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Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% # Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t # TW # Total $(#



1. Vector ca c! !" # +eorientation, di--erentiation o- *ectors, scalars and *ector -ields. /radient o- a scalar -unction. 0irectional deri*ati*e, 0i*ergence and Curl o- a *ector -unction and their physical meanings. Line, sur-ace and *olume integrals, /reen1s, /auss2s and Stoke1s theorems 34ithout proo-5, rrotational, Solenoid and conser*ati*e *ector -ields, orthogonal cur*ilinear coordinators 3Cylindrical and Spherical polar5. $. %o!r&er "er&e" # Periodic -unctions, 0irichlet2s conditions, 6ourier series, Euler2s -ormulae, 6ourier expansion o- periodic -unctions 4ith period 7, 6ourier series o- e*en and odd -unctions, 6ourier series o- periodic -unctions 4ith arbitrary periods, 'al- range 6ourier series, 'armonic analysis. 3. La' ace tra(")or*" # Moti*ation, 0e-inition, linearity property, Laplace trans-orms o- elementary -unctions, shi-ting theorem, n*erse Laplace trans-orms, Laplace trans-orms o- deri*ati*es and integrals, Con*olution theorem, 8pplication o- Laplace trans-orms in sol*ing ordinary di--erential e9uations, Laplace trans-orms o- periodic, )nit step and mpulse -unctions. +. I(te,ra tra(")or*" # 6ourier integral theorem 3only statement5, 6ourier sine and cosine integrals, Complex -orm o- 6ourier integral, 6ourier sine and cosine trans-orms, n*erse laplace trans-orms by method o- residues. Solutions o- boundary *alue problems using 6ourier trans-orms. -. Matr&ce"# Caley!'amilton1s theorem, Special matrices like 'ermitian, Ske4!'ermitian and )nitary. +eduction to diagonal -orm, :uadratic -orms. .. H&,/er 0r1er 1&))ere(t&a e2!at&o(" ; Linear di--erential e9uations o- higher order 4ith constant coe--icients, Method o- *ariation o- parameters, 'igher order linear di--erential e9uations 4ith *ariables coe--icients 3 Cauchy2s and Legendre -orms 5, Simultaneous linear di--erential e9uations, Models -or the real 4orld problems and their solutions in particular, modelling o- electric circuits. Re)ere(ce Boo3" # $. Er4in <reys=ig 7. 0r. <.+. <achot ". 0r. A.S. /re4al %. ?.P. Aali, 8shok Saxena B yengar (. '.<. 0ass ; ; ; ; ; 8d*anced Engineering Mathematics 3>th Edition5 Wiley Eastern Ltd., ?e4 0elhi. 'igher Engineering Mathematics4 @ol! Mahajan Publishers, 8hmedabad. 'igher Engineering Mathematics <hanna Publishers, ?e4 0elhi. 8 Text book on Engineering Mathematics Laxmi Publications 3P5 Ltd., ?e4 0elhi. 8d*anced Engineering Mathematics

C. /.@. <umbhojkar

S. Chand B Co. 3P*t.5 Ltd., ?e4 0elhi. Engineering Mathematics D @ol. , , , @ Eamnadas B Co. Aombay

Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% # Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t # TW # Total $(#

Electrical /eneration



1. $. 3. +. -. .. ;.




11. 1$. 13. 1+.

Stea* 'o7er "tat&o( # Schematic arrangement, ad*antages and disad*antages, choice o- site, e--iciency osteam po4er station, Types o- prime mo*ers, characteristic, speed control B auxiliaries. En*ironmental aspects -or selecting sites and locations o- thermal po4er stations. H81ro 'o7er "tat&o( # Schematic arrangement, ad*antages and disad*antages, choice o- site constituents ohydro po4er plant, 'ydro turbine. En*ironmental aspects -or selecting sites and locations o- hydro po4er stations. 9&e"e 'o7er "tat&o( # Schematic arrangement, ad*antages and disad*antages, .C. engines N!c ear 'o7er "tat&o( # Schematic arrangement, ad*antages and disad*antages, selection o- site, types oreactors, 'a=ards En*ironmental aspects -or selecting sites and locations o- nuclear po4er stations. Ga" t!r:&(e 'o7er ' a(t # Schematic arrangement, ad*antages and disad*antages. Co*:&(e1 c8c e 'o7er ' a(t # Comparison o- *arious po4er plants. So ar e(er,8 )!(1a*e(ta a(1 So ar t/er*a 'o7er ' a(t # Solar energy routes and prospects, merits and limitations o- solar energy con*ersion and utili=ation, Types o- solar thermal collectors, comparison bet4een con*entional and solar thermal po4er plant, ratings o- solar po4er plant heat trans-er -luids, solar pond and binary cycle solar thermal po4er plant. Geot/er*a e(er,8 )!(1a*e(ta " Geot/er*a e ectr&c 'o7er ' a(t # 8pplications, utili=ation ogeothermal energy, /eothermal energy resources, origin o- geothermal resources, Classi-ication and types ogeothermal po4er plants, li9uid dominated geothermal electric po4er plant, binary cycle li9uid dominated geothermal po4er plant, geo thermal energy po4er plant, scope -or geothermal energy in ndia. 6&(1 e(er,8 )!(1a*e(ta " 6&(1 'o7er ' a(t" # 8pplications, Merits and demerits o- 4ind energy, nature and origin o- 4ind, *ariables in 4ind energy con*ersion system, 4ind *elocities and height -rom ground and site selection, types o- 4ind energy system, 4ind turbine generator unit 4ith battery storage -acilities, 4ind turbine generator unit 4ith diesel generator, solar 4ind hybrid, 4ind -arm sitting, 4ind map o- ndia, 4ind electric station in ndia. Wheeling arrangements. %!e Ce a(1 %!e Ce 'o7er ' a(t" # ntroduction, concept, types, Electrochemical +eactions, 'ydrogen, Fxygen 6uel cells, Phosphoric 8cid 6uel cells, Molten Carbonate 6uel cells, Methanol -uel cells, Medium temperature, -uel cell, con-iguration o- po4er plant, Per-ormance Characteristics, 6uels, Commercial plants in the 4orld. Ma,(eto /81ro 98(a*&c 5o7er ,e(erat&o( # Principles, M'0 Systems, 8d*antages o- M'0 Systems, Electrical conditions; @oltage and Po4er output o- M'0 generator. B&o *a"" e(er,8 re"o!rce" # Aio mass energy resources, bio mass con*ersion process, ra4 bio mass materials -or con*ersion to biogas, agriculture 4aste and agriculture energy crops and -ruit -arms. 0cea( e(er,8# Fcean energy resources, ad*antages and limitations o- ocean energy con*ersion, technologies, ocean thermal energy con*ersion, principle o- FTEC, open cycle FTEC, modi-ied open cycle FTEC plant, closed cycle FTEC, FTEC con*ersion plants in ndia. T&1a e(er,8 co(>er"&o( # 'igh and lo4 tides, tidal energy con*ersion, tidal po4er, details about plant and e9uipments, tidal po4er plants in the 4orld, tidal energy resources in ndia.

Re)ere(ce"# G$H Energy Technology by S. +ao B 0r. A.A.Parulekar G7H +ene4able energy sources and con*ersion technology by ?.<. Aansal G"H 8 Course in electrical po4er by Soni B Ahattnagar

Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Electrical Measurement



1. I(tro1!ct&o(# MeasurementsI Methods o- measurement;! 0irect and ndirect, Classi-ication o- nstruments;! 0e-lection, ?ull 8nalog and 0igital. @oltage Standards, nduction Standards, +esistance Standards, Capacitance Standards. )nits and dimensions in S. . system, measurement o- absolute *alues o- current and resistance, standard batteries, characteristics o- instruments! de-initions true *alue accuracy precision, error, sensiti*ity and resolution. $. A(a o, A**eter" A(1 Vo t*eter # 8nalog instruments I classi-ication o- analog instrumentsI principle o- operation, *arious operating -orces, PMMC, Mo*ing ron, Mo*ing Coil, 0ynamometer type, nduction type, Thermocouple, 'ot Wire, Electrostatic, +ecti-ier type. 3. Ga >a(o*eter # 028rsona*al /al*anometer;! Construction, Tor9ue e9uation, 0ynamic beha*iour. Aallistic /al*anometer;! construction, Theory, calibration. +. 6att*eter ? E(er,8 *eter # Electrodynamometer Wattmeter ;! Construction, Theory, shape o- scale, Errors. Lo4 po4er -actor Wattmeter. Measurement o- po4er in three!phase circuits. Three phase 4attmeter. Measurement o- +eacti*e po4er. Energy meter -or 8.C. circuits ;! Theory o- nduction type meters, single phase nduction type 4att!hour meter;! Construction, theory, operation, lag adjustment, -riction compensation, creep and errors. Maximum 0emand indicator. -. E ectro(&c" I("tr!*e(t" # ntroduction , Electronic @oltmeters , 0igital @oltmeter @acuum tube @oltmeters 3 @T@Ms 5 , 0i--erential ampli-ier , 0i--erential ampli-ier type o- Electronic @oltmeter , 0.C. @oltmeter 4ith direct coupled ampli-ier , Electronic *oltmeters using +ecti-iers. True +.M.S. reading *oltmeters. Electronic Millimeters , Electronic ohmmeters , Considerations in selecting an analog *oltmeter , 0i--erential *oltmeter , @ector *oltmeter , 8.C. @oltage measurements , Current measurements using Electronic nstruments , 0.C. B 8.C. current measurements. 8d*anced Electronic Energy measurement., digital tachometer. .. AC. ? 9.C. 'ote(t&o*eter" # 0C potentiomter !Aasic, cromptons,standard cell dial, true =ero, Arooks de-lection potentiometer, *oltage ratio box, application o- potentiometer. 8C potentiomter , Standardising o- 8.C. potentiometer, Types 8.C. potentiometer. 0rysdale polar 8.C. potentiometer, /all Tinsley, :uadrature, 8djustments o- currents, 8pplication o- 8.C. potentiometer. ;. C.R.0. # ntroduction, Alock diagram, delay line, special types o- C+Fs <. S'ec&a I("tr!*e(t" # Working principle B use o- Special nstruments such as Maximum demand indicator , Tri*ector meter , analog tachometer. Synchroscope, Weston -re9uency meter , p.-. meters , Phase se9uence indicator 8nalog tachometer, 6re9uency meters. Re)ere(ce Boo3"# G$H Elect. Meas. B Meas. nstruments; E.W. /olding G7H Elect. B Electronic Measurements B nstrumentation ! 8.<..Sa4hney. G"H Modern Electronic nstrumentation B Measurement Techni9ues D W.0. Cooper, 8lbert 0. 'el-rick

Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t % 7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

?et4ork 8nalysis


1. Net7or3 e e*e(t"# Aasic relationship, current and *oltage relationship, 4ork, po4er and energy consideration. $. Net7or3 to'o o,8# 0e-initions, tie set schedule and cut set tables, source trans-ormation, dot con*ention, principle o- duality. 3. Net7or3 e2!at&o("# Mesh/loop current and node *oltage analysis, e9uations -or coupled circuits, nitial conditions in elements, procedure -or e*aluating initial conditions, Solution o- circuit e9uations by Laplace trans-orms, transient analysis o- +!L, +!C circuits and +!L!C circuits. +. Net7or3 t/eore*"# The*enin, ?orton, Superposition, Millman, +eciprocity and Maximum po4er trans-er theorem. -. I*'e1a(ce )!(ct&o("# Concept o- complex -re9uency, trans-orm impedance and trans-orm circuits. .. Net7or3 )!(ct&o("# 6or one port and t4o ports, calculation o- net4ork -unctions, poles and =eros, time domain beha*ior, T4o! port parameters, relationships o- t4o port *ariables, admittance, impedance, transmission and hybrid parameters, relationship bet4een parameters sets, series/ parallel combinations o- t4o port net4orks. ;. 5ro'ert&e" o) 'o"&t&>e rea )!(ct&o(, necessary and su--icient conditions, basic synthesis procedure, synthesis oL!C, +!L and +!C dri*ing point -unctions. Re)ere(ce Boo3"# G$H ?et4ork analysis!M.E. @an @alkenberg. G7H ?et4ork analysis!/.<. Mithal G"H ?et4ork synthesis!ME. @an @alkenberg. G%H ?et4ork analysis!+ao

Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Linear Electronics


1. $.

Ba(1 T/eor8 a(1 E(er,8 e>e 1&a,ra*" # Semiconductors D ntrinsic and Extrinsic, 6ree charge carriers 5.N. A!(ct&o( 1&o1e# +ecti-ier diode, s4itching diode, breakdo4n diode, *aractor diode, solar cells, photo detector, light emitting diode. 3. Rect&)8&(, c&rc!&t" a(1 9.C. 'o7er "!'' &e" #'al-, -ull 4a*e and bridge recti-iers and their analysis, principles o- "!phase recti-iers and -ilter circuits diode as clipper and clamper, =ener diode as a *oltage regulator. +.Tra("&"tor # Aasic transistor ampli-ier, CA, CE, CC con-iguration characteristics and analysis, phototransistors. -. Tra("&"tor :&a"&(, a(1 t/er*a "ta:& &t8# Stability -actors, collector to base bias, emitter bias, *oltage di*ider bias, bias compensation. .. Tra("&"tor /eat 1&""&'at&o(# 'eat sink and thermal dissipation. ;. Tra("&"tor / - 'ara*eter c&rc!&t"#/eneral idea o- h parameters and their applications in each con-iguration o- ampli-iers. <. Lo7 a(1 /&,/ )re2!e(c8 re"'o("e o) tra("&"tor a*' &)&er. =. Ne,at&>e )ee1:ac3 a*' &)&er"# @oltage shunt and *oltage series ampli-ier. 10. Tra("&"tor o"c& ator" a(1 M! t&>&:rator" # E--ect o- positi*e -eedback, +.C. phase shi-t oscillator and Wien bridge oscillator, transistor as a s4itch, transistors as multi*ibrators 3astable, bistable, monostable5. 11. Tra("&"tor a*' &)&er"# Class 8, class A and Push!pull ampli-ier. 1$. J%ET a(1 M0S%ET# Types, their characteristics and applications. Re)ere(ce Boo3"# G$H Electronic 0e*ices and circuitsI 8n introduction ! 8llen Mottershed G7H D +. S. Sedha G"H ! Sanjee* /upta

GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E.II SEM III (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) E-30. Co*'!ter Tec/(&2!e" )or Net7or3 (La: o( 8)
Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t # 7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theor y Paper !!! !!! Theor y Marks # # Prac t 7( TW 7( Total (#

Computer Techni9ues -or ?et4ork 3Lab only5


1. I(tro1!ct&o( to Mat a: a(1 5"'&ce. $. So >&(, "&*! ta(eo!" e2!at&o(". 3. @&rc/o))B" c!rre(t a(1 >o ta,e a7" a(1 "er&e"-'ara e re"&"t&>e c&rc!&t". +. No1e a(1 Loo' A(a 8"&". -. So!rce Tra(")or*at&o(. .. Net7or3 T/eoro*". ;. La' ace Tra(")or*". <. %re2!e(c8 Re"'o("e A(a 8"&". =. %o!r&er A(a 8"&". 10. T7o 'ort Net7or3". 11. C&rc!&t A(a 8"&" !"&(, 5"'&ce. Re)ere(ce Boo3"# $.Linear Circuit 8nalysis by +aymond 8. 0ecarlo and Pen!min Lin, Fx-ord )ni*ersity Press. 7.6undamentals o- Electrical Engineering by Leonard S. Aobro4, Fx-ord )ni*ersity Press. "./etting Started 4ith Matlab C, +udra Pratap. Fx-ord )ni*ersity Press. %. Circuit 8nalysis by 8. Aruce Carlson, Thomson Publishers.

Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t # 7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theor y Paper !! !! Theor y Marks # # Prac t # TW (# Total (#

Electrical Workshop!


1. Co("tr!ct&o( 46or3&(, a(1 a'' &cat&o( o) "'ec&a 7or3"/o' too ". $. A""e*: &(, a(1 1&"a""e*: &(, o) Heat&(, a'' &a(ce" &3e-Iro(4 Ge8"er" 4I**er"&o( Heater4 Roo* Heater4 0>e(". 3. A""e*: &(, a(1 1&"a""e*: &(, o) *otor&De1 a'' &a(ce" &3e- )a(4 M&Eer"4 Re)r&,erator4 A&r co(1&t&o(4 Vac!!* c ea(er +. Co("tr!ct&o( 4 6or3&(, A(1 )a! t )&(1&(, !"&(, Me,,er. -. St!18 o) 9&))ere(t t8'e" o) La*'". .. A""e*: &(, a(1 1&"a""e*: &(, o) &,/t&(, %&Et!re". ;. Tra(")or*er re7&(1&(, <. Eart/&(, 5ract&ce. =. Sa)et8 r! e".


Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #$ Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t # TW 7( Total $J(

Electro Magnetics


1. Vector a(a 8"&"# @ector algebra!Cartesian coordinate system, *ector components!unit *ectors, dot and cross product, circular, cylindrical and spherical co!ordinate systems, trans-ormation o- systems. $. Co! o*:B" a7 # Coulomb1s la4, electric -ield intensity, -ield o- n!point charges, -ield due to line charge, continuous *olume charge and sheet charge. 3. Ga!""B a7 a(1 9&>er,e(ce ; Electric -lux density, /auss la4, application di*ergence, Max4ell1s -irst e9uation, *ector operator and di*ergence theorem. +. E(er,8 ? 'ote(t&a # Energy in mo*ing a point charge in electric -ield, potential and potential di--erence, potential gradient, and the dipole. -. Co(1!ctor"4 1&e ectr&c" ? ca'ac&ta(ce# Current and current density, continuity o- current!conductors and Aoundary conditions -or per-ect dielectric materials .. 5o&""o(B" a(1 La' aceF" e2!at&o(" ;. Ma,(et&c %&e 1 # Aiot sa*art1s la4, 8mpere1s la4, curl, Stokes theorem, magnetic -lux and -lux density, magnetic potential, deri*ation o- magnetic -ield1s la4s. <. Ma,(et&c )orce". Mater&a " ? I(1!cta(ce # 6orce on mo*ing charge and di--erential current element, ?ature oboundary conditions, magnetic circuit and inductance. =. %ara1a8B" a7" # 6araday1s la4s. Max4ell1s e9uations in point -orm and integral -orm. 10. U(&)or* ' a(e7a>e a(1 E ectro*a,(et&c 6a>e 5ro'a,at&o(. 11. tra("*&""&o( &(e t/eor8. 1$. E ectro*a,(et&c I(ter)ere(ce ? Co*'at&:& &t8 13. A'' &cat&o(". RE%ERENCE B00@S. G$H Engineering electromagnetics D William 'ayt Er. G7H Elements o- Engineering Electromagnatics D?. ?arayan +ao magnetic materials, permeability, semiconductors, dielectric, capacitance.

G"H Elements o- Engineering Electromagnatics D Sadiku 3 Fx-ord 5 GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B.E.II SEM IV (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) E- +0$ C0NTR0L THE0RY
Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #$ Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t # TW 7( Total $J(

Control Theory


1. I(tro1!ct&o( to co(tro "8"te*"# ntroduction to control systems ,classi-ication o- control systems, The Fpen!loop control systems B Closed !loop control systems ,comparison o- Fpen!loop control systems B Closed !loop control systems, ser*omechanism, examples 4ith applications in engineering -ield. $. Mat/e*at&ca *o1e " o) 5/8"&ca "8"te*"# 0i--erential e9uations o- physical systems ,Mechanical systems, electromechanical systems , Translational elements, +otational elements, Electrical systems, trans-er -unction, analogous systems, block diagram reduction techni9ues signal -lo4 graph. Masons gain -ormulae, , gear trains ;0esign and applications. 3. T&*e re"'o("e a(a 8"&"# Standard test signals, time response o- -irst order and second order control systems, time domain speci-ications, Steady state error and error constants, compensation methods. +. Sta:& &t8# Concept o- stability, necessary conditions, 'ur4it= criterion, +outh criterion, relati*e stability analysis, applications to control systems. -. Root Loc!" tec/(&2!e"# +oot locus concept, construction o- root locus, determination o- relati*e stability. .. %re2!e(c8 re"'o("e a(a 8"&"# ntroduction correlation bet4een time and -re9uency response, polar plots. Aode plots, phase margin gain margin, Principle o- argument,?y9uist stability criterion, assessment o- relati*e stability. ;.I(tro1!ct&o( to Co(tro S8"te* 9e"&,(# ntroduction to Control System 0esign, P, P B P 0 controllers, ntroduction to pole placement and its e--ect on stability. <. Co(tro "8"te*" a(1 co*'o(e(t" # Comparison bet4een ordinary motor and ser*o motor, T.6 o- ser*o motors;$5 6ield controlled 0.C ser*o motor, 75 8rmature controlled 0.C ser*o motor, "5T4o phase 8.C ser*o motor. applications and trans-er -unctions o- 0.C. and 8.C. ser*omotors, synchros, tacho generator . ntroduction to stepper motors B its applications. Problems Re)ere(ce Boo3"# $. Control systems engineering by .E. ?agrath/?. /opal 7. 6eedback Control Systems by 0r. S 0 Ahide " Linear control systems by A.S.Manke % 8utomatic control system by S 'asan saeed L&"t o) EE'er&*e(t" # $ To study characteristic and trans-er -unction o- 0C ser*o motor 7 To study o- P 0 controller " Time response o- second order system % Steady state error constant -or TKPE! #,TKPE!$,B TKPE!7 system ( Study o- 8C Ser*o stabili=er C Study o- Potentiometer as an error detector system J Speed!tor9ue characteristic o- 8C ser*o motor > Study o- di--erential Synchro

L Study o- Synchro!Transmitter B +ecei*er systems $# Study o- Stepper motor controller $$ Study o- 0C position ser*o system


Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Po4er System!


1. 9&"tr&:!t&o(# Types B comparisons, o*erhead B under ground transmission, cables and their types B their construction. $. Co(1!ctor"# Types o- conductors! 8.C.S.+. conductor, Aundle conductor 3. I("! ator"# Types, string e--iciency, capacitor grading +. Mec/a(&ca 1e"&,( o) tra("*&""&o( &(e# Sag calculation, supports at e9ual and une9ual le*els, stringing chart -. Tra("*&""&o( &(e 'ara*eter"# nductance o- $!phase, t4o!4ire line and composite conductor lines, inductance o- "!phase line 4ith symmetrical and unsymmetrical spacing 4ith and 4ithout transposition, double circuit line, bundled conductors, resistance and skin e--ect, capacitance o- $!phase and "!phase transmission line, e--ect o- earth on transmission line capacitance. per-ormance calculation o- short line, medium line by nominal T and method, e*aluation o- 8,A,C,0 constants, long transmission lines D rigorous solution, 6erranti e--ect. .. S!:"tat&o( E2!&'*e(t" a(1 a8o!t o) :!" :ar" ;. 5er)or*a(ce A(a 8"&"# +epresentation o- po4er systems components ;Fne line diagram and impedance/reactance diagram, per unit system representation, Po4er circle diagram, recei*ing end and sending end po4er circle diagram, uni*ersal circle diagram. Consideration o- e--ect o- lo4 po4er -actor, 8d*antages o- po4er -actor impro*ement,! methods o- impro*ing po4er -actor, the most economical po4er -actor. <. Ne!tra Ear t/&(,# ntroduction, isolated neutral, earth neutral systems!solid, resistance, reactance. 8rc suppression coil, *oltage trans-ormer and earthing trans-ormer, earthing systems. =. E(>&or(*e(ta a"'ect" )or "e ect&o( o) o!t1oor "!:"tat&o(. 10. Sa)et8 'reca!t&o(" &( &(1oor a(1 o!t1oor "!:"tat&o(". Re)ere(ce Boo3" # G$HElements o- po4er system analysis MSte*enson G7H Modem po4er system analysis M ?agrath B <othari G"H Electrical po4er M 0r. S.L. )pal G%.H8 course in electrical po4er M Soni, /upta and Ahagtnagar.


Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Electrical Machines!


1. 5r&(c&' e" o) E ectro*ec/a(&ca E(er,8 Co(>er"&o( # Energy in magnetic system, 6ield energy and mechanical -orce ; 0irection o- mechanical -orce, 0etermination o- mechanical -orce, mechanical energy, 6lo4 o- energy in electromechanical de*ices. Multiply excited magnetic -ield systems. $. 9.C. Mac/&(e" # Principle o- 0.C. generator and motor, construction, types o- generators, E.M.6. e9uation, *oltage build up process, critical resistance and speed , characteristics o- generators, per-ormance e9uation and e--iciency, e--ect o- armature reaction on terminal *oltage, Type o- motors, tor9ue e9uation, characteristics, losses and e--iciency, starters ; ?ecessity o- starter, Three point B -our point starter. ntroduction to so-t starter. Speed control ; Ward Leonard method, Aasic concept o- Static speed control o0C machines. 8rmature reaction and commutation. Losses in dc machines, e--iciency. 3. Tra(")or*er # Construction and principle o- "&(, e-'/a"e tra(")or*er, operation at no load and on load, *ector diagram, e9ui*alent circuit, losses, e--iciency and regulation, determination o- regulation and e--iciency by direct load test and indirect test methods, 5o 8'/a"e tra(")or*er" Polarity, star/star, star/delta, delta/delta, delta/=ig=ag, terminal marking, nomenclature, *ector diagram, phase groups, parallel operation, Scott connection, tertiary 4inding, auto trans-ormers testing o- trans-ormers ! e--iciency ! transients in trans-ormers ! *oltage regulation ! o-- load and on load tap changers. Re)ere(ce Boo3" # G$H Electric Machines D ?agrath <othari G7H Per-ormance B design o- dc, machine DClayton G"HPer-ormance B design o- ac machine DM./.Say G%H Elect. Technology @ol. ! A.L. Theraja


Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

ntegrated Electronics


1.0'erat&o( A*' &)&er# ntroduction Alock diagram representation o- a typical op!amp, 8nalysis op!amp CC circuits, types, designations, packages, pin con-igurations and po4er supplies. $. 0'erat&o(a a*' &)&er# deal op!amp, e9ui*alent circuit, open loop op amp con-igurations o- di--erential, in*erting and non!in*erting ampli-iers, op amp -eedback ampli-ier analysis, di--erential ampli-ier 4ith one, t4o and three op amps.Fp amp parameters ! o--set *oltages and currents, bias current, dri-t, PS++, CM++, o--set nulling methods. 3. AC 'er)or*a(ce# Aand4idth, sle4 rate and -re9uency response. Fp!amp applications; 0C and 8C ampli-iers, peaking, summing scaling and a*eraging ampli-iers, instrumentation ampli-ier, di--erential input and di--erential, output ampli-ier, @ to and to @ con*erters, integrator, di--erentiator comparator, non!linear ampli-ier, phase shi-t oscillator, Wien bridge oscillator, s9uare, triangular and sa4tooth 4a*e generator, *oltage controlled oscillator, =ero crossing detector, 4indo4 detector, introduction to analog simulation. +. Act&>e )& ter"# Aasic lo4 and high pass -ilters, band pass and notch -ilters. -. T&*er"# ((( timer $C, monostable, bistable, astable operations, their industrial applications. .. 5/a"e oc3e1 oo'# Fperating principle, (C($C, basic applications. ;. Vo ta,e re,! ator"# Three terminal regulator Cs, basic block schematic ! J> x x B JL x x series ! 8djustable output *oltage regulator LM "$J, LM "%# and LM ""J series po4er supply Cs. their use and basic design considerations -or designing regulated po4er supplies. <. 5o7er a*' &)&er IC. - LM 3<0 =. N!*:er S8"te*; Ainary, Fctal, 'exadecimal and their con*ersions, Ainary 8rithmetic, +epresentation onegati*e numbers and -loating point numbers 10. Ba"&c o,&c ,ate", truth table Aoolean algebra, <arnaugh map, simple basic combinational logic circuits. 6lip -lops ! S.+, 0!types, E.<. B Master sla*e. Re)ere(ce Boo3" # G$H Fp 8mp and Linear integrated Circuit technology ! +amakant 8 gayak4ad. G7H Fperational 8mpli-iers and Linear integrated circuits ! +obert 6. Coughlin, 6rederick 6. 0riscoll G"H D 8. 8nand <umar. G%H 0igital Electronics ! 8n introduction to Theory and practice, by William './othmen.

Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t # #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theor y Paper !!! !!! Theor y Marks # # Prac t 7( TW 7( Total (#

Computer Techni9ues -or control theory 3Lab only5


L&"t o) 'ract&ca # $. ntroduction to computer so-t4are -or Control system analysis. 7. ntroduction to computer so-t4are -or control system simulation. ". Solution o- simple di--erential e9uation. %. Creation o- mathematical models o- LT control system and manipulation o- it. (. /etting time response o- -irst order system -or di--erent types o- input using simulink C. /etting time response o- second order system -or di--erent types o- input using simulink J. Plotting root locus and thereby study o- system per-ormance. >. Plotting Aode plots and thereby study o- system per-ormance. L. Plotting ?y9uist plots and thereby study o- system per-ormance. $#.0esign Case study. Re)ere(ce :oo3"# $. Modern Control Theory ; Fgata 7. /etting Started 4ith Matlab C.(, +udra Pratap. Fx-ord )ni*ersity Press ". Programming 4ith M8TL8A ! Stephen Chapman %. Control system tool box manual (. Simulink manual.


Subject Code

Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #" #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Electrical Machines!


