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Biology 1 End-of-Course Assessment Practice Test

For Multiple Choice Items, circle the correct response.

(1.02 MC) SC.912.n.1.1
lf a company clalms LhaL lLs producL has been proven sclenLlflcally, whlch of Lhe followlng should
have Laken place lf Lhe resulLs are Lo be consldered rellable?
A. 1he company should have held dlscusslons wlLh leadlng lndusLry sclenLlsLs.
8. 1echnology should have been used ln boLh Lhe gaLherlng of daLa and daLa analysls.
C. 8esulLs should have been peer revlewed and repeaLed produclng Lhe same flndlngs.
u. 1he resulLs of Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon should have been publlshed ln popular magazlnes.

(1.02 MC) SC.912.n.1.1
8ased on your knowledge of sclenLlflc lnvesLlgaLlons, whlch sLage of sclenLlflc lnvesLlgaLlon dld
Lhe lnvenLlon of Lhe mlcroscope slgnlflcanLly advance?
A. CommunlcaLlng Lhe resulLs of experlmenLaLlon
8. CaLherlng Lhe daLa for Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon
C. CeneraLlng explanaLlons of phenomena
u. lannlng Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon and experlmenLaLlon

(1.02 PC) SC.912.n.1.1
A sLudenL ls conducLlng an lnvesLlgaLlon Lo deLermlne Lhe effecL of LemperaLure on Lhe
meLabollsm of yeasL (Saccharomyces cerevlslae). ?easL and sugar are added Lo waLer, Lhe gas
produced ls capLured, and lLs volume ls recorded. Whlch varlables should be held consLanL
durlng Lhls lnvesLlgaLlon?
A. Mass of sugar and waLer LemperaLure
8. Mass of yeasL and mass of sugar
C. volume of gas and waLer LemperaLure
u. volume of gas and mass of yeasL

(1.02 MC) SC.912.n.3.1
SclenLlflc law and a sclenLlflc Lheory are slmllar ln LhaL boLh
A. are based on whaL we expecL Lo happen based on naLural hlsLory
8. descrlbe Lhe evenLs LhaL can be observed ln naLure
C. explaln why evenLs and condlLlons occur as Lhey do ln Lhe naLural world
u. represenL a large amounL of sclenLlflc lnvesLlgaLlon and evldence

(1.02 MC) SC.912.n.3.1
1o help paLlenLs replenlsh bodlly flulds qulckly durlng an lllness, docLors need Lo undersLand
how cells behave ln Lhelr envlronmenL. uocLors have confldence ln whaL Lhey know abouL how
cells behave because
A. cell Lheory has been LesLed, reflned, and observed Lo be Lrue over hundreds of years
8. large medlcal lnsLlLuLlons have conducLed Lhelr own experlmenLs [usLlfylng cell Lheory
C. Lhe baslcs of cell Lheory have noL changed much slnce Lhe orlglnal experlmenLs
u. whaL we know abouL cell Lheory has been publlshed ln repuLable [ournals
(1.04 MC) SC.912.L.18.12
Whlch of Lhe followlng besL descrlbes a resulL of Lhe polar naLure of waLer molecules?
A. lonlc compounds dlssolve easlly ln waLer.
8. 1he volume of waLer decreases by nearly half when lL ls frozen.
C. WaLer molecules repel each oLher.
u. WaLer molecules repel mosL oLher subsLances.

(1.04 PC) SC.912.L.18.12
WaLer has a much hlgher speclflc heaL Lhan mosL oLher covalenL compounds. WhaL do you
predlcL mlghL happen lf waLer had a low speclflc heaL lnsLead?
A. lloodlng would occur and anlmals would be forced Lo mlgraLe.
8. Parmful organlsms llvlng ln waLer would reproduce aL a rapld raLe.
C. Crganlsms LhaL are senslLlve Lo changes ln LemperaLure would dle.
u. lanLs would noL have enough waLer Lo effecLlvely carry ouL phoLosynLhesls.

(1.03 MC) SC.912.L.13.8
ln whlch of Lhe followlng clrcumsLances would lL be mosL llkely for large organlc molecules Lo
form durlng a laboraLory experlmenL?
A. lf amlno aclds and nuclelc aclds boLh formed
8. lf oxygen were slowly added as Lhe experlmenL progressed
C. lf 8nA segmenLs LhaL could acL as caLalysLs formed
u. lf Lhe mlxLure were repeaLedly heaLed and cooled

(1.03 MC) SC.912.L.13.8
Assume a group of sclenLlsLs has managed Lo seL up an experlmenL slmulaLlng Lhe condlLlons of
early LarLh LhaL resulLed ln a cell wlLh unA uslng 8nA Lo produce proLelns from amlno aclds as
modern cells do. WhaL concluslon could Lhey draw from Lhls experlmenL?
A. lL ls posslble for a cell slmllar Lo a modern cell Lo form under Lhe condlLlons of Lhe
8. Modern cells developed from lnorganlc compounds ln Lhe condlLlons LhaL exlsLed on early
C. 1he condlLlons of Lhelr experlmenL exacLly repllcaLed Lhe condlLlons found on early LarLh.
u. 1he way modern cells funcLlon ls Lhe only way a cell could be consLrucLed and survlve.

(1.03 MC) SC.912.L.8.12
A varleLy of organlc molecules have been found ln meLeorlLes LhaL have landed on LarLh,
lncludlng lndlvldual amlno aclds and llpld molecules. 1o daLe, however, no mlcrospheres have
been found on Lhese meLeorlLes. Why ls lL unllkely LhaL mlcrospheres wlll ever be found on a
meLeorlLe even Lhough llplds can form ln Lhem?
A. Amlno aclds cannoL form Lhe enzymes needed Lo consLrucL mlcrospheres ln a meLeorlLe.
8. Any mlcrospheres LhaL formed would be desLroyed by Lhe radlaLlon ln space.
C. Croups of llplds wlll only form lnLo mlcrospheres when Lhey are ln llquld waLer.
u. lndlvldual llplds can only begln Lo form mlcrospheres when oxygen ls presenL.

(2.01 MC) SC.912.L.18.1
Whlch of Lhe followlng besL compares Lhe sLrucLures of llplds and carbohydraLes?
A. 8oLh are made up of monosaccharlde monomers, buL llplds are hydrophoblc and
carbohydraLes are hydrophlllc.
8. 8oLh conslsL of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, buL carbohydraLes have repeaLlng sLrucLural
unlLs and llplds do noL.
C. 8oLh conLaln carbon and hydrogen, buL carbohydraLes also conLaln oxygen and llplds conLaln
u. 8oLh have a carbon backbone, buL llplds also have an amlno group and carbohydraLes have a
carboxyllc acld group.

