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V. Kurien possessed all professional & management skills which helped to prosper the Amul Company. V. Kurien is considered to be one of the world's great agricultural leaders of this century. The collection of his speeches help to light the way for those who must carry on the battle to ensure greater food security, prosperity, and peace to the world. Kurien is the Chairman of !ndia's "ational "ational Cooperati#e airy r. Verghese e#elopment $oard, the

airy %ederation of !ndia and the &u'arat Cooperati#e

(ilk (arketing %ederation. )is professional life has been dedicated to empowering the !ndian farmer through cooperati#es. The architect of !ndia's *hite +e#olution, ,-peration %lood, work has been recogni.ed by the award of a /adma $hushan, the +amon (agsaysay /ri.e for Community 0eadership, the Carnegie1*ateler *orld /eace /ri.e, and the *orld %ood /ri.e. A dream in which regardless of origin, place of birth, occupation, or of language, each !ndian has an e2ual opportunity to share in the nation's blessings, and to contribute to the nation's progress. r. Verghese Kurien, founder chairman of the national dairy de#elopment board and founder chairman of &u'arat cooperati#e milk marketing federation, popularly known for his utterly butterly delicious 3A(405. )e is a businessman, par e6cellence but it would be 2uite a narrow classification for a man whose achie#ements go far beyond the realm of business. )e is an e6cellent businessman, a highly successful chief e6ecuti#e, an institution builder, a social reformer and a socio economic re#olutionary. )e has achie#ed a tremendous national and international recognition. The go#ernment of !ndia conferred on him the PADMA VIBHUSHAN.

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA )e was the chairman of " $ since its inception in 789: and

the &u'arat Cooperati#e (ilk (arketing %ederation ;&C((%<. )e has been recogni.ed as the doodhwala from Anand. )is life is as study as to how business can start a social re#olution. The basic philosophy of A"A" pattern is to combine !ndia=s greatest asset the power of its people with professional management, in a #ertically integrated co1operati#e structure that establishes a direct contact between those who produce the milk and those who consume it. A(40 products are a#ailable throughout the country which is our distribution reach and our turno#er e6ceeds +s. >??? crores. )e is also a member of the planning commission, #ice chancellor, &u'urat Agricultural 4ni#ersity, Chairman &u'arat @lectricity $oard, and (ember of the Technology (ission on (anagement ;!+(A<. airy e#elopment of the &o#ernment of !ndia and continues to be the Chairman of !nstitute of +ural



INTRODUCTION:Amul began the dairy cooperati#e mo#ement in !ndia and formed an ape6 cooperati#e organi.ation, &u'arat Co1operati#e (ilk (arketing %ederation 0td. ;&C((%<, which today is 'ointly owned by some A.A million milk producers in &u'arat, !ndia. Amul was formally registered on ecember 7B, 78B9. The brand name Amul, sourced from the Canskrit word Amoolya, means priceless. !t was suggested by a 2uality control e6pert in Anand. Come cite the origin as an acronym to ;Anand (ilk 4nion 0imited<.The Amul revolution was started as awareness among the farmers. !t grew and matured into a protest mo#ement that was channeled towards economic prosperity.

ORGANISATION:Amul is a dairy cooperati#e mo#ement in !ndia. !t is a brand name managed by an ape6 cooperati#e organi.ation, &u'arat Co1operati#e (ilk (arketing %ederation 0td. ;&C((%<, which today is 'ointly owned by some A.B7 million milk producers in &u'arat, !ndia. !t is based in Anand town of &u'arat and has been a sterling e6ample of a co1operati#e organi.ation's success in the long term. The Amul Patter has established itself as a uni2uely appropriate model for rural de#elopment. Amul has spurred the *hite +e#olution of !ndia, which has made !ndia one of the largest milk producers in the world. !t is also the world's biggest #egetarian cheese brand. Cuccess of Kaira setting up of istrict Co1operati#e (ilk /roducers' 4nion 0imited and istrict Co1operati#e (ilk /roducers' 4nions needed a state1

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA le#el organi.ation for entire &u'arat. That leads to creation of &u'arat Cooperati#e (ilk (arketing %ederation ;&C((%<.

RANGE OF PRODUCTS:Amul's product range includes milk powders, milk, butter, ghee, cheese, chocolate, ice cream, cream, shrikhand, paneer, gulab 'amuns, basundi, "utramul brand and others. . Amul $utter, Amul (ilk /owder, Amul &hee, Amulspray, Amul Cheese, Amul Chocolates, Amul Chrikhand, Amul !ce cream, "utramul, Amul (ilk and Amulya !n Danuary A??9, Amul plans to launch !ndia's first sports drink Ctamina, which will be competing with Coca Cola's /owerade and /epsiCo's &atorade.

COMPETITION AND E!PORT:!n Danuary A??9, Amul plans to launch !ndia's first sports drink Ctamina, which will be competing with Coca Cola's /owerade and /epsiCo's &atorade Amul is the largest food brand in !ndia with an annual turno#er of 4C EF9F million ;A??:1?9<. Currently Amul has A.B7 million producer members with milk collection a#erage of :.?F million litresGday. $esides !ndia, Amul has entered o#erseas markets such as (auritius, 4A@, 4CA, $angladesh, Australia, China, Cingapore, )ong Kong and a few Couth African countries. !ts bid to enter Dapanese market in 788B had not succeeded, but now it has fresh plans of flooding the Dapanese markets. -ther potential markets being considered include Cri 0anka.


r Verghese Kurien, the chairman of the &C((%, is recogni.ed as the man behind the success of Amul. The primary goal of r. V. Kurien, Chairman &C((%, the ,(ilk (an of !ndia,, has been to build a

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA strong !ndian society economically through an inno#ati#e cooperati#e network, to pro#ide 2uality ser#ice and products to end1consumers and good returns to the farmer members. r. Kurien states, ,*e ha#e tra#ersed a path that few ha#e dared to. *e are continuing on a path that still fewer ha#e the courage to follow. *e must pursue a path that e#en fewer can dream to pursue. Het, we must. *e hold in trust the aims and aspirations of millions of our countrymen.,

REVOLUTIONAR# $ORK:!n 7889 Amul was one of the first ma'or organi.ations in !ndia to ha#e a website. This site has been used both to de#elop an intranet of Amul distributors as well as a cyber1store for consumers, one of the first e6amples of e1commerce acti#ity in !ndia. The C@- of Amul, (r. $ ( Vyas, recently said, ,Amul is not a food company, it is an !T company in the food business,. )e was recogni.ing that the most efficient way of building links between milk producers and consumers so as to pro#ide the best returns for both is through !T inno#ation. Amul has been able to withstand the onslaught of pri#ate and foreign players in the dairy industry and has also been able to e6port products in limited 2uantities. The success of Amul resulted in similar organi.ations being setup by state go#ernments throughout !ndia, most of which had reasonable success. @6amples are Vi'aya in Andhra /radesh, Aa#in in Tamil "adu and others.

SITUATION OF FARMERS:-#er fi#e decades ago, the life of an a#erage farmer in Kheda istrict was #ery much like that of hisGher counterpart anywhere else in !ndia. )isGher income was deri#ed almost entirely from seasonal crops. The income from milk buffaloes was undependable. /ri#ate traders and middlemen

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA controlled the marketing and distribution system for the milk. As milk is perishable, farmers were compelled to sell it for whate#er they were offered. -ften, they had to sell cream and ghee at throw1away prices. !n this situation, the pri#ate trader made a killing. &radually, the reali.ation dawned on the farmers that the e6ploitation by the trader could be checked only if they marketed their milk themsel#es. Amul was the result of the reali.ation that they could pool up their milk and work as a cooperati#e.

