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Emma Webb March 8, 2014 Dr.

Mohammed Hassen Ali History 1112 The Philadel hia Police De artment and M!"E# A History o$ "iolence %ormed in 1&81, the Philadel hia Police De artment 'PPD( is the oldest m)nici al olice de artment in the *nited +tates, it additionally is the si-th lar.est in the nation, c)rrently em loyin. /,/4/ o$$icers 0ith a 1)risdiction incl)din. 1)st )nder 1.2 million eo le. 3ncl)din. s ecial )nits s)ch as the nation4s $irst militari5ed + ecial Wea ons and Tactics '+WAT( teams and a 678 s9)ad, the Philadel hia Police De artment is one stee ed in history, in $act, in its ori.ins as :;o<ernor E<ans4s Militia= it 0as headed by the son o$ the Pennsyl<ania colony4s <ery $o)nder, William Penn '+ ro.le 2(. Tho).h the Philadel hia Police De artment4s motto has been :Honor, +er<ice, 3nte.rity= $or many decades, the PPD has $ailed decisi<ely in li<in. ) to s)ch a creed in the t0entieth and t0enty7$irst cent)ries, as e-em li$ied thro).h a n)mber o$ artic)larly heino)s and in$amo)s incidents o$ br)tality, one most rominently bein. their 1882 bombin. o$ the ro0 ho)se head9)arters o$ M!"E, a blac>7liberation and animal ri.hts acti<ist .ro) . The Philadel hia Police De artment4s modern history o$ racial <iolence can be cited as be.innin. 0ith the 18/& olice riot $ollo0in. a demonstration by the st)dent7o erated ?entral ?oordinatin. ?ommittee and +t)dent Action ?ommittees. The ??? and +A? lanned the assembly as a demonstration in $a<or o$ better schools $or Philadel hia4s A$rican7American st)dents as 0ell as in o osition to the c)rrent ractice o$ $orced <ocational trainin. and

:trac>in.=77 a method o$ se aratin. st)dents based on academic ability, a rocess that e$$ecti<ely ser<ed to se.re.ate lo07income and racial minority st)dents $rom 0hite st)dents o$ hi.her

socioeconomic stat)s 0hile additionally assi.nin. these mar.inali5ed .ro) s teachers 0ith least e- erience 'Hallinan(. !n the mornin. o$ @o<ember 1&, 18/& nearly A,200 st)dents o$ local )blic hi.h schools and colle.es eace$)lly le$t class in order to con.re.ate on the .ro)nds o$ the Philadel hia Board o$ Ed)cation b)ildin., in $act, many local hi.h school administrators in<ited the st)dents o<er intercom to 0al> o)t in order to attend the demonstration '+i.mond(. Demonstrators 0ere instr)cted by the e<ent4s or.ani5ers to remain calm and march eace$)lly, as the Board o$ Ed)cation sa0 that the st)dents osed no threat and the demonstration 0as roceedin. 0itho)t incident, they recommended that the Philadel hia Police De artment send no o$$icers to the scene. The PDD and the school district a.reed that only )narmed ci<il disobedience o$$icers 0o)ld be laced on the scene, this com romise held only )ntil an ho)r a$ter the demonstration4s start, a$ter 0hich se<eral b)ses $illed 0ith nearly 400 )ni$ormed riot o$$icers assembled in $ront o$ the rotesters. Tho).h the demonstration4s leaders contin)ed to instr)ct the con.re.ation to remain eace$)l, ) on reachin. the line o$ h)ndreds o$ o$$icers at the b)ildin.4s $ront, t0o rotesters 0ere re orted to ha<e climbed onto the roo$ o$ a olice cr)iser and 0ere 9)ic>ly and $orce$)lly arrested. At this oint in the stri$e, the ?ommissioner o$ the Philadel hia Police De artment, %ran> Ci55o, 0as 9)oted by many 0itnesses as ha<in. told his olice $orce to :.et their blac> asses= 'Whitehorne(. The <iolence 0hich ens)ed a$ter Ci55o4s call to arms res)lted in 2& arrests in addition to 22 serio)s in1)ries, all re9)irin. hos itali5ation '?o)ntryman 822782&(. Bio.ra her Terry Bisson described the br)tality o$ the riot th)s# :3mmediately an army o$ co s char.ed into the cro0d, ni.htstic>s s0in.in.. +oon the streets 0ere echoin. 0ith the ni.htmarish th0ac> o$ oa> cl)bs on yo)n. s>)lls, and the .)tters 0ere s attered 0ith blood. ;irlD BoyD 3t didn4t matter to the men in bl)e. They 0ere 1)st >ids, tr)e. B)t they 0ere blac> and they 0ere o)tta line.= 'Hed.eho.( Prominent Philadel hia 1)d.e said o$ the incident, :The mere dis lay o$ br)te $orce

