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911: Descent Into Tyranny

911: DESCENT INTO TYRANNY 2002 by Alex Jones All rights reserved. We enco rage the se o! this "aterial# ho$ever% in order to &rotect the contents !ro" change% neither this boo'% nor any &art thereo!% "ay be re&rinted in any !or" $itho t $ritten &er"ission !ro" the & blisher% exce&t !or brie! excer&ts sed in "aga(ine revie$s% etc. )rinted in the *nited +tates o! A"erica ) blished by ,earthstone ) blishing% -td. .00 /eacon Dr. 0'laho"a 1ity% 02 34123 50.63798477. . 70069.281555. :A; 50.637989.02 Alex Jones )rod ctions WWW.I<:0WA=+.10> 4001 +. -a"ar% + ite 100 A stin% T; 37305 .1282918.3.0

911: Descent Into Tyranny

The <e$ World 0rder?s Dar' )lans to T rn @arth into a )rison )lanet.

Alex Jones

Dedicated to My Grandfather, My Wife and Rex for the past and the future.

INTRODUCTION The <e$ World 0rder syste" o! $orld conA est has al$ays been visible% b t it is so h l'ing and "assive that it has re"ained hidden in &lain sight. 0ne o! the "ost co""on &re8conditioned res&onses I hear !ro" the average co"&art"entali(ed individ al is that there co ldn?t be a society o! &eo&le $or'ing !or $orld govern"ent. Those in denial &roclai"% BIt?s too bigCit $o ld nravelCthey co ldn?t 'ee& it hiddenCD The average &erson E dges the $orld according to their "oral co"&ass. /eca se "ost individ als are not r thless% socio&athic control8!rea's% they cannot even begin to !atho" the dar' g l!s that are the so ls o! the servants o! the global elite. The <e$ World 0rder is a synthesis o! the s rvivors o! e"&ires% o! s &er8"erchant !a"ilies% o! barbarian 'ings% o! ban'ing !a"ilies established in the "iddle8ages% and o! the royal !a"ilies o! @ ro&e. 0ver ti"e% they have learned that i! they can si"&ly conceal the tr e "agnit de o! their &o$er and install & &&et r lers !ro" the c lt res they do"inate% the &eo&le $ill acce&t greater !or"s o! tyranny. In the late 20th 1ent ry% as the !or"ation o! a tr e $orld govern"ent entered its !inal stages% the globalists began to do $hat $as nthin'able E st a !e$ years be!ore. They began to ad"it that there really $as a "ove to$ards a <e$ World 0rder% co"&lete $ith a World 1o rt% World Taxes and a World Ar"y to en!orce its des&otic la$s. J st a !e$ years ago% the average "an on the street re! sed to even ad"it the &ossibility o! a $orld govern"ent. <o$ that sa"e individ al $ill bello$% BFes% there?s a $orld govern"ent G and $e need it to &rotect o rselves !ro" terroris"HD The globalists? &lan is so !ar along that no$ they " st ad"it that $orld govern"ent is a reality. Their &ro&agandists are hailing the <e$ World 0rder as the only syste" that $ill 'ee& s sa!e and sec re. In reality% it is the $orld govern"ent itsel! $hich is cond cting the terrorist acts. I can thin' o! no better $ay to introd ce this boo' than $ith a collection o! A otes by "e"bers o! the global elite to ting this deh "ani(ing syste".

THE NEW WORLD ORDER, IN ITS OWN WORDS B<ational +ocialis" $ill se its o$n revol tion !or establishing a ne$ $orld order.I Adol&h ,itler d ring World War II B0 t o! these tro bled ti"es% a <e$ World 0rder can e"erge nder a *nited <ations that &er!or"s as envisioned by its !o nders.D )resident Jeorge / sh% +e&te"ber 11% 1990 +tate o! the *nion BWhen the str ggle see"s to be dri!ting de!iantly to$ards a $orld social de"ocracy there "ay still be very great delays and disa&&oint"ents be!ore it beco"es an e!!icient and bene!icient $orld syste". 1o ntless &eo&le G $ill hate the <e$ World 0rder G and $ill die &rotesting against it. When $e atte"&t to eval ate its &ro"ise% $e have to bear in "ind the distress o! a generation or so o! "alcontents% "any o! the" A ite gallant and grace! l8loo'ing &eo&le.D ,.J. Wells% in his boo' entitled% BThe <e$ World 0rderD K1949L BWe are not going to achieve a <e$ World 0rder $itho t &aying !or it in blood as $ell as in $ords and "oney.D Arth r +chlesinger% Jr.% in B:oreign A!!airs%D J ly6A g st Iss e 199. BToday% A"erica $o ld be o traged i! *.<. troo&s entered -os Angeles to restore order. To"orro$ they $ill be grate! lH This is es&ecially tr e i! they $ere told that there $ere an o tside threat !ro" beyond% $hether real or &ro" lgated% that threatened o r very existence. It is then that all &eo&les o! the $orld $ill &lead to deliver the" !ro" this evil. The one thing every "an !ears is the n'no$n. When &resented $ith this scenario% individ al rights $ill be $illingly relinA ished !or the g arantee o! their $ell8being granted to the" by the World Jovern"ent.I Dr. ,enry 2issinger% /ilderberger 1on!erence% @vians% :rance% 1991 BI! this $ere a dictatorshi&% itMd be a hec' o! a lot easier% E st so long as IM" the dictator.I Jeorge W. / sh% 12617600% 1<< BIn short% the Nho se o! $orld order? $ill have to be b ilt !ro" the botto" &% rather than !ro" the to& do$n. It $ill loo' li'e a great Nboo"ing% b ((ing con! sion? to se Willia" Ja"es? !a"o s descri&tion o! reality% b t an end r n aro nd national sovereignty% eroding it &iece by &iece $ill acco"&lish " ch "ore than the old8!ashioned !rontal assa lt.D =ichard <. Jardner in B:oreign A!!airs%D A&ril 1935 B<o one $ill enter the <e$ World 0rder nless he or she $ill "a'e a &ledge to $orshi& - ci!er. <o one $ill enter the <e$ Age nless he $ill ta'e a - ci!erian Initiation.I David +&angler% Director o! )lanetary Initiative% *nited <ations

BA total $orld &o& lation o! 2.08400 "illion &eo&le% a 9.O decline !ro" &resent levels% $o ld be ideal.I Ted T rner% in an intervie$ $ith A d bon "aga(ine.

BIn the event that I a" reincarnated% I $o ld li'e to ret rn as a deadly vir s% in order to contrib te so"ething to solve over&o& lation.I )rince )hili& =e&orted by De tsche )ress Agent r KD)AL% A g st% 1977. BI " st con!ess that I a" te"&ted to as' !or reincarnation as a &artic larly deadly vir s.I )rince )hili&% in his :ore$ard to I! I Were an Ani"al# *nited 2ingdo"% =obin 1lar' -td.% 1979. BI donMt clai" to have any s&ecial interest in nat ral history% b t as a boy I $as "ade a$are o! the ann al !l ct ations in the n "ber o! ga"e ani"als and the need to adE st the Mc llM to the si(e o! the s r&l s &o& lation.I )re!ace to Do$n to @arth by ,=, )rince )hili&% D 'e o! @dinb rgh% 1977% &.7. BWe are on the verge o! a global trans!or"ation. All $e need is the right "aEor crisis and the nations $ill acce&t the <e$ World 0rder.D David =oc'e!eller BIt is the sacred &rinci&les enshrined in the *nited <ations charter to $hich the A"erican &eo&le $ill hence!orth &ledge their allegance.D )resident Jeorge ,erbert Wal'er / sh Addressing the Jeneral Asse"bly o! the *nited <ations% :ebr ary 1% 1992 B/ t this &resent $indo$ o! o&&ort nity% d ring $hich a tr ly &eace! l an interde&endent $orld order "ight be b ilt% $ill not be o&en !or long. Already there are &o$er! l !orces at $or' that threaten to destroy all o r ho&es and e!!orts to erect an end ring str ct re o! global interde&endence.D David =oc'e!eller +&ea'ing at the / siness 1o ncil !or the *nited <ations% +e&te"ber 15% 1995 IIn the next cent ry% nations as $e 'no$ it $ill be obsolete# all states $ill recogni(e a single% global a thority. <ational sovereignty $asnMt s ch a great idea a!ter all.I +trobe Talbot% )resident 1lintonMs De& ty +ecretary o! +tate% as A oted in Ti"e% J ly 20th% l992. IWe shall have $orld govern"ent $hether or not yo li'e it% by conA est or consent.I +tate"ent by 1o ncil on :oreign =elations K1:=L "e"ber Ja"es Warb rg to The +enate :oreign =elations 1o""ittee on :ebr ary 13th% l9.0

B0 r tas' o! creating a socialist A"erica can only s cceed $hen those $ho $o ld resist s have been totally disar"edD +arah /rady% 1hair"an o! ,andg n 1ontrol to +enator ,o$ard >et(anba "% BThe <ational @d cator%D Jan ary 1995 )age 4

IWhen $e got organi(ed as a co ntry% and $e $rote a !airly radical 1onstit tion $ith a radical /ill o! =ights% giving a radical a"o nt o! individ al !reedo" to A"ericansCand so a lot o! &eo&le say thereMs too " ch &ersonal !reedo". When &ersonal !reedo"Ms being ab sed% yo have to "ove to li"it it. ThatMs $hat $e did in the anno nce"ent I "ade last $ee'end on the & blic ho sing &roEects% abo t ho$ $eMre going to have $ea&on s$ee&s and "ore things li'e that to try to "a'e &eo&le sa!er in their co"" nities.I )resident /ill 1linton% 4822895% >TPMs I@no gh is @no ghI

BWe can?t be so !ixated on o r desire to &reserve the rights o! ordinary A"ericans.D )resident /ill 1linton% B*+A Today%D >arch 11% 1994% )age 2A

IWhatever the &rice o! the 1hinese =evol tion% it has obvio sly s cceeded not only in &rod cing "ore e!!icient and dedicated ad"inistration% b t also in !ostering high "orale and co"" nity o! & r&ose. The +01IA- @;)@=I>@<T in 1hina nder 1hair"an >aoMs leadershi& is one o! the "ost i"&ortant and s ccess! l in h "an history.I David =oc'e!eller +tate"ent in 1934 abo t >ao Tse8T ng% <e$ For' Ti"es% A g st 10% 1934 BThe tr th o! the "atter is that yo do have those standby &rovisions% and the stat tory e"ergency &lans are there $hereby yo co ld% in the na"e o! sto&&ing terroris"% a&&rehend% invo'e the "ilitary% and arrest A"ericans and hold the" in detention ca"&s.I 88 *.+. =e&resentative ,enry Jon(ale(% A g st 29% 1995 BWe are "oving to$ard a ne$ $orld order% the $orld o! co"" nis". We shall never t rn o!! that road.I >i'hail Jorbachev 1973 BThere does exist and has existed !or a generation% an international . . . net$or' $hich o&erates% to so"e extent% in the $ay the radical right believes the 1o"" nists act. In !act% this net$or'% $hich $e "ay identi!y as the =o nd Table Jro &s% has no aversion to coo&erating $ith the 1o"" nists% or any other gro &s and !reA ently does so. I 'no$ o! the o&erations o! this net$or' beca se I have st died it !or t$enty years and $as &er"itted !or t$o years% in the early 1990s% to exa"ine its &a&ers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to "ost o! its ai"s and have% !or " ch o! "y li!e% been close to it and to "any o! its instr "ents. I have obEected% both in the &ast and recently% to a !e$ o! its &olicies . . . b t in general "y chie! di!!erence o! o&inion is that it $ishes to re"ain n'no$n% and I believe its role in history is signi!icant eno gh to be 'no$n.I )ro!essor 1arroll Q igley% in his boo' Tragedy and ,o&e% 1999.

B@ven tho gh it is A ite tr e that any radical e genic &olicy $ill be !or "any years &olitically and &sychologically i"&ossible% it $ill be i"&ortant !or *<@+10 to see that the e genic &roble" is exa"ined $ith the greatest care% and that the & blic "ind is in!or"ed o! the iss es at sta'e so that " ch that no$ is nthin'able "ay at least beco"e thin'able.I +ir J lian , xley% !irst Director Jeneral o! *<@+10% 195981957 B+ince >arch 9% 1944% the *nited states has been in a state o! national e"ergency. A "aEority o! the &eo&le o! the *nited +tates have their lives nder e"ergency r le. :or 50 years !reedo"s and govern"ental &roced res% g aranteed by the 1onstit tion have% in varying degrees% been abridged by la$s bro ght !orth by states o! national e"ergency.I +enate =e&ort 948.59 K1934L. B*nder +ocialis" yo $o ld not be allo$ed to be &oor. Fo $o ld be !orcibly !ed% clothed% lodged% ta ght% and e"&loyed $hether yo li'ed it or not. I! it $ere discovered that yo had not the character and ind stry eno gh to be $orth all this tro ble% yo "ight &ossibly be exec ted in a 'indly "anner. . . .I RThis is co"&assionate liberalis".S :abian +ocialist /ernard +ha$ in his Intelligent Wo"anMs J ide to +ocialis" and 1a&italis"% 1927. I/e$are the leader $ho bangs the dr "s o! $ar in order to $hi& the citi(enry into a &atriotic !ervor% !or &atriotis" is indeed a do ble8edged s$ord. It both e"boldens the blood% E st as it narro$s the "ind. And $hen the dr "s o! $ar have reached a !ever &itch and the blood boils $ith hate and the "ind has closed% the leader $ill have no need in sei(ing the rights o! the citi(enry. =ather% the citi(enry% in! sed $ith !ear and blinded by &atriotis"% $ill o!!er & all o! their rights nto the leader and gladly so. ,o$ do I 'no$T :or this is $hat I have done. And I a" 1aesar.I 88 J li s 1aesar IThe lie can be "aintained only !or s ch ti"e as the +tate can shield the &eo&le !ro" the &olitical% econo"ic and6or "ilitary conseA ences o! the lie. It th s beco"es vitally i"&ortant !or the +tate to se all o! its &o$ers to re&ress dissent% !or the tr th is the "ortal ene"y o! the lie% and th s by extension% the tr th beco"es the greatest ene"y o! the +tate.I 88 Dr. Jose&h >. Joebbels in ,is Diary

911: Decent into Tyranny The Hou e o! Wor"# $o%ern&ent :or "any years I have been ex&osing the cri"inal activities o! the global elite% also 'no$n as the <e$ World 0rder. This collection o! &o$er8"ad "egalo"aniacs has been engineering a s ccessive string o! terrorist events to sher in a corr &t $orld govern"ent Ua $orld govern"ent $here% & blic doc "ents sho$% &o& lations $ill be herded into co"&act cities% iss ed national ID cards% and even given i"&lantable "icrochi&s. In this boo' $e are !irst going to loo' at so"e historical exa"&les o! tyrants and govern"entsUoligarchies ali'eU sing disasters Kin "any cases terrorist events that these tyrants the"selves &er&etrate against their &o& lations and b rea craciesL to create a crisis in order to convince the &eo&le to exchange liberty !or so8called sec rity. We $ill start o r analysis o! the se o! the ,egelian dialectic o! &roble"8reaction8 sol tion by loo'ing at so"e historical exa"&les% going bac' to <ero% $ho b rned =o"e% then bla"ed the !ire on the 1hristians. We $ill then !ast8!or$ard to Adol&h ,itler% $ho b rned the =eichstag Kthe Jer"an 1a&itol / ilding 1o"&lexL shortly a!ter being elected so that he co ld bla"e its destr ction on the <a(is? &olitical ene"ies. ,e did this in order to destroy the Jer"an bill o! rights and constit tion% sing the crisis to declare


"artial la$ in the =eich. T rning next to the <orth$oods doc "ent !ro" 1992% $e $ill exa"ine ho$ the Joint 1hie!s o! +ta!! and "any other sectors o! the !ederal govern"ent% & to the highest levels% $ere &lanning to blo$ & airliners ! ll o! A"erican citi(ens as a &retext !or $ar. We $ill also cover ho$ the !ederal govern"ent trained and controlled the "en $ho coo'ed the bo"b and drove the tr c' in the horrible !irst attac' on the World Trade 1enter in 1994. The :/I $as ca ght on video and a diota&e by their in!or"ants ad"itting to hel&ing arrange the bo"bing o! the World Trade 1enter co"&lex in order to get their )olice +tate agenda thro gh. Then% o! co rse% in 199. there $as the 0'laho"a 1ity bo"bing. There are staggering a"o nts o! evidence $hich $e $ill cover in this boo' &roving the !act that the govern"ent had &rior 'no$ledge and $as instr "ental in engineering the attac's on the Al!red ). > rrah :ederal / ilding in 0'laho"a 1ity. 0! co rse% none o! yo have to be re"inded o! the tragic events in 2001 on +e&te"ber 11. >y !riends% the govern"ent didn?t E st have &rior 'no$ledge o! the +e&te"ber 11 Al8Qaeda attac's. They act ally ! nded% trained% &rotected% coddled% and she&herded Al8 Qaeda into this co ntry. The shado$ govern"ent trained "any o! the terrorists at the )ensacola <aval Air +tation in :lorida. The White ,o se threatened :/I and de!ense intelligence o!!icers $ho tried to sto& Al8Qaeda $ith arrest and i"&rison"ent. )resident / sh signed secret doc "ent W1998eye t$o "onths be!ore the attac' o! +e&te"ber 11% threatening *+ agents and obstr cting their investigations o! Al8Qaeda KBBC Newsnight Transcript% <ove"ber 9% 2001: B,as +o"eone /een +itting on the :/ITD# Ti es of !ndia% <ove"ber 3% 2001: B/ sh Too' :/I Agents o!! /in -aden?s TrailD# "#$% <ove"ber 3% 2001 B/ sh Th$arted )robe Against bin -adensD# "nano%a% <ove"ber 3% 2001: B*+ Agents Told to /ac' o!! bin -adensD# The Guardian% <ove"ber 3% 2001: B:/I and *+ +&y Agents +ay / sh +&i'ed bin -aden )robes /e!ore 11 +e&te"berDL.

<0T@ T0 )*/-I+,@= G I<+@=T I>AJ@+ 184 1. I>AJ@: A:)V/ shVTh$arted G 1A)TI0<: "#$% <ove"ber 3% 2001 B/ sh Th$arted )robe Against bin -adens&


2. I>AJ@: Ti"es o! IndiaV/ shVToo'VAgentsVo!!U1A)TI0<: Ti es of !ndia% <ove"ber 3% 2001: B/ sh Too' :/I Agents o!! /in -aden?s TrailD 3. I>AJ@: 199eye G 1A)TI0<: Top'secret Washington #B! (ead)uarters Docu ent W*++*'eye ,rdering #B! "gents Not to !n%estigate "-'.aeda ,perati%es in the /0 Why $o ld the globalists in control o! o r intelligence co"" nity orchestrate s ch terrorT =ight a!ter the attac's% / sh?s a&&roval rating $ent !ro" !orty8!ive &ercent to ninety8&l s &ercent. The *.+.A. )atriot Act% $hich e!!ectively eviscerated the /ill o! =ights and the 1onstit tion% $as &assed% radically ex&anding the sco&e o! the already colossal &olice state co"&lex. Their cashless society% co"&act city% control grid is accelerating into &lace as A"ericans scra"ble !or Bsec rity.D The &eo&le $ere &re8conditioned be!ore all o! these attac's to give & their liberties so that the govern"ent co ld &rotect the" !ro" terrorists. ,o$ever% $e " st loo' at $ho really stands to gain !ro" these acts and at $ho has the "otive. Ta'e the case o! the 0'laho"a 1ity /o"bing. The govern"ent tri&led the :/I?s anti8terroris" ! nding in 1999 a!ter the attac'% b t% o! co rse% "ore ! nding and &olice &o$ers in the hands o! the :eds only ins red that the next attac' $o ld be $orse. <o$ the govern"ent is de"anding even "ore &o$er and ! nding. They didn?t &rotect s in 2001 !ro" Al8Qaeda% did theyT <o% instead they ! nded and &rotected the terrorists. The *+ govern"ent has consistently created or exacerbated &roble"s so the social engineers can call !or "ore control. :or exa"&le% the govern"ent has been orchestrating the &hony dr g $ar !or decades. <o$ there is tri&le the heroin and do ble the cocaine on o r streets KJ stice De&art"ent cri"e statisticsL than there $as eight years ago. 0 r &rison &o& lation has gone !ro" 1.4 "illion to 9.. "illion in the last t$o years% $ith the n "bers o! A"ericans $ho are incarcerated ever increasing. +i"ilarly% the globalists held a $ar on &overty% and no$ &overty and &ersonal and cor&orate debt have only increased. The govern"ent had a !i!ty year &rogra" s &&osedly !ighting illiteracy. Dro&s in children?s test scores can be trac'ed to ni!or"ly !ollo$ the level o! govern"ent involve"ent 88 the "ore govern"ent involve"ent% the lo$er the test scores.


<o$ the govern"ent is ste&&ing & their B$ar against terroris".D As this B$arD &rogresses% yo are only going to see escalations in terrorist acts% beca se a!ter each horrible event the govern"ent gets "ore &o$er% "ore control over o r lives% and "ore ! nding. A do(en &eo&le died at the !irst World Trade 1enter attac'# one h ndred sixty8 eight died in 0'laho"a 1ity# three tho sand died in the second World Trade 1enter attac' by the govern"ent. <o$ they are telling s to get ready !or "ore attac's% and i! $e don?t ta'e the i"&lanted "icrochi&s% i! $e don?t acce&t the "icrochi&&ed &o& lation% then $e are going to get attac'ed again. Already the states ad"it that they are i"&le"enting a national ID card sche"e. And then there is the total goal% the reason the <e$ World 0rder elites are & shing all o! this. We 'no$ they $ant tyranny. We 'no$ this global govern"ent is behind it. KThey are no$ pu1-ic-y tal'ing abo t a <e$ World 0rder.L ,o$ did they get all this &o$erT And $hat is their !inal goalT Their goal is a $orld &o& lation red ction o! eighty &ercent $ith everyone cra""ed into co"&act cities. The *nited <ations is &re&aring to release "ass &lag es on the earth beca se the elite !orces $ant to extend their lives $ith li!e extension technology $hile c lling the Bh "an herdD do$n to a B"anageable level.D They 'no$ that technology is a do ble8edged s$ord. It can be sed to e"&o$er h "anity% b t it can also be sed to totally enslave h "anity. They 'no$ they are in a race against ti"e and their $indo$ o! o&&ort nity is closing. They " st deh "ani(e s no$ 88 they?ve got to enslave s here on the global &lantation% or they are going to lose control. The <e$ World 0rder is r n by absol tely r thless individ als $ho are hell8bent on deh "ani(ing the entire &o& lace. They are obsessed $ith total control. These "egalo"aniacal sadists are absol tely s$orn to the creation o! a $orld$ide tyranny called the <e$ World 0rder. This is the evidence% and it is concl sive. Terror in Hi tory War.


@"&ires are b ilt and "aintained by it. )o& lations rally d ring ti"es o! $ar. <othing on earth centrali(es &o$er li'e $ar. Thro gho t history% leaders have sed this ni!ying !orce to control &o& lations. , "ans instinctively shi!t into "indless Bgro & thin'D $hen !aced by an o tside threatU$hether real or "an !act red. <o$% in the t$enty8!irst cent ry the syste" o! control contin es% b t $ith "ore so&histication. I! there isn?t an ene"y to !ight% one has to be "an !act red. ,ere are so"e exa"&les !ro" history o! dictators sing terroris" to get $hat they $ant: Nero an# Ro&e In A.D. 95% on the tenth o! A g st% <ero% the e"&eror o! =o"e% set the city abla(e $hile he !iddled. Fo see% he had a &roble": the 1hristians $ere getting too &o& lar. +o <ero torched =o"e and bla"ed it on the 1hristians. A!ter this "an !act red crisis% the &eo&le $ere "ore than ha&&y to & t the 1hristians into the arena and to cheer as they $ere torn the" li"b !ro" li"b. This &ersec tion o! the 1hristians is only one o! "any ancient exa"&les o! govern"ents &ersec ting gro &s o! &eo&le a!ter creating crises. The 'aine an# the Lu itania 0n :ebr ary 1.% 1797% Willia" >c2inley?s navy co""itted treason $hen it ble$ & its o$n shi& in ,avana ,arbor to create a &retext !or $ar $ith the +&anish govern"ent. +i"&ly by blo$ing & this shi&% the >aine% the *nited +tates $as able to !inally do"inate the Western ,e"is&here and ta'e control o! do(ens o! islands in the )aci!ic. Then in World War I% $hen the A"erican &o& lation $as rel ctant to enter the @ ro&ean con!lict% the /ritish sailed one o! their largest naval a xiliary shi&s% the - sitania% thro gh $aters 'no$n to be heavily &atrolled by Jer"an *8boats. The Jer"ans ran " lti&le ! ll8&age $arnings in the <e$ For' Ti"es% telling A"ericans not to travel on this shi& $hich they 'ne$ to be heavily laden $ith ar"a"ents destined !or the trenches. When Jer"an


tor&edoes s n' the - sitania% A"ericans $ere !aced $ith cas alty lists o! their dead co ntry"en and !inally s cc "bed to $ar8!ever. Hit"er( Reich ta) And then% o! co rse% $e have the notorio s <a(i regi"e?s se o! the ,egelian dialectic. Adol&h ,itler had already been elected &resident% b t he $anted to abolish the chancellery and to "a'e hi"sel! :Whrer. To do that% he had to create eno gh o! a crisis to create "assive levels o! !ear in the &o& lation so that they $o ld $illingly lay do$n their re& blic and give it into the hands o! his "onstro s syste". ,istorical doc "ents !ro" <a(i archives sho$ that on the night o! :ebr ary 23% 1944% Adol&h ,itler?s +tor"troo&ers b rned the =eichstag govern"ent b ilding to the gro nd. A $ave o! arrests then too' &lace across the =eich as the :Whrer told the &eo&le that he $o ld &rotect the" and that they $o ld have a *to&ian $orld. @verything $o ld be given to the" by the state% as long as they o!!ered total !ealty and s &&ort o! their :Whrer. The &eo&le bo ght ,itler?s &ro"ise o! a *to&ia . . . and $ere totally enslaved. ,itler had sed the alche"y o! dictators: the ,egelian dialectic o! &roble"8reaction8 sol tion. Attac' yo rsel!% bla"e yo r ene"ies% and tell the & blic yo can &rotect the" i! they give & their !reedo"s. *DR an# +ear" Har,or 0n Dece"ber 7% 1951% a!ter the Ja&anese attac' on )earl ,arbor% the !ollo$ing $ords $ere broadcast across the *nited +tates by *+ )resident :ran'lin Delano =oosevelt. BFesterday% Dece"ber 3% 1951Ua date $hich $ill live in in!a"yUthe *nited +tates o! A"erica $as s ddenly and deliberately attac'ed by naval and air !orces o! the e"&ire o! Ja&an.D


It "ay have been a s r&rise attac' to the A"erican &eo&le% b t it $asn?t to the !ederal govern"ent and the "ilitary. >onths be!ore the attac'% they 'ne$ the Ja&anese $ere &re&aring !or an all8o t assa lt in the )aci!ic. The ,istory 1hannel and "any historical records have re&orted that t$elve days &rior to the attac'% =oosevelt 'ne$ the act al date o! the stri'e. The govern"ent had in its &ossession Ad"iral Fa"a"oto?s co"" niA X reading% B0n the "orning o! Dece"ber 3 $e $ill attac' the )aci!ic !leet at )earl ,arbor and deal a death blo$.D 0n <ove"ber 2.% 1951 the +ecretary o! the War De&art"ent% ,enry +ti"so"% $rote in his diary% B)resident =oosevelt bro ght & the event that $e are li'ely to be attac'ed &erha&s as soon as next >onday% !or the Ja&anese are notorio s !or "a'ing an attac' $itho t $arning% and the A estion $as ho$ $e sho ld "ane ver the" into the &osition o! !iring the !irst shot.I The (ono-u-u "d%ertiser !ront &age headline on <ove"ber 40% 1951 read: BJa&an >ay +tri'e over Wee'end.D +till% the "ilitary $as told to go to the lo$est level o! readiness% the shi&s in the harbor $ere lined & in tight ro$s% and the aircra!t on the air!ields $ere & t into circles% nose ti& to nose ti&. =oosevelt had ca"&aigned to 'ee& A"erica o t o! the $ar% b t his bac'ers had been ! nding the Ja&anese $ar "achine !or years. They had also been !inancing and enco raging ,itler?s blit('rieg. The Anglo8A"erican establish"ent based in <e$ For' and -ondon needed a global crisis to bring in a global govern"ent and the birth o! the *nited <ations. That?s $hy six "onths be!ore the attac' on )earl ,arbor% =oosevelt had the naval co""and re"ove the code8brea'ing "achines !ro" )earl ,arbor% as $ell as dis"antle the radar. They had to have the crisis to E sti!y the creation o! this global syste" o! tyranny. Thin' o! the dastardly deed the White ,o se had co""itted% leaving o r troo&s% o r sailors% o r boys to die. The global elite had atte"&ted to create a -eag e o! <ations at


the end o! World War I. When it !ailed% World War II had to be bigger% on a larger scale% so the &eo&le $o ld say% BJive s a global govern"ent to &rotect s !ro" these horrible $ars.D

The Cu,an 'i i"e Cri i an# the O-eration North.oo# Docu&ent 1oncerning the 1 ban >issile 1risis% )resident John :. 2ennedy broadcast these $ords on 0ctober 22% 1992: BJood evening% "y !ello$ citi(ens. This govern"ent% as &ro"ised% has "aintained the closest s rveillance o! the +oviet "ilitary b ild & on the island o! 1 ba. Within the &ast $ee'% n"ista'able evidence has established the !act that a series o! o!!ensive "issile sites is no$ in &re&aration on that i"&risoned island. The & r&ose o! these bases can be none other than to &rovide a n clear stri'e ca&ability against the Western ,e"is&here.D In the early 1990s% the !ederal govern"ent needed an exc se% a &retext% to invade 1 ba. The govern"ent act ally & t the &lan to &a&er in the notorio s 0&eration <orth$oods doc "ent. The story $as !irst re&orted in Ja"es /a"!ord?s /oo'% Body of 0ecrets and carried in & blished "edia re&orts on A/1 <e$s K"BC News% >ay 1% 2001: B:riendly :ire: *.+. >ilitary Dra!ted )lans to Terrori(e *.+. 1ities to )rovo'e War $ith 1 baDL as $ell as in the /alti"ore + n KBa-ti ore 0un% A&ril 25% 2001: B<e$ boo' on <+A sheds light on secrets: *.+. terror &lan called 1 ba invasion &retextDL. In the 0&eration <orth$oods doc "ent% the !ederal govern"ent &ro&osed blo$ing & airliners ! ll o! A"ericans% saying: B1as alty lists in *.+. ne$s&a&ers $o ld ca se a hel&! l $ave o! indignation.D The "ad"an% the architect o! this &lan% $as Jeneral -. -. -e"nit(er% 1hair"an% Joint 1hie!s o! +ta!!. ,e got his :a stian &lan a&&roved all the $ay & to the +ecretary o! De!ense. )resident 2ennedy $as not a" sed.


