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# Definition :

The prevertebral fascia (or prevertebral layer of cervical fascia) is a fascia in the neck. Prevertebral fascia also incl !es t"e rest of t"e fascia e#ten!in$ aro n! t"e vertebral col %n and enclosin$ all % scles laterally an! posteriorly to it.

#Location :

- The prevertebral fascia extends %e!ial&ar! be"in! t"e caroti! vessels, where it assists in forming their sheath, and passes in front of t"e prevertebral % scles.

- The prevertebral fascia is fi#e! above to t"e base of t"e s' ll, and belo& it e#ten!s be"in! t"e esop"a$ s into the posterior %e!iastinal cavity of t"e t"ora#.

- It !escen!s in front of t"e lon$ s colli % scles.

- The prevertebral fascia is prolon$e! !o&n&ar! an! laterally be"in! t"e caroti! vessels an! in front of t"e scaleni, and for%s a s"eat" for t"e brac"ial nerves an! s bclavian vessels in t"e posterior trian$le of t"e nec'.

- It is contin e! n!er t"e clavicle as the a#illary s"eat" and is attac"e! to t"e !eep s rface of t"e coracoclavic lar fascia.

#Relations :

( It for%s t"e posterior li%it of a fibro s co%part%ent, which contains t"e laryn# an! trac"ea) t"e t"yroi! $lan!) an! t"e p"aryn# an! esop"a$ s*

( Voicebo# re!irects here at the laryn#.

- +in!pipe re!irects here at the trac"ea.

- T"yroi! $lan! is an en!ocrine $lan!.

- The p"aryn# (plural phar!nges) is the part of t"e nec' an! t"roat situated immediatel! posterior to t"e %o t" an! nasal cavity, and cranial to t"e esop"a$ s) laryn#) an! trac"ea.

- The esop"a$ s is an or$an in vertebrates which consists of a % sc lar t be through which foo! passes fro% the %o t" area to t"e sto%ac". - Parallel to t"e caroti! s"eat" an! alon$ its %e!ial aspect the prevertebral fascia $ives off a t"in la%ina, the b ccop"aryn$eal fascia*

- "uccophar!ngeal fascia closely invests t"e constrictor % scles of t"e p"aryn#, and is contin e! for&ar! fro% t"e constrictor p"aryn$is s perior on to t"e b ccinator.

- "uccophar!ngeal fascia attac"e! to t"e prevertebral layer by loose connective tiss e only, and t" s an easil! distended space, the retrop"aryn$eal space) is fo n! bet&een t"e%.

- #etrophar!ngeal space is li%ite! above by t"e base of t"e s' ll, while belo& it e#ten!s be"in! t"e esop"a$ s into t"e posterior %e!iastinal cavity of t"e t"ora#. - Immediatel! above an! be"in! t"e clavicle an areolar space, exists bet&een the investin$ layer an! t"e s"eat" of t"e s bclavian vessels.

- In this space are found t"e lo&er part of t"e e#ternal , $ lar vein, the !escen!in$ clavic lar nerves, the transverse scap lar an! transverse cervical vessels, and the inferior belly of t"e -%o"yoi!e s % scle.

- This areolar space is limited belo& by t"e f sion of t"e coracoclavic lar fascia with the anterior &all of t"e a#illary s"eat".

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