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A|| ou Need 1o know About

Umrah and na[[

8esearched and Wrluen by: Alla khan
LdlLed by: Abdul Samad khan
Consulung Scholar: Shelkh Sohall Panlf
Pow 1o use 1hls 8ook
1hls book ls meanL Lo be comprehenslve and lnformauve. When readlng lL ln lLs enureLy, Lhe pllgrlm ls meanL
Lo learn Lhe splrlLual, hlsLorlcal, and deeper value of Lhe many faceLs of umrah and Pa[[. Powever lf you wlsh Lo
sklp Lo [usL Lhe Pow 1o" poruon of Lhls book, Lhen klndly follow Lhe C8LLn pages only as follows:

- Go to page U1-p22 to U8-p38 for "now to erform Umrah" on|y
- Go to page U1-p22 to n8-p63 for "now to erform na[[ (|nc|ud|ng Umrah)"
- Go topage n1-p44 to n1-p63 for "now to erform na[[" on|y .

1he nexL page, Lhe ?LLLCW page wlll serve as a Culck Culde" on Lhe sLep by sLep process. 1he 8LuL pages are
M? experlences LhaL l hope wlll glve you beuer lnslghL. 1he WPl1L pages are whaL l call pearls" LhaL l hope
wlll add Lo your experlence. Also Lhe daLes menuoned ln Lhls book CnL? apply Lo Pa[[, whereas umrah can be
performed any ume of year.

lease make dua - May Allah granL you and your loved ones all you'd ever wanL from Plm and Lo Lhose LhaL
helped Lo make your pllgrlmage a meanlngful experlence and Lhelr loved ones lnshaAllah! Ameen.
Alla khan

* CcLober 2012 wlll always be remembered lovlngly as Lhe ume LhaL l wenL on Lhe amazlng Pa[[ [ourney wlLh
my proLecuve, klnd, and carlng broLher 1arlq, my beauuful and vlbranL slsLer Salma, and my besL frlend Samar.

** And a speclal Lhanks Lo my moLher noreen and my faLher Abdul Samad for encouraglng me Lo wrlLe Lhls ln
Lhelr puresL lnLenuons LhaL lL may beneL oLhers lnshaAllah.

noLe: l have found some wonderful wrlungs onllne LhaL l've shared wlLh you Lo lncrease your experlence as a
pllgrlm. ?ou'll nd Lhese same pleces repeaLedly shared on muluple webslLes buL wlLh no credlL or source,
hence lL's hard Lo know who wroLe Lhem. 1here ls no doubL, Lhey wlll be rewarded lmmensely for enhanclng
our experlence on Lhls [ourney.

Umrah Step by Step
U1 - . 22
1 Co Lo MeeqaL
U2 - . 23
2 CeL ln sLaLe of lhram
3 uo 2 8akaL SalaL
4 Make nlyyah for umrah
3 Conunuously reclLe 1alblyah
U3 - . 2S
6 LnLer Param wlLh rlghL fooL
7 Make uua upon seelng kabah
8 urlnk Zamzam wlLh nlyyah for easy, healLhy pllgrlmage
U4 - . 29
9 Co Lo kabah, make nlyyah for 1awaf ul umrah - men do 8umal and lduba
10 erform 1awaf ul umrah - sLarL aL 8lack SLone, do lsulam - repeaL lsulam every
ume you come Lo Lhe 8lack SLone. keep counL of 7 clrculLs!
US - . 30
11 ray 8abana auna 'l dunlya." aL ?emenl Corner
12 llnlsh 1awaf by dolng 8
lsulam - now men cover boLh shoulders
13 Cllng Lo MulLazam or acknowledge from afar - make dua
U6 - . 32
14 ray behlnd Maqam lbrahlm - 2 8akaLs SalaL
13 urlnk ZamZam
16 lsulam of 8lack SLone
U7 - . 3S
17 Cllmb Safa - make nlyyah for and sLarL Sal - CompleLe 7 clrculLs beLween Safa
and Marwa
18 uo 2 rakaLs SalaL upon nlshlng Sal
U8 - . 38
19 Shave/Cllp Palr
20 lf [usL dolng umrah - glve qurbanl. lf movlng on Lo Pa[[ - delay qurbanl
21 8oLh Pa[[ and umrah, remove lhram. Pa[[ls observe some lhram rules sull
na[[ Step by Step
n1 - . 44 - 8
Dhu| n|[[ah
1 CeL ln new sLaLe of lhram from where you are sLaylng ln Mecca
2 uo 2 rakaL SalaL
3 Make nlyyah for Pa[[
4 Conunuously reclLe 1alblyah
3 Aer la[r, you may do na Lawaf before you go Lo Mlna
6 SLay ln Mlna for dhuhr, asr, maghrlb, and fa[r (qasr mode for each)
7 Leave Mlna for Arafah aer sun rlses

na[[ Step by Step (Cont'd)
n2 - . 46 - 9
Dhu| n|[[ah
8 Arrlve ln ArafaL before dhuhr - face Clbla as much as posslble all day
9 Cbserve boundarles of ArafaL - sLay wlLhln aL all umes!
10 SuLlCA1L A LC1 on Lhls day
11 Auend khuLba ln ArafaL
12 Comblne dhuhr and asr prayers ln qasr model, Co lnLo your LenLs unul Cayam ul
AraaL (SLandlng on ArafaL)
13 Aer Asr and before sunseL come ouL of your LenLs and SLand on ArafaL -
SuLlCA1L unul [usL aer sunseL.
14 Aer Cayam ul ArafaL, uC nC1 pray Maghrlb aL ArafaL - delay and comblne
wlLh lsha aL Muzdallfah laLer LhaL nlghL
n3 - . 47
13 ShorLly aer sunseL, leave for Muzdallfah
n4 - . S3 - 10
Dhu| n|[[ah
16 Comblne Maghrlb and lsha prayers aL lsha ume ln Muzdallfah
17 CollecL 70 pebbles for pelung shayLan
18 SLay and resL ln Muzdallfah, pray la[r Lhen sLand and suppllcaLe aL Mash'ar al
Param unul sunrlse
19 ueparL Muzdallfah before lshraq for Mlna
20 Culckly cross Lhe valley called Muhassar - do noL lolLer here aL all!
nS - . S6
21 Arrlve Mlna and go Lo !amaraL ul kubra
22 elL 7 sLones aL !amaraL Al kubra saylng Allaho Akbar" aL every Lhrow
23 uo noL sLand around aer Lhe pelung ls nlshed Lo make duas. Leave.
n6 - . S9
24 Make sacrlce - Curbanl
23 Shave/Cllp Palr
26 Shower and change ouL of lhram
27 Co Lo kabah and perform 1awaf al lfadah and Pa[[ Sal (lf noL done earller)
28 Co back Lo Mlna, spend Lhe nlghLs Lhere unul 13
uhul Pl[[ah (3 days)
n7 - . 60 - 11
, 12
, and 13
Dhu| n|[[ah
29 erform 8ummy on all 3 columns - sLarL wlLh !amaraL Sughra (smallesL), Lhen
!amaraL WusLa (mlddle), Lhen !amaraL kubra (largesL) - 7 sLones aL each. SLop
and make aL leasL 13 Lo 20 mln dua aer each one LxCL1 !amaraL kubra aer
whlch you wlll proceed Lo leave Mlna before Maghrlb on Lhe 3
30 LLAvL MlnA 8LlC8L MACP8l8 on lasL day oLherwlse you MuS1 sLay for
anoLher day of pelung
n8 - . 63 - 14
Dhu| n|[[ah and Cnward
31 Co 8ack Lo Mecca and resL and pray ln Param a loL
32 erform 1awaf ul Wuda (larewell 1awaf), you musL leave lmmedlaLely aer Lhls

My V|ew:

l complled Lhls book only for prlvaLe use before my slbllngs and l performed our Pa[[ ln 2012. Powever, when l came back from Pa[[, and slnce more famlly
and frlends wanLed Lo use Lhls bookleL Lo prepare for Lhelr own Pa[[ and umrah, l declded Lo add a My vlew" page ln each secuon. l hope, now LhaL
l've experlenced umrah and Pa[[, Lhls wlll glve a beuer perspecuve on Lhe dlerenL aspecLs of Lhe llgrlmage - Lhough l agree wlLh my moLher when
she says, noLhlng can ever Lruly prepare you for Pa[[, because everyone has a dlerenL experlence LhaL ls Lallor made by Allah. Allah glves you whaL
you need ln order Lo show you someLhlng abouL yourself". Pow correcL she ls, only aer golng Lo Pa[[ and seelng/experlenclng all Lhe dlerenL sLorles,
do l really undersLand how my moLher was spoL on wlLh Lhls advlce!
When you reLurn, you may geL asked how dld you come back changed from your Pa[[? SLarL Lhlnklng abouL Lhls answer from Loday. 1he besL advlce l can glve
you abouL your Pa[[ ls have a hlgh oplnlon of LvL8?CnL and LvL8?1PlnC" and hope LhaL LhaL ls whaL you wlll brlng back wlLh you from your Pa[[.
AmongsL Lhe many beauuful Lhlngs you wlll see and feel Lhere, you wlll also see chaos, pushlng, rude behavlor, and Lhe llsL goes on. uo noL complaln.
uo noL dlspuLe wlLh anyone. lC8ClvL. Clve everyLhlng Lhe beneL of Lhe doubL. ?ou wlll nd LhaL everyone has a sLory, and only when you sLarL delvlng
lnLo people's llves wlll you undersLand why Lhey are Lhe way Lhey are - so [usL always leL lL go. 8emember, you wanL Lo be on your besL behavlor
because Lhls ls whaL counLs wlLh Allah, and LhaL's all LhaL should mauer Lo you. When you can come back from Pa[[ and say wlLh honesLy LhaL you dld
noL even say u" Lo anyone or abouL anyLhlng, only Lhen can you nd some comforL ln Lhe LhoughL LhaL your pllgrlmage may have been accepLed.and
an accepLed Pa[[ ls Lhe mosL ulumaLe Lhlng ln llfe! An accepLed Pa[[ means you geL Lo come back wlLh a clean slaLe and pure soul. Pow wonderful would
lL be Lo have your duas answered qulckly because now Lhere ls noLhlng (no slns, no doubLs, no Lrlals) ln Lhe way beLween you and Allah. now Lhe
challenge ls Lo keep your Pa[[ wlLh you for Lhe resL of your llfe, llve your llfe havlng Lhe hlghesL oplnlon of everyone and everyLhlng and be Lhe besL
human belng under all clrcumsLances. So excuse Lhe pushers, shovers, and chaos makers of llfe - and lf you can'L excuse Lhem, Lhen avold Lhem for Lhe
love of Allah and Pls peace.
1he besL lnLenuon you can make for your Pa[[ ls Lo do everyLhlng Lo please Allah. lnLend Lo do khldmah (servlce) for people: Lake food Lo feed Lhe many poor
people LhaL come, Lake sadaqa money Lo glve away, sLudy your deen really well so when you go Lhere you can share your knowledge.
llnally, l'll end Lhls page by emphaslzlng Lo you Lhe lmporLance of Lrylng Lo do your Pa[[ and umrah as closely as you can Lo Lhe ropheL's (SAW) pllgrlmage.
1here ls lmmense barakah ln Lhls. ?ou wlll be glven opuons and rullngs from scholars Lo Lake shorLcuLs, or avold crowds, or bypass Lhlngs alLogeLher -
don'L Lake alLernauves! 1hey aren'L opumal and you wlll sull hlL Lhe crowds and geL lnLo all sorLs of oLher poLenual dlmculues, buL when you follow Lhe
Sunnah of Lhe ropheL (SAW), mlracles happen. ?ou won'L belleve how you wlll geL parungs of Lhe sea" amongsL Lhe crowds and how opporLunlues
wlll be creaLed LhaL seem Lallor made [usL for you - and l belleve LhaL's exacLly whaL Allah has done for you as a reward for you followlng Pls beloved
8asool (SAW). l hope you wlll deeply conslder Lhls polnL, lL ls probably Lhe profound Lhlng you can do Lo add Lhe speclal power Lo your Pa[[ and umrah.
8emember lL lsn'L a mechanlcal Lhlng, Lhere are reasons, sLorles, rullngs, laws of Lhe SupernaLural, propheLs' [ourneys, and so much more LhaL facLor
lnLo each sLep. ln Lhe humblesL and mosL lmperfecL way, l have auempLed Lo explaln Lhe full plcLure Lo you ln Lhls bookleL so you can really undersLand
Lhe profound meanlng behlnd all Lhe rlLuals you wlll be dolng and whaL you should be feellng, saylng, dolng, and why. l have covered lnformauon ln Lhls
bookleL wlLh Lhe lnLenuon of helplng you Lhrough a pllgrmage based on Lhe Sunnah. Powever, lf for some reason you choose Lo Lake shorLcuLs or
follow oLher rullngs, please be very careful. l was shocked aL Lhe amounL of mlslnformauon belng oered so freely, and noL [usL by common people, buL
by people who were broughL Lhere Lo be scholars and guldes. Cne scholar ln our group gave us some grave mlslnformauon. 1hankfully l was able Lo
conrm lL was wrong as l had valld lnformauon wlLh me, buL l was shy Lo say anyLhlng Lo hlm. Sure enough, anoLher couple who had done qulLe a blL of
sLudy on Lhelr own spoke up loudly and Look ouL a well accepLed book and read from lL Lo conrm LhaL we had been mlslnformed. 1hls ls one case
where Lhe scholar/gulde was correcLed, Lhere are many many cases where people dld Lhlngs compleLely lnaccuraLely and lL was slmply Loo laLe Lo
correcL - for example, a woman ln our group dld 14 Sal beLween Safa and Marwa because she was Lold LhaL one round ls from Safa Lo Marwa and
back! lL would Lruly be a Lragedy Lo go Lhrough all Lhe eorL, expense, and emouons of Pa[[ and umrah Lo only laLer nd ouL LhaL lL was done
lncorrecLly - Lhough Allah ls mosL forglvlng, wouldn'L you wanL Lo be as perfecL as posslble for Plm?
1hls bookleL ls organlzed ln a way so LhaL you wlll know how Lo dlrecL yourself qulckly Lhrough lL should you need Lo. 1he green pages are Lhe lnsLrucuonal
pages LhaL you wlll need Lo refer Lo on a day Lo day basls. ?ou wlll see Lhere are very few green pages, as Pa[[ and umrah ls noL compllcaLed and very
easy Lo perform. 1he besL way Lo use Lhls bookleL ls Lo read lL enurely aL leasL once before you leave for your Lrlp. Maybe even do a sLudy group - as we
my slbllngs and l dld. 1hen l hlghly recommend LhaL Lhe nlghL before each rlLual day, you Lake ouL Lhe green page LhaL perLalns Lo LhaL day. 8ead only
Lhls page and geL famlllar wlLh whaL you are requlred Lo do. lf you follow Lhls slmple sysLem, lnshaAllah you wlll have an en[oyable and blessed
llgrlmage wlLh no doubLs and confuslon on whaL you need Lo do. 3

You wi jnd nat your love of God heighuns
as you start preparing for your pilgrimage journey, win ne sole inunron oj
leasing Aah. Win your heart longing u reach your goal, you become
urer in nought and deed. You repent for past sins, seek forgiveness jom
eople whom you might have wronged, and uy u render your due u
oners where necessary so as not u go u God's court burdened win
injusrces nat you may have done u your feow beings. In general, ne
inclinaron for doing good inunsijes and abhorrence for doing eviL
Afur leaving home, ne closer you get u ne House of God, ne more inunse
becomes your desire u do good. You become carejl so nat you harm
obody, while you uy u render whauver service or help you can u oners.
You avoid abuse, indecency, dishones, squabbles and bickering, because
ou are proceeding on ne pan of God. Tus your enrre journe_
onsrtuus an act of worship. How can, nen you do wrong?Tis journey,
in conuast u every oner, is a conrnuing course nrough which a Muslim
auains a progressive purijcaron of ne self. On nis journey, nen, you are
ilgrims u God.


UMkAn - 1he |esser p||gr|mage. L|ngu|snca||y means "to v|s|t a popu|ated p|ace". In the Is|am|c context, Umrah means to perform the |esser
p||gr|mage. 1he na[[ be|ng the 'ma[or' p||gr|mage. 1he rophet (SAW) performed 4 Umrahs |n h|s ||fenme.
nAII - 1he greater p||gr|mage. It |s the I|hh |||ar of Is|am. rophet Mohamed (SAW) sa|d the best type of na[[ |s na[[ At 1amauu'. 1h|s |s
where Umrah must be performed as a cond|non for th|s type of na[[ to be comp|eted. na[[ At 1amauu' |s opnma| because |t a||ows us to
do Umrah |n fu||, then we can come out of |hram as we wa|t to commence our na[[ r|tes on 8
Dhu| n|[[ah (the hrst day of the na[[
r|tua|s). 1herefore, we w||| go through the comp|ete process of Umrah |n th|s book hrst then fo||ow|ng th|s secnon we w||| go through
the comp|ete process for na[[ InshaA||ah. 1he rophet (SAW) d|d on|y one na[[ |n h|s ||fenme as a prophet.
1he word Pa[[, llngulsucally, means headlng Lo a place for Lhe sake of vlslung, ln Lhe lslamlc conLexL, lL lmplles headlng Lo Mecca Lo observe
Lhe rlLuals of Lhe greaLer pllgrlmage.
Pa[[ ls made obllgaLory by Allah upon every Musllm, male and female, who ls physlcally and nanclally capable. lL ls obllgaLory only once
durlng Lhe llfeume of a Musllm. Allah AlmlghLy Says : Pa[[ LhereLo ls a duLy manklnd owes Lo Allah, Lhose who can aord Lhe [ourney, buL
lf any deny falLh, Allah sLands noL ln need of any of Pls creaLures." (Curan 3:97)
Pa[[ was prescrlbed ln Lhe slxLh year aer Pl[rah (mlgrauon) upon Lhe revelauon of Lhe followlng verse ln whlch Allah Says : And compleLe
Lhe Pa[[ and 'umrah for Allah..." (Curan 2:196)
Pa[[ ls noL a new lnsuLuuon lnLroduced by lslam, raLher lL ls as old as Lhe kabah lLself. Allah AlmlghLy Says : "lndeed, Lhe rsL Pouse [of
worshlp] esLabllshed for manklnd was LhaL aL 8ekkah [l.e., Mekkah] - blessed and a guldance Lo Lhe worlds." (Curan 3:96)
1he whole orlgln of Pa[[ ls rooLed Lo Lhe acLs of devouon of ropheL lbrahlm (AS). 1hls demonsLraLes LhaL Muhammad (SAW) dld noL
lnnovaLe Lhls lnsuLuuon, all he dld was Lo clear lL of all Lhe evll pracuces LhaL had crepL lnLo lL aer Lhe pagans Look over Lhe kabah. Aer a
few cenLurles of Lhe deaLh of lbrahlm (AS) and hls son lsmall (AS) (who rebullL Lhe kabah ln Lhelr ume), people abandoned Lhelr Leachlngs
and gradually wenL asLray. Pundreds of ldols were lnsLalled ln Lhe kabah. lronlcally, ldols were made aer Lhe lmage of lbrahlm (AS) and
lsmall (AS) Loo, whose whole llves had been spenL eradlcaung ldol-worshlp. 1he kabah was Lurned lnLo a Lype of Lemple for ldol-worshlp
and supersuuon Lhough ulumaLely Lhe pagans used Lhe ldols Lo reach Allah so lL was sull seen as Lhe Pouse of Allah. 1hls predlcamenL
lasLed for abouL Lwo Lhousand years, unul Lhe advenL of ropheL Muhammad (SAW)
Muhammad (SAW) was known Lo regularly perform Lhe umrah, even before he began recelvlng revelauon. ln 630 CL, Muhammad (SAW)
led hls followers from Medlna Lo Mecca, lL was Lhe rsL Pa[[ Lo be performed by Musllms alone, and Lhe only Pa[[ ever performed by
Muhammad (SAW). When he goL Lhere, he (SAW) and Lhe Musllms cleansed Lhe kabah, desLroyed all Lhe ldols, and re-ordalned Lhe
bulldlng as Lhe house of Cod. lL was from Lhls polnL LhaL Lhe Pa[[ became one of Lhe llve lllars of lslam.
1he ropheL (SAW) was asked, WhaL deed ls Lhe besL?" Pe sald, lman ln Allah and Pls Messenger." 1hen whaL?" !lhad for Lhe sake of
Allah." 1hen whaL?" Pa[[ Mabroor, a Pa[[ accepLed by Allah."


Abu Sha'Lhaa' sald, l conLemplaLed Lhe good deeds LhaL a person does. l found LhaL SalaL as well as fasung are a [lhad of Lhe body. And
LhaL sadaqa ls a [lhad of someone's wealLh. 8uL Pa[[ ls a [lhad of boLh body and wealLh."
1he dua of Lhe one ln Pa[[ shall be accepLed. 1he ropheL (SAW) sald, 1he soldler ln Lhe paLh of Allah and Lhe one who performs Pa[[ and
Lhe one who performs umrah, all are Lhe delegauon of Allah! Pe called Lhem and Lhey answered. And Lhey asked Plm, and Pe shall granL
Lhem (whaL Lhey ask for)!" (AuLhenuc, narraLed by lbn Ma[ah and lbn Plbban).

Pa[[ ls rlghLly sald Lo be Lhe perfecuon of falLh, slnce lL comblnes ln lLself all Lhe dlsuncuve quallues of oLher obllgaLory acLs of prayer, pauence,
prlvauon of amenlues of llfe, devouon, ZakaL (alms), slaughLerlng Lhe sacrlce, and suppllcauon. ln facL, Lhe physlcal pllgrlmage ls a prelude Lo Lhe
splrlLual pllgrlmage Lo Allah when man would bld goodbye Lo everyLhlng of Lhe world and presenL hlmself before Allah as Pls humble servanL saylng:
'Pere l am before ?ou, my Lord, as a slave.'

narraLed by Abu Purayrah Lhe ropheL (SAW) sald: Whoever performs Pa[[ and does noL commlL any 8afaLh (obscenlLy) or lusooq
(Lransgresslon), he reLurns (free from sln) as Lhe day hls moLher bore hlm" (8ukharl).
'Amr lbn Al-'Aas narraLes, When lslam enLered my hearL, l wenL Lo Lhe Messenger of Allah (SAW) and sald, 'Clve me your hand so LhaL l
may pledge alleglance Lo you.' 1he ropheL (SAW) spread hls hand, buL l wlLhdrew mlne. Pe sald, 'WhaL ls wrong 'Amr?' l sald, 'l wanL Lo
make a condluon.' 'And whaL ls LhaL?' he sald. l sald, '1haL Allah wlll forglve me.' 1hen Lhe Messenger of Allah (SAW) sald, 'uld you noL
know LhaL lslam wlpes ouL whaL came before lL, and LhaL Pl[rah wlpes ouL whaL came before lL and LhaL Pa[[ wlpes ouL whaL came before
lL!" (Musllm).

Pa[[ ls comprlsed of several acLs of worshlp Lo Cod. eople of dlerenL nauonallues, languages, and colors gaLher ln Lhe mllllons aL Mecca
durlng Lhls ume. 1he concepL of one humanlLy upheld by lslam ls expllclL durlng Lhe Pa[[ pllgrlmage. lL ls a ume when people have Lhe same
LhoughL, carry Lhe same prayer on Lhelr llps, and are unlformly dressed. 1here ls no dlscrlmlnauon beLween masLer or laborer, black or
whlLe, ellLe or lowly, nauve or forelgner. 1hls equallLy before Cod becomes apparenL ln Lhe muluLude of human belngs LhaL assemble for
Lhls holy pllgrlmage.
?ou wlll nd ln many PadlLh regardlng Pa[[ Lhe Lerm Pa[[ Mabroor.". uo you know whaL Mabroor means? lL means an accepLed Pa[[. A
Mabroor Pa[[ ls one ln whlch Allah (Subhanahu wa La'ala) ls noL dlsobeyed durlng or aer. CLhers have sald LhaL a Pa[[ Mabroor ls one LhaL
ls accepLed, and Lhe slgn of lL's accepLance ls LhaL a person wlll go back a beuer Musllm Lhan when he came, and LhaL he wlll dlsconunue
Lhe slns LhaL were beLween hlm and Allah.


1he exce||ence of na[[:
1. It |s one of the best deeds:
Abu nurayrah reported that the rophet (SAW) was once asked: !"#$% '( %#) *)(% +))+,- .) /)01')+2 !34
*)1')5) '6 711$# $6+ .'( 8)(()69)/:- 3#) )6;<'/)/ %#)6 $(=)+2 !"#$% 6)>%,- 3#) ?/40#)% /)01')+2 !34 @9#% '6
%#) A$<() 4B 711$#:- .) $9$'6 $(=)+2 !"#$% '( %#) 6)>% *)(% %#'69,- .) /)01')+2 !.$CC D8$*/44/E F76 $AA)0%)+
.$CC G %#) .$CC %#$% '( B/)) 4B ('6 $6+ $11 '%( 0'11$/( $6+ A46+'H46( $/) B<1@11)+I:-[A|-8ukhaar|]

2. It |s a form of I|had:
A|-nasan Ibn 'A|| and h|s father, sa|d that a man came to the rophet (SAW) and sa|d: JK $L $ A4M$/+ $6+ $
M)$= 0)/(46: K( %#)/) $6N%#'69 K A$6 +4,J 3#) ?/40#)% FO7"I /)01')+2 JP4< L$N 94 B4/ $ Q'#$+ %#$% '65415)(
64 @9#H69R %#$% '(R .$CC:J ['Abdur-kazzaaq and At-1abaraan|]
1he rophet (SAW) a|so sa|d: J.$CC '( %#) Q'#$+ B4/ %#) 41+R %#) M)$= $6+ %#) M4L)6:J [An-Nasaa'|]

3. It w|pes away past s|ns:
Abu nurayrah reported that the rophet (SAW) sa|d: J.) M#4 0)/B4/L( .$CC ())='69 711$#S( 01)$(</) $6+
$54'+( $11 1)M+6)(( $6+ ('6( F%#)/)'6I M'11 /)%</6 $T)/ .$CC B/)) B/4L $11 ('6(R C<(% $( #) M$( 46 %#) +$N #'(
L4%#)/ 9$5) *'/%# %4 #'L:J [A|-8ukhaar| and Mus||m]

4. ||gr|ms are the Guests of A||ah:
1he rophet (SAW) sa|d: J?'19/'L( $/) 711$#S( 9<)(%(U %#)'/ 0/$N)/( $/) $6(M)/)+ $6+ %#)'/ (<001'A$H46( B4/
B4/9'5)6)(( $/) 9/$6%)+:- [An-Nasaa'| and Ibn Maa[ah]

S. 1he keward of na[[ |s arad|se:
1he rophet (SAW) sa|d: J711 ('6( A4LL'V)+ '6 *)%M))6 %#) 0)/B4/L$6A) 4B 46) SWL/$# $6+ %#) 6)>% $/)
)>0'$%)+ $6+ )/$()+R $6+ %#) /)M$/+ 4B .$CC D8$*/44/E '( 64%#'69 ($5) ?$/$+'():J [A|-8ukhaar| and Mus||m]


essons and Rejecrons of Pilgrimage:

Te pilgrimage is an act of Worship - not uurism or promenade - which requires a physical and spiritual prepararon.
1t is a staron of renewing Iman as many oner starons where sins are wiped out by forgiveness and where fain, uust, and love of Aah,
1is Messengers, and ne believers increase. Te Hajj pilgrim gets purijed and comes out of his sins like a newborn baby.
- 1t is a school of uaining for Taqwah - consciousness of one's dures
uward Aah - good characur and discipline like in ne oner schools of ne piars of Islam.
1t is a manifestaron of bronerhood, equali and Uni. Te Muslims are like dijerent branches but jom one uee. In a pilgrimage we
learn how u develop ne Spirit of Uni.
1t is a Muslim convenron auended by Muslims jom dijerent horizons, colors, races, and ungues Tey exchange ideas and news ana
elebrau neir uni in fain and diversi in culture. Tey meet in neir cenur-point Mecca (Qiblah). Muslims always have u have a
enur-point and should be constantly focused on neir noble goals.

Prayer regulaus ne believer's relaronship win God; Zakah conuols his relarons win socie; fasrng exercises and suengnens his wi: ne
1ilgrimage ojers Muslims, as one naron, ne opportuni u exercise ne high principles, values, and objecrves upon which Islam bases ne
haping of ne individual and ne naron. It is ne climax of ne individual's spiritual life and an embodiment of ne uni of ne naron,
which is based on a bronerhood in ne fain nat uwers above narrow considerarons or race, naronali, color, or ungue.

A psychological and spiritual jncron: Te Pilgrimage is an exercise of ne wi of ne believer at its height, where he rises above day-u-da_
reoccuparons and casts oj what men ordinarily cherish. Tus we can understand ne deep symbolic meaning of ne clones he wears
during ihram (ne stau of consecraron). Tey symbolize his inner stau nat makes him leave behind his family, home, wealn, posiron,
and everyning dear u him. Win his jee choice, he leaves ne good nings nat were lawjl u him and enurs a spiritual haram
(anctuary) nat he sets up winin himself before he enurs win his body inu ne haram in Mecca.

A moral, behavioral jncron: Te starons of ne Pilgrimage are enuances nrough which pilgrims pass coming jom every distant quarur,
eturning u ne sacred House where ne message of Trun was imparud u Muhammad (SAW). In nis blessed land, ne Muslims meet u
live a spiritual life on a special level, enacrng a riu nat exposes ne exalud value of Islam and where equali, bronerhood, and uni_
among ne fainjl are embodied, where response u ne ca of God comes before any oner ca: 'And proclaim among men ne pilgrimage:
ey sha come u you on foot and upon every lean beast; ney sha come jom every deep ravine (Quran 22:27).

Te Pilgrimage is a unique ganering nat gives ne pilgrims an experience unavailable u nem at home in neir usual life. In it nere is an
exercise of suict self-discipline and conuol where sacred nings are revered and ne life of even plants and birds is made inviolable ana
everyning lives in safe: 'And he nat veneraus ne sacred nings of God, it sha be beuer for him win his Lord . . . (Quran 22:30);
'nd he nat veneraus ne Symbols of God, it surely is jom devoron of ne heart (Quran 22:32); 'And when We made ne House (ar
`ecca) a resort for men and a sanctuary . . . (Quran 2:125).

A rigorous uaining in self-conuol: 'Te pilgrimage is in ne we-known monns. He nat undertakes ne du of ne pilgrimage during nem
ust abstain jom coiron, ungodliness and acrimonious dispuu, and whauver good you do, Aah is aware of it. Take provision (jom it)
or yourselves, for ne best provision is pie (Quran 2:197). 'Take provision indicaus nat ne ejects of nis experience should exund u
e conduct of ne Muslim in his normal life afurward, and nat he should live and conduct himself by ne values nat manifest pie,
'e best provision.


A 1rue na[[ - Amaz|ng Lxp|ananon - Imam Iuna|d a|-8aghdad|
A man came to visit Junaid Baghdadi, whose life reflected no change, even after having performed Hajj.
Junaid asked him: "Where are you coming from?"
"Sir, I have returned after performing Hajj of the House of Allah", was the reply.
"So, have you actually performed Hajj?
"Yes, Sir, I have performed Hajj ", said the man.
"Did you pledge that you would give up sins when you left your home for Hajj?" asked Junaid.
"No, Sir, I never thought of that", said the man.
"Then, in fact, you did not even step out for Hajj. While you were on the sacred journey and making halts at places during the nights,
did you ever think of attaining nearness to Allah?
"Sir, I had no such idea.
"Then you did not at all travel to the Kabah, nor did you ever visit it. When you put on the Ihram garments, and discarded your
ordinary dress, did you make up your mind to abandon your evil ways and attitudes in life as well ?
"No, Sir, I had no idea of that.
"Then, you did not even don the Ihram garments!" said Junaid ruefully.
Then he asked; "When you stood in the Plain of Arafat and were imploring Allah Almighty, did you have the feeling that you were
standing in Divine Presence and having a vision of Him?
"No, Sir, I had no such experience.
Junaid then became a liltle upset and asked: "Well, when you came to Muzdalifah, did you promise that you would give up vain
desires of the flesh?
"Sir, I paid no heed to this.
"You did not then come to Muzdalifah at all."
Then he asked: "Tell me, did you happen to catch glimpses of Divine Beauty when you moved round the House of Allah?
"No, Sir, I caught no such glimpses."
"Then, you did not move around the Kabah at all."
Then he said: "When you made Sai (running) between the Safa and the Marwa, did you realize the wisdom, significance and objective
of your effort ?
"Sir, I was not at all conscious of this.
"Then you did not make any Sai!"
Then he asked: "When you slaughtered an animal at the place of sacrifice, did you sacrifice your selfish desires as well in the way of
"Sir, I failed to give any attention to that!"
"Then, in fact you offered no sacrifice whatever.
"Then when you cast stones at the Jamarahs, did you make a resolve to get rid of your evil companions and friends and desires?"
"No, Sir, I didnt do that.
"Then, you did not cast stones at all", remarked Junaid regretfully, and said:
"Go back and perform Hajj once again, giving due thought and attention to all the requirements, so that your Hajj may bear some
resemblance with Prophet Ibrahims Hajj, whose faith and sincerity has been confirmed by the Quran :
"Ibrahim who carried out most faithfully the Commands (of his Lord).(Quran 53:37)

Yhile Malcolm X was in Mecca performing his
ilgrimage, he wrou u his assistants: 'Tey askea
e what about ne Pilgrimage had impressed me
e most. . . . I said, `Te bronerhood! Te people
of a races, colors, jom a over ne world comin_
ugener as one! It has proved u me ne power of ne
One God.' . . . A au as one, and slept as one.
veryning about ne pilgrimage atmosphere
accenud ne oneness of man under one God.


