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Hussain Tiewala Roll No.

1205016120 Semester 4

MK0017- E Marketing
1. Elaborate the e-marketing techniques used for various marketing activities. Answer: E-Marketing echniques Marketers have used the nternet !or various marketin" a#tivities. Some o! the a#tivities whi#h #an $e o! hel% in marketin" throu"h the nternet are e&%lained as !ollows: 1. racking and anal!sis of "ebsite traffic Tra!!i# anal'sis data are #ru#ial in measurin" the e!!e#tiveness o! nternet marketin" te#hni(ues and the %er!orman#e o! )e$sites. Some (uestions !or the same #ould $e whether: *a+ there are man' #lients $rowsin" one %arti#ular %a"e. *$+ an' #han"es re(uired to #a%ture the #ustomer,s interestThese $its o! in!ormation availa$le #ould hel% in mana"in" tra!!i# and .ud"in" how lon" visitors are sta'in" on a %arti#ular )e$site. #. $%load links of com%anies related to !our industr! /ddin" links o! related %rodu#t #ould hel% in in#reasin" %resti"e o! a $usiness. 0or e&am%le1 a %erson visits the /sian 2aints )e$site1 he #an !ind addresses and #onta#t details o! /sian 2aints dealers a#ross ndia. The )e$site also %rovides innovative servi#es like interior de#orators or %ainter #ontra#tors1 whi#h #ould $e an added advanta"e to #ustomer. &. 'nformative articles and %ublications / #om%an' #an %ut in!ormative arti#les on the )e$site1 whi#h #ould #reate a "ood ima"e o! the #om%an' in the e'es o! the #ustomers. 2ress releases and u%dates on risin" share %ri#es #ould also hel% in e!!e#tive %romotion o! the #om%an'. (. Miscellaneous activities like %a!ments )e$sites #ould also $e used !or mis#ellaneous a#tivities like %a'ments and (ueries. Some )e$sites have an a#tive #hat ena$led1 wherein #ustomers #an #hat with an e&e#utive o! the #om%an' dire#tl' 5. /lso1 %a'ments throu"h the nternet o!!er the #ustomers #onvenien#e1 thus makin" them more $rand3lo'al. ). *%tion of bu!ing or selling Man' )e$sites toda' dis%la' their %rodu#ts and o!!er online sales to #ustomers. The %rodu#ts are delivered at the #ustomer,s doorste%1 and %a'ments are made a!ter the deliver'. Man' online retailers like ink!ruit.#om1 whi#h do not even have a %h'si#al %resen#e1 are a#tuall' "oin" !or su#h marketin" a#tivities over the nternet. # +Motivation to bu! a %roduct is crucial %art of studies in online consumer behaviour,. E-%lain 45&%lanation o! t'%es o! $u'in" $ehaviour 106 Answer: t is true that the motivation to $u' a %rodu#t is a #ru#ial %art o! studies in #onsumer $ehaviour. The same would $e im%ortant in #ase o! online #ustomers. / num$er o! as%e#ts are studied to understand the motivation to $u' a %rodu#t. These are dis#ussed as !ollows:

