapesL among Lhe Lhree . (lLems )
- 1he prlce ls 8M70. AlLhough Lhe racqueL ls expenslve, lL ls affordable.
- lL ls a reasonable fee and l Lhlnk l can afford lL.
- 1he prlce, whlch ls 8M30, ls reasonable and affordable.
- 1he fee ls noL Loo expenslve. lurLhermore, l wlll geL a 8M10 dlscounL lf l reglsLer early. 1hls means l
wlll pay less.
- 1he whole chlcken cosLs 8M12 each and lL ls Lhe cheapesL of all.
- lL ls worLh buylng.
- l would choose SMA81 1ulLlon CenLre because lLs fee ls Lhe lowesL of all.
- AlLhough Lhe prlce of Lhe klLLen ls qulLe cosLly, l wlll geL a lovely baskeL for free.
- lL ls very economlcal Lo choose ackage A because Lhe prlce ls wlLhln my budgeL.
- l llke Lo be a Leacher when l grow up because l can lmparL knowledge Lo puplls.
- l prefer Lo be a docLor when l grow up because l can LreaL slck people and save llves.
- l can conLrlbuLe my servlce Lo Lhe poor..
- 8elng a plloL ls lnLeresLlng because l geL Lo Lravel around Lhe world. l can vlslL many dlfferenL counLrles
all over Lhe world. 8esldes, l can meeL many klnds of people and learn
abouL Lhelr culLure and LradlLlons.
- l choose Lo be a pollceman because l can keep law and order. lL ls my responslblllLy Lo keep Lhe Lown
safe and peaceful. 1hls [ob ls challenglng alLhough lL ls someLlmes dangerous.
- 1hls [ob ls en[oyable and l geL Lo meeL many people.
- 1hls occupaLlon ls sulLable for me. / lL sulLs me.
- lL ls hlghly pald. / 1he salary ls hlgh.
- 1he quallflcaLlon needed ls a unlverslLy degree.
3. Pouses / PomesLay
- 1he double-sLorey house ln 1aman Srl Selama ls locaLed qulLe near my school. lL ls convenlenL Lo go Lo
school because Lhere ls an efflclenL bus servlce ln Lhls area.
- 1he seml-deLached bungalow ls Lhe mosL spaclous of all Lhe houses. 1herefore, lL ls Lhe mosL sulLable
for my elder slsLer's blg famlly. l am sure she and her famlly wlll feel comforLable llvlng ln lL.
- l prefer Lhe house on Lhe hlll over looklng Lhe park because of Lhe beauLlful scenery and peaceful
- Llvlng ln a Lerrace house ls lnLeresLlng because we have many frlendly nelghbours who can help one
- ln addlLlon, Lhere ls a small garden ln fronL of Lhe house, where we can grow many colourful flowerlng
- My faLher wlll llke Lhls house because Lhe porch ln fronL ls blg enough for parklng Lwo cars.
- 1he securlLy around Lhls aparLmenL ls LlghL and my famlly wlll feel safe llvlng here. Moreover, Lhere are
many faclllLles around such as a halr saloon, gymnaslum and a mlnl-markeL. 1herefore, lL ls very
convenlenL for us.
- l would choose PomesLay Sg. 8ayor because my uncle's famlly loves Lhe counLryslde. 1he surroundlngs
are green and Lhe scenery ls beauLlful. 8esldes, lL ls quleL and peaceful. My uncle's famlly can experlence
feedlng Lhe anlmals on Lhe farm and plucklng rambuLans from Lhe orchard. 1he package ls for 3 days
and 2 nlghLs, whlch ls sufflclenL for my uncle's famlly.
- SLaylng ln PomesLay Amanda wlll be a wonderful experlence for my slsLer's pen pal and her famlly
who love naLure. 1hls place ls qulLe far from Lhe clLy and lL ls locaLed near a [ungle. 1he alr ls fresh and
cool. 1hey can en[oy [ungle-Lrekklng and looklng aL Lhe beauLlful flowers and planLs. 1hey can Lake
phoLographs of many lnsecLs Loo.
4. AcLlvlLles
- l prefer ouLdoor acLlvlLles Lo lndoor acLlvlLles because Lhey are more exclLlng, advenLurous and
- l can en[oy Lhe fresh alr whlle cycllng around Lhe nelghbourhood.
- Worklng lndoor ls more comforLable and l am proLecLed from Lhe sun and raln.
- Swlmmlng ls a good form of exerclse because lL sLrengLhens Lhe muscles of every parL of Lhe body. lL
keeps me flL and healLhy.
