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United Nations University in Tokyo Intensive Core Course: International Peace and Security, autumn 2011 Professor: Dr.

Vesselin Popovski

Human Security

!ritten "y UNU ISP Student #s$ Ti%ana &aitovi'

Table of Contents
Acronyms............................................................................................................................3 Human Security and the United Nations............................................................................5 Conclusion........................................................................................................................11

DPKO The UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations U European Union HDI Human De e!opment In"e# HD$ Human De e!opment $eport H% Human %ecurit& '(H) UN Office for (oor"ination of Humanitarian )ffairs %$%* %pecia! $epresentati e of %ecretar& *enera! UN Unite" Nations UNDP Unite" Nations De e!opment Programme

T)e )umanity in t)e late 20 t) and 21st century !as torn "y many conflicts, )uman sufferin*s, economic and +olitical crisis, )u*e violation of )uman ri*)ts etc$ T)e t)orn countries are still feelin* t)e aftermat) and conse,uences of t)ese unfortunate events -for e.am+le t)e /alkan re*ion after t)e !ar in 0u*oslavia in t)e 10s23 es+ecially in t)e areas of 4statelessness, dis+laced +ersons, )omo+)o"ia, !omen5s ri*)ts, )ate crimes61 etc$ (s a conse,uence, ne!ly formed states !ere !eak, unsta"le, underdevelo+ed and a 4nest6 for or*ani7ed crime, corru+tion and in recent years5 +ossi"le terrorist activities$2 (lso, access to 4)ealt) care is uneven and safety standards remain unim+lemented8 initiatives to +reserve air and !ater ,uality, com"at climate c)an*e, +rotect t)e environment )ave "een slu**is)69$ In t)ese +ost conflict countries t)ere is a need for transformin* old and develo+in* ne! democratic structures, economies, *overnment, t)e rule of la!, res+ect for )uman ri*)ts and security$ (fter t)e Cold :ar t)e UN !as faced !it) more com+le. conflicts and crises !)ic) !ere ti*)tly connected !it) not %ust !it) +eace and security "ut also t)e )umanitarian and develo+ment ,uestions$ Peace kee+in*, +eace "uildin* and +eace makin* are t)e inte*ral +arts of t)ese ,uestions and are in a direct connection !it) t)e mec)anisms of esta"lis)in* sustaina"le and com+re)ensive +eace and security$ Peace +rocesses are )indered in a +ost !ar re*ion or in an area !)ic) !as struck do!n !it) some ot)er ty+e of conflict$ ;or creatin* +eace, t)e com+lete and com+re)ensive transformation of t)e ruined society and all of its mec)anism, is re,uired$ T)is is a very com+licated task even in t)e countries !it) t)e le*itimate *overnment$ :)en t)e UN intervenes from t)e outside in t)e countries !)ere its *overnment is not functionin*, +eace +rocesses seems like an im+ossi"le mission, still t)e UN is o+eratin* in suc) areas after t)e Cold :ar +eriod$ T)e UN is e.+andin* its field of action outside of t)e )umanitarian !ork "orders and sim+le surveillance of +eace ne*otiations and is also intervenin* on a "ase of com+le. mandates$ T)is is due to t)e fact t)at t)ere is a +ossi"ility of conflict out"reaks after t)e +eace a*reement$ ;or securin* +ermanent +eace and security, t)e need for c)an*in* t)e security +aradi*m emer*ed$ ;urt)ermore, it enforced t)e necessity of unification of fields of +olitical, )umanitarian and develo+ment ,uestions$ T)at !as t)e only !ay to esta"lis) com+re)ensive and sustaina"le +eace$ T)e follo!in* +a+er !ill e.amine t)e )istory and develo+ment of )uman security and t)e status of )uman security !it)in t)e UN$

(%I%,EKE- Po!ic& $eport. )ssessing Human %ecurit& in the /estern 0a!kans. (enter for %trategic an" Internationa! %tu"ies an" He!!enic (entre for European %tu"ies. p11 taken from http233csis1org3fi!es3pu4!ication31511561(%I%,EKE-7Po!ic&0rief81p"f 2 /o!fgang 0ene"ek. (hristopher Daase. 9o:in Dimitri:e i; an" Petrus an Du&ne. Transnationa! Terrorism. Organi<e" (rime an" Peace,0ui!"ing. Human %ecurit& in the /estern 0a!kans= Pa!gra e -acmi!!an. >une 2515 + (%I%,EKE- Po!ic& $eport. )ssessing Human %ecurit& in the /estern 0a!kans. (enter for %trategic an" Internationa! %tu"ies an" He!!enic (entre for European %tu"ies. p11 taken from http233csis1org3fi!es3pu4!icati on31511561(%I%,EKE-7Po!ic&0rief81p"f

