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Lord Ashcroft International Business School

Department: Module:
Module Code: !ear: "01 #1$ Semester: 1 and " %rimester: 1, " and

Marketing, Strategy and Enterprise Entrepreneurship and Innovation


Sun dial at Ely Cathedral, Cambridgeshire

kairon gnothi know the time i!e! take your o""ortunity# A saying of Pittacus, c.640-568 BC) one of the Seven Sages of Greece

&'ademi' !ear: "01 #1$ Semester#%rimester: 1," (

Module )uide

$! %ey Information !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!& &! Introduction to the 'odule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!& (! Intended Learning )utcomes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( (!$ Em"loyability skills deli*ered in this 'odule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+ +! )utline ,eli*ery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.illiams, Sara &/$&# 0he 1inancial 0imes 2uide to Business Start 3" &/$(4 0he 'ost Com"rehensi*e Annually 3"dated 2uide for Entre"reneurs, &5th edition, 6earson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+!$ Attendance 7e8uirements!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!9 -! Assessment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : -!$ Submitting *ia 0urnitin;3% 2rade'ark <Cambridge and Chelmsford students=! $-!& Submitting your work <Students in all other locations at Associate Colleges=!!!!!!$> -!( 'arking 7ubric and 1eedback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$> -!+ 7e?Assessment resit#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$9 5! @ow is 'y .ork 'arkedA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$9 >! Assessment Criteria and 'arking Standards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!&& >!$ S"ecific Assessment Criteria and 'arking 7ubric!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!&& >!& 3ni*ersity 2eneric Assessment Criteria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!&( 9! Assessment )ffences!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!&:! Learning 7esources!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!&> :!$! Library!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &> SB. 6artnershi" 0he Cambridge 6henomenon 7e*isited htt"4CCwww!s8w!co!ukCAidD$+(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!($ Cambridge Science 6ark www!cambridge?science?"ark!com!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!($ htt"s4CCmicrosite!accenture!comCmcimCmanaging?riskC6agesCdefault!as"EA cDadFg"/:ukcon"sgsF$&/9GnDgFEnter"riseF7iskF'anagementCaF/FkCriskFmanagementGsFkwci dD0CH>++9HriskI&/managementHHSHbH(-+$&/($&5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(( $/! 'odule E*aluation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(( $$! 7e"ort on Last ,eli*ery of 'odule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(+ A""endiE $4 7e?Assessment Information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(-

6age $

Module )uide

1* +ey In,ormation
Module: Module -eader:

Entre"reneurshi" and Inno*ation

7obert Jones Cam"usC BuildingC 7oom4 EEtension4 &-+: Email4 .ebsite4 7obert Jones Cambridge, Lord Ashcroft Building, LAB (&& ,irect4 /9+-$:5&-+: robert!KonesLanglia!ac!uk htt"4CCcambridgemba!word"ress!comCinno*ation

Module %utors:

E*ery module has a 'odule ,efinition 1orm ',1# which is the officially *alidated record of the module! Mou can access the ',1 for this module in three ways *ia4

the Nirtual Learning En*ironment NLE# the y.Ang!ia o"u!e Cata!ogue at www!anglia!ac!ukCmodulecatalogue Anglia 7uskinOs module search engine facility at www!anglia!ac!ukCmodules

All modules deli*ered by Anglia 7uskin 3ni*ersity at its main cam"uses in the 3% and at Associate Colleges throughout the 3% and o*erseas are go*erned by the Aca"e#ic $egu!ations! Mou can *iew these at www!anglia!ac!ukCacademicregs! A "rinted eEtract of the Aca"e#ic $egu!ations, known as the Assess#ent $egu!ations, is a*ailable for e*ery student from your 1aculty )ffice! All new students recei*e a co"y as "art of their welcome "ack! In the unlikely e*ent of any discre"ancy between the Aca"e#ic $egu!ations and any other "ublication, including this module guide, the Aca"e#ic $egu!ations, as the definiti*e document, take "recedence o*er all other "ublications and will be a""lied in all cases!

"* Introdu'tion to the Module %ey words Entre"reneurshi", enter"rise, inno*ation, S'E, entre"reneur, intra"reneur
0his module re*iews the classical models of entre"reneurshi" and eEamines the main characteristics of entre"reneurs within organisations of all siPes! Commercial, "ublic sector, and not?for?"rofit?distribution organisations can be included in this assessment! 7ecent a""roaches to entre"reneurshi" are eEamined! .ays of fostering entre"reneurial culture, at e*ery le*el within the organisation, are sur*eyed! 0he role of entre"reneurshi" and inno*ation in economic growth are analysed by a""lying, for eEam"le, 6orterOs ,iamond model to a selected region! 0he role and nature of small business start?u"s is critically re*iewed! Creati*e and integrati*e thinking are stimulated by a""lication of *arious methods, e!g! BuPanOs in"- a%%ing and the Business o"e! Canvas of )sterwalder and 6igneur! 0he conteEt of inno*ation, es"ecially o"en inno*ation, within the modern business en*ironment is re*iewed! 0he significance and outcomes of the inno*ation "rocess are eEamined! 'echanisms for "rotecting inno*ations and intellectual "ro"erty are assessed! )ne of the main focuses for the design of this module has been the further de*elo"ment of rele*ant em"loyability and "rofessional skills! Such skills are im"licit in the learning outcomes .e will assess the significance of entre"reneurs in society and the economy! Entre"reneurs often inno*ate4 new ideas, new methods, new "roducts, new "rocesses, new markets and new business models! Entre"reneurs tend to start?u" and grow an idea! Some entre"reneurs sell their growing enter"rise then start again ? serial entre"reneurs! Entre"reneurs are not confined to business! 0here are
6age &

Module )uide

social, educational, art and culture, and other kinds of entre"reneur! Entre"reneurs often create new Kobs in the economy, whereas many large organisations are consolidating and cutting Kobs! 0here has been much research in the $:9/s and $::/s into the 6ersonality and Beha*ioural traits of entre"reneurs! 'ore recently, the G!o&a! 'ntre%reneurshi% onitor organisation has "ublished research results that com"are the entre"reneurial characteristics of -/?"lus nations around the world! 0his is a fascinating and com"leE area! 0his module will assess the classical model of entre"reneurshi" and eEamine the main characteristics of successful entre"reneurs within both smaller less well?known organisations and the more famous names who lead larger organisations! 7ecent alternati*e a""roaches to entre"reneurshi" will be eEamined, focussing es"ecially on how to de*elo" an entre"reneurial culture that in*ol*es em"loyees at e*ery le*el within the organisation! 0he study of inno*ation will begin with the im"ortance of creati*e and integrati*e thinking, followed by reflection on the conteEt of inno*ation within the modern business en*ironment! 1inally, the inno*ation "rocess itself will be eEamined along with attem"ts to "rotect inno*ations through a *ariety of intellectual "ro"erty rights! 0he module leader 7obert Jones has "ersonal eE"erience of creating and running a small business! @e has com"leted research with Cambridgeshire S'Es as "art of the 3% go*ernment?s"onsored (no)!e"ge *ransfer Partnershi% %06# "rogramme!

* Intended -earning Out'omes

+no.ledge and understanding

$ &

Critically e*aluate classical and cor"orate a""roaches to entre"reneurshi"! ,e*elo" a critical awareness of the role of creati*ity in the inno*ation "rocess and the a""roaches through which creati*ity can be de*elo"ed in the indi*idual! Critically e*aluate the role and significance of entre"reneurshi" and inno*ation in the economy, making com"arisons with other nations Critically e*aluate one new entre"reneurial idea or inno*ation, demonstrating its "otential im"lementation within its market by formulating a business start?u" or de*elo"ment# "lan!

Intelle'tual, pra'ti'al, a,,e'tive and trans,era/le skills

6age (

Module )uide

*1 Employa/ility skills delivered in this Module

It is im"ortant that we hel" you de*elo" em"loyability skills throughout your course which will assist you in securing em"loyment and su""orting you in your future career! ,uring your course you will ac8uire a wide range of key skills! In this module, you will de*elo" those identified below4

S+I-Communication oral# Communication written# Commercial Awareness Cultural sensiti*ity Customer focus ,ata @andling ,ecision making Enter"rising 1leEibility Initiati*e Inter"ersonal Skills Leadershi"C'anagement of others Retworking )rganisational ada"tability 6roKect 'anagement 6roblem Sol*ing and analytical skills 7es"onsibility 0eam working 0ime 'anagement Integration of 8uantitati*e and 8ualitati*e analysis

Skills a'0uired in this module Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q

6age +

Module )uide

$* Outline Delivery
*he %rogra##e here is in"icative an" #ay &e change" if necessary


Subject Area Introduction key concepts

Session Objectives Advance Reading Small Business Management & Entrepreneurship , $out" to Review, and test, students understanding $tokes, D. % &i son, '. (()*)), t"
of key concepts. Creation, and briefing, of student teams for group work (group presentations date to be announced). Deve opment of !ntrepreneurs"ip #"eory and t"e term Entrepreneur &estern Cengage +earning, , edition. -isric", R. % .eters, /. (())() 0!ntrepreneurs"ip1, /c2raw -i , 3t" edition, p4. 0Deve opment of !ntrepreneurs"ip #"eory and t"e term Entrepreneur ("andout) C"apter from 5/astering !ntrepreneurs"ip5, (()))) 6# .rentice-a , -oward $tevensons 0#"e si7 dimensions of entrepreneurs"ip1 ("andout) Rae, David (())4) 0!ntrepreneurs"ip from 8pportunity to 9ction1, .a grave, c" ( The Context of Opportunity-centred Leadership

Review our !7amine and critica y eva uate some understanding of key writers and c assica t"eories of entrepreneurs"ip. entrepreneurship
9ssessment of entrepreneurism and risk.

