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ITIL glossary and abbreviations English

This glossary may be freely downloaded. See www.itil-officialsite.com/InternationalActivities/TranslatedGlossaries.as ! for details of licence terms.

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(e wo)ld li'e to than' Ashley *anna +*,- and St)art .ance +*,- who rod)ced the original ITIL glossary in English in /ay $%%01 and to Ashley *anna who ) dated it in 2)ly $%&&. Than's are also d)e to all those that contrib)ted to the $%%0 and $%&& editions of the ITIL core g)idance. 3or a f)ll list of ac'nowledgements1 lease visit4 www.itilofficialsite.com/,)blications/,)blicationAc'nowledgements.as !

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Glossary terms and definitions

Term acce tance Definition 3ormal agreement that an IT service1 rocess1 lan or other deliverable is com lete1 acc)rate1 reliable and meets its s ecified re5)irements. Acce tance is )s)ally receded by change eval)ation or testing and is often re5)ired before roceeding to the ne!t stage of a ro6ect or rocess. See also service acceptance criteria. +ITIL Service Operation- The rocess res onsible for allowing )sers to ma'e )se of IT services1 data or other assets. Access management hel s to rotect the confidentiality1 integrity and availability of assets by ens)ring that only a)thori7ed )sers are able to access or modify them. Access management im lements the olicies of information sec)rity management and is sometimes referred to as rights management or identity management. +ITIL Service Strategy- A role that is very similar to that of the b)siness relationshi manager1 b)t incl)des more commercial as ects. /ost commonly )sed by Ty e III service roviders when dealing with e!ternal c)stomers. +ITIL Service Strategy- The rocess res onsible for identifying the act)al costs of delivering IT services1 com aring these with b)dgeted costs1 and managing variance from the b)dget. +ITIL Service Strategy- A eriod of time +)s)ally one year- for which b)dgets1 charges1 de reciation and other financial calc)lations are made. See also financial year. 8fficially a)thori7ed to carry o)t a role. 3or e!am le1 an accredited body may be a)thori7ed to rovide training or to cond)ct a)dits.

access management

acco)nt manager


acco)nting eriod


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Term active monitoring

Definition +ITIL Service Operation- /onitoring of a config)ration item or an IT service that )ses a)tomated reg)lar chec's to discover the c)rrent stat)s. See also passive monitoring. A set of actions designed to achieve a artic)lar res)lt. Activities are )s)ally defined as art of rocesses or lans1 and are doc)mented in roced)res. +ITIL Service Design- A synonym for service ho)rs1 commonly )sed in formal calc)lations of availability. See also downtime. A doc)ment that describes a formal )nderstanding between two or more arties. An agreement is not legally binding1 )nless it forms art of a contract. See also operational level agreement: service level agreement. +ITIL Service Operation- A notification that a threshold has been reached1 something has changed1 or a fail)re has occ)rred. Alerts are often created and managed by system management tools and are managed by the event management rocess. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Design- +ITIL Service Strategy- A techni5)e that )ses mathematical models to redict the behavio)r of IT services or other config)ration items. Analytical models are commonly )sed in ca acity management and availability management. See also modelling; simulation modelling. Software that rovides f)nctions which are re5)ired by an IT service. Each a lication may be art of more than one IT service. An a lication r)ns on one or more servers or clients. See also application management: application portfolio. +ITIL Service Operation- The f)nction res onsible for managing a lications thro)gho)t their lifecycle.


agreed service time +AST-



analytical modelling


lication management

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Term a lication ortfolio

Definition +ITIL Service Design- A database or str)ct)red doc)ment )sed to manage a lications thro)gho)t their lifecycle. The a lication ortfolio contains 'ey attrib)tes of all a lications. The a lication ortfolio is sometimes im lemented as art of the service ortfolio1 or as art of the config)ration management system. +ITIL Service Design- An e!ternal service rovider that rovides IT services )sing a lications r)nning at the service rovider<s remises. =sers access the a lications by networ' connections to the service rovider. +ITIL Service Design- The activity res onsible for )nderstanding the reso)rce re5)irements needed to s) ort a new a lication1 or a ma6or change to an e!isting a lication. A lication si7ing hel s to ens)re that the IT service can meet its agreed service level targets for ca acity and erformance. +ITIL Service Design- The str)ct)re of a system or IT service1 incl)ding the relationshi s of com onents to each other and to the environment they are in. Architect)re also incl)des the standards and g)idelines that g)ide the design and evol)tion of the system. +ITIL Service Transition- A config)ration item that is made ) of a n)mber of other #Is. 3or e!am le1 a server #I may contain #Is for #,=s1 dis's1 memory etc.: an IT service #I may contain many hardware1 software and other #Is. See also build: component CI. Ins ection and analysis to chec' whether a standard or set of g)idelines is being followed1 that records are acc)rate1 or that efficiency and effectiveness targets are being met. See also audit. +ITIL Service Strategy- Any reso)rce or ca ability. The assets of a service rovider incl)de anything that co)ld contrib)te to the delivery of a service. Assets can be one of the following ty es4 management1 organi7ation1 rocess1 'nowledge1 eo le1 information1 a lications1 infrastr)ct)re or financial ca ital. See also customer asset: service asset: strategic asset.

lication service rovider +AS,-

lication si7ing





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Term asset management

Definition +ITIL Service Transition- A generic activity or rocess res onsible for trac'ing and re orting the val)e and ownershi of assets thro)gho)t their lifecycle. See also service asset and configuration management: fixed asset management: software asset management. +ITIL Service Transition- A list of fi!ed assets that incl)des their ownershi and val)e. See also fixed asset management. +ITIL Service Strategy- 8ne or more attrib)tes of an asset that ma'e it artic)larly )sef)l for a given )r ose. Asset s ecificity may limit the )se of the asset for other )r oses. +ITIL Service Transition- A iece of information abo)t a config)ration item. E!am les are name1 location1 version n)mber and cost. Attrib)tes of #Is are recorded in a config)ration management database +#/?@- and maintained as art of a config)ration management system +#/S-. See also relationship: configuration management system. 3ormal ins ection and verification to chec' whether a standard or set of g)idelines is being followed1 that records are acc)rate1 or that efficiency and effectiveness targets are being met. An a)dit may be carried o)t by internal or e!ternal gro) s. See also assessment: certification. See RACI. +ITIL Service Operation- =se of information technology to direct an incoming tele hone call to the most a ro riate erson in the shortest ossible time. A#? is sometimes called a)tomated call distrib)tion.

asset register

asset s ecificity



a)thority matri! a)tomatic call distrib)tion +A#?-

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Term availability

Definition +ITIL Service Design- Ability of an IT service or other config)ration item to erform its agreed f)nction when re5)ired. Availability is determined by reliability1 maintainability1 serviceability1 erformance and sec)rity. Availability is )s)ally calc)lated as a ercentage. This calc)lation is often based on agreed service time and downtime. It is best ractice to calc)late availability of an IT service )sing meas)rements of the b)siness o)t )t. +ITIL Service Design- The rocess res onsible for ens)ring that IT services meet the c)rrent and f)t)re availability needs of the b)siness in a cost-effective and timely manner. Availability management defines1 analyses1 lans1 meas)res and im roves all as ects of the availability of IT services1 and ens)res that all IT infrastr)ct)res1 rocesses1 tools1 roles etc. are a ro riate for the agreed service level targets for availability. See also availability management information system. +ITIL Service Design- A set of tools1 data and information that is )sed to s) ort availability management. See also service knowledge management system. +ITIL Service Design- A lan to ens)re that e!isting and f)t)re availability re5)irements for IT services can be rovided costeffectively. +ITIL Service Transition- An activity that restores a service or other config)ration item to a revio)s baseline. @ac'-o)t is )sed as a form of remediation when a change or release is not s)ccessf)l. +ITIL Service Design- +ITIL Service Operation- #o ying data to rotect against loss of integrity or availability of the original.

availability management +A/-

availability management information system +A/IS-

availability lan



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Term balanced scorecard

Definition +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- A management tool develo ed by ?rs .obert Ba lan +*arvard @)siness School- and ?avid Corton. A balanced scorecard enables a strategy to be bro'en down into 'ey erformance indicators. ,erformance against the B,Is is )sed to demonstrate how well the strategy is being achieved. A balanced scorecard has fo)r ma6or areas1 each of which has a small n)mber of B,Is. The same fo)r areas are considered at different levels of detail thro)gho)t the organi7ation. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Transition- A sna shot that is )sed as a reference oint. /any sna shots may be ta'en and recorded over time b)t only some will be )sed as baselines. 3or e!am le4 l An ITS/ baseline can be )sed as a starting oint to meas)re the effect of a service im rovement lan A erformance baseline can be )sed to meas)re changes in erformance over the lifetime of an IT service A config)ration baseline can be )sed as art of a bac'-o)t lan to enable the IT infrastr)ct)re to be restored to a 'nown config)ration if a change or release fails.


See also benchmark. benchmar' +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Transition- A baseline that is )sed to com are related data sets as art of a benchmar'ing e!ercise. 3or e!am le1 a recent sna shot of a rocess can be com ared to a revio)s baseline of that rocess1 or a c)rrent baseline can be com ared to ind)stry data or best ractice. See also benchmarking: baseline.

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Term benchmar'ing

Definition +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- The rocess res onsible for com aring a benchmar' with related data sets s)ch as a more recent sna shot1 ind)stry data or best ractice. The term is also )sed to mean creating a series of benchmar's over time1 and com aring the res)lts to meas)re rogress or im rovement. This rocess is not described in detail within the core ITIL )blications. The @est /anagement ,ractice ortfolio is owned by the #abinet 8ffice1 art of */ Government. 3ormerly owned by ##TA and then 8G#1 the @/, f)nctions moved to the #abinet 8ffice in 2)ne $%&%. The @/, ortfolio incl)des g)idance on IT service management and ro6ect1 rogramme1 ris'1 ortfolio and val)e management. There is also a management mat)rity model as well as related glossaries of terms. ,roven activities or rocesses that have been s)ccessf)lly )sed by m)lti le organi7ations. ITIL is an e!am le of best ractice. +ITIL Service Strategy- ,art of the charging rocess. @illing is the activity res onsible for rod)cing an invoice or a bill and recovering the money from c)stomers. See also pricing. +ITIL Service Design- +ITIL Service Operation- A techni5)e that hel s a team to generate ideas. Ideas are not reviewed d)ring the brainstorming session1 b)t at a later stage. @rainstorming is often )sed by roblem management to identify ossible ca)ses. The =B national standards body1 res onsible for creating and maintaining @ritish standards. See www.bsi-global.com for more information. See also International Organization for tandardization. A list of all the money an organi7ation or b)siness )nit lans to receive1 and lans to ay o)t1 over a s ecified eriod of time. See also budgeting: planning.

@est /anagement ,ractice +@/,-

best ractice



@ritish Standards Instit)tion +@SI-


" #rown #o yright $%&& E

Term b)dgeting

Definition The activity of redicting and controlling the s ending of money. @)dgeting consists of a eriodic negotiation cycle to set f)t)re b)dgets +)s)ally ann)al- and the day-to-day monitoring and ad6)sting of c)rrent b)dgets. +ITIL Service Transition- The activity of assembling a n)mber of config)ration items to create art of an IT service. The term is also )sed to refer to a release that is a)thori7ed for distrib)tion F for e!am le1 server b)ild or la to b)ild. See also configuration baseline. +ITIL Service Transition- A controlled environment where a lications1 IT services and other b)ilds are assembled rior to being moved into a test or live environment. +ITIL Service Strategy- An overall cor orate entity or organi7ation formed of a n)mber of b)siness )nits. In the conte!t of ITS/1 the term incl)des )blic sector and not-for- rofit organi7ations1 as well as com anies. An IT service rovider rovides IT services to a c)stomer within a b)siness. The IT service rovider may be art of the same b)siness as its c)stomer +internal service rovider-1 or art of another b)siness +e!ternal service rovider-. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Design- In the conte!t of ITS/1 b)siness ca acity management is the s)brocess of ca acity management res onsible for )nderstanding f)t)re b)siness re5)irements for )se in the ca acity lan. See also service capacity management: component capacity management. +ITIL Service Strategy- 2)stification for a significant item of e! endit)re. The b)siness case incl)des information abo)t costs1 benefits1 o tions1 iss)es1 ris's and ossible roblems. See also cost benefit analysis.


b)ild environment


b)siness ca acity management

b)siness case

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Term b)siness contin)ity management +@#/-

Definition +ITIL Service Design- The b)siness rocess res onsible for managing ris's that co)ld serio)sly affect the b)siness. @)siness contin)ity management safeg)ards the interests of 'ey sta'eholders1 re )tation1 brand and val)e-creating activities. The rocess involves red)cing ris's to an acce table level and lanning for the recovery of b)siness rocesses sho)ld a disr) tion to the b)siness occ)r. @)siness contin)ity management sets the ob6ectives1 sco e and re5)irements for IT service contin)ity management. +ITIL Service Design- A lan defining the ste s re5)ired to restore b)siness rocesses following a disr) tion. The lan also identifies the triggers for invocation1 eo le to be involved1 comm)nications etc. IT service contin)ity lans form a significant art of b)siness contin)ity lans. +ITIL Service Strategy- A reci ient of a rod)ct or a service from the b)siness. 3or e!am le1 if the b)siness is a car man)fact)rer1 then the b)siness c)stomer is someone who b)ys a car. +ITIL Service Strategy- @)siness im act analysis is the activity in b)siness contin)ity management that identifies vital b)siness f)nctions and their de endencies. These de endencies may incl)de s) liers1 eo le1 other b)siness rocesses1 IT services etc. @)siness im act analysis defines the recovery re5)irements for IT services. These re5)irements incl)de recovery time ob6ectives1 recovery oint ob6ectives and minim)m service level targets for each IT service. +ITIL Service Strategy- The ob6ective of a b)siness rocess1 or of the b)siness as a whole. @)siness ob6ectives s) ort the b)siness vision1 rovide g)idance for the IT strategy1 and are often s) orted by IT services. +ITIL Service Strategy- The day-to-day e!ec)tion1 monitoring and management of b)siness rocesses.

b)siness contin)ity lan +@#,-

b)siness c)stomer

b)siness im act analysis +@IA-

b)siness ob6ective

b)siness o erations

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Term b)siness ers ective

Definition +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- An )nderstanding of the service rovider and IT services from the oint of view of the b)siness1 and an )nderstanding of the b)siness from the oint of view of the service rovider. A rocess that is owned and carried o)t by the b)siness. A b)siness rocess contrib)tes to the delivery of a rod)ct or service to a b)siness c)stomer. 3or e!am le1 a retailer may have a )rchasing rocess that hel s to deliver services to its b)siness c)stomers. /any b)siness rocesses rely on IT services. +ITIL Service Strategy- The rocess res onsible for maintaining a ositive relationshi with c)stomers. @)siness relationshi management identifies c)stomer needs and ens)res that the service rovider is able to meet these needs with an a ro riate catalog)e of services. This rocess has strong lin's with service level management. +ITIL Service Strategy- A role res onsible for maintaining the relationshi with one or more c)stomers. This role is often combined with the service level manager role. A service that is delivered to b)siness c)stomers by b)siness )nits. 3or e!am le1 delivery of financial services to c)stomers of a ban'1 or goods to the c)stomers of a retail store. S)ccessf)l delivery of b)siness services often de ends on one or more IT services. A b)siness service may consist almost entirely of an IT service F for e!am le1 an online ban'ing service or an e!ternal website where rod)ct orders can be laced by b)siness c)stomers. See also customer! facing service. The management of b)siness services delivered to b)siness c)stomers. @)siness service management is erformed by b)siness )nits. +ITIL Service Strategy- A segment of the b)siness that has its own lans1 metrics1 income and costs. Each b)siness )nit owns assets and )ses these to create val)e for c)stomers in the form of goods and services.

b)siness rocess

b)siness relationshi management

b)siness relationshi manager +@./-

b)siness service

b)siness service management

b)siness )nit

" #rown #o yright $%&& &$

Term call

Definition +ITIL Service Operation- A tele hone call to the service des' from a )ser. A call co)ld res)lt in an incident or a service re5)est being logged. +ITIL Service Operation- An organi7ation or b)siness )nit that handles large n)mbers of incoming and o)tgoing tele hone calls. See also service desk. +ITIL Service Operation- A category that is )sed to disting)ish incoming re5)ests to a service des'. #ommon call ty es are incident1 service re5)est and com laint. +ITIL Service Strategy- The ability of an organi7ation1 erson1 rocess1 a lication1 IT service or other config)ration item to carry o)t an activity. #a abilities are intangible assets of an organi7ation. See also resource. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- A rocess im rovement a roach develo ed by the Software Engineering Instit)te +SEI- of #arnegie /ellon =niversity1 =S. #//I rovides organi7ations with the essential elements of effective rocesses. It can be )sed to g)ide rocess im rovement across a ro6ect1 a division or an entire organi7ation. #//I hel s integrate traditionally se arate organi7ational f)nctions1 set rocess im rovement goals and riorities1 rovide g)idance for 5)ality rocesses1 and rovide a oint of reference for a raising c)rrent rocesses. See www.sei.cm).ed)/cmmi for more information. See also maturity. +ITIL Service Design- The ma!im)m thro)gh )t that a config)ration item or IT service can deliver. 3or some ty es of #I1 ca acity may be the si7e or vol)me F for e!am le1 a dis' drive.