- CollecLlng sLamps ls lnLeresLlng and beneflclal. We can galn a loL of knowledge abouL counLrles all over
Lhe world.
- 8eadlng can lmprove our general knowledge, vocabulary and grammar. l can become more
- Slnglng ls enLerLalnlng and fun. lL ls my favourlLe acLlvlLy and l am very LalenLed ln slnglng.
- !olnlng Lhe Muslc Club glves Lhe chance Lo play muslcal lnsLrumenLs and make new frlends.
- Co-currlcular acLlvlLles help me Lo become an acLlve , responslble and dlsclpllned person.
- l geL Lhe chance Lo represenL my school ln sporLs . l can keep up Lhe good name of my school. l wlll be
proud lf l wln Lhe flrsL prlze ln Lhe sporLs meeL.
CloLhlng / Shoes
- l would choose Lhe CLC sporLs shlrL for my faLher because lL ls sulLable for hlm. Pe can wear lL when
he goes for hls sporLs acLlvlLles. lL makes hlm look sLyllsh and sporLy. lL ls comforLable Lo wear.
- 1he long-sleeved shlrL sulLs my faLher well as he wlll look smarL ln lL. 8esldes, he can wear lL Lo
lmporLanL funcLlons llke meeLlngs and buslness Lrlps.
- 1he baLlk shlrL has beauLlfully-deslgned paLLerns and lL ls very aLLracLlve. lL ls made of good quallLy sllk
maLerlal. lL looks eleganL.
- l would choose Lhe long sklrL wlLh flowered paLLerns for my moLher because she wlll look beauLlful ln
lL. 8esldes, lL ls fashlonable and aLLracLlve. My moLher can wear lL when she aLLends a parLy wlLh her
- 1he slzes are large and medlum. 1he large slze flLs me well.
- 1he free glfL ls a walleL. lL ls very useful .
- SA8k shoes are comforLable for my broLher Lo wear. 1hey are made from good quallLy leaLher so
Lhey wlll lasL longer. Moreover, SA8k ls Lhe mosL popular brand among chlldren Loday. My broLher can
wear Lhem Lo school or for an ouLlng.
- 1he PappyflL sandals come ln Lhree colours whlch are plnk, yellow and whlLe. So, l am golng Lo choose
plnk as lL ls my favourlLe colour. 1hese sandals are made ln Malaysla and l prefer local producLs. l can
walk comforLably ln Lhem.
- lL ls Lrendy .
- lL ls durable because lL ls made from good quallLy maLerlal.
6. lrulLs
- l would choose Lhe durlan as lL ls my famlly's favourlLe frulL . lLs flesh ls creamy and
dellclous. lL ls rlch ln carbohydraLes and vlLamln. lL ls known as, 1he klng of lrulLs" and ls very popular
durlng Lhe durlan season.
- 1he orange conLalns vlLamln C whlch keeps us healLhy. We can elLher eaL lL fresh or make lL lnLo a
drlnk. We can buy Lhem from Lhe markeL or supermarkeL.
- LaLlng fresh frulLs ls good for healLh. We wlll noL fall slck easlly lf we eaL fresh frulLs every day. l prefer
local frulLs because Lhey are cheaper and fresher.
- l prefer Lhe sweeL and sour [ulcy mangoes. 1hey are rlch ln vlLamlns. lL ls good Lo eaL Lhem when Lhey
are fresh. Mango [ulce ls a popular drlnk Loo.
7. Shows / Movle / 1v programme
- lL ls an lnLeresLlng show / movle / 1v programme and lL ls my favourlLe .....
- lL ls educaLlonal and l can galn a loL of knowledge from lL.
- lL ls sulLable for chlldren llke me. l can learn good moral values from Lhe movle.
- lL ls enLerLalnlng and l would en[oy waLchlng lL. Laughlng ls good and l can release sLress.
- 1hls documenLary provldes me a loL of knowledge abouL sea anlmals and marlne llfe.
- 1he LlckeL prlce ls 8M10 for an adulL and 8M6 for a chlld and lL ls reasonable.
- lL ls shown aL Lhe SLar Clneplex whlch ls a walklng dlsLance away from my house.
- 1he 3.00 pm show ls sulLable for me as l am free aL LhaL Llme.
