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Document Strategy of Sanitation of Balikpapan

Remark Process for Government of Balippapan city there including PO !" "#P$ Guideline of Development pu%lic and management sector of sanitation for & years 'here are consist of ( )ision of Sanitation *ith parameter target and goal Strategy of target activity program Program and "ctivity for all sectors sanitation as RP!#D *ith specific sector+drainage,masterplan'he area program for sanitation including ./R" and %ase on R'R0 Balikpapan 1ity

Year 2311 to 231&

0aste*ater Program

4mprove the 5uality of pu%lic services in the *aste*ater management up to 231& 4mprovement including( , , , , , #anagement of *aste*ater level community 1ontrol pollution and reduce environmental destruction Restructuring and settlement .nvironmental .ducation and training 0aste*ater management "dvocacy to stakeholder+ pu%lic and third party managemen of 0aste*ater Draft regulation of the area intitusional *aste*ater management

, , ,

Planning+ construction and // conection D.D ,#ake the master Plan+6S and D.D for 4P"$ .7amination of 0aste*ater treatment result %ase on actual condition .sta%lishing partnership *ith third parties "dd the capacity of e7isting *aste*ater Develop plan for location of 4P"$ to*n and communal scale Prepared of siteplan 4P"$ development in to*n and communal scale .4" preparation and 4P"$ development Sociali:ation management of *aste*ater 4ncrease understanding a*areness *aste*ater

, 8 4ncrease scope of 0aste*ater for pu%lic service , , ,

, 9 "*areness a%out the importance of #anagement *aste*ater %y 231& , , , & 4ncrease the role of active community in the effort of management *aste*ater Balikpapan city 231& , , ,

.ncoraging inceptives re*ards for people 0aste*ater management information center up to level district Develop cooperation *ith communities to maintain net*ork *aste*ater Sociali:ation to the pu%lic that contamination;pollution *ill %e impact for healty

, & 4mprove $a* enforcement , , 4ncreased oversight of *aste*ater management Revie* the rules on the *aste*ater management

, , , < Program s"44G ( Program under 4nd44 , , ,

Disseminations of *aste management regulation Sociali:ation in *aste*ater management regulation #onitoring and evaluation practical Service "rea for 233,933 // 1onstruction to national se*erage standard O*nership and operation $ocal Government 2318

Plan Grand for Balikpapan 2318, 2319 // = 833 > each Rp 8333333? "mount ( @33+333+333 Data re5uirement $etter of intent R ";DP" Propose program

Regional Preparedness ( D.D+ institutional+ land+ SS

Program RPJM 2012 2016

2311 reached B2A 3A3 inha%itants+ the *aste*ater service coverage system piping >off site? is only 1-39 C+ the system on site @3-11 C+ 3-38 C S"N4#"S system- Based on these data there should %e A-A2 C should %e concern for Balikpapan 1ity Government including latrines or defecation-

2312, 231B

Regulation or legislation governing the management of *aste *ater in the city of Balikpapan not enough strong+ this situation make difficult to implement the policies + programs and activities that have %een compiled to the pu%lic Setup program + control+ o*nership + use and e7ploitation of landac5uisition activities 00'P

00'P land ac5uisition area of 2-9 ha residential area of the )illage Perusda Sepinggan %een partially implemented in 2313 and continued in 2311 - "lthough the land o*n %y Balikpapan 1ity Government and already approved %y Director Perusda to use the land as a %uilding 00'P- 0ith the letter %asis of the implementation of the physical construction can %egin - Re5uire land ac5uisition fund appro7imately Rp-1-&33-333-333 + , > One %illion five hundred million rupiah ? to source funds from the %udget of Balikpapan >"PBD? D Program regional infrastructure planning and natural resource D preparation of master plan and the development of *aste*ater treatment and D.D Balikpapan 1ity D.D development master plan and *aste*ater management is a

reference scale construction of city *aste *ater so that implementation *ill %e more effective and targeted- 'he focus of the master plan is the development of piping systems > se*erage system? and regional development plans prepared in /ousing 00'P Perusda Sepinggan )illage area of 2-9 ha 1osts of preparing the master plan for Rp-1-&33-333-333 + , > one %illion five hundred million rupiah ? aided %y the 1entral Government > through satker PP$P ? in 2311 - 4n this activity has also %een prepared for the development of residential connections D.D phase 4 > first ? D 1onstruction of 00'P Perusda Sepinggan

