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Chapter 9 Appraising Performance

1. Case Application: Appraising the Secretaries at Sweetwater U (page 357) 1. Do you think that the experts' recommendations will be sufficient to get most of the administrators to fill out the rating forms properly? Why or Why not? What additional actions (if any) do you think will be necessary? While controversial, the recommendations would, in fact, encourage administrators to fill the forms out correctly. Using the more detailed form and not tying the performance ratings to salary increases would allow the managers to feel more free about rating the secretaries accurately. There would, however, need to be some strong training sessions (both for administrators and secretaries) to help them understand the new system. Since all secretaries have traditionally received the same salary increases, and have been pleased with that, it would be advisable to consider lowering the maximum increase to an amount that could be given to all secretaries while staying within budget. Then all secretaries with a satisfactory rating or better would receive that increase. 2. Do you think that Vice President Winchester would be better off dropping graphic rating forms, substituting instead one of the other techniques we discussed in this chapter such as a ranking method? Certainly other methods could be used. He has already had a taste of what would result if he went to a forced distribution or other ranking method. A BARS system might be best, but it could be costly to develop if the clerical staff have positions that are significantly different. 3. What performance appraisal system would you develop for the secretaries if you were Rob Winchester? Defend your answer. If the development costs are not too great, the BARS system would give the strongest solution to the current situation. The behavioral anchors would make it more difficult to just rate everyone at the top. It would also help to eliminate the different interpretations of what the rating scales mean.

Continuing Case: The carter cleaning company: The Performance Appraisal

1. Is Jen right about the need to evaluate the workers formally? The managers? Why or why not? Ans: Based on the information presented in the chapter, the students need to determine if the workers and managers should be evaluated formally or informally, and the need to provided reasons for their decision. 2. Develop a performance appraisal method for the workers and managers in each store. Ans: The students need to be familiar with different appraisal methods discussed in the chapter. They should use the sample appraisal forms given in the chapter as guides.


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