KAIRA DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE MILK PRODUCERS UNION:The Kaira istrict Co1operati#e (ilk /roducers' 4nion 0imited began pasteuri.ing milk for the $ombay (ilk Ccheme in Dune 78BF. $y the end of 78BF, more than B?? farmers 'oined in more Village Cociety, and the 2uantity of milk handled by one 4nion increased from A:? to :,??? liters a day. The success of Amul was instrumental in launching the *hite +e#olution that resulted in increased milk production in !ndia. !t is officially termed as -peration %lood by Amul. The breakthrough technology of spray1 drying and processing buffalo milk, de#eloped by (r. ).(. of the key factors that contributed to the +e#olution. alaya, was one



@#ery day Amul collects BBI,??? litres of milk from A.7A million farmers ;many illiterate<, con#erts the milk into branded, packaged products, and deli#ers goods worth +s 9 crore ;+s 9? million< to o#er :??,??? retail outlets across the country. !ts supply chain is easily one of the most complicated in the world. !f we are #isit to any Amul or &u'arat Cooperati#e (ilk (arketing %ederation ;&C((%< office a photograph of (ahatma &andhi will be missing but we can certainly see one particular photograph showing a long line of &u'arati women waiting patiently for a union truck to come and collect the milk they ha#e brought in shining brass matkas. This makes the farmers or the member of the organi.ation of the organi.ation how to pre#ent the milk from souring. )ence, Amul takes #arious initiati#es to make the farmer or the producer understand how to pro#ide ser#ice to the consumers with the only resource a#ailable with them i.e. milk a perishable one. The prominent display of picture states the message5 NEVER FORGET #OUR CUSTOMER" IF #OU DON%T SUCCESS IS CERTAIN& At the time Amul was formed, consumers had limited purchasing power, and modest consumption le#els of milk and other dairy products. $eing a co1operati#e organi.ation Amul adopted a low1cost price strategy to make its products affordable and attracti#e to consumers by guaranteeing them #alue for money. Amul also introduced higher #alue products. $eginning with li2uid milk, Amul enhanced the product mi6 through the progressi#e addition of higher #alue products while maintaining the desired growth in e6isting products.

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA espite competition in the high #alue dairy product segments from firms such as )industan 0e#er, "estle and $ritannia, &C((% ensures that the product mi6 and the se2uence in which Amul introduces its products is consistent with the core philosophy of pro#iding milk at a basic, affordable price.


A *r+u, +- -armer. /ee t+ -ree t0em.el1e. -r+m 2 terme32ar2e. a 3 t+ *a2 a44e.. t+ mar/et. a 3 t+ ut2l25e t0e 6e e-2t -+r t0e2r e--+rt. 4ame t+*et0er 2 789: a 3 -+rme3 t0e &u'arat Cooperati#e (ilk (arketing %ederation. The organi.ation is situated in the #illage of Anand, the Kaira istrict (ilk Cooperati#e 4nion ;better known as Amul< which has now been e6panded e6ponentially. &C((% 'oined hands with other milk cooperati#es, and the &u'arat network now co#ers A.7A million farmers, 7?,B77 #illage le#el milk collection centers and fourteen district le#el plants ;unions< all under the o#erall super#ision of &C((%. The &C((% is been particularly been recogni.ed for the beneficiary of the farmers. The organi.ation mainly helped to transform the small farmers and contribute mainly for the de#elopment of the society. (arkets, then and e#en today are primiti#e and poor in infrastructure. Amul and &C((% acknowledged that de#elopment and growth could not be left to market forces and that proacti#e inter#ention was re2uired. Two key re2uirements were identified that areJ 7. Custained growth for the long term would depend on matching or maintained balance between supply and demand. !t would need hea#y in#estment in the simultaneous de#elopment of suppliers and consumers. @ffecti#e management of the network and commercial #iability would re2uire professional managers and technocrats.

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA A. To implement their #ision while retaining their focus on farmers, a hierarchical network of cooperati#es was de#eloped, this today forms the strong and healthy supply chain behind &C((%=s endea#ors. The #ast and comple6 supply chain stretches from small suppliers to large fragmented markets.

(anagement of this network is made more comple6 by the fact that &C((% is directly responsible only for a small part of the chain, with a number of third party players ;distributors, retailers and logistics support pro#iders< playing large roles. (anaging this supply chain efficiently is critical as &C((%'s competiti#e position is dri#en by low consumer prices supported by a low cost system.

&u'arat Cooperati#e (ilk (arketing %ederation ;&C((%< is !ndia's largest food products marketing organi.ation. !t is a state le#el ape6 body of milk cooperati#es in &u'arat which aims to pro#ide remunerati#e returns to the farmers and also ser#e the interest of consumers by pro#iding 2uality products which are good #alue for money. The table mentioned drawn below makes us understand about the members in the &C((% organi.ation, #illage societies, milk handling capacity and #arious processes related with the collection capacity


7A district cooperati#e milk producers' 4nion

N+" +- Pr+3u4er Mem6er.:

A.: million

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA N+" +- V2lla*e S+42et2e.: T+tal M2l/ 0a 3l2 * 4a,a42t;: M2l/ 4+lle4t2+ (T+tal - <==>-=:): 77,89A 8.87 million litres per day A.AF billion litres

M2l/ 4+lle4t2+ (Da2l; A1era*e <==>- 9.> million litres =:):

M2l/ Dr;2 * Ca,a42t;:

:77 metric Tons per day

Cattle -ee3 ma u-a4tur2 * Ca,a42t;: A>B? (ts per day


&C((% is !ndia's largest food products marketing

organi.ation. !t is a state le#el ape6 body of milk cooperati#es in &u'arat, which aims to pro#ide remunerati#e returns to the farmers and also ser#e the interest of consumers by pro#iding 2uality products, which are good #alue for money. &C((% markets and manages the Amul brand. %rom mid1788?'s Amul has entered areas not related directly to its core business. !ts entry into
ice cream was regarded as successful due to the large market share it was

able to capture within a short period of time 1 primarily due to the price differential and the brand name. !t also entered the Pizza business, where the base and the recipes were made a#ailable to restaurant owners who could price it as low as >? rupees per pi..a when the other players were charging upwards of 7?? rupees. The sales turno#er of the &C((% from 788B1A??9 is been represented below which helps to get a clear #iew of the earnings of the

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA company, &C((% is today nation's largest food company with an annual turno#er e6ceeding +s A>?? Crores.

Sale. Tur +1er 788B18: 788:189 788918I 788I18F 788F188 78881?? A???1?7 A??71?A A??A1?> A??>1?B A??B1?: A??:1?9

R. (m2ll2+ ) 777B? 7>I8? 7::B? 7FFB? AA78A AA7F: AA:FF A>>9: AIB:I AF8B7 A8AA: >II>9

US ? (2 m2ll2+ ) >:: B?? B:? B:: B8> B8> :?? :?? :I: 979 9IA F:?

+1at2+ at Gra.. R++t."

-ne of the members of &C((%, the $anas dairy, has started a

uni2ue initiati#e called the !nternet Cewa /ro'ect in their district called $anaskantha. This is a #illage1le#el effort at bridging the igital i#ide by pro#iding information kiosks at the Village Cooperati#e le#el. @ach #illage has one information kiosk, which is the single point of contact for !nternet and other e1go#ernance acti#ities for the co1operati#e. -fficial forms, +ural Dobs, Veterinary, Agriculture, and (atrimonial details, educational applications and local market prices with buy & sell options are pro#ided at the information kiosk so that people do not ha#e to tra#el all the way to the district head2uarters for these information. To impro#e the farmer members' li#ing standards and to facilitate affordable !nternet access ser#ices including V-!/ "et telephony,

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA the district union has also become a local !nternet Cer#ice /ro#ider ;!C/< using these Village !nformation Kiosks. Today the ser#ices are subsidi.ed but the goal is for the kiosks to become self1supporting (arkets today are primiti#e and poor in infrastructure. Amul and &C((% acknowledged that de#elopment and growth could not be left to market forces and that proacti#e inter#ention was re2uired. Two key re2uirements were identified that areJ Custained growth for the long term would depend on matching or maintained balance between supply and demand. !t would need hea#y in#estment in the simultaneous de#elopment of suppliers and consumers. @ffecti#e management of the network and commercial #iability would re2uire professional managers and technocrats. To implement their #ision while retaining their focus on farmers, a hierarchical network of cooperati#es was de#eloped, this today forms the strong and healthy supply chain behind &C((%=s endea#ors. The #ast and comple6 supply chain stretches from small suppliers to large fragmented markets. (anagement of this network is made more comple6 by the fact that &C((% is directly responsible only for a small part of the chain, with a number of third party players ;distributors, retailers and logistics support pro#iders< playing large roles. (anaging this supply chain efficiently is critical as &C((%'s competiti#e position is dri#en by low consumer prices supported by a low cost system.