Review our Identify and critica y eva uate different understanding of forms of innovation. innovation Druckers .urposefu Innovation
and t"e $even $ources for Innovative 8pportunity Drivers of innovation. Innovation and I.R inte ectua property rig"ts. /et"ods for un ocking creativity. Review of creative manageria decision making met"ods. /ind<mapping (ric" pictures) as part of a forma $oft $ystems /et"odo ogy.

Creative t"inking

#"e Innovation Identify and assess t"e key e ements process and t"e of an effective business start<up p an.

$tokes, D. % &i son, '. (()*)), Small Business Management & Entrepreneurship , $out" &estern Cengage +earning, , t" edition, section 9* on 0#"e $ma :usiness1 Deakins, D and 6ree , /. (()*() 0!ntrepreneurs"ip and $ma 6irms1 /c2raw -i , ,t" ed, +ondon, parts * and ( A!" pro;ect<specific researc" for group work Drucker, . (*==>) 0Innovation and !ntrepreneurs"ip1, ! sevier Drucker, . (())() 0#"e Discip ine of Innovation1, -arvard :usiness Review, 9ug ())(, ?o @), p=3 &ick"am, . (()),) 0$trategic !ntrepreneurs"ip1, 6# .rentice -a , >t" edition. :essant, A. and #idd, A. (()**) $nnovation and Entrepreneurship, Ao"n &i ey, (nd edition. #idd, :essant % .avitt (())=) %Managing $nnovation & integrating technological' mar(et and organi)ational change*' &i ey, C"ic"ester, >t" edition A!" pro;ect<specific researc" for group work !vans, . % &urster, .. (*===) 0: own to :itsB -ow t"e 'ew !conomics of Information #ransforms $trategy1, -:$. C"eck and, . (*==)) 0$oft systems met"odo ogy in action1 C"ic"esterB &i ey :uCan, #ony (()))) 0#"e mind map book1, +ondonB ::C A!" pro;ect<specific researc" for group work 8sterwa der, 9. % .igneur D. (()*)) 0Business Model -eneration1, &i ey &i iams, $ara (()*() .he /inancial .imes -uide to Business Start 0p 11#2 .he Most
6age -

Module )uide 3omprehensive Annuall4 0pdated -uide 5or Entrepreneurs , (,t" edition, .earson. ro es p ayed by key !va uate an entrepreneuria idea or individua s. innovation, demonstrating its t" potentia imp ementation wit"in t"e +ester, D. (()*() $tart Dour 8wn :usiness ()*E, 3 edition, Crimson .ub is"ing, Ric"mond market by devising a business p an. FG.

'ationa and !7amination of t"e economic Internationa significance of start<ups, sma Conte7t of $/!s businesses and t"eir potentia growt" into medium<siCed enterprises. Review of government po icies and support. Internationa comparisons. $tages of growt" of $/!s.

(a soB :ank and government pub ications wi be recommended) A!" pro;ect<specific researc" for group work $tokes, D. % &i son, '. (()*)), Small Business Management & Entrepreneurship, $out" &estern Cengage +earning, ,t" edition

-lobal Entrepreneurship Monitor (2!/)

2!/ 2 oba ()*( report (e7ce ent up<to<date researc" in ,= nations) "ttpBHHwww.gemconsortium.orgH Department for :usiness Innovation and $ki s (FG government) "ttpBHHwww.bis.gov.ukH 7orld Ban( %"oing Business* report ()*E, "ttpBHHwww.doingbusiness.orgH 7orld Economic /orum -3R %-lobal 3ompetitiveness Report* "ttpBHHwwwE.weforum.orgHdocsH&!6I2 oba CompetitivenessReportI()*(<*E.pdf ()*(<()*E.

A!" pro;ect<specific researc" for group work !ntrepreneurs"ip Compare and contrast c assica -isric", R. % .eters, /. (())() 0!ntrepreneurs"ip1, /c2raw -i , 3 t" edition, p>@, wit"in arge 0manager1 and 0entrepreneur1 0Comparison of !ntrepreneurs, Intrapreneurs and #raditiona /anagers1 organisations < t"e attributesJ e7amination of .inc"ots "andout. Deakins, D and 6ree , /. (()*() 0!ntrepreneurs"ip and $ma 6irms1 /c2raw -i , ,t" ed, corporate 0intrapreneur1 type. +ondon see c"apter on 0Corporate !ntrepreneurs"ip1 entrepreneur. 6ami y<run businesses 9ssessment of t"e economic significance of fami y<run firms. Critica appraisa of t"e specia attributes of t"ese firms A!" pro;ect<specific researc" for group work. Gets de ?ries, /. (*==,) 06ami y businessB "uman di emmas in t"e fami y firm te7t and cases1 +ondon B Internationa #"omson :usiness .ress.
Deakins, D and 6ree , /. (()*() 0!ntrepreneurs"ip and $ma 6irms1 /c2raw -i , ,t" ed, +ondon see c"apter on 06ami y :usiness1. &ard, A e7ce ent books various on t"e t"eme of fami y business

!conomist artic es "andouts ?ideo case study $ir 2erry Robinson A!" pro;ect<specific researc" for group work
6age 5

Module )uide

#"e 2erman /itte stand firms

Consideration of t"ese significant -ermann, $ (*==,) 0-idden c"ampionsB essons from 3)) of t"e wor dKs best unknown and famous midd e order firms in companies1, -arvard :usiness $c"oo .ress. 2ermany. Critica appraisa of t"e Hermann, S (2009), Hidden Champions of the Twenty-First Century: The Success specia attributes of t"ese firms Strategies of Unknown World Market eaders, Springer #"e !conomist artic es Dr :ernd ?erno"r "ttpBHHwww.berndveno"r.deHeng is"Hinde7Ie."tm A!" pro;ect<specific researc" for group work Cambridge C uster reports ()*E, If/ "ttpBHHwww(.ifm.eng.cam.ac.ukHctmHtegHcambridgetec"nopo e."tm Cambridge #ec"nopo e Report ()** "ttpBHHwww(.ifm.eng.cam.ac.ukHctmHtegHdocumentsHCambridge#ec"nopo e()**v*.*.pdf :everidge, + (())*) 0Cambridge !ntrepreneurs in t"e business of tec"no ogy1,
Cambridge, -$:C, 2ranta !ditions


Regiona conte7t of !7amination of 0c ustering1 of entrepreneurs"ip % simi ar new enterprises e.g. "i<tec" innovation $/!s in t"e Cambridge area. 9pp ication of .orters Diamond mode .

Goepp, Rob (())() 0C usters of creativityB enduring essons on innovation and entrepreneurs"ip from $i icon ?a ey and !uropeKs $i icon 6en1, C"ic"esterB &i ey .orter, /ic"ae ! (*==)) 0#"e Competitive 9dvantage of 'ations, :asingstoke B /acmi an. D#IB Innovation Report (December ())E) 0Competing in t"e 2 oba !conomyB Innovation C"a enge1
"ttpBHHwww.dti.gov.ukHinnovationreportHinnovation<report<fu .pdf (/ic"ae .orter is one of t"e D#Is aut"ors for t"is report).

A!" pro;ect<specific researc" for group work

11 1

Review % ref ection $tudent presentations

$tudent teams prepare and discuss t"eir researc" and ana ysis. $tudent teams present t"eir researc" and ana ysis to t"e c ass.

Dates and times to be agreed and confirmed wit" co"ort members.

6age >

Module )uide

Developing and applying learning

.e ado"t a deliberately fleEible and "ragmatic a""roach to teaching and learning in this module S eEactly in the s"irit of entre%reneurshi% and innovation! 0here ha*e been some remarkable outcomes from this module including4 new small business start?u"s, "riPe?winning student teams com"eting in business "lan com"etitions, and "roduction of a training C, based on inter*iews with real entre"reneurs! 0he benefits gained from this module can go well beyond the $- credits towards your degree!

$*1 &ttendan'e 1e0uirements

Attending all your classes is *ery im"ortant and one of the best ways to hel" you succeed in this module! 7esearch has found a clear correlation between student attendance and o*erall "erformance! In accordance with the Student Charter, you are eE"ected to arri*e on time and take an acti*e "art in all your timetabled classes! If you are unable to attend a class for a *alid reason e!g! illness#, "lease contact your 'odule 0utor. Anglia 7uskin will closely monitor the attendance of all students and will contact you if you ha*e been absent without notice for two weeks! Continued absence can result in *arious conse8uences including the termination of your registration as you will be considered to ha*e withdrawn from your studies! International students who are non?EEA nationals and in "ossession of entry clearanceClea*e to remain as a student student *isa# are re8uired to be in regular attendance at Anglia 7uskin! 1ailure to do so is considered to be a breach of national immigration regulations! Anglia 7uskin, like all British 3ni*ersities, is statutorily obliged to inform the 3% Border Agency of the @ome )ffice of significant unauthorised absences by any student *isa holders!