Human Security and the United Nations

Traditional conce+t of security < state centered a++roac) !as not enou*) !)en dealin* !it) t)e old "ut transformed and ne!ly formed com+le. c)allen*es and t)reats$ T)e crucial role in t)e s)ift from t)e state centered a++roac) to!ard t)e individual centered a++roac) of security, )a++ened at t)e Nort) Sout) =ialo*ue of t)e Society for International =evelo+ment in Costa >ica, in 1110$ (t t)e meetin*, countries reali7ed t)at t)ey !ill need a ne! *lo"al conce+t of security !)ic) !ill not focus on military as+ect "ut on 4t)e overall security of individual from social violence, economic distress and environmental de*radation6?$ ;urt)er, countries em+)asi7ed t)e im+ortance of t)e )umani7in* of t)e develo+ment and its connection !it) t)e +eace and security$ T)e roundta"le in Costa >ica made an influence on t)e #a)"u" ul Ha, and under )is initiative, t)e UN=P decided to formulate t)e )uman develo+ment re+orts -H=>2$ T)e +ur+ose of t)ese re+orts !as to discuss t)e )uman develo+ment internationally and s+ecifically in eac) country$ /esides, t)e re+orts +ro+osed a creation of t)e Human =evelo+ment Inde. -H=I@2$ (lon* !it) t)is, cou+le of years later, t)e H=> in 1119 en)anced t)e need for 4T)e conce+t of security must c)an*e < from an e.clusive focus on national security to a muc) *reater stress on +eo+le5s security, from security t)rou*) armaments to security t)ou*) )uman develo+ment, from territorial security to food, em+loyment and environmental security$6 A Bne of t)e core t)in*s in t)is H=> and later H=>s is t)e encoura*ement of t)e +eo+le5s +artici+ation and em+o!erment of t)e individual in t)e +rocess of esta"lis)in* sustaina"le +eace and develo+ment$ T)e conce+t of )uman security !as introduced in t)e 111? "y t)e UN=P Human =evelo+ment >e+ort -earlier t)is conce+t !as %ust mentioned in t)e United Nations Secretary Ceneral /outros: /outros C)ali5s (*enda for Peace, in 11122$ T!o core +illars !ere identified: freedom from fear and freedom from !ant -in t)e >e+ort "y UN Secretary Ceneral in 2010, )e said t)at )uman security also )as to encom+ass freedom to live in di*nity2, and seven tar*et areas: economic security, food security, )ealt) security, environmental security, +ersonal security, re*ional security and +olitical security2$ D In a +ost conflict environment some tar*et areas !ill )ave +riority and t)en *radually over time ot)er as+ects and needs !ill *ain im+ortance$ 4T)e "attle of +eace )as to "e fou*)t on t!o fronts$ T)e first is t)e security front

%1 Nei! -ac?ar!ane an" @uen ?oong Khong2 Human %ecurit& an" the UN ) (ritica! Histor&. Unite" Nations Inte!!ectua! Histor& Pro:ect. In"iana Uni ersit& Press. 255A 6 The Human De e!opment In"e# BHDIC is a summar& composite in"e# that measures a countr&Ds a erage achie ements in three 4asic aspects of human "e e!opment2 hea!th. knoE!e"ge. an" income1 ?or further information !ook at the http233h"r1un"p1org3en3statistics3h"i3 HD$ in 2515 intro"uces three measures to the HD$ fami!& of in"icesFthe IneGua!it& a":uste" Human De e!opment In"e#. the *en"er IneGua!it& In"e# an" the -u!ti"imensiona! Po ert& In"e#. for more information !ook at the http233h"r1un"p1org3en3reports3g!o4a!3h"r25153chapters3en3 an" http233EEE1un"p1org1<m3:oom!a3attachments35587HD$725157EN7%ummar&1p"fH Ie28J8aI5"1+cKJI6A81fc2K2+1A1+I5LEnpf<Gni A UNDP Human De e!opment $eport 1KK+. NeE @ork 1KK+2 Peop!eMs Participation. O er ieE. p1 2 http233h"r1un"p1org3en3me"ia3h"r71KK+7en7o er ieE1p"f J UNDP Human De e!opment $eport 1KK8. NeE @ork 1KK82 NeE Dimensions of Human %ecurit&. p1 28. 26 http233h"r1un"p1org3en3me"ia3h"r71KK87en7contents1p"f

!)ere victory s+ells freedom from fear$ T)e second is t)e economic and social front !)ere victory means freedom from !ant$ Bnly victory on "ot) fronts can assure t)e !orld of an endurin* +eace86 E T)e Commission on Human Security in t)e Human Security No! -t)e final re+ort2 defines t)e conce+t: 48 to protect the vital core of all human lives in ways that enhance human freedoms and human fulfillment$61 T)is conce+t emer*ed as a !ay to e.+and t)e current a++roac) of state security and it incor+orates all elements of security, ri*)ts and develo+ment !it) an 4inter disci+linary a++roac)6 10 and main c)aracteristics: universal +eo+le centered multidimensional interde+endent and early +revention$ T)e international community cannot deal !it) conflicts and emer*encies "y usin* t)e traditional conce+t !)ic) contains a constant 4silent crises crises of underdevelo+ment, of *lo"al +overty, of ever mountin* +o+ulation +ressures, of t)ou*)tless de*radation of environment6 11$ T)is crisis )as to "e dealt !it) 4lon*, ,uiet +rocess of sta"le )uman develo+ment6 12 "ecause 4:it)out +eace, t)ere may no "e develo+ment$ /ut !it)out develo+ment, +eace may "e t)reatened$6 19 #oreover, t)e "ase for t)e +eace is not )uman security "ut also sustaina"le )uman develo+ment and res+ect for )uman ri*)ts$ T)e ne!ly formed states after t)e conflict, are !eak, so )uman security -)uman security su++lements )uman ri*)ts and )uman develo+ment21? and )uman develo+ment must "e stren*t)ened, in +articular t)e civil society s)ould "e t)e crucial +art of it and it s)ould +lay a crucial role$ 4T)e +eo+le centered infrastructure a++roac)61@ is similar to t)e a++roac) of )uman security to!ard t)e individual )uman "ein* and it can "e assumed t)at 4t)e local level is defined as t)e lo!est level of +ersonal

