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QUESTIONS ON QURAN BISMILLAHIR-RAHMANIR-RAHIM (I begin ) with the name of Allah, most Gracio s, most Mercif l !

)"hat is the meaning of the wor# $% r&an'( A))hat which is Rea#* +)"here was the % r&an re,eale# first( A)In the ca,e of Hira (Ma--ah) .)/n which night was the % r&an first re,eale#( A)Lailat l-%a#r(Night of the 0ower) 1)"ho re,eale# the % r&an( A)Allah re,eale# the % r&an 2))hro gh whom was the % r&an re,eale#( A))hro gh Angel 3ibraeel(Alaihis-Salaam) 4))o whom was the % r&an re,eale#( A))o the last 0ro5het*M hamme# (Sallah Alaihi "asallam) 6)"ho too- the res5onsibilit7 of -ee5ing the % r&an safe( A)Allah himself 8)"hat are the con#itions for hol#ing or to ching the % r&an( A)/ne has to be clean an# to be with w #h (abl tion) 9)"hich is the boo- which is rea# most( A))he % r&an !:)"hat is the to5ic of the % r&an( A)Man !!)"hat are the other names of the % r&an accor#ing to the % r&an itself( A)Al-; r<aan,Al-=itaab,Al->i-r,Al-Noor,Al-H #a !+)How man7 Ma--i S rahs (cha5ters) are there in the % r&an( A)84 !.)How man7 Ma#ani S rahs(cha5ters) are there in the % r&an( A)+8 !1) How man7 Man?ils (stages) are there in the % r&an( A)6 !2)How man7 0aara or 3 ?(5arts) are there in the % r&an( A).: !4)How man7 S rahs(cha5ters) are there in the % r&an( A)!!1 !6)How man7 R -oo(5aragra5hs) are there in the % r&an( A)21: !8)How man7 Aa7aath(,erses) are there in the % r&an( A)4444

!9)How man7 times is the wor# @Allah& re5eate# in the % r&an( A)+498 +:)How man7 #ifferent t75es of Aa7aath (,erses) are there in the % r&an( A)!: +!)"ho is the first @Haafi?& of the % r&an( A)0ro5het M hamme# (Sallalah Alaihi "asallam) ++)At the time of the #eath of 0ro5het M hamme# (Sallallah Alaihi "asallam) how man7 H ffa? were there( A) ++ +.)How man7 Aa7aath(,erses)on SaA#a(5rostation) are there in the % r&an( A) !1 +1)In which 0aara (5art) an# S rah(cha5ter) #o 7o fin# the first ,erse abo t SaA#a(5rostation)( A)9th 0aara,6th Bha5ter-S rah-al-Araaf,Cerse+:4 +2)How man7 times has the % r&an stresse# abo t Salaat or Namaa?(5ra7er)( A) 6:: times +4)How man7 times has the % r&an em5hasi?e# on alms or charit7( A) !2: +6)How man7 times in the % r&an,is the 0ro5het M hamme# (Sallallah Alaihi "asallam) a##resse# asDaa-Ai7 -Han-Nabi( A)!! times +8)"here in the % r&an has 0ro5het M hamme# (Sallallah Alaihi "asallam) been name# @Ahme#&( A)0aara +8th,S rah Saff,A7ath 4th +9)How man7 times has the name of Rasool- llah(Sallallah Alaihi "asallam) been mentione# in the % r&an( A)M hamme# (Sallallah Alaihi "asallam)-1times Ahme#(Sallallah Alaihi "asallam)-! time .:)Name the 0ro5het whose name is mentione#an# #isc sse# most in the % r&an( A)Moosa(Alahis-Salaam) .!)"ho were the =aathibe-"ahi (co57ists of the re,elations) of the % r&an( A)Ab Ba-r (Ra#hiallah Anh ),Esman (Ra#hiallah Anh ), Ali (Ra#hiallah Anh ),>ai# Bin Harith(Ra#hiallah Anh ) An# Ab# llah bin Masoo#(Ra#hiallah Anh ) .+)"ho was the first 5erson who co nte# the Aa7aath (,erses) of the % r&an( A)A7esha(Ra#hiallah Anha) ..)/n whose a#,ice #i# Ab Ba-r(Ra#hiallah Anh ) #eci#e to com5ile the % r&an( A)/mer ;aroo<(Ra#hiallah Anh ) .1)/n whose or#er was the % r&an com5ile# com5letel7 in written form( A) Ab Ba-r (Ra#hiallah Anh )

