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ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION AND ASSESSMENT __________________________________________________________________________ OUMH2103 ENGLISH FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNICAL PURPOSES MAY 2013 __________________________________________________________________________

INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS 1. This assignment contains only ONE (1) question that has two parts PART A and B that is set in the language of the printed module for the course. 2. Answer in English.

3. Download the language version of the assig !" # #"!$%a#" concerned from the y!"E for preparation and su#mission of your assignment. $our assignment should #e typed using 12 point Times %ew &oman font and 1.' line spacing. (. $our assignment should #e #etween 1100 a & 1'00 ()*&s "+,%-&i g references. The num#er of words should #e shown at the end of your assignment. D) )# copy the assignment question and instructions to your answer. '. $ou must su#mit your assignment ON.LINE via the y!"E. &efer to the portal for instructions on the procedures to su#mit your assignment on)line. $ou are advised to *eep a copy of your su#mitted assignment for personal reference. +. $ou can su#mit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file. ,. $our assignment must #e su#mitted #etween 0/#0 . 11#0 2-%3 20134 -u#mission a5#"* 11#0 2-%3 2013 will NOT #e accepted. .. $our assignment should #e prepared individually. $ou should not copy another person/s assignment. $ou should also not plagiarise another person/s wor* as your own.

PENILAIAN 6 EVALUATION This assignment accounts for '07 of the mar*s for the course mentioned and shall #e assessed #ased on #0" R-8*i,s )* A s("* S,0"!"4 $ou would #e informed of the assignment mar* #efore the 0inal -emester E1amination commences. PLAGIARISM 9 MAR:S DEDUCTION ;a* i g 9 The su#mitted assignment will automatically undergo a similarity chec*. 2f plagiarism is detected3 mar*s would #e deducted as follows4 Assignments with 10 . 30 7 )<"*%a$ with others4 207 deduction from the total mar*s scored. Assignments with 31 . =0 7 )<"*%a$ with others4 '07 deduction from the total mar*s scored. Assignments with !)*" #0a =07 )<"*%a$ with others9 >"*) !a*? would #e given.

ASSIGNMENT @UESTION PART A (20 !a*?s) &ecent research shows that the consumption of 5un* food is a ma5or factor in poor diet and this is detrimental to health. -ome people #elieve that #etter health education is the answer to this pro#lem #ut others disagree. 6hat is your opinion7 1. $our essay should contain the following4 ) ) An i #*)&-,#)*3 paragraph 8some #ac*ground information a#out the topic and a thesis statement) an introductory sentence in the #ody of the essay9. :ody of essay 8Three #ody paragraphs;each e1plaining the effects of 5un* food. 0or e1ample3 one paragraph focuses on health effects3 the second focuses on psychological effects and the third focuses on the social effects. E1ternal reading is necessary to e1plain the effects of 5un* food on humans. All outside sources used to further e1plain each effect must #e properly referenced9. ) <oncluding paragraph 8a restatement of the thesis= prediction of future consequences9. >enyelidi*an ter*ini menun5u**an #ahawa pengam#ilan ma*anan ringan adalah fa*tor utama dalam pema*anan yang tida* sihat dan ini #oleh memudarat*an *esihatan. -esetengah orang percaya #ahawa pendidi*an *esihatan yang le#ih #ai* adalah 5awapan *epada masalah ini tetapi yang lain tida* #ersetu5u. Apa pendapat anda7 1. tesis ?arangan anda henda*lah ayat mengandungi dalam yang #adan #eri*ut4 esei9.

) -atu perenggan pengenalan 8#e#erapa ma*lumat latar #ela*ang mengenai topi* dan pernyataan)an pengenalan ) :adan esei 8Tiga #adan perenggan)sama men5elas*an *esan)*esan ma*anan ringan -e#agai contoh3 satu perenggan mem#eri tumpuan *epada *esan)*esan *esihatan3 yang *edua mem#eri tumpuan *epada *esan psi*ologi dan *etiga mem#eri tumpuan *epada *esan sosial mem#aca "uar adalah perlu untu* menerang*an *esan)*esan.. ma*anan ringan pada manusia. -emua sum#er)sum#er luar yang diguna*an untu* men5elas*an dengan le#ih lan5ut setiap *esan mesti #etul diru5u*9. ) >erenggan A*hir 8a pernyataan tesis = ramalan a*i#at masa depan9.