UNDP Human De e!opment $eport 1KK8. NeE @ork 1KK82 NeE Dimensions of Human %ecurit&. (hapter 22 NeE Dimensions of Human %ecurit&. http233h"r1un"p1org3en3me"ia3h"r71KK87en7chap21p"f K Human %ecurit& in Theor& an" Practice. )pp!ication of the Human %ecurit& (oncept an" the Unite" Nations Trust ?un" for Human %ecurit&. Human %ecurit& Unit Office for the (oor"ination of Humanitarian )ffairs Unite" Nations. 255K. p1 A 15 I4i"1 p1 J 11 UNDP Human De e!opment $eport 1KK8. NeE @ork 1KK82 NeE Dimensions of Human %ecurit&. p1 iii http233h"r1un"p1org3en3me"ia3h"r71KK87en7contents1p"f 12 I4i"1 1+ I4i"1 18 (ommission on Human %ecurit&. Human %ecurit& NoE,The ?ina! report. (ommission on Human %ecurit&. NeE @ork. 2552. p1 I,K 16 K!aus Kapu&. The $e!e ance of the Noca! Ne e! for Human %ecurit&. Human %ecurit& Perspecti e. 9o!ume 1 B2558C Issue 1. p1 +

infrastructure61A$ T)e civil society -non state actors2 )as to "e inte*rated !it) t)e develo+ment of democratic institutions and esta"lis)in* trust and confidence of +eo+le in t)ese institutions -for e.am+le NCBs2$ T)e )uman security re+resents an essential +recondition of t)e economic and social develo+ment, sta"le and sustaina"le military and territorial security and +eace$ T)is HS conce+t can only !ork if t)ere is consent "et!een countries to com+re)ensively utili7e and im+lement t)is conce+t$ B++ortunity for t)e coo+eration "et!een countries "y involvin* t)e )uman dimension o+ened t)e door for esta"lis)in* t)e 4distinct and si*nificant su"system of security relations6 1D$ T)e individual security t)ou*) a coo+erative "ilateral and multilateral a++roac) can "e one of t)e im+ortant elements of t)e collective security$ 1E In the final analysis, human security is a child who did not die, a disease that did not spread, a job that was not cut, an ethnic tension that did not explode into violence, a dissident who was not silenced. uman security is not a concern with weapons! it is a concern with human life and di"nity.# $% T)is conce+t !as also su++orted "y t)e Commission on t)e Clo"al Covernance in 111@ re+ort 20, !)ere t)e Commission advocated for t)e e.+anded conce+t of security t)rou*) t)e Security of Peo+le$ ;rom t)e mid 1110s until today many international actors )ave "een usin* t)is conce+t includin* sc)olars, non *overnmental or*ani7ations, states and international institutions$ 21 It "ecame a corner stone not %ust for Canada and Fa+an "ut also for Nor!ay and S!it7erland$ /esides, t)rou*) t)e Human Security Net!ork -a *rou+ of 1? states2 t)at )as meetin*s annually from t)e 1111 on t)e level of ;orei*n #inistries$ T)ey a*reed to t)e com+re)ensive )uman security a*enda$ 22 (s a conse,uence, it !as su++orted "y t)e UN Secretary Ceneral &ofi (nnan in num"er of documents: t)e 1111 #illennium =eclaration3 Hi*) level Panel on T)reats, C)allen*es and C)an*e in 200?3 In Gar*er ;reedom: To!ards =evelo+ment, Security and Human >i*)ts for (ll in 200@3 T)e ;ollo! u+ to t)e Butcomes of t)e
1A 1J

I4i"1 p1 8 0arr& 0u<an. OPeop!e. %tates an" ?ear2 )n agen"a for internationa! securit& stu"ies in the Post,(o!" Ear eraP. Boulder Lynne Rienner. 1KK1. p1 1II. in Irina Qarin. EU $egiona! )pproach to the /estern 0a!kans,The Human %ecurit& Dimension. 0e!gra"e. 255J 1I ?or more information !ook into the KoenMs (ooperati e %ecurit& (oncept or DeutschMs (ooperati e (ommunit& etc in Irina Qarin. EU $egiona! )pproach to the /estern 0a!kans,The Human %ecurit& Dimension. 0e!gra"e. 255J. p1 6+6,6+J 1K UNDP Human De e!opment $eport 1KK8. NeE @ork 1KK82 NeE Dimensions of Human %ecurit&. (hapter 22 NeE Dimensions of Human %ecurit&. http233h"r1un"p1org3en3me"ia3h"r71KK87en7chap21p"f 25 $eport of the (ommission on *!o4a! *o ernance. Our *!o4a! Neigh4orhoo". (hapter +2 Promoting %ecurit&. O#for" Uni ersit& Press. 1KK6 21 )mong man& it inc!u"es2 O#fam. the )ca"emic (ounci! on the UN %&stem. the UN Uni ersit&. the )rias ?oun"ation. the (enter for Defense Information. the /or!",Eatch Institute. the (ommission on *!o4a! *o ernance. the (arnegie (ommission on Pre enting Dea"!& (onf!ict. the Internationa! )ction NetEork on %ma!! )rms. Pa# (hristi. Har ar" Uni ersit&Ms Program on Humanitarian Po!ic& an" (onf!ict $esearch. the Human %ecurit& (enter at the Uni ersit& of 0ritish (o!um4ia. %afer,Eor!". the 0onn Internationa! (enter for (on ersion. the (enter for Humanitarian Dia!ogue B*ene aC. the $egiona! Human %ecurit& (enter B)mmanC. the (ana"ian (onsortium on Human %ecurit& 22 ?or more information !ook at Keith Krause, ToEar"s a Practica! Human %ecurit& )gen"a. *ene a (entre for the Democratic (ontro! of )rme" ?orces BD()?C Po!ic& Paper R2A. 255J