1. 5o 8'/a"e I(1!ct&o( Motor #ntroduction 4orking principle, Classi-ication o- 8C motors, Synchronous Speed, speed o- rotor -ield, slip, @arious methods o- measurement o- slip, starting B running tor9ue, tor9ue!slip characteristics, maximum tor9ue, e--ect o- change in *oltage B -re9uency on tor9ue, speed B slip, po4er across air gap, tor9ue B po4er output, e--iciency, ?o!load B blocked rotor test, e9ui*alent circuit, Phasor diagram, circle diagram, E--iciency and slip scale 4ith the help o- circle diagram, 8nalogy o- an .M. to a trans-ormer, tor9ue B po4er by use oTha*enin2s theorem, e--ect o- rotor resistance on per-ormance o- .M.,0ouble cage s9uirrel cage M and its e9i*ilent circuit, nduction machine dynamics. Principles B Methods o- speed control o- "! phase .M. B starting o- .M., Electrical transients in induction machine, magnetic le*itations, Principle, ad*antages B application o- linear induction motor, E--ect oharmonics, harmonic tor9ues, e--ect o- unbalance *oltages B -re9uency *ariation on operation o- ..M. Testing o- induction motor as per S, Energy e--icient motors. nduction /enerator, its load and p. -. control. $. Ar*at!re 6&(1&(,"#0C 4indings ; Simplex B 0uplex 4indings, Lap B Wa*e 4indings, Aasic terms related to armature 4indings, 0ummy Coils, E9uali=er connections, split coils. 8C 4indings ; ntroduction, ?o. o- phases, Phase spread, concentric 4inding, hemitropic 4inding, 4hole coil 4inding, mush 4inding, double layer 4indings, integral slot lap and 4a*e 4inding. 6ractional slot lap B 4a*e 4indings. Per-ormance analysis o- *arious 4indings. 3. S&(, e '/a"e A. C. *otor" # Types o- single phase motors, $!phase induction motor, 0ouble -ield re*ol*ing theory, E9ui*alent circuit o$!phase induction motor, starting B running per-ormance o- $!phase ind. Motor, symmetrical component concepts, split phase, +esistance start, Capacitor start and capacitor start B run induction motor, shaded pole induction motor, -ractional horse po4er motors. +. Co**!tator *otor" # 8ction o- commutator as a -re9uency con*erter, construction and principles o- -ollo4ing commutator motors ; +epulsion motor, Scharge motor, 8C series motor, )ni*ersal motor. Ter* 7or3 a(1 *&(&*!* 10 5ract&ca " "/a :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". V&"&t# I(1!"tr&a >&"&t" o) re e>a(t &(1!"tr&e". B00@S#3$5 Electric machines by 0.P.<othari B .E.?agrath. 3Tata Macgra4 'ill5 375 Electric Machinery by P. S. Ahimra 3"5 Electric Machinery by 6it=gerald B <ingsley 3%5 Per-ormance B 0esign o- 8.C.Machines by M./.Say 3(5 Per-ormance B 0esign o- 8.C. commutator motors Ay E. F. Taylor 3C5 Electric machines, dri*es by Theodore! Wildi 3J5 nduction machines by A.@.Eaya4ant 3Macgra4 'ill5 3>5 Electrical Machine design D 8. <. Sa4hney 3L5 Electrical Technology! '. Cotton


Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #" #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Aasic Microprocessors


1. I(tro1!ct&o(# 0e*elopment o- di--erent Microprocessors!> bit and $C bit, concept o- digital computers, block diagram and organi=ation o- digital computers. $. <0<- M&cro'roce""or # 8rchitecture, -unctional o*er*ie4, pin con-iguration and memory inter-acing. ntroduction to >#>( programming model, instruction classi-ication, instruction -ormat 3. <0<- A""e*: 8 a(,!a,e 5ro,ra**&(,# nstructions, 8ddressing modes, >#>( 8ssembly language programming. +. <0<.H <0<< *&cro'roce""or# 8rchitecture Pin diagram, -unctions o- di--erent pins in M ? B M8N mode, Aus nter-ace )nit 3A )5 B Execution )nit 3E)5, -unctions o- *arious units like 8L), Control unit, di--erent registers, register 9ueue and their use, Memory organi=ation, M ? B M8N mode operation o- >#>C. -. <0<. A""e*: 8 a(,!a,e 'ro,ra**&(,# 8ddressing modes, Types o- instructions, Programming, Stack operation, String operation B /F operation. Creating and assembling source code, hand assembling, Machine assembling, 'ard4are B So-t4are system de*elopments tools. . S!:ro!t&(e a(1 "tac3 o'erat&o("# Concept o- stack, stak pointer 3SP5, stack related instructions , P)S' D PFP. Subroutines B it2s related instructions C8LL ! +ET instructions o- ntel >#>(/ >#>C Microprocessors. ;. Co*'arat&>e "t!18 o) >ar&o!" I(te M&cro'roce""or"# >#>(, >#>C, >#7>C, >#">C, >#%>C , Pentium B Pentium pro microprocessor. Ter* 7or3 a(1 *&(&*!* 10 5ract&ca " "/a :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". B00@S#$. Microprocessor 8rchitecture Programming and 8pplication 4ith >#>( +. S. /aonkar, Penram Publication 7. The >#>> B >#>C Microprocessors, Programming, nter-acing, So-t4are, 'ard4are and 8pplications; Walter 8. Tribel B 8*atar Singh Pearson/ P' Publication ". Microprocessor B nter-acing! Programming B 'ard4are! 0ouglas hall, TM' Publication %. PC 8ssembly Language Programming!Peter 8ble Ay Pearson/ P' Publication. (. 6undamentals o- Microprocessors and Microcomputer A. +am, 0hanpat rai B Sons


Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #" #$ Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

ndustrial nstrumentation


1 Tra("1!cer"# ntroduction to instrumentation system, static and dynamic characteristics o- an instrumentation system, Principles and classi-ication o- transducers, Electrical transducers, basic re9uirements o- transducers $ Stra&( Ga!,e a(1 Stra&( Mea"!re*e(t# 6actors a--ecting strain measurements, Types o- strain gauges, theory o- operation o- resisti*e strain gauge, gauge -actor, types o- electrical strain gauges, strain gauge materials, gauging techni9ues and other -actors, strain gauge circuits and temperature compensation, applications o- strain gauges. 3 9&"' ace*e(t Mea"!re*e(t# +esisti*e potentiometer 3Linear, circular and helical5, L.@.0.T., +.@.0.T. and their characteristics, *ariable inductance and capacitance transducers, Pie=o electrical transducers!output e9uations and e9ui*alent circuit, 'all e--ect de*ices and Proximity sensors, Large displacement measurement using synchros and resol*ers, Sha-t encoders. + %orce" a(1 Tor2!e Mea"!re*e(t# Load cells and their applications, *arious methods -or tor9ue measurement. )se o- tor9ue 4renches - 5re""!re Mea"!re*e(t# Mechanical de*ices like 0iaphragm, Aello4s, and Aourdon tube -or pressure measurement, @ariable inductance and capacitance transducers, Pie=o electric transducers, L.@.0.T. -or measurement o- pressure, Lo4 pressure and *acuum pressure measurement using Pirani gauge, McLeod gauge, oni=ation gauge, Pressure gauge calibration. . % o7 Mea"!re*e(t# 0i--erential pressure meter like Fri-ice plate, @enturi tube, -lo4 no==le, Pitot tube, +otameter, Turbine -lo4 meter, Electro magnetic -lo4 meter, hot 4ire anemometer, )ltrasonic -lo4 meter. ; Le>e Mea"!re*e(t# +esisti*e, inducti*e and capaciti*e techni9ues -or le*el measurement, )ltrasonic and radiation methods, 8ir purge system 3Aubbler method5. < Te*'erat!re Mea"!re*e(t# +esistance type temperature sensors D +T0 B Thermister, Thermocouples B Thermopiles, 0i--erent types oPyrometers. 'umidity measurement and Moisture measurement techni9ues.in-rared guns = Recor1er"# N ! K, strip chart and circular type graphic recorders ! indicating, recording and controlling instruments, multichannel recorders. ntroduction to digital recorder. 10 9&,&ta 9ata Ac2!&"&t&o( "8"te*" ? co(tro # )se o- signal conditioners, scanners, signal con*erters, recorders, display de*ices, 8/0 B 0/8 circuits in digital data ac9uisition. nstrumentation systems. Types o- nstrumentation systems. Components o- an analog nstrumentation 0ata D 8c9uisition system. Multiplexing systems. )ses o- 0ata 8c9uisition systems. )se o+ecorders in 0igital systems. 0igital +ecording systems. Modern 0igital 0ata 8c9uisition system. 8nalog Multiplexed operation, operation o- sample 'old circuits. Ter* 7or3 a(1 *&(&*!* 10 5ract&ca " "/a :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". B00@S#$. ndustrial nstrumentation B Control by S. <. Singh. 7. Electrical and Electronics Measurement and nstrumentation, 8. <. Sha4ney ". Transducers and nstrumentation , Patranabis %. Mechanical B ndustrial Measurements by +. <. Eain

(. ndustrial nstrumentation by +angan, Sharma, Mani C. Transducers and nstrumentation , Murthy 5ro:a: e L&"t 0) 5ract&ca " $5 75 "5 %5 (5 C5 J5 >5 L5 $#5 $$5 Measurement o- Strain using Strain gauge. Measurement and control o- temperature using +T0. Measurement o- linear displacement using L.@.0.T. Measurement o- -lo4 using )ltrasonic -lo4 meter. Measurement and control o- temperature using Thermocouple. Measurement o- angular displacement using capaciti*e transducer. Measurement o- -lo4 and *elocity using Manometer pitot tube. Measurement and control o- temperature using Thermister. Measurement o- 4eight using column type load cell. Measurement o- di--erential pressure using di--erential pressure transducer. Measurement o- -orce / load using Pie=o electric transducer.


Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

0igital Electronics



$ 3 + . ; <

T/8r&"tor"# Construction, 4orking, t4o transistor analogy, operational characteristic, Turn on B turn o-- characteristics, Series Parallel operation, Triggering methods ,di/dt and d*/dt protection, 0esign o- Snubber Circuit, Parameters o- SC+. Tr&,,er&(, 9e>&ce" ? T/8r&"tor )a*& 8# L8SC+, )ET, P)T, 0 8C, T+ 8C based Triggering circuits, /AT, /CT, MCT, S)S, SAS, /TF ! operation, characteristic B construction IGBT# Construction and @! characteristic, S4itching characteristic, Losses, Parallel connection o- /AT, Protection and /ate dri*e circuits o- /AT Co(tro Rect&)&er# Single hal- 4a*e/ -ull 4a*e recti-ier 4ith +, +L and +LE load, 6ree 4heeling diode, Three phase hal- 4a*e / -ull 4a*e recti-ier, six pulse recti-ier A. C. Vo ta,e co(tro er a(1 C8c o co(>erter# Single and Three phase controller 4ith + B +L load, Oero *oltage s4itching, 0ual , Con*erter T/8r&"tor Co**!tat&o(# Aasic de-initions, ?atural commutation, 6orced commutation, Conditions -or commutation, Types 3Class 8 !65, Commutating circuits, 8C line commutation, Eone1s commutation circuit Co*:&(at&o(a o,&c c&rc!&t"# SFP B PFS representation, < map, 0esign o- arithmetic circuit, 0esign o- code con*erter, ( B C *ariable < map. Lo,&ca 9e"&,( U"&(, MSI C&rc!&t# Multiplexer and their application in Combinational Logic 0esign, 8dders and their application, AC0 adder, 0ecoder/0ri*er -or display de*ices, 8pplication o- 6lip 6lop, 4orking o- shi-t register J%LC and bi directional register, Concept o- three state register, +ipple and synchronous counter, " bit counter, Modulus o- counter )p B 0o4n counter, 8pplication o- J%L# as decade con*erter I(tro1!ct&o( to Lo,&c %a*& 8# ntroduction to TTL, CMFS, 7 L, ECL, logic -amilies and their comparati*e study

Ter* 7or3 a(1 *&(&*!* 10 5ract&ca " "/a :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". V&"&t# I(1!"tr&a >&"&t" o) re e>a(t &(1!"tr&e". B00@S#$ Po4er Electronics Ay M. 0. Singh 7 Po4er Electronics Ay P. S. Aimbhra " Po4er Electronics Ay M. S. Eamil 8sghar % Modern 0igital Electronics Ay +. P. Eain ( 0igital Electronics Ay Morris Mano C 0igital Electronics Ay Mal*ino J Po4er Electronics Circuits B 8pplication Ay M ' +ashid >. 0igital Electronics by 8. 8nand <umar

Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Elements o- Electrical 0esign and Costing


1. %!(1a*e(ta o) Ma,(et&c C&rc!&t# Aasic principles o- magnetic circuits D use o- A!' cur*es in magnetic circuits D Calculations o- MM6 -or air gap and teeth D +eal and apparent -lux density D E--ect o- saturation D -lux density distribution D calculation o- magneti=ing current D 6ield 6orm D ntroduction D carter2s -ringe cur*es D -lux plotting D air gap -lux distribution -actor 3-ield -orm -actor5 D actual -lux distribution -actor, Magnetising current calculation, Leakage +eactance calculation -or *arious types o- slots, ron loss calculation concepts. $. 9e"&,( o) E ectro*a,(et"# ntroduction D Types o- Electromagnets D 0esign o- Magnet coils D Problems on abo*e topics D 0esign osmall 6lat!-aced armature type circular magnet D 0esign o- large!-aced armature type circular magnet D 0esign o- 'orse shoe type magnet D 0esign o- plunger type magnet D 0esign o- magnetic clutches 3. 9e"&,( o) "tarter"4 )&e 1 re,! ator" ? co(tro 'a(e "# 8.C. and 0.C. starters, -ield regulator and general purpose control panels. +. 9e"&,( o) "*a Tra(")or*er" a(1 C/o3e co& "# 0esign o- Small single!phase trans-ormers D 0esign o- 4elding trans-ormers D 0esign o- *ariable air gap single!phase choke coil 0esign o- *ariable air gap three!phase choke coil 0esign o- ballast -. E"t&*at&(,?Co"t&(, )or Re"&1e(t&a 4Co**erc&a ?Ser>&ce Co((ect&o(" (1- I ?3-I) Tenaments , +o4 houses , Aungalo4s , 6lats , Multi D Storied Auildings , nternal Wiring Estimation 3 Length o- 4ire 5 Commecial Complexes like F--ices , 'ospitals , 'otels , Theatres . nternal Wiring Estimation 3 Length o- 4ire 5 , Lighting Series B 'ordings . .. 9e"&,( co("&1erat&o( o) E ectr&ca I("ta at&o( Types o- load , Electrical Supply Systems , Wiring systems , Load 8ssessment , Permissible *oltage drops B Conductor si=e calculations , Control panel , llumination Schemes. ;. E"t&*at&(, ? Co"t&(, o) Eart/&(, +esidential , E9uipment , ndustrial , Commercial , Sub!station , 6eeders. <. E"t&*at&(, ? Co"t&(, o) %ee1er" ? I(1!"tr&a S!:-"tat&o( F*erhead B )nder ground -eeder D $$ <@ , "" <@ ndoor B Futdoor sub!stations , Sub D stations 4ith di--erent Po4er rating -or $$ <@/%$( @ =. E"t&*at&(, ? Co"t&(, o) L.T. 9&"tr&:!t&o( ? Street C &,/t&(, 0e*ices D Supports , Cross arms , Stay set , /uard 4ires , Conductors , nsulators. Street D light Lamps , +ural , Sub!urban , )rban B Metropolitan cities, Working and trouble shooting olamps B luminaries. 10. Te(1er %or* /uidelines -or n*iting Tenders , Specimen Tender. Ter* 7or3 a(1 *&(&*!* - 1ra7&(, "/eet" a(1 "3etc/e" "/a :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". B00@S#G$H G7H G"H G%H G(H GCH GJH Electrical Estimating B Costing B8 N. A a,a''a( ? S. E3a*:ara* 3 TTT , Madras 5 ! 3 Tata mcgra4hill Ltd 5 Electrical Estimating B Costing B8 S!rA&t S&(,/ 3 0hanpat +ai B sons 5 Electrical Machine 0esign :8 A. @. S/a7(e8 Electrical 0esign , Estimating B Costing B8 @.B.Ra&(a ? S.@.B/attac/ar8a 3 TTT , Chandigarh 5 D 3 Wiley Eastern Ltd. 5 Electrical nstallation , Estimating B Costing B8 J.B. G!'ta 3 S.<.<ataria B Sons Electrical Machine 0esign :8 R. @. A,ra7a Electrical Machine 0esign :8 V. N. M&tt e


Electrical Machine 0esign :8 S. @. Se( Electrical Machine 0esign :8 Gra8 A.


E--0. E ectr&ca ? E ectro(&c" Mea"!re*e(t"

Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #" #$ Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Electrical B Electronics Measurement



3. +.


.. ;.

