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Naparima Girls High School Documenting Research: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association Sixth Edition Format

t of Research Paper:

Margins and Page Numbers Use only 81/2x11 white paper. Place a running head and the page number from the top of every page. A running head is a shortened version of the title, printed on the left-hand margin at the top of each page, including the title page. It should be no longer than 50 characters including punctuation and spaces. It must begin on the left margin from the top of the page. For the body of the text, apply 1 margins top, bottom and on both sides.

Text Formatting Times New Roman is recommended. Size 12. Double-space the entire text.

Running Head and Page Number The title page includes the words Running head, a colon, a space, and the running head in upper case letters (ALL CAPS). All subsequent pages should include the running head on the top left side of the page without the words Running head. The page number should be on the right margin of the same line. Use the number 1 on the title page and continue numbering pages throughout the paper, including the References page(s).

Title Page and Title Follow instructions for the running head and page number as described above. The title must be concise no more than 12 words in length, capitalize the first letter of the first word and all major words. Do not underline or use bold. Center the title horizontally and place it on the top half of the page. Center the authors name as it usually appears; - do not use the word by. Include the name of the institution where the research was done and if not affiliated to any, provide the city of the authors residence; do not use the word from.

Abstract A brief summary of the contents of a paper which should be approximately 150 words. It should begin at the top of the second page start with your running head and page number then type the word Abstract along the top margin (center it). Begin your abstract at the margin.

The First Page The first and all other pages of the essay must include the running head and page number. The full title is put in as it appears on the title page (1 from the top, centered, and using the same capitalization). Double-space and begin the body of essay.

The Text Body Indent the first line of each paragraph 5-7 spaces, but be consistent. Use left justification only. Do not hyphenate words on the right-hand margin. All other text pages should not display the title.

Tables and Illustrations Number all tables and figures with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Label table or figures in an Appendix with a capital letter and an Arabic numeral foe example Table A1 is included in Appendix A. Any table or figure reproduced must credit the source by a note at the bottom of the table or figure.

Abbreviations Use abbreviations sparingly. If necessary to abbreviate, write out the term completely and follow it immediately by the abbreviation in brackets. The abbreviation must be used thereafter in the text at all times.

Footnotes Include footnotes only if they help your discussion. Keep them brief. Each footnote should contain only one idea. Number all footnotes in the order in which they appear in your paper.

References The word References must be centered immediately below the top margin. The entire References must be doubled-spaced. All entries, except for the first lines must be indented. If you have more than one work by the same authors, list the one with the earliest publication date first. If both have the same date, list the works alphabetically by title and add a and b after the year (2002a) and (2002b). Do not put quotation marks around titles on the References page. Do not split entries from one page to the next. If you do not have enough room on the page to complete the entry, move the entire entry to the next page. Personal communications, including interviews and emails are not considered retrievable information and should not be listed on this page.

Numbers Use numerals to express numbers 10 and above, in a graph, immediately before a unit of measurement, numbers that represent mathematics and statistics,, times, dates, ages, scores, etc. Use words for the approximation of numbers of days, months and years. Use words to express any number that begins a sentence, title or text heading.

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