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The Great Trek Centenary
African urbanization
Who was James Mpanza?
After the War
The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act, No 55 of 1949
The Immorality Amendment Act, No 21 of 1950
The Population Registration Act, No 30 of 1950
The Prevention of Illegal Squatting Act, No 52 of 1951
The Group Areas Act, No 41 of 1950
The Bantu Education Act, No 47 of 1953
The Reservation of Separate Amenities Act, No 49 of 1953
The Natives Abolition of Passes and Co-ordination of
Documents Act of 1952
Why did the government introduce
Separate Development?
Forced removals
28 | C|apter 2: |e |up|euentat|on ol apart|e|d
0ontent: Pow wua aegregution
u loundution lor uurtheid`
ln the 192ua Alrikuner nutionuliam wua growing atronger. lt atreaaed the uniqueneaa ol
Alrikunera ua 0od'a choaen eole und becume linked with ideua ol ruciul aueriority.
Jheae ideua would develo into the olicy ol uurtheid.
Jhere were u number ol regrouinga in white olitica in the 192ua. ln 1924, Prime
Viniater J.8.V. Pertzog wua loaing auort becuuae ol the economic criaia reaulting
lrom u combinution ol the 0reut Lereaaion und u devaatating drought. ln order to atuy
in ower, he joined with Smuta to lorm the 0nited Purty. Lr L.l. Vulun, u miniater in
Pertzog'a government, auw thia ulliunce ua u betruyul ol the Alrikuner und wulked out.
Jogether with hia lollowera, he lormed u new urty, the Purilied lutionul Purty.
Vulun und hia lollowera believed thut the Alrikuner wua in dunger ol being oliticully
undermined by the Lngliah und economicully threutened by lndiuna und Jewa, ua well
ua by Alricuna who were cometing with oor white Alrikunera lor unakilled work in the
citiea. Jhey ulao believed thut South Alricu ahould not be u monarchy, but u repubIic.
~lr||aners lace a new tre|
to t|e c|ty. |ere b|ac|
and w||te coupete |n t|e
saue |abour uar|et. |e
tas| |s to ua|e Sout| ~lr|ca
a w||te uan's |and.
|/ |.|. |a|an |eJ ||e mo.emen|
|o o/omo|e 4////ane/ |a|/ona|/:m.
e :|/e::eJ ||e /ac/a| :aoe//o//|, o/
4////ane/: o.e/ o|ac/:.
The Great Trek Centenary
ln 1918, u grou ol Alrikunera lormed u aecret orgunizution culled the 8roederbond to
romote Alrikuner lutionuliam. Jhey believed thut Alrikunera needed to develo u aenae
ol ride in their identity und culture in order to withatund the threut lrom both the Lngliah
und Alricuna.
ln 1928, the 8roederbond orgunized the 0reut Jrek Centenary celebrutiona to
romote Alrikuner lutionuliam. Jo Alrikuner lutionuliata, the 0reut Jrek rereaented their
triumh over both the 8ritiah und the Alricuna.
Jhe Aurtheid Vuaeum rovidea u unique oortunity to exerience the creution ol
Alrikuner lutionuliam by wutching u lilm culled 8ou vun 'n luaie (Jhey 8uilt u lution}.
Jhia ia u propaganda lilm mude in 1928 ua urt ol the build u to the Centenury
celebrutiona. ln thia lilm, Alrikuner hiatory ia reaented ua u owerlul und aucceaalul
atruggle uguinat hoatiIe lorcea.
New words
unlqueness |av|ng no
eoua|, be|ng t|e on|y one ol
t|e|r ||nd
devastatlng caus|ng great
destruct|on and, |n t||s case,
unanc|a| ru|n
undermlned uade
gradua||y wea|er or
|ess ellect|ve
monarchy a loru ol
governuent w|ere a
uonarc| (|n Sout| ~lr|ca's
case, t|e K|ng ol Lng|and) |s
t|e |ead ol state
reub|lc a loru ol govern-
uent w|ere Sout| ~lr|ca
wou|d ru|e |tse|l and |ave no
const|tut|ona| t|es to 8r|ta|n
centenary ce|ebrat|on ol
t|e |undredt| ann|versary
roaganda de||berate|y
us|ng |nloruat|on |n order
to |nuence t|e way t|at
peop|e t||n| and be|ave
hostl|e unlr|end|y and
Jne |anJ/eJ ||oa:anJ
4////ane/:, man, J/e::eJ /n
\oo/|/e//e/ c|o||/n, a||e/eJ a|
||e :/|e o/ ||e /a|a/e \oo/|/e//e/
|onamen| |o /ee| ||e |eam:
o/ |/e//e/: anJ ox-uaon: u|o
|aJ |/a.e||eJ //om aoe !oun |o
|/e|o//a. !|e/e, ||e neu an||em
L|e Steu van Su|d ~lr||a ua:
:an en||a:/a:|/ca||,.
Activity 1: The symbols of Afrikaner Nationalism
1. Jhe uae ol aymboIa wua imortunt in the conatruction ol Alrikuner lutionuliam.
Liat ull the aymbola in the ubove hotogruh ol the 0reut Jrek Centenury.
2. Lxluin whut euch aymbol atood lor.
2. Pow do you think thut theae aymbola heled to build u leeling ol Alrikuner
identity` (