(2.01 MC) SC.912.L.18.1
Whlch of Lhe followlng besL descrlbes Lhe dlfference beLween Lhe funcLlons of nuclelc aclds and
A. nuclelc aclds are used as Lhe bulldlng blocks of proLelns, whlle enzymes are used as Lhe
bulldlng blocks of phosphollplds.
8. nuclelc aclds conLaln Lhe geneLlc code for proLeln synLhesls, whlle enzymes caLalyze chemlcal
C. nuclelc aclds lnhlblL blochemlcal reacLlons, whlle enzymes provlde sLrucLural supporL ln cells.
u. nuclelc aclds LransmlL slgnals LhaL begln blochemlcal processes, whlle enzymes converL
carbohydraLes lnLo llplds and proLelns.

(2.01 PC) SC. 912.L.18.1
Some proLelns caLalyze blochemlcal reacLlons. lf a geneLlc defecL prevenLed a proLeln caLalysL
from belng produced, whlch of Lhe followlng do you predlcL would happen ln Lhe cell?
A. 1he cell would flnd a dlfferenL Lype of proLeln Lo caLalyze Lhe reacLlon.
8. 1he reacLlon Lhe proLeln caLalyzes would proceed very slowly or noL aL all.
C. 1he reacLlon Lhe proLeln caLalyzes would only occur ln some places ln Lhe cell.
u. 1he reverse reacLlon of Lhe one Lhe proLeln caLalyzes would begln Lo proceed.

(2.02 MC) SC. 912.L.14.1
Whlch of Lhe followlng besL summarlzes why Lhe Lechnologlcal lnvenLlon of mlcroscopes was
lmporLanL Lo blology?
A. lL allowed for developmenL of Lhe cell Lheory.
8. lL creaLed a means of fundlng for cell research.
C. lL creaLed publlc lnLeresL and supporL for research.
u. lL gave sclenLlflc credlblllLy Lo Lhose worklng on cell Lheory.

(2.02 MC) SC. 912.L.14.1
Larly elemenLs of Lhe cell Lheory followed soon afLer Lhe developmenL of Pooke's llghL
mlcroscope. WhaL does Lhls relaLlonshlp suggesL abouL Lhe evoluLlon of Lhe cell Lheory slnce
A. lmprovemenLs ln Lechnology are closely relaLed Lo changes ln Lhe cell Lheory.
8. lsolaLed sclenLlsLs conLrlbuLed pleces of Lhe cell Lheory Lo form Lhe whole.
C. rogress on Lhe cell Lheory was delayed by a lack of Lechnologlcal progress.
u. SclenLlsLs needed Lo focus less on cells and more on mlcroscope developmenL.

(2.02 MC) SC. 912.L.14.3
Whlch of Lhe followlng characLerlsLlcs deflnes a cell as a eukaryoLe?
A. 8elng able Lo move
8. 8elng able Lo reproduce
C. Pavlng a nucleus
u. Pavlng rlbosomes

(2.02 MC) SC. 912.L.14.3
Whlch sLaLemenL besL compares a eukaryoLe and a prokaryoLe?
A. LukaryoLes have a cell wall, whlle prokaryoLes have a cell membrane.
8. LukaryoLes have membrane-bound organelles, whlle prokaryoLes have few speclallzed
C. LukaryoLes use acLlve LransporL Lo move subsLances across Lhe cell membrane, whlle
prokaryoLes use faclllLaLed dlffuslon.
u. LukaryoLes use flagella Lo move Lhemselves Lhrough subsLances, whlle prokaryoLes are noL
able Lo move.

(2.03 MC) SC. 912.L.14.3
Whlch of Lhe followlng besL compares Lhe sLrucLures found ln planL cells and anlmal cells?
A. Anlmal cells conLaln cell walls and a large cenLral vacuole whlle planL cells conLaln cell
membranes and many small vacuoles.
8. Anlmal cells do noL conLaln chloroplasLs, cell walls, or a large cenLral vacuole whlle planL cells
C. lanL cells conLaln rough endoplasmlc reLlculum and a Colgl apparaLus whlle anlmal cells
conLaln smooLh endoplasmlc reLlculum surrounded by lysosomes.
u. lanL cells have rlgld cell walls and do noL conLaln mlLochondrla or rlbosomes whlle anlmal
cells do.

(2.03 MC) SC. 912.L.14.3
Whlch of Lhe followlng besL compares Lhe membranes found ln dlfferenL Lypes of cells?
A. Anlmal cells have cell membranes and cell walls, buL planL cells do noL have cell membranes.
8. Anlmal cells have membrane-bound organelles, whlle planL cells carry ouL Lhe funcLlons
necessary for llfe ln Lhe cyLoplasm.
C. rokaryoLes have only cell membranes, whlle eukaryoLes have boLh cell walls and cell
u. rokaryoLes and eukaryoLes boLh have cell membranes, buL eukaryoLes also have membrane-
bound organelles.

(2.03 MC) SC. 912.L.18.8
Whlch of Lhe followlng besL compares Lhe processes lnvolved ln aeroblc and anaeroblc
A. Clycolysls and Lhe krebs cycle Lake place ln Lhe mlLochondrla, whlle Lhe elecLron LransporL
chaln Lakes place ln Lhe cyLosol.
8. Clycolysls Lakes place ln Lhe cyLosol, whlle Lhe krebs cycle and elecLron LransporL chaln Lake
place ln Lhe mlLochondrla.
C. 1he elecLron LransporL and glycolysls Lake place ln Lhe mlLochondrla, whlle Lhe krebs cycle
Lakes place ln Lhe cyLosol.
u. 1he krebs cycle Lakes and elecLron LransporL chaln Lake place ln Lhe cyLosol, whlle glycolysls
and Lakes place ln Lhe mlLochondrla.

(2.03 MC) SC. 912.L.18.8
Whlch of Lhe followlng correcLly compares Lhe producLs of aeroblc and anaeroblc resplraLlon?
A. Aeroblc resplraLlon produces more Lhan 30 A1 per glucose molecule and elLher eLhyl alcohol
or lacLlc acld, whlle anaeroblc resplraLlon produces only 2 A1 per glucose molecule.
8. Aeroblc resplraLlon produces more Lhan 30 A1 per glucose molecule, whlle anaeroblc
resplraLlon produces only 2 A1 per glucose molecule and elLher eLhyl alcohol or lacLlc acld.
C. Anaeroblc resplraLlon produces more Lhan 30 A1 per glucose molecule, whlle aeroblc
resplraLlon produces only 2 A1 per glucose molecule and elLher eLhyl alcohol or lacLlc acld.
u. Anaeroblc resplraLlon produces more Lhan 30 A1 per glucose molecule and elLher eLhyl
alcohol or lacLlc acld, whlle aeroblc resplraLlon produces only 2 A1 per glucose molecule.