Error" &( *ea"!re*e(t 7or3 # Classi-ication o- errors as /ross , Systematic , random errors B their remedies. Statistical analysis applied -or the purpose o- 9uality control. Concept o- probability error, accuracy , precision , precision index Limiting error B class o- accuracy. ntroduction to the use o- S speci-ications in measurement 4ork. Mear!re*e(t o) re"&"ta(ce Classi-ication o- resistance, Measurement o- lo4 resistance!methods,kel*in2s double bridge Measurement omedium resistance! ammeter*oltmeter method, substitution method, 4heastone bridge, Measurement o- high resistance!di--iculties in mearurement o- high resistance,direct de-lection method,loss o- charge method, megger,ohmmeter. Ma,(et&c *ea"!re*e(t"# 6lux Meter;! construction, operation, use o- shunt 4ith -lux meter. Measurement o- -lux density, magnetising -orce, magnetic potentiometer, Testing o- +ing specimen, Testing o- Aar specimen. 0etermination o- A.'. cur*e, 8.C. magnetic testing AC Br&1,e *ea"!re*e(t # Concept onductance , mutual inductance B capacitance , Loss angle B 9uality -actor. Measurement o- sel- inductance by Max4ell2s bridge 8nderson2s bridge B 'ay2s bridge, Measurement o- mutual inductance by Max4ell2s bridge. 0e sauty Ps bridge B modi-ication , Schering bridge -or measurement o- capacitance. Wein2s bridge -or the measurement o- an imper-act capacitor. Principle B 4orking o- digital LC+ meter. I("tr!*e(t Tra(")or*er" # Construction ocurrent trans-ormers. 0etermination o- ratio B phase angle errors. E--ect o- change in burden B po4er -actor on the ratio B phase angle o- CTs. Precautions 4hile using a CT. CT testing re9uirements B e9uipment as per S. Construction o- Potential Trans-ormers. 0etermination o- ratio B phase angle errors oPTs. E--ect o- change in burden B burden po4er -actor on the ratio B phase angle o- PTs. 8bsolute B comparison methods o- testing a PT. PT testing re9uirements B e9uipment as per S. dea about knee point *oltage, accuracy class. Sealing o- CT by neutral gas. Locat&o( o) ca: e )a! t" # Ala*ier test , Earth o*erlap test , @oltage drop test , Murray loop test . @arley loop test, Test -or open circuit -ault in cables. 6a>e a(a 8"er" a(1 Har*o(&c 1&"tort&o( # ntroduction ! basic 4a*e analyser ! -re9uency selecti*e 4a*e analyser ! hetrodyne 4a*e analyser ! harmonic distortion analyser ! spectrum analyser Signal conditioning D introduction ! basic instrumentation ampli-ier ! applications o- instrumentation ampli-iers ! chopped and modulated dc ampli-iers D modulators

Ter* 7or3 a(1 *&(&*!* 10 5ract&ca " "/a :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". B00@S#3$5 Electrical Measurements B Measuring nstruments by /olding B Widdis 3 Wheeler2s student 375 Electrical B Electronics Measurements B nstrumentations by 8.<.Sa4hney 3 0hanpat +ai B sons 5 3"5 Electrical B Electronics Measurements by '. S. <alsi 3T M 'ill5. 3%5 Electronics Measurements B nstruments by 'el-ric Coopour. 3(5 Transducers B nstrumentation by Moorthy. edition 5


Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Electrical Machines!



S8(c/ro(o!" Mac/&(e"# Aasic concepts, Elementary Machines, "!phase generators, generated em-, 'armonics in *oltage 4a*e-orms, MM6 o- distributed 4indings, rotating magnetic -ield, Tor9ue, Fperations, Magnetic leakage, Machine e--iciency, +ating and loss dissipation, Aasic synchronous machine model, Circuit model, 8rmature reaction and it2s compensation, Short circuit ratio, E--ect o- increase in excitation, E--ect o- change in tor9ue and speed, 0etermination o- Synchronous reactance, regulation by Synchronous mpedance, MM6 and Potier and 8 EE methods, Synchroni=ing to in-inite busbar, Fperating characteristics, Po4er -lo4 e9uations, Capability cur*es, T4o reaction model o- Salient pole machines, Parallel operations, Load sharing bet4een generators, E--ect o- une9ual *oltages B percentage impedance, /o*ernor characteristics, 'unting, Short circuit transients, single phase generators, Slip test -or measurement o- Nd and N9, Sudden short circuit oSynchronous machine. Methods o- starting o- synchronous motors, 0i--erent tor9ues in Synchronous motor, Stability, Synchronous condenser, Synchronous phase modi-iers, @!cur*es and F!cur*es o- Synchronous motors. $ A!to S8(c/ro(o!" Motor Construction, principle o- operation, e9ui*alent excitation current -or di--erent rotor connections, circle diagrams, 3 S'ec&a Mac/&(e" S'ec&a "8(c/ro(o!" *otor" # 'ysteresis B +eluctance motor. Miniature motors, 8utomobile electric systems. nduction +egulator, nduction /enerator, n*erted nduction machine, Aoosters B Aalancers, 8C B 0C Ser*o motors. Permanent Magnet Materials ; Characteristics, A!' loop and demagneti=ation characteristics, +esidual -lux density, Coerci*ity, Concepts o- Maximum energy product and its unit M/F 3 Mega /auss Frsted 5, +ecoil line, Minor loop, temperature e--ects. 8pplications o- PM materials. Permanent Magnet Machines; /eneral construction, 4orking and applications o- -ollo4ing PM machines ; PMAL0C motors, PM synchronous motors, 8xial -lux PM machines and 0oubly salient PM machines. S4itched +eluctance Motor; /eneral construction, 4orking and applications o- S+M Ter* 7or3 a(1 *&(&*!* 10 5ract&ca " "/a :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". V&"&t# I(1!"tr&a >&"&t" o) re e>a(t &(1!"tr&e". B00@S#$. Electrical Machines by ?agrath B <othari 7. Per-ormance and 0esign o- 8 C machines by M / Say ". Electrical Machinery by P S Ahimbhra %. Electrical Machines by Chakra*orti B Mukharaji (. PM and +eluctance Motor 0ri*es Ay T. E. E. Miller Clarendon Press Fx-ord. C. Electric Motor 0ri*es by +. <rishnan P' J. Principles o- Electrical Machines and Po4er Electronics Ay P. C. Sen



Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #" #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Microprocessor and applications




I(terr!'t"# nterrupt B nterrupt ser*ice routines, +ET instruction, nterrupt se9uence, Layout o- interrupt pointers, 'ard4are B So-t4are nterrupts, Multiple interrupts, de*ice Polling, *ectored interrupts, nterrupt controller >7(L 9e"&,( o) 1e a8 ro!t&(e" # Their uses in designing counters, +eading input signals n +eal time applications, Programmable Timer/Counter >7(". 5er&'/era Co(tro er" )or <0<-H<0<. )a*& 8# Memory inter-acing and mapping, the >7(( Programmable Peripheral nter-ace 3PP 5, the >7($8 )ni*ersal Synchronous/8synchronous +ecei*er/Transmitter 3)S8+T5, The >7"J/>7(J 0M8 Controllers, nter-acing o- simple LE0s, J segment display LE0s, keys. <ey debounce techni9ues /<eyboard / display inter-acing using >7JL. nter-acing to LC0 and external memory. I(ter)ac&(, 9ata co(>erter"0 to 8 con*erter ; + ! 7 + ladder net4ork type 08C, 08C inter-acing e.g. 08C #>##, /eneration o- 4a*e-orms using 08C. +eali=ation o- 8 to 0 con*erter using 0 to 8 con*erter. 08C and 80C speci-ications.. 8 to 0 con*erter ; 0i--erent types o- 8 to 0 con*eter, sample and hold circuit, analog multiplexer, nter-acing o- 80C #>##, multiplexer 8M"J#(, S/' L6 "L>, 80C #>#>/80C #>#L, 80C #>$C, 80C $7$#/80C $7$$ and similar. 9ata Co**!(&cat&o( Sta(1ar1"# +S 7"7 Serial nter-ace Standard, The EEE %>>!$LJ> /eneral Purpose nter-ace Aus 3/P A5 Standards, Error detection B Correction. ntroduction to 4orking o- )SA, 7C. A'' &cat&o("; Microprocessor based systems -or measurement oelectrical 9uantities like <@8, <@8r, <W, <Wh, Po4er -actor, mpedances, ntroduction to MP based protecti*e relays and control oelectrical dri*es, process control systems as temperature, -lo4 etc., Condition monitoring o- Electrical 8pparatus using Microprocessors.

7. ".


(. C.

Ter* 7or3 a(1 *&(&*!* 10 5ract&ca "/a :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". B00@S#$. The >#>> B >#>C Microprocessors, Programming, nter-acing, So-t4are, 'ard4are and 8pplications Ay Walter 8. Tribel B 8*atar Singh P' Publication 7. Microprocessor B nter-acing! Programming B 'ard4are! 0ouglas hall, TM' Publication ". 6undamental o- microprocessors and microcomputers by ! A.+am. 0hanpat +ai B Sons. %. Microprocessor 8rchitecture Programming and 8pplication 4ith >#>( +. S. /aonkar, Penram Publication (. 0igital Computer Electronics Mal*ino


Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #" #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

'igh @oltage Engineering


1. Coro(a# Phenomenon, disrupti*e and *isual critical *oltage, corona loss, -actors and conditions a--ecting corona loss , radio inter-erence, methods to reduce corona. $. Brea31o7( *ec/a(&"* &( ,a"e"# ntroduction, ioni=ation processes, to4nsend2s mechanism, primary and secondary ioni=ation co!e--icient, breakdo4n in electronegati*e gases, Streamer theory, comparison o- to4nsend and slepian2s theory, Paschen2s la4, breakdo4n under uni-orm and non!uni-orm -ields, post breakdo4n current! *oltage characteristics, de!ioni=ation, breakdo4n under impulse *oltage, S6C and *acuum as di!electric, *acuum A 0 mechanisms. 3. Brea31o7( Mec/a(&"* &( L&2!&1" a(1 So &1"# ntroduction, classi-ication o- li9uids, li9uid breakdo4n test cell, trans-ormer oil puri-ication, testing o- di!electric oil as per S "(( and S CJL7, breakdo4n in pure li9uids , breakdo4n in commercial li9uids, solid di!electrics, intrinsic breakdo4n, electromechanical breakdo4n, thermal breakdo4n, electrochemical breakdo4n, treeing and tracking phenomenon o- partial discharge, solid di!electrics used in practice. +. Ge(erat&o( o) /&,/ >o ta,e# ntroduction, /eneration o- high direct *oltage, recti-ier circuits, *oltage doubler, cascaded circuits, deltatron circuits, *an de gra-- generators, electrostatic generators, generation o- high alternating *oltages, cascade trans-ormer, resonant trans-ormer, generation o- high -re9uency alternating *oltages, generation o- impulse *oltages, standard impulse *oltage 4a*e, A L, impulse generator, Marx circuit, constructional -eatures o- impulse generator, trigatron gap, -araday cage, generation o- impulse currents. -. Mea"!re*e(t o) /&,/ >o ta,e a(1 c!rre(t # Measurement o- high direct *oltages, potential di*iders, generating *oltmeters, measurement o- high alternating *oltages, series *oltmeters, capacitance potential di*iders and capacitance *oltage trans-ormers, electrostatic *oltmeter, measurement 4ith sphere gaps 3 S $>JC5 , sphere gap construction and assembly, -actors in-luencing the sparko*er *oltage, measurement oimpulse *oltages, measurement o- high d.c. and a.c. currents., measurement o- high -re9uency and impulse currents, measurement o- capacitance and loss tangent. .. H&,/ >o ta,e te"t&(, o) e2!&'*e(t"# ntroduction, related ndian standards, high *oltage test on line insulators, bushings, trans-ormers, cables, circuit breakers, lightning arrestors. Synthetic testing, non!destructi*e high *oltage test, partial discharge detection, partial discharge measurement 3 S C7#L5. ;. H&,/ >o ta,e a:orator8# 0esign, planning and layout o- high *oltage laboratory , necessity , test -acilities , testing e9uipments , layout o- short circuit laboratory, its circuit and operation. <. Sa)et8 'reca!t&o(" )or H.V. a:oratr&e". Ter* 7or3 a(1 *&(&*!* 10 5ract&ca " "/a :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". V&"&t# I(1!"tr&a >&"&t o) re e>a(t &(1!"tr&e". B00@S#3$5 'igh @oltage Engineering by M.S. ?aidu B @.<amaraju, TM' Limited 375 'igh @oltage Engineering by 0.@. +a=e*ig, translated by M.P. Chourasia , <hanna Publishers. 3"5 'igh @oltage Engineering by Sabir +ay 3%5 'igh @oltage Engineering 6undamentals by E. <u--el and W.S. Oaengl! Pergamon Press


Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #" #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Po4er Electronics


1 I(>erter# Thyristor class, Single phase B Three Phase -ull bridge line commutated in*erter circuit, Parallel capacitor commutated in*erter circuit and their analysis, PWM in*erter, Mc Murray in*erter, Aed -ord in*erter, Current source in*erter, @oltage source in*erter, @oltage controlled in*erters $ C/o''er# Classi-ication o- chopper, 6orce commutated chopper, Thyristor based chopper, Thyristor *oltage chopper, Eone1s chopper, @oltage commutated and Current commutated chopper, Load commutated chopper 3 I(tro1!ct&o( to S'ee1 Co(tro o) A. C. ? 9. C. Motor# Speed tor9ue characteristics o- di--erent motors, Con*erter -or -eeding motors, + S'ee1 Co(tro o) 9. C. Motor# 8rmature *oltage control, 8rmature current control, @0+ method, Saturable reactor method, Speed control using chopper, So-t starter -or 0. C. motor - S'ee1 Co(tro o) A. C. Motor# Aasic principle, @ariable *oltage and *ariable -re9uency control, @ariable current *ariable -re9uency control, Slip po4er reco*ery control, chopper control o- rotor circuit o- slip ring induction motor, ntroduction to *ector control o- induction motor . Bra3&(, # 0ynamic braking and regenerati*e braking -or phase controlled dri*es and chopper dri*es, Transient systems ; A'' &cat&o(# Aasic principle o- ac and dc breaker using thyristors, battery charging dimmer controls, excitation systems oalternators, )PS, SMPS, Static s4itches. Ter* 7or3 a(1 *&(&*!* 10 5ract&ca " "/a :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". V&"&t# I(1!"tr&a >&"&t o) re e>a(t &(1!"tr&e". B00@S#$. Electric 0ri*e Concepts and 8pplications by @edam Subramaniam 7. Modern Po4er Electronics and 8. C. 0ri*es by A. <. Aose ". Electric Motor 0ri*es by +. <rishnan %. ndustrial B Po4er Electronics by '. C. +ai (. Electric 0ri*es by S. <. Pillai C. Po4er Electronics by M.S.Eamil 8sghar J. Po4er Electronics and ntroduction to dri*es by 8.<./upta and L.P.Singh J Po4er Electronics Circuits B 8pplication Ay M ' +ashid >. Po4er Electronics Ay ?ed Mohan


Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Electrical Po4er System!