#illennium Summit >e+ort "y t)e UN Secretary Ceneral in 2010$ T)e +rocess of usin* t)e +)rase )uman security, reac)ed its +eak in 200@ !it) t)e :orld Summit Butcome =ocument -also "y t)e UN Ceneral (ssem"ly in 200E, in t)e T)ematic =e"ate on Human Security2, !)ere t)e conce+t "ecame one of t)e su")eadin*s: $&'. (e stress the ri"ht of people to live in freedom and di"nity, free from poverty and despair. (e reco"ni)e that all individuals, in particular vulnerable people, are entitled to freedom from fear and freedom from want, with an e*ual opportunity to enjoy all their ri"hts and fully develop their human potential. +o this end, we commit ourselves to discussin" and definin" the notion of human security in the ,eneral -ssembly.#.' ;urt)ermore, in 200@ t)e first meetin* on discussin* t)e furt)er ste+s of conce+t )uman security, !as or*ani7ed "y t)e ;riends of Human Security$ Ho!ever, t)e Human Security Net!ork continues to +erform t)e valua"le role in )i*)li*)tin* t)e im+ortance of )uman security$ It is +riority is +rotection of civilians in armed conflicts$2? 4T)e Net!ork !elcomes t)e su"mission of t)e Secretary CeneralHs re+ort -IA?I@D92 to t)e C 9?$ #oreover, t)e Net!ork "elieves t)at t)e assessment +rovided in t)e =P&BI=;S Gessons Gearned Note on t)e Protection of Civilians in UN Peacekee+in* B+erations and t)e =raft B+erational Conce+t Note !ill enric) t)e discussions to!ards a s)ared understandin* of t)e im+lementation of +rotection mandates in United Nations +eacekee+in* o+erations$ :e encoura*e t)e Secretariat to "uild u+on t)e lessons identified in order to develo+ trainin* standards86 2@ (ll of t)ese ste+s !ill )el+ in im+lementation of t)e Security Council >esolution 1E1? 2A -20012 on +rotection of civilians in armed conflicts$ #oreover, t)e +romotion of )uman security and sustaina"ility of +eace are de+endin* on t)e stren*t)enin* t)e +illars of t)e UN: rule of la!, security sector reform, develo+ment, and )uman ri*)ts$ Takin* into account all t)e effort "y t)e Net!ork mem"ers, still t)ere is a lack of com+re)ensive source of t)eir activities and +ro%ects$ T)eir official !e"site is not !orkin* and t)e only sources of +artial information are different !e"sites of ministries of forei*n affairs$ Human security is more t)an %ust a nice slo*an$ It )el+s sc)olars and +ractitioners to vie! t)e linka*e and relations)i+ "et!een )uman ri*)ts, )uman develo+ment, sustaina"le +eace and security in t)e !orld$ (dditionally, it +uts em+)asi7e on t)e individual and not on t)e state security, and it +romotes t)e security of individuals, !)ic) )as "een in t)e +ast sometimes t)reaten "y t)e state$ ;urt)er, in recent


*enera! )ssem4!& $eso!ution )3$E%3A531. 2556 /or!" %ummit Outcome. http233unpan11un1org3intra"oc3groups3pu4!ic3"ocuments3un3unpan521J621p"f 28 *enera! De4ate2 >oint %tatement of the Human %ecurit& NetEork to the %pecia! (ommittee on Peacekeeping Operations. H1E1 >orge Ur4ina Permanent $epresentati e of (osta $ica to the Unite" Nations. NeE @ork 22 ?e4ruar& 2515. p1 2. taken from2 http233EEE14etterpeace1org3fi!es3c+87costa7rica7on74eha!f7of7human7securit&7netEork722fe4151p"f 26 I4i"1 2A %ecurit& (ounci! $eso!ution 1KI8. http233"access,""s, n&1un1org3"oc3UNDO(3*EN3N5K3A523863PD?3N5KA52861p"fHOpenE!ement

