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Lesson Plan Grade 3 Mathematics

Naming the Parts of a Pictograph

Demonstrated by: Fahriva M. Somonod

MATHEMATICS III I. Objectives Cognitive: Psychomotor: Affective: II. Content Skill: Naming the parts of a pictograph Showing the parts of a pictograph Reference: Materials: Value: III. BEC PELC V-A 1.1 worksheets, pictographs, chart cooperation Name the parts of a pictograph Show the parts of a pictograph Cooperate actively in class activities

Learning Experience A. Preparatory Activities 1. Drill

Name the following pictures. 2. Review How many ml are there in 1 liter? How many 250ml are there in 1 liter? How many 500ml are there in 1 liter? 3. Motivation Have the pupils listen to a song. The teacher sings the song Banana song on a speaker. Have you eaten banana before? What are the different colors of banana? How do you like to eat your banana? Plain or with milk like in a fruit salad? Or with ice cream?

B. Developmental Activities 1. Presentation a. The teacher presents the graph


Number of Bananas Eaten by the Family Family Father Number of Bananas


LEGEND: Mother

= 2 BANANAS Mark = 1 BANANA Ana

Look at the graph. What is it all about? What is the title of the graph? What information is on the left side of the graph? What does the legend tells us? How many did Mark ate? How many bananas did Mother ate? Which of them likes banana the least? Which of them likes banana the most? b. Analysis of other examples Children Enrolled this School Year VI V IV III II I

1) Where do you find the title? 2) What is the title of the graph? 3) What information is on the left side of the graph? 4) What does the legend tells us?

2. Guided Practice a. Work in pairs. 1. The pupils will be given a copy of a pictograph printed as worksheets. 2. The pairs will answer the questions below the pictograph. 3. The first pair to write the correct answers wins the game. Mr. Sanders class was performing an experiment to see which day of the week had the most rain. His class recorded their information in the pictograph below.

Inches of Rain

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 = 1 inch of rain
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

1) Which day had the most rain? 2) Which day had the least rain? 3) Did Thursday or Monday have more inches of rain? 4) How many inches of rain were there on Wednesday? 5) How many inches of rain were there on Tuesday? 3. Generalization What are the parts of a pictograph?

A pictograph is a pictorial representation of a data. The parts are title, legend, label and symbol. The title tells what the graph is all about. The legend tells the number of person or things each picture stands for. The label is the data at the left side of the pictograph. The symbol is the picture that the legend is describing.

C. Application

Amount of Candy Received

Hank Kaleb Frank Jack Roy Irvin Devin

= 1 pound of candy IV. Evaluation A. Study the graph then answer the questions that follow. James was collecting leaves for his collection. He recorded the number of leaves he collected in the pictograph below.

Number of Leaves Collected

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

=2 leaves collected 1) Which day did he collect the most leaves? 2) Which day did he collect the least leaves? 3) Did he collect more leaves on Monday or Sunday? 4) How many leaves did he collect on Saturday? 5) How many leaves did he collect on Friday? 6) How many leaves did he collect on Thursday?

B. Identify the parts of the Graph.

10. Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Game 4 Game 5 Game 6 Game 7 9. = 5 point scored

Points Scored




Assignment Read the pictograph and answer the questions below. The graph shows the number of books collected by each student. Write the correct answer to each question.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

= 2 BOOKS How many books does Frank have? How many books does Lara have? How many more books does David have than Frank? How many more books does Stephen have than Sam? How many more books does Sam have than Lara?

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