Hussain Tiewala Roll No. 1205016120 Semester 4 !%es of bu!ing behaviour: There are !our $asi# known t'%es o! $u'in" $ehaviour $ased on the di!!erent %rodu#ts that are %ur#hased. 1. 7om%le& $u'in" $ehaviour is when the #onsumer %ur#hases a hi"h3value $rand and looks at a lar"e amount o! in!ormation $e!ore %ur#hasin" the %rodu#t. 0or e&am%le1 a #onsumer $u'in" an android %hone will !irst stud' the !eatures and understand the #on#e%ts1 and .ud"e its utilit' $e!ore $u'in" it. n the %ro#ess1 the #onsumer learns and "athers in!ormation. 2. Ha$itual $u'in" $ehaviour des#ri$es the $ehaviour when the individual $u's a %rodu#t out o! ha$it e.". su"ar or salt. 8. 9ariet'3seekin" $u'in" $ehaviour is when the individual $u's a %rodu#t to e&%eriment with di!!erent %rodu#ts. Thus1 a #onsumer ma' sho% around !or di!!erent !ood items $e#ause he:she wants variet' in the menu. 4. ;issonan#e redu#in" $u'in" $ehaviour is a #hara#teristi# o! a $u'er who is hi"hl' involved with the %ur#hase o! the %rodu#t $e#ause the %ur#hase is e&%ensive or is #riti#al. /lso1 here the di!!eren#e in %rodu#t hetero"eneit' is minimal. 0or e&am%le1 real estate. 7onsumer dissonan#e re!ers to the #on!li#t a $u'er under"oes whi#h %ur#hasin" a %rodu#t. The same is di!!erent !rom the #om%le& $u'in" $ehaviour. 7om%le& $u'in" $ehaviour o##urs when the #onsumer is hi"hl' involved with the %ur#hase and when there are si"ni!i#ant di!!eren#es $etween $rands. This $ehaviour #an $e asso#iated with the %ur#hase o! a new home or a %ersonal #om%uter. 7onsumer %er#e%tion: 7onsumer %er#e%tion is another dimension that needs to $e studied in this #onte&t. 7onsumer %er#e%tion theor' e&%lains how the #onsumer makes a rational de#ision to $u' or not to $u' a %rodu#t $' anal'sin" his motivations !or $u'in" or not $u'in" #ertain "oods. Three areas o! #onsumer %er#e%tion theor' relate to #onsumer %er#e%tion theor': sel! %er#e%tion1 %ri#e %er#e%tion and %er#e%tion o! a $ene!it to (ualit' o! li!e. 7om%anies use #onsumer %er#e%tion theor' to develo% marketin" and advertisin" strate"ies intended to retain #urrent #ustomers < and attra#t new ones. &. +A website has to be designed to showcase the com%an! and its %roducts,. E-%lain how to create a website along with its elements. Answer: .reating a "ebsite =ne o! the $est wa's o! "eneratin" awareness a$out an or"ani>ation1 a #ause1 a #om%an' or its %rodu#ts is to have a well3desi"ned )e$site. Most #om%anies and or"ani>ations these da's have an online %resen#e in the !orm o! a )e$site. / )e$site has to $e desi"ned to show#ase the #om%an' and its %rodu#ts. )e$ desi"n is a $road term #overin" man' di!!erent skills and dis#i%lines that are used in the %rodu#tion and maintenan#e o! )e$sites. )e$ desi"n des#ri$es the desi"n %ro#ess relatin" to the !ront3end *#lient side+ desi"n o! a )e$site1 whi#h in#ludes the writin" mark u%1 alon" with the )e$ develo%ment. )e$ desi"ners need to have an awareness o! usa$ilit' and #reate a mark u% and need "ood knowled"e o! )e$ a##essi$ilit' "uidelines. )e$ %a"es have to $e well laid out to im%rove navi"ation. The %a"e la'out has to $e #onsistent on di!!erent %a"es. The %a"e width !or ali"nin" o$.e#ts and in la'out desi"n are also #ru#ial.