call centre

call ty e

ca ability

#a ability /at)rity /odel Integration +#//I-

ca acity

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Term ca acity management

Definition +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Design- The rocess res onsible for ens)ring that the ca acity of IT services and the IT infrastr)ct)re is able to meet agreed ca acity- and erformance-related re5)irements in a cost-effective and timely manner. #a acity management considers all reso)rces re5)ired to deliver an IT service1 and is concerned with meeting both the c)rrent and f)t)re ca acity and erformance needs of the b)siness. #a acity management incl)des three s)b- rocesses4 b)siness ca acity management1 service ca acity management1 and com onent ca acity management. See also capacity management information system . +ITIL Service Design- A set of tools1 data and information that is )sed to s) ort ca acity management. See also service knowledge management system. +ITIL Service Design- A lan )sed to manage the reso)rces re5)ired to deliver IT services. The lan contains details of c)rrent and historic )sage of IT services and com onents1 and any iss)es that need to be addressed +incl)ding related im rovement activities-. The lan also contains scenarios for different redictions of b)siness demand and costed o tions to deliver the agreed service level targets. +ITIL Service Design- The activity within ca acity management res onsible for creating a ca acity lan.

ca acity management information system +#/IS-

ca acity lan

ca acity lanning

ca ital b)dgeting

+ITIL Service Strategy- The resent commitment of f)nds in order to receive a ret)rn in the f)t)re in the form of additional cash inflows or red)ced cash o)tflows.
+ITIL Service Strategy- The cost of )rchasing something that will become a financial asset F for e!am le1 com )ter e5)i ment and b)ildings. The val)e of the asset de reciates over m)lti le acco)nting eriods. See also operational cost. See capital cost.

ca ital cost

ca ital e! endit)re +#A,EG-

" #rown #o yright $%&& &;

Term ca itali7ation

Definition +ITIL Service Strategy- Identifying ma6or cost as ca ital1 even tho)gh no asset is )rchased. This is done to s read the im act of the cost over m)lti le acco)nting eriods. The most common e!am le of this is software develo ment1 or )rchase of a software licence. A named gro) of things that have something in common. #ategories are )sed to gro) similar things together. 3or e!am le1 cost ty es are )sed to gro) similar ty es of cost. Incident categories are )sed to gro) similar ty es of incident1 while #I ty es are )sed to gro) similar ty es of config)ration item. Iss)ing a certificate to confirm com liance to a standard. #ertification incl)des a formal a)dit by an inde endent and accredited body. The term is also )sed to mean awarding a certificate to rovide evidence that a erson has achieved a 5)alification. +ITIL Service Transition- The addition1 modification or removal of anything that co)ld have an effect on IT services. The sco e sho)ld incl)de changes to all architect)res1 rocesses1 tools1 metrics and doc)mentation1 as well as changes to IT services and other config)ration items. +ITIL Service Transition- A gro) of eo le that s) ort the assessment1 rioriti7ation1 a)thori7ation and sched)ling of changes. A change advisory board is )s)ally made ) of re resentatives from4 all areas within the IT service rovider: the b)siness: and third arties s)ch as s) liers. +ITIL Service Transition- The rocess res onsible for formal assessment of a new or changed IT service to ens)re that ris's have been managed and to hel determine whether to a)thori7e the change. +ITIL Service Transition- Information abo)t all changes made to a config)ration item d)ring its life. #hange history consists of all those change records that a ly to the #I.




change advisory board +#A@-

change eval)ation

change history

" #rown #o yright $%&& &>

Term change management

Definition +ITIL Service Transition- The rocess res onsible for controlling the lifecycle of all changes1 enabling beneficial changes to be made with minim)m disr) tion to IT services. +ITIL Service Transition- A re eatable way of dealing with a artic)lar category of change. A change model defines s ecific agreed ste s that will be followed for a change of this category. #hange models may be very com le! with many ste s that re5)ire a)thori7ation +e.g. ma6or software release- or may be very sim le with no re5)irement for a)thori7ation +e.g. assword reset-. See also change advisory board: standard change. +ITIL Service Strategy- +ITIL Service Transition- A doc)ment that incl)des a high level descri tion of a otential service introd)ction or significant change1 along with a corres onding b)siness case and an e! ected im lementation sched)le. #hange ro osals are normally created by the service ortfolio management rocess and are assed to change management for a)thori7ation. #hange management will review the otential im act on other services1 on shared reso)rces1 and on the overall change sched)le. 8nce the change ro osal has been a)thori7ed1 service ortfolio management will charter the service. +ITIL Service Transition- A record containing the details of a change. Each change record doc)ments the lifecycle of a single change. A change record is created for every re5)est for change that is received1 even those that are s)bse5)ently re6ected. #hange records sho)ld reference the config)ration items that are affected by the change. #hange records may be stored in the config)ration management system1 or elsewhere in the service 'nowledge management system. See re"uest for change.

change model

change ro osal

change record

change re5)est

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Term change sched)le

Definition +ITIL Service Transition- A doc)ment that lists all a)thori7ed changes and their lanned im lementation dates1 as well as the estimated dates of longer-term changes. A change sched)le is sometimes called a forward sched)le of change1 even tho)gh it also contains information abo)t changes that have already been im lemented. +ITIL Service Transition- A reg)lar1 agreed time when changes or releases may be im lemented with minimal im act on services. #hange windows are )s)ally doc)mented in service level agreements. +ITIL Service Strategy- A deliverable of an IT service that is )sed in calc)lating charges to c)stomers +for e!am le1 n)mber of transactions1 n)mber of des'to ,#s-. +ITIL Service Strategy- .e5)iring ayment for IT services. #harging for IT services is o tional1 and many organi7ations choose to treat their IT service rovider as a cost centre. See also charging process: charging policy. +ITIL Service Strategy- A olicy s ecifying the ob6ective of the charging rocess and the way in which charges will be calc)lated. See also cost. +ITIL Service Strategy- The rocess res onsible for deciding how m)ch c)stomers sho)ld ay + ricing- and recovering money from them +billing-. This rocess is not described in detail within the core ITIL )blications. +ITIL Service Strategy- A doc)ment that contains details of a new service1 a significant change or other significant ro6ect. #harters are ty ically a)thori7ed by service ortfolio management or by a ro6ect management office. The term charter is also )sed to describe the act of a)thori7ing the wor' re5)ired to com lete the service change or ro6ect. See also change proposal: service charter: pro#ect portfolio.

change window

chargeable item


charging olicy

charging rocess


" #rown #o yright $%&& &0

Term chronological analysis

Definition +ITIL Service Operation- A techni5)e )sed to hel identify ossible ca)ses of roblems. All available data abo)t the roblem is collected and sorted by date and time to rovide a detailed timeline. This can ma'e it ossible to identify which events may have been triggered by others. +ITIL Service Transition- A category that is )sed to classify config)ration items. The #I ty e identifies the re5)ired attrib)tes and relationshi s for a config)ration record. #ommon #I ty es incl)de hardware1 doc)ment1 )ser etc. The act of assigning a category to something. #lassification is )sed to ens)re consistent management and re orting. #onfig)ration items1 incidents1 roblems1 changes etc. are )s)ally classified. A generic term that means a c)stomer1 the b)siness or a b)siness c)stomer. 3or e!am le1 client manager may be )sed as a synonym for b)siness relationshi manager. The term is also )sed to mean4 l A com )ter that is )sed directly by a )ser F for e!am le1 a ,#1 a handheld com )ter or a wor' station The art of a client server a lication that the )ser directly interfaces with F for e!am le1 an email client.

#I ty e




+ITIL Service Operation- The final stat)s in the lifecycle of an incident1 roblem1 change etc. (hen the stat)s is closed1 no f)rther action is ta'en. +ITIL Service Operation- The act of changing the stat)s of an incident1 roblem1 change etc. to closed. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- #ontrol 8@6ectives for Information and related Technology +#8@IT- rovides g)idance and best ractice for the management of IT rocesses. #8@IT is )blished by ISA#A in con6)nction with the IT Governance Instit)te +ITGI-. See www.isaca.org for more information.



" #rown #o yright $%&& &D

Term code of ractice

Definition A g)ideline )blished by a )blic body or a standards organi7ation1 s)ch as IS8 or @SI. /any standards consist of a code of ractice and a s ecification. The code of ractice describes recommended best ractice. See gradual recovery. +ITIL Service Design- ,re-e!isting a software or middleware that can be )rchased from a third arty. lication

cold standby commercial off the shelf +#8TS-

com liance

Ens)ring that a standard or set of g)idelines is followed1 or that ro er1 consistent acco)nting or other ractices are being em loyed. A general term that is )sed to mean one art of something more com le!. 3or e!am le1 a com )ter system may be a com onent of an IT service: an a lication may be a com onent of a release )nit. #om onents that need to be managed sho)ld be config)ration items. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Design- The s)b- rocess of ca acity management res onsible for )nderstanding the ca acity1 )tili7ation and erformance of config)ration items. ?ata is collected1 recorded and analysed for )se in the ca acity lan. See also business capacity management: service capacity management. +ITIL Service Transition- A config)ration item that is art of an assembly. 3or e!am le1 a #,= or memory #I may be art of a server #I. +ITIL Service Design- A techni5)e that hel s to identify the im act of config)ration item fail)re on IT services and the b)siness. A matri! is created with IT services on one a!is and #Is on the other. This enables the identification of critical #Is +that co)ld ca)se the fail)re of m)lti le IT services- and fragile IT services +that have m)lti le single oints of fail)re-.

com onent

com onent ca acity management +##/-

com onent #I

com onent fail)re im act analysis +#3IA-

" #rown #o yright $%&& &E

Term com )ter tele hony integration +#TI-

Definition +ITIL Service Operation- #om )ter tele hony integration is a general term covering any 'ind of integration between com )ters and tele hone systems. It is most commonly )sed to refer to systems where an a lication dis lays detailed screens relating to incoming or o)tgoing tele hone calls. See also automatic call distribution: interactive voice response. A meas)re of the n)mber of )sers engaged in the same o eration at the same time. +ITIL Service Design- A sec)rity rinci le that re5)ires that data sho)ld only be accessed by a)thori7ed eo le. +ITIL Service Transition- A generic term )sed to describe a gro) of config)ration items that wor' together to deliver an IT service1 or a recogni7able art of an IT service. #onfig)ration is also )sed to describe the arameter settings for one or more config)ration items. +ITIL Service Transition- The baseline of a config)ration that has been formally agreed and is managed thro)gh the change management rocess. A config)ration baseline is )sed as a basis for f)t)re b)ilds1 releases and changes. +ITIL Service Transition- The activity res onsible for ens)ring that adding1 modifying or removing a config)ration item is ro erly managed F for e!am le1 by s)bmitting a re5)est for change or service re5)est. +ITIL Service Transition- The activity res onsible for collecting information abo)t config)ration items and their relationshi s1 and loading this information into the config)ration management database. #onfig)ration identification is also res onsible for labelling the config)ration items themselves1 so that the corres onding config)ration records can be fo)nd.

conc)rrency confidentiality


config)ration baseline

config)ration control

config)ration identification

" #rown #o yright $%&& $%

Term config)ration item +#I-

Definition +ITIL Service Transition- Any com onent or other service asset that needs to be managed in order to deliver an IT service. Information abo)t each config)ration item is recorded in a config)ration record within the config)ration management system and is maintained thro)gho)t its lifecycle by service asset and config)ration management. #onfig)ration items are )nder the control of change management. They ty ically incl)de IT services1 hardware1 software1 b)ildings1 eo le and formal doc)mentation s)ch as rocess doc)mentation and service level agreements. See service asset and configuration management . +ITIL Service Transition- A database )sed to store config)ration records thro)gho)t their lifecycle. The config)ration management system maintains one or more config)ration management databases1 and each database stores attrib)tes of config)ration items1 and relationshi s with other config)ration items. +ITIL Service Transition- A set of tools1 data and information that is )sed to s) ort service asset and config)ration management. The #/S is art of an overall service 'nowledge management system and incl)des tools for collecting1 storing1 managing1 ) dating1 analysing and resenting data abo)t all config)ration items and their relationshi s. The #/S may also incl)de information abo)t incidents1 roblems1 'nown errors1 changes and releases. The #/S is maintained by service asset and config)ration management and is )sed by all IT service management rocesses. See also configuration management database. +ITIL Service Transition- A record containing the details of a config)ration item. Each config)ration record doc)ments the lifecycle of a single config)ration item. #onfig)ration records are stored in a config)ration management database and maintained as art of a config)ration management system. +ITIL Service Transition- The hierarchy and other relationshi s between all the config)ration items that com rise a config)ration.

config)ration management config)ration management database +#/?@-

config)ration management system +#/S-

config)ration record

config)ration str)ct)re

" #rown #o yright $%&& $&

Term contin)al service im rovement +#SI-

Definition +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- A stage in the lifecycle of a service. #ontin)al service im rovement ens)res that services are aligned with changing b)siness needs by identifying and im lementing im rovements to IT services that s) ort b)siness rocesses. The erformance of the IT service rovider is contin)ally meas)red and im rovements are made to rocesses1 IT services and IT infrastr)ct)re in order to increase efficiency1 effectiveness and cost effectiveness. #ontin)al service im rovement incl)des the seven-ste im rovement rocess. Altho)gh this rocess is associated with contin)al service im rovement1 most rocesses have activities that ta'e lace across m)lti le stages of the service lifecycle. See also $lan!%o!Check!Act. +ITIL Service Design- An a roach or design to achieve &%%H availability. A contin)o)sly available IT service has no lanned or )n lanned downtime. +ITIL Service Design- An a roach or design to eliminate lanned downtime of an IT service. Cote that individ)al config)ration items may be down even tho)gh the IT service is available. A legally binding agreement between two or more arties. A means of managing a ris'1 ens)ring that a b)siness ob6ective is achieved or that a rocess is followed. E!am les of control incl)de olicies1 roced)res1 roles1 .AI?1 door loc's etc. A control is sometimes called a co)ntermeas)re or safeg)ard. #ontrol also means to manage the )tili7ation or behavio)r of a config)ration item1 system or IT service. See CO&I'.

contin)o)s availability

contin)o)s o eration

contract control

#ontrol 8@6ectives for Information and related Technology

" #rown #o yright $%&& $$

Term control ers ective

Definition +ITIL Service Strategy- An a roach to the management of IT services1 rocesses1 f)nctions1 assets etc. There can be several different control ers ectives on the same IT service1 rocess etc.1 allowing different individ)als or teams to foc)s on what is im ortant and relevant to their s ecific role. E!am les of control ers ective incl)de reactive and roactive management within IT o erations1 or a lifecycle view for an a lication ro6ect team. The IS8/IE# $%%%% rocess gro) that incl)des change management and config)ration management. +ITIL Service Strategy- A service that delivers the basic o)tcomes desired by one or more c)stomers. A core service rovides a s ecific level of )tility and warranty. #)stomers may be offered a choice of )tility and warranty thro)gh one or more service o tions. See also enabling service: enhancing service: I' service: service package. The amo)nt of money s ent on a s ecific activity1 IT service or b)siness )nit. #osts consist of real cost +money-1 notional cost +s)ch as eo le<s time- and de reciation. An activity that analyses and com ares the costs and the benefits involved in one or more alternative co)rses of action. See also business case: internal rate of return: net present value: return on investment: value on investment. +ITIL Service Strategy- A b)siness )nit or ro6ect to which costs are assigned. A cost centre does not charge for services rovided. An IT service rovider can be r)n as a cost centre or a rofit centre. +ITIL Service Strategy- The middle level of category to which costs are assigned in b)dgeting and acco)nting. The highest-level category is cost ty e. 3or e!am le1 a cost ty e of I eo le< co)ld have cost elements of ayroll1 staff benefits1 e! enses1 training1 overtime etc. #ost elements can be f)rther bro'en down to give cost )nits. 3or e!am le1 the cost element Ie! enses< co)ld incl)de cost )nits of hotels1 trans ort1 meals etc.

control rocesses

core service


cost benefit analysis

cost centre

cost element

" #rown #o yright $%&& $9

Term cost management

Definition +ITIL Service Strategy- A general term that is )sed to refer to b)dgeting and acco)nting1 and is sometimes )sed as a synonym for financial management. +ITIL Service Strategy- A framewor' )sed in b)dgeting and acco)nting in which all 'nown costs can be recorded1 categori7ed and allocated to s ecific c)stomers1 b)siness )nits or ro6ects. See also cost type: cost element: cost unit. +ITIL Service Strategy- The highest level of category to which costs are assigned in b)dgeting and acco)nting F for e!am le1 hardware1 software1 eo le1 accommodation1 e!ternal and transfer. See also cost element: cost unit. +ITIL Service Strategy- The lowest level of category to which costs are assigned1 cost )nits are )s)ally things that can be easily co)nted +e.g. staff n)mbers1 software licences- or things easily meas)red +e.g. #,= )sage1 electricity cons)med-. #ost )nits are incl)ded within cost elements. 3or e!am le1 a cost element of Ie! enses< co)ld incl)de cost )nits of hotels1 trans ort1 meals etc. See also cost type. A meas)re of the balance between the effectiveness and cost of a service1 rocess or activity. A cost-effective rocess is one that achieves its ob6ectives at minim)m cost. See also key performance indicator: return on investment: value for money. #an be )sed to refer to any ty e of control. The term is most often )sed when referring to meas)res that increase resilience1 fa)lt tolerance or reliability of an IT service. #hanges made to a lan or activity that has already started to ens)re that it will meet its ob6ectives. #o)rse corrections are made as a res)lt of monitoring rogress.

cost model

cost ty e

cost )nit

cost effectiveness


co)rse corrections

" #rown #o yright $%&& $;

Term crisis management

Definition #risis management is the rocess res onsible for managing the wider im lications of b)siness contin)ity. A crisis management team is res onsible for strategic iss)es s)ch as managing media relations and shareholder confidence1 and decides when to invo'e b)siness contin)ity lans. Something that m)st ha en if an IT service1 rocess1 lan1 ro6ect or other activity is to s)cceed. Bey erformance indicators are )sed to meas)re the achievement of each critical s)ccess factor. 3or e!am le1 a critical s)ccess factor of I rotect IT services when ma'ing changes< co)ld be meas)red by 'ey erformance indicators s)ch as I ercentage red)ction of )ns)ccessf)l changes<1 I ercentage red)ction in changes ca)sing incidents< etc. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- A database or str)ct)red doc)ment )sed to record and manage im rovement o ort)nities thro)gho)t their lifecycle. A set of val)es that is shared by a gro) of eo le1 incl)ding e! ectations abo)t how eo le sho)ld behave1 their ideas1 beliefs and ractices. See also vision. Someone who b)ys goods or services. The c)stomer of an IT service rovider is the erson or gro) who defines and agrees the service level targets. The term is also sometimes )sed informally to mean )ser F for e!am le1 IThis is a c)stomer-foc)sed organi7ation.<

critical s)ccess factor +#S3-

#SI register



c)stomer asset
c)stomer agreement ortfolio

Any reso)rce or ca ability of a c)stomer. See also asset.

