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Today global warming is such a hot topic we cannot stop hearing

about it anywhere we go but the real truth is that the earth was
a hot planet during its early days. It was hot indeed. Really
very hot. People speak loudly about our melting polar ice caps.
But during the early days there was no ice at all on the earth.
There was not even a tiny drop of water. Only after a very long
period of time when the temperatures cooled low enough was water
able to fall down and stayed down. Then lakes, rivers, seas and
oceans formed and the earth separated into the lands and oceans
that we have today.

Today, everyone is talking about global warming and ever rising

global temperatures caused by carbon build-up as if each one was
the appointed teacher or messenger and the right person to make
things better when everyone actually has so far failed to see the
woods for the trees.

The world should now discard the hypocrisy engulfing us and go

and tackle some very real issues or problems instead. To truly
fight global warming and rising temperatures we need to consider
doing the following steps:

1) Cut down the global tourism industry. The global tourist is

very responsible for the very high consumption of energy and
scarce resources. Energy guzzling hotels and airports are
built everywhere to serve the global tourist. Vehicles are
bought to serve him. Aeroplanes are made to serve him. The
global tourism industry is indeed hotting up the earth. And
at the same time helping to grow the international trade in
illicit drugs and human trafficking and deadly pandemics.

2) Discourage sports events and entertainment events that entail

huge consumption of fuel and energy. These include Formula 1,
international musical band performances, luxury football club
visits and rally car racing and many others.

3) Avoid promoting the synthetic lifestyles that are shown so

widely on TV or in commercial advertisements. Very expensive
holidays, luxurious cars and luxurious hotels only prove that
people are really insincere about combating global warming.

4) All cities of the world must reduce the number of discos and
other places that consume lots of electricity. Restaurants
that use mega size chillers, freezers and refrigerators should
be eliminated.

5) All countries should refrain from forcing others to import

the meat of land animals. The meat industry is a very big
contributor of greehouse gases besides contributing a lot
to many unnecessary health problems. Close down the excess
animal farms. Close down all unprofitable dairy farms too.
These farms are champion methane producers without equal.

6) Plan for the future. Now. Ban all flights of 4-engined jets
in the future. Limit the max number of jet engines to three
for all future jet airliners. Force technology to advance
to ever greater heights to help save our planet.
7) Ban the export of cars with huge internal combustion engines.
Encourage the production of electric cars. Stop dumping the
unwanted cars from Detroit on Third World nations.

8) Encourage the computer industry to produce smaller PCs. Let

the micro PC motherboard be the favoured choice as well as
being the industry standard for international manufacturers.

9) Request all the politicians to make public their monthly

household power consumption. The same with all other VIPs.
Also, stop glamorising their mega weddings, mega funerals
and all other pretentious and showy events that are intended
to mesmerise and corrupt the impressionable and the gullible.

10)Discourage visits and tours by international politicians.

Reduce the current international political intrigues. Cut
the amount of hot air produced by these people. They too
contribute a very disproportionate amount of greenhouse
gases. These people are the greatest users of power. And
they really pollute. And they pollute absolutely as well.

The impact of global warming and rising temperatures will most

affect our children and our children's children. The hot air
does not affect us so much now. This is the reason why so many
people are getting aboard the bandwagon but actually doing next
to nothing to alleviate the problem. Carry out the above ten
steps now. Stop the bullshitting and bad finger pointing and
the hypocrisy. It has become both a disease and religion now.

No to hypocrisy. No to luxury. No to all the bourgeoisie.

Yes to frugality. Yes to recycling. And do it now !! !!

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