Hussain Tiewala Roll No. 1205016120 Semester 4 Most "ood )e$sites have a width #lose to 1024 %i&els. Most )e$site %a"es are #entre ali"ned1 so that o$.e#ts look aestheti#all' %leasin". These da's1 !luid la'outs have re%la#ed the HTM?3ta$le3$ased la'outs. / desi"n has to $e $roken down into units *#ontent $lo#ks1 side$ars1 navi"ation areas and advertisement areas+. These elements are sent to the $rowser and are !itted into the dis%la' window $' the $rowser. /lso needed is a "ood visual desi"n on a )e$site that is attra#tive to the tar"et audien#e1 whi#h #ould $e a %arti#ular a"e "rou% or strand o! #ulture. The desi"n is done kee%in" in mind the kind o! $usiness1 the tar"et audien#e1 aestheti#s or overall desi"n1 #ontent1 navi"ation and the #a%a$ilit' o! the users to !ind the desired in!ormation or %rodu#ts1 et#. The %a"e stru#ture o! the )e$site will hel% or"ani>e the elements and ideas !or the #onsumers. The stru#ture o! the )e$site has to $e de#ided $ased on the names o! the navi"ation $uttons and links amon" the various %a"es on the site. The #om%an' should have a lo"i#al and eas'3 to3!ollow navi"ation s'stem so that the visitors #an rea#h their desired %a"e or #ontent as (ui#kl' as %ossi$le. Elements of a "ebsite The main elements o! a )e$site are as !ollows: /ome %age: The home %a"e is the !irst %a"e that most visitors see on a )e$site. t is also im%ortant in sear#h en"ine rankin"s. The home %a"e should "ive a #lear summar' o! what the site is a$out1 the %rodu#ts or servi#es and instru#tions on how the visitors should utili>e the !a#ilities on the )e$site. t should %rovide links to ever' %a"e on the site. .ontact details: The )e$ is an im%ersonal medium so that user should $e a$le to easil' #onta#t the #om%an' via an e3mail address or tele%hone num$er. n #ase an address re(uires dire#tions1 ma%s #ould $e %rovided. Enquir! form: The site should have an online !orm at the to% o! the navi"ation s'stem1 whi#h users #an use to ask (uestions1 "ive !eed$a#k and send re(uest (uotations on the )e$site. 0roducts and services: The %rodu#t or servi#es %a"es will des#ri$e the o!!er. The )e$site should $e e#ommer#e3ena$led !or the users to %ur#hase the %rodu#ts. 'nformation %ages: These %a"es should ensure that the #ontent #ontains ke'word3ri#h %hrases !or en#oura"in" the sear#h en"ines to return to the site. This in!ormation %a"e should #ontain the !ollowin": @ 7om%an' %ro!ile @ 0re(uentl' asked (uestions *0/A,s+. @ Testimonials @ 7ase studies @ Newsletters (. E-%lain #01#.1&2 3ormula in E-Marketing with the hel% of a diagram. Answer: The 22B27B8S !ormula is illustrated in 0i"ure $elow. The individual !a#tors are e&%lained $elow: #0s

Hussain Tiewala Roll No. 1205016120 Semester 4 0ersonali4ation: This is an e&tremel' im%ortant #om%onent o! e3marketin"1 as it re#o"ni>es and esta$lishes a dire#t1 %ersonal relationshi% with a #ustomer. This wa'1 some vital in!ormation a$out the #ustomer is "athered whi#h hel%s the #om%an' to #ustomi>e its servi#e to that %arti#ular #ustomer. 0or e&am%le1 i! a visitor to 0li%kart.#om has $een sear#hin" $io"ra%hies1 in!ormation on this "enre will $e dis%la'ed to the user the ne&t time. The in!ormation on the user,s visit to the site is o$tained $' the lo" !iles. 0rivac!: This !a#tor is #losel' related to %ersonali>ation1 that is1 how the in!ormation a$out the individual user is o$tained and stored. /lso1 who will $e a$le to use it and !or what %ur%ose. Thus1 $e!ore initiatin" an e3marketin" strate"'1 the #om%an' must %ut in %la#e a %oli#' !or the #olle#tion1 stora"e and usa"e o! the data. Moreover1 there should $e #he#ks and #ontrols on the a##ess to the in!ormation. There are also le"al and ethi#al re(uirements.