(2.03 PC) SC. 912.L.18.8
ln Lhe cyLosol of a cell, lacLlc acld ls belng formed from pyruvaLe. Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lhe
mosL llkely concluslon one can make regardlng Lhe processes LhaL are occurrlng?
A. Carbon dloxlde ls also belng produced as pyruvaLe moves Lhrough Lhe elecLron LransporL
8. lermenLaLlon ls Laklng place as a resulL of a lack of oxygen.
C. Clucose ls belng produced as a resulL of aeroblc condlLlons.
u. 1he krebs cycle ls Laklng place and Lhe producLs wlll enLer Lhe mlLochondrla.

(3.02 MC) SC.912.L.16.17
Whlch of Lhe followlng besL compares Lhe processes of mlLosls and melosls?
A. MlLosls lnvolves one dlvlslon cycle and resulLs ln dlplold daughLer cells, whlle melosls conslsLs
of Lwo dlvlslon cycles and resulLs ln haplold gameLes.
8. MlLosls lnvolves one dlvlslon cycle and resulLs ln haplold gameLes, whlle melosls conslsLs of
Lwo dlvlslon cycles and resulLs ln dlplold daughLer cells.
C. MlLosls lnvolves Lwo dlvlslon cycles and resulLs ln dlplold daughLer cells, whlle melosls
conslsLs of one dlvlslon cycle and resulLs ln haplold gameLes.
u. MlLosls lnvolves Lwo dlvlslon cycles and resulLs ln haplold gameLes, whlle melosls conslsLs of
one dlvlslon cycle and resulLs ln dlplold daughLer cells.

(3.02 MC) SC.912.L.16.17
Whlch of Lhe followlng besL explalns why melosls resulLs ln greaLer geneLlc dlverslLy Lhan
A. AfLer melosls, daughLer cells are dlplold and have Lwlce as much geneLlc maLerlal, whlch can
be dlvlded ln many more posslble comblnaLlons.
8. AfLer melosls, haplold daughLer cells are ferLlllzed, whlch doubles Lhelr number of
chromosomes and lncreases Lhe number of posslble genes.
C. uurlng melosls, chromosomes assorL Lhemselves lndependenLly of each oLher, whlch allows
for more dlfferenL posslble comblnaLlons of chromosomes.
u. uurlng melosls, more daughLer cells are produced, whlch lncreases Lhe llkellhood LhaL
ferLlllzaLlon wlll occur.

(3.02 MC) SC.912.L.16.17
Whlch of Lhe followlng besL descrlbes how Lhe process of crosslng over durlng melosls leads Lo
an lncrease ln geneLlc dlverslLy?
A. uurlng prophase l, unA repllcaLlon Lakes place, and homologous chromosomes Lrade places
wlLh each oLher before llnlng up ln preparaLlon for meLaphase.
8. uurlng prophase l, unA segmenLs are exchanged beLween homologous chromosomes,
resulLlng ln dlfferenL comblnaLlons of alleles.
C. uurlng prophase ll, fragmenLs of unA break off of chromosomes and aLLach Lo Lhe ends of
oLher chromosomes, resulLlng ln dlfferenL gene sequences.
u. uurlng prophase ll, slsLer chromaLlds separaLe from each oLher, and as Lhey Lravel Lo opposlLe
ends of Lhe cell, unA segmenLs of nearby chromosomes are exchanged.

(3.02 PC) SC.912.L.16.17
Some organlsms are able Lo reproduce asexually Lhrough mlLosls, whlle cells of organlsms LhaL
reproduce sexually wlll undergo melosls Lo produce gameLes. Whlch process do you predlcL
would be mosL beneflclal Lo a specles durlng a drasLlc change ln envlronmenLal condlLlons?
A. Melosls, lL resulLs ln more daughLer cells, whlch lncreases Lhe populaLlon of Lhe specles.
8. Melosls, lL resulLs ln more geneLlc varlaLlon, whlch would help ensure Lhe specles wlll survlve.
C. MlLosls, lL resulLs ln more geneLlc muLaLlons, whlch may be advanLageous Lo Lhe specles.
u. MlLosls, lL resulLs ln more offsprlng ln a shorL Llme, whlch lncreases Lhe odds LhaL some wlll

(3.03 MC) SC.912.L.16.1
1he allele for brown eyes ls domlnanL Lo Lhe allele for blue eyes. Whlch of Lhe followlng besL
explalns how Lwo brown-eyed parenLs could produce a blue-eyed chlld?
A. Lach parenL musL be carrylng Lhe recesslve allele for blue eyes.
8. Lye color ls a sex-llnked LralL and male chlldren could have only Lhe allele for blue eyes.
C. MuLaLlons afLer ferLlllzaLlon could alLer gene sequences and change alleles.
u. Cne parenL musL have had only blue-eyed parenLs.

(3.03 MC) SC.912.L.16.1
When an organlsm has more Lhan 10 flngers or Loes, Lhe condlLlon ls known as polydacLyllsm.
AlLhough polydacLyllsm ls rare, lL ls a domlnanL LralL. lf Lwo caLs LhaL are heLerozygous for
polydacLyllsm maLe and have a llLLer wlLh a LoLal of 12 klLLens, how many of Lhem would you
expecL Lo have more Lhan 10 flngers or Loes?
A. 0
8. 6
C. 9
u. 12

(3.03 PC) SC.912.L.16.1
ln pea planLs, Lhe allele for whlLe flowers ls recesslve Lo Lhe allele for purple flowers. ln a
generaLlon of pea planLs, 89 planLs produced purple flowers and 31 planLs produced whlLe
flowers. Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lhe besL concluslon you can make abouL Lhe parenL planLs of
Lhls generaLlon?
A. 8oLh parenL planLs are heLerozygous for flower color.
8. 8oLh parenL planLs were homozygous wlLh purple flowers.
C. Cne parenL planL had whlLe flowers and Lhe oLher was heLerozygous for flower color.
u. Cne parenL planL was heLerozygous for flower color and Lhe oLher was homozygous wlLh
purple flowers.

(3.03 MC) SC.912.L.16.3
Cnce Lhe unA ln a cell has flnlshed repllcaLlng and has resLed, whaL ls Lhe nexL sLep LhaL wlll
happen ln mosL healLhy cells ln an adulL?
A. 1he cell wlll begln Lo dlvlde lnLo daughLer cells.
8. 1he cell wlll creaLe proLelns ln lLs nucleus.
C. 1he cell wlll sLarL manufacLurlng m8nA.
u. 1he cell wlll sLarL Lhe repllcaLlon process agaln lmmedlaLely.

