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Energy is a Lifeline of Developing COMSATS Institute Of Information Technology Lahore Countries

Group Members Usama Khaliq (BBA_ A!"_!#$% &ana Sarfra' (BBA_ A!"_!!(% Shan Usman (BBA_ A!"_!)"%

Submitted To: *r+ Ahsan Bashir

COMSATS Institute Of Information Tec nology La ore

Energy is a Lifeline of Developing Countries

Energy in t e developing !orld:
A&OU,* !+$ -illion .eo.le/ or more than a fifth of the 0orl12s .o.ulation/ ha3e no access to electricity/ an1 a -illion more ha3e only an unrelia-le an1 intermittent su..ly+ Of the .eo.le 0ithout electricity/ ($4 li3e in rural areas or on the fringes of cities+ 56ten1ing energy gri1s into these areas is e6.ensi3e7 the Unite1 ,ations estimates that an a3erage of 8)$ -illion9#" -illion a year nee1s to -e in3este1 until :")" so e3eryone on the .lanet can coo; heat an1 light their .remises/ an1 ha3e energy for .ro1ucti3e uses such as schooling+ On current tren1s/ ho0e3er/ the num-er of <energy .oor= .eo.le 0ill -arely -u1ge/ an1 !>4 of the 0orl12s .o.ulation 0ill still ha3e no electricity -y :")"/ accor1ing to the International 5nergy Agency+ In South Asia/ 0here $?"m .eo.le in In1ia/ @a;istan an1 Bangla1esh/ mostly in rural areas/ ha3e no access to electricity/ accor1ing to the International 5nergy Agency+ In :""A the 0orl1 energy consum.tion 0as !!+) -illion tonnes of oil equi3alent (toe%+ 5nergy consum.tion in in1ustriali'e1 countries has -asically -een sta-le in the last !" years/ -ut in the rest of the 0orl1 it has -een gro0ing at a..ro6imately $4 .er year+ At this rate an1 -ase1 on .resent technologies/ the 0orl1Bs annual energy consum.tion coul1 reach :" -illion toes -y the year :":"+ The consequences of such gro0th C a..ro6imately ("4 of it originating from fossil fuels C coul1 -e 1isastrous for three reasons7

the 1e.letion of fossil fuel resourcesD geo.olitical .ro-lems cause1 -y access to such fuelsD an1/ en3ironmental .ro-lems/ nota-ly glo-al 0arming

*e3elo.ing countries are 0itnessing a su-stantial gro0th in their greenhouse gas emissions/ mostly 1ue to ra.i1 in1ustriali'ation an1 trans.ort gro0th/ -ut also 1ue to the unsustaina-le use of fuel 0oo1 an1 su-sequent 1eforestation+


"ene!able Energy in Developing Countries

# at is "ene!able Energy$
&ene0a-le energy is energy that comes from resources 0hich are continually re.lenishe1 such as sunlight/ 0in1/ rain/ ti1es/ 0a3es an1 geothermal heat+ &ene0a-le energy is 1eri3e1 from natural .rocesses that are re.lenishe1 constantly+ In its 3arious forms/ it 1eri3es 1irectly from the sun/ or from heat generate1 1ee. 0ithin the earth+ Inclu1e1 in the 1efinition is electricity an1 heat generate1 from solar/ 0in1/ ocean/ hy1ro.o0er/ -iomass/ geothermal resources/ an1 -iofuels an1 hy1rogen 1eri3e1 from rene0a-le resources+

%o!er generation:
&ene0a-le energy .ro3i1es !A4 of electricity generation 0orl10i1e+ &ene0a-le .o0er generators are s.rea1 across many countries/ an1 0in1 .o0er alone alrea1y .ro3i1es a significant share of electricity in some areas7 for e6am.le/ !#4 in the U+S+ state of Io0a/ #"4 in the northern Eerman state of Schles0ig9Folstein/ an1 #A4 in *enmar;+ Some countries get most of their .o0er from rene0a-les/ inclu1ing Icelan1 (!""4%/ ,or0ay (A(4%/ Bra'il ((>4%/ Austria (>:4%/ ,e0 Gealan1 (>$4%/ an1 S0e1en ($#4%+