A$ARENESS CREATED B# GCMMF THROUGH MOVIEMANTHAN:(anthan relates the story of a young urban group headed by a #eterinary doctor, which is sent by an organi.ation to a poor #illage in order to help start milk cooperati#e.

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA (anthan has been sponsored by :??,??? farmers of &u'arat, constituents of the &u'arat Co1operati#e (ilk (arketing %ederation. This is the first time in !ndia that a feature film has been financed by farmers. Ce#eral new trails ha#e been bla.ed by themK the ,Anand /attern, of dairy de#elopment, which today has been adopted all o#er the country, was also their contribution. Their dairy cooperati#es illustrated how small farmers could triumph o#er ad#ersity. Appropriately, the theme of @MANTHAN, is the churning up of the social structure when the milk cooperati#e mo#ement erodes the power of traditional bosses in a #illage.


A(40 means ,priceless, in Canskrit. The brand name ,Amul,, from the Canskrit ,Amoolya,, was suggested by a 2uality control e6pert in Anand. Variants, all meaning ,priceless,, are found in se#eral !ndian languages. Amul products ha#e been in use in millions of homes since 78B9. Amul $utter, Amul (ilk /owder, Amul &hee, Amulspray, Amul Cheese, Amul Chocolates, Amul Chrikhand, Amul !ce cream, "utramul, Amul (ilk and Amulya ha#e made Amul a leading food brand in !ndia. ;Turno#erJ +s. >I.IB billion in A??:1?9<. Today Amul is a symbol of many things of high1 2uality products sold at reasonable prices of the genesis of a #ast co1operati#e network of the triumph of indigenous technology of the marketing sa##y of a farmers' organi.ation. Amul represents a pro#en model for dairy de#elopment.

7. Amul Pa.teur25e3 Butter

Amul butter is most commonly used in e#ery household. Amul is made from butter common salt and permitted natural colour. !t is been

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA marketed from last from B decades. Amul butter composes of fresh cream, milk fat, moisture, salt as well as curd in specific proportions. Amul is

standardi.ed product and has $!C specifications. The calorific #alue is kcal.G7??g.


A. AMUL LITE : A L+A Fat L+A C0+le.ter+l Brea3 S,rea3 4nlike $utter & (argarine, Amul 0ite is a l+A--at, l+A4al+r2e & l+A-40+le.ter+l bread spread, hence a healthier substitute. !t contains <:B le.. -at a 3 4al+r2e content as compared to butter or margarine.

4nlike $utter & (argarine, Amul 0ite is a l+A--at, l+A4al+r2e & l+A-40+le.ter+l bread spread, hence a healthier substitute. !t contains <:B le.. -at a 3 4al+r2e content as compared to butter or margarine. This product is specifically prepared for diet considering population. !t is considered as healthier substitutes as it contain A9L less fat and calorie. )elps to maintain slim and trim without sacrificing. Amul lite is suitable for old age people as the heart disease chances are been reduced. !t contains -mega19 and -mega1>. !t helps to maintain healthy and cholesterol le#els are kept at

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA minimum. This product is certified by A&(A+K for 2uality. Tastes best with toast, sandwiches and bread. !t can also be used for topping on paranthas, paa#

bha'i, pula#, khichadi, and soups and also for household baking, preparation of cake etc.

>. Amul S,ra; I -a t M2l/ F++3

AMULSPRA# INFANT MILK FOOD is made from partially skimmed milk, sugar, minerals and #itamins. Amul has introduced #arious powder milk products the Amul spray infant milk food is made from partially skimmed milk, sugar, minerals and #itamins !t is composed of milk proteins, fats and carbohydrates. !t has #arious #itamins such as A, ,K,$,C and #arious minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, copper, iodine. This product is been marketed since A: years. This product is formulated on guidelines set by Code6 Commission of *)-G %A-


B. Amul I .ta t Full Cream M2l/ P+A3er

A(40 !"CTA"T %400 C+@A( (!0K /-* @+ ;Cpray ried< is made from Toned (ilk, Vitamins A, and . !t composes of milk fat A9L, protein A9L, carbohydrates >IL, minerals 9L, and minerals 9L, moisture >L. This product is highly acceptable product made from the most modern dairy plant through a special formulation. !t meets the re2uirements laid down under /%A rules for processed Cheese Cpread.

:. Amul Emme tal C0ee.e


Amul's @mmental Cheese with holes can be traced back from 7A8? A . The tradition of cheese1making has flourished in the skilled hands of sennen. This famous cheese with a Cwiss taste owes its name to the @mmental #alley, near $erne in Cwit.erland. This famous cheese with a Cwiss taste owes its name to the @mmental #alley, near $erne in Cwit.erland. @mmental is actually a Mli#e' cheese, i.e. it has li#e bacteria, which continue the ripening process, e#en after the cheese is packed and placed on the retail shel#es. )owe#er, it is a 7??L #egetarian coagulating en.yme. The composition of @mmental cheese is of moisture B>L, fat B9L and salt 7.:L this product is to be stored at ordinary refrigeration temperature i.e. B degrees Centigrade to F degree Centigrade. Amul @mmental Cheese is a#ailable in a A?? gm pack.

9. A(40 /!NNA C)@@C@


Amul, the largest selling brand of Cheese in !ndia, introduced genuine (o..arella Cheese for the first time. Amul /i..a Cheese has (oist, Coft, @lastic te6ture and has a #ery timely surface sheen and when fresh, it has a slightly salty blandish taste and pleasant aroma. $ecause of its stretch ability, i.e. ability to form strings when hot, this cheese is ideal for preparing 0asagna, Veal Cutlet, Alla /armagnia and as a topping on pi..as.. (o..arella is an e6cellent source of milk proteins and is palatable to the consumer and institutional segments. !t composes of fat, moisture and salt. The &ouda cheese is an e6cellent taste used for pi..a toppings and is widely used in ma'or hotels.


Technologically, it is e2ui#alent to Cream Cottage Cheese of western products. Amul (alai /aneer is a#ailable in already cut cubes form.

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA The best 2uality (alai /aneer with 2uality assurance of Amul is the only national brand of /aneer a#ailable in !ndia since 788I. !t is also e6ported to 4C, &ulf as well Cingapore & Dapan markets regularly.5 +icher, Cofter, $etter, /aneer is made out of fresh milk. Compositions of Amul (alai /aneer are higher fat content ;A91AIL< and lower moisture content. This gi#es Amul (alai /aneer smooth, uniform te6ture and softness that most consumers desire. iced /aneer is a#ailable in three pack si.es #i.. 7?? g, A?? g & 7 kg pack in heat sealed poly pouches to ensure the best 2uality.

F. Amul Pure G0ee.

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA A(40 /4+@ &)@@ is made from (ilk %at. The composition of Amul is milk fat 88.IL and moisture ?.>L. the calorific #alue 8?? kcalG7??g. Amul sagar pure ghee is made from fresh cream. !t has a typical rich aroma and granular te6ture. !t is an ethnic product made by dairies with decades of e6perience being a rich source of Vitamin A, of &o#t. of !ndia. , @ and K. (eets A&(A+K C/@C!A0 &+A @ specification of the A&(A+K scheme ;78>F<

8. M2t0a2 Mate

A(40 (!T)A! (AT@ C*@@T@"@

C-" @"C@


is made from Cugar & (ilk solids. !t comprises of Cweetened Condensed (ilk, Total (ilk Colids, %at, Added Cane Cugar, /artly Ckimmed Cweetened Condensed (ilk, Total (ilk Colids, %at, and Added Cane Cugar. !t is a free flowing product and has a pleasant fla#our. The product can be used to manufacture !ce Creams, Confectioneries like Toffees, $iscuits and Cweets. !t (eets $!C standardsJ !CJ 7799.

7?. Amul S0r2/0a 3


A(40 C)+!K)A"

is made from Chakka, Cugar and

fla#oring agentsGfruits ;@laichi, Caffron, (ango pulp<. !t contains fat, milk solids, and mango pulp. The Chrikhand is most commonly used at festi#e occasion as a sweet desert. (ost processes are undertaken in order to impro#e the taste of these Chrikhand and it acts as a auspicious feed during festi#als. Chrikhand is a traditional sweet. !t is the only pasteuri.ed Chrikhand which is been made from most modern dairy e2uipment which helps the Chrikhand of an e6tended shelf life with smooth te6ture. The calorific #alue is A9? kcal.G7??g. the product meets $!C specification "o.!CJ8:>A178F?.

