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Horace Allen School

Coleman, Alberta

Ne w s le t t e r Dat e
V o lu m e 1, Is s u e 2

Mrs.Tarcons Classroom Newsletter

Grade 2 Curriculum
In language we are learning the following
Use long and short vowel sounds to
read unfamiliar words
Sounding out and using consonant
blends, consonant digraphs
Identifying and using commas and
Identifying and using compound
words and contraction words
Using knowledge of word parts,
contractions and compound words
I can write with an introduction,
middle and conclusion
Practicing reading with expression
for the Music Festival
In math we are learning the following:
Representing numbers in different
forms (tally, number, word, ordinal,
tens and ones frames, etc.)
Addition using 2 digit numbers
without regrouping/using mental
Using the 100s chart
Skip counting backwards from 100
by 2s, 5s, and 10s
Skip counting by 2s starting at 1 to
2D and 3D Objects and

Horace Allen School Rules

Take Care of Ourselves
Take Care of Each Other
Take Care of Our School Environment!

Special Students!!
Happy Birthday to
Bella: March 15th
Charisse: March 22nd

Upcoming Events!
March 3Mixed Up Monday
March 4Top Hat Tuesday
March 5Wacky Wednesday
March 6Theodore Thursday
March 7Funny Foods Friday
March 9Daylight Savings Time
March 10Music Festival Gr. 2
Choral Speech
March 14Book Orders Due
March 17St. Patricks DayWear
Green! and School Book Fair
March 19HOJA 10:30 am
March 20Report Cards and Hot
March 21No School
March 27Student Led Conference
Hooray for Parent Volunteers!!
Thank you for all of your help!
It is greatly appreciated!!

Mrs. Tarcons Classroom Newsletter Page 2

More School Curriculum Highlights

Gym Our mini Olympics were held on Feb. 25 th. The children enjoyed trying some of
the events and I think we have some future Olympians within our classrooms.
Gymnastics and Dance Units will be the focus in the next couple of weeks.
SocialWe have been Looking at People in Iqaluit, Meteghan and Saskatoon. We will
also be looking at traditions and the culture held by the three communities as well as
our own traditions. We will also be looking at the Natural Resources these
communities have.
ScienceWe are looking forward to learning about Liquids and Buoyancy and Boats.

March 20th will be Hot Lunch Day! If you would like to have Subway on that day
please make sure that you have your form in.
Reminders to Students:
Remember your library books
on Tuesdays!
Art and Music Days are on
Show and Tell is on Fridays!

Educational Websites:

Student Led Conferences:

a time to celebrate learning!
On March 27 th your child will be the star
of the show during this time and will
take you to a number of different
stations that will be set up in our
classroom where he or she will show you
what we have been learning about in
school. Student led conferences is an
extremely valuable opportunity for the
children to share their strengths,
acknowledge their weaknesses, and with
you in attendance, plan for the rest of
the school year. Please call the school to
set up your time.


Reminders to Parents

Please i ndicate i n your childs

agenda if you have a valid First
Aid certificate for upcoming field
Emails: If you have any
comments, questions or
concerns for please contact
Mrs. Tarcon tarconl@lrsd.ab.ca
or Miss Marra at

Thank You for returning

the agendas to school
each day. Remember to
indicate changes to
their regular home time

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