0ith A007400 armed olice encirclin. yo)n.sters E easily e-cited school children E 0ill itsel$ ca)se the e- losion that occ)rred %riday a$ternoon.= '+i.mond( Des ite a m)ltit)de o$ calls 0ithin the A$rican7American comm)nity $or ?ommissioner Ci55o4s resi.nation a$ter the riot, Ci55o 0ent on to ser<e t0o terms as mayor o$ the redominantly 0hite Philadel hia. The close o$ the 18/04s bro).ht the be.innin. o$ the Philadel hia Police De artment4s <iolent in<ol<ement 0ith the Blac> Panther Party, a blac> socialist or.ani5ation $o)nded by acti<ists H)ey @e0ton and Bobby +eale. %or many years the Panthers maintained an acti<e cha ter in Philadel hia, ho0e<er, d)rin. ?ommissioner Ci55o4s last s)mmer in o$$ice, a 0ell )blici5ed raid by the PPD too> lace in res onse to the Panthers4 call in the )nder.ro)nd ne0s a er The F)ic>sil<er Times $or a con<ention to :0rite a ne0 constit)tion that 0ill .)arantee and deli<er to e<ery American citi5en the in<iolable h)man ri.ht to li$e, liberty, and the )rs)it o$ ha inessG= The messa.e $)rther delineated the need to :to rise ) , re )diate, and restrain the $orces o$ $ascism that are no0 ram ant in the land and 0hich are the only real obstacles standin. bet0een )s and a national resol)tion o$ the national crisis.= '%eldman( The +at)rday recedin. the con<ention sa0 the ince tion o$ the 0ee>end4s <iolence# a oliceman 0as shot and >illed in the %airmont Par> .)ardho)se. ?ommissioner Ci55o sei5ed this o ort)nity to raid three Blac> Panther Party o$$ices in the city. !n A).)st A1, 18&0, the

Monday $ollo0in. the +at)rday m)rder, hea<ily armed olice stormed the Panther o$$ices on ?ol)mbia A<en)e, F)een Hane, and Wallace +treet. Photos o$ the raid as 0ell as stories o$ the ens)in. h)miliation 0ere broadcast aro)nd the 0orld, one hoto de icted do5ens o$ acti<ists bein. $orced to stri to their )nder0ear 0hile another sho0ed the o$$icers holdin. the men at .)n oint 0hile they $aced a0ay, na>ed. Hocal Blac> Panther Party or.ani5er Ce..ie +chell remembers the e<ent# IEach co too> an indi<id)al Panther and laced their istol ) the bac> o$ o)r nec> and told )s to 0al> do0n the street bac>0ard. They told )s i$ 0e st)mble or $all theyJre