77. Ma.t2 Da02

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA A(40 (ACT! A)! is made from /asteuri.ed Toned (ilk.

Amul mast dahi composes of essential nutrients such as fat >.:L and C"% F.:L. This product is a#ailable in packaged form. !t is produced in a modern processing plant which helps to gi#e a smooth, mild acetic acidic taste and pleasant fla#our consistently.

7A. Amul I4e Cream.

A(40 !C@ C+@A( is made from (ilk and (ilk products, Cugar, Ctabili.ers & @mulsifiers. !t composes of milk fat, total solids, sugar,

acidity, protein etc. Calories present are per 7?? ml 1789.I kcal Various #erities of !ce Cream can be made from the basic mi6 by addition of re2uired amount of permissible colors and fla#our. cream are as followsJ1 Vanila, Ctrawberry, /ineapple, -range, +ose, (ango, Chocolate, )oney1 ew1(elon, Tutti %rutti, 0itchi, Kesar /ista, Ka'u Chocochips, +a'bhog and Cashew $reak. raksh, $utterscotch, ry fruits and nuts would be used for making premium #arieties of !ce Cream. Various fla#ors of Amul ice1


This is a ready1to1eat product and hence it liked by a ma'ority of people. /eople prefer to this product than the mi6 of &ulab Damuns a#ailable. The best 2uality of the food attracts the people as the nature, moistness and softness is accepted which enforces the people to buy the product.

7B. Gula6 'amu M2C

A(40 (!T)A@@ &40A$DA(4" (!O is made from *hole (ilk /owder, Tartaric Acid, and Codium $icarbonate. Amul (ithaee &ulab'amun (i6 is a mi6ture of all the re2uired ingredients to produce tasty,

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA softer and delicious &ulab'amuns.The moisture content is more than the fat content.

7:. Amul C0+4+late.

A(40 C)-C-0AT@ is made from Cugar, Cocoa $utter, (ilk Colids, Chocolate mass. The composition is as follows (ilk %at, Cugar,

Total %at ;(ilk %at P Cocoa %at<, Cocoa Colids, and (ilk Colids and meets all re2uirements under the /%A for boiled sugar confectionary.

79. Amul Ba.u 32


I *re32e t.:Amul $asundi is concentrated milk based product with added sugar, fla#ors and condiments and contains %at 1 77L, (ilk Colids 1 A:L, Cugar 1 8L. The calorific #alue is A?: Calories per 7??ml. Amul $asundi is a#ailable in :?? ml and 7 0iter aseptic Tetra /ack. The $asundi is prepared from best 2uality, rich in nutrition and free from bacteria. !t can be stored in room temperature and maintains a long shelf life;9 months from date of manufacturing <. !t is economically priced and a#ailable round the year. Amul $asundi is accepted and can be ser#ed as can be ser#ed as food companion or dessert. !t also helps to make Kheer, /ayasam, &a'ar )alwa, Ce#iya, Kulfi, +abdi, (ilk Chakes delicious

7I. Nutramul


"4T+A(40 (A0T@

(!0K %--

Amul's "utramul has

the highest protein content among all the brown be#erage powders sold in !ndia and is the only one in !ndia with $!C certification mark. Amul's "utramul is made from malt e6tract, milk solids, sugar, cocoa powder, emulsifying agents, sodium bicarbonate and added fla#our. !t composes of fat carbohydrates starch, sugar protein and cocoa. Carries $!C certification mark !CJ 7F?9178I: Type !!.

7F. Amul S0a/t2 Healt0 F++3 Dr2 /

Amul Chakti is a uni2ue combination of (ilk and natural goodness of Kesar ;Caffron< & Almond. Amul Chakti, a complete food in a

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA drink, is ideally balanced for the nourishment and health of the entire family. !t contains more of (ilk /rotein and (ilk Calcium which are easily digested and assimilated in the body. Amul Chakti contains essential Amino Acids, Vitamins, (inerals and (icronutrients needed for building up internal immunity and maintaining good health. The product is a#ailable in two fla#ors Kesar1Almond and Chocolate. Amul Chakti contains essential Amino Acids, Vitamins, (inerals and (icronutrients needed for building up internal immunity and maintaining good health. The product is a#ailable in two fla#ors Kesar1Almond and Chocolate and in &lass Dars 1 :?? gm & A?? gm +efill $o6es 1 :?? gm & A?? gm /ouches 1 :? gm & A: gm.

Amul has always produced 2ualitati#e products. The company maintains its total 2uality management in order to produce best 2uality

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA products. The products produced by the company were always been appreciated by the consumers. !n fact we can state that Amul has maintained a tradition to impro#e its performance and get noted amongst the top companies by bagging the most worthy pri.es from business ceremony by getting these awards. The list of awards recei#ed by Amul for their tremendous performance states the #arious measures adopted by the company in order to increase performances areJ Rama/r2.0 a BaDaD Nat2+ al Eual2t; AAar3.-<==F" I ter at2+ al CIO 7== AAar3. -+r Re.+ur4e-ul e.." RaD21 Ga 302 Nat2+ al Eual2t; AAar3.-7888" the sales. %ollowing are the three big awards which got by Amul for their best

Ram/r2.0 a BaDaD Nat2+ al Eual2t; AAar3-<==F:-

The &u'arat Co1operati#e (ilk (arketing %ederation 0td. has emerged as the top scorer in the ser#ice category of the prestigious !(C +amkrishna $a'a' "ational Quality Award 1 A??>. The Certificate of (erit

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA was presented at a glittering ceremony held at (umbai on (arch 77 by the &o#ernor of the +eser#e $ank of !ndia, r. H. V. +eddy. According to Chri $. (. Vyas, (anaging irector, &C((%,

this recognition has once again reiterated &C((%'s commitment to 2uality and e6cellence. The biggest strength of &C((% is the trust it has created in the minds of consumers regarding the 2uality of its products. &C((% and its brand Amul stand for guaranteed purity for whate#er products it produces, he added. &C((% has bagged this award for adopting noteworthy 2uality management practices for logistics and procurement. -#er the years, it has established an efficient supply chain that penetrates e#en the remotest corners of the country. The information systems of the %ederation are comprehensi#e and include details on product 2uality, deli#ery performance, supplier 2uality, disaster reco#ery and all essential commercial areas, the citation reads. The +amakrishna $a'a' "ational Quality Award is based on framework and principles almost similar to the (alcolm $aldrige Award that is gi#en by the /resident of the 4nited Ctates to businesses 1 manufacturing and ser#ice, small and large 1 and to education and healthcare organi.ations that apply and are 'udged to be outstanding in se#en areasJ leadership, strategic planning, customer and market focus, information and analysis, human resource focus, process management, and business results.

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA Mr" B M V;a. re4e21e. t0e E2m,r+ G+l3 Sta 3ar3 AAar3 Qimpro /latinum Ctandard, the highest indi#idual honour, has in recent years been awarded to Chandra (ohan, Aditya $irla, eepak /arekh, % C Kohli, r D D !rani, A.im /rem'i, and Kumar (angalam $irla. Qimpro Awards are recogni.ed by the ACQ and the !nstitute of Quality Assurance, 4K.




&C((% is a winner of the prestigious international C!- 7?? award from ! &'s C!-

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA (aga.ine, 4CA. The A??> C!- 7?? award recogni.es the organi.ations around the world that e6cel in positi#e business performance through resourceful !T management and best practices. This C!- !nternational !T e6cellence Award has recogni.ed the Cooperati#e (o#ement & its 0eadership under the ,Amul, brand, initiated by r. V Kurien, (ilkman of !ndia, who=s main (otto is to build !ndian Cociety economically & literally strong through inno#ati#e cooperati#e resourceful network, so as to pro#ide 2uality ser#ice & products to the end consumers and good returns to the farmer members. This award has also gi#en direction that !T need to be encouraged & adopted more & more at grass root le#el and bridge the digital di#ide through proper training, re1training so as to bring radical change & benefit to the !ndian society. !t has also recogni.ed the (anaging C+m,a ; 2 irector, (r. $ ( Vyas,

who has taken !T initiati#e by setting the direction @GCMMF a. IT F++3 6u.2 e..@. !t has also inspired all the employees of &C((% @nterprise to sustain the challenges as a ,Change Agent, by e6celling their !T skills in order to transform the people around them towards !T !ntegration ;e1Vision< on both the ends of supply chain ;Village le#el %armer to end consumer<. This award also moti#ated the each & e#ery member dairy, Amul's wholesale distributors, retailers, transporters and suppliers who ha#e supported whole1heartedly the !T initiati#es of &C((%. The &u'arat Co1operati#e (ilk (arketing %ederation

;&C((%< has been honoured at the C!- 7?? Cymposium & Award Ceremony on August 78, A??>, at the $road moor in Colorado Cprings,

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA Colorado, 4CA. Chri Cubbarao )egde, )ead of !T had been to 4CA and recei#ed the said Award on behalf of &C((%.