#.s .ustomer 2ervice: This is a ne#essar' !eature in an' transa#tional servi#e1 and an' e3 marketin" %ro"ramme will $e in#om%lete without it. /s with other elements o! the 22B27B8S model o! e3marketin"1 #ustomer servi#e is a moderatin" !a#tor that a%%lies to all the 42s se%aratel'. .ommunit!: The #ommunit' re!ers to the "rou%s o! #lients or #ustomers who intera#t with the #om%an'. The lar"er the network and its rea#h1 the $etter it is !or the su##ess o! the e3 marketin" %ro"ramme. &2 2ite: Site re!ers to the lo#ation where the e3marketin" a#tivities take %la#e. Cenerall'1 the site is the )e$site. 2ecurit!: This is an essential element in the e3marketin" mi&1 in order to ensure the se#urit' o! the transa#tions over the nternet1 whi#h should not $e a##essi$le to an' outsider. /lso1 the

Hussain Tiewala Roll No. 1205016120 Semester 4 in!ormation #olle#ted !rom the #ustomer should also $e ke%t %rivate and #on!idential. This should $e #learl' #ommuni#ated to the #ustomer and $e stri#tl' en!or#ed. 2ales %romotion: This is also #ommonl' ado%ted in traditional marketin"1 and involves o!!ers and dis#ounts1 et#1 to attra#t #ustomers and $oost sales. n e3marketin"1 too1 sales %romotion is a "ood wa' to a#hieve a $oost in sales in a short %eriod. =ne su#h e&am%le is the C=S0 %romotion =n 12 ;e#em$er 20121 Coo"le $rou"ht the Creat =nline Sho%%in" 0estival in ndia. =n that sin"le da' Coo"le o!!ered the $est deals ever !rom a whole $un#h o! ndian online sho%%in" sites like 0likart1 M'ntra1 2e%%er!r'1 Homesho%1D1 Ea$on" and more. 5. +6usinesses are alwa!s looking to develo% new sales and distribution channels to ma-imi4e %rofitabilit! and growth,. E-%lain Answer: 7ole of 8istribution in E-Marketing Fusinesses are alwa's lookin" to develo% new sales and distri$ution #hannels to ma&imi>e %ro!ita$ilit' and "rowth. The "rowth and e&%ansion o! the internet and o! a wide ran"e o! e3 #ommer#e a#tivities has made a $i" im%a#t on the sales and distri$ution #hannels. / lar"e %er #ent o! the nternet users toda' sho% !or %rodu#ts online. Mo$ile %hones are another #hannel that have #ome to the !ore!ront in sales and distri$ution. The #om$ination o! mo$iles with nternet results in mo$ile %hone internet #onne#tions that are "rowin" in %o%ularit' as well. There are several %rimar' distri$ution #hannels in a $usiness su#h as dire#t salesG telesalesG re!erral entities and the nternet. n e3marketin"1 the nternet is the most im%ortant sales and distri$ution #hannel. /n e!!e#tive distri$ution model !or a su##ess!ul e3$usiness involves #hoosin" the ri"ht e3#ommer#e dealer1 .ud"in" the dealer,s a$ilit' to o%erate an e3#ommer#e site1 resale %ri#e3!i&in"1 manu!a#turer,s advertised %ri#e *M/2+ %ro"rams1 e&#lusive territories and e&#lusive internet links. ;istri$ution determines how1 when and where the #ustomer re#eives %rodu#t or servi#e. Marketers set strate"ies !or availa$ilit'1 a##ess1 and distri$ution servi#e. ;istri$ution #hannel is a "rou% o! interde%endent mem$ers who are also #alled marketin" intermediaries. The' work to"ether to trans!er %rodu#t and in!ormation !rom the su%%lier to the #onsumer1 the most #ommon $ein" wholesalers and retailers. Some ma' %rovide inde%endent #hannel servi#es. =nline intermediaries #an $e #lassi!ied a##ordin" to their $usiness model: @ 7ontent s%onsorshi% @ ;ire#t sellin" @ n!ormediar' @ ntermediaries in the distri$ution #hannel .ontent s%onsorshi%: n this model1 !irms #reate )e$sites1 attra#t tra!!i# and sell advertisements. Ma.or %ortals like /=?1 HahooI and MSN use this model. This model is1 however1 used in #om$ination with other models. 8irect selling: /s the name su""ests1 here manu!a#turer sells dire#tl' to the #lients or $usiness #ustomer. This has $een su##ess!ul in F2F and F27 markets. ;ell is the $est e&am%le o! dire#t sellin" on the internet. 'nfomediar!: These are )e$sites that #olle#t and distri$ute s%e#iali>ed in!ormation !or the %rodu#t and servi#e owner. Some in!ormediaries reward #onsumers !or sharin" demo"ra%hi# and %s'#ho"ra%hi# in!ormation and re#eivin" ads tar"eted to their interests. Market resear#h !irms are "ood e&am%les o! in!ormediaries.

