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resLaShop 18/06/2013


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)* &+,-./01/23


)3-.+4,+ 526. !"# 437 526. 8/,/9/:/15 /3 ,+4.-; +3</3+, ,6-; 4, =22<:+ 1;43>, 12 1;+ ?276:+ !"#
@!+4.-; "3</3+ #01/?/A41/23B 7+8+:20+7 95 C.+,14!;20D
1hls module allows you Lo opLlmlze your SLC ln a few cllcks.
very easy Lo use, Lhls module wlll flll auLomaLlcally all Lhe essenLlal Lags for a good search englne
opLlmlzaLlon, whaLever Lhe number of your producLs. ?ou wlll have unlque Lags for each of your
pages and keywords LhaL flL exacLly your producLs.

1he vlslblllLy ls a key success facLor for an onllne sLore. Many sLudles revealed LhaL approxlmaLely
83 of Lhe lnLerneL users do noL go beyond Lhe flrsL resulL page. 1hls proves LhaL wlLhouL a good
SLC, nobody wlll flnd your producLs.
E+4-; 526. 29F+-1/8+, G/1; 1;/, G2.1;5 ?276:+D ",,+31/4: H2. +8+.5 <227 ?+.-;431D


1hls module fulflls auLomaLlcally Lhe cruclal Lags Lo opLlmlze your SLC for every producL ln a

%+14 14< J 0.276-1 1/1:+ K @J %+14 L/1:+ KB: Lhls MeLa Lag corresponds Lo Lhe LlLle dlsplayed
aL Lhe Lop of every page, and ln Lhe search englnes. lL ls LoLally cdeflnlLely cruclal.
%+14 14< J 0.276-1 7+,-./01/23 K @J %+14 &+,-./01/23 KB: lL correponds Lo Lhe descrlpLlon of
each page. 1hls descrlpLlon guldes Lhe lnLerneL users and lnclLes Lhem Lo cllck on your
%+14 14< J 0.276-1 >+5G2.7, K @J ?+14 >+5G2.7, KB: ?ahoo and 8lng use Lhem a loL.
%+14 14< H./+37:5 'E( @J 'E( .+G./1+ KB: rewrlLe Lhe u8Ls allows you Lo have clean and
unlques address for each page of your webslLe, and lncrease your ranklng ln search englnes.
%+14 14< J !;2.1 7+,-./01/23 K: provldes a shorL LexL for your producLs.

))* %276:+
resLaShop 18/06/2013

Save Llme wlLh Lhls module whlch wlll auLomaLlcally flll all Lhe MeLa Lags of your producLs lnslde a
caLegory. 1he MeLa Lags compleLed are:
%+14 14< J 0.276-1 1/1:+ K @J %+14 L/1:+ KB,
%+14 14< J 0.276-1 7+,-./01/23 K @J %+14 &+,-./01/23 KB,
%+14 14< J 0.276-1 >+5G2.7, K @J ?+14 >+5G2.7, KB,
%+14 14< H./+37:5 'E( @J 'E( .+G./1+ KB,
%+14 14< J !;2.1 7+,-./01/23 K*

N2G 12 -23H/<6.+ 1;/, ?276:+O
Lasy conflguraLlon ls Lhree sLeps:
1) SelecL Lhe language for whlch you wanL Lo flll your MeLa Lags.

2) SelecL a caLegory. 1he MeLa Lags of all Lhe producLs lnslde Lhls caLegory wlll be fllled.

3) llll your models. !"#$%$&' %) *+, "-#."/* )%--./ 01. 2.0" 0"&3 +) 3+4. +) *+,# 5#+/,60 %$3%/.
01. 61+3.$ 6"0.&+#*7 01.3. 2.0" 0"&3 8%-- 9. #.5-"6./ 9* 01. 4+/.-3 *+, "#. &+%$& 0+ 8#%0.: ;)
*+, /+ $+0 8%31 0+ 61"$&. " 2.0" 0"& <0%0-.7 /.36#%50%+$7 .06:=7 3%45-* /+ $+0 8#%0. "$*01%$& %$
01. 6+##.35+$/%$& )%.-/ +) *+,# 4+/.-:

1he followlng varlables are aL your dlsposal Lo flll your models:
[5#+/,60>$"4.}, Lhe name of your producL
[5"#.$0>6"0>$"4.}, Lhe name of Lhe parenL caLegory
[5"#.$0>6"0>$"4.>-.?.->@}, Lhe name of Lhe parenL caLegory aL Lhe superlor level
(replace by Lhe level of Lhe caLegory)
[4"$,)"60,#.#>$"4.}, Lhe name of Lhe manufacLurer
[5#+/,60>#.).#.$6.}, Lhe producL reference
[/.)",-0>6"0>$"4.}, Lhe name of Lhe defaulL caLegory
[5#+/,60>5#%6.}, Lhe producL prlce
[5#+/,60>)."0,#.3}, Lhe producL feaLures (separaLed by comas)
[5#+/,60>#./,60%+$>5.#6.$0}, Lhe percenLage of reducLlon of Lhe producL (sl you deflned

LeL us lmaglne Lhe followlng slLuaLlon:
resLaShop 18/06/2013

?ou have a parenL caLegory of level 1 home" and one of level 2 lpod", and Lwo
producLs ln Lhls caLegory: lpod nano and lpod Shuffle.
?ou have already manually fllled Lhe MeLa Lags meLa descrlpLlon , meLa keywords ,
frlendly u8L and shorL descrlpLlon", and you do noL wanL Lo change Lhese.
Pence, you [usL have Lhe MeLa Lag meLa LlLle Lo flll.
?ou wanL Lo flll Lhls MeLa Lag ln Lngllsh.

?ou sLarL by selecLlng Lngllsh as a language and Lhen choose Lhe caLegory lpod .
1hen you flll your models wlLh Lhe varlables of your cholce. LeL us lmaglne LhaL you wanL your MeLa
LlLle Lo be, for your Lwo producLs, lpod [nano or Shuffle] ls one of Lhe besL producLs from Apple. CeL
10 off on Lhls producL rlghL now". ln Lhls case, you wlll [usL have Lo wrlLe: [producL_name} ls one
of Lhe besL producLs from [manufacLurer_name}. CeL [producL_reducLlon_percenL} off on Lhls
producL rlghL now.
1hen leL Lhe oLher flelds (MeLa Lags producL descrlpLlon, keywords, eLc.) empLy, so as you can keep
whaL you done manually.
llnally, save your conflguraLlon Lhen cllck on cllck here Lo generaLe your MeLa Lags . 1he module
wlll auLomaLlcally generaLe Lhe MeLa Lags for each of Lhe producLs lnslde Lhe chosen caLegory.
Cf course, you need Lo seL a reducLlon rule and Lo lndlcaLe Lhe manufacLurer name ln our example of
you wanL lL Lo work.

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