6age 9

Module )uide

2* &ssessment
%he assessment ,or this module 'onsists o, three parts* Su/mission dates vary* 3art $ %ype o, assessment 1ormati*e S Kustify selection of focus organisation Element /$/ S written indi*idual assignment .eighting4 5/I of the mark Element /$$ S *erbal "resentation with *isual aids .eighting4 +/I of the mark 4ord or time limit minutes &,-// words Su/mission method Nerbal "resentation grou" or indi*idual# 0urnitin;3% 2rade'ark Su/mission dates R) LA0E7 0@AR4 5th lecture R) LA0E7 0@AR4 Le*el >4 1riday $5 'ay, &/$+ by -"m

& (

(/ ,ate to be Ro later than indi*idual assignment minutes agreed with submission date tutor grou" or indi*idual# -earning Out'ome $?+ $?+ $?+

&ssessment details Mark / 5/I +/I

$! 1ormati*e S *erbal "resentation S "rogress on the assessment task &! Element /$/ S written indi*idual assignment (! Element /$$ S *erbal "resentation with *isual aids grou" or indi*idual# $* 2* %O%&- M&1+S


Choice of assessment task See neEt "age

6age :

Module )uide

Choice of assessment "roKect

;roject A2
member * member ( member E member > member 3

n!b! each of these will test -earning Out'omes 1 5 $

Imp ementing an Innovation wit" a Business Start<0p planB<

C"airman /arketing Director 6inance Director 8perations Director Deve opment Director (p ans for year ( and into t"e future).

;roject B2
member * member ( member E member > member 3

9ssessment of Cambridge H C"e msford H ot"er region 3onte=t 5or Entrepreneurship & $nnovation by app ying e.g. .orters 0Diamond1 mode .
!conomic inf uences 9vai abi ity of Investment 6inance 9ssessment of support, training and assistance 9ssessment of infrastructure factors !7amination of specific entrepreneurs in t"is region

;roject 3
member * member ( member E member > member 3 ;roject " member * member ( member E member > member 3 member , ;roject E member * member ( member E member > member 3

Assessment o5 actual entrepreneurs (in terms of entrepreneuria traits, be"aviour, attributes, inf uences, attitudes, e7periences, outcomes etc).
e7amines enterprising individua e7amines enterprising individua e7amines enterprising individua e7amines enterprising individua e7amines enterprising individua 9 : C D !

9cting as an intrapreneur, devise an innovative change process wit"in a arge organisation.

app ies Ao"nson % $c"o es cu tura web ana ysis app ies Gap an % 'ortons ba anced scorecard app ies forcefie d ana ysis app ies C"eck ands soft systems ana ysis app ies anot"er framework app ies anot"er framework

Act as an intrapreneur b4 proposing a ne> internal business autonomous unit wit"in a arge organisation i.e. formu ate a business p an ana ogous to .ro;ect 9
$:F manager new business unit ($:F L strategic business unit) $:F /arketing manager new business unit $:F 6inancia manager new business unit $:F Deve opment manager new business unit $:F ot"er ro e new business unit

6roKects , and E are suitable for managers o"erating in medium C large organisations Rote4 the "roKects abo*e are suggestions only! 6artici"ating students ha*e the o""ortunity to "ro"ose and de*ise an original research "roKect! TEach task is that memberUs indi*idual assignment! TEach task is that indi*idualOs contribution to the grou" "resentation! 7esearch and analysis should start in week $ and continue throughout! I do not recommend the use of S.)0 VanalysisV S I will gi*e further ad*ice on this area in the lectures! ,) R)0 "resent S.)0 as "art of this module, it is R)0 "ost?graduate in le*el!
6age $/

Module )uide

6o. .ill the assignment /e marked7 Mour "roKects will reflect elements of the Learning )utcomes4
L) $ ? Critically e*aluate classical and cor"orate a""roaches to entre"reneurshi"! L) & ? ,e*elo" a critical awareness of the role of creati*ity in the inno*ation "rocess and the a""roaches through which creati*ity can be de*elo"ed in the indi*idual! L) ( ? Critically e*aluate the role and significance of entre"reneurshi" and inno*ation in the economy, making com"arisons with other nations L) + ? Critically e*aluate one new entre"reneurial idea or inno*ation, demonstrating its "otential im"lementation within its market by formulating a business start?u" or de*elo"ment# "lan!

It may not be "ossible to eE"licitly demonstrate all the learning outcomes in your assessments! 0his is a wide?ranging and *ery eclectic module! Mou are strongly encouraged to attend all the grou" "resentations and "artici"ate acti*ely in the dialogue within the Buestion and Answer sessions at the end of each grou" "resentation! 0his will enhance your learning and understanding of the subKect area!

Marking s'heme 5 8er/al 3resentation 9group: 011

&* Criterion ;* Eviden'e C* Mark D* 4eight E* C<D

1* Clarity o, 3urpose S what are you trying to achie*eA "* Overvie. o, Case Study = the conteEt of your chosen "roKect (! &nalysis o, Eviden'e = a""lying selected theoretical frameworks! +! 1easoned Con'lusions = summarise your findings! -! 1e'ommendations
S outline future directions C "olicies based on your conclusions

Learning )utcomes $ ? +


Learning )utcomes $ ? +


Learning )utcomes $ ? +


Learning )utcomes $ ? +


Learning )utcomes $ ? +


5! Eviden'e o, e,,e'tive team.ork in resear'h ( preparation = ha*e

your obKecti*es in 6art $ been achie*edA


>! >uality o, visual aids 9! 8er/al presentation

$/I $/I

6age $$

Module )uide

Each grou" "resentation will take maEimum (/ minutes in front of the class! E*ery member of the grou" must take "art and make a *erbal "resentation contribution! Mou are strongly encouraged to attend all the grou" "resentations and "artici"ate acti*ely in the dialogue within the Buestion and Answer sessions at the end of each grou" "resentation! 0his will enhance your achie*ement of Learning )utcomes $ S +! Class members will be in*ited to ask 8uestions at the end of a grou" "resentation! ?ote: Indi*idual marks will be awarded according to your own contributions to the "roKect "re"aration and the "resentation!

Marking s'heme

individual assignment


6age $&

Module )uide
&* Criterion ;* Eviden'e C* Mark D* 4eight E* C<D

Learning )utcomes $ S + !"


#esearch and A""roEimately 9// words e$idence Case study and evidence. Present the conte t o! your individua" research # the case study story, !acts $ !igures, the main issues. %ou must have re!erences to sources o! evidence here

Learning )utcomes $ S + 2.

Theoretical A""roEimately (// words framework


'cademic ( theoretica" !rame)or* # conceptua" +asis. Choose and ,usti!y a re"evant academic !rame)or* )hich )i"" he"p you e p"ain the issues in your case study. %ou must have academic re!erences here.

-. %nalysis -application of theory to e$idence

.se the !rame)or* that you have revie)ed in Part 2 in order to e p"ain, ana"yse and discuss the issues that you identi!ied in Part /. Warning: 01 213 present S413 as part o! this modu"e, it is 213 appropriate at this "eve". S413 )i"" +e a)arded 05.

Learning )utcomes $ S + A""roEimately 9// words


6. Conclusion&s' ( #ecommendation&s'.
Summarise your !indings !rom parts /,2 and -.

Learning )utcomes $ S + A""roEimately 5// words


7. #eferencing ( )i*liography
8nsure that a"" in!ormation, theory, evidence etc is systematica""y re!erenced to your +i+"iography using the Harvard system. 9nternet materia" must +e re!erenced )ith its !u"" .:; address. 01 213 copy $ paste !rom internet sources. %ou must use correct, reputa+"e sources !or academic !rame)or*s # 213 o+scure )e+sites

Learning )utcomes $ S +


6age $(

Module )uide

All coursework assignments and other forms of assessment must be submitted by the "ublished deadline which is detailed abo*e! It is your res"onsibility to know when work is due to be submitted S ignorance of the deadline date will not be acce"ted as a reason for late or non?submission!

6age $+

Module )uide

Any late work will R)0 be acce"ted and a mark of Pero will be awarded for the assessment task in 8uestion! Mou are re8uested to kee" a co"y of your work!

2*1 Su/mitting via %urnitin@A+ )radeMark BCam/ridge and Chelms,ord studentsC

Mou are re8uired to submit your written assignment s# online *ia 0urnitinC2rademark! 3nless stated on the assignment brief, all your assignments should be submitted online! @ard co"y assignments will ?O% be acce"ted or marked! !ou must put !OA1 Student ID num/er 9SID: as the su/mission title 9details /elo.:* Mou will be enrolled automatically to two ty"es of 0urnitin class4 $# 2rademark Classes entitled by module name, to which you will submit a )RE 0I'E )RLM final submissionW &# 0he )riginality 7e"ort Class to which you can submit multi"le drafts for originality checking! 0he 2rademark class "age shows the start date when you can begin submitting work#, the due date for your assignment and the "ost date! All assignments must be submitted by -"m on the due date! Any late work will R)0 be acce"ted and a mark of Pero will be awarded for the assessment task in 8uestion! 0he "ost date is the date when both feedback and "ro*isional results will be "osted online! Mou should follow the detailed instructions "ro*ided on the NLE! .hen you submit your assignment, remember to4

a) Keep default (recommended)

b) Enter your first and last name(s)


c) Enter your SID as the submission title VERY IMP R!"#!$

d) %ro&se to search for your assi'nment file e) (pload f) or cancel

O?-I?E SA;MISSIO? &?D DEED;&C+ %61OA)6 )1&DEM&1+

6age $-

Module )uide

At the "ost date you will get your feedback through 0urnitinC2rademark! .e ha*e im"lemented this online feedback system to gi*e you the following benefits4 'ore timely recei"t of your feedbackW Better 8uality feedbackW 0he ability to hand in your work onlineW 7eduction in time s"ent 8ueuing to hand in and "ick u" your assignmentsW 0he ability to recei*e marker feedback when it is "osted, regardless of your locationW 7eduction of both yours and the uni*ersityOs carbon foot"rint by no longer "rinting work!

6O4 %O 8IE4 !OA1 DEED;&C+ Click on the class that you wish to *iew and then you will see the assignments for the module listed! Click the blue *iew button to o"en u" the document *iewer! A new window will o"en and you will see your feedback on the right?hand side of the screen! )r click on the grey arrow to download a co"y of your assignment and feedback!