re+ort "y t)e UN Secretary Ceneral, t)e UN )as to mainstream )uman security into its activities and it )as to +re+are +eriodical re+orts every t!o years on +ro*ress in mainstreamin* )uman security$ In 1111, t)e UN Secretariat and t)e *overnment of Fa+an esta"lis)ed t)e UN Trust ;und for Human Security as a !ay to initiate and fund various +ro%ects$ (s a conse,uence in 200?, t)e Human Security Unit !as formed !it)in t)e Bffice for Coordination of Humanitarian (ffairs 2D, and (dvisory /oard on Human Security$ #oreover, )uman security "ecame an influential element of t)e international -"ilateral and multilateral2 relations$ Canada and Fa+an )ave made )uman security as a core +arts of t)eirs forei*n +olicy and Canada !as t)e leadin* country in formin* a"ove mentioned t)e Human Security Net!ork$ Bn t)e ot)er )and, no! !e can see t)at t)e ne! *overnment of Canada is not so ent)usiastic or +ositive re*ardin* )uman security$2E 4Fa+an mi*)t "e a leadin* force in t)e field of )uman security$6 21 In t)e 21st century Fa+an90 is tryin* to +romote )uman security as t)e conce+t of 4international coo+eration6 91 !it) t)e main *oal of makin* t)is century a )uman centered century$ Fa+an )as "een doin* a lot of activities to mainstream t)is conce+t: it em+)asi7ed t)e im+ortance of esta"lis)in* t)e common understandin* of t)e seriousness of )uman security amon* many stake)olders and in t)at re*ard it or*ani7ed various international seminars, conferences and sym+osiums$ It su++orts +ro%ects t)rou*) t)e UN Trust ;und for Human Security and t)e Crant (ssistance for Crassroots Human Security$ In 2000 and 2009 t)e *overnment of #on*olia made )uman security as a +art of its forei*n affairs and it included t)e fundamental +rinci+les of )uman security into t)e Ulaan"aatar =eclaration on =emocracy, Cood Covernance and Civil Society$ (lso, in 200E, Jcuador ado+ted )uman security in its constitution and anot)er contri"ution to t)e )uman security !as made "y t)e Covernment of T)ailand 92$ T)is is t)e first

O SO(H) continues to2 "isseminate the human securit& concept un"er pro:ects fun"e" 4& the UNT?H%= strengthen co!!a4oration Eith -em4er %tates. ci i! societ& an" non,go ernmenta! organi<ations= an" ser e as the foca! point on a!! matters re!ate" to human securit& at the Unite" Nations %ecretariatSP. Progress report to the )" isor& 0oar" on Human %ecurit& Octo4er 255I to %eptem4er 255K ?rom 1KKA O(H) is a"ministrating the $e!ief /e41 This is an on!ine getaEa& for pro i"ing information con humanitarian emergencies an" "isasters1 ?or more information !ook at their Ee4site http233EEE1re!iefEe41int3rE3"4c1nsf3"oc155HOpen?orm 2I %tephen >ames. /orking Paper %eries. Human %ecurit&2 Ke& Dri ers. )ntece"ents an" (onceptua!i<ation. Institute for Human %ecurit&. 2515. taken from2 http233EEE1!atro4e1e"u1au3humansecurit&3assets3"oEn!oa"s3IH%,/P,51,>ames1p"f 2K Hi"eaki %hino"a. (hapter 1. The (oncept of Human %ecurit&2 Historica! an" Theoretica! Imp!ications. IP%HU Eng!ish $esearch $eport %eries No11K (onf!ict an" Human %ecurit&2 ) %earch for NeE )pproaches of Peace,4ui!"ing. 2558. taken from2 http233home1hiroshima,u1ac1:p3heiEa3Pu43E1K3(hap11p"f +5 %ome of the recent pro:ects 4& >apan2 , %trengthening Nongo ernmenta! (ontri4utions to $egiona! %ecurit& (ooperation B255KpresentC , *!o4a! Hea!th an" Human %ecurit& Program B255JpresentC , (ommunit& Perspecti es on Human %ecurit& B255JpresentC , Human %ecurit& )pproaches to HI93)ID% in )sia an" )frica B2556presentC , ?rien"s of the *!o4a! ?un". >apan B2558presentC ?or more information !ook at >apan center for Internationa! E#change. http233EEE1:cie1or1:p3thinknet3hsecurit&1htm! +1 -inistr& of ?oreign )ffairs. >apanMs )ction. taken from http233EEE1mofa1go1:p3po!ic&3o"a3sector3securit&3action1htm!