.onna >ill )s. Then they lined )s ) a.ainst a 0all and a co 0ith a .42 Ks)bmachine .)nL 0o)ld $ire o<er o)r heads so the bric>s started $allin. do0n. Most o$ )s had been in bed, and they ri ed the .oddamned clothes o$$ e<eryone, 0omen and men. They had the .)n, theyJd 1)st snatch yo)r ants do0n and they too> ict)res o$ )s li>e that. Then they )t )s in a 0a.on and too> )s to the olice station.= 'Tem le *ni<ersity( The incident res)lted in $i$teen arrested Panthers, each o$ 0hose bail 0as set at a ro-imately M2,000, an amo)nt that in 2014 0o)ld e9)al aro)nd MA0,14A $or each detainee. !ne year a$ter the raids on the Blac> Panther Party by ?ommissioner Ci55o and the Philadel hia Police De artment, a ne0 .ro) o$ acti<ists $ormed# the M!"E !r.ani5ation 0as $o)nded by Nohn A$rica as a blac> liberation and :bac>7to7nat)re= animal ri.hts ad<ocacy .ro) based in Philadel hia. The .ro) 4s belie$s 0ere based in eace$)l anti7.o<ernment and anti7 technolo.y sentiment, many members adhered to a <e.an diet, li<ed comm)nally, and, li>e the .ro) 4s $o)nder, ado ted :A$rica= as their s)rname 'Associated Press(. +hared e9)ally amon. members, the .ro) 4s money 0as made rimarily thro).h cho in. $ire0ood, 0al>in. do.s, and

0ashin. cars. The .ro) o$ten demonstrated in $ront o$ et stores and 5oos, members additionally chose to $ore.o ty ical middle7class styles o$ dress and almost all 0ore their hair in dreadloc>s. The .ro) also $ailed contin)o)sly to ay their )tility bills 'Wa.ner7Paci$ici 1A714(. The Philadel hia Police De artment <ie0ed the .ro) as not only radical b)t an acti<e threat to the city, relations bet0een the .ro) s had been ten)o)s since the M!"E !r.ani5ation4s creation in 18&2, as the PPD o$ten recei<ed com laints $rom residents li<in. in ro-imity to the or.ani5ation4s then7home in Po0elton "illa.e, mostly ertainin. to no-io)s smells emanatin. $rom the .ro) 4s com ost iles as 0ell as the rats li<in. therein 'Time(. Celations bet0een M!"E and the Philadel hia Police De artment came to their $irst head in 18&8 0hen the M!"E !r.ani5ation re$)sed to ac>no0led.e a co)rt order to <acate the

ro erty, this a.reement had come a$ter the PPD bloc>aded the .ro) 4s home $or 2/ days in an attem t to star<e the residents o)t o$ the ho)se, a$ter 0hich M!"E res onded by broadcastin. the cries o$ members4 in$ant children thro).h a b)llhorn '"an @ess(. !n A).)st 8 0hen the 80 day eriod M!"E had been .i<en to <acate the remises had been e- ended, t0el<e ad)lts and ele<en children remained in the Po0elton "illa.e home. A$ter their arrest 0as demanded by a local 1)d.e, A00 olice o$$icers, incl)din. armored <ehicles, mo)nted olice )nits, attac> do.s, and a b)lldo5er and 0rec>in. ball 0ere sent to the scene by the Philadel hia Police De artment '+nyder(. A$ter bein. )nable to reach M!"E members hidin. in the basement, a $ire tr)c>4s del).e .)n 0as )ns)ccess$)lly )tili5ed in an attem t to $lood o)t the remainin. acti<ists. +oon a smaller team o$ olice 0as sent into the b)ildin. and a short e-chan.e o$ .)n$ire er) ted bet0een the t0o .ro) s in 0hich si- 0ere in1)red and one olice o$$icer 0as >illed. M)ch contro<ersy ens)ed $rom this death, nine M!"E !r.ani5ation members 0ere char.ed and con<icted o$ third de.ree m)rder des ite the crime scene ha<in. been immediately b)rned a$ter the incident. A4 years a$ter the con<iction o$ the :M!"E @ine= as they came to be >no0n, M!"E !r.ani5ation s o>es erson Camona A$rica s o>e o$ o$$icer Names Cam 4s death# :3$ o$$icials really belie<ed M!"E >illed Cam , they 0o)ldn4t ha<e demolished the scene o$ the crime O b)t they demolished it 0ithin ho)rs. There sho)ld ne<er ha<e e<en been a trial once Kthe cityL demolished the scene O that4s destroyin. e<idence, lea<in. M!"E 0ith no 0ay to ade9)ately de$end itsel$.= A$rica $)rther de$ended the detainees, sayin., :A$ter the trial, KN)d.eL Malmed con<icted nine o$ my $amily members o$ third de.ree m)rder and cons iracy, and that is a contradiction. 3$ he4s sayin. they cons ired to >ill a co , 0o)ldn4t that be $irst de.ree and not thirdD There are n)mero)s inconsistencies here that clari$y that my $amily 0as con<icted and sentenced to A0 to 100 years, not beca)se they committed any crime or any o$$icials belie<e they did, b)t beca)se they are M!"E eo le and committed re<ol)tionaries.= 'Williams(