<0T@ T0 )*/-I+,@= G I<+@=T I>AJ@+ 589 4. I>AJ@: :riendlyV!ire G 1A)TI0<: "BC News% >ay 1% 2001: B:riendly :ire: *.+. >ilitary Dra!ted )lans to Terrori(e *.+. 1ities to )rovo'e War $ith 1 baD 5. I>AJ@: <orth$oodsU1A)TI0<: Joint 1hie!s o! +ta!! <orth$oods Doc "ent <o$ Declassi!ied Advocated the *+ Jovern"ent @ngaging in Terrorist Attac's against the A"erican )eo&le as a )retext !or War 6. I>AJ@: /altVs n G 1A)TI0<: Ba-ti ore 0un% A&ril 25% 2001: B<e$ boo' on <+A sheds light on secrets: *.+. terror &lan called 1 ba invasion &retextD

In this &lan% they elaborated on ho$ Washington% D.1. co ld be bo"bed and then 1 ba co ld be bla"ed# or ho$ they co ld dress *.+. Ar"y soldiers as 1 bans% then have the" attac' >arines at J antana"o /ay. In another &art o! the &lan% E st as the /.0.0. Maine $as s n' as a &retext !or entry into the +&anish8A"erican War% it $as s ggested that the <avy co ld blo$ & one o! its o$n shi&s. The $hole doc "ent is an insane testa"ent to the e!!ectiveness o! the cold8blooded se o! &roble"6reaction6sol tion. The doc "ent details ho$ the ,egelian dialectic co ld be "ade to $or' in order to "otivate the A"erican &eo&le to get behind the govern"ent?s & sh !or a $ar% in this case a n clear $ar $ith 1 ba and the +oviet *nion. It?s hard !or any decent &erson to be able to $ra& their "ind aro nd the tho ght &rocesses that the controllers are6$ere sing. Fo " st nderstand that they are a!ter ra$ &o$er and that history has sho$n that there is no better $ay to sei(e &o$er% ex&and &o$er and "aintain &o$er than thro gh controlled crises that harness the "ilitant tribal enth sias" o! the ho$ling "ob. )resident 2ennedy had al$ays been a servant o! the elite% b t he $as so shoc'ed by the 0&eration <orth$oods doc "ent that he signed @xec tive 0rder 11110 shortly be!ore his death anno ncing that he $o ld abolish the :ederal =eserve +yste". ,e also began to & ll A"erican soldiers o t o! Pietna"% and signed an order to abolish the 1IA. :or ta'ing these decisive actions on behal! o! o r 1onstit tional =e& blic% 2ennedy $as


assassinated. ,e had decided to be a leader o! the &eo&le and to de!end their interests. The <e$ World 0rder co ld not allo$ that to ha&&en. The 199/ Wor"# Tra#e Center 0o&,in) The :ederal govern"ent had their eye on the World Trade 1enter co"&lex as a target !or a "an !act red crisis since at least the early 1990?s. This ti"e the &roble"8reaction8 sol tion syste" $as to be activated not against so"e !oreign ene"y% b t against the A"erican &o& lation?s sense o! sec rity as a &retext to ex&and the &o$ers o! the sec rity and intelligence agencies inside the *+. The 0ctober 27% 1994% edition o! the New 2or3 Ti es ran an article headlined% BTa&es De&ict )ro&osal to Th$art /o"b *sed in Trade 1enter /lastD Ksee also 0ctober 41% 1994% New 2or3 Ti es# Chicago Tri1une% Dece"ber 1.% 1994: BIn!or"ants? =ecordings +ho$ :/I ,ad )rior 2no$ledge o! the /o"bingDL. The !ederal govern"ent $as ca ght on ta&e by their in!or"ants ordering the" to let the bo"bing go !or$ard% to coo' the bo"b% to give the terrorists the detonators% to create yet another crisis . . . this ti"e to sher in a &olice state and a $ar &on the A"erican &eo&le. *nli'e the 0&eration <orth$oods &lan% the :/I act ally carried o t the attac' on the World Trade 1enter in 1994. They hired a retired 548year8old !or"er @gy&tian ar"y o!!icer% @"ad +ale"% &aid hi" Y1%000%000 and gave hi" real ex&losives and a detonator. They told hi" to b ild the bo"b and to give it to the !oolish &eo&le that he $as controlling in order to allo$ the" to attac' the World Trade 1enter co"&lex. There $as a "aEor &roble" $ith their &lan: >r. +ale" $as not as r thless and socio&athic as the :/I and its globalist controllers. ,e began to get very concerned right be!ore the attac'% as'ing hi"sel! $hy he $as being giving real ex&losives i! this $ere to be E st a Bsting o&eration.D When he $as told to let the attac' go !or$ard% >r. +ale" secretly recorded John Anticev% head o! the <e$ For' o!!ice o! the :/I% ordering hi" to let the bo"bing ta'e &lace.


The World Trade 1enter bo"bing o! 1994 is E st one o! "any stories consisting o! govern"ent8s&onsored terroris" that has been s$e&t nder the r g. 0ne o! the s&in "asters? !avorite tools is to nderre&ort stories o! earth8shattering i"&ortance $hile "agni!ying stories o! little or no signi!icance to "a""oth &ro&ortions. *nli'e )earl ,arbor $here the govern"ent allo$ed the Ja&anese to attac' as a &retext !or $ar% the !ederal govern"ent !inanced and controlled the 1994 attac' on the World Trade 1enter to bolster a syste" o! anti8terroris" and to sic a ho"eland sec rity syste" on the A"erican &eo&le. 0ne "ain &roble" $ith their &lan: the drivers o! the tr c' didn?t &ar' it against the "ain s &&ort col "n as they had been ordered to do by >r. +ale" and the :/I. Instead they &ar'ed it abo t a do(en !eet a$ay% and so it didn?t bring do$n the b ilding. 1onseA ently% the :ederal Jovern"ent didn?t get the "assive death toll it needed to create the "artial la$ syste" it $as hell8bent on i"&le"enting against o r 1onstit tional =e& blic. To the horror o! the A"erican &eo&le% the :eds !inished the Eob on +e&te"ber 11% 2001. O1"aho&a City 0o&,in) A&ril 19% 199.. > lti&le bo"bs ri&&ed thro gh the Al!red ). > rrah :ederal / ilding in do$nto$n 0'laho"a 1ity. As s al% :ederal !inger&rints $ere all over this tragic event. )resident /ill 1linton% ta'ing his orders !ro" the <e$ World 0rder chie!tains% needed a crisis to get his &lans !or a sociali(ed A"erica and g n control agenda thro gh. Ta'ing a &age o t o! history?s handboo', /ill 1linton 'ne$ that a crisis o! this "agnit de% incl ding endless i"ages o! "angled children $o ld & ll on the heartstrings o! A"ericans. They $o ld beg !or the Antiterroris" and @!!ective Death )enalty Act K+.34.L that he had !ailed to &ass E st a year be!ore. The bill absol tely eviscerated "assive sections o! the 1onstit tion and the /ill o! =ights.


We have been investigating the 0'laho"a 1ity tragedy !or over six years and the a"o nt o! evidence is staggering. -et?s E st hit so"e o! the 'ey &oints: 0'laho"a 1ity?s </1 a!!iliate% 2:0=% in a live broadcast i""ediately a!ter the bo"bing% re&orted: B. . . devastation that that one ex&losion ca sed% beca se here is no$ $hat $e are starting to learn abo t the s ccession% or $hat so"eone obvio sly ho&ed $o ld be a s ccession o! ex&losions. The !irst bo"b that $as in the :ederal / ilding did go o!!. It did the da"age that yo see right there. The second ex&losive $as !o nd and de! sed. The third ex&losive that $as !o ndUand they are $or'ing on right no$ as $e s&ea'% I nderstandU both the second and third ex&losivesUi! yo can i"agine thisU$ere larger than the !irst. +o try to i"agine t$o or three!old ha&&ening $hat $e?ve already seen there. It is E st incredible to thin' that there $as that " ch heavy artillery that $as so"eho$ "oved into the do$nto$n 0'laho"a 1ity :ederal / ilding.D A !e$ "in tes later% 0'laho"a 1ity 1/+ a!!iliate 2WTP?s Jenni!er =eynolds had the !ollo$ing to add: BWe E st sa$% i! yo $ere $atching% there $as a $hite &ic' & tr c' bac'ing a trailer into the scene. They are trying to "ove &eo&le o t o! the $ay so they can get it in. It a&&ears to be the 0'laho"a 1ity bo"b sA ad Utheir bo"b dis&osal nit essentially is $hat it isUand it is $hat they $o ld se i! the re&ort that $e gave yo E st a !e$ "o"ents ago t rns o t to be correct% that they have !o nd a second ex&losive device o! so"e 'ind inside that b ilding. They $ill bac' that trailer do$n there% and the bo"b sA ad !ol's $ill go in and they $ill se that trailer. . . . This is ho$ they $o ld trans&ort the ex&losive device a$ay !ro" this &o& lated area to try to do so"ething $ith it.D


At the sa"e ti"e% 1<< re&orted: BThe J stice De&art"ent is re&orting that a second ex&losive device has been !o nd in the A.). > rrah / ilding in do$nto$n 0'laho"a 1ity. >i'e% yo ?re still $ith s aren?t yo TD R>i'e Arnett% an attorney in do$nto$n 0'laho"a 1ity% on &hone $ith 1<<S BFes% and in addition to that% $hat $e $ere told at the scene a !e$ "in tes ago $as that in !act t$o di!!erent ex&losive devices $ere !o nd in addition to the one that $ent o!!% !or a total o! three.D Another re&orter !or 2WTP stated: BIt has no$ been con!ir"ed thro gh !ederal a thorities that a second bo"b has been !o nd inside that !ederal b ilding in 0'laho"a 1ity. It $as an ex&losion at 9:00 this "orning that did that da"age yo ?re loo' at right thereUblo$ing o!! the entire north !ace o! that b ilding. Again% yo ?re loo'ing at the north !ace. A second bo"b $as !o nd on the east side o! that b ilding. A bo"b sA ad is on the scene. That second bo"b has not ex&loded. We don?t 'no$ A ite the stat s yetUi! they have "anaged to de! se itUb t it has been con!ir"ed that a second bo"b has been !o nd on the east side.D 0'laho"a governor :ran' 2eating% on the tele&hone $ith re&orters% said: BThe re&ort that I have is that one device $as deactivated. A&&arently there is another device% and obvio sly $hatever did the da"age to the > rrah / ilding $as a tre"endo s% very so&histicated ex&losive device.D 2:0= also re&orted:


B)resident 1linton E st called Jovernor :ran' 2eating. ,e says that three :/I anti8terrorist tea"s are en ro te to 0'laho"a 1ity right no$. They are saying that this is the $or' o! a so&histicated gro &. This is a very so&histicated device and it has to have been done by an ex&losives ex&ert% obvio sly $ith this ty&e o! ex&losion.D A doctor on the street o tside the carnage told re&orters: BThe "edical tea"s do$nto$n are nable to get into the $rec'age to retrieve "ore o! the inE red beca se o! the &resence o! other bo"bs in the area.D 2WTP re&orted: BI E st too' a loo' do$n the street at the > rrah / ilding again. I see another bo"b tr c' going% so a&&arently they are going to try to get o t that third bo"b that?s been tal'ed abo t. +till a lot o! activity aro nd the > rrah / ilding . . . sec rity concerns that another one co ld go o!!.D 2:0= also re&orted: B:ort nately% it didn?t% beca se the second device that they !o nd% $e nderstand% $as even "ore &o$er! l than the !irst. They then !o nd a third device. Fo can see the loo' on this $o"an?s !aceUthe !ear that she "ight have to go thro gh the sa"e thing again. They then !o nd a third device% $hich $as also larger than the !irst. ,ard to !eel l c'y at this &oint% b t certainly thro gh so"e good $or' by so"e " nitions ex&erts and the ex&losive sni!!ing dogs% ! rther tragedy has certainly been averted here.D Terroris" ex&ert Dr. =andall ,earther had this to say:


BIt $as a great stro'e o! l c' that $e have act ally got de! sed bo"bs. It?s thro gh the bo"b "aterial that $e $ill be able to trac' do$n $ho co""itted this atrocity.D It $o ld have been an incredible hel& to have been able get a hold o! those nex&loded bo"bs. *n!ort nately the /AT: agents% according to &olice and !ire!ighter testi"ony% $ere inside re"oving the" and s&iriting the" a$ay% beca se they had to 'ee& their story straight Kthat there $as only one bo"b% a tr c' bo"bL. 0 t o! h ndreds o! &eo&le $e intervie$ed% $e co ldn?t !ind a single &erson $ho said they?d only heard one ex&losion. 0ne $itness% 1harles Willia"s% $ho $or'ed in do$nto$n 0'laho"a 1ity at the ti"e o! the bo"bing% said neA ivocally that he !elt t$o blasts very close together. It is historical !act% &art o! the & blic record% that there $ere " lti&le devices inside the 0'laho"a 1ity b ilding and that there $ere at least t$o ex&losions. The e"ergency radio trans"ission transcri&ts sho$ clearly that the &olice and !ire!ighters $itnessed the /AT: re"oving nex&loded devices. We also have the scienti!ic evidence. The *niversity o! 0'laho"a?s o$n seis"ogra&hic re&orts% as $ell as the *.+. Jeological + rvey re&ortsUt$o di!!erent scienti!ic instit tionsUsho$ " lti&le ex&losions. / t !or there to have been " lti&le ex&losions% Ti"othy >cPeigh $o ld have had to have acco"&lices . . . and that didn?t !it in $ith the !ederal story% es&ecially i! the reality sho$ed that it had to be a gro & that had access to a !ederal b ilding !or long% extended &eriods o! ti"e% li'e the /AT: and the :/I. Jeneral /enton 2. )artin% !or"er head o! Air :orce Wea&ons Develo&"ent $ith thirty8 &l s years r nning the Air :orce Wea&ons Develo&"ent )rogra"% has " lti&le engineering degrees. Jeneral )artin $as a"a(ed by &ress re&orts clai"ing that the b ilding had been blo$n in and that a tr c' bo"b co ld ca se that da"age% $hen even a basic nderstanding o! ex&losive signat res sho$s that the b ilding $as blo$n not !ro" the outside in, b t !ro" the inside out.


Within days o! the blast% Jeneral )artin $as on the scene. ,e $as% o! co rse% barred access. Than'! lly% !ro" video as $ell as &hotogra&hs o! the col "ns% it $as obvio s to his trained eye that the col "ns had been blo$n o!! by sha&ed charges. In a detailed re&ort% the !or"er head o! Air :orce Wea&ons Develo&"ent laid o t the &hysics% the "athe"atics o! this tr th. In his re&ort% he stated that it $as a &hysical i"&ossibility that a tr c' bo"bUeven "ade $ith "ilitary8grade ex&losivesUco ld even begin to generate the ex&losive !orce that $as bro ght against the 0'laho"a 1ity :ederal / ilding. <o$ the seis"ogra&hs co"e in. The seis"ogra&hs !irst registered one distinct ex&losion% and then a gro & o! ex&losions so close to each other that they co ld not be se&arated. Fo see% the :eds had to have a diversionary blast. They had to be able to tell the $orld that it $as one lone n tUTi"othy >cPeighUo t !ront. They needed >cPeigh?s tr c' bo"b o tside so that they co ld cover the !act that there $ere act ally ex&losives inside the str ct re. I! yo loo' at the act al crater that the s &&osed tr c' bo"b generated% it $as so s"all that it co ld hardly be "eas red. ,o$ever%in later "edia re&orts that ex&losion gre$ bigger and bigger and bigger KNewswee3, >ay 1% 199.L. Another 'ey &iece o! evidence that Jeneral )artin raised $as that a single bo"b ex&losion co ld not acco nt !or the !ail re o! col "ns that $ere !arther a$ay at the bac' o! the b ilding co"&ared to the non8!ail re o! col "ns that $ere " ch closer to the s &&osed tr c' bo"b blast. ,e concl ded that the asy""etrical nat re o! the da"age to the > rrah / ilding $as one indication that sha&ed de"olition charges $ere sed in the bo"bing. In "odern history% tho sands o! b ildings o! every ty&e and design have been destroyed co""ercially to "a'e $ay !or ne$ str ct res. / t that didn?t "atter to the /AT:% the !ederal govern"ent% or the "edia. They t rned str ct ral engineering on its head% de"anding and telling the $orld that a single tr c' bo"b act ally did this da"age% even tho gh the blast?s signat re clearly sho$ed that the b ilding had been blo$n o t% not in. <ot only $as the scienti!ic and engineering $orld shoc'ed $ith disbelie!% b t the general


& blic $asn?t b ying the story either. They had seen $hat had ha&&ened. =ead this ne$s re&ort !ro" 1hannel :o r that aired live on the day o! the tragedy: B+o"e o! the !loors have E st crashed together. I "ean% there are so"e &oints $here yo E st literally can?t get in at all. And then !ro" 1ho&&er 5% at so"e &artic lar &oints $e co ld see all the $ay thro gh the b ilding. That?s the !orce o! the ex&losion. It E st ble$ o t the $alls and everything inside.D 0 traged by the !ederal cover8 &% leaders !ro" across 0'laho"a% led by +tate =e&resentative 1harles 2ey% banded together to $rite The #ina- ReportU..0 &ages detailing this cri"inal !ederal o&eration. <o$ let?s loo' at the co$ardice o! the /AT: agents. Fo see% they received a $arning . . . b t they didn?t &ass it on to the children in the daycare center. 0n 2:0=% the 0'laho"a 1ity </1 a!!iliate% a re&orter s&ea's $ith eye$itnesses $ho $ere $or'ing inside the :ederal b ilding $ith agents o! the /AT:. Their !aces $ere blac'ed o t to &rotect their identities: Witne ( E&-"oyer S-ea1 : NWhat he told hi" is that he tho ght they had received a ti& that "orning o! the bo"b.? Re-orter: Fet another $itness% a resc e $or'er% says a!ter she tal'ed $ith an agent at the bo"bing scene she also s s&ected the AT: $as $arned and agents stayed a$ay !ro" their o!!ice. Witne : NI as'ed hi" i! his o!!ice $as in the b ilding% and he said yes. And I as'ed i! there $ere any AT: agents still in the b ilding and he said% B<o $e $eren?t here.D


Re-orter: Witness Z1 a&&roached an AT: agent nearby. ,e clai"s he as'ed the agent $hat had ha&&ened and Witness Z1 said this is $hat the agent told hi": Witne : N,e started getting a little bit nervo s. ,e tried reaching so"eone on a t$o8$ay radio. 1o ldn?t get anybody. I told hi" I $anted an ans$er right then. ,e said they $ere in the brie!ing. <one o! the agents had been in there. They had been ti&&ed by their &agers not to co"e into $or' that day. )lain as day o t o! his "o thUthey $ere ti&&ed. Why $asn?t anybody elseT There $as a lot o! &eo&le% good &eo&le% died do$n there% and i! they 'ne$% they sho ld have let everybody else 'no$.?D 0'laho"a 1ity &ara"edic Ti!!any /ible% $ho heroically res&onded $ith her nit E st "in tes a!ter the blast on A&ril 19% 199.% s$ore in an a!!idavit that $hen she arrived the /AT: $as in ! ll "oc' gear. /o"b gear ta'es at least thirty "in tes to & t on. When she as'ed the"% B0h "y goodness% $ere yo g ys h rt inside the blastTD they said% B<o% $e got ti&&ed o!! by o r &agers not to co"e in today.D -inda 1avana gh% a re&orter !or 2:0= <e$s% re&orted: BWere agents !ore$arned abo t a bo"b in 0'laho"a 1ityT Did they 'no$ the > rrah / ilding $as a targetT The AT: says no% absol tely not. / t tonight in a story yo $ill see only on the <e$s1hannel% yo are abo t hear other$ise !ro" &eo&le $ho $ere at the > rrah / ilding that "orning. Wo&an S-ea1 : NWe?re as'ing si"&le A estions and $e can?t get any ans$ers% so it "a'es s that " ch "ore c rio s% yo 'no$. Where the hell $ere theyT?


Lin#a Ca%anau)h: The <e$s1hannel did as' !or a &rivate "eeting $ith AT: o!!icials to disc ss the credibility o! these $itness re&orts% b t the AT: re! sed saying they had no "ore to say on the s bEect.D +&in doctors say -ee ,arvey 0s$ald acted alone% and so did Ti"othy >cPeigh in 0'laho"a 1ity. And $e?re told to believe it%b t h ndreds o! eye$itnesses re&orted seeing >iddle @astern "en cra$ling all over this o&eration. -et?s loo' at John Doe Z2. 2:0= Intervie$: BAs I sat there% I seen that >cPeigh $as $ith another &erson.D Inter%ie.er: Witne : BDo yo have any do bt in yo r "ind that there $as a &assenger in the =yder tr c'TD B@ven "ore% I have no do bt there $as. There $as de!initely a second &erson% no "atter $hat. There $as t$o &eo&le in this vehicle.D =e&resentative 1harles 2ey stated: BJohn Doe Z2Uthere $as a Y2 "illion &rice & t on his head. And no$ they are saying there $as no John Doe Z2.D 2:0= sho$ed s rveillance video o! a "an r nning a$ay !ro" the =yder tr c' and re&orted the !ollo$ing: B0 r $itnesses &ic'ed o t a &hoto line8 &. The <e$s1hannel shared the in!or"ation and s rveillance ta&es o! this "an $ith :/I. They have had so"e o! that "aterial long be!ore o r re&orts $ent on the air. Witne : NI $as standing in the b ilding and I loo'ed o t the $indo$ and seen the =yder tr c' and I seen a "an get o t the =yder tr c'.?


Re-orter: +he $as E st ten !eet a$ay !ro" the "an de&icted in this s'etch $hen he ste&&ed o t o! the =yder tr c'. Witne : N,e $as olive co"&lexion and he $as . . . he had blac' c rly hair. ,e $as $earing a baseball ca& b t his c rls $ere stic'ing o t o! his hat. It $as short in the bac' b t yo co ld still the c rls in his hair. ,e $as not A"erican. ,e $as !oreign. Fo can tell by his s'in% his !ace% the $ay his !ace $as.? =e&orter: We as'ed :/I s&o'es"an Dan Pogel% NIs John Doe Z2 still &art o! the investigationT Does he existT? The ans$er: NFes% $e are still trying to locate and identi!y John Doe Z2.? The "an in o r re&orts is IraAi. Today the :/I says they Nare not & rsing a >iddle @astern connection. This doesn?t "ean it has been r led o t. That co ld change to"orro$.?D +tate% local% and !ederal &olice aro nd the co ntry act ally detained do(ens o! >iddle @astern "en trying to exit the co ntry% "any o! $ho" $ere !or"er IraAi =e& blican J ard o!!icers li'e Al8, ssaini , ssain% $ho $or'ed at the /oston air&ort. Des&ite all this evidence% the 1linton J stice De&art"ent said to release the"% that they did not $ant to tal' to the"% and that there $as no >iddle @astern connection. In the "a'ing o! this boo'% o r tea" has intervie$ed scores o! !or"er and c rrent :/I agents% &olice o!!icers% and detectives $ho $ere on the scene and $or'ed the case. They con!ir"ed that they detained "e"bers o! the IraAi =e& blic J ard $ho $ere trying to !lee the *nited +tates. They $o ld search their bags and !ind bl e Eogging s its and bo"b "a'ing "aterials. They $o ld try to hold the"% try to charge the". According to "y so rces% they co ld have convicted these "en in !ront o! a E ry. +till /ill 1linton de"anded their release.