country !)ic) esta"lis)ed t)e #inistry of Human Security and social =evelo+ment -Fa+an )as a++ointed t)e title of #inister for Human Security "ut still it does not )ave t)e !)ole ministry dedicated to )uman security2$ T)e year 200E, !as a ca+stone for JU "ecause t)e Council of t)e JU for t)e first time e.+licitly referred )uman security as one of t)e *oals of JU forei*n and security +olicy, in t)e +u"lis)ed re+ort on im+lementation of t)e Juro+ean Security Strate*y$ T)is re+resents t)e )u*e s)ift in JU security +olicy$ Ho!ever, t)e effective multilateralism remains t)e main +rinci+le of JU security strate*y, as !ritten in t)e 2009 Juro+ean Security Strate*y$ 99 T)e >e+ort outlined t)e im+ortance of )uman ri*)ts and *ender issues of security and it reco*ni7ed t)e role of !omen in +eace "uildin* -effective im+lementation of UNSC> 192@ on :omen, Peace and Security and UNSC> 1A12 on C)ildren and (rmed Conflict2$ 9? (s a contri"ution to t)e mainstreamin* )uman security, on t)e initiative of t)e Covernment of Fa+an, t)e Commission on Human Security !as esta"lis)ed$ It is co c)aired "y Sadako B*ata 9@, and (martya Sen9A$ T)e main +ur+ose of t)e Commission is to en*a*e in consultations !it) *overnments, civil society, re*ional, su" re*ional and international actors$ In 2009, t)e Commission +u"lis)ed t)e final re+ort Human Security No!$ T)is re+ort )el+ed im+rovin* t)e a++liance of )uman security in t)e UN, es+ecially UN Trust ;und for Human Security$ T)is ;und )as an im+ortant role in financin* many +ro%ects on t)e a++lication of )uman security !it)in t)e UN system$ 4(s at =ecem"er 2001, t)e Trust ;und )ad allocated a++ro.imately K929 million to 1ED +ro%ects in over A0 countries$6 9D Unfortunately, in 2010 t)e UN Trust ;und for HS )as received ne*ative revie!s 9E re*ardin* t)e lack of trans+arency and t)e arisin* +ro"lems !it) t)e "ud*et allocation +rocess$ (lmost, all money is "ein* donated "y t)e Fa+anese *overnment and t)e "ud*et allocation +rocess for ot)er countries is too com+le. and it re,uires a )i*) level of administration$ ;urt)ermore, t)e ;und !as critici7ed "ecause of its ineffectiveness and underutili7ation of t)e money$ #oreover, it is not +ossi"le to com+re)ensively evaluate t)e !ork of t)e ;und and t)e effectiveness of t)e )uman security +ro*rammes$

In Thai!an" one of the N*Os is the Human %ecurit& )!!iance. Ehich is a non,profit an" non, go ernmenta! organi<ation Eorking through its partnerships an" netEorks1 OSThe Human %ecurit& )!!iance focuses to engage at mu!tip!e !e e!s 4& creating a 4ri"ge 4etEeen !oca! organi<ations an" regiona! an" internationa! organi<ations to enhance the comp!iance of human centric po!ic& at each !e e!SP. Human %ecurit& )!!iance. http233EEE1hsa,int1net3in"e#1phpH optionLcom7contentT ieELartic!eTi"L8TItemi"L++ ++ ?or more information !ook at the ) %ecure Europe in a 0etter /or!". European %ecurit& %trateg&. 255+ http233EEE1consi!ium1europa1eu3ue"ocs3cmsUp!oa"3JI+AJ1p"f +8 ?or more information !ook at the $eport on the Imp!ementation of the European %ecurit& %trateg&2 Pro i"ing %ecurit& in a (hanging /or!". 0russe!s. 255I http233EEE1consi!ium1europa1eu3ue"ocs3cms7"ata3"ocs3press"ata3en3reports3158A+51p"f +6 ?ormer UN High (ommissioner for $efugees +A No4e! Naureate an" -aster of Trinit& (o!!ege. (am4ri"ge +J *enera! )ssem4!& $eso!ution )3$E%3A531. 2556 /or!" %ummit Outcome. http233unpan11un1org3intra"oc3groups3pu4!ic3"ocuments3un3unpan521J621p"f +I ?or further information !ook at the )u"it $eport -anagement of the Unite" Nations Trust ?un" for Human %ecurit&. 2K1 >anuar& 2515. http233usun1state1go 3"ocuments3organi<ation3188K811p"f


/esides t)e >e+ort "y t)e Commission, t)e Human =evelo+ment >e+ort +lays a si*nificant +art in advancin* t)e mainstreamin* and im+lementation of t)e )uman security conce+t$ (lon* !it) t)at, t)e UN=P reali7ed t)at eac) country )as its o!n uni,ue +ro"lems and insecurities, so it develo+ed National >e+orts re*ardin* t)e )uman security$

T)ere )ave "een *reat efforts from some of t)e countries for mainstreamin* t)e HS conce+t in international and security affairs$ #any c)an*es occurred under t)is ne! security +aradi*m !it)in t)e UN a*enda re*ardin* t)e linka*e, interconnections and interde+endence of t)e )uman security, )uman develo+ment, res+ect and +rotection for )uman ri*)ts and sustaina"le +eace and security$ In t)e +ost Cold :ar +eriod a lot of c)an*es )a++ened in area of international and security affairs$ T)e need for findin* a ne! +ers+ective !)ic) !ill "roaden t)e current a++roac) in t)e area of security emer*ed !it)in t)e United Nations in terms of 4relatively6 ne! term )uman security$ Unfortunately, !e are !itnesses of many violations of )uman security and )uman ri*)ts in t)e last decades$ #ass atrocities: murders, ra+es, *enocide, et)nic cleansin*s, !ars, mi*rations -0u*oslavia, >!anda, &osovo etc$2 are all violatin* )uman ri*)t to life and freedom$ In 2010, t)ere !ere 90 on*oin* armed conflicts91$ T)rou*)out )istory !e can see t)e c)an*ea"le and uncertain nature of conflicts and t)e need for t)e UN to ada+t its mec)anisms and to constantly re ,uestion met)ods, so it can ans!er to current and future c)allen*es and t)reats$ Still, t)e international actors )ave not acce+ted one definition of t)is conce+t$ It is left, on t)e actors to understand it and define it in t)eir o!n !ay$ I "elieve t)at t)e lack of universal definition is a +ositive t)in* in terms of leavin* it for different inter+retations accordin* various situations and conte.ts$ =ifferent +arts of t)e Jart) )ave +articular set of +ro"lems to deal !it)$ In todayHs !orld a coo+eration and coordination "et!een countries is necessary for esta"lis)in* sustaina"le +eace and sta"ility$ Foint effort of countries, re*ional, international or*ani7ations, NCBs, civil society is necessitate for mainstreamin* )uman security$ T)e conce+t of )uman security is +er re,uisite for )uman develo+ment and for res+ect for fundamental )uman ri*)ts and freedoms$ If !e cannot ensure t)at +eo+le are safe not %ust from conflicts, inter state and nuclear !ars3 "ut also from starvation, deat)s "y t)e lack of clean !ater, +reventa"le diseases, civil conflict, terrorism etc$3 t)en !e )ave failed t)e +rimary *oal of security !)ic) is to +rotect$ Human security is a conce+t !)ic) focuses on individual$ (ll of t)e com+onents of security suc) as food security, environmental security, ener*etic security etc$ are circlin* t)e +)enomenon )uman security and are connected !it) )uman "ein*$ (s, I )ave mentioned t)e communication "et!een various actors is a key for re*ulatin* and im+lementin* t)is conce+t$ (ll of t)e actors are seekin* for findin* t)e "est consolidated or individual efforts on )uman security$