4. whut aymbola do other nutionuliat movementa uround the world uae` (

6. Lo you think thut nutionuliat aymbola ure u good or u bud thing` Liacuaa thia
iaaue in cluaa. (

0RAuL 9: L0 2, AS 4
0RAuL 11: L0 4, AS 1
New words
symbo|s t||ngs t|at
stand lor or represent an
|dea or t||ng
uheava| great and
sudden c|ange
radlca|lzed deve|oped an
awareness ol t|e|r s|tuat|on
and, des|r|ng lundauenta|
relorus, were prepared to
ta|e act|on
rlght-wlng conservat|ve
po||t|ca| v|ews olten
assoc|ated w|t| rac|su
0ontent: Aurtheid in
South Alricu: the imuct ol
world wur Jwo
0ontent: Pow wua aegregution
u loundution lor uurtheid`
world wur Jwo (1929-1946} led to u eriod ol huge chunge und upheavaI. Alricun
working eole, conlronted with riaing ricea, low wugea und ahortugea ol lood und
houaing, becume increuaingly radicaIized. 0rdinury eole begun orgunizing uround
theae roblema und the 194ua auw u number ol community roteata, auch ua aquutter
movementa und bua boycotta.
African urbanization
Jhe number ol Alricuna, eaeciully women, coming to the citiea increuaed enormoualy.
8y now, muny Alricuna living in citiea were no longer migrunta, but aettled und ermu
nent city dwellera. 8y 194, there were more blucka thun whitea living in citiea lor the
lirat time.
Jhe increuaed numbera ol Alricuna coming to the city ut reaaure on houaing und
locul municiul uuthoritiea could not coe. 8y 194u there were lour municiul houaing
achemea lor Alricuna in Johunneaburg: weatern lutive Jownahi, Luatern lutive Jown-
ahi, 0rlundo und Pimville. Powever, there wua muaaive overcrowding in theae ureua und
the uccommodution wua hoeleaaly inudequute.
Peole ulao lived in the freehoId townahia ol Alexundru in the north-euat ol Johun-
neaburg, und Sohiutown, Vurtindule und lewclure in the weat. 8y the 194ua, they too
were exeriencing aevere overcrowding roblema.
What was happening in
white politics?
w|en wor|d war wo began,
t|e |n|ted larty, |ed by
lertzog, was |n power.
lertzog d|d not want Sout|
~lr|ca to go to war aga|nst
Ceruany. |e |ssue was
debated |n par||auent and 80
Vls voted |n lavour ol go|ng
to war and 67 voted aga|nst
|t. lertzog t|erelore res|gned
and Suuts too| over as pr|ue
u|n|ster and |eader ol t|e
|n|ted larty.
~n extreue right-wing
~lr||aner organ|zat|on w||c|
supported l|t|er and was
ca||ed t|e J::eua |/anJua,
engaged |n acts ol sabotage
dur|ng wor|d war wo.
|e lort|es - ~ decade ol up|eava| | 29
40 | C|apter 2: |e |up|euentat|on ol apart|e|d
Who was James Mpanza?
|oana, /n ||e m/JJ|e, J/eu :aooo/| //om ||e uomen o/ J/|anJo oecaa:e |e o//e/eJ ||em anJ ||e// /am/|/e:
:eca//|, /n a |/me o/ :oc/a| ao|ea.a|.
Jumea Vunzu wua u oulur leuder who orgunized u aquutter movement ol the
homeleaa in 0rlundo. Jhrough hia uctiona, the municiul uuthoritiea were eventuully
lorced to rovide houaing lor the aquuttera. Powever, Jumea Vunzu wua un extremely
controveraiaI mun. ln the Aurtheid Vuaeum you cun aee un excellent video ubout
Vunzu thut highlighta the controveray aurrounding him. Pere ure two extructa lrom the
video in which willium Curr und wulter Siaulu exreaa dillerent viewa ubout Vunzu.
Vpanza was a br||||ant c|ap. le was a t||n|er.
\ery sty||s| too |n ||s act|ons. le cou|d be
devaatating w|en dea||ng w|t| t|e oppos|t|on.
ln [a|| |e becaue a preac|er, and created a
good |upress|on. le was una||y re|eased lrou
pr|son. You see a|| t||s sea ol |ouses . |t |s a
resu|t ol Vpanza.
wa||e/ S/:a|a, u|o uen| on |o oecome ||e :ec/e|a/,-ene/a| o/ ||e 4|,
ua: a /e:/Jen| o/ Soue|o a| ||e |/me o/ |oana: :aaa||e/ mo.emen|.
w/||/am a//, ||e !o|anne:oa/ /|,
oanc/|: |anae/ o/ |on-|a/ooean
4//a//:, |oo/ a |a/J |/ne on |oana.
Vpanza was a .u|u w|o |ad
been arrested, tr|ed lor uurder
and sentenced to deat|. ~nd |t
wou|d |ave saved a good dea|
ol troub|e lor everyone |l t|e
sentence |ad been carr|ed out.
le was a cr|u|na|, a t|ug. le
was a uan ol very bad c|aracter.
le sto|e uoney. le was a|ways
drun|. le was a pest!
New words
urbanlzatlon w|en |arge
nuubers ol peop|e uove
lrou t|e countrys|de to
t|e towns and c|t|es
lreeho|d areas w|ere
b|ac|s were a||owed to own
property. |ey were a|so
re|at|ve|y lree lrou str|ct
uun|c|pa| contro|
controversla| |n t||s
case, controvers|a| ueans
t|at t|ere were uany
d|sagreeuents about ||u
devastatlng destruct|ve
verlly to estab||s| t|e trut|
or correctness ol souet||ng
~ lact |s souet||ng w||c| |s |nown to |ave ta|en p|ace, and can be proved.
~n op|n|on |s usua||y based on soueone's be||el, and need not necessar||y be based
on lact.
~|| ||stor|ans are concerned w|t| t|e re||ab|||ty ol a source. Sources w||c| conta|n
lacts t|at can be proved are usua||y uore re||ab|e t|an sources w||c| are based uost|y
on op|n|on. lowever, a source t|at conta|ns uore op|n|on t|an lact can be a uselu|
source because |t te||s us w|at peop|e le|t and be||eved at certa|n t|ues |n ||story.
w|en you und sources t|at conta|n uore op|n|ons t|an lacts, |t |s olten d|lucu|t to
wor| out w|at rea||y |appened or w|at t|e person was rea||y |||e. w|en t||s |appens, |t
|s |uportant to consu|t ot|er sources. ln t||s way, you can verlly t|e lacts and op|n|ons.
Skills development: differentiating between facts and opinions
Activity 2: Dealing with contradictory sources
8tep 1: Identifying facta and opiniona
0aing the viewa ubout Vunzu exreaaed by willium Curr und wulter Siaulu, coy
und comlete the lollowing tuble:
Facts 0lnlons
wl||lam 0arr
wa|ter Slsu|u
8tep 2: 1eating contradictory aourcea for reIiabiIity
1. whoae atutement contuina more lucta ubout Vunzu - Curr'a or Siaulu'a`
2. Conaider euch ol the atutementa thut you huve entered in the lucta column lor
both Curr und Siaulu. lor which ol theae atutementa could you hnd evidence
uguinat which you cun check whether or not it ia true` whut kinda ol evidence
could you uae` (

