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Priority 1 2 3 4

Rank 1 2 3 4

Priority Type Urgent Urgent Urgent Urgent

Req. Date 1/9/2013 1/9/2013 1/9/2013 1/8/2013

Req. By Kevin Casey Amber Timms Brian Snowden Amber Timms

Category Update SQL Charges Update Linked Maestro CAMS Import Issue

System CAMS MyHousing Budget Maestro CAMS

5 6 7

5 6 7

Urgent Urgent Urgent

1/9/2013 12/31/2013

Liana Fellis Gail Tudor Terrice McClain

Verify SSIS Report Issue Update SQL

PowerFAIDS CAMS MyHousing

8 9 10 11 12

8 1 2 3 4

Urgent High High High High 1/9/2013 12/31/2013

DBA Jan Mudge Admissions DBA DBA

Auto Process Update Create SQL New Vendor System SSIS Update Create Auto Process

Active Directory CAMS ApplicationsOnline Active Directory Active Directory

13 14 15 16 17

5 6 7 8 9

High High High High High


Create Auto Process Create Auto Process Create Auto Process Create Auto Process Create Auto Process

CAMS Active Directory Various Various Active Directory

18 19 20

10 11 12

High High High 9/13/2013 11/1/2013

Amber Timms Holli Costedio Carlena Bean

Create Application Report Update Create Report

CAMS/Great Plains Great Plains CAMS





Holli Costedio

Update Application


22 23

14 15

High High


Nancy Fenders DBA

Create Auto Process Upgrade





Anne Reed

CAMS Integration





Nancy Fenders






Anne Reed

Report Issue


27 28 29 30 31

4 5 6 7 8

Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium

12/23/2013 12/23/2013

Nikki Vachon Melissa Rinkel DBA DBA

Report Update Application Update New Software Migration NESCom

CAMS Inventory System Great Plains FRx SSIS


Nikki Vachon

32 33 34 35

9 10 11 12

Medium Medium Medium Medium 8/17/2013

Trudy McLeod Trudy McLeod Sonja Spring DBA

SSRS Update

Common App Common App

SSRS Update Create Auto Process

CAMS Active Directory





VB Project Update

1099 VB Parser

37 38 39 40 41

14 15 16 17 18

Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium


Carlena Bean DBA DBA

Admissions Create Auto Process SSIS Update Create Auto Process Create SSIS

Word Document Databases SALT OneCard MyHousing


Frank Barton





Gail Tudor

Troubleshoot Report






Gail Tudor

Troubleshoot Report

CAMS Config





Gail Tudor

Troubleshoot Report

CAMS Config





Marie Hansen

Update Report






Nancy Fenders

Update Application






Liana Fellis

Update PowerFAIDS


48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

25 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Low Low Low Low Low Low Low

10/31/2013 12/10/2013 12/12/2013

Gail Tudor Sharon Wilson-Barker Nancy Fenders Trudy McLeod Trudy McLeod DBA DBA DBA DBA DBA DBA DBA

Update Report Update Application Update Application

CAMS Students of Concern CAMS

Integration Update Create Auto Process Create Auto Process LDAP Create Auto Process Create Auto Process Create Auto Process

