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Analisis dan Perancangan Modul Dokumen dan Page Admin pada Sistem Arsip Elektronik Studi Kasus : Pusat

Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional Rieke Indah Triesianti 1090910000841 Dosen Pembimbing : Khodijah Hulliyah, M.Si 197304022001122001 Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta 1 riekehas@gmail.com ABSTRACT The archive must be managed properly so that the information stored in the archive is maintained in accordance with the objectives of the keautentikannya section in the ACT of the Republic of Indonesia number 43 in 2009 about the archives Chapter 2 Chapter 3 section F, namely to ensure the security and safety of the archives as evidence of liability in the life of society, nation, and State. Because of this, by leveraging technology and information as a tool, then the Pusdiklat Batan requires an electronic records management system is web-based so that the archives can be stored efficiently and without reducing the fidelitas (authenticity) of letters and documents. This electronic archive systems will also be equipped with a functioning admin page to monitor all the archives have been inputed. This system can also store all documentation digitally activities as well as see all documentation for each activity that has been going on. 1.PENDAHULUAN The archive must be managed properly so that the information stored in the archive is maintained with the authentication Pusdiklat BATAN with the new laws and regulations from the Government about archiving all data electronically, all government agencies are required to have the System File Eletktronik to store company data digitally. Therefore required a tool that can support the needs of the company, and a useful system to view and control data is data that has been entered into the system. Based on explanation above, to address the problem, the author will create a web-based electronic filing system as field work Practice tasks. The concentration of authors will be fixed on the document and page admin module are available in the electronic archive system that we designed. The practice of field work this time, the author will take the title of "analysis and design of a document and Page Admin Module on Electronic Archives System (case study: education and training centers National Nuclear Energy Agency)" 2.Theoritical basis a. Analysis and Design System System analysis is a technique problem solving describing a system into component parts for the purpose of learning how good the component parts work and interact to achieve their goals [2]. While the design of the system is a problem-solving techniques that complement each other (with the systems analysis) that reassembling the baagian relative to the fixed system. This involves the addition, deletion and change the parts relative to the original system (initially) b. Electronic Record Archives (record) that in Indonesia there is a term which mentions "the clearance document", is any written records in the form of a picture or chart containing information about something the subject matter (subject matter) or events that made people to help power the memory (it) anyway. Archival means everything to do with Archives [4]. In archival Science (science or archieval archivology) along with the word archive in Indonesia, we still know all the words archieves or archief (Netherlands), file (United Kingdom) and record or clearance document. The term officially used its own archives in 1945 when Landsarchief was renamed to State archives. According to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) USA, Electronic Archives are archives that are stored and processed in a format where only the computer can process it. Therefore, the Electronic Archive is often said to be a machinereadable records. c. RAD (Rapid Application Development RAD is a sisrem development strategy that emphasizes speed of development through extensive user involvement in construction, fast, repetitive and grow a new set of prorotipe working system that eventually evolved into the final system (or a later version). The main goal of all methods of development is to provide a system that can meet the expectations of the users, but sometimes users are not involved directly in the development of the system so that it causes information






Gambar 1. Fase RAD (Rapid Application Development) The following phases of system development using RAD: Requirements Planning Phase Design Workshop Construction Phase Implementation Phase d. Web Apllication Based Web Apllication Based Web-based applications are applications that are stored and executed on the web server environment [6]. Web-based applications built using only the first language called HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and the protocol being used is called HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol). In the next development, a number of scripts and objects developed to extend the capabilities of HTML. At present, many such scripts, such as ASP and PHP, as for example in the form of objects such as applets or Java. According to Abdul Kadir in the Basic WEB programming with ASP is a Web application or Webbased applications (Web-based application) is a program that uses HTTP as the protocol communication and deliver information-based Wb in form of HTML. MySQL MySQL is a database server that is able to receive and send data very fast, multi user and using the standard commands of SQL (Structure Query Language) [7]. MySQL is a database server that is very well-known, because MySQL uses SQL as the language basis for database access [8]. MySQL was first released by a programmer named Michael Widenius database. HTML HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a programming language in the form script that can be used to compose a web page [9].HTML is the programming code was first used in web-based applications. HTML is the weakness whenever information in web pages need to be changed, the HTML code that make up that page must be changed. In the development of a web-based application, HTML will work together with other code such as PHP and JavaScript. PHP PHP stands for PHP HyperText Preprocessor used as server-side scripting languages in web development which is inserted in the HTML documents [10]. PHP is a programming language that runs in a web server and serve as the processing of data on a server. Using the PHP program, a website will be more interactive and dynamic