Uppsa!a Uni ersit&. Uppsa!a (onf!ict Data Programme http233EEE1pcr1uu1se3research3uc"p3charts7an"7graphs3


(s !e all kno!, t)e State is t)e main actor and *uarantee !)ic) )as to create a constructive, effective and efficient climate for t)is conce+t$ (s a +roduct of my researc), I "elieve t)at eac) country !)ic) is +romotin* )uman security s)ould incor+orate )uman security into t)e National Security Strate*y and furt)ermore it s)ould esta"lis) a s+ecial de+artment re*ardin* t)is conce+t -for e.am+le T)ailand )as a #inistry for Human Security, Fa+an )as a #inister of Human Security2$ T)is !ould "e a statement !it) a )u*e +otential influence on ot)er countries and actors, to address t)is conce+t more seriously$ T)e UN and t)e JU s)ould "e t)e core fi*ures to +romote and mainstream )uman security, due to t)eirs mec)anisms and structure for accom+lis)in* t)is$ Bne of t)e "est !ays is com+re)ensive trainin* and introducin* t)is conce+t to students$ Human security is a "road area !)ic) incor+orates various fields and you can look at it from different an*les, and t)us )ave numerous multidimensional results$ T)rou*) discussion, talks, de"ates "et!een +rofessionals, students, and 4ordinary6 +eo+le3 t)e ideas and t)ou*)ts are "ein* e.c)an*ed and t)is can lead us to desira"le outcomes$


1$ /arry /u7an, 4Peo+le, States and ;ear: (n a*enda for international security studies in t)e Post Cold !ar era6, /oulder 0 1ynne 2ienner, 1111, +$ 1EE, in Irina Larin, JU >e*ional (++roac) to t)e :estern /alkans T)e Human Security =imension, /el*rade, 200D 2$ Hideaki S)inoda, C)a+ter 1, T)e Conce+t of Human Security: Historical and T)eoretical Im+lications, IPSHU Jn*lis) >esearc) >e+ort Series No$11 Conflict and Human Security: ( Searc) for Ne! (++roac)es of Peace "uildin*, 200?, taken from: )tt+:II)ome$)iros)ima u$ac$%+I)ei!aIPu"IJ11IC)a+1$+df 9$ S$ Neil #ac;arlane and 0uen ;oon* &)on*: Human Security and t)e UN < ( Critical History, United Nations Intellectual History Pro%ect, Indiana University Press, 200A ?$ &eit) &rause, To!ards a Practical Human Security (*enda, Ceneva Centre for t)e =emocratic Control of (rmed ;orces -=C(;2 Policy Pa+er < M2A, 200D @$ &laus &a+uy, T)e >elevance of t)e Gocal Gevel for Human Security, Human Security Pers+ective, Nolume 1 -200?2 Issue 1 A$ &oen5s Coo+erative Security Conce+t or =eutsc)5s Coo+erative Community etc in Irina Larin, JU >e*ional (++roac) to t)e :estern /alkans T)e Human Security =imension, /el*rade, 200D D$ S)evtsova Gilia and Fean #arie CuO)enno, Jvery"ody5s /usiness: Stren*t)enin* International Coo+eration in a #ore Interde+endent :orld3 3xcerpt from the 2eport of the ,lobal 2edesi"n Initiative 3nhancin" ,lobal 4ecurity, taken from )tt+:II!!!$!eforum$or*I+dfI*rs2010Ire+ortID Clo"al Security$+df