SLarL nCW by repenung for your slns. 1he condluons for repenLance are: 8esolve Lo abandon slns Lo your besL ablllLy, 8egreL slncerely all
slns you have done, llrmly be deLermlned Lo absLaln from slns and ask Allah's help ln Lhls,
erform wlLh peace of hearL and mlnd - remember LhaL everyLhlng you do on Lhls [ourney counLs as lbadah, so (from Lhe mlnuLe you geL
on Lhe plane Lo Lhe mlnuLe you come back) uC nC1 wasLe any preclous second on your moblle phone, compuLer, valn Lalk, looklng
around, and belng ldle.[usL lower your gaze and remaln humble whlle suppllcaung Lo Allah alone.
1he accepLance of your llgrlmage depends on how dlllgenLly you avold sln and remaln focused on Allah. use your ume Lo read Lhe Curan,
make duas, have meanlngful lslamlc dlscusslons, helplng oLhers and always dolng khldma wherever you go (carry peoples' bags, buylng
random sLrangers food and waLer, smlllng and belng pleasanL and helplng your companlons). ?ou are here for [usL a llmlLed number of
days and lL may be your lasL chance - don'L blow lL.
keep ln mlnd LhaL our [ourney beglns from Lhe momenL we make Lhe nlyyah.so prepare now by pracuclng Lhe above as much as posslble.
?our lnLenuon musL be Lo perform llgrlmage solely for Lhe sake of Allah. Conslderauons of pleaslng or lmpresslng oLhers wlLh your show
of pleLy should never be a facLor.
All your expenses musL be pald ouL of money obLalned Lhrough leglumaLe (Palal) means. Money obLalned Lhrough llleglumaLe or doubuul
means ls noL accepLable.
lL ls besL LhaL all of your debLs and nanclal obllgauons be fully seuled before you sLarL your [ourney and, where necessary, a wrluen
acknowledgemenL of Lhe Lransacuon obLalned for proof of paymenL.
Where are you golng? 1o Lhe Pouse of your Lord? And you squandered hls requlremenLs ln your own house? lmam Chazall on Lhe
lmporLance of paylng o debL before Pa[[
?ou musL make an honesL eorL Lo resolve your ouLsLandlng dlerences wlLh oLhers and seek forglveness from Lhose you may have hurL ln
any way ln Lhe pasL. 1hls ls based on speclc lnsLrucuons of 8asool Allah (SAW) and musL be followed for Lhe llgrlmage Lo be meanlngful.
lL ls necessary for you Lo make your Wlll before you leave for Pa[[
lncrease your sLamlna before golng Lo Pa[[.walk, walk, walk. CeL Lo Lhe polnL where you can walk for 1 hour conunuously wlLhouL needlng
resL. 1he propheL (SAW) oen spoke of Lhe lmporLance of physlcal Lness ln general.
When Lhere, Lry Lo only drlnk Lhe naLural Zamzam waLer wlLh Lhe nlyyah of ease, wellbelng, and opumal healLh and energy" LhroughouL
your llgrlmage. 1ake a glass boule (llke and empLy errler boule) as lL ls healLhler Lo drlnk from Lhls Lhan anyLhlng plasuc. 1ry noL Lo use
Lhe dlsposable plasuc cups provlded as some people do noL know where Lo puL Lhe used glasses and Lhey mlx wlLh Lhe new ones - may
lead Lo lnfecuon or hepauus.
Zamzam ls for drlnklng and consumpuon. lease respecL Lhls holy waLer and do noL use for oLher reasons, you wlll have plenLy of normal
waLer for LhaL.
Lose excess welghL before your [ourney - lL wlll make a huge dlerence ln your overall experlence.
lor Pa[[, Lry Lo eaL healLhy, drled foods as much as posslble.
Learn Lo ask Allah SlnCL8LL?, Allah can glve you anyLhlng!
Leave Lhe llluslon LhaL Lhe human belng ls ln a sLaLe of lndependence, you are never ln conLrol of yourself unul you submlL and ask Allah Lo
help you. now ls your chance Lo make Lhls your ulumaLe sLaLe, and nally reach Lhe success you have wanLed ln llfe. 1he only Lhlng you
lose when you submlL Lo Allah, ls your deluslon - once Lhls ls removed you can see more clearly.
!oklng and nonsenslcal Lalk ls hlghly advlsed agalnsL ln llgrlmage - so choose plous, learned companlons for Lhls [ourney. 8e serlous abouL
Lhe MCS1 lmporLanL Lhlng you can do for Allah - ln Pa[[ you have ALL 3 plllars: 1awheed, rayer, lasung, CharlLy, and llgrlmage. MosL of
one's ume should be spenL ln some form of lbadah.


repare for your ||gr|mage by mak|ng your Sa|at outstand|ng.
1he rsL Lhlng ln Lhe Pereaer you wlll be asked ls how was your SalaL?" 1he quallLy of your SalaL musL be ouLsLandlng. SLarL
dolng Lhls ln preparauon for your Pa[[.

Allah says Successful lndeed are Lhe bellevers. 1hose who oer Lhelr SalaL (prayers) wlLh all solemnlLy and full
submlsslveness." (Curan 23:1-2)

1he ropheL (SAW) sald: 1he rsL mauer LhaL Lhe slave wlll be broughL Lo accounL for on Lhe uay of !udgmenL ls Lhe SalaL
prayer. lf lL ls sound, Lhen Lhe resL of hls deeds wlll be sound. And lf lL ls bad, Lhen Lhe resL of hls deeds wlll be bad" (PadlLh)
8emember ln Pa[[ Lhere wlll be days when you can shorLen and comblne your SalaLs. Powever, lL ls hlghly recommended LhaL
you follow up all your sunnah salaLs aer Lhe fard - excepL aer Asr of course, when no exLra SalaLs are allowed aer Lhe fard
Asr - so for example, no sunnahs wlll be prayed ln ArafaL slnce you are comblnlng uhuhr and Asr and Lhere wlll be no space for
you Lo do any sunnah salaL aer Lhls. ?ou are golng on such a mubarak [ourney, lL would be a shame Lo mlss your sunnah salaLs

1o help perfecL lL, noLe Lhe followlng for yourself for each SalaL:

uld you do your wudu perfecLly? (see end of Lhls bookleL for lnsLrucuons on Wudu)
uld you pray on ume?
uld you do your Sunnah prayers?
uld you feel Lhe presence of Allah ln your SalaL?
uld you make dua ln sa[da?
uld you do Lhe prescrlbed dhlkrs and duas aer SalaL?
uld you focus on Lhe meanlng of whaL you are reclung?
ls Lhere full concenLrauon ln your SalaL, no dlsLracuons, [usL focuslng on your love and grauLude Lo Allah?
lor men, dld you pray ln Lhe mas[ld? Pow many SalaLs per day?
uld you read Lhe Curan ln Arablc wlLh meanlng aer your SalaL or aL leasL once a day. uld you acL on Lhe meanlng you read ln
Lhe Curan? 1aha[ud and la[r ls opumal ume for readlng Curan.
lollowlng Lhe above ls Lremendously beneclal and wlll ensure a hlgher quallLy llgrlmage lnshaAllah.

3'02 X'5) ($+$;$ *)B4/)R $T)/R $6+ +</'69 N4</ 0'19/'L$9)U $( ($+$;$ /)L45)( A$1$L'H)(:

1aken lrom Shelkh Muhammad Alshareef's 8ook 1he PearLWheel !ournal"

Shelkh Alshareef LxLracLed lnformauon dlrecLly from Curan and Sunnah Lo formulaLe Lhe PearLWheel whlch guldes you Lo purlfy your
hearL. lL challenges you Lo:

erform SalaL wlLh full concenLrauon
Map ouL dhlkr ume - ume whlch you block ouL Lo remember Allah
Cuard your chasuLy - lower your gaze, dress ln a way pleaslng Lo Allah, proLecL your mlnd, body, and soul.
nlghL rayer - wlLh focused Curan reclLauon
uprlghL CharacLer - slncerlLy wlLh everyone, noL lylng, noL decelvlng, noL exaggeraung, noL Lalklng abouL oLhers, noL Lalklng
abouL yourself, noL brlnglng auenuon Lo yourself, upholdlng besL manners, honorlng your guesLs, belng klnd Lo everyone,
keeplng your mlnd, body, and soul pure, belng commlued Lo LruLh, grauLude ln all sLaLes, and Lhe servlce of oLhers - sLarung
wlLh your parenLs and famlly.
Avoldlng ulsLracuons - Lhlngs LhaL are noL lmporLanL ln llfe
ually Sadaqah - wlLh money, body, and ume
lasung - opumlze closeness Lo Allah and opumal healLh

lease download Lhe PearLWheel !ournal and Lake Lhe challenge aL
lL wlll change your llfe..and help develop your characLer Lo become closer Lo LhaL of Lhe ropheL (SAW)!

8e tbe tooqbest ptosecotot oqolost yootself ooJ tbe best Jefeose ouotoey fot otbets - letbollob Coleo

1btooqboot yoot pllqtlmoqe, obstolo ftom eveo 1nlNklNC of tbe smollest of slos.Joot let lt eveo eotet yoot spoce ooJ
coostootly temembet kosool Allobs (5Aw) wotJs 1oJoy ls socb o Joy tbot wboevet coottols bls eyes, bls eots, ooJ bls tooqoe
oqolost slo sboll be fotqlveo

1he human belng ls deslgned Lo worshlp, we need Lo worshlp" - Shelkh Pamza ?usuf

1hroughouL Pa[[, you have an ldeal opporLunlLy Lo reclLe Lhe salawaL (darud) lbrahlm" Shelkh nuh Pa Mlm keller

(AL Pa[[ you wlll) See Lhe vlslon of human belngs LhaL Lranscends nauonallsm. Puman boundarles are an llluslon we lmpose on
ourselves. Cod dld noL lmpose Lhls on us" - Shelkh Pamza ?usuf.

Make Lawba before you leave and all Lhe way Lhrough
Ask people Lo make dua for you.you are golng Lo Lhe 8ahma of Allah, ln Lhls 8ahma you wanL people's duas
keep focused on Lhe blesslngs aL llgrlmage noL Lhe problems - Lhe crowds, cleanllness, chaos eLc - [usL don'L complaln and be graLeful aL
all umes. 1hls ls why some people come back unchanged, Lhey dld noL dlsplay Lhelr sabr and grauLude Lo Allah.
8emaln pauenL and show Allah you are worklng hard for Plm.
Always be merclful
leed people whlle you are Lhere as much as you can.
1ake lL easy and do Lhe besL you can
Make dhlkr and labayk all ume
ueLach when you are Lhere.make lL all abouL Allah.
erformance of Pa[[ leads Lo perfecuon ln a person - a slgn of accepLance ls LhaL you reLurn a changed person and a beuer person.
SlncerlLy ls Lhe blggesL Lool you can keep wlLh you aL all ume
Pa[[ ls noL necessarlly easy or comforLable - lower your expecLauons. umrah ls much easler Lhan Pa[[.
SLay ln wudu aL all umes durlng Lhe enure [ourney - lL ls mosL beneclal.
LaL salL, eaL llghL and healLhy so you don'L geL slck
CeL ln good shape, eaL soup and salad unul Lhe llgrlmage so you geL llghLer - eaL smaller meals Lo geL used Lo eaung less.
urlnk 3 llLres of waLer everyday - Lhls glves you amazlng energy!
lasL Lhe exLra fasLs before you geL Lhere - Lhls opumlzes your healLh Anu lL brlngs you closer Lo Allah.
Sleep fewer yeL opumal hours and geL used Lo lL - lL ls Lhe besL way Lo llve - pray Allah puL barakah ln your sleep.
1ake a good amounL of spendlng money. 1here ls lmmense blesslngs ln glvlng and dolng servlce whlle you are on pllgrlmage.buy food and
gls for people Lhere, glve sadaqa Lo Lhe poor. lL may also be useful for you Lo generously up a cleaner Lo clean Lhe baLhroom before you
use lL - you wlll be more comforLable and Lhey wlll be well rewarded. ln general all Lhe cleanlng sLa should be generously recognlzed. 1he
reward for each $1 glven aL pllgrlmage = $100,000. so glve, glve, glve!

1ry Lo leave as many of your valuables as posslble aL home, Lravel as llghLly and easlly as you can.
1ake fanny pack or walsL pouch so you can keep your money, credlL cards, passporL, eLc safely wlLh you aL all umes.
Ior na[[, our 8ackpack - what you shou|d pack for th|s tr|p:
A|| to||etr|es to be unscented: deodoranL, LooLhbrush/pasLe, soap/shampoo Lravel pack, sunblock, ussue, hand sanluzer, razor,
molsLurlzer, nall cllpper, Lowel,1 palr sllppers, 1 palr walklng shoes/sandals, clean underwear, as few lslamlc Lops and bouoms as posslble,
umbrella, vasellne (men can geL rash under Lhelr lhram), sleeplng maL or blankeL (make lL smallesL posslble - use backpack for plllow!), ear
plugs - lL geLs nolsy when you wanL Lo sleep (Lhe sponge ones keep nolse ouL), eye shades Lo help you sleep, vlLamln C powder drlnk Lo
boosL your energy, exLra bag lf you plan Lo shop, owerbar or granola bar, healLhy snacks, pen/noLebook, Curan wlLh Lranslauon, uua
books, Salah maLerlal, Lasblh, small foldlng fan, bag for shoes, glass boule for waLer.
ICk 8C1n nAII AND UMkAn - uC nC1 1AkL A Su8ClCAL MASk, l1 lS nC1 L8MlSSl8LL 1C CCvL8 ?Cu8 lACL WPlLL ln lP8AM, SC
uCn'1 uC l1!


Work on your dua ||st, here are some suggesnons that you can add to your own ||st - Scho|ars say you shou|d have up to 16 pages!! :
?a Allah besLow lmmense blesslngs and goodness of every klnd on Lhe ropheL (SAW) - uo many uaruds.
lease forglve me and bloL ouL all my slns, mlsLakes, bad ways from every record
CranL Lhe uMMAP lmmense success and uprlghLness ln Lhe deen, dunlya, and Akhlra - leL us always be obedlenL Lo you
LeL all Lhe Musllms be prosperous - granL ALL pllgrlms all Lhelr duas, hopes, and deslres
Pelp all Musllms Lo aualn excellence
lor my parenLs, slbllngs, all of our chlldren, all of our spouses, and all famlly, frlends, Shelkhs, sLudenLs, all our loved ones, and all Lhe 8ellevers:
CranL us llm, hlkmah, hldayaL
LeL us always be happy, conLenL, and pleased wlLh ?ou aL all umes
LeL us always remaln Codfearlng and graLeful
LeL our nlyyah for everyLhlng always be for seeklng ?our pleasure
Allow us Lo do opumal charlLy and khldma conslsLenLly
CranL us secreLs and powers and Lhe hlkmah Lo use Lhem ln Lhe besL way
uL barakah and heallng ln our food
uL barakah and heallng ln our sleep . LeL us sleep less yeL opumally, waklng up wlLh lmmense energy
LeL our lbadah be opumal wlLh compleLe love, grauLude, and focus of ?ou
CranL us gls beyond whaL we could ask for or expecL
Make all Musllms hyglenlc and pleasanL smelllng
CranL us lmmense beneclal knowledge and LalenL Lo share wlLh people everywhere
CranL us lmmense lnner and ouLer beauLy
CranL Lhe unmarrled ones spouses from Lhe besL of ?our people LhaL are Lhe besL and happlesL maLch
CranL us happy marrlages aL a young age and leL us be happlly marrled forever
LeL us all have plous, rlghLeous, and happy marrlages
CranL us happy, safe, secure, proLecLed homes everywhere we go
CranL us an opumal relauonshlp, knowledge, and love of Allah and Lhe ropheL (SAW)
CranL us besL and opumal relauonshlps wlLh all your creauon especlally love beLween all of our famlly and loved ones.
keep us ln a consLanL sLaLe of grauLude, compasslon, love, respecL, honor
Make us Lhe besL of your people and surround us by Lhe besL of your people
CranL us hlghesL LMAn
CranL us opumal PLAL1P and LnL8C?
CranL us Lhe besL of Lhe PL8LAl1L8
LeL us be Lhe beneclal for our lAMlLlLS and l8lLnuS and CCMMunl1lLS
CranL us healLhy and opumal llnAnCLS
CranL us opumal LMC1lCnAL PLAL1P
CranL us osprlng LhaL are Lhe besL of your people
Culde us Lo success ln Lhe besL and halal CCCuA1lCn, wlLh Lhe puresL halal lncome
8less us, our famllles, our homes, our properues, possesslons wlLh safeLy, proLecuon, and lmmense goodness and barakah

AccepL all our duas and granL us whaL we requesL rlghL away
8emove our anger
8emove our lnsecurlues and weaknesses
CranL us every vlcLory, success, goodness, ease, and comforL of Lhe deen, dunlya, and akhlra
lncrease our rlzq, granL us Lhe hlghesL lncome and glve us hlkmah Lo use lL wlsely
Clve us hlkmah Lo use our bounues Lo please ?ou.
CranL us ouLsLandlng communlcauon skllls, demeanor, personallLy, and characLer
CranL us opumal mouvauonal and lnsplrauonal skllls - Lo lnsplre oLhers Lo be rlghLeous and successful
Make us Lhe besL example for all manklnd llke Lhe ropheL (SAW), leL us emulaLe hlm (SAW) opumally
Clve us Lhe ablllLy Lo always know rlghL from wrong and always acL correcLly
Clve us Lhe sLrengLh Lo sLay away from wrong
Show us Lhe LruLh and show us Lhlngs as Lhey really are
Show us falsehood and glve us Lhe sLrengLh Lo proLecL ourselves from lL
Clve us courage
Clve us condence and keep us free from Lhe scary, panlcky, nervous sLaLe - prevenL us from maklng mlsLakes
roLecL us from oppressors and from belng oppressors
CranL us opumal knowledge of Arablc - Lhe ablllLy Lo communlcaLe, comprehend, undersLand, and memorlze Lhe Curan opumally
CranL us Lhe mosL beauuful characLer, wlL, charm, humor, magneusm, and personallLy
LeL us please ?ou ln all our conducL and glve us hlghesL Adab and Akhlaq Lowards all
LeL us easlly malnLaln pure hearLs and healLhy mlnds, body, and souls.
LeL us be compasslonaLe, slncere, and aecuonaLe always
LeL us deal wlLh everyLhlng opumally wlLh love, goodness, compasslon, and falrness - leL us be [usL, for ?ou are mosL !usL
Make us ouLsLandlng and exalLed ln Lhe eyes of ?our creauon buL allow us Lo always remaln humble
LeL us be Lhe besL of your leaders and granL us Lhe besL leadershlp skllls
LeL us be LalenLed and conunue Lo sharpen and lncrease our skllls
uL love, respecL, and honor beLween us and all of your creauon
Allow us Lo llve wlLh no adversarles and foes, keep us proLecLed from Lhls experlence
Pelp us Lo preserve your beauuful deen, lslam
LeL us all be blessed wlLh peace
8emove all our fear and help us Lo fear ?ou opumally
Allow us opumal hope ln ?ou
LeL us be posluve and producuve and accompllshed people
LeL us always do good ln everyLhlng we do - puL khalr ln everyLhlng for us
LeL us rely on ?ou Lo be ulsposer of all our aalrs
LeL us overcome our base selves and noL fall lnLo LempLauon LhaL leads Lo blameworLhlness and ?our dlspleasure
LeL us always be slncere
CranL us Lhe hlghesL beneclal knowledge of everyLhlng worLhwhlle
roLecL us from cruelLy and Lyranny
LeL us be awe lnsplrlng
roLecL us agalnsL [ealousy, maglc, and all Lhlngs harmful
Pelp us Lo see our shorLcomlngs and blameworLhy Lhlngs and help us Lo correcL Lhem lmmedlaLely.
Allow us Lo always be loved by ?ou and be ?our favorlLe and have ?our Aecuon, ?a Allah!
Pelp us Lo overcome our carnal and base deslres and all oLher blameworLhy acLs
Culde us Lo Lhe sLralghL paLh
Allow us Lo shun and avold bad hablLs
CranL all Lhe lands opumal agrlculLure
CranL us sLaLus, reverence, and posluons amongsL Lhe masses
Allow us Lo always remaln healLhy and capable wlLh full ablllues and faculues ln LacL unul our dylng day
CranL us sharp eyeslghL, hearlng, and senses ln an opumal way
CranL us healLhy appeuLes, leL us eaL well and healLhfully. Pelp us Lo avold all LhaL ls bad and unhealLhy for us. LeL our food be a barakah
and heallng for us
uL barakah ln our ume and money, allow us Lo be producuve and opumal
Allow us Lo fasL Lhe sunnah fasLs wlLh ease
Allow us Lo sleep less opumally and leLs us wake up on ume for Laha[ud and fa[r
Allow us Lo pray our SalaLs on ume and do Lhe sunnah prayers wlLh ease
Pelp us Lo do perfecL wudu
LeL every aspecL of our llves and lncome be halal and barakah lled
roLecL us from all dlseases and always keep us healLhy
Allow us and our famllles and all bellevers opumal obedlence Lo ?ou
Allow us Lo recover anyLhlng we have losL lmmedlaLely
Make us free of sloLh, lazlness, Lardlness
8less us wlLh lmmense, happy, posluve energy aL all umes
CranL us opumal love and klndness Loward our parenLs
roLecL us from vulgar language and vlllcauon
CranL us excellenL eLhlcs - leL us always be lovlng, klnd, carlng, compasslonaLe, and so opumally
Make us an lnsLrumenL of ?our peace and goodness
8less us wlLh maklng ?our creauon happy and healLhy
Cure all ?our creauon of everyLhlng LhaL alcLs us and challenges us all
Shower all ?our bounues on us aL every momenL
roLecL us from ever lncurrlng any Lype of debL
Allow us Lo always be llberaLed and free
CranL us safe, beauuful beneclal, and opumal Lravels
Allow us Lo llve and dle ln ?our falLh
roLecL us from and remove all doubL, allow us cerLalnLy Lhrough ?ou

uL Lenderness beLween us and our chlldren
uL Lenderness beLween us and our parenLs
uL Lenderness beLween us and all our famlly and frlends
uL Lenderness beLween us and all your creauon ln an opumal manner
LllmlnaLe and proLecL us from all dlmculues, hardshlps, sadness, and worrles
CranL us clear answers for our lsukharas always
LeL us have a dlrecL, powerful and opumal relauonshlp wlLh ?ou wlLhouL us relylng on anyone else
Make all of ?our creauon free of dlsLress, Lrouble, haLred, and negauvlLy - leL Lhe world be a posluve, lovlng place Lo llve ln LranqulllLy and
prosperlLy always.
roLecL Lhe envlronmenL and allow us Lo conLrlbuLe Lo lL opumally
CranL us Lrue and good dreams and leL us always know whaL Lhey mean.
keep us free from cowardlce
lree us from our blameworLhy nafs and help us Lo keep lL purled
CranL us beauuful Payah
CranL us serenlLy and be free of quarrels and argumenLs
CranL us Lhe hlghesL opumal oplnlons of your creauon and your creauon on us
Allow us Lo be ln Lhe sLaLe of lslam opumally and allow us Lo always remaln successful ln lL
Allow us Lo always be auenL and be blessed wlLh good forLune
uL Lenderness beLween us and our spouses
uL Lenderness beLween us and our slbllngs
Clve us ease ln all mauers and overcome all lmpedlmenLs and obsLacles wlLh ease
CranL us a sharp, sLrong memory and healLhy mlnds
Clve us consLanL lncrease ln all good Lhlngs
Allow us Lo never sln and be excellenL ln our conducL
CranL us dlgnlLy, sancuLy, and blesslngs of every klnd
roLecL us from and remove all calamlues and hardshlps from us and our loved ones
Clve us ease ln llvellhood
CranL us Lhe besL communlLy and SCClAL LllL and leL lL be good for us and us for Lhem
CranL us opumal LuuCA1lCn and beneclal knowledge of every klnd
LeL us leave a legacy behlnd LhaL ls pleaslng Lo ?ou and a sadaqah [arlyyah for us
Always proLecL us agalnsL shayLan and help us Lo always overcome shayLan.
never leL shayLan come near us
roLecL us and oLhers from evll and wlckedness wlLhln ourselves and oLhers
8loL ouL all evll and wlckedness wlLhln us.
Clve us Lhe gl of maklng everyone happy and pleased for Lhe sake of ?ou
CranL us Aa (wellbelng) and Lawq
Clve us clean, pure, beneclal, opumal LhoughLs, feellngs, ldeas, lnsplrauons, goodness, communlcauon, magneusm


1ut ne wiingness u give up what is dear u us for 'It- a universal seed winin us-is
ecessary for dean before dean. Ibrahim (Abraham) (AS) loved his son Ismail (Ishmael)
(S) and his wiingness u sacrijce his son for Aah permiued him u have bon- IsmaiL
(S) and Aah. I found many 'Ishmael winin me: for instance my love for my self- whar
1 do for a living, ne money I earn, my family, my house, my car- winin me. Traveing or
journeying in ne Hajj win so liule- two pieces of clon and ne bare necessires nat I coula
arry win me- showed me how liule I actuay needed. When I was rred, I sat on ne
qround before me; at one point, having forgouen u take waur win me, I suod in line for a
boule of waur generously gifud by a man. I found nat ne simplest of pleasures were ne
ost sarsing ones.
But why should anyone of us seek dean before dean? For ne love of ourselves and God. Te
dean we seek is not u ne brean of God winin us but u everyning else. It is actuay ne
ursuit of ne beaurjl. I am also cognizant nat My Aah is He who loves us u live our
lives as our nature dictaus- u live it passionauly, when we must.Te moner of Ismail ran
between two mountains in search of waur for her son- and nis natural of a acts was so
loved by God nat he made ne imitaron of nat act mandaury on a Muslims during ne
1ajj. Te moner of Ismail failed u get waur for her son- her acron had no natural ejecr-
et God loved us being uue u our nature so much nat ne spring of Zamzam emerged below
1smail's feet!
A dressed in whiu in two pieces of whiu clon is and should be a sign of equali. It became
apparent u me nat I should pray nat God should grant ne prayers of ne oner pilgrims
and mine: we were a standing ugener searching a glimpse of ne Divine.
- Moiz Biah 'Personal Rejecrons on Hajj

Dhu|| n|[[ah - My Dear S|bs:

1oday, we wlll be preparlng for our [ourney Lo leave Lomorrow so Lhls ls an excellenL day Lo sLarL conLemplaung our deslre Lo please Allah.
1oday marks Lhe rsL day of Lhe monLh of Pa[[ - 1
uhul Pl[[ah.
We are now ln Lhe rsL 10 days of Pa[[, whlch are sacred and powerful:

Cn Lhe auLhorlLy of Ab Purayra (8A), Lhe Messenger of Cod (SAW) sald: 1here are no days more beloved Lo Cod LhaL Pe be worshlpped
ln Lhem Lhan Lhe rsL Len days of uhul l[[a. Lach day of fasung ln lL ls equlvalenL Lo Lhe fasL of an enure year. And each nlghL sLandlng ln
prayer ls equlvalenL Lo sLandlng ln prayer on Lhe nlghL of ower (LaylaL al-Cadr). "
Also due Lo Lhe sLaLure and merlLs of Lhese days, Allah swore by Lhem when Pe sald: 8y Lhe uawn. And by Lhe Len nlghLs" [Surah al-la[r: 1-2]
In these 10 days, A||ah bestowed many of n|s bounnes on n|s rophets:
lbn Abbs relaLes LhaL ln Lhe Len days of uhul l[[a, Allah accepLed Lhe repenLance of ropheL Adam (AS) , and ln lL ropheL lbrhm (AS)
became Lhe lnumaLe frlend (khall) of Allah
.Allah Look lbrahm as Pls lnumaLe frlend" (Curan 4:123) Pence, he submlued hls wealLh Lo Lhe Lwo noble guesLs (l.e. Lhe angels senL Lo
Lhe people of L (Curan 11:69-79), hls soul Lo Lhe ames, hls son Lo sacrlce, and hls hearL Lo Lhe MosL-Merclful Cne (al-8amn).
ln lL Lhe ropheL Ms (AS) was also honored wlLh Lhe followlng call: [Allah] sald: 'C Ms, l have chosen you over Lhe people wlLh My
messages and My words [Lo you]. So Lake whaL l have glven you and be among Lhe graLeful" (Curan 7:144)"
ropheL uwd was granLed forglveness: So We forgave hlm LhaL, and lndeed, for hlm ls nearness Lo us and a good place of
reLurn" (Curan 38:23)
lL ls sald LhaL Lhe chlef of all Lhe monLhs ls 8aman and Lhe mosL sancued of Lhe sacred monLhs (ashhur al-urum) ls uhul l[[a and Lhe
mosL beloved days of Lhls monLh Lo Allah ls Lhe rsL Len.
Good works |n these 10 days are mu|np||ed. It |s a|so sa|d that whoever honors these ten days, A||ah honors h|m w|th ten bounnes:
blesslng ln hls llfe lncrease ln hls wealLh
proLecuon of hls famlly aLonemenL for hls slns
mulupllcauon of hls good deeds ease ln hls lasL days of llfe
llghL for hls darkness welghL on hls scale
salvauon from descendlng [lnLo Pellre] ascenslon lnLo [Peaven]
My V|ew: Madlnah was a very speclal place for us Lo sLarL our [ourney. 1here ls someLhlng abouL connecung wlLh Lhe ropheL (SAW) ln Lhls place LhaL ls
beyond movlng. All of my slbllngs and l were moved Lo Lears aL many momenLs ln Lhls clLy and Lhe speclal Mas[ld nabl. 1he only Lhlng was LhaL Lhe
ladles had Lhe hardesL ume golng Lo Lhe 8awdah (Lhe place where 8asool (SAW) ls burrled and Lhe slLe of hls home wlLh Alsha (8A) ) as Lhey are
resLrlcLed Lo umlngs and Lhen Lhey are grouped by Lhelr counLrles and made Lo walL unul Lhelr Lurn comes. 1hls experlence only puL more meanlng ln
our awareness LhaL Lhe whole place ls mubarak and we parucularly en[oyed maklng dua ouLslde Lhe wall of Lhe 8awdah where we all swore we could
smell LhaL speclal musk scenL only ldenuable wlLh Lhe ropheL (SAW).
1here was so much emouon ln our salaLs and duas aL Lhls mas[ld, LhaL lL ls acLually hard Lo descrlbe. Cne day, we venLured ouL Lo ML. Pudayba where
we learned abouL Lhe baule where Lhe Musllms were wlnnlng unul some soldlers deed Lhe 8asool's (SAW) orders, whlch qulckly resulLed ln Lhelr
downfall. 1hls ls Lhe baule where 8asool (SAW) was badly ln[ured and we were shown Lhe cave where he was Laken Lo safeLy. 1hen we wenL Lo Mas[ld
Cuba, whlch was acLually Lhe rsL Mas[ld bullL by Lhe ropheL (SAW) when he rsL came Lo Madlnah. lL ls sald LhaL whaLever you pray for here ls
granLed! 1hen our nal sLop was aL Mas[ld ClblaLaln, Lhls ls where Lhe revelauon was recelved Lo change Lhe dlrecuon of Lhe Clbla from !erusalem
Loward Mecca. We passed by Lhe locauon of Lhe 7 Masa[lds, whlch were a slgnlcanL slLe durlng Lhe 8aule of Lhe 1renches when Lhe Sahabas had Lo
proLecL Lhe clLy of Madlnah from auacks.
lL ls lmporLanL Lo noL be ln a rush aL any polnL durlng your [ourney Lo llgrlmage. LveryLhlng you do has barakah and savorlng lL musL be maxlmlzed.
1ake your ume Lo make duas, read Lhe Curan, read from dua books. 1hls ls a valuable [ourney LhaL can only be quanued by Lhe amounL of lbadah you
do - Lhls could lnclude dolng many good deeds llke helplng each oLher, feedlng people, Leachlng and sharlng whaL you know. Always be ln good splrlLs
and feel Lhe blesslngs of Allah wherever you go, always remaln connecLed Lo Lhe characLer of Lhe 8asool (SAW) as well, Lhls wlll help gulde your
8y Lhe ume you go Lo Lhe MeeqaL Lo enLer lnLo your lhram, be sure you have revlewed Lhe lnsLrucuonal (green) parL of Lhls book falrly well. We were
Lold many conlcung Lhlngs, some LhaL [usL dldn'L make sense. 1hank Cod we had Lhe lnformauon ln Lhls book Lo rely on, oLherwlse l feel lL could have
been unpleasanL for us Lo Lry Lo keep up wlLh everyLhlng we were Lold - much of whlch was [usL slmply wrong. Pavlng sald Lhls, please keep ln mlnd
LhaL Lhere are a few leglumaLe schools of LhoughL LhaL may oer a dlerenL perspecuve. 1hls ls why my slbllngs and l sLuck Lo Lhe way of Lhe Sunnah -
we slmply wanLed Lo perform our Pa[[ as close Lo Lhe way of Lhe ropheL (SAW) as posslble. So we were noL so boLhered by Lhe allowances and
concesslons glven ln Lhe 4 madhabs, for example. lf Lhe ropheL (SAW) dld Lhlngs a cerLaln way, lL was our ulumaLe goal Lo do lL LhaL way as well. Agaln,
Lhe barakah of followlng Lhe Sunnah was remarkable! We wlLnessed one mlracle aer anoLher because of our dedlcauon Lo Lhe Sunnah. Mlracles llke
openlngs belng creaLed ln Lhe buslesL of places, llke Lhe Lawaf of kabah where lL seemed lmposslble Lo nd space and mosL would glve up and go Lo Lhe
oor or rooop - buL somehow a parung of Lhe sea occurred for us and we found ourselves performlng Lhe mosL amazlng Lawaf rlghL by Lhe kabah
wall! CLher mlracles llke people (who we were convlnced were angels senL from Allah) would glve us a hand or glve us someLhlng speclal Lo eaL or drlnk
[usL as we felL our energy was dralnlng - lL was hard Lo explaln how Lhey would be aL Lhe exacL place where we needed Lhelr help Lhe mosL, buL Lhey
were always Lhere. We also slepL remarkably well even Lhough we dldn'L sleep as much as usual, we would wake up fresh and full of energy. 1here
were umes when we wenL Lhrough a good parL of Lhe day wlLhouL eaung and never felL Lhe sllghLesL hunger pangs. l am convlnced lf you sLay devoLed
Lo Lhe Sunnah for Lhe love of Lhe ropheL (SAW) and ulumaLely Lo please Allah, lncredlble Lhlngs happen. A nal noLe abouL Lhe MeeqaL, Lhough lL was
crowded (as everyone was maklng Lhelr nlyyah Lhere), Lhere was someLhlng very speclal abouL dolng Lhe nlyyah salaL Lhere and sLarung our Lalblyyah.
uon'L rush, en[oy Lhls process..lL's Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe mosL speclal [ourney of your llfe!