CAMS Databases Databases CAMS CAMS CAMS CAMS



Amber Timms

Create SSIS




Amber Timms

Create SSIS


62 63

10 11

Low Low

Amber Timms Amber Timms

Create Auto Process Create SSIS


64 65 66 67

12 13 14 15

Low Low Low Low

Amber Timms DBA Kristen Card

Create Auto Process Create Auto Process Create SSIS Create SSIS


68 69

16 17

Low Low

3/10/2013 2/6/2013

Amber Timms Nikki Vachon

Report Update Create Report






Nikki Vachon

Update Report


71 72 73 74 75 76 77

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Low Low Low Low Low Low Low


Nikki Vachon

Update Report Create SSIS


2/4/2013 3/13/2013 5/14/2013 6/6/2013 6/14/2013

Jennifer Flynn Nikki Vachon Danielle Leighton Carlena Bean Katy McDonald

Report Update Create Report Create Report Create Report Create Report

78 79

26 27

Low Low

9/16/2013 9/10/2013

Marie Hansen Tinesha Johnson

Create Report Create Report






Create Application


81 82 83

29 30 31

Low Low Low 6/10/2013 3/29/2013

DBA Gail Tudor Nancy Fenders

Create Application Create Auto Process Create Application


84 85

32 33

Low Low

4/3/2013 10/11/2012

Nancy Fenders Diana Hamel

Update Application Update Application


86 87 88

34 35 36

Low Low Low

6/14/2013 11/25/2013 11/14/2013

Nancy Fenders Liana Fellis Nikki Vachon

Update Application Update Database Create Auto Process


89 90

37 38

Low Low

12/2/2013 12/9/2013

Nikki Vachon Christina Caron

Update Process Create SQL

CAMS Raiser's Edge

Description Update all non-duplicated SSN's to last 4 of SSN Investigate why charge credits have not been processed. See email subject: Golden, Sarah R ID: 0169271 Fix Linked Maestro for Brian, possible ODBC drive issue Amber is unable to import the billing batch file. Email subject: IMPORT, Email date: 1/8/2013 There appears to be some type of discrepancy with the PowerFAIDS zero balance process. Investigate. Email subject: Update to Pending Aid, Email date: 12/31/2013 Reporting issue with evals. Report subject: student evaluation reports, Email date: 12/31/2013 Trim trailing spaces from NESCom student UID's in the MyHousing demo export. Find list of all students with the a student UID that matches up with a faculty ID, make sure to update the email refresh process to fix the email issue. Send Jan ECSI 1098-T file. Email subject: ECSI 1098-T Production Period Open, Email date: 1/9/2013 Contact technical person to find out how to transfer data from app into CAMS, this will require an SSIS package similar to Common App. Add PermitExpress verbiage to student and faculty/staff notifications as well as e2Campus. Create disabling process method for all accounts and apply them accordingly. Create process to disable CAMS faculty/staff accounts based on predetermined criteria (90 days not teaching for faculty). Set active button to inactive in CAMS. Create process to disable faculty/staff accounts based on active flag in CAMS. Create process to disable/remove faculty/staff accounts from Canvas, PermitExpress and e2Campus based on active flag status. Create process to disable/remove student accounts from Canvas, PermitExpress and e2Campus based on pre-determined criteria. Create process to disable AD accounts for students based on pre-determined criteria.

Est. Hours 1.00 3.00 1.00 2.00

Est. Compl Date

1.50 3.00 0.50

2.00 1.00 20.00 3.00 3.00

6.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 15.00

Create online application for student direct deposit sign ups integrated with internal systems. Create SSIS package to automate direct . deposits from CAMS into Great Plains. Create student form for direct deposit within student portal, write to CAMS table, then xfer data over to GP on daily basis. Great Plains. Remove vendor ID's from checks (email: security ?, date: 9/13/2013) Create new statistics report for Admissions department (see documentation from Admissions) Update student billing page to include note about using CC twice and then declinations. (See email: [#TRS0040027] Fwd: credit card payment security, 8/12/2013) Do this for both student portals. Update NSLC process to includes updates to fields for NSLC table (and NSLC user table). Email date: 12/13/2013, Subject: NSLC Export: Stored Procedure Implement CAMS Enterprise update 14.4.1