jQuery jQuery is a Javascript Library is a collection of code\/ready-made javascript functions, thus facilitating and accelerating us in making Javascript code [13]. Essentially, the jQuery simplifies Javascript code. This is in accordance with its slogan ' Write less, do more ' just write a bit, but can do many things. Javascript is a language that is used to create a program that is used to make HTML documents displayed the browser becomes more interactive, not just beautiful just [13]. General Javascript programs are programs that are embedded (inserted) into the web page, so the page (document) into a web application that runs inside a web browser. CSS Cascading Style sheets (CSS) is a way to make the format or layout of the web page to be more interesting and manageable. CSS appears because of the difficulty of arranging the layout display web documents created with pure HTML although it has been using various combinations of formats. CSS can be written on obagian body, the head of an HTML document or placed in a separate file. CSS commands is limited by the <style> and <\/style> tags. GAMBARAN UMUM PERUSAHAAN a. Sejarah Pusdiklat BATAN For activity Center\/Bureau\/secretariat, issued DECREE No. 31 BATAN Director\/DJ\/13\/IV\/1981 about the Organization and the work of FOREIGNERS. Pusdiklat standing on 17 August 1981 (according to the inaugural Chief Pusdiklat Dr Pratiwi Sapto), has the task of organizing, foster and coordinate all activities and educational exercises, both technical and non-technical, discretion determined by the Director General, in accordance with the legislation in force. Pusdiklat occupies a room located in the headquarters of BATAN (now occupies its own building, which is located in the land of the PPTN Market Friday, South Jakarta). b. Visi dan Misi Visi Pusdiklat The Center for education and training in the field of nuclear science and reliable with excellent service. Education and training center is a reliable means always give priority to quality in an effort to improve the competence of personnel in the field of nuclear science and technology, both in terms of safety as well as its utility. Are excellent service means providing training based on a quality management system oriented to customer satisfaction.Misi Pusdiklat Contributed significantly in the development of HUMAN RESOURCES in the field of nuclear weapons through the implementation of programmes of education and training, as well as implementing quality management system at each stage of the activity. In order to realize the vision and mission, strategic action Pusdiklat in order to improve the quality of training, i.e. 1. The application and improvement of quality management system training

2. Development of training management information system, 3. Increase bilateral cooperation, regional and international, as well as the revitalization of all resources. c. Activity Pusdiklat activities consist of courses and training programs. Formal education is education programs organized by educational institutions both inside and outside the country. Are training programs include training organized by self-management Pusdiklat BATAN and training cooperation organized by the training institutions both inside and outside the country. 2. ANALYSIS and DESIGN a. Data Collection Methods Interview Wawancara ini dilakukan dengan cara melakukan diskusi dengan Bapak Sutrasno sebagai Kepala Sub Bagian Informasi dan Dokumentasi untuk mengetahui apa saja fungsi yang harus ada di dalam sistem arsip elektronik yang akan kami rancang. Berdasarkan wawancara dan pengamatan yang penulis lakukan, penulis mengumpulkan informasi mengenai : a. User Requirement We log all user needs to be a system that we designed. b. Data mail, documents (activities report) and documentation We log all classifications, categories and nature of the letters and documents that exist at the Pusdiklat Batan as well as what kind of documentation will we wake up on this system. c. Designing a Database We talk about a database that will be used by us as well as the design of the database in the system. Library Studies Datas and information used as reference books, research results are akin to an electronic archive systems research web-based, research journals and internet sites referable discussion on this issue. Systems Development Method a. Planning Requirements Identify the Problem Currently, Pusdiklat Batan has still not had a system of management of the electronic archives. Because of this, by leveraging technology and information as a tool, then the Pusdiklat Batan requires an electronic records management system is web-based so that the archives can be stored efficiently and without reducing the fidelitas (authenticity) of letters and documents. Pusdiklat Batan also requires a system that can store entire documentation activities. Because of this, the system will be equipped with Gallery module to store and see all of the documentation for each activity that has been going on.