UMkAn S1L 8 S1L

If go|ng to Mad|nah hrst, do ghusl, Lhen spend as much ume ln Lhe ropheL's (SAW) Mas[ld as posslble and sLay ln good shape wlLh plenLy
of waLer and resL. 1ry Lo geL used Lo sLaylng up aL nlghL and sleeplng where feaslble ln Lhe day - from la[r Lo uhuhr ls a good ume for a
nap. 1hls ls where your preparaLory duas wlll be made useful for Lhe upcomlng pllgrlmage. CeL famlllar wlLh your dua llsL. (lor Lhose dolng
Pa[[ aer Lhls umrah, noLe:1he CnL? Pa[[ LhaL Lhe ropheL (SAW) dld, sLarLed from Madlnah.) LnLer Lhe ropheL's Mas[ld, go Lo Lhe parL of
Lhe Mas[ld called Lhe 8awdah. 1hls ls Lhe place nexL Lo Lhe grave of 1he LopheL (SAW) - LnLer Lhrough Lhe CaLe of !lbreel (AS). ln Lhe
8awdah, Lhe place beLween hls (SAW) house and Lhe mlnbar ls reporLed ln a hadlLh Lo be a plece of !ennah, Lherefore all prayers are
accepLed here.
(NC1L: eop|e perform|ng na[[ a|-1amau'u must a|so do the Umrah hrst. So Lhls means rsL you perform umrah, Lhen come ouL of lhram
and enLer a new lhram agaln for Pa[[ on 8
uhul Pl[[ah ln Mecca. ?ou wlll make 2 separaLe nlyyas: 1 for umrah and laLer, 1 for Pa[[. 1he
ropheL (SAW) sald Lhls ls Lhe besL Lype of Pa[[.)
1C S1Ak1 CUk UMkAn ICUkNL:
1) Get |n c|ean state before ghus| and |hram - Cllp nalls, halr, shave bodlly halr (men also shave armplLs, publc halr, eLc).
2) Do Ghus| bath (see end of Lhls bookleL for lnsLrucuons)
3) Wear Ihram - aer geng ln a LoLally clean sLaLe as per above, puL on your lhram cloLhes as follows:
Women |n c|ean (preferab|y wh|te) Is|am|ca||y comp||ant c|othes - th|s means you are covered from head to toe, on|y your face and
hands can show. 1h|s means you must cover over the ha|r||nes for the face, and up to the wr|sts for the arms. It |s adv|sab|e to wear
socks |n order to keep the feet covered.
Men as fo||ows:
Wrap Lhe larger of Lhe Lwo poruons of Lhe lhram around your walsL Lo cover your body from [usL above Lhe navel Lo abouL Lhe
Secure Lhe lhram elLher wlLh a belL or wlLh a Lwo Lo Lhree lnch wlde sLrlp of fabrlc Lorn from Lhe lhram maLerlal.
urape Lhe oLher parL of Lhe lhram over Lhe back and Lhe shoulders.
uo noL cover your head even for SalaL whlle ln a sLaLe of lhram. Wear sandals LhaL expose Lhe Loes and ankles. ?ou are now a
Muhrlm (l.e., one ln a sLaLe oh lhram) and are sub[ecL Lo cerLaln obllgauons and prohlbluons (see nexL pages).
1he llLeral meanlng of lhram ls Lo make haraam (forbldden). When a ha[l pronounces Lhe nlyyah of Pa[[ and umrah and uuers
1alblyah, cerLaln halal (permlsslble) Lhlngs become haram for hlm durlng Lhls ume. 1hls comblned acuon (nlyyah and 1alblyah) ls called
lhram. 1he Lwo sheeLs LhaL a ha[l wears are gurauvely known as lhram buL Lhe real lhram ls nlyyah 1alblyah. lf someone wears Lhese
Lwo sheeLs and does noL declare hls nlyyah or uuer 1alblyah, he does noL become a Muhrlm. 1haL ls why, before nlyyah and 1alblyah, he
(a man) can cover hls head durlng Lwo rakahs of na, whereas aer Lhls, coverlng Lhe head for a ha[l (male) ls noL allowed whlle ln lhram
Ihram |s rem|n|scent of what one wears when |n the grave - the ||gr|mage |s a prep to return to A||ah, hence the |hram
Women DC NC1 use scented soaps or any perfumes as Lhls sub[ecLs you Lo a penalLy.
Men do not geL scenL on Lhe acLual cloLhs, or use any scenL aer you have enLered lhram, oLherwlse Lhere ls a penalLy (see end of bookleL
for penalues).
Make sure you do not b|eed from anywhere, as Lhls breaks your wudu.
DC NC1 geL na[z (lmpurlues llke urlne) on your cloLhes.you musL wash o before you pray.

U1 - . 22
4) Go to Meeqat to oer 2 rakat Sa|at a| Sunnah - MeeqaLs are Lhe boundarles of Lhe Param from all dlrecuons approachlng Mecca re-esLabllshed by Lhe
ropheL (SAW). upon crosslng Lhe MeeqaL, you have enLered Lhe Param (Lhe sacred preclncL) and now Lhe rules of Lhe Param apply Lo you. lf you have
made nlyyah (lnLenuon) for Pa[[ or umrah, Lhen you musL be ln lhram, oLherwlse pllgrlms cannoL cross Lhe MeeqaL llne. lf you are crosslng Lhe meeqaL
from a plane, make sure you hear Lhe announcemenL for Lhls. lL ls lmporLanL Lo follow lnsLrucuons ln order Lo lnluaLe your pllgrlmage properly.
MeeqaL - 1he sLauons aL whlch pllgrlms musL sLop Lo enLer Lhe sLaLe of lhram, served Lo remlnd Lhem of Lhe lnner renunclauon of worldly
preoccupauons so LhaL Lhelr pllgrlmage may produce lLs deslred eecL. 1he meeqaLs were rsL xed by lbrahlm (AS), Lhen renewed by Muhammed
(SAW). Slnce Lhe meeqaL denoLes Lhe boundary of Lhe sacred haram, people comlng for pllgrlmage cannoL pass Lhe meeqaL wlLhouL belng ln a sLaLe of
lhram - a pure sLaLe LhaL musL be malnLalned from Lhe momenL Lhe pllgrlm sLeps fooL lnLo Lhe sacred haram boundarles.

nC1L: Mas[ld Alsha (ln 1a'neem - [usL a few mlnuLes drlve from kabah) ls nC1 a meeqaL buL a valld place for one Lo renew Lhelr lhram lf Lhey have
already leglumaLely enLered Lhrough a valld meeqaL ln lhram. MeeqaL boundarles are only relevanL for people enLerlng for Lhe rsL ume who don'L llve
wlLhln Lhe MeeqaL. 1he Param boundary ls wlLhln all meeqaLs. ln order Lo be ln lhram, one musL do some Lravellng. 8ecause Mas[ld Alsha ls on Lhe
boundary of Lhe Param, lL ls noL a meeqaL however, lL's ok Lo renew lhram here and sLarL anoLher umrah.
S) 1o |n|nate n|yyah (|ntennon) for Umrah, oer the two rakah Sa|at a| Sunnah at the Meeqat, men cover Lhelr heads here. Surah karun ls reclLed ln 1

rakah and Surah lkhlas ln 2

Men remove head cover|ng now and keep o for enure pllgrlmage. Always keep boLh shoulders covered, excepL ln 1awaf (only lf Lhe Lawaf ls followed
by Sal), Lhen you cover agaln when done wlLh Lhls parucular Lawaf.
6) Aher sa|at, make n|yyah for Umrah here - ronounce your lnLenuon Lo perform Lhe umrah. (lf you are golng on Lo Pa[[, you sull CnL? pronounce
lnLenuon for umrah. ?our Pa[[ lnLenuon ls made separaLely laLer) umrah lnLenuon ls made by saylng. JY 711$#Z K '6%)6+ %4 0)/B4/L WL/$#: ?1)$() L$=) '%
)$(N B4/ L) $6+ $AA)0% '% B/4L L): 7L))6:- And J[$**$N=$ 711$#<LL$ WL/$#J whlch means "C Allah l answer ?our call Lo perform 'umrah"
7) kec|te the 1a|b|yah (be|ow) |oud|y and frequent|y now, and conunue Lo do so unul you arrlve aL Lhe Mas[ld ul Param. ?ou are now ln a sLaLe of lhram.

Aher rec|nng 1a|b|yah 3 nmes, say darood sharlf and make any dua you wanL. ln facL lL ls good Lo always say Lalblya ln 3's. ConsLanLly repeaL Lalblya as
oen as you can LhroughouL Lhe pllgrlmage, excepL for Lhe parLs when you are lnsLrucLed noL Lo reclLe lL anymore.
1a|b|yah - lmplles response and surrender Lo Lhe command of Allah 1he AlmlghLy as well as obedlence Lo Plm wlLh love and fear. ConsequenLly, lL ls
obllgaLory Lo reecL on Lhe meanlngs of Lhese words so LhaL Lhey come from Lhe hearL. Memorlze lL:
[$**$N=$ 711$#<LL$ 1$**$N=R 1$**$N=$ 1$ (#$/'=$ 1$=$ 1$**$N=: K66$ $1G#$L+ M$1G6'\L$%$ 1$=$ M$1GL<1=R 1$ (#$/'=$ 1$=
[Pere l am, C Allah, here l am. Pere l am, ?ou have no parLner, here l am. verlly all pralse and blesslngs are ?ours, and all soverelgnLy, ?ou have no
Connnue rec|nng 1a|b|yah A LC1 LhroughouL your [ourney - lL ls Lhe greaLesL acL of worshlp whlle ln a sLaLe of lhram.
NC1L: lL ls permlsslble Lo use an umbrella and Lo also Lake baLhs regularly whlle ln a sLaLe of lhram (however, do noL rub Lhe body vlgorously wlLh
hands or soap as removlng dlrL and halrs, eLc ls noL allowed whlle ln lhram. ln oLher words, whaL enLered wlLh you lnLo a sLaLe of lhram, sLays wlLh you
LhroughouL Lhe sLaLe of lhram).
8) Aher enter|ng state of Ihram from the Meeqat, go on Lo Mecca Lo perform Lhe umrah - remember Lo conunue reclung 1alblyah aL all umes. lL wlll
prevenL you from ldle Lalk, wanderlng mlnd as well, and Lo sLay focused on Allah aL all umes. ?our nlyyah aL all umes should be Lo do all Lhls for Allah
and Allah alone, [usL Lo please Plm and beg Plm for forglveness so LhaL you leave your Pa[[ pure and closer Lo Allah. U2 - . 23

lhram - Lhe cloLhlng of Lhe deceased who has conunued hls [ourney beyond Lhls world and lnLo hlgher reallues of Lhe Pereaer.
ln lhram Lherefore, our cloLhlng lmmedlaLely remlnds us of Lhe fraglllLy of our llfe ln Lhls world.
Pavlng sLarLed llgrlmage, you are now ln Lhe sLaLe of lhram. lrom now unul you nlsh Lhe umrah, you are supposed Lo
abandon cerLaln Lhlngs (called mahzuraL al-lhram) or Lhe don'Ls of Lhe sLaLe of lhram. lor Lhose golng on Lo Pa[[, lL beglns agaln
for you aer you geL lnLo lhram a 2
ume Lo perform your Pa[[ rlLes. 1he prohlbluons are Lhe followlng:

1. Cllpplng nalls, comblng halr, and shavlng halr from any parL of Lhe body. uo noL scraLch or wash halr or beard (however,
baLhlng ls permlsslble).
2. uslng perfume ln any way. uo noL even oll yourself (unless Lhere ls a valld reason for lL), lL's llke perfume.
3. Approachlng your spouse, lnumaLe lnLeracuon, any marlLal relauons.
4. roposlng or conLracung marrlage.
3. Punung or eaung from game meaL. llgrlms are forbldden Lo hunL, help ln hunung, or eaL of any land game prepared for Lhelr
sake, aL Lhelr suggesuon, or wlLh Lhelr help. lL ls also forbldden Lo klll llce should one be alcLed wlLh Lhls ln a sLaLe of lhram.
6. ln Lhe haram, do noL hurL vegeLauon: owers, grass, Lrees, eLc.
7. lor men - coverlng Lhe face or head or wearlng cloLhes sewn Lo L Lhe body's llmbs. So wearlng shlrLs, robes, Lrousers,
Lurbans, haLs, gloves, socks, eLc. ls prohlblLed.
8. lor women, wearlng nlqab or gloves.

8ecause Lhe face ls noL Lo be covered for men and women ln a sLaLe of lhram, be sure noL Lo puL blankeL over your face whlle
sleeplng - men should also noL cover Lhelr head whlle sleeplng. uo noL wear surglcal masks, as Lhls covers your face.

lts ootewottby tbot Iesos oseJ to weot oo-bemmeJ clotbes, wblcb wete o[-wblte ot cteom lo colot.

ln Lhe sLaLe of lhram we wear for a couple of days a seamless garmenL, whlch ls exacLly llke a shroud. lL ls a symbol of LoLal
renunclauon of worldly llfe ln order Lo geL purled and Lo ralse Lhe soul Lo a hlgh splrlLual level of consclousness of Allah and Lhe
LLernal llfe. lL makes Lhe pllgrlm humble, equal Lo oLhers, and helpless as lf lL ls Lhe uay of resurrecuon.

Why no marlLal relauons ln lhram? - marrlage ln law comes Lo an end aL deaLh.our sLaLe of lhram ls slmllar Lo deaLh. 8elng
resurrecLed purled resusclLaLes lL and we go back Lo a new llfe", belng beuer people.lslamlc verslon of born agaln"


9) When you enter 1he naram, enLer wlLh your rlghL fooL. Whlle enLerlng say: ]'(L'11$# (ln Lhe name of Allah) M$(G
O$1$$%< M$(G($1$$L< D$1$ ^$(441'11$$# (and may Lhe peace and blesslngs of Allah be upon Allah's Messenger)
711$#<LL$ 'T$#G1' $*M$$*$ ^$#L$H= (C Allah, open for me Lhe doors of your Mercy)

10) At hrst S|ght of kabah, make dua: keep your eyes xed aL 8alLullah (kabah) and sLandlng aL one slde, lL ls
suggesLed LhaL you do Lhe followlng:

Say 711$#< 7=*$/ Lhree umes
Say [$ K1$#$ K11$11$# Lhree umes
roclalm _$/<+ on our beloved ropheL (SAW) and very humbly and wlLh Lears ln your eyes suppllcaLe Lo Allah
for whaLever you wlsh. 1hls ls a speclal ume for Lhe accepLance of prayers.

11) IIkS1 1nING 1C DC aher mak|ng the above dua: Lake Zamzam and make dua !Y 711$# L$=) %#'( WL/$# F$6+
.$CCI )$(N B4/ L)R =))0 L) $6+ LN A4L0$6'46( #)$1%#N $6+ (%/469R $6+ $AA)0% 7[[ 4</ +<$( $6+ 9/$6% <( $11 M)
A4<1+ )5)/ $(= N4< B4/ $6+ L4/): [)% <( 94 *$A= %4 *$/$=$# @11)+ 1'5)(: F`4/ .$CCI X/$6% <( $ .$CC 8$*/44/:
7L))6-: 1he ropheL (SAW) sLaLed LhaL Zamzam ls for whaLever nlyyah we drlnk lL for.so drlnk wlLh Lhls nlyyah
before you sLarL Lhe llgrlmage rlLes!

11) Aher th|s, wh||e uuer|ng 1a|b|yah, move forward Lo perform Lawaf of kabah.

12) VLk IMCk1AN1 - Make n|yyah for 1awaf u| Umrah. 1hen go stra|ght |nto perform|ng your 1awaf u| Umrah
w|thout d|stracnon.

1AWAI - Cne 1awaf = 7 c|rcu|ts around kabah. ?ou are ln prayer when dolng Lawaf, so do noL geL dlsLracLed
or Lalk unnecessarlly. ?ou are only Lalklng Lo Allah and anyone you do Lalk Lo, should be for Lhe sake of your
lbadah (le. Cuesuons, lnsLrucuons, lslamlc sLaLemenLs). 1he clrcllng ls belleved Lo demonsLraLe Lhe unlLy of Lhe
bellevers ln Lhe worshlp of Lhe Cne Cod, as Lhey move ln harmony LogeLher around Lhe kabah, whlle
suppllcaung Lo Allah. SLay focused ln Lhls suppllcauon.

U3 - . 2S

1he rsL house of Worshlp appolnLed for manklnd was LhaL aL 8ecca (Mecca). lull of blesslngs, and a guldance Lo all worlds. ln
lL are slgns manlfesL, whoever enLers lL aualns securlLy, and pllgrlmage Lhere ls a duLy men owe Lo Allah.." (Curan 3:96, 97)

lbrahlm (AS) rebullL Lhe 8alL ul Allah, a bulldlng whlch had been orlglnally consLrucLed by Adam (AS) and Loday ls called Lhe
kabah, a bulldlng Loward whlch all Musllms around Lhe world face ln prayer, ve umes each day. When lbrahlm (AS) was
ordered by Allah (SW1) Lo bulld Lhe kabah for worshlp, he uncovered Lhe orlglnal foundauons of Lhe kabah bullL by Adam (AS).
WlLh Lhe help of hls son lsmall (AS), Lhey erecLed Lhe kabah on Lhe same foundauons. lL ls Lhen LhaL lbrahlm (AS) sald: Cur
Lord, accepL Lhls servlce from us, verlly you are Lhe All Pearer, Lhe All knower" (Curan 2:127)

lL ls a wonder LhaL all Lhe royal palaces bullL LhroughouL hlsLory have been demollshed buL Lhe kabah, a house bullL of mud and
sLone abouL four Lhousand years ago by ropheL lbrahlm (AS) and hls son ropheL lsmall (AS) ln a parched land ls sull uprlghL
and wlll conunue Lo be loved by human belngs unul Lhe uay of !udgmenL. 1o know LhaL Lhls small bulldlng has been consLrucLed
and reconsLrucLed by ropheLs Adam, lbrahlm, lsmall and Muhammad (peace be upon Lhem all) ls remarkable. no oLher
bulldlng has had Lhls honor.

1he kabah ls covered by a black cloLh known as 'klswa', whlch ls produced and changed every year. Speclal facLory deslgned for
Lhe maklng of klswa ln Mecca. lL cosLs approx. S8 17mllllon.1he cloLh ls made of 670kgs of Sllver dyed black, abouL 120kgs of
pure Cold and 30kgs of Sllver used ln wrlung Lhe Curanlc verses over Lhe cloLh. 1he LoLal area of Lhe cloLh ls 638sqr meLer.

When kabah was rebullL before Muhamed (SAW) recelved revelauon - he (SAW) helped rebulld lL and puL Lhe black sLone ln.
1he Lrlbe of Curalsh dld noL have sumclenL funds, so Lhls reconsLrucuon dld noL lnclude Lhe enure foundauon of kabah as bullL
by ropheL lbrahlm (AS). 1hls ls Lhe rsL ume Lhe kabah acqulred Lhe cublcal shape lL has now, unllke Lhe recLangle shape, whlch
lL had earller. 1he poruon of Lhe kabah le ouL ls called PaLeem now and ls sull consldered a parL of Lhe kabah.

ropheLs Adam (AS) and Abraham (AS) performed clrcumambulauon around Lhe kabah. 1he ropheL Adam (AS) was ordered by
Allah Lo make a place for worshlp and Allah senL down Lhe angel Cabrlel (AS) who lay Lhe foundauons aL Lhls preclse place.
Llkewlse, Lhe angels perform clrcumambulauon around Lhe Lhrone of Cod, MosL Plgh, umelessly. lL ls Lhe sysLem of our
unlverse, deslgned by Lhe All-knowlng CreaLor. Lven Lhe galaxles have counLer clockwlse orblLs!

And from wherever you sLarL forLh (for prayers), Lurn your face ln Lhe dlrecuon of al-mas[ld-al-haram (kabah), and wherever
you are, Lurn your faces Lowards lL (when you pray) so LhaL men may have no argumenL agalnsL you excepL Lhose of Lhem LhaL
are wrong-doers, so fear Lhem noL, buL fear Me! - And so LhaL l may compleLe My 8lesslngs on you and LhaL you may be
gulded." (Curan 2:130)


Lven looklng aL Lhe kabah ls an acL of worshlp. 1hls ls Lhe only place ln Lhe world whlch has such a prlvllege and ls so blessed.
Always look aL Lhe kabah wlLh lmmense reverence and love for Allah.

When Adam and Lve (AS) were Lold Lo bulld Lhe kabah, lL was Lo make Lhe repllcaLe of Lhe house of worshlp Lo Allah on Lhe
sevenLh heaven (8alL-ul-Mamur) where angels do Lawaf. 1he Lawaf ls done anu-clockwlse whlch ls Lhe naLural order of Lhe
unlverse, Lhe LarLh roLaLes anu-clockwlse on lL's axls, Lhe LarLh revolves around Lhe Sun anu-clockwlse , Lhe Sun roLaLes anu-
clockwlse on lL's axls and elecLrons of an aLom revolve around lL's nucleus ln Lhe same manner (anu-clockwlse)

Angel Cabrlel (AS) broughL down Lhe sLone from aradlse Lo have lL embedded ln Lhe corner of Lhe Poly Shrlne. 1hls sLone was
brlghL ln Lhe beglnnlng and became black over ume - lL ls belleved Lhe slns of Lhe people Louchlng lL and klsslng lL Lurned Lhe
sLone black - lL ls now known as Lhe 8lack SLone.

1he kabah - 1hls was Lhe rsL place of worshlp Lo Cod bullL by Man on earLh, blessed and a source of guldance for Lhe
worlds" (Cur'an, Surah Al-'lmran, 3:96). lL was Lhe rsL man on earLh, ropheL Adam (AS), who orlglnally bullL Lhe ka'bah, wlLh
Lhe lrlend of Cod, ropheL Abraham (AS), rebulldlng lL many cenLurles laLer. 1he kabah ls Lhe archeLypal Pouse of Cod on earLh,
[usL as Lhere ls a Pouse of Cod, called Lhe C-vlslLed Pouse" (Cur'an, Surah al-1ur 32:4) ln every one of Lhe seven heavens,
where Lhe lnhablLanLs of each heaven, such as Lhe angels, worshlp.

1hls acL of worshlp remlnds us of Lhe angels' Lawaf around Lhe C-vlslLed Pouse" and around Lhe 1hrone of Cod, whllsL Lhey
glorlfy and pralse Lhelr Lord. 1he ropheL (SAW) sald LhaL Lawaf was llke salah, excepL LhaL we are allowed Lo Lalk durlng Lawaf.
Any prayer, du'a or phrase of dhlkr ls allowed durlng Lawaf, as ls Lhe reclLauon of Lhe Curan and even conversauons lnvolvlng
Lhe seeklng of knowledge.

1he 2 rakaL aer Lawaf - Lvery seL of seven clrculLs of Lhe kabah (Lawaf) ls followed by a Lwo-rak'aL prayer, ln whlch Lhe sunnah
of Lhe ropheL ls Lo reclLe Surah al-karun and Surah al-lkhlas ln Lhe respecuve rak'aL. 1hese Lwo surahs are Lhe same ones LhaL
he would oen reclLe ln Lhe sunnah prayers before Lhe dawn prayer, aer Lhe sunseL prayer and durlng Lhe odd" (wlLr) Lhree-
rak'aL aL Lhe end of volunLary nlghL prayers. 1he slgnlcance of reclung Lhls palr of surahs ls LhaL Lhe rsL represenLs a re[ecuon
of whaLever ls worshlpped besldes Cod whllsL Lhe second amrms Lhe AbsoluLe urlLy of Lhe Cneness of Cod.

eople shall remaln proLecLed as long as Lhey conunue Lo honor and respecL Lhe kabah and Mecca.and when Lhey sLop LhaL,
Lhey shall be desLroyed. (MlshkaaL)

1he Lawaf was LaughL Lo Adam (AS) dlrecLly by !lbreel (AS) Lo ensure Lhe mosL beng way Lo perform Lhls clrcumambulauon.

My V|ew: Pow can l even begln Lo descrlbe Lo you whaL was rushlng Lhrough our mlnds and hearLs as we were dropped o by our
charLered bus near Lhe kabah. We walked abouL half a mlle reclung Lhe Lalblyyah all Lhe way.Lhe adrenallne bulldlng up wlLh
lnLenslLy and exclLemenL. llnally, we goL Lhrough Lhe door of Lhe Mas[ld Al Param wlLh our rlghL fooL rsL. We were so exclLed
and dldn'L wanL Lo blow Lhe momenL, so we kepL our gazes lowered unul we were sure we were aL a spoL where we would
clearly see Lhe kabah. AL Lhls polnL, we lled our eyes Lo look dlrecLly aL Lhe kabah as we made dua! WlLh Lears pourlng, noLhlng
phased us oLher Lhan Lhe overwhelmlng facL LhaL we were aL Lhe 8alLullah - 1he Pouse of Allah! WhaL could be more amazlng
Lhan Lhls. l can Lell you one Lhlng, Lhls momenL wlll never dlsappolnL.lL ls every blL Lhe hlghllghL of llfe and lL sLays wlLh you ln
an lnexpllcable way.
We drank ZamZam waLer, prayed our lard SalaL (lL was ume for uuhr) and commenced Lhe umrah parL of our Pa[[ 1amauu as
explalned above. 1he whole Lhlng was beauuful. We goL very close Lo Lhe kabah for all of our Lawafs LhroughouL Lhe nexL few
days - lL [usL happened for us wlLhouL pushlng or forclng lL. l hlghly recommend LhaL you noL rush Lhrough your Lawafs (or
anyLhlng really), [usL go wlLh lL and savour every blL of lL. WhaLever happens, whaLever amounL of ume lL Lakes, whaLever
experlences you have - lL all has meanlng. MosL lmporLanLly lL's all from Allah so Lry Lo undersLand Lhe deeper meanlngs Lo all
your experlences. lL ls sald LhaL one's experlence ln umrah and Pa[[ ls a reecuon of Lhemselves. 1hls means whaLever you go
Lhrough, lL's abouL you and whaL you need Lo learn or perhaps even change ln yourself. 8emember Lhls ln Lhe hlghesL splrlLual
sLaLe, Lhls ls when you wlll see llfe's beauuful changes occur - when you're able Lo read lnLo and learn from your experlences as
you learn whaL you need Lo change ln yourself Lo be a beuer person.
1here ls one parL of Lhe Lawaf LhaL l wanL Lo share a Lheory wlLh you on. lf you make Lawaf close Lo Lhe kabah, you wlll see how
chaouc our fellow man can be aL umes. ?ou wlll see Lhem pushlng Lo Louch Lhe 8lack SLone, Lhe MulLazlm, or even Lhe ?emenl
corner. AL each place of Lhe kabah, you may llkely see people maklng dangerous reaches LhaL can lead Lo crushlng or hurung
oLhers badly. lL ls besL Lo avold Lhese Lhlngs for Lhe sake of safeLy - l belleve Lhls would be more pleaslng Lo Allah Lhan pung
fellow pllgrlms aL rlsk by dolng someLhlng dangerous. Pavlng sald Lhls, Lhere ls one Lype of pressure you wlll feel ln your Lawaf
LhaL ls unllke any of Lhe madness l have descrlbed above. When you pass Lhe 8lack SLone Lo commence your new clrculL, as you
near Lhe area marked by Lhe Maqam lbrahlm, you may sLarL Lo feel a pull, push, or pressure. 1hls wlll lasL unul abouL Lhe mld
polnL of Lhe Paum (Lhe uncovered parL of kabah around Lhe corner). now, pay auenuon Lo Lhls pressure.lL ls noL llke Lhe one
you may feel aL Lhe 8lack SLone or ?emenl Corner. 8ecause l belleve lL ls noL man.lL ls some oLher Lype of energy. We pald close
auenuon Lo Lhose around us Lo see who was pulllng and pushlng, everyone felL lL buL Lhey swore lL was noL Lhem.Lhey were
rlghL, lL was noL Lhem. lL ls someLhlng beyond any explanauon. l Lhlnk Lhere ls a very speclal energy here, raLher Lhan glve ln Lo
Lhe chaos here.lL ls besL Lo Lry Lo rlse above Lhe dlsLracuons, ralse your hands, and pray! l belleve Lhe connecuon wlLh Allah you
wlll make here, can be a key polnL ln your pllgrlmage.


13) Wh||e |n 1awaf u| Umrah, p|ease note:

Men perform Idnba - Lhls ls only done ln a Lawaf followed by Sal, so lL wlll be done for Lhls 1awaf ul umrah. 1hls ls where for
Lhe enure Lawaf men cover Lhelr le shoulder, leavlng Lhe rlghL one bare by havlng Lhe sheeL go from under Lhelr rlghL

A|ways make n|yyah for the type of 1awaf you w||| be do|ng before performlng lL and do all clrculLs wlLh exLreme
love and devouon. Make sure you compleLe each clrculL perfecLly.
As you start your hrst shawt (c|rcu|t), you can sLop saylng Lhe Lalblyah now and say Lhe 8asmallah.
Lach c|rcu|t (ca||ed shawt) starts from na[ar u| Aswad (b|ack stone)

14) Start 1awaf by perform|ng takb|r and the Isn|am (k|ss|ng the stone or from afar) - SLarL wlLh ralslng palms up Lo
ears Lowards Pa[re-e-Aswad and say:
J ]'(L'11$#' 711$#< 7=*$/ "$ ['11$ .'1 .$L+J and drop your hands down. now polnL Lhe palms of your hands agaln
Lowards Pa[ar-e-Aswad and klss Lhem. 1hls acL of klsslng Pa[ar-e-Aswad or polnung Lowards lL ls called lsulam. now
make dua and sLarL your Lawaf.

ln order for you Lo recognlze Lhe polnL of lnluauon of Lhe 1awaf, Lhere ls a green llghL on Lhe wall opposlLe Lhe 8lack
SLone Lo ldenufy Lhe sLarung locauon of your new clrculL, or Lhe end of Lhe prevlous clrculL.

Lach c|rcu|t ends at na[ar u| Aswad. 1he pllgrlm wlll begln a new clrculL aer reclung -711$#G4G7=*$/J $6+ K(H1$L
as above from Lhls spoL every ume.
Lach c|rcu|t |s performed |n the counterc|ockw|se dlrecuon wlLh Lhe kabah always Lo your le. ?ou musL go around
Lhe Paum, Lhls ls Lhe semlclrcular open space auached Lo kabah and ls consldered a parL of Lhe kabah.

1S) kama|: Llke lduba, Lhls ls requlred of any Lawaf LhaL ls followed by Sal. lor Lhe rsL Lhree clrculLs of 1awaf ul umrah, men
are requlred Lo move Lhelr shoulders and walk wlLh qulck shorL sLeps, as lf brlsk walklng/[ogglng. 1hls acL ls called 8amal
and ls Sunnah. 1hls was done by Lhe ropheL (SAW) vlcLorlously aer Lhe kabah was Laken back from Lhe pagans so ls
conunued slnce lL ls Sunnah. 1hey walk normally durlng Lhe remalnlng four clrculLs.
1awaf |s to be comp|eted w|th no |nterrupnons. Powever, lf "adhan" (Lhe call Lo prayers) ls reclLed durlng Lhe
1awaf, you should sLop Lo [oln Lhe prayers aL wherever you may be aL LhaL polnL ln ume, and resume Lhe 1awaf from
Lhere aer Lhe prayer ls over. lL ls noL necessary Lo resLarL Lhe lnLerrupLed clrculL afresh from Pa[ar ul Aswad.

U4 - . 29
1here are no spec|hc prayers to be rec|ted dur|ng 1awaf. ?ou may consLanLly pray ln any way and ln any language you prefer.

16) At the emen| corner you wlll pray, !^$**$6$ $H6$ @E1 +<6'N$ #$($6$%$6 M$ @E1 $=#'/$%$6 #$($6$%$6 M$ ;'6E$+#$*E$6E6$$/-,
Lhls ls besL dua reclLed here. lL ls also Sunnah Lo Louch Lhe ?emenl corner wlLh boLh hands when posslble.

Dur|ng your c|rcu|ts lL ls beneclal Lo repeaL JO<*#$6G711$# M$1G#$L+<G1'11$#' M$ 1$ '1$#$ '11G711$# M$G711$#< 7=*$/ M$ 1$ #$<1$
M$ 1$ ;<MM$%$ '11$G*'11$#:
1he ropheL (SAW) has sald LhaL Lhere are Lwo kallmahs LhaL are llghL on Longue yeL welgh heavy on Lhe scale (Mlzan) and are
llked by Allah. 1hese kallmahs are:
O<*#$6 711$# "$*) .$L+) #' O<*#$6 711$# .'1 7a))L

ou may a|so use supp||canons used |n the da||y Sa|at or you may seek forglveness of Allah and ask Plm whaLever you wlsh.

1IS for 1awaf:
keep Lrack of Lhe number of rounds as lL ls really easy Lo forgeL! ?ou may wlsh Lo Lake a counLer wlLh you. lf you do lose counL,
assume Lhe leasL ln na Lawaf..ln fard Lawaf (llke Lhls one for umrah), you musL sLarL agaln lf you lose counL.
never face Lhe kabah, always keep lL on your le.
1hlnk well of everyone - even Lhe ones pushlng, belng rude, eLc.do noL look down on anyone!
17) 1he Lnd of 1awaf: AL Lhe end of seven clrculLs, do lsulam of Pa[ar-e- Aswad or polnL Lowards lL an elghLh ume whlch ls SunnaL
Mu'akldah. Also say:

]'(L'11$#' 711$#< 7=*$/ "$ ['11$# .'11 .$L+J - uC nC1 CC ln1C AnC1PL8 Cl8Cul1 Al1L8 1PlS! CLherwlse you wlll have Lo do
anoLher 1awaf (7 clrculLs!). Powever, some rullngs say Lhls ls Lhe case only lf one makes Lhe nlyyah for anoLher Lawaf, oLherwlse
lL ls merely walklng.
18) 1awaf I|n|shed : now men cover boLh shoulders wlLh upper poruon of Lhe lhram sheeL.
19) Mu|tazam: now, come Lo MulLazam, whlch ls a place ve or slx feeL ln lengLh beLween Pa[ar-e-Aswad and Lhe door of kabah. 1hls
ls a hlghly sacred place where prayers are accepLed. Among a large crowd of people, lf lL ls posslble Lo reach MulLazam, cllng Lo lL
presslng your chesL and cheeks, and whlle Lrembllng and crylng wlLh devouon and wlLh all humlllLy seek Allah's mercy, Pls blesslngs
and ask Plm whaLever you wlsh. lf you are unable Lo come close Lo MulLazam, [usL face Lowards lL and suppllcaLe from a dlsLance.