* 1ask .
racLlse wrlLlng noLes for Lhe followlng Loplcs and oLhers:
- 1rees ( frulL Lree , flowerlng planL , ferns )
- eLs ( hamsLer , klLLen , blrd , flsh )
- LvenLs ( car race , mounLaln-cllmblng , canoe race )
- 8ooks ( advenLure , hobbles , grammar , magazlne, encyclopedla , dlcLlonary )
- 1oys ( sofL Loy , [lgsaw-puzzle , remoLe-conLrolled car )
- lood ( burger , sponge cake , mufflns )
- 1ransporL ( coach , Lraln , plane )
- Cb[ecLs ( waLch , walleL, neck-Lle , pen , handbag, compuLer )
- 1radlLlonal Cames ( Lop-splnnlng , klLe flylng , marbles )
- CuLdoor Cames ( fooLball, hockey , handball , neLball, volleyball )
- lndoor Cames ( scrabble , chess, snake and ladder , monopoly , compuLer game )
- Pobbles ( palnLlng , drawlng carLoons, gardenlng , sewlng, cooklng, collecLlng colns )
- ackage 1ours Lo hollday desLlnaLlons ( CenLlng Plghlands , Langkawl lsland , Malacca , enang lsland )
Cln1 8LASCn
lancy 8louse
rlce: Cnly 8M63.70
MaLerlal : CoLLon
lree: urse
Avallable ln four colours
llghL blue, llghL green, llghL yellow, plnk and brown.
rlce: 1he prlce ls 8M63.70. lL ls reasonable and affordable.
MaLerlal 1he maLerlal ls coLLon and lL ls sulLable for me. 8esldes, lL
ls comforLable Lo wear.
lree 1he glfL ls a purse. lL ls useful as l can keep my colns ln
Colours lL comes ln four colours. 1hey are llghL blue, llghL green,
llghL yellow, plnk and brown. My favourlLe colour ls llghL blue.
8AC1lCL lC8 AL8 2 CuLS1lCn 3
SecLlon C CuesLlon 3
( lcLures wlLh shorL noLes are glven .
WrlLe senLences Lo descrlbe Lhe plcLures glven.
use Lhe noLes glven Lo help you Lo wrlLe Lhe senLences )
?ou are advlsed Lo spend 33 mlnuLes on Lhls secLlon.
1. 8ead Lhe lnsLrucLlons carefully.
2. Look aL Lhe plcLures carefully.
3. 8ead and undersLand Lhe noLes glven for each plcLure. undersLand Lhe sLory.
4. ay aLLenLlon Lo Lhe words glven Lo glve you a clue Lo whaL Lense Lo use.
3. 1ry Lo use Lhe same Lense LhroughouL. 1he lnLroducLlon can be ln resenL 1ense lf you are descrlblng
Lhe maln characLer of Lhe sLory.
6. uslng Lhe glven noLes , wrlLe 3 or 4 paragraphs Lo descrlbe Lhe plcLures or sLory. WrlLe neaLly.
7. Pave an openlng and a closure.
8. WrlLe a varleLy of senLences. use slmple, compound and complex senLences.
9. WrlLe creaLlvely. use proper vocabulary Lo express your ldeas.
10. use ad[ecLlves and adverbs Lo make Lhem lnLeresLlng.
11. lf you are confldenL, use ldloms, slmllles or proverbs.
12. ?our senLences should llnk well so LhaL your sLory has a smooLh flow ln your sLory.
( Meanwhlle, WlLhln a few mlnuLes, As he was walklng home, lmmedlaLely, llrsLly,1hen, AfLer LhaL ,
Suddenly , eLc )
13. Check for mlsLakes ln spelllng, grammar and puncLuaLlon. Check LhaL you have used Lhe full-sLop,
comma and caplLal leLLers.
14. use Lhe correcL senLence sLrucLures.
13. ?ou may change Lhe order of Lhe words as long as Lhe meanlng ls clear.
16. lan your ldeas well. uo noL repeaL your ldeas.
1able 3 ( 1SvC )
1lML Su8!LC1 vL88 CCMLLMLn1
A few days ago, Lnclk MaL Zen feLched hls famlly Lo Lake Cardens.
1able 4
Su8!LC1 vL88 8LulCA1L
1here was an accldenL ln Lhe busy Lown Lhls mornlng.
A lorry knocked down a small boy who was cycllng.
1he boy was unconsclous and serlously ln[ured.
ln a shorL whlle an ambulance arrlved and rushed hlm Lo Lhe hosplLal.
1he boy's parenLs wenL hurrledly Lo see Lhelr son.
1he docLors saved Lhelr son's llfe.