Requirment Anylisist Pusdiklat BATAN requires a web-based electronic filing system. This system will store all data in the form of letters, documents and a photo gallery which is an important data at Pusdiklat BATAN. The user will be given two permissions, admin and user. The function of an admin is the user data management, viewing and searching the entire data letters and documents as well as the entire photo gallery from existing activities. While the function of the user's data management, document and photo gallery activities. All letters and documents will be uploaded attachment files ending function. Pdf. And for the photo gallery, admin and user will be able to see the entire picture with a more interactive. System goals The purpose of this electronic filing system is to store all data and attachments letters, documents and photo gallery on Pusdiklat Batan activities. This system also allows the user to edit the data as well as download attachments letters and documents and see the entire photo gallery activities. a. (Desain Workshop) Login dan Galeri Use Case Diagram Tabel 1. Identifikasi Aktor No 1 Actor Head of Section for Informati on and Documen tation (admin) Description Administrator of a system that uses instansti Archive .. Admin can also print all letters and documents reports on Batan Training Center. Has the right to create new users, delete users, and edit user Nevertheless, the admin can not enter new data, edit and delete existing data. In this case is Mr. Sutrasno. User is a secretary in charge of migas Batan serve letters, documents and documentation of activities that would have the job input, edit, and delete all data in the system

Secretary (user)

Tabel 2. Identifikasi Use Case No Use Case Deskripsi Name 1 Log in Use cases describing the activities of the assigned username and password to access the system 2 Input Data Use Case describes user the activities incorporate the Userid, password,

Aktor All Actor


See all user data

Dokumen Admin

Surat Admin

Galeri Admin

Ubah Data User

Dokumen user

Lihat Seluruh Dokumen


Input Data Dokumen


Cari Dokumen


Log out

and a new level of user Use case describes events see all data users who have registered on the system Use Case that is used to view and print the entire document and data reports looking for data documents have been entered into the system Use Case that is used to view and print the entire data report letter and find the mail data is entered into the system Use Case that is used to view the data, see the whole gallery and look for galleries that have been entered into the system Use case describes the activities change user username and password system that is being logged. Use case which is used as a gallery page on the electronic archive system. Use Case that is used to view a list of all documents that have been stored in the system Use Case that is used to input the data into a new document Use Case used for searching for documents that have been stored in the system Use case yang menggambarkan kegiatan keluar sistem

Gambar 2 Use Case Diagram Modul Home Admin dan Surat admin
System (Page Admin dan Modul Dokumen) extends Galeri extends * Search Lihat Seluruh Galeri


extends extends lihat data surat extends


Search data surat

Cetak Seluruh data surat

extends * extends

lihat seluruh data dokumen

search data dokumen USER *extends extends Cetak Seluruh data dokumen * * Tambah User Baru * * * * lihat seluruh data user uses uses


Hapus User

Edit User

ubah user name uses

uses login *

ubah data user

uses ubah password

download uses

* * * **

surat * extends

lihat seluruh data dokumen

uses hapus uses

extends dokumen * extends Input Data Dokumen edit

user * *

galeri cari Dokumen

logout *


Activity Diagram

All Actor



Gambar 3 Activity Diagram Login Image captions: In a use case diagram activity log that must be made by all actors including open application system. all actors must first login. Enter your Username and Password. If you entered the wrong Username and Password, the system will display an error message and returns to the login menu to enter the correct Username and Password. If so enter your Username and Password then the system will display the main menu system in accordance with the access rights of each user.