+ITIL Service Strategy- A database or str)ct)red doc)ment )sed to manage service contracts or agreements between an IT service rovider and its c)stomers. Each IT service delivered to a c)stomer sho)ld have a contract or other agreement that is listed in the c)stomer agreement ortfolio. See also customer!facing service: service catalogue: service portfolio.

" #rown #o yright $%&& $>

Term c)stomer ortfolio

Definition +ITIL Service Strategy- A database or str)ct)red doc)ment )sed to record all c)stomers of the IT service rovider. The c)stomer ortfolio is the b)siness relationshi manager<s view of the c)stomers who receive services from the IT service rovider. See also customer agreement portfolio: service catalogue: service portfolio. +ITIL Service Design- An IT service that is visible to the c)stomer. These are normally services that s) ort the c)stomer<s b)siness rocesses and facilitate one or more o)tcomes desired by the c)stomer. All live c)stomer-facing services1 incl)ding those available for de loyment1 are recorded in the service catalog)e along with c)stomer-visible information abo)t deliverables1 rices1 contact oints1 ordering and re5)est rocesses. 8ther information s)ch as relationshi s to s) orting services and other #Is will also be recorded for internal )se by the IT service rovider. +ITIL Service Operation- A gra hical re resentation of overall IT service erformance and availability. ?ashboard images may be ) dated in real time1 and can also be incl)ded in management re orts and web ages. ?ashboards can be )sed to s) ort service level management1 event management and incident diagnosis. +ITIL Service Transition- A way of )nderstanding the relationshi s between data1 information1 'nowledge and wisdom. ?IB( shows how each of these b)ilds on the others. +ITIL Service Transition- 8ne or more locations in which the definitive and a)thori7ed versions of all software config)ration items are sec)rely stored. The definitive media library may also contain associated config)ration items s)ch as licences and doc)mentation. It is a single logical storage area even if there are m)lti le locations. The definitive media library is controlled by service asset and config)ration management and is recorded in the config)ration management system.

c)stomer-facing service


?ata-to-Information-to-Bnowledge-to-(isdom +?IB(-

definitive media library +?/L-

" #rown #o yright $%&& $A

Term deliverable

Definition Something that m)st be rovided to meet a commitment in a service level agreement or a contract. It is also )sed in a more informal way to mean a lanned o)t )t of any rocess. +ITIL Service Design- +ITIL Service StrategyThe rocess res onsible for )nderstanding1 antici ating and infl)encing c)stomer demand for services. ?emand management wor's with ca acity management to ens)re that the service rovider has s)fficient ca acity to meet the re5)ired demand. At a strategic level1 demand management can involve analysis of atterns of b)siness activity and )ser rofiles1 while at a tactical level1 it can involve the )se of differential charging to enco)rage c)stomers to )se IT services at less b)sy times1 or re5)ire shortterm activities to res ond to )ne! ected demand or the fail)re of a config)ration item. See $lan!%o!Check!Act. The direct or indirect reliance of one rocess or activity on another. +ITIL Service Transition- The activity res onsible for movement of new or changed hardware1 software1 doc)mentation1 rocess etc. to the live environment. ?e loyment is art of the release and de loyment management rocess. +ITIL Service Strategy- A meas)re of the red)ction in val)e of an asset over its life. This is based on wearing o)t1 cons)m tion or other red)ction in the )sef)l economic val)e. +ITIL Service Design- An activity or rocess that identifies re5)irements and then defines a sol)tion that is able to meet these re5)irements. See also service design. +ITIL Service Design- The rocess res onsible for coordinating all service design activities1 rocesses and reso)rces. ?esign coordination ens)res the consistent and effective design of new or changed IT services1 service management information systems1 architect)res1 technology1 rocesses1 information and metrics.

demand management

?eming #ycle de endency de loyment

de reciation


design coordination

" #rown #o yright $%&& $0

Term detection

Definition +ITIL Service Operation- A stage in the e! anded incident lifecycle. ?etection res)lts in the incident becoming 'nown to the service rovider. ?etection can be a)tomatic or the res)lt of a )ser logging an incident. +ITIL Service Design- The rocess res onsible for creating or modifying an IT service or a lication ready for s)bse5)ent release and de loyment. ?evelo ment is also )sed to mean the role or f)nction that carries o)t develo ment wor'. This rocess is not described in detail within the core ITIL )blications. +ITIL Service Design- An environment )sed to create or modify IT services or a lications. ?evelo ment environments are not ty ically s)b6ected to the same degree of control as test or live environments. See also development. +ITIL Service Operation- A stage in the incident and roblem lifecycles. The )r ose of diagnosis is to identify a wor'aro)nd for an incident or the root ca)se of a roblem. +ITIL Service Operation- A str)ct)red set of 5)estions )sed by service des' staff to ens)re they as' the correct 5)estions1 and to hel them classify1 resolve and assign incidents. ?iagnostic scri ts may also be made available to )sers to hel them diagnose and resolve their own incidents. A techni5)e )sed to s) ort demand management by charging different amo)nts for the same f)nction of an IT service )nder different circ)mstances. 3or e!am le1 red)ced charges o)tside ea' times1 or increased charges for )sers who e!ceed a bandwidth allocation. +ITIL Service Strategy- The cost of roviding an IT service which can be allocated in f)ll to a s ecific c)stomer1 cost centre1 ro6ect etc. 3or e!am le1 the cost of roviding nonshared servers or software licences. See also indirect cost.

develo ment

develo ment environment


diagnostic scri t

differential charging

direct cost

" #rown #o yright $%&& $D

Term directory service

Definition +ITIL Service Operation- An a lication that manages information abo)t IT infrastr)ct)re available on a networ'1 and corres onding )ser access rights. Information in readable form. A doc)ment may be a er or electronic F for e!am le1 a olicy statement1 service level agreement1 incident record or diagram of a com )ter room layo)t. See also record. +ITIL Service Design- +ITIL Service Operation- The time when an IT service or other config)ration item is not available d)ring its agreed service time. The availability of an IT service is often calc)lated from agreed service time and downtime. Something that infl)ences strategy1 ob6ectives or re5)irements F for e!am le1 new legislation or the actions of com etitors. ort +ELS+ITIL Service Transition- A stage in the service lifecycle that occ)rs at the end of de loyment and before the service is f)lly acce ted into o eration. ?)ring early life s) ort1 the service rovider reviews 'ey erformance indicators1 service levels and monitoring thresholds and may im lement im rovements to ens)re that service targets can be met. The service rovider may also rovide additional reso)rces for incident and roblem management d)ring this time. +ITIL Service Strategy- The red)ction in average cost that is ossible from increasing the )sage of an IT service or asset. See also economies of scope. +ITIL Service Strategy- The red)ction in cost that is allocated to an IT service by )sing an e!isting asset for an additional )r ose. 3or e!am le1 delivering a new IT service from an e!isting IT infrastr)ct)re. See also economies of scale. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- A meas)re of whether the ob6ectives of a rocess1 service or activity have been achieved. An effective rocess or activity is one that achieves its agreed ob6ectives. See also key performance indicator.




early life s)

economies of scale

economies of sco e


" #rown #o yright $%&& $E

Term efficiency

Definition +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- A meas)re of whether the right amo)nt of reso)rce has been )sed to deliver a rocess1 service or activity. An efficient rocess achieves its ob6ectives with the minim)m amo)nt of time1 money1 eo le or other reso)rces. See also key performance indicator. +ITIL Service Transition- A change that m)st be introd)ced as soon as ossible F for e!am le1 to resolve a ma6or incident or im lement a sec)rity atch. The change management rocess will normally have a s ecific roced)re for handling emergency changes. See also emergency change advisory board. +ITIL Service Transition- A s)bgro) of the change advisory board that ma'es decisions abo)t emergency changes. /embershi may be decided at the time a meeting is called1 and de ends on the nat)re of the emergency change. +ITIL Service Strategy- A service that is needed in order to deliver a core service. Enabling services may or may not be visible to the c)stomer1 b)t they are not offered to c)stomers in their own right. See also enhancing service. +ITIL Service Strategy- A service that is added to a core service to ma'e it more attractive to the c)stomer. Enhancing services are not essential to the delivery of a core service b)t are )sed to enco)rage c)stomers to )se the core services or to differentiate the service rovider from its com etitors. See also enabling service: excitement factor. +ITIL Service Strategy- The f)nction and rocesses res onsible for managing the overall organi7ation<s b)dgeting1 acco)nting and charging re5)irements. Enter rise financial management is sometimes referred to as the Icor orate< financial de artment. See also financial management for I' services.

emergency change

emergency change advisory board +E#A@-

enabling service

enhancing service

enter rise financial management

" #rown #o yright $%&& 9%

Term environment

Definition +ITIL Service Transition- A s)bset of the IT infrastr)ct)re that is )sed for a artic)lar )r ose F for e!am le1 live environment1 test environment1 b)ild environment. Also )sed in the term I hysical environment< to mean the accommodation1 air conditioning1 ower system etc. Environment is )sed as a generic term to mean the e!ternal conditions that infl)ence or affect something. +ITIL Service Operation- A design flaw or malf)nction that ca)ses a fail)re of one or more IT services or other config)ration items. A mista'e made by a erson or a fa)lty rocess that im acts a config)ration item is also an error. +ITIL Service Operation- An activity that obtains additional reso)rces when these are needed to meet service level targets or c)stomer e! ectations. Escalation may be needed within any IT service management rocess1 b)t is most commonly associated with incident management1 roblem management and the management of c)stomer com laints. There are two ty es of escalation4 f)nctional escalation and hierarchic escalation. +ITIL Service Strategy- A framewor' to hel organi7ations in their analysis and decisionma'ing on service so)rcing models and strategies. It was develo ed by #arnegie /ellon =niversity in the =S. See also e ourcing Capability (odel for ervice $roviders. +ITIL Service Strategy- A framewor' to hel IT service roviders develo their IT service management ca abilities from a service so)rcing ers ective. It was develo ed by #arnegie /ellon =niversity in the =S. See also e ourcing Capability (odel for Client Organizations. The )se of e! erience to rovide an a ro!imate val)e for a metric or cost. Estimation is also )sed in ca acity and availability management as the chea est and least acc)rate modelling method.



eSo)rcing #a ability /odel for #lient 8rgani7ations +eS#/-#L-

eSo)rcing #a ability /odel for Service ,roviders +eS#/-S,-


" #rown #o yright $%&& 9&

Term event

Definition +ITIL Service Operation- A change of state that has significance for the management of an IT service or other config)ration item. The term is also )sed to mean an alert or notification created by any IT service1 config)ration item or monitoring tool. Events ty ically re5)ire IT o erations ersonnel to ta'e actions1 and often lead to incidents being logged. +ITIL Service Operation- The rocess res onsible for managing events thro)gho)t their lifecycle. Event management is one of the main activities of IT o erations. A doc)ment containing details of one or more 'ey erformance indicators or other im ortant targets that have e!ceeded defined thresholds. E!am les incl)de service level agreement targets being missed or abo)t to be missed1 and a erformance metric indicating a otential ca acity roblem. See excitement factor. +ITIL Service Strategy- An attrib)te added to something to ma'e it more attractive or more e!citing to the c)stomer. 3or e!am le1 a resta)rant may rovide a free drin' with every meal. See also enhancing service. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Design- ?etailed stages in the lifecycle of an incident. The stages are detection1 diagnosis1 re air1 recovery and restoration. The e! anded incident lifecycle is )sed to hel )nderstand all contrib)tions to the im act of incidents and to lan for how these co)ld be controlled or red)ced. A c)stomer who wor's for a different b)siness from the IT service rovider. See also external service provider: internal customer. A metric that is )sed to meas)re the delivery of IT service to a c)stomer. E!ternal metrics are )s)ally defined in service level agreements and re orted to c)stomers. See also internal metric.

event management

e!ce tion re ort

e!citement attrib)te e!citement factor

e! anded incident lifecycle

e!ternal c)stomer

e!ternal metric

" #rown #o yright $%&& 9$

Term e!ternal service rovider

Definition +ITIL Service Strategy- An IT service rovider that is art of a different organi7ation from its c)stomer. An IT service rovider may have both internal and e!ternal c)stomers. See also outsourcing: 'ype III service provider. +ITIL Service Operation- The f)nction res onsible for managing the hysical environment where the IT infrastr)ct)re is located. 3acilities management incl)des all as ects of managing the hysical environment F for e!am le1 ower and cooling1 b)ilding access management1 and environmental monitoring. +ITIL Service Operation- Loss of ability to o erate to s ecification1 or to deliver the re5)ired o)t )t. The term may be )sed when referring to IT services1 rocesses1 activities1 config)ration items etc. A fail)re often ca)ses an incident. +ITIL Service Design- A recovery o tion that is also 'nown as hot standby. 3ast recovery normally )ses a dedicated fi!ed facility with com )ter systems and software config)red ready to r)n the IT services. 3ast recovery ty ically ta'es ) to $; ho)rs b)t may be 5)ic'er if there is no need to restore data from bac') s. See error. +ITIL Service Design- The ability of an IT service or other config)ration item to contin)e to o erate correctly after fail)re of a com onent art. See also countermeasure: resilience. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Design- A techni5)e that can be )sed to determine a chain of events that has ca)sed an incident1 or may ca)se an incident in the f)t)re. 3a)lt tree analysis re resents a chain of events )sing @oolean notation in a diagram.

facilities management


fast recovery

fa)lt fa)lt tolerance

fa)lt tree analysis +3TA-

" #rown #o yright $%&& 99

Term financial management

Definition +ITIL Service Strategy- A generic term )sed to describe the f)nction and rocesses res onsible for managing an organi7ation<s b)dgeting1 acco)nting and charging re5)irements. Enter rise financial management is the s ecific term )sed to describe the f)nction and rocesses from the ers ective of the overall organi7ation. 3inancial management for IT services is the s ecific term )sed to describe the f)nction and rocesses from the ers ective of the IT service rovider. +ITIL Service Strategy- The f)nction and rocesses res onsible for managing an IT service rovider<s b)dgeting1 acco)nting and charging re5)irements. 3inancial management for IT services sec)res an a ro riate level of f)nding to design1 develo and deliver services that meet the strategy of the organi7ation in a cost-effective manner. See also enterprise financial management. +ITIL Service Strategy- An acco)nting eriod covering &$ consec)tive months. A financial year may start on any date +for e!am le1 & A ril to 9& /arch-. ort +ITIL Service Operation- The first level in a hierarchy of s) ort gro) s involved in the resol)tion of incidents. Each level contains more s ecialist s'ills1 or has more time or other reso)rces. See also escalation. See Ishikawa diagram. +ITIL Service Strategy- The ability to meet an agreed level of )tility. 3it for )r ose is also )sed informally to describe a rocess1 config)ration item1 IT service etc. that is ca able of meeting its ob6ectives or service levels. @eing fit for )r ose re5)ires s)itable design1 im lementation1 control and maintenance. +ITIL Service Strategy- The ability to meet an agreed level of warranty. @eing fit for )se re5)ires s)itable design1 im lementation1 control and maintenance.

financial management for IT services

financial year

first-line s)

fishbone diagram fit for )r ose

fit for )se

" #rown #o yright $%&& 9;

Term fi!ed asset

Definition +ITIL Service Transition- A tangible b)siness asset that has a long-term )sef)l life +for e!am le1 a b)ilding1 a iece of land1 a server or a software licence-. See also service asset: configuration item. +ITIL Service Transition- The rocess res onsible for trac'ing and re orting the val)e and ownershi of fi!ed assets thro)gho)t their lifecycle. 3i!ed asset management maintains the asset register and is )s)ally carried o)t by the overall b)siness1 rather than by the IT organi7ation. 3i!ed asset management is sometimes called financial asset management and is not described in detail within the core ITIL )blications. +ITIL Service Strategy- A cost that does not vary with IT service )sage F for e!am le1 the cost of server hardware. See also variable cost. +ITIL Service Design- A ermanent b)ilding1 available for )se when needed by an IT service contin)ity lan. See also portable facility: recovery option. +ITIL Service Operation- A methodology for )sing service des's and s) ort gro) s aro)nd the world to rovide seamless $;/0 service. #alls1 incidents1 roblems and service re5)ests are assed between gro) s in different time 7ones. ,erforming activities to meet a need or re5)irement F for e!am le1 by roviding a new IT service1 or meeting a service re5)est.

