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Industry Assurance Consulting, Inc.

IACAdviceCompliance,Consulting,Certifications Telephone:(215)4327341 6303BlueLagoonDrive,Suite400,Miami,FL33126 www.iacadvice.com,Email:compliance@iacadvice.com

March10,2014 BYELECTRONICSUBMISSION MarleneH.Dortch,Secretary FederalCommunicationsCommission OfficeoftheSecretary 44512thStreet,S.W.,SuiteTWA325 Washington,DC20554 Subject:EBDocketNo.0636,CPNICertificationdueMarch1,2014(CY2013Operations) DearMs.Dortch: XenotelCommunicationsLLC(herebyreferredtoasthe"Company"),submitsthe followingCPNICertification,regardingitsCalendarYear2013operations,incompliancewith Section64.2001etseq.oftheCommission'srules. TheCompanyrespectfullyaskstheCommissiontoacceptthefollowingCertificationas timelyfiled,intermsoftheMarch1,2014filingdeadlinelistedin47C.F.R.64.2009(e). ________________________ AlonzoBeyene IndustryAssuranceConsulting,Inc. RegulatoryAnalyst

Enclosures cc: FCCEnforcementBureau,TelecommunicationsConsumersDivision, 44512thStreet,SW,Washington,DC20554 BestCopyandPrinting,Inc.(viaemail fcc@bcpiweb.com)

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A c c o m p a n y i n g S t a t e m e n t e x p l a i n i n g C PN I p r o c e d u r e s

AccompanyingStatementonCompanysCompliancewith47C.F.R.64.2009,Safeguards requiredforuseofCustomerProprietaryNetworkInformation(CPNI)andCompliancewith Section64.2001etseq.oftheCommission'sRules. A. Definitions CPNI(CustomerProprietaryNetworkData)referstodatasuchascustomername,address, contactdataaswellasquantity,technicalconfiguration,type,destination,andamountofuse ofservicesubscribedtobytheCompanyscustomers,andmadeavailablebytheCompanys customerstothecompany,solelybyvirtueofthecustomerrelationshiptothecompany.Italso includesdatacontainedincustomerbills,ifapplicable.

B. Use of CPNI (1)TheCompanymay,ifapplicable,use,disclose,orpermitaccesstoCPNIforthepurposeof providingormarketingserviceofferingsamongthecategoriesofservice(i.e.,local, interexchange,andCMRS)towhichthecustomeralreadysubscribesfromtheCompany, withoutcustomerapproval. (2)TheCompanydoesnotuse,disclose,orpermitaccesstoCPNItomarketserviceofferingsto acustomerthatrequireoptinoroptoutconsentofacustomerunder47C.F.R.64.2001et seq. (3)TheCompanydoesnotuse,discloseorpermitaccesstoCPNItoidentifyortrackcustomers thatcallcompetingserviceproviders. (4)Notwithstandingtheforgoing:ItistheCompanyspolicythattheCompanymayuse, disclose,orpermitaccesstoCPNItoprotecttherightsorpropertyoftheCompany,orto protectusersofthoseservicesandothercarriersfromfraudulent,abusive,orunlawfuluseof, orsubscriptionto,suchservices. C. Safeguards Required for the Use of CPNI (1)ItisthepolicyoftheCompanytotrainitsapplicablepersonnel,onthecircumstancesunder whichCPNImay,andmaynot,beusedordisclosed.ItisaviolationoftheCompanyspoliciesto discloseCPNIoutsideoftheCompany.Anyemployeethatisfoundtohaveviolatedthispolicy willbesubjecttodisciplinaryactionuptoandincludingtermination. (2)ItistheCompanyspolicytorequirethatarecordbemaintainedofitsownanditsaffiliates salesandmarketingcampaignsthatusetheircustomersCPNI.TheCompanymaintainsa recordofallinstanceswhereCPNIwasdisclosedorprovidedtootherthirdparties,orwhere thirdpartieswereallowedtoaccesssuchCPNI.Therecordincludesadescriptionofeach campaign,thespecificCPNIthatwasusedinthecampaign,andwhatproductsandservices wereofferedasapartofthecampaign.Suchrecordsareretainedforaminimumofoneyear.

(3)TheCompanyhasestablishedamandatorysupervisoryreviewprocessregarding compliancewithCPNIrulesforoutboundmarketing.Ifapplicable,salespersonnelmustobtain supervisoryapprovalofanyproposedoutboundmarketingrequestforcustomerapproval.The Companyspoliciesrequirethatrecordspertainingtosuchcarriercomplianceberetainedfora minimumperiodofoneyear. (4)IncompliancewithSection64.2009(e),theCompanywillprepareacompliancecertificate signedbyanofficeronanannualbasisstatingthattheofficerhaspersonalknowledgethatthe Companyhasestablishedoperatingproceduresthatareadequatetoensurecompliancewith 47C.F.R.64.2001etseq.Thecertificateistobeaccompaniedbythisstatementandwillbe filedinEBDocketNo.0636annuallyonMarch1,fordatapertainingtothepreviouscalendar year.Thisfilingwillincludeanexplanationofanyactionstakenagainstdatabrokersanda summaryofallcustomercomplaintsreceivedinthepastyearconcerningtheunauthorized releaseofCPNI.