Re>&e7 o) re're"e(tat&o( o) 'o7er "8"te* co*'o(e(t"# ntroduction, Single phase solution to three phase system, one line diagram, impedance and reactance diagram, Per unit system, Complex po4er, Synchronous machine, +epresentation o- load $. S8**etr&ca %a! t A(a 8"&"# ntroduction, Short circuit analysis o- synchronous machine, short circuit analysis o- synchronous machine, selection o- circuit breakers, algorithm -or short circuit studies. 3. S8**etr&ca co*'o(e(t"# ntroduction, Symmetrical Component trans-ormation, Phase shi-t in star delta trans-ormers, Se9uence impedances B se9uence net4ork o- transmission lines, synchronous machine, trans-ormers. Se9uence net4ork o- total po4er system. +. U("8**etr&ca %a! t A(a 8"&" # ntroduction, symmetrical components analysis o- unsymmetrical -aults, single line to ground -ault, line to line -ault, double line to ground -ault, open conductor -ault -. Vo ta,e co(tro # Methods o- *oltage control, shunt capacitor and reactor, synchronous condenser, tap changing trans-ormer, booster trans-ormer, *oltage controls at di--erent le*els o- po4er system such as consumer, distribution, transmission and generation ends. .. 5o7er "8"te* eco(o*&c" # ntroduction, classi-ication o- costs, cost analysis o- po4er plant, interest and depreciation methods odetermination o- depreciation, economics o- po4er generation, signi-icance o- load -actor and di*ersity -actor, load sharing bet4een base load and peak load plants, choice o- si=e and number o- generating units, type o- tari--s, type o- consumer and their tari--s, po4er -actor, disad*antage o- lo4 p.-. and it2s causes, methods o- Po4er -actor impro*ement, ad*antage o- po4er -actor impro*ement, economics o- P6 , optimum p.-. ;. 5o7er S8"te* Tra("&e(t" # ntroduction, circuit closing transients, sudden symmetrical short circuit o- alternator, reco*ery o- transients due to remo*al o- short circuit, tra*eling 4a*es, 4a*e e9uation, surge impedance, 4a*e *elocity, speci-ications o- tra*eling 4a*es, re-lections and re-lection o- 4a*e, line terminations, e9ui*alent circuit otra*eling 4a*e studies, -orked lines, reacti*e termination, Ae4ley lattice diagram, attenuation and distortion, arcing grounds , lightning phenomenon, Wilson2s and Simpson2s theory, o*er*oltages due to lightning, line design. Ter* 7or3 a(1 *&(&*!* 10 5ract&ca " "/a :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". V&"&t# I(1!"tr&a >&"&t o) re e>a(t &(1!"tr&e". B00@S#(1) Modern po4er system analysis Ay ?agrath B kothari TM' limited %/e! ($) Electrical po4er system Ay C L Wadh4a, ?e4 8ge nternational (3) Po4er system analysis and design Ay A. +. /upta!S. chand publishers (+) Elements o- Po4er System 8nalysis Ay Ste*enson, Mc /ra4 'ill (-) Po4er System 8nalysis Ay 'adi Saadat (.) 8 text book o- po4er system engineering DSoni, /upta, Ahatnagar, Chakrabarthi. (;) Po4er system analysis and design ; /lo*er B Sharma Thomson Learning (<) Po4er systems analysis Ay ! Aergen B @ittal


Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #" ## Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t ## TW ## Total $(#

Ausiness Frgani=ation Management


1. $. 3. +. -. ..


<. =. 10. 11. 1$.

5ro1!ct&o( # 0i*ision o- labour. E--iciency o- labour Scale o- production. Economics o- scale. Special importance osmall!scale industries in de*eloping countries like ndia. %or*" o) B!"&(e"" or,a(&Dat&o(# Sole proprietorship, partnership and joint stock company. Ma(a,e*e(t # Aasic elements o- process o- management 3its -unctions5 systems approach to management. E*olution omanagement thought and principles. 5er"o((e *a(a,e*e(t # 6unctions o- personnel department. Man po4er planning and administration; recruitment, selection and placement, training and de*elopment. ndustrial relations. Mar3et&(, *a(a,e*e(t # Modem concept o- marketing. Marketing mix. Product mix and product planning. Sales -orecast and techni9ues o- -orecasting sales. Ausiness promotion techni9ues. %&(a(c&a *a(a,e*e(t ? Co"t acco!(t&(, # Capital re9uirements -or di--erent purposes. Sources o- -inance.. +ole o- /o*t. B non!/o*t. agencies such as / 0C , 0 C , /S6C , / C , Aanks . Capital budgeting process. E*aluation o- alternati*e in*estment opportunities. Areak!e*en analysis. Aasic in-ormation about balance!sheet and pro-it and loss account. Types o- cost, 0epreciation B methods o- calculating depreciation E(tre're(e!r"/&' 9e>e o'*e(t a(1 5roAect 5 a((&(,# a5 Entrepreneur as a dynamic agent o- change. Special importance o- entrepreneurship de*elopment in a de*eloping country. b5 Entrepreneurial characteristics ; 0e*elopment o- entrepreneurial traits. Entrepreneurial moti*ation skills re9uired by an entrepreneur. c5 ?eed -or e--icient supports systems ; Project -ormulation, in-rastructure -acilities, -inance etc. +oad map -or setup o- an industry. d5 Preparation o- project report ; its stages ! selection o- product, project planning, in*estment decision, price!cost relationship, appraisal etc. A''ra&"a " o) a 'roAect; 8ppraisal o- project in terms o- technical -easibility, commercial -easibility, -inancial -easibility and o*erall managerial -easibility. La:o!r Le,&" at&o(" # The ndian 6actories act , ndian Electricity rules , ndustrial 0isputes act , Workmen2s compensations act , The Employee2s State nsurance act . I(1!"tr&a 5o &c8 o) Go>t. 0) I(1&a ? State Go>t. A( o>er>&e7 o) TaE C "tr!ct!re at Nat&o(a ? State e>e 9&"a"ter ? M&(1 Ma(a,e*e(t.

B00@S#G$H ndustrial Engineering B Management by F. P. <hanna G7H ndustrial Frganisation B Engineering by S.C. Sharma B T.+. Aanga G"H Entrepreneurial 0e*elopment by S.S. <hanka

Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Electrical Machine 0esign!


1. GENERAL AS5ECTS nsulating Materials B Classi-ications, heating o- electrical machines 4 Cooling o- Trans-ormer and rotating machines 4 Electrical and Magnetic Loading , output coe--icient , -actor a--ecting si=e o- machines , selection o- A a* B ac 4 0uty cycle and e9ui*alent ratings $. 9ESIGN 0% THREE 5HASE TRANS%0RMER Types o- trans-ormers, position o- '@ and L@ 4indings, core and yoke cross!sectional area, importance o- mitered joints., 0i--erent types o- trans-ormers 4indings. 0i--erent methods -or cooling o- trans-ormer, 0i--erent positions o- tapings. Futput e9uation -or " phase trans-ormers, 4indo4 space -actor, -actors a--ecting 4indo4 space -actor. +elation bet4een em- per turn and trans-ormer rating, -actors a--ecting constant <, stacking -actor, examples. Selection o- -lux density and current density, Windo4 dimensions, Koke dimensions and o*erall core dimension calculations, examples. 0esign o- '@ and L@ 4indings 3?o. o- turns and area o- cross section5. Estimation ooperating characteristics. Primary and secondary 4inding resistance. Leakage reactance calculation o- only cylindrical coil 4ith e9ual height, Leakage reactance o- une9ual 4indings and heights, only -ormula. ?o load current calculations -or " phase trans-ormers. Temperature rise o- trans-ormer, design o- tank 4ith tubes, calculation o- dimension o- tank, examples. Fptimum design 0esign -or minimum cost. 0esign -or minimum loss. @ariation ooutput and losses in trans-ormer 4ith linear dimensions. 0ry trans-ormer, high -re9uency trans-ormer, solid +! core trans-ormer. 8lgorithm and -lo4chart. 0esign considerations -or surges. costing 3. 9C MACHINE 9ESIGN ntroduction, output e9uation, mm- calculation Selection o- ?umber o- poles, core length, armature diameter,Carter2s -ringing cur*es, length o- air gap, examples on abo*e topics costing ARMATURE 9ESIGN Choice o- armature 4inding, armature conductor, number o- armature slots, slot dimensions, slot loading, design oarmature core, Problems on abo*e topics, costing 9ESIGN 0% %IEL9 SYSTEMS Pole design, design o- -ield 4inding o- shunt, series and compound machines, examples 0esign o- interpole, e--ects and minimi=ation armature reaction 0esign o- commutator and brushes, mpro*ement in commutation Per-ormance calculation 8lgorithm and -lo4chart -or C80 0esign consideration -or large machines, '@ machines and miniature 0C motors costing +4 9ESIGN 0% CURRENT TRANS0RMERS ntroduction, construction 0esign principles, core design Secondary current rating, primary current rating and 4inding design Aeha*ior o- trans-ormer, under normal and abnormal condition, turn compensation 0esign oPotential trans-ormer costing TERM WORK 0esign o- three phase trans-ormer 0ra4ing sheet o- three phase trans-ormer 0esign o- 0C machines 0ra4ing Sheet o- 0C machine components. Tutorial on /eneral aspects and C.T. , P.T. BOOKS 8 course in electrical machine 0esign D 8. <. Sa4hney Electrical Machine 0esign D +. <. 8gra4al

0esign o- Electrical Machine! @. ?. Mittle

Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

nterconnected Po4er System


1. L0A9 %L06 STU9Y ! ntroduction D Aus Classi-ication, ?et4ork. Model 6ormulation, ?odal 8dmittance Matrix Load 6lo4 Problems D /auss Siedel Method, ? D + Method, 0ecoupled Load 6lo4 Study, Comparison Load 6lo4 Methods $. EC0N0MIC L0A9 9IS5ATCH ! ntroduction D Fptimal Fperation F- /enerators connected to a busbar , Economic 0ispatch ?eglecting Losses, Fptimal )nit Commitment, +eliability Considerations D Fptimal /eneration Scheduling D Transmission Loss 6ormula 3. L0A9 %REGUENCY C0NTR0L AN9 AVR C0NTR0L ! ntroduction D Load 6re9uency Control F- Single 8rea System D Load 6re9uency Problem, Speed /o*erning System D Selecti*e 6re9uency Control, Tie Line 6re9uency Control, Cascade Triping, slanding System ,8@+ control B it2s methods. +. 506ER SYSTEM STABILITY !Po4er 6lo4 0ynamics F- Synchronous Machine D Po4er 8ngle E9uation D Steady State 8nd Transient Stability, E9ual 8rea Criterion D S4ing E9uation 8nd ?umerical Solution, 6actors 8--ecting Transient Stability D 8utomatic @oltage +egulator D E--ects F- /rading Fn Stability D Multi Machine Stability D Classical Model D Limitation FClassical Methods -. 506ER SYSTEM SECURITIES ! ntroduction D System State Classi-ication D Security 8nalysis D Contingency 8nalysis D Sensiti*ity 6actors D SCFPE D Security Constrained Fptimum Po4er 6lo4 TERM WORK T.6. 7& :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!" B00@S# $. Modern Po4er System 8nalysis D ?agrath B <othari 7. Po4er /eneration, Fperation 8nd Control D Wood B Wooler Aeng ". Po4er System 8nalysis D Eohn E. /rainger %. Electrical Energy System Theory D Fle Elgerd (. Po4er System 8nalysis D William 0. Ste*enson C. 8d*ance PS8 B 0ynamics D L. P. Singh J. Po4er System 8nalysis D Wadh4a >. Po4er System 8nalysis D /lo*er 8nd Sharma L. Po4er system Stability! @ol. ! <imbark


Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% # Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t # TW # Total $(#

Electrical S4itchgears


1. I(tro1!ct&o(# 6ault clearing process, types o- mechanism 3manual, semiautomatic, automatic5, electrical and mechanical nterlocks, indication and auxiliary s4itch.8uto reclosure, the transient phenomena during -ault clearing process. $. %!(1a*e(ta " o) )a! t c ear&(,# Sudden short circuit on +!L series circuit! current interruption in 8.C. circuit breaker!transient reco*ery *oltage! e--ect o- natural -re9uency, po4er -actor on T+@! e--ect o- reactance drop on po4er -re9uency reco*ery *oltage! e--ect o- armature reaction on reco*ery *oltage! e--ect o- -irst pole to clear -actor! single, double -re9uency transient! rate o- rise o- T+@!deri*ation o- restriking *oltage! examples on abo*e topics! interruption o- lo4 magneti=ing current, current chopping! use o- Fpening resistor! s4itching o- capacitor bank, unloaded lines and unloaded cables! interruption o- terminal -ault and short line -ault! phase opposition s4itching. 3. T/e arc eEt&(ct&o( *ec/a(&"* a(1 c/aracter&"t&c" o) 2!e(c/&(, *e1&!*# The matter B plasma! oni=ation o- gases D 0eioni=ation! 8rc -ormation in 8.C. Circuit breaker!modes oarc extinction D high resistance interruption! lo4 resistance o- =ero point extinction! arc interruption theory! arc extinction in di--erent medium! arc time constant +. Co("ta(t" o) c&rc!&t :rea3&(,; n relation to circuit breaking!Circuit constants circuit breaking rating! circuit constants and circuit conditions restriking *oltage! transient characteristics o- restriking *oltage! expression -or +++@! 6actors a--ecting the restriking *oltage characteristics, current chopping interruption o- small inducti*e currents capacitor s4itching. -. C&rc!&t :rea3er t8'e" a(1 t/eor8# 8utomatic s4itching! air break circuit breaker, oil circuit breakers, single and multi! break construction! per-ormance o- Circuit breakers! minimum oil circuit breakers, air!blast circuit breakers! S6C circuit breakers, @acuum circuit breakers! Moulded case circuit breakers! Their relati*e merits and demerits, applications, nterruption methods! *oltage 0istribution in oil circuit breakers 4ith arc control de*ices! modi-ication o- circuit breaker duty by shunt resistors! auto +eclosures and -uses. .. Te"t&(, a(1 1e>e o'*e(t o) c&rc!&t :rea3er# 'igh *oltage testing! short circuit testing o- circuit breaker! direct testing and indirect testing o- circuit breakers, Modern trends! @acuum circuit breakers, S6C circuit breakers and 0.C. circuit breakers! Synthetic testing o- circuit breakers. ;. Lo74 *e1&!* a(1 /&,/ >o ta,e "7&tc/,ear"# Metal clad s4itchgear, S6C -illed s4itchgear, control panels, load breaking s4itches, contactors, thyristorised s4itching o- capacitor banks and reactors. <. Te"t&(, a(1 *a&(te(a(ce o) 'rotect&>e ,ear# Classi-ication o- testing!general method o- testing protecti*e gear current trans-ormer test!potential trans-ormer test =. 9.C. C&rc!&t Brea3er # Why '@0C CA2s are re9uired! 0i--erent schemes -or d.c. interruption! recent de*elopments in this -ield! )sing thyristor based techni9ues and using a metallic return trans-er breaker! application o- 0CCA. 10. E(>&ro(*e(ta a"'ect" ; 8lternate source against sulphur hexa-louride S6C gas as insulating medium. Boo3"#S4itchgear and protection D S.S. +ao. Po4er system protection B s4itchgear D A. +a*indranath B M. Chander S4itchgear and protection D E.A. /upta E?P s4itchgear by +.T. Lithal

Po4er system stability! @ol.