fi!ed asset management

fi!ed cost

fi!ed facility

follow the s)n


" #rown #o yright $%&& 9>

Term f)nction

Definition A team or gro) of eo le and the tools or other reso)rces they )se to carry o)t one or more rocesses or activities F for e!am le1 the service des'. The term also has two other meanings4 l An intended )r ose of a config)ration item1 erson1 team1 rocess or IT service. 3or e!am le1 one f)nction of an email service may be to store and forward o)tgoing mails1 while the f)nction of a b)siness rocess may be to des atch goods to c)stomers. To erform the intended )r ose correctly1 as in IThe com )ter is f)nctioning.<

f)nctional escalation

+ITIL Service Operation- Transferring an incident1 roblem or change to a technical team with a higher level of e! ertise to assist in an escalation. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- An activity that com ares two sets of data and identifies the differences. Ga analysis is commonly )sed to com are a set of re5)irements with act)al delivery. See also benchmarking. Ens)res that olicies and strategy are act)ally im lemented1 and that re5)ired rocesses are correctly followed. Governance incl)des defining roles and res onsibilities1 meas)ring and re orting1 and ta'ing actions to resolve any iss)es identified. +ITIL Service Design- A recovery o tion that is also 'nown as cold standby. Grad)al recovery ty ically )ses a ortable or fi!ed facility that has environmental s) ort and networ' cabling1 b)t no com )ter systems. The hardware and software are installed as art of the IT service contin)ity lan. Grad)al recovery ty ically ta'es more than three days1 and may ta'e significantly longer.

ga analysis


grad)al recovery

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Term g)ideline

Definition A doc)ment describing best ractice1 which recommends what sho)ld be done. #om liance with a g)ideline is not normally enforced. See also standard. +ITIL Service Operation- Informing or involving more senior levels of management to assist in an escalation. +ITIL Service Design- An a roach or design that minimi7es or hides the effects of config)ration item fail)re from the )sers of an IT service. *igh availability sol)tions are designed to achieve an agreed level of availability and ma'e )se of techni5)es s)ch as fa)lt tolerance1 resilience and fast recovery to red)ce the n)mber and im act of incidents. See fast recovery: immediate recovery. +ITIL Service Operation- A )ni5)e name that is )sed to identify a )ser1 erson or role. The identity is )sed to grant rights to that )ser1 erson or role. E!am le identities might be the )sername Smith2 or the role Ichange manager<. +ITIL Service Design- A recovery o tion that is also 'nown as hot standby. ,rovision is made to recover the IT service with no significant loss of service to the c)stomer. Immediate recovery ty ically )ses mirroring1 load balancing and s lit-site technologies. +ITIL Service Operation- +ITIL Service Transition- A meas)re of the effect of an incident1 roblem or change on b)siness rocesses. Im act is often based on how service levels will be affected. Im act and )rgency are )sed to assign riority. +ITIL Service Operation- An )n lanned interr) tion to an IT service or red)ction in the 5)ality of an IT service. 3ail)re of a config)ration item that has not yet affected service is also an incident F for e!am le1 fail)re of one dis' from a mirror set.

hierarchic escalation

high availability

hot standby identity

immediate recovery

im act


" #rown #o yright $%&& 90

Term incident management

Definition +ITIL Service Operation- The rocess res onsible for managing the lifecycle of all incidents. Incident management ens)res that normal service o eration is restored as 5)ic'ly as ossible and the b)siness im act is minimi7ed. +ITIL Service Operation- A record containing the details of an incident. Each incident record doc)ments the lifecycle of a single incident. +ITIL Service Strategy- The cost of roviding an IT service which cannot be allocated in f)ll to a s ecific c)stomer F for e!am le1 the cost of roviding shared servers or software licences. Also 'nown as overhead. See also direct cost. +ITIL Service Design- The rocess res onsible for ens)ring that the confidentiality1 integrity and availability of an organi7ation<s assets1 information1 data and IT services match the agreed needs of the b)siness. Information sec)rity management s) orts b)siness sec)rity and has a wider sco e than that of the IT service rovider1 and incl)des handling of a er1 b)ilding access1 hone calls etc. for the entire organi7ation. See also security management information system. +ITIL Service Design- The framewor' of olicy1 rocesses1 f)nctions1 standards1 g)idelines and tools that ens)res an organi7ation can achieve its information sec)rity management ob6ectives. See also security management information system. +ITIL Service Design- The olicy that governs the organi7ation<s a roach to information sec)rity management. See management information system .

incident record

indirect cost

information sec)rity management +IS/-

information sec)rity management system +IS/S-

information sec)rity olicy

information system

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Term information technology +IT-

Definition The )se of technology for the storage1 comm)nication or rocessing of information. The technology ty ically incl)des com )ters1 telecomm)nications1 a lications and other software. The information may incl)de b)siness data1 voice1 images1 video etc. Information technology is often )sed to s) ort b)siness rocesses thro)gh IT services. A ty e of s) orting service that rovides hardware1 networ' or other data centre com onents. The term is also )sed as a synonym for s) orting service. +ITIL Service Strategy- =sing an internal service rovider to manage IT services. The term inso)rcing is also )sed to describe the act of transferring the rovision of an IT service from an e!ternal service rovider to an internal service rovider. See also service sourcing. +ITIL Service Design- A sec)rity rinci le that ens)res data and config)ration items are modified only by a)thori7ed ersonnel and activities. Integrity considers all ossible ca)ses of modification1 incl)ding software and hardware fail)re1 environmental events1 and h)man intervention. +ITIL Service Operation- A form of a)tomatic call distrib)tion that acce ts )ser in )t1 s)ch as 'ey resses and s o'en commands1 to identify the correct destination for incoming calls. +ITIL Service Design- A recovery o tion that is also 'nown as warm standby. Intermediate recovery )s)ally )ses a shared ortable or fi!ed facility that has com )ter systems and networ' com onents. The hardware and software will need to be config)red1 and data will need to be restored1 as art of the IT service contin)ity lan. Ty ical recovery times for intermediate recovery are one to three days. A c)stomer who wor's for the same b)siness as the IT service rovider. See also external customer: internal service provider.

infrastr)ct)re service



interactive voice res onse +IJ.-

intermediate recovery

internal c)stomer

" #rown #o yright $%&& 9E

Term internal metric

Definition A metric that is )sed within the IT service rovider to monitor the efficiency1 effectiveness or cost effectiveness of the IT service rovider<s internal rocesses. Internal metrics are not normally re orted to the c)stomer of the IT service. See also external metric. +ITIL Service Strategy- A techni5)e )sed to hel ma'e decisions abo)t ca ital e! endit)re. It calc)lates a fig)re that allows two or more alternative investments to be com ared. A larger internal rate of ret)rn indicates a better investment. See also net present value: return on investment. +ITIL Service Strategy- An IT service rovider that is art of the same organi7ation as its c)stomer. An IT service rovider may have both internal and e!ternal c)stomers. See also insourcing: 'ype I service provider: 'ype II service provider. The International 8rgani7ation for Standardi7ation +IS8- is the world<s largest develo er of standards. IS8 is a nongovernmental organi7ation that is a networ' of the national standards instit)tes of &>A co)ntries. See www.iso.org for f)rther information abo)t IS8. See International Organization for tandardization. An e!ternal service rovider that rovides access to the internet. /ost IS,s also rovide other IT services s)ch as web hosting. +ITIL Service Design- Initiation of the ste s defined in a lan F for e!am le1 initiating the IT service contin)ity lan for one or more IT services. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Operation- A techni5)e that hel s a team to identify all the ossible ca)ses of a roblem. 8riginally devised by Baor) Ishi'awa1 the o)t )t of this techni5)e is a diagram that loo's li'e a fishbone.

internal rate of ret)rn +I..-

internal service rovider

International 8rgani7ation for Standardi7ation +IS8-

International Standards 8rgani7ation internet service rovider +IS,-


Ishi'awa diagram

" #rown #o yright $%&& ;%

Term IS8 E%%%

Definition A generic term that refers to a n)mber of international standards and g)idelines for 5)ality management systems. See www.iso.org for more information. See also International Organization for tandardization. An international standard for 5)ality management systems. See also I O )***: standard. An international standard for IT service management. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Design- An international s ecification for information sec)rity management. The corres onding code of ractice is IS8/IE# $0%%$. See also standard. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- An international code of ractice for information sec)rity management. The corres onding s ecification is IS8/IE# $0%%&. See also standard. See accounting. All of the hardware1 software1 networ's1 facilities etc. that are re5)ired to develo 1 test1 deliver1 monitor1 control or s) ort a lications and IT services. The term incl)des all of the information technology b)t not the associated eo le1 rocesses and doc)mentation. +ITIL Service Operation- Activities carried o)t by IT o erations control1 incl)ding console management/o erations bridge1 6ob sched)ling1 bac') and restore1 and rint and o)t )t management. IT o erations is also )sed as a synonym for service o eration. +ITIL Service Operation- The f)nction res onsible for monitoring and control of the IT services and IT infrastr)ct)re. See also operations bridge.

IS8 E%%&

IS8/IE# $%%%% IS8/IE# $0%%&

IS8/IE# $0%%$

IT acco)nting IT infrastr)ct)re

IT o erations

IT o erations control

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Term IT o erations management

Definition +ITIL Service Operation- The f)nction within an IT service rovider that erforms the daily activities needed to manage IT services and the s) orting IT infrastr)ct)re. IT o erations management incl)des IT o erations control and facilities management. A service rovided by an IT service rovider. An IT service is made ) of a combination of information technology1 eo le and rocesses. A c)stomer-facing IT service directly s) orts the b)siness rocesses of one or more c)stomers and its service level targets sho)ld be defined in a service level agreement. 8ther IT services1 called s) orting services1 are not directly )sed by the b)siness b)t are re5)ired by the service rovider to deliver c)stomer-facing services. See also core service: enabling service: enhancing service: service: service package. +ITIL Service Design- The rocess res onsible for managing ris's that co)ld serio)sly affect IT services. IT service contin)ity management ens)res that the IT service rovider can always rovide minim)m agreed service levels1 by red)cing the ris' to an acce table level and lanning for the recovery of IT services. IT service contin)ity management s) orts b)siness contin)ity management. +ITIL Service Design- A lan defining the ste s re5)ired to recover one or more IT services. The lan also identifies the triggers for invocation1 eo le to be involved1 comm)nications etc. The IT service contin)ity lan sho)ld be art of a b)siness contin)ity lan. The im lementation and management of 5)ality IT services that meet the needs of the b)siness. IT service management is erformed by IT service roviders thro)gh an a ro riate mi! of eo le1 rocess and information technology. See also service management.

IT service

IT service contin)ity management +ITS#/-

IT service contin)ity lan

IT service management +ITS/-

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Term IT Service /anagement 3or)m +itS/3-

Definition The IT Service /anagement 3or)m is an inde endent organi7ation dedicated to romoting a rofessional a roach to IT service management. The itS/3 is a not-forrofit membershi organi7ation with re resentation in many co)ntries aro)nd the world +itS/3 cha ters-. The itS/3 and its membershi contrib)te to the develo ment of ITIL and associated IT service management standards. See www.itsmf.com for more information. +ITIL Service Strategy- A service rovider that rovides IT services to internal or e!ternal c)stomers. +ITIL Service Design- +ITIL Service StrategyA formal gro) that is res onsible for ens)ring that b)siness and IT service rovider strategies and lans are closely aligned. An IT steering gro) incl)des senior re resentatives from the b)siness and the IT service rovider. Also 'nown as IT strategy gro) or IT steering committee. A set of best- ractice )blications for IT service management. 8wned by the #abinet 8ffice + art of */ Government-1 ITIL gives g)idance on the rovision of 5)ality IT services and the rocesses1 f)nctions and other ca abilities needed to s) ort them. The ITIL framewor' is based on a service lifecycle and consists of five lifecycle stages +service strategy1 service design1 service transition1 service o eration and contin)al service im rovement-1 each of which has its own s) orting )blication. There is also a set of com lementary ITIL )blications roviding g)idance s ecific to ind)stry sectors1 organi7ation ty es1 o erating models and technology architect)res. See www.itilofficialsite.com for more information. A doc)ment that defines the roles1 res onsibilities1 s'ills and 'nowledge re5)ired by a artic)lar erson. 8ne 6ob descri tion can incl)de m)lti le roles F for e!am le1 the roles of config)ration manager and change manager may be carried o)t by one erson.

IT service rovider

IT steering gro) +ISG-


6ob descri tion

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Term 6ob sched)ling

Definition +ITIL Service Operation- ,lanning and managing the e!ec)tion of software tas's that are re5)ired as art of an IT service. 2ob sched)ling is carried o)t by IT o erations management1 and is often a)tomated )sing software tools that r)n batch or online tas's at s ecific times of the day1 wee'1 month or year. +ITIL Service Strategy- A model develo ed by Coria'i Bano that is )sed to hel )nderstand c)stomer references. The Bano model considers attrib)tes of an IT service gro) ed into areas s)ch as basic factors1 e!citement factors1 erformance factors etc. +ITIL Service Operation- A str)ct)red a roach to roblem solving. The roblem is analysed in terms of what1 where1 when and e!tent. ,ossible ca)ses are identified1 the most robable ca)se is tested1 and the tr)e ca)se is verified. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Design- A metric that is )sed to hel manage an IT service1 rocess1 lan1 ro6ect or other activity. Bey erformance indicators are )sed to meas)re the achievement of critical s)ccess factors. /any metrics may be meas)red1 b)t only the most im ortant of these are defined as 'ey erformance indicators and )sed to actively manage and re ort on the rocess1 IT service or activity. They sho)ld be selected to ens)re that efficiency1 effectiveness and cost effectiveness are all managed. +ITIL Service Transition- A logical database containing data and information )sed by the service 'nowledge management system. +ITIL Service Transition- The rocess res onsible for sharing ers ectives1 ideas1 e! erience and information1 and for ens)ring that these are available in the right lace and at the right time. The 'nowledge management rocess enables informed decisions1 and im roves efficiency by red)cing the need to rediscover 'nowledge. See also %ata!to!Information!to!+nowledge!to! ,isdom: service knowledge management system.

Bano model

Be ner and Tregoe analysis

'ey erformance indicator +B,I-

'nowledge base

'nowledge management

" #rown #o yright $%&& ;;

Term 'nown error

Definition +ITIL Service Operation- A roblem that has a doc)mented root ca)se and a wor'aro)nd. Bnown errors are created and managed thro)gho)t their lifecycle by roblem management. Bnown errors may also be identified by develo ment or s) liers. +ITIL Service Operation- A database containing all 'nown error records. This database is created by roblem management and )sed by incident and roblem management. The 'nown error database may be art of the config)ration management system1 or may be stored elsewhere in the service 'nowledge management system. +ITIL Service Operation- A record containing the details of a 'nown error. Each 'nown error record doc)ments the lifecycle of a 'nown error1 incl)ding the stat)s1 root ca)se and wor'aro)nd. In some im lementations1 a 'nown error is doc)mented )sing additional fields in a roblem record. The vario)s stages in the life of an IT service1 config)ration item1 incident1 roblem1 change etc. The lifecycle defines the categories for stat)s and the stat)s transitions that are ermitted. 3or e!am le4 l The lifecycle of an a lication incl)des re5)irements1 design1 b)ild1 de loy1 o erate1 o timi7e The e! anded incident lifecycle incl)des detection1 diagnosis1 re air1 recovery and restoration The lifecycle of a server may incl)de4 ordered1 received1 in test1 live1 dis osed etc.

'nown error database +BE?@-

'nown error record


line of service +L8S-

+ITIL Service Strategy- A core service or service ac'age that has m)lti le service o tions. A line of service is managed by a service owner and each service o tion is designed to s) ort a artic)lar mar'et segment. +ITIL Service Transition- .efers to an IT service or other config)ration item that is being )sed to deliver service to a c)stomer.