All Actor

Gambar 4 Activity Diagram Input Data User

Caption: Activity in the use case diagram User Input Data to be done by the Admin. The first admin login and all will be redirected to the home admin. In the home admin, Admin User Data Input select menu. Enter admin username, password, and level of new users of the archive system. After that, the admin presses the save button and the data will be added as a new user in System Archiv

e Gambar 5 Activity Diagram Lihat seluruh data user Caption: Activity in the use case diagram See All User Data to be done by the Admin. First of all select the sub menu admin see all user data. The system will list all the user data with the Edit User and Delete User. Edit berfunsgi user to select the user / admin that will be changed by the system data. While the Delete User function to delete a user or admin of Archive Systems

Gambar 7 Activity Diagram Surat Admin Image Captions: In the Activity Diagram use case Mail Admins should be done by Admins. Admin selects the menu letters. The system will feature 3 options, i.e. showing all the mail data inputed by the user, search for the desired letter data by Admin stored in the system, and print reports throughout the mail data inputed by the user into the system. The Admin can choose one of the displayed sub menu

. Gambar 8 Activity Diagram Galeri Admin Caption: Activity in the use case diagram should be done by the Gallery Admin Admin. Admin menu select Mail. The system will display the 2 option, which displays the whole datagalerit that has been entered by the user and the search for the data desired by Admin gallery stored in the system. Admin can choose one of the sub menus are displayed. Gambar 6 Activity Diagram Dokumen Admin Image Captions: In the Activity Diagram use case Document Admin should be done by Admins. Admin selects the menu document. The system will feature 3 options, i.e. showing all data documents have been inputed by the user, search for the desired document by Admin stored in the system, and print reports all data documents have been inputed by the user into the system. Admin dapat memilih salah satu dari sub menu yang ditampilkan

Gambar 9 Activity Diagram Ubah Data User

Image captions: In the activity diagram change user data, the actor who has logged in, will be able to access the functions of the change user data. In this function, the actor will be able to change the username and password. After one or both are modified, the system will process the change user data. If this is successful then there will be notification data successfully and will menampilakan menu home beginning actor who has logged in.

Download function to upload document from the archive system



Gambar 10. Activity Diagram Dokumen User Activity in the use case diagram User Document should be done by the user. Users select the Document menu. The system will display three options, namely dokumem displays all data that has been entered by the user, search for the desired document data by the user is stored in the system, and the new document data input into the system. Users can select one of the sub menus are displayed

. Gambar 12 Activity Diagram Input Data Dokumen caption Activity in the use case diagram Data Input Documents to be carried by the user. First of all Users select sub menus Data Input Document. The system will bring up the form data documents and forms to select the attachment that will be input into a document archive system. Upon completion of data input, meal Users select the submit button, then the new document data in the input will be stored in the system.

. Gambar 11 Activity Diagram Lihat Seluruh Dokumen Image Captions: In the Activity Diagram use case View the entire document should be done by the User. First select the User tama sub menu view of all user data. The system will bring up the entire data document with the button Edit, delete, and download the attachment. The Edit function to select the document you want to change the data by the system. Delete function to delete intermediate documents from the Archive System.

Gambar 13 Activity Diagram Cari Dokumen Image captions in the Activity Diagram use case Search documents that had to be done by the User. First select the User tama sub menu see Search documents. The system will bring up the search form data documents. The system will look for data that relate to the keywords entered by the user. Then the system will display a list of the document's data search search by User.