3OI?%S %O ?O%E $! 0he due date as seen in eNision is the official submission deadline! Any late work will R)0 be acce"ted and a mark of Pero will be awarded for the assessment task in 8uestion! ,o not lea*e it until the last minute to submit your work S the system becomes eEtremely busy and can be slower during the "eriod of the deadline! &! 2rademark final submission classes will become a*ailable $/ working days before the final submission date! Be aware that work can only be submitted )RCE to these classes and cannot be remo*ed or changed! (! All work submitted '3S0 be entitled by your Student I, number! +! Any work handed in *ia the iCentre will R)0 be marked! -! 0he )riginality 7e"ort is automatically generated by 0urnitin on submitting work! A "a"er co"y of the originality re"ort is not re8uired! 5! 0he )riginality 7e"ort will not be used to make assessment decisions unless concerns arise as to "oor academic "ractice, "lagiarism, or collusion! 0he re"ort may then be considered as "art of the normal in*estigatory "rocedures undertaken by the academic team and the ,irector of Studies again, "lease see Section $/ of the Assessment 7egulations#!

6age $5

Module )uide

>! 7e?sits and eEtensions are also to be submitted *ia 0urnitin! Rew 0urnitin classes will be created for re?sits! 9! 1ull details as on submitting to 0urnitin, the )riginality 7e"ort, and a 1ABs list, can be located on the module NLE! If you ha*e eE"erience submission difficulties, "lease email4 LAIBSF2rademarkFSu""ortLanglia!ac!uk All coursework assignments and other forms of assessment must be submitted by the "ublished deadline which is detailed abo*e! It is your res"onsibility to know when work is due to be submitted S ignorance of the deadline date will not be acce"ted as a reason for late or non?submission!

2*" Su/mitting your .ork BStudents in all other lo'ations at &sso'iate CollegesC
All student work which contributes to the e*entual outcome of the module i!e! if it determines whether you will "ass or fail the module and counts towards the mark you achie*e for the module# is submitted according to your institutions guidelines! Academic staff CARR)0 acce"t work directly from you! Any late work will R)0 be acce"ted and a mark of Pero will be awarded for the assessment task in 8uestion! Mou are re8uested to kee" a co"y of your work!


Marking 1u/ri' and Deed/a'k

0he rubric, shown in Section >!$ S"ecific 'arking Criteria, )i!! &e use" to #ar+ your )or+. Deed/a'k Mou are entitled to written feedback on your "erformance for all your assessed work! 1or all assessment tasks which are not eEaminations, this is "ro*ided by a member of academic staff through 2rademark at Cambridge and Chelmsford! At other locations and Associate Colleges, this is %rovi"e" through the co#%!etion of the assign#ent coversheet on )hich your #ar+ an" fee"&ac+ )i!! re!ate to the achieve#ent of the #o"u!e,s inten"e" !earning outco#es an" the assess#ent criteria you )ere given for the tas+ )hen it )as first issue". '-a#ination scri%ts are retaine" &y Ang!ia $us+in an" are not returne" to stu"ents. .o)ever, you are entit!e" to fee"&ac+ on your %erfor#ance in an e-a#ination an" #ay re/uest a #eeting )ith the o"u!e 0ea"er or *utor to see your e-a#ination scri%t an" to "iscuss your %erfor#ance. Ang!ia $us+in is co##itte" to %rovi"ing you )ith fee"&ac+ on a!! assesse" )or+ )ithin 20 working days of the su&#ission "ea"!ine or the "ate of an e-a#ination. *his is e-ten"e" to 10 "ays for fee"&ac+ for a a2or Pro2ect #o"u!e 3%!ease note that )or+ing "ays e-c!u"es those "ays )hen Ang!ia $us+in 4niversity is officia!!y c!ose"5 e.g. &et)een Christ#as an" 6e) 7ear). 6ersonal tutors will offer to read feedback from se*eral modules and hel" you to address any common themes that may be emerging! )n occasion, you will recei*e feedback and marks for work that you com"leted in the earlier stages of the module! .e "ro*ide you with this feedback as "art of the learning eE"erience and to hel" you "re"are for other assessment tasks that you ha*e still to com"lete! It is im"ortant to note that, in these cases, the marks for these "ieces of work are un'on,irmed! %his means that, potentially, marks 'an 'hange, in either dire'tionE ar+s for #o"u!es an" in"ivi"ua! %ieces of )or+ &eco#e confir#e" on the 8ates for the 9fficia! Pu&!ication of $esu!ts )hich can &e chec+e" at www!anglia!ac!ukCresults.

6age $>

Module )uide

2*$ 1e5&ssessment 9resit:

If you are unsuccessful with the $st attem"t of your assessment, you must com"lete a re?assessment! As indicated in Section 5!&!>! of the Senate Code of 6ractice, this is a RE. assessment, you CARR)0 re?work the assessment eE"lained in this section! 0he re?assessment information is gi*en in A%%en"i:.

F* 6o. is My 4ork Marked7

After you ha*e submitted your work or you ha*e com"leted an eEamination, Anglia 7uskin undertakes a series of acti*ities to assure that our marking "rocesses are com"arable with those em"loyed at other uni*ersities in the 3% and that your work has been marked fairly, honestly and consistently! 0hese inc!u"e;

Anonymous marking S your name is not attached to your work so, at the "oint of marking, the lecturer does not know whose work heCshe is considering! .hen you undertake an assessment task where your identity is known e!g! a "resentation or 'aKor 6roKect#, it is marked by more than one lecturer known as double marking# Internal moderation S a sam"le of all work for each assessment task in each module is moderated by other Anglia 7uskin staff to check the standards and consistency of the marking External moderation S a sam"le of student work for all modules is moderated by eEternal eEaminers S eE"erienced academic staff from other uni*ersities and sometimes "ractitioners who re"resent rele*ant "rofessions# ? who scrutinise your work and "ro*ide Anglia 7uskin academic staff with feedback, ad*ice and assurance that the #ar+ing of your )or+ is co#%ara&!e to that in other 4( universities. any of Ang!ia $us+in,s staff act as e-terna! e-a#iners at other universities. Departmental Assessment Panel (DAP) S "erformance by all students on all modules is "iscusse" an" a%%rove" at the a%%ro%riate 8APs )hich are atten"e" &y a!! re!evant o"u!e 0ea"ers an" e-terna! e-a#iners. Ang!ia $us+in has over <5 8APs to cover a!! the "ifferent su&2ects )e teach. 0his module falls within the remit of the 'arketing, Strategy and Enter"rise ,A6! 0he following eEternal eEaminers are a""ointed to this ,A6 and will o*ersee the assessment of this and other modules within the ,A6Os remit4

E<ternal E<aminerGs ?ame

Dr Ross Brennan

&'ademi' Institution
University of Hertfordshire Glasgow Caledonian University

3osition or Employer
Reader in Marketing

Dr Lindsey Carey Prof Roger Palmer

Lecturer Dean of Business School

Bournemouth University

0he abo*e list is correct at the time of "ublication! @owe*er, eEternal eEaminers are a""ointed at *arious "oints throughout the year! An u"?to?date list of eEternal eEaminers is a*ailable to students and staff at www!anglia!ac!ukCeeinfo! Anglia 7uskinOs marking "rocess is re"resented in the flowchart below4

6age $9

Module )uide

6age $:

Module )uide

Anglia 7uskinOs marking "rocess is re"resented in the flowchart below4

6age &/

Module )uide

Internal 'oderation Stage 'arking Stage

Dlo.'hart o, &nglia 1uskinGs Marking 3ro'esses

Student submits work C sits eEamination .ork collated and "assed to 'odule Leader

.ork is marked by 'odule Leader and 'odule 0utor s#$! All marks collated by 'odule Leader for ALL locations&

Internal moderation sam"les selected! 'oderation undertaken by a second academic(

EEternal 'oderation Stage

Any issuesA


R) Students recei*e initial unconfirmed# feedback 3nconfirmed marks and feedback to students within &/ working days (/ working days for 'aKor 6roKects#

EEternal moderation sam"les selected and moderated by EEternal EEaminers+

,A6+ Stage

Any issuesA R) 'arks submitted to ,A6- for consideration and a""ro*al Confirmed marks issued to students *ia e?Nision 'arks A""ro*ed by ,A6- and forwarded to Awards Board


All work is marked anonymously or double marked where identity of the student is known e!g!in a "resentation# 0he internal and eEternal# moderation "rocess com"ares work from all locations where the module is deli*ered e!g!Cambridge, Chelmsford, 6eterborough, 'alaysia, India, 0rinidad etc!# 0he sam"le for the internal moderation "rocess com"rises a minimum of eight "ieces of work or $/I whiche*er is the greater# for each marker and co*ers the full range of marks )nly modules at le*els -, 5 and > are subKect to eEternal moderation unless re8uired for se"arate reasons#! 0he sam"le for the eEternal moderation "rocess com"rises a minimum of eight "ieces of work or $/I whiche*er is the greater# for the entire module and co*ers the full range of marks ,A64 ,e"artmental Assessment 6anel S Anglia 7uskin has 6age o*er &$ &- different ,A6s to reflect our subKect co*erage

Module )uide

H* &ssessment Criteria and Marking Standards H*1 Spe'i,i' &ssessment Criteria and Marking 1u/ri'
A++ = 90-100 A+ = 80-89% A = 70-79% B = 60-69% C = 50-59% D = 40-49% F = 30-39% F- = 20-29% F = 10 -19% F---- = 0-9%

The report is wellfocused on the main points both academic and real-world. Key elements of entrepreneurship and innovation are powerfully covered, going well beyond the materials presented during the module, and containing elements of originality.