US - . 30
MuL1AZAM - MulLazam means place of cllnglng. 1he Arablc Lerm lluzom (cllnglng) refers Lo Lhe acL ln whlch a
person who makes Joo (suppllcauon), places hls or her chesL, face, forearms, and palms agalnsL Lhe MulLazam,
and calls upon Allah, saylng whaLever dua he or she wlshes.

lL ls reporLed LhaL Abdur-8ahman lbn Safwan sald, "When Lhe Messenger of Allah (SAW) conquered Mecca, l
sald, 'l wlll puL on my garmenLs,' as my house was on Lhe road, 'and l wlll walL and see whaL Lhe Messenger of
Allah (SAW) wlll do.' So, l wenL, and l saw LhaL Lhe ropheL (SAW) had come ouL of Lhe kabah along wlLh hls
Companlons, and Lhey were Louchlng Lhe Pouse from Lhe door Lo Lhe 8lack SLone. 1hey placed Lhelr cheeks
agalnsL Lhe Pouse, and Lhe Messenger of Allah (SAW) was ln Lhe mldsL of Lhem" (Abu uawud and Ahmad).

lnvocauons aL Lhls place are speclally granLed. Accordlng Lo 'SunnaL' you are Lo go Lo MulLazam aer 1awaf.
1here, you are Lo place your boLh hands uprlghL ln Lhe dlrecuon over your head on Lhe wall of Lhls parucular
parL of kabah. ?ou are also Lo Louch Lhe wall wlLh your breasL and cheeks, and pray Lo Allah humbly and
submlsslvely, crylng. 1hls ls called muna[aL - Lhe pourlng ouL of one's hearL and surrenderlng oneself ln order
Lo be closer Lo Allah. lL ls belleved LhaL such lnvocauon ls never re[ecLed.
MulLazam ls a place where duas are accepLed. Whenever a person prays Lo Allah aL Lhls spoL, Allah granLs hls
prayer" (ropheL Mohammed SAW)

20) Maqam Ibrah|m: nexL oer Lwo rakahs of na SalaL behlnd and close Lo Maqam lbrahlm. As you go Lhere, reclLe Lhe verse lf you wlsh:
"Wauakh|thoo m|nmaqam| |braheema musa||an" (And Lake of Lhe sLauon of lbrahlm as a place of prayer) Fb</$6 c2dceI
ray Surah kahrun |n the hrst rakah and Ikh|as |n the 2
as per sunnah.

.Lhen he (SAW) sLood aL a place where Lhe SLauon (of lbrahlm) was beLween hlm and Lhe Pouse. 1here he prayed Lwo rak'ahs reclung
Surah Al-karun and Surah Al-lkhlas..." (!ablr)

Maqam lbrahlm (SLauon of Abraham) - ls Lhe locauon of Lhe sLone on whlch Lhe fooL of ropheL lbrahlm (AS) was lmprlnLed when he used
lL Lo sLep on when bulldlng Lhe kabah. erformlng Lhe rlLual prayer here ls exLremely vlrLuous.

lL has been narraLed LhaL when ropheL lbrahlm (AS) and hls son lsmall (AS) were bulldlng Lhe kabah, he couldn'L reach Lhe Lop so he puL a
rock under hls feeL, and as a resulL of Lhe pressure exerLed from hls feeL on Lhe sLone, an lmprlnL of hls fooL was le on lL. lL ls sald Lhls rock
ls from aradlse llke Lhe 8lack SLone and LhaL lL elevaLed lnLo Lhe alr Lo help Lhe consLrucuon.

And behold! We made Lhls Pouse a place of Assembly for manklnd and a SancLuary. And Lake ye Lhe Maqam-l lbrahlm as a place of SalaL.
And We en[olned upon lbrahlm and lsmall: Sancufy My Pouse for Lhe doers of 1awaf, and Lhe performers of l'ukaf, and Lhe bowers down,
Lhe prosLraLers." (Curan 2:123)

21) 2amzam: now go Lo Lhe Zamzam waLer - urlnk Lhls waLer by saylng 8lsmlllah 3x and drlnklng ln 3 large slps aL a ume - and ll yourself unul
you can'L drlnk anymore, and pour over your head, whlle ln sLandlng posluon, faclng kabah. 1hen suppllcaLe Lo Allah wlLh Lhls lf you wlsh:

J711$#<LL$# '66' $(S$1<=$ '1LG$6 6$$@S$6 M$ /'a;$6 M$$('S$6 M$ (#'B$S$L L'6 =<11' +$$S'6:-
(C Allah! l lmplore 1hee for beneclal knowledge, for vasL provlslons, and for cure from every dlsease.)
Make any speclc lnLenuons and duas for drlnklng Zamzam - 8emember lL has been reporLed ln PadlLh, LhaL Lhe waLer of ZamZam has
heallng eecLs. ln one PadlLh lL ls sald: narraLed by !ablr LhaL Lhe ropheL Mohammed (SAW) sald: "WaLer of ZamZam ls good for whaLever
purpose lL has been drunk. ln anoLher PadlLh Lhe ropheL (SAW) sald "WaLer of ZamZam ls a healer of every dlsease. Musllms LhroughouL
Lhe world do belleve LhaL Lhe waLer ls blessed and accordlngly lL ls consldered as one of Lhe besL gls Lo be oered.
Al-A[ml sald LhaL when drlnklng Zamzam waLer one should ask for forglveness from slns
lmaam Abu Panlfah drank from Zamzam waLer ln order Lo be a knowledgeable scholar and he became Lhe besL among Lhe scholars ln hls
lbn 'Abbaas narraLed LhaL Lhe ropheL (SAW) sald: "Cne dlerence beLween us (bellevers) and Lhe hypocrlLes ls LhaL Lhey could noL drlnk
much from Zamzam." [lbn Maa[ah] A Musllm loves Zamzam and drlnks lL abundanLly unul he ls full, whereas a hypocrlLe could noL. 1hls
lnablllLy ls caused by lnnaLe dlsllke Lo whaLever Lhe bellevers do ln accordance wlLh Allah's wlshes whlch, ln Lurn, causes Lhe wreLched one
Lo forsake Lhls dlvlne gl for a mere morLal one.

22) Aher dr|nk|ng zamzam, do Isn|am of na[ar-e-Aswad. Whlle aL Zamzam, do lsulam of Pa[ar-e-Aswad agaln (Lhls makes lL Lhe nlnLh ume aer
you dld 8 from your Lawaf) or polnL Lowards lL, saylng: J]'(L'11$#' 711$#< 7=*$/ "$ ['11$# .'1 .$L$+:J

U6 - . 32
ZAMZAM - Crlglnally waLer from Lhe well was drawn vla ropes and buckeLs, buL Loday Lhe well lLself ls ln a basemenL room where lL can be
seen behlnd glass panels (vlslLors are noL allowed Lo enLer). LlecLrlc pumps draw Lhe waLer, whlch ls avallable LhroughouL Lhe Mas[ld al-
Param vla waLer founLalns and dlspenslng conLalners near Lhe 1awaf area

lor Lhousands of years, Lhe waLer of ZamZam conunues Lo ow, and mllllons of people LhroughouL Lhe hlsLory of lslam drlnk lL fervenLly.
Zam means sLop". lL was owlng so fasL, so Pa[ra (8A) sald Lhls a few umes when she was overwhelmed by Lhe abundanL waLer.
Zamzam ls a cure for everyLhlng excepL deaLh.
lbn 'Abbaas narraLed LhaL Lhe ropheL (SAW) sald: "When lbrahlm (Abraham) (AS) had dlerences wlLh hls wlfe Sara, (because of her
[ealousy of Pagar, lsmall's (AS) moLher), he Look lsmall (AS) and hls moLher Pagar away. 1hey had a waLer-skln wlLh Lhem conLalnlng some
waLer, Pagar used Lo drlnk lL so LhaL her mllk would lncrease for her chlld. When lbrahlm (AS) reached Mecca, he made her slL under a Lree
and aerwards reLurned home. lsmall's (AS) moLher followed hlm, and when Lhey reached kada, she called hlm from behlnd, C lbrahlm!
1o whom are you leavlng us?' Pe replled, '(l am leavlng you) Lo Allah's (Care).' She sald, 'l am saused Lo be wlLh Allah.' She reLurned Lo her
place and drank Lhe waLer from Lhe waLer-skln, her mllk lncreased for her chlld. When Lhe waLer had all been used up, she sald Lo herself, 'l
beuer go and look so LhaL l may see somebody.' She ascended Lhe hlll Safa and looked hoplng Lo see somebody. When she came down Lo
Lhe valley, she ran ull she reached Lhe hlll Marwah. She ran Lo and from (beLween Lhe Lwo hllls) many umes. 1hen she sald Lo herself, 'l
beuer go and see Lhe sLaLe of Lhe chlld,' she wenL and found lL ln a sLaLe aL Lhe of polnL of dylng. She could noL endure Lo waLch her chlld
dylng and sald (Lo herself), 'lf l conunue looklng, l may nd somebody.' She conunued runnlng beLween Safa and Marwah for seven rounds,
nally aL Marwah she heard a volce, and she sald 'Pelp us lf you can oer any help.' lL was Cabrlel (AS). Cabrlel hlL Lhe earLh wlLh hls heel
llke Lhls (lbn 'Abbaas hlL Lhe earLh wlLh hls heel Lo lllusLraLe lL), and waLer gushed ouL under Lhe baby's fooL. lsmall's (AS) moLher was
asLonlshed and sLarLed dlgglng around lL Lo conLaln Lhe waLer. She drank from Lhe waLer and her mllk lncreased for her chlld..." [Al-
When ropheL lbrahlm (AS) le hls wlfe Pa[ra and hls son lsmall aL Lhe kabah, he made hls famous suppllcauon: "C Cur Lord! l have made
some of my osprlng Lo dwell ln a valley wlLhouL culuvauon, by Lhe Sacred house, ln order, C our Lord LhaL Lhey may esLabllsh regular
prayer. So ll Lhe hearLs of some among men wlLh love Lowards Lhem, and feed Lhem wlLh frulLs, so LhaL Lhey may glve Lhanks" - (Curan
lL's because of ZamZam and Pa[ra's meLhod of conLalnlng Lhls mlraculous waLer, LhaL began Lhe seulemenL of Lhe Mecca valley, where Lhe
descendanLs of lsmall (AS) populaLed Lhe area.

Cne of Lhe greaLesL aurlbuLes of Zamzam ls LhaL lL wlll never dry up. 1hls ls a gl from Allah Lo Mecca and Lo lLs pllgrlms. lbn 'Abbaas
narraLed LhaL Lhe ropheL (SAW) sald: "May Allah be merclful Lo Lhe moLher of lsmall! lf she had le Lhe waLer of Zamzam (founLaln) as lL
was, (wlLhouL dlgglng a basln as she dld ln order Lo conLaln Lhe waLer), lL would have been a owlng sLream.
!urhum (an anclenL Arab Lrlbe) came Lo Pa[ar and asked her, 'May we seule aL your dwelllng?' She sald, '?es, buL you have no rlghL Lo
possess Lhe waLer.' 1hey agreed." [Al-8ukhaarl]
1he angels broughL all lLems from heaven Lo cleanse ropheL's (SAW) hearL, excepL Lhe waLer for washlng Lhe black doL.Lhey used
zamzam for Lhls. lmaglne, Lhe key lngredlenL used ls someLhlng LhaL we all have access Lo ln Lhls world, subhanAllah.

1he !urhums evenLually plugged Lhe well Lo deny Lhelr conquerors lLs blesslngs. Many generauons passed ln Mecca wlLh Zamzam ln
compleLe obllvlon, unul Abdul-Muuallb (Lhe paLernal grandfaLher of Lhe ropheL (SAW) resurrecLed Lhe dead well. lor 3 nlghLs, Abdul-
Muuallb had a vlslon abouL dlgglng a well. Cn Lhe fourLh nlghL, boLh Zamzam and lLs locauon were communlcaLed Lo hlm. 1he Meccans
and Abdul-Muuallb agreed Lo seek arblLrauon for ownershlp of Lhls well. 1hey seL ouL for a prlesLess whose [udgmenL was accepLed by
boLh parues. Cn Lhelr way, Lhe caravan ran ouL of waLer and Lhey LhoughL Lhey would dle. Abdul-Muuallb's camel hlL an area where waLer
came ouL. upon seelng Lhls, Lhe Meccans knew LhaL Pe who saved Abdul-Muuallb from Lhls emlnenL deaLh on Lhls very [ourney seuled Lhe
very quesuon of Zamzam. Abdul-Muuallb was Lhe sole helr Lo Lhls speclal waLer. 1he mauer was seuled and Lhe famlly of Lhe ropheL
(SAW) was ennobled wlLh a mark of clearesL dlsuncuon. lL ls of paramounL lmporLance Lo menuon LhaL Abdul-Muuallb's possesslon of
Zamzam was noL an acL of ownershlp where he would deny lLs waLer Lo oLhers. 8elng Lhe sole helr Lo Zamzam meanL LhaL Abdul-Muuallb
alone was Lo provlde Zamzam waLer Lo Lhe pllgrlms, no one else (save hls famlly of course) could.
Cne of Lhe mlracles of ZamZam waLer ls lLs ablllLy Lo sausfy boLh LhlrsL and hunger. Cne of Lhe Companlons of Lhe ropheL (SAW) sald LhaL
before lslam, Lhe waLer was called 'shabbaa'ah' or sausfylng. lL was lllng and helped Lhem nourlsh Lhelr famllles. More recenLly, ln Lhe lasL
few decades, samples of ZamZam waLer have been collecLed by sclenusLs and Lhey have found cerLaln pecullarlues LhaL make Lhe waLer
healLhler, llke a hlgher level of calclum. ropheL Mohammed (SAW) sald lL has heallng eecLs. 1hls ls why pllgrlms Lo Mecca Lo Lhls day
collecL lL ln boules, Lo brlng back for relauves and frlends back home who are lll. lL was also reporLed LhaL Lhe ropheL (SAW) used Lo carry
Lhe waLer of ZamZam ln plLchers and waLer sklns back Lo Madlnnah.
lL ls also reporLed LhaL Lhe ropheL (SAW) rubbed Lhe gums of hls Lwo grandchlldren - Passan and Pussaln - wlLh daLes and ZamZam. Pe
also used Lo sprlnkle lL over Lhe slck and make Lhem drlnk lL.
lour senlor experLs of 8angladesh ALomlc Lnergy Commlsslon have found Lhe waLer of ZamZam well Lo be sclenucally superlor Lo normal
waLer. 1he experLs have analyzed and LesLed samples of waLer from ZamZam and from Lap and solar pumps. lL was found LhaL Lhe ZamZam
waLer has a curauve eecL. Alkallne ln naLure, Lhe ZamZam waLer can neuLrallze excess hydrochlorlc acld formed ln Lhe sLomach and
reduce hearLburn. lodlde, sulphaLe and nlLraLe conLenLs are also much hlgher ln Lhe ZamZam waLer. Supply of lodlde Lhrough ZamZam may
sumclenLly fulll Lhe requlremenL of lodlde for Lhe Lhyrold. 1he research was carrled ouL [olnLly by M. A. khan, A. k. M. Sherl, k. M. ldrls
and M. Alamglr. lL was revealed LhaL conLenLs of macro-nuLrlenLs llke magneslum, sodlum and poLasslum were manlfold hlgher ln ZamZam
waLer Lhan ln Lap and solar pump waLer. 1he sclenusLs sald all Lhe daLa lndlcaLed LhaL ZamZam waLer had much more nuLrluve values Lhan
ordlnary underground waLer.1he hardness of ZamZam waLer ls four umes LhaL of Lap and solar pump waLer buL lL ls wlLhln Lhe accepLable
llmlL seL by Lhe WPC, Lhe researchers found.
ln anoLher reporL: 1hls small 3 . deep well ls far away from any oLher source or body of waLer. lL ls self-replenlshlng. ln an asLonlshlng
reporL by Lhe 88C, lL was conrmed LhaL aer usage Lhe zamzam waLer level wenL down a few meLers, Lhen wlLhln hours Lhe waLer level
wenL back up agaln. lL ls consLanLly replenlshlng lLself ln order Lo produce gallons upon gallons of waLer for consumpuon of LhlrsLy pllgrlms
plus Lhe addluonal amounL LhaL ls bouled and also Lhe amounL LhaL ls Laken as gls dlsLrlbuLed worldwlde Lo mllllons. Zamzam waLer has
sclenucally been proven Lo conLaln heallng quallues due Lo lLs hlgher conLenL of Calclum and Magneslum SalLs and also Lhe naLural
uorldes LhaL encompass a germlcldal acuon. lL ls also an esLabllshed sclenuc facL LhaL pools or waLer wells Lend Lo grow vegeLauon such
as algaeespeclally ln warm cllmaLes. Amazlngly Lhls ls noL Lhe case ln Lhe well of Zamzam. lL has remalned free from blologlcal
1he ropheL (SAW) would say 8lsmlllah" Lhen drlnk zamzam for as long as posslble, aer he would say Alhumdullllah" and Lhen repeaL
agaln and agaln. Pe (SAW) sald Lhe dlerence beLween Lhe hypocrlLes and ourselves ls LhaL Lhey cannoL drlnk a loL of zamzam".


23) Aher dr|nk|ng zamzam and 9
Isn|am, now proceed to Safa to commence Sa| - As you near lL, reclLe Lhe verse: "Inn-as-Safa wa|-Marwah
m|n Sha'a'|r|||ah." (lndeed Safa and Marwah are among Lhe Slgns of Allah.) (Curan 2:138)

Sa| - LlLerally means sLruggle" - ls dened as rlLual walklng. ln lslamlc Lerms lL means Lo make seven rounds beLween Safa and Marwah, ln a
parucular way. lL serves Lo commemoraLe Pa[ra's (8A) search for waLer and Cod's mercy ln answerlng prayers.

24) C||mb the h||| of Safa (or get as c|ose as you can) and make lnLenuon (olyyob) for Sal:
J Y 711$#Z K 0)/B4/L O$' *)%M))6 O$B$ $6+ 8$/M$# %4 01)$() P4<: 8$=) '% )$(N B4/ L) $6+ $AA)0% '% B/4L L):-

2S) Aher c||mb|ng Safa Lo Lhe polnL from where you can see Lhe kabah (lf posslble, oLherwlse [usL geL as close as you can), Lhen faclng Lhe kabah
ralse your hands ln suppllcauon, say:
711$#< 7=*$/ 3x and reclLe Lhe followlng suppllcauon lf you wlsh:
J[$ '1$#$ '11G711$#< M$#+$#< 1$ O#$/'=$ 1$#<R 1$#<1GL<1=< M$ 1$#<1G#$L+< M$ $1$ =<11' (#$'S'6 b$+))/:- (1here ls no delLy worLhy of
worshlp buL Allah Alone. Pe has no parLners. 1o Plm alone belongs Lhe klngdom, and all pralse. ln Pls hand ls all Lhe good, and Pe has
power over all Lhlngs)
lf you don'L remember Lhls, you may use Lhe suppllcauon reclLed earller durlng 1awaf:
J]'(L'11$#' 711$#< 7=*$/ "$ ['11$# .'11 .$L+-
Io||ow w|th Darud and ask A||ah whatever you w|sh. NCW LNIC 1nL SAI kCCLSS - CLC8ll? ALLAP! 8A? lC8 An?1PlnC ?Cu WAn1!
26) roceed towards Marwah. Come down from Safa and move Lowards Marwah whlle reclung Lhls suppllcauon lf you wlsh:
JO<*#$6G711$# M$1G#$L+<G1'11$#' M$ 1$ '1$#$ '11G711$# M$G711$#< 7=*$/ M$ 1$ #$<1$ M$ 1$ ;<MM$%$ '11$G*'11$:- And make any dua you
wlsh for as you proceed Lo Lhe oLher slde.

27) When you reach Marwah - agaln cllmb lL lf you can and sLand where you can see kabah. Pere also you are Lo repeaL Lhe pracuce you
observed on Safa llke ralslng your hands, pronounclng 1akblr-o-1ahlll 3 umes and ask for whaLever you wlsh.

Cther suggested supp||canons to rec|te: O<*#$6 711$#R 71#$L+< ['11$#R 711$#< 7=*$/ repeaLedly. ?ou may also pralse Allah and ask for Pls
mercy ln your language. Lg. JY 711$# Z P4< ($'+R Sf$11 46 L)R K M4<1+ /)(046+S $6+ P4< 6)5)/ */)$= P4</ 0/4L'() U $6+ K $(= P4< %#$% $(
P4< #$5) 9<'+)+ L) %4 K(1$LR +4 64% +)0/'5) L) 4B '% H11 P4< %$=) L) <6%4 P4< M#'1) K $L $ 8<(1'L:- or use suppllcauons Laken from Lhe
dally Salah.

Now come down from Marwah. Cne Lrlp ls over, Lhe second Lrlp wlll be from Marwah Lo Safa and Lhlrd Lrlp wlll be back Lo Marwah.
Conunue for 7 Lrlps.

1he str|p of ground between Safa and Marwa ls known as Masaa. lor boLh ways, sLarL runnlng a blL before you reach Lhe green plllars on
Lhls sLrlp and shorLly aer passlng Lhem.

28) Lnd of Sa|. 1he sevenLh Lrlp wlll end aL Marwah. lf noL undeslrable ume, oer 2 8akahs na salaL here for compleuon of Sal.

U7 - . 3S
C8LLn lLLA8S - 1o make her search easler and fasLer, Pagar wenL alone Lo nd help, leavlng her lnfanL lsmall on Lhe ground. She rsL cllmbed Lhe
nearesL hlll, Al-Safa, Lo look over Lhe surroundlng area. When she saw noLhlng, she Lhen wenL Lo Lhe oLher hlll, Al-Marwah, Lo look around. Whlle Pa[ra
was on elLher hlllslde, she was able Lo see lsmall and know he was safe. Powever, when she was ln Lhe valley beLween Lhe hllls she was unable Lo see
her son. 1hus Pa[ra (8A) would run whlle ln Lhe valley beLween Lhe hllls and walk aL a normal pace whlle on Lhe hlllsldes. 1oday, Lhls runnlng area ls
marked aL Lhe same secuon of Lhe Masaa by Lhe green plllars on boLh sldes.
Abdullah bln Abbas (8A) narraLes LhaL Lhe ropheL (SAW) cllmbed up MounL Safa when Allah revealed Lhe verse ln Surah Shu'ara:
AoJ woto yoot ttlbe (O MobommoJ) of oeot kloJteJ. j26.214]

Aer ascendlng Safa Lhe ropheL (SAW) shouLed: ?a Sabahah!". When Lhe people of Mecca had gaLhered, he (SAW) sald Lo Lhem, lf l Lold you LhaL
horsemen were advanclng Lo auack you from Lhe valley on Lhe oLher slde of Lhls mounLaln, wlll you belleve me?". ?es", Lhey replled, We have always
found you LruLhful." 1he ropheL (SAW) sald, l am a plaln warner Lo you of a comlng severe punlshmenL." Aer Lhls vlvld analogy Lhe ropheL (SAW)
asked Lhem Lo save Lhemselves by declarlng LhaL Allah was one and LhaL he Muhammad (SAW), was hls messenger. Pe Lrled Lo make Lhem undersLand
LhaL lf Lhey clung Lo polyLhelsm and re[ecLed Lhe message he had broughL Lo Lhem, Lhey would face Allah's punlshmenL. Abu Lahab (hls uncle) sald,
"May you perlsh! ?ou gaLhered us only for Lhls reason? " 1hen Abu Lahab wenL away. upon Lhls 'Surah al-Lahab' (erlsh Lhe hands of Abu Lahab!) was

Aer conquerlng Mecca back, Lhe ropheL (SAW) wenL Lo Lhe Pa[ar al-Aswad and performed 1awaf. Aer compleung Lhe 1awaf, Lhe ropheL (SAW)
cllmbed MounL Safa, faced Lowards Lhe kabah and aer pralslng Allah, he sLarLed maklng dua. lL was from here LhaL he announced, Whoever enLers
Lhe house of Abu Sufyaan (1he ropheL SAW's adversary) has amnesLy and whoever closes Lhe door Lo hls house has amnesLy." 1hls was when Lhe
ropheL (SAW) generously granLed safeLy for all people of Mecca wheLher Lhey were on Abu Sufyaan's slde or hls (SAW) slde. Abu Sufyaan laLer
accepLed lslam.

MounL Safa ls allegedly Lhe mounLaln referred Lo ln Lhe Luropean proverb "lf Lhe mounLaln wlll noL come Lo Mohammed, Mohammed musL go Lo Lhe
mounLaln", frequenLly quoLed Lhe opposlLe way. Lngllsh language sources Lrace Lhe saylng Lo lrancls 8acon.

Sal ls a search. lL ls a movemenL wlLh an alm. lL ls deplcLed by runnlng and hurrylng. uurlng Lawaf (clrcumambulauon) you acLed as Lhe angels do aL
Allah's Lhrone. ln lbrahlm's posluon you acLed as lbrahlm (AS) and lsmall (AS). Cnce you begln Sal you are acung as Pa[ar (8A). Pere ls a Lrue
demonsLrauon of oneness. Man and sLrlpped humanlLy are on Lhe scene! noLhlng buL falLh, bellef and acuon are emlnenL! Pere nobody ls spoken of,
even lbrahlm (AS), lsmall (AS) and Pa[ar (8A) are only names, words and symbols. WhaLever exlsLs ls movlng consLanLly, humanlLy and splrlLuallLy and
beLween Lhem only dlsclpllne. lurLhermore, Lhls ls Pa[[, a declslon for an eLernal movemenL ln a cerLaln dlrecuon. lL ls also how Lhe whole world moves.
- AuLhor, ur. All Sharlau

lbn Abbas sald lL was when Pa[ar wenL up on MounL Marwah (Lhe nal ume aer her 7 clrculLs beLween Lhe Lwo hllls), she heard a volce, and sald Lo
herself, 'Shush,' and Lrled hard Lo llsLen. She heard someLhlng agaln, and Lhen sald (aloud Lo whom she LhoughL she heard), 'l heard you! uo you have
rellef for us so LhaL you wlll provlde us wlLh asslsLance?' She Lhen saw an angel dlgglng up Lhe ground wlLh hls wlng where Zamzam exlsLs Loday, and
waLer Lhen sLarLed Lo ow. She Lhen sLarLed Lo conLaln Lhe waLer wlLh her hand (Lrylng Lo make a pool of mud Lo collecL Lhe waLer ln lL), and she was
also cupplng her hands Lo fell her Slqaa' (waLer [ug), yeL Lhe waLer was owlng as fasL as she was lllng." lbn Abbas Lhen sald, So she drank and nursed
her son. 1he angel Lhen sald Lo her, 'uo noL fear abandonmenL, for a Pouse for Allah (Lhe kabah) wlll be bullL ln Lhls area by Lhls boy and hls faLher, and
mosL cerLalnly, Allah does noL abandon Pls people." [Al-8ukharl].

Abu Sufyaan (8A)'s house was slLuaLed close Lo Marwah.


Yhen Hajra is in ne depns of despair - Perhaps she ninks when wi come God's help. Perhaps
he answers her own quesron and realizes nat ne help of God is always near. At once a
ueam of waur burst up jom ne sand where Ishmael lay. Tus, she jnds provisions in ne
ost unlikely of places.
Such is life. When ne shadow of despair appears God reaches out win his light and uuches
e down uodden soul. God brings nat soul provisions jom sources which are not perceived.
1arence is usud as ne Quran staus,
By rme, verily man is in loss. Except such as have Fain, and do righuous deeds, and (join
ugener) in ne mutual uaching of Trun, and of Parence and Constancy. (Quran 103:1-3)
Te Muslim seeks ne provisions of his lord nis season during hajj. Conrnuously sayin_
'here I am Lord. Te pilgrim seeks ne provisions nat are generously besuwed jom God.
Te Muslim seeks provisions for ne mind, body, and soul. A nree components of ne
human being need nourishment.
So Hajra wi serve her lord. She represents ne sacrijcing moner who gives of everyning for
her family. Tis is a lesson for a mankind. It is a lesson especiay in nese rmes oj
dijculres around ne world. Hajra demonsuaus ne need u accept ne changes one
experiences in life. She never gave up ne pursuit of somening beuer, never rred of runnin_
rough Safa and Marwa. For Hajra knew nat provisions can come jom ne mosr
nlikely source.

29) Shav|ng or c||pp|ng of ha|r. Aer Sal, men should geL Lhelr heads compleLely shaved or geL Lhelr halr cllpped Lo Lhe lengLh of Lhelr nger up.
lf Lhey are movlng on Lo do Pa[[ Lhey can cuL Lhelr halr and shave aer Lhe Pa[[ lf Lhey wlsh or shave boLh umes. 8oLh shavlng and cllpplng are
permlsslble for men, Lhough shavlng ls preferable. lf Lhere ls noL enough halr Lo cuL or lf he ls bald, Lhen men musL shave enurely.
Women are, however, allowed Lo have a lock of Lhelr halr cllpped wlLhouL leng men around Lhem see Lhelr halr. 1hey are forbldden Lo shave
Lhelr heads. nobody can cllp/shave Lhelr own halr, lL musL be done by someone who has already had Lhelr halr cllpped/shaved, le. Somebody
who has compleLed Lhelr lhram sLaLe, Lherefore lL ls halal for Lhem Lo cllp/shave oLher people's halr.

lL ls reporLed by a number of auLhorlues LhaL Lhe Poly ropheL (SAW) has prayed Lo Allah Lhrlce for besLowlng hls mercy on Lhose who
shave Lhelr heads aer performlng pllgrlmage, whlle he prayed only once for Lhose who cuL Lhelr halr:
narraLed by Abu Puralra - 1he Messenger of Allah (SAW) sald, "C Allah! lorglve Lhose who geL Lhelr heads shaved." 1he people asked.
"Also Lhose who geL Lhelr halr cuL shorL?" 1he ropheL (SAW) sald, "C Allah! lorglve Lhose who have Lhelr heads shaved." 1he people
sald, "Also Lhose who geL Lhelr halr cuL shorL?" 1he ropheL (SAW) aL Lhe Lhlrd ume sald, "(C Allah) also (forglve) Lhose who geL Lhelr halr
cuL shorL." (Sahlh Al-8ukharl PadlLh 2.786)

lndeed Allah shall fulll Lhe Lrue vlslon whlch Pe showed Lo Pls Messenger (SAW) [l.e. Lhe ropheL (SAW) saw a dream LhaL he has
enLered Mecca along wlLh hls companlons, havlng Lhelr head shaved and cuL shorL] ln very LruLh. CerLalnly, you shall enLer Al-Mas[ld-al-
Param, lf Allah wllls, secure, (some) havlng your heads shaved, and (some) havlng your head halr cuL shorL, havlng no fear. Pe knew whaL
you knew noL, and Pe granLed besldes LhaL a near vlcLory. (uran 48:27)

And Lhe ropheL (SAW) shaved all of hls head." (al-Mawsoo'ah al-llqhlyyah18/98).

And compleLe Lhe Pa[[ or umra ln Lhe servlce of Allah. 8uL lf ye are prevenLed (from compleung lL) send an oerlng for sacrlce such as ye
may nd, and do noL shave your heads unul Lhe oerlng reaches Lhe place of sacrlce. And lf any of you ls lll or has an allmenL ln hls scalp
(necesslLaung shavlng) (he should) ln compensauon elLher fasL or feed Lhe poor or oer sacrlce, and when ye are ln peaceful condluons
(agaln) lf anyone wlshes Lo conunue Lhe 'umra on Lo Lhe Pa[[ he musL make an oerlng such as he can aord lL he should fasL Lhree days
durlng Lhe Pa[[ and seven days on hls reLurn maklng Len days ln all. 1hls ls for Lhose whose household ls noL ln (Lhe preclncLs of) Lhe Sacred
Mosque. And fear Allah and know LhaL Allah ls sLrlcL ln punlshmenL. (Curan 2:196)

Some scholars have sald LhaL Lhe wlsdom behlnd Lhe cung of Lhe halr ls Lo show we are ever ready Lo sacrlce everyLhlng for Lhe
leasure of Allah, even our heads lf need be, and Lhus as a gesLure of Lhls lnLenuon of sacrlce, Lhe halr ls shaved.

1hls ls Lhe lslamlc undersLandlng of belng born-agaln," for newborn bables also have Lhelr heads shaved.
30) A|humdu||||ah! our Umrah |s comp|ete!, qurbanl or sadaqa ls opuonal. Powever lf you are conunulng Lo compleLe Pa[[ rlLes, Lhen qurbanl
ls delayed unul Pa[[ ls compleLed. 1he Curan speaks abouL Lhls ln 2:196.

31) Ior both Umrah on|y and na[[ p||gr|ms - ?ou wlll now shower and change lnLo normal cloLhes. lease noLe: lor umrah, a farewell Lawaf ls
nC1 compulsory, lL ls opuonal, your lhram resLrlcuons are now lled. lf you are movlng on Lo Lhe Pa[[ rlLes, you wlll do your farewell Lawaf aer
Pa[[. lor Lhose dolng Pa[[ al 1ammaL'u, all resLrlcuons of Lhe lhram are now Lemporarlly lled from you. ?ou wlll now walL for Lhe 8Lh of uhul
Pl[[ah Lo sLarL Lhe rlLes of Pa[[.