2. which aource do you think ia more reliuble` wulter Siaulu or willium Curr` 0r
ure neither reliuble` 0ive u reuaon lor your unawer. (

4. Leaite the luct thut theae aourcea ure contrudictory, exluin in whut wuya they
muy be uaelul to u eraon atudying thia eriod in hiatory. (

0RAuL 9: L0 1, AS 2, L0 2, AS 1
0RAuL 11: L0 1, AS 4
Activity 3: Research project (
Jamea Mpanza - IocaI hero or viIIain?
ll you wunt to hnd out more ubout Jumea Vunzu, you will huve to do extru
reaeurch. Reud u ubout Jumea Vunzu ut your locul or achool librury or in your
hiatory textbooka. Jry to guther ua muny lucta ubout Jumea Vunzu ua oaaible. ll
you live in Soweto, you could ulao uak older membera ol your community il they
huve uny memoriea ol Vunzu.
Reort your hndinga to the cluaa. whut huve you ull lound out` whut ia your
oinion ol Jumea Vunzu now`
0RAuL 11: L0 2, AS 4
|e lort|es - ~ decade ol up|eava| | 41
42 | C|apter 2: |e |up|euentat|on ol apart|e|d
0ontent: Aurtheid in
South Alricu: the imuct ol
world wur Jwo
0ontent: Pow wua aegregution
u loundution lor uurtheid`
After the War
Alter world wur Jwo South Alricu exerienced aerioua economic roblema. 8oth blucka
und whitea luced riaing coata und houaing ahortugea. Jhe greut inllux ol Alricuna to the
citiea heightened the ruciul tenaiona thut ulreudy exiated in South Alricu. Jhe growth
ol ahunty towna und aquutter movementa urouaed white leura ol being awamped by
growing numbera ol Alricuna moving into the citiea.
Luring the wur, muny Alricuna hud become luctory workera und bluck trude uniona
grew lurger. Vuny whitea leured the economic und oliticul chullengea reaented by the
bluck trude uniona und the threut they oaed to white rivilegea.
New words
swamed overw|e|ued by
constltuencles Sout|
~lr|ca was d|v|ded |nto
about 160 const|tuenc|es.
Lac| const|tuency was
represented by one Vl |n
w|/|e /ea/: :|/en||eneJ u|en 70 000 4///can m/neuo//e/: uen| on :|///e /n 194 JemanJ/n uae
/nc/ea:e: anJ /am/|, |oa:/n.
ln lute 194, Prime Viniater Jun Smuta uointed the lugun Commiaaion to inveatigute the
beat wuy to deul with the roblem ol Alricun urbunizution. At the aume time, the lutionul
Purty, led by Lr L.l. Vulun, uointed ita own commiaaion, the Suuer Commiaaion.
Recommendations of the Fagan Report, February 1948
1ctal scrcaticn wculd ncvcr wcrk.
lndustr, and ccmmcrcc nccdcd a jcrmancnt and scttlcd black urban jcjulaticn.
lt was imjcssiblc tc rcturn all thc cxistin tcwnsjccjlc tc thc rcscrvcs, which wcrc
alrcad, cvcrcrcwdcd.
Virant labcur shculd bc disccuracd.
Arican amilics shculd bc cnccuracd tc scttlc in lccaticns undcr strict ccntrcls.
Recommendations of the Sauer Report, 1948
Ajarthcid cr thc scjaratc dcvclcjmcnt c thc raccs was thc cnl, wa, crward.
1hc rcscrvcs wcrc whcrc Aricans bclcncd.
1hc nccd c Aricans intc thc citics was a dancrcus dcvclcjmcnt.
Lrban Aricans must ccntinuc tc bc trcatcd as visitcrs withcut jclitical rihts.
1hcir numbcrs must bc strictl, ccntrcllcd.
1hc mirant labcur s,stcm must ccntinuc.
Black lccaticns must bc kcjt clcarl, scjaratc rcm whitc tcwns.
Vuny whitea lelt thut, ua rime miniater, Jun Smuta wua not doing enough to uddreaa their
leura. ln 1948, the lutionul Purty won the generul election. lta election alogun hud been
'Aurtheid'. 0nce the lutionuliata were in ower, they gruduully begun to imlement the
recommendutiona ol the Suuer Reort.
Activity 4: Analysing sources
1. which oliticul urty ucceted the hndinga ol the lugun Reort`
2. which oliticul urty ucceted the hndinga ol the Suuer Reort`
2. whut ure the mujor dillerencea between the lugun und Suuer Reorta`
4. which reort do you think the mujority ol white South Alricuna would huve
relerred` 0ive reuaona lor your unawer. (

6. whut ellect do you think theae reorta would huve hud on the 1948 election` (

. Pow dillerent might the courae ol South Alricun hiatory huve been il lugun'a
recommendutiona, ruther thun Suuer'a, hud been imlemented` (