"ene!able energy for Developing countries:

&ene0a-le energy can -e .articularly suita-le for 1e3elo.ing countries+ In rural an1 remote areas/ transmission an1 1istri-ution of energy generate1 from fossil fuels can -e 1ifficult an1 e6.ensi3e+ @ro1ucing rene0a-le energy locally can offer a 3ia-le alternati3e+ Technology a13ances are o.ening u. a huge ne0 mar;et for solar .o0er7 the a..ro6imately !+) -illion .eo.le aroun1 the 0orl1 0ho 1on2t ha3e access to gri1 electricity+ 53en though they are ty.ically 3ery .oor/ these .eo.le ha3e to .ay far more for lighting than .eo.le in rich countries -ecause they use inefficient ;erosene lam.s+ Solar .o0er costs half as much as lighting 0ith ;erosene+ An estimate1 ) million

househol1Bs get .o0er from small solar @H system+ Kenya is the 0orl1 lea1er in the num-er of solar .o0er systems installe1 .er ca.ita+ More than )"/""" 3ery small solar .anels/ each .ro1ucing !: to )" 0atts/ are sol1 in Kenya annually+ Some Small Islan1 *e3elo.ing States (SI*S% is also turning to solar .o0er to re1uce their costs an1 increase their sustaina-ility+ Micro9hy1ro configure1 into mini9gri1s also .ro3i1es .o0er+ O3er ## million househol1s use -iogas ma1e in househol1 scale 1igesters for lighting an1Ior coo;ing/ an1 more than !>> million househol1s rely on a ne0 generation of more9efficient -iomass coo; sto3es+ Clean liqui1 fuel source1 from rene0a-le fee1 stoc;s is use1 for coo;ing an1 lighting in energy9.oor areas of the 1e3elo.ing 0orl1+ Alcohol fuels (ethanol an1 methanol% can -e .ro1uce1 sustaina-ly from non9foo1 sugary/ starchy/ an1 cellulosic fee1 stoc;s+ @roJect Eaia/ Inc+ an1 Clean Star Mo'am-ique are im.lementing clean coo;ing .rograms 0ith liqui1 ethanol sto3es in 5thio.ia/ Kenya/ ,igeria an1 Mo'am-ique+ &ene0a-le energy .roJects in many 1e3elo.ing countries ha3e 1emonstrate1 that rene0a-le energy can 1irectly contri-ute to .o3erty alle3iation -y .ro3i1ing the energy nee1e1 for creating -usinesses an1 em.loyment+ &ene0a-le energy technologies can also ma;e in1irect contri-utions to alle3iating .o3erty -y .ro3i1ing energy for coo;ing/ s.ace heating/ an1 lighting+ &ene0a-le energy can also contri-ute to e1ucation/ -y .ro3i1ing electricity to schools Energy Efficiency "ole in Developing Countries: 5nergy efficiency is one of the largest an1 lo0est cost 0ays to e6ten1 our 0orl1Bs energy su..lies an1 re1uce greenhouse gas emissions+ Kith the hel. of efficiency im.ro3ements/ glo-al energy intensity L ho0 much energy it ta;es for economic out.ut L coul1 -e $" .ercent lo0er in :")" than it 0as in !A("+ That means 0e can ;ee. our economy gro0ing -ut use relati3ely less energy to 1o it+ A13ancements in energy9sa3ing technologies can .lay an im.ortant role in further im.ro3ing energy efficiency in the near/ me1ium an1 long term+ An <5fficiency irst= agreement 0oul1 inclu1e at least four -asic elements7