-ater I intervie$ed David +chi&&ers% the "an that i"&eached /ill 1linton% the "an that bro ght do$n the "ob in 1hicago. >r. +chi&&ers stated that the 0'laho"a 1ity bo"bing tea" $as "ade & o! the sa"e &eo&le involved in the World Trade 1enter attac' on +e&te"ber 11. The grand &lan o! the :eds begins to n!old. The evidence sho$s that the IraAis $ere bro ght to the *nited +tates a!ter the J l! War% that they had &revio sly been trained in the 1970?s !or the $ar $ith Iran% and that they are no$ $or'ing !or the shado$ govern"ent% i.e. the national sec rity dictatorshi&. +o $hen the :eds need a crisis to distract the & blic $e all better loo' o t. -ocal television stations raised the obvio s A estion: I! >cPeigh acted alone% $hy $as the :ederal Jovern"ent re! sing stead!astly to release the s rveillance ta&esT 2:0=?s 2evin 0gle re&orted: BThe details are chilling. We?ll also !oc s on s rveillance ca"eras U ca"eras that ca ght the bo"bing on ta&e . . . and "aybe the "en behind the bo"bing. The <e$s1hannel has ne$ in!or"ation tonight that there?s a chance that s rveillance ta&es co ld be the s"o'ing g n evidence. We as'ed candid A estions in a rare !ace8to8!ace "eeting $ith AT: o!!icials close to the investigation. We learned that video collected !ro" do$nto$n b sinesses the "orning o! A&ril 19 "ay so"eday be &layed be!ore a E ry. 0!!icials $on?t say $ho or $hat exactly is on the ta&e. ,o$ever% n "ero s so rces have con!ir"ed the ta&es exist and that they reveal "ore than one bo"ber.D Jayna Davis% another re&orter !or 2:0=% re&orted: BThis is a A estion $e have all been as'ing. We?ve been as'ing that A estion since $e !irst bro'e the story that s rveillance ca"eras ai"ed at


the :ederal / ilding co ld have ca&t red all those involved on ta&e. +o rces have con!ir"ed those ta&es exist% and that they sho$ "ore than one bo"ber. The :/I also con!ir"ed those ta&es exist $hen they re! sed to release the"% clai"ing the video is &art o! a cri"inal investigation. <o$ !or the !irst ti"e% $e get an on8the8record res&onse !ro" the head o! the Dallas o!!ice% AT:. We learned that video co ld be nveiled as &art o! the &rosec tion?s case. <o o!!icials $ill disc ss s&eci!ically $hat is on the video% b t $e have been able to recreate so"e o! $hat "ay have been ca&t red by do$nto$n s rveillance ca"eras thro gh the eyes o! the $itnesses. Fo are loo'ing at a co"& ter recreation o! the !inal "ove"ents o! the =yder tr c' according to the &eo&le $ho crossed its &ath at .th and ,arvey "o"ents be!ore the ex&losion. Tonight at 10:00 the $itnesses $ill detail their "e"ories o! ho$ they believe the s s&ects carried o t the cri"e and "ade their geta$ay. All these acco nts share a co""on and nsettling si"ilarity. The $itnesses say they sa$ several acco"&lices% incl ding the in!a"o s John Doe < "ber 2. AT: o!!icials tell s the el sive John Doe is still &art o! this case% b t $ill not co""ent any ! rther. ,o$ever% they did tell s there is a lot abo t this case $e don?t 'no$ yetUin!or"ation yo can?t !ind in the indict"ent against Ti"othy >cPeigh% Terry <ichols% and >ichael :ortier.D <0T@ T0 )*/-I+,@=: )-@A+@ I<+@=T I>AJ@ 3: 38JohnDoeZ2 G 1A)TI0<: <e$s"ax% >ay 3% 2002: BAnti2terror +ro,er: O3C 0o&,in) Su -ect Wor1e# at 9211 Air-ort4 Another re&ort on 2:0= said this: 3e""y O)"e: BIt $as E st ho rs a!ter the bo"bing $hen the <e$s1hannel !irst told yo abo t the &ossibility that s rveillance ca"eras "ay have ca&t red the ex&losion Uand the 'illersUon ta&e. 0 r so rces and so rces !or


the 4" Ti es describe $hat is act ally on those ta&es. The in!or"ation sho$s so"e h ge s r&rises. The biggest: that it "ay have been John Doe < "ber 2% not Ti"othy >cPeigh% $ho detonated the bo"b. /rad @d$ards has the latest in this excl sive <e$s1hannel re&ort. 0ra# E#.ar# : B0 r ne$ in!or"ation co"es directly !ro" a so rce that has seen &arts o! those s rveillance ta&es. It also co"es !ro" re&orts no$ in the 4os "nge-es Ti es. / t &erha&s the biggest s r&rise is contained in the <e$s1hannel?s o$n in!or"ation. Ti"othy >cPeigh $as not the last &erson to leave the =yder tr c'. In !act% another &erson sat inside the cab o! the tr c' a!ter >cPeigh got o t. We believe that "an is John Doe < "ber 2% a "an $ho% !or all $e 'no$% is still on the loose% leaving o&en a vital A estion: Was it John Doe < "ber 2 $ho act ally set o!! the bo"b% not Ti"othy >cPeigh as $e?ve all been led to believeT <e$s1hannel 5 has !or $ee's been de"anding co&ies o! the s rveillance ta&es !ro" the :/I. The !ederal govern"ent so !ar is dragging its !eet% b t "any &eo&le in the investigation have seen the ta&es% and no$ so has a so rce $illing to describe to the <e$s1hannel $hat the ta&es sho$. The 4" Ti es re&ort sho$s there $as a s rveillance ca"era near the corner o! .th and ,arvey% and another near the corner o! .th and =obinson. :ederal investigators recreated the ti"e seA ence leading & to the bo"bing by "atching the video and still &hotos !ro" the s rveillance ca"eras. +ince $e can?t sho$ yo the ta&es o rselves% $e?re reenacting $hat o r so rce says he sa$ on those ta&es. As $itnesses told the


<e$s1hannel be!ore% the ta&es sho$ the =yder tr c' &ar'ed in !ront o! the > rrah / ilding $here $e no$ 'no$ the blast $ent o!!. As $itnesses also told s% the ta&es sho$ed t$o "en sitting inside the =yder tr c'. A "an strongly rese"bling Ti"othy >cPeigh gets o t o! the driver?s side% ste&s do$n. ,e then a&&ears to have dro&&ed so"ething on the ste& & into the tr c'. ,e bends do$n and a&&ears to &ic' so"ething & o!! the ste&. Then% he t rns and $al's directly across .th +treet thro gh the Jo rnal =ecord b ilding. All this ti"e% John Doe < "ber 2 is still inside the =yder tr c' sitting on the &assenger side. Ti"e &asses. The s rveillance ta&e is ti"e8la&sed &hotogra&hy. Witho t 'no$ing exactly the ti"e interval bet$een shots o r so rce can?t be s re ho$ long John Doe < "ber 2 sat in that cab. What $as he doing all o! that ti"eT Then the ta&e sho$s John Doe < "ber 2 getting o t o! the &assenger side o! the =yder tr c'. Again% the ta&e sho$s that a bo"bing $itness acc rately described $hat ha&&ened next to <e$s1hannel 5: NI $as standing in the b ilding and I loo'ed o t the $indo$ and I seen the =yder tr c' and I seen a "an get in the =yder tr c'.? The ta&e sho$s John Doe < "ber 2 getting o t% sh tting the &assenger side door. ,e ste&s to$ard the !ront o! the tr c' and is "o"entarily o t o! the !ra"e o! the s rveillance ca"era. / t shortly he a&&ears bac' in !ra"e $al'ing to$ard the rear o! the tr c'% still on the side$al' in !ront o! the > rrah / ilding. Again he t rns east to$ard the !ront o! the tr c'% loo'ing to$ard the street. John Doe < "ber 2 then $al's diagonally across .th +treet to$ard the east% as i! heading to$ard the F>1A


or the intersection o! .th and =obinson. ,e again leaves the !ra"e o! the ca"era. Another ca"era shooting !ro" another angle clearly sho$s the act al ex&losion that destroyed the :ederal / ilding and 'illed 199 &eo&le. +o $hat does the "ysterio s John Doe < "ber 2 loo' li'e in the ta&esT The "an $ho stayed inside the =yder tr c'% &ossibly triggering the bo"bT ,is !eat res are obsc red by a baseball ca& on the &ortion o! ta&e seen by o r so rce% the sa"e 'ind o! ca& sho$n on the co"&osite dra$ing !irst released o! John Doe < "ber 2. The ca& $as a s&orts ca&% !la"e style. The "an hi"sel! $as taller than the "an rese"bling >cPeigh% and " ch thic'er in b ild. ,e a&&ears to have a dar' or olive co"&lexion. 0 r so rce sa$ only a !e$ "in tes o! ta&e. ,e didn?t see all o! the al"ost t$enty "in tes o! s rveillance ta&es that re&ortedly $ere distrib ted to :/I agents aro nd the co ntry to hel& in their investigation. / t they do sho$ eno gh to raise so"e cr cial A estions: Who act ally set o!! the bo"bT What $as John Doe < "ber 2 doing in the cab o! the tr c' a!ter the >cPeigh loo'ali'e got o tT And% ho$ did John Doe < "ber 2 get a$ay !ro" the > rrah / ildingT R=e&. 1harles 2ey saysS N>y nderstanding is there $as a video o! >cPeigh getting o t o! the =yder tr c'% E "&ing into this other &ic' & $ith John Doe < "ber 2. Where is that videoT Are $e ever going to get to see itT? Do yo reali(e $hat yo have E st readT The govern"ent had " lti&le s rveillance ca"era ta&es. In !act% it !inally ca"e o t in co rt K$hen the !ederal govern"ent declared in 2001 that they $o ldn?t release the videota&es beca se o! national sec rity


i"&licationsL that there $ere act ally t$elve s rveillance ca"eras ta&es sho$ing di!!erent Isla"ic individ als% Arabic "en in co"&any $ith >cPeigh and others. The ca"eras also sho$ the /AT: agents hiding o t right do$n the street% &re&aring to &o nce on the o&eration and declare the"selves the heroes% the saviors% and the victi"s. Thin' abo t it. In 2001 and into 2002% the !ederal govern"ent has clai"ed national sec rity and re! sed to release t$elve8&l s s rveillance ca"era ta&es. What have they been hidingT The :eds never tried to se these ta&es in co rt. I! the ta&es sho$ed Ti"othy >cPeigh & lling & alone and bo"bing the b ilding% and i! it $ere E st a tr c' bo"b% $hy not se these ta&es to &rove >cPeigh?s g ilt as the sole &er&etratorT Why didn?t they se the ta&esT What?s on the"T A!ter yo have seen all this evidence% it is clear: !ederal involve"ent. They are ratcheting & the &olice state right here in A"erica% and they are sing "an !act red terrorist events to get the Eob done. According to an article r n on Jan ary 19% 2002 in Wor-dNetDai-y entitled BWas :/I early arrival in 0'laho"a 1ityT U,otel recei&t sho$s to& terror "an sho$ed & 9 ho rs be!ore blast%D Danny 1 lson% the :/I?s to& co nter8terroris" agent% chec'ed into an 0'laho"a 1ity hotel nine ho rs be!ore " lti&le blasts tore thro gh the Al!red ). > rrah :ederal / ilding. The @"bassy + ites ,otel recei&t !or Danny 1 lson% the director o! the :/I?s Terrorist Tas' :orce and !o nding co""ander o! the / rea ?s ,ostage Tea"% $as dated A&ril 19% 199.% $ith a chec'8in ti"e o! 0020. That?s "ilitary ti"e !or 12:20 a.".U al"ost nine ho rs be!ore the blast. / t 1hie! Agent 1 lson lied to the A"erica. ,e told a Ti e "aga(ine re&orter in 1999 the harro$ing tale o! ho$ he s&ed at over a h ndred "iles an ho r !ro" his ho"e in Dallas to get there a!ter the bo"bing to save &eo&le and cond ct an investigation. 1oincidentally% the :/I $on?t release any o! the credit card state"ents and records !or any o! their agents. What are they trying to hideT

BThe syste" $asn?t $or'ing. Joing thro gh the syste" didn?t $or'. I did everything they advised "e to do. It didn?t do any good.D U,o&&y ,eidelberg% dis"issed grand E ror


,o&&y ,eidelberg $as an &standing "e"ber o! the co"" nity $ith no cri"inal record. ,e had been a grand E ror !or years% b t $hen he started as'ing A estions abo t the >iddle @astern connection% :/I &rior 'no$ledge% and /AT: involve"ent% the :/I had the bravado to co"e to his ho se brandishing !irear"s and to tell hi" to sh t his "o th i! he 'ne$ $hat $as good !or hi". When he re! sed to be &art o! the cover8 & and de"anded that he be able to call $itnesses as $as his right as a grand E ror% the E dge 'ic'ed hi" o!! the case. In another bi(arre t$ist% >artin 2eating% Jovernor :ran' 2eating?s brother% $rote a novel entitled The #ina- 5ihad. In the boo'% a To" >cPeigh "aster"inds the bo"bing o! an 0'laho"a 1ity :ederal b ilding. 2eating?s brother dedicated the boo' to the 2nights o! the +ecret 1ircle% a ter" sed by "e"bers o! the Ill "inati $hen they tal' abo t their organi(ation. >artin 2eating $rote the boo' two years be!ore the bo"bing. 2:0=?s -inda 1avana gh "ade this re&ort% $hich &ertains to this novel: BThe <e$s1hannel has learned o! another strange develo&"ent. A&&arently% be!ore the bo"bing% Jovernor :ran' 2eating?s brother% >artin% had been $or'ing on a novel abo t terrorist bo"bing in 0'laho"a 1ity. +tranger still% one o! the characters in the novel $as na"ed Tho"as >cPeigh. The tragic events o! 0'laho"a 1ity% i! the tr th $ere "ade 'no$n to the & blic% $o ld see" even "ore horrible and tragic. The !ederally8"an !act red bo"bing is no$ a "on "ent to the &olice state% a "on "ent to the sacri!ice the govern"ent "ade o! A"erican lives% A"erican blood and A"erican tears. It gave the :eds an exc se to circle the $agons against the A"erican &eo&le% to have a &retext to ex&and their &olice state. They covered the $hole o&eration &. It is clear that they had &rior 'no$ledge# that " lti&le bo"bs $ere detonated on the inside o! the b ilding# that the :eds have grabbed the t$elve s rveillance ca"era ta&es and are re! sing to release the"% even in 2002# that


the :/I threatened grand E rors# and that they destroyed the cri"e scene by de"olishing the b ilding and b rying it nder g ard. The !ederal govern"ent bla"ed this tragic event on 1hristians% conservatives% and g n o$ners% b t i! yo loo' at the evidence% it is clear that they are behind it. They sed this% E st li'e ,itler sed the =eichstag% to get "artial la$ cran'ing in A"erica. It see"s that cri"e certainly does &ayUes&ecially $hen it?s govern"ent8s&onsored terroris" against its o$n instit tions. 2:0= had this to re&ort !ollo$ing the 0'laho"a 1ity bo"bing: BY92 "illion is co"ing to 0'laho"a soon to hel& anti8terroris" and disaster relie! e!!orts.D That?s right% the /AT: locally got tens o! "illions o! dollars in extra ! nding. +o did every other controlling !ederal agency. Increases in :ederal ! nding to the +tate o! 0'laho"a in 1999: Y24..2 "illionUJeneral +ervices Ad"inistration% 1o nter8 Y23.95 "illionU:/I salaries and ex&enses Y4.23 "illionU:@>A?s Disaster =elie! @"ergency 1ontingency

terroris" : nd salaries and ex&enses

: nd. There $as a Y25 billion increase in anti8terroris" ! nds% $hich $as tri&led a!ter +e&te"ber 11. 0! co rse% the /AT: ens red that the > rrah b ilding $as co"&letely de"olished so there co ldn?t be any evidence o! their heino s acts. AndUthat?s rightU they act ally b ried the b ilding nder g ard at a &rivate land!ill $ith Wac'enh t g ards &rotecting it. :ro" A to [% there are !ederal !inger&rints all over the 0'laho"a 1ity /o"bing% and the govern"ent is doing everything it can to s &&ress the tr th. /ill 1linton is the servant o! the <e$ World 0rder% $hose a&&roval rating ex&loded a!ter the attac'. ,is attac' dog% the / tcher o! Waco% Janet =eno $as very ha&&y to bla"e everything on 1hristians% conservatives% and g n o$ners. It $as her exc se to ex&and !ederal control over local


&olice and to "erge the "ilitary $ith the &olice in ne$ giant anti8terroris" training &rogra"s $here the "ilitary and &olice &re&are !or "ass g n con!iscation and the exter"ination o! the A"erican &eo&le.

Se-te&,er 11, 5661 Fo ?ve seen the evidence o! govern"ent8s&onsored terroris" thro gho t history. <o$ let?s ta'e a closer loo' at $hat ha&&ened on +e&te"ber 11% 2001 and ho$ it is being sed to sher in a <e$ World 0rder. BWhat is at sta'e is "ore than one s"all co ntry. It is a big idea. A ne$ $orld order% $here diverse nations are dra$n together in co""on ca se to achieve niversal as&irations o! "an'indU&eace and sec rity% !reedo" and the r le o! la$. 0 t o! these tro bled ti"es% o r !i!th obEective% a ne$ $orld order% can e"erge. <o$ $e can see a ne$ $orld co"ing into being% a $orld in $hich there is the very real &ros&ect o! a ne$ $orld order.D U)resident Jeorge / sh% +tate o! the *nion Address% +e&te"ber 11% 1991 The 1o ncil on :oreign =elations K1:=LUan organi(ation & blicly s$orn to destroy A"erican national sovereignty and to sher in a tyrannical &olice stateUco ld not contain its glee on +e&te"ber 15% E st days a!ter the tragic attac'% $hen its "e"bers anno nced their <e$ World 0rder. At a "eeting broadcast on 18+&an% Jary ,art% co8 chair o! the *.+. 1o""ission on <ational +ec rity in the 21st 1ent ry% stated: BThere is a chance !or the &resident o! the *nited +tates to se this disaster to carry o t $hat his !ather% a &hrase his !ather only sed once% and it hasn?t been sed sinceUand that is a <e$ World 0rder.D


There it is. The 1:= act ally ad"itted that this crisis $as hel&ing it to bring in a <e$ World 0rder% a global govern"ent. <o$ let?s exa"ine ho$ the globalists &lan to get that Eob done. :or decades going bac' to Ji""y 1arter and [bignie$ /r(e(ins'i% the <ational +ec rity Advisor% the <e$ World 0rder overlords had been breeding and creating these terrorists organi(ations% ! nding the"% and training the" to attac' A"erica. [bignie$ /r(e(ins'i% co8!o nder o! the Trilateral 1o""ission $ith David =oc'e!eller and other l "inaries o! the global syste"% act ally bragged in his 1997 boo' The Grand Chess1oard, o! ho$ A"erica $o ld be attac'ed by A!ghan terrorists. A $ar !or global govern"ent $o ld then ta'e &lace in 1entral Asia that $o ld be sed as a reason to roll o t national ID cards and a global &olice state here in the *nited +tates. According to /r(e(ins'i?s boo'% everything that is ha&&ening no$ $as &lanned decades ago. /r(e(ins'i?s boo' contin es to ex&lain ho$ A"erica " st s rvive by !ollo$ing the basic r les o! e"&ire and ho$ o tside ene"ies are needed to "obili(e the &o& lation behind the i&-eriu&?s hege"ony. In The Grand Chess1oard /r(e(ins'i $rites: I...To & t it in a ter"inology that har'ens bac' to the "ore br tal age o! ancient e"&ires% the three grand i"&eratives o! i"&erial geostrategy are to &revent coll sion and "aintain sec rity de&endence a"ong the vassals% to 'ee& trib taries &liant and &rotected% and to 'ee& the barbarians !ro" co"ing together.I K&.50L 8 I>oreover% as A"erica beco"es an increasingly " lti8c lt ral society% it "ay !ind it "ore di!!ic lt to !ashion a consens s on !oreign &olicy iss es% exce&t in the circ "stance o! a tr ly "assive and $idely &erceived direct external threat.I K&. 211L 8 IThe attit de o! the A"erican & blic to$ard the external &roEection o! A"erican &o$er has been " ch "ore a"bivalent. The & blic s &&orted A"ericaMs engage"ent in World


War II largely beca se o! the shoc' e!!ect o! the Ja&anese attac' on )earl ,arbor. K&& 258 .L The relationshi& bet$een the 1IA and the A!ghan !reedo" !ighters% the > Ehadeen% &redates =onald =eagan. The bonds o! ra&&ort there $ith the 1entral Intelligence Agency led to the creation o! their s &er8asset: 0sa"a bin -aden% the rich +a di Arabian shei' $hose !a"ily to this day b ilds "ost *nited +tates "ilitary bases in the >iddle @ast% <orth A!rica% and 1entral Asia. It is on the record that bin -aden is a 1IA asset Ksee M0NBC article% B/in -aden co"es ho"e to roost: ,is 1IA ties are only the beginning o! a $oe! l story%D by >ichael >oranL. +o% every ti"e an A"erican &resident needs a distraction overseas% a shi& or an e"bassy gets blo$n &. 0n 0ctober 12% 2000% the /.0.0. Co-e, $hile doc'ed at the &ort o! Aden in Fe"en% $as attac'ed. +eventeen A"ericans $ere 'illed% and thirty8nine $o ndedUsacri!iced yet again on the altar o! globalis". :or exa"&les o! this% loo' at /ill 1linton?s )residency. @very ti"e /ill 1linton $as in tro ble an e"bassy% a shi&% a barrac's $o ld s ddenly blo$ &% E st li'e the :ederal / ilding in 0'laho"a 1ity. The 1IA asset bin -aden $as delivering ti"e and ti"e again% and /ill 1linton $as there% &rotecting hi"% re! sing to ta'e !iles !ro" !oreign co ntries li'e + dan% IraA% and A!ghanistan that indicated $here Al8Qaeda $as in the $orld% $here they $ere active 88 even in the continental *nited +tates. + dan o!!ered to arrest bin -aden on three se&arate occasions. /ill 1linton ans$ered by bo"bing% $ith state8o!8the8 art cr ise "issiles% their only &har"ace tical &lant% denying A!rica des&erately needed "edicines K4os "nge-es Ti es% Dece"ber .% 2001: B1linton -et /in -aden +li& A$ay and >etastasi(eD# 4ondon Ti es, Jan ary 9% 2002% B*+ >issed Three 1hances to +ei(e /in -adenD# Wor-dnetdai-y, 0ctober 41% 2001% BWas 1linton &ro8TalibanTD# The 6i--age 6oice, 0ctober 41% 2001% BThan's% / t <o Than'sU,o$ the *.+. >issed a 1hance to Jet /in -adenL. In reality the <e$ World 0rder sche"e is a lot bigger than E st =e& blicans or De"ocrats. The tr th is that the 1entral Intelligence Agency% controlled by Wall +treet%


has been groo"ing /in -aden and his !a"ily over the last !i!ty years to carry o t dangero s &roEects in the >iddle @ast% 1entral Asia% and <orth A!rica. /ac' in 1999% according to the Ti es of !ndia, the 1IA $or'ed in tande" $ith )a'istan to create the Taliban KTi es of !ndia% >arch 3% 2001: B1IA Wor'ed in Tande" $ith )a' to 1reate TalibanDL. Then in 1997% $hen the A!ghans o!!ered to arrest bin -aden% the 1IA res&onded by & blicly telling the" to do no s ch thing. They needed this bogey"an !or one "ore big action KWashington $ost, 0ctober 29% 2001: BDi&lo"ats >et $ith Taliban on /in -adenU+o"e 1ontent *.+. >issed 1hanceDL. Thro gh all o! this% /in -aden?s !a"ily $as being re$arded $ith giant satellite co"&any deals% oil co"&any "ergers% and so"e o! the biggest constr ction &roEects in the $orld. Jary ,art% at the 1:= "eeting "entioned earlier% said: BThere is a ne$ $orld co"ing. A"erica $ill beco"e increasingly v lnerable to hostile attac' on o r ho"eland% and o r "ilitary s &eriority $ill not entirely &rotect s. A"ericans $ill li'ely die on A"erican soil% &ossibly in large n "bers.D +o% bin -aden in a 'no$n 1IA asset that the <e$ World 0rder has sed ti"e and ti"e again to ! rther its agenda. <o "atter $hat corner o! the +e&te"ber 11 tragedy yo loo' into% yo $ill al$ays !ind govern"ent involve"ent. ,ere% bro'en do$n !or yo % are E st so"e o! the "any !acts that &rove that +e&te"ber 11 $as &art o! a larger globalist &rogra". CIA 'eetin) .ith 0in La#en in 7u"y 5661 +hortly a!ter +e&te"ber 11% $itnesses ca"e !or$ard doc "enting !or the record the !act that bin -aden "et $ith the 1IA +ection 1hie! !or ten days in D bai in the A"erican hos&ital. :rench intelligence $as so &set by $hat they had learned that they & r&osely & blished "edia re&orts &rior to +e&te"ber 11 s&eci!ically $arning that bin -aden $as &lanning to hiEac' aircra!t and !ly the" into tall b ildings in do$nto$n >anhattan as $ell as the )entagon KThis !s 4ondon, 0ctober 41% 2001: B1IA agent N"et /in -aden in


J ly?# "nano%a% 0ctober 41% 2001% B/in -aden M"et 1IA agent be!ore terror attac'sD# 4e #igaro, 0ctober 41% 2001% B-a 1IA a rait rencontrX /en -aden en E illetDL.

CIA She-her# Hi8ac1er It e"erged in >ay o! 2002 that the 1entral Intelligence Agency had o!!icers and assets shado$ing t$o o! the hiEac'ers. Newswee3 ran the headline% BThe ,iEac'ers We -et @sca&e%D re&orting the !act that the 1IA !ollo$ed these t$o "en into >alaysia $here they had a "eeting $ith senior leaders o! the Al8Qaeda in 2000. The 1IA !le$ o t o! -os Angeles closely trac'ing Al8Qaeda8)a'istani Intelligence se! l idiots <a$a! Alha("i and 2halid Al"ihdhar. /oth "en attended $hat the :/I called an Al8Qaeda s ""it. The A"erican &eo&le $ere shoc'ed to learn that the 1IA had been !ollo$ing the hiEac'ers !or !o r years. @ven a!ter their "eeting in 2000 $ith the leadershi& o! the Al8Qaeda% Alha("i and Al"ihdhar $ere allo$ed to ret rn to the *nited +tates and to enroll in !light schools. =e&orts in the BBC and the Washington Ti es con!ir"ed that the 1IA had &ress red *+ @"bassies abroad and the I<+ to iss e visas !or all 19 o! the hiEac'ers KNewsnight% <ove"ber 9% 2001% B,as +o"eone /een +itting on the :/ITDL.

+en)ta)on 'a

Ca ua"ty E9erci e

@ven be!ore J ly 2001% the govern"ent had received " lti&le $arnings. The "ilitary district o! Washington% D.1. too' the $arnings o! the &lans to !ly hiEac'ed &assenger Eets into <e$ For' and Washington% D.1. land"ar's serio sly. The Ar"y?s online ne$s service re&orted in its <ove"ber 4% 2000 edition that the )entagon cond cted a "ass cas alty exercise si" lating a terrorist attac' on the )entagon b ilding by a s icide hiEac'er !lying a large &assenger Eet. Des&ite this & blicly available record% a Joint 1ongressional Intelligence 1o""ittee cond cted a to& to botto" $hite$ash concerning govern"ent &rior 'no$ledge The co""ittee !o nd that the govern"ent had never even considered the &ossibility o! hiEac'ed airliners being !lo$n into b ildings.


0! co rse% the )entagon and the De!ense De&art"ent didn?t need to be $arned. The !irst "edia re&orts that ca"e o t said that !ive o! the hiEac'ers had been trained at the )ensacola <aval Air +tation KNewswee3, +e&te"ber 1.% 2001% BAlleged ,iEac'ers >ay ,ave Trained at *.+. /asesDL. -ater re&orts !ro" the $ensaco-a News 5ourna-, in an article headlined B)ensacola <A+ lin's !aces "ore scr tiny%D con!ir"ed that three o! the hiEac'ers had been trained there t$o years be!ore the +e&te"ber 11 attac'. The 0an #rancisco Chronic-e% on <ove"ber 5% 2001% in an article headlined BAl Qaeda terrorist $or'ed $ith :/IU@x8+ilicon Palley resident &lotted e"bassy attac's%D also re&orted that one o! the to& lie tenants o! Al8Qaeda $as act ally an :/I asset% not to "ention a "e"ber o! the *.+. Ar"y. W1992eye The next &iece o! evidence yo are abo t to read is the biggest s"o'ing g n o! all. )resident Jeorge W. / sh signed secret <ational +ec rity order <o. W1998eye telling :/I agents as $ell as de!ense intelligence o!!icers that i! they tried to sto& Al8Qaeda they $o ld be arrested nder national sec rity i"&lications KNewswee3, 0ctober 1% 2001: BAccess DeniedD# "nano%a, <ove"ber 3% 2001: B*.+. agents told to bac' o!! bin -adensDL. With regards to the secret <ational +ec rity order $1998eye% the //1 $as told by senior :/I agents: Bthe doc "ent is "ar'ed B+ecretD. 1ase ID81998@ye W.:. 214..79. 199 is :/I code !or case ty&e. 9 $o ld be " rder. 9. $o ld be es&ionage. 199 "eans national sec rity. W.:. indicates Washington !ield o!!ice s&ecial agents $ere investigating A/1 8 beca se o! its relationshi& $ith the World Asse"bly o! > sli" Fo th% A>F 8 a s s&ected terrorist organisation. A/- is Abd llah /in -aden% &resident and treas rer o! WA>F.I This secret% lea'ed doc "ent has been in "any & blications% incl ding BBC News ,n-ine, "gence #rance'$ress, and the 4ondon Guardian. -a$s its have no$ been !iled by :/I agents $ho $ere o traged by the !act that they $ere not allo$ed to sto& Al8Qaeda


K5udicia- Watch% <ove"ber 15%2001% BActive :/I +&ecial Agent :iles 1o"&lain 1oncerning 0bstr cted :/I Anti8Terrorist InvestigationsD# The Ti es of !ndia, <ove"ber 7%2001 B/ sh too' :/I agents o!! -aden !a"ily trailDL. The global cri"e syndicate that Jeorge W. / sh and his !a"ily $or' !or has everything to gain !ro" the +e&te"ber 11 attac's: a national ID card% a national control grid and a cashless society. It?s &art o! the & blic record. Jeorge W. / sh signed the doc "ents threatening de!ense intelligence and :/I agents $ith arrest i! they sto&&ed Al8Qaeda KA:)% <ove"ber 3% 2001% B/ sh Th$arted :/I &robe against bin -adensD# The Guardian, <ove"ber 3% 2001% B:/I and *.+. +&y Agents +ay / sh +&i'ed bin -aden )robes /e!ore 11 +e&te"berDL. This is the "ost absol tely treasono s% treachero s thing he co ld &ossibly do. 1<<?s BA"erican >orning $ith )a la [ahnD re&orted that :/I de& ty director John 0?<eill resigned beca se he !elt the *.+. ad"inistration $as obstr cting the :/I in their atte"&ts to sto& Al8Qaeda KCNN, Jan ary 7% 2002% B@x&losive <e$ /oo' ) blished in :rance Alleges that *.+. Was in <egotiations to Do a Deal $ith TalibanDL. The sho$ $ent on to re&ort that / sh signed W1998eye restricting the investigation. Again% this is high treason . . . and absol te !act. Jeorge W. / sh signed this & blicly re&orted doc "ent. The //1 has a co&y o! it. The body o! evidence is concl sive. Jeorge W. / sh is an inti"ate &artner $ith bin -aden and a traitor to A"erica. A#%ance +re-aration !or War >onths be!ore +e&te"ber 11% 2001% Indian and )a'istani di&lo"ats had gone & blic $ith the !act that *.+. +&ecial :orces $ere "assing in TaEi'histan% &re&aring !or ! ll8scale invasion o! A!ghanistan KBBC News, +e&te"ber 17% 2001% B*.+. N&lanned attaac' on Taleban%?DL. That?s right% the *.+. govern"ent $as "assing troo&s o tside A!ghanistan% & blicly getting ready !or an invasion right be!ore +e&te"ber 11. *0I De-uty Director 7ohn O(Nei""( Unti&e"y De&i e


We have already tal'ed abo t :/I De& ty Director John 0?<eill A itting beca se Jeorge / sh signed the order !orbidding hi" to sto& Al8Qaeda. The reason !or his not going & blic no$T >r. 0?<eill is dead. ,is ne$ Eob $as head o! sec rity !or the World Trade 1enter co"&lex and he died in the colla&se o! +e&te"ber 11% his !irst day on the Eob. The 4ondon !ndependent, on >ay 2.% 2002 =e&orted: B/ t be!ore leaving% 0?<eill shared his grievances $ith the :rench a thors J illa "e DasA i and Jean81harles /risard. In /in -aden: The :orbidden Tr th% & blished last <ove"ber% they reco nt 0?<eill?s clai" that his &robe o! >r. bin -aden and al8Qa?ida in A!ghanistan had been bloc'ed by the *+ oil lobby. John 0?<eill $as right b t he &aid !or his E dg"ent $ith his li!e.D The 0u h20in La#en *a&i"y Connection The / sh and bin -aden !a"ily connection goes bac' hal! a cent ry% and by the 1930s Jeorge W / sh and 0sa"a bin -aden% as $ell as his big brother% $ere already vacationing together% and o$ning air&orts and oil co"&anies together KDai-y Mai-, Dece"ber 13% 2001% B/in -aden?s !a"ily lin' to / shDL. @ven be!ore +e&te"ber 11% the Wa-- 0treet 5ourna- had called !or the / sh !a"ily to end their relationshi& $ith the bin -adens. The Car"y"e $rou-, Oi", O-iu& an# 0o&, Tthe 1arlyle Jro & is the biggest de!ense contractor on the &lanet. The "aEority o$ners o! the 1arlyle Jro & are the / sh !a"ily and the bin -aden !a"ily. They are &ro!iting in the h ndreds o! billions o!! o! this ne$ $ar K5udicia- Watch, +e&te"ber 27% 2001% B/ sh +r. in / siness $ith /in -aden :a"ily 1onglo"erate Thro gh 1arlyle Jro &D# The 6i--age 6oice, 0ctober 11% 2001 % B/ sh +r. 1o ld )ro!it !ro" WarD# BBC News% Dece"ber 5% 1993% BTaleban in Texas !or tal's on gas &i&elineDL.