The <iolence o$ the e<ents o$ A).)st 8, 18&8 did not end 0ith the death o$ o$$icer Names Cam , instead, t0o M!"E members, both o$ 0hom had s)rrendered to the olice, 0ere beaten br)tally in $)ll <ie0 o$ the ress. Pict)res released in the media the $ollo0in. day de icted M!"E leader Delbert !rr A$rica held at .)n oint as an o$$icer assa)lted him 0ith a olice helmet. Tho).h o$$icial re orts by the olice described the M!"E members to be )nharmed, Pennsyl<ania Ce resentati<e Da<id Cichardson described t0o o$ the hos itali5ed M!"E leaders as ha<in. $ract)red collarbones, :s) orti<e banda.es on their testicles and enes=, and re orted

their eyes to ha<e been hemorrha.in. blood '+nyder(. To )nderstand the <iolence o$ these e<ents, one m)st $irst )nderstand their conte-t and the $ra.ility o$ race relations in 18&04s Philadel hia, $ormer Police ?ommissioner %ran> Ci55o, in$amo)s to some and la)ded by others $or his role in the 18/& st)dent riots as 0ell as the $orce$)l raid on the Blac> Panther Party in 18&0, had by 18&8 been elected on a la07and7order lat$orm to a ne0 role as Philadel hia4s a)thoritarian mayor. The e<ents o$ A).)st 8, accordin. to the Philadel hia Trib)ne, le$t :the city on the <er.e o$ e- lodin.= '+nyder(. 3n $act, 0ithin days o$ the destr)ction o$ M!"E4s Po0elton "illa.e head9)arters, a demonstration o$ tho)sands 0as held in do0nto0n Philadel hia, at 0hich rotesters chanted, :We4re all $ired ) G We ain4t .oin. to ta>e it no moreG= The M!"E raid ser<ed to )nderline the ad<ancin. tide o$ o)tra.e o<er its other ca)ses o$ racial tensions, amon. them bein. 0hite o osition to the constr)ction o$

)blic ho)sin. in traditionally and redominantly 0hite nei.hborhoods as 0ell as the )sh $or dese.re.ation o$ schools. The Philadel hia Police De artment4s sie.e o$ the M!"E !r.ani5ation4s home .a<e citi5ens a oi.nant reminder o$ the c)lt)re o$ olice br)tality o$ 0hich most Philadel hia residents 0ere already $)lly a0are. 3n $act, Dean +nyder o$ rominent ?hica.o eriodical The ?hristian ?ent)ry in +e tember, 18&8 called olice br)tality :a $act o$ li$e in Philadel hia,= and re orted that a Philadel hia olice o$$icer described the olice de artment4s