! <imbark

Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Po4er System Practice and 0esign


1. Tra("*&""&o( L&(e 9e"&,( )or a(8 ,&>e( rat&(, Electrical design o- transmission line, 0esign philosophy, *oltage le*el selection and choice o- conductors, spacing o- conductor and corona, insulators and S L, design problem Mechanical design o- transmission line Considerations, loading on conductors, span, sag and tension clearance, stringing, problems, Transmission line to4er design Location o- to4er, earth 4ires, reduction o- to4er -ooting resistance, design o- to4er, examples E'@ transmission line design Considerations, selection, spacing o- conductors, corona and radio inter-erence, shunt and series compensation, tuned po4er lines, insulation coordination and di--erent types o- E'@ to4ers, E'@ systems in ndia. $. HV9C Tra("*&""&o( Merits and demerits o- '@0C transmission, one line diagram, types o- 0C link, necessary e9uipments, operation and control, applications, recent ad*ances, '@0C in ndia 3. AC a(1 9C Lo7 Te("&o( 9&"tr&:!t&o( 9e"&,( Types o- distribution systems arrangements, selection and si=e o- -eeders using <el*in2s la4, design o- cables in distribution systems considering ampere capacity, *oltage drop during starting and running load, primary distribution design, secondary distribution design, '@ distribution design concept, load balancing 0istribution substation Calculation o- distributor si=e and its examples, calculation o- *oltage drops and si=e o- distributor in ring system @oltage regulation and lamp -licker +. 9e"&,( o) 5o7er S8"te* ntroduction, selection o- si=es and location o- generating stations, selection and speci-ications o- transmission lines, si=es and locations o- sub stations, interconnections -. 5o7er S8"te* I*'ro>e*e(t4 S!:"tat&o( 9e"&,( (Cat/o1&c 5rotect&o( I(c !1&(, GIS) ntroduction, methods o- po4er system impro*ement, po4er system impro*ement scheme, determination o- *oltage regulation and losses in po4er system, shi-ting o- distribution trans-ormer centre, -inancial aspects o- the po4er system impro*ement scheme .. 5o7er S8"te* Eart/&(, C 5o7er Stat&o( a(1 S!: Stat&o( Eart/&(, Fbjecti*es, de-initions, tolerable limits o- body currents, soil resisti*ity, measurement o- soil resisti*ity, earth resistance, measurement o- earth resistance, tolerable step and touch *oltage, actual step and touch *oltage, design o- earthing grid, impulse beha*ior o- earthing system ;. I("! at&o( Coor1&(at&o( a(1 Locat&o( 0) L&,/t(&(, Arre"tor ntroduction, de-initions, insulation!co!ordination cur*es, determination o- line insulation, Aasic nsulation le*el3A L5, nsulation le*els o- substation e9uipments, Lightning arrestor selection and location, Selection oarrestor *oltage rating, arrestor discharge *oltage and arrestor discharge current, protecti*e margin. Note # T.6. 7& :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". B00@S# Electrical Po4er System 0esign D M. @. 0eshpande Electrical Po4er System 0esign D A. +. /upta Electrical Po4er System Planning D 8. S. Pabla Substation 0esign D Satnam B /upta 8 course in Electrical Po4er! Soni,,/upta and Ahatnagar.

Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Electi*e Microprocessor and PLC

E!J#( 8

A. <0-1 C < B&t M&croco(tro er $. ntroduction to >#($ micro controllers and o*er*ie4 o- >#($ -amily, 8ssembly programming, Program counter and +FM space, 0ata types and directi*es, 6lag bits and PSW register, +egister banks and stack. 7. Eump, loop and call instructions, Time delay generation and calculation, /F port programming, Pin description o- >#($, bit manipulation, >#($ addressing modes; ". 8rithmetic nstructions and Programs; )nsigned addition and subtraction, )nsigned multiplication and di*ision, signed number concepts and arithmetic operations, Logic nstructions and Programs; Logic and compare instructions, +otate and s4ap instructions, AC0 and 8SC application programs, Single bit instructions and programming, single bit operation 4ith carry, +eading input pins *s. port latch %. Timer/ Counter and nterrupts programming; Programming >#($ timers, counter programmingI Programming timer interrupts, external hard4are interrupts and serial communication interrupt, nterrupt priority in >#($, >#($ Serial communication; Aasics o- serial communication, connection to +S7"7, serial communication programming. (. >#($ nter-acing; >#($ inter-acing to 80C, 08C, Sensors, LC0, <eyboard, >7((, nter-acing to external memory; B. 5ro,ra**a: e Lo,&c Co(tro er $. 8n o*er*ie4 o- PLC, /eneral programming procedure, nput and Futput module inter-acing, Programming F?/F66 inputs to produce F?/F66 outputs, +elation o- digital gate logic to contact / coil logic, Creating ladder diagrams -rom process control descriptions, Aasics o- register. 7. PLC 6unctions; Timer -unction, Counter -unction, 8rithmetic -unction, ?umber comparison -unctions, ?umbering systems and number con*ersion -unction, Skip and Master control relay -unctions, Eump -unctions, PLC data mo*e systems and other PLC data handling -unction, 0igital bit -unctions and applications, Se9uencer -unction, PLC matrix -unctions ". 8nalog PLC operations, A'' &cat&o(" o) 5LC" &( 5o7er "8"te*4 Co(tro o) 1r&>e" etc. Note# T.6. 7& :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". Boo3"# Microcontrollers Theory and 8pplications Ay 8jay @ 0eshmukh, TM' Publishing Co. Ltd. The >#($ Microcontroller B Embedded Systems Ay Muhammad 8li Ma=idi , Eanice /illispie Ma=idi , Pearson Education nc. The >#($ Microcontroller, 8rchitecture, Programming B 8pplication Ay <enneth E. 8yla, Penaram Publication. Programmable Logic Controllers Ay Eohn +. 'ack4orth, 6rederick 0. 'ack4orth, Pearson Education nc. Programmable Logic Controllers, Principles B 8pplications by john W. Webb, +onald 8. +eis, P' Programmable Logic Controllers B their Engineering 8pplications by 8. E. Crispin, Mc/ra4 'ill. Programmable Controllers by Thomas 8 'ughes, S 8.

Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Electi*e 8d*anced Po4er System

E!J#( A

1. T/eor8 o) Stea18 State React&>e 5o7er Co(tro &( E ectr&c Tra("*&""&o( S8"te*" H Loa1 Co*'e("at&o( ntroduction D historical back ground, 6undamental re9uirement in 8.C. Po4er Transmission, Engineering -actors a--ecting stability and @oltage Control D )ncompensated and Compensated Lines D Types o- Compensation Passi*e / 8cti*e Compensation D Examples based on abo*e $. 0:Aect&>e" o) Loa1 Co*'e("at&o(4 5o7er %actor Correct&o( a(1 Vo ta,e Re,! at&o(4 Loa1 Co*'e("at&o( &( ter*" o) S8**etr&ca Co*'o(e(t" 3. I(tro1!ct&o( to %ACTS a(1 HV9C Tec/(o o,8 68CTS concept, transmission interconnections, -lo4 o- po4er in 8.C. systems D loading capability D po4er -lo4 and dynamic stability D relati*e importance o- controllable parameters, basic types o- 68CTS controllers, bene-its -rom 68CTS technology '@0C transmission D comparison bet4een 8C D 0C transmission D modeling o- '@0C system D 8C 0C load -lo4 D harmonics and other problems +. 0>er>&e7 o) 5o7er G!a &t8 a(1 5o7er G!a &t8 Sta(1ar1"4 5o7er G!a &t84 Vo ta,e G!a &t84 0>er>&e7 o) 5o7er G!a &t8 5/e(o*e(o(4 5o7er G!a &t8 A(1 EMC Sta(1ar1" Long nterruptions D ntroduction to nterruptions D Causes o- Long nterruptions D Fbser*ation o- System Per-ormance, Standard and +egulations, Short nterruptions D ntroductions D Terminology D Frigin F- Short nterruptions, Monitoring, @oltage Sags D 'armonics D ntroduction D 'armonic Sources D E--ects F- 'armonics Fn Electrical E9uipments D resonance D shunt capacitors D -ilter systems -. 5o7er S8"te* 98(a*&c" 0ynamics o- synchronous generators D analysis o- single machine system D po4er system stabili=er .. Vo ta,e Sta:& &t8 ntroductions D de-initions D reacti*e po4er transmission D comparison o- rotor angle stability and *oltage stability D surge impedance loading D *oltage stability limit and analysis D graphical methods *oltage collapse D pre*ention o- *oltage collapse D -uture trends and challenges ;. S/ort C&rc!&t St!1&e" U"&(, J C B!" a(1 Y C B!" ntroduction D types o- -aults D short circuit studies o- a large po4er system net4orks D algorithms -or calculating system conditions a-ter the -ault occurrence D direct short circuit bolted -aults D comparison bet4een symmetrical components and phase co ordinate method o- short circuit study using K! bus Note# T.6.a(1 5ract&ca " 7& :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". B00@S# +eacti*e Po4er Compensation D T. E. E. Miller )nderstanding 68CTS D ?. /. 'ingorani '@0C D <. +. Padhiyar )nderstanding Po4er :uality Problems D '. E. Aoller 3 EEE press5 Computer Techni9ues in po4er system! M.8.Pai Modern Po4er system analysis and design! A.+./upta Modern Po4er system analysis! ?agrath <othari

GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B. E. SEM VII (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) E- ;0- C (E ect&>e C 1) A1>a(ce1 5o7er E ectro(&c" C 1
Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Electi*e! 8d*anced Po4er Electronics!

E!J#( C

1. Re"o(a(t Co(>erter" # ntroduction, Classi-ication, Series resonant, Parallel resonant in*erter, Class E resonant in*erter/recti-ier, Oero current / Oero *oltage resonant con*erter, Comparison bet4een OCS and O@S, T4o 9uadrant O@S con*erter, +esonant dc link in*erters, n*erters -or )PS. $. M! t& e>e a(1 *! t& '! "e co(>erter" # ntroduction, Types o- multi le*el con*erters, Types o- multi pulse con*erters, 0i--erent trans-ormer connections -or multi pulse in*erter, 8pplications o- multi le*el and multi pulse con*erters. 3. 56M Tec/(&2!e" # SPWM, EPWM, Trape=oidal, Staircase, Stepped, 'armonic injected, 'armony reduction techni9ues. +. Mo1e &(, o) 5o7er E ectro(&c" C&rc!&t" # Mathematical modeling o- con*erters, Modeling o- po4er electronics circuits in term o- trans-er -unction, 0esign o- magnetic components 36errite core, 'igh -re9uency 4inding5, nductor design. -. Heat S&(3 Ca c! at&o( ? Coo &(, o) 5o7er Se*&co(1!ctor 9e>&ce" # 'eat trans-er consideration, Thermal resistance o- heat sink. Types o- heat sinks, E--ect o- o*erload and pulse loading, Mounting techni9ues. .. Gate C&rc!&t 9e"&,( # /AT, MFS6ET, /ate triggering Circuits, Electrically isolated dri*e circuits, 0C coupled dri*e circuits. ;. 5o7er E ectro(&c" B!& 1&(, B oc3 # ntroduction, Alock diagram o- di--erent PEAA, 8pplications in Marine Engineering. <. C!"to* 5o7er # ntroduction, Concept, 8pplication 4ith case study. =. I(te &,e(t 5o7er Mo1! e" # ntroduction, 6unctional integration, Le*els o- integration. Note# T.6. 7& :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". Boo3"# Po4er Electronics Circuits, 0e*ices and 8pplications by M ' +ashid. Po4er Electronics Con*erters 8pplications and 0esign by ?ed Mohan. Modern Po4er Electronics by A < Aose. Control o- 0ri*es by <rishnan. A'' &cat&o( Note" # ! nternational +ecti-ier ! Motorola Semiconductor ! ?8S8 ! ?a*al Corporation o- )S8

Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Electi*e! Energy Management

E!J#( 0

$. E(er,8 Sce(ar&o# ntroduction to energy science and energy technology, *arious -orms o- energy, La4 oconser*ation o- energy, )sage Patterns o- Energy in ndia, energy calculation and demand. 8ge orene4able and alternati*es.?ational energy plan and energy strategy, energy management, energy conser*ation act!7##$ and its -eatures, energy sector re-orms. Energy scenario o- ndia ,?odal agencies like AEE, /E08,M?ES, CE8, WEA etc. 7. E(er,8 *a(a,e*e(t# Concept o- energy management, elements o- energy management, energy cost, energy per-ormance, energy sa*ing calculations, balancing energy use and re9uirement, maximi=ing system e--iciencies, optimi=ing input energy re9uirement, 0emand Side Management ". 5 a((&(, e(er,8# ?eed o- energy planning, steps -or energy planning, +ole o- energy manager, benchmarking, -orce -ield analysis %. E(er,8 Tra("'ortat&o( ? Stora,e # Energy transportation; bulk transportation o- -uels! characteristics otransportation systems -or solid li9uid and gaseous -uelsI coal li9ui-ication and gasi-ication, sa-ety measuresI Energy Transportation E--iciency Problem o- Electric Energy Transmission; Characteristics o- short and long 8C transmission linesI '@0C transmission, economic considerations. Energy storage; 0emand -or energy storage D stationary and transport applicationsI ntegrated energy systems. Energy storage systems; heat storage! hot 4ater, hot solids, phase change materialsI Chemical storage D synthetic -uels, hydrogen, electrochemical. Mechanical, Potential energy storage; spring, compressed gas, pumped hydroI 6ly4heels, +olling mills, Electrical and magnetic energy storage systemsI (. G!a &t8 a(1 Re &a:& &t8 o) I(1!"tr&a H Co**erc&a 5o7er S8"te*"# ntroduction, 'armonics in supply system, @oltage Sag, Po4er 6actor +eliability analysis o- po4er system C. E(er,8 ) o7 (et7or3"# Simulation and modeling, -ormulation and objecti*e and constraints, alternati*e option, Sankey 0iagram J. Eco(o*&c a"'ect" o) e(er,8 a!1&t# Cost e*aluation by +F , ++ Cost e*aluation by payback terms. Frgani=ation -or energy management. Conser*ation measures and diagnostic re*ie4 >. E(er,8 A!1&t ? Ca"e St!1&e"# ntroduction, types and 4alkthrough energy audit. Energy audit at unit le*el, ndustrial 8udit approaches. Procedure -or energy audit and e9uipments re9uired. Comprehensi*e Energy audit Site testing Measurement B 8nalysis o- Electrical System like nduction Motors, Trans-ormers, synchronous Machines, llumination system, 0omestic 8ppliances Site testing Measurement B 8nalysis o- Electrical System like Aoilers, 6urnaces, +e-rigeration and 8irconditioning System Note# T.6. 7& :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". Boo3"# 8 /uide to Energy Management by Aarney L Capehart, William E <ennedy, Wayne C Turner Energy Technology by S. +ao Energy conser*ation techni9ues by P.M. 0a*e B M.?.sheth ?on Con*entional Energy Sources by / 0 +ai Course Material -or 8ccredited Energy Managers B Energy 8uditors D Aureau o- Energy E--iciency 4ebsite 444.energymanagertraining.com, 444.bee!india.go*.in


Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Electi*e! ?anotechnology!

E!J#( E

1. I(tro1!ct&o(. 6undamental issues o- nanotechnology Comparision o- Micro B ?ano technology Small de*ices tools Molecular construction $. Na(o Str!ct!re" ntroduction Metal ?anoclusters, Semiconductor nanoparticles. 3. 0r,a(&c co*'o!(1" a(1 5o 8*er" ntroduction 6orming B characteri=ing polymers, ?anocrystals, polymers, supermolecular structures. +. Na(otec/(o o,8 B!& 1&(, Too " 8tomic -orce microscope Scanning electron microscope Transmission electron microscope Magnetic resonance -orce microscope -. Na(ot!:e"4 Na(o7&re" ? Na(o)&:er" ntroduction Production technology at 8tomic le*el .. B!& 1&(, I""!e" 0issipating static electricity 6ETs and SETs Lithograpy methods 6abrication process ; ntroduction Memory -abrication process ;. 5/oto o't&c" &( Na(otec/(o o,8 ntroduction Fptical s4itching Photonic band gaps. Note# T.6. 7& :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". Boo3"#$. ?anotechnology ;! by +ichard Aooker, Earl Aoysen 7. ntroduction to ?anotechnology ;! by Charles P. Poole, 6rank E. F4ens.