.2)"ho confine# the recitation of the % r&an on the st7le of the % ra7sh tribe( A) Esman (Ra#hiallah Anh ) .4)/ t of the co5ies of the % r&an com5ile# b7 Esman (Ra#hiallah Anh ), how man7 an# where are the7 at 5resent( A) /nl7 + co5ies*/ne in )ash-ent an# the other in Istanb l* .6)"hich S rah of the % r&an was 0ro5het M hamme# (Sallallah Alaihi "asallam) reciting while 5ra7ing,that Ha?rat 3abeer Bin M th&im Listene# to an# embrace# Islam( A) S rah )hoor .8)"hich was that S rah of the % r&an which the 0ro5het M hamme# Sallallah Alaihi "asallam) ha# recite# when one of his enemies Etba after listening to it fell in SaA#a (5rostation)( A))he first fi,e A7aaths of Ham-Meem-SaA#a .9)"hich is the first an# the most ancient Mos< e accor#ing to the % r&an( A) =aaba* 1:)In % r&an man-in# is #i,i#e# into two gro 5s*"hich are those two gro 5s( A)Belie,ers an# #isbelie,ers* 1!)"ho is the man abo t whom, Allah has sai# in the % r&an that his bo#7 is -e5t as an a#monishing eFam5le for f t re generations to come( A);ir&a n*(0haraoh) 1+)Besi#es the bo#7 of 0haraoh,what is that thing which is -e5t as an a#monishing eFam5le for f t re generations to come( A)Noah&s Ar-* 1.)After the wrec-age of 0ro5het Noah&s Ar-,which is its 5lace of rest mentione# in the% r&an( A)Ba,e of 3 #i* 11)In the % r&an the name of which com5anion of 0ro5het M hamme# (Sallallah Alaihi "asallam) is mentione#( A)>ai# Bin Harith* 12)"ho is the relati,e of the 0ro5het M ahmme#(Sallallah Alaihi "asallam)whose name is mentione# in the % r&an( A)Ab Lahab 14)In the % r&an there is a mention of a 0ro5het who has been calle# b7 his mother&s name* "ho was he( A)3es sG0ro5het Isa (Alahis salaam)H is mentione# as bn Mar7am* 16)"hich was the agreement that was title# ;ath-h m-M been& witho t fighting a battle( A))reat7 of H #aibi7a* 18)"hat are the #ifferent names se# for Satan or Ie,il in the % r&an( A)Iblees an# Ash-Shaitaan* 19)"hich categor7 of creat re #oes the % r&an 5 t @Iblees& into( A)3inn*

2:)"hat were those worshi5s an# 5ra7ers that were or#ere# b7 Allah to the comm nit7 of Bani Israeel an# which were contin e# b7 the M slim Emmah also( A)Salaat an# >a-aat*(Al-Ba<arahJ1.) 2!))he % r&an re5eate#l7 warns of a certain #a7*Ban 7o sa7 which #a7 it is( A)Do mal %i7amah*(Iooms#a7) 2+)"ho were those 5eo5le with whom Allah was 5lease# an# the7 were 5lease# with Him, as mentione# in the % r&an( A)Bom5anions of 0ro5het M hamme#*(Sallallah Alaihi "asallam) 2.)In which Hol7 Boo- of Non-M slims the % r&an mentione# re5eate#l7( A)In the Hol7 Boo- of Si-h Bomm nit7-Granth Saheb* 21)In which 7ear were the ,owels inserte# in the % r&an( A)1. HiAri* 22)"ho were the first serio s st #ents of the % r&an( A)As-haab s S ffah* 24)"hich is the first Resi#ential Eni,ersit7 where the fac lt7 of the % r&an was establishe# for the first time( A)MasAi#-e-Nab,i*GMos< e of the 0ro5het (Sallallah Alaihi "asallam)H 26)B7 what name #i# the % r&an a##ress those noble an# 5io s 5eo5le who were selecte# b7 Allah to con,e7 His message to man-in#( A)Nabi(0ro5het) an# Rasool(Messenger)* 28)"hat t75e of a 5erson #oes the % r&an want to ma-e( A)Momin* 29)"hat is the scale or meas re of one&s #ignit7 accor#ing to the % r&an( A))ha<wa*(0iet7) 4:)"hat accor#ing to the % r&an is the root ca se of the e,il( A)Alcohol* 4!)"hat are the two most im5ortant t75es of -in#s of Aa7aath (Cerses)fo n# in the % r&an( A)M ha-amaat an# m thashabihaath* 4+)"hich is the longest S rah (Bha5ter) in the % r&an( A)S rah-al-Ba<arah* 4.)"hich is the smallest S rah in the % r&an( A)S rah-al-=a sar* 41)"hat was the age of 0ro5het M hamme# (Sallallah Alaihi "asallam) when % r&an was first re,eale# to him thro gh 3ibraeel (Alaihis-salaam)( A)1: Dears* 42)How long #i# 0ro5het M hamme# (Sallallah Alaihi "asallam) recei,e the re,elation of the % r&an in Ma--ah( A)!. Dears*