c)lt)re o$ racial <iolence as s)ch# :3$ yo) bro).ht a ni..er to the station )nbr)ised, yo)4d better ha<e a damn .ood reason 0hy77and that4s 1)st the 0ay it4s al0ays been.= '+nyder( A$ter the destr)ction o$ M!"E4s Po0elton "illa.e home, the remainin. members <acated to a ne0 location on !sa.e A<en)e in the traditionally blac> ?obbs ?ree> nei.hborhood o$ West Philadel hia. 3t 0as at this site that in 1882 the city o$ Philadel hia too> )n recedented action a.ainst its citi5ens. !n the a$ternoon o$ May 1A, a helico ter ho<ered abo<e the !sa.e A<en)e ro0 ho)se occ) ied by M!"E. Democracy @o0G re orter N)an ;on5ale5, then a 1o)rnalist 0ith the Philadel hia Daily @e0s, describes his $irst hand acco)nt# :K%ello0 re orterL Hinn Washin.ton and 3 sa0 the helico ter ho<erin. o<erhead, b)t 0e didn4t )nderstand 0hat it 0as ) to that oint. We t)rned aro)nd, 0hen all o$ a s)dden the e- losion .oes o$$.= 'Democracy @o0( The olice helico ter, iloted by the PPD4s chie$ o$ bomb dis osal, %ran> Po0ell, carried t0o o)nds o$ military 0ater7based ?4 e- losi<es destined $or the roo$ o$ the M!"E !r.ani5ation4s home, e- losi<es 0hich the PPD 0o)ld ha<e to ha<e ac9)ired thro).h the %ederal B)rea) o$ 3n<esti.ation. The e- losion 0hich $ollo0ed the 42 second $)se 0as described by a resident o$ an ad1acent street, sayin., :The blast didn4t 1)st sha>e the 0indo0s, it shoo> o)r entire ho)se.= 'Tri ett( E<ac)ated !sa.e A<en)e residents 0atched as a $ire er) ted and be.an to en.)l$ the ho)se, sendin. thic> blac> smo>e into the s>y. 3t 0as not )ntil midni.ht that the $lames 0ere )t o)t, des ite there ha<in. been $ire$i.hters at the scene since the start o$ the $ire aro)nd $i<e o4cloc>. Camona A$rica, sole ad)lt s)r<i<or o$ the bombin. described her e- erience $rom inside the M!"E head9)arters#
After being attacked the way we were, first with four deluge hoses by the fire department and then tons of tear gas, and then being shot at the police admit to shooting over 10,000 rounds of bullets at us in the first ninety minutes there was a lull. You know, it was uiet for a little bit. And then, without any warning at all, two members of the !hiladelphia !olice "epartment#s bomb

s uad got in a !ennsylvania state police helicopter and flew over our home and dropped a satchel containing $%, a powerful military e&plosive that no municipal police department has. 'ot long after that, it got very, very hot in the house, and the smoke was getting thicker. At first we thought it was tear gas. (ut as it got thicker, it became clear that this wasn#t tear gas, that this was something else. And then we could hear the trees outside of our house crackling and reali)ed that our home was on fire. And we immediately tried to get our children, our animals, our dogs and cats, and ourselves out of that bla)ing inferno. *he adults were hollering out that we#re coming out, we#re bringing the children out. *he children were hollering that they were coming out, that we were bringing them out. And we know that the police heard us. (ut the instant, the very instant, that we were visible to them, you know, trying to come out, they immediately opened fire. +e were met with a barrage of police gunfire. And you could see it hitting all around us, all around the house. And it forced us back into that bla)ing inferno, several times. And finally, you know, you#re in a position where either you choke to death and burn alive or you possibly are shot to death., -"emocracy 'ow.

The 1882 bombin. res)lted in ele<en deaths, $i<e o$ 0hich 0ere children, as 0ell as the destr)ction o$ /1 ho)ses, ei.ht million dollars in dama.es 'today abo)t 1&.4 million(, and 240 ne0 homeless Philadel hians. 'Tri ett( Today, nearly thirty years later, the bloc> that b)rned in the bombin. remains mostly destroyed, 0ith many homes still boarded ) , des ite the city4s shoddy e$$orts to reb)ild the no07condemned nei.hborhood. 'Moore( !n the day o$ the bombin.4s t0enty7$i$th anni<ersary, $rom his death ro0 broadcast, Philadel hia resident and M!"E s) orter M)mia Ab)7Namal described the bombin.4s lon.7standin. im act on the city#
/ore than /012 members died. *he city died, too. 3ts politicians died, its media died, its courts died, and its churches and houses of worship died, for they ceased to function, and they served power and money. 3n a very real sense, the city massacred itself, for one#s faith in such institutions died. *hey became empty, hollow and dead, but for the shell. /ay 14th, 1567 is a day that shall live in infamy, but for far more reasons than the obvious. 3t was the death knell of a system committing suicide., -Abu89amal.