U8 - . 38

MA8kCCk 1C 1nCSL 1nA1 CCMLL1LD UMkAn! CU AkL DCNL. MA ALLAn ACCL1 CUk DUAS. If you are go|ng on
to perform na[[, p|ease connnue to the "na[[ Step by Step" secnon.

lL ls sald LhaL sadaqa was oen glven ln sllver equlvalenL Lo Lhe amounL of halr shaven.
"Sadaqah exungulshes sln as waLer exungulshes re." (1lrmldhl : 2341)
"Sadaqah appeases Lhe Lord's anger and averLs an evll deaLh." (1lrmldhl : 1909)
"Clve Lhe Sadaqah wlLhouL delay, for lL sLands ln Lhe way of calamlLy." (1lrmldhl: 1887)
"1he bellever's shade on Lhe uay of 8esurrecuon wlll be hls Sadaqah." (1lrmldhl: 1923)
lor Lhose who glve ln charlLy, men and women, and loan Lo Allah a 8eauuful Loan, lL shall be lncreased manlfold (Lo Lhelr credlL), and Lhey
shall have (besldes) a llberal reward." (Cur'an 37:18)
ropheL Muhammad (SAW) was asked: "We used Lo sacrlce Aurah ln pre-lslamlc days durlng 8a[ab, so whaL do you command us?" Pe
sald: Sacrlce for Lhe sake of Allah ln any monLh whaLsoever, obey Allah, MosL Plgh, and feed (Lhe people)." (Abu-uawood : 2824)
Lach dollar glven ln sadaqa on pllgrlmage ls equal Lo a hundred Lhousand.

1he hlsLory of potbool, Lhe slaughLerlng of meaL bearlng anlmals aer Lhe Pa[[ pllgrlmage, daLes back Lo Lhe beglnnlng of manklnd wlLh Lhe
Lwo sons of Adam. When Caln and Abel had an argumenL, Lhelr faLher Adam (AS), commanded Lhem Lo do qurbanl Lo see whose sacrlce
Allah, Lhe MosL Plgh, would accepL.
AoJ teclte to tbem tbe stoty of tbe two soos of AJom lo ttotb. wbeo eocb o[eteJ o soctlfce, lt wos occepteJ ftom ooe, bot oot ftom tbe
otbet. 1be louet solJ to tbe fotmet, l wlll sotely klll yoo. 1be fotmet solJ, vetlly, Allob occepts ooly ftom tbose wbo bove topwo (CoJ-
cooscloosoess). (Curan 3:27)
1he beloved ropheL (S) recognlzed Lhe sacrlce of an anlmal as a form of worshlp durlng 3 days of uhul Pl[[ah, namely,Lhe 10
,1lLh and
12Lh of Lhe monLh. 1hls ls Lo commemoraLe Lhe unparalleled sacrlce oered by Lhe ropheL lbrahlm (AS).

ropheL Abraham (AS), who ls known as Lhe lrlend of Allah, was commanded Lo make a greaL sacrlce. Pe was Lold by Lhe
AlmlghLy Lo sacrlce hls son. ln Lhls, he dld noL heslLaLe for an lnsLanL, alLhough we nd Lhe venerable lbrahlm (AS) Lo have
prayed Lo Allah AlmlghLy fervenLly for a son:
My kobb (cbetlsbet & 5ostoloet), qtoot me o soo, ooe of tbe tlqbteoos. 5o, we qove blm tbe qloJ uJloqs of o fotbeotloq
boy. (Curan 37:100)
Aer a few years, Lhe venerable lsmoll (lshmael) (AS), a radlanL son, was born Lo lbrahlm (AS) and hls wlfe, Lhe venerable Lady
nojto (Pagar). ?eL, when Lhe lrlend of Allah, lbrahlm (AS), was commanded by hls Lord Lo sacrlce hls beloved son, Lhe MosL
Plgh found faLher and son obedlenL Lo Lhe ulvlne command:
AoJ, wbeo be (lsmoll) wos olJ eoooqb to wolk wltb blm, be (lbtoblm) solJ. O my soo! l bove seeo lo o Jteom tbot l om
slooqbtetloq yoo. 5o, wbot yoo tblok? ne solJ. O my fotbet! uo tbot wblcb yoo ote commooJeJ, lf Allob wllls, yoo sboll foJ me
of tbe poueot. (37:101-102)
ln 1ofslt usmool we nd: As lbrahlm (AS) was presslng Lhe knlfe Lo lsmall's LhroaL, Lhe sound of tokblt Allah ls CreaL, Allah ls
CreaL," was heard comlng from heaven. 1hls was Lhe volce of Angel !lbrll (Cabrlel) (AS). Allah had creaLed a ram as a subsuLuLe
sacrlce for lsmall (AS) Lhen, summonlng !lbrll (AS) from paradlse, commanded !lbrll (AS) Lo Lake Lhe ram Lo lbrahlm (AS). 1he
angel appeared ln Lhe heavens, bearlng LhaL ram and proclalmlng Lhe Supreme CreaLness of Allah. When lbrahlm (AS) heard Lhe
volce of !lbrll (AS), he reallzed LhaL hls Lrlal was over. ln graLeful response, he glorled and exLolled hls 8abb wlLh Lhe words:
1here ls no god buL Allah, Allah ls CreaLer [Lhan anyLhlng whaLsoever]." 1he venerable lsmall (AS) also reallzed LhaL Lhe mercy
of Lhe All-CompasslonaLe and 8enecenL Allah had arrlved. Saylng: Allah ls CreaL, and Lo Allah belongs all pralse," as he [olned
ln Lhe glorlcauon. 1hen Allah, Clorled and LxalLed ls Pe, addressed Pls speclal frlend, lbrahlm (AS), wlLh Lhe followlng words:
O lbtoblm! oo bove folflleJ tbe vlsloo! vetlly, tbos Jo we tewotJ tbe Joets of qooJ. vetlly, tbot loJeeJ wos o moolfest ttlol.
AoJ we toosomeJ blm wltb o qteot soctlfce. AoJ we lef blm omooq tbe lotet qeoetouoos. (Curan 37:103-108)
1he presenL-day Ootbool ls oered ln memory of Lhls greaL model of submlsslon seL before us by Lhe greaL faLher and Lhe greaL
son. So Ootbool musL be oered ln our ume emulaung Lhe same ldeal and aLude of submlsslon.

1here ls no alLernauve Lo Curbanl - Lhe Ootbool ls an lndependenL form of worshlp and Lhls obllgauon cannoL be dlscharged by
spendlng money ln charlLy lnsLead.

LxhorL all men Lo make pllgrlmage. 1hey wlll come Lo you on fooL and Lhe backs of swl camels from every dlsLanL quarLer,
Lhey wlll come Lo avall Lhemselves of many beneLs Lo pronounce on Lhe appolnLed days Lhe name of Allah over Lhe caule,
whlch Pe has glven Lhem for food... LaL of Lhelr esh, and feed Lhe poor and Lhe unforLunaLe. 1helr esh and blood does noL
reach Allah, lL ls your pleLy LhaL reaches Plm" (Curan 22)


My V|ew: Ceng Lo Lhe Sal ls a nlce mllesLone ln your umrah. ?ou are ln Lhe lasL
sLreLch.and whaL a meanlngful sLreLch lL ls. lmaglne, you are ln Lhe same sLaLe of
desperauon LhaL Pa[ar (8A) was ln when she [usL dldn'L know whaL Lo do and Lhere
was no one Lo help her. She ran back and forLh beLween Lhe 2 mounLalns hoplng
and praylng for susLenance. Pave you ever felL llke Lhls? So desperaLe LhaL you [usL
dldn'L know where Lo go or who Lo go Lo? Well, Lhe Sal ls Lhe place for you Lo
reallze Lhe beauLy of Lhls desperauon.because ln Lhls sLaLe you wlll dlscover Lhe
gl of knowlng Allah. When you perform Sal remember LhaL you have no one buL
Allah Lo Lurn Lo, so make lL counL. Make Lhe mosL of Lhls reenacLmenL" of Lhe
manlfesLauon of Lhe a greaL mlracle ln hlsLory.and manlfesL mlracles for yourself!

8y Lhe ume you compleLe your umrah, Lhere ls a llghL feellng LhaL overcomes you. ?ou
feel relleved Lo cllp your halr, and ooad all LhaL you have Lo Lhe CreaLesL ower,
Lhe AlmlghLy.ALLAP! 1here wlll be many people wlLh cllppers and sclssors on or
near ML. Marwa. Some wlll oer Lo cuL your halr for money, oLhers wlll [usL do lL Lo
help you. Co Lo Lhe one LhaL has already nlshed Lhelr umrah and has had Lhelr
own halr cllpped leglumaLely - LhaL ls Lhe way Lo do lL. uo noL go Lo Lhose seeklng a
fee or anyLhlng else ln reLurn. When we nlshed our umrah, we were so graLeful Lo
Allah. We couldn'L sLop looklng aL Lhe kabah as we walked o Loward an exlL. Aer
glvlng sadaqah (should you choose Lo), we had worked up an appeuLe and headed
sLralghL for food. Cne Lhlng Lhere ls no shorLage of, ls places Lo eaL around Lhe
kabah. So reward yourself, and wlLh every blLe remlnd yourself Lhls ls a mosL
valuable umrah gl from Allah. Savor all Lhe momenLs aer your umrah, and brlng
lL as far forward lnLo your llfe as posslble.


Eve (AS) also joined ne ceremonies of Hajj. Today, in ne fashion of Adam and Eve (AS), people stand in
e same vaey of Arafat and invoke Aah's mercy - nis is ne greaust jndamental of Hajj. Adam
and Eve spent ne whole day standing here in Arafat in a stau of exueme humili, grartude, and awe
and did noning but worship neir Creaur. Tis is what is done uday by ne Pilgrims and is known as
Yquf-e-Arafat. Adam and Eve (AS) nen moved u Muzdalifah, ne place between Mina and Arafat,
where ney spent ne night in remembrance of Aah. Ten ney came u Mina and went u Mecca u
erform ne tawaf of ne House of ne Almigh, u express neir grartude u Aah. Laur, ne Kabah
built by Adam (AS) was desuoyed by ne Surm of Noah (AS), only a heap remained.
Many years laur, ne King of Egypt gave his daughur Hagar (AS) u be brought up in ne 'gooa
amily of Ibrahim (AS) and Sara (AS) who did not have children of neir own. Sara brought up Hagar
and since she could not have kids of her own, she insisud Ibrahim (AS) marry Hagar (AS) u have
ojspring. Ironicay, soon afur Hagar (AS) gave birn u Ismail (AS), Sara (AS) also gave birn u Ishaq

'Behold! When we gave ne siu u Abraham of ne sacred House. Associau not anyning in worship win
`e and Sancr My House for nose who compass it round, or stand up, or bow, or prosuau nemselves.
nd proclaim ne Pilgrimage among men; ney wi come u nee on foot, and on every kind of animal,
lean on account of journeys nrough deep and distant mountain highways; nat ney may witness ne
benejts for nem, and celebrau ne name of Aah. Let nem compleu ne ceremonies prescribed for
em, perform neir vows, and circumambulau ne 'Ancient House. (Quran 22:27-29)
'And remember when Ibrahim and Ismail raised ne foundarons of ne House win nis prayer: Our
ord, accept jom us nis service, for Tou art Te A Hearing, Te A Knowing.
Our Lord! Send among nese people an Apostle of neir own, who sha rehearse Ty Signs u nem ana
insuuct nem in Scripture and Wisdom, and sancr nem, for Tou art ne Exalud in Might, Te
Yise (Quran 2:127, 129)

Just 1400 years ago, nese ceremonies were repeaud in ne perfect manner of ne guided ones, by ne SeaL
of ne Prophets - Muhammed (SAW). Every detail of ne erqueue of ne sacred worship was nus
afeguarded win fain and uunand pracrced ever since!
My V|ew: ln Pa[[, lower all expecLauons and you wlll be ne. When we rsL goL Lo Mlna, we were Laken aback. We spenL Lhe rsL 2
days ln Lhe common LenLs, Lhen we were moved Lo Lhe vl LenLs. So we goL a good ldea of whaL Mlna ls all abouL. l have Lo say,
my slbllngs and l felL lL was lmporLanL Lo go Lhrough Lhe common LenLs experlence - lL was dlmculL, buL lled wlLh many lessons.
1he besL way Lo descrlbe lL ls you feel llke you are llvlng ln Lhe slums. lL ls a refugee camp Lype of a feellng. very ordlnary, very
lmpersonal, Lhe baLhrooms are a dlmculL experlence - Lhe LolleLs were Lhe ones on Lhe oor where you have Lo squaL, Laklng a
shower has never been a blgger challenge. 8uL havlng sald all Lhls, lL ls Lhe mosL profound lesson ln humlllLy. We sLarLed ln 1enL
32 whlch was shared wlLh maybe 30 oLher women, my broLher ln a slmllar LenL for men - our LenLs shared a common wall
made of lmsy canvas whose gaps we covered by hanglng blankeLs so Lhe men couldn'L see us. All LenLs are very large buL rlghL
nexL Lo each oLher sharlng canvas walls. So Lhere ls no garden space" or any place you can go for a sLroll. 1he sLreeLs are lled
wlLh rubblsh - ln falrness Lo Lhe ha[[ls, l belleve Lhe reason for Lhls rubblsh ls also because Lhe Saudl governmenL [usL dldn'L
provlde enough Lrash cans or cleanlng sLa, Lhls goes for Lhe sLaLe of Lhe baLhrooms Loo. ln all my ume aL LenL 32, l saw a
baLhroom cleaner once for [usL a couple of mlnuLes. Aer Lhls, nelLher l nor my slbllngs saw any cleanlng sLa. l Lhlnk Lhls mauer
needs Lo be looked lnLo and lmproved lnshaAllah. lood was scarce ln Lhe common LenLs - lL was usually a box of rlce and some
meaL and oen Lhe evenlng box would come well aer mosL of us were asleep so Lhere was no polnL really ln even sendlng us a
meal LhaL laLe - Lhls ls when Lhe snacks we broughL came ln handy. Cne cannoL expecL ha[[ls Lo be awake laLe (oen
around11.30pm) when Lhey are Lo geL up for Laha[ud and fa[r before Lhey sLarL a day of more rlLuals. 1hough we had plenuful
snacks, we [usL dldn'L feel hungry mosL of Lhe ume anyway. l Lhlnk we subconsclously avolded eaung and drlnklng Loo because
we wanLed Lo sLay away from Lhose horrendous baLhrooms.
When we moved Lo Lhe vl LenLs, frankly Lhe sLreeLs were noL ln any beuer condluon. ln facL we had Lo pass by an area wlLh a
Lerrlble sLench Lo geL Lo our vl LenL. 1he lnslde of Lhe LenLs seemed Lhe same Lo me, noL much beuer Lhan Lhe common LenLs.
1he only ma[or dlerence was LhaL Lhere was a bueL lald ouL for each meal - so denlLely more food, and Lhe baLhrooms were
wlLh Lhe normal wesLern LolleLs and Lhere was a cleanlng person more ln slghL. Powever, by day 2 a loL of Lhe LolleL seaLs were
broken and Lhe door locks dldn'L work. l don'L Lhlnk any of Lhls was worLh paylng Lhe vl prlce for. l Lhlnk lL ls safe Lo say, LhaL
Mlna ls noL meanL Lo be a luxury experlence. lL ls meanL Lo be a place where you resL and make dua. So make Lhe mosL of Lhls
ume, Lhere ls noLhlng else Lo do here. !usL connecL wlLh Allah alone. uon'L fall lnLo Lhe Lrap of chauer - especlally ln Lhe
women's LenLs l felL Lhere was a loL of ldle Lalk, complalnlng, and someumes even argulng golng on. lor Lhe love of Allah, avold
Lhls.perhaps you wlll never see Lhese days agaln, so don'L wasLe lL on Lalk of shopplng, food, people, eLc. Aer all, desplLe
everyLhlng, Mlna ls a very speclal place. lL ls a parL of Lhe holy land, Lhere are many anblya LhaL are reporLed Lo have been
burled Lhere, and you wlll denlLely feel someLhlng speclal Lhere LhaL (belleve lL or noL) you wlll mlss once you leave. uesplLe
everyLhlng however, Lhere ls also a speclal camaraderle you wlll feel wlLh your LenL maLes. eople are Lhere for a very speclal
reason, and you all have Lhls ln common. lf you keep good focus, Lhere ls a broLherhood/slsLerhood LhaL develops so beauufully
ln Mlna. Make sure you use your ume Lo read Lhe Curan wlLh your fellow Pa[[ls, even lf you read lndependenLly, slL LogeLher
and creaLe Lhe beauuful envlronmenL. Make lndlvldual duas, buL also do group duas - Lhere's power ln numbers. uo llule
lslamlc classes wlLh each oLher, share knowledge, share whaL you are readlng, share quoLes from hadlLh, eLc. Many groups wlll
have lslamlc scholars LhaL accompany Lhe ha[[ls Lo glve regular classes (dars). 1ake advanLage of Lhese, ask a loL of quesuons -
use Lhls opporLunlLy Lo come Lo know your Lord and Lhe ropheL (SAW). Lxperlence Lhe love LhaL oozes ouL of your hearL from
comlng Lo know Allah and hls Messenger (SAW). 1ake Lhls ume Lo reecL and learn more abouL yourself and your relauonshlp
wlLh Cod. Challenge yourself Lo emulaLe Lhe ropheL (SAW) - Lhe perfecL human example of success we have.do Lhls Lo
become successful ln Lhls llfe and Lhe Pereaer!

nAII S1L 8 S1L:

Dhu| n|[[ah - M|na - 1he hrst day of the na[[ r|tua|s - awm At 1arw|ya
1hls day ls called ?awm AL'1arwlya - 1he day of waLerlng - because on Lhls day Lhe pllgrlms ln Mecca were glven drlnk and Lhey lled Lhelr
vessels ln preparauon for Lhe uay of Arafah.

1) NLW Ihram for na[[- 1he Pa[[ lhram ls separaLe from Lhe umrah lhram. 8ecause you made nlyyah for umrah (as a parL of your Pa[[
AL 1amauu) ln Lhe beglnnlng, new lhram for your Pa[[ ls now worn from wherever you're sLaylng wlLhouL havlng Lo go Lo a meeqaL.
2) Do ghusl, wear lhram, pray 2 rakats, pronounce nlyyah, and Lalblya ln Lhe prescrlbed manner as menuoned above for umrah.
3) 1he N|yyah for na[[ ls: [$*$N= 711$#<L$ .$CC$6 (l am here aL your servlce C Allah Lo perform Pa[[)
4) kec|te 1a|b|yah conunuously as lnsLrucLed above for umrah
S) Afer Ia[r Sa|at, before you go to M|na, you may do a na (opuonal) Lawaf. MosL people don'L buL you can follow wlLh Lhe one Sal
LhaL ls done for Pa[[ aL anyume. ?ou can do Lhls Sal now or aL end aer your fard 1awaf lfadah (done laLer). Arrlve ln Mlna before
uhuhr SalaL.
Most peop|e go to M|na aher Ia[r prayers by bus. Leave all your bags, eLc. ln your hoLel - do noL Lake Lhem Lo your Mlna LenLs. ?ou don'L
need anyLhlng ln Mlna buL a few LolleLrles and change of cloLhes for when you geL ouL of lhram. 1he Sunnah ls Lo geL Lhere ln ume for
uhuhr. As always, reclLe Lhe 1alblyah oen and wlLh devouon and fervor durlng your [ourney. lor Lhe nexL few days, eaL and drlnk llghL for
Lhe sake of less frequency Lo Lhe baLhrooms .
Mlna - also known as Lhe 1enL ClLy ls approxlmaLely 3km from Mecca. Mlna ls where lbrahlm (AS) and hls son lsmall (AS) walked Lhrough
Lo carry ouL Allah's command of sacrlce. lL ls here LhaL shayLan Lrled Lo Lalk lbrahlm (AS) ouL of golng Lhrough wlLh Allah's order.

6) Aher you seu|e down |n your tents - you wlll oer uhuhr, Asr, Maghrlb, and lsha prayers ln Lhe "qasr" mode by shorLenlng Lhem as lf you
are ln Lhe course of a [ourney. 1herefore you wlll do 2 rakaLs for dhuhr, 2 rakaLs for asr, 3 rakaLs for maghrlb, and 2 rakaLs for lsha and Lhe
nexL mornlng 2 rakaLs for la[r aL Lhelr appolnLed umes and nC1 comblnlng Lhem. 1hls applles Lo everyone regardless of wheLher he ls a
resldenL of Mecca or ls an ouLslder. Whlle ln your LenL, spend as much ume as you can ln prayers, and suppllcauons Lo Allah.
lL ls relaLed LhaL ParlLha lbn Wahb was heard Lo say, "1he ropheL, may Allah bless hlm and granL hlm peace, led us ln Lhe prayer aL Mlna
dolng Lwo tok'ots ln a ume of peace."

1ry to pray the hve da||y prayers w|th the congreganon - whlle ln Mlna, lL ls besL Lo pray ln Lhe Mas[ld of khalf lf you are able Lo. As Lhe
ropheL (SAW) sald: SevenLy ropheLs have prayed ln Lhe Mas[ld of khalf". lL ls also sald Lhls ls where Lhe 70 propheLs are burled.
1here ls Lhe mursalaL cave near Mas[ld Al khalf where Surah Al MursalaL was revealed. 1hls Surah was revealed on Lhe evenlng of Lhls day

7) Depart for Arafat aher spend|ng the n|ght |n M|na and aher Ia[r, |eave around Ishraq - Lhus, you wlll have oered a LoLal of ve
obllgaLory prayers aL Mlna before deparung for Arafah aer sunrlse on Lhe mornlng of Lhe 9Lh of uhul Pl[[ah.
When lL was Lhe day of 1arwlya (8Lh of uhhul-Pl[[ah) Lhey wenL Lo Mlna and puL on Lhe lhram for Pa[[ and Lhe Messenger of Allah (SAW)
rode and led Lhere, Lhe noon, aernoon, sunseL, lsha and fa[r prayers. Pe Lhen walLed a llule ull Lhe sun rose, and commanded LhaL a LenL
of halr should be plLched aL namlra (Mas[ld ln Arafah). (!ablr)

n1 - . 44

My V|ew: ArafaL was unllke anyLhlng l had expecLed. 8ecause Lhls ls Lhe day, Lhe day Lhey call Lhe acLual Pa[[, my slbllngs and l were so nervous
yeL exclLed abouL Lhls day. We [usL dldn'L wanL Lo blow lL. We wanLed Lo do everyLhlng perfecLly on Lhls day. lL sLarLed by us geng on Lhe
wrong bus wlLh some oLher group! Cur group and Lhelr bus dldn'L hlL Lhe road unul much laLer. 1hankfully, we were ln Lhe bus LhaL was
golng Lo Lhe same LenL allocauon as we were ln, buL we goL Lhere way before our group dld. We goL Lhere rlghL aer la[r - around 7am,
and our group goL Lhere around uuhr. When we arrlved - lL Look 20 mlnuLes or so by road - we were so happy wlLh Lhe way lL was seL up.
Cur area had slurpy machlnes, popcorn, coee, Lea, and hoL chocolaLe dlspensers.omg we were ln heaven! l undersLand noL all Lhe ArafaL
LenLs are Lhe same, so don'L ralse your expecLauons Loo much. We were slmply happy because we were one of Lhe rsL Lo geL Lhere and
we [usL weren'L expecung Lhls aL all aer Lhe Mlna experlence, Lhe baLhrooms were clean, Lhe LenLs were lald ouL ln a more open way so
Lhere was acLually some grass Lo slL on and areas Lo walk around ln. 8uL really, on Lhls day, none of LhaL mauers. ?our goal ls one Lhlng and
one Lhlng alone on Lhls day - Lo be forglven by your Lord. 1haL ls lL. uon'L lose Lhls focus and don'L worry abouL anyLhlng else.

We had some challenges ndlng our LenL, eLc. We goL Lhe run around by our group leader, Lhe guy ln charge, Lhen nally Lhe aklsLanl cleanlng
sLa came Lo our rescue - Cod bless Lhem! 1hls nlce man lead us Lo our lovely LenL wlLh wall Lo wall erslan rugs lald ouL. Slmply beauuful.
8emember no one spends Lhe nlghL Lhere (we all move on Lo Muzdallfah aer Maghrlb) so don'L geL Loo concerned abouL Lhls parL. We
spenL a blL of ume resung, drlnklng Lea or cold drlnks, aLe some daLes, and Lhen scouLed Lhe place Lo see whaL we needed Lo do when Lhe
ume came Lo spend LhaL very speclal momenL wlLh Allah.alone. We declded LhaL we goL Lhere so early because we were meanL Lo cllmb
!abel 8ahmah. So we asked Lhe sLa Lhere whlch way Lo Lhls MounL of Mercy also known as ML. Arafah. Lveryone was so dlscouraglng. We
were Lold by everybody LhaL lL was far and Loo long Lo walk Lhere. SomeLhlng dldn'L seem rlghL, so l asked someone ln Arablc Lhlnklng Lhe
answer mlghL change wlLh Lhe language, buL lL goL worse, now we were Lold lL was aL leasL a 10 km walk! SomeLhlng ln us dldn'L wanL Lo
glve up, lL [usL dldn'L feel rlghL Lo have all Lhls ume on our hands and noL aL leasL Lry Lo geL Lo Lhls monumenLal hlll. llnally, my broLher
declded Lo ask our LrusLed aklsLanl genLleman, who Lold us we can geL Lhere ln 30 mlnuLes by fooL mosL llkely. Allah bless hlm, he gave us
clear dlrecuons and we acLually goL Lhere ln 23 mlnuLes - walklng a normal relaxed pace! So Lhe lesson we learned was LhaL lnformauon ls
noL necessarlly rellable ln Lhese places, lL ls besL Lo be as well lnformed as you can before you embark on Lhls [ourney. When we goL Lo
!abel 8ahma, all 4 of us cllmbed rlghL Lo Lhe Lop. lL was now 8:30am .sull so early! We wenL sLralghL over Lo Lhe whlLe monumenL LhaL [eLs
ouL aL Lhe Lop of Lhls mounL. lL ls sald LhaL Lhls monumenL marks Lhe place where Adam (AS) and Lve (AS) were reunlLed by Allah's mercy
aer belng separaLed for so long. 1he base of Lhls MounL ls where Lhe ropheL (SAW) ls sald Lo have sLood Lo suppllcaLe for hls forglveness
aL Lhe ume of wuqoof-e-arafaL (Lhls wlll be explalned ln deLall laLer ln Lhe book). SLandlng anywhere wlLhln Lhe boundarles of ArafaL ls
accepLable on Lhls day, so lf lL ls dlmculL Lo geL Lo !abel 8ahmah, feel blessed LhaL your Pa[[ Loday can be performed anywhere on Lhe plaln
of ArafaL. [usL don'L sLep ouL of Lhe boundary llnes of ArafaL for even a second, oLherwlse Lhls day wlll be null and vold and you musL
repeaL your Pa[[ anoLher year.

Cn Lhls day, be as alone as you can wlLh Allah. uon'L worry abouL whaL's golng on around you, don'L look aL or llsLen Lo how oLhers are dolng
anyLhlng. 1he rules of Lhls day are slmple - know Lhem on your own and prepare Lo beg Allah for forglveness - lL ls all abouL you connecung
as well as posslble wlLh your CreaLor so you can reseL your record lnshaAllah. lL's as good as LhaL. 8eallze how profound Lhls day ls - lL ls
Lhe CnL? day LhaL Allah has allowed you Lo delay a fard SalaL (Maghrlb) so LhaL you and Pe, Lhe AlmlghLy, can spend quallLy ume LogeLher.
Can you lmaglne such a Lhlng? 1o be allowed Lo puL o someLhlng obllgaLory for Lhe sake of someLhlng MC8L lmporLanL? Wow. Slmply
wow. feel Lhe power of Loday folks!

Dhu| n|[[ah - awm a| Arafah - 1he Day of know|ng

Arafah - means Lo know.lL was where Adam and Lve came Lo know" each oLher. 1hls ls 1PL day.
Mas[ld Al namra ls ln ArafaL - lL ls sald Lo be bullL by lbrahlm (AS).

8) Arr|ve at Arafah before Dhuhr. 1hls ls Lhe uay of Arafah (lL ls sunnah Lo baLhe once you arrlve here), lL ls 1PL crlucal polnL of
your Pa[[! ?our Pa[[ wlll noL be compleLe wlLhouL Lhls day and observlng Cayam ul ArafaL (SLandlng on ArafaL - see below) ln
accordance wlLh Lhe Sunnah of 8asool Allah (SAW). Llke wlLh all Lhe days of Pa[[, you should spend as much ume ln prayers and
remembrance of Allah as posslble - really sLep lL up Loday! ?ou may never see Lhls day agaln ln your llfe. Make Lhe mosL of lL.
1he rophet (SAW) faced the |b|a the who|e nme whlle ln ArafaL. 1ry Lo do Lhe same
1ry to rest as much as poss|b|e unul Lhe uhuhr and Asr prayers.
9) 1he boundar|es of Arafat w||| be marked for you, remaln wlLhln Lhese boundarles aL all umes.Lo valldaLe Lhls day,
boundarles musL be observed. ?ou musL never sLep ouL!
10) Supp|cate as much as posslble Loday!
11) L|ke when the rophet (SAW) gave h|s na[[ khutba on Lhls day, you musL llsLen Lo Lhe khuLbah lnLenLly before you pray
12) 1he rophet (SAW) d|d not enter h|s quarters at Arafah unn| he oered h|s Dhuhr and Asr prayers. ?ou wlll oer Lhe uhuhr
and Asr prayers ln Lhe qasr mode. ?ou wlll also comblne Lhem, l.e. oer Lhem aL Lhe same ume wlLh one adhan and Lwo
separaLe Lakbeer, one each for uhuhr and Asr. Cnly Lwo rakahs each wlll be oered boLh ln uhuhr and Asr prayers. no na, or
any oLher prayers, wlll be performed elLher before or aer Lhese obllgaLory prayers.
"1hen adhan was pronounced and laLer on lqama and Lhe ropheL (SAW) led Lhe noon prayer. 1hen anoLher lqama was
pronounced and Lhe ropheL (SAW) led Lhe aernoon prayer and he observed no oLher prayer ln beLween Lhe Lwo. (!ablr)
13) ray LC1S |n Arafah unul [usL aer Lhe sun seLs. lf you wanL, lL ls Sunnah Lo sLay ln your quarLers unul [usL before sunseL
ume - Lhen come ouL and observe Cayam ul ArafaL (see below). Spend ume ln readlng Lhe Curan, 1alblyah, and oerlng
suppllcauons. 1PlS lS A C8l1lCAL uA? 1C ?Cu8 lC8ClvLnLSS Anu ACCL1AnCL Cl uuAS - 1PlS lS ?Cu8 PA!!!

14) ayam u| Arafat: ln Lhe aernoon before sunseL, sLand ln Lhe open alr ouLslde your LenL faclng Lhe Clblah and ralse your
hands ln suppllcauon Lo Allah. 8asool Allah (SAW) spenL Lhls ume ln submlng hlmself ln humlllLy and LoLal devouon Lo Allah,
ralslng hls hands ln prayers all Lhe way unul aer sunseL. 1here are no prescrlbed prayers for Cayam ul ArafaL. uurlng Lhese
sacred momenLs, you are alone wlLh Allah. Cry and pray as you wanL Lo and ask LhaL your slns and llfelong shorLcomlngs be
forglven. ?ou may pray ln any language. 1oday you wlll delay your Maghrlb unul lsha.
n2 - . 46

1IS to ensure a successfu| Day of Arafah:

o 8e perslsLenL ln ralslng Lhe volce (for men) durlng 1alblyah whlle marchlng Lo Arafah.

o Avold lazlness, lnacuveness and wasung ume on Lhe day of Arafah and occupy yourself wlLh lnvocauons and Lhe remembrance of Allah.
1he ropheL (SAW) sald: "1he besL lnvocauon ls Lhe lnvocauon (uua) on Lhe day of Arafah".
o 8e sure Lo Lurn one's face Lo Lhe dlrecuon of Lhe kabah especlally when lnvoklng lf posslble.
o Make sure Lo sLand wlLhln Lhe borders of Arafah and noL ouLslde lL.
o 1he pllgrlm lnslde Lhe namlra Mosque should be aware LhaL Lhree quarLers of Lhe mosque ls wlLhln Lhe borders of Arafah whlle Lhe
remalnlng quarLer ls ouLslde Arafah. 1herefore, Lake care oLherwlse, you would mlss Lhe correcL sLandlng ln Arafah and consequenLly you
would mlss Lhe llgrlmage all LogeLher.
o SLandlng on Lhe MounL of Mercy (ML. 8ahma) ls noL compulsory, don'L push yourself Lhere because lL mlghL resulL ln overcrowdlng and
harmlng oLher people.
o 8e sure Lo descend from Arafah Al1L8 sunseL because by dolng so you comblne beLween nlghL and day, buL lf you descend before sunseL
you musL oer a sacrlce.
o 8eware of mlsLrusung Allah, by havlng any doubL LhaL Allah dldn'L forglve you - LhaL would be a Lerrlble sln you would have commlued
aer Arafah.
o use Lhe baLhrooms ln Arafah before movlng Lo Muzdallfah as Lhe faclllues aren'L as good ln Muzdallfah.

ou w||| not oer Maghr|b at Arafat. ?ou wlll do so aL Muzdallfah laLer LonlghL by comblnlng lL wlLh lsha.

1S) Aher sunset, you w||| depart Arafat for Muzda||fah. keep reclung Lhe 1alblyah and oLher prayers as you proceed Lowards Muzdallfah.
1he ropheL (SAW) le ArafaL calmly and peacefully.

