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Model Lesson: Singapore Math Introduction Date: Grade: 3

Instructional Facilitator:

Teacher: School:

CC. Unit: Unit 4: Multiplication Facts and Mathematical epresentations

Standards!GL"s: # $ Recognize and model multiplication as a rectangular array or as repeated addition (N-4-E) (N7-E) % $ Recognize, select, connect, and use operations, operational words, and symbols (i.e., +, , , ) to sol!e real-li"e situations (N-#-E) (N-$-E) (N-%-E) && - &dd and subtract numbers o" ' digits or less (N-$-E) (N-7-E) &# $ (se ob)ects, pictures, numbers, symbols, and words to represent multiplication and di!ision problem situations (&-*-E) &' $ (se number sentences to represent real-li"e problems in!ol!ing multiplication and di!ision (&*-E) (N-4-E) 47 - +ind patterns to complete tables, state t,e rule go!erning t,e s,i"t between successi!e terms, and continue t,e pattern (including growing patterns) (--*-E) (--.-E) ()*ecti+es!S"T: The learners ,ill apply strategies "or adding and subtracting numbers. TIM" 1111#111 Minutes - (C"DU "S F(LL(."D 2ell inger: Mathmaticious 3 +ideo 0rom Teachertu)e Materials! Te/ts! e0. Computer Teachertu)e +ideo

1111411 Minutes

e+ie, o0 -re+iousl5 Learned Material!Lesson Connections: Discuss

.e ,ill discuss that there are man5 ,a5s to ,or6 ,ord pro)lems. .e are going to use a method called Singapore Model Dra,ing. .e ,ill )egin ,ith eas5 pro)lems and mo+e to harder and harder pro)lems.

11111411 Minutes

Statement o0 ()*ecti+es: I can dra, models to sol+e math ,ord pro)lems.

8cti+it5: 111&#111 1 Minutes

Guided -ractice:
&9 /,en 0 went to sleep, t,ere were *# mon1eys swinging "rom a tree. /,en 0 wo1e up, t,ere were only 7. 2ow many more mon1eys were t,ere w,en 0 went to sleep3

Independent -ractice: .or6 in pairs 3

4ate read . boo1s. 5,e also read ' magazines. 2ow many boo1s and magazines did s,e read altoget,er3

-age &7 3 % Step Model Dra,ing run o00 0or each child. Use the :Teacher Tal6; section o0 pages 43 and 44

.) &licia ,ad 6$ more t,an 7obby. 0" 7obby ,ad 6*8, ,ow muc, did t,ey ,a!e altoget,er3 8cti+it5: 1&#11111 1 Minutes Guided -ractice:
LU has 3 plates of cupcakes. There are 4 cupcakes on each plate. How many cupcakes does Lu have altogether?

.or6 in pairs 3
7obby ,ad 64 less t,an &lan, i" &lan ,as 6*., ,ow muc, do t,ey ,a!e altoget,er3

Independent -ractice: In -airs 3

Sarah caught 1 ants and put them e!ually "nto 3 #ottles. She gave one #ottle to her l"ttle #rother who wanted to have an ant farm. How many ants does Sarah have now?

1111#11 Minutes 1111111 Minutes

Lesson e+ie,! eteach: 9iscuss t,e importance o" reading t,e problem. Closure: 8s6 3 <o, is this li6e the IC" 5ou ha+e )een doing= <o, is it di00erent=

Teacher >otes: Students ,ill engage in: 11/11 independent acti+ities lecture 1111 cooperati+e groups +isuals 111/1 ,hole group instruction pro*ect 1111 other 11/11 pairing 1111 centers 1111 peer tutoring 1111 technolog5 1111 1/111 1111

1111 hands$on 1111 simulations


Word Problems
4ate read . boo1s. 5,e also read ' magazines. 2ow many boo1s and magazines did s,e read altoget,er3

?mmm statement9

I ?unit )ars9

C ?do the math9

" ?ho, did 5ou get 5our


Word Problems
&licia ,ad 6$ more t,an 7obby. 0" 7obby ,ad 6*8, ,ow muc, did t,ey ,a!e altoget,er3

?mmm statement9

I ?unit )ars9

C ?do the math9

" ?ho, did 5ou get 5our


Word Problems
7obby ,ad 64 less t,an &lan, i" &lan ,as 6*., ,ow muc, do t,ey ,a!e altoget,er3

?mmm statement9

I ?unit )ars9

C ?do the math9

" ?ho, did 5ou get 5our


Word Problems
Lu has 3 plates o0 cupca6es. There are 4 cupca6es on each plate. <o, man5 cupca6es does Lu ha+e altogether ?