1he boy's parenLs Lhanked Lhem graLefully.
1he boy had Lo be LreaLed ln Lhe hosplLal unLll he recovered.
MA8kS lC8 AL8 2 CuLS1lCn 3
lull Marks - 13
LxcellenL - 13 13 Language used ls very good. ldeas are clear,
well-planned and lnLeresLlng. Slmple, compound and
complex senLence. new words are used. no spelllng and
puncLuaLlon errors.
Cood 9 12 Language used ls good. 1ry Lo make slmple, compound
and complex senLences. Some errors made. MosL ldeas
are well-planned, relevanL and clear. new words are
used. Some spelllng and puncLuaLlons errors. Meanlng ls
Average 3 8 Language used ls correcL. Slmple senLences wlLh errors.
Meanlng ls clear. ldeas are qulLe good and vocabulary
ls enough. vocabulary ls adequaLe Lo convey meanlng. A
few puncLuaLlon and spelllng errors.
Weak 1 4 oor language use. Many errors ln senLences,
spelllng and puncLuaLlon. ldeas cannoL be
undersLood. vocabulary ls very weak. SenLences musL
have meanlng.
Pallm ls my pen pal. Pe sLudles ln Lhe ?ear 6 8esL ln Sk Cemerlang. Pallm en[oys ouLdoor acLlvlLles
such as camplng and flshlng. We share slmllar hobbles Loo. Pallm ls an acLlve and frlendly boy. Pe ls
popular ln hls school and hls Leachers llke hlm Loo.
uurlng Lhe lasL holldays, Pallm and hls frlends wenL camplng LogeLher. 1hey were exclLed and
planned for Lhe Lrlp well. 1hey camped ln 8uklL nanas qulLe far from Lhelr school. Pallm's uncle, Lnclk
Abdul 8ahman accompanled Lhem on Lhe Lrlp. Pe was an experlenced scouL so he could look afLer Lhe
boys well and help. 1hey broughL along LenLs, LorchllghLs, cloLhes, cooklng uLenslls and enough food for
Lhree days.
1he weaLher was flne and everyone was ln a happy mood. AfLer geLLlng down from Pallm's uncle new
car, Lhey had Lo walk Lhrough a [ungle Lrack Lo reach Lhelr campslLe. Lach of Lhem had Lo carry Lhelr own
heavy knapsacks on Lhelr backs. 1he alr was fresh and Lhey en[oyed walklng. 1hey were happy Lo geL
away from Lhe husLle and busLle of Lhelr busy Lown.
Soon Lhey reached Lhelr campslLe. 1hey saw a beauLlful waLerfall nearby. 1he boys plLched Lhelr LenLs
and collecLed flrewood for Lhe campflre aL nlghL and cooklng. AfLer LhaL, Lhey spenL a loL of Llme playlng
ln Lhe cool clear waLer. Lnclk Abdul 8ahman LaughL Lhem how Lo make a flshlng rod. Pallm and hls
frlends made Lhelr own flshlng rods from Lhln branches and Lwlgs.
1hey had fun Lrylng Lo caLch flsh uslng Lhe flshlng rods Lhey had made. 1hey also Look Lurns Lo cook Lhelr
slmple meals over a flre.
8esldes flshlng and swlmmlng, Lhe advenLurous boys also wenL [ungle- Lrekklng. lL was a challenglng
acLlvlLy as Lhe ground was sLeep and sllppery. AlLhough lL was Llrlng, Lhe boys en[oyed Lhemselves ln Lhe
[ungle. 1hey could see varlous Lypes of lnsecLs and rare blrds and planLs. 1hey collecLed some leaves and
pebbles for Lhelr Sclence Corner ln Lhelr class. AL nlghL, Lhey had a lovely campflre and sang many
camplng songs , [oked and laughed a loL.
Soon, lL was Llme Lo reLurn home. 1hey had spenL Lhree wonderful days ln Lhe [ungle. 8efore leavlng
Lhelr campslLe, Lhey made sure LhaL Lhe place was clean. 1hey plcked up all Lhe rubblsh and puL lL ln a
blg plasLlc bag. Pallm's uncle made sure LhaL he had puL ouL Lhe flre carefully. Pe dld noL wanL Lo cause
any foresL flres. 1hen, all of Lhem lefL Lhe [ungle feellng Llred buL happy. lL was an educaLlonal and
advenLurous experlence. When Lhey reLurned home, Lhey wroLe down Lhelr experlence ln Lhelr dlarles.

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