The report is wellfocused on the main points both academic and real-world. Key elements of entrepreneurship and innovation are very explicitly covered, possibly going beyond the materials presented during the module

An excellent report that is clear and succinct. It outlines the main points both academic and realworld. Key elements of entrepreneurship and innovation are very competently covered, possibly going beyond the materials presented during the module

A very good report that highlights the main points both academic and realworld. Key elements of entrepreneurship and innovation are covered competently, showing strong engagement with the module.

See @ow will the assignment be markedA guidance in Section -

BAP assignment re !rt

The report covered some key points both academic and realworld however some aspects were missing. hows reasonable engagement with the module

There are the beginnings of a good report. !ut you really needed to research more thoroughly and analyse more deeply. The idea of this report is that you understand and apply relevant academic frameworks to realworld issues.

"our report is unclear or badly written in places # make sure to focus on the most important aspects as per the detailed module assignment guidelines. The idea of this report is that you understand and apply relevant academic frameworks to real-world issues.

"ou have misunderstood the purpose of this module assignment. "ou need to take a much more serious approach to your studies. ee me for guidance.

"ou have completely misunderstood the purpose of this module assignment. "ou need to take a much more serious approach to your studies. ee me for guidance.

"ou have completely missed the point of this assignment task # see me for advice.

6age &&

Module )uide

H*" Aniversity )eneri' &ssessment Criteria

&?)-I& 1AS+I? A?I8E1SI%! )E?E1IC &SSESSME?% CRITERIA A D !AR"I # $TA DARD$ -E8E- %
-evel H is characterised by an eE"ectation of studentsO eE"ertise in their s"ecialism! Students are semi?autonomous, demonstrating inde"endence in the negotiation of assessment tasks including the maKor "roKect# and the ability to e*aluate, challenge, modify and de*elo" theory and "ractice! Students are eE"ected to demonstrate an ability to isolate and focus on the significant features of "roblems and to offer synthetic and coherent solutions, with some students "roducing original or inno*ati*e work in their s"ecialism that is worthy of "ublication or "ublic "erformance or dis"lay!

)eneri' -earning Out'omes 9)-Os: (A&ademi& Regulations' $e&tion 2) Mark ;ands Chara'teristi's o, Student &'hievement /y Marking ;and Out'ome +no.ledge ( Anderstanding
EEce"tional analysis of key issuesCconce"tsCethics with *ery clear originality and autonomy! EEce"tional de*elo"ment of conce"tual structures and argument making an eEce"tional use of scholarly con*entions! ,emonstrates inde"endence of thought and a *ery high le*el of intellectual rigour and consistency! .ork "ushes the boundaries of the disci"line and may be considered for eEternal "ublication

Intelle'tual 9thinking:, 3ra'ti'al, &,,e'tive and %rans,era/le Skills

EEce"tional analysis of key issuesCconce"tsCethics! EEce"tional de*elo"ment of conce"tual structures and argument, making consistent use of scholarly con*entions! EEce"tional research skills, inde"endence of thought, an eEtremely high le*el of intellectual rigour and consistency, eEce"tional eE"ressi*eC"rofessional skills, and substantial creati*ity and originality! EEce"tional academicCintellectual skills! .ork "ushes the boundaries of the disci"line and may be considered for eEternal "ublication )utstanding analysis of key issuesCconce"tsCethics! Nery high le*el de*elo"ment of conce"tual structures and argument, making consistent use of scholarly con*entions! )utstanding research skills, inde"endence of thought, a high le*el of intellectual rigour and consistency, outstanding eE"ressi*eC"rofessional skills, and considerable creati*ity and originality! EEem"lary academicCintellectual skills EEcellent analysis of key issuesCconce"tsCethics! @igh le*el de*elo"ment of conce"tual structures and argument, making consistent use of scholarly con*entions! EEcellent research skills, inde"endence of thought, a high le*el of intellectual rigour and consistency, eEcellent eE"ressi*eC "rofessional skills, and considerable creati*ity and originality! EEcellent academicCintellectual skills, and considerable creati*ity and originality 2ood analysis of key issuesCconce"tsCethics! ,e*elo"ment of conce"tual structures and argument, making consistent use of scholarly con*entions Satisfactory knowledge of key issuesC conce"tsCethics in disci"line! ,escri"ti*e in "arts but some ability to synthesise scholarshi" and argument! 'inor la"ses in use of scholarly con*entions Basic knowledge of key issuesCconce"tsCethics in disci"line! 2enerally descri"ti*e, with restricted synthesis of eEisting scholarshi" and little argument! 3se of scholarly con*entions inconsistent! Limited research skills im"ede use of learning resources and "roblem sol*ing! Significant "roblems with structureCaccuracy in eE"ression! 0eamC6racticalC 6rofessional skills not yet secure! .eak academicC intellectual skills! Limited use of scholarly con*entions Little e*idence of research skills, use of learning resources and "roblem sol*ing! 'aKor "roblems with structureC accuracy in eE"ression! 0eamC6racticalC6rofessional skills *irtually absent! Nery weak academicCintellectual skills! Little e*idence of use of scholarly con*entions Inade8uate use of research skills, learning resources and "roblem sol*ing! 'aKor "roblems with structureCaccuracy in eE"ression! 0eamC6racticalC6rofessional skills absent! EEtremely weak academicCintellectual skills! Inade8uate use of scholarly con*entions


Achieves #o"u!e outco#e3s) re!ate" to G09 at this !eve!

)utstanding analysis of key issuesCconce"tsCethics with clear originality and autonomy! )utstanding de*elo"ment of conce"tual structures and argument making an eEem"lary use of scholarly con*entions! ,emonstrates inde"endence of thought and a *ery high le*el of intellectual rigour and consistency


EEcellent analysis of key issuesCconce"tsCethics! EEcellent de*elo"ment of conce"tual structures and argument making eEcellent use of scholarly con*entions! ,emonstrates inde"endence of thought and a high le*el of intellectual rigour and consistency


2ood analysis of key issuesCconce"tsCethics! ,e*elo"ment of conce"tual structures and argument making consistent use of scholarly con*entions Satisfactory knowledge of key issuesC conce"tsCethics in disci"line! ,escri"ti*e in "arts but some ability to synthesise scholarshi" and argument! 'inor la"ses in use of scholarly con*entions A #argina! %ass in #o"u!e outco#e3s) re!ate" to G09 at this !eve! A #argina! fai! in #o"u!e outco#e3s) re!ate" to G09 at this !eve!. Possi&!e co#%ensation. Satisfies /ua!ifying #ar+ =ai!s to achieve #o"u!e outco#e3s) re!ate" to this G09. >ua!ifying #ar+ not satisfie". 6o co#%ensation avai!a&!e Basic knowledge of key issuesCconce"tsCethics in disci"line! 2enerally descri"ti*e, with restricted synthesis of eEisting scholarshi" and little argument! 3se of scholarly con*entions inconsistent




Limited knowledge of key issuesCconce"tsCethics in disci"line! Largely descri"ti*e, with restricted synthesis of eEisting scholarshi" and limited argument! Limited use of scholarly con*entions!

&/?&:I $/?$:I

Little e*idence of knowledge of key issuesCconce"tsCethics in disci"line! Largely descri"ti*e, with little synthesis of eEisting scholarshi" and little e*idence of argument! Little e*idence of use of scholarly con*entions! Inade8uate knowledge of key issuesCconce"tsCethics in disci"line! .holly descri"ti*e, with inade8uate synthesis of eEisting scholarshi" and inade8uate argument! Inade8uate use of scholarly con*entions!

6age &(

Module )uide
Ro e*idence of knowledge of key issuesCconce"tsCethics in disci"line! Incoherent and com"letely but "oorly descri"ti*e, with no e*idence of synthesis of eEisting scholarshi" and no argument whatsoe*er! Ro e*idence of use of scholarly con*entions! Ro e*idence of use of research skills, learning resources and "roblem sol*ing! Incoherent structureCaccuracy in eE"ression! 0eamC6racticalC6rofessional skills non? eEistent! Ro e*idence of academicCintellectual skills! Ro e*idence of use of scholarly con*entions

$?:I /I

Awarded for4 i# non?submissionW ii# dangerous "ractice andW iii# in situations where the student fails to address the assignment brief eg4 answers the wrong 8uestion# andCor related learning outcomes

6age &+

Module )uide

I* &ssessment O,,en'es
As an academic community, we recognise that the "rinci"les of truth, honesty and mutual res"ect are central to the "ursuit of knowledge! Beha*iour that undermines those "rinci"les weakens the community, both indi*idually and collecti*ely, and diminishes our *alues! .e are committed to ensuring that e*ery student and member of staff is made aware of the res"onsibilities sChe bears in maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity and how those standards are "rotected! Mou are reminded that any work that you submit must be your own! .hen you are "re"aring your work for submission, it is im"ortant that you understand the *arious academic con*entions that you are eE"ected to follow in order to make sure that you do not lea*e yourself o"en to accusations of "lagiarism e!g! the correct use of referencing, citations, footnotes etc!# and that your work maintains its academic integrity! ,efinitions of Assessment )ffences Plagiarism 6lagiarism is theft and occurs when you "resent someone elseOs work, words, images, ideas, o"inions or disco*eries, whether "ublished or not, as your own! It is also when you take the artwork, images or com"uter?generated work of others, without "ro"erly acknowledging where this is from or you do this without their "ermission! Mou can commit "lagiarism in eEaminations, but it is most likely to ha""en in coursework, assignments, "ortfolios, essays, dissertations and so on! EEam"les of "lagiarism include4 directly co"ying from written work, "hysical work, "erformances, recorded work or images, without saying where this is fromW using information from the internet or electronic media such as ,N,s and C,s# which belongs to someone else, and "resenting it as your ownW rewording someone elseOs work, without referencing themW and handing in something for assessment which has been "roduced by another student or "erson!