Tho).h $e0 0o)ld ar.)e a <alid 1)sti$ication e-ists $or the Philadel hia Police De artment4s actions on May 1A, 1882, reasons resented $or the decision to con$ront the or.ani5ation on this date incl)de the constant com laints by !sa.e A<en)e residents o$ noise $rom the M!"E !r.ani5ation4s home, incl)din. ro$ane messa.es bein. broadcast o<er b)llhorns and the contin)ed c)lti<ation o$ rat o )lations thro).h the members4 )se o$ lar.e, artially $eces7based com ost iles. +)r<i<or Camona A$rica, ho0e<er, osits another acco)nt o$ the PPD4s decision#
*he first thing 3 want people to understand is that that bombing did not happen because of some complaints from neighbors. *his government had never cared about black folks complaining about their neighbors or any other people complaining about their neighbors. *hey bombed us because of our unrelenting fight for our family members, known as the /012 5, who have been in prison un:ustly going on thirty8two years now, as a result of the August 6th, 15;6 police attack on /012., -"emocracy 'ow.

Des ite the 0a<e o$ )blic o)tcry 0hich $ollo0ed the M!"E bombin., the Philadel hia Police De artment4s history o$ miscond)ct and <iolence did not concl)de itsel$ in the t0entieth cent)ry, nor in the 18804s. 3n 1881 an o$$icer4s assa)lt on M)mia Ab)7Namal4s brother res)lted in his 0ell7 )blici5ed arrest $or the alle.ed m)rder o$ PPD o$$icer Daniel %a)l>ner des ite ballistic e<idence to the contrary and a $o)rth erson on the scene ha<in. been identi$ied as the shooter 'W!+BA( '%ernande5( '%ernande5(. Celatedly, in the early nineties an e-tensi<e corr) tion scandal er) ted 0ithin a @orth Philadel hia olice district 0hich led to the con<iction o$ si- Philadel hia olice o$$icers and in<esti.ation by international non7 ro$it @;! H)man Ci.hts Watch. Amon. the in<esti.ated ab)ses 0ere )nre orted and ille.al raids, $alse arrests, $or.ed olice re orts, and the robbery and assa)lt o$ s)s ects 'Toland(. Poi.nantly, an %B3 o$$icial in<ol<ed in the case stated, :@o oneJs tal>in.. And e<en i$ they do, the history o$ these

>inds o$ scandals is that co s .o ri.ht bac> to actin. as they al0ays ha<e 0hen the d)st settles.= '6ramer( Dist)rbin.ly the Philadel hia Police De artment4s c)lt)re o$ <iolence has seen a re<itali5ation in the t0enty7$irst cent)ry, incidents in only the ast $i<e years ha<e incl)ded the 2008 se-)al assa)lt o$ a Philadel hia 0oman by o$$icers +ean ?ahill and Nose h Har<ey, 0herein the t0o men $orced the 0oman to stri and then mast)rbated onto her '@e0 Por> Daily @e0s(, in 2010, !$$icer Cobert Calston4s claim that t0o A$rican7American teena.ers shot him77a claim 0hich res)lted in a state0ide manh)nt by the PPD +WAT team, 0hile, in $act, he had shot himsel$ 'Br)ns0ic>(, !$$icer 6eith ?orley4s si- se-)al miscond)ct char.es $or the ra e he committed inside his s9)ad car 0hile on d)ty 'Arai5a(, Hie)tenant Nonathan Nosey4s assa)lt on an )narmed P)erto Cican 0oman# Nosey )nched the 0oman in the $ace 0ith s)ch $orce that she $ell to the .ro)nd 0hen Nosey 0as 9)oted by 0itnesses as ha<in. told her, :that4s 0hat yo) .etG= be$ore handc)$$in. her '@e0s !ne(, most recent, ho0e<er, and erha s most heino)s has been the Nan)ary & assa)lt on a si-teen year7old A$rican7American boy, a bas>etball layer on his hi.h school4s team and a strai.ht :A= st)dent. Darin Mannin. 0as on his 0ay to a .ame 0ith his teammates 0hen olice sto ed him. D)rin. a at do0n an o$$icer .rabbed the boy4s testicles