RaD21 Ga 302 Nat2+ al Eual2t; AAar3 7888:After creating ripples in the market whether it be with a +s. A?G1 /i..a or with a ,real, !ce Cream, Amul has once again bagged the biggest pri.e not only for new product launch for gi#ing a tough fight to best of the food companies in e6tremely competiti#e segments. !t has now topped as the winner of the @Best of All@ RaD21 Ga 302 Nat2+ al Eual2t; AAar3 for the year, 7888. The award which is considered e2ui#alent of (alcolm $aldrige "ational Quality Award of 4CA and @uropean Quality Award is the most prestigious award which recogni.es achie#ements of an organi.ation in terms of e6cellence in business results, business processes, customer satisfaction as well as societal and en#ironmental impact. !n a glittering function organi.ed at Vigyan $hawan, "ew elhi on 7Ath "o#ember, A??7, Chri Chanta Kumar, )on'ble (inister of Consumer Affairs, %ood and /ublic istribution ga#e away the awards to Chri $.(. Vyas, ( of &C((%.



I tr+3u4t2+ :As A(40 concerned with the manufacturing of perishable products it had a bird eye on the 2uality of the products produced by the company. !n today=s stiff competition it tried to strengthen its functional processes. @merging trends of liberali.ation and impact of *T- has led to focus on Total Quality (anagement. +eali.ing that unless the TQ( initiati#es is been accepted by all business partners, the same would remain ineffecti#e. As a #ery uni2ue measure Amul e6tended all the TQ( initiati#es to its business partners whether it was the farmer producer in the #illage or a wholesale distributor in a metro town or its most sophisticated production unit. A number of TQ( initiati#es which run successfully across the organi.ation are been mentioned belowJ1 7. Kai.en A. )ousekeeping >. Cmall &roup Acti#ities B. )oshin Kanri;/olicy e#elopment < Chri $.(. Vyas, (anaging irector, championed this mo#ement reali.ed way back in 788B that with emerging competition, doing business would become more e6citing yet e6tremely competiti#e which would re2uire at times not only a whole set of new skills and competencies but 2uick adaptability to change without much stress or turbulence. The initiation of TQ( was to work with the well known 2uality management initiati#es which ha#e pro#en to be

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA effecti#e elsewhere to create a culture of transparency, openness and leadership in the organi.ation.

7" Ka25e :@mployees of &C((% ha#e done more than 7.9? lakhs Kai.en since (ay, 788: which has impacted in bringing in a culture of continuous impro#ement. <" H+u.e/ee,2 *:The housekeeping initiati#es ha#e helped keeping the officesGwarehouses neat, clean and more producti#e, be it is the -ffice premises or the godowns or e#en Computers. F" Small Gr+u, A4t212t2e. :7:? C&A=C ha#e been carried out in cross functional groups to address the problem and pain areas of the organi.ation i.e. issue of sales, marketing, )+ or !T. The organi.ation has implemented a customi.ed @+/ for seamless integration of its B? odd sales offices from Dammu to /ort1$lair and )ead -ffice. All its wholesale dealers are computeri.ed and &C((% is mo#ing on a $A$ model for integration interface with its dealers be it for placing order for buying its products, sharing information or for tracking logistic of dispatchGreceipt of goods. 9" H+.02 Ka r2(P+l24; De1el+,me t):&C((% has also embarked upon for last B years, ')oshin Kanri' a employment initiati#e where more than 7?? -fficersG)eads

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA participate twice in a year to re#iew its business goalsGprocesses and implement new initiati#es. These are further cascaded to the wholesale dealers in different territories in a two day e6ercise called Vision (ission Ctrategy ;V(C< *orkshop. These initiati#es ha#e resulted common understanding of goals, eliminating communication barrier.

EFFECTIVENESS:The initiati#e of TQ( si6 years back has made the organi.ation efficient whether it be in launch of brands, or in implementing @+/'s or e6panding its distribution network. (ore striking feature of &C((%'s TQ( e6perience is the integration of its business linkages at the #illage le#el to the forward linkage through its sales officesGwholesale dealers in the market.

-ne of the uni2ue initiati#es has been in terms of in#ol#ement of its wholesale dealers in a common platform to address issues of marketGcustomers. All the wholesale dealers from across the country ha#e #isited Anand in a uni2ue programme called ,A(40 HAT+A,. !n the ne6t phase, the organi.ation has already started in#iting the salesmen of these wholesale dealers for this programme. !t also intends to in#ite the top retailers of #arious citiesGtowns to Anand. The purpose is not as much to orient them to &C((%'s business plans, but to inculcate a super1ordinate goal in their heart that when they are associated with A(40, they are working for a modest

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA milk producer in the rural hinterland of the country and that is what true progress is about. &C((% has more than A?? Amul Quality Circles in the country where all the abo#e wholesale ealers meet in group on e#ery third Caturday of the month to discuss their business, 2uality initiati#es and also pain areas. This has impacted tremendously not only in communication but also in impro#ing the transparency in the organi.ation.



0ooking at the current !ndian marketing scenario, we can say that we are mo#ing back in time. Kotler says that in the e#olution of marketing, before the marketing concept became popular, there is a selling concept which states that ,customers and businesses, if left alone will ordinarily not buy enough of the organi.ations products. The organi.ation must therefore undertake an aggressi#e selling and promotion effort, !n this present scenario, it is true that companies will sur#i#e only if there is a super efficient sales force. The reasons are that increasingly e#ery product is being commoditi.ed and there is an increase in the power of retails, information e6plosion that has gi#en the consumer an unusual power. This has ensured that without an efficient sales force companies cannot sur#i#e. @#en when companies focus on sales effort, concept like segmentation should not be o#erlooked. %or e6ample, there has been lot of effort on increasing credit card usage in !ndia. Credit card now comes free for life and sales people are 'ust selling credit cards like chocolates. !s it not wise to look at whether the consumer wants a credit cardR oes he like to use oneR oes he ha#e the ability to pay backR +ecently a news channel showed a mutual fund agent gi#ing discounts to a client from his brokerage. *hat does that meanR !t simply means that we are not practicing marketing. *e are 'ust selling.... (any business gurus= are saying that,5 customers are the god or king of the market5. !t can be understood from the fact that the customer is not the king as the companies want the consumer to be loyal. The real fact is that no company regard customer as the king. @#eryone in the market cares about the money. (arketing is creating and e6changing goods of #alue between company ob'ecti#es are achie#ed in that process. Co what is happening now is this e6change process. (arketers tried to attract customersby treating them well and thus came the cliche 3customer is the


King,. !t is only economics in play. !t is now the choice of the customer that whether he wants himself to be treated as a king ;and pay for it<. After reali.ations of the big issue Amul stated to make the marketing and sales promotion strategy to o#ercome the problem. Amul is the largest co1operati#e mo#ement in !ndia with A.A million milk producers organi.ed in 7?,::A co1operati#e societies in A??>1A??B. The country's largest food company, Amul, is the market leader in butter, whole milk, cheese, ice cream, dairy whitener, condensed milk, saturated fats and long life milk. Amul follows a uni2ue business model, which aims at pro#iding '#alue for money' products to its consumers, while protecting the interests of the milk1 producing farmers who are its suppliers as well as its owners. espite being a farmers' co1operati#e, Amul has gi#en multinationals a run for their money. !n butter, cheese and saturated fats, Amul has remained the undisputed market leader since its inception in 78::, by offering 2uality products at competiti#e prices. !n other categories, Amul has nullified its late mo#er disad#antage through aggressi#e pricing, better 2uality, inno#ati#e promotion, and superior distribution.