35.00 4.00 20.00


3.00 4.00

I have spoken with Carlena and Trudy about converting Fall 2014 (and forward) admissions data from NESCom CAMS to Husson CAMS. Based on the needs of the Registrar's Office in doing transcript evaluations, it would seem that we would need to create students on the Husson side when they are have been accepted. It appears as though they would like all admissions data converted for reporting purposes (i.e. high school info, SAT/ACT scores). 40.00 Check to see where the email is being pulled from when faculty members are using express grade entry. Email subject: Grades, Email date: 12/18/2013) Report printing issue: Main Menu > Registration > Academic > Schedule > NC Standard by Student (email subject: schedule printing issues). Email subject: Report Issue, Email date: 12/23/2013 Add fields to financial aid summary report (see email subject: report change request, sent on 7/25/2013 by Nikki). Email subject: Report Request, Email date: 12/23/2013 Need to re-code SQL query for inventory system because there are student UID's that are the same as faculty ID's. Prep a new server for Great Plains Report Manager, this is going to be used to replace FRx. Should be able to use BGRPEA02. Move FRx web administrator from BGRPEA02 over to Saco.



0.75 1.00 3.00 4.00

Add housing assignment spreadsheet to MyHousing billing export for NESCom. 2.00

Update sorting order of disciplinary report to alpha instead of by Common App ID Find alternative method for not duplicating disciplinary questions in Common App report Update graduate school report for Dean's office (email subject: Graduate School Reports, email from Sonja Spring on 8/17/2013) Create process to capture list of all profile directories in AD and if the directory doesn't exist, then create it. 1099 file parser. Update code to provide dynamic TIN type based on the location of the dash in the original file. Update documentation for processing 1099's. Move program over to Saco and off of Wendy's machine. Update word correspondance document to include new field (email), see email subject: Add Database Merge Field for Correspondence, sent on 8/16/2013 Create an auto weekly mirroring process between CAMS TEST and CAMS PROD. Move SALT process from PC-002416 to Saco, resolve issue with SFTP SSIS error. Auto-create OneCard accounts (see email subject: Auto-Create OneCard Accounts, emailed on 8/19/2013) Create SSIS integration for MyHousing conduct coordinator schedule export. Student evals. Find out why the new nursing questions aren't showing up on the new reports (email from Nancy Fenders, subject: student evals from CAMS, sent 3/14/2013) Check data validity of report and update if needed, concerns about missing records (see email from Gail Tudor, subject: need to check program for report, sent on: 5/22/2013) Student evals report. Specific response types are not being displayed in the reports, find out why and fix it (see email sent from Gail Tudor, subject: student evals for nursing, sent on: 6/10/13) SSRS COB student course details. Add report logic to include (if any of the classes have been retaken and a C or better has been received, then the student should not show up on the list (see email from Marie Hansen, subject: Criminal Justice, Paralegal and Forensic Science students included?, sent on: 6/3/2013)

0.50 3.00 2.00 10.00


1.00 20.00 4.00 15.00 10.00





CAMS Student Portal: Add hold section. Add hold section in registration page if there is a hold on a students account, implement in TEST and then PROD. 3.00

Update county in PowerFAIDS with CAMS county (see email from Liana Fellis on 10/29/2013, Subject: Screen Shot for blasting in County) Update evaluation reports to accommodate for new comment boxes that will replace individual comment boxes. Email dated: 10/31/2013, Subject: Course Evaluations Update application to include 2 changes with fields. Email date: 12/10/2013, Subject: SoC Concern: Actions Taken Update express grade entry faculty portal page. Email date: 12/12/2013, Email subject: Express Grading Create auto-process to only show Admissions jobs run over the last 30 days. Update Common App and Husson App emails to include job name. Create process to auto-resize CAMS photos and then automate process to upload photos for both CAMS Husson and NESCom. Create stored procedures for each database to re-index all tables on a weekly basis (Allagash) Create stored procedures for each database to re-index all tables on a weekly basis (Saco) Set up Active Directory connection to CAMS TEST (Enterprise and portals) and test. Create process to strip all special characters out of student portal handle names based on date. If personal email addresss is in billing address record, then move to Home 2. Find photos for faculty/staff in CAMS and also set up process to upload those photos into CAMS. Student Accounts Project 1: Auto emails for billing statements. Create the SQL query to pull the email list - need email verbiage from Amber. Then will verify whether Matt should receive this notification and set up an auto-process. Students Accounts Project 2: Consolidate aging report by billing category. Create a query to replicate spreadsheet that Amber is going to send me. This is regarding debits and credits by month, per billing category. Send Amber spreadsheet with data after this process is done. Make sure to capture historical data. Student Accounts Project 4: 5. Incorporate fee billing and reversals into CAMS (eliminate manual spreadsheet now imported) billing batches: for Spring Semester: Students Accounts Project 3: E-transfer of book voucher credits from student accounts (for Spring Semester)