" #rown #o yright $%&& ;>

Term live environment

Definition +ITIL Service Transition- A controlled environment containing live config)ration items )sed to deliver IT services to c)stomers. +ITIL Service Design- A meas)re of how 5)ic'ly and effectively an IT service or other config)ration item can be restored to normal wor'ing after a fail)re. /aintainability is often meas)red and re orted as /T.S. /aintainability is also )sed in the conte!t of software or IT service develo ment to mean ability to be changed or re aired easily. +ITIL Service Operation- The highest category of im act for an incident. A ma6or incident res)lts in significant disr) tion to the b)siness. An informal meas)re of how easily and effectively an IT service or other com onent can be managed. Information that is )sed to s) ort decision ma'ing by managers. /anagement information is often generated a)tomatically by tools s) orting the vario)s IT service management rocesses. /anagement information often incl)des the val)es of 'ey erformance indicators1 s)ch as I ercentage of changes leading to incidents< or Ifirst-time fi! rate<. +ITIL Service Design- A set of tools1 data and information that is )sed to s) ort a rocess or f)nction. E!am les incl)de the availability management information system and the s) lier and contract management information system. See also service knowledge management system. /KoK. incl)des all the activities re5)ired to identify and control the e! os)re to ris'1 which may have an im act on the achievement of an organi7ation<s b)siness ob6ectives. See www.mor-officialsite.com for more details.


ma6or incident


management information

management information system +/IS-

/anagement of .is' +/KoK.-

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Term management system

Definition The framewor' of olicy1 rocesses1 f)nctions1 standards1 g)idelines and tools that ens)res an organi7ation or art of an organi7ation can achieve its ob6ectives. This term is also )sed with a smaller sco e to s) ort a s ecific rocess or activity F for e!am le1 an event management system or ris' management system. See also system. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- A wor'aro)nd that re5)ires man)al intervention. /an)al wor'aro)nd is also )sed as the name of a recovery o tion in which the b)siness rocess o erates witho)t the )se of IT services. This is a tem orary meas)re and is )s)ally combined with another recovery o tion. +ITIL Service Strategy- The increase or decrease in the cost of rod)cing one more1 or one less1 )nit of o)t )t F for e!am le1 the cost of s) orting an additional )ser. +ITIL Service Strategy- 8 ort)nities that an IT service rovider co)ld e! loit to meet the b)siness needs of c)stomers. /ar'et s aces identify the ossible IT services that an IT service rovider may wish to consider delivering. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- A meas)re of the reliability1 efficiency and effectiveness of a rocess1 f)nction1 organi7ation etc. The most mat)re rocesses and f)nctions are formally aligned to b)siness ob6ectives and strategy1 and are s) orted by a framewor' for contin)al im rovement. A named level in a mat)rity model1 s)ch as the #arnegie /ellon #a ability /at)rity /odel Integration. +ITIL Service Design- A metric for meas)ring and re orting reliability. /T@3 is the average time that an IT service or other config)ration item can erform its agreed f)nction witho)t interr) tion. This is meas)red from when the config)ration item starts wor'ing1 )ntil it ne!t fails.

man)al wor'aro)nd

marginal cost

mar'et s ace


mat)rity level

mean time between fail)res +/T@3-

" #rown #o yright $%&& ;0

Term mean time between service incidents +/T@SI-

Definition +ITIL Service Design- A metric )sed for meas)ring and re orting reliability. It is the mean time from when a system or IT service fails1 )ntil it ne!t fails. /T@SI is e5)al to /T@3 l)s /T.S. The average time ta'en to re air an IT service or other config)ration item after a fail)re. /TT. is meas)red from when the config)ration item fails )ntil it is re aired. /TT. does not incl)de the time re5)ired to recover or restore. It is sometimes incorrectly )sed instead of mean time to restore service. The average time ta'en to restore an IT service or other config)ration item after a fail)re. /T.S is meas)red from when the config)ration item fails )ntil it is f)lly restored and delivering its normal f)nctionality. See also maintainability: mean time to repair. +ITIL Continual Service ImprovementSomething that is meas)red and re orted to hel manage a rocess1 IT service or activity. See also key performance indicator. +ITIL Service Design- Software that connects two or more software com onents or a lications. /iddleware is )s)ally )rchased from a s) lier1 rather than develo ed within the IT service rovider. See also commercial off the shelf. A short b)t com lete descri tion of the overall )r ose and intentions of an organi7ation. It states what is to be achieved1 b)t not how this sho)ld be done. See also vision. A re resentation of a system1 rocess1 IT service1 config)ration item etc. that is )sed to hel )nderstand or redict f)t)re behavio)r. A techni5)e that is )sed to redict the f)t)re behavio)r of a system1 rocess1 IT service1 config)ration item etc. /odelling is commonly )sed in financial management1 ca acity management and availability management.

mean time to re air +/TT.-

mean time to restore service +/T.S-






" #rown #o yright $%&& ;D

Term monitor control loo

Definition +ITIL Service Operation- /onitoring the o)t )t of a tas'1 rocess1 IT service or other config)ration item: com aring this o)t )t to a redefined norm: and ta'ing a ro riate action based on this com arison. +ITIL Service Operation- .e eated observation of a config)ration item1 IT service or rocess to detect events and to ens)re that the c)rrent stat)s is 'nown. +ITIL Service Strategy- ,rovision of services from a co)ntry near the co)ntry where the c)stomer is based. This can be the rovision of an IT service1 or of s) orting f)nctions s)ch as a service des'. See also offshore: onshore. +ITIL Service Strategy- A techni5)e )sed to hel ma'e decisions abo)t ca ital e! endit)re. It com ares cash inflows with cash o)tflows. ,ositive net resent val)e indicates that an investment is worthwhile. See also internal rate of return: return on investment. +ITIL Service Transition- A change that is not an emergency change or a standard change. Cormal changes follow the defined ste s of the change management rocess. +ITIL Service Operation- An o erational state where services and config)ration items are erforming within their agreed service and o erational levels. +ITIL Service Strategy- An a roach to charging for IT services. #harges to c)stomers are calc)lated and c)stomers are informed of the charge1 b)t no money is act)ally transferred. Cotional charging is sometimes introd)ced to ens)re that c)stomers are aware of the costs they inc)r1 or as a stage d)ring the introd)ction of real charging. The o)tcomes re5)ired from a rocess1 activity or organi7ation in order to ens)re that its )r ose will be f)lfilled. 8b6ectives are )s)ally e! ressed as meas)rable targets. The term is also informally )sed to mean a re5)irement.



net resent val)e +C,J-

normal change

normal service o eration

notional charging


" #rown #o yright $%&& ;E

Term off the shelf 8ffice of Government #ommerce +8G#-

Definition See commercial off the shelf. 8G# +former owner of @est /anagement ,ractice- and its f)nctions have moved into the #abinet 8ffice as art of */ Government. See www.cabinetoffice.gov.)' +ITIL Service Strategy- ,rovision of services from a location o)tside the co)ntry where the c)stomer is based1 often in a different continent. This can be the rovision of an IT service1 or of s) orting f)nctions s)ch as a service des'. See also near!shore: onshore. +ITIL Service Strategy- ,rovision of services from a location within the co)ntry where the c)stomer is based. See also near!shore: offshore. To erform as e! ected. A rocess or config)ration item is said to o erate if it is delivering the re5)ired o)t )ts. 8 erate also means to erform one or more o erations. 3or e!am le1 to o erate a com )ter is to do the day-to-day o erations needed for it to erform as e! ected. +ITIL Service Operation- ?ay-to-day management of an IT service1 system or other config)ration item. 8 eration is also )sed to mean any redefined activity or transaction F for e!am le1 loading a magnetic ta e1 acce ting money at a oint of sale1 or reading data from a dis' drive. The lowest of three levels of lanning and delivery +strategic1 tactical1 o erational-. 8 erational activities incl)de the day-to-day or short-term lanning or delivery of a b)siness rocess or IT service management rocess. The term is also a synonym for live. The cost res)lting from r)nning the IT services1 which often involves re eating ayments F for e!am le1 staff costs1 hardware maintenance and electricity +also 'nown as c)rrent e! endit)re or reven)e e! endit)re-. See also capital expenditure. See operational cost.



o erate

o eration

o erational

o erational cost

o erational e! endit)re +8,EG-

" #rown #o yright $%&& >%

Term o erational level agreement +8LA-

Definition +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Design- An agreement between an IT service rovider and another art of the same organi7ation. It s) orts the IT service rovider<s delivery of IT services to c)stomers and defines the goods or services to be rovided and the res onsibilities of both arties. 3or e!am le1 there co)ld be an o erational level agreement4 l @etween the IT service rovider and a roc)rement de artment to obtain hardware in agreed times @etween the service des' and a s) ort gro) to rovide incident resol)tion in agreed times.

See also service level agreement. o erations bridge +ITIL Service Operation- A hysical location where IT services and IT infrastr)ct)re are monitored and managed. See I' operations control. See I' operations management. +ITIL Service Strategy- A cost that is )sed in deciding between investment choices. 8 ort)nity cost re resents the reven)e that wo)ld have been generated by )sing the reso)rces in a different way. 3or e!am le1 the o ort)nity cost of )rchasing a new server may incl)de not carrying o)t a service im rovement activity that the money co)ld have been s ent on. 8 ort)nity cost analysis is )sed as art of a decision-ma'ing rocess1 b)t o ort)nity cost is not treated as an act)al cost in any financial statement. .eview1 lan and re5)est changes1 in order to obtain the ma!im)m efficiency and effectiveness from a rocess1 config)ration item1 a lication etc. A com any1 legal entity or other instit)tion. The term is sometimes )sed to refer to any entity that has eo le1 reso)rces and b)dgets F for e!am le1 a ro6ect or b)siness )nit.

o erations control o erations management o ort)nity cost

o timi7e


" #rown #o yright $%&& >&

Term o)tcome

Definition The res)lt of carrying o)t an activity1 following a rocess1 or delivering an IT service etc. The term is )sed to refer to intended res)lts as well as to act)al res)lts. See also ob#ective. +ITIL Service Strategy- =sing an e!ternal service rovider to manage IT services. See also service sourcing. See indirect cost. +ITIL Service Operation- A techni5)e )sed to hel identify the b)siness im act of one or more roblems. A form)la is )sed to calc)late ain val)e based on the n)mber of )sers affected1 the d)ration of the downtime1 the im act on each )ser1 and the cost to the b)siness +if 'nown-. +ITIL Service Operation- A techni5)e )sed to rioriti7e activities. The ,areto rinci le says that D%H of the val)e of any activity is created with $%H of the effort. ,areto analysis is also )sed in roblem management to rioriti7e ossible roblem ca)ses for investigation. A relationshi between two organi7ations that involves wor'ing closely together for common goals or m)t)al benefit. The IT service rovider sho)ld have a artnershi with the b)siness and with third arties who are critical to the delivery of IT services. See also value network. +ITIL Service Operation- /onitoring of a config)ration item1 an IT service or a rocess that relies on an alert or notification to discover the c)rrent stat)s. See also active monitoring. +ITIL Service Strategy- A wor'load rofile of one or more b)siness activities. ,atterns of b)siness activity are )sed to hel the IT service rovider )nderstand and lan for different levels of b)siness activity. See also user profile. +ITIL Service Design- The amo)nt of time that a com onent is b)sy over a given eriod of time. 3or e!am le1 if a #,= is b)sy for &1D%% seconds in a one-ho)r eriod1 its )tili7ation is >%H.


overhead ain val)e analysis

,areto rinci le


assive monitoring

attern of b)siness activity +,@A-

ercentage )tili7ation

" #rown #o yright $%&& >$

Term erformance

Definition A meas)re of what is achieved or delivered by a system1 erson1 team1 rocess or IT service. Activities to ens)re that something achieves its e! ected o)tcomes in an efficient and consistent manner. +ITIL Service Transition- A limited de loyment of an IT service1 a release or a rocess to the live environment. A ilot is )sed to red)ce ris' and to gain )ser feedbac' and acce tance. See also change evaluation: test. A detailed ro osal that describes the activities and reso)rces needed to achieve an ob6ective F for e!am le1 a lan to im lement a new IT service or rocess. IS8/IE# $%%%% re5)ires a lan for the management of each IT service management rocess. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- A fo)rstage cycle for rocess management1 attrib)ted to Edward ?eming. ,lan-?o#hec'-Act is also called the ?eming #ycle. Plan F design or revise rocesses that s) ort the IT services: Do F im lement the lan and manage the rocesses: Check F meas)re the rocesses and IT services1 com are with ob6ectives and rod)ce re orts: Act F lan and im lement changes to im rove the rocesses. +ITIL Service Design- Agreed time when an IT service will not be available. ,lanned downtime is often )sed for maintenance1 ) grades and testing. See also change window: downtime. An activity res onsible for creating one or more lans F for e!am le1 ca acity lanning. 3ormally doc)mented management e! ectations and intentions. ,olicies are )sed to direct decisions1 and to ens)re consistent and a ro riate develo ment and im lementation of rocesses1 standards1 roles1 activities1 IT infrastr)ct)re etc.

erformance management



,lan-?o-#hec'-Act +,?#A-

lanned downtime

lanning olicy

" #rown #o yright $%&& >9

Term ortable facility

Definition +ITIL Service Design- A refabricated b)ilding1 or a large vehicle1 rovided by a third arty and moved to a site when needed according to an IT service contin)ity lan. See also fixed facility: recovery option. A review that ta'es lace after a change or a ro6ect has been im lemented. It determines if the change or ro6ect was s)ccessf)l1 and identifies o ort)nities for im rovement. A way of wor'ing1 or a way in which wor' m)st be done. ,ractices can incl)de activities1 rocesses1 f)nctions1 standards and g)idelines. See also best practice. An activity that needs to be com leted1 or a condition that needs to be met1 to enable s)ccessf)l im lementation of a lan or rocess. It is often an o)t )t from one rocess that is a re5)ired in )t to another rocess. +ITIL Service Strategy- ,ricing is the activity for establishing how m)ch c)stomers will be charged. See $Ro#ects I- Controlled .nvironments. +ITIL Service Operation- +ITIL Service Transition- A category )sed to identify the relative im ortance of an incident1 roblem or change. ,riority is based on im act and )rgency1 and is )sed to identify re5)ired times for actions to be ta'en. 3or e!am le1 the service level agreement may state that ,riority $ incidents m)st be resolved within &$ ho)rs. +ITIL Service Operation- /onitoring that loo's for atterns of events to redict ossible f)t)re fail)res. See also reactive monitoring. +ITIL Service Operation- ,art of the roblem management rocess. The ob6ective of roactive roblem management is to identify roblems that might otherwise be missed. ,roactive roblem management analyses incident records1 and )ses data collected by other IT service management rocesses to identify trends or significant roblems.

ost-im lementation review +,I.-


rere5)isite for s)ccess +,3S-


,.IC#E$ riority

roactive monitoring

roactive roblem management

" #rown #o yright $%&& >;

Term roblem

Definition +ITIL Service Operation- A ca)se of one or more incidents. The ca)se is not )s)ally 'nown at the time a roblem record is created1 and the roblem management rocess is res onsible for f)rther investigation. +ITIL Service Operation- The rocess res onsible for managing the lifecycle of all roblems. ,roblem management roactively revents incidents from ha ening and minimi7es the im act of incidents that cannot be revented. +ITIL Service Operation- A record containing the details of a roblem. Each roblem record doc)ments the lifecycle of a single roblem. A doc)ment containing ste s that s ecify how to achieve an activity. ,roced)res are defined as art of rocesses. See also work instruction. A str)ct)red set of activities designed to accom lish a s ecific ob6ective. A rocess ta'es one or more defined in )ts and t)rns them into defined o)t )ts. It may incl)de any of the roles1 res onsibilities1 tools and management controls re5)ired to reliably deliver the o)t )ts. A rocess may define olicies1 standards1 g)idelines1 activities and wor' instr)ctions if they are needed. The activity of lanning and reg)lating a rocess1 with the ob6ective of erforming the rocess in an effective1 efficient and consistent manner. A role res onsible for the o erational management of a rocess. The rocess manager<s res onsibilities incl)de lanning and coordination of all activities re5)ired to carry o)t1 monitor and re ort on the rocess. There may be several rocess managers for one rocess F for e!am le1 regional change managers or IT service contin)ity managers for each data centre. The rocess manager role is often assigned to the erson who carries o)t the rocess owner role1 b)t the two roles may be se arate in larger organi7ations.

roblem management

roblem record



rocess control

rocess manager

" #rown #o yright $%&& >>

Term rocess owner

Definition The erson who is held acco)ntable for ens)ring that a rocess is fit for )r ose. The rocess owner<s res onsibilities incl)de s onsorshi 1 design1 change management and contin)al im rovement of the rocess and its metrics. This role can be assigned to the same erson who carries o)t the rocess manager role1 b)t the two roles may be se arate in larger organi7ations. See live environment. +ITIL Service Strategy- A b)siness )nit that charges for services rovided. A rofit centre can be created with the ob6ective of ma'ing a rofit1 recovering costs1 or r)nning at a loss. An IT service rovider can be r)n as a cost centre or a rofit centre. A tem late or e!am le doc)ment containing sam le data that will be re laced with real val)es when these are available. A n)mber of ro6ects and activities that are lanned and managed together to achieve an overall set of related ob6ectives and other o)tcomes. A tem orary organi7ation1 with eo le and other assets1 that is re5)ired to achieve an ob6ective or other o)tcome. Each ro6ect has a lifecycle that ty ically incl)des initiation1 lanning1 e!ec)tion1 and clos)re. ,ro6ects are )s)ally managed )sing a formal methodology s)ch as ,.o6ects IC #ontrolled Environments +,.IC#E$- or the ,ro6ect /anagement @ody of Bnowledge +,/@8B-. See also charter: pro#ect management office: pro#ect portfolio. See charter. A ro6ect management standard maintained and )blished by the ,ro6ect /anagement Instit)te. See www. mi.org for more information. See also $Ro#ects I- Controlled .nvironments /$RI-C.01.