Set A &lobal Energy Efficiency &oal C @arties 0oul1 agree to a glo-al energy .ro1ucti3ity goal of collecti3ely 1ou-ling the annual rate of energy efficiency im.ro3ement (to a-out :+$4% -y :"!$+ Ma'e (ational Commitments C 5ach .arty 0oul1 commit to an annual im.ro3ement target/ consistent 0ith the collecti3e glo-al goal/ -ase1 on its o0n national circumstances/ an1 0oul1 im.lement .olicies an1 measures -ase1 on a national .lan+ Establis a %erformance "egistry C A coor1inating -o1y such as the

International @artnershi. for 5nergy 5fficiency Coo.eration 0oul1 annually assess 0hether the national .lans are sufficient to reach the collecti3e glo-al goal+ The .arties 0oul1 meet annually to re.ort .rogress an1 share -est .ractices for im.lementation+

%rovide )inancing and Tec nology Assistance C *e3elo.ing country .olicies an1 measures 0oul1 -e eligi-le for car-on cre1its or financial incenti3es through the Clean *e3elo.ment Mechanism/ Elo-al 5n3ironmental acility or a similar .rocessD 1e3elo.e1 countries 0oul1 1irect a stream of car-on finance to su..ort a .rogram of U, technical assistance/ creation of technology assistance centers/ an1 other efforts -y the .ri3ate sector+

<5fficiency irst= is -ut one ste. to -ring the 0orl1 together to agree on meaningful action+ It has -roa1 a..eal an1 can -e a..lie1 imme1iately in -oth the 1e3elo.e1 an1 1e3elo.ing 0orl1+

Importance of rene!able Energy:

&ene0a-le energy can -e .articularly suita-le for 1e3elo.ing countries+ In rural an1 remote areas/ transmission an1 1istri-ution of energy generate1 from fossil fuels can -e 1ifficult an1 e6.ensi3e+ @ro1ucing rene0a-le energy locally can offer a 3ia-le alternati3e+

%overty "eduction:
&ene0a-le energy .roJects in many 1e3elo.ing countries contri-ute to .o3erty alle3iation -y .ro3i1ing the energy nee1e1 for creating -usinesses an1 em.loyment+

&ene0a-le energy technologies can also ma;e in1irect contri-utions to alle3iating .o3erty -y .ro3i1ing energy for coo;ing/ s.ace heating/ an1 lighting+

&ene0a-le energy can also contri-ute to e1ucation/ -y .ro3i1ing electricity to schools+ &ene0a-le energy for coo;ing an1 heating can re1uce the time that chil1ren/ s.en1 out of school collecting fuel/ In a11ition/ the 1is.lacement of tra1itional fuels re1uces the health .ro-lems from in1oor air .ollution .ro1uce1 -y -urning those fuels+

*ealt :
&ene0a-le energy can also contri-ute to -etter health -y .ro3i1ing energy to refrigerate me1icine an1 sterili'e me1ical equi.ment + It can also .ro3i1e .o0er for su..lying the fresh 0ater an1 se0erage ser3ices nee1e1 to re1uce infectious 1isease+

"ene!able energy in %a'istan:

&ene0a-le energy in @a;istan is a relati3ely un1er1e3elo.e1 sectorD ho0e3er/ in recent years/ there has -een some interest -y en3ironmentalist grou.s an1 from the authorities to e6.lore rene0a-le energy resources for energy .ro1uction/ in light of the energy crises an1 .o0er shortages affecting the country+ Most of the rene0a-le energy in @a;istan comes from hy1roelectricity

Kenya is the 0orl1 lea1er in the num-er of solar .o0er systems installe1 .er ca.ita+ More than )"/""" small solar .anels/ each .ro1ucing !: to )" 0atts/ are sol1 in Kenya annually+ or an in3estment of as little as 8!"" for the .anel an1 0iring/ the @H system can -e use1 to charge a car -attery/ 0hich can then .ro3i1e .o0er to run a fluorescent lam. or a small tele3ision for a fe0 hours a 1ay+ More Kenyans a1o.t solar .o0er e3ery year than ma;e connections to the countryBs electric gri1+