0RAuL 9: L0 1, AS 2
0RAuL 11: L0 1, AS 2
w|en wr|t|ng ||story essays, |t |s extreue|y |uportant a|ways to ana|yse t|e essay
ouest|on belore start|ng to wr|te.
Lvery ||story essay |s a ouest|on not a top|c. ~ top|c |nc|udes a|| |nloruat|on on a
sub[ect. ~ ouest|on as|s you to cons|der a certa|n |ssue or aspect ol a top|c.
Lvery ||story essay as|s you to deve|op an arguuent |n re|at|on to a part|cu|ar
prob|eu t|at |s posed. ||s usua||y |nvo|ves stat|ng an op|n|on and g|v|ng we||-
researc|ed ev|dence to bac| up your op|n|on.
lor exaup|e, ta|e t|e essay ouest|on:
w|, J/J ||e |a|/ona| |a/|, u/n ||e 1948 e|ec|/on?
ln t||s essay, you are not ueant to s|up|y ||st t|e reasons w|y t|e lat|ona| larty
won t|e e|ect|on. |ere are uany d|llerent reasons and |nterpretat|ons as to w|y t|e
lat|ona||sts won t|e e|ect|on. You need to state w||c| reasons you be||eve are t|e
uost |uportant. You a|so need to [ust|ly your c|o|ce.
Ste 1: ldentlly the reasons lor the Natlona|lst vlctory
Va|e a ||st ol t|e reasons w|y t|e lat|ona||sts won t|e 1948 e|ect|on.
|ese cou|d |nc|ude t|e lo||ow|ng:
Developing essay writing skills: analysing the essay question
w||tes were terr|ued
ol t|e rap|d rate ol
~lr|can urban|zat|on.
~ccord|ng to t|e Sauer leport,
rac|a| segregat|on was t|e on|y
way ol dea||ng w|t| t|e prob|eu.
Suuts |ad la||ed to dea| ellect|ve|y w|t| post-war
prob|eus suc| as |ous|ng s|ortages and r|s|ng costs.
~lr||aner nat|ona||su |ad
becoue a strong lorce |n
Sout| ~lr|can po||t|cs.
L|ectora| constltuencles were 'we|g|ted'. lura| const|tuenc|es
(w|ere uost ~lr||aner nat|ona||sts ||ved) |ad uore Vls t|an
d|d urban const|tuenc|es (w|ere uost S~l supporters ||ved),
even t|oug| lewer w||te voters ||ved |n rura| areas t|an |n
towns and c|t|es.
~lr|can laru |abourers |elt t|e larus lor new [obs
|n t|e c|ty. ~s a resu|t, t|ere was a |abour s|ortage
and uany w||te laruers sw|tc|ed t|e|r support
lrou t|e |n|ted larty to t|e lat|ona| larty.
w|y d|d t|e lat|ona||sts w|n t|e 1948 e|ect|on | 42
44 | C|apter 2: |e |up|euentat|on ol apart|e|d
Ste 2: Ask questlons ol each ex|anatlon
You need to cons|der t|e strengt|s and wea|nesses ol eac| exp|anat|on. o do t||s,
you need to as| ouest|ons about eac| exp|anat|on. Let's cons|der t|e |ssue ol ~lr|can
urban|zat|on as an exaup|e:
w|at ev|dence |s t|ere to suggest t|at ~lr|can urban|zat|on caused w||tes to vote
lor t|e lat|ona| larty |n 1948
low strong |s t||s ev|dence
Loes t|e exp|anat|on ol ~lr|can urban|zat|on te|| t|e w|o|e story
Lva|uate t|e strengt|s and wea|nesses ol t||s exp|anat|on.
lo||ow t|e saue process lor t|e ot|er exp|anat|ons t|at you |ave ||sted.
Ste 3: Make a |udgement
8ased on t|e ev|dence and your eva|uat|on ol t|e strengt|s and wea|nesses ol eac|
exp|anat|on, you s|ou|d ua|e a [udgeuent as to w||c| exp|anat|on |s t|e uost |uportant.
Activity 5: Writing a history essay (
low thut you huve done un unulyaia ol the queation, write the eaauy, uaing the
guidelinea outlined ubove.
w|, J/J ||e |a|/ona| |a/|, u/n ||e 1948 e|ec|/on?
lote: lot ull the inlormution you need lor writing thia eaauy ueura in thia book.
ou need to conault your hiatory textbooka, notea und other aourcea in order to
write u comrehenaive eaauy on thia queation.
0RAuL 11: L0 2, AS 2, L0 2,
AS 2 und 2
0ontent: whut wua uurtheid und
how did it ullect eole'a livea`
0ontent: Pow did uurtheid
entrench ideua ol ruce`
0nce the lutionul Purty wua in ower, it begun to uaa u wide runge ol uurtheid luwa.
Jheae luwa uimed to enaure ruciul aeurution in ull uaecta ol aociul lile und to control the
movement und economic uctivity ol blucka.
NO 55 OF 1949
NO 44 OF 1950
NO 47 OF 1953
NO 49 OF 1953
4|| 148 aoa/||e/J |au: a/e |/:|eJ /n ||/: ua, on a ua|| /n ||e 4oa/||e/J |a:eam.
New words
sombre so|eun and sad
absurdlty souet||ng
unreasonab|e and r|d|cu|ous
... Developing essay writing skills: analysing the essay question (continued)
Source A
Mr W.H. Stuart, the Native Representative for the Transkei,
claimed to have a highly scientic method of determining a
persons racial category:
!|e e,e|/J |e:| /: ||/:. u|en a oe/:on c|o:e: |/: e,e|/J
anJe/ o/J/na/, conJ/|/on: ||e co|oa/ /: con|/naoa: anJ
an//o/m, ||e/e /: no||/n |o /nJ/ca|e co|oa/eJ o|ooJ.
|a| // ||e e,e|/J /: /a||e/ :|a/||/n|, u|/|e ||a| /: one o/
||e :/n:.
| a:eJ |o |e:| oeoo|e o, J/ooo/n :ome||/n anJ ||e//
e,e: uoa|J |oo/ Jounua/J: anJ ||en ,oa /neu u|o
||e, ue/e. || ua: :o :/mo|e.
The Population Registration Act, No 30 of 1950
Jhia luw cluaailied every South Alricun uccording to their urticulur ruciul grou. Jhia
would determine where they were ullowed to live und whut work they could do. Jhia luw
hud u terrible ellect on eole whoae ruciul identity wua not cleur.
lor exumle, lumiliea could auddenly lind themaelvea divided. Purenta who were
cluaailied ua Alricun might be told thut their children hud been cluaailied ua coloured.
Jheir children hud to go und live in u ao-culled coloured ureu, while the urenta hud to live
in un ureu reaerved lor Alricuna.
ln un uttemt to muintuin ruciul urity, olliciula uaed u vuriety ol atrunge teata to
determine whether u eraon wua white, coloured, Alricun or lndiun. Aa you enter the
aeurute entruncea to the Aurtheid Vuaeum, you cun aee u number ol aourcea on ruciul
cluaailicution. Jheae aourcea highlight the aheer abaurdity ol the methoda uaed by the
government to cluaaily eole into dillerent rucea.
|/ Je we|, ||e ma/:|/a|e /n ||/:
ca:e, oee//n ||/oa| a oeJ/oom
u/nJou |o c|ec/ u|e||e/ ||e oo|/ce
coa|J ac|aa||, |a.e :een |/o/e::o/
||ac//n anJ |/ |e:a/ |a./n :ex.
|/o/e::o/ ||ac//n anJ |/ |e:a/
ue/e /o/ceJ |o em//a|e |o |//|a/n,
a/|e/ oe/n /oanJ a/||, anJe/ ||e
|mmo/a|/|, 4c|. J||e/: ue/e no| :o
|ac/,, anJ :oen| |/me /n o//:on.
when one looka ut the long liat ol uurtheid luwa thut dominutea u wull in the Aurtheid
Vuaeum, it ia u aombre reminder ol juat how muny luwa were uaaed to enaure the
aeurution ol the rucea. ln thia book, we look ut aome ol theae luwa und the imuct thut
they hud on the livea ol ordinury bluck South Alricuna.
The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act, No 55 of 1949
Jhia luw rohibited murriuge between whitea und eole ol other rucea.
The Immorality Amendment Act, No 21 of 1950
Sexuul relutiona between bluck und white South Alricuna were lorbidden. Jo enlorce
thia Act, olice ruided houaea und broke into bedrooma to hotogruh coulea breuking
the luw. Jhe Aurtheid Vuaeum hua recorded the wuy in which the olice huruaaed one
urticulur coule, Proleaaor 8lucking und Lr Leaui.
4Jao|eJ //om ~part|e|d:
|e L|g|ter S|de o,
|. |ac|ennan, |ame|eon
|/e::, aoe !oun, 1990, o. 20.
|e |up|euentat|on ol apart|e|d | 46
46 | C|apter 2: |e |up|euentat|on ol apart|e|d
Activity 6: Analysing a variety of sources
1. Look ut Source A. whut method did w.P. Stuurt uae to determine aomeone'a ruce`
2. Jhe 'eyelid teat' comea lrom u book culled 4oa/||e/J. !|e |/||e/ S/Je. Jhia
auggeata thut thia aource ia umuaing. Lo you hnd it lunny or not` 0ive reuaona
lor your unawer.
2. Lxluin the meuning ol the heudline in Source 8. (