?mmm statement9

I ?unit )ars9

C ?do the math9

" ?ho, did 5ou get 5our

Sarah caught 18 ants and put them equally into 3 bottles. She gave one bottle to her little brother who wanted to have an ant farm. How many ants does Sarah have now?

$r"mary 1 %ath& %aths "s 'un& %aths $ro#lem ( When riscilla and !ushila passed their Singapore math test" their mother gave them some color pencils. riscilla" who was older than !ushila" got twice as many color pencils as !ushila. #f their mother gave them 1$ color pencils altogether" how many color pencils did riscilla get?

Homeschool %ath& 'ree $r"nta#le %ath )orksheets& $ro#lem 3 %ombo the caveman yawned. He entered a huge cave to sleep for the night but ran out immediately. &here were some dangerous animals in there. &here were thrice as many lions as tigers. #f you want to 'now" there were ( more lions than tigers. So how many dreadful lions were in the cave?

$r"mary 1 %ath& %aths "s 'un& %aths $ro#lem 4 )ames" )ohn and *ary wanted to go fishing. So they dug up some worms in their garden. )ohn and *ary dug up the same number of worms. )ames" who had stronger arms" dug up + times as many worms as *ary. #f )ames collected 1( worms" how many worms did they dig up altogether?

Homeschool %ath& 'ree $r"nta#le %ath )orksheets& $ro#lem * When # went to school" my Singapore math teacher was battling with some monsters because they hadn,t completed their math wor'sheets. &hrice as many centaurs as trolls were tearing out

my dear teacher,s hair. 3 more -ombies than trolls were chewing on her toes. #f there were ( -ombies" how many centaurs were assaulting my math teacher?

$r"mary 1 %ath& %aths "s 'un& %aths $ro#lem + .rvin and /alvin traipsed into the forest to collect some snails. &hey planned to ma'e some mushy porridge for supper. .rvin caught 0( 1uicy snails and gleefully stashed them in his pants poc'et. However" he forgot about them when he was tired and sat down on a boulder. *uess what happened2 ( of the slimy snails were squashed" messing up .rvin,s pants. .rvin wiped the mess carefully with his Singapore math wor'sheets. /ut he was not saddened by losing some snails because he still had twice as many snails as /alvin. How many snails did the boys bring bac' home?

Homeschool %ath& 'ree $r"nta#le %ath )orksheets& $ro#lem , Sam" /lam and !ram were ringmasters who wanted some gorillas for their circus. So they went gorilla hunting in .frica. Sam caught thrice as many gorillas as /lam" who had only one eye. /lam caught 3 fewer gorillas than !ram. !ram caught 10 gorillas. Who caught the most number of gorillas?

$r"mary 1 %ath& %aths "s 'un& %aths $ro#lem !olly was given a shiny pebble by her mother for passing her Singapore math qui-. She was delighted by it and decided to collect pebbles from her garden every day and store them in a bottle. 4n the 1st day" she put in 1 pebble. 4n each successive day after that" she put in twice as many pebbles as the previous day. How many pebbles did she put in on the +th day?

Homeschool %ath& 'ree $r"nta#le %ath )orksheets& $ro#lem )enny" 5andy and Sandy were learning how to play baseball? .ltogether" they hit 3$ balls yesterday. )enny hit twice as many balls as 5andy. #f Sandy hit 11 balls" how many balls did )enny


$r"mary 1 %ath& %aths "s 'un& %aths $ro#lem 1. &here were 3 acrobatic monsters performing in a circus. Some monsters had 0 legs and some even had 3. #f there were 18 hairy legs running around in the circus ring altogether" how many three6legged monsters were there?

Homeschool %ath& 'ree $r"nta#le %ath )orksheets& $ro#lem 11 # went to the -oo yesterday. When # came bac' home" # was surprised to see ( elephants crammed in the bac' seat of my car. &here were twice as many hippos as elephants there too. &o ma'e matters worse" there were thrice as many giraffes as elephants. How many animals were there altogether" and how am # going to feed all them all?