Adv|ce: Wa|k to Muzda||fah from Arafat. 1he buses Lake Loo long, go by fooL lL wlll be easler.
1he nlghL ln Muzdallfah, remember Lhls ls Lhe nlghL before Lld Al Adha and Lhere ls lmmense barakah ln Lhls nlghL!

n3 - . 47
1he besL of duas ls Lhe dua on Arafah" - ropheL Mohamed (SAW)
MounL ArafaL: 1he hlll ls Lhe place where Lhe ropheL Muhammad (SAW) sLood and dellvered Lhe larewell Sermon Lo Lhe Musllms who had
accompanled hlm for Lhe Pa[[ Lowards Lhe end of hls llfe. lL reaches abouL 70 m ln helghL. lL was on MounL Arafah LhaL Adam and Lve meL agaln, aer
belng separaLed for 200 years followlng Lhelr expulslon from Lhe Carden of Lden, Lhey meL and recognlzed each oLher here and were reunlLed. Pere
Loo Lhey were forglven by Allah for Lhelr Lransgresslon aer oerlng Lhelr repenLance. A maln reason of Lhe rlLual of pllgrlmage ls Lhe renewal of LhaL
rayer of 8epenLance every year sLandlng on Lhe hlll of mercy, Lhe cllmax of Pa[[.
When lbrahlm (AS) compleLed Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe kabah, Allah commanded hlm Lo call Lhe people Lo Pa[[. lbrahlm (AS) pleaded, C Allah! Pow shall
my volce reach all of Lhose people?" Allah Lold hlm LhaL hls duLy was only Lo glve Lhe call and lL was up Lo Allah Lo make lL reach Lhe people. lbrahlm
(AS) Lhen cllmbed MounL ArafaL and called ouL ln hls loudesL volce, C eople! verlly Allah has prescrlbed upon you Pa[[, so perform Pa[[." Allah
revealed ln Lhe Cur'an: And proclalm Lhe Pa[[ among manklnd. 1hey wlll come Lo Lhee on fooL and (mounLed) on every camel, lean on accounL of
[ourneys Lhrough deep and dlsLanL mounLaln hlghways" (Curan 22:28).
Spend|ng nme near the rocks or as c|ose to them as poss|b|e |s commended. 1he rophet (SAW) stopped at th|s p|ace and sa|d, "I have stopped here,
but the who|e of Arafah |s a stopp|ng p|ace (for the Day of Arafat)." (Iab|r) C||mb|ng the Mounta|n of Mercy or the be||ef that stand|ng on |t |s beuer
than stand|ng |n any other p|ace |s wrong. Nor does do|ng so represent a Sunnah of the rophet (SAW).

Cn Lhe uay of Arafah Lhe ropheL (SAW) mosLly suppllcaLed ln Lhese words: "[$ '1$#$ '11$11$#< M$#+$#< 1$ (#$/'=$ 1$#<R 1$#<1 L<1= M$ 1$#<1
#$L+R *'N$+'#'1 =#$'/ M$ #<M$ S$1$ =<11' (#$S'6 ;$+))/ (1here ls no delLy worLhy of worshlp buL Allah Alone. Pe has no parLners. 1o Plm alone
belongs Lhe klngdom, and all pralse. ln Pls hand ls all Lhe good, and Pe has power over all Lhlngs)." (Amr bln Shu'alb)

1he ropheL (SAW) sald, "1he besL suppllcauon ls LhaL of Lhe uay of Arafah, and Lhe besL Lhlng LhaL l and oLher ropheLs before me sald ls: S[$ '1$#$
'11$11$#< M$#+$#< 1$ (#$/'=$ 1$#< 1$#<1 L<1= M$ 1$#<1 #$L+ M$ #<M$ S$1$ =<1' (#$S'6 ;$+))/:" (1lrmldhl)
When asked abouL Lhe above '8uL Lhls ls glorlcauon of Allah and Pls pralse, and lL ls noL a suppllcauon.' 1hereupon Sufyan sald, 'uon'L you know Lhe
hadlLh of Mallk bln Al-ParlLh whlch explalns lL.' l sald Lo hlm, '1ell me abouL lL.' Pe sald, 'Mansur narraLed from Mallk bln Al-ParlLh LhaL he sald "Allah,
Lhe AlmlghLy, and Lhe LxalLed Cne, says: 'lf a servanL of Mlne occuples hlmself ln exLolllng and pralslng Me lnsLead of asklng Me for hls needs l glve hlm
beuer Lhan whaL l glve Lo Lhose who ask for Lhelr needs."' 1hen he added, '1hls explalns Lhe saylng of Lhe ropheL (SAW).' Pe conunued and sald,
"Paven'L you heard whaL ummaya bln Abl Al-SalL sald Lo Abdullah bln !ad'an when he soughL Lhe hand of na'llah ln marrlage?" l sald, "no." AL Lhls he
sald, "ummaya reclLed (Lhese llnes of poeLry) Lo Abdullah bln !ad'an: uo l have Lo Lell you my need, or your modesLy ls enough (Lo plead my case), for
modesLy ls your dlsposluon, ?ou are conversanL wlLh rlghLs (and obllgauons) and come of a famlly pollLe and respecLable, When someone pralses you
once he need noL repeaL lL agaln! 1hen Sufyan added, "C Pussaln, you see how Lhe humans are pleased wlLh pralse and are ready Lo granL requesL
wlLhouL even asklng. WhaL abouL Lhelr CreaLor Lhen?"

Al-8alhaql reporLed from All (wlLh a weak chaln of narraLors) LhaL Lhe ropheL (SAW) sald, "1he suppllcauon mosL frequenLly used by Lhe
ropheLs before me and by me on Lhe uay of Arafah ls Lhls: '[$ '1$#$ '11$11$#< M$#+$#< 1$ (#$/'=$ 1$#<R 1$#<1 L<1= M$ 1$#<1 #$L+ M$
#<M$ S$1$ =<1' (#$S'6 ;$+))/: 711$#<LL$ S'CS$1 @ *$(/' 6</$6 M$ @ ($LS' 6</$6 M$@ ;$1*' 6</$6: 711$#<LL $(#/$# 1' ($+/' M$ N$(('/ 1'
$L/': 711$#<LL$ S<+#<*'=$ L'6 M$(M$('( ($+/' M$ (#$%$H1 $L/ M$ (#$//' @%6$H1 ;$*/ M$ (#$//' L$ N$1'C< @1 1$'1 M$ (#$//' L$ N$1'C< @6
6$#$/M$ (#$//' L$ %$#<*< *'#' /'N$# M$ (#$//' *$M$S';'+ +$#/ (1here ls no delLy worLhy of worshlp buL Allah alone. Pe has no parLners.
1o Plm belongs Lhe klngdom and all pralse, and he has power over all Lhlngs. C Allah! place llghL (guldance) ln my slghL, ln my ears, and ln
my hearL. C Allah! Cpen my chesL and ease my work. C Allah! l seek refuge wlLh ?ou from evll whlspers, from confuslon, from Lhe Lrlal of
Lhe grave, from Lhe evll LhaL Lakes place durlng Lhe day or nlghL, from Lhe evll carrled by Lhe wlnds, and from Lhe alcuons of Lhe world.
1lrmldhl also reporLed from All LhaL Lhe suppllcauon used mosL of Lhe ume by Lhe ropheL (SAW) durlng hls sLay ln Arafah was:
"711$#<LL$ 1$=$1 #$L+< =$11$+#' 6$;<1< M$ =#$'/$L L'LL$ 6$;<1<R 711$#<LL$ 1$=$ ($1$H M$ 6<(<=' M$ L$#N$N$ M$ L$L$H M$
'1$'=$ L$S$*' M$ 1$=$ /$**' %</$%#' $11$#<LL$ '66' $S<+#<*'=$ L'6 S$+#$*'1 ;$*/' M$ M$(M$($H( ($+/' M$ (#$%$H1 $L/' $11$#<LL$ '66'
$S<+#<*'=$ L'6 (#$//' L$ %$#<**< *'#' /'N#< (All pralse belongs Lo ?ou, C Allah! as we say, and beuer Lhan whaL we can say. C Allah! My
prayers, my worshlp, my llfe and my deaLh are all for ?ou. C Allah! 1o ?ou ls my reLurn, Lo ?ou belong whaL l own. C Allah! l seek refuge
wlLh ?ou from Lhe LormenL of Lhe grave, Lhe evll whlspers, confuslon, and from whaLever Lhe wlnd may brlng.)
Cne should make suppllcauon Lo Allah, ralslng one's hands Lo one's chesL, and aer Lhe sunseL calmly and quleLly leave Arafah. .Pe
(SAW) faced Lhe Clblah, and sLood Lhere unul Lhe sun seL, and Lhe yellow llghL dlmlnlshed somewhaL, and Lhe dlsc of Lhe sun LoLally
Accordlng Lo one narrauon: Lven Lhough he loved hls son dearly, lbrahlm (AS) was prepared Lo do whaL Allah asked of hlm. lbrahlm (AS)
Lold lsmall (AS) Lhey had Lo go Lo MounL ArafaL. Cn Lhe way Lhey passed a place called Mlna. 1he devll, ShayLan, came Lo lbrahlm (AS) and
Lrled Lo Lalk hlm ouL of sacrlclng hls son. lbrahlm (AS) overcame shayLan. When Lhey reached MounL ArafaL, lbrahlm (AS) Lold lsmall (AS)
whaL Allah wanLed hlm Lo do. lsmall (AS) llsLened and accepLed whaL was Lo happen. Pe was an excepuonal chlld. lsmall (AS) Lold hls faLher
Lo bllndfold hlmself so he would noL see hls son suer. lbrahlm (AS) dld as lsmall (AS) had sald. Pe Lhen Look Lhe knlfe and dld whaL Allah
had Lold hlm Lo do. When he Look Lhe bllndfold from hls eyes he looked down, noL aL hls son buL aL a dead ram. lsmall (AS) was aL hls slde.
lbrahlm (AS) was afrald. Pe LhoughL he had dlsobeyed buL Lhen he heard a volce: "We called ouL Lo hlm: C lbrahlm! ?ou have lndeed
fullled Lhe vlslon! 1hus lndeed We reward Lhe vlrLuous. 1hls lndeed was a manlfesL Lrlal. 1hen We ransomed hlm wlLh a greaL sacrlce,
and We le (Lhls blesslng) for hlm among generauons (Lo come) ln laLer umes: eace be Lo lbrahlm." (Curan 37:104-109)
Allah looks aer hls followers. lbrahlm (AS) and lsmall (AS) had passed a dlmculL LesL. Lach year, durlng Lhe monLh of uhul Pl[[ah, many
Musllms, from all over Lhe world, Lravel Lo Mecca. 1hey wanL Lo remember whaL lbrahlm (AS) and lsmall (AS) dld. ln Lhe monLh of uhul
Pl[[ah Lhese pllgrlms go Lo Mecca, Mlna and ArafaL. 1hey vlslL places where lbrahlm (AS) and lsmall (AS) llved and preached. 1hey glve a
sacrlce [usL as Allah commanded lbrahlm (AS) Lo do. 1he pllgrlms sacrlce anlmals ln memory of Lhe deed. We musL obey Allah's
commands as ropheL lbrahlm (AS) and ropheL lsmall (AS) dld. We obey by dolng Lhe Lhlngs we know are rlghL, praylng, belng klnd Lo our
parenLs and always Lelllng Lhe LruLh.

Nomtob Mospoe ls slLuaLed rlghL on Lhe meeung place of Lhe boundarles of Param and Arafah. Pere Lhe lmam leads Lhe uhuhr and Asr
prayers comblned and shorLened aL uhuhr ume.
1he hlll ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe laln of ArafaL ls ML. ArafaL also know as !abal 8ahmah, Lhe MounL of Mercy. 8ldlng hls camel near lL, Lhe Poly
ropheL (SAW) dellvered hls famous sermon on Lhe occaslon of Lhe larewell Pa[[.
lmaam al-khauaabee (rahlmahullah) (d. 436P) sald: "1he wlsdom behlnd saylng Lhe 1akbeer ln Lhese days ls LhaL ln Lhe umes of !ahlllyyah
(pre-lslamlc lgnorance), Lhey used Lo slaughLer for Lhelr 1aaghooLs (false ob[ecLs of worshlp). So Lhe 1akbeers were prescrlbed ln order Lo
lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe acL of slaughLerlng ls dlrecLed Lo Allah alone, and by menuonlng only Pls name." [laLh al-8aree]
...And menuon Lhe name of Allah on Lhe appolnLed uays..." (Curan 22: 28)
lshaaq narraLes from Lhe scholars of Lhe 1aabl'een LhaL ln Lhese Len days Lhey used Lo say: 711$#<G7=*$/R 711$#<G7=*$/U [$$G'1$$#$G'11G
711$#U M$711$#<G7=*$/R 711$#<G7=*$/U "$G1'11$$#'1G#$L+.
lL ls a beloved acL Lo ralse Lhe volce when saylng Lhe 1akbeer ln Lhe markeLs, Lhe houses, Lhe sLreeLs, Lhe mas[lds and oLher places, because
of Lhe saylng of Allah MosL Plgh ln Surah al-Pa[[ verse 37: ...LhaL you may magnlfy Allah for Pls Culdance Lo you..." lmaam 8ukharee
(rahlmahullah) sald ln Lhe book of al-ldayn ln Lhe chapLer of Lhe vlrLue of good deeds durlng Lhe days of 1ashreeq (11
, 12
, 13
hl[[ah), lbn umar and Abu Purayrah (radhl allahu anhuma) would go ouL ln Lhe markeLplace durlng Lhe Len days and say 1akbeer, and Lhe
people would say 1akbeer when Lhey sald 1akbeer." [Sahlh al-8ukharl]
lrom Lhe day of ArafaL unul Lhe Asr prayer of Lhe 13Lh day of uhul-Pl[[ah, one should make 1akbeer aer every obllgaLory SalaL. lbn Abee
Shaybah relaLes LhaL All (8A) used Lo make Lhe 1akbeer beglnnlng aer Lhe la[r prayer on Lhe day of ArafaL, unul aer Lhe Asr prayer on
Lhe lasL day of aL-1ashreeq." (8elaLed by lbn Abee Shaybah ln al-Musannaf)
.And Lhere ls no day beuer ln Lhe slghL of Allah Lhan Lhe uay of Arafah. Cn Lhls day Allah, Lhe AlmlghLy and Lhe LxalLed Cne, descends Lo
Lhe nearesL heaven, and Pe ls proud of Pls slaves on Lhe earLh, and says Lo Lhose ln heaven, "Look aL My servanLs. 1hey have come from
far and near, wlLh halr dlsheveled and faces covered wlLh dusL, Lo seek My Mercy, even Lhough Lhey have noL seen my chasusemenL. lar
more people are freed from Lhe Pellre on Lhe uay of Arafah Lhan on any oLher day." (Lhls hadlLh was reporLed by Abu ?a'la, al-8azzar, lbn
khuzalmah, and lbn Plbban)
8epenLence ls powerful: 8uL as for hlm who repenLed, belleved and dld rlghLeous deeds, Lhen he wlll be among Lhose who are
successful." (Curan 28:67]
1here ls Lremendous rellef ln belng forglven all your slns.


1here ls noL a slngle day LhaL Lhe sun has come up on more beloved Lo Allah (Subhanahu wa La'ala) Lhan Lhe uay of ArafaL.
'Alshah relaLed LhaL Lhe ropheL (SAW) sald: "Allah frees far more people from Lhe Pellre on Lhe uay of Arafah Lhan on any
oLher day, and LhaL Allah comes closer Lhls day and proudly says Lo Lhe angels, 'WhaL do Lhese people wanL and seek?" (Musllm)

When asked AmongsL Lhe people who have gaLhered here for Pa[[, who ls ln Lhe worsL sLaLe?" Sufyaan lbn al-uyaynah sald,
Pe who Lhlnks LhaL Allah wlll noL forglve hlm."

Whoever mlsses Lhe sLandlng on ArafaL has mlssed Pa[[, because Lhe ropheL (SAW) sald:
nojj ls Atofot. jol-noklm]

1alha (radl Allahu 'anhu) reporLs LhaL Allah's Messenger (SAW) sald, "AparL from Lhe day of Lhe 8aule of 8adr Lhere ls no day on
whlch Lhe ShayLaan ls seen Lo be more humlllaLed, more re[ecLed, more depressed and more lnfurlaLed, Lhan on Lhe day of

All of Lhls ls only because of hls beholdlng of Lhe abundance of descendlng mercy (on LhaL day) and Allah's forglveness of Lhe
greaL slns of Pls servanLs." (MlshkaL)

. and he (SAW) polnung ouL wlLh hls rlghL hand, advlsed Lhe people Lo be moderaLe (ln speed) saylng: "C people! calmness,
calmness!" Whenever he (SAW) passed over an elevaLed LracL of land, he sllghLly loosened Lhe nose-sLrlng of hls camel ull she
cllmbed up. 1hls ls how he reached al-Muzdallfah aer Arafah." (!ablr)
Anas bln Mallk sald: "1he ropheL (SAW) spenL Lhe day aL Arafah unul [usL aer sunseL. 1hen he sald, 'C 8llal! Ask Lhe people Lo
be quleL and llsLen Lo me.' 8llal sLood up and asked Lhe people Lo be quleL and llsLen Lo Lhe ropheL (SAW). When Lhe people
were quleL, Lhe ropheL (SAW) sald: C eople! A llule whlle ago Cabrlel (AS) came Lo me. Cave me saluLauons from Allah, and
lnformed me LhaL Allah has forglven Lhose who spend Lhe uay aL Arafah, and Lhose who sLop aL Mash'ar al-Param (ln
Muzdallfah), and LhaL Pe has guaranLeed Lhelr debLs.' AL Lhls 'umar bln al-khauab sLood up and asked, 'C Allah's Messenger, ls
Lhls for us only?' 1he ropheL (SAW) sald, "1hls ls for you, and for all Lhose who wlll come aer you unul Lhe uay of !udgmenL.'
'umar exclalmed, 'Pow plenuful and bllssful Allah's bounues are!"


Tis sermon was delivered on ne Day of Arafah, Ninn Day of Dhul Hijjah 10 A.H. in ne vaey oj
`ount Arafat' (in Mecca) by Prophet Muhammed (SAW) - Tis is ne Farewe Khutba of our

Af"r praising, and #anking A$ah he %SAW& said:
'O People, lend me an a(en)ve ear, for I know not whe#er af"r #is year, I sha$ ever be amongst you again. *erefore lis"n +
,hat I am saying + you very care-$y and TAKE THESE WORDS TO THOSE WHO COULD NOT BE PRESENT
O People, just as you regard #is mon#, #is day, #is ci/ as Sacred, so regard #e life, proper/, and honor of every Muslim as 0
1acred 2ust. Return #e goods en2us"d + you + #eir right-l owners. Hurt no one so #at no one may hurt you. Remembe3
4at you wi$ indeed meet your LORD, and #at HE wi$ indeed reckon your deeds. Do not devia" 5om #e right pa#.
6LLAH has forbidden you + take usury %in"rest&, #erefore a$ in"rest obliga)on sha$ hencefor# be waived. Your capital,
however, is yours + keep. You wi$ nei#er in7ict nor su8er any inequi/. A$ah has Judged #at #ere sha$ be no in"rest an9
4at a$ #e in"rest due + Abbas ibn :Abd;al Mu(alib %Prophet;s uncle& sha$ hencefor# be waived...Beware of Satan, for #<
1afe/ of your religion. He has lost a$ hope #at he wi$ ever be able + lead you as2ay in big #ings, so beware of fo$owing hi=
in sma$ #ings
O People, it is 2ue #at you have certain rights wi# regard + your wives, but #ey also have rights over you. Remember #at yo>
have taken #em as your wives only under A$ah;s 2ust and wi# His permission. If #ey abide by your right #en + #e=
belongs #e right + be fed and clo#ed in kindness. Do 2eat your women we$ and be kind + #em for #ey are your partner?
and commi(ed helpers. And it is your right #at #ey do not make 5iends wi# any one of whom you do not approve, as we$ a?
@ever + be unchas".
O People, lis"n + me in earnest, worship ONLY ALLAH, say your Ave daily prayers %Salah& on )me, fast during #e mon# oB
Camadan, and give your weal# in Zakat cheer-$y and wholehear"dly. Perform Hajj if you can a8ord +. Obey #e laws oB
Dour rulers. *e reward of a$ #is is #at you wi$ en"r Paradise.
6$ mankind is 5om Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiori/ over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiori/ over aE
6rab; also a whi" has no superiori/ over black nor a black has any superiori/ over whi" except by pie/ and good ac)on.
Fearn #at every Muslim is a bro#er + every Muslim and #at #e Muslims cons)tu" one bro#erhood. No#ing sha$ b<
legi)ma" + a Muslim which belongs + a fe$ow Muslim unless it was given 5eely and wi$ingly. Do not, #erefore, do injus)c<
+ yourselves. Remember, one day you wi$ appear before ALLAH and answer your deeds. So beware, do not s2ay 5om #e pa#
of righ"ousness af"r I am gone.
,e$, #erefore,
O People, and understand words which I convey + you. I leave behind me two #ings, #e QURAN and my example, #e SUNNAG
and if you fo$ow #ese you wi$ never go as2ay. A$ #ose who lis"n + me sha$ pass on my words + o#ers and #ose + o#er?
again; and may #e last ones understand my words be(er #an #ose who lis"n + me directly. Be my witness, O ALLAH, #aH
I have conveyed your message + your peopleJ.

Dhu| n|[[ah - awm A| Nahr ] L|d A| Adha - Muzda||fah

1he LenLh of uhul-Pl[[ah ls Lld Al-Adha or Lhe day of an-nahr (slaughLerlng). lL marks Lhe concluslon of Lhe ma[or rlLes of Pa[[, and commemoraLes
Allah's bounLy on Pls Messenger lbrahlm (AS).

ou w||| stay under the sky at Muzda||fah. no LenLs or oLher resldenual faclllues wlll be avallable. ArrangemenLs for LolleLs and wudu are, however,
avallable. 1hey are, undersLandably, very crowded all Lhe ume. Clve yourself plenLy of ume for your needs and be pauenL wlLh fellow pllgrlms.
16) ou w||| oer Maghr|b and Isha prayers comb|n|ng them ln Lhe qasr mode. 1hus, aer Lhe adhan, Lhree rakahs of Maghrlb wlll be oered followlng
Lhe usual lqamah. AnoLher lqamah (buL no adhan) wlll be called and Lhen Lwo rakahs of lsha wlll be oered.

When he reached Al-Mash'ar Al-Param he sLopped Lhere unul Lhere was llghL all around, Lhen before sunrlse, he le Lhe place." (!ablr)
1here ls no evldence Lo show LhaL Lhe ropheL (SAW) spenL Lhe nlghL (aL Muzdallfah) ln prayers and suppllcauons. 1hls ls Lhe correcL posluon abouL
spendlng Lhe nlghL aL Muzdallfah, sLopplng Lhere ls slmply Lo resL and collecL pebbles for Lhe pelung of shayLan ln Mlna. Powever, because Lhls Lhe
nlghL of Lld, any prayers done here are hlghly valuable.
17) Wa|k to the foot of the nearby h|||s, and co||ect seventy pea-s|ze pebb|es for 8ummy (hlng Lhe shayLan [amaraL). lL ls a good ldea Lo collecL an
addluonal Len or more sLones Lo make up for accldenLal losses. uo noL collecL Lhe pebbles lylng around Lhe baLhroom faclllues and MCS1 denlLely do
noL collecL used pebbles laLer on near Lhe [amaraLs. lL ls a good ldea Lo wash or wlpe Lhese sLones before placlng ln bag
18) ou w||| spend the n|ght at Muzda||fah and oer Ia[r there. 1he ropheL (SAW) sLood aL Al Masha'ar Al Param, a mounLaln ln Muzdallfah and
made dua aer la[r before movlng on.
19) ou w||| then |eave for M|na before sunr|se on Lhe mornlng of Lhe 10Lh of uhul Pl[[ah. lL ls sunnah Lo deparL from Muzdallfah from Al-Mash'ar Al-
Param, as menuoned above sLopplng Lhere Lo make suppllcauons glorlfylng Allah for a good hour or more before lshraq comes. SLopplng Lhere ls a parL
of Lhe Pa[[ rlLe.

.and when he came Lo Al-Mash'ar Al-Param, he faced Clblah, and suppllcaLed Lo Allah, Clorled Plm, and pronounced Pls unlqueness and Cneness,
and kepL sLandlng ull Lhe dayllghL was very clear. Pe Lhen wenL qulckly before Lhe sun rose" (!ablr)

"' C Allah Lake care of rlLes l owe oLher people" -recommended dua aL Muzdallfah

20) Aher deparnng A|-Mash'ar A|-naram before Ishraq go to M|na through the bouom of Muhassar va||ey. When ln Lhls valley one should walk fasL
because Lhls ls Lhe place where Allah's wraLh descended upon Lhe Companlons of Lhe LlephanL.
"1hen when you pour down from (mounL) Arafah, celebraLe Lhe pralses of Allah aL Lhe Sacred MonumenL and celebraLe Pls pralses as Pe has dlrecLed
you, even Lhough, before Lhls, you wenL asLray. 1hen pass on aL a qulck pace from Lhe place whence lL ls usual for Lhe muluLude Lo do so, and ask for
Allah's forglveness. And Allah ls C-lorglvlng, MosL Merclful." (Curan 2:198)
Mobossot. 1hls ls a valley beLween Muzdallfah and Mlna, where klng Abraha and hls Lroops along wlLh Lhe elephanLs, came Lo desLroy Lhe kabah
because lL was a LhreaL Lo Lhe success of Lhe CaLhedral LhaL klng Abraha bullL ln ?emen. 1hey were Lhemselves desLroyed by Lhe blrds (swallows) whlch
Lhrew small pebbles aL Lhem from Lhelr beaks and claws. 1hls lncldenL happened ln 370 or 371 Au and ls referred Lo as 1he ?ear of 1he LlephanL, whlch
lncldenLally was also Lhe year Muhammed (SAW) was born. 1he pllgrlms pass Lhls place qulckly because Muhassar ls a LormenLed area. lnLeresungly,
pelung was agaln done Lo do away wlLh an enemy of lslam.

n4 - . S3
Muzdallfah means 'become near'. AL Lhls [uncLure, Lhe pllgrlm who has performed Lhe rlLuals mosL fervenLly geLs nearer Lo Cod. And Al-
Mosbotol-notom means 'sacred consclousness', a falLhful geLs sacred consclousness of Cod. 1he pebbles, whlch are Lo be Lhrown aL Lhe
Lhree Iomotot (osLs) aL Mlna, are plcked up from Muzdallfah. AL leasL 49 pebbles should be plcked. 1hose pllgrlms who wlsh Lo sLay an
addluonal day aL Mlna Lake 70 pebbles.
1hen ln Muzdallfah, we are newborn aer Arafah. ?ou own noLhlng: no bed, no roof over your head, noLhlng .you sleep ouLslde on Lhe
ground. 1hls ls a Lrue new beglnnlng!
Cn Muzdallfah, lL ls reporLed 1here he (SAW) led Lhe Maghrlb and 'lsha prayers wlLh one adhan and Lwo lqamas and dld noL glorlfy (Allah)
ln beLween Lhem (l.e. he dld noL observe supererogaLory rak 'ahs beLween Maghrlb and 'lsha prayers). 1he Messenger of Allah (peace be
upon hlm) Lhen lay down ull dawn and oered Lhe dawn prayer wlLh an adhan and lqama..." (!ablr)
Muzdallfah ls also called !aml' as lL ls a place where people gaLher.

Muzdallfah sLreLches from Lhe valley of Muhassar Lo Lhe mounLalns of Ma'zamayn. lL ls four kllomeLres long and covers an area of

8eferrlng Lo Muzdallfah, Allah menuons ln Surah 8aqarah ln Lhe Poly Curan
1here ls no blame upon you for seeklng bounLy from your Lord durlng Pa[[]. 8uL when you deparL from 'ArafaL, remember Allah aL al-
Mash'ar al-haram. And reclLe Pls name, as Pe has gulded you, for lndeed, you were before LhaL among Lhose asLray. (Curan 2:198)
71G8$(#S$/ 71G.$/$L |s the name of a mounta|n wh|ch |s |ocated |n Muzda||fah. 1he word, '$1GL$(#S$/' means 's|gn' or 'symbo|', and
'#$/$L' be|ng 'sacred', the name s|gn|hes that th|s mounta|n |s a sacred monument to Is|am. 1he p|a|n ad[acent |s ca||ed Muzda||fah.
1he ura|sh wou|d not go further than Muzda||fah for the|r na[[ as Arafat |s outs|de the haram so they wou|d not honor |t |n the same
way. 1he Mas[|d of Mash'ra a| naram |s where the rophet (SAW) d|d h|s stand|ng, however a|| of Muzda||fah |s sacred.

AL sunseL, Lhe Messenger (SAW) of Allah moved from 'ArafaL Lo Muzdallfah. 1here he prayed Maghrlb and 'lsha' and Lhen slepL unul
mornlng. AL dawn he prayed la[r Lhen rode unul he came Lo Lhe Mash'ar al-Param Lhe sacred slLe aL Muzdallfah. Pe faced Lhe qlblah and
began Lo make suppllcauons. Pe reclLed Lhe Lakblr ('Allahu Akbar) and Lhe Lahlll ('La lllaha lllallah'). Pe le Muzdallfah before sunrlse and
Lravelled qulckly Lo Lhe [amraL al-Aqabah aL Mlna
1he day of al-llLr [l.e. 'Lld ul-llLr], Lhe day of an-nahr, and Lhe days of 1ashrlq (11
, 12
, and 13
uhul Pl[[ah) are 'Lld days for Musllms.
1hey are days of eaung and drlnklng." [Ahmad, an-nasa'l, Sahlh ul-!aml' 8192]
.Pe urged her (camel, al-Caswa) a llule, and, followlng Lhe mlddle road, (1hls proves LhaL lL ls sunnah Lo follow a dlerenL road on Lhe
way back from Arafah Lhan Lhe one Laken whlle golng Loward lL. 1he ropheL (SAW) wenL by Lhe uab road Lo Arafah. Slmllarly he used Lo
Lake dlerenL rouLes golng Lo or comlng back from 'Lld prayers, whlch comes ouL aL Lhe greaLesL !amarah, he came Lo Lhe !amarah whlch ls
near Lhe Lree. AL Lhls he Lhrew seven small pebbles, saylng, 'Allahu Akbar' whlle Lhrowlng every one of Lhem ln a manner ln whlch Lhe small
pebbles are Lhrown (holdlng Lhem wlLh ngers) and Lhls he dld whlle aL Lhe bouom of Lhe valley. (1haL ls, he sLood Lhere aL a place where
Mlna, Arafah and Al-Muzdallfah were on hls rlghL, and Makkah on hls le slde)"


My V|ew: Muzdallfah ls a profound symbol of whaL you have [usL done. Aer Arafah, you have every rlghL Lo belleve and hope LhaL
you are now sln free llke a new born baby lnshaAllah. So lL only makes sense LhaL we wlll now spend our rsL nlghL as newbles"
Lo llfe.ln Lhe open alr wlLh noLhlng over us, [usL Lhe sky. 1hls nlghL, we own noLhlng. 1here are no LenLs, noLhlng ls supplled Lo
you, you're lucky lf you can use Lhe lnadequaLe number of LolleLs provlded ln Lhls area. So Lhls ls lL. ?our new llfe wlLh noLhlng
buL Lhe sheeLs coverlng you. We goL Lhere qulLe laLe ourselves because Lhere ls a huge bus llne and we goL on laLe. 1he buses
also move very slowly because everyone ls golng Lo Lhe same llule space called Muzdallfah Lo commemoraLe Lhelr rsL day
(remember our day beglns aer Maghrlb) ln a pure sLaLe.
We were qulLe challenged by Lhe ume our bus goL Lhere. 1here was no aL place Lo sleep! We had Lo cllmb Lhe mounL of Muzdallfah
and nd an lncllne Lo sleep on. My slsLer ln law and l were lodged beLween Lwo small boulders, my broLher was on Lop of a shorL
yeL aL boulder, my slsLer was above us on an lncllne where she propped her feeL on our boulder ln order noL Lo sllde down.
1here, we looked for our pebbles Lo pelL Lhe shayLan nexL day, Lhen wenL sLralghL Lo our space Lo geL sleep. We lald down plasuc
maLs, some of us broughL sleeplng bags, oLhers [usL llghL blankeLs. 1he ldea was Lo sleep buL oLhers ln Lhe area dldn'L have Lhe
same plan. We heard people Lalklng loud, looklng for pebbles on Lop of our heads, and dolng all sorLs of Lhlngs. Cne man was
looklng for pebbles Loo close Lo my slsLer's head and slld down, he caused a landsllde and we had Lo wake up my slsLer and
make her slL up Lo safeLy.poor Lhlng woke up ln shock. 1he surprlslng Lhlng was, we musL have averaged 3 hours sleep LhaL
nlghL, buL lL was Lhe mosL resuul, deep, beauuful sleep ever. l [usL can'L explaln lL. l felL llke l was sleeplng on a cloud, Lhough l
was on a rocky lncllne of a hlll. l am noL saylng Lhls was everyone's experlence, some sald Lhey were dlsLurbed all nlghL long and
slmply uncomforLable. uon'L read lnLo any meanlng behlnd how you spend your nlghL ln Muzdallfah, l Lhlnk Lhe only key ls LhaL
you remaln wlLh Allah and focus on Lhe beauLy of submlsslon Lo Plm from Lhls polnL on. We have a chance Lo begln a new llfe
here. lf we keep Lhls as our focus, we can develop a deLermlnauon Lo be Lhe besL, mosL eLhlcal successful human belngs and
servanLs of Allah. lL ls up Lo us now.
We woke up for la[r, prayed, and sLarLed Lo head back Lo our LenLs ln Mlna. My slbllngs and l and a few people ln our group declded
noL Lo Lake Lhe bus back. We auracLed many oLhers from Lhe group as we walked Loward Mlna. Cne of our guldes was leadlng
us.rsL ln beLween fume lled bus llnes unul l asked ln my challenged Arablc LhaL he Lake us Lo Lhe area LhaL ls marked for
pedesLrlans. l can'L say lL was Lhe mosL pleasanL walk because Lhe buses were everywhere and Lhe fumes sull llngerlng, noL Lo
menuon our low energy. 8y Lhls day, you do sLarL feellng Lhe exhausuon. So Lhough Lhe walk wasn'L so Lerrlbly long, we were
ready Lo go Lo Lhe LenLs and lay on fully aL surfaces - amazlng how Lhlngs are relauve! now we were exclLed abouL Lhe Mlna
experlence, whlch was noLhlng Lo wrlLe home abouL before! When we goL back, a aL surface was all we wanLed.aer LhaL
rocky mounLaln sleep. 1here we resLed and resLed..lL felL so good!
Cne Lhlng Lo noLe, Lhe only way Lo walk Lo Mlna or even around Mlna ls wlLh a gulde. lL ls very confuslng and so easy Lo geL losL. lor
example, you wlll read laLer LhaL we walked a long way Lo Lhe !amaraL aer geng back Lo our LenLs, Lhen we walked back Lo
our bulldlng ln Azlzla where we Look showers before golng for Lhe Pa[[ Lawaf. Powever, when we came back Lo Mlna, we goL so
losL! lL Look us hours Lo nd our LenL, we asked Lhe pollce, Lhe guldes, oLher Pa[[ls.we [usL seemed Lo be golng ln clrcles. lL was
a nlghLmare, and never agaln would l wanL Lo walk around Mlna wlLhouL one of our guldes. More on Lhls laLer.