(3.03 MC) SC.912.L.16.3
Why does adenlne always palr wlLh Lhymlne and cyLoslne always palr wlLh guanlne when unA ls
A. Adenlne and Lhymlne are boLh square shaped whlle cyLoslne and guanlne are more round.
8. 8oLh adenlne and Lhymlne aLLach Lo phosphaLe buL cyLoslne and guanlne aLLach Lo sugars.
C. CovalenL bonds [oln adenlne Lo Lhymlne whlle cyLoslne and guanlne [oln wlLh hydrogen
u. 1hree hydrogen bonds form beLween adenlne and Lhymlne buL cyLoslne and guanlne only
form Lwo.

(3.03 PC) SC.912.L.16.3
A cell ls repllcaLlng lLs unA. arL of Lhe unA sLrand reads A-C-C-C-1-A-C. 1he new sLrand bullL off
Lhls secLlon reads 1-C-C-A-A-1-C. WhaL effecL mlghL Lhls have when Lhe unA repllcaLes ln Lhe
A. Cells havlng Lhe new unA verslon wlll look or operaLe dlfferenLly from cells wlLh Lhe orlglnal
8. Cnly Lhe secLlons of unA wlLhouL mlsLakes wlll be used ln Lhe fuLure so Lhe unA sLrand wlll
C. 1he unA wlll be exacLly llke Lhe orlglnal slnce only Lhe orlglnal sLrand of unA ls used as a
u. When Lhe new sLrand ls used as a LemplaLe Lhe sLrand bullL from lL wlll dlffer from Lhe orlglnal

(4.01 LC) SC.912.L.17.9
Whlch of Lhe followlng correcLly classlfles Lhe organlsms ln Lhe marlne food web shown below?

A. krlll = producer, phyLoplankLon =prlmary consumer, zooplankLon = decomposer
8. hyLoplankLon = decomposer, zooplankLon = producer, flsh = prlmary consumer
C. hyLoplankLon = producer, zooplankLon = prlmary consumer, sea blrds = secondary consumer
u. ZooplankLon = producer, flsh = prlmary consumer, krlll = secondary consumer

(4.01 MC) SC.912.L.17.9
Whlch of Lhe followlng correcLly Lraces Lhe energy Lransfer Lhrough Lhe Lrophlc levels ln Lhe
marlne food web shown below?

A. llsh ! sea blrds ! seal ! penguln
8. hyLoplankLon ! krlll ! flsh ! seal
C. Seal ! sea blrds ! flsh ! phyLoplankLon
u. ZooplankLon ! phyLoplankLon ! krlll ! squld

(4.01 MC) SC.912.L.17.9
Whlch of Lhe followlng descrlbes how Lhe amounL of energy changes as lL flows from one
Lrophlc level Lo Lhe nexL ln Lhe marlne food web shown below?

A. Lnergy lncreases as lL ls Lransferred from pengulns Lo seals, slnce seals are more masslve Lhan
8. Lnergy decreases as lL ls Lransferred from zooplankLon Lo flsh, slnce zooplankLon are
producers and flsh are consumers.
C. When krlll consume phyLoplankLon, abouL 90 percenL of Lhe phyLoplankLon's energy ls
Lransferred Lo Lhe krlll.
u. When sea blrds consume flsh, abouL 10 percenL of Lhe flsh's energy ls Lransferred Lo Lhe sea

(4.01 MC) SC.912.L.17.3
Many lnsecLs, such as mosqulLoes and dragonflles, spend Lhelr [uvenlle sLage as aquaLlc larvae
before becomlng wlnged and alrborne adulLs. MosL years, Lhese lnsecLs are exLremely abundanL
ln Lhe ArcLlc Lundra ln summer. WhaL mlghL accounL for Lhls?
A. AdulL lnsecLs spend Lhe long ArcLlc wlnLer laylng Lhousands of eggs under Lhe lce of frozen
8. Many lnsecLs mlgraLe long dlsLances Lo Lake advanLage of good breedlng areas ln Lhe Lundra.
C. ools of waLer whlch make good breedlng areas are plenLlful ln summer as Lhe permafrosL
u. Summer ralns ln Lhe ArcLlc Lundra replenlsh breedlng ponds LhaL drled up durlng Lhe wlnLer.

(4.01 MC) SC.912.L.17.3
Many lnsecLs, such as mosqulLoes and dragonflles, spend Lhelr [uvenlle sLage as aquaLlc larvae
before becomlng wlnged and alrborne adulLs. MosL years, Lhe populaLlons of Lhese lnsecLs ln Lhe
Lroplcal ralnforesL remaln falrly consLanL LhroughouL Lhe year. WhaL mlghL accounL for Lhls?
A. AbundanL predaLors keep Lhe lnsecL populaLlon slzes from flucLuaLlng.
8. uense shade keeps Lhe lnsecLs from dylng ouL durlng Lhe dry season.
C. lnsecLs reproduce very rapldly when Lhe weaLher ls warm and humld.
u. Warm sLandlng waLer ls avallable all year ln whlch Lhe lnsecLs can llve.

(4.01 PC) SC.912.L.17.3
8alnbow LrouL need aL leasL 6.0 mg/L of dlssolved oxygen Lo survlve. 8lologlsLs are Lrylng Lo
reesLabllsh ralnbow LrouL ln a mounLaln sLream buL Lhe sLream only has 3.3 mg/L of dlssolved
oxygen. Whlch of Lhe followlng would be Lhe mosL useful Lo encourage Lhe developmenL of Lhe
ralnbow LrouL populaLlon?
A. CreaLe more bends ln Lhe sLream Lo allow Lhe waLer Lo slow down.
8. CuL down Lrees along Lhe sLream Lo allow more sunllghL Lo warm Lhe waLer.
C. ull ouL aquaLlc planLs growlng ln Lhe sLream Lo allow oxygen Lo accumulaLe.
u. 8emove dams along Lhe sLream Lo allow Lhe waLer Lo flow fasLer.

(4.03 MC) SC.912.L.17.3
Whlch of Lhe followlng descrlbes how an abloLlc facLor can lmpacL Lhe populaLlon dynamlcs ln
an ecosysLem?
A. A paraslLe LhaL lnvades a hosL can reproduce and cause a decllne ln Lhe hosL specles
8. Crganlsms LhaL compeLe for Lhe same resources wlll keep each oLher from overpopulaLlng.
C. redaLors wlll prevenL herblvores from depleLlng Lhe planLs and oLher resources ln an
u. Seasonal varlaLlons ln LemperaLure can cause some of Lhe lndlvlduals ln a populaLlon Lo dle.