9PS OF AMUL COMPAN#:a) PRODUCT:Tracks consumer needs & their changing lifestyles, & accordingly de#elops products to suit their needs. /roduct 2uality plays a paramount role & so does packaging. 6) PRICING:The main 4C/ of Amul brand is its low pricing. !t hits at the transnationals by reducing its prices on its product portfolio. The competiti#e ad#antage is its 3backward integration5 strategy, which helps substantially in cost reduction.


4) PLACE:Any food company re2uires a dedicated cool chain network. Amul boasts of the largest cold chain network ;7F??? refrigerators< in !ndia, as compared to any other company. !t is surprising to note that it sells pi..as in rural markets tooS 3) PROMOTION:Amul spends #ery less on its ad#ertising budget, but spends it #ery effecti#ely. !t has the power of an umbrella brand Amul, which is highly respected brand name & en'oy the trust of 7??? million households. Thank to its brand mascot, the Amul girl, the co1 operati#e has been able to get away with spending 'ust one per cent of its re#enues on ad#ertising. !n contrast, its competitors spends anywhere between I to 7? per cent on ad#ertising. Amul positioning is 3Value for (oney5. !t uses the ser#ices of %C$ 4lka for its ad#ertising efforts. a Cunha Associates &

A31ert2.2 *:-

An Amul butter ad on /akistan's Kargil *ar fiasco. The image shows the ,Amul baby, in between &eorge %ernandes and Va'payee. !ts ad#ertising has also started using tongue1in1cheek sketches starring the Amul baby commenting 'o#ially on the latest news or current e#ents. The pun in her words has been popular. The Amul ads are one of the longest running ads based on a theme, now #ying for the &uinness records for


being the longest running ad campaign e#er. Cyl#ester daCunha, was the managing director of the ad#ertising agency, AC/, that created the campaign in 789I whose charm has endured fickle public opinion, gimmickry and all else.


The Amul baby Cince 789I Amul products' mascot has been the #ery recogni.able ,Amul baby, ;a chubby butter girl usually dressed in polka dotted dress< showing up on hoardings and product wrappers with the e2ually recogni.able tagline Utterl; Butterl; Del242+u. Amul. The mascot was first used for Amul butter. $ut in recent years in a second wa#e of ad campaign for Amul products, she has also been for other product like ghee and milk. Che is probably one of the most enduring mascots in the world.


AMUL PALOURS:Amul @Utterl; Del242+u.@ Parl+ur.:-

Amul has recently entered into direct retailing through ,Amul 4tterly elicious, parlours created in ma'or cities Ahmedabad, $angalore, $aroda, elhi, (umbai, )yderabad and Curat. Amul has plans to create a large chain of such outlets to be managed by franchisees throughout the country. *e ha#e created Amul /arlours at some prominent locations in the country, which are run by the company or its wholesale dealersJ 7. elhi (etro +ail Corporation A. The Comnath Temple >. "ational !nstitute of esign B. !nfosys Technologies in $angalore, (ysore & /une :. *ipro campus in $angalore 9. Ahmedabad (unicipal Corporation I. Curat (unicipal Corporation F. elhi /olice ,Amul 4tterly elicious, parlours are an e6cellent business opportunity for in#estors, shopkeepers and organi.ations. !n order to come 8. &u'arat Ctate +oad Transport Corporation

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA closer to the customer, Amul ha#e decided to create a model for retail outlets, which would be known as ,Amul /referred -utlets,;A/-<.



Amul ready to take on /epsi, Coke in sports drink segment

-n 7? Dan, A??9 Cwadeshi %(C& ma'or &u'arat Co1operati#e (ilk (arketing %ederation 0td ;&C((%< is getting ready to launch !ndia's first sports drink 'Ctamina' in two weeks. -n the other hand, #ideshi ma'or Coca1Cola !ndia is planning to introduce its global sports brand '/owerade' in !ndia and /epsiCo !ndia is preparing for a national roll1out of '&atorade', which is a#ailable only in select metros now. According to industry analysts, this nascent segment will witness a lot of action in A??911with the entry of new players. ,(ost companies now want to cash in on the growing consumerism in !ndia. As lifestyles change, consumers opt for energy and sports drinks to stay fit. At present, +ed $ull which is priced at +s I: is the only ma'or player in this segment,, said analysts. -n Amul's foray into the sports drinks sector, +C Codhi, general manager, &C((% informed the company plans to launch 'Ctamina' in select metros, which include (umbai, Chennai, elhi and Ahmedabad 1 to start with., Ctamina will the first sports drink from !ndia. *ith lemon fla#our, it will be a#ailable in Tetra /acks and is priced at +s 7A;for A?? ml<. Two years ago, we entered fla#ored milk segment,5 said (r. Codhi. According to analysts, with competiti#e pricing strategy, Amul will score o#er other sports drinks in !ndia, which are priced abo#e +s I:. As for Coca1Cola's strategy for '/owerade' in !ndia, the company spokesperson was reluctant to di#ulge details on coke's new initiati#es. ,*e are e6ploring opportunities to bring in new be#erages targeted at different segments in the "ew Hear,, he said.

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA The #ital 2uestion is 1*ill a swadeshi brand like Amul take on global brands in the sports drinks sector in !ndiaR


AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA Amul operates in a highly competiti#e en#ironment. Amul has to compete with 9 to F transnational in the market place. &C((% popularly known as Amul is taking on trannationals across a clutch of product categories. 3&et your focus right5 is the mantra for Amul.

CA $4+H


)!" 4CTA " 0@V@+

$+!TA""!A /!NNA C-C

AMUL AND COMPETITION: - A STATUS REPORT 7" ICE-CREAM:A(40 @6panding reach @6panding market with snowcap 0aunched %undoo to combat )00=s ma6 )00 %ocusing on lower price points $uilding a national chain of ice1cream parlours "!+40AC %ortifying elhi1centric presence with ice1cream only retail chain


AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA 0aunching a puffed1rice centered bar 0aunched milk G chocolate confectionery /lanning to enter #alue1 added segments @6tended (a6 brand to sugar confectionery +e1launched : star and gems 0aunched Temptations Coaring up market share to Kitkat

F" PIIIA:A(40 @ntering the ready1 to1cook consumer segment through 4tterly elicious "!+40AC %ortifying elhi1 centric presence, by launching fro.en ready1to1 cook pi..a /!NNA1)4T /lans to increase , to 7?? outlets in the ne6t three years -((!"Closing down unprofitable outlets

9" INFANT MILK SUBSTITUTES:A(40 To enter the market with three #ariants >" CURD:A(40 @6panding reach by aligning with other milk co1operati#es "@CT0@ (eans to compete its dairy range (-T)@+ A!+H 0e#eraging its li2uid milk distribution network in elhi to sell curd "@CT0@ Creating entry barriers for amul through price and cross promotions


AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA %ocusing on de#eloping entire milk market /art of dairy strategy %ocusing on fla#oured high margin 4)T markets /lans to capture key markets

J" DAIR# $HITENERS:A(40 *ants to dominate market through Amulya K" BUTTER:A(40 /lans to protect near dominance in low margin market with price "@CT0@ An outsourced product to complete dairy range $+!TA""!A %ocusing on fla#oured high margin 4)T markets /lans to capture key markets $+!TA""!A %ocusing on the geographical market with milkman

8" S$EETENED CONDENSED MILK:A(40 @mphasi.ing price leadership to dri#e (ithai1(ate to market dominance 7=" CHEESE:A(40 *ants to create institutional market for its mo..arella cheese "@CT0@ %ocusing on top A and $ class outlets and seeking to maintain its leadership in cheese slices "@CT0@ )olding prices of milkmaid and hea#ily cross promoting the product

77" COTTGE CHEESE (PANEER):A(40 /lans to create a market for branded $+!TA""!A (o#ing from fro.en to refrigerated

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA paneer by launching non1diced product 7<" HEALTH DRINK:A(40 Amul Chakti is been launched to compete with other brands. CA $4+H +e1launched $ourn#ita recently C(!T)1K0!"@ $@@C)A( Ac2uired (alto#a and #8i#a to fortify its stable of $oost and )orlicks paneer


AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA &C((% is !ndia's largest e6porter of airy /roducts. !t has been accorded a ,Trading )ouse, status. &C((% has recei#ed the A/@ A Award from &o#ernment of !ndia for @6cellence in airy /roduct @6ports for the last 8 years. The ma'or e6port products areJ

C+ .umer Pa4/.:

Amul /ure &hee Amul $utter Amul Chrikhand Amul (ithaee &ulab'amun "utramul $rown $e#erage Amulspray !nfant (ilk %ood Amul Cheese Amul (alai /aneer Amul 4)T (ilk ;0ong 0ife< Amul %resh Cream

Bul/ Pa4/.:

Amul Ckimmed (ilk /owder Amul %ull Cream (ilk /owder

(any of our products are now a#ailable in the 4CA, &ulf Countries and Cingapore.