rod)ction environment rofit centre




ro6ect charter ,ro6ect /anagement @ody of Bnowledge +,/@8B-

" #rown #o yright $%&& >A

Term ,ro6ect /anagement Instit)te +,/I-

Definition A membershi association that advances the ro6ect management rofession thro)gh globally recogni7ed standards and certifications1 collaborative comm)nities1 an e!tensive research rogramme1 and rofessional develo ment o ort)nities. ,/I is a not-for- rofit membershi organi7ation with re resentation in many co)ntries aro)nd the world. ,/I maintains and )blishes the ,ro6ect /anagement @ody of Bnowledge +,/@8B-. See www. mi.org for more information. See also $Ro#ects I- Controlled .nvironments /$RI-C.01. +ITIL Service Design- +ITIL Service StrategyA f)nction or gro) res onsible for managing the lifecycle of ro6ects. See also charter: pro#ect portfolio. +ITIL Service Design- +ITIL Service StrategyA database or str)ct)red doc)ment )sed to manage ro6ects thro)gho)t their lifecycle. The ro6ect ortfolio is )sed to coordinate ro6ects and ens)re that they meet their ob6ectives in a cost-effective and timely manner. In larger organi7ations1 the ro6ect ortfolio is ty ically defined and maintained by a ro6ect management office. The ro6ect ortfolio is im ortant to service ortfolio management as new services and significant changes are normally managed as ro6ects. See also charter. +ITIL Service Transition- A doc)ment that identifies the effect of lanned changes1 maintenance activities and test lans on agreed service levels. The standard =B government methodology for ro6ect management. See www. rinceofficialsite.com for more information. See also $ro#ect (anagement &ody of +nowledge /$(&O+1. +ITIL Service Transition- An activity that ens)res that the IT infrastr)ct)re is a ro riate and correctly config)red to s) ort an a lication or IT service. See also validation.

ro6ect management office +,/8-

ro6ect ortfolio

ro6ected service o)tage +,S8-

,.o6ects IC #ontrolled Environments +,.IC#E$-


" #rown #o yright $%&& >0

Term 5)ality

Definition The ability of a rod)ct1 service or rocess to rovide the intended val)e. 3or e!am le1 a hardware com onent can be considered to be of high 5)ality if it erforms as e! ected and delivers the re5)ired reliability. ,rocess 5)ality also re5)ires an ability to monitor effectiveness and efficiency1 and to im rove them if necessary. See also "uality management system. +ITIL Service Transition- The rocess res onsible for ens)ring that the 5)ality of a service1 rocess or other service asset will rovide its intended val)e. L)ality ass)rance is also )sed to refer to a f)nction or team that erforms 5)ality ass)rance. This rocess is not described in detail within the core ITIL )blications. See also service validation and testing. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- The framewor' of olicy1 rocesses1 f)nctions1 standards1 g)idelines and tools that ens)res an organi7ation is of a s)itable 5)ality to reliably meet b)siness ob6ectives or service levels. See also I O )***. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- An im rovement activity that is e! ected to rovide a ret)rn on investment in a short eriod of time with relatively small cost and effort. See also $areto principle. +ITIL Service Design- A model )sed to hel define roles and res onsibilities. .A#I stands for res onsible1 acco)ntable1 cons)lted and informed. +ITIL Service Operation- /onitoring that ta'es lace in res onse to an event. 3or e!am le1 s)bmitting a batch 6ob when the revio)s 6ob com letes1 or logging an incident when an error occ)rs. See also proactive monitoring. +ITIL Service Strategy- A charging olicy where act)al money is transferred from the c)stomer to the IT service rovider in ayment for the delivery of IT services. See also notional charging.

5)ality ass)rance +LA-

5)ality management system +L/S-

5)ic' win


reactive monitoring

real charging

" #rown #o yright $%&& >D

Term reci rocal arrangement

Definition +ITIL Service Design- A recovery o tion. An agreement between two organi7ations to share reso)rces in an emergency F for e!am le1 high-s eed rinting facilities or com )ter room s ace. A doc)ment containing the res)lts or other o)t )t from a rocess or activity. .ecords are evidence of the fact that an activity too' lace and may be a er or electronic F for e!am le1 an a)dit re ort1 an incident record or the min)tes of a meeting. +ITIL Service Design- +ITIL Service Operation- .et)rning a config)ration item or an IT service to a wor'ing state. .ecovery of an IT service often incl)des recovering data to a 'nown consistent state. After recovery1 f)rther ste s may be needed before the IT service can be made available to the )sers +restoration-. +ITIL Service Design- A strategy for res onding to an interr) tion to service. #ommonly )sed strategies are man)al wor'aro)nd1 reci rocal arrangement1 grad)al recovery1 intermediate recovery1 fast recovery1 and immediate recovery. .ecovery o tions may ma'e )se of dedicated facilities or third- arty facilities shared by m)lti le b)sinesses. +ITIL Service Design- +ITIL Service Operation- The ma!im)m amo)nt of data that may be lost when service is restored after an interr) tion. The recovery oint ob6ective is e! ressed as a length of time before the fail)re. 3or e!am le1 a recovery oint ob6ective of one day may be s) orted by daily bac') s1 and ) to $; ho)rs of data may be lost. .ecovery oint ob6ectives for each IT service sho)ld be negotiated1 agreed and doc)mented1 and )sed as re5)irements for service design and IT service contin)ity lans.



recovery o tion

recovery oint ob6ective +.,8-

" #rown #o yright $%&& >E

Term recovery time ob6ective +.T8-

Definition +ITIL Service Design- +ITIL Service Operation- The ma!im)m time allowed for the recovery of an IT service following an interr) tion. The service level to be rovided may be less than normal service level targets. .ecovery time ob6ectives for each IT service sho)ld be negotiated1 agreed and doc)mented. See also business impact analysis . +ITIL Service Design- =se of one or more additional config)ration items to rovide fa)lt tolerance. The term also has a generic meaning of obsolescence1 or no longer needed. A connection or interaction between two eo le or things. In b)siness relationshi management1 it is the interaction between the IT service rovider and the b)siness. In service asset and config)ration management1 it is a lin' between two config)ration items that identifies a de endency or connection between them. 3or e!am le1 a lications may be lin'ed to the servers they r)n on1 and IT services have many lin's to all the config)ration items that contrib)te to that IT service. rocesses The IS8/IE# $%%%% rocess gro) that incl)des b)siness relationshi management and s) lier management. +ITIL Service Transition- 8ne or more changes to an IT service that are b)ilt1 tested and de loyed together. A single release may incl)de changes to hardware1 software1 doc)mentation1 rocesses and other com onents. +ITIL Service Transition- The rocess res onsible for lanning1 sched)ling and controlling the b)ild1 test and de loyment of releases1 and for delivering new f)nctionality re5)ired by the b)siness while rotecting the integrity of e!isting services. +ITIL Service Transition- A naming convention )sed to )ni5)ely identify a release. The release identification ty ically incl)des a reference to the config)ration item and a version n)mber F for e!am le1 /icrosoft 8ffice $%&% S.$.





release and de loyment management

release identification

" #rown #o yright $%&& A%

Term release management release ac'age

Definition See release and deployment management. +ITIL Service Transition- A set of config)ration items that will be b)ilt1 tested and de loyed together as a single release. Each release ac'age will )s)ally incl)de one or more release )nits. +ITIL Service Transition- A record that defines the content of a release. A release record has relationshi s with all config)ration items that are affected by the release. .elease records may be in the config)ration management system or elsewhere in the service 'nowledge management system. +ITIL Service Transition- #om onents of an IT service that are normally released together. A release )nit ty ically incl)des s)fficient com onents to erform a )sef)l f)nction. 3or e!am le1 one release )nit co)ld be a des'to ,#1 incl)ding hardware1 software1 licences1 doc)mentation etc. A different release )nit may be the com lete ayroll a lication1 incl)ding IT o erations roced)res and )ser training. See change window. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Design- A meas)re of how long an IT service or other config)ration item can erform its agreed f)nction witho)t interr) tion. =s)ally meas)red as /T@3 or /T@SI. The term can also be )sed to state how li'ely it is that a rocess1 f)nction etc. will deliver its re5)ired o)t )ts. See also availability. +ITIL Service Transition- Actions ta'en to recover after a failed change or release. .emediation may incl)de bac'-o)t1 invocation of service contin)ity lans1 or other actions designed to enable the b)siness rocess to contin)e. +ITIL Service Operation- The re lacement or correction of a failed config)ration item.

release record

release )nit

release window reliability


re air

" #rown #o yright $%&& A&

Term re5)est for change +.3#-

Definition +ITIL Service Transition- A formal ro osal for a change to be made. It incl)des details of the ro osed change1 and may be recorded on a er or electronically. The term is often mis)sed to mean a change record1 or the change itself. +ITIL Service Operation- The rocess res onsible for managing the lifecycle of all service re5)ests. +ITIL Service Operation- A re eatable way of dealing with a artic)lar category of service re5)est. A re5)est model defines s ecific agreed ste s that will be followed for a service re5)est of this category. .e5)est models may be very sim le1 with no re5)irement for a)thori7ation +e.g. assword reset-1 or may be more com le! with many ste s that re5)ire a)thori7ation +e.g. rovision of an e!isting IT service-. See also re"uest fulfilment. +ITIL Service Design- A formal statement of what is needed F for e!am le1 a service level re5)irement1 a ro6ect re5)irement or the re5)ired deliverables for a rocess. See also statement of re"uirements. +ITIL Service Design- The ability of an IT service or other config)ration item to resist fail)re or to recover in a timely manner following a fail)re. 3or e!am le1 an armo)red cable will resist fail)re when )t )nder stress. See also fault tolerance. +ITIL Service Operation- Action ta'en to re air the root ca)se of an incident or roblem1 or to im lement a wor'aro)nd. In IS8/IE# $%%%%1 resol)tion rocesses is the rocess gro) that incl)des incident and roblem management. The IS8/IE# $%%%% rocess gro) that incl)des incident and roblem management. +ITIL Service Strategy- A generic term that incl)des IT infrastr)ct)re1 eo le1 money or anything else that might hel to deliver an IT service. .eso)rces are considered to be assets of an organi7ation. See also capability: service asset.

re5)est f)lfilment

re5)est model




resol)tion rocesses reso)rce

" #rown #o yright $%&& A$

Term res onse time

Definition A meas)re of the time ta'en to com lete an o eration or transaction. =sed in ca acity management as a meas)re of IT infrastr)ct)re erformance1 and in incident management as a meas)re of the time ta'en to answer the hone1 or to start diagnosis. A meas)rement of the time ta'en to res ond to something. This co)ld be res onse time of a transaction1 or the s eed with which an IT service rovider res onds to an incident or re5)est for change etc. See restore. +ITIL Service Operation- Ta'ing action to ret)rn an IT service to the )sers after re air and recovery from an incident. This is the rimary ob6ective of incident management. +ITIL Service Transition- ,ermanent removal of an IT service1 or other config)ration item1 from the live environment. @eing retired is a stage in the lifecycle of many config)ration items. +ITIL Service Strategy- A meas)rement of the rofitability of a b)siness )nit or organi7ation. .et)rn on assets is calc)lated by dividing the ann)al net income by the total val)e of assets. See also return on investment. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Strategy- A meas)rement of the e! ected benefit of an investment. In the sim lest sense1 it is the net rofit of an investment divided by the net worth of the assets invested. See also net present value: value on investment. +ITIL Service Design- The hase of an IT service contin)ity lan d)ring which f)ll normal o erations are res)med. 3or e!am le1 if an alternative data centre has been in )se1 then this hase will bring the rimary data centre bac' into o eration1 and restore the ability to invo'e IT service contin)ity lans again.

res onsiveness

restoration of service restore


ret)rn on assets +.8A-

ret)rn on investment +.8I-

ret)rn to normal

" #rown #o yright $%&& A9

Term review

Definition An eval)ation of a change1 roblem1 rocess1 ro6ect etc. .eviews are ty ically carried o)t at redefined oints in the lifecycle1 and es ecially after clos)re. The )r ose of a review is to ens)re that all deliverables have been rovided1 and to identify o ort)nities for im rovement. See also change evaluation: post!implementation review. +ITIL Service Operation- Entitlements1 or ermissions1 granted to a )ser or role F for e!am le1 the right to modify artic)lar data1 or to a)thori7e a change. A ossible event that co)ld ca)se harm or loss1 or affect the ability to achieve ob6ectives. A ris' is meas)red by the robability of a threat1 the v)lnerability of the asset to that threat1 and the im act it wo)ld have if it occ)rred. .is' can also be defined as )ncertainty of o)tcome1 and can be )sed in the conte!t of meas)ring the robability of ositive o)tcomes as well as negative o)tcomes. The initial ste s of ris' management4 analysing the val)e of assets to the b)siness1 identifying threats to those assets1 and eval)ating how v)lnerable each asset is to those threats. .is' assessment can be 5)antitative +based on n)merical data- or 5)alitative. The rocess res onsible for identifying1 assessing and controlling ris's. .is' management is also sometimes )sed to refer to the second art of the overall rocess after ris's have been identified and assessed1 as in Iris' assessment and management<. This rocess is not described in detail within the core ITIL )blications. See also risk assessment. A set of res onsibilities1 activities and a)thorities assigned to a erson or team. A role is defined in a rocess or f)nction. 8ne erson or team may have m)lti le roles F for e!am le1 the roles of config)ration manager and change manager may be carried o)t by a single erson. .ole is also )sed to describe the )r ose of something or what it is )sed for.



ris' assessment

ris' management


" #rown #o yright $%&& A;

Term root ca)se root ca)se analysis +.#A-

Definition +ITIL Service Operation- The )nderlying or original ca)se of an incident or roblem. +ITIL Service Operation- An activity that identifies the root ca)se of an incident or roblem. .oot ca)se analysis ty ically concentrates on IT infrastr)ct)re fail)res. See also service failure analysis. See operational costs. =S law that reg)lates financial ractice and cor orate governance. The ability of an IT service1 rocess1 config)ration item etc. to erform its agreed f)nction when the wor'load or sco e changes. The bo)ndary or e!tent to which a rocess1 roced)re1 certification1 contract etc. a lies. 3or e!am le1 the sco e of change management may incl)de all live IT services and related config)ration items: the sco e of an IS8/IE# $%%%% certificate may incl)de all IT services delivered o)t of a named data centre. ort +ITIL Service Operation- The second level in a hierarchy of s) ort gro) s involved in the resol)tion of incidents and investigation of roblems. Each level contains more s ecialist s'ills1 or has more time or other reso)rces. See information security management . See information security management . +ITIL Service Design- A set of tools1 data and information that is )sed to s) ort information sec)rity management. The sec)rity management information system is art of the information sec)rity management system. See also service knowledge management system. See information security policy.

r)nning costs Sarbanes-8!ley +S8Gscalability

sco e

second-line s)

sec)rity sec)rity management sec)rity management information system +S/IS-

sec)rity olicy

" #rown #o yright $%&& A>

Term se aration of concerns +So#-

Definition An a roach to designing a sol)tion or IT service that divides the roblem into ieces that can be solved inde endently. This a roach se arates what is to be done from how it is to be done. +ITIL Service Operation- A com )ter that is connected to a networ' and rovides software f)nctions that are )sed by other com )ters. A means of delivering val)e to c)stomers by facilitating o)tcomes c)stomers want to achieve witho)t the ownershi of s ecific costs and ris's. The term Iservice< is sometimes )sed as a synonym for core service1 IT service or service ac'age. See also utility: warranty. +ITIL Service Transition- A set of criteria )sed to ens)re that an IT service meets its f)nctionality and 5)ality re5)irements and that the IT service rovider is ready to o erate the new IT service when it has been de loyed. See also acceptance. +ITIL Service Strategy- A techni5)e )sed in the assessment of the b)siness im act of incidents. Service analytics models the de endencies between config)ration items1 and the de endencies of IT services on config)ration items. Any reso)rce or ca ability of a service rovider. See also asset. +ITIL Service Transition- The rocess res onsible for ens)ring that the assets re5)ired to deliver services are ro erly controlled1 and that acc)rate and reliable information abo)t those assets is available when and where it is needed. This information incl)des details of how the assets have been config)red and the relationshi s between assets. See also configuration management system.



service acce tance criteria +SA#-

service analytics

service asset service asset and config)ration management +SA#/-

" #rown #o yright $%&& AA

Term service ca acity management +S#/-

Definition +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Design- The s)b- rocess of ca acity management res onsible for )nderstanding the erformance and ca acity of IT services. Information on the reso)rces )sed by each IT service and the attern of )sage over time are collected1 recorded and analysed for )se in the ca acity lan. See also business capacity management: component capacity management. +ITIL Service Design- +ITIL Service StrategyA database or str)ct)red doc)ment with information abo)t all live IT services1 incl)ding those available for de loyment. The service catalog)e is art of the service ortfolio and contains information abo)t two ty es of IT service4 c)stomer-facing services that are visible to the b)siness: and s) orting services re5)ired by the service rovider to deliver c)stomer-facing services. See also customer agreement portfolio: service catalogue management. +ITIL Service Design- The rocess res onsible for roviding and maintaining the service catalog)e and for ens)ring that it is available to those who are a)thori7ed to access it. See change. +ITIL Service Design- +ITIL Service StrategyA doc)ment that contains details of a new or changed service. Cew service introd)ctions and significant service changes are doc)mented in a charter and a)thori7ed by service ortfolio management. Service charters are assed to the service design lifecycle stage where a new or modified service design ac'age will be created. The term charter is also )sed to describe the act of a)thori7ing the wor' re5)ired by each stage of the service lifecycle with res ect to the new or changed service. See also change proposal: service portfolio: service catalogue. See I' service continuity management.