While al"ost every sector o! the "ar'et has been steadily declining% de!ense and sec rity stoc's have been increasing or holding their val e. The 1arlyle Jro &% be!ore +e&te"ber 11 $as listed as one o! the to& !ive de!ense contractors in the $orld. +ince the attac's o! +e&te"ber 11% it has ta'en the lead as the largest de!ense contractor in the $orld than's to s&ecial treat"ent by senior shareholder Jeorge W. / sh KWa-- 0treet 5ourna-% +e&te"ber 23% 2001L 0n Dece"ber 5% 1993% a //1 headline read% B=e&resentatives o! the Taleban are in Texas Pisiting the ,eadA arters o! *nicol.D The article $ent on the re&ort that they $ere in Texas $ith the ,allib rton8connected &i&eline constr ction co"&any KDic' 1heney $as the 1@0 o! ,allib rton !ro" 199. to 2000L% *nicol to negotiate their s &&ort !or a &i&eline% $hich $o ld be b ilt by ,allib rton. A!ghanistan re&resents the heart o! the 1entral Asian oil reserve. 1entral Asia has the second largest oil reserve in the $orld. It is al"ost co"&letely nta&&ed. 0n :ebr ary 12% 1997 the Pice )resident o! *nicol% John J. >aresca% testi!ied be!ore the ,o se that a trans8A!ghani &i&eline $o ld be i"&ossible ntil a single% ni!ied &o$er $as in control o! A!ghanistan KTesti"ony in the ,o se International =elations 1o""itteeL. /y A&ril 2002% the ,ead o! the World /an' had o&ened o!!ices in A!ghanistan% at $hich &oint the World /an' anno nced it $o ld ! nd the A!ghan &i&eline. A!ghanistan alone s &&lies over a third o! the $orld?s o&i " s &&ly. The region o! 1entral Asia s &&lies over hal!. +ince the global occ &ation ar"ies too' control o! A!ghanistan% o&i " &rod ction has s'yroc'eted to record levels. @ ro&e is no$ a$ash in heroin% and the co!!ers o! $estern intelligence agencies are b sting at the sea"s $ith the ntraceable dr g "oney. K 4ondon ,1ser%er% <ove"ber 40% 2001% BWith Taliban Jone% A!ghans -oo' :or$ard to / "&er 0&i " 1ro&.D 7 4ondon !ndependent% <ove"ber 21% 2001%D 0&i " :ar"ers =eEoice at the De!eat o! the TalibanD: 4ondon Guardian% :ebr ary 21% 2002 BKJovern"entL !ears !lood o! A!ghan heroin.L


R <ote to & blisher: Insert artist rendering b ilding 3 1a&tion: / ilding 3 $as not hit by an aircra!t% b t i"&loded in a sy""etrical !ashion consistent $ith &ro!essional de"olition chargesS The 0ui"#"in) ( Co""a- e Do(ens o! res&ected & blications have as'ed the si"&le A estion% BWhat bro ght those b ildings do$nTD @s&ecially / ilding 3% $hich $asn?t even hit by an aircra!t. <e$ For' !ire!ighter -o ie 1acchioli% .1% $ho $as tra&&ed inside the b ilding re&orted that " lti&le bo"bs $ere going o!! all aro nd hi" K$eop-e Maga8ine% +e&te"ber 21% 2001L. There $ere other $itnesses: !or"er "ilitary " nitions ex&erts and &olice o!!icers% as $ell as str ct ral engineers $ho "ade si"ilar observations. The oldest !ire !ighting "aga(ine in the co ntry $as absol tely o traged% de"anding a real investigation. According to their evidence% there is no $ay aircra!t co ld have bro ght do$n those b ildings K#ire 9ngineering, Jan ary 2001 Iss e% BWT1 InvestigationT A 1all to ActionD# New 2or3 Dai-y News, Jan ary 5% 2002% B:ire!ighter >ag =a&s 9611 )robeDL. And don?t !orget / ilding 3. <othing hit / ilding 3% and still it colla&sed in a sy""etrical !ashion. / ilding 3 $as )art o! the World Trade 1enter co"&lex% standing 55 stories high. 0n +e&te"ber 11% d ring "y live radio sho$% I called a !riend% Ji""ie Wright $ho has a degree in str ct ral engineering and $ho $or'ed in the World Trade 1enter co"&lex in the World :inancial 1enter / ilding. >r. Wright re&orted live on the air as the b ildings $ere colla&sing that it $as the B"ost bea ti! l de"olition i"&losion that he had ever seen.D -ater in the day $e tal'ed to Ji""ie Wright again. ,e said b ildling 3 had i"&loded as $ell. +re2.arnin) to +u,"ic O!!icia" The +e&te"ber 12% 2001% The 0an #rancisco Chronic-e re&orted that >ayor Willie /ro$n $as $arned by the !ederal govern"ent not to !ly on +e&te"ber 11. ,e $as $arned the evening be!ore. <o$ nder &ress re !ro" the White ,o se% Willie /ro$n


re! ses to say exactly $hich !ederal agency $arned hi"% "aintaining only that he $as $arned not to !ly on +e&te"ber 11. I! only the A"erican &eo&le had gotten that $arning. / t o! co rse% i! the &eo&le had been $arned% then the &lanned attac' $o ldn?t have had its desired e!!ect o! ca sing the &eo&le to beg !or a night"are global &olice state. 0n +e&te"ber 4% +al"on = shdie% a thor o! The 0atanic 6erses, got a $arning !ro" the *.+. a thorities not to !ly. They $ent so !ar as to ban hi" & blicly !ro" air travel. The :AA ad"its on record that they too' this action. ,ere yo have "ore chilling evidence o! the *.+. govern"ent?s &rior 'no$ledge KTi es of 4ondon% +e&te"ber 23% 2001% B= shdie?s Air /anDL. Warnin) !ro& A,roa# @gy&tian )resident ,osni > bara' says that he gave the *nited +tates s&eci!ic $arnings that so"ething big $as going to ha&&en in <e$ For' 12 days &rior to +e&te"ber 11th. In an intervie$ in Dece"ber o! 2001% he stated% B\We ex&ected that so"ething $as going to ha&&en and in!or"ed the A"ericans. We told the".MM 0ther $arnings $ere ignored !ro" = ssia% Israel% Jer"any% and :rance. 0n +e&te"ber 15% 2001 "nano%a ne$s service re&orted that Jer"an &olice con!ir"ed that an Iranian de&ortee &honed $arnings to *+ &olice agencies incl ding the +ecret +ervice abo t the i"&ending attac' on the World Trade 1enter. A "onth be!ore the attac's% Israel intelligence $arned *+ intelligence o! Al8Qaeda &lans to attac' highly visible targets li'e the )entagon% World Trade 1enter% White ,o se and 1IA ,eadA arters K4ondon Guardian% +e&te"ber 19% 2001% :Israeli sec rity iss ed rgent $arning to 1IA o! large8scale terror attac'sDL. Doctor Tatyana 2oryagina% a leading = ssian econo"ist in Plady"ir ) tin?s inner circle% in an intervie$ $ith $ra%da on J ly 12% 2001% stated that A"erica $as a giant !inancial iceberg and that a &rivate Y400 trillion gro & $or'ing to$ards $orld govern"ent $as


going to la nch an attac' on the *+ !inancial syste". D ring this intervie$ she also stated that the attac' $o ld co"e in the next !e$ "onths. *"i)ht Schoo" Warnin) The !light school in >innesota $here [acarias >o ssao i $as training called the :/I n "ero s ti"es $ith grave concerns that >o ssao i didn?t $ant to learn ho$ to land. K+tar Trib ne% Dece"ber 21% 2001% B@agan !light trainer $o ldnMt let nease abo t >o ssao i restDL. When the :/I Agents tried to get $arrants to search >o ssao i?s co"& ter and ta& his &hone% the higher8 &s at the :/I re! sed to give the" to hi". The :/I Agents $ho $ere trying to investigate the 20th hiEac'er said they $ere threatened% th$arted% obstr cted% and inti"idated !or trying to do their Eobs. :r strated agents in Ari(ona and >innesota got together and s&ec lated that an Al8Qaeda "ole had in!iltrated the :/I KWashington Ti es% >ay 2.% 2002L. The Agents had it bac'$ards: the :/I% thro gh the intelligence co"" nity% controls Al8Qaeda. Then% a!ter +e&te"ber 11th% " lti&le gro &s o! 158"an +yrian and + danese tea"s began arriving at a :ort Worth% Texas !light schools% des&ite the !act that both nations have been listed by the +tate De&art"ent as s&onsors o! terror. The "en had >81 visas $hich $ere set to ex&ire in a "onth% b t they still de"anded that the >echa" Air&ort :light +chool train the". A!ter a second $ave o! +yrians arrived at D:W Air&ort% the 1hie! Ins&ector !or the I<+ con!ronted the" $ith the !act that there $as still a s"all &lane training ban in e!!ect. The +yrians res&onded by saying that the !light ban $as abo t to be li!ted. When the I<+ 1hie! Ins&ector called the :/I to tell the" that the "en $ere in violation o! i""igration la$s and that he $as s s&icio s% the :/I said that the "en had their blessings to attend the !light school KWor-dNetDai-y% 0ctober 19% 2001L.

Eye in the S1y


:or over 40 years% the <ational +ec rity Agency has had voice recognition so!t$are that is able to single o t 'ey $ords and state"ents and to red !lag the" !or analysis. Antennae !ar"s ring the &lanet% interce&ting every ty&e o! radio tra!!ic% recording satellite trans"issions% and analy(ing e"ails and !axes. /y 1999% the @chelon syste" o&erated by the *+% the *2% 1anada% A stralia and <e$ [ealand had o&enly installed giant snoo&ing h bs into every teleco"" nication syste". @very &hone call in the $orld% at co"e &oint% is ro ted thro gh @chelon% then ro ted again thro gh @ ro&e?s syste"% 'no$n as In!o&ol 9. Those ! lly a$are that /ig /rother is indeed $atching at all ti"es% $onder ho$ on earth so"ething li'e +e&te"ber 11th co ld ha&&en $itho t the govern"ent 'no$ing abo t it. The !act is% the <+A had received "any $arnings in the years and "onths &receding the attac's o! +e&te"ber 11th. The day be!ore +e&te"ber 11th% the <+A interce&ted t$o detailed "essages o t o! A!ghanistan disc ssing s&eci!ic attac's on <e$ For'. KWashington $ost% J ne 20% 2002% B<+A Interce&ts 0n @ve o! 9611 +ent a WarningDL. *&on learning the ne$s that so"eone dee& inside <+A had lea'ed the in!or"ation o! its !ore'no$ledge% the White ,o se $ent into a rage% de"anding the individ al res&onsible !or ex&osing govern"ent co"&licity be bro ght & on treason charges. <o$% a "aEor &revision o! the ,o"eland +ec rity total ta'eover legislation is that there $ill no longer be any Title . $histleblo$er &rotection !or any o! the 130%000 :ederal e"&loyees $ho $ill $or' !or the ,o"eland +ec rity behe"oth KWashington Ti es% J ne 22% 2002% B+ec rity /ill /ars /lo$ing WhistleDL. That "eans that govern"ent o!!icials no$ have o&en license to engage in "ore $aste% !ra d and to se their !avorite "echanis" o! controlUterroris". :ederal e"&loyees $ill no$ be gagged slaves 88 the &ro&erty o! the state% !orced into co"&licity% silently $atching the corr &tion as it s&irals o t o! control. A)ent Co&e *or.ar#


0n >ay 40% 2002 J dicial Watch% the & blic interest la$ !ir" 'no$n best !or its role in the i"&each"ent o! /ill 1linton% held a &ress con!erence at the <ational )ress 1l b !eat ring :/I +&ecial Agent =obert Wright. Agent Wright% standing $ell over 9 !eet% began to cry shortly a!ter he began to tell his story. ,e said that he had been threatened that he $o ld be arrested on <ational +ec rity violations i! he told the &ress $hat he 'ne$ abo t govern"ent &rior 'no$ledge. =e&resenting Agent Wright% David +chi&&ers% !or"er lead co ncil in /ill 1linton?s i"&each"ent in the ,o se J diciary 1o""ittee% stated that the agents that he re&resented co ld not div lge the "aEority o! their in!or"ation on govern"ent &rior 'no$ledge. ,e said that there "any other agents !ro" aro nd the co ntry $ho $anted to co"e !or$ard and tell ho$ they had been &revented !ro" sto&&ing Al8Qaeda. They $ere nable to do so beca se o! si"ilar threats. +chi&&ers hi"sel! had received a letter !ro" the J stice De&art"ent the day be!ore the &ress con!erence threatening all those co"ing !or$ard $ith arrest. -arry 2lay"an% )resident o! J dicial Watch% $ent on to &oint o t that the / sh !a"ily li'es to vacation $ith the bin -adens and to stay at their ho"e $hen they are in +a di Arabia. J dicial Watch also A estioned $hy the :/I% that had threatened =obert Wright and "any other agents% $as so s &&ortive o! :/I Agent 1oleen =o$ley% $ho had co"e !or$ard $ith &eri&heral in!or"ation abo t &rior 'no$ledge. The reason the :/I did this $as beca se they $ere des&erate to have the a&&earance that they $ere not engaging in a cover8 &% and 1oleen =o$ley% in her no$8!a"o s "e"o% $as stating that she had been bloc'ed !ro" going a!ter the hiEac'ers% b t that it $as E st a b rea cratic sna! % and that the govern"ent E st needed "ore ! nding. In the !irst seven "onths a!ter +e&te"ber 11% those o! s in the research co"" nity $ho nderstood $hat had really ha&&ened at the World Trade 1enter and )entagon $ere re&orting the tr th to the &eo&le thro gh alternative "edia channels. The globalists $ere st nned by the s&eed at $hich the in!or"ation chronicling their &rogra" $as being disse"inated. They had to get control o! the sit ation% so they ad"itted that there $as


lots o! &rior 'no$ledge% insisting that the reason !or this $as that there $ere too "any agencies and that they co ldn?t co"" nicate $ith each other. As a sol tion they &ro&osed total centrali(ation o! &o$er nder the @xec tive /ranch and a "assive Y47 billion increase in anti8terroris" o&erations. All 3%500 neighborhood $atch &rogra"s $ere to go nder :@>A% A"ericor&s $o ld need to recr it 1 in 25 A"ericans to be &aid s&ies o! the :ederal Jovern"ent% and the ne$ <orthco" 1o""and K$hich had been set & E st &rior to +e&te"ber 11L $o ld & t 4.0%000] *+ Ar"y troo&s on the streets% $ith !oreign ar"ies standing by to save s Bi! $e needed the hel&.D They & t o t this s&in% and their $illing acco"&lices in the govern"entGcontrolled "edia $ere able to co"&letely sideste& iss es o! insider trading% 1IA8Al8Qaeda co"&licity% / sh on 1i&ro etc. Co"one" Co&e *or.ar# In early J ne o! 2002% -t. 1ol. +teve / tler% the Dean o! the De!ense -ang age +chool in >onterey% 1ali!ornia $rote a letter to the editor o! the Monterey (era-d% saying that / sh had &rior 'no$ledge and stood to gain !ro" the attac'. In this letter 1olonel / tler stated% I0! co rse / sh 'ne$ abo t the i"&ending attac's on A"erica. ,e did nothing to $arn the A"erican &eo&le beca se he needed this $ar on terroris". ,is daddy had +adda" and he needed 0sa"a.D The &ress re&orted that 1olonel / tler $as s s&ended !ro" his &ost% and that the Air :orce $as &re&aring to 1o rt >arshall hi" nder Article 77 o! the *ni!or" 1ode o! >ilitary J stice% $hich !orbids bad8"o thing co""anding o!!icers or the )resident. A J ne 13% 2002 =e ters article re&orted that 1olonel / tler?s case had been resolved $itho t "oving to a 1o rt >artial. The sche"ers at the )entagon ndo btedly got a call !ro" dee&er in the bo$els o! the national sec rity dictatorshi& telling the" not to cond ct an e"barrassing trail $here / tler co ld bring !orth the evidence o! the globalists? $ic'ed deeds.


The ;< 0i""ion La. uit I intervie$ed +an :rancisco attorney +tanley ,ilton on "y syndicated radio tal' sho$. ,ilton is the la$yer $ho !iled a Y3 billion la$s it on behal! o! !o r h ndred !a"ily "e"bers o! victi"s $ho died in the World Trade 1enter% )entagon and )ennsylvania crash sites. ,e !iled his s it in *+ District 1o rt against )resident / sh and other to& govern"ent o!!icials !or allo$ing the terrorist attac's to occ r. ,ilton has also been in cons ltations $ith Air :orce -t. 1ol +teven / tler% and says that $hat the &ress $on?t tell yo is that 1ol. / tler is enraged over the !act that he $as !orced to train the lead hiEac'er% >oha""ed Atta at the De!ense -ang age +chool in the late 1990s. That?s the sa"e >oha""ed Atta $ho $as given training at the )ensacola <aval Air +tation $ith t$o other &rinci&al hiEac'ers. ,ilton says that / tler has been in contact $ith h ndreds o! grad ates !ro" his 25 years at the De!ense -ang age +chool K$hich trains code brea'ers and s&ies !or the "ilitaryL $ho are o traged over govern"ent co"&licity. / tler told ,ilton that it is co""on 'no$ledge in De!ense Intelligence that the entire +e&te"ber 11th tragedy $as engineered to be a trigger to get the A"erican &eo&le in a !ren(y $hich $o ld then allo$ the / sh Ad"inistration to tighten its &olitical gri&. +tanley ,ilton told the listeners o! "y radio broadcast that he has &roo! !ro" do(ens o! high8level o!!icers in every branch o! the Ar"ed +ervices% es&ecially the Air :orce and +&ace 1o""and based in <0=AD% that / sh ordered the !ighter aircra!t to stand do$n on +e&te"ber 11 and that / sh cons&ired to create the +e&te"ber 11 attac's !or his o$n &olitical gain. <a"ed in the s it $ere Pice )resident =ichard 1heney% <ational +ec rity Advisor 1ondolee(a =ice% +ecretary o! De!ense Donald = "s!eld and Trans&ortation +ecretary <or"an >ineta. +tanley ,ilton is a !or"er to& aide !or +enate >aEority -eader /ob Dole and has $ritten critically acclai"ed boo's concerning govern"ent8s&onsored terroris" thro gho t



,e says that he also has so rces in the 1IA% :/I% <+A and <aval Intelligence

$ho can con!ir" the allegations "ade in the la$s it. +rotectin) the Ta"i,an / t yo are saying% B,ey% $ait a "in te. What $as that $hole $ar abo tT We $ent in there and too' o t the Taliban% =ightTD <o. The "ilitary escorted o t a co &le h ndred goat herders to tort re the" & blicly at B1a"& ;8=ayD in J antana"o /ay. The real leadershi& o! Al8Qaeda and Taliban% the !e$ that $ere le!t in A!ghanistan $hen the $ar started% $ere !lo$n o t to sa!ety and &aid in gold bars in )a'istan by the *.+. !ederal govern"ent KThe Ti es, Jan ary 21% 2002% B*.+. Nlet Taleban "en esca&e?DL. Con -iracy *act Jeorge W. / sh% in a s&eech at the *nited <ations broadcast on 1<< on <ove"ber 10% 2001% told the &eo&le not to tolerate anyone $ho investigates these !acts: B-et s never tolerate o trageo s cons&iracy theories concerning the attac's o! +e&te"ber 11% "alicio s lies that atte"&t to shi!t the bla"e a$ay !ro" the terrorists the"selves% a$ay !ro" the g ilty.D According to hi"% it?s n8A"erican to investigate the !acts. What yo are abo t to read is not a :re dian sli&. It is a care! lly cra!ted s&eech as / sh thro$s it in yo r !ace abo t dar' c lts o! evil getting &o$er o t o! h "an s !!ering. )resident Jeorge W. / sh at the )entagon >e"orial: BThe hiEac'ers $ere instr "ents o! evil $ho died in vain. /ehind the" is a dar' c lt o! evil $ho see's to har" the innocent and thrives on h "an s !!ering. Theirs is the $orst 'ind o! cr eltyUthe cr elty that is !ed% not


$ea'ened% by tears. Theirs is the $orst 'ind o! violenceH ) re "alice $hile daring to clai" the a thority o! Jod. We cannot ! lly nderstand the designs and &o$er o! evil. It is eno gh to 'no$ that evilUli'e goodnessU exists. And in the terrorists evil has !o nd a $illing servant.D The Schi--er Inter%ie. :ive "onths be!ore +e&te"ber 11% David +chi&&ers% the "an $ho i"&eached /ill 1linton and bro ght do$n the 1hicago "ob% boo'ed investigative re&orter Jayna Davis on BThe 0?=eilly :actor.D Davis $arned o! an i"&ending terror attac' on lo$er >anhattan. :ollo$ing is a transcri&t o! an excl sive intervie$ $ith David +chi&&ers !ro" "y syndicated radio broadcast% The Alex Jones +ho$: DS: A7: I began to get in!or"ation concerning a >iddle @astern connection to 0'laho"a 1ity We?ve had 1olonel 1raig =oberts% $ho $as a detective $or'ing the case% on this sho$ "any ti"esUa "onth be!ore the attac' &redicting that one $as i""inent. ,e has all that sa"e in!or"ation. They act ally arrested so"e o! these g ys and the J stice De&art"ent in ?9. said% B=elease the".D DS: That?s right. And the $ord?s o t even today that theyUthe 0'laho"a 1ity )oliceUare not allo$ed to to ch the". And again% !ro" $hat I?" nderstanding% they are & to so"ething again in 0'laho"a 1ity. I don?t 'no$ $hat it is or $hat their target it% b t these sa"e &eo&le are at it again. A7: DS: <o$ later% yo got it !ro" :/I agents in 1hicago and >innesota that there $as going to be an attac' on lo$er >anhattan. Feah% that?s $hat started "e calling. :irst o! all% I tried to see i! I co ld get a congress"an to go to bat !or the"% and at least bring


these &eo&le o t there and listen to the". I sent the" in!or"ation and nobody cared. It $as al$ays% BWe?ll get bac' to yo .D Then I reached o t and tried to get to the attorney8general $hen !inally $e got an attorney8general in there that I $o ld be $illing to tal' to. Again% I sed &eo&le $ho $ere &ersonal !riends o! John Ashcro!t to try and get hi". 0ne o! the" called "e bac' and said% BAll right% I tal'ed to hi". ,e $ill call yo to"orro$ "orning.D This $as li'e a "onth be!ore the KEet aircra!t s icideL bo"bing. The next "orning I got a call. It $asn?t !ro" Ashcro!t. It $as !ro" so"eone in the J stice De&art"ent . . . A7: DS: 0ne o! his handlers . . . Feah% and I started telling hi" the sit ation. ,e said% BFo 'no$% $e don?t start o r investigations at the to&.D I said% BI?d li'e to tal' to the attorney8general beca se this is vital.D ,e said% BWe don?t start o r investigations at the to&. -et "e loo' into this and I?ll get bac' to yo .D Well% as I sit here today% I?ve never heard bac' !ro" hi". A7: Again% David +chi&&ers% yo ?re big in Washington. Fo $ere the to& la$yer $ho got 1linton i"&eached. Fo are highly res&ected. Fo 'no$ the senators% the congress"en. Fo ?re calling &. Fo ?ve got these :/I agents and others !eeding yo this in!or"ation. They are being & lled o!! the cases. They are angry. That?s even been in the ne$s in >innesota and Illinois. They 'no$ $hat is going to ha&&en. The + danese in ?99 and ?97 tried to arrest bin -aden !or 1linton% tried to give s the na"es o! Al8 Qaeda. 1linton $o ldn?t ta'e it. DS: A7: ,e didn?t $ant any &art o! it. Wo ldn?t to ch it. +o $e?ve got all o! this develo&ing. We?ve got &olice o!!icers and :/I on the gro nd $ho 'no$ $ho bo"bed 0'laho"a 1ity. They?ve got the" in c stody $ith bl e Eogging s its and bo"b8"a'ing co"&onents. They are ordered to release


the". All o! this is n!olding. 4%.00 to .%000 IraAi =e& blican J ard. We 'no$ there is a +adda"8IraAi connection here. They 'ne$ this. Why in the $orld% David +chi&&ers% did they allo$ this to ta'e &lace% is the A estion. DS: I?ll tell yo so"ething% This is one o! the things. To "e% it is al"ost inconceivable% inconceivable% that $ith the 'no$ledge they had% that they $o ld t rn their bac'. J st ass "e that they had investigated and gone in a!ter the 0'laho"a 1ity bo"bing as they are doing no$. There never $o ld have been an attac' on the Trade To$ers. As a h "an being% as a !or"er &rosec tor% as a la$yer% as a g y $ho re&resents agents all over the *nited +tates% it is inconceivable to "e that those b rea crats in Washington $o ld t rn their bac' on the obvio s !or their o$n & r&oses. A7: DS: A7: And no$ the World Trade 1enter co"&lex is absol tely destroyed. There?s "ore co"ing. <o$ yo 'no$ that !ro" yo r so rcesUI 'no$ yo re&resent a b nch o! :/I agents $ho are ho&&ing "ad% yo &robably can?t tal' abo t the s&eci!ics. Fo say they are ho&&ing "ad. Fo say yo are re&resenting the". Are they getting ready to s e or so"ethingT K<ote: by "id8>ay 2002% several o! the :/I agents re&resented by +chi&&ers have atte"&ted to go & blic% b t the / sh ad"inistration has been s ccess! l in &ress ring 1ongress to con!ine their "e"os dating !ro" be!ore +e&te"ber 11th $arning o! Al8Qaeda?s &lans to hiEac' aircra!t and to !ly the" into b ildings. Their testi"ony has been con!ined to secret intelligence co""ittees% and no$ the "edia is !oc sing on !rag"ents o! the giver story o! govern"ent &rior 'no$ledge and involve"ent in +e&te"ber 11th% th s $hite$ashing the entire story.L DS: They are ho&ing to. I don?t $ant to get the" into co rt. I $ant to get the" into the Intelligence 1o""ittee% so"eone $ho has the