It is im"ortant that you do not "lagiarise S intentionally or unintentionally S because the work of others and their ideas are their own! 0here are benefits to "roducing original ideas in terms of awards, "riPes, 8ualifications, re"utation and so on! 0o use someone elseOs work, words, images, ideas or disco*eries is a form of theft! Collusion Collusion is similar to "lagiarism as it is an attem"t to "resent anotherOs work as your own! In "lagiarism the original owner of the work is not aware you are using it, in collusion two or more "eo"le may be in*ol*ed in trying to "roduce one "iece of work to benefit one indi*idual, or "lagiarising another "ersonOs work! EEam"les of collusion include4 agreeing with others to cheatW getting someone else to "roduce "art or all of your workW co"ying the work of another "erson with their "ermission#W submitting work from essay banksW "aying someone to "roduce work for youW and
6age &-

Module )uide

allowing another student to co"y your own work!

'any "arts of uni*ersity life need students to work together! .orking as a team, as directed by your tutor, and "roducing grou" work is not collusion! Collusion only ha""ens if you "roduce Koint work to benefit of one or more "erson and try to decei*e another for eEam"le the assessor#! C(eating Cheating is when someone aims to get unfair ad*antage o*er others! EEam"les of cheating include4 taking unauthorised material into the eEamination roomW in*enting results including eE"eriments, research, inter*iews and obser*ations#W handing your own "re*iously graded work back inW getting an eEamination "a"er before it is releasedW beha*ing in a way that means other students "erform "oorlyW "retending to be another studentW and trying to bribe members of staff or eEaminers!

@el" to A*oid Assessment )ffences 'ost of our students are honest and want to a*oid committing assessment offences! .e ha*e a *ariety of resources, ad*ice and guidance a*ailable to hel" make sure you can de*elo" good academic skills! .e will make sure that we make a*ailable consistent statements about what we eE"ect! Mou will be able to do tutorials on being honest in your work from the library and other su""ort ser*ices and faculties, and you will be able to test your written work for "lagiarism using X0urnitin;3%O a software "ackage that detects "lagiarism#! Mou can get ad*ice on how to use honestly the work of others in your own work from the library website www!libweb!anglia!ac!ukCreferencingCreferencing!htm# and your lecturer and "ersonal tutor! Mou will be able to use X0urnitin;3%O, a s"ecial software "ackage which is used to detect "lagiarism! 0urnitin;3% will "roduce a re"ort which clearly shows if "assages in your work ha*e been taken from somewhere else! Mou may talk about this with your "ersonal tutor to see where you may need to im"ro*e your academic "ractice! .e will not see these formati*e 0urnitin;3% re"orts as assessment offences! All students in Cambridge and Chelmsford are also eE"ected to submit their final work through 0urnitin;3% as outlined abo*e! If you are not sure whether the way you are working meets our re8uirements, you should talk to your "ersonal tutor, module tutor or other member of academic staff! 0hey will be able to hel" you and tell you about other resources which will hel" you de*elo" your academic skills! 6rocedures for assessment offences An assessment offence is the general term used to define cases where a student has tried to get unfair academic ad*antage in an assessment for himself or herself or another student! .e will fully in*estigate all cases of sus"ected assessment offences! If we "ro*e that you ha*e committed an assessment offence, an a""ro"riate "enalty will be im"osed which, for the most serious offences, includes eE"ulsion from Anglia 7uskin! 1or full details of our assessment offences "olicy and "rocedures, see Section $/ of the Aca"e#ic $egu!ations at4 www!anglia!ac!ukCacademicregs!

6age &5

Module )uide

9* -earning 1esour'es 9*1* -i/rary

0he 0alis As"ire 7eading List "roKect will begin to be introduced this academic year, more information at4 htt"4CCreadinglists!anglia!ac!ukCindeE!html 1or the academic year $(C$+ we will su""ort the 0alis As"ire system in "arallel with the resources list below! Lord Ashcroft International Business School libteam!aibsLanglia!ac!uk

1eading -ist %emplate = &nglia 1uskin Aniversity -i/rary 1esour'es

1e'ommended te<ts there is no one core teEtbook# ,eakins, , and 1reel, '! &/$&# Entrepreneurship and Small Dirms 'c2raw @ill, 5th ed, London Stokes, ,! G .ilson, R! &/$/#, JSmall ;usiness Management ( EntrepreneurshipG, South .estern Cengage Learning, 5th edition )sterwalder, A! G 6igneur M! &/$/# ;usiness Model )eneration, .iley @a han"&oo+ for visionaries, ga#e changers, an" cha!!engers striving to "efy out#o"e" &usiness #o"e!s an" "esign to#orro),s enter%risesA B features the e-ce!!ent te#%!ate @)usiness model &an*as+, ?ery usefu! te-t&oo+s that cover a )i"e range of to%ics that )e )i!! !oo+ at in this #o"u!e - stu"ents are a"vise" to %urchase one of these &oo+s.


;ooks *hese &oo+s cover a &roa" range of strategy an" financia! %ers%ectives an" you are strong!y a"vise" to refer to the# .esthead, .right and 'cElwee &/$$# Entrepreneurship = 3erspe'tives and Cases, 6earson! .illiams, Sara &/$&#, K;usiness start5up )uide "01 L &5th edition, 10 6rentice @all 0idd, Bessant G 6a*itt &//:# KManaging Innovation = integrating te'hnologi'al, market and organiMational 'hangeL, $th ed, .iley Bessant, J! G 0idd J! &/$$# KInnovation and EntrepreneurshipL, &nd ed, .iley Bridge, S!, )OReill, %! G 'artin 1! &//:# KAnderstanding Enterprise = Entrepreneurship and Small ;usinessL, 6algra*e 'c'illan, (rd edition! ,rucker, 6 $::+# Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Else*ier Morris, M, +uratko, D* ( Covin, N* 9"010: Corporate Peter 8ruc+er, the gran" o!" #an of #anage#ent science, a!)ays interesting to rea" on innovation. A great %ractica! gui"e to &usiness start-u%, a @ho) "o itA &oo+. *a+ing techno!ogy to #ar+et

6age &>

Module )uide Entrepreneurship ( InnovationL, South4estern Cengage Storey, ,!, G 2reene 1!J! &/$/# KSmall ;usiness and EntrepreneurshipL, 6earson 6ublishing ed Birley, S G 'uPka, , &///# Mastering Entrepreneurship = the Complete M;& CompanionL 10 6itman %oe"", 7ob &//&# Clusters o, 'reativity: enduring lessons on innovation and entrepreneurship ,rom Sili'on 8alley and EuropeOs Sili'on DenL .iley 7ae, ,a*id &//># Entrepreneurship = ,rom Opportunity to &'tionL, 6algra*e .ickham 6!A! &//(# Strategi' 9 rd ed*: .ar!o) ; Prentice .a!! %a"lan J!'! &//(# Ci!ey EntrepreneurshipL

3atterns o, EntrepreneurshipL

-ermann, $ (*==,) 0?idden championsB essons from 3)) of t"e wor dKs best unknown companies1, -arvard :usiness $c"oo .ress. Hermann, S (2009), Hidden Champions of the TwentyFirst Century: The Success Strategies of in"-#a%%ing B an e-ce!!ent )ay to start an Unknown World Market eaders, Springer innovative %ro2ect
BuPan, 0ony &///# %he mind map /ook, London4 BBC Checkland, 6 $::/# So,t systems methodology in a'tion, .iley, Chichester Checkland, 6 G 6outer, J &//5# -earning ,or &'tion, .iley, Chichester %ets de Nries, '! $::5# Damily /usiness: human dilemmas in the ,amily ,irm %e<t and 'asesL International 0homson Business 6ress! +enyon-#ou$ine,- . ( Ward- / &0112' 3Family )usiness: +ey 4ssues5, Pa"grave <acmi""an. Nournals Et is i#%ortant that you "ra) fro# #ateria! containe" in aca"e#ic 2ourna!s. 6arvard ;usiness 1evie. Avai!a&!e on!ine via A$4 8igita! 0i&rary.

=eaturing the Ger#an itte!stan" 3#i""!e-or"er) co#%anies, an e-ce!!ent e-a#%!e of &est %ractice for S 's.

SS B a creative #etho" to un%ac+ high!y co#%!e%ro&!e# situations

=a#i!y &usiness B a +ey %art of the econo#y. (ets "e ?ries !oo+s at the @"ar+ si"eA #otivations. Dohn Car" is a +ey s%ecia!ist author in the area of fa#i!y &usiness.

Spe'i,i' Pournal arti'les *o &e a"vise" 0o be ad*ised 4e/sites MI?%Ehtt"4CCwww!mintel!comC '-ce!!ent #ar+et inte!!igence re%orts, +ey resource in this #o"u!e avai!a&!e via A$4 0i&rary,s )e&site 0his com"ares nations in terms of setting u" and
6age &9

4orld ;ank KDoing ;usinessL

Module )uide htt"4CCwww!doingbusiness!orgCEconomy7ankingsC ease or not# of doing business, looking at $$ criteria! 0he 2C7 is based on $& "illars of com"etiti*eness, "ro*iding a com"rehensi*e "icture of the com"etiti*eness landsca"e in countries around the world at all stages of de*elo"ment! 0he "illars include4 Institutions, Infrastructure, 'acroeconomic Stability, @ealth and 6rimary Education, @igher Education and 0raining, 2oods 'arket Efficiency, Labour 'arket Efficiency, 1inancial 'arket So"histication, 0echnological 7eadiness, 'arket SiPe, Business So"histication and Inno*ation EEcellent and sometimes 8uirky contrarian# news and commentary, great macro?analysis 6ES0EL#

4orld E'onomi' Dorum 4ED )lo/al Competitiveness 1eportL )C1

htt"4CCwww!weforum!orgCenCmediaCLatestI&/6ress I&/7eleasesC2C7/97elease !