service catalog)e

service catalog)e management

service change service charter

service contin)ity management

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Term service contract

Definition +ITIL Service Strategy- A contract to deliver one or more IT services. The term is also )sed to mean any agreement to deliver IT services1 whether this is a legal contract or a service level agreement. See also customer agreement portfolio. A c)stomer-oriented c)lt)re. The ma6or ob6ectives of a service c)lt)re are c)stomer satisfaction and hel ing c)stomers to achieve their b)siness ob6ectives. +ITIL Service Design- A stage in the lifecycle of a service. Service design incl)des the design of the services1 governing ractices1 rocesses and olicies re5)ired to reali7e the service rovider<s strategy and to facilitate the introd)ction of services into s) orted environments. Service design incl)des the following rocesses4 design coordination1 service catalog)e management1 service level management1 availability management1 ca acity management1 IT service contin)ity management1 information sec)rity management1 and s) lier management. Altho)gh these rocesses are associated with service design1 most rocesses have activities that ta'e lace across m)lti le stages of the service lifecycle. See also design. +ITIL Service Design- ?oc)ment+s- defining all as ects of an IT service and its re5)irements thro)gh each stage of its lifecycle. A service design ac'age is rod)ced for each new IT service1 ma6or change or IT service retirement. +ITIL Service Operation- The single oint of contact between the service rovider and the )sers. A ty ical service des' manages incidents and service re5)ests1 and also handles comm)nication with the )sers. +ITIL Service Design- A techni5)e that identifies )nderlying ca)ses of one or more IT service interr) tions. Service fail)re analysis identifies o ort)nities to im rove the IT service rovider<s rocesses and tools1 and not 6)st the IT infrastr)ct)re. It is a timeconstrained1 ro6ect-li'e activity1 rather than an ongoing rocess of analysis.

service c)lt)re

service design

service design ac'age +S?,-

service des'

service fail)re analysis +S3A-

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Term service ho)rs

Definition +ITIL Service Design- An agreed time eriod when a artic)lar IT service sho)ld be available. 3or e!am le1 I/ondayF3riday %D4%% to &04%% e!ce t )blic holidays<. Service ho)rs sho)ld be defined in a service level agreement. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- A formal lan to im lement im rovements to a rocess or IT service. +ITIL Service Transition- A set of tools and databases that is )sed to manage 'nowledge1 information and data. The service 'nowledge management system incl)des the config)ration management system1 as well as other databases and information systems. The service 'nowledge management system incl)des tools for collecting1 storing1 managing1 ) dating1 analysing and resenting all the 'nowledge1 information and data that an IT service rovider will need to manage the f)ll lifecycle of IT services. See also knowledge management. /eas)red and re orted achievement against one or more service level targets. The term is sometimes )sed informally to mean service level target. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Design- An agreement between an IT service rovider and a c)stomer. A service level agreement describes the IT service1 doc)ments service level targets1 and s ecifies the res onsibilities of the IT service rovider and the c)stomer. A single agreement may cover m)lti le IT services or m)lti le c)stomers. See also operational level agreement. +ITIL Service Design- The rocess res onsible for negotiating achievable service level agreements and ens)ring that these are met. It is res onsible for ens)ring that all IT service management rocesses1 o erational level agreements and )nder inning contracts are a ro riate for the agreed service level targets. Service level management monitors and re orts on service levels1 holds reg)lar service reviews with c)stomers1 and identifies re5)ired im rovements.

service im rovement lan +SI,-

service 'nowledge management system +SB/S-

service level

service level agreement +SLA-

service level management +SL/-

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Term service level ac'age +SL,service level re5)irement +SL.-

Definition See service option. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Design- A c)stomer re5)irement for an as ect of an IT service. Service level re5)irements are based on b)siness ob6ectives and )sed to negotiate agreed service level targets. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Design- A commitment that is doc)mented in a service level agreement. Service level targets are based on service level re5)irements1 and are needed to ens)re that the IT service is able to meet b)siness ob6ectives. They sho)ld be S/A.T1 and are )s)ally based on 'ey erformance indicators. An a roach to IT service management that em hasi7es the im ortance of coordination and control across the vario)s f)nctions1 rocesses and systems necessary to manage the f)ll lifecycle of IT services. The service lifecycle a roach considers the strategy1 design1 transition1 o eration and contin)al im rovement of IT services. Also 'nown as service management lifecycle. +ITIL Service Operation- The e! ected time that a config)ration item will be )navailable d)e to lanned maintenance activity. A set of s eciali7ed organi7ational ca abilities for roviding val)e to c)stomers in the form of services. See service lifecycle. A generic term for any manager within the service rovider. /ost commonly )sed to refer to a b)siness relationshi manager1 a rocess manager or a senior manager with res onsibility for IT services overall. +ITIL Service Strategy- A model that shows how service assets interact with c)stomer assets to create val)e. Service models describe the str)ct)re of a service +how the config)ration items fit together- and the dynamics of the service +activities1 flow of reso)rces and interactions-. A service model can be )sed as a tem late or bl)e rint for m)lti le services.

service level target

service lifecycle

service maintenance ob6ective +S/8-

service management

service management lifecycle service manager

service model

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Term service o eration

Definition +ITIL Service Operation- A stage in the lifecycle of a service. Service o eration coordinates and carries o)t the activities and rocesses re5)ired to deliver and manage services at agreed levels to b)siness )sers and c)stomers. Service o eration also manages the technology that is )sed to deliver and s) ort services. Service o eration incl)des the following rocesses4 event management1 incident management1 re5)est f)lfilment1 roblem management1 and access management. Service o eration also incl)des the following f)nctions4 service des'1 technical management1 IT o erations management1 and a lication management. Altho)gh these rocesses and f)nctions are associated with service o eration1 most rocesses and f)nctions have activities that ta'e lace across m)lti le stages of the service lifecycle. See also operation. +ITIL Service Design- +ITIL Service StrategyA choice of )tility and warranty offered to c)stomers by a core service or service ac'age. Service o tions are sometimes referred to as service level ac'ages. +ITIL Service Strategy- A role res onsible for managing one or more services thro)gho)t their entire lifecycle. Service owners are instr)mental in the develo ment of service strategy and are res onsible for the content of the service ortfolio. See also business relationship management. +ITIL Service Strategy- Two or more services that have been combined to offer a sol)tion to a s ecific ty e of c)stomer need or to )nder in s ecific b)siness o)tcomes. A service ac'age can consist of a combination of core services1 enabling services and enhancing services. A service ac'age rovides a s ecific level of )tility and warranty. #)stomers may be offered a choice of )tility and warranty thro)gh one or more service o tions. See also I' service.

service o tion

service owner

service ac'age

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Term service i eline

Definition +ITIL Service Strategy- A database or str)ct)red doc)ment listing all IT services that are )nder consideration or develo ment1 b)t are not yet available to c)stomers. The service i eline rovides a b)siness view of ossible f)t)re IT services and is art of the service ortfolio that is not normally )blished to c)stomers. +ITIL Service Strategy- The com lete set of services that is managed by a service rovider. The service ortfolio is )sed to manage the entire lifecycle of all services1 and incl)des three categories4 service i eline + ro osed or in develo ment-1 service catalog)e +live or available for de loyment-1 and retired services. See also customer agreement portfolio: service portfolio management. +ITIL Service Strategy- The rocess res onsible for managing the service ortfolio. Service ortfolio management ens)res that the service rovider has the right mi! of services to meet re5)ired b)siness o)tcomes at an a ro riate level of investment. Service ortfolio management considers services in terms of the b)siness val)e that they rovide. +ITIL Service Strategy- The total ossible val)e of the overall ca abilities and reso)rces of the IT service rovider. +ITIL Service Strategy- An organi7ation s) lying services to one or more internal c)stomers or e!ternal c)stomers. Service rovider is often )sed as an abbreviation for IT service rovider. See also 'ype I service provider: 'ype II service provider: 'ype III service provider. +ITIL Service Strategy- An interface between the IT service rovider and a )ser1 c)stomer1 b)siness rocess or s) lier. Analysis of service rovider interfaces hel s to coordinate end-to-end management of IT services.

service ortfolio

service ortfolio management +S,/-

service otential

service rovider

service rovider interface +S,I-

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Term service re orting

Definition +ITIL Continual Service ImprovementActivities that rod)ce and deliver re orts of achievement and trends against service levels. The format1 content and fre5)ency of re orts sho)ld be agreed with c)stomers. +ITIL Service Operation- A formal re5)est from a )ser for something to be rovided F for e!am le1 a re5)est for information or advice: to reset a assword: or to install a wor'station for a new )ser. Service re5)ests are managed by the re5)est f)lfilment rocess1 )s)ally in con6)nction with the service des'. Service re5)ests may be lin'ed to a re5)est for change as art of f)lfilling the re5)est. +ITIL Service Strategy- The strategy and a roach for deciding whether to rovide a service internally1 to o)tso)rce it to an e!ternal service rovider1 or to combine the two a roaches. Service so)rcing also means the e!ec)tion of this strategy. See also insourcing: internal service provider: outsourcing. +ITIL Service Strategy- A stage in the lifecycle of a service. Service strategy defines the ers ective1 osition1 lans and atterns that a service rovider needs to e!ec)te to meet an organi7ation<s b)siness o)tcomes. Service strategy incl)des the following rocesses4 strategy management for IT services1 service ortfolio management1 financial management for IT services1 demand management1 and b)siness relationshi management. Altho)gh these rocesses are associated with service strategy1 most rocesses have activities that ta'e lace across m)lti le stages of the service lifecycle.

service re5)est

service so)rcing

service strategy

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Term service transition

Definition +ITIL Service Transition- A stage in the lifecycle of a service. Service transition ens)res that new1 modified or retired services meet the e! ectations of the b)siness as doc)mented in the service strategy and service design stages of the lifecycle. Service transition incl)des the following rocesses4 transition lanning and s) ort1 change management1 service asset and config)ration management1 release and de loyment management1 service validation and testing1 change eval)ation1 and 'nowledge management. Altho)gh these rocesses are associated with service transition1 most rocesses have activities that ta'e lace across m)lti le stages of the service lifecycle. See also transition. +ITIL Service Transition- The rocess res onsible for validation and testing of a new or changed IT service. Service validation and testing ens)res that the IT service matches its design s ecification and will meet the needs of the b)siness. +ITIL Service Strategy- A meas)rement of the total cost of delivering an IT service1 and the total val)e to the b)siness of that IT service. Service val)ation is )sed to hel the b)siness and the IT service rovider agree on the val)e of the IT service. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Design- The ability of a third- arty s) lier to meet the terms of its contract. This contract will incl)de agreed levels of reliability1 maintainability and availability for a config)ration item. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- The rocess res onsible for defining and managing the ste s needed to identify1 define1 gather1 rocess1 analyse1 resent and im lement im rovements. The erformance of the IT service rovider is contin)ally meas)red by this rocess and im rovements are made to rocesses1 IT services and IT infrastr)ct)re in order to increase efficiency1 effectiveness and cost effectiveness. 8 ort)nities for im rovement are recorded and managed in the #SI register. See 'ype II service provider.

service validation and testing

service val)ation


seven-ste im rovement rocess

shared service )nit

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Term shift

Definition +ITIL Service Operation- A gro) or team of eo le who carry o)t a s ecific role for a fi!ed eriod of time. 3or e!am le1 there co)ld be fo)r shifts of IT o erations control ersonnel to s) ort an IT service that is )sed $; ho)rs a day. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Design- A techni5)e that creates a detailed model to redict the behavio)r of an IT service or other config)ration item. A sim)lation model is often created by )sing the act)al config)ration items that are being modelled with artificial wor'loads or transactions. They are )sed in ca acity management when acc)rate res)lts are im ortant. A sim)lation model is sometimes called a erformance benchmar'. See also analytical modelling: modelling. +ITIL Service Operation- ,roviding a single consistent way to comm)nicate with an organi7ation or b)siness )nit. 3or e!am le1 a single oint of contact for an IT service rovider is )s)ally called a service des'. +ITIL Service Design- Any config)ration item that can ca)se an incident when it fails1 and for which a co)ntermeas)re has not been im lemented. A single oint of fail)re may be a erson or a ste in a rocess or activity1 as well as a com onent of the IT infrastr)ct)re. See also failure. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- A service level agreement monitoring chart is )sed to hel monitor and re ort achievements against service level targets. A SLA/ chart is ty ically colo)r-coded to show whether each agreed service level target has been met1 missed or nearly missed d)ring each of the revio)s &$ months. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Design- An acronym for hel ing to remember that targets in service level agreements and ro6ect lans sho)ld be s ecific1 meas)rable1 achievable1 relevant and time-bo)nd.

sim)lation modelling

single oint of contact

single oint of fail)re +S,83-

SLA/ chart


" #rown #o yright $%&& 0>

Term sna shot

Definition +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Transition- The c)rrent state of a config)ration item1 rocess or any other set of data recorded at a s ecific oint in time. Sna shots can be ca t)red by discovery tools or by man)al techni5)es s)ch as an assessment. See also baseline: benchmark. +ITIL Service Transition- The rocess res onsible for trac'ing and re orting the )se and ownershi of software assets thro)gho)t their lifecycle. Software asset management is art of an overall service asset and config)ration management rocess. This rocess is not described in detail within the core ITIL )blications. See service sourcing. A formal definition of re5)irements. A s ecification may be )sed to define technical or o erational re5)irements1 and may be internal or e!ternal. /any )blic standards consist of a code of ractice and a s ecification. The s ecification defines the standard against which an organi7ation can be a)dited. A erson who has an interest in an organi7ation1 ro6ect1 IT service etc. Sta'eholders may be interested in the activities1 targets1 reso)rces or deliverables. Sta'eholders may incl)de c)stomers1 artners1 em loyees1 shareholders1 owners etc. See also RACI. A mandatory re5)irement. E!am les incl)de IS8/IE# $%%%% +an international standard-1 an internal sec)rity standard for =ni! config)ration1 or a government standard for how financial records sho)ld be maintained. The term is also )sed to refer to a code of ractice or s ecification )blished by a standards organi7ation s)ch as IS8 or @SI. See also guideline.

software asset management +SA/-

so)rce s ecification



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Term standard change

Definition +ITIL Service Transition- A re-a)thori7ed change that is low ris'1 relatively common and follows a roced)re or wor' instr)ction F for e!am le1 a assword reset or rovision of standard e5)i ment to a new em loyee. .e5)ests for change are not re5)ired to im lement a standard change1 and they are logged and trac'ed )sing a different mechanism1 s)ch as a service re5)est. See also change model. +ITIL Service Operation- ,roced)res )sed by IT o erations management. +ITIL Service Design- =sed to refer to reso)rces that are not re5)ired to deliver the live IT services1 b)t are available to s) ort IT service contin)ity lans. 3or e!am le1 a standby data centre may be maintained to s) ort hot standby1 warm standby or cold standby arrangements. +ITIL Service Design- A doc)ment containing all re5)irements for a rod)ct )rchase1 or a new or changed IT service. See also terms of reference. The name of a re5)ired field in many ty es of record. It shows the c)rrent stage in the lifecycle of the associated config)ration item1 incident1 roblem etc. +ITIL Service Transition- The activity res onsible for recording and re orting the lifecycle of each config)ration item. +ITIL Service Operation- The rocess res onsible for managing the storage and maintenance of data thro)gho)t its lifecycle. +ITIL Service Strategy- The highest of three levels of lanning and delivery +strategic1 tactical1 o erational-. Strategic activities incl)de ob6ective setting and long-term lanning to achieve the overall vision.

standard o erating roced)res +S8,standby

statement of re5)irements +S8.-


stat)s acco)nting

storage management


" #rown #o yright $%&& 00

Term strategic asset

Definition +ITIL Service Strategy- Any asset that rovides the basis for core com etence1 distinctive erformance or s)stainable com etitive advantage1 or which allows a b)siness )nit to artici ate in b)siness o ort)nities. ,art of service strategy is to identify how IT can be viewed as a strategic asset rather than an internal administrative f)nction. +ITIL Service Strategy- A strategic lan designed to achieve defined ob6ectives. +ITIL Service Strategy- The rocess res onsible for defining and maintaining an organi7ation<s ers ective1 osition1 lans and atterns with regard to its services and the management of those services. 8nce the strategy has been defined1 strategy management for IT services is also res onsible for ens)ring that it achieves its intended b)siness o)tcomes. +ITIL Service Operation- A )ser who hel s other )sers1 and assists in comm)nication with the service des' or other arts of the IT service rovider. S) er )sers are often e! erts in the b)siness rocesses s) orted by an IT service and will rovide s) ort for minor incidents and training. +ITIL Service Design- +ITIL Service StrategyA third arty res onsible for s) lying goods or services that are re5)ired to deliver IT services. E!am les of s) liers incl)de commodity hardware and software vendors1 networ' and telecom roviders1 and o)tso)rcing organi7ations. See also supply chain: underpinning contract. +ITIL Service Design- A set of tools1 data and information that is )sed to s) ort s) lier management. See also service knowledge management system. +ITIL Service Design- The rocess res onsible for obtaining val)e for money from s) liers1 ens)ring that all contracts and agreements with s) liers s) ort the needs of the b)siness1 and that all s) liers meet their contract)al commitments. See also supplier and contract management information system.

strategy strategy management for IT services

s) er )ser



s) lier and contract management information system +S#/IS-


lier management

" #rown #o yright $%&& 0D

Term s) ly chain

Definition +ITIL Service Strategy- The activities in a val)e chain carried o)t by s) liers. A s) ly chain ty ically involves m)lti le s) liers1 each adding val)e to the rod)ct or service. See also value network. +ITIL Service Operation- A gro) of eo le with technical s'ills. S) ort gro) s rovide the technical s) ort needed by all of the IT service management rocesses. See also technical management. +ITIL Service Design- +ITIL Service Operation- The times or ho)rs when s) ort is available to the )sers. Ty ically these are the ho)rs when the service des' is available. S) ort ho)rs sho)ld be defined in a service level agreement1 and may be different from service ho)rs. 3or e!am le1 service ho)rs may be $; ho)rs a day1 b)t the s) ort ho)rs may be %04%% to &E4%%. +ITIL Service Design- An IT service that is not directly )sed by the b)siness1 b)t is re5)ired by the IT service rovider to deliver c)stomer-facing services +for e!am le1 a directory service or a bac') service-. S) orting services may also incl)de IT services only )sed by the IT service rovider. All live s) orting services1 incl)ding those available for de loyment1 are recorded in the service catalog)e along with information abo)t their relationshi s to c)stomer-facing services and other #Is. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- A techni5)e that reviews and analyses the internal strengths and wea'nesses of an organi7ation and the e!ternal o ort)nities and threats that it faces. S(8T stands for strengths1 wea'nesses1 o ort)nities and threats.