$r"mary 1 %ath& %aths "s 'un& %aths $ro#lem 1( # couldn,t sleep last night because there were eerie noises coming from my closet. When # opened the closet door" there were 3 horrible monsters singing a lullaby. # fled to my mommy,s room in terror but not before counting the total number of glowing eyes the monsters had. &he red monster had twice as many eyes as the green monster. &he blue monster had thrice as many eyes as the green monster. #f the blue monster had 01 eyes" how many eyes did the red monster have?

Homeschool %ath& 'ree $r"nta#le %ath )orksheets& $ro#lem 13 Woo and 7oo were hungry after spending the whole day doing their Singapore math homewor'. Woo and 7oo ate 0+ li-ard stomach pies for dinner. Since Woo was ravenous" he ate $ times as many li-ard stomach pies as 7oo. How many yummy pies did Woo eat?

$r"mary 1 %ath& %aths "s 'un& %aths $ro#lem 14 Shannon ate twice as many pric'ly durians as %aren and thrice as many durians as !arren. #f Shannon ate 18 durians" how many durians did they eat altogether?

Homeschool %ath& 'ree $r"nta#le %ath )orksheets& $ro#lem 1* 8eppel and %rappel are cra-y guitarists. &hey burn their guitars during concerts. 7ast wee'" they burned 03 guitars altogether. #f 8appel burned twice as many guitars as %rappel" how many guitars did 8appel burn?

$r"mary 1 %ath& %aths "s 'un& %aths $ro#lem 1+ 9ancy the witch wanted to ma'e a magic potion to help her ace her Singapore math test. :irst she boiled some water in a huge cauldron. &hen she threw in 1$ gopher eyes into her cauldron. 9e;t she added 11 fewer dog tails than gopher eyes to the boiling water. :inally she flung twice as many toad warts as dog tails into the lovely potion. How many animal body parts are in the magic potion? /y the way" she got an <.< for her test.

Homeschool %ath& 'ree $r"nta#le %ath )orksheets& $ro#lem 1, =ou have to read this Singapore math question carefully. Harry and /arry were heroes. 4ne day they were riding on their motorbi'es when a gang of thugs descended on them from a helicopter. /etween them" they 'illed 0+ thugs. Harry shot thrice as many thugs as /arry. How many more thugs than /arry did Harry shoot?

$r"mary 1 %ath& %aths "s 'un& %aths $ro#lem 1

# have more than 0> but less than 0? pimples on my ugly face. # can divide them equally by + or (. How many pus6filled pimples do # have?

Homeschool %ath& 'ree $r"nta#le %ath )orksheets& $ro#lem 1Haagen Horse" !aagen Horse and 5aagen Horse were 'idnapped by some curious aliens. &he aliens gave them lots of Singapore math wor'sheets to test their intelligence. Haagen Horse failed ( times. !aagen Horse failed 3 more times than Haagen Horse. 5aagen Horse failed twice as many times as !aagen Horse. How many times did 5aagen Horse fail? We don,t need to tell you that the aliens were terribly disappointed in equine intelligence. &hey are planning to test cows ne;t.

$r"mary 1 %ath& %aths "s 'un& %aths $ro#lem (. 7ast year" a Singapore math teacher went cra-y because all his students failed their math test. He threw off his clothes and ran into the 1ungle. &here he caught 18 piranhas and swallowed them whole. &hen he captured 1+ fewer orangutans than piranhas and proceeded to roast them alive. :inally in a fit of madness" he trapped twice as many leeches as orangutans and stuc' them onto his bald head to suc' his blood. He died on the spot. How many creatures did the mad math teacher catch?

$r"mary 1 S"ngapore %aths $ro#lems& )orksheet 1( / 0nswers @1 6 10" @0 6 1>" @3 6 ?" @+ 6 0+" @$ 6 ? @( 6 3>" @3 6 Sam" @8 6 8" @? 6 1(" @1> 6 + @11 6 3(" @10 6 1+" @13 6 0>" @1+ 6 33" @1$ 6 18 @1( 6 03" @13 6 10" @18 6 0+" @1? 6 18" @0> A 3>

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