(4.03 PC) SC.912.L.17.3
lf a snake specles were lnLroduced Lo an ecosysLem where lL had no naLural predaLors, whaL
long-Lerm effecL do you predlcL Lhe snakes would have on Lhe populaLlon dynamlcs of Lhe
A. 1hey would breed wlLh naLlve snake specles, resulLlng ln an lncrease ln blodlverslLy ln Lhe
8. 1hey would compeLe wlLh naLlve snake specles for resources, causlng a decllne ln naLlve
snake populaLlons and posslbly exLlncLlon.
C. 1hey would form muLuallsLlc relaLlonshlps wlLh naLlve snakes, slnce Lhey would occupy Lhe
same nlche ln Lhe ecosysLem.
u. 1hey would serve as a food source for predaLors of naLlve snakes, causlng an lncrease ln
naLlve snake populaLlons.

(4.04 MC) SC.912.L.17.20
Puman expanslon ofLen has a negaLlve lmpacL on Lhe envlronmenL. Powever, Lhese effecLs can
be mlnlmlzed Lo achleve susLalnablllLy. Whlch of Lhe followlng besL descrlbes an acLlon LhaL wlll
help meeL Lhls goal?
A. Allowlng new consLrucLlon only ln areas LhaL are noL near fresh waLer supplles
8. llnlng companles LhaL use nonrenewable resources Lo operaLe
C. MonlLorlng envlronmenLal sysLems Lo learn how human acLlvlLles affecL Lhem
u. Crowlng large quanLlLles of Lhe same crop ln a glven fleld each year

(4.04 MC) SC.912.L.17.20
1he cholces LhaL humans make every day affecL Lhe envlronmenL. SomeLlmes, our llfesLyles can
harm Lhe envlronmenL raLher Lhan proLecL lL. Whlch of Lhe followlng would be mosL helpful ln
proLecLlng Lhe envlronmenL and achlevlng susLalnablllLy?
A. 8uylng paper producLs made from harvesLed Lrees
8. 8uylng fewer mass produced producLs
C. uslng naLural gas as a fuel source lnsLead of peLroleum
u. uslng solar power Lo generaLe elecLrlclLy

(4.04 PC) SC.912.L.17.20
1he acLlvlLles LhaL Lake place Lo meeL human needs can ofLen be harmful Lo ecosysLems. 8y
developlng susLalnable pracLlces, however, we can help proLecL our envlronmenL. Whlch of Lhe
followlng changes would be mosL helpful ln reachlng susLalnablllLy?
A. 8ulldlng more waLer LreaLmenL faclllLles
8. lanLlng Lrees Lo replace Lhose LhaL are cuL down by logglng
C. 1llllng soll Lo lmprove soll ferLlllLy and lncrease crop producLlon
u. uslng naLural gas for fuel lnsLead of burnlng peLroleum

(3.01 MC) SC.912.L.13.1
Pow ls Lhe sclenLlflc Lheory of evoluLlon supporLed by Lhe comparlson of Lhe skulls and
skeleLons of modern humans and exLlncL homlnlds?
A. 8y maklng Lhe hlp, splne, and skull comparlsons, Lhe age of dlfferenL homlnld speclmens can
be deLermlned.
8. Comparlson of skull and skeleLons provldes evldence LhaL humans and dlfferenL homlnld
specles lnLeracLed.
C. SlmllarlLy ln skull shapes, hands, and hlps beLween exLlncL homlnlds and humans supporLs a
common ancesLry.
u. Skull and skeleLon comparlsons can explaln why homlnlds were lnferlor and became exLlncL
whlle humans evolved.

(3.01 MC) SC.912.L.13.1

8ased on Lhe lllusLraLlon above, whaL do Lhe slmllarlLles beLween human and chlmpanzee hands
and feeL suggesL abouL Lhe Lwo dlfferenL organlsms?
A. Chlmpanzees and humans boLh have hands and feeL adapLed for walklng uprlghL, showlng
Lhey have ldenLlcal unA.
8. Chlmpanzees and humans boLh have slmllar hands for grasplng, provlng Lhey make and use
complex Lools.
C. Pumans and chlmpanzees boLh developed flve dlglLs on Lhelr hands and feeL, suggesLlng Lhey
have a common ancesLor.
u. Pumans and chlmpanzees boLh have Lhumbs, provlng Lhey eaL slmllar foods llke meaL, nuLs,
and vegeLaLlon.

(3.01 MC) SC.912.L.13.1
aleonLologlsLs have compared modern human skeleLons Lo fosslls of homlnlds called
AusLraloplLheclnes from Lwo Lo flve mllllon years ago, before Lhe appearance of modern
humans. 1hey found LhaL alLhough AusLraloplLheclnes were slmllar Lo chlmpanzees, cerLaln
feaLures llke Lhe shape of Lhelr hlps and splne supporLed uprlghL walklng, slmllar Lo Lhe modern
human skeleLal sLrucLure. Whlch of Lhe followlng besL descrlbes why Lhe dlscoverles of Lhe
AusLraloplLheclne fosslls are lmporLanL for undersLandlng modern human evoluLlon?
A. 1hey are evldence of LranslLlonal specles LhaL show how modern humans evolved from ape-
llke ancesLors.
8. 1hey are lmporLanL for undersLandlng how modern human pelvlc bones are necessary for
uprlghL walklng.
C. 1hey provlde evldence LhaL modern humans and chlmpanzees are noL relaLed by a common
u. 1hey show LhaL modern humans had Lo compeLe wlLh oLher uprlghL blpedal homlnlds for
food and resources.

(3.01 PC) SC.912.L.13.1
1he followlng Lable compares a human proLeln wlLh Lhe proLeln of oLher organlsms. Lach
numbered column ls a dlfferenL amlno acld poslLlon ln Lhe proLeln. lf an organlsm's amlno acld ls
Lhe same as Lhe human molecule, Lhen a dash (-) ls shown. CLherwlse, an abbrevlaLlon for Lhe
organlsm's amlno acld aL LhaL locaLlon ls glven. 8ased on Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe Lable, whaL
concluslon can be made abouL Lhe relaLlonshlp of humans Lo Lhe oLher organlsms?

1 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Puman Cly Asp val Clu Lys Cly Lys Lys lle he lle MeL Lys Cys Ser Cln Cys Pls 1hr val Clu Lys
Chlcken - - lle - - - - - - - val Cln - - - - - - - - - -
uogflsh - - - - - - - - val - val Cln - - Ala - - - - - - Asn
lrulL lly <<< - - - - - - - - Leu val Cln Arg Ala - - - - - - Ala
lg - - - - - - - - - - val Cln - - Ala - - - - - - -
WheaL <<< - Asn ro Asp Ala - Ala - - - Lys 1hr - - Ala - - - - - Asp Ala
?easL <<< - Ser Ala Lys - - Ala 1hr Leu - Lys 1hr Arg - Clu Leu - - - - - -
noLe: <<< lndlcaLes a sequence of amlno aclds precedlng Lhe sequence shown here.