a thority and the ability to go the :/I b rea crats and say% B/ tt o t. We?re going to do this right.D A7: I?" s re yo ?re a$are that on the ,istory 1hannel% they?ve been re&orting !or years% and its no$ con!ir"ed% that $e had &rior 'no$ledge o! the Ja&anese attac' on )earl ,arbor and they allo$ed that to ta'e &lace. And no$ yo see the *.<. e"&o$ered% the World 1o rt e"&o$ered. It loo's li'e the *.<. is going to get to ta'e over the oil s &&ly in 1entral Asia. The !ace8scanning ca"eras $ere in tro ble# no$ they are on the !ast8trac'. This has s re bro ght the &olice state &on s. DS: It s re has. And I?ve been saying !or years that once yo ?ve had license% $hich $e?ve had% the next ste& is tyranny. It really is scary. The $hole thing is scary. The A"erican &eo&le are saying% BI $ant to be sa!e.D /en :ran'lin said% BI! yo give & yo r liberties !or sec rity% yo $ill event ally lose both yo r sec rity and yo r liberties.D A7: DS: Absol tely. What $as the intel yo $ere getting !ro" these agents. What $ere they sayingT This agent here in 1hicago !iled the a!!idavit $here he laid o t the $hole $ay that the "oney "oves# the $ay it is handled# ho$ it co"es o t o! the >iddle @ast into the 1hicago areaUnot only 1hicago% b t into the *nited +tates# ho$ it is covered# ho$ the o&eratives are covered# and then ho$ the "oney is trans!erred bac'# and $here it is 'e&t $hile it is here. And that a!!idavit ran li'e thirty &ages. -aid it o t. ,e had to go thro gh hell on earth in Washington. ,e had to !ight li'e a tiger. @veryone in his o$n b rea and in the De&art"ent o! J stice $as against hi"% and still is. A7: <o$% the :/I agents in >innesota 'ne$ abo t all this and had the evidence% b t they co ldn?t even get a $ire ta& or a $arrant to


search these g ys. We?re tal'ing abo t so"e o! the act al hiEac'ers. DS: @xactly. This $o"an KJayna DavisLthat $as tal'ing to "e. +he had other contacts in <aval intelligence and other areas. +he $as re&orting there $as one o! these terrorists that $as involved or connected $ith the bo"bing in 0'laho"a 1ity $as $or'ing at the /oston air&ort. A !riend o! "ine $ho ha&&ens to be an agent had in!or"ation sho$ing that there $ere ,a"as agents $or'ing in baggage areas at 0?,are air&ort $ith !ree access to any &art o! the air&ort. / t no one $o ld listen. 1linton and his boys didn?t $ant the *nited +tates to reali(e that :light 700 $as a terrorist attac'% and that 0'laho"a 1ity $as a terrorist attac'% beca se they didn?t $ant to have to ad"it that the intelligence o! the *nited +tates $as totally destroyed. A7: 1raig =oberts says it best. They $anted to de"oni(e the &atriots% the 1hristians% and create this internal sec rity !orce to $atch A"ericans% beca se the &recio s Arabs can?t do anything $rong. DS: That is exactly $hat they started. I can?t re"e"ber exactly $hat nit$it it $as $ho said% BFo 'no$% yo can really bla"e so"e o! the = sh -i"ba ghs and the tal' sho$ hosts $ho are !o"enting this terror.D A7: DS: That $as /ill 1linton. 1linton "ade that state"ent. They had a handy g y in >cPeigh. They had a real handy g y. I also 'no$Uand I 'no$ this thro gh a!!idavits that I?ve readUthat there $ere &eo&le% eyeball $itnesses% $ho sa$ the >iddle @astern "an r nning !ro" the scene alongside >cPeigh. A7: DS: And $hy don?t the :eds E st release those t$elve s rveillance ca"era ta&es i! it is E st >cPeigh aloneT + rveillance ca"era ta&es are going to sho$ that there $as a >iddle @astern "an r nning $ith hi". +o"e o! these &eo&le $ho


gave a!!idavits $ere intervie$ed by the :/I d ring the co rse o! the investigation. They $ere intervie$ed abo t the second &erson they sa$% and the agents tried to "a'e the" say that the second &erson $as <ichols. @very single one o! these &eo&le said% BAbsol tely not. It $as a >iddle @astern8ty&e individ al.D A7: DS: Al8, ssaini , ssain. <o$% listen to this. <one o! those 402sUthose investigative re&ortsUhave ever s r!aced. <o$ the :/I co"es & $ith all these tho sands o! doc "ents that they clai" they overloo'ed. / t the 'ey ones $here they tried to get the $itnesses to say it $as <ichols never s r!aced. A7: DS: What $ere they saying abo t the attac' on lo$er >anhattanT The original re&ort I got $as that they had arranged !or three attac's on the *nited +tates. 0ne: They $ere going to ta'e do$n an airliner. T$o: They $ere going to attac' a !ederal !acility in the heartland o! the *nited +tates. A7: DS: The !irst $as TWA :light 700. The second $as 0'laho"a 1ity. And the third one $as going to a "assive attac' in lo$er >anhattan. The original &lan $as a s itcase tactical n clear $ea&on. These &eo&le that I $as tal'ing to $ere very% very credible &eo&le. A7: ,ere?s the botto" line A estion. Fo ?re getting into an attac' on lo$er >anhattanUthe third big attac'. What did yo sayT Who did yo tal' toT We 'no$ yo tried to get to the attorney8general. DS: >y !irst "ove $as to go thro gh so"e o! the &eo&le I 'ne$ in 1ongress. I $as really $or'ing on a t$o8!ront $ar. 0n the one hand I $anted to get so"eone to listen to Jayna RDavis% o! 2:0= <e$sS abo t 0'laho"a 1ity and $hat $as co"ing &U$hat "ay be co"ing &. 0n the other hand% I $as trying to get so"ebody to nderstand that ,a"as has in!iltrated the *nited +tates. I tried the ,o se% I tried the +enate% I tried to get to the De&art"ent o!


J stice. The very &eo&le $ho & t & roadbloc's abo t the terrorists nder 1linton are still there. They still constit te al"ost li'e a "oat bet$een the &eo&le $ith in!or"ation and the &eo&le $ho sho ld hear the in!or"ation. A7: +o% $hen yo ?re tal'ing to these J stice De&art"ent &eo&le and !ol's in 1ongress% trying to give the" all this in!or"ation% $hat do they say to yo T DS: B0h% "y% that?s $onder! l. We?ll get right bac' to yo .D I have never got a call bac'. I $as on a radio &rogra" bac' east% in )ittsb rgh% and I hinted at this% I hinted that the :/I $as sitting on in!or"ation $hen they sho ld have been sharing it $ith others% and as a res lt there $as a brea'do$n in intelligence. The next "orning I got call !ro" the o!!ice o! the +&ea'er o! the ,o se% $ho ha&&ens to be an Illinois =e& blican. A7: DS: Dennis ,astert Fes% ,astert. They said% BWe nderstand yo ?ve got so"e in!or"ation% etc.D I said% BFes% I do. I $o ld really li'e to share it $ith so"ebody. I?ve got at least t$o% and "aybe three% $itnesses that sho ld be s b&oenaed to co"e o t there and testi!y in exec tive session and tell yo $hat I $as tal'ing abo t.D B0'ay% $e?ll get bac' to yo .D I?ve never heard again. A co &le o! days later I got a call !ro" the +enate Intelligence 1o""ittee. BWe hear that yo ?ve got in!or"ation% etc.D BFes% I have in!or"ation and I?d be &er!ectly $illing to bring it o t to yo % or I?d be &er!ectly $illing to have "y $itnesses go in there and testi!y% b t they have to be s b&oenaed.D B0'ay% $e?ll get bac' to yo .D That $as last $ee'. I still haven?t heard !ro" the". I tal' to &eo&le li'e yo $ho are in the "edia% &eo&le $ho are really $ell a$are o! $hat is going on% and they cannot believe that this can ha&&en. +trangely eno gh% the one gro & I have not heard !ro" is the :/I intelligence &eo&le.


0! co rse% i! I did hear !ro" the"% I $o ldn?t tal' to the" anyho$ beca se they are totally inco"&etent. A7: DS: They got their ! nding tri&led a!ter the s icide attac's. . . + re% boy% that?s great. They can all get a raise% and they can all sit aro nd and tell everybody their in!or"ants tell then this and in!or"ants tell the" that. I?" still trying to get so"ebody to listen to "e o t there% and to listen to "y $itnesses. Fo 'no$% Jayna Davis% had the sa"e st !! she sho$ed "e% she $al'ed into the :/I o!!ice in 0'laho"a 1ity shortly a!ter the bo"bing and said% B,ere. I have all this "aterial. It "ay be o! so"e assistance to yo .D They said% BWe don?t $ant it.D They re! sed to even ta'e it. A7: DS: A7: J st li'e + dan trying to give s the na"es o! Al8Qaeda and arrest bin -aden . . . @xactly. . . . and they said% BWe don?t $ant to do that.D Well% then% I thin' i! yo ?re an investigator% yo ?re a &rosec tor% >r. +chi&&ers. Fo &rosec ted the &resident o! the *nited +tates. + ccess! lly got the indict"ent . . . DS: A7: )rosec ted the o t!it here in 1hicago !or !ive years. . . . so yo 'no$% yo can see the "otive. I see "ore intelligence ! nding. I see a cashless society $ith the bio"etrics. I see an ex&anded *.<. I see <AT0 &lanes &atrolling o r s'ies. *.<. Jeneral >ac2en(ie% on B<ightline%D +e&te"ber 19% eight days a!ter the attac'% said% BWe need *.<. troo&s on o r borders.D I see global govern"ent being e"&o$ered% and a ta'eover o! the >iddle @ast and 1entral Asia by the West. I see great dividends !or the" by allo$ing this to ha&&en. DS: A7: I ho&e yo are $rong. I do. / t I can?t !ight $ith yo or arg e $ith yo on it% beca se it does see" to be heading that $ay. :or trying to &rotect their co ntry% the heroes get cr ci!ied.



The heroes get cr ci!ied% and the b rea crats sit o t there and tell each other $hat a great Eob they are doing ntil another city blo$s &% and then they say% BWe need "ore tools.D They have all the tools in the $orld. They co ld have !o nd the "oney years ago% i! they had E st listened. We?ve got to go & blic beca se $e tried to do it the right $ay. We tried to do it by going to the &eo&le in $ho" yo $o ld nor"ally re&ose yo r con!idence and tr st. It didn?t $or'. <obody cares.


Well% $e 'no$ this. The b rea crats are going to get even "ore ! nding no$. The Anthra9 Attac1

Fo $ant "ore evidence o! &rior 'no$ledgeT 0n 0ctober 25% 2001% the Associated )ress re&orted that Ari :leischer% in a White ,o se &ress brie!ing% ad"itted that Jeorge W. / sh and " ch o! his cabinet $ere already on 1i&ro on +e&te"ber 11% !o r $ee's be!ore the !irst traces o! anthrax &o&&ed & in /oca =aton% :lorida. +ince then% the :/I had ad"itted that the anthrax $as sent !ro" :ort Detric'% >aryland% a *.+. biological $ea&ons lab. The anthrax letters arrived at the 1a&itol b ilding at a critical E nct re% E st as the *+A )atriot Act $as being considered. +a1i tan( Secret +o"ice an# the :Air"i!t o! E%i"4 )a'istan?s +ecret )olice KI+IL is a & blicly 'no$n !ront o! the 1IA. In 2000% *+ intelligence agencies aided Jeneral > sharra! in a s ccess! l co &. In late 2001% )a'istani intelligence% sing *+ aircra!t% airli!ted 9%000 taliban and al8Qaeda leaders to sa!ety o t o! A!ghanistan KM0NBC% <ove"ber 29% 2001% BAirli!t o! @vilD# The New 2or3er% Jan ary 21% 2002% BThe Jeta$ayD# The Ti es% Jan ary 21% 2002% B*+ -et Taleban >en @sca&eDL.


In the s ""er o! 2001% )a'istani I+I chie!% Jeneral Ah"ed% ordered an aide to $ire8 trans!er Y100%000 to >oha""ed Atta% $ho% according to the :ederal Jovern"ent% $as the head terrorist in the s icide hiEac'ings. +oon a!ter revelations o! this transaction s r!aced% Jeneral Ah"ed resigned. Who $o ld have ever g essed that Jeneral >ah"o d Ah"ed% the ,ead o! )a'istani Intelligence% the "an $ho $ired Y100%000 to >oha""ed Atta% $o ld E st so ha&&en to be in Washington D1 the $ee' o! +e&te"ber 11thT Jeneral Ah"ed arrived +e&te"ber 5th in the *nited +tates on an o!!icial visit and +tate De&art"ent visa. :ro" +e&te"ber 589 he "et $ith the heads o! *.+. intelligence% incl ding 1IA Director Jeorge Tenet. 0n the "orning o! +e&te"ber 11% Jeneral Ah"ed $as in a brea'!ast "eeting on 1a&itol ,ill $ith both o! the chair"en o! the +enate and ,o se Intelligence 1o""ittees% +enator /ob Jraha" and =e&resentative )orter Joss. >onths later% in J ly 2002% these sa"e 1ongress"en on the Joint Intelligence 1o""ittee !eigned ignorance and cond cted a sha"eless Warren 1o""ission8style $hite$ash o! the govern"ent &rior 'no$ledge story. It is i"&ortant to note that the govern"ent &rior 'no$ledge story that do"inated the !ront &ages o! ne$s&a&ers in >ay o! 2002 $as in itsel! a distraction. The &ro&agandists 'ne$ that they $ere losing control o! the story as "ore and "ore &eo&le began to co"e !or$ard to blo$ the $histle on govern"ent involve"ent in +e&te"ber 11th. As concrete !acts began to e"erge doc "enting the evidence that +e&te"ber 11 $as a care! lly cra!ted intelligence o&eration cond cted by the West% they needed to get o t in !ront o! the story and to gain control o! it. Ari :leischer and 1ondolee(a =ice% and even / sh gave s&eeches ad"itting that "ista'es $ere "ade% b t Bit $as all accidental. They E st "issed the cl esCand i! the &eo&le $o ld E st give & their liberties the sec rity !orces $o ld be "ore than ha&&y to ens re their sa!ety.D The &roble" $asn?t that the 1IA had !o nded% ! nded and she&herded the radical Isla"ic brigades% nor $as it that they $ere sing these gro &s to destabili(e Arab co ntries as a


ty&e o! s &er8&rovocate r core% it $as that the tri&ling o! the anti8terroris" b dget in 1999 $asn?t eno gh. The internal sec rity !orces needed an additional Y47 billion Bto 'ee& s sa!e.D That?s $hy they "issed all the $arnings. That?s right% / sh B"issedD all the $arnings% !ro" the :rench% !ro" the Jer"ans% !ro" the = ssians% and !ro" the Iranians. I g ess that?s $hy he had already gone over detailed $ar &lans to occ &y A!ghanistan on +e&te"ber 9th Kso rce: >+</1% >ay 19% 2002L and had the necessary doc "ents on his des' ready to be signed. 0! co rse% he had to $ait ntil +e&te"ber 11th% $hen the 1IA8controlled Al8Qaeda carried o t their o&erational orders and gave hi" the &retext to "a'e his "ove. 'i"itary in +"ace +rior to 9211 In early +e&te"ber% 2001 years o! "ilitary &lanning ca"e together E st in ti"e !or +e&te"ber 11th. In a giant exercise code8na"ed 0&eration +$i!t +$ord% 24%000 /ritish troo&s had "assed in 0"an. 1oinciding $ith 0&eration +$i!t +$ord% 2 *+ carrier battle gro &s arrived right on ti"e in the J l! o! Arabia% E st 10 "iles o!! the )a'istani coast. +i" ltaneo sly% "ore than 13%000 *+ troo&s rende(vo sed $ith 24%000 <AT0 troo&s in @gy&t !or 0&eration /right +tar. The entire "ilitary !orce $as in &lace be!ore the !irst &assenger Eet sla""ed into the World Trade 1enter Kso rces: #ox News% CNN% The ,1ser%erL. Then% on the 19th o! >ay% 2002 the White ,o se & t o t a &ress release saying that the )resident had &a&ers on his des' that $o ld set in "otion an attac' on the Taliban and al8Qaeda KWashington $ost% >ay 20% 2002L. 7e, 0u h Dec"are 'artia" La. on Se-te&,er <, 5661 0n the ho"e!ront% )resident / sh?s brother% :lorida Jovernor Jeb / sh signed an n&recedented e"ergency +tate @xec tive 0rder K018291L laying o t ne$ g idelines !or setting & "ilitary r le K"artial la$L in :lorida. Jovernor Jeb / sh signed his @xec tive


0rder on +e&te"ber 3% 2001 des&ite the !act that there $ere no "aEor nat ral or "an8 "ade disasters at the ti"e o! its dra!ting. BI hereby declare that a state o! e"ergency exists in the state o! :lorida...The A thority to s s&end the e!!ect o! any stat te or r le governing the cond ct o! state b siness% and ! rther a thority to s s&end the e!!ect o! any order or r le o! any govern"ent entity...The a thority to sei(e and tili(e any and all real or &ersonal &ro&erty as needed to "eet this e"ergency...The a thority to order the evac ation o! any or all &ersons !ro" any location in the +tate...The a thority to reg late the ret rn o! the evac ees to their ho"e co" nities...I hereby order the AdE tant Jeneral to activate the :lorida <ational J ard !or the d ration o! this e"ergency.D =*"ori#a $o%ernor 7e, 0u h, Se-te&,er <, 5661% KAssociated )ress% +e&te"ber 9% 2001% +tate o! :lorida Website -isting +tate @xec tive 0rdersL

In i#er Tra#in) Also in early +e&te"ber% bet$een +e&te"ber .th and 10th% 5%355 record & t o&tions Ka highly ris'y !or" o! s&ec lation $here yo bet against a stoc' that it $ill go do$nL$ere & rchased against *nited Airlines? stoc'% co"&ared to only 499 call o&tions Ks&ec lation that a stoc' $ill go & in val eL. This $as a highly abnor"al level o! & t o&tions that $ere & rchased% and not against airline stoc's in general% b t against *nited Airlines. >any o! *nited Airline?s & t o&tions $ere bo ght thro gh De tche /an'6A/ /ro$n% a !ir" "anaged ntil 1997 by the c rrent @xec tive Director o! the 1IA% A. /. B/ ((yD 2rong ard K+o rces: 4ondon !ndependent% New 2or3 Ti es% Wa-- 0treet 5ourna-L. 0n +e&te"ber 10% 2001 a record 5%.19 & t o&tions $ere &laced against A"erican Airlines co"&ared to E st 357 call o&tions Kso rce: 4ondon !ndependent% 0ctober 15%


2001% B>ystery o! Terror BInsider DealersDL. 1ontin ing the &attern% the & t o&tions $ere & rchased only against A"erican Airlines and *nited Airlines% not against airline stoc's in general. The & t o&tions & rchased on both airlines $ere 900O over nor"al. All o! this activity too' &lace at a ti"e $hen airline stoc's $ere doing $ell co"&ared to other sectors KReuters Business% +e&te"ber 10% 2001% BAirline +toc's >ay be )oised to Ta'e o!!DL. It is a 'no$n !act that intelligence agencies $orld8$ide "onitor stoc' trading $ith &artic lar attention being &aid to s&ec lators% b t% beca se insiders $ere r nning the & t o&tion sca"% the & blic $asn?t $arned. In late >ay o! 2002 the :eds arrested so"e lo$8level :/I agents $ho $ere allegedly !eeding o!! the 1IA?s table. Je!!rey =oyer and -ynn Wingate $ere arraigned on charges they $ere involved in a stoc' trading rac'eteering cons&iracy. The :/I agents $ere arrested along $ith an Arab "an na"ed 0"ar @lgindy. They $ere charged $ith &assing con!idential intelligence in!or"ation concerning the attac's o! +e&te"ber 11 on to @lgindy% $ho allegedly set the & ts !or the". KNewsday% >ay 40% 2002L E&-ty O!!ice an# Schoo" There $ere stories in the New 2or3 $ost% Newsday% and M0NBC a!ter +e&te"ber 11 con!ir"ing that b sinesses and schools in a $ide s$ath aro nd the World Trade 1enter co"&lex in lo$er >anhattan $ere% in "any cases% hal!8e"&ty on the day o! the attac's. +chool children had been their teachers that the World Trade 1enter b ildings $ere going to be 'noc'ed over in the next $ee'. @"&loyees o! one o! the $orld?s largest instant "essaging cor&orations% 0digo% did not sho$ & to their o!!ices in the World Trade 1enter on +e&te"ber 11. @"&loyees told the &ress that they had received $arnings !ro" their head o!!ice in Tel Aviv not to go into $or' that day beca se there $o ld be a "assive attac' on the to$ers. The Tel Aviv


o!!ices o! 0digo are next door to the Instit te !or 1o nter Terroris" K(a:aret8% +e&t 29% 2001# M0NBC% +e&te"ber 23% 2001L. A hcro!t *ore.arne# 1ertain PI)s and & blic o!!icials $ere $arned not to travel: >ayor Willie /ro$n% +olo"on = shdieC and John Ashcro!t. 1/1<@W+% on J ly 29% 2001% in an article titled% BAshcro!t :lying ,ighD re&orted: BIn res&onse to inA iries !ro" 1/+ <e$s over $hy Ashcro!t $as traveling excl sively by leased Eet aircra!t instead o! co""ercial airlines% the J stice De&art"ent cited $hat it called a Ithreat assess"entI by the :/I% and said Ashcro!t has been advised to travel only by &rivate Eet !or the re"ainder o! his ter".D A)ent Sue 0u h( 7u tice De-art&ent Fo ?ve already read abo t one o! the "ost overloo'ed s"o'ing g n govern"ent &rior 'no$ledge6involve"ent stories: the story o! the lea'ed to&8secret doc "ent% W1998eye. / sh signed this doc "ent bloc'ing *.+. intelligence and the :/I !ro" sto&&ing Al8 Qaeda t$o "onths be!ore the attac's o! 9811. Agents li'e =obert Wright $ith the hel& o! J dicial Watch are s ing his J stice De&art"ent over it. Fo " st reali(e that the De"ocrats are involved in the cover8 & as $ell. The <e$ World 0rder controls things at the to&% and i! $e don?t hold govern"ent res&onsible they are going to se this terror to get "ore control over o r lives. <o$ )resident / sh is see'ing to restrict 1a&itol ,ill &robes. ,e had Dic' 1heney call six se&arate congressional co""ittees and threaten the"% telling the" not to investigate +e&te"ber 11 KWashington $ost, Jan ary 40% 2002% B/ sh +ee's to =estrict ,ill )robes o! +e&t. 11DL. +hoc'ing "any A"ericans% )resident / sh has also activated the secret govern"ent% going so !ar as to call it the Bshado$ govern"ent.D :or the !irst ti"e in


history% :@>A co""and b n'ers are bri""ing $ith <ational +ec rity Agency &ersonnel. 0n to& o! that% 1ongress $asn?t even advised o! / sh?s shado$ govern"ent &lans. <either the +enate leader nor the +&ea'er o! the ,o se $as even told abo t the shado$ govern"ent% des&ite the !act that 1onstit tionally they are in the direct line o! ascension in the chain o! &o$er !or the )residency KWashington $ost, >arch 1% 2002% B+hado$ Jovern"ent Is at Wor' in +ecretDL. Why isn?t the )resident incl ding elected o!!icials in the Bcontin ity o! govern"entD &rogra"T Con)re .o&an Cynthia 'c3inney 1ongress$o"an 1ynthia >c2inney is a co"&lex &erson. While she has a history in 1ongress as a tax and s&end liberal% she has also given a s&eech on the !loor o! the ,o se detailing ho$% as ,ead o! *< )eace'ee&ing% *< +ecretary Jeneral 2o!i Annan &ersonally oversa$ the "ass " rder o! 700%000 =$andans. In A&ril o! 2002% >c2inney granted an intervie$ $ith a radio station in /er'eley% 1ali!ornia. D ring the intervie$ she &ointed o t that the / sh !a"ily had a long relationshi& $ith the bin -adens and $ith 0sa"a bin -aden s&eci!ically. +he said that / sh stood to gain &olitically on the do"estic !ront !ro" the attac's and in 1entral Asia $ith the *nicol oil &i&eline. +he called !or an investigation o! the !acts. What "ost A"ericans don?t reali(e is that the social architects that steer the "ass "edia str ct re $ere very concerned as "ore and "ore &ro"inent A"ericans li'e David +chi&&ers and :/I Agent =obert Wright began to go & blic $ith doc "ented evidence o! govern"ent &rior 'no$ledge and involve"ent. The "edia chose to !oc s in on 1ongress$o"an >c2inney?s obsc re radio intervie$ as a $ay to &olitically &olari(e the debate% $hile s btly &laying the race card. <o$ anyti"e so"eone heard so"eone tal'ing abo t govern"ent &rior 'no$ledge and involve"ent% the tho ght $o ld a to"atically &o& into their "ind that the co""ents $ere co"ing !ro" the extre"e le!t8$ing o! the De"ocratic &arty and that it $as E st


&artisan " dslinging. The $hole thing $as a set & !ro" the beginning. The establish"ent chose to & blicly B$hi&D the 1ongress$o"an in the 'angaroo co rt o! big "edia controlled & blic o&inion. +enator [ell >iller !ro" her o$n &arty iss ed a state"ent castigating >c2inney and saying that her co""ents $ere dangero s and irres&onsible. >c2inney?s res&onse to the de"oni(ation $as% BWe hold thoro gh & blic inA iries into rail disasters% &lane crashes and even nat ral disasters%I she $rote. IWhy then does the ad"inistration re"ain stead!ast in its o&&osition to an investigation into the biggest terroris" attac' in historyTI A!ter a $ee' o! $all to $all s"ear attac's in the &ress% $here she $as billed as a 'ind o! Anti81hrist% the "t-anta 5ourna-'Constitution held a &oll as'ing i! the &eo&le tho ght there sho ld be a 1ongressional investigation o! govern"ent &rior 'no$ledge. A sli" "aEority o! .2O o t o! over 1.%000 res&ondents said yes. The "t-anta 5ourna-' Constitution & lled the &oll a!ter &osting it !or only eight ho rs altho gh they had originally &lanned to leave it & !or three days. The &oll $as even &ro"oted by tal'ing head & ndits on the national cable sho$s $ho $o ld say things li'e% BJo to the "t-anta 5ourna-'Constitution $ebsite and vote to tell A"erica $hat yo thin' o! this traitor.D / t in the end the &oll bac'!ired on the". The & &&et "asters tho ght that the &oll $o ld sho$ 3.870O o! the A"erican &eo&le declaring that they didn?t $ant an investigation. Instead% over hal! agreed $ith the 1ongress$o"an. It is interesting to note that they & lled the &oll a!ter it cli"bed &ast the .0O "ar'. The 'oti%e In order to be able to &ro!ile the elite and to nderstand $hat their &lans are !or the ! t re% it is integral to re!oc s on their "otive in carrying o t their +e&te"ber 11th o&eration. The ill "inati and its allied organi(ations% $hich re&resent the do"inant &o$er cartels o! the $orld% are threatened by sovereign nations. They vie$ sovereign nations as &o& lations o! h "an beings that are not nder their control. The ter" that the <e$ World 0rder "o th&iece "edia ses !or sovereign nations is Brog e states.D


/y carrying o t +e&te"ber 11th% the globalists created a tailor8"ade exc se to invade and s bE gate sovereign nations si"&ly by labeling the" as Bthose that harbor terrorists.D They created a sit ation to get the &eo&le living in the heart o! the e"&ire to s &&ort endless $ars o! aggression. :ar too "any &eo&le analy(ing the activities o! the r ling oligarchy thin' that the +e&te"ber 11 event $as only abo t oil and &i&elines. 0thers !oc s in on bloated record de!ense b dgets. +till others only see it as a &retext !or /ig /rother to gain total control do"estically $ith a high8tech )olice +tate. In reality% all o! these &oints are valid. Jlobalist &lanners have laid o t long8ter" strategic goals and only "a'e slight adE st"ents in their overall &rogra" $hen absol tely necessary. When the <e$ World 0rder "oves in a big $ay% the event " st al$ays serve at least 90O o! their "ain obEectives. 0 t o! the legion o! reasons that the <e$ World 0rder la nched that attac' the t$o biggest are: shering in an 0r$ellian &olice state that $o ld "a'e the B>inistry o! -oveD !eel second string% and the ! elling a $orld$ide neo8 i"&erial hy&er8tyranny $here the individ al is co"&letely deh "ani(ed.