ort gro)


ort ho)rs


orting service

S(8T analysis

" #rown #o yright $%&& 0E

Term system

Definition A n)mber of related things that wor' together to achieve an overall ob6ective. 3or e!am le4 l A com )ter system incl)ding hardware1 software and a lications A management system1 incl)ding the framewor' of olicy1 rocesses1 f)nctions1 standards1 g)idelines and tools that are lanned and managed together F for e!am le1 a 5)ality management system A database management system or o erating system that incl)des many software mod)les which are designed to erform a set of related f)nctions.

system management

The art of IT service management that foc)ses on the management of IT infrastr)ct)re rather than rocess. The middle of three levels of lanning and delivery +strategic1 tactical1 o erational-. Tactical activities incl)de the medi)m-term lans re5)ired to achieve s ecific ob6ectives1 ty ically over a eriod of wee's to months. +ITIL Service Operation- The f)nction res onsible for roviding technical s'ills in s) ort of IT services and management of the IT infrastr)ct)re. Technical management defines the roles of s) ort gro) s1 as well as the tools1 rocesses and roced)res re5)ired. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- +ITIL Service Operation- A techni5)e )sed in service im rovement1 roblem investigation and availability management. Technical s) ort staff meet to monitor the behavio)r and erformance of an IT service and ma'e recommendations for im rovement. See technical management.


technical management

technical observation +T8-

technical s)


" #rown #o yright $%&& D%

Term tension metrics

Definition +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- A set of related metrics1 in which im rovements to one metric have a negative effect on another. Tension metrics are designed to ens)re that an a ro riate balance is achieved. +ITIL Service Design- A doc)ment s ecifying the re5)irements1 sco e1 deliverables1 reso)rces and sched)le for a ro6ect or activity. +ITIL Service Transition- An activity that verifies that a config)ration item1 IT service1 rocess etc. meets its s ecification or agreed re5)irements. See also acceptance: service validation and testing. +ITIL Service Transition- A controlled environment )sed to test config)ration items1 releases1 IT services1 rocesses etc. A erson1 organi7ation or other entity that is not art of the service rovider<s own organi7ation and is not a c)stomer F for e!am le1 a software s) lier or a hardware maintenance com any. .e5)irements for third arties are ty ically s ecified in contracts that )nder in service level agreements. See also underpinning contract. ort +ITIL Service Operation- The third level in a hierarchy of s) ort gro) s involved in the resol)tion of incidents and investigation of roblems. Each level contains more s ecialist s'ills1 or has more time or other reso)rces. A threat is anything that might e! loit a v)lnerability. Any otential ca)se of an incident can be considered a threat. 3or e!am le1 a fire is a threat that co)ld e! loit the v)lnerability of flammable floor coverings. This term is commonly )sed in information sec)rity management and IT service contin)ity management1 b)t also a lies to other areas s)ch as roblem and availability management. The val)e of a metric that sho)ld ca)se an alert to be generated or management action to be ta'en. 3or e!am le1 I,riority & incident not solved within fo)r ho)rs<1 I/ore than five soft dis' errors in an ho)r<1 or I/ore than &% failed changes in a month<.

terms of reference +T8.-


test environment

third arty

third-line s)



" #rown #o yright $%&& D&

Term thro)gh )t

Definition +ITIL Service Design- A meas)re of the n)mber of transactions or other o erations erformed in a fi!ed time F for e!am le1 >1%%% e-mails sent er ho)r1 or $%% dis' I/8s er second. +ITIL Service Strategy- A methodology )sed to hel ma'e investment decisions. It assesses the f)ll lifecycle cost of owning a config)ration item1 not 6)st the initial cost or )rchase rice. See also total cost of utilization. +ITIL Service Strategy- A methodology )sed to hel ma'e investment and service so)rcing decisions. Total cost of )tili7ation assesses the f)ll lifecycle cost to the c)stomer of )sing an IT service. See also total cost of ownership. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- A methodology for managing contin)al im rovement by )sing a 5)ality management system. Total 5)ality management establishes a c)lt)re involving all eo le in the organi7ation in a rocess of contin)al monitoring and im rovement. A discrete f)nction erformed by an IT service F for e!am le1 transferring money from one ban' acco)nt to another. A single transaction may involve n)mero)s additions1 deletions and modifications of data. Either all of these are com leted s)ccessf)lly or none of them is carried o)t. +ITIL Service Strategy- A cost ty e which records e! endit)re made on behalf of another art of the organi7ation. 3or e!am le1 the IT service rovider may ay for an e!ternal cons)ltant to be )sed by the finance de artment and transfer the cost to them. The IT service rovider wo)ld record this as a transfer cost. +ITIL Service Transition- A change in state1 corres onding to a movement of an IT service or other config)ration item from one lifecycle stat)s to the ne!t. ort +ITIL Service Transition- The rocess res onsible for lanning all service transition rocesses and coordinating the reso)rces that they re5)ire.

total cost of ownershi +T#8-

total cost of )tili7ation +T#=-

total 5)ality management +TL/-


transfer cost


transition lanning and s)

" #rown #o yright $%&& D$

Term trend analysis

Definition +ITIL Continual Service ImprovementAnalysis of data to identify time-related atterns. Trend analysis is )sed in roblem management to identify common fail)res or fragile config)ration items1 and in ca acity management as a modelling tool to redict f)t)re behavio)r. It is also )sed as a management tool for identifying deficiencies in IT service management rocesses. The activity res onsible for lanning changes to ma'e the most efficient )se of reso)rces. T)ning is most commonly )sed in the conte!t of IT services and com onents. T)ning is art of ca acity management1 which also incl)des erformance monitoring and im lementation of the re5)ired changes. T)ning is also called o timi7ation1 artic)larly in the conte!t of rocesses and other non-technical reso)rces. +ITIL Service Strategy- An internal service rovider that is embedded within a b)siness )nit. There may be several Ty e I service roviders within an organi7ation. +ITIL Service Strategy- An internal service rovider that rovides shared IT services to more than one b)siness )nit. Ty e II service roviders are also 'nown as shared service )nits. +ITIL Service Strategy- A service rovider that rovides IT services to e!ternal c)stomers. +ITIL Service Design- A contract between an IT service rovider and a third arty. The third arty rovides goods or services that s) ort delivery of an IT service to a c)stomer. The )nder inning contract defines targets and res onsibilities that are re5)ired to meet agreed service level targets in one or more service level agreements. +ITIL Service Strategy- The cost to the IT service rovider of roviding a single com onent of an IT service. 3or e!am le1 the cost of a single des'to ,#1 or of a single transaction.


Ty e I service rovider

Ty e II service rovider

Ty e III service rovider )nder inning contract +=#-

)nit cost

" #rown #o yright $%&& D9

Term )rgency

Definition +ITIL Service Design- +ITIL Service Transition- A meas)re of how long it will be )ntil an incident1 roblem or change has a significant im act on the b)siness. 3or e!am le1 a high-im act incident may have low )rgency if the im act will not affect the b)siness )ntil the end of the financial year. Im act and )rgency are )sed to assign riority. +ITIL Service Design- The ease with which an a lication1 rod)ct or IT service can be )sed. =sability re5)irements are often incl)ded in a statement of re5)irements. +ITIL Service Design- A techni5)e )sed to define re5)ired f)nctionality and ob6ectives1 and to design tests. =se cases define realistic scenarios that describe interactions between )sers and an IT service or other system. A erson who )ses the IT service on a dayto-day basis. =sers are distinct from c)stomers1 as some c)stomers do not )se the IT service directly. +ITIL Service Strategy- A attern of )ser demand for IT services. Each )ser rofile incl)des one or more atterns of b)siness activity. +ITIL Service Strategy- The f)nctionality offered by a rod)ct or service to meet a artic)lar need. =tility can be s)mmari7ed as Iwhat the service does<1 and can be )sed to determine whether a service is able to meet its re5)ired o)tcomes1 or is Ifit for )r ose<. The b)siness val)e of an IT service is created by the combination of )tility and warranty. See also service validation and testing. +ITIL Service Transition- An activity that ens)res a new or changed IT service1 rocess1 lan or other deliverable meets the needs of the b)siness. Jalidation ens)res that b)siness re5)irements are met even tho)gh these may have changed since the original design. See also acceptance: "ualification: service validation and testing: verification.


)se case


)ser rofile +=,-



" #rown #o yright $%&& D;

Term val)e chain

Definition +ITIL Service Strategy- A se5)ence of rocesses that creates a rod)ct or service that is of val)e to a c)stomer. Each ste of the se5)ence b)ilds on the revio)s ste s and contrib)tes to the overall rod)ct or service. See also value network. An informal meas)re of cost effectiveness. Jal)e for money is often based on a com arison with the cost of alternatives. See also cost benefit analysis. +ITIL Service Strategy- A com le! set of relationshi s between two or more gro) s or organi7ations. Jal)e is generated thro)gh e!change of 'nowledge1 information1 goods or services. See also partnership: value chain. +ITIL Continual Service Improvement- A meas)rement of the e! ected benefit of an investment. Jal)e on investment considers both financial and intangible benefits. See also return on investment. +ITIL Service Strategy- A cost that de ends on how m)ch the IT service is )sed1 how many rod)cts are rod)ced1 the n)mber and ty e of )sers1 or something else that cannot be fi!ed in advance. The difference between a lanned val)e and the act)al meas)red val)e. #ommonly )sed in financial management1 ca acity management and service level management1 b)t co)ld a ly in any area where lans are in lace. +ITIL Service Transition- An activity that ens)res that a new or changed IT service1 rocess1 lan or other deliverable is com lete1 acc)rate1 reliable and matches its design s ecification. See also acceptance: validation: service validation and testing. +ITIL Service Transition- The activities res onsible for ens)ring that information in the config)ration management system is acc)rate and that all config)ration items have been identified and recorded. Jerification incl)des ro)tine chec's that are art of other rocesses F for e!am le1 verifying the serial n)mber of a des'to ,# when a )ser logs an incident. A)dit is a eriodic1 formal chec'.

val)e for money

val)e networ'

val)e on investment +J8I-

variable cost



verification and a)dit

" #rown #o yright $%&& D>

Term version

Definition +ITIL Service Transition- A version is )sed to identify a s ecific baseline of a config)ration item. Jersions ty ically )se a naming convention that enables the se5)ence or date of each baseline to be identified. 3or e!am le1 ayroll a lication version 9 contains ) dated f)nctionality from version $. A descri tion of what the organi7ation intends to become in the f)t)re. A vision is created by senior management and is )sed to hel infl)ence c)lt)re and strategic lanning. See also mission. +ITIL Service Design- ,art of a b)siness rocess that is critical to the s)ccess of the b)siness. Jital b)siness f)nctions are an im ortant consideration of b)siness contin)ity management1 IT service contin)ity management and availability management. A wea'ness that co)ld be e! loited by a threat F for e!am le1 an o en firewall ort1 a assword that is never changed1 or a flammable car et. A missing control is also considered to be a v)lnerability. See intermediate recovery. +ITIL Service Strategy- Ass)rance that a rod)ct or service will meet agreed re5)irements. This may be a formal agreement s)ch as a service level agreement or contract1 or it may be a mar'eting message or brand image. (arranty refers to the ability of a service to be available when needed1 to rovide the re5)ired ca acity1 and to rovide the re5)ired reliability in terms of contin)ity and sec)rity. (arranty can be s)mmari7ed as Ihow the service is delivered<1 and can be )sed to determine whether a service is Ifit for )se<. The b)siness val)e of an IT service is created by the combination of )tility and warranty. See also service validation and testing. A stat)s that means activities have started b)t are not yet com lete. It is commonly )sed as a stat)s for incidents1 roblems1 changes etc.


vital b)siness f)nction +J@3-


warm standby warranty

wor' in rogress +(I,-

" #rown #o yright $%&& DA

Term wor' instr)ction

Definition A doc)ment containing detailed instr)ctions that s ecify e!actly what ste s to follow to carry o)t an activity. A wor' instr)ction contains m)ch more detail than a roced)re and is only created if very detailed instr)ctions are needed. A formal re5)est to carry o)t a defined activity. (or' orders are often )sed by change management and by release and de loyment management to ass re5)ests to technical management and a lication management f)nctions. +ITIL Service Operation- .ed)cing or eliminating the im act of an incident or roblem for which a f)ll resol)tion is not yet available F for e!am le1 by restarting a failed config)ration item. (or'aro)nds for roblems are doc)mented in 'nown error records. (or'aro)nds for incidents that do not have associated roblem records are doc)mented in the incident record. The reso)rces re5)ired to deliver an identifiable art of an IT service. (or'loads may be categori7ed by )sers1 gro) s of )sers1 or f)nctions within the IT service. This is )sed to assist in analysing and managing the ca acity1 erformance and )tili7ation of config)ration items and IT services. The term is sometimes )sed as a synonym for thro)gh )t.

wor' order



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Abbreviations list
Abbreviation A#? A/ A/IS AS, AST @#/ @#, @IA @/, @./ @SI #A@ #A,EG Term a)tomatic call distrib)tion availability management availability management information system a lication service rovider

agreed service time b)siness contin)ity management b)siness contin)ity lan b)siness im act analysis @est /anagement ,ractice b)siness relationshi manager @ritish Standards Instit)tion change advisory board ca ital e! endit)re " #rown #o yright $%&& DD



##/ #3IA #I #/?@ #/IS #// #//I #/S #8@IT #8TS #S3 #SI #TI ?IB( ?/L E#A@ ELS eS#/-#L eS#/-S, 3TA I.. ISG IS/ IS/S

com onent ca acity management com onent fail)re im act analysis config)ration item config)ration management database ca acity management information system ca ability mat)rity model #a ability /at)rity /odel Integration config)ration management system #ontrol 8@6ectives for Information and related Technology commercial off the shelf critical s)ccess factor contin)al service im rovement com )ter tele hony integration ?ata-to-Information-to-Bnowledge-to-(isdom definitive media library emergency change advisory board early life s) ort

eSo)rcing #a ability /odel for #lient 8rgani7ations eSo)rcing #a ability /odel for Service ,roviders fa)lt tree analysis internal rate of ret)rn IT steering gro) information sec)rity management information sec)rity management system " #rown #o yright $%&& DE



IS8 IS, IT ITS#/ ITS/ itS/3 IJ. BE?@ B,I L8S /IS /KoK. /T@3 /T@SI /T.S /TT. C,J 8LA 8,EG ,@A ,?#A ,3S ,I. ,/@8B ,/I

International 8rgani7ation for Standardi7ation internet service rovider information technology IT service contin)ity management IT service management IT Service /anagement 3or)m interactive voice res onse 'nown error database 'ey erformance indicator line of service management information system /anagement of .is' mean time between fail)res mean time between service incidents mean time to restore service mean time to re air net resent val)e o erational level agreement o erational e! endit)re attern of b)siness activity ,lan-?o-#hec'-Act rere5)isite for s)ccess ost-im lementation review ,ro6ect /anagement @ody of Bnowledge ,ro6ect /anagement Instit)te

" #rown #o yright $%&& E%

Abbreviation ,/8 ,.IC#E$ ,S8 LA L/S .A#I .#A .3# .8A .8I .,8 .T8 SA# SA#/ SA/ S#/ S#/IS S?, S3A SI, SB/S SLA SL/ SL, SL.

Term ro6ect management office ,.o6ects IC #ontrolled Environments ro6ected service o)tage 5)ality ass)rance 5)ality management system res onsible1 acco)ntable1 cons)lted and informed root ca)se analysis re5)est for change ret)rn on assets ret)rn on investment recovery oint ob6ective recovery time ob6ective service acce tance criteria service asset and config)ration management software asset management service ca acity management s) lier and contract management information system service design ac'age service fail)re analysis service im rovement lan service 'nowledge management system service level agreement service level management service level ac'age service level re5)irement

" #rown #o yright $%&& E&

Abbreviation S/A.T S/IS S/8 So# S8, S8. S8G S,I S,/ S,83 T#8 T#= T8 T8. TL/ =# =, J@3 J8I (I,

Term s ecific1 meas)rable1 achievable1 relevant and time-bo)nd sec)rity management information system service maintenance ob6ective se aration of concerns standard o erating roced)re statement of re5)irements Sarbanes-8!ley +=S lawservice rovider interface service ortfolio management single oint of fail)re total cost of ownershi total cost of )tili7ation technical observation terms of reference total 5)ality management )nder inning contract )ser rofile vital b)siness f)nction val)e on investment wor' in rogress

The Swirl logoM is a trade mar' of the #abinet 8ffice ITIL is a registered trade mar' of the #abinet 8ffice " #rown #o yright $%&& E$

,.IC#E$ is a registered trade mar' of the #abinet 8ffice /KoK. is a registered trade mar' of the #abinet 8ffice

" #rown #o yright $%&& E9

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