Amul 0+,e. t+ -l+A 2 t+ 'a,a e.e mar/et:Amul is going places. 0iterally. After ha#ing established its presence in China, (auritius and )ong Kong, &u'arat Cooperati#e (ilk (arketing %ederation ;&C((%<, !ndia=s largest milk cooperati#e, is waiting to flood the Dapanese market. The milk cooperati#e, which markets Amul brand of products, is hopeful of bagging a ma'or e6port order from Dapan. !n keeping with the popularity of the brand abroad, &C((% has re#ised its e6port target for this fiscal by +s :? crore to +s A?? crore. Cays &C((% managing director $ ( Vyas, 3*e ha#e had a distributor in Dapan since 788B but no ma'or presence in that country. $ut a few days ago a delegation from Dapan, under the aegis of Agriculture and 0i#estock !ndustry Corp ;A0!C<, #isited our facilities at Anand ;&u'arat< and were pleasantly surprised with the sheer scale of our dairy operations. ! am hopeful that some of our products, such as milk powder and cheese, could be e6ported to Dapan soon.5 Then, &C((% is also looking at Cri 0anka as one of its ne6t e6port destinations. Amul products are already a#ailable on shel#es across se#eral countries, including the 4C, China, Australia, *est Asian countries and Africa. *hile Vyas declined to re#eal other o#erseas markets that the federation is targeting now, he said that demand for dairy products from !ndia is e6pected to grow in many o#erseas markets. Claiming that buoyant e6ports help the company maintain prices in the domestic market, Vyas said that in times of milk surplus, ha#ing ready e6port markets allow the federation to sa#e itself from making any distress sales.

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA &C((% recorded a turno#er of +s A,8AA crore last fiscal. !ts products include pouch milk, ultra heat treated ;4)T< milk, ice1cream, butter, cheese and buttermilks.


Kanan &roup is a fast growing group with interests in the %ashion and food !ndustry. Ka a Gr+u, +- C+m,a 2e.L a trusted name in the 4nited Ctates, brings a wide #erity of products and ser#ices to consumers. !n partnership with Amul, we are dedicated to bring in your home, the fa#orite Amul products. These dairy1based products are imported to the 4nited Ctates throughout the year and sold to more than 7??? ethnic grocery stores around the country through K /=s network of I distributors. *hile awaiting

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA distribution, the Amul products are stored in K / warehouses in "ew Dersey, Chicago, and the 0os Angeles area. $y the end of the year A??:, Kanan airy plans to market three more dairy1based 'Amul' products.



AMUL RELIEF TRUST:A de#astating earth2uake ;+ichter scale T I.8< hit &u'arat on A9th Danuary A??7. The epicenter of the 2uake was located in Kutch district. !t caused death of thousands of people, tens of thousands were in'ured, hundreds of thousands were rendered homeless and damage of billions of +upees was done. &C((% formed a specific organi.ation named MAmul Rel2eTru.t& ;A+T< under the Chairmanship of r. V. Kurien in A??7 with a donation of +s. :? (illions for reconstruction of the school buildings damaged in the A??7 earth2uake in the Kutch area. The Trust reconstructed 9 schools damaged by the abo#e earth2uake at a cost of +s. B7.7 millions in Kutch area. %our of these schools started re1functioning from the last two academic sessions and the other two schools from the current session. 7. A school reconstructed by Amul +elief Trust in the earth2uake affected +atadia Village in (undra Taluka of &u'arat. A. A school reconstructed by Amul +elief Trust in the earth2uake affected "ana Asalia Village in (undra Taluka of &u'arat >. A school reconstructed by Amul +elief Trust in the earth2uake affected e#par Village in (and#i Taluka of &u'arat. B. A school reconstructed by Amul +elief Trust in the earth2uake affected Toda Village in (undra Taluka of &u'arat. :. A school reconstructed by Amul +elief Trust in the earth2uake affected Kathada Village in (and#i Taluka of &u'arat. 9. A school reconstructed by Amul +elief Trust in the earth2uake affected Kathada Village in (and#i Taluka of &u'arat.

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA A .40++l re4+ .tru4te3 6; Amul Rel2e- Tru.t 2 t0e eart0Nua/e a--e4te3 Rata32a V2lla*e 2 Mu 3ra Talu/a +- GuDarat"

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA A .40++l re4+ .tru4te3 6; Amul Rel2e- Tru.t 2 t0e eart0Nua/e a--e4te3 Na a A.al2a V2lla*e 2 Mu 3ra Talu/a +- GuDarat"

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA A .40++l re4+ .tru4te3 6; Amul Rel2e- Tru.t 2 t0e eart0Nua/e a--e4te3 De1,ar V2lla*e 2 Ma 312 Talu/a +- GuDarat"

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA A .40++l re4+ .tru4te3 6; Amul Rel2e- Tru.t 2 t0e eart0Nua/e a--e4te3 T+3a V2lla*e 2 Mu 3ra Talu/a +- GuDarat"

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA A .40++l re4+ .tru4te3 6; Amul Rel2e- Tru.t 2 t0e eart0Nua/e a--e4te3 M+t2 B0a3a2 V2lla*e 2 Ma 312 Talu/a +- GuDarat"

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA A .40++l re4+ .tru4te3 6; Amul Rel2e- Tru.t 2 t0e eart0Nua/e a--e4te3 Kat0a3a V2lla*e 2 Ma 312 Talu/a +- GuDarat"



Amul .tarte3 t+ *21e t0e aAar3 V23;a.0ree AAar3& t+ 4la.. +- te t+,er. +- .40++l" amel; MAmul S0a/t2

This is an attempt to include the Cchool Cegment as part of our Amul %ood %esti#al. uring A??:1?9, we ha#e instituted an Amul Chakti Vidya Chree Award, to be gi#en to the Class 7? topper of schools.

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA -ur mission is to create a strong association of Amul Chakti with Academic performance at the school le#el. The -b'ecti#e is to initiate and institutionali.e an award in order to recogni.e the academic effort of the Class 7? school topper in the CtateG Central $oard.

ECam2 at2+ ." T0e aAar3 4+m,r2.e +-:

Trophy Certificate A Cash Award of +s.:??G1 Application for Awards must be made by the /rincipal of the school. To be eligible for the Amul Chakti Vidyashree Award the student must ha#e passed Ctd.7? in the academic year A??:1?9 at the Ctate or Central $oard @6aminations in any medium and must ha#e scores highest aggregate marks in the school.

Term. a 3 C+ 32t2+ .:

The Application %orm along with an attested copy of the student=s mark1sheet and passport si.e photograph is to be sent with a co#ering letter on the schools letter1head. The co#ering letter must also contain a brief write1up of the school. Application for the Award is also a#ailable in the Times of !ndia, Times 0ife Cupplement, dated A8th(ay, A??9.

@ntries to reach Chri $+ (allick, (anager ;(ktg.<, &C((% 0td., /$o6 "o.7?, Anand >FF ??7, &u'arat by >?th Dune, A??9 %rom the entries recei#ed, students scoring the highest

aggregate marks will be selected for the Awards.



