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Malas or Rosaries

As Brahma, Vishnu & Maheshvara, God is not conscious of a Trinity; As the rose knows nothing of its fragrance, Men do not know their own Divinity - Dust & Bones, Dadaji Malas (rosaries) are an integral part of puja, being used to count the mantra recited to the devata installed in image or yantra. Acc:to Devirahasya, the classic Tantrika rosaries are made of conch- shell, pearls, rodhra (symplocos racemosa), crystal, rudraksha, tulsi (basil), rubies, gold, lotus seeds, skull bone/teeth. ne should commence by purifying oneself, doing the usual nyasas, opening the temple, ! making the rosary. The number of beads may be "#, $% or &'( )but there is al*ays an e+tra bead inserted )) called the meru, so that one kno*s *hen the cycle is finished. ,reath should then be installed in the rosary. Again, acc:to the Devirahasya, the seer of the purification is -alagnirudra, the metre is Anushtubh, .hmashana ,hairavi, the /ight of Time, the 0reat 1layful ne adorned *ith 2uman .kulls is the devata. Hsau is the ,ija, Thah is the .hakti, Hrah is the 1eg, ! the object is the purification of the rosary. After installing breath, the rosary should be bathed *ith the appropriate pure substances (upachara). The mantras given in Devirahasya are: 3onch: Om Shrim Shrim Om Shankhini Om Shrim Om. 1earl: Om Hrim Hrim Om Muktamalini Shrim Shrim S aha . 4odhra: Om Strim Om !audre !odhramalini Sah S aha . 3rystal: Om "h Hram Hram "rkamale Hram S aha.

4udraksha# Om "h Shrim Hrim !um !udrakshamalini Shuddha $ha a S aha. Tulsi: Om Shrim Om Strim Tulasi %aishna i %aushad S aha. 4uby: Om Trom &hum Manimale Manohare S aha. 0old: Om Shrim Trim "im 'lim Sauh Su arnamale Sauh. 5otus .eed: Om (rim Om (adma "kshamalini Hsauh S aha. .kull6Teeth: Hrim Shrim 'lim Hram Mundamale (rim Strim Hsauh S aha. Sauh &antamale

After purifying the rosary *ith the appropriate mantra, one should then use it, using one7s root mantra, ! *orshipping it *ith scent, flo*ers !c. Then one should pronounce the follo*ing great mantra: Om Male Male Mahamale Sar atatt as arupini )atur argast ayi *yastastasmanme Siddhida $ha a S aha. ( m, 4osary, 4osary, 0reat 4osary, the true form of all things, place in me the 8our Aims of Mankind. 0ive siddhi9 .vaha ) ne should then close the rite in the usual tantrika fashion, placing the breath in the heart again !c. :hen using a rosary to recite mantras, the fruit of the recitation should be given to the installed aspect in the yantra. 3ycles of mantra should be "#:$%:&'( ! more, acc:to *ill. The inde+ finger should never be used *hen counting the beads, but the thumb ! middle finger. The rosary should be kept safely a*ay from others *hen not in use, ! should never be allo*ed to touch the ground. ;f this happens, it must be reconsecrated. The same procedure should be undertaken if the string is cut. The beads should be scented *ith the eight great scents.


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