Subjec t Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t # #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theor y Paper !!! !!! Theor y Marks # # Prac t 7( TW 7( Total (#



The objecti*es o- the course are ; To pro*ide students 4ith a comprehensi*e experience o- applying the kno4ledge gained so -ar. To de*elop aptitude, build con-idence, communication skill and presentation abilities amongst the -raternity in 4hich he / she belongs. To pro*ide an opportunity to do something creati*e in real li-e 4ork situation. To ad*ance institute D industry interaction / relationship.

8 student is re9uired to carry out project 4ork related to Electrical Engineering. )nder super*ision / guidance osta-- members, the project may be based on either design and/or -abrication or simulation on computer or society/industry need based sur*ey or testing etc. Project 4ork can be carried out in the nstitute or in the ndustry or in any research organi=ation. The student can undertake project singly or in a batch, o- not more than -i*e students. 8t the end o- the semester, student 4ill be re9uired to submit a report consist o- aim B objecti*e, literature sur*ey, 4ork done, and conclusion deri*ed i- any 4ith -urther scope o- studies and 4ill de-end be-ore the examiners at the time o- -inal e*aluation.

GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B. E. SEM VIII (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) E- <01 Co**&""&o(&(, o) E ectr&ca E2!&'*e(t
Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Commissioning o- Electrical E9uipment


Tra(")or*er Testing procedure -or '@ testing ,Phase shi-ting/ phase group , +adio inter-erence, +atio Test , Load loss ,Separate source *oltage testing , nduced *oltage testing , mpulse B Surge testing , ?oise le*el B *ibration testing , Short circuit 4ithstand test ,Tan 0elta test , Core insulation *oltage test , Measurement o- impedance ,Testing o- auxiliaries B sa-ety de*ice , Fil testing , Classi-ication o- testing methods , Testing o- bushing. 0C B 8C +esistance measurement ,Temp. rise test , Short circuit test , 0ielectric test , Partial discharge , nsulation resistance testing . Polarity testing , Short time current rating , mpulse B surge testing, 0etermination oerror B accuracy class , Po4er -re9uency *oltage 4ithstand test ,F*er *oltage inter!turn test . 9eter*&(at&o( o) 'o ar&Dat&o( &(1eE )or tra(")or*er. 9r8&(, o!t 'roce1!re )or tra(")or*er. Co**&""&o(&(, "te'" )or tra(")or*er 5!r&)&cat&o( ? %& trat&o( 5roce1!re )or Tra(")or*er o& . Tro!: e"/oot&(, ? Ma&(te(a(ce o) tra(")or*er. I(1!ct&o( Motor Te"t&(, ( 3-'/a"e ? 1-'/a"e) 'ammer test , Testing against *ariation o- *oltage/current/-re9uency, Load test, ?L B A+ test , 0C B 8C +esistance measurement , nsulation measurement , Starting test , Temp. rise test , Slip measurement , '@ test ,Testing on auxiliaries , @ibration Test , ?oise le*el test. 9r8&(, o!t *et/o1" H 5o ar&Dat&o( I(1eE H Hot Te*'erat!re *ea"!re*e(t 9e,ree o) 'rotect&o( (I5 Gra1e) Co**&""&o(&(, "te'" )or I(1!ct&o( *otor4 Heat R!( Te"t. Co**&""&o(&(, o) I(1!ct&o( Ge(erator. Tro!: e"/oot&(, ? *a&(te(a(ce o) &(1!ct&o( *otor S!: "tat&o( e2!&'*e(t" B!" :ar Temp. +ise test, +ated short time current test, '@ test, Po4er -re9uency *oltage 4ithstand test, mpulse / surge testing, @ibration. Eart/&(, Earthing resistance measurement, Substation grid Earthing, Soil resisti*ity measurement. I"o ator Te"t&(, Temp. +esistance test, Short circuit test, Charging current making B breaking test, nducti*e current making B breaking test. C&rc!&t :rea3er Te"t&(, o) HVHLV c&rc!&t :rea3er ?o load Mechanical Fperation , Mechanical endurance test , Temp. rise test , mpulse B surge testing , short time current test . Short circuit making B breaking test , Line Charging current making B breaking test ,Cable charging B capacitor bank making B breaking test ,Fut o- phase s4itching ,Short line -ault test ,Electrical B Mechanical endurance test -or LT s4itch gear like MCA/ MCCA/ ELCA etc.

C.T. ? 5.T. Te"t&(, 4 Re a8 te"t&(, 4 Co!' &(, ca'ac&tor"4 Stat&o( Batter&e" )or 9.C. S!'' 8 4 %&re S/&)t&(, E2!&'*e(t". Te"t&(, ? Co**&""&o(&(, o) L&,/t(&(, Arre"tor4 S!:"tat&o( Co**&""&o(&(, :8 T/er*o,ra'/8. Tro!: e"/oot&(, ? *a&(te(a(ce o) c&rc!&t :rea3er". 9C Mac/&(e Te"t&(, @oltage drop test or bar to bar test , Load test , Fpen circuit B magneti=ing test , nsulation resistance , Starting per-ormance, 0ielectric test. S4inburn2s test, 'opkinson2s test, 6ield test, Separation o- losses in 0C shunt machine. Temp. rise test B 'eat run test 9r8&(, o!t 'roce"" Co**&""&o(&(, "te'" )or 9C *ac/&(e" Tro!: e"/oot&(, ? *a&(te(a(ce S8(c/ro(o!" *ac/&(e Te"t&(, FC B SC test ,Characteristics , Loss measurement, Temp. rise test , F*er speed test , '@ testing , nsulation resistance 4a*e -orm inter-erence , 0C B 8C +esistance o- armature B -ield 4inding measurement , 0ielectric testing on armature B -ield 4inding , Mechanical balance , Magnetic balance , Current balance , Phase se9uence , 'armonic analysis , reactance B time constant , Speed tor9ue current , @ibration B noise measurement , SC test , Synchroni=ing circuit testing , Testing o- *oltage regulators , Excitation circuit testing ,@oltage reco*ery test , +etardation test on load / no load . 9r8&(, o!t 'roce1!re Co**&""&o(&(, "te'" )or "8(c/ro(o!" *ac/&(e" Tro!: e"/oot&(, ? *a&(te(a(ce Co**&""&o(&(, o) tra("*&""&o( &(e ? Ca: e . 0erating o- cable capacity , '@ test , 8C B 0C +esistance check , nsulation resistance , mpedance measurement , Location -inding techni9ue -or -ault in under ground cables 3 Murray loop test B Warley loop test 5 , Testing o- open circuit -aults in cables . Line charging, loading B 0ropping. 9&"a"ter *a(a,e*e(t - 5o"t 1&"a"ter co**&""&o(&(, o) 'o7er "8"te* co*'o(e(t e. ,. ,e(erator4tra("*&""&o( &(e4 E ectr&ca *ac/&(e" a(1 e2!&'*e(t". Ter* 7or3 Term 4ork shall be based on abo*e syllabus. Re)ere(ce :oo3 G$H Testing, Commissioning B maintenance o- electrical e9uipment Ay S. S. +ao G7H The commissioning o- Electrical Plant Ay +C' +ichardson 3Chapman B 'all5

Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Po4er System Protection


1. I(tro1!ct&o(# +e9uirements o- protecti*e systems! primary and auxiliary protection, types o- backup, essential re9uirements oprotecti*e systems basic terminology! method o- discrimination, instrument trans-ormer. $. 9&))ere(t re a8"4 &t" c/aracter&"t&c" a(1 a'' &cat&o( Fperating principles and constructional -eatures o- electromagnetic relays! classi-ication o- relays, principle, types o- electromagnetic relays! theory o- induction relay tor9ue! *arious types o- induction relays! general e9uations oelectromagnetic relays, o*er current relays, instantaneous o*er current relay, plug setting and time multiplying setting in induction disc relays! directional relays, di--erential relays, distances relays etc. applications. 3. Carr&er a&1e1 'rotect&o( o) tra("*&""&o( &(e" ?eed -or carrier aided protection o- transmission lines! *arious option -or carrier. Coupling and trapping the carrier into the desired line section, single line to ground coupling, line to line coupling, unit type carrier aided directional comparison relaying, carrier aided distance scheme -or acceleration o- =one , trans-er trip or inter trip, permissi*e inter trip, acceleration o- =one , preacceleration o- =one , phase comparison relaying 3unit scheme5 +. A''arat!" 'rotect&o( "c/e*e# /enerator protection, trans-ormer protection, /as operated relay, o*er current, earth -ault, restricted earth -ault protection, di--erential protection, other problems and their remedies, o*erall generator, trans-ormer protection, protection o- small motors, protection o- large motor against o*erload, short circuit, unbalanced loading, earth -ault B under *oltage comprehensi*e motor protection relay! -eeder and bus =one protection -. N!*er&ca 'rotect&o( ntroduction! block diagram o- numerical relay, sampling theorem, correlation 4ith re-erence 4a*e, 6ourier analysis o- analog signals, least error s9uared 3LE5 techni9ue, digital -iltering, simple lo4 pass -ilter, simple high pass -ilter, -inite impulse response -ilters, in-inite impulse -ilters, comparison bet4een 6 + B + -ilters! block diagram in details -or -e4 relays .. Re a8 te"t&(, *et/o1" a(1 e2!&'*e(t" nstallation and commissioning tests D special tests D o*ershoot tests, accuracy tests, range tests and stability tests D test procedure D current injection jet D programmable testing e9uipments Note# T.6.a(1 5ract&ca " 7& :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". Boo3"#6undamentals F- Po4er System Protection D K. /. Parithankar B S. +. Ahide S4itchgear 8nd Protection D S. S. +ao 8rt 8nd Science F- Protecti*e +elaying D Masson Po4er System Protection 8nd S4itchgear D A. +a*indranath 8nd M. Chander Po4er System Protection D A. +am Po4er System Protection D Patra, Aasu , Chaudhar

Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Electrical Machine 0esign!


I(1!ct&o( *otor 1e"&,( Futput e9uation , choice o- speci-ic scheme, separation o- 0 B L, peripheral Stator 4inding design, Calculation o- no. o- turns per phase, conductor2s area shape o- the stator slots, -actors to be considered 4hile deciding no o- stator slots, 8rea o- stator slots, stator 4inding resistance, stator teeth design, depth o- the stator core, examples related to abo*e topics Length o- the air gap Rotor 1e"&,( A. S2!&rre ca,e rotor D selection o- no. o- rotor slots, harmonic induction tor9ue. 'armonic synchronous tor9ue, *ibration and noise, *oltage ripples, rules -or selecting no. o- rotor slots, Methods -or reducing harmonic tor9ue, design o- rotor bars and slots, calculation o- rotor bar current, area o- rotor bars, shape o- rotor slots, examples, 0esign o- end rings, Calculation o- end rings current, cross sectional area o- end rings B. 9e"&,( o) 7o!(1 rotor ! calculation o- number o- rotor slots, no. o- turns, cross sectional area orotor conductors, types o- rotor 4indings, check -or rotor tooth density, design o- rotor core, examples Estimation o- operating characteristics! no load current calculation, short circuit current calculation, stator and rotor resistance and reactance calculation, examples, circle diagram, 0ispersion coe--icient D e--ect on maximum output po4er -actor Per-ormance calculation, costing 0esign aspects -or large si=e machine, high *oltage m/c, 'igh speed m/c, algorithm and -lo4 chart 0esign o- submersible motors ,costing $ 9e"&,( o) "&(, e '/a"e &(1!ct&o( *otor Types o- motors, 0esign o- main dimensions, design o- stator, 0esign o- rotor, calculation o- operating characteristic3rotor resistance, stator resistance, iron loss, -riction and 4indage loss etc, 0esign oauxillary 4inding, starting tor9ue, circle diagram, design o- capacitance -or maximum tor9ue, costing 3 S8(c/ro(o!" *ac/&(e 1e"&,( ntroduction, output e9uations, Main dimension, SC+, e--ect o- SC+ on machine per-ormance Length o- air gap and shape o- pole -ace 8rmature design, 8rmature 4inding 3Single layer and double layer5, number o- armature slots, slots dimension, length o- mean turns, calculation o- armature resistance and reactance 0esign o- rotor , 0esign o- magnetic circuit, Fpen circuit characteristic 0etermination o- -ull load -ield MM6, 0esign o- -ield 4inding 0etermination o- direct and :uadrature axis synchronous reactance. Short circuit characteristics, Per-ormance e*aluation 0esign o- Turbo alternators, Main dimension, Length o- air gap, Stator B +otor design 8lgorithms and 6lo4 chart 0esign consideration -or lo4 speed alternators and *ertically operated alternator, costing Ter* 7or3 # $. 0esign o- " phase .M 7. 0ra4ing sheet o- " phase .M 4ith circle dia ". 0ra4ing and description o- syn. M/c components %. 0esign o- syn. m/c (. Tutorials o- single phase .M and Submersible pumps Boo3"# $. 8 Course in electrical machine design D 8. <. Sa4hey 7. Electrical machine design D +. <. 8gra4al

". 0esign o- Electrical machines D @. ?. Mittle GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B. E. SEM VIII (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) E- <0+ E ectr&ca 5o7er Ut& &Dat&o( ? Tract&o(
Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% # Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t # TW # Total $(#

Electrical Po4er )tili=ation B Traction


1. ELECTRIC 9RIVES# ntroduction concept o- electric dri*es, classi-ication o- electric dri*es, nature o- load, -actors e--ecting selection odri*e, +unning characteristics o- 0.C, Series and shunt motor, "!phase induction motor,"!phase synchronous motor and 8.C series motors,Starting methods o- 0.C series and shunt motors, starting methods o- "!phase induction motors, examples, starting methods o- synchronous motors and single!phase induction motor. Speed control o- 0.C series and shunt motors, examples. Speed control o- "!phase induction motor. Examples, Methods o- electric braking, o- 0.C motor, examples. Araking o- "!phase induction motor, Mechanical -eatures o- electric dri*e, Load e9uali=ation, -ly4heel calculations, examples. Temperatures rise o- electric dri*es beating and cooling cur*es, standard ratings o- motors, examples 8pplications o- electric dri*es and selection o- dri*es -or particular ser*ice, conser*ation approach to be considered. Energy e--icient dri*es. $. ELECTRICAL TRACTI0N# ntroductions, di--erent traction systems, *arious systems o- electric traction. Locomoti*es, tram4ays, trolleys, track electri-ication, comparison bet4een 8.C and 0.C systems o- rail4ay electri-ication, Types o- speed and speed!time cur*es, examples. Mechanics o- train mo*ement, tracti*e e--ort, po4er, output, examples., Energy output -rom dri*ing axles, energy output using simpli-ied speed!time cur*es, examples, 6actors a--ecting energy consumption, dead 4eight, accelerating 4eight, abhesion 4eight, examples., Traction motors and their characteristics, starting and speed control o- 0.C series and shunt motors, examples, Starting and speed control o- 8.C series and "!phase induction motors, Araking o- traction motors and mechanical considerations, conser*ation approach to be considered. 3. ELECTRICAL HEATING ? 6EL9ING 8d*antages o- electric heating, modes o- trans-er o- heat, classi-ication o- electric heating methods, +esistances heating methods, re9uirements o- heating elements, design o- heating elements, methods o- temperature control, problems, nduction heating; principle, types o- induction -urnaces, direct core type, *ertical core type, indirect core type, core less type, ad*antages and disad*antages, eddy current heating, applications examples., 8rc!-urnace; principle, types, direct and indirect arc -urnaces, po4er supply and control, condition -or maximum output, examples., 0ielectric heating; principles, ad*antages and disad*antages, applications, choice o- -re9uency, examples., Electric 4elding; di--erent types o- resistance 4elding and electric arc 4elding, conser*ation approach to be considered. Energy e--icient processes. +. ELECTR0LYTIC 5R0CESS# Principle, 6aradays la4s o- electrolysis, current e--iciency, energy e--iciency etc., +ating o- metals, production ochemicals, Electro!deposition, electroplating, po4er supply -or electrolytic processes. -. ILLUMINATI0NS# ?ature o- light, de-initions, la4s o- illumination, di--erent types o- lamps, tungsten lamp, discharge lamp, sodium *apour lamp, -luorescent lamp, design o- lighting scheme, methods o- lighting, calculations, examples., -lood lighting, -actory lighting and street lighting, examples., conser*ation approach to be considered. Boo3"#Electrical Po4er )tili=ation D Taylor. Electrical Po4er )tili=ation D E. A. /upta. Electric Traction D '. Partab. Electrical Po4er )tili=ation D A.L. Theraja. 8 text book on Po4er System Engg. D Soni, /upta, Ahatnagar,

GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B. E. SEM VIII (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) E- <0- A (E ect&>e II) 9&,&ta S&,(a 5roce""&(, &( E ectr&ca E(,&(eer&(,
Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Electi*e 0igital Signal Processing in Electrical Engineering

E!>#( 8

A. 9&,&ta S&,(a 5roce""&(,# 1. 9&"crete T&*e S&,(a " ? S8"te*"# ntroduction, 0iscrete time signals, 0iscrete time systems, LT system, Properties o- LT systems, Constant coe--icient di--erential e9uations, 6re9uency domain representation odiscrete time systems and signals, +epresentation o- se9uences by 6ourier trans-orm, Properties o- 6ourier trans-orm, 6ourier trans-orm theorems, 0iscrete time random signals. $. J Tra(")or*# Properties o- O trans-orm, O trans-orm and n*erse O trans-orm 3. Sa*' &(, o) Co(t&(!o!" t&*e S&,(a "# Periodic sampling, 6re9uency domain representati*e o- sampling, +econstructions o- band limited signals -rom its samples +. Str!ct!re" )or 9&"crete T&*e S8"te*"# Alock diagram representation o- linear constant coe--icient di--erential e9uations, Signal -lo4 graph representation, Aasic structures o- + systems, Transposed -orms, Aasic structures -or 6 + systems. B. 9&,&ta S&,(a 5roce""or# -. .. I(tro1!ct&o( to TMSL%$+0; 9S5 Co(tro er# ntroduction, Arie- ntroduction to Peripherals, Types oPhysical Memory and ntroduction to So-t4are tools 3-or Practical Work5. C$EE 9S5 C5U a(1 I("tr!ct&o( Set# ntroduction to the C7xx 0SP core and code generation, The component o- C7xx 0SP Core, Mapping external de*ices to the C7xx core and the peripheral inter-ace, ntorduction to system con-iguration register, Memory, Memory addressing modes, 8ssembly programming using C7xx 0SP nstruction Set. Ge(era 5!r'o"e IH0# 6unctionality, Pin multiplexing and general purpose /F o*er*ie4, ntroduction to Multiplexing and general purpose /F Control registers, /eneral purpose /F ports I(terr!'t" o( t/e TMS3$0L%$+0;# ntroduction to interrupts, nterrupts hierarchy, nterrupt control registers. T/e A(a o, to 9&,&ta Co(>erter# 80C F*er*ie4, Fperation o- the 80C, Se9uence con-iguration o- 80C, Se9uencer operating mode, Triggering source -or the L67%#J 80C, ntroduction to 80C control registers. T/e E>e(t Ma(a,er"# F*er*ie4 o- e*ent manager, E*ent manager interrupts D ntroduction to nterrupt 6lag registers, /eneral purpose Timers D /P timer inputs and outputs, /P counting operation, ntroduction to control register associated 4ith /P timer, /P timer interrupts, PWM output and /P timer compare operation, Compare unit, nput and output o- the compare unit, Fperation o- compare unit, 0ead band generation, +egister set up -or compare unit, Compare unit interrupts, ntroduction to 0ata memory mapped registers associated 4ith compare units, Capture units and :uadrature encoded pulse 3:EP5 D Fperation o- capture unit, Capture Stack interrupt -lag operation, :EP circuitry, ntroduction to capture unit/:EP control register. Comparison architecture o- L6 7%#J and L6 7>$7 processors. A'' &cat&o(" o- TMS 3$0 L% $+0; # Po4er 6actor correction Con*erter, Motor Speed Measurement, Electromagnetic nter-erence 3 EM 5, 8pplications o- TMS 3$0 L% $<1$ # Signal Conditioning o- an L@0T, Solar Po4er n*erters, PWM output as a 0igital to 8nalog Con*erter, Po4er Line Communications -or Lighting 8pplications using APS<.

;. <. =. 10.


C. 5er&'/era I(ter)ace Co(tro er (5IC)# P C microcontroller o*er*ie4 and -eatures, P C $Cx 8L), CP) registers, pin diagram, pic reset action, P C oscillator connection, P C memory organi=ation, FPT F? register, ?TCF? register, P C $Cx instructions, nputs and outputs, 8ddressing modes, /F ports, nterrupts, timers, capture, compare and PWM modules in P C $C6>JJ, ntroduction to serial peripheral inter-ace 3SP 5 and I$C B!".

Note# T.6. 7& :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". Re)ere(ce Boo3"# 0igital Signal Processing Ay S. Sali*ahanan, 8. @alla*araj, C. /nanapriya, TM' Publishing Co. Ltd. 0igital Signal Processing Ay Sanjit <. Mitra, TM' Publishing Co. Ltd. 0SP Aased Electromechanical Motion Control by 'amid 8 Toliyat, Ste*en Campbell, C+C publication Microcontrollers Theory and 8pplications Ay 8jay @ 0eshmukh, TM' Publishing Co. Ltd. 0esign 4ith P C Microcontrollers Ay Eohn A. Peatman, Pearson Education nc. 0SP by Proakis B Manolakis, Pearson Education 0SP by S. Srini*asan 0igital Signal Processors by A. C. <uo

GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B. E. SEM VIII (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) E- <0- B (E ect&>e C ) 5o7er S8"te* o'erat&o( a(1 Co(tro
Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Electi*e Po4er System Fperation B Control

E!>#( A

1. E"t&*at&o( o) 'o7er "8"te* ntroduction D least s9uares estimation D steady state estimation o- po4er systems D tracking state estimation opo4er systems D some computational considerations D external system e9ui*alencing treatment o- bad data D net4ork obser*ability D psendo measurements D applications o- po4er system state estimations $. Co*'e("at&o( &( 5o7er S8"te*" ntroduction D loading capacity D load compensation D line compensation D ST8TCFM and S@C, )PEC, SSCC, P8C 3. Loa1 %oreca"t&(, Tec/(&2!e" ntroduction D -orecasting methodology D estimation o- a*erage and trend terms D estimation o- periodic components D estimation o- K 3k5 D time series approach D kalman2s -iltering approach D economic models D reacti*e load -orecast +. Loa1 1&"'atc/ ce(tre 8cti*ities o- load dispatch -. Re &a:& &t8 o) 5o7er S8"te* 0e-inition o- reliability D outage D bath tub cur*e D t4o state model D -ailure and repair rate D probability density -unction D probability o- sur*i*e and -ailure mean do4n time D continuous mark or process D reliability o- series and parallel process D t4o state -luctuating en*ironment mark or application D approximate method reliability planning D preparation o- reliability methods .. 0't&*a 5o7er % o74 Ge(erat&o( Sc/e1! &(, C H81ro T/er*a Co 0r1&(at&o( C U(&t Co**&t*e(t" ;. 9&"tr&:!t&o( A!to*at&o( 0istribution automation D project planning D de-initions D communication D protocols D sensors D super*isory control and data ac9uisition D geographical in-ormation systems D automation systems <. Mar3et Re"tr!ct!r&(, Aasic po4er system economics and management D basic pricing principles! supply and demand side option D electricity pricing and market D load management and spot pricing D demand side management Note# T.6. 7& :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". B00@S Modern Po4er System 8nalysis D ?agrath B <othari Modern Po4er System Planning D N D Wang Electrical Po4er 0istribution System D 8. S. Pabla Electric Po4er System D Weedy Po4er system analysis and design! A.+. /upta

Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Electi*e 8d*anced Po4er Electronics!

E!>#( C

1. Br!"/ e"" 9r&>e" 9C a(1 AC # ntroduction, Machine back ground, Electronic Commutation, Current Control, Tor9ue Control, S4itching Circuits, 8pplications, S4itched reluctance motor dri*e. $. S8(c/ro(o!" Motor 9r&>e # ntroduction, Per-ormance 4ith *oltage source in*erter, Current Source n*erter, Closed loop control osynchronous motor. 3. 5o7er E ectro(&c" A'' &cat&o(" to I(1!"tr8 # nduction heating, Electric 4elding, Po4er -actor correction, nterconnection o- rene4able energy sources. +. 5o7er E ectro(&c" A'' &cat&o(" to 5o7er S8"te* # '@0C Transmission ; ntroduction, Components, 8nalysis o- con*erter bridges, 0i--erent topologies. -. %ACTS # Steady state and dynamic problems in 8C systems, 6lexible 8C transmission system 368CTS5, Principles oseries and shunt compensation, 0escription o- static *ar compensators 3S@C5, Thyristor controlled series compensators 3TCSC5, Static phase shi-ters 3SPS5, Static condenser 3ST8TCF?5, Static synchronous series compensators 3SSSC5, and )ni-ied po4er -lo4 controllers3)P6C5 . .. 5o7er G!a &t8 # ntroduction, ?eed o- 9uality po4er, ssues releated to *oltage, 'armonics, 8cti*e harmonic -ilters, Series, Shunt, 'ybrid, Sources o- harmonics 3*oltage and current source, type, non linear load5 0i--erent methods to mitigate the po4er 9uality problems. Note# T.6. 7& :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". Boo3" # Modern Po4er Electronics and 0ri*es by A < Aose. Po4er Electronics Circuits, 0e*ices and 8pplications 3"rd Edition5 P' by M ' +ashid. Po4er Electronics Con*erters, 8pplication, 0esign by ?ed Mohan. Static +eacti*e Po4er Compensation 3Eohn Wiley5 by T E E Miller. 6undamentals o- 68CTS by ?. /. 'ingorani. '@0C Transmission by <. +. Padiar. Po4er :uality by Aallen.

GUJARAT UNIVERSITY B. E. SEM VIII (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) E- <0- 9 (E ect&>e C ) E(er,8 E))&c&e(c8 &( Ut& &t&e"
Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Electi*e Energy )tilities

E!>#( 0 E--iciency in

$. T/e E ectr&c Ut& &t8 &( I(1!"tr8 ntroduction Electric utilities characteri=ed by -unction, 0i--erent regulated electric utility -rame4orks, QElectric )tilityR structure in deregulated industry, Energy conser*ation task in industry, Co D generation Energy conser*ation in cement, textile, sugar, etc. industry Energy conser*ation in building. 7. E(er,8 'er)or*a(ce a""e""*e(t o) *otor" H >ar&a: e "'ee1 1r&>e" ntroduction, E--iciency o- the induction motor 0etermining motor loading 6ield tests -or determining e--iciency Per-ormance e*aluation o- re4ound motors, 6ormat -or data collection Concept o- *ariable -re9uency dri*es and 8pplications 6actors -or success-ul implementation o- *ariable speed dri*es n-ormation needed to e*aluate energy sa*ings -or *ariable speed application ". E(er,8 'er)or*a(ce a""e""*e(t o) 5!*'"4 Co*'re""or"4 B o7er" a(1 Coo &(, To7er" ntroduction and types Per-ormance terms and de-initions Per-ormance 8nalysis and suggestions %. Mo1er( E(er,8 e))&c&e(t tec/(o o,&e" Maximum demand controller 8utomatic po4er -actor controller Energy e--icient motors So-t starters 4ith energy sa*er Energy e--icient trans-ormers, electronic ballast, occupancy sensors etc. Energy e--icient lightning controls Energy sa*ing in transportation system especially electric *ehicle. Energy sa*ing in air conditioning system Re)ere(ce 8 /uide to Energy Management by Aarney L Capehart, William E <ennedy, Wayne C Turner Energy Technology by S. +ao Energy conser*ation techni9ues by P.M. 0a*e B M.?.sheth Course Material -or 8ccredited Energy Managers B Energy 8uditors D Aureau o- Energy E--iciency 4ebsite ; 444.energymanagertraining.com, 444.bee!india.go*.in


Subject Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t #% #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theory Paper $& 'rs " 'rs Theor y Marks (# $## Prac t 7( TW 7( Total 7##

Electi*e! ?anotechnology D

E!>#( E

1. 9e>&"&(, a(1 S8(t/e"&" o) NEMS a(1 MEMS. Classi-ication. Microaccelerometer Modelling, 8nalysis and Simulation o- ?EMS / MEMS M8TL8A Simulation. $. M&cro *ac/&(e" ntroduction and 8nalogy nduction micromotor Synchro micro machine Mathematical modeling. 3. Se("or" a(1 Tra("1!cer" Types, 9yart= sensors )ltrasonic sensors Fptical sensors Solid State micro sensors Pie=o transmitters Working principle, selection criteria and 8pplication. +. B&o*e1&ca Se("or" a(1 A'' &cat&o( ntroduction Classi-ications Types. -. Na(otec/(o o,8 I("tr!*e(t" Alock diagram Fperation 8pplications 86M 3 8utomic 6orce Microscope5 TEM 3 Tunneling Electron Microscope5 STM 3 Scanning Tunneling Microscope5. Note# T.6. 7& :e :a"e1 o( t/e a:o>e "8 a:!". Boo3" #- $. ?ano and Micro electromechanical systems ;! by S.E. Lyshe*ski 7. ?anotechnology ;! by +ichard booker Earl Aoysen ". ?anotechnology ;! by 0r. Parag 0i4an, 8shish Ahard4aj. %. nstru. To ?anotechnology ;! by Eulian 4. /ardner B 'arry 6.'ingle.


Subjec t Code Teaching Scheme Theor Lab/ y Prac t # #7 Examination Scheme Exam Sessional )ni*ersity Theor y Paper !!! !!! Theor y Marks # # Prac t 7( TW 7( Total (#



The objecti*es o- the course are; To pro*ide students 4ith a comprehensi*e experience o- applying the kno4ledge gained so -ar. To de*elop aptitude, build con-idence, communication skill and presentation abilities amongst the -raternity in 4hich he / she belongs. To pro*ide an opportunity to do something creati*e in real li-e 4ork situation. To ad*ance institute D industry interaction / relationship.

8 student is re9uired to carry out project 4ork related to Electrical Engineering. )nder super*ision / guidance osta-- members, the project may be based on either design and/or -abrication or simulation on computer or society/industry need based sur*ey or testing etc. Project 4ork can be carried out in the nstitute or in the ndustry or in any research organi=ation. The student can undertake project singly or in a batch, o- not more than -i*e students. 8t the end o- the semester, student 4ill be re9uired to submit a report consist o- aim B objecti*e, literature sur*ey, 4ork done, and conclusion deri*ed i- any 4ith -urther scope o- studies and 4ill de-end be-ore the examiners at the time o- -inal e*aluation.

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