4.00 2.50 1.00 4.00 3.00 6.00 2.50 2.50 4.00 3.00 2.00 10.00



6.00 25.00

Research and integrate transfer of TMS payment plan activity including anticipated payments into CAMS and Student Portals: for Spring Semester 25.00 Copy NESCom phone numbers from CAMS NESCom to CAMS NESCom if the phone number is blank in the CAMS Husson database. 5.00 Create SSIS package to export applications from WebAdmit and import them into CAMS. 25.00 Create SSIS process to import high school information from DOE into CAMS. Add free-text date parameter for billing statements so that administrators can adjust the due date as needed instead of asking me to hard-code it each time. Create a new report (FISAP) using reports\FISAPDetail1000.rpt but with changes (see email sent on 2/6/2013) Add a column for primary EFC (can be found at FinAid>Maintenance>Status>Client on year (12-13) upper right hand side (Financial Aid) Award Letter: update report verbiage as requested for this report: reports\NesComReports|NC_FinStandardAwardLtr1000WithMissingDocs.rpt (see email on 2/6/13) Create a process to copy NESCom student photos with their respective Husson student UID's, zip into a file and send to Adirondack. CAMS Variable attendance entry by course report is excluding data that should be included Financial Aid Summary. Create a new report based on the template of an existing one (see report alteration email from Nikke on 3/13/13) IT direct ticket #16177, need report created for employer reimbursed students. Create a report for all graduate international applicants (See email from Carlena Bean, subject: report, sent on: 6/6/2013) Needs graduation admissions report for GRE and GMAT scores Create report (based on enrollments report that Nancy sends out) and make modifications (email subject: Meeting to work on new report, email date: 9/6/2013) Move CAMS report over to stand-alone Crystal (email subject: TRS0039946, date: 9/10/2013) Create application for technical staff/database administrators to use for tracking all system changes (database objects, any application, coding), technical change control log application. 10.00

2.00 2.00


1.00 15.00 2.00 3.00 8.00 4.00 1.00

3.00 3.00


Create an application based on the template in the remit to HTML page that we use now to submit payments for invoices. 20.00 Create SSIS automation process to run the student eval process for each instructor and auto-email each report to the specific instructor 35.00 Software: CAMS Faculty Portal. Help desk ticket #15486 (Create an online form via the faculty portal to submit mid-term reporting information) 30.00 Software: CAMS Student Portal. See if we can customize the student portal to prevent students from re-taking courses that they have already completed (see email from Nancy Fenders, subject: student portal, sent on: 4/3/2013) Faculty portal. Update graduation petition email (See email from Diana Hamel, subject: graduation petition auto-email, sent on: 10/11/2012) CAMS Graduation Petition: New Functionality. Add new email functionality to trigger an email to the registrar when a student is denied to submit a petition to graduate Auto-update TermCalendar table with POE code's so that when new terms are added, all of the Pfaids imports work. Create process to auto create documents in doc tracking from award letter reports. Email date: 11/14/2013, Subject: Award letters

20.00 1.50

4.00 2.50 7.00

ECSI 1098-T, make sure at least half-time boxes are checked properly for students. Email date: 12/2/2013, Subject: ECSI 1098-T Testing Period is Open 2.50 Create SQL for exporting NESCom student data into Raiser's Edge 2.50 631.50

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