Dhu| n|[[ah - awm An Nahr ] L|d A| Adha - M|na
1hls ls called ?awn An nahr, Lhe day of Sacrlce

21) 1oday by m|dday, you w||| perform kummy (pe|nng]ston|ng) of Iamrat u| kubra (a|so ca||ed Iamrat a| Aqabah) on|y. All 3 [amaraLs represenL
shayLan aL 3 dlerenL sLages of lbrahlm (AS) experlence wlLh Lhe accursed as he (AS) was carrylng ouL Allah's orders of sacrlclng hls (AS) son. !amaraL
Al Aqabah (kubra) ls Lhe blggesL of Lhe 3 [amaraLs and Lhe only one you wlll pelL Loday.
22) 1he sunnah |s to pe|t 7 stones aL Lhe column before noon on Lhls day - ldeally aer lshraq and before dhuhr. ?ou wlll sLone Lhe plllar symbollzlng
Lhe devll seven umes as you reclLe "Allah-o-Akbar" wlLh each pebble.
23) 1h|s |s the on|y [amarat where we w||| not stop aherward to supp||cate A||ah, we wlll slmply leave once we are done. kommy fot tbe elJetly, tbe
slck ooJ womeo moy be petfotmeJ by otbets JeleqoteJ fot tbls tespooslblllty. 1lp. oo most qet tbe stooe lo tbe boslo, lt ls oot oecessoty to blt tbe plllot
exoctly os looq os lt ls oot mote tboo o metet owoy ftom lt.

lbn Ma[ah has reporLed from lbn 'Abbas LhaL aer Lhrowlng pebbles aL Lhe !amarah al-Aqabah, Lhe ropheL (SAW) used Lo leave, and noL sLop (for

1he greaLesL day of Pa[[ ls Lhe uay of an-nahr (SlaughLerlng)." [(Sahh) by Shalkh al-Alban ln lrwa al-Chall (no: 1101). Abu uawd no: 1943]
lmm lbn 1aymlyyah (d. 728P) sald:
1he mosL excellenL day of Lhe week ls Lhe day of !umuah (lrlday), by Lhe agreemenL of Lhe Scholars. And Lhe mosL excellenL day of Lhe year ls Lhe day
of an-nahr. Some of Lhem sald LhaL lL ls Lhe day of ArafaL. Powever, Lhe rsL oplnlon ls Lhe correcL one, slnce lL ls relaLed ln Lhe Sunnah collecuons LhaL
Lhe ropheL (SAW) sald:
1he mosL excellenL days wlLh Allh ls Lhe day of an-nahr, Lhen Lhe day of al-Carr (Lhe day LhaL Lhe Musllms reslde ln Mlna)."

keloteJ by Abo uowJ 1he day of An-nahr ls also known as 'Lld al-Adh' meanlng Lhe fesuval of Sacrlce and lL ls one of Lhe Lwo fesuvals, whlch Allh
has granLed Lo Lhe ummah of ropheL (SAW). Anas (8A) narraLed, Allh's Messenger (SAW) came Lo Medlna and Lhe people of Medlna ln Lhe days of
!ahlllyyah had Lwo days of play and amusemenL. So, Allh's Messenger (SAW) sald:l came Lo you and you had ln !ahlllyyah, Lwo days of play and
amusemenL. Allh has replaced someLhlng beuer for you. 1he uay of an-nahr and Lhe day of al-llLr." (ltwo ol-Cbolil oo. 2018)

1he Messenger of Allh (SAW) sald:
1he day of al-llLr, and Lhe day of an-nahr, and Lhe days of aL-1ashrq (Lhe Lhree days aer an-nahr) are our days of Lld (fesuvlLy), and Lhey are days of
eaung and drlnklng." [(Sahh) by Shalkh al-Alban ln Sahh al-!am (no: 8192).
"As Lo Lhe Lhrowlng of Lhe pebbles, lL ls an expresslon of Lhe Lhrower's lnLenuon Lo obey Allah's commandmenL, and a demonsLrauon of hls humlllLy
and servlLude Lo Plm. lL slgnles compllance wlLh dlvlne commandmenL wlLhouL any Lrace Lhereln of any selsh pleasure, sensuous or lnLellecLual. lL ls
1PL pelung of shayLan ln every sense.
"8y Lhrowlng pebbles, one emulaLes Abraham (AS) when SaLan - may Allah curse hlm - blocked hls way aL LhaL place ln order Lo casL doubLs ln hls hearL
or LempL hlm and dlverL hlm away from hls Lord, so Allah commanded Abraham (AS) Lo drlve SaLan away by Lhrowlng pebbles aL hlm. SaLan was
defeaLed aer 7 pebbles were Lhrown aL hlm ln each of Lhe 3 locauons.

nS - . S6
My V|ew: 1he wow of Lhese momenLs [usL don'L sLop. So now we are a blL more resLed aer comlng Lo our LenLs from Muzdallfah.
Powever, LhaL cloud of exhausuon doesn'L really leave you, Lhere ls a bulld up and a loL of lL lnduced from Lhe emouons LhaL
overcome you LhroughouL Lhls lncredlble [ourney. l have Lo Lell you however, Lhe rsL day of !amaraL ls Lhe poruon LhaL has
sLayed wlLh me ln lndescrlbable ways.llLerally.Lo Lhls day, my slbllngs and l have noL fully been able Lo convey Lhe experlence
ln Lhe way LhaL does lL [usuce. So here goes, l wlll Lell you abouL lL Lo Lhe besL of my ablllLy: We were belng Lold Lo hold o on
golng Lo Lhe !amaraL aL Lhe ume of Lhe Sunnah (aer lshraq, before uhuhr), buL we had made a vow Lo suck as close Lo Lhe
Sunnah as posslble for Lhe enure Pa[[, so delaylng for Lhe sake of mere convenlence [usL dldn'L feel llke a good deal Lo us.noL
now, so far lnLo our Pa[[. So, as ured as we were, we pulled ourselves up from Lhe oor beds ln Lhe LenL and regrouped wlLh my
broLher on hls slde, and o we wenL. AnoLher long walk.43 mlnuLes. ln a Lhlck crowd of Pa[[ls. 8uL man, whaL a slghL..and
whaL an overpowerlng feellng. 1hough we were all [usL walklng, lL felL llke we were all marchlng, chanung our Labayks, as
soldlers of Allah.headlng o Lo Lhe mosL crlucal [lhad of our llves, agalnsL our sworn enemy - LhaL accursed ShayLan. 1haL same
evll LhaL has lead us all asLray, who has made us do, say, and be Lhlngs LhaL caused us, our loved ones, and someumes even
mere sLrangers greaL harm. now was our chance Lo geL hlm. 1o ghL back. And we had our ammunluon ready. Lach one of us
had our hands on Lhe pebbles ln our pouches and we were ready Lo pelL. lL [usL so happened LhaL we were walklng behlnd a
group of Chechen Sus, as Lhe label read on Lhelr bags. 1he way Lhey were chanung Labayk was a sound from heaven. lL was ln a
su melody LhaL was unllke anyLhlng our ears had heard.sounded llke a Lune from !ennah! We credlL Lhem for geng us ln a
mode LhaL we dldn'L Lhlnk was posslble - LoLally lnsplred by Lhelr melodlc dhlkr and ln an amazlng space of exclLemenL. 1hls
experlence was beyond an eplc scene from Lhe LasL Samural! Cur baule was more profound Lhan any baule we knew ln our
llves. 1he Chechen su chanL of Labayk was Lhe uolby muslc LhaL gave us all Lhe gusLo we needed Lo charge wlLh compleLe
energy. As you march Lo Lhe !amaraL, dependlng on where your LenLs are locaLed you may walk Lhrough Lhese surreal Lunnels
wlLh huge fans blowlng Lhe mosL welcome breeze we ever experlenced.really some of Lhls sLu PAS Lo be from !ennah! lL was
a scene from a sLorybook, ured yeL charged and ready for baule. 1hough we are ln a Lhlck crowd, Allah gave us all Lhe space we
needed Lo Lhlnk, comprehend, conLemplaLe and grasp whaL was happenlng Lo us. We loved LvL8? mlnuLe of lL!!! And lnshaAllah
you wlll Loo. now, we enLered Lhe maln hall whlch ls Lhe lnLerlor LhaL leads us Lo Lhe !amaraL columns. 1here ls one corner Lo
Lurn, Lhen lL wlll all happen.we wlll be faclng hlm, Lhe dreaded, accursed, evll. 1rusL me, Lhe momenL bullds beauufully. ?ou
sLarL feellng Lhe angsL, Lhe hurL, Lhe furor and Lhen.charge!!! Lveryone goes for lL. WlLh all Lhe mlghL and fervor we sLarL
pelung.we feel Lhe haLe for shayLan, we feel Lhe anger for our lll ways, we reLallaLe and hlL Lhls !amaraL wlLh all our mlghL yeL
wlLh all Lhe remorse Loward Allah, ln hopes Pe ls wlLnesslng how desperaLe we are for hls forglveness and mercy as we declare
war on Lhe one Allah Plmself has cursed. WlLh every pebble LhaL leaves our ngers, we feel Lhls sense of sausfacuon LhaL we
goL hlm" yep we really goL hlm Loday.

1hls rsL day of pelung ls a greaL prep for Lhe follow up days. Aer Lurnlng Lhe nexL corner (now dolng a u-Lurn Lo go back), my broLher found Sudanese ha[ls who shaved hls
head wlLh Lhe elecLrlc razor my boLher broughL wlLh hlm.please, don'L LrusL oLher people's apparaLus l musL add, Lhese Sudanese men were so sweeL, and Lhey had
obvlously never seen an elecLrlc razor before. llrsL Lhey decllned Lo shave my broLher's head because, well, Lhey [usL dldn'L know how wlLh Lhe conLrapuon my broLher
was Lrylng Lo hand Lhem. 1hen when my broLher was relenLless and showed Lhem how lL works, Lhey goL such a klck ouL of lL. Cne proceeded wlLh shavlng my
broLher's head wlLh Lhe blggesL grln on hls face whlle Lhe oLher Lwo Look plcLures from Lhelr phone camera! 1haL was such a preclous scene! 1hls day was anoLher
wow experlence..Lruly. 1hen my broLher cllpped hls wlfe's halr who ln Lurn cllpped mlne and my slsLer's. now we couldn'L walL Lo geL ouL of lhram. So we wenL down
Lhe sLalrs onLo Lhe sLreeL and headed Lo our rooms ln our Azazla hoLel. erfecLly ured, of course we goL losL..aaaargh..so so so so ured and wlLh no energy le ln us,
we knew we were close buL we [usL couldn'L nd our hoLel from Lhe dlrecuons we had! Alas we sLopped ln fronL of a house where some very well groomed ha[ls were
slpplng on lemonades ln Lhe ouLslde fronL of Lhelr noL so shabby properLy. We nd LhaL one's sense of manners on wheLher you are lnLrudlng or noL leaves you when
you are desperaLe. So whaL dld we do? Well my slbllngs voLed LhaL l would use whaLever Arablc l had Lo pollLely ask Lhem for dlrecuons. 1hey Lurned ouL Lo be so klnd.
1hey broughL us chalrs so we could slL ln Lhe shade whlle Lhey Lrled Lo call our hoLel for dlrecuons. 1hen one of Lhem, a nlce young man wlLh Lhe klndesL face - anoLher
angel on our [ourney, no doubL - was worrled LhaL we wouldn'L nd lL ourselves so he walked wlLh us. Pe was also ln hls lhram and musL have been equally ured from
compleung hls rlLes Loo. Cod bless hlm. unforLunaLely even he had Lrouble wlLh Lhe dlrecuons Lhe hoLel gave hlm, an hour more of walklng laLer we made lL! We [usL
couldn'L Lhank hlm enough.we goL back Lo uubal and senL hlm a gl box wlLh chocolaLes Lo Lhank hlm, sull lnadequaLely.
now barely able Lo walk furLher, we made lL Lo our rooms and some hlL Lhe bed, oLhers Lhe shower, oLhers Lhe food area. lL all felL good. WhaL was a sub sLandard room
when we rsL came Lo Lhls place, was now super luxurlous [usL because Lhe baLhrooms were clean - a far cry from LhaL of Mlna. Alhumdullllah, Pa[[ shows you so
much abouL yourself. !usL be open Lo learnlng, you wlll be amazed.
We called our Laxl guy - someone we used when we rsL wenL Lo Lhe kabbah. WhaL a useful conLacL he Lurned ouL Lo be. Cn a day llke Lhls, when everyone should be
headlng Lo do Lhelr Pa[[ Lawaf, lL ls lmposslble Lo nd LransporLauon. Many resorL Lo walklng, whlch would mean hours for us from Azlzlya noL LhaL even less Lhan LhaL
would be an opuon.our legs [usL couldn'L handle Lhe exLra movemenL.we needed Lo save every blL of our energy for Lhe Lawaf!
All showered and cleaned up, we make our way Lo Lhe blessed kabbah. 1alk abouL a sea of people. 1hls ls why some people choose Lo walL and do Lhelr Pa[[ Lawaf anoLher
day. l sLrongly advlse agalnsL walung, do lL per Lhe sunnah and go rlghL away. lL's noL any beuer on a laLer day, Lhe sea [usL doesn'L slow down much - LrusL me when l
Lell you Lhls! We heard worse sLorles from people who walLed Lo go anoLher day, one glrl was near Lears because her feeL goL so wounded by Lhe sLomplng and herds
of ha[ls. ln facL, l Lruly belleve because we made Lhe nlyah Lo do lL per Lhe sunnah solely for Lhe love of our ropheL (pbuh), we were experlenclng such llule mlracles ln
our Lawaf. Somehow, Lhough lL looked lmposslble and people were belng herded Lo Lhe Lop level Lo do Lhelr Lawaf, we managed Lo make lL rlghL nexL Lo Lhe kabah,
[usL a few feeL from Lhe acLual wall!! 1he openlng [usL seemed Lo geL creaLed as we were walklng, Lhere was no sLruggle, no pushlng, noLhlng...[usL an easy ow Lo Lhe
kabbah, llke lL called us Lo lL.
now Lhe LoughesL parL was our auempL Lo reLurn Lo our LenLs ln Mlna. We couldn'L nd our Laxl guy, undersLandably slnce he was a hoL commodlLy on Lhls packed day. So
we walked Loward Mlna hoplng we would geL lucky, uslng LhaL Lerm very loosely - we managed Lo geL lnLo a Laxl where Lhe drlver lnslsLed on charglng us exorblLanLly
L8 L8SCn! We were so so exhausLed, lL seemed worLh lL. 8uL lL wasn'L. Pe couldn'L geL us close enough Lo Mlna aL all, [usL Loo much Lramc and pedesLrlans. So he
dropped us aL a spoL where we would have Lo walk for qulLe a blL Lo geL Lo our LenLs. We walked Lo Lhe maln area whlch ls Lhe dlrecuon all oLher Pa[ls were walklng ln.
1here was a young famlly - Lhe moLher, faLher, a llule chlld who could walk, and a baby. WhaL hardshlp Lhey were endurlng. Carrylng Lhe chlldren's Lhlngs and Lhe
baby. So we all Look Lurns carrylng Lhe baby and helplng Lhe couple. 1he walk was so dlmculL for us, we couldn'L lmaglne whaL Lhey mlghL have been golng Lhrough.
Aer Lhe maln area, ha[ls broke o Lo Lhe dlerenL dlrecuons of Lhelr LenLs. 1hls ls where Lhe layouL goL SC confuslng, and Lhls ls Lhe nlghL we goL mlserably losL.llke
we needed Lo have Lhls happen agaln Loday of all days - Lhe day we sLarLed ouL from Muzdallfah! All of us were pracucally ln Lears, buL Loo ured Lo even cry. We kepL
geng wrong dlrecuons - baslcally no one knows Lhe layouL of Lhe LenLs ln Mlna, noL Lhe securlLy, cleanlng sLa, or even Lhe pollce. AL one polnL my slsLer [usL had Lo
slL, so she dld. on Lhe lluered sLreeL. noLhlng mauers durlng momenLs llke Lhls, whlch l can honesLly Lell you we have never had before. 1hls was a rsL and we were
aL a compleLe loss. We all sLarLed maklng duas wlLh fervor and low and behold..we randomly asked some ha[ls lf Lhey knew where our LenL number mlghL be locaLed
and.sull wanna cry when l Lhlnk of Lhls.Lhey were golng Lo Lhe LenL number nexL Lo ours! Alhumdullllah! noL only were Lhey our 3
seL of angels Loday, buL we had
Lhe mosL amazlng chaL wlLh Lhem abouL Lhelr [ourney, Lhe profound knowledge LhaL changed Lhelr llves, and who Lhey felL Lhey were as Musllms llvlng ln Lhe uk - yep,
we hlL Lhe uk boys. MashaAllah, whaL a greaL group. We sull ask Allah Lo bless Lhem lmmensely for savlng us LhaL nlghL.
needless Lo say, when we goL Lo our LenLs, we had been walklng for over 22 hours..yes, we reLurned somewhere ln Lhe lauer parL of Laha[ud and near fa[r. Pavlng sLarLed Lhe
day wlLh walklng from Muzdallfah.Lhe walklng Lheme conunued for much of Lhe 24 hours! We were mlserably beaL, had no energy Lo eaL..Lhe hard oor bed an
awkward plllow was Lhe only consolauon we were wllllng Lo accepL. 1here ls a bluer sweeLness Lo Lhls experlence. We can'L begln Lo express Lhe reallzauon and
appreclauon we had for people LhaL llve Lhelr llves on fooL, wlLh hardly any food, golng Lo any lengLhs Lo [usL survlve. 1hls was us.and l don'L Lhlnk we can ever look aL
anyone on Lhe sLreeLs who cannoL aord LransporLauon, aL umes wlLh Lhelr famllles, golng greaL dlsLances.Lhey wlll be cherlshed and respecLed by us always.


Dhu| n|[[ah - awm An Nahr ] L|d A| Adha - M|na

24) urban| - now LhaL you have nlshed pelung (sLonlng) Lhe !amarah al Aqabah sacrlce ls requlred before you can shave your head.
?our name wlll be announced (by your group leader) as soon as your Curbanl ls done, Lhen you can cllp/shave your halr. lf you are cllpplng
halr (eg. Women), lL ls lmporLanL Lo cllp halr growlng above your ears accordlng Lo qh scholars. A bald man musL pass a blade over hls
head regardless.
.And do noL shave your heads unul Lhe sacrlclal anlmal has reached lLs place of slaughLer." (Curan 2:196)

"Pe (SAW) Lhen wenL Lo Lhe place of sacrlce, and sacrlced slxLy-Lhree (camels) wlLh hls own hand. Pe shared Lhe remalnlng camels wlLh
All, who sacrlced Lhem. Pe Lhen commanded LhaL a plece of meaL from each sacrlced anlmal be puL ln a poL. When lL was cooked, boLh
of Lhem (Lhe ropheL and All) aLe some of lL and drank lLs soup." (!ablr)
2S) ou w||| now shave your head at M|na.

26) Shower, and change |nto norma| c|othes. ?ou are no longer bound by Lhe obllgauons of lhram excepL LhaL you may noL have con[ugal
relauons wlLh your spouse unul aer 1awaf ul lfadah.

27) ou w||| now proceed to Mas[|d u| naram |n Mecca for 1awaf u| Ifadah (th|s |s the na[[ 1awaf!) and Sa|.
"1he Messenger of Allah (SAW) agaln rode and came Lo Lhe Pouse (of Allah), where he performed 1awaf Al-lfadah and oered Lhe uhuhr
prayer aL Mecca. Pe came Lo Lhe Lrlbe of 'Abd al-Muuallb, who were supplylng waLer aL Zamzam, and sald: 'uraw waLer, C 8anu 'Abd al-
Muuallb, were lL noL LhaL people would usurp Lhls rlghL of supplylng waLer from you, l would have drawn lL along wlLh you.' So Lhey
handed hlm a buckeL and he drank from lL." (!ablr)

1awaf u| Ifadah (a|so know as 1awaf uz 2|yarah) - ls Lhe 1awaf you wlll perform on Lhe 10Lh of uhul Pl[[ah aer Laklng o Lhe lhram and
changlng lnLo normal cloLhes and before reLurnlng Lo Mlna agaln for 8ummy (Lhrowlng pebbles) Lhls ume of ALL 3 [amaraLs. Ihram, Idnba
(uncover|ng the r|ght shou|der) and kama| are not requ|red |n th|s 1awaf |f you a|ready d|d the na[[ Sa| ear||er (there |s on|y one na[[ Sa|
and |t can be done anytme before conc|ud|ng your na[[ r|tes 8U1 must be aher a tawaf). Powever, lf noL, Lhen your Pa[[ Sal may now be
performed aer Lhls Lawaf. ln Lhls case men wlll do ramal ln Lhls Lawaf. 1hen aer Lawaf, proceed Lo drlnk Zamzam as before, do lsulam,
and move on Lo Sal as prescrlbed above.

28) Now you must go and spend the n|ght |n M|na aer your 1awaf ul lfadah and Sal rlLes. ?ou wlll sLay ln Mlna unul Lhe 13Lh of uhul
Pl[[ah for 8ummy of ALL 3 !amaraL performed each of Lhe 3 days. 1he ldeal ume for pelung ls beLween mldday and Maghrlb for all 3 days.

, 12
, 13
Dhu| n|[[ah - Ayam At 1ashr|q - 3 Days Io||ow|ng 'L|d u|-'Adha - M|na

Cn these days, the p||gr|ms comp|ete the|r r|tes, Musllms around Lhe world conunue wlLh Lhelr 'Lld celebrauons, and are prohlblLed Lo
"1he days of 1ashrlq (3 days followlng Lld Al Adha) are days of eaung, drlnklng and menuonlng Allah." [Musllm]

n6 - . S9

CN 1nL LAS1 DA, 13
Lk 1nL kULLS.
29) ou w||| perform kummy of a|| 3 Co|umns - e|t 7 stones at each co|umn say|ng "A||ahu Akbar" w|th each throw (as before)- Iamrat
u| Co|a (a|so known as [amarah sughra), Iamrat u| Wusta and Iamrat u| kubra, |n that order, everyday aer uhuhr on all Lhree days. uo
noL pelL before dhuhr, Lhe besL ume ls aer uhuhr and before Maghrlb. WalL beLween plllars abouL 13 Lo 20 mln and reclLe duas, verses,
eLc here. Agaln, do noL walL/pray aer pelung Lhe !amaraL kubra.
Do your S prayers on nme but sn|| shorten them for your ennre stay |n M|na - 2 rakaLs for dhuhr, asr, and lsha, 3 rakaLs for maghrlb, 2
rakaLs for fa[r - nC comblnlng.
ou must spend each n|ght |n M|na ln order Lo do Lhe pelung Lhe nexL day.
30) Cn the |ast day, you must |eave M|na 8LICkL Maghr|b oLherwlse you are under obllgauon Lo sLay one more day.

1he ume appolnLed for Lhrowlng pebbles durlng Lhese Lhree days ls from mldday unul sunseL. lbn 'Abbas reporLed LhaL Lhe ropheL (SAW)
Lhrew Lhe pebbles aL mldday or Lhereaer. (1lrmldhl)

1hese days of 1ashreeq are menuoned ln Lhe Curan:
And remember Allah durlng Lhe appolnLed days (l.e. Lhe uays of 1ashreeq). Anyone who hasLens Lo leave ln Lwo days, Lhere ls no sln on
hlm, and whoever sLays on (for Lhe 3rd day), Lhere ls no sln on hlm, lf hls alm ls Lo do good. And obey Allah and know LhaL you wlll be
surely be gaLhered unLo Plm." (Curan 2:203)

?ou musL be cerLaln LhaL Lhe pebbles are Lhrown wlLhln Lhe lnLended LargeL and noL Lo Lhrow Lhem aL random.
lace Clbla whlle pelung
uon'L Lhrow Lhe pebbles all aL one ume, because by dolng so Lhe pllgrlm ls consldered Lo have Lhrown one pebble only.
uon'L Lhrow Lhe pebbles ln reverse of Lhe correcL order. ?ou musL sLarL from Lhe mlnor !amara (Al-Soughra), Lhen Lhe mlddle !amara (Al-
WusLa), Lhen !amaraL Al-'Aqabah (Al-kubra).
uon'L Lhrow lesser number of pebbles lnLenuonally (nor more), unless you doubLed Lhe number you had Lhrown.
uon'L forgeL maklng suppllcauons aer Lhrowlng aL Lhe mlnor !amraL and Lhe mlddle !amraL as noL dolng so would conLradlcL Lhe
propheuc Lradluon (Sunnah) and also would cause Lhe loss of a greaL source of blesslng.
uon'L lnvoke suppllcauon aer Al-!amra Al-kubra (!amraL Al-'Aqaba) slnce LhaL conLradlcLs wlLh Lhe Sunnah.

All Lhree jomott represenL Lhe devll: Lhe rsL and largesL represenLs hls LempLauon of Abraham (AS) agalnsL sacrlclng lsmall (AS), Lhe
second represenLs Lhe LempLauon of Abraham's wlfe Pa[ar (8A) Lo lnduce her Lo sLop hlm, Lhe Lhlrd represenLs hls LempLauon of hls
osprlng Lo avold belng sacrlced. Pe was rebuked each ume, and Lhe Lhrowlng of Lhe sLones symbollzes Lhose rebukes.

n7 - . 60
lL ls deslrable Lo sLand faclng Lhe Clblah, Lo pralse Allah, whlle suppllcaung Lo Plm for forglveness for oneself, and for oLher fellow Musllms. Ahmad and
8ukharl have reporLed from Sallm bln Abdullah bln 'umar and he from hls faLher LhaL when Lhe ropheL (SAW) Lhrew pebbles aL Lhe rsL !amarah,
whlch ls near Lhe mosque, he sald, Allahu Akbar. 1hus he Lhrew seven pebbles and each ume he sald Allahu Akbar. 1hen he wenL, Lurned le Loward
Lhe bouom of Lhe valley. 1here he sLood Lor qulLe a long ume faclng Lhe dlrecuon of Clblah, and ralslng hls hands suppllcaLed Lo Allah. 1hen he wenL
and Lhrew seven pebbles aL Lhe second !amarah saylng Allahu Akbar wlLh each Lhrow. 1hereaer he wenL Lo Lhe le of Lhe bouom of Lhe valley, sLood
Lhere faclng Clblah and suppllcaLed Lo Allah wlLh ralsed hands. 1hen he wenL Lo Lhe !amarah near Aqabah, Lhrew seven pebbles aL lL, uuerlng a dua
wlLh each Lhrow. Aer Lhls he le and dld noL pause. Accordlng Lo Lhls hadlLh Lhe ropheL (SAW) dld noL pause and suppllcaLe aer Lhrowlng pebbles aL
Lhe !amarah Al-Aqabah, buL he dld pause and suppllcaLe aer Lhrowlng pebbles aL Lhe oLher Lwo !amarahs.
1he scholars have ln Lhe llghL of Lhe above hadlLh suggesLed LhaL aer any Lhrowlng (of pebbles aL Lhe !amarahs) LhaL ls noL followed by anoLher
Lhrowlng Lhe same day one should noL sLop (for suppllcauons), buL lf one Lhrowlng (of pebbles) ls followed by anoLher Lhrowlng Lhe same day one
should sLand Lhere for suppllcauons.
lbn 'Abbas sald LhaL Lhe ropheL (SAW) sald: "When Abraham (AS) wanLed Lo perform Lhe Pa[[ rlLes, SaLan blocked hls way near 'Aqabah. (!amarah Al-
Aqabah ls on Lhe le slde lnslde Mlna, Lhe !amarah Al-WusLa (Lhe Mlddle !amarah) ls aL abouL 11,677 meLers from Lhe rsL one, whlle !amarah Al-
Sughra (Lhe SmallesL !amarah) ls 1,364 meLers furLher from Lhe mlddle one) Abraham (AS) Lhrew seven pebbles aL hlm whereupon Lhe SaLan sunk lnLo
Lhe ground. Agaln Lhe SaLan appeared Lo hlm near Lhe second !amarah. Abraham (AS) Lhrew seven pebbles aL hlm and he agaln sunk lnLo Lhe ground.
Cnce agaln Lhe SaLan approached hlm near Lhe Lhlrd !amarah, and agaln Abraham (AS) Lhrew seven pebbles aL hlm and once agaln Lhe SaLan sunk lnLo
Lhe ground." lbn 'Abbas added, "?ou Lhrow pebbles aL Lhe SaLan, and (ln dolng so) you follow Lhe paLh of your (greaL) forefaLher Abraham (AS)." 1hls ls
reporLed by lbn khuzalmah ln hls Sahlh and by Al-Paklm

"lf you are LempLed Lo Lhlnk LhaL SaLan appeared Lo Abraham (AS) and Lherefore he Lhrew pebbles aL hlm, buL l am noL LempLed by SaLan, so Lhere ls no
need Lor me Lo Lhrow Lhese pebbles - lf such a LhoughL comes Lo you - Lhen you musL reallze LhaL Lhls LhoughL lLself ls from SaLan, who suggesLs lL Lo
make you Lhlnk Lhere ls no beneL ln lL, and so weaken your resolve and prevenL you from Lhrowlng pebbles. llghL agalnsL Lhese evll whlspers wlLh
rmness, resoluuon and by Lhrowlng pebbles desplLe Lhese suggesuons. ?ou musL also reallze LhaL alLhough you are apparenLly Lhrowlng pebbles aL Lhe
!amarahs, ln reallLy you are hurllng Lhese ln Lhe face of SaLan and Lhereby breaklng hls backbone. 1hls ls noL posslble excepL by submlng Lo Lhe
commandmenLs of Allah, ln submlsslon Lo Plm, and wlLhouL seeklng graucauon of any personal deslre." (Al Chazall)

Cn anoLher accounL: When he [Abraham AS] le Mlna and was broughL down Lo (Lhe dele called) al-Aqaba, Lhe uevll appeared Lo hlm aL SLone-Peap
of Lhe uele. Cabrlel (AS) sald Lo hlm: "elL hlm!" so Abraham (AS) Lhrew seven sLones aL hlm so LhaL he dlsappeared from hlm. 1hen he appeared Lo
hlm aL Lhe Mlddle SLone-Peap. Cabrlel (AS) sald Lo hlm: "elL hlm!" so he pelLed hlm wlLh seven sLones so LhaL he dlsappeared from hlm. 1hen he
appeared Lo hlm aL Lhe Llule SLone-Peap. Cabrlel (AS) sald Lo hlm: "elL hlm!" so he pelLed hlm wlLh seven sLones llke Lhe llule sLones for Lhrowlng wlLh
a sllng. So Lhe uevll wlLhdrew from hlm. (A 8eader on Classlcal lslam" - rlnceLon unlverslLy ress)

1he sLonlng of Lhe jomott also represenLs Lhe repudlauon of man's self (llLerally Lhe "lnLernal despoL," oo-oofs ol-'omto) and Lhe acL of casung aslde
one's low deslres and wlshes. As one lslamlc Lheologlan puLs lL, lf one ls able Lo crush oloofs ol'omto durlng Lhe sLonlng of Iomtot ol
Apobo [Lhe
!amrah of Aqaba], Lhen one has Laken Lhe nexL sLep ln aualnlng closeness Lo Allah, and slnce beLween Lhe servanL and Allah Lhere ls no more Lhan Lhe
dlsLance of one sLep, lf one has been able Lo Lake Lhls sLep and make lL pasL one's own low deslres and wlshes, Lhen LhaL whlch follows ls Lhe level of
closeness Lo Allah. uurlng Lhose Lwo or Lhree days aer Lhe Lld LhaL one ls ln Mlna, one musL sLone Lhe Lhree jomott, meanlng LhaL one musL Lrample
upon hls lnLernal despoL (oo-oofs ol-'omto), Lhe exLernal despoL of Lhe ShalLan from Lhe !lnn (lbls and Lhose llke hlm), and Lhe Shayn from among
Lhe Pumans (Lhe enemles of rellglon and of humanlLy).1he sLonlng of Lhe Lhree jomott ls, ln essence, Lhe Lrampllng upon Lhe despoLs and waglng war
agalnsL all of Lhem. When one focuses on Lhem and Lhe re[ecuon of Lhem, Lhen one auLomaucally focuses wlLh compleLe auenuon upon one's self -
and rlghuully so - whlle sLonlng Lhe jomott, one musL focus enurely upon one's self.


Shaykh ibn al-'Arabi al-Harmi takes nat one sup jrner in his
explanaron of ne rius. He says nat at 'Arafa we puri our
nderstanding of tawhid and rid ourselves of shirk and nat in nrowin_
e seven sunes ne next day we are casrng out of ourselves certain
haytan inspired noughts nat make us associau oner nings win Aan
and nat is why we ca out ne takbir as we nrow - by declaring Aah u
be greaur we are disassociarng Him jom ne undency u commit shirk
which Shaytan has uied u insr inu our ninking process. So raner nan
rowing sunes at Shaytan we are casrng out jom ourselves satanic

Te sheer physical relief of removing ne accumulaud dust and grime ana

dishevelment of our days in ihram in itself gives a more nan adequau
eaning u ne act of shaving ne head and ne cleaning process, whicn
accompanies it. It reay does give one a sense of starrng life a over again.
1t is nis very feeling which validaus a slightly more symbolic
inurpretaron of ne riu which is, nat in geuing rid of your hair you are
in a certain sense suipping away your past and nat ne new hair grown
as it emerges uuly is indicarve of a new beginning u your life as a whole.