I1 Ste+)en Fames, :orkin* Pa+er Series, Human Security: &ey =rivers, (ntecedents and
Conce+tuali7ation, Institute for Human Security, 2010, taken from: )tt+:II!!!$latro"e$edu$auI)umansecurityIassetsIdo!nloadsIIHS :P 01 Fames$+df 1$ :olf*an* /enedek, C)risto+)er =aase, No%in =imitri%evi' and Petrus van =uyne, Transnational Terrorism, Br*ani7ed Crime and Peace /uildin*, Human Security in t)e :estern /alkans3 Pal*rave #acmillan, Fune 2010 10$ Human Security in T)eory and Practice, (++lication of t)e Human Security Conce+t and t)e United Nations Trust ;und for Human Security, Human Security Unit Bffice for t)e Coordination of Humanitarian (ffairs United Nations, 2001 11$ Ceneral =e"ate: Foint Statement of t)e Human Security Net!ork to t)e S+ecial Committee on Peacekee+in* B+erations, H$J$ For*e Ur"ina Permanent >e+resentative of Costa >ica to t)e United Nations, Ne! 0ork 22 ;e"ruary 2010, taken from: )tt+:II!!!$"etter+eace$or*IfilesIc9?PcostaPricaPonP"e)alfPofP)umanPsecurityPnet!orkP22fe"10 $+df


>e+orts, resolutions and strate*ies:

1$ CSIS J&J# Policy >e+ort, (ssessin* Human Security in t)e :estern /alkans, Center for Strate*ic and International Studies and Hellenic Centre for Juro+ean Studies, taken from )tt+:IIcsis$or*IfilesI+u"licationI10110@$CSIS J&J#PPolicy/rief?$+df 2$ UN=P Human =evelo+ment >e+ort 1119, Ne! 0ork 1119: Peo+le5s Partici+ation, Bvervie!, )tt+:II)dr$und+$or*IenImediaI)drP1119PenPovervie!$+df

+1 UN=P Human =evelo+ment >e+ort 111?, Ne! 0ork 111?: Ne! =imensions of Human Security,
)tt+:II)dr$und+$or*IenImediaI)drP111?PenPcontents$+df ?$ Commission on Human Security, Human Security No! T)e ;inal re+ort, Commission on Human Security, Ne! 0ork, 2002, +$ E 1

61 >e+ort of t)e Commission on Clo"al Covernance, Bur Clo"al Nei*)"or)ood, C)a+ter 9:

Promotin* Security, B.ford University Press, 111@

A1 Ceneral (ssem"ly >esolution (I>JSIA0I1, 200@ :orld Summit Butcome,


J1 Security Council >esolution 11E?, )tt+:IIdaccess dds

ny$un$or*IdocIUN=BCICJNIN01IA02I?@IP=;IN01A02?@$+dfQB+enJlement E$ Pro*ress re+ort to t)e (dvisory /oard on Human Security Bcto"er 200E to Se+tem"er 2001 1$ ( Secure Juro+e in a /etter :orld, Juro+ean Security Strate*y, 2009 )tt+:II!!!$consilium$euro+a$euIuedocsIcmsU+loadIDE9AD$+df 10$ >e+ort on t)e Im+lementation of t)e Juro+ean Security Strate*y: Providin* Security in a C)an*in* :orld, /russels, 200E )tt+:II!!!$consilium$euro+a$euIuedocsIcmsPdataIdocsI+ressdataIenIre+ortsI10?A90$+df 11$ Ceneral (ssem"ly >esolution (I>JSIA0I1, 200@ :orld Summit Butcome, )tt+:IIun+an1$un$or*IintradocI*rou+sI+u"licIdocumentsIunIun+an021D@2$+df 12$ (udit >e+ort < #ana*ement of t)e United Nations Trust ;und for Human Security, 21$ Fanuary 2010, )tt+:IIusun$state$*ovIdocumentsIor*ani7ationI1??1?1$+df

:e" Sources:
1$ ;rom 111A BCH( is administratin* t)e >elief :e"$ T)is is an online *eta!ay for +rovidin* information con )umanitarian emer*encies and disasters$ ;or more information look at t)eir !e"site )tt+:II!!!$relief!e"$intIr!Id"c$nsfIdoc100QB+en;orm 2$ #inistry of ;orei*n (ffairs, Fa+an5s (ction 9$ Fa+an center for International J.c)an*e

81 Fa+an International Coo+eration (*ency 18

@$ T)ailand #inistry of ;orei*n (ffairs #inistry of Social =evelo+ment and Human Security A$ Human Security Cate!ay D$ Human Security Net!ork E$ Human Security (lliance

K1 United Nations Center for >e*ional =evelo+ment -UNC>=2 151 United Nations =e+artment of Jconomic and Social (ffairs -=JS(2, =ivision of (dvancement of
:omen ;irst (fricaI(sia Parliamentarian ;orum on Human Security and Cender in #orocco, #arc) 2002 Second (fricaI(sia Parliamentarian ;orum on Human Security and Cender in /an*kok, =ecem"er 2002

111 United Nations =e+artment of Peacekee+in* B+erations -=P&B2

Peacekee+in* /est Practices Section

121 United Nations =evelo+ment Pro*ramme -UN=P2

UN=P and Human Security

1+1 United Nations Jducational, Scientific and Cultural Br*ani7ation -UNJSCB2

:e" ;orum on Human Security 1?$ United Nations ;oundation Initiative on United Nations R Clo"al Security 1@$ United Nations Peace"uildin* Commission 1A$ United Nations Peace"uildin* ;und 1J1 U++sala University, U++sala Conflict =ata Pro*ramme 1E$ :orld /ank Social =evelo+ment


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