4. Pow do you think it wua oaaible lor ao muny eole to be recluaaihed into
dillerent ruciul groua in 1979` (

6. why do you think the lutionuliat government thought it wua neceaaury to cluaaily
eole ulong ruciul linea` (

. whut do you think were the ellecta on the livea ol eole who were recluaaihed
in terma ol the Poulution Regiatrution Act` (

0RAuL 9: L0 1, AS 2
0RAuL 11: L0 1, AS 2
February 1980
Political staff
PARllAVl`1 - Vcrc than 150 jccjlc
cnciall, chancd cclcur last ,car.
1hc, wcrc rcclassincd rcm cnc
racc rcuj tc ancthcr b, thc strckc c a
cvcrnmcnt jcn.
1hc Vinistcr c thc lntcricr, Alw,n
Schlcbusch, answcrcd a qucsticn in
Parliamcnt tcda, cn thc numbcr c racial
classincaticns that tcck jlacc in 1979.
A tctal c cnc hundrcd and cnc
cclcurcd jccjlc bccamc whitc.
0nc thincsc bccamc whitc.

1wc whitcs rcccivcd cclcurcd
Six whitcs bccamc thincsc.
1wc whitcs bccamc lndians.
1cn cclcurcd jccjlc bccamc lndians.
1cn Vala,s bccamc lndians.
llcvcn lndians bccamc cclcurcd.
Fcur lndians bccamc Vala,s.
1hrcc cclcurcd jccjlc bccamc
1wc thincsc wcrc rcclassincd as
`c blacks bccamc whitc and nc
whitcs bccamc black.
1979 had at least 150 'chameleons'
Prevention of Illegal Squatting Act, No 52 of 1951
0ne wuy ol deuling with 'awuming' in towna wua to build lurge townahia like Soweto, lur
lrom the white auburba. At the aume time, new migrunta were revented lrom coming to
live ermunently in the towna through tight inllux control meuaurea, auch ua uaaea und
olice checka.
The Group Areas Act, No 41 of 1950
Jhe 0rou Areua Act enlorced reaidentiul aegregution. Jowna und citiea were divided into
ureua, euch reaerved lor one ruce only. All blucka living in ao-culled 'white' ureua were
lorcibly removed to new ureua, aet uaide aolely lor bluck occuution.
Sohiutown wua u lreehold Alricun townahi neur the centre ol Johunneaburg. lt wua
declured u 'white' ureu under the 0rou Areua Act. Liatrict Six, un ureu in the middle
ol Cue Jown with u mixed ruce oulution, wua ulao declured u 'white' ureu under thia
Act. Jhouaunda ol bluck eole were lorcibly removed lrom both theae ureua, cuuaing
enormoua heurtuche und inculculuble loaa.
Source B
Source A
Mrs Gadija Jacobs, a former resident, talks about how it felt to be removed from District Six
in the 1970s:
Jooo, Jon| |a|/ aooa| ||e /oao 4/ea: 4c|, o|ea:e Jon| |a|/ aooa| /| |o me. | u/|| c/,
a|| o.e/ aa/n. !|e/e: u|en ||e |/oao|e :|a/|eJ . w|en ||e, c|ac/eJ a: oa| o/ aoe
!oun. |, u|o|e |//e came c|aneJ! w|a| ||e, |oo/ aua, ||e, can ne.e/ /.e oac/ |o
a:! || uon| ne.e/ oe ||e :ame aa/n . | canno| exo|a/n |ou /| ua: u|en | mo.eJ oa|
o/ aoe !oun anJ | came |o |anenoe/ . Jooo m, oJ, m, u|o|e |//e ua: |amo|/n
Joun! | coa|Jn| :ee m, |//e /n ||/: /au |oun:|/o! oa /nou, /a/ aua, //om /am/|,. 4||
||e ne/|ooa/: ue/e :|/ane/:. !|a| ua: ||e |a/Je:| oa/| o/ m, |//e, oe|/e.e me .
!|e, Je:|/o,eJ a:, ||e, maJe oa/ c|/|J/en /a//an:.
|n ||e 190:, ||e ./o/an| //ee|o|J |oun:|/o o/ Soo|/a|oun ua: Je:|/o,eJ. !|e /emo.a| |/ac/: a///.eJ ea/|,
/n ||e mo/n/n anJ |oo/ ||e /e:/Jen|: |o |eaJou|anJ: /n Soue|o. |n /|: o|ace, a neu u|/|e :aoa/o ua: oa/||.
|| ua: ca||eJ !//om/ |//amo|!
|e lat|ves w||| be taug|t
lrou c|||d|ood to rea||ze t|at
eoua||ty w|t| Luropeans |s not
lor t|eu. |ere |s no p|ace lor
t|e 8antu c|||d above t|e |eve|
ol certa|n lorus ol |abour.
|n 198, |/ .|. \e/uoe/J, u|o ua: ||e |/n/:|e/
o/ |a|/.e 4//a//: a| ||e |/me, Jec|a/eJ ||a| 4///can
eJaca|/on :|oa|J oe /n/e//o/ |o ||a| o/ o||e/ /ace: anJ
||a| 4///can: :|oa|J oe eJaca|eJ on|, /a/ enoa| /o/
||em |o oe a:e/a| |aooa/e/:.
The Bantu Education Act, No 47 of 1953
Jhia Act wua meunt to rovide muaa educution to Alricuna. 0ne uroae wua to tuke the
oll the atreeta und diaciline them. Another wua to truin Alricuna to do unakilled
|e |up|euentat|on ol apart|e|d| 47
New words
t|e teru used
to descr|be young ~lr|can
8antu s|up|y ueans
peop|e |n uany ~lr|can
|anguages. |e lat|ona||st
governuent used t||s teru
|n t|e 1960s and 1960s to
reler to ~lr|cans. lt caue to
be regarded as an |nsu|t|ng
48 | C|apter 2: |e |up|euentat|on ol apart|e|d
|e/ cao/|a :oenJ/n on eJaca|/on //om 190 |o 1980.
Activity 7: Analysing a graph of government spending on education
1. which oulution grou received the leuat money lor educution in the yeura
196u to 198u`
2. 'Per cuitu' meuna er heud or er eraon. ln 19u, how much did the
government aend on educution er uil il the uil wua white, Alricun,
coloured or lndiun`
2. whut doea thia gruh tell you ubout trenda in government aending on
educution lrom 196u to 198u`
4. whut doea thia gruh und verwoerd'a quote tell you ubout the government'a
uttitude towurda educution lor Alricuna in South Alricu` Provide evidence lrom
theae aourcea to buck u your unawer. (

6. why did the government huve thia uttitude towurda Alricun educution` (

. whut do you think the imuct ol the government'a unequul aending on
educution lor dillerent rucea hua been on develoment in South Alricu` (