D. Safeguards on the Disclosure of CPNI ItistheCompanyspolicytotakereasonablemeasurestodiscoverandprotectagainst attemptstogainunauthorizedaccesstoCPNI.TheCompanywillproperlyauthenticatea customerpriortodisclosingCPNIbasedoncustomerinitiatedtelephonecontactoronline access,asdescribedherein. (1)MethodsofAccessingCPNI. (a)TelephoneAccesstoCPNI.ItistheCompanyspolicytoonlydisclosecalldetaildata overthetelephone,basedoncustomerinitiatedtelephonecontact,ifthecustomerfirst providestheCompanywithapassword,asdescribedinSection(2),thatisnot promptedbythecarrieraskingforreadilyavailablebiographicaldata,oraccountdata.If thecustomerisabletoprovidecalldetaildatatotheCompanyduringacustomer initiatedcallwithouttheCompanysassistance,thentheCompanymaydiscussthecall detaildataprovidedbythecustomer.

(b)OnlineAccesstoCPNI.ItistheCompanyspolicytoauthenticateacustomerwithout theuseofreadilyavailablebiographicaldata,oraccountdata,priortoallowingthe customeronlineaccesstoCPNIrelatedtoatelecommunicationsserviceaccount.Once authenticated,thecustomermayonlyobtainonlineaccesstoCPNIrelatedtoa telecommunicationsserviceaccountthroughapassword,asdescribedinSection(2), thatisnotpromptedbytheCompanyaskingforreadilyavailablebiographicaldata,or accountdata.

(2)PasswordProcedures Toestablishapassword,theCompanywillauthenticatethecustomerwithouttheuseofreadily availablebiographicaldata,oraccountdata.TheCompanymaycreateabackupcustomer authenticationmethodintheeventoflostorforgottenpasswords,butsuchbackupcustomer authenticationmethodwillnotpromptthecustomerforreadilyavailablebiographicaldataor accountdata.Ifthecustomercannotprovidethecorrectpasswordorcorrectresponseforthe backupcustomerauthenticationmethod,thecustomermustestablishanewpasswordas describedinthisparagraph.

(3)NotificationofAccountChanges TheCompanywillnotifycustomersimmediatelywheneverapassword,customerresponsetoa backupmeansofauthenticationforlostorforgottenpasswords,onlineaccount,oraddressof recordiscreatedorchanged.Thisnotificationisnotrequiredwhenthecustomerinitiates service,includingtheselectionofapasswordatserviceinitiation.Thisnotificationmaybe throughaCompanyoriginatedvoicemailortextmessagetothetelephonenumberofrecord, orbymailtotheaddressofrecord,andmustnotrevealthechangeddataorbesenttothenew accountdata.

(4)BusinessCustomerExemption TheCompanymaybinditselfcontractuallytoauthenticationregimesotherthanthose describedinthisSectionDforservicesitprovidestoitsbusinesscustomersthathavebotha dedicatedaccountrepresentativeandacontractthatspecificallyaddressestheCompany's protectionofCPNI. E. Notification of CPNI Security Breaches (1)ItistheCompanyspolicytonotifylawenforcementofabreachinitscustomers CPNIasprovidedinthissection.TheCompanywillnotnotifyitscustomersordisclosethe breachpubliclyuntilithascompletedtheprocessofnotifyinglawenforcementpursuantto paragraph(2). (2)Assoonaspracticable,andinnoeventlaterthanseven(7)businessdays,afterreasonable determinationofthebreach,theCompanywillelectronicallynotifytheapplicableUS governmentagenciessuchastheFederalBureauofInvestigation. (a)Notwithstandingstatelawtothecontrary,theCompanywillnotnotifycustomersor disclosethebreachtothepublicuntil7fullbusinessdayshavepassedafternotification toapplicableUSgovernmentagencies,exceptasprovidedinparagraphs(b)and(c). (b)IftheCompanybelievesthatthereisanextraordinarilyurgentneedtonotifyany classofaffectedcustomerssoonerthanotherwiseallowedunderparagraph(a),inorder toavoidimmediateandirreparableharm,itwillsoindicateinitsnotificationandmay proceedtoimmediatelynotifyitsaffectedcustomersonlyafterconsultationwiththe relevantinvestigationagency.TheCompanywillcooperatewiththerelevant investigatingagencysrequesttominimizeanyadverseeffectsofsuchcustomer notification.

(c)Iftherelevantinvestigatingagencydeterminesthatpublicdisclosureornoticeto customerwouldimpedeorcompromiseanongoingorpotentialcriminalinvestigation ornationalsecurity,theCompanywillcomplywithsuchagencyswrittendirectives, includingdirectivesnottosodiscloseornotifyforaninitialperiodofupto30days,and extendedperiodsasreasonablynecessaryinthejudgmentoftheagency. (3)AftertheCompanyhascompletedtheprocessofnotifyinglawenforcementpursuant toparagraph(2),itwillnotifyitscustomersofabreachofthosecustomersCPNI. (4)Recordkeeping.TheCompanywillmaintainarecord,electronicallyorinsomeother manner,ofanybreachesdiscovered,notificationsmadetotheUSSSandtheFBIpursuantto paragraph(2),andnotificationsmadetocustomers.Therecordwillinclude,ifavailable,dates ofdiscoveryandnotification,adetaileddescriptionoftheCPNIthatwasthesubjectofthe breach,andthecircumstancesofthebreach.TheCompanywillmaintaintherecordfora minimumof2years.

(5)Strictcontrolsareinplaceinvolvingresponsestolawenforcementagenciesthatservethe Companywithvalidlegaldemands,suchasacourtorderedsubpoena,forCPNI.TheCompany willnotsupplyCPNItoanylawenforcementagencythatdoesnotproduceavalidlegal demand.

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