Sequence Diagram
Input Data User

Menu User

Input Data User

Actor(Admin) 1. Klik Menu User() * * *

When the actor was in the user menu, the actor will select sub menu view of all user data. After the actor chose, will appear a table showing all the user data has been inputed into the system tolong dunk bserta the edit button and remove it. When the actor chose edit button system will display the edit user form the previous user data along with information that cool edit. If Actors choose the delete button, then the user who you want to be removed from the system
Dokumen Admin

2. klik tambah data user * Muncul form tambah Data User

menu utama

dokumen admin

data dokumen

cari dokumen

Laporan dok

3. isi Field ,Password, dan level user

Actor1 * 1. pilih menu utama ()

4. Klik Submit

2.pilih menu dokumen ()

3. pilih sub menu data dokumen ()

menampilkan tabel seluruh data dokumen beserta tombol download

5.Proses tambah data user ()

4. pilih download () proses pengmbilan file ()

Muncul Tabel User beserta user yang sudah diinput

file masuk ke dalam computer user

5. pilih sub menu search dokumen ()

5. Menu User ()

6. masukan data dokumen yang akan dicari ()

proses pencarian ()

muncul tabel daftar pencarian

7. pilih sub menu laporan dokumen ()

proses pengambilan daftar dokumen

file daftar seluruh dokumen (pdf) masuk ke dalam komp user

8. Menu Dokumen ()


Gambar 14 Sequance Diagram Input Data User Image Captions: When the actor was in the menu system, the actor will select the sub menu add user data. After the actor chose, will add user data form appears that contains the field user, password, and the user-level ke3nya must be filled in. If you've finished eating select submit and the system will save the user has just entered into the system. The system will display the user table and all user data has been inputed.

Gambar 16 Sequance Diagram Dokumen Admin Image Captions: When the actor was in the user menu, the actor will select sub menu admin documents after the actor chose, will appear 3 options sub menu: document data, search documents, reports and documents. When the actor chose the sub menus data documents, system will display a table of all the documents have been inputed into the system so that the download button actor tolong dunk bserta can download the attachments from the document. When the actor chose sub menu search document will then be shown field to enter a document name to be searched. If the actor selected sub menu reports document the system displays a table containing a list of all the documents data inputed into the system in the form of a pdf that pdf files can be downloaded by actor
Surat Admin

Lihat Seluruh Data User

menu user Actor(Admin) * 1.Pilih menu user

lihat seluruh data user

Edit User

hapus user

2.pilih menu lihat data user

Muncul Tabel daftar user beserta tombol hapus dan edit

3. Memilih Menu edit


menu utama

Surat admin

data surat

cari surat

laporan surat

muncul form edit user

1. pilih menu utama ()

4.memasukan perubahan data

2.pilih menu surat ()

3. pilih sub menu data surat ()

5. klik submit
menampilkan tabel seluruh data dokumen beserta tombol surat

proses perubahan data user

4. pilih download ()

6. pilih menu hapus

file masuk ke dalam computer user

proses pengmbilan file ()

proses penghapusan user

5. pilih sub menu search surat ()

6. masukan data surat yang akan dicari ()

Muncul Tabel User beserta user yang sudah diubah

proses pencarian ()

muncul tabel daftar pencarian

7. Menu User

7. pilih sub menu laporan surat()

proses pengambilan daftar surat

file daftar seluruh dokumen (pdf) masuk ke dalam komp user

8. Menu utama ()

Gambar 15 Sequance Diagram Lihat Seluruh Data User Image Captions:

Gambar 17 Sequance Diagram Surat Admin

caption When the actor is in the user menu, the actor will select the sub menu admin letter. After selecting actor, will appear 3 submenu options, namely: Data letters, looking letters, and reports the actor When selecting a sub menu letter of data, the system will display the table eat of all mail that has been entered into the system so that the
Galeri Admin

actors bserta download button can download attachment of the letter. If actors choose the sub menu will be displayed letter search field to enter the name of the letter to be searched. If actors choose sub menu reports the system will display a table contains a list of all the data is entered into a letter of the system in the form of pdf files pdf that can be downloaded by actor