0RAuL 9: L0 1, AS 2
0RAuL 11: L0 2, AS 1
The Reservation of Separate Amenities Act, No 49 of 1953
8luck und white eole were lorced by luw to uae aeurute ublic lucilitiea, auch ua urka,
beuchea, entruncea to buildinga, oat ollicea, buaea und ublic toileta. ln theory, theae
lucilitiea were meunt to be equul but in ructice they hurdly ever were. Jhia olicy cuuaed
u greut deul ol unger umongat the mujority ol South Alricuna. Jhia wua ruciam with u very
ublic luce, und it wua exerienced on u duily buaia.
~ cartoon |s a draw|ng t|at ua|es a part|cu|ar po|nt, olten by us|ng |uuour or satlre.
~ po||t|ca| cartoon usua||y ||g|||g|ts an absurd|ty or ua|es lun ol or cr|t|c|zes a
persona||ty or |ssue t|at |s current|y |n t|e news.
Skills development: how to analyse cartoons
Ste 1: P|ace the cartoon ln lts hlstorlca| context
ldent|ly t|e event t|at t|e cartoon |s about. |e lo||ow|ng ouest|ons w||| |e|p you to
do t||s.
o w|at ||stor|ca| event does t|e cartoon reler
w|en d|d t|e event ta|e p|ace (|e date ol t|e cartoon w||| |e|p you to answer
t||s ouest|on.)
w|ere was t|e cartoon pub||s|ed
Ste 2: ldentlly and ex|aln lmortant e|ements ln the cartoon, such as:
|e peop|e |n t|e cartoon, and w|o t|ey represent
~ny syubo|s or ob[ects w||c| uay appear |n t|e cartoon
|e act|on t|at |s s|own |n t|e cartoon
|e capt|on ol t|e cartoon, |l t|ere |s one.
Ste 3: ldentlly the message ol the cartoon
o do t||s, you need to |oo| at t|e cartoon|st's use ol |uuour.
lt |s |uportant to reueuber t|at a cartoon|st usua||y ua|es lun ol or cr|t|c|zes an
|ssue. ~ cartoon |s not a neutra| or ob[ect|ve representat|on ol an |ssue.
...Skills development: how to analyse cartoons (continued)
New words
satlre t|e use ol b|t|ng
|uuour to s|ow t|e
negat|ve s|de ol a s|tuat|on
Activity 8: Analysing a political cartoon
Anulyae the curtoon below by unawering theae queationa. Jo do ao, lollow the lour
atea outlined in the akilla aection on ou |o ana|,:e a ca/|oon.
0RAuL 9: L0 1, AS 2
0RAuL 11: L0 1, AS 4
1. whut event or iaaue inaired the curtoon`
2. whut eriod ol hiatory doea the curtoon reuect`
2. who ure the eole in the curtoon` who or whut do they rereaent`
4. whut other elementa ure there in the curtoon, und how do they uid our
6. whut ia the meaauge ol thia curtoon` (