2. $our paragraph will #e evaluated using the ru#ric on page '.

PART B (20 !a*?s) The following diagram shows how greenhouse gases trap energy from the -un.

1. Analy@e the content of the a#ove diagram. 2. 2n a 'AA words long3 write an essay descri#ing the information shown #elow. 3. $our essay should contain the following4 ) ) ) Topic -entence A #ody of the paragraph descri#ing how greenhouse gases trap energy from the -un. <oncluding sentence

(. Bse appropriate transition signals in your writing. '. $our paragraph will #e evaluated using the ru#ric on page +.



CATEGORY INTRODUCTION ;EIGHT A.' LO; 1 There is no clear introduction to the main topic or structure of the paper. FAIR 2 The introduction states the main topic3 #ut does not adequately preview the structure of the paper nor is it particularly inviting to the reader. Cne of the paragraphs has a clear main idea. Cnly some supporting details are appropriate and relevant. ost outside sources are not cited= referenced properly. The conclusion is recogni@a#le3 #ut does not effectively close the essay. There are attempts to use cohesive devices #ut the writing lac*s direction that affected reader/s comprehension. The writer ma*es some errors in grammar3 structure3 or spelling that affects reader/s understanding. ABOAE AAERAGE 3 The introduction clearly states the main topic and previews the structure of the paper3 #ut is not particularly inviting to the reader. The main ideas of #oth paragraphs are clear. ost supporting details are appropriate and relevant. ost outside sources are properly cited= referenced. The conclusion is recogni@a#le and gives closure to the essay. There are clear attempts to use cohesive devices to lin* details #ut in one or two places3 writing appears incoherent. The writer ma*es minimal errors in grammar3 structure and spelling that does not affect the reader/s understanding. EBECELLENT ' The introduction is inviting3 states the main topic and previews the structure of the paper. MAR:S 2


The main ideas in all paragraphs are not clear. There is a strong evidence of plagiarism.

There is one clear3 well) focused topic. ain idea stands out and is supported #y detailed information. All outside sources are properly cited= referenced. The conclusion is strong and leaves the reader with a feeling that they understand what the writer is Dgetting at.D Details are placed in a logical order and the way they are presented effectively *eeps the interest of the reader. The writer ma*es no errors in grammar or spelling that distracts the reader from the content. TOTAL


There is no clear conclusion3 the paper 5ust ends. 6riting contains ma5or mista*es in the use of cohesive devices that affected general understanding. The writer ma*es a lot of errors in grammar3 structure or spelling that affects reader/s comprehension.






CATEGORY TOPIC SENTENCE ;EIGHT 1 LO; 1 The topic sentence does not introduce the topic or it may not #e a complete sentence or has not #een included. The information does not aid the reader in understanding the topic. The process is not e1plained clearly. There are many confusing elements in the paragraph. The a#sence of a logical order ma*es the paragraph difficult to read. There is no logic to the sequencing of the sentences and the paragraph is very confusing. 6riting contains a lot of su#5ect)ver# agreement mista*es3 spelling errors3 ver# usage errors3 and other grammatical errors that ma*e the paragraph difficult to read and understand. The process is not written in the passive form. FAIR 2 The topic sentence is not clear and=or it is not apparent. The main idea is not clear3 and there is a seemingly random collection of information that does not aid in the understanding of the process #eing discussed. any details are not in a logical or e1pected order. There is little sense that the writing is organi@ed. ABOAE AAERAGE 3 The topic sentence states the topic and=or the focus of the paragraph. The main idea is somewhat clear #ut the supporting information still inadequate. There are e1amples to aid in the understanding of the process #eing discussed. Cnly some details are not in a logical order or e1pected order3 and thus to a certain e1tent distracts the reader. EBECELLENT ' The topic sentence clearly and effectively states the topic and the focus of the paragraph. There is one clear3 well) focused topic. The steps provide detailed information and e1amples to aid in the understanding of the process #eing discussed. Details are placed in a logical order and the way they are presented effectively *eeps the interest of the reader. The writer ma*es a few or no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. >rocess is written in the passive form. MAR:S (




The writer ma*es many errors in grammar or spelling that distracts the reader from the content. The process is not written in the passive form.

The writer ma*es some errors in grammar or spelling that #ut these errors do not distract the reader from the content. -ome of the steps are not written in the passive form.



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