Data Dokumen
menu utama Galeri admin data galeri cari galeri

Actor1 * 1. pilih menu utama ()

Dokumen Actor(Admin)

Data Dokumen

edit dokumen

Hapus Dokumen


2.pilih menu surat ()

1.Pilih menu utama () *

3. pilih sub menu data galeri ()

2.pilih menu data dokumen ()

menampilkan tabel seluruh data galeri beserta tombol see all

Muncul Tabel daftar user beserta tombol hapus ,edit, dan download

4. pilih see all()

3. Memilih Menu edit ()

proses pengmbilan file ()

muncul form edit dokumen

menampilkan galeri foto

4.memasukan perubahan data ()

5. pilih sub menu search galeri ()

5. klik submit
6. masukan nama galeri yang akan dicari ()

proses perubahan data ()

proses pencarian ()

6. pilih menu hapus ()

muncul tabel daftar pencarian

7. Menu utama ()

proses penghapusan dokumen ()

7. pilih download ()

proses pengambilan file () Muncul Tabel dokumen yang sudah diubah


8. Menu Dokumen ()

Gambar 18 Sequance Diagram Galeri Admin Gambar 19 Sequance Diagram Data Dokumen Image captions Image captions When the actor was in the user menu, the actor will select sub menu Gallery dmin. After the actor chose, will appear 2 Options sub menu: data and search the Gallery gallery. When the actor chose data letter sub menu, the system will display the table eat of the galaeri has been inputed into the system see all buttons so that tolong dunk bserta actor can see the overall picture that is displayed in the gallery. When the actor chose sub menu search Gallery will then be shown a field to enter the name of the gallery will be searched. When the actor was in the main menu, sub menu choose document actor. In the sub menu of the document, select document data menu actor. In the sub menu data documents will be shown a table of all the documents have been inputed data in each list with the button edit, delete, and download. If actors choose edit menu, then the edit document form will be displayed along with information documents have been inputed. Actor can change your desired document after pressing the submit button, then the data documents have been stored will be inputted into the system. If you select the delete button, the system will delete the selected document data. If you select the download button then the attachments from the document diingkan will be downloaded to the computer actor.

Tambah Dokumen

keyword according to the data of the documents have been

Dokumen Tambah Dokumen

Actor(Admin) 1. Klik Menu Dokumen () * * *

2. pilih tambah dokumen ()

Muncul form tambah Dokumen ()

3.isi field dan masukan lampiran () jika tidak ada lampiran maka gagal di submit

+id : Integer +nama_kegiatan : Char -tanggal_kegiatan : Char -tempat_kegiatan : Char -kategori : Char -keterangan : Char -lampiran : Char +InputDokumen() +Download() +HapusDokumen() +EditDokumen()

4. Klik Submit

5.Proses tambah data dokumen ()

Muncul Tabel dokumen beserta dokumen yang sudah diinput

5. Menu Utama ()

-User Id : Char -Password : Char +Dokumen() +Login() +Logout()



+id : Integer +nama_kegiatan : Char -tanggal_kegiatan : Date -tempat_kegiatan : Char -kategori : Integer -keterangan : Char -lampiran : Char +DataDokumen() +InputDokumen() +CacriDokumen()


input_dokumen +id : Integer +nama_kegiatan : Char -tanggal_kegiatan : Char -tempat_kegiatan : Char -kategori : Char -keterangan : Char -lampiran : Char +upload lampiran() +input dokumen()

* -1




kategori dokumen -id : Integer -kategor_doki : Char


cari_dokumen +id : Integer +nama_kegiatan : Char -tanggal_kegiatan : Char -tempat_kegiatan : Char -kategori : Char -keterangan : Char -lampiran : Char +CariDokumen()


Gambar 22 Sequance Diagram Tambah Dokumen Image captions When the actor was in the main menu, sub menu choose document actor. In the sub menu of the document, choose Add document actor. In the add documents sub menu will be shown the form add a document which also exist for uploading attachments. Mandatory document attachment uploads, if not a new document data cannot be inputed into the system. After the form is filled and attachments in inputkan into the system, then press submit and document data was successfully added. After the submit button is selected, it will be shown the data table the document along with all the documents have been inputed.