. Pow hua Abe 8erry uaed humour to get thia meaauge ucroaa` (

a/|oon o, 4oe |e//,, 19.
|e |up|euentat|on ol apart|e|d | 49
60 | C|apter 2: |e |up|euentat|on ol apart|e|d
The Natives Abolition of Passes and Co-ordination of Documents Act of 1952
Jhe movement ol Alricuna into ao-culled white ureua wua atrictly controlled through the
uaa luwa. 0nder thia new luw, ull revioua ermita und uaaea were combined into u
aingle relerence book - the - which ull Alricun men hud to curry. ln 196, Alricun
women were ulao lorced to curry uaaea
0ontent: whut wua uurtheid und
how did it ullect eole'a livea`
0ontent: Pow did uurtheid
entrench ideua ol ruce`
0ne ol the inatullutiona in the Aurtheid Vuaeum ia u hotogruhic exhibition ol the work
ol Lrneat Cole, u bluck hotogruher who told the atory ol the hurdahia und humiIiation
ol blucka living under uurtheid in the 19ua. Alter exeriencing olice huruaament, Cole
went into exile. Pia hotogruha were ubliahed in Americu in hia book louso ot 0onJago
which wua immediutely bunned in uurtheid South Alricu.
while the outaide world wua lortunute enough to aee aome ol hia owerlul imugea, thia
exhibition ut the Aurtheid Vuaeum rovidea South Alricuna with the lirat oortunity to
aee hia work.
|/ne:| o|e |//eJ |o con.e, ||e |a/:|ne:: o/
||e oa:: |au:, oo|| ||/oa| |/: o|o|o/ao|: anJ
|/: uo/J:. e :a/J. |n 194, :ome 2 200 000
c//me: ue/e /eoo/|eJ /n Soa|| 4///ca. Jne ||//J
o/ ||e:e ue/e no| c//me: /n an, mo/a| :en:e, oa|
c//me: ||a| on|, a o|ac/ oe/:on coa|J comm/| o,
oe/n /n ||e u/on o|ace, a| ||e u/on |/me, u/||
||e u/on oaoe/:.
!|/: o|o|o/ao| o/ m/ne/: anJe/o/n a
meJ/ca| exam/na|/on |/||/||: ||e |o//o/: o/ ||e
m//an| |aooa/ :,:|em. |/ne:| o|e cao|a/e: ||e
|am/|/a|/n exoe//ence o/ aJa|| men, :|anJ/n
na/eJ, anJ oe/n :ao;ec|eJ |o /n:oec|/on, /a||e/
|//e ca|||e a| an aac|/on.
w|en a /o/ceJ /emo.a| |oo/ o|ace, ||e
/e:/Jen|: ue/e o/Je/eJ oa| o/ ||e// |ome:,
||e// oe|on/n: o/|eJ on ||e oa.emen|:,
anJ ||e oa||Joe/: mo.eJ /n, Je:|/o,/n ||e
|oun:|/o u/||/n m/na|e:. |/ne:| o|e |/m:e|/
exoe//enceJ ||e oa/n o/ /o/ceJ /emo.a|.
4n /n/an| :a//e//n //om aJ.anceJ
ma|na|//|/on. |//e one /n e.e/, /oa/ 4///can
c|/|J/en /n Soa|| 4///ca /n ||e 190:, |e J/eJ
oe/o/e |/: //:| o//||Ja,. 4oa/||e/J c/ea|eJ an
aneaaa| :oc/e|,, /n u|/c| mo:| 4///can: |/.eJ
|/.e: o/ oo.e/|, anJ |a/J:|/o.
Activity 9: Designing an exhibition poster
lmugine thut the Aurtheid Vuaeum ia holding un exhibition ol hotogruha culled
"Aurtheid through the Iena". ou huve been invited by the Aurtheid Vuaeum to
deaign u oater to udvertiae thia exhibition. our oater ahould contuin the nume
ol the exhibition und u aingle hotogruhic imuge, which you think owerlully
cuturea the meuning und imuct ol uurtheid.
1. Leaign the oater lor the hotogruhic exhibition.
whut hotogruh would you uae lor the oater` ll you ure unuble to muke u coy
ol the hotogruh, you muy deacribe the hotogruh thut you would uae. ou
muy chooae uny hotogruh lrom thia book or uny other auituble hotogruh
you cun hnd.
2. write u lew linea to exluin und juatily why you huve choaen thia urticulur
hotogruh lor your oater.
0RAuL 9: L0 1, AS 2
0RAuL 11: L0 2, AS 4
New words
huml|latlon |n[ur|ng
t|e d|gn|ty and pr|de ol
|ens |n t||s |nstance,
|t ueans a cauera. ~
|ens |s t|e part ol t|e
cauera t|roug| w||c| t|e
p|otograp|er locuses on
t|e sect|on ol t|e |uage to
be p|otograp|ed.
|e p|otograp|s ol Lrnest Co|e | 61
62 | C|apter 2: |e |up|euentat|on ol apart|e|d
Lr P.l. verwoerd wua the rime miniater ol South Alricu lrom 1968 until 19, when he
wua uaauaainuted. verwoerd wua reaonaible lor lurther relining the olicy ol uurtheid
into whut he culled 'aeurute develoment'.
ln 1969, the Promotion ol 8untu Sell-0overnment Act wua uaaed. According to thia
luw, the reaervea which hud been creuted through the 1912 Lund Act, would become