A. Pumans and chlckens cannoL be Lraced Lo a common ancesLor.
8. Pumans and dogflsh are Lhe mosL closely relaLed organlsms.
C. Pumans and plgs are relaLed Lo a common ancesLor.
u. Pumans are noL relaLed Lo any of Lhe oLher organlsms.

(3.01 MC) SC.912.L.13.13
A group of well-separaLed lslands ln Lhe aclflc Ccean has a populaLlon of hlblscus planLs LhaL
produce elLher orange or whlLe flowers. Cn one of Lhe lslands, mosL of Lhe hlblscus planLs were
kllled a few years ago by a volcanlc lava flow. Why ls Lhere a greaLer percenLage of orange
hlblscus planLs on Lhls lsland Lhan on Lhe oLher lslands?
A. Cross polllnaLlon across Lhe lslands wlLhouL Lhe lava flow caused Lhe percenLage of orange
flowers Lo dramaLlcally change on Lhese lslands over Llme.
8. 1he hlblscus planLs on Lhe lsland LhaL had Lhe lava flow suffered from a hlgher muLaLlon raLe
Lhan planLs on oLher lslands, causlng a dlfference ln Lhe populaLlons.
C. 1he llmlLed populaLlon slze afLer Lhe lava flow resulLed ln a llmlLed gene pool, causlng geneLlc
drlfL ln fuLure generaLlons of hlblscus planLs on Lhls lsland.
u. Crange flowerlng hlblscus planLs were beLLer adapLed Lo survlve lava flows, so whlLe hlblscus
were naLurally selecLed ouL of Lhe populaLlon on Lhe lsland.

(3.01 MC) SC.912.L.13.13
WaLer frogs LhaL llve on Creek lslands ln Lhe MedlLerranean were separaLed from malnland
waLer frogs when salL-waLer levels rose Lo form Lhe lslands, allowlng dlfferences ln Lhe lsolaLed
populaLlons Lo develop. Suppose one large group of frogs on Lhe malnland uses a low-plLched
call Lo aLLracL maLes whlle oLherwlse ldenLlcal frogs on a nearby lsland use a hlgh-plLched call. A
boaL carrles a few hlgh-plLched frogs ln lLs cargo Lo Lhe malnland. Whlch of Lhe followlng answer
cholces besL predlcLs Lhe ouLcome of Lhls evenL?
A. 1he frogs from Lhe lslands are qulckly ellmlnaLed by naLural selecLlon because Lhey sound
dlfferenL Lhan Lhe malnland frogs.
8. 1he frogs from Lhe lslands lnLroduce new genes Lo Lhe malnland gene pool, causlng a change
of plLch ln Lhe malnland frog populaLlon.
C. 1he malnland frogs learn Lo make hlgh-plLched calls and pass on Lhls adapLaLlon ln Lhelr genes
Lo fuLure generaLlons.
u. 1he malnland frogs respond Lo compeLlLlon wlLh Lhe new frogs by geneLlcally muLaLlng Lhelr
offsprlng Lo produce hlgh-plLched calls.

(3.01 MC) SC.912.L.13.13
Suppose a famlly of black wolves mlgraLes across a land brldge Lo a reglon supporLlng a large
populaLlon of gray wolves. A few generaLlons laLer, Lhe populaLlon conslsLs enLlrely of wolves
wlLh black and gray marklngs. Whlch of Lhe followlng besL descrlbes Lhe mechanlsm LhaL caused
Lhls change ln Lhe populaLlon of Lhe wolves ln Lhe reglon?
A. CeneLlc muLaLlons naLurally occurred ln Lhe black and gray wolf populaLlons, resulLlng ln boLh
groups slmulLaneously developlng black and gray coaL marklngs.
8. 1he flow of black wolf genes across Lhe land brldge added Lo Lhe gray wolf populaLlon's gene
pool, lncreaslng Lhe frequency of Lhe genes for black fur ln Lhe populaLlon.
C. 1he gray wolves selecLed oLher gray wolves over black wolves as maLes, causlng a llmlL Lo Lhe
gray wolf gene pool LhaL resulLed ln geneLlc drlfL.
u. 1he wolves wlLh gray coaLs had Lo compeLe for resources wlLh Lhe successful black wolves, so
Lhey adapLed Lhelr coaLs Lo mlmlc Lhe black wolves.

(3.02 PC) SC.912.L.13.13
uue Lo human encroachmenL, Lhe range of Lhe llorlda panLher has been reduced Lo a very small
area ln SouLh llorlda. redlcL Lhe long-Lerm effecL of Lhls lsolaLlon on Lhe condlLlons requlred for
naLural selecLlon.
A. lL would boosL Lhe panLhers' populaLlon by llmlLlng Lhelr reproducLlve LerrlLory and would
evenLually decrease Lhe populaLlons of Lhelr prey anlmals.
8. lL would lncrease Lhe panLhers' ablllLy Lo hunL successfully and would evenLually lead Lo an
lncrease ln Lhelr numbers.
C. lL would llmlL Lhe panLhers' varleLy of food sources and Lhey would all evenLually become
exLlncL due Lo sLarvaLlon.
u. lL would reduce Lhe panLhers' capaclLy for lnherlLed varlaLlon and would leave Lhem
vulnerable Lo dlsease and geneLlc abnormallLles.

(6.01 MC) SC.912.L.13.6
ln whlch of Lhe domalns would lL be easlesL Lo deLermlne Lhe phylogeneLlc relaLlonshlps among
A. 1he Anlmalla are easlesL because Lhey are large enough LhaL Lhelr morphologlcal
characLerlsLlcs are clearly vlslble.
8. 1he Archaea are easlesL because Lhey are Lhe mosL anclenL and have Lhe greaLesL amounL of
geneLlc varlaLlon among Lhem.
C. 1he 8acLerla are easlesL because Lhey have Lhe smallesL amounLs of unA whlch can be
sequenced qulckly.
u. 1he LukaryoLes are easlesL because Lhey Lend noL Lo share geneLlc maLerlal wlLh each oLher
excepL when Lhey are reproduclng sexually.

(6.01 MC) SC.912.L.13.6
Whlch of Lhe followlng provldes Lhe besL argumenL for separaLlng Archaea and 8acLerla lnLo
Lhelr own domalns lnsLead of leavlng Lhem LogeLher ln Lhe slngle klngdom, Monera?
A. CeneLlc analyses showed LhaL Archaea are much more anclenL Lhan 8acLerla.
8. lL was dlscovered LhaL Lhey make Lhelr membranes dlfferenLly and copy Lhelr unA dlfferenLly.
C. hylogeneLlc sLudles showed Lhey have evolved dlfferenL ways of sLorlng Lhelr unA ln Lhelr
u. 1he klngdom was geLLlng much Loo large as new specles were dlscovered.