Gambar 24. Class Diagram Dokumen Image Captions: User class has a relationship with the composition class of documents. Class Document has exactly one document, data on the class of the input documents, and search documents with 1.1 as the constituents of the class was a class of documents. The Input Document classes also have a relationship with the class document category with 1.1 as a category document is the author of the Input Document

Home Admin

Tambah User -1..1 -id : Integer -User Id : Char -Password : Char -Level : Char +LihatUser() +TambahUser()

dokumen cari dokumen

Actor1 * 1. pilih menu utama ()

User -1 -1..1 -id : Integer -User Id : Char -Password : Char -Level : Char +LihatUser() +TambahUser()


-id : Integer -User Id : Char +User()() +Surat Admin ()() +Dokumen Admin ()() +Galeri Admin()
2. pilih sub menu cari dokumen ()

* -1 lihat user * -1..1 -id : Integer -User Id : Char -Password : Char -Level : Char +TambahUser() +HapusUser() +EditUser()

3. isi field nama dokumen yang akan dicari ()

proses pencarian ()

muncul tabel daftar pencarian

Gambar 24 Class Diagram Home Admin Image Captions The Admin class has a relationship with a class composition. User class has exactly one class add user and view the user because the compilers of the class was a class of user Database Here is the design of the database for the module Home Admin and document in the electronic archive system Pusdiklat BATAN collected in presentation as follows

4. Menu utama ()

Gambar 23 Sequance Diagram Cari Dokumen Image captions: After selecting the menu document, actor actor can select sub menu search document. Search Form will appear and allow the actor to enter a keyword to search the data document. After entering the keyword then the actor will be shown a table containing data relating to the document


Dokumen (admin)

a. Admin menu select Document b. Admin sub menu select Document Data c. Admin sub menu select Document report d. Admin sub menu select Document search a. Admin sub menu select Document Data b. Admin click the download button

a. Admin can select a sub menu of Document b. Admin can enter into the sub menu Data Documents c. Admin can access the sub menu reports Document Admin can enter the sub menu search Documents a. Documents show all the data that has been input by the user right b. Taking the attachment of the system and download them to the computer admin Display a table of all the data document that has been entered by the user in the form of pdf and can be downloaded into the computer Admin Documents sought would appear to adjust keywords previously been entered admin



Data Dokumen


Pengujian Black Box

Test Test Case Name Login Description Expected Result Test Result OK K-01 Laporan Dokumen

Admin sub menu Document report




a. The User completes the Login form and enter data in each field b. The User clicks the login button

Applications will be checked against the data entered into the form, then if such data in accordance with your username and password then the user\/admin can get into applications in accordance with the right of access a. b. c. a. Admin can select a sub menu of user b. Admin can enter into the sub menu added user c. Admin can enter into the sub menu User View


Cari Dokumen

Admin entering keywords of the documents to be searched




a. b. c.

a. Select User Admin menu b. Admin adds user select a sub menu c. Admin sub menu select View User



Galeri(ad min)

a. Admin select menu Gallery b. Admin sub menu select Data Gallery c. Admin select sub menu search Gallery

a. Admin can select a sub menu from Gallery b. Admin can enter the data into sub menu Gallery c. Admin can enter the sub menu looking for gallery