aeurute 'countriea' known ua homelunda or 8untuatuna. Lvery Alricun in South Alricu
would become u 'citizen' ol one ol theae homelunda.
Luch homelund would huve ita own government, which auoaedly guve Alricuna
lull oliticul righta. ln the homelunda, Alricuna would be uble to develo aeurutely und
indeendently lrom whitea. Jen aeurute homelunda were eatubliahed, euch buaed on the
Alricun lunguuge aoken in the ureu.
Why did the government introduce Separate Development?
At the heurt ol the iaaue were the oliticul righta ol Alricuna und the queation ol
democrucy. Jhe white government wunted to convince the world thut South Alricu wua u
democrucy in which everyone hud the right to vote. Jhey exluined thut Alricuna would
huve the right to vote lor their own oliticul leudera in their homelunda, but would huve no
oliticul righta in South Alricu.
8y dividing Alricuna into ten dillerent culturul, oliticul und ethnic groua, the
lutionuliat government could cluim thut there wua no Alricun mujority living in South
Alricu. Voreover, by highlighting the ethnic identitiea ol Alricuna, the government hoed
to creute diviaiona umong them und revent the growth ol u united Alricun nutionuliam
thut could threuten the uurtheid atute.
Jhe homelunda were meunt to become oliticully und economicully indeendent. ln
truth, they never were. Jhe lormer reaervea were underdeveloed, with moatly inlertile
aoil und no induatriea. Peole were unuble to muke u living in the homelunda, und muny
hud to work ua migrunt lubourera in the citiea ol South Alricu.
Forced removals
Jhe government begun to lorce the bluck eole who lived in ao-culled 'white' rurul ureua
to move into the homelunda. Jheir lund wua tuken uwuy lrom them und aold to white
lurmera ut very low ricea. lorced removula wua one ol the moat ahocking und inhumune
uaecta ol the uurtheid ayatem. 8etween 19u und 1994 over three und u hull million
eole were deliberutely urooted lrom their homea und their livelihooda, und lunged
into overty und hoeleaaneaa in the burren 8untuatuna.
0ontent: Livide und rule: the role
ol the homelunda
0ontent: Pow lur wua uurtheid
in South Alricu urt ol neo-
coloniuliam in the oat
world wur Jwo world`
Content: Pow did uurtheid
entrench ideua ol ruce`
|.. |o||a, |/n/:|e/ o/ |an|a 4//a//: anJ
4Jm/n/:|/a|/on /n ||e 190:.
ln t|e|r |oue|ands t|ere are ueasure|ess
and ||u|t|ess opportun|t|es lor t|e 8antu.
Source A
Source B
!|e |oun:|/o o/ Sc|m/J|:J///|, nea/ |/moe/|e,, |oa:eJ 7 000 4///can: /n |e///|o/, ||a|
|aJ oeen |ea||, :e| a:/Je /o/ 4///can:. |a| /| ua: /n ||e m/JJ|e o/ |a/ooean |anJ, :o /n
198 o//c/a|: anJ oo|/ce |oaJeJ mo:| o/ ||e 4///can: /n|o |o///e: anJ J/o.e ||em aua,
|o an 4///can /e:e/.e nea/ |a/aman on ||e eJe o/ ||e |a|a|a// |e:e/|. !|e a/ea ua:
|o|a||, an:a/|ao|e /o/ c/oo: o/ /a/n oecaa:e o/ /|: |ou /a/n/a||. |eoo|e a///.eJ /n ||e
a/ea |oo//n /a//|, /|, oa| ue/e :oon :|a/./n. Se.e/a| |anJ/eJ J/eJ.
Activity 10: Analysing a map
1. ldentily the numea ol the ten dillerent homelunda und where euch wua locuted.
2. ln which homelunda do you think the Jawunu eole, the Lulu eole und the
ldebele eole lived`
2. why do you think the government creuted the homelunda ulong ethnic linea` (

4. leurly ull the homelunda were lur uwuy lrom the mujor urbun ureua in South
Alricu. whut do you think the imuct ol thia wua` (

6. Lo you think thut the lutionuliat government aucceeded in turning South Alricu
into un 'ull-white' country by creuting the homelunda` Lxluin your unawer. (

0RAuL 9: L0 1, AS 2
0RAuL 11: L0 1, AS 2
4Jao|eJ //om L|v|de and lu|e: lace le|at|ons |n Sout| ~lr|ca 1928-1977, |. |/|J:, |ac|/||an, 1990, o. 9.
!|/: /: a /e:e|||emen|
a/ea /n ||e /:/e/. !|e
on|, /ac/|/|/e: ||a| ||e
o.e/nmen| o/o./JeJ
ue/e |o/|e|:.
Source C
|e creat|on ol t|e 8antusans | 62

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