Advantages of Energy:
One maJor a13antage 0ith the use of rene0a-le energy is that as it is rene0a-le it is therefore sustaina-le an1 so 0ill ne3er run out+ &ene0a-le energy facilities generally require less maintenance than tra1itional generators+ Their fuel -eing 1eri3e1 from natural an1 a3aila-le resources re1uces the costs of o.eration+ 53en more im.ortantly/ rene0a-le energy .ro1uces little or no 0aste .ro1ucts such as car-on 1io6i1e or other chemical .ollutants/ so has minimal im.act on the en3ironment+ &ene0a-le energy .roJects can also -ring economic -enefits to many regional areas/ as most .roJects are locate1 a0ay from large ur-an centres an1 su-ur-s of the ca.ital cities+ These economic -enefits may -e from the increase1 use of local ser3ices as 0ell as tourism+

,obs and Economic -enefits:

&ene0a-le energy technologies em.loy e3en more 0or;ers+ In :"!!/ the solar in1ustry em.loye1 a..ro6imately !""/""" .eo.le on a .art9time or full9time -asis/ inclu1ing Jo-s in solar installation/ manufacturing/ an1 sales the hy1roelectric .o0er in1ustry em.loye1 a..ro6imately :$"/""" .eo.le in :""A an1 in :"!" the geothermal in1ustry em.loye1 $/:"" .eo.le+ In a11ition to the Jo-s 1irectly create1 in the rene0a-le energy in1ustry/ gro0th in rene0a-le energy in1ustry creates .ositi3e economic <ri..le= effects+ or e6am.le/ in1ustries in the rene0a-le energy su..ly chain 0ill -enefit/ an1 unrelate1 local -usinesses 0ill -enefit from increase1 househol1 an1 -usiness incomes+ Local go3ernments collect .ro.erty an1 income ta6es an1 other .ayments from rene0a-le energy .roJect o0ners+ These re3enues can hel. su..ort 3ital .u-lic ser3ices/ es.ecially in rural communities 0here .roJects are often locate1+ O0ners of the lan1 on 0hich 0in1 .roJects are -uilt also often recei3e lease .ayments ranging from

8)/""" to 8>/""" .er mega0att of installe1 ca.acity/ as 0ell as .ayments for .o0er line easements an1 roa1 rights9of90ay+ Or they may earn royalties -ase1 on the .roJectBs annual re3enues+ Similarly/ farmers an1 rural lan1o0ners can generate ne0 sources of su..lemental income -y .ro1ucing fee1 stoc;s for -iomass .o0er facilities+ Com.are1 0ith fossil fuel technologies/ 0hich are ty.ically mechani'e1 an1 ca.ital intensi3e/ the rene0a-le energy in1ustry is more la-or9intensi3e+ This means that/ on a3erage/ more Jo-s are create1 for each unit of electricity generate1 from rene0a-le sources than from fossil fuels+ Ke can sto. using fossil fuels to generate electricity+ Kith rene0a-le energy 0e can use as much electricity as 0e li;e 0ithout a11ing to glo-al 0arming+ &ene0a-le resources are 2green2/ or en3ironmentally frien1ly+ This is -ecause they 1o not emit car-on 1io6i1e (the -iggest contri-utor to glo-al 0arming% into the atmos.here+

Ot er -enefits:

Solar energy 9 the sun 0ill al0ays -e there/ an1 in a-un1ance 9 the amount
of solar energy interce.te1 -y the 5arth e3ery minute is greater than the amount of energy the 0orl1 uses in fossil fuels each year+

!ind energy 9 the 0in1 0ill al0ays e6ist 9 The energy in the 0in1s that -lo0
across the Unite1 States each year coul1 .ro1uce more than !> -illion EM of electricity 9 more than one an1 one9half times the electricity consume1 in the Unite1 States in :"""+

tidal energy 9 the moon 0hich .ro3i1es the forces that causes the ti1es 0ill
al0ays -e there

ydroelectric energy 9 unless there is a 1rastic change in rain .atterns/ it

0ill al0ays -e there


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