44)How long #i# 0ro5het M hamme# (Sallallah Alaihi "asallam) recei,e the re,elation of the % r&an in Ma#inah( A)!: Dears* 46)"here was the first S rah re,eale#( A)In Ma--ah* 48) "here was the last S rah re,eale#( A)In Ma#inah* 49)How man7 7ears #i# it ta-e for the com5lete re,elation of the % r&an( A)++ 7ears,2 months an# !1 #a7s* 6:)"hich S rah(Bha5ter) of the % r&an is to be rea# com5 lsoril7 in each ra-a&at of the Sallat (Namaa?)( A)S rah-al-;atihah* 6!)"hich is the S rah, which Allah ta ght as a I &a(0ra7er)( A)S rah-al-;atihah* 6+)"hat is the reason of -ee5ing S rah-al-;atihah in the beginning of the % r&an( A)It is the #oor to the % r&an 6.)"hat is the S rah (Bha5ter) re,eale# com5letel7 an# fo n# first 5lace in the % r&an( A) S rah-al-;atihah* 61)"ho was the onl7 la#7 whose 5ersonal name is fo n# in the % r&an( A)Mariam(Alaihis-salaam)* 62)In which S rah (Bha5ter) of the % r&an #o 7o fin# maFim m instr ctions( A)S rah-al-Ba<arah* 64)"hen an# "here #i# the 0ro5het M hamme# Sallallah Alaihi "asallam) an# 3ibraeel (Alaihis-salaam) meet for the secon# time( A)/n ;ri#a7,!8th Rama#an,in the Ba,e of Hira* 66)"hat was the inter,al between the first an# the secon# re,elation( A)+ 7ears an# siF months* 68)"hich is the S rah (Bha5ter) that #oes start witho t Bismillah( A)S rah-al-)a bah or Bara&ath* 69) In which S rah (Bha5ter) of the % r&an Bismillah is re5eate# twice( A)S rah-al Naml* 8:)How man7 S rah (Bha5ter) in the % r&an ha,e the titles name# after #ifferent 0ro5hets( A) 4 S rahs (Bha5ters)J a) S rah-al-D n s* b)S rah-al-Hoo#* c) S rah-al-D s f* #) S rah-al-Ibraheem* e)S rah-al-N h* f) S rah-al-M hamme#*

8!) In which 5art of the % r&an #o 7o fin# @A7at- l-= rsi&(Cerse of the )hrone)( A)In the beginning of the thir# 0art *(Bha5ter+-22) 8+)How man7 #ifferent names of Allah are mentione# in the % r&an( A)99* 8.)"ho were the three non-5ro5hets whose names are mentione# with # e res5ect in the % r&an( A)L <man,A?i? of Kg75t an# > l<arnain* 81)At the time Ab Ba-r (Ra#hiallah Anh ) how man7 com5anions ha# com5ile# the % r&an in the form of a boo-( A)62 com5anions* 82)"hich is that onl7 boo- which is com5letel7 memori?e# b7 millions of 5eo5le in the worl#( A)Al-% r&an* 84)"hat #i# the 3inns who hear# a few Aa7aath Cerses) of the % r&an sa7 to each other( A)"e ha,e hear# a ni< e #isco rse which shows the right 5ath, ,eril7 we belie,e in it* 86)"hich are the most 5o5 lar transalations of the % r&an in Knglish( A))ransalation b7 M hamme# Marma# -e 0ic-thall an# b7 Allama D s f Ali* 88)Into how man7 lang ages of the worl# has the Hol7 % r&an been transalate#( A)Nearl7 !:. lang ages* 89)"ho was the first transalator of the Hol7 % r&an into Er# ( A)Mo lana Shah Rafi ##in M ha##is Iehla,i* 9:)"hat will be o r con#ition on @)he #a7 of the 3 #gement& accor#ing to the % r&an( A)K,er7bo#7 will be in a state of anFiet7* 9!)"ho was the 0ro5het mentione# in the % r&an whose three generations were 5ro5hets( A)Ibraheem (Alaihis-salaam)* 9+)"hat is that boo- which abolishe# all ol# r les an# reg lations( A) Al-% r&an* 9.)"hat #oes the % r&an sa7 abo t 5ro5ert7 an# wealth( A))he7 are tests of one&s faith* 91)Accor#ing to the % r&an who is $-haatam n Nabi77een' (the last of the 0ro5hets)( A) 0ro5het M hamme# (Sallallah Alaihi "asallam) 92)"hat is the name of the boo- that tells s clearl7 abo t the realit7 of the beginning an# the en# of the worl#( A) Al-% r&an* 94)In the % r&an what other name is gi,en to the cit7 of Ma--ah( A)Ba--ah an# Bala# l Ameen*

96) Accor#ing to the % r&an what other name is gi,en to the cit7 of Ma#inah( A)Dathrib* 98)"hose Generation is -nown as $Bani Israeel' accor#ing to the % r&an( A))he generation of 0ro5het Da<oob(Alaihis salaam) who is also -nown as Israeel* 99)"hich are the mos< es that are mentione# in the % r&an A) 2 mos< esJ !) MasAi#- l-Haram* +) MasAi#- l->irar* .) MasAi#- l-Nabawi* 1) MasAi#- l-A<sa* 2) MasAi# % ba* !::))he name of which angels are mentione# in the % r&an( A) 1 angelsJ a) 3ibraeel Ameen*Alaihis salaam) b) Mee-aeel*(Alaihis salaam) c) Haroot*(Alaihis salaam) #)Maroot*(Alaihis salaam)

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