+utin U e Terror /ac' in 1999 Plady"ir ) tin $as a rising yo ng star in = ssia $ho had E st ste&&ed do$n !ro" his &osition o! 2J/ Kno$ 'no$n as the :ederal +ec rity / rea K:+/L +ection 1hie! o! +aint )etersb rg. ) tin $as /oris Feltsin?s to& de& ty% and he had a &roble" on his hands. ,o$ $as he going to get into o!!ice $hen the &olls sho$ed the &eo&le didn?t $ant hi"T +i"&le. ) tin sed the ,egelian dialectic. ,is secret &olice $ere ca ght blo$ing & three se&arate a&art"ent b ildings. >osco$ &olice arrested his agents in an a&art"ent b ilding &lacing hexagen% a highly ex&losive &lastiA e. <o$% in 2002% "e"bers o! the :+/ have gone & blic $ith the in!or"ation% as $ell as ex&losives ex&erts and Pladi"ir ) tin?s !or"er associate% /oris /ere(ovs'y KThe Guardian% >arch 9% 2002% B:or"er ally lin's ) tin to >osco$ blastsD# Moscow Ti es, >arch 9% 2002%


B/ere(ovs'y +ays ) tin 2ne$ Abo t :+/ =oleDL. A!ter /ere(ovs'y re&orted that the govern"ent $as behind the bo"bing% ) tin ordered his "edia e"&ire sei(ed. /ac' in 1999% des&erate to a&&rehend $hoever $as res&onsible !or the deadly bo"bings o! three a&art"ent b ildings in $hich 4.0 &eo&le had died% >osco$ &olice ca ght three "e"bers o! the :+/ in the act o! &lanting bo"bs in a !o rth a&art"ent b ilding. The agents had carried o t the attac's to create !ear thro gho t the &o& lation. <o$ other to& govern"ent o!!icials have gone & blic% saying that they 'ne$ the govern"ent $as act ally &re&aring to bo"b b ildings in 1999 as a &retext !or control. The videota&es that &rove ) tin?s dastardly se o! the ,egelian dialectic are being so ght o t !or sei( re by the = ssian govern"ent KMoscow Ti es, >arch 11% 2002% B/ere(ovs'y :il" +ei(ed at 1 sto"sDL. /oris /ere(ovs'y has created a doc "entary abo t these events and has screened this !il" in )aris% -ondon and Warsa$. The !il" contains testi"ony !ro" "e"bers o! the :+/% >osco$ )olice and = ssian Eo rnalists $ho $itnessed the hexagen &lastic ex&losives that had been &lanted in the !o rth >osco$ a&art"ent b ilding. R<ote to & blisher: insert &ict re:10VsergeantVco"icS The 0i"" o! Ri)ht > a Terrori t 'anua"? In a &olitical cartoon carried in the "ustin " erican 0tates an, $e !ind the !ollo$ing $ords: B+o% carrying one o! those terrorists "an als% are $eTD )ict red is Ashcro!t standing over *ncle +a"% reading a boo' that says BThe /ill o! =ights.D +o nd?s li'e a Eo'e% doesn?t itT Fo are abo t to see the evidence that the govern"ent vie$s the /ill o! =ights and 1onstit tion in E st this $ay. They are teaching &olice that i! yo read the /ill o! =ights% yo are $ith the terrorists. What has A"erica co"e toT We are beco"ing "ore and "ore +ovieti(ed every single day% and o r ne$ gracio s ho"eland leader is Jeorge W. / sh. It?s a sic' Eo'e. Who


really stands to gain !ro" this terroris"T The evidence is clear. The !orces o! the <e$ World 0rder. <o$ let?s tal' abo t terroris". B-et?s tal' no$ abo t terroris"% and abo t those $ho see violence against innocent civilians as a legiti"ate "eans% in their vie$% to achieve their ends.D UDan =ather% 1/+ ne$s anchor BThis ne$ la$ that I signed today $ill allo$ s rveillance o! all co"" nications sed by terrorists% incl ding e8"ail% the internet% and cell &hones.D UJeorge W. / sh% )resident o! the *nited +tates BThe ans$er is yes. It is a $ar $e have to $in i! $e are going to &rotect the &eo&le o! this co ntry. I thin' the real iss e is% $hat do $e sacri!ice% $hat do $e give & in the &rocessT +o there is going to be a contin ing trade8o!! bet$een sec rity and liberty and !reedo" going !or$ard into the t$enty8!irst cent ry.D UJary ,art% co8chair o! the *.+. 1o""ission on <ational +ec rity in the 21st 1ent ry B+ec rity is having this disc ssion right no$ $ith the &olitical leaders. We are &robably going to be as'ed to do so"e things that "any &eo&le "ay not li'e beca se it is going to call into A estion so"e o! the !reedo"s that $e have had.D UDan Q ayle% !or"er Pice8)resident o! the *nited +tates The +o"itic o! Terror in the T.entieth an# T.enty2*ir t Centurie @xa"ine "ost "aEor terrorist events and yo $ill !ind govern"ents !inancing terrorist organi(ations to get a desired &olitical o tco"e% and to condition their &o& lation to acce&t higher levels o! control. Fo seen des&otic control8!rea's li'e ,itler% +talin% and


>ao. Fo ?ve seen the" se these techniA es thro gho t the t$entieth cent ry. <o$ in the t$enty8!irst they are telling s it is going to be the cent ry o! terror and the cent ry o! a <e$ World 0rder. -oo' at the *.+. govern"ent. They tell s to give & o r rights% $hile they st bbornly de"and that o r borders stay $ide o&en% allo$ing tens o! "illions o! &eo&le to &o r across o r borders% co"e in thro gh o r &orts% and to !ly in on air&lanes. The globalists have the nerve to tell A"erican citi(ens that $e " st acce&t a national ID card in the na"e o! sa!ety. What t$isted logic: The govern"ent tells s to leave the borders o&en even a!ter +e&te"ber 11% b t s bEects the A"erican &eo&le to n&recedented &olice state "eas res. That doesn?t "a'e any sense% nless yo are the r ling oligarchy that is ho&ing !or "ore terrorist attac's to generate "ore !ear% as $ell as to bal'ani(e the *nited +tates along ethnic lines. +o"ice State USA R<ote to & blisher: insert &ict res: 78 :/I8Terrorist:lyer8!ront and 98:/I8 >1+0Terrorist:lyer8/ac'S The govern"ent has declared &atriotic A"ericans to be the terrorists. @xa"ine this :/I !lierUthey have gone o t nation$ideU$here the :/I act ally states that 1hristians% conservatives% and g n o$ners are &art o! terrorist organi(ations. De!enders o! the *.+. 1onstit tion are listed as terrorists. I! &olice enco nter the"% they are instr cted to call the :/I Anti8Terroris" ,otline i""ediately . . . and this incl des both de!enders o! the *.+. 1onstit tion% and &eo&le $ho "a'e n "ero s re!erences to the *.+. 1onstit tion. We $ere all raised to be de!enders o! the *.+. 1onstit tion and the /ill o! =ights. @lected leaders% &olice and !ire"en have all s$orn an oath to &rotect and de!end the 1onstit tion o! the *nited +tates. In the ne$ BA"eri'a%D the ,o"eland +ec rity / rea is ta'ing over o r local &olice and de"oni(ing those $ho believe in the &rinci&les this =e& blic $as !o nded on. :ace the !acts% A"erica. The govern"ent sees yo as


terrorists beca se yo stand in the $ay o! $orld$ide ser!do" here on the global &lantation. >arya Jones% a re&orter !or WD/:8TP in Pirginia re&orted the !ollo$ing concerning the ab se o! &olice &o$er in the *nited +tates: BAbby <e$"an clai"s the chec'&oint $as nconstit tional. +tate )olice say the sto& $as legal and <e$"an too' it too !ar $hen she assa lted the". Fo can ta'e a loo' !ro" the video !ro" the troo&er?s car% ta'en here !ro" the $ebsite infowars.co and E dge !or yo rsel!.D The re&orter then sho$ed a tiny co"& ter screen s &eri"&osed on the television screen so no one co ld tell $hat $as act ally ha&&ening. ,ere?s a transcri&t o! $hat really ha&&ened $hen a conservative8loo'ing $o"an tried to invo'e her rights at a $arrantless chec'&oint. Troo-er: Ne.&an: Troo-er: Ne.&an: I need to 'no$ $ho yo are. <o% yo don?t. Fes% "a?a"% I do. I?" not s&eeding. I?" not intoxicated. I have given yo no reason to sto& "e. And this irritates "e. And I $o ld be very ha&&y to go into to$n and tal' to the s &ervisor. RThe troo&er then o&ens her door.S This is "y vehicle. +ir% yo cannot . . . Troo-er: Ne.&an: Troo-er: Ne.&an: Troo-er: Ne.&an: Troo-er: +te& o t o! the vehicle. <o% sir. Fo cannot reach into this vehicle. + re I can. Fo cannot reach into this . . . I need to 'no$ $ho yo are. Fo do not. I " st 'no$ $ho yo are be!ore yo can go do$n the road.


Ne.&an: Troo-er: Ne.&an: Troo-er:

I have not bro'en any la$s. I have not acc sed yo o! brea'ing any la$s% "a?a". Fo have E st reached into this vehicle and o&ened "y door and . . . I have no idea $ho yo are.

Note; The officer ad its she has done nothing wrong, 1ut she sti-- ust present her papers. This is a-- part of 1eing gui-ty unti- pro%en innocent. Troo-er: Ne.&an: Troo-er: Ne.&an: Troo-er: Ne.&an: Troo-er: Ne.&an: I need to 'no$ $ho yo are. Do yo have a driver?s licenseT Fo E st &roved to "e yo don?t have &robable ca se beca se yo don?t . . . +h t yo r ignition o!! !or "e. )ardonT T rn yo r car o!! !or "e. Why do I have to t rn "y car o!!T /eca se I?" as'ing yo to t rn yo r car o!!. Fo are violating "y *nited +tates 1onstit tional rights. Any la$s that go contrary to the *nited +tates 1onstit tion are n ll and void K>arb ry v. >adisonL% and I do not have to s b"it to the". I a" not intoxicated. Fo have already stated yo don?t 'no$ $ho I a". +o there!ore . . . Troo-er: That?s the $hole &oint. I don?t 'no$ $ho yo are. I have told yo $ho I a"% o'ay. This is an a&&roved chec'ing detail site. Are yo going to tell "e $ho yo areT Ne.&an: Troo-er: Ne.&an: <o% sir. Fo ?re not going to tell "e $ho yo areT Fo have not charged "e $ith anything. Fo have not told "e I have done anything $rong% and I don?t o$e yo that% sir. /eca se I don?t serve yo % yo serve "e. /eca se $hen


yo ta'e one% yo ta'e another% yo ta'e another% and be!ore yo 'no$ it% $e can?t go any$here $itho t o r &a&ers. And that?s $hat this is. >ay I see yo r &a&ers% &leaseT Fo can?t travel do$n this road% "a?a"% nless yo sho$ "e yo r &a&ers% &lease. . . . Fo ?ve already told "e that the stic'ers are in order. I $asn?t traveling at nd e s&eed. I have done nothing $rong% and this is absol tely $rong. RThe troo&er then reaches into the vehicleS. Don?t reach inside "y vehicle. Troo-er: Ne.&an: Troo-er: Ne.&an: Troo-er: Ne.&an: I?" going to &lace yo E stice. What a" I obstr ctingT +irHTH +te& o t o! the car !or "e. RThe o!!icer then begins to & ll >rs. <e$"an !ro" her vehicleS. +te& o t o! the car !or "e. Fo are &hysically !orcing "e o t o! . . . R) lling >rs. <e$"an !ro" vehicleS +te& o t o! the car. <o% sir . . . don?t yo to ch any o! "y &ersonal belongings in this car. Fo ?re right% I recorded this conversation. Fes% I did. Troo-er: Ne.&an: Troo-er 5: Ne.&an: Troo-er: Ne.&an: R,andc !!ing >rs. <e$"anS =esisting arrest. It is not assa lt. I?ll get the car Don?t yo ta'e one single ite" o t o! "y car% sir. I?" not !ighting yo . Fo ?re nder arrest !or resisting arrest% obstr ction o! E stice% and assa lt on a &olice o!!icer. I did not assa lt yo . nder arrest !or obstr ction o!

Note; Thin3 a1out our priorities in " erica. "t a warrant-ess, #ourth " end ent'%io-ating chec3point, they pu-- o%er a housewife with no cri ina-


record. When she si p-y doesn:t want to get out of her car, they gra1 her and charge her with assau-ting the . Troo-er: Fo have the right to re"ain silent. Anything yo say can and $ill be sed against yo in co rt. Fo have the right to s&ea' to an attorney and have hi" &resent $hile yo are being A estioned. I! yo cannot a!!ord to hire an attorney% one $ill be a&&ointed to re&resent yo $itho t any cost to yo i! yo desire one. Do yo nderstand these rights as they have been read to yo T R+he doesn?t ans$er.S Do yo nderstand yo r rights as they have been read to yo T R+he still does not ans$er% and is then led to the &olice car and ta'en into c stody.S Note; They are not concerned with our 1orders 1eing wide open or the tens of i--ions of containers co ing in each year that aren:t e%en searched. !nstead, they are worried a1out a wo an on the side of the road and what she:s reading, thin3ing, and doing. This is the first'generation thought po-ice right here in the /nited 0tates. This type of acti%ity is un'" erican. These officers shou-d 1e asha ed of the se-%es. (ere:s where things rea--y get interesting as they 1egin to dig through her car and find what they consider su1%ersi%e ateria-; Troo-er 1: Troo-er 5: Troo-er 1: Troo-er 1: Troo-er 5: R+earching carS +trategies o! + b"arine War!are. ,idden Agenda. >an% she?s into this $eird cra&. )o$er )lays. = thless.co". The /ear and the Dragon. )atriot Ja"es. I "ight as $ell get a record started. Do yo $ant to as' her% or do yo E st $ant to get the next oneT


Troo-er 1:

J st get the next one. +he?s invo'ed her right to re"ain silent% even tho gh she don?t believe in o r la$s.

B@ven tho gh she don?t believe in o r la$s.D <o% troo&er% it?s yo $ho doesn?t 'no$ o r la$s. Fo ?re the one $ho is overthro$ing o r 1onstit tion and o r /ill o! =ights. 0 r co ntry $as !o nded on &eo&le not being sto&&ed li'e cri"inals and being searched. The :o rth A"end"ent +tates: BThe right o! the &eo&le to be sec re in their &ersons% ho ses% &a&ers% and e!!ects% shall not be violated% an no $arrants shall iss e% b t &on &robable ca se% s &&orted by oath or a!!ir"ation% and &artic larly describing the &lace to be searched% and the &ersons or things to be sei(ed.D Troo-er 1: Fo $on?t believe all this &ara&hernalia in here. I "ean% loo' at this cli&board right here. Co ent /pon 6o-untary Nature of 0ocia- 0ecurity. It?s a $hole riot act abo t $hy yo don?t have to have a +ocial +ec rity card. Troo-er 5: Troo-er 1: +he?s E st anti8govern"ent% isn?t sheT +he a&&arently belongs to so"e 'ind o! 2lan% or so"ething. Dixieland -a$. Jeneral 1onstit tion +ociety. I "ean% . . . Anti8govern"entT A "e"ber o! the 2lanT :or 'no$ing her 1onstit tional rightsT :or being a "e"ber o! the 1onstit tional +ocietyT The attit des and state"ents o! these &olice o!!icers sho$ that the :/I training o! o r &olice has really &aid o!!. Note; "s you read this con%ersation 1etween troopers discussing anti'go%ern ent paraphane-ia in "11y new an:s car, 1e aware they are referring to its contents, which inc-ude se%era- poc3et Constitutions, one of y $o-ice 0tate <=== %ideos, the (arrison #ord o%ie, $atriot Ga es, and ore. Troo-er 1: Troo-er 5: I "ean . . . this is . . . +he?s de!initely st died on it% hasn?t sheT


Troo-er 1: Troo-er 5: Troo-er 1:

I?" telling yo . What is the tr thT I?" $ondering i! $e can 'ee& that !or any reason. Is it evidence o! a cri"eT Fo 'no$% is it evidence o! a cri"eT I! it relates bac' to obstr ction o! E stice% I $o ld say yes.

Troo-er 5: Troo-er 1: Troo-er 5: Troo-er 1:

I $o ld thin' obstr ction o! E stice is . . . That $o ld be the a&&ro&riate charge% and that relates to it. That?s $hy she did it. I "ean% she "ay be the one that $o ld $ant to bring that to co rt. I don?t 'no$ . . . I don?t 'no$ either. It $o ld &robably be !ine reading% b t I?" not s re i! I can sei(e it or not. I don?t 'no$ that this is illegal.

Troo-er 5: Troo-er 1: Troo-er 5:

@xactly. I thin' she can read it all she $ants to. <o$% i! they?ve act ally o tla$ed that% that is . . . and I thin' they have.

Abby <e$"an $as vindicated by a E ry o! her &eers and !o nd not g ilty o! assa lt on a BroyalD &olice o!!icer and o! resisting arrest. They still tried to get her !or si"&ly invo'ing her 1onstit tional rights. Digging thro gh her goods they are heard to say% B0h% loo'% anti8govenr"ent &ara&hanelia. What are $e going to doTD In another case $e have video shot by a ne$s helico&ter o! one o! "y listeners at a chec'&oint. The &olice & lled :errell >ontgo"ery over% and the +WAT tea" attac'ed hi". Des&ite the !act that he $as nar"ed and that they had rendered hi" nconscio s $ith three taser g ns% the &olice released a dog on hi"% and allo$ed it to savagely tear at his body !or over three "in tes. They then tried to !ra"e hi" by holding & t$o E "&er cables and saying that they $ere B&i&e bo"bs.D 0! co rse% a "onth later they ad"itted all the charges $ere !alse. +till% that didn?t sto& the" !ro" having a little ! n% a little "anh nt.


A"erica% it is ti"e to $a'e & to $hat is ha&&ening. We are being treated li'e ani"als. :errell >ontgo"ery $as E st & lled over% attac'ed !or no reason% shot $ith three taser g ns% then "a led by a &olice dog !or si"&ly &ointing o t his :o rth A"end"ent right to not be searched $itho t a $arrant. The Register'(era-d, a "ainstrea" ne$s&a&er in West Pirginia on +e&te"ber 2% 2001% ran a story $ith the headline% B1hristians a Nhate gro &.?D They !o nd o t the :/I and la$ en!orce"ent schools across the stateUand across the co ntryUare teaching &olice that 1hristians% all 1hristians% &eriod% are hate cri"inals% and are all &art o! a terrorist gro & i! they believe in a second co"ing o! 1hrist. <ote that all this &ro&aganda originates !ro" the J stice B)roEect >egiddoD re&ort% $here they list as terrorists: ho"e schoolers g n o$ners anyone $ho cares abo t !reedo" anyone $ho believes in Jes s 1hrist anyone $ho believes in the +econd 1o"ing anyone $ho disc sses a <e$ World 0rder cons&iracy theory anyone $ho tal's abo t a <e$ World 0rder ta'eover.

The evidence is clear: I! yo resist a <e$ World 0rder ta'eover% yo are $ill be classi!ied as a Bhate cri"inal.D They say that yo ?re a terrorist i! yo tal' abo t a <e$ World 0rder. Well% there de!initely are so"e go%ern ent terrorists that tal' abo t a <e$ World order% li'e !or"er )resident Jeorge / sh% !or exa"&le. BIt is a big idea% a ne$ $orld order. 0 t o! these tro bled ti"es% o r !i!th obEective: a ne$ $orld order can e"erge. . . . <o$ $e can see a ne$ $orld co"ing into vie$% a $orld in $hich there is the very real &ros&ect o! a ne$ $orld order.D U)resident Jeorge / sh% +e&te"ber 11% 1991


BThe &resident% Jeorge / sh% has tal'ed ti"e and ti"e again abo t a ne$ $orld order% and this is the best chance to begin to establish the ne$ $orld order.D UDan Q ayle% on 1<< 0ne o! "y listeners in >isso ri% a &atriotic !ire!ighter% sent s !ootage o! a :@>A co""ando de"oni(ing the :o nding :athers and 1hristians to a gro & o! &olice and !ire!ighters in a classroo" setting. ,ere?s the transcri&t: BThin' abo t the 1hristians% o'ay. Do yo acce&t Jes s 1hrist as yo r -ord and +aviorT <o. What did they doT They too' yo r head o!!. They beheaded yo i! yo didn?t acce&t Jes s 1hrist as yo r -ord and +avior. +ee% this is reality. Feah% they?re terrorists. / t the botto" line is% to the" they are not. <o$ $hy is that i"&ortant to nderstandT /eca se they are as co""itted to their ca se and to their $ay o! li!e as yo are to yo rs. And they see yo as being $rong. That is very di!!ic lt. When &eo&le are &assionate abo t $hat they believe in% they beco"e a very di!!ic lt ene"y to beat. Who $as the !irst terrorist organi(ation in the *nited +tatesT The :o nding :athers. Tho"as Je!!erson. Jeorge Washington. )a l =evere. These g ys right here% did they try to scare &eo&leT They tried to inti"idate the /ritish. Did they se acts o! violenceT Fo r :o nding :athers% "y :o nding :athers% $ere involved in acts o! terroris" against /ritish o!!icials% beca se they syste"atically had /ritish o!!icials assassinated. Assassinated. . . . Jeorge Washington U>r. ,onest $ho c t do$n a cherry tree and ad"itted itUis the sa"e g y $ho signed death orders% i! yo $ill% on "e"bers o! the /ritish govern"ent% the /ritish cro$n% $ho they $anted to eli"inate beca se &olitically they in!l ence in certain &oc'ets o! the *nited +tatesUat that ti"e the thirteen coloniesU and they $anted to divide and conA er. . . .


BThey "ay 'ill a $hole lot o! civilians. And I?" going to be honest $ith yo . I! they 'ill ten tho sand civilians to"orro$ $ith a biological agent% that?s too bad !or the".D Tal' abo t de"oni(ation. I! anyone is going 'ill to civilians% it?s the :eds. They?re the ones $ho have a trac' record o! sla ghtering innocent A"ericans. All the evidence sho$s that the globalists are the 'illers and that they are res&onsible !or the deaths o! three tho sand at the World Trade 1enter and )entagon. The USA +atriot Act > No Sun et C"au e / sh signed the *.+.A. )atriot Act% $hich eviscerated the *.+. 1onstit tion and /ill o! =ights. +ection 214 delays $arrants. It "eans they can snea' in yo r ho se !or any reason% ta'e $hatever they $ant% and never even tell yo they $ere there. Fo ?re thin'ing% B0h% that?s o'ay. There?s a s nset cla se.D The "edia said that ,= 4192 ends in 200.. Well% i! yo loo' at that s bsection% all o! the 'ey areas that violate yo r 1onstit tional rights contain no s nset &rovisions% "eaning that these la$s never ex&ire K*.+.A )atriot Act% + nset )rovision% +ection 225L. 0 t o! one tho sand sixteen sections% +ection 702 has to be the "ost !rightening. Fo see% this de!ines a do"estic terrorist as anyone $ho is involved in Bacts dangero s to h "an li!e that are a violation o! the cri"inal la$s o! the *nited +tates or o! any +tate.D *nder their de!inition% even those co""itting "isde"eanor cri"es% li'e t$o high school !ootball &layers getting in a !ist!ight at a &arty are engaging in terrorist activities. This is an absol te o trage. In tr th% the &eo&le $ho &assed this legislation are the real terrorists. They are the real cri"inals and have engaged in sedition against o r 1onstit tional =e& blic. 1ongress"an =on )a l said that none o! the 1ongress $as allo$ed to even read the bill% and that they $ere threatened by the White ,o se $ith charges o! anti8&atriotis" i! they didn?t sign it. ,e said the :o nding :athers revolted over " ch lighter !or"s o! tyranny.


B*n!ort nately% $e "ay not al$ays be able to tell yo $hy that agent or agents are 'noc'ing on yo r door. . . . Is there a chance that so"e o! yo r civil liberties "ay sli& $hile $e g arantee the sec rity o! this co ntryT >aybe. >aybe.D U+te&hen +teinha ser% :/I agent on )/+? -ehrer <e$sho r Con#itionin) an# +re-aration !or Tota" Ta1eo%er +li"eball :/I agents li'e +te&hen +teinha ser gave s&eeches all over the co ntry in h ge "eeting halls% telling &eo&le they have to give & their liberty !or sec rity. <o$ $e are seeing rban $ar!are tea"s &o& & in "aEor cities and s"all to$ns ali'e. They $o ld li'e yo to believe that this is so"e ne$ &heno"enon that has e"erged since +e&te"ber 11. I?" abo t to &resent the evidence that this has been going on over the &ast decade here in the *nited +tates% and to sho$ yo ho$ they have been training the cadres o! o!!icers to go o t and train the "ass o! troo&s !or a total "ilitari(ed ta'eover o! the *nited +tates o! A"erica in the na"e o! &rotecting the &o& lation !ro" ene"y terrorists. In tr th% the "ilitary has been training to attac' the A"erican &o& lation !or so"e ti"e% thro gh B*rban War!are Training @xercises.D /ac' in 1999% Texas got hit by six blac' helico&ter raids. D ring the !irst "ilitary occ &ation drill% the 2ingsville &olice station $as set abla(e by *+ Ar"y co""andos. >ilitary chec'&oints $ere instit ted across the state% and "ayors $ere !orced to thro$ the invading ar"ies o t o! their cities in res&onse to & blic o trage. )olice chie!s $ent & blic abo t these bi(arre "ilitary ta'eovers o! A"erican cities. These exercises $ere carried o t not only by Ar"y +&ecial 0&erations !ro" :ort /rag% b t incl ded !oreign troo&s. 1(echoslova'ian troo&s% on A"erican soil% $ere terrori(ing the & blic% r nning aro nd !iring a to"atic $ea&ons. The o&erations $ere to condition the & blic% and to accli"ati(e the" to acce&t the "ilitaryU$ith !oreign troo&sU$or'ing $ith o r local &olice KCorpus Christie Ca--er Ti es% :ebr ary 14% 1999% B0&eration -ast


Dance: Ar"y exercises in +o th TexasD# Wor-dNetDai-y, :ebr ary 13% 1999 BAr"y ad"its live a""o sedD# Wor-dNetDai-y, :ebr ary 1.% 1999% B:ear and -oathing in 2ingsville% TexasD# "ustin'" erican 0tates an, A&ril 13% 1999% BInvasion% +o th Texas: Ar"y exercises "a'e blac' helico&ters the tal' o! to$nDL. In "y video% $o-ice 0tate <===% I shot !ootage o! Delta :orce troo&sU*.+. +&ecial :orces $ith 1(echoslova'ian co""andosUr nning aro nd in do$nto$n 2ingsville% Texas% setting !ire to local str ct res. Fears be!ore% Ar"y +&ecial 0&erations $ere released on the civilian &o& lation. The controlled "edia & t o t h ndreds o! re&orts stating that the hall"ar' o! a del sional B'oo'D $as their obsession $ith Bi"aginaryD blac' helico&ters. Then% in the "id 1990?s% $hen the "ilitari(ation exercises began in A"erican to$ns and cities% the & blic had been &re8conditioned not to s&ea' o t against the ta'eover% beca se only Bdel sional !rea'sD tal'ed abo t s ch things. B-oo'ing o t yo r $indo$ and seeing n"ar'ed helico&ters $ith troo&s% and ninEas in blac' s its $ith assa lt ri!les. Its 'ind o! s&oo'y.D UTo"as +anche(% 2ingsville @"ergency >anager *rban War!are Training &ractices exist to train the & blic% the &olice% and the "ilitary to believe that all o! these "ilitari(ed &olice actions against the &o& lation are acce&table. =ead this A ote !ro" the "ayor o! )ort Aransas% Texas. ,e $as A ite &set. B<obody $ants to get in their b siness% b t $e o ght to be able to ans$er A estions. @s&ecially $hen they are !lying at dangero sly lo$ levels and alar"ing the citi(enry.D The chie! o! &olice o! +an Antonio re! sed !or t$o years to let Delta :orce ta'e over the city. When he re! sed% the E st did it any$ay. They don?t care abo t local a thorities. Transcri&t $ith Al )hili&i s% &olice chie! o! +an Antonio !ro" "y video% $o-ice 0tate <===:


+o"ice Chie!:

They a&&roached "e to get "e to change "y "ind. Well% then% $hen $e said no% then so"e elected o!!icials $ere contacted to bring &ress re to bear. And then o!!ers $ere "ade to give "oney% cash "oney% to elected o!!icials? charities i! they co ld get s to change o r "inds. As one o! "y de& ty chie!s said% in so"e circles that?s called bribery. They $anted to carry o t o&erations. I?" still getting contacted by vario s o!!icials. I "ean% they never $o ld ta'e no !or an ans$er.

A"e9 7one : +o"ice Chie!:

+o they $ere not res&ecting yo r E risdictionT They $ere not res&ecting o r E risdiction. I don?t thin' they res&ected o r decision not to go into &redo"inately "inority areas o! the city $here $e had vacant $areho ses and b ildings and try to do those ty&es o! exercises at those locations in the "iddle o! the night.

