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In 1999, Nissan entered a two-way alliance with Renault S.A. of France, which owns 43.4% of Nissan, while Nissan holds 1 % of Renault shares, as of !""#. Alon$ with its nor%al ran$e of %odels, Nissan also &roduces a ran$e of lu'ury %odels (randed as Infiniti. As of !"11, the co%&any)s $lo(al head*uarters is located in Nishi-+u, ,o+oha%a. Nissan was the si'th lar$est auto%a+er in the world (ehind -oyota, .eneral /otors, 0ol+swa$en .rou&, 1yundai /otor .rou&, and Ford in !"1!.2#3 It for%erly %ar+eted 4ehicles under the 56atsun5 (rand na%e. In 7uly !"13, Nissan announced the relaunch of 6atsun as a (rand tar$eted at e%er$in$ %ar+ets. 8a Auctions Ser4ices9Su(aru is the auto%o(ile %anufacturin$ di4ision of 7a&anese trans&ortation con$lo%erate Fu:i 1ea4y Industries ;F1I<, the twenty-si'th (i$$est auto%a+er (y &roduction worldwide in !"11. Su(aru is +nown for its use of the (o'er en$ine layout in %ost of its 4ehicles a(o4e 1 "" cc as well as its use of the all wheel dri4e dri4e-train layout since 19=!, with it (eco%in$ standard e*ui&%ent for %id-si>e and s%aller cars in %ost international %ar+ets as of 199?, and now standard in %ost North A%erican %ar+et Su(aru 4ehicles. -he lone e'ce&tion is the R@6 ARB introduced in !"1!. Su(aru also offers tur(ochar$ed 4ersions of their &assen$er cars, such as the I%&re>a @RC.

Quality Assurance Auctions

Dhe4rolet EFF4rF)leFE, collo*uially referred to as Dhe4y and for%ally the Dhe4rolet 6i4ision of .eneral /otors GGD, is a (rand of 4ehicles &roduced (y the A%erican cor&oration .eneral /otors ;./<. Hri$inally founded (y Gouis Dhe4rolet and ousted .eneral /otors founder @illia% D. 6urant on No4e%(er 3, 1911 as the Dhe4rolet /otor Dar Do%&any, 6urant used the Dhe4rolet /otor Dar Do%&any to ac*uire a controllin$ sta+e in .eneral /otors with a re4erse %er$er occurrin$ on /ay !, 191# that &ro&elled 6urant (ac+ to the ./ &residency. After 6urant)s second ouster in 1919, Alfred Sloan, with his %a'i% 5a car for e4ery &urse and &ur&ose,5 would &ic+ the Dhe4rolet (rand to (eco%e the 4olu%e leader in the .eneral /otors fa%ily, sellin$ %ainstrea% 4ehicles to co%&ete with 1enry Ford)s /odel - in 1919 and o4erta+in$ the /odel - as the (estsellin$ car in the Inited States (y 19!9. Ale' Ruds+y9 -he first wor+in$ stea%-&owered 4ehicle was desi$ned J and %ost li+ely (uilt J (y Ferdinand 0er(iest, a Fle%ish %e%(er of a 7esuit %ission in Dhina around 1?=!. It was a ? c%-lon$ scale-%odel toy for the Dhinese K%&eror, that was una(le to carry a dri4er or a &assen$er. It is not +nown if 0er(iest)s %odel was e4er (uilt. 8a Auctions Ser4ices

/ore results9 Ale' Ruds+y 8a Auctions Info Ale' Ruds+y

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