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It Came From Japan - Stormbringer Side Story random table The internet is an endless treasure trove filled with

curiosities. I found this random Side Story generation table on a Japanese site for the old Stormbringer R !" but it could be used for any fantasy R !. If a player cannot ma#e a gaming session" they roll on these tables to ma#e an imaginary $side story% their character went on" which may also net them treasure and e&perience or possibly death and dismemberment. ST' ()' Roll *d++ on the first table" then again on the second" then combine the results to get the Side Story title. If the second result starts with $of% it goes after the first" if it is an ad,ective it goes before. '&ample- I roll a ./ and a *0" which gives me rayer of 1aw. )ot bad" fitting for Stormbringer and not as absurd as some answers might be.

ST' T2( Roll *d*++ on the 3dventure (utcome Table and add in the modifier from step one to determine the success of the adventure. If Side Story points are gained" they can be used to increase a s#ill by *d45. To increase a s#ill below 6+5 * Side Story point is needed" for s#ills over 6+5 0 points are needed" and for s#ills over 765 / points are needed. '&ample- I roll a /0" minus two as indicated by my roll of *0 above. I get *d/ points I can use to improve s#ills 8939:;. ST' T<R'' Roll *d*++ on the 3dventure Income Table and add in the modifier from step one to determine any income or loss from the adventure. '&ample- I roll a =>" and with no modifiers from my previous rolls I get a Failure and lose *d. & 6+ 1?.

@ABCDEF* GHI Title part * result

J*+ +

BCDE Title

KLMN 3dventure (utcome modifier

OPMN 3dventure Income modifier -0 -0 -* -* -0 -*

+* QR !em +0 SQ Treasure +/ TU Crown +. VU Tiara +6 WX !old Coin +4 YX Silver Coin += Z[X ?ron\e Coin +7 ] Sword +> ^ Spear *+ _ 3&e ** ` 3rmor *0 a Shield */ b <elm *. cd Seal *6 ef ?racer *4 gf Ring *= hij *7 k 2ine *> lm nap 0+ op Jungeon 0* q <all 00 pr alace 0/ st Storehouse 0. u Ship *

-* -* -*

-* -*

06 vw Fleet 04 xyu Shipwrec# 0= z Tower 07 { Castle 0> | Fort /+ }r Sanctuary /* ~ Temple /0 r agoda // Ruins /. {| eep /6 Cane /4 Ravine /= Forest /7 2aterfall /> Crossoroads .+ leasure Jome .* Realm .0 2hirlwind ./ rayer .. Trap .6 Crest .4 Farewell .= 'veryday .7 <oliday .> G Jecision 6+ engeance 6* Jeath 0 *

60 (ath

6/ Secret 6. Feast 66 Festival 64 Ritual 6= Jance 67 3ffair 6> Failure 4+ - (ccurrence 4* Shadow 40 nelancholy 4/ 2ings 4. Curse 46 <onor 44 } !enie 4= 2olf 47 1ion 4> 'agle =+ ?east =* naiden =0 Father =/ nother =. nistress =6 ?astard =4 2oman == nan =7 !irl => ?oy 7+ 2ife * 0 -* / 0

7* risoner 70 Traveler 7/ rocession 7. Corpse *

76 'ye 74 'ar 7= )ose 77 nouth 7> <ead >+ ?ody >* <and >0 e 3rm >/ 1eg >. Foot >6 Side >4 Sea Route >= Claw >7 Scale >> 0 Roll twice ++ / Roll thrice

@ABCDEF* GHI Title part 0 result J*+ + BCDE Title KLMN Result mod. * 0 OPMN Income mod.

+* of Chaos +0 of 3rioch

+/ of Chadros +. of yaray +6 of nabelrode +4 of iombarg += of Spirits +7 of !rome +> D of Strassa *+ BE of a#atal ** of 1hassa *0 of 1aw */ of Jonb;as *. of 3r#oon *6 E of !oldar *4 of Jemons *= E of the Jhar\i *7 E of nelnibone *> of Twins 0+ of ?rothers 0* of Sisters 00 of the 2arrior 0/ of the al#yrie 0. T of the ing 06 T of the Queen 04 of the 'mperor 0= of the 'mpress 07 of the rince 0> of the Count /+ of the ?aron

0 0 0 0


-* -0 -0 -0 0 -0


-6 -/ -0 -0 -* -* -*

/* u of the Captain /0 T of the Robber ing

-* -* -* *+ -* 0 -6

// !" of the <igh riest /. #$ of ?eggars /6 !% of the nagnate /4 }&' of the Cardinal /= () of the Jefender /7 of the bastard /> * of Jragons .+ + of !hosts .* of ?easts .0 ,T of the ?east ing ./ l- of the .nderworld .. /0 of the Sea ?ed .6 12 of <ellfire .4 3 of the Storm .= 45 of the S#y .7 6 of the Jeep 2oods .> 7, of the 2asteland 6+ 8 of the Swamp 6* 9: of the ?oiling nist 60 ;< of the Inferno 6/ = of Ice 6. >? of the Raging Sea 66 @A of Sorrow 64 B of Joy 6= C! of !reatness 67 D of Folly

6> EF of <eartlessness 4+ GH of Cruelty 4* IJ of Ivory 40 KL of 'bony 4/ of 1ight 4. M of Jar#ness 46 6N of Crimson 44 OP of 3\ure 4= QRS of Jeception 47 TU of Filth 4> VWX Ja\\ling =+ YZ 1ofty =* Y[ Je,ected =0 \]^_ .nseeable =/ `A Fragrant =. aX Stolen =6 bW of !old =4 JY of Silver == Z[ of ?ron\e =7 X 1ost => cd of Jesperation 7+ !AXe .nimpressive 7* fg Frightful 70 h> of 2rath 7/ i of leasure 7. j of nagic 76 of ?attle 74 klmjAX of Cunning

* *

-* *

* -* -* *

-/ -0 -*

* -0 * / -*

7= noA Fearsome 77 p of 'ros 7> q4rl 'arth shattering >+ stuv .nprecedented >* wA ?eautiful >0 xy <ideous >/ zX Shoc#ing >. {|} ?eyond Time >6 w~A Jelicious >4 Tiny >= ! Colossal >7 ?oring >> 0 Roll twice ++ / Roll thrice KLGHI 3dventure (utcome Table J*+ + KL Result @A C D Side Story points gained *J4 points

* *

-* -*




+*+6 +4=+ =*>7 >>++

! <uge success Success Failure ! Complete

*J/ points

* point

* point

+ Random character



\ OPGHI 3dventure Income Table J*+ + +* KL Result A ?irth of a legend OP Income '&tras

*J*+*++1 \P ? 3 random character gets a Jemon


! *J*+*++1 C\P <uge success ? 3 random character gets a magic item. Success Failure ! <uge failure ! Jisaster *J4*++1?

+4=+ =*>6 >4>> ++


*J.*+1? C 3 random character loses a magic item. *J.*+1? 3 random character loses a Jemon.

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