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Assignment #1: Value of Police Policies

Read: http://www.policeone.com/legal/articles/120837-The-importance-of-focused-policy-in-modern-policing/ http://www.theiacp.org/PoliceServices/ExecutiveServices/ProfessionalAssistance/Ethics/ModelPolicyonSt andardsofConduct/tabid/196/Default.aspx http://www.policechiefmagazine.org/magazine/index.cfm? fuseaction=display_arch&article_id=1054&issue_id=112006

Assignment #2: Discuss the importance of departmental policies on ethics and litigation.
Undergraduate- 450 words. Graduate- 750 words. Provide two comments of around 200 words on a classmate's post. Due Aug. 29. Worth 25 points

Assignment #3: Read:

https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/199367.pdf http://www2.oaklandnet.com/Government/o/CityAdministration/d/CPRB/index.htm Assignment- should the public be involved in establishing police policy? Undergraduate- 450 words. Graduate- 750 words. Provide comments of around 200 words to two classmate posts. Due Sept. 5. Worth 25 points.

Assignment #4: Read:

http://www.mintpressnews.com/police-abuse-sky-rockets-in-us-tied-to-drug-war-policies/ Research a major U.S. riot and how police were allegedly involved in inciting the outbreak. Describe how violation or lack of departmental policies can lead to social strife/riots. Undergraduate- 450 words. Graduate- 750 words. Provide comments of around 200 words to two classmate posts. Due Sept. 12. Worth 25 points.

Assignment #5: Read:

http://www.silive.com/opinion/editorials/index.ssf/2013/05/stop_and_frisk_policy_of_nypd.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City_stop-and-frisk_program http://stopandfrisk.com/index.htm Undergraduate- 450 words. Graduate- 750 words. Provide comments of around 200 words to two classmate posts. Due Sept. 19. Worth 25 points.

Assignment #6: Read:

http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Stop+and+Frisk http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2013/06/13/nyregion/13reuters-usa-newyork-stopandfrisk.html? ref=stopandfrisk&_r=0 Describe constitutional issues associated with Stop and Frisk. Undergraduate- 450 words. Graduate750 words. Provide comments of around 200 words to two classmate posts. Due Sept. 26. Worth 25

points. Assignment #7: Read

http://www.csdp.org/publicservice/police.htm http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/15/40-anniversary-war-on-drugs-cops-obama_n_877702.html Has the War on Drugs caused disparity in policing? Undergraduate- 450 words. Graduate- 750 words. Provide comments of around 200 words to two classmate posts. Due Oct. 3. Worth 25 points.

Assignment #8: Read:

http://www.connectmidmissouri.com/news/story.aspx?id=453570#.UcN1mDvqm8A https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/117447.pdf How would you redefine the War on Drugs as it relates to street policing? Undergraduate- 450 words. Graduate- 750 words. Provide comments of around 200 words to two classmate posts. Due Oct. 10. Worth 25 points.

Assignment #9: Read

http://www.policefoundation.org/content/role-local-police-appendix-f Should police be involved in immigration enforcement? Undergraduate- 450 words. Graduate- 750 words. Provide comments of around 200 words to two classmate posts. Due Oct. 17. Worth 25 points.

Assignment #10: Read

http://cptedsecurity.com/broken_windows_theory.htm http://www.csosa.gov/newsmedia/newsletter_articles/brokenwindowstheory.aspx Do an analysis of the Broken Windows Theory in your community and how community policing would benefit it. Undergraduate- 450 words. Graduate- 750 words. Provide comments of around 200 words to two classmate posts. Due Oct. 24. Worth 25 points.

Assignment #11:
Compare the Use of Deadly Force policies of two major city police departments. What are the strengths and weaknesses? You will have to select research on this topic. Undergraduate- 450 words. Graduate750 words. Provide comments of around 200 words to two classmate posts. Due Oct. 31. Worth 25 points.

Assignment #12: Read

http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/news/2012/11/29/mexican-ambassador-condemns-cross-bordershootings-by-us-agents/ If perceived as life threatening, the U.S. Border Patrol is permitted to fire at Mexican citizens while in Mexico. Are there implications with this policy? Undergraduate- 450 words. Graduate- 750 words. Provide comments of around 200 words to two classmate posts. Due Nov. 7. Worth 25 points.

Assignment #13: Read

http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2013/06/19/new-york-city-police-unions-livid-over-bill-on-racial-profiling/ http://law.jrank.org/pages/9628/Racial-Profiling.html http://www.riskinstitute.org/peri/images/file/RacialProfilingPERISymposiumPaper.pdf Racial profiling is always a challenge in policing. Discuss the detriment of racial profiling including the reading pertaining to a proposal made by the New York City Council. Undergraduate- 450 words. Graduate- 750 words. Provide comments of around 200 words to two classmate posts. Due Nov. 14. Worth 25 points.

Assignment #14: Read

http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/law-enforcementbulletin/may_2011/law_enforcement_professionalism Corruption weakens law enforcement and public safety. If you were a police chief how would you mitigate corruption in your department. Undergraduate- 450 words. Graduate- 750 words. Provide comments of around 200 words to two classmate posts. Due Nov. 21. Worth 25 points.

Assignment #15: Read

http://www.thecrimereport.org/news/inside-criminal-justice/2013-06-smile-youre-under-arrest Discuss the value of video cameras, both in patrol cars and body-worn, as a departmental policy. Undergraduate- 450 words. Graduate- 750 words. Provide comments of around 200 words to two classmate posts. Due Nov. 27. Worth 25 points.

Assignment #16: The following is your final project. You will have two weeks to work on this.
Undergraduate- 5 page report on the most effective police policy you learned about in this course and why. Graduate- 5 page report on a police policy you believe needs revising based on Constitutional grounds. No less than five cited resources are required in the paper. Due Dec. 5. Worth 100 points.

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