Add User


D-01 D-02

See the user Edit User


Hapus User

a. Admin login new users to be added to the system at user-added form b. b. Admin click the submit button c. c. Click the Admin button reset Admin see the user clicks the button a. Click the edit button admin b. Admin enter the desired changes to the user in the user edit the fields that will be edited c. Admin select the submit button Admin selects the delete button

a. If the admin has finished filling out all the fields on the form add user and clicking the submit button then the new user is added will be stored into the system b. previously entered data is lost, the form back blank Displays all user data that has been entered into the system a. Admin can change the username and password the user desired b. . User data is successfully changed



Data Galeri

a. Admin sub menu select Data Gallery b. Admin click see all

a. Gallery displays all data that has been input by the user right b. Show all photos that have been entered into the system user Galeri yang dicari akan muncul menyesuaikan keyword yang sebelumnya telah diinputkan admin User dapat memilih sub menu dari Dokumen User dapat masuk ke dalam sub menu data Dokumen User dapat mengakses sub menu Tambah Dokumen User dapat masuk kedalam sub menu cari Dokumen


O-01 OK OK P-01

Cari Galeri

Admin entering keywords of the gallery to be searched a. b. c. User memilih menu Dokumen User memilih sub menu data Dokumen User memilih sub menu Tambah Dokumen User memilih sub menu cari Dokumen a. b.





Surat(adm in)


Data surat

a. Admin menu select letters b. Admin sub menu select Data letter c. Admin select sub menu reports letters d. Admin select sub menu looking letter a. Admin sub menu select Data letter b. Admin click the download button Admin select sub menu reports letters


Laporan Surat

The user that you want deleted from the system and can no longer be used to log into the system a. Admin can select a sub menu of letters b. Admin can enter the data into sub menu letter c. Admin can access the sub menu reports letters d. Admin can enter the sub menu looking for letters a. Displays all data that has been input letters right by user b. Taking the attachment of the system and download them to the computer admin Display a table of all the data that the letter has been entered by the user in the form of pdf and can be downloaded into the computer Admin The letter will appear adjusting keyword search that has previously been entered admin






Data Dokumen

Admin sub menu Document Data


Displays a table containing all the data document that has been entered into the system




Edit Dokumen

a. Click the Edit User b. Entering data document that you want to change c. Click the submit button

a. Displaying form edit the document along with the document data before editing b. Data successfully changed



Q-03 OK Q-04

Delete Document

Users click on the Delete button


Cari Surat

Admin entering keywords of the letter to be searched


User klik tombol download

Menghapus data serta lampiran dokumen yang dipilih Lampiran dokumen didownload ke dalam komputer user




Tambah dokumen



c. S-01 Cari Dokumen

User memilih sub menu tambah dokumen User memasukan data dan lampiran dokumen yang akan diinputkan User klik tombol submit User memasukan keyword dari Dokumen yang akan dicari

Data user dan lampiran baru berhasil ditambkan ke dalam sistem


2. the addition of Application Chat between users and between users and Admins to be able to easily send a message or a task that will be executed by the user. DAFTAR PUSTAKA

Dokumen yang dicari akan muncul menyesuaikan keyword yang sebelumnya telah diinputkan user User akan keluar dari sistem dan sistem akan memunculkan tombol loginkembali


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User klik tombol logout


Conclusions and Suggestions Conclusion Based on the previous discussion and the results of testing of the Module documents and Home Electronic Archive System Admins who have successfully designed and built can be inferred that the module documents and Home Electronic Archive Systems Admin at Pusdiklat BATAN using PHP and MySQL can run well and can instead of accounting for the archiving run before at Pusdiklat BATAN. Integrating Modules Document and a Admin with a letter Home and Gallery module has also worked well. Advice The advice I can give for the further development of Electronic Archives System system include: 1. additions in documents and Reports Report mail on Page Admin so that later when downloaded by the admin, the report can show the time of each bar and who the data document and mail data inputed by the user.

[10] Whitten,J Bentlet.L. & Dittman,K .2004. Metode Desain & Analisis Sistem Ed.6. Yogyakarta: Andi

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