%he E'onomist


;loom/erg ;usiness 4eek htt"4CCwww!businessweek!comC 4irts'ha,ts.o'he Dinan'ial %imes ;;C ?e.s htt"4CCwww!wiwo!deC htt"4CCwww!ft!comChomeCuk '-ce!!ent Ger#an !anguage &usiness )ee+!y

htt"4CCwww!bbc!co!ukCnewsCbusinessC htt"4CCwww!mckinsey8uarterly!com 7ou can su&scri&e to c(insey free-of-charge

M'+insey >uarterly

A""itiona! rea"ing )i!! &e reco##en"e" )ee+!y in c!ass! Aniversity -i/rary 'atalogue and Digital -i/rary http:##li/.e/*anglia*a'*uk# 6arvard 1e,eren'ing guide http:##li/.e/*anglia*a'*uk#re,eren'ing#harvard*htm

More .e/5/ased 1esour'es

0he former D%I 3% go*ernment de"artment has been renamed and reorganised twice in recent years! It was briefly known as BE77 ,e"t for Business, Enter"rise and 7egulatory 7eform# and is now known as ;IS, the Department ,or ;usiness, Innovation and Skills htt"4CCwww!bis!go*!ukC ;usiness -ink is "art of BIS and offers "ractical ad*ice and su""ort for business and for start?u" entre"reneurs htt"4CCwww!businesslink!go*!ukCbdotgCactionChomeA domainDwww!businesslink!go*!ukGtargetDhtt"4CCwww!businesslink!go*!ukC A+ %rade ( Investment htt"s4CCwww!uktradein*est!go*!ukC

European Small ;usiness &'t = S;& 9De' "00I: htt"4CCwww!berr!go*!ukCwhatwedoCenter"riseCenter"risesmesC"age+9>+9!html 0he European Small ;usiness &'t was formally agreed by 'ember States on the $st ,ecember &//9! At a meeting in Brussels, 'ember States ado"ted the Act and an Action 6lan which gi*es added im"etus to deli*ering "riorities in the conteEt of the economic downturn!

6age &:

Module )uide

0he Small Business Act co*ers a wide range of "olicy areas to im"ro*e the en*ironment for Euro"eOs small businesses! It is based around ten "rinci"les and a number of underlying measures at the E3 and national le*el! htt"4CCec!euro"a!euCenter"riseCentre"reneurshi"CsbaFen!htm

;usiness -ink

6ractical ad*ice for business in the 3%#


@el"ful "ublications free of charge# S the best written books on small business start?u", now out of "rint but accessible on my website4 htt"4CCcambridgemba!word"ress!comCno?nonsense?guides?to?starting?u"C 0he ?o5?onsense )uide to Starting a Business 0he ?o5?onsense )uide to 2o*ernment rules and regulations for setting u" your business 0he ?o5?onsense )uide to Small Business 1unding S &//9 0he ?o5?onsense )uide to 1inance for @igh 2rowth Com"anies S &//9 @' 7e*enue G Customs Starting in Business 6M1C www!hmrc!go*!ukC htt"4CCwww!hmrc!go*!ukCstartingu"CindeE!htm

,e"artment for Em"loyment G Learning @ealth and Safety EEecuti*e

htt"4CCwww!delni!go*!ukC htt"4CCwww!hse!go*!ukC

-o'al government:5
2o*ernment )ffice for the East of England htt"4CCwww!gos!go*!ukCgoeastClocalFgo*ernmentC Cambridge County Council htt"4CCwww!cambridgeshire!go*!ukC EsseE County Council htt"4CCwww!esseE!go*!ukC South Cambridgeshire ,istrict Council htt"4CCwww!scambs!go*!ukC Cambridge City Council www!cambridge!go*!uk Chelmsford Borough Council htt"4CCwww!chelmsford!go*!ukC Cambridge Chamber of Commerce www!cambridgechamber!co!uk EsseE Chamber of Commerce www!esseEchambers!co!uk Cambridge Retwork www!cambridgenetwork!co!ukC Enter"rise Yone Eurostat 3% Science 6arks Association Cambridge E*ening Rews www!enter"risePone!org!ukC www!euro"a!eu!intCcommCeurostatC www!uks"a!org!ukC htt"4CCwww!cambridge?news!co!ukCcnFbusinessC

?on5government sour'es
Bank of England htt"4CCwww!bankofengland!co!ukC"ublica!htmZsmbus Association of Business 7eco*ery 6rofessionals htt"4CCwww!r(!org!ukC9thC ,unn G Bradstreet htt"4CCwww!dnb!comC Barclays Bank small business sur*eys# htt"4CCwww!business"ark!barclays!comCbulletin!htm Centre for 1amily Enter"rise www!familyenter"rise!orgCsub"agesC"a"ersFarticles!htm 1amily 1irm Institute www!ffi!org 1ederation of Small Business www!fsb!org!uk Enter"rise Yone www!enter"risePone!org!ukC Stoy @ayward htt"4CCwww!nbs!ntu!ac!ukC,E60SCC2BCbusti"sCbtg!html Small Business 7esearch 6ortal htt"4CCwww!smallbusiness"ortal!co!ukCnabout!htm
6age (/

Module )uide Small Business 7esearch 0rust htt"4CCwww!sbrt!co!ukCd?commerceC

Cambridge area4?
2o*ernment )ffice for the East of England www!go?eastern!go*!ukCgo?eastfra!htm www!go?east!go*!uk Cambridge County Council www!camcnty!go*!uk South Cambridgeshire ,istrict Council www!scambs!go*!uk Cambridge City Council www!cambridge!go*!uk Cambridge Chamber of Commerce www!cambridgechamber!co!uk Cambridge Retwork www!cambridgenetwork!co!ukC Cam/ridge %e'hnopole 1eport "00F S an o*er*iew of the 3%Os leading high?technology business cluster! htt"4CCwww!stKohns!co!ukCdocumentsCcambridgetechno"olere"ort!"df 0he East of England )bser*atory "ro*ides research and data about the East of England! htt"4CCwww!eastofenglandobser*atory!org!ukC Cam/ridge Cluster re"orts &/$(, If' htt"4CCwww&!ifm!eng!cam!ac!ukCctmCtegCcambridgetechno"ole!html Cam/ridge %e'hnopole 1eport "011 htt"4CCwww&!ifm!eng!cam!ac!ukCctmCtegCdocumentsCCambridge0echno"ole&/$$*$!$!"df Cambridge E*ening Rews SB. 6artnershi" www!cambridge?news!co!ukCbusinessC http:##...*s0.*'o*uk#7idQ1$

K%he Cam/ridge 3henomenon 1evisitedL

A+ S'ien'e 3arks &sso'iation Cam/ridge S'ien'e 3ark Euro"a

www!uks"a!org!ukC ...*'am/ridge5s'ien'e5park*'om htt"4CCeuro"a!euCyoureuro"eCbusinessC

,oing business in Euro"e

Eurostat Business data in Euro"e htt"4CCe""!eurostat!ec!euro"a!euC"ortalC"ageC"ortalCeuro"eanFbusinessCdataCdatabase )EC, S'Es and Entre"reneurshi" htt"4CCwww!oecd!orgCde"artmentC/,&599,enF&5+:F(+$:>F$F$F$F$F$,//!html )EC, high?le*el international forum for S'E "olicy makers works to "romote entre"reneurshi" and ad*ance the "erformance of small businesses by e*aluating and diffusing best "ractice "olicies in such areas as4 business en*ironment, financing, inno*ation, training, access to markets, e?business, women entre"reneurshi"! Strengthening international co?o"eration with )EC, non?member economies and international organisations is also gi*en high "riority! Bundesministerium fur .irtschaft und 0echnologie 2erman go*ernment "olicy, "ublications, action "rogrammes htt"4CCwww!bmwi!deC,EC0hemenCwirtschaft!html

,irection g[n[rale de la com"[titi*it[, de lUindustrie et des ser*ices ,2CIS# htt"4CCwww!dgcis!gou*!frC"me 1rench go*ernment "olicy, "ublications, action "rogrammes for S'Es 6'Es# Canadian 1ederation of Small Business www!cfib!ca Canadian 2o*t Business Ser*ice htt"4CCwww!cbsc!orgC Rational 1ederation of Small Business Associations Ja"an# www!chuolcai!or!K"Cenglish Ja"anese small firms conteEt G data 3S 1ederation of Small Business www!usfsb!com Australia S Business Entry 6oint htt"4CCwww!business!go*!auCBE6C Ireland S Enter"rise Ireland htt"4CCwww!enter"rise?ireland!comCenglish!as" @ong %ong S S'E Information Centre htt"4CCwww!sme!gcn!go*!hkCindeE!cfm Rew Yealand htt"4CCwww!biPinfo!co!nPC 2ermany htt"4CCwww!germany?s"ells?business!com A73 Library website htt"4CClibweb!anglia!ac!ukC Library electronic catalogue
6age ($

Module )uide

Sunday 0imes Business 1inancial 0imes BBC business news Economist!com .irtschaftswoche Le 'onde Enter"rises

www!sunday?times!co!ukCbusinessC www!ft!com www!ft!comCforums htt"4CCnews!bbc!co!ukChiCenglishCbusinessCdefault!stm www!economist!comCbusinessCindeE!cfm htt"4CCwiwo!deCnews htt"4CCwww!lemonde!frCse8uenceC/,-:9>,(&(+???,//!html

)ther interesting websites

htt"4CCwww!in*ent!org!ukC htt"4CCwww!eureka?club!orgC htt"4CCin*entors!about!comCmbody!htmAonceDtrueG htt"4CCwww!*irtualsalt!comCcrebook$!htm for creati*e thinking techni8ues# htt"4CCwww!*irtualsalt!comCcrebook&!htm for creati*e thinking techni8ues# htt"4CCwww!cocd!beC

)lo/al Entrepreneurship Monitor 9)EM:


?ote4 this is a +E! resour'e, it contains s"lendid data on international com"arisons of entre"reneurshi" 2E' is the worldOs largest and longest?standing study of entre"reneurial acti*ity! In &/$/, 2E' conducted research in -: countries around the world! 0he results of 2E' data analysis is used as a key benchmarking indicator by regional, national and su"ranational authorities around the world! 0hose new to the research "rogram will find global com"arisons, national re"orts, and s"ecial to"ic re"orts based on the annual data collection cycle! )*er &// scholars and researchers are currently "artici"ating in the 2E' "roKect! ,ownload the most recent indi*idual country re"orts for free! See also the &//+ 2E' re"ort .omen and Entre"reneurshi"!

