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Practicum Guidelines for Host Teacher

EDCI 617 Practicum

MAT Program with Concentrations

in Biology, Chemistry, English, Math, Social Sciences (Grades 9 – 120)

and Music, Art and Physical Education(Grades K-12)

(ESL expected beginning 2006-07)

This practicum is designed to get the prospective teacher into a school, do some observations and teaching, and
start to get a feel for what it is really like to be a teacher. We ask the host teacher to select one 90 minute period
or two shorter periods that he/she will not mind sharing with the student. We often refer to this as a “1-day, 3-
day teach” but it is not a whole day.

The student you are hosting has a bachelor’s degree in the concentration or related major and is qualified to be
a lateral or interim teacher, but wisely, wants to get methods and classroom experience prior to obtaining a
teaching position.

1. The practicum will be scheduled individually with the host teacher. The specific due dates for the teaching
experiences will be determined by the student and teacher. The teaching experiences will be organized
along the following sequence, although variations may have to be made to accommodate the host teacher
and student’s schedule and needs: (Many of the students have full-time jobs or are full-time students.)

a. Meet with host teacher to set up schedule, get topics, suggestions, etc. With the host teacher,
select the one period per day for the practicum.
b. Complete Two 90 minute observations. This should be done the same period the teaching is
c. Teach One class period in school (90 min. period).
d. Teach Three class periods on three consecutive (if possible) days in school (3x 90 min each). If
you teach short periods, you should teach 6 class periods.
e. These are minimum requirements; the student may do more if possible. If schedules
permit, and if the host teacher wants, the student may do more observations of the host
class or another class. The more experience the student gets in a school, observing and
teaching, the better prepared he or she will be for the internship and first years of teaching.
Spending a full day at the school is also invaluable.
2. Feedback & Evaluation of the Practicum: Evaluation should be based on both effort and performance
and will be based on observations by host teacher, student feedback and self-evaluation. The host teacher
may want to write narrative notes, use a standard form, or both. The Practicum Student should give a
student evaluation form to the students at the end of the first and last teaching days.

3. Students are told that their requirements are:

a. Schedule and plan the practicum with the host teacher in a timely manner. You are
expected to ask the teacher for guidance about the lesson plans and to provide the lesson
plans well BEFORE you teach. This will enable you to adjust lessons before you are
actually teaching.
b. Student Names. Learn and use the students’ names before you begin your first lesson,
starting during the observation periods. You may use a seating chart, cards or other crutch to
help. While teaching, address students by name. The observation periods will help with this task.
c. Effective Planning & Implementation. Be well prepared so you start teaching promptly. You will
be evaluated on the quality of planning, the execution of the plans and your ability to learn and
make revisions from reflection (analysis & critique).
d. Practicum Notebook: When you are finished with your teaching practicum, submit the unit plan,
lesson plans, student feedback, host teacher feedback, copy of handouts, etc. This should be
organized in a 3 ring binder or some such filing system. You may be able to adapt this to use in
your MAT portfolio later, a graduation requirement.

The practicum is a critical component of the EDCI 617 course, one which pulls together the various components
of teaching into a whole and provides an invaluable learning experience.


Mary Jean Ronan Herzog, Professor

Killian 108B
Educational Leadership & Foundations
Western Carolina University
Cullowhee, NC 28723
828.227.3327/fax 828.227.7607

Homepage: http://paws.wcu.edu/mherzog/

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