(6.02 MC) SC.912.L.13.6
WhaL slmllarlLles are Lhere beLween Lhe ways Archaea and 8acLerla reacL Lo dlfflculL
envlronmenLal condlLlons?
A. 1hey boLh creaLe a capsule around Lhe cell or add cellulose Lo Lhelr cell walls for proLecLlon.
8. 1hey boLh develop flagella Lo swlm away or change Lhelr cell membranes for proLecLlon.
C. 1hey boLh form endospores for proLecLlon or develop cllla or flagella Lo swlm away.
u. 1hey boLh make Lhelr own Loxlns or swlLch Lo phoLosynLhesls as alLernaLe sources of food.

(6.03 MC) SC.912.L.13.6
ln whlch of Lhe followlng ways are Lhe fungus-llke proLlsLs slmllar Lo Lhe heLeroLrophlc proLlsLs?
A. 1hey boLh are commonly found llvlng ln dry envlronmenLs.
8. 1hey boLh can use phoLosynLhesls lf adequaLe sunllghL ls avallable.
C. 1hey boLh have Lhe ablllLy Lo move around uslng flagella or cllla as adulLs.
u. 1hey boLh need Lo gaLher food from Lhelr envlronmenL.

(6.04 MC) SC.912.L.13.6
Whlch of Lhe followlng besL descrlbes a characLerlsLlc LhaL dlsLlngulshes lungl from oLher
A. lungl are able Lo reproduce boLh sexually and asexually.
8. lungl are eukaryoLes wlLh complex organ sysLems.
C. lungl are mulLlcellular and break down dead planL and anlmal maLLer.
u. lungl have cell walls and speclallzed Llssues.

(6.03 MC) SC.912.L.13.6
Whlch of Lhe followlng correcLly compares Lwo of Lhe dlvlslons of Lhe planL klngdom?
A. Cymnosperms and anglosperms boLh reproduce sexually, buL gymnosperms produce flowers
or frulL, and anglosperms produce pollen cones and seed cones.
8. nonvascular planLs lack xylem and phloem and reproduce asexually, whlle anglosperms have
xylem and phloem and reproduce sexually.
C. Seedless vascular planLs and gymnosperms boLh reproduce asexually, buL seedless vascular
planLs conLaln xylem, and gymnosperms conLaln xylem and phloem.
u. Seedless vascular planLs and nonvascular planLs boLh conLaln xylem and phloem, buL seedless
vascular planLs reproduce asexually, and nonvascular planLs reproduce sexually.

(6.03 PC) SC.912.L.13.6
An unknown planL specles has sLomaLa, xylem, and phloem. lL reproduces sexually and has male
pollen cones and female seed cones. Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lhe mosL loglcal concluslon abouL
Lhe classlflcaLlon of Lhls planL?
A. lL ls a gymnosperm, and belongs Lo Lhe dlvlslon ConlferophyLa.
8. lL ls a nonvascular planL, and belongs Lo Lhe dlvlslon 8ryophyLa.
C. lL ls a seedless vascular planL, and belongs Lo Lhe dlvlslon sllophyLa.
u. lL ls an anglosperm, and belongs Lo Lhe dlvlslon AnLhophyLa.

(6.06 MC) SC.912.L.14.7
lf a planL's leaves developed so LhaL lLs vascular Llssue only conLalned xylem, how would Lhls
affecL Lhe resL of Lhe planL's physlologlcal processes?
A. Slnce mosL parLs of Lhe planL conLaln chloroplasLs, Lhe planL's cells would funcLlon as usual
wlLhouL a need for glucose from Lhe leaves.
8. 1he carbon dloxlde requlred for phoLosynLhesls would noL be absorbed and LransporLed Lo
Lhe leaf cells, and phoLosynLhesls would sLop.
C. 1he glucose produced durlng phoLosynLhesls ln Lhe leaf cells would noL be able Lo reach Lhe
resL of Lhe planL, and Lhe cellular resplraLlon ln Lhe planL's oLher cells would noL funcLlon.
u. 1he planL's ground Llssues would sLlll be able Lo LransporL Lhe waLer and nuLrlenLs from Lhe
rooLs Lo Lhe resL of Lhe planL, and so oLher processes llke phoLosynLhesls would conLlnue as

(6.06 MC) SC.912.L.14.7
1erresLrlal planLs have a waxy coverlng produced by Lhe dermal Llssues called Lhe cuLlcle. lf Lhls
waxy coverlng was overproduced so LhaL Lhe sLomaLa became clogged, whaL would happen Lo
Lhe planL?
A. Clucose produced durlng phoLosynLhesls would be prevenLed from reachlng Lhe resL of Lhe
planL, and energy producLlon by cellular resplraLlon would sLop.
8. SunllghL would noL be able Lo reach Lhe planL's ground Llssue cells Lhrough Lhe Lhlck dermal
Llssue, and Lhe planL's ablllLy Lo perform phoLosynLhesls would be damaged.
C. 1he planL would noL be able Lo absorb waLer and oxygen from Lhe alr, and Lhe planL would
dry ouL, llmlLlng mosL cell funcLlons.
u. 1he planL would noL be able Lo exchange oxygen for carbon dloxlde, and Lhe planL's ablllLy Lo
perform phoLosynLhesls would be llmlLed.

(6.07 PC) SC.912.L.14.7
An unknown planL specles has gameLophyLes LhaL grow wlLhln Lhe sporophyLe, and Lhe male
and female gameLophyLes grow on Lhe same planL, wlLhln Lhe same flower. Whlch of Lhe
followlng ls Lhe mosL loglcal concluslon abouL Lhe llfe cycle of Lhls planL?
A. 1he planL ls a fern, and Lhe gameLophyLe ls lLs domlnanL phase.
8. 1he planL ls a gymnosperm, and Lhe sporophyLe ls lLs domlnanL phase.
C. 1he planL ls a moss, and Lhe gameLophyLe ls lLs domlnanL phase.
u. 1he planL ls an anglosperm, and Lhe sporophyLe ls lLs domlnanL phase.

(6.08 MC) SC.912.L.13.6
Whlch of Lhe followlng besL descrlbes Lhe characLerlsLlcs LhaL dlfferenLlaLe anlmals from Lhe
organlsms of oLher klngdoms?
A. Anlmals have complex organ sysLems and reproduce sexually.
8. Anlmals have eukaryoLlc cells and are mulLlcellular.
C. Anlmals have exLernal dlgesLlon and are verLebraLes.
u. Anlmals have rlgld cell walls and speclallzed Llssues.