0he 4orld ;ank "ublishes its Doing ;usiness re"ort e*ery year! htt"4CCwww!doingbusiness!orgCEconomy7ankingsC
0his is a key resource! Doing ;usiness com"ares nations in terms of setting u" and ease or not# of doing business, looking at $$ criteria!

0he 4orld E'onomi' Dorum 4ED "ublishes its )lo/al Competitiveness 1eport each year4? htt"4CCwww!weforum!orgCenCmediaCLatestI&/6ressI&/7eleasesC2C7/97elease
0he 2CI is based on $& "illars of com"etiti*eness, "ro*iding a com"rehensi*e "icture of the com"etiti*eness landsca"e in countries around the world at all stages of de*elo"ment! 0he "illars include4 Institutions, Infrastructure, 'acroeconomic Stability, @ealth and 6rimary Education, @igher Education and 0raining, 2oods 'arket Efficiency, Labour 'arket Efficiency, 1inancial 'arket So"histication, 0echnological 7eadiness, 'arket SiPe, Business So"histication

Mou will find a lot of serious and re"utable info and assessment is freely a*ailable, for eEam"le4? $!# 3ri'e 4aterhouse Coopers Emerging Markets 9EM: re"orts4? htt"4CCwww!"wc!co!ukCengC"ublicationsC&//9Fem&/FindeE!html and htt"4CCwww!"wc!co!ukCengC"ublicationsC/(/:Fem&/F"odcast!html
0hese com"are the risk *s! reward "rofiles for the to" &/ Emerging Rations in two categories4? manufacturing and ser*ices! 0his is the second year that 6.C has made these assessments and for the first time they com"are one year with the neEt and we can see clear trends emerging!

&!# 1or u"?to?date info, take a look at the 3% go*ernmentOs A+%I website4? htt"s4CCwww!uktradein*est!go*!ukCuktiCa""managerCuktiCcountriesAFnflsDfalseGFnf"bDtrue 3%0I runs a desk or team s"ecialiPing in each nation and they gi*e each nation a headline assessment!

6age (&

Module )uide

(!# Also take a look at the Control1isks website4? htt"4CCwww!controlrisks!comC +!# Also take a look at the I'1 2lobal 1inancial Stability 7e"ort4? htt"4CCwww!imf!orgCeEternalC"ubsCftC21S7CindeE!htm -!# Corru"tion and bribery can be "roblems! 0he Economist news"a"er regularly "rints u"dates from 0rans"arency International htt"4CCwww!trans"arency!orgC


&''enture 'anaging 7isk4 Solid Strategy for 7isky 0imes

https:##mi'rosite*a''enture*'om#m'im#managing5risk#3ages#de,ault*asp<7 'QadRgp09uk'onpsgsR1"0I(nQgREnterpriseR1iskRManagement#aR0Rk#riskRmanagement(sR k.'idQ%CSH$$ISriskT"0managementSSSS/S 2$1"0 1"F


Other 1esour'es

8ideo and multi5media material

0here are some useful resources on !ou%u/e, it is always worth searching for e!g! ,ragonOs ,en, the BBC& series featuring real entre"reneurs "itching to real in*estors the ,ragons#!

10* Module Evaluation

,uring the second half of the deli*ery of this module, you will be asked to com"lete a module e*aluation 8uestionnaire to hel" us obtain your *iews on all as"ects of the module! 0his is an eEtremely im"ortant "rocess which hel"s us to continue to im"ro*e the deli*ery of the module in the future and to res"ond to issues that you bring to our attention! 0he module re"ort in section $$ of this module guide includes a section which comments on the feedback we recei*ed from other students who ha*e studied this module "re*iously! Mour 8uestionnaire res"onse is anonymous! 6lease hel" us to hel" you and other students at Anglia 7uskin by com"leting the 'odule E*aluation sur*ey! .e *ery much *alue our studentsO *iews and it is *ery im"ortant to us that you "ro*ide feedback to hel" us make im"ro*ements! In addition to the 'odule E*aluation "rocess, you can send any comment on anything related to your eE"erience at Anglia 7uskin to tellusLanglia!ac!uk at any time!

6age ((

Module )uide

11* 1eport on -ast Delivery o, Module MODA-E 1E3O1% DO1M

*his for# shou!" &e co#%!ete" &y #o"u!e tutors 3)here there is #ore than one "e!ivery) an" for)ar"e" to o"u!e 0ea"ers )ho co#%i!es the resu!ts on to one for# for use at the Progra##e Co##ittee an" other #etho"s of "isse#inating fee"&ac+ to stu"ents.

Module Code and %itle: '), //$/:( Entre"reneurshi" and Inno*ation &nglia 1uskin Department: 'SE -o'ation9s: o, Delivery: Cam/ridge and Chelms,ord &'ademi' !ear: "01"#1 %rimester: (

Enrolment ?um/ers 9at ea'h lo'ation:: 10 Module -eader: 1o/ert Nones Other Module %utors:
Student &'hievement Provi"e a &rief overvie) of stu"ent achieve#ent on the #o"u!e as evi"ence" &y the range of #ar+s a)ar"e". A
"etai!e" &rea+"o)n of #ar+s )i!! &e avai!a&!e at the 8e%art#enta! Assess#ent Pane!.

0he a*erage mark for the assignment in &/$& for "art?time 'BA students was 5+I! 0his is in line with the marks for "re*ious years! 0he good "erformance resulted from the high "ro"ortion of highly moti*ated students enrolled on this o"tion module! 0wo of the scri"ts were eEcellent and were awarded >-I! 0hey dis"layed eEcellent data and e*idence in the case study, wide sco"e in reading around the subKect area, and "owerful a""lication of rele*ant academic frameworks! 0he scri"ts in the >/I range were *ery com"etent, showing strong engagement with the task! 0he scri"ts in the 5/s range were well researched, with effecti*e case studies and rele*ant factors, but "erha"s not so strong with the s"ecific academic a""lication! Scri"ts in the -/s were com"etently written analyses of factors influencing chosen enter"rises, but with less reference to s"ecific factors and frameworks! Scri"ts in the +/s were worthy attem"ts, but rather descri"ti*e in nature, lacking in e*idence and lacking in academic a""lication! 'ark range 1ail +/?+:I -/?-:I 5/?5:I >/?>:I 9/I Rumber / $ & & / $/ 6ercentage / $/I &/I -/I &/I /I $//I
Deed/a'k ,rom Students Brief!y su##arise stu"ent res%onses, inc!u"ing any )ritten co##ents 0his was my fa*ourite module, it has been so useful to my "rofessional role 0his is an eEciting and interesting module 0he "assion and enthusiasm of the tutor are *ery clear! EEcellent Berlin @.7# Module -eader#%utorGs 1e,le'tion on Delivery o, the Module, in'luding 1esponse to Deed/a'k ,rom Students 3inc!u"ing resources if a%%ro%riate)

0his module is eclectic and wide range by design! Rearly all students a""ear to be highly moti*ated by the

module content and deli*ery?style! 0he module is designed to a""eal to start?u" entre"reneurs, cluster economists, beha*ioural and "sychological researchers, intra"reneurs and others!
Developments during the 'urrent year or planned ,or ne<t year 3if a%%ro%riate)

0his is a long?established module that is undergoing continuous reframing and u"dating

E<ternal E<aminerGs Comments State )hether the e-terna! e-a#iner agree" the #ar+s an"For co##ente" on the #o"u!e 0he eEternal eEaminer a""ro*ed the marks and commented on the a""arent 8uality and "assion of the module tutorOs deli*ery and the studentOs work and the tutorOs marking!
6age (+

Module )uide

&ppendi< 1: 1e5&ssessment In,ormation

%6IS I?DO1M&%IO? O?-! &33-IES %O S%ADE?%S 46O &1E A?SACCESSDA- I? %6EI1 DI1S% SA;MISSIO? D1&D% 8E1SIO? = &4&I%I?) EU%E1?&- EU&MI?E1 &331O8&&ssessment .ill /e 'on,irmed /e,ore the re5assessment period
%he re5assessment ,or this module 'onsists o, one part: 3art /$/ /$$ %ype o, assessment .ritten assignment Nerbal "resentation 4ord or Su/mission dates time limit &,-// 7esit "eriod4 &$st July, &/$+ words (/ 0o be ad*ised minutes

3art 010 = &ssignment Consult the module tutor for ad*ice then rework and im"ro*e the original assignment which is uni8ue to the student! 3art 011 = 8er/al presentation Consult the module tutor for ad*ice then rework and im"ro*e the original "roKect which is uni8ue to the student! 0he marking scheme is identical to that for the first attem"t, see section -

6age (-

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