A"e9 7one : +o"ice Chie!:

What ty&e o! exercisesT 0h% I?" sorry. In the "iddle o! the nightT In the "iddle o! the night. +o"eti"e bet$een nine &.". and "idnight. I "ean% &eo&le beco"e !rightened. We dre$ a lot o! o r decision8"a'ing on ex&eriences that had ha&&ened in a lot o! other cities. We $ere very concerned so"e things that had ha&&ened over there. We didn?t get any real good% clear ans$ers.

A"e9 7one : +o"ice Chie!:

+o they $ere being secretive abo t itT Pery secretive.

1arlos -er"a% the 1ity >anager o! 2ingsville% Texas $ho $as intervie$ed on :ebr ary 9% 1999 stated the !ollo$ing:


A"e9 7one :

We?re E st c rio s abo t Ar"y +&ecial 0&erations !ro" :ort /ragg co"ing hereUDelta :orce. And $e?d li'e E st basically to as' so"e A estions abo t% $as the & blic in!or"ed be!orehandT Are yo a$are o! the Tenth A"end"ent and )osse 1o"itat s% and things li'e thatT


I?" &robably not a$are o! the Tenth A"end"ent% b t I "ade the decision not to in!or" the & blic.

,e "ade the decision not to $arn the & blic% the e"ergency "anagers% or the &olice $hen eight blac' helico&ters sla""ed into the to$n. ,ere is the chie! o! &olice in Alice% Texas% Jac' 1o"&ton% ad"itting !oreign troo&s. Inter%ie.er: The govern"ent is training other so8called !riendly co ntriesT 7ac1 Co&-ton: They are training !riendly co ntries% and I?" not at liberty to give yo their na"es. / t I 'no$ that they are. Inter%ie.er: They $ere there in Alice a co &le o! $ee's agoT 7ac1 Co&-ton: Feah. What a startling revelation !or a s"all8to$n &olice chie!: the !oreign troo&s $ere there. ,e $ent on to tell o r ca"eras that locals $ere told that they $o ld be arrested i! they le!t their ho"es d ring the !ive ho r o&eration. ,e said that the &o& lation% i! allo$ed to $atch the training% "ight learn their tactics. In other $ords% it?s o'ay to let the 1(echoslova'ian troo&s 'no$ Ar"y +&ecial 0&erations? tactics% b t not the A"erican &eo&le. It is clear% in their eyes $e are the ene"y. We &ay the bills% $e b ilt this co ntry% b t no$ $e are ca&tive slaves o! this govern"ent. I! they get o r g ns% it?s all over.


In !ootage $e have !ro" :ort ,ood% Texas% the /AT:Uthe g n con!iscatorsUtrain $ith the Jreen /erets !or an assa lt on the Waco co"&o nd% the $ooden ch rch ! ll o! "en% $o"en% and children. Piolating every canon o! a !ree society% the "ilitary $ith the state &olice and the /AT: assa lted the /ranch Davidians. And then% o! co rse% on A&ril 19 they act ally b rned the str ct re do$n% ! ll o! "en% $o"en% and children. The training and the assa lts on the &o& lation having been going on !or over a decade here in the *nited +tates. The death toll is cli"bing. What?s ha&&ened to o r +&ecial :orcesT What ty&e o! co$ards have they been t$isted into that they go o t and attac' A"erican citi(ens% $ooden ch rches ! ll o! "en% $o"en% and children% and then slo gh it o!! as% B0h% $ell% they?re E st a b nch o! c lt "e"bersDT Whatever ha&&ened to live and let liveT And $hatever ha&&ened to the !ederal la$ barring troo&s !ro" assa lting civiliansT Whatever ha&&ened to the 1737 la$% )osse 1o"itat s% $hich !orbids :ederal troo&s to engage in la$ en!orce"ent activities inside the *nited +tates Ks&eci!ically chec'&oints and search8and8sei( reLT :ro" the !il"% $o-ice 0tate <=== A"e9 7one Kre&orting !ro" a hillto& overloo'ing "ilitary o&erations in rban terrainL: BI?" in northern 1ali!ornia% in 0a'land% $here >arines have co"e in !or 0&eration *rban Warrior% $hich sho ld be dee"ed 0&eration Desensiti(ation o! the )o& lation. They have role &layers. They have !a'e ca"&s set &. Fo na"e it. We?re going to ta'e yo in and sho$ yo $hat is ha&&ening.D 'i"itary "ou# -ea1er Ks rro nded by role8&layers dressed as A"ericans begging not to be interned in a concentration ca"&L: BAttention. Attention. Attention. A"erican !orces are here to hel&. )lease re"ain cal". We $ill not tolerate civil disobedience.D


Note; !:%e ade two docu entary fi- s on the po-ice state and ha%e 1een to any of these i-itary training operations where they hire hundreds of ro-e p-ayers to 1eg and screa , >We:re " ericans. $-ease don:t put us in ca ps. Don:t ta3e our guns.& The "ou# -ea1er blare as $o"en and children are led handc !!ed to the interrogation center o! the ca"&: BAttention. Attention. Attention. D e to the large n "ber o! &eo&le arriving% yo $ill ex&erience a short delay. )lease re"ain cal" and coo&erate so that $e can &rocess yo into the ca"& !aster.D A youn) &arine o!!icer disc sses rban &aci!ication techniA es: BThat?s a hostile act. The technology they are $or'ing on "a'es yo na seo s. In the &ast% in a sit ation li'e that she "ight have been shot. In the ! t re% $e $ant to give o r >arines a non8lethal o&tion $here they can say% N<o% she is not ar"ed% "aybe threatening% b t I don?t $ant to 'ill her%? or hi"% or the". *se yo r so nd$ave ri!le% I g ess yo co ld call it% and do$n they go.D 0udden-y the young arine officer stopped ra 1-ing a1out non'-etha- weapons. ,e directed the to r?s attention to see a "an on his 'nees $ith a g n to the bac' o! his head% and stated: B<o$ yo ?re going to see an exec tion.D B<o$ yo ?re going to see an exec tionDT This terri!ying n8A"erican state"ent is doc "ented on videota&e in "y !il"% $o-ice 0tate <===. I! yo !ind this hard to believe% exa"ine this state"ent that $as "ade by Ar"y )rivate >att


J c'enhei"er% $ho recently ret rned ho"e !ro" the ndeclared $ar in A!ghanistan. ,e told the his ho"eto$n &a&er% the !thaca 5ourna- on >ay 2.% 2002% in an article titled% B>e"ories o! WarD: BWe $ere told there $ere no !riendly !orces. I! there $as anybody there% they $ere the ene"y. We $ere told s&eci!ically that i! there $ere $o"en and children to 'ill the".I At least% d ring 0&eration *rban Warrior in 1999 in 0a'land% the &eo&le $eren?t b ying the )olice +tate &ro&aganda. ,ere?s an intervie$ cond cted $ith a "an on the street. 'an on treet: Well% I thin' terroris" is being &racticed on the residents o! the city o! 0a'land% beca se "any o! the retired teachers% retired "ilitary &eo&le% have in!or"ed "e that they nderstand $hat is going on% and it is not anything that relates to h "anitarian training $hatsoever. This is &sychological% as $e in the research co"" nity say% this is a &sy8o&s. They are &re&aring &eo&le !or $hat is co"ing% not !or $hat is being &resented today. A"e9 7one : 'an on treet: +o yo ?re saying they are &re&aring &eo&le to acce&t it $ith incre"entalis"T That?s is correct% li'e the old !rog exa"&le. Fo 'no$% yo & t the !rog in the $ater and yo E st grad ally contin e to raise the heat on the $ater ntil the !rog is coo'ed. And that?s the $ay it $or's.


0! co rse% that $as 1ali!ornia in 1999. /y 2000% they $ere act ally arresting &eo&le in +$ansboro% <orth 1arolina KWor-dNetDai-y, A&ril 15% 2000% B>arines on >ain +treet: $ar!are training% car searches scare so"e residents% thrill othersDL. The )entagon called these activities Btraining%D D&atrolling.D Their o&erations entailed ta'ing over the 1ity 1o ncil b ildings% r nning chec'&oints% searching &eo&le?s cars% ta'ing the" to Eail !or "inor in!ractions% and con!iscating !irear"s. The attit de in the local ne$s&a&er $as so"ething li'e% B0h% $o$% the >arines are o t on the roads E st hel&ing s% beca se the govern"ent said it $asn?t a A estion o! i!% b t $hen the next terrorist attac' $as co"ing and $e are going to have to give & o r liberties !or sec rity.D =e"e"ber $hat the :/I agent said: BAre yo going to have to give & yo r rightsT >aybe... >aybeCD )re&aring the cadres. +earching &eo&le?s cars. Ta'ing &eo&le to Eail. Is this = ssiaT Is this >exicoT <o% this is the ne$ A"erica. We sho$ed yo $hat $as ha&&ening in 0a'land in 1999% and +$ansboro in 2000. In 1997 in ,ebron% >aryland% the "ilitary $as & blicly training children to go and !ind o t $here the g n o$ners lived KThe Dai-y Ti es, +e&te"ber 5% 1997% B,ebron at ease nder Nsiege?DL. We intervie$ed the co""ander o! the >arines and he ad"itted they $ere doing ho se8to8ho se searches $ith vol nteers !or $ea&ons s$ee&s. When $e tal'ed to >arines on the gro nd% they ad"itted this $as !or a do"estic ta'eover% to !ight do"estic ins rgents. ,o$ do yo !eel abo t the "ilitary &atrolling A"ericaT Ta'ing over the 1ity 1o ncilT Ta'ing over the To$n ,allT Wor'ing $ith the local &oliceT Wide8a$a'e A"ericans reali(e that this is all &art o! a &rocess to integrate the & blic into the ne$ ho"eland sec rity &olice state. The Ar"y tea"s descending on A"erica?s cities have an obsession $ith the yo th. They coordinated large gangs o! yo ng children to rove aro nd day and night on their bicycles% re&orting intelligence abo t citi(ens in ,ebron% >aryland to >arine 1or&s o!!icers in


&lain clothes. There $ere also h ndreds o! active d ty "ilitary "arching aro nd in &lain clothes directing the civilian &olice. They $ant to terrori(e yo into believing that A"erica needs a secret &olice% other$ise al8Qaeda B$ill get s.D This syste" that is being created is dia"etrically o&&osed to everything o r veterans have !o ght and died to &reserve. Thro gh thin' tan's and &sychological $ar!are &ro&gra"s% social architects have created a &rogra" o! incre"entalis" in the last decade that has bro ght s to this &oint in A"erica. +ince +e&te"ber 11 they have their &retext% their exc se% to roll the troo&s o t en "asse. They?ve anno nced this rollo t in the Washington $ost on <ove"ber 21% 2001. The headline re&orted that the *nited +tates Ar"y &lans to de&loy 49.%0008&l s troo&s to &atrol o r high$ays. This $ill be the ne$ A"erican $ay o! li!e nder <0=T,10>. I"agine >arines in yo r bac'yard% in yo r !ront yard% or $al'ing do$n yo r streets in the "iddle o! the night. Well% yo ?re a &atriot% aren?t yo T I certainly a"% b t this is a deadly% dangero s &recedent that is being set. They are brain$ashing o r "ilitary. In "y !il"% $o-ice 0tate <===% $e have !ootage o! >arines bac'ed & by local &olice ordering a "an $ith a ca"era to sto& !il"ing and to t rn his ca"era o!!. There are t$o A estions here: 1. What is it that they have to hideT 2. Why are >arines engaging in la$ en!orce"ent activities that violate the :irst A"end"entT An article !ro" =e ters% :ebr ary 19% 2002% $as headlined B>arines to )ractice *rban War in =eal 1ity.D This article details ho$ >arines are occ &ying " lti&le cities in the continental *nited +tates% and that they are engaging in strategic dece&tion against the &o& lation. Jenny ,olbert% the >arine 1or&s $ar !ighting s&o'es&erson% told the & blic% B0h% this is the !irst ti"e $e?ve done so"ething li'e this. It?s very n s al. We?ve never been in an A"erican city. We?ve never done rban $ar!are training in an A"erican city be!ore.D The above state"ent is an o t and o t lie co nting on the ignorance o! the


re&orter. As o! the $riting o! this boo'% the >arine 1or&s $ebsite states that they?ve cond cted 155 s ch BtrainingD "issions. 0 r !il" cre$s have been to eight o! the". The Ar"y War 1ollege called !or !oreign troo&s to occ &y the *nited +tates bac' in 1999. <o$ Jeorge W. / sh has act ally done it. A headline !ro" the 1/1 on 0ctober 40% 2001 read% B>ilitary :avors a ,o"eland 1o""and: *.+. bill calls !or continental sec rity &eri"eter.D They $ant h ndreds o! tho sands o! !oreign *.<. troo&s on o r streets. And the shado$ govern"ent $ants 49.%0008&l s *.+. troo&s to B&atrol the *.+.D Kto &atrol o r high$ays% o r neighborhoods% o r co"" nities in total violation o! )osse 1o"itat sL. The globalists are anno ncing & blicly that they are act ally scra&&ing the la$ that &rohibits :ederal troo&s !ro" &olicing civilians KA)% <ove"ber 25% 2001% B1737 >ilitary -a$ Jets <e$ AttentionDL. <ot that it even "atters. They have already t rned o r local &olice into &ara8"ilitary organi(ations. In :ebr ary o! 2002% t$o +&ecial :orces trainees $ere 'illed by a sheri!!?s de& ty. Fo as' $hyT They $ere trying to disar" hi" K"sh%i--e Tri1une, :ebr ary 2.% 2002% B+oldier 'illing Ntragic? errorDL. They $ere trying to ta'e over local la$ en!orce"ent. This is the ne$ ty&e o! training o r "ilitary are being givenUto overthro$ the civilian govern"ent% the elected govern"ent right here in the *nited +tates. +hoc'ingly eno gh% there are act ally t$o cases o! this ty&e o! ta'eover that too' &lace in the sa"e $ee' in <orth 1arolina% $here the "ilitary $ere being trained to go & against the local &olice to ta'eover to$n halls. @very day in A"erica% "ilitari(ed +WAT tea"s 'ill innocent &eo&le. +eldo" are they held acco ntable. >ore o!ten% they 'ill their o$n o!!icers% and still they are not charged. What?s ha&&ening in A"ericaT ,o$ did they beco"e so "ilitari(edT We intervie$ed a !or"er >arine 1or&s o!!icer $ho% in 1979% $hile he $as in the >arine 1or&s% $as serving search $arrants on A"erican citi(ens? ho"es and b sinesses. ,ere?s a transcri&t o! that intervie$ !ro" "y !il" +**; The Road to Tyranny:


A"e9 7one :

J st start at the beginning !or sUho$ yo !irst got started in the "ilitary% and so"e o! the things yo did% and later in li!e% so"e o! the A estions that yo started raising yo rsel! a!ter yo had ended yo r to r $ith the >arine 1or&s and beco"e a &olice o!!icer.

'C O!!icer:

I started o t and I Eoined the >arines. I tested real high in the ,A[PA/% $hich is the Ar"ed :orces Pocational A&tit de /attery. Did real $ell in that% and $as a >) 1.00 >ilitary )olice. :ro" that I $as sent over to vario s d ty stations. I began to have an interest in civilian la$ en!orce"ent% so I $as able to ta'e &art in Eoint "ilitary &olice and civilian &olice exercises.

A"e9 7one :

We?ve seen "ilitary training all across the co ntryUthe blac' helico&ters% the +&ecial :orces% in cities. And it see"s li'e it has been ratcheted & in the last !ive years !ro" E st basic training to act al live !ire in city streets. What ty&e o! relationshi& did yo have $ith la$ en!orce"ent $hen yo $ere in the >arine 1or&sT

'C O!!icer:

Pery cohesive% a lot o! interaction. In 1977 and 1979% I hel&ed assist in three search $arrants# a lot o! entry tea" o&erations% giving civilian la$ en!orce"ent advice and critiA ing ho$ they?re doing on raids% s ch as crac' ho ses or s &&osed terrorist organi(ations% as !ar as " lti&le entry &oints o! a ho"e $hether it be thro gh the roo!% the $indo$s% the !ront door% or a co"bination o! all at the sa"e ti"e.

A"e9 7one :

+o% yo $ere actively% as a "e"ber o! the *nited +tates >arine 1or&s active d ty% o t $ith civilian la$ en!orce"ent serving search $arrants to ho"esT

'C O!!icer:

That?s correct. They $eren?t "issions# they $ere called exercises. / t it $as act al% $ith real $hat $e call


co"batants. It $as live. It $as the real deal% hel&ing exec te search $arrants. -ate ?70s. I?ve act ally been on &oint $ith an >). KJer"an ! lly8a to"atic ri!leL. And I $as not in a &olice ni!or"# I had a &olice !la' vest on and a &olice Eac'et% and blac' /D*s. A"e9 7one : 'C O!!icer: A"e9 7one : 'C O!!icer: A"e9 7one : These $ere obvio sly dr g dealersT 0ne. >aybe. What $ere the other raids concerningT 0ne $as a &a$n sho& o$ner% and the other $as $or'ing Eointly $ith the AT:. As a "e"ber o! the >arine 1or&s% yo are telling s yo raided a civilian b siness $ith the /AT: going a!ter g ns. 'C O!!icer: A"e9 7one : 'C O!!icer: It $as the b siness o$ner?s ho"e. 0h% the b siness o$ner?s ho"e. The ho"es $ere civilian ho"esUso"e &&er "iddle8 class to $hite8collar ho"es. 0ne $as a $areho se !acility. A"e9 7one : -ater on in li!e% o t o! the >arine 1or&s% yo got into la$ en!orce"ent. Is that $hen yo started as'ing A estions once yo learned "ore abo t the civilian rolesT 'C O!!icer: To$ard "y end in la$ en!orce"ent% $hen I started getting disco raged $ith it% yes. That?s $hen I started A estioning. / t $hen yo ?re yo nger% yo ?re trying to achieve% and yo ?ve got all the !ancy Ee$elry on and all the badges% and the cars $ith all the decals and lights% and yo 'no$. Fo get disill sioned by a lot o! di!!erent things once reality hits% and E st by the $ay la$ en!orce"ent has changed . . . and it is changing a lot.


A"e9 7one : 'C O!!icer:

,o$ has it changedT ,o$ &eo&le &erceive la$ en!orce"ent as "ore o! an occ &ying ar"y than so"ebody that is there to be &art o! that co"" nity and hel& that co"" nity. -i'e I said be!ore in a &rior intervie$% be!ore &eo&le 'ne$ the la$ en!orce"ent o!!icer that &atrolled their neighborhood or co ld go do$n to the city &olice de&art"ent and as' !or hel&. Where no$% it?s "ore that yo are "a'ing tro ble !or yo rsel! by going to re&ort a cri"e% or E st the &erce&tion that &eo&le have o! la$ en!orce"ent no$. Don?t get "e $rong% there?s so"e great co&s o t there% so"e o! the best% and they?re still there doing the Eob $ell. / t !or the "ost &art% it?s treated li'e an occ &ying ar"y. Fo ?re seeing a lot "ore o! the training% & tting distance bet$een yo rsel! and the &eo&le yo ?re trying to &rotect. 2 END TRANSCRI+T2

Note; The Marine we inter%iewed ca e forward 1ecause of an outrageous "r y chec3point that he witnessed 1-oc3ing north1ound traffic of !'?@ Aust south of "ustin, Texas. They were searching cars for drugs. These are the ne$ r les o! engage"ent. It?s an s8against8the" "entality. )eace o!!icers sho ld be de!enders o! the &eo&le% the 'ind o! local leaders yo bring a hot c & o! co!!ee% a slice o! &ie. In the old days they $o ld hel& yo get the cat o t o! the tree. That $as be!ore they beca"e "ilitari(ed and then "erged $ith the "ilitary. That $as be!ore they started &atrolling o r streets and r nning o r co ntry. That $as be!ore the +econd A"end"ent $as nder attac' and al"ost destroyed. That $as be!ore the govern"ent started shi&&ing in the heroin and the cocaine to create societal crises !or their "eans.


<o$ $hat do $e haveT /lac' helico&ter raids in late 2001 on +t. -o is KWor-dNetDai-y, Dece"ber 3% 2001% BN,elico&ter Assa lt? +tartles @ast +t. -o isDL. We have the Ar"y doc "ent they gave s bac' in 1999 on the side o! the high$ay at a "ilitary chec'&oint% $hich says% BJive s a call% local &olice de&art"ents. We?ll serve search $arrants on yo r citi(ens? ho"es.D RInsert Jra&hic: 11VD0AdocS 0 r ca"era"an con!ronted "e"bers o! the Te"&le% Texas )olice De&art"ent $ho $ere aiding reg lar Ar"y nits in the search o! vehicles at a chec'&oint bloc'ing an access road o!! I84. north o! A stin. When the &olice $ere as'ed $hy they $ere searching civilians? cars% -ie tenant /est o! the Te"&le )olice De&art"ent told o r ca"era"an to t rn his ca"era o!!. When he re! sed% a &lainclothes /AT: agent $al'ed & and gave o r "an a !ive8&age doc "ent $hich can be vie$ed at in!o$ars.co". The doc "ent states that &olice in 33 Texas co nties sho ld call :ort ,ood i! they need assistance in any "atter. In >ay o! 2000% $e $ere in the to$n o! /elton% directly adEoining Te"&le% Texas% and ran into the sa"e Ar"y nits cond cting a "oc' terrorist attac'. The !ollo$ing is an excer&t !ro" an anno nce"ent given to the &ress by the >ayor o! /elton% T; only 400 !eet !ro" b rning cars% troo&s and helico&ters. This anno nce"ent can be seen in "y !il"% +**; The Road to Tyranny: B0n +at rday% >ay 12% at a&&roxi"ately 7:.0% an ex&losive device $ent o!! in the /ell 1o nty Annex% in the .00 bloc' o! @ast +econd +treet in /elton. The /elton )olice De&art"ent res&onded to that% as $ell as the /elton :ire De&art"ent and the /elton @>+. The /elton )olice De&ar"ent is c rrently investigating the ca se o! the ex&losion. The ex&losion too' &lace on the east end o! the b ilding ca sing several cas alties and inE ries. The &olice de&art"ent has sec red the scene and reA ested assistance !ro" the :t. ,ood RDelta Tea"S.D


They "ade it so nd real. The entire s&ectacle o! this /elton% Texas BexerciseD $as staged in the great tradition o! 0rson Well?s War of the Wor-ds broadcast. They told the & blic it $as really ha&&ening% conditioning the" to acce&t this "erging o! the "ilitary and the &olice in the na"e o! & blic sa!ety. 0ne o!!icer% on ca"era% as'ed "e% BWere yo at this scene in Te"&leTD When told it $as "y ca"era"an $ho $as there he said% B+o% he & t "e on the Internet.D We told hi"% no $e didn?t & t hi" on the Internet% $e & t hi" on television% and as'ed i! he had a &roble" $ith that. ,e said% BFes% I do% beca se there $ere &ict res on the Internet% and so"eone & t the" on there $itho t "y &er"ission.D We had to ex&lain to hi" that he $as a & blic servant% and that &er"ission $as not reA ired. The scary &art $as that E st !or as'ing A estions% the "ilitary and &olice $ere angry at s. We $ere BbadD citi(ens !or not "indlessly going along $ith their "an !act red hysteria o&eration. In a live broadcast% @rin :letcher !or 2P*@ <e$s re&orted at another staged event in A stin% Texas in 2000 !ro" the scene o! the Texas +tate )olice headA arters: BT$enty D)+ $or'ers have gone on a"b lances to area hos&itals. +o"e o! the" have been treated and released no$. The rest are in stable condition. @>+ tells s another !ive drove the"selves to area hos&itals and that they chec'ed o t abo t one h ndred sixty8one &eo&le here on the scene.D A!ter $itnessing " lti&le &sychological $ar!are o&erations concerning the !a'e attac's% I got in "y car and drove to the scene o! the +tate )olice headA arters hoax. As @rin :letcher $as re&orting live !ro" on8scene on the local </1 a!!iliate% 2P*@% I $al'ed right & behind her $ith a b llhorn% live on television and began screa"ing% Bstage8 "anaged event G it?s absol tely !a'e% it?s absol tely !a'eH This is a &sychological $ar!are o&eration against yo HD 1onseA ently% this $as the last !a'e attac' cond cted by


the :ederal govern"ent $ith the local &olice de&art"ent in A stin% Texas. *n!ort nately% these &sychological o&erations contin e aro nd the co ntry. In 2000 alone% in A stin% Texas% there $ere eight se&arate !a'e biological $ar!are attac's. They even had a !a'e n clear s&ill% sh t do$n I84. and called o t the <ational J ard. A co &le o! $ee's later% the :eds A ietly anno nced% B0h% it $as E st a drill%D b t yo sho ld have seen the &sychoso"atic res&onse o! the &eo&le. + ddenly% the hos&itals $ere Ea""ed8&ac'ed. The &o& lation $as b ying their lies. We all tho gh this co ldn?t ha&&en here% that only in = ssia or <a(i Jer"any co ld govern"ents get a$ay $ith so "any terrorist actions. We have all been incre"entally trained to acce&t these *nconstit tional actions. <o$ $e have to learn to say no and get in the !ace o! this disg sting tyranny. We have dignity. We?re h "an beings. We cannot allo$ govern"ent to contin e its gross violations o! the /ill o! =ights and the 1onstit tion. Torture an# the $o%ern&ent Did yo ever thin' yo $o ld see o r govern"ent tal' abo t tort re or la ding the virt es o! tort ring &risonersT Well% no$ it is act ally being re&orted in do(ens o! & blications KWashington $ost, 0ctober 22% 2001% B:/I considers tort re as s s&ects stay silentD# 4ondon Guardian% >arch 12% 2002 B*+ +ends + s&ects to :ace Tort reL. 0! co rse% i! yo ?re not !or tort re% yo ?re $ith Al8Qaeda. @ven &hony liberals li'e Alan Dersho$it( have been & blicly &ro"oting tort re% telling s it is ti"e !or s to reassess o r la$s to acce&t it . . . !or the terrorists% o! co rse. =e"e"ber% the evidence sho$s that the :ederal Jovern"ent is training local &olice that the "ost conservative and la$8abiding &eo&le are terrorists. In a New 2or3 Ti es article disc ssing the se o! tort re on civilians they tal' abo t sing cattle &rods and r bber hoses on the A"erican &eo&le. And $ho is going to do the tort ringT :@>AUthe >inistry o! -ove.


Concentration Ca&:or years% $e $arned &eo&le abo t :@>A K:ederal @"ergency >anage"ent AgencyL. The !ederal doc "ents have been aro nd !or decades and incl de ro nd8 & &lans and concentration ca"&s. )eo&le sed to la gh at s $hen $e said this in Dece"ber o! 1999. Then ca"e +eattle. :@>A ho sed and &rotected govern"ent8&laced BanarchistD &rovocate rs% b t & t !ive h ndred &eace! l de"onstrators in a :@>A ca"& on the o ts'irts o! to$n. :@>A sed the old +and )oint naval brig to detain h ndreds o! A"erican citi(ens. 0! co rse yo don?t have to travel to +eattle to !ind intern"ent !acilities. We $o'e & one "orning in A stin% Texas% and !o nd a :@>A ca"& in o r o$n bac'yard. The :ederal Jovern"ent &aid Travis 1o nty to convert &art o! the old air&ort into an e"ergency "anage"ent center. The !ollo$ing is an excer&t !ro" "y !il"% $o-ice 0tate !!; The Ta3eo%er. I as'ed a +ec rity J ard at the !ront gate o! the deco""issioned =obert >e ller air&ort abo t the :0; re&ort that they had ta'en a 353 hanger and converted it into a holding !acility !or the citi(ens o! A stin in case o! a civil e"ergency. ,e stated: BTravis 1o nty ca"e o t $ith in"ates and they cleaned it all &% s$e&t it% & lled $eeds% and then they got inside and rein!orced the doors and st !! $ith bars.D They anno nced it on the ne$s# they thre$ it in o r !ace. The *.+. Ar"y and :@>A $ere o&erating o t o! an old 353 hangar. There are bolts and chains in the !loor% &ort8a8 &oties% tho sands o! cots and ar"ored vehicles. The local :0; a!!iliate K2T<DL $as given a to r and the 1o nty and 1ity ad"itted that it is an over!lo$ !acility in case o! a civil dist rbance.