!t all began in 789I when the hoarding placed in (umbai when the daughter of (rs. Cheela mane draws the attention of the neighbours it was our fa#orites topic of discussion for the ne6t one weekS @#erywhere we went somehow or the other the campaign always seemed to crop up in our con#ersation. %or >? odd years the 4tterly $utterly girl has managed to keep her fan following intact. and ads are entered the Guinness Book of World Records for being the longest running campaign e#er. The ultimate compliment to the butter came when a $ritish company launched a butter and called it 4tterly $utterly, last year. !n 7899, when Cyl#ester a Cunha, then the managing director

of the ad#ertising agency, AC/, clinched the account for Amul butter. The butter, which had been launched in 78B:, had a staid, boring image, primarily because the earlier ad#ertising agency which was in charge of the account preferred to stick to routine, corporate ads. !ndia looked forward to Amul's e#ocati#e humour. !f the "a6alite mo#ement was the happening thing in Calcutta, Amul would be up there on the hoardings saying, ,$read without Amul $utter, cholbe na cholbe na ;won't do, won't do<. !f there was an !ndian Airlines strike Amul would be there again saying, !ndian Airlines *on't %ly *ithout Amul.There are stories about the butter that people like to relate o#er cups of tea. ,%or o#er 7? years ! ha#e been collecting Amul ads. ! especially like the ads on the backs of the butter packets, ,says one of the regular customers and with these ads ha#e made an album of them to amuse her

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA grandchildren. Che relates the are almost part of our culture. These ads aware of what is happening around them as it always relates to the social issues . %rom the Ci6ties to the "ineties, the Amul ads ha#e come a long way. *hile most people agree that the Amul ads were at their peak in the

eighties they still maintain that the Amul ads continue to tease a laughter out of them.


"ame of the /erson

J (r. Anand (ehta

esignation Address

J $usiness +elationship (anager


J :18177?I, Anand Towers, $asheerbagh +oad, Ahmehdabad J :18177?I, Anand Towers, $asheerbagh +oad, Ahmehdabad


7< *hom do you consider a leading role of your whole organi.ationR -ur employees. $ecause without work force business can=t sur#i#e. *e ha#e well 2ualified employees in the organi.ation they do hard work for our organi.ation & achie#e the ob'ecti#e i.e. better 2uality of dairy product in reasonable cost to the customer.


A< &i#e the information about marketing and sales promotion of Amul products. ;!f possible state the strategy relating to marketing and sales promotion of Amul product.< ad#ertisement ! am happy to say the e6istence of our Amul baby for Amul butter is #ery popular & #ery well known to customer. !t #ery useful for Amul Company to capture the more and more market. @#en now we are continuing this ad#ertisement because this ad#ertisement create brand image in mind of the customer. *e also take help of different ad#ertisement agencies for ad#ertising our different products. As per research conducted by our researcher we make the ad#ertisement #ery effecti#e and create market for the products. >< )ow do maintain your 2ualityR *e are making or producing consumer eatables product. Co we ha#e to take many precautions while producing the product. Co we are made compulsion to be maker or the workers who are making the product for wearing the hand glo#es while making the product. And after the production of the products this all product are goes in to 2uality inspection dept. for 2uality inspection and then send it to those products in the market. B< *ho are your competitorsR uring the initial stages of the Amul the Amul company is one of the companies who produced the milk product. $ut now we ha#e many competitors in this particular segment like nestle, Cadbury

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA etc but from that nestle is one of powerful competitors of the company because now nestle acts not only in the chocolate segment but also ha#e entered in milk and other segment. And today=s competitor=s

worlds if we stand in the market then Amul ha#e to pro#e better than not only than nestle but also any other company in the market. :< *hat are the precautions or the safety measures undertaken by youR -ur company produces many items of milk. !t re2uires many processes and it also re2uires different types of machinery. Any accident can be possible at any time. Co we pro#ide the necessary information about machinery i.e. how to handle the particular machine etc. to our new as well as old workers about new changes, technology and techni2ues a#ailable in the factory. Co that workers can handle the machine properly and that pre#ent the accident. 9< *hat is the selection procedure for the employeesR Amul has corporate offices and dept in the state like &u'arat etc. so we re2uired different types, different field of employees. After many inter#iews the eligible person appointed in the amul. After the appointment we are gi#ing off 'ob training and also on the 'ob training related to the 'ob to the person who are newly appointed. After gi#ing and ha#ing all potential to that particular person, the person selected for particular 'ob. I< *hat steps are in#ol#ed by you in order to moti#ate your employeesR *e ha#e seen the performances of the employees if the performance is good then we are gi#ing non monetary as well as monetary benefits and other facilities to the employees. And moti#ate

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA and retain the employees. !f performance of the employees is not good due to some problem or reasons then we discuss that particular problem with are employees and tackle the problem. Co good and faithful relationship is been maintained with the employees. that employees think about the management in positi#e way. Co employees works freely in the organi.ation and automatically efficient work is carried out. *e pro#ide them bonus or #arious incenti#es. F< o you conduct any training and de#elopment sessions for your employeesR Hes, we always conduct training program for our employees. !f any new recruitment is done or any new changes, new technology is introduced in the market then it is #ery important to introduce his inno#ation in the organi.ation. Through training program we introduce new changes in organi.ation. *e also conduct the de#elopment session for employees but it is not in large e6tent. 8< )a#e you e#er faced the problem of labor turno#erR )ow efficiently do you tackle themR "o till now we are not faced the problem of labor turno#er because we don=t consider the workers as labourers but the owners of the organi.ations. !n most of cases employees lea#e the 'obs but we know the importance of the people so that we always try to retained are employee by way maintaining good relationship with employees, moti#ation, training program. 7?< id you ha#e to make any special efforts to make a separate identity in the corporate worldR This answer may be yes or no because ! don=t think so, to maintain good 2uality of products re2uires special efforts. $ut we try ue to

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA to pro#ide better type & 2uality of products and ser#ices to the customer. Amul always try to make better 2uality of products. Amul also try to pro#ide the wide #ariety of products to the customer. Co that

Amul will be one of the big and topmost company in the world to pro#ide better 2uality of #ariety of dairy and other consumer eatables. 77< *hy don=t you choose any 3$+A" productR $ecause 6etter Nual2t; +- 3a2r; ,r+3u4t is one of the brand ambassador of the amul company. Co we don=t re2uire any type of brand ambassador for amul. *e think that those who are use or appoint brand ambassador for particular product because the co and its product is may or may not be well known in the market. Co that they show their product through the ambassador. $ut customer knows the company=s product from last many years only because of 2uality. Co as per our opinion on brand ambassador is better 2uality of products it is the only brand ambassador for amul company. 7A< )a#e you e#er entered tele1 marketingR Till now we are not entered in the tele marketing. $ecause till now Amul not re2uired to market their product though tele marketing. *e are market our product through print media like news paper, maga.ine etc and also through audio1#isual media like T.V. ad#ertisement. 7>< )ow do you tackle the complaints faced by your customersR !f any complaints recei#ed by the Amul, amul check out from which area complaints is to came. *hate#er defects or e6pectations A($ACCA -+5 for your

AMUL THE TASTE OF INDIA made by the customers the inspection and problem sol#ing research study is to be undertaken. And then the necessary changes, modification are to be done as per the re2uirement of the customer.

7B< )a#e you e#er entered in social workR Hes, we are entered in the social work but not on largest e6tent. Amul relief trust is established by the Amul Company under the chairmanship of r. V. Kurien. Through this relief trust the social work is to be undertaken. The earth2uake occurred in A??7 the Amul relief trust gi#es the +s.:? million for the reconstruction of the school buildings. *e are also undertaking the other acti#ities like tree plantation etc. 7:< *hat are your future prospectsR Amul co wants to make the Amul is one of the leading and topmost company or brand in the world to produce wide #ariety dairy products and other consumers eatables in better 2uality.


Amul plans to be a leader in food business. This >B:F crore co1 operati#e is planning to foray in restaurants, ready1to1eat curries etc. it also plans to launch ready to drink coffee and tea. The plan of this co1operati#e is to make Amul, !ndia=s best known food brand and also to garner a si.able marketplace in >? countries wherein its products are e6ported to. The brand should not be known in milk, butter & cheese but as a food brand. !ts numerical target, a turno#er in e6cess of +s. 7???? crore by A??9. !n words of r, #erghese Kurien, chairman ;&C((%<. Amul is a brand that is trustworthy of 7??? million !ndians. *hy should it be seen only as a brand label for butterR )ope, its competitors are listeningS



B++/.: $usiness &uru=s The Ctory of V. Kurien. Co1operati#e (anagement1 Kale & Ahmad.

$e6.2te.: www.amul.com www.google.com

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