(7.01 LC) SC.912.L.14.26
Whlch of Lhe braln's reglons ls Lhe lasL Lo develop?
A. 1he corpus callosum of Lhe cerebrum
8. 1he fronLal lobe of Lhe cerebrum
C. 1he medulla oblongaLa of Lhe cerebellum
u. 1he Lemporal lobe of Lhe cerebellum

(7.02 MC) SC.912.L.14.36
A large plece of plaque breaks away from Lhe lnner wall of Lhe caroLld arLery ln an oLherwlse
healLhy person. Whlch parL of Lhe body would Lhls dlslodged plaque mosL llkely affecL and how?
A. A narrow reglon of Lhe superlor vena cava could become blocked, resLrlcLlng blood flow Lo
Lhe hearL.
8. A narrow veln ln Lhe braln could become blocked, resLrlcLlng blood flow Lo caplllarles ln Lhe
C. A smaller arLery ln a leg could become blocked, resLrlcLlng blood flow Lo caplllarles ln Lhe leg.
u. 1he rlghL pulmonary arLery could become blocked, resLrlcLlng blood flow Lo Lhe rlghL lung.

(7.02 PC) SC.912.L.14.36
A docLor examlnes a paLlenL who has hlgh blood pressure and aLherosclerosls ln Lhe coronary
arLery. WhaL medlcal condlLlon connecLed Lo blood flow ls mosL llkely Lo affecL Lhls paLlenL ln
Lhe fuLure?
A. 1he paLlenL may develop headaches and confuslon due Lo cancer ln Lhe braln caused by years
of low levels of oxygen supplled Lo Lhe braln.
8. 1he paLlenL may develop sLlff [olnLs and chesL palns from Lhe hlgh blood pressure applled Lo
Lhe muscle and [olnL Llssues of Lhe body.
C. 1he paLlenL may show slgns of confuslon, weakness, and parLlal paralysls due Lo hlgh blood
pressure when Lhe plaque dlslodges and blocks blood flow Lo Lhe braln.
u. 1he paLlenL may suffer a hearL aLLack because of Lhe reducLlon ln blood flow Lo Lhe hearL
muscles due Lo severe plaque bulld-up ln Lhe coronary arLery.

(7.03 MC) SC.912.L.16.13
Whlch evenL happens earllesL durlng pregnancy?
A. 1he embryo's organs begln Lo funcLlon on Lhelr own
8. 1he embryo sLores nuLrlenLs and mlnerals
C. 1he embryo's carLllage beglns Lo become bone.
u. 1he embryo reaches approxlmaLely flfLeen lnches ln lengLh.

(7.03 MC) SC.912.L.16.13
Whlch of Lhe followlng correcLly compares Lhe funcLlons of Lhe vas deferens and Lhe falloplan
A. Sperm leaves Lhe body Lhrough Lhe vas deferens, and eggs leave Lhe body Lhrough Lhe
falloplan Lubes.
8. Sperm Lravels Lhrough Lhe vas deferens, and eggs Lravel Lhrough Lhe falloplan Lubes.
C. 1he vas deferens produces sperm, and Lhe falloplan Lubes produce eggs.
u. 1he vas deferens sLores sperm, and Lhe falloplan Lubes sLore eggs.

(7.03 PC) SC.912.L.16.13
normally, Lhe LemperaLure lnslde Lhe scroLum ls sllghLly lower Lhan normal body LemperaLure.
WhaL do you predlcL would happen lf Lhe LemperaLure lnslde Lhe scroLum were a few degrees
hlgher Lhan normal body LemperaLure lnsLead?
A. Sperm would noL be able Lo Lravel Lhrough Lhe vas deferens.
8. Sperm would be sLored ln Lhe epldldymls raLher Lhan ln Lhe LesLes.
C. Sperm would noL be able Lo develop properly.
u. 1he raLe of sperm producLlon would lncrease.

(7.03 MC) SC.912.L.16.17
Whlch of Lhe followlng correcLly explalns how crosslng over beneflLs organlsms LhaL reproduce
A. lL allows for fewer muLaLlons ln offsprlng.
8. lL allows for ad[usLmenLs ln a populaLlon's sex raLlo.
C. lL lncreases geneLlc varlaLlon ln offsprlng.
u. lL lncreases Lhe number of chromosomes ln offsprlng.

(7.06 MC) SC.912.L.14.32
Whlch of Lhe followlng would be Lhe besL way Lo deLecL wheLher someone was lnfecLed wlLh a
vlrus, llke Plv?
A. Check for an lnflammaLory response ln Lhe body.
8. Check for Lhe presence of anLlbodles ln Lhe blood.
C. Check for Lhe presence of hlsLamlnes ln Lhe body.
u. Check for Lhe presence of whlLe blood cells ln Lhe blood.

(7.06 MC) SC.912.L.14.32
Whlch of Lhe followlng explalns why people need Lo geL a flu shoL each year?
A. AnLlbodles for Lhe flu vlrus only lasL for one year.
8. 1he flu vlrus evenLually breaks down Lhe vacclne.
C. 1he flu vlrus ls consLanLly muLaLlng and changlng.
u. 1here are noL enough anLlbodles ln Lhe vacclne Lo klll Lhe enLlre vlrus.

(7.06 PC) SC.912.L.14.32
Many Llmes people vlslL Lhe docLor requesLlng anLlbloLlcs Lo LreaL colds and vlral lnfecLlons. Pow
ls Lhe docLor [usLlfled ln offerlng Lhe paLlenL LreaLmenL opLlons LhaL do noL lnclude anLlbloLlcs
for Lhese cases?
A. AnLlbloLlcs can weaken Lhe lmmune sysLem when used for colds and vlruses, whereas oLher
medlcaLlons are noL so hard on Lhe lmmune sysLem durlng Lhese Lypes of lllnesses.
8. Colds and vlruses should be flrsL LreaLed wlLh vlral Lheraples and Lhen when Lhe body beglns
Lo recover, anLlbloLlcs can be used. CLherwlse, Lhe use of anLlbloLlcs ls noL effecLlve aL all.
C. lf a docLor provldes an anLlbloLlc Lo LreaL colds and vlruses, any bacLerla ln Lhe paLlenL's body
wlll be kllled, buL a few wlll survlve. 1hose few survlvors may become reslsLanL Lo anLlbloLlcs
needed for real bacLerlal lllnesses.
u. Slde effecLs from anLlbloLlcs are severe when used for colds and vlruses. Any use of
anLlbloLlcs for colds and vlruses wlll only make Lhe paLlenL more lll and ulLlmaLely make Lhe
paLlenL's recovery Llme longer.

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