0ith s)ch $orce that they r) t)red. Darin 0as hos itali5ed and re9)ired an emer.ency s)r.ery, ho0e<er, it is he and not the olice o$$icer that is no0 $acin. a $elony assa)lt char.e. !$ the incident, Mannin.4s mother sim ly stated, :34m 1)st .rate$)l that they didn4t 1)st >ill him.= '!4?onnell( While the Philadel hia Police De artment has a )ni9)ely corr) t and <iolent history, the racism and ab)se 0hich they ha<e been com licit in is not isolated nor rare in the *nited +tates, in $act, in the eriod $rom A ril 2008 )ntil N)ne 2010, 288/ cases o$ olice miscond)ct 0ere recorded. !$ these, A8A 0ere lin>ed to $atalities. 2A.A ercent o$ cases in<ol<ed the )se o$

e-cessi<e $orce, 10./ in<ol<ed se-)al miscond)ct. 1A ercent o$ the incidents in 0hich e-cessi<e $orce 0as )sed res)lted in a $atality 'Dantes(. The re<alence o$ olice ab)se and <iolence both in Philadel hia and the *nited +tates as a 0hole in<ites one to re7e-amine the role o$ la0 en$orcement in the co)ntry as 0ell as the modern idea that racism in America e-ists only on an indi<id)al rather than instit)tional basis, to )nderstand the )r ose that la0 en$orcement ser<es one m)st consider 0hether the interests that state la0 en$orcement ser<es are those o$ the eo le or those o$ a 0ealthy 0hite stat)s 9)o. While the Philadel hia Police De artment4s creed may be :Honor, +er<ice, 3nte.rity=, the same olice de artment re$erred to eace$)lly assemblin. hi.h school st)dents as rioters, the $i<e child <ictims o$ the M!"E bombin. as combatants, and arrested Camona A$rica $or criminal cons iracy and riotin. as she hid in an alley be..in. not to be shot by the olice '+nyder(. As a)thor N)dson Ne$$ries s)mmari5es, the racism and <iolence endemic to olice $orces across the nation is not, as many ho e to >ee the nation con<inced, an e-traordinary and isolated roblem 0ell o)tside acce ted olice rotocol, b)t instead another case o$ : atrocities committed by 0hites a.ainst blac>s 0hich ha<e historically been carried o)t by a $e0, b)t 0ith the silent assent o$ the ma1ority= and osits so)rces o$ 0hite resentment s)ch as com ensatory social ro.rams as 0ell as a nat)ral and insec)re need to reassert their hierarchical social dominance o<er a blac> o )lation they <ie0 as 9)ic>ly becomin. a threat as leadin. to the 9)iet acce tance o$ olice <iolence as a tactic to control and silence mar.inali5ed and minority social .ro) s '11271A0(. The Philadel hia Police De artment is sim ly a artic)larly stron. s) ortin. branch o$ a m)ch

lar.er tree o$ systemic <iolence and racism. Hynne Abraham, district attorney o$ the city o$ Philadel hia d)rin. the PPD4s A8th District corr) tion scandal sim ly stated, :When the olice are indistin.)ishable $rom the bad .)ys, then society has a serio)s roblem.= '?ol)mbia(

Wor>s ?ited
:22 Pears A.o# Philadel hia Bombs M!"E Head9)arters 6illin. 11, Destroyin. /2 Homes=.

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