Dhu| n|[[ah - Mecca - back at hote| - Co Lo Param for exLra lbadaL, shukr, eLc. uelay your farewell Lawaf (1awaf ul Wuda) unul
[usL before leavlng Mecca. lL ls Sunnah ls Lo leave Mecca rlghL away aer Lhls farewell Lawaf - do noL hang around Mecca aer Lhls.
31) 1oday rest up and a|so pray as much as you can |n naram Shareef ln 1awaf un na, SalaL, Curan, and all lbadah - Lhls ls your rsL
ma[or lbadah aer you have been purled from Pa[[!! 1herefore, lL ls more powerful Lhan any prayers you llkely made ln Lhe pasL. so go
for lL and make Lhe mosL of Lhls golden opporLunlLy. 1hls ls a greaL day.so pray all day aL Lhe Param. ?ou may never see Lhese umes agaln.


1awaf un Na - ls a devouonal 1awaf you may perform any ume, and as many umes as you wlsh (remember 1 Lawaf = 7 clrculLs). no
lhram ls requlred for Lhls 1awaf. Sal ls also noL requlred, alLhough you may perform lL lf you so deslre.

IINAL - 1awaf u| Wuda - Iarewe|| 1awaf

32) Do th|s 1awaf u| Wuda (the Iarewe|| 1awaf) [ust before you are to |eave Mecca.
1awaf u| Wuda (1he Iarewe|| 1awaf) ls Lhe 1awaf you wlll perform lmmedlaLely before leavlng Mecca for your nexL desunauon followlng
Lhe compleuon of Pa[[. 1hls ls Lhe lasL acL you perform ln Mecca. ?ou are noL supposed Lo llnger Lhere aer Lhls 1awaf. lhram, lduba, 8amal
and Sal are noL requlred ln 1awaf ul Wuda.
Plkmah: lL ls noL rlghL for a guesL Lo leave wlLhouL permlsslon of Lhe PosL. 1hls ls whaL Lhe farewell Lawaf ls.

Now do 2 rakats Sa|at and oer any suppllcauons you deslre, and leave Mecca as soon as you can.

roceed to a|rport

A|hamdu||||ah, you have now comp|eted your na[[. May Allah accepL your Pa[[, and may you be a beuer person for your eorLs ln Pls paLh

'1oday l have perfecLed your rellglon for you, and l have compleLed My blesslng on you, and l have approved lslam for your rellglon.'(Curan

umar (8A) sald: We know Lhe day and Lhe place ln whlch LhaL was revealed Lo Lhe ropheL (SAW), lL was when he was sLandlng on ArafaL,
on a lrlday." 1here once exlsLed a mas[ld on Lhe rlghL slope of !abal-ur-8ehmah called Mas[ld Sakhrah. lL slgnled Lhe spoL where Lhe
ropheL (SAW), aer leadlng Lhe uhuhr and Asr salahs faced Lowards Lhe Clbla and engaged ln dua ull sunseL. lL was aL Lhls spoL where Lhe
above verse of Lhe Curan was revealed.

kLMLM8Lk! Aher na[[, A||ah connnues to accept your duas 40 days!

n8 - . 63
My V|ew: Lucklly, and desplLe all Lhe sLorles we heard, Lhe nal Lawaf and leavlng Lhe counLry was noL aL all dlmculL. l belleve a loL of Lhls ls a mlnd seL for Lhose
LhaL say oLherwlse. When you hear sLorles from people who say Lhey had a bad experlence, bear ln mlnd Lhe aLude Lhey Look wlLh Lhem. We wlLnessed
people ghung, belng peuy, lgnoranL, unklnd ..and Lhen, surely Lhey were always Lhe ones LhaL had a Lerrlble experlence wlLh someLhlng or oLher ln Lhelr
pllgrlmage. 1he complalners always managed Lo come around and sour Lhe aLmosphere - don'L leL LhaL happen, sLay posluve and graLeful. l mean, of ALL
people ln Lhe world, Allah chose ?Cu Lo be Pls guesL! WCW! Come on guys, you are Lhere for Cod..how amazlng ls LhaL? noLhlng can be bad because
even whaL was dlmculL was handed Lo you for a reason. l can Lell you, lf you malnLaln Lhe besL, mosL posluve aLude, somehow good Lhlngs happen Lo
you even when oLhers wlll say oLherwlse. So geng back Lo our nal momenLs, Lhey really were easy. We had Lhe besL Laxl drlver who was exLremely
helpful and llLerally walked us Lo Lhe omclals aL Lhe alrporL where we goL our documenLs sorLed, checked ln, and en[oyed a nlce cup of coee wlLh fellow
ha[ls who were leavlng Loo. 1haL momenL was preclous, we were wlLh a couple of men one of whom converLed aer growlng up ln a house where
Musllms were haLed by hls faLher. 1haL negauve envlronmenL kepL hlm away from searchlng for hls own answers unul he meL people ln hls llfe - Musllms
- one aer anoLher, LhaL made a beauuful lmpacL on hlm. 1he sLorles l can share can go on, and one more beauuful Lhan Lhe oLher. 1he polnL ls llfe ls noL
whaL WL make lL, llfe ls whaL PL glves us only once we submlL. A pro-acuve self ls urlng, a submlng servanL ls Laken care of. 1hen we reallze LhaL we can
only work for Plm.
As l wrlLe Lhls, lL has been abouL 3 Lo 6 monLhs slnce our Pa[[. l can Lell you LhaL l am honesLly sull ured, buL ln Lhe mosL beauuful way. l Lhlnk lL ls because l
genulnely feel l gave lL my all aL Pa[[ - menLally, physlcally, emouonally, splrlLually - l le so much of myself wlLh Allah. uon'L geL me wrong, Lhls acLually
feels SC good and llberaung. l never LhoughL l would be Lhe person l am Loday. My llfe has changed glnormously! l know LhaL's noL a word, buL Lhere ls no
real way Lo descrlbe Lhls.
1he blggesL llghL bulb LhaL wenL on for me was LhaL, wow, Allah's sysLem 8LALL? works, lL really works!!" l am so exclLed abouL my experlence, my reallzauons,
my speclal momenLs wlLh Allah LhaL l wanL Lo shouL lL ouL Lo everyone! l wanL Lo Lell everyone, [usL follow Allah's rules, do LvL8?1PlnC Pe says. ?ou
never have Lo do lL Lhe hard way agaln. ?ou don'L have Lo Lhlnk and sLruggle as much as you have. uon'L self saboLage, don'L suer llke you have been.
!usL do whaL Allah says, llve your llfe accordlng Lo Pls rules because Lhey wlll surely beneL you. Llfe ls so much beuer Lhls way! lL really ls for your own
good. lL ls a favor Pe has besLowed on you and we don'L even geL LhaL!" ?eah, l know LhaL ls a mouLhful and lf l acLually dld go around shouung LhaL, l
would be puL away wlLhln mlnuLes! Ck so Lhey say Lhe besL way Lo Lell oLhers whaL works, ls Lo llve lL. So l can Lell you, Lhough l fall all Lhe ume and am
far from belng any Lype of an example, l musL Lell you LhaL followlng Allah's advlce and sysLem Lo Lhe besL of my ablllLy has glven me a new condence, a
beauuful sLaLe of happlness and conLenLmenL, and an energy LhaL ls noL mlne. l don'L know where lL comes from buL l can Lell you lL feels ulvlne. l am
noL saylng LhaL you wlll hear cheer bells every mornlng or LhaL llfe wlll be perfecL - we all have a [ourney LhaL we musL go Lhrough, LhaL ls Allah's decree
for us - buL l would raLher go Lhrough whaLever [ourney LhaL has been carved ouL for me Laklng Lhe sLeps and acuons LhaL Allah has marked ouL, raLher
Lhan my own. lL remlnds me of whaL a scholar once sald, we are all walls (frlends), lL ls our cholce wheLher we wanL Lo be wall Allah or wall ShayLan". ?ou
see, Lhere ls no ln beLween. 1here ls no so called free wlll". lf we choose our own way, you can be sure we are headed Lo wall shayLan", lf we choose
Allah's way, well Lhen you are chooslng Lo pursue Lhe wall Allah" way. uon'L fool yourself, you are never ln conLrol and you don'L have free cholce, our
mlnds and subconsclous ls [usL noL ln our conLrol as we would llke. lf lL was, don'L you Lhlnk we would be perfecL per our sLandards? lor example, how
many umes have we sald ok, Lhls ume l am noL golng Lo geL mad" or l won'L eaL so much" or l won'L sleep ln" buL ln Lhe end, we fall on Lhese
lnLenuons. lurLhermore, can we marry when we wanL? Make a hlgh sum of money when we wanL? Llve as long as we wanL? no. 8uL we can end a
marrlage easlly, lose money easlly, and end our llves hopelessly. Why? Ceng Lhe besL ls from Plm, geng Lhe worsL ls from ourselves. We cannoL
conLrol whaL ls only ln PlS domaln. We can only achleve our hlghesL selves and besL llves when we hold ourselves Lo Lhe hlghesL and besL sysLem, Allah's
sysLem - nobody has Lhe key Lo perfecuon, happlness, goodness, success buL Allah. So hold on Lo Allah's guldance, Pe ls Lelllng you Lo follow Lhe one and
only way Lo Lhe besL of everyLhlng. lL's really LhaL easy.
May Allah granL you every success of Lhe ueen, uunlya, and Akhlra. ?our Pa[[ and/or umrah wlll bear you much frulL lnshaAllah. Share Lhls frulL wlLh oLhers and
see lL muluply. lease keep me and my loved ones ln your duas. !azakumAllah khalrun.

S0 N|ce 1h|ngs ou Can Do Cn na[[:
8y Shelkh Muhammad Alshareef

Smlle ln anoLher Musllms face
Say Salam Lo sLrangers
Shake someone's hand and ask abouL Lhelr healLh
8uy Lea for someone
Cer Lo geL someone's grocerles
SlL wlLh a Pa[[ group from anoLher counLry and ask abouL lslam ln Lhelr vlllage
Carry someone's bags for Lhem
Culde someone lll Lo Lhe lnrmary
Shun valn Lalk
8eclLe Lalblyah loudly, encouraglng oLhers
Cn Lhe days of Lld, walk Lhrough Lhe LenLs reclung Lalblyah loudly remlndlng oLhers
CaLher sLones for people
Cer Lo Lhrow on behalf of unable Pa[[ls
Culde people Lo Lhe !amaraL
Lower your gaze
8emlnd people of Lhe llves of Lhe Sahaabah
8ead Cur'an wlLh Lhe 1afseer
uo Lhe auLhenuc uhlkr of Lhe mornlng and evenlng
Make dua durlng your Sa[dah
SLand Lo Lhe slde of a gaLe and oer people waLer/Lea as Lhey leave
Clve ma[or auenuon Lo shy people ln your group
8emlnd people of pauence, why Lhey came here, and Lhe example of our ulumaa' ln Pa[[
Lxplaln a Pa[[ khuLbah you may have heard Lo Lhose around you

Lxplaln Lhe lmporLance of purlfylng ones acuons for Lhe sake of Allah
hone relauves (from Makkah) on Lld day
Make dua for forgouen frlends, Leachers, sLudenLs
uon'L allow Musllms Lo ghL durlng Pa[[
Pelp people nd a place Lo sleep
8emember - durlng Lhe heaL - Lhe unendlng LormenL of hellre
Say 'Laa llaaha llla Allah, wahdahu laa sharlka lah, lahul Mulk wa lahul hamd, wa Puwa 'ala kulll shay'ln Cadeer' 100x
Say Lhe dua of enLerlng Lhe markeL place when you go Lhere
Clve charlLy Lo Lhose who sell meager Lhlngs (sandals/eggs)
Auend Lhe Palaqahs LhaL are glven ln Mlna
SLay for Lhe 13Lh of uhul Pl[[ah
8emlnd people Lo go home as beuer Musllms
lorglve people LhaL wrong you
1alk Lo 10 dlerenL people from 10 dlerenL counLrles
CompllmenL someone slncerely
vlslL Lhe hosplLal and Lhank Allah for all LhaL he has glven you
1ake young Musllms and lnvlLe Lhem Lo slL wlLh Lhe elders. Make Lhem Lhe cenLer of auenuon.
Clve a Lafseer class aer Salah / ask someone knowledgeable
(lor men) Cn Lhe days of Lld, oer perfume Lo Lhose around you
Ask abouL Lhe healLh of senlor women ln your group. Make sure Lhey are auended Lo.
locus hard on helplng Lhose lmmedlaLely near you
1ake people Lo Lhe slaughLer house and help Lhem / Cr asslsL Lhem ln purchaslng Lhelr slaughLer coupons
8emember speclc blesslngs Allah has besLowed upon you and say Alhamdullllah
ray Lo Allah uslng hls 99 mosL beauuful names (al Asmaa' al Pusna)
use a Mlswak
llll your pockeLs wlLh LreaLs and glve Lo Lhe chlldren LhaL you meeL
Always lnLend reward from Allah for everyLhlng you go Lhrough durlng Pa[[


We also imitate the angels who circumambulate around al-bayt al-Ma'amour - the lled house - above in the seven Heaven as reported in many
authentic hadiths. When we kiss the Black Stone, which was brought from Jannah, we remember the other life and pray to Allah that
Paradise will be our abode. In the Hadith , the Prophet (SAW) said that when the Black Stone was brought from Jennah., it was very white,
but it darkened and became black because of the sins of human beings.
We kiss it because we saw the Prophet (SAW) doing it and it is simply an act of following him. The stone cannot bring any benet or harm to
us. All the rituals, the pillars of Islam and our lives should be established by following the best.
In al-Safa and al-Marwa we commemorate Hagar (RA), the mother of Ismail (AS) and the wife of Ibrahim (AS). She performed Sai when she
was looking for water for her son. After she relied on Allah and assured Ibrahim that Allah won't leave them without help (he (AS) left with
them some dates and water but soon it was nished after a couple of days). She was certain that Allah would not forsake her and her
son. In that remote place, water sprung out from under the feet of Ismaeel the baby. After the certitude she had, her strong faith in Allah,
her sacrice of searching for water by going back and forth between al-Safa and al-Marwa, Allah answered her dua and blessed her with
water that runs and never stops in an arid and rocky land. She left a great legacy in sacrice, piety, trust in Allah, and patience. Allah wants
us to learn from her to the point that he made Sai between al-Safa and al-Marwa one of the pillars of Hajj and Umrah.
In Arafat we commemorate the Success of Muslims over the pagans of Mecca. It was the success of truth over falsehood. There, the Muslim
remembers that truth always prevails no matter how long it takes for falsehood and delusion to last and deceive. Arafat is also the symbol of
unity and solidarity because it is a pillar of Hajj that should be done by all the pilgrims in the same place and at the same time following the
same way. The day of Arafah reminds us also of the Day of Judgment when we will all stand up waiting for the Just Judgment of Allah
Arafat is also another symbol of manifestation of Tawheed in terms of the unied collective standing of all the pilgrims at the same time in the
same place. Moreover, when Prophet Muhammad (SAW) performed Hajj he stood on Arafat as his forefather Ibrahim (AS) used to do
instead of standing on Muzdalifah as the Quraish pagans used to do because they believed they should not go beyond al-Haram
boundaries. This was also another example of the distortion of the religion of Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail(AS).
In the Stoning at al-Jamarat, we commemorate Ibraaheem (AS) and remember how strong and rm he was against Shaytan - our enemy since
the time of Adam (AS). We should remember how Satan does his utmost effort to distract us from doing what we're supposed to do to
become closer to Allah and to enter Paradise. Allah has told us that Satan is our enemy and that we should be constantly in this life in a
state of war with him,
"Then We said: "O Adam! Verily, this - Satan - is an enemy to you and your wife: so let him not get you both out of the Garden, so that you
are landed in misery." (20:117) "Verily Satan is an enemy to you: so treat him as an enemy. He only invites his adherents, that they may
become companions of the Blazing Fire." (35:6)
We also reect on the great sacrices and trials Ibrahim (AS) had to undergo such as offering his son Ismail (AS) that he had to wait for his
birth for many decades. In the middle of joy and happiness for becoming a father, Allah wanted to see how strong was his commitment to
Him. He ordered him to offer the most valuable thing he had; his only son at that time. Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS) did not fail in that very
difcult test and earned the pleasure of Allah. Allah called this trial a great one when He said, "For this was obviously a great trial.#
"So when they had both submitted their wills (to Allah), and he had laid him prostrate on his forehead (for sacrice), We called out to him,
"O Abraham! You have already fullled the vision!" thus indeed do We reward those who do right. For this was obviously a trial. And We
ransomed him with a momentous sacrice" (37:103-07)
The most important thing we should keep in our minds is that Allah knows better than we do even if we sometimes think that a certain action
is not clear to us or does not make a sense to us and why do we have to perform it. Of course Allah orders only what is good and just for us
and all mankind. We should accept and submit to Allah. As a matter of fact, one of the meanings of Islam is acceptance and submission. In
commemorating this, the pilgrim should think whether he, or she, is ready to offer the dearest thing to his, or her, heart for the sake of
Allah. This religion cannot survive in the hearts of people without sacrices, devotion, sincere love, commitment, and dedication. Allah says,
"By no means shall you attain righteousness unless you give (freely) of that which you love; and whatever you give, of a truth Allah knows it
well." (3:92)

When Ghus| |s requ|red:
1) Aer marlLal relauons
2) Aer mensLrual cycle
3) Aer glvlng 8lrLh
4) Cn a dead body

noL Lo be confused wlLh wudu, whlch ls a "parual ghusl" performed for salaL. lL ls a good ldea Lo always be ln a sLaLe of ghusl and wudu.
Da|||: Surah nlsa: "C ye who belleve! Approach noL prayers wlLh a mlnd befogged, unul ye can undersLand all LhaL ye say,- nor ln a sLaLe of ceremonlal
lmpurlLy (LxcepL when Lravelllng on Lhe road), unul aer washlng your whole body. lf ye are lll, or on a [ourney, or one of you comeLh from omces of
naLure, or ye have been ln conLacL wlLh women.
now to make Ghus|:
1. SLarL by maklng nlyyah (lnLenuon) Lo perform Chusl, say Lhe 8asmallah before dlsroblng, and cleanse your self of lmpurlues. SLarL wlLh rlghL slde of
2. Wash Lhe rlghL hand up Lo and lncludlng Lhe wrlsL (and beLween Lhe ngers) Lhree umes, Lhen slmllarly for Lhe le hand.
3. Wash Lhe prlvaLe parLs and remove dlrL or lLh from Lhe enure body.
4. erform Wudu.
3. WaLer should be poured over Lhe head Lhree umes so LhaL lL ows all over Lhe body.
6. our waLer over boLh Lhe shoulders Lhree umes each. Pands should be passed all over Lhe body when waLer ls poured so LhaL no parL of Lhe body ls
le dry.
7. Move Lo a clean spoL and wash Lhe feeL lf noL washed durlng Wudu
Cccas|ons for wh|ch Ghus| |s preferred but not fard:
1) Lvery !umah
2) 8efore golng Lo Lld rayers
3) 8efore underLaklng umrah or Pa[[
4) upon washlng a corpse. (Accordlng Lo many scholars, Lhe performance of Chusl ls preferred for a person who washes a corpse)
3) When a person converLs Lo lslam.
As for the eth|ca| and sp|r|tua| aspect, slnce lL ls performed for Cod and wlLh Lhe lnLenuon of pleaslng Plm, lL possesses an educauve lnuence, especlally
slnce lLs lmpllclL meanlng - from head Lo Loe l sLrlve Lo obey ?ou" - serves Lo corroboraLe Lhls eLhlcal and splrlLual phllosophy ln a Lradluon, lmam
All lbn Musa al 8ldha (8A) says: 1he reason LhaL Lhe order for (Lhe performance of) wudu has been lssued, and (Lhe reason) LhaL Lhe acLs of worshlp
should commence by lL ls LhaL when Lhe servanLs sLand before Cod and converse wlLh Plm, Lhey should be clean, away from uncleanness and
polluuon, and acL ln accordance wlLh Pls orders. AparL from Lhls, wudu ellmlnaLes drowslness and leLhargy from man so LhaL Lhe hearL can acqulre
Lhe purlLy and lumlnoslLy for sLandlng ln Lhe presence of Cod.


1he Cur'an says "lor Allah loves Lhose who Lurn Lo Plm consLanLly and Pe loves Lhose who keep Lhemselves pure and clean."
Musllms are also requlred Lo be clean when handllng and readlng Lhe Cur'an. 1he Cur'an says "Whlch none shall Louch buL Lhose who are
urlcauon of Lhe body and cloLhes ls called Lahara. 1he ropheL Muhammad (SAW) sald "Cleanllness ls half of falLh". 1o have Lahara for Lhe
body, one should do elLher ghusl or wudu and one musL always wash wlLh waLer aer uslng LolleL.
Wudu ls oen LranslaLed as "parual abluuon", as opposed Lo ghusl, whlch ls "full abluuon".
Musllms oen reclLe Lhe uurood and AyaLul kursl aer abluuon. Curanlc mandaLe for wudu comes ln Lhe 6
ayah of surah 3: C ye who
belleve! when ye prepare for prayer, wash your faces, and your hands (and arms) Lo Lhe elbows, 8ub your heads (wlLh waLer), and (wash)
your feeL Lo Lhe ankles. lf ye are ln a sLaLe of ceremonlal lmpurlLy, baLhe your whole body. 8uL lf ye are lll, or on a [ourney, or one of you
comeLh from omces of naLure, or ye have been ln conLacL wlLh women, and ye nd no waLer, Lhen Lake for yourselves clean sand or earLh,
and rub LherewlLh your faces and hands, Allah doLh noL wlsh Lo place you ln a dlmculLy, buL Lo make you clean, and Lo compleLe hls favour
Lo you, LhaL ye may be graLeful".

now to erform Wudu:
1 SLarL by maklng nlyyah (lnLenuon) Lo perform wudu and cleanse Lhe self of lmpurlues.
2 Say Lhe basmallah.
3 Wash Lhe rlghL hand up Lo Lhe wrlsL (and beLween Lhe ngers), Lhen slmllarly for Lhe le hand. x3
4 8lnse Lhe mouLh and splL ouL Lhe waLer and opuonal Lo rub Lhe LeeLh (wlLh a mlswak, nger or LooLhbrush lf posslble). x3
3 CenLly puL waLer lnLo Lhe nosLrlls unul you can feel lL pushed lnLo your slnuses. WlLh Lhe rlghL hand, plnch Lhe Lop of Lhe nose wlLh Lhe
le hand Lo exhale Lhe waLer. x3
6 Wash Lhe face (from Lhe halrllne on Lhe forehead Lo where neck beglns and ear Lo ear). x3
7 Wash Lhe enure rlghL arm, lncludlng Lhe hand, up Lo and lncludlng Lhe elbow, Lhen Lhe le arm ln Lhe same way. ass ngers of one
hand beLween Lhe ngers of Lhe oLher hand. lf wearlng a rlng lL should be moved freely Lo allow waLer Lo pass under lL. x3
8 1hen perform masah - WeL hands should be passed over Lhe head. x 1
9 1hen Lhe rsL nger of Lhe rlghL and le hand should be moved ln Lhe rlghL and le ears slmulLaneously and ln Lhe same operauon
Lhumbs should be passed around and behlnd Lhe ears, Lhen pass Lhe backs of Lhe hands over Lhe hlnd parL of Lhe neck only. Pands
should noL be passed around Lhe fore-neck as lL ls prohlblLed. Cne may noL make masah over a Musllm head cap. x1
10 SLarung wlLh Lhe rlghL fooL, wash boLh feeL from Lhe Loes up Lo and lncludlng Lhe ankles lncludlng beLween Lhe Loes. x3. Whlle dolng
Lhls sLep, reclLe Lhe shahadah and AsLaghferullah.
11 Cer Lwo rak'aL prayer for wudu (beneclal buL noL fard).

Wudu |s Inva||dated by:
1) uefecauon, passlng gas or urlnauon
2) Lmlsslon of semen (ghusl ls requlred)
3) Sleep whlle recllnlng
4) vomlung
3) Loss of senses
6) lalnung
7) Laughlng aloud whllsL ln Salah
8) Sexual conLacL (ghusl ls requlred)
9) 8lood or pus leavlng Lhe body so LhaL lL leaves Lhe polnL of exlL
10) Chusl musL be made aer woman's monLhly cycle ls compleLed.
1he Med|ca| benehts of Wudu lL was conrmed LhaL a person who performs Wudu' (8lLual Abluuon) ve umes a day cleanses hls nose from germs, dusL and
oLher connecLed Lhlngs. lL was also conrmed LhaL Lhose who do noL perform Wudu' (8lLual Abluuon) are more llable Lo a number of dlerenL klnds
of germs, nearly 11 klnds of germs. Lvery Lhlng LhaL Allah prescrlbes has wlsdom behlnd lL. erformlng Abluuon has been sclenucally proven Lo
have many physlcal beneLs.
1.Washlng Lhe Pands prevenLs Lhe Lransmlsslon of many conLaglous dlseases.
2.Washlng Lhe lace recharges such organs as Lhe lnLesunes sLomach and bladder, as well as havlng posluve eecL on Lhe nervous and reproducuve sysLem.
1he prescrlbed wudu allows us Lo go over nodes LhaL are necessary Lo sumulaLe for opumal funcuon.
3.Washlng Lhe MouLh removes food parucles LhaL could cause LeeLh and gum problems.
4.Washlng Lhe nosLrlls removes germs Lrapped lnslde so Lhey do noL reach Lhe resplraLory sysLem. Slnuses beneL from Lhls Loo.
3.Washlng Lhe Lars decreases hlgh blood pressure and relleves LooLh and LhroaL paln, as well as removlng any exLra wax LhaL could cause ear lnfecuon and
general body lmbalances.
6.8epeaLed Washlng of Lhe lace lnvlgoraLes faclal skln cells and helps prevenL early wrlnkles. Skln cells and helps lnvlgoraLe Lhe ends of Lhe blood vessels, as
well as Lhe nerves and glands LhaL are near Lhe skln surface, and Lherefore helps Lhem perform Lhelr funcuons emclenLly.
7.Washlng Lhe leeL helps prevenL aLhleLe's fooL a fungal problem of Lhe feeL. Also promoLes reexology whlch ls connecLed Lo ALL organs.
8. Addluonally, washlng Lhe back of Lhe ears (known as Lhe masLolds bone) prevenLs lnecuons llke masLoldlus from arlslng. Abluuon also helps prevenLs skln
cancer as Lhe ears washed durlng abluuon are Lhe parLs of Lhe body LhaL are mosL prone Lo exposure Lo polluuon, lnLernal and exLernal, Abluuon
removes Lhls polluuon ve umes a day and Lherefore malnLalns a clean ouLer layer of Lhe skln, whlch ln Lurn asslsLs cells underneaLh Lo funcuon
Also, Lhere was research done LhaL Lhose men who keep a beard have less chances of havlng upper resplraLory LracL lnfecuons whlch are: lnfecuon of lungs,
LhroaL eLc. ropheL Muhammad (SAW) LaughL us LhaL lL ls hlghly recommended Lo keep a beard.
lL was made compulsory Lo do wudu, ln order Lo pray. Pence, boLh beard and wudu compllmenL one anoLher, and decrease Lhe chances of a man havlng
upper resplraLory LracL lnfecuon.
ropheL Muhammad (SAW) encouraged dolng abluuon before golng Lo bed (Sahlh 8ukharl, Sahlh Musllm, Sahlh 1lrmldhl, Sahlh Abu uawud Sahlh !aml ].
1hls same rlLual ls also encouraged by ?oga experLs who say LhaL washlng lmporLanL moLor and sensory organs such as Lhe hands, arms, eyes, legs,
mouLh and genlLals before sleep uslng cool waLer relaxes Lhe body preparlng lL for a deep sleep.
SLay ln wudu, sLay proLecLed.
Always wash yourself wlLh waLer aer uslng Lhe LolleL for any reason.

ena|nes and exp|anons |n ||gr|mage - Cnce you are |n Ihram, v|o|anon of the ru|es can be exp|ated |n the fo||ow|ng ways:
Whoever wears an lLem of cloLhlng ln a manner LhaL vlolaLes Lhe lhram for a compleLe day or compleLe nlghL Lhey musL perform a sacrlce.
lf for less Lhan LhaL Lhen Lhey musL glve sadaqa (whlch ls half a sa' of wheaL or a full sa' of barley or daLes or Lhe nanclal equlvalenL. A sa' ls
approxlmaLely 3.6kg 1hls may be pald aL anyume ln any place.
Wear|ng perfume
Whoever applles perfume Lo a compleLe llmb such as Lhe face, hand, shln eLc musL oer a sacrlce
lf less Lhan a llmb Lhen Lhey musL pay a sadaqa
1he enure body ls as one llmb lf Lhe perfume was applled ln one slng, oLherwlse each slng has lLs own kaara
Whoever applles perfume Lo hls/her cloLhlng Lhey musL perform a sacrlce lf,
1he perfume ls a loL, dened as LhaL amounL LhaL covers an area of a hand span squared.
1he perfume lasLs a full day or full nlghL
lf one of Lhe above condluons ls unfullled a sadaqa ls due
lf boLh are unfullled a handful of wheaL ls glven ln charlLy
C|||ng onese|f
8ub oll onLo oneself, even lf noL perfumed, ls as perfume unless used Lo LreaL a condluon
kemov|ng ha|r
Shavlng or cung halr from a quarLer of one's head or beard necesslLaLes a sacrlce unless done due Lo slckness or a relaLed necesslLy ln whlch case
one may choose Lo elLher sacrlce, glve Lhree sa' of wheaL ln charlLy or fasL Lhree days. lf one cuLs halr less Lhan Lhe quarLer of Lhe head Lhen one musL
pay sadaqa. lf Lhree halrs fall ln Lhe course of wudu one pays a handful of wheaL, llkewlse for every halr LhaL ls plucked ouLslde of wudu. lf halrs fall ouL
by Lhemselves Lhen one ls noL obllged Lo do anyLhlng
Cumng na||s
lf one cuLs ve or more nalls, from one hand or fooL or more Lhen one musL sacrlce. lf less Lhan Lhen one pays a sadaqa for each nall.
k||||ng ||ce
Any amounL of sadaqa musL be glven.
Intercourse and what |eads up to |t
lf one performs lnLercourse before 'Arafa one's Pa[[ ls lnvalld and one musL,
CompleLe Lhe currenL Pa[[ anyway
Make lL up agaln
erform a sacrlce
lf one performs lnLercourse aer 'Arafa and before parually exlung Lhe lhram
Cne's ha[[ ls valld and one musL sacrlce a camel
erformlng lnLercourse aer parual release from lhram buL before full release
Cne musL perform a sacrlce
lor one performlng 'umra, one's 'umra ls lnvalld lf one performs lnLercourse before compleung four rounds, oLherwlse noL.
Cne musL sacrlce
Cne musL compleLe Lhe lnvalld 'umra and Lhen make lL up
lf one performs lnLercourse aer four rounds, Lhe 'umra ls valld and one musL sacrlce
AcLs whlch may be wrongfully sumulaung,
lf dlrecL causes such as romanuc or lovlng Lalk, klsslng, Louchlng wlLh passlon, hugglng wlLh passlon eLc one musL sacrlce
lf lndlrecL causes such as looklng and Lhlnklng one ls noL obllged Lo do anyLhlng, Lhough lL ls noL a good sLaLe Lo be ln.
ena|nes and exp|anons for |eav|ng wa[|b e|ements throughout the na[[

Leav|ng the stand|ng at Muzda||fa
one musL sacrlce unless le for an excuse such as slckness or weakness
Leav|ng ston|ng
one musL sacrlce lf
one mlsses all days of sLonlng
one mlsses a compleLe day
one mlsses mosL of Lhe sLones of a compleLe day
one musL glve sadaqa for each sLone lf
one mlsses less Lhan half of Lhe sLones of a compleLe day
erform|ng the tawaf not |n a state of r|tua| pur|ty
one musL sacrlce a camel lf
one performs Lhe obllgaLory Lawaf ln a sLaLe of ma[or rlLual lmpurlLy and does noL make up Lhe Lawaf durlng Lhe days of nahr
lf one makes up Lhe Lawaf aer Lhe days of nahr one musL sacrlce a sheep
one musL sacrlce a sheep lf
one performs Lhe obllgaLory Lawaf ln a sLaLe of mlnor rlLual lmpurlLy and does noL make lL up, even aer Lhe days of nahr
one perform Lhe Lawaf of arrlval or deparLure ln a sLaLe of ma[or rlLual lmpurlLy and does noL make lL up.
one performs Lhe Lawaf of umra ln a sLaLe of ma[or or mlnor rlLual lmpurlLy and does noL make lL up.
one musL glve sadaqa lf
one performs Lhe Lawaf of arrlval or deparLure, and llkewlse any supererogaLory Lawaf, ln a sLaLe of mlnor rlLual lmpurlLy and does noL
make lL up.
ass|ng the m|qat not |n a state of |hram
Cne ls noL obllged Lo do anyLhlng
lf one reLurns back Lo Lhe mlqaL and Lhen enLers lhram
lf one enLers lhram Lhen reLurns back Lo Lhe mlqaL and says Lhe Lalblyya
Cne musL sacrlce lf
Cne performs a rlLe of Pa[[ or umra and Lhen reLurns
Cne does noL reLurn and goes on Lo compleLe Lhe Pa[[ or umrah


Women oen Lake unnecessary and unhealLhy measures Lo sLop or delay Lhelr mensLruauon when Lhey embark on Lhelr pllgrlmage [ourney.
1hls ls a drasuc and poLenually dangerous measure due Lo lgnorance slnce lL ls clear LhaL even a woman mensLruaung can have an
accepLed Pa[[ or umrah by dolng whaL ls permlsslble Lo her ln LhaL sLaLe.

Women ln mensLruauon can do everyLhlng excepL SalaL and 1awaf ln pllgrlmage. 1hey do noL have Lo oer a uamm (penalLy of qurbanl) ln
lL's place. 1he CnL? Lhlng Lhey MuS1 do ls Lhe 1awaf ul lfadha (1he Pa[[ 1awaf done aer scarlce and halr cung) once Lhey are clean.
So Lhey musL walL Lo geL done wlLh Lhelr menses, perform ghusl and do Lhls Lawaf. lf Lhey do noL perform Lhls 1awaf, Lhey are sull
consldered ln a sLaLe of lhram and Lherefore are noL halal Lo Lhelr husband, even Lhe 1awaf ul Wuda (larewell 1awaf) ls noL compulsory
for Lhem ln menses.


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