Hussain Tiewala Roll No. 1205016120 Semester 4 'ntermediaries in the distribution channel : Three intermediar' models that are #ommonl' used on the nternet are $rokera"e models1 a"ents models and online retailin" models. ). "rite short notes on9 a: 2ales 3orce Automation b: .ustomer ;o!alt! Answer: a+ 2ales 3orce Automation *S0/+ is a so!tware %a#ka"e used to streamline all %hases o! the sales %ro#ess. Thus1 throu"h this %ro#ess1 the time a sales re%resentative s%ends in ea#h %hase #an $e minimi>ed. Now the #om%an' will have to kee% !ewer sales re%resentatives !or their #lients. There is a #onta#t mana"ement s'stem in the S0/ whi#h re#ords and tra#ks ever' sta"e in the sales %ro#ess. This #ould $e !indin" a %ros%e#tive #lient1 and the %ro#ess #ontinues !rom the initial #onta#t to !inal sales. Some S0/ a%%li#ations also "ive insi"hts into o%%ortunities1 territorial sales !ore#asts1 and work!low automation. $+ The term #ustomer lo'alt' is used to des#ri$e the $ehaviour o! re%eat #ustomers1 as well as those who o!!er "ood ratin"s1 reviews or testimonials. Satis!ied #ustomers hel% a #om%an' $' o!!erin" !avoura$le word3o!3mouth %u$li#it' re"ardin" a %rodu#t to !riends and !amilies1 thus hel%in" the #om%an' in e&%andin" their #ustomer $ase. This is a %roven e!!e#t and has $een demonstrated !or 'ears. Thus1 the a#tual $ehaviour o! a #ustomer is ver' im%ortant in the stud' and e!!e#tive im%lementation o! strate"ies vis3J3vis the e&%e#ted $ehaviour. 7ustomer lo'alt' #an also $e a#hieved in some #ases $' o!!erin" a (ualit' %rodu#t with a !irm "uarantee1 or throu"h !ree o!!ers1 #ou%ons1 low interest rates on !inan#in"1 hi"h value trade3ins1 e&tended warranties1 re$ates1 and other rewards and in#entive %ro"rammes. The ultimate "oal o! e3marketin" #om%anies should $e to "enerate ha%%' #ustomers who will return to %ur#hase the servi#es a"ain and #onvin#e others to use that #om%an',s servi#es. This leads to %ro!ita$ilit'1 as well as ha%%' stakeholders. 5arnin" #ustomer lo'alt' #an $e taken u% as a one3time s%e#iali>ed time $ased a#tivit'1 or an on"oin" "rou% o! %ro"rammes #ondu#ted on a routine $asis !or the #onsumers. Fu'3one3"et3 one3!ree %ro"rammes are ver' %o%ular1 as are %ur#hases that #ome with re$ates or !ree "i!ts. /nother "ood in#entive !or a#hievin" #ustomer lo'alt' is o!!erin" a !ree trial %eriod !or a servi#e. /lso known as $rand name lo'alt'1 these t'%es o! in#entives are to en#oura"e #ustomers to return1 not onl' to $u' the same servi#e a"ain and a"ain1 $ut also to tr' new servi#es o! the #om%an'.

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