Perusda 00'P construction area of 2-9 hectares *ith a total of RP-2&-333-333-333 + , >'*enty five %illion dollars ? *ill %e implemented in 2312 through the P4E PP$P >Budget ? D Sociali:ation activities and campaigns sanitation > *aste *ater treatment ? Sociali:ation and sanitation campaign has %een carried out since 233@ and *ill continue to %e implemented until 231B- Sources of funding Balikpapan 1ity %udget has %een prepared every year %y Rp-1&3-333-333 , Rp-233-333-333 + , > One hundred and fifty million dollars , t*o hundred million rupiah ? at the .nvironment "gency - 'arget is the entire community sociali:ation Balikpapan 1ity

D "ctivities for the preparation of legal instruments %inding the community in *aste*ater treatment'he Drafting legal instruments to %e very important as the legal %asis for the %inding using the *aste *ater treatment plant has %een prepared Balikpapan 1ity GovernmentD training of human resources development activities of *aste *ater management techni5ues /uman resources development activities of *aste *ater management techni5ues are very important to support the operation of the 00'P to %e %uilt - 'his activity *ill %egin in
@ Social 4ssue for 1onstruction 00'P Perusda Balikpapan 1ity No(33B;R',119;4F;2312 ( $etter of reGection for 4P"$ 1onstruction in location R' 119 Sepinggan

2312 going through 231B *ith funding Balikpapan 1ity %udgetPerusda a ne* residential area and set of morphological forms a gro*ing city tend to thrive on the physical 5uality of the ur%an environment and identified in the formation of roads + open spaces + pu%lic %uildings + private %uildings + and others6ormation *as supported %y the physical 5uality of economic factors in its implementation- Social elements often overlooked in the development of the city- 'hough essentially ur%an development is al*ays linked *ith the e7pansion of the social processes that shape ur%an ecology- 4n the process of formation ur%an ecology is the role of the city as *ell as the entire community is important+ %ut the pattern formation physical+ social+ up until the formation of the characteristic features of a neigh%orhood in the city re5uire time'he refusal of society to the construction of the 00'P Perusda Balikpapan through reGection letter No-33B;R',119;4F;2312 -dated 1@ Septem%er 2312 + *hich *as signed %y B@ residents of R' 119 and the %o*l of the surrounding village + till date there is


still no solution ;handle or not the attempt to mediate the reGection of this and there has %een no agreement reached %y %oth parties - therefore the issue of the refusal %y the community %efore developing further efforts are needed in order to engage the community to this plan + master plan and .4" "lthough there is not necessarily a reGection can %e resolved only through design + efforts are needed to %uild a more intense communication %et*een the government and the people *ho refuse 00'P through a learning process *hich is more commonly includes several stages such as technical assistance + Goint evaluation of the 00'P %uilding plans + *orkshop and the proposed Goint development including sociali:ation and e7pectations of community participation that are active in the development of future government policy can help control local the pu%lic space and produce the %est solution for the city of Balikpapan 'he reGection letter from community contain of several items are ( 1 - Basically community fully supports for the construction of 00'P , in Balikpapan 2- Bo*l of R' 119 village residents do not agree if the location of the planned construction of the 00'P no* > at R' 119 villages Sepinggan ? due to the planned location for the construction of the 00'P is no* located in the upper village housing residents %o*l of R' 119 > #"04!" ? and any rain+ flooding and misery resident of R' 118 and R' 119 villages Sepinggan'oo close to a residential village %o*l of Ne*s R' 119

> 13m ? so feared creating an unhealthy environment 'oo close to the 0ater 'reatment Plan that produce clean *ater for consumption of the residents R' 118 and R' 119 ur%an villages that %o*l of Balikpapan residents feared contaminating drinking *ater Residents o%Gected %urdened cost of maintenance operations ; maintenance

8 - Solutions that may %e taken is to move the location of the construction of the 00'P to a residential area as *ell as continue the development of do*nstream drainage ; trench that dive resulted in flooding -

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