E&er)ency Hea"th +o.er Act -ong be!ore the +e&te"ber 11 attac'% they $ere lovingly &re&aring to ta'e good care o! s. A!ter the attac'% the Washington Ti es, in an article entitled% BWarti"e &residential &o$ers s &ersede libertiesD re&orted Jeorge W. / sh enacted !ive h ndred dor"ant legal cla ses and &rovisions% allo$ing censorshi&% "artial la$% and !orced ro nd8 &s. There is also the @"ergency ,ealth )o$ers Act $hich allo$s the govern"ent to !orce entire to$ns into s&orts stadi "s or aircra!t hangers and a thori(es troo&s to Bshoot a grand"otherD i! ordered to do so KDetroit #ree $ress Washington, <ove"ber 3% 2001% BPast A arantine role advocated !or statesDL. 1oncerning the &assage o! the >odel +tates @"ergency ,ealth )o$ers ActK>+@,)AL by "any o! the states% Jose&h :arah% Director o! the Western Jo rnalis" 1enter% $rote in a re&ort !or World<etDaily KJ ne 21% 2002% B:ascis" at the DoorDL that >+@,)A is a Bnight"arish% 0r$ellian !ederal8state &o$er grab.D =e&orting on the text o! the legislation% :arah $rites% BIt a thori(es the Icontrol o! &ro&ertyI G a nice ter" !or con!iscation o! everything% incl ding G b t not li"ited to G yo r ho se% yo r car% yo r g ns% yo r !ood% yo r clothing and yo r ! el. It a thori(es the "anage"ent o! &eo&le G "eaning !orced vaccinations% incarceration and restrictions on trans&ortation. It also a thori(es the govern"ent to sei(e control o! co"" nications.D >ost o! the !i!ty states are &assing the >odel +tates @"ergency ,ealth )o$ers Act as $e $rite this boo'. It is an Adol&h ,itler $ish list that is A ic'ly "ani!esting itsel! at every level o! govern"ent. The &lans tal' abo t ho$ to deal $ith the "illions o! dead bodies# ho$ they are going to ro nd s &# ho$ they are going to herd s into co"&act cities K<ove"ber 3% 2001 Detroit #ree $ress A otes the :ederal head o! >+@,)A detailing ho$ they &lan to se s&ort stadi "s as detention ca"&sL# and ho$ to se slave labor at the di!!erent !ederal ca"&s% $hich they have already been doing since 1979 at t$elve di!!erent Ar"y bases G see the Ar"y 1ivilian In"ate -abor )rogra".


Ar&y Ci%i"ian In&ate La,or +ro)ra& The 1ivilian In"ate -abor )rogra" $as cond cted in secret at *+ "ilitary bases !ro" 1979 to 1999. This night"are &rogra" $as recently declassi!ied. I! 1ivilian In"ate -abor )rogra"s are so $onder! l% $hy did the Ar"y 'ee& the" secret !or over seven yearsT There are tho sands o! &ages o! doc "ents on the Ar"y?s $ebsite detailing the "assive sco&e o! this &rogra"% " ch o! $hich is still secret. >any o! the doc "ents are contradictory. :or exa"&le% on the sa"e &age it $ill say that the Ar"y is not allo$ed to ho se and se +tate in"ate labor% and% in the next &aragra&h $ill say that they have been ho sing and sing +tate in"ate labor. R<ote to & blisher: &lease insert in"ate.ht" !ile as one &age in boo' $ith blac' border and the ca&tions B) blic Doc "ent !ro" the *+ Ar"y?s WebsiteS Fo see% there are a lot o! things going on in the co ntry that +ally +occer >o" and Joe +ix )ac' have been 'e&t in the dar' abo t. Jlobalists have been b sy b ilding :@>A ca"&s and getting yo ready to s b"it to their tyranny in the na"e o! sa!ety. There are bills li'e ,.=. 2933 $here they tal' abo t di!!erent "ind control syste"s they have develo&ed sing di!!erent ltra8lo$ !reA ency "ind control devices that can "a'e yo beco"e sic'% or even 'ill yo . H@R@ 59<< :ro" ,.=. 2933 KA bill% that on the s r!ace restricts "ind8control $ea&ons% b t in reality act ally a thori(es their seL: 103th 10<J=@++ 1st +ession ,. =. 2933


>r. 2*1I<I1, introd ced the !ollo$ing bill# $hich $as re!erred to the 1o""ittee on +cience% and in addition to the 1o""ittees on Ar"ed +ervices% and International =elations% !or a &eriod to be s bseA ently deter"ined by the +&ea'er% in each case !or consideration o! s ch &rovisions as !all $ithin the E risdiction o! the co""ittee concerned +@1TI0< 1. +,0=T TIT-@. This Act "ay be cited as the \+&ace )reservation Act o! 2001M. +@1. 9. <0< +)A1@8/A+@D W@A)0<+ A1TIPITI@+. <othing in this Act "ay be constr ed as &rohibiting the se o! ! nds !or88 K1L s&ace ex&loration# K2L s&ace research and develo&"ent# K4L testing% "an !act ring% or &rod ction that is not related to s&ace8based $ea&ons or syste"s# or K5L civil% co""ercial% or de!ense activities Kincl ding co"" nications% navigation% s rveillance% reconnaissance% early $arning% or re"ote sensingL that are not related to s&ace8based $ea&ons or syste"s. +@1. 3. D@:I<ITI0<+. In this Act: K1L The ter" \s&aceM "eans all s&ace extending &$ard !ro" an altit de greater than 90 'ilo"eters above the s r!ace o! the earth and any celestial body in s ch s&ace. K2LKAL The ter"s \$ea&onM and \$ea&ons syste"M "ean a device ca&able o! any o! the !ollo$ing: KiL Da"aging or destroying an obEect K$hether in o ter s&ace% in the at"os&here% or on earthL by88 KIL !iring one or "ore &roEectiles to collide $ith that obEect# KIIL detonating one or "ore ex&losive devices in close &roxi"ity to that obEect# KIIIL directing a so rce o! energy Kincl ding "olec lar or ato"ic energy% s bato"ic 103

&article bea"s% electro"agnetic radiation% &las"a% or extre"ely lo$ !reA ency K@-:L or ltra lo$ !reA ency K*-:L energy radiationL against that obEect# or KIPL any other nac'no$ledged or as yet ndevelo&ed "eans. KiiL In!licting death or inE ry on% or da"aging or destroying% a &erson Kor the biological li!e% bodily health% "ental health% or &hysical and econo"ic $ell8being o! a &ersonL88 KIL thro gh the se o! any o! the "eans described in cla se KiL or s b&aragra&h K/L# KIIL thro gh the se o! land8based% sea8based% or s&ace8based syste"s sing radiation% electro"agnetic% &sychotronic% sonic% laser% or other energies directed at individ al &ersons or targeted &o& lations !or the & r&ose o! in!or"ation $ar% "ood "anage"ent% or "ind control o! s ch &ersons or &o& lations# or KIIIL by ex&elling che"ical or biological agents in the vicinity o! a &erson. K/L + ch ter"s incl de exotic $ea&ons syste"s s ch as88 KiL electronic% &sychotronic% or in!or"ation $ea&ons# KiiL che"trails# KiiiL high altit de ltra lo$ !reA ency $ea&ons syste"s# KivL &las"a% electro"agnetic% sonic% or ltrasonic $ea&ons# KvL laser $ea&ons syste"s# KviL strategic% theater% tactical% or extraterrestrial $ea&ons# and KviiL che"ical% biological% environ"ental% cli"ate% or tectonic $ea&ons. K1L The ter" \exotic $ea&ons syste"sM incl des $ea&ons designed to da"age s&ace or nat ral ecosyste"s Ks ch as the ionos&here and &&er at"os&hereL or cli"ate% $eather% and tectonic syste"s $ith the & r&ose o! ind cing da"age or destr ction &on a target &o& lation or region on earth or in s&ace. ,.=. 2933 is an act al !ederal doc "ent% an act al bill% ad"itting that they are s&raying che"ical and biological $ea&ons on s thro gh the se o! so"ething called che"ical trails that they are adding to Eet ! el% es&ecially in "ilitary aircra!t.


Un#etecta,"e +o"ice State Wea-onry And then% i! yo go to la$ en!orce"ent catalogs li'e +ho"er8Tec% one o! the biggest la$ en!orce"ent and "ilitary catalogs in the $orld% there are devices !or sale li'e the + &er8 +onic <a sea +yste". The &olice brag that they have been sing this contra&tion !or years to "ani& late and sto& activists !ro" s&ea'ing at &olitical rallies by ind cing na sea at a distance. The device can "a'e a $hole cro$d get sic' $itho t their being able to hear it or to deter"ine the so rce o! the na sea8ind cing $ave. -o$8!reA ency $ea&ons testing has been cited as a &ossible so rce o! the "ysterio s 2o'o"o% Indiana h ". "BC News re&orted on the 2o'o"o , "% $here an entire to$n o! &eo&le beca"e ill !ro" an ltra8lo$ !reA ency attac' on a "ass scale K"BC News% :ebr ary 14% 2002 BThe 2o'o"o , ": =e&orts o! >ysterio s <oise and Illness in IndianaL. R<ote to & blisher: insert gra&hic: 12V'o'o"o $ith the ca&tion BThe >ysterio s 2o'o"o , "DS In#octrination o! Our Chi"#ren Thro gho t history% e"&ires have nderstood the i"&ortance o! $inning the hearts and "inds o! the &eo&le. In recent years in the *nited +tates $e have seen an ex&losion o! &olice state indoctrination !oc sing on the yo th G the old notion o! Bget?e" $hile they?re yo ng.D Whether it?s <a(i Jer"any% or the <e$ ,o"eland +ec rity Agency% the yo th are al$ays a center&iece o! any secret &olice tattletale society. <o$ let?s see ho$ they are indoctrinating o r children. The !ollo$ing is an excer&t !ro" a 48"in te co""ercial that the 1ity o! A stin airs daily on Travis 1o nty Television 1hannel 13. We have received re&orts con!ir"ing identical &rogra"s nation$ide. Television Ad:


+o"ice O!!icer to chi"#ren in c"a roo& ettin): BFo can give in!or"ation $itho t having to give yo r na"e.D BFo g ys have all the in!or"ation that I need.D BFo g ys can get &aid !or good ti&s% any$here !ro" & to Y200. I! yo ?ll sign this card% yo ?ll get one o! these "e"bershi& cards.D They then sho$ a close8 & o! the card and it reads% Bre&ort $ea&onsCD We have con!ir"ed !ro" the act al teaching "aterials that children as yo ng as seven are &aid to re&ort the ty&es o! !irear"s their &arents o$n. They are also enco raged to 'ee& an eye on their neighbors. The & blic service anno nce"ent contin es $ith one o! the children involved in this &rogra" stating: B<o$ I have the res&onsibility !or ta'ing care o! "y school and "a'ing s re no 'inds o! cri"es are going on d ring school% or dr g dealers are dealing dr gs% or nobody gets h rt.D /y !oisting this @ast Jer"an8style &rogra" on o r children% the govern"ent gets "illions o! yo ng &eo&le into the &olice state syste". )olice condition the" to be "e"bers o! the secret &olice. The very !abric o! A"erica is destroyed as children are &aid t$o h ndred dollars every ti"e they t rn so"eone in% incl ding "e"bers o! their !a"ily. It is incredibly &ain! l to see ho$ !ar A"erica has sli&&ed. They?re are do(ens o! di!!erent na"es !or these &rogra"s% b t they?re all the sa"e: WAP@% +AP@% DA=@. This has nothing to do $ith dr gs# the govern"ent shi&s the dr gs in. That?s & blic 'no$ledge. It?s abo t creating a $hole generation o! govern"ent snitches% o! secret &olice% li'e the +oviet yo th leag e. They give the children disco nt credit cards% toys%


1D &layers% and so"eti"es tho sands o! dollars !or t rning their &arents in !or Bo$ning !irear"s.D I?ve seen the handboo's% and $e sho$ yo detailed close8 &s in "y !il"% +**; The Road to Tyrannny. Fo have a +econd A"end"ent right to 'ee& and bear ar"s% and o! co rse% !irear"s aren?t illegal. +till% the globalists have told s that they $ill be banned and they?re &re&aring the next generation to acce&t this horrible syste". The head o! the Piolence )olicy 1enter% a leading anti8+econd A"end"ent thin'8tan'% told the "ustin'" erican 0tates an in its >arch 2.% 2001 edition that% des&ite the !act that there are 100 "illion g n o$ners in A"erica% !irear"s $ill be banned beca se they are% Bed cating children abo t g ns in the schools%D so that $hen these children are ad lts they $ill ban g ns. This is an a"a(ingly arrogant co""ent. The social engineers 'no$ that the average child?s &arents have abdicated their res&onsibility to be involved in their child?s "oral develo&"ent% and that the legions o! control8!rea' change agents no$ have total control thro gh the schools and television. They are also training yo r children to be &risoners. 1hildren se ID cards% and% in h ndreds o! school districts% th "b8scans to b y their l nches. Dri"" at Schoo" Across the co ntry% +WAT tea"s are & tting the !inishing to ches on o r ne$ &rison8 style schools% by conditioning o r 'ids $ith B"oc'8terrorist6school shooting attac's.D +WAT tea"s? so8called anti8terror drills at schools are really E st conditioning exercises that are &art o! :ederally8! nded :@>A &rogra"s to condition the children that it?s co"&letely nor"al to have "en dressed & li'e exec tioners screa"ing at the"% ta'ing over their schools $itho t $arrants% and ordering the"% $ith their hands behind their heads% onto b sses $here they are ta'en to ndisclosed locations.


>ani& lated by the &ro&aganda organs o! the "ainstrea" "edia% "any !rightened A"ericans "ay be thin'ing: B,ey% $e all sa$ $hat ha&&ened at 1ol "bine. We?ve got to &rotect o r children. We?ve got to & t !ences &. We?ve got to t rn the" into &risons. We?ve got to have the" searched $itho t $arrants.D It has no$ co"e o t in co rt doc "ents that +WAT tea" "e"bers $ere ca ght on ta&e ad"itting they act ally shot the children at 1ol "bine. It has been con!ir"ed that at least six o! the thirteen $ere 'illed by the +WAT tea"s KA)% Dece"ber 3% 2001% B1ol "bine +t dent 2illed by 1o&D# A)% Dece"ber 7% 2001 B=ohrbo gh: /allistics sho$ &olice 'illed DanielDL. In terrorist drills% sadistic &redators across the nation get to enEoy ab sing and tra "ati(ing children as yo ng as six years o! age. >en in blac' ni!or"s yell and screa" and thro$ &ro!anities at the" Kthat $e $on?t &rint hereL as they beg and cry and &lead. They are then loaded on b ses and ta'en to a local Eail $here they are dragged aro nd li'e !ilth and treated li'e cri"inals. A $hole generation is learning ho$ to be slaves% learning ho$ to bo$ do$n and beg and to & t their hands behind their heads $hen the Bring $raiths%D the Bdar' lordsD a&&ear. The controlled ne$s "edia clai"s that there is an e&ide"ic o! school violence. The !act is that "ore A"ericans die in !ootball accidents in & blic schools than !ro" g n shot $o nds. :i!ty8!o r children died in the year 2000 in high school !ootball accidents. :i!ty8t$o died in school shootings Kso rce: De&art"ent o! J sticeL. And "any o! these children died at the hands o! +WAT tea"s. +WAT tea"s are notorio sly trigger8ha&&y and !reA ently shoot their o$n o!!icers. Ta'e :ort Worth% Texas% $here the B1o& o! the FearD $as shot in the head by one o! his co"rades at a +WAT tea" drill at a school. In Detroit% they shot a 'id in the !ace in one o! these so8 called drills. Con#itionin) Throu)h 'e#ia an# Cartoon


1hildren are nder es&ecially heavy &olice state conditioning bo"bard"ent thro gh cartoons. 0ne cartoon% !eat ring the character / (( -ightyear recently ran an e&isode $here a delivery $as being "ade to the s &erhero?s ho"e by a ! t ristic "ail"an. In this cartoon% the delivery"an sed not only a retinal scan b t also D<A to veri!y the identity o! the reci&ient. I! $e $ere to sho$ yo all the evidence in children?s cartoons and "edia o! !ace scanning% th "b scanning% national ID cards% and the overall &olice state% this boo' $o ld be !ive h ndred &ages long. -et?s E st loo' at the !acts. 0io&etric an# the Ca h"e Society

Washington% D.1.% has already i"&le"ented a cardU$hich is held $ith the 1IA and the <ational +ec rity AgencyU!or all children. It contains all 'inds o! bio"etric in!or"ation 88 !ace scans% th "b &rints% yo na"e it KWashington $ost, A g st 1.% 2001% BD1 )lans ID 1ard !or +t dentsDL. I! the children $ant their school l nches% they have to th "b scan to get the". <o th "b scan% no !ood K"BCNews.co , Jan ary 10% 2002% B:inger :oodD# CB0 News% Jan ary 25% 2002% B:inger&rints )ay !or +chool - nchDL. All this trains the children !or the cashless society and gets the" into the database. Thin' abo t it. Th "b scanning in govern"ent schools to get !ood. Fo $o ld ex&ect to read abo t so"ething li'e this in Aldo s , xley?s Bra%e New Wor-d or Jeorge 0r$ell?s *+BC% b t it?s act ally ha&&ening . . . and it?s only the beginning. It?s not E st children $ho are being conditioned. Ad lts across the land are bio"etrically scanning to ban'. And not E st ban'U b t to get their l nches too% at 2roger and ,@/ !ood stores !ro" Texas to <e$ For'. $+S Contro" $ri# <o$ the :eds have ex&anded their trac'ing control grid by &assing a la$ that all ne$ cell &hones% starting in 0ctober 2001% have to be satellite trac'able so they 'no$ exactly


$here yo ?re at . . . !or yo r sa!ety Kwww.1n.co , +e&te"ber 19% 1999% B:eds 02 1ell )hone Trac'ingD# CN9T News.co % <ove"ber 10% 2000% BWireless &hone trac'ing &lans raise &rivacy hac'lesDL. Whatever ha&&ened to the :o rth A"end"entT Then there?s 0n+tar. The !ederal govern"ent is in tal's $ith the states to !orce everyone to have an 0n+tar8ty&e trac'ing syste" in their car !or trac'ing as $ell as taxation & r&oses. )rivate co"&anies are racing ahead to i"&le"ent this /ig /rother syste". =ental car co"&anies are i"&osing !ines o! Y5.0 !or going one "ile over the s&eed li"it KDDNet News, J ne 19% 2001% B1ar s&y & shes &rivacy li"itDL% and that?s i! yo &ass the th "b scan to get the rental car KWired News% <ove"ber 21% 2001% B<o Th "&rint% <o =ental 1arDL. @ngland% the *nited +tates% 1anada and A stralia have & blished &lans !or a ni!ied satellite trac'ing syste" to be in all cars by 200.. This syste" $ill tax and trace all drivers and t rn yo r car o!! i! yo haven?t been a Bgood globalist.D The 1anadian ne$s&a&er% The Nationa- $ost% on J ne 10% 2002% re&orted% BTrans&ort 1anada $ants to "a'e global &ositioning syste"s and ignition i""obili(ers standard iss e on ne$ vehicles.D The 4ondon Guardian% on :ebr ary 25% 2002% in an article titled BDrivers :ace =oad 1harge by +atellite%D re&orted that drivers !ace charges & to 5. &ence Karo nd 9. centsL a "ile. + ch &lans $o ld e!!ectively t rn yo r car into a taxicab !or the <e$ World 0rder. This entire trac'ing6taxing grid is being set & to be integrated $ith the $orld tax on !ossil ! els 'no$n as the 2yoto Treaty. We sa$ all this co"ing in 1993% $hen I got arrested &rotesting that !act that Texas had already i"&le"ented "andatory bio"etric !ace6th "b scans to get a driver?s license. I led a &rotest o! over 100 concerned citi(ens at the +tate driver?s license !acility in A stin% Texas% &ointing o t that the database created by this agency in concert $ith the :ederal govern"ent $as to be sed as a &art o! a cashless society taxation control8grid. In "y case% disorderly cond ct charges "ysterio sly disa&&eared o!! the boo's. The control8 !rea's didn?t $ant to create a co rt case $here I co ld challenge the" !or violating "y Jod8given rights.


<o$ here?s Dan =ather on 1/+ <ightly <e$s tal'ing abo t $hat they have &lanned !or yo and yo r !a"ily in the ne$ &olice state A"erica: B<onviolent o!!enders don?t even have to be behind bars. They can be trac'ed by Jlobal )ositioning +atellite that can s&ot the" do$n to a !e$ !eet. @lectronic bo ndaries li'e those $e i"&ose on &ets co ld be set & !or these in"ates% and s rgically i"&lanted electrodes co ld even shoc' the" ntil they ret rn to $here they?re s &&osed to be. Doctor +&ea's: N0ne thing $e co ld i"&lant $o ld be a s bli"inal i"&lant. In other $ords% basically a "essage is being ty&ed into the s bconscio s constantly% BDo the right thing%D BDo $hat?s reA ired o! yo %D B/e a good citi(en%D BDon?t disobey the la$.D?D This sl g $o ld love to "a'e yo do $hat?s reA ired o! yo and sla" yo into a s &er8 "ax &rison. 0 r &rison &o& lation has E "&ed to 9.. "illion in the last t$o years. <o$ they are tal'ing abo t robots controlling s and i"&lanting the entire &o& lation $ith "icrochi&sUor yo ?re !or Al8Qaeda. 'icrochi--in) the +o-u"ation /e!ore the year 2002% "ost &eo&le $o ld la gh at yo i! yo tal'ed abo t the govern"ent $anting to i"&lant the &o& lation $ith "icrochi&s. I re"e"ber bac' in s&ring o! 2000 reading an Ar"y War 1ollege re&ort that had been & blished by the :ederation o! A"erican +cientists in $hich the Ar"y disc ssed not E st ho$ to get the average A"erican to acce&t a "icrochi& nder their s'in b t ho$ to get the" to ta'e a brain i"&lant. This doc "ent o tlined their analysis o! the &sychological "a'e & o! the average citi(en and &redicted that by 202.% $ith the s &&ort o! "edia &ro&aganda% everyone $o ld acce&t a brain chi&.


,ere?s a section !ro" the doc "ent:

Ethica" an# +u,"ic Re"ation I ue @ I"&lanting IthingsI in &eo&le raises ethical and & blic relations iss es. While these concerns "ay be !o nded on todayMs thin'ing% in 202. they "ay not be as alar"ing. We already are evolving to$ard technology i"&lanting. :or exa"&le% the "ilitary c rrently reA ires its "e"bers to receive "andatory inEections o! biological organis"s Ki.e.% the !l shotL. In the civilian $orld% &eo&le receive "echanical hearts and other organs. +ociety has co"e to acce&t "ost o! these i"&lants as a !act o! li!e. /y 202. it is &ossible "edical technology $ill have nerve chi&s that allo$ a"& tees to control arti!icial li"bs or eye chi&s that allo$ the blind to see. The civilian &o& lace $ill li'ely acce&t an i"&lanted "icrosco&ic chi&s that allo$ "ilitary "e"bers to de!end vital national interests. : rther% the *+ "ilitary $ill contin e to be a vol nteer !orce that $ill !reely acce&t the chi& beca se it is a tool to control technology and not as a tool to control the h "an.

R<ote to ) blisher% &lease insert gra&hic: "icrochi& $ith the ca&tion: B+toryboard !ro" Ar"y Doc "ent on I"&lanted >icrochi&sS <o$% the "ainstrea" "edia is &eddling i"&lantable "icrochi&s as a c re8all. 0n B+ixty >in tes%D Andy =ooney% in one o! his !a"o s co""entaries% stated: B+o"ething has to change% tho gh. They have to !ind a better $ay to identi!y the bad g ys% or the rest o! s are going to stay ho"e and $atch the $orld go by on television. / t $e need so"e syste" !or &er"anently identi!ying sa!e &eo&le. >ost o! s are never going to blo$ anything &. And there?s got to be so"ething better than one o! these &hoto IDsUa tattoo so"e$here "aybe.D ENote fro "-ex; weren:t prisoners in concentration ca ps tattooed in Na8i Ger anyFG


DThe +a dis se an A"erican device to scan the eyes o! travelers. I $o ldn?t "ind having so"ething &lanted &er"anently in "y ar" that $o ld identi!y "e. I! $e don?t do so"ething% &eo&le are going to sto& !lying. I! they sto& !lying% and I don?t go to the Jiants ga"es% it "eans the bastards have $on.D We?re not going to let yo $in% =ooney. We read $hat yo E st i"&lied. We?re $ith Al8 Qaeda i! $e don?t ta'e the "icrochi&. In a re&ort by Diane +a$yer on BJood >orning A"ericaD% $e learned abo t a :lorida !a"ily $ho $ere i"&lanted $ith "icrochi&s: BWe have a :lorida !a"ily $ho are really &ioneers in a brave ne$ $orld. They have vol nteered to be the !irst ever to have "icrochi& identi!ication devices i"&lanted into their bodies.D Wo"an: NA!ter 9611 I $as really concerned $ith the sec rity o! "y !a"ilyCD To& 1:= lie tenant Diane +a$yer% !or eight "in tes% sat there in a sic'ening !ashion $ith this &oor% &athetic !a"ily as they disc ssed ho$ they $ere all ta'ing "icrochi&s beca se they believed in A"erica and $anted to sto& the terrorists. -adies and gentle"en% this is so"ething o t a science8!iction horror "ovie. They are ta'ing chi&s beca se they stand $ith the >other Jovern"ent. We?re all living in a <a(i Jer"any BT$ilight [one.D <o$ &oliticians are anno ncing that they $ant to get chi&s KWired News, :ebr ary 1.% 2002% B)olitician Wants to NJet 1hi&&ed?DL. This brain$ashing is directed at all sectors o! the &o& lation% and it is every$here. This is the &rison grid% t rning the $hole $orld into a cashless% controlled syste". I have read the !ederal doc "ents% the total &lan% to !orce s into these co"&act cities. Fo absol tely


" st resist the th "b scans% the !ace scans% the retina scans% and the bio"etric ca"eras that can recogni(e yo and scan yo r !ace against a billion !aces in a single second. 0nce the cashless society control8grid sna&s into &lace% yo $on?t be able to get anything nless yo ?ve been govern"ent8a&&roved as not being a tho ght cri"inal 88 not !ood% $ater% a ho se% or a Eob. Fo already heard the" say that g n o$ners% conservatives% 1hristians% libertarians% and anybody that doesn?t go along $ith global <e$ World 0rder tyranny $ill be $atched% trac'ed% and controlled. The <e$ World 0rder gang has a reason they $ant to control yo % and they?re o t there bragging abo t their &lans. Techno"o)y > The Ne. Wor"# Or#er( Dou,"e2E#)e# S.or# While they love sing technology to control the nder8"asses% the globalists see technology as a do ble8edged s$ord. They see technology as a threat to their "ono&oly o! &o$er% so the <e$ World 0rder gang% in their t$isted reasoning% has decided that they need to tightly control and s &&ress technological develo&"ents% es&ecially the li!e8 extension technologies $hich they are greedily hoarding. In order to s &&ress these develo&"ents% they " st d "b8do$n and enslave 99.9O o! the &o& lation and create &arallel technological syste"s% $ith the s boid servant &o& lation totally na$are o! the r ling class reality. The del sional% inbred globalists envision the"selves as the g ardians o! h "anity% "anaging o r lives as they !ly above o r co"&act cities on the $ay to a technological >o nt 0ly"& s. /ill Joy% cofounder and Chief 0cientist of 0un Microsyste s, cochair of the presidentiaco ission on the future of !T research, and coauthor of The Java -ang age $rote the !ollo$ing in the A g st 05% 2000 iss e o! Wired Maga8ine: BWhy the ! t re doesnMt need s. 0 r "ost &o$er! l 21st8cent ry technologies 8 robotics% genetic engineering% and nanotech 8 are threatening to "a'e h "ans an endangered s&eciesC


C We hear in the ne$s al"ost every day o! so"e 'ind o! technological or scienti!ic advance. Fet this $as no ordinary &rediction. In the hotel bar% =ay gave "e a &artial &re&rint o! his then8!orthco"ing boo'The "ge of 0piritua- Machines, $hich o tlined a to&ia he !oresa$ 8 one in $hich h "ans gained near i""ortality by beco"ing one $ith robotic technology. 0n reading it% "y sense o! nease only intensi!ied# I !elt s re he had to be nderstating the dangers% nderstating the &robability o! a bad o tco"e along this &athC C I! the elite is r thless they "ay si"&ly decide to exter"inate the "ass o! h "anity. I! they are h "ane they "ay se &ro&aganda or other &sychological or biological techniA es to red ce the birth rate ntil the "ass o! h "anity beco"es extinct% leaving the $orld to the elite. 0r% i! the elite consists o! so!t8hearted liberals% they "ay decide to &lay the role o! good she&herds to the rest o! the h "an race. They $ill see to it that everyoneMs &hysical needs are satis!ied% that all children are raised nder &sychologically hygienic conditions% that everyone has a $holeso"e hobby to 'ee& hi" b sy% and that anyone $ho "ay beco"e dissatis!ied ndergoes Itreat"entI to c re his I&roble".I 0! co rse% li!e $ill be so & r&oseless that &eo&le $ill have to be biologically or &sychologically engineered either to re"ove their need !or the &o$er &rocess or "a'e the" Is bli"ateI their drive !or &o$er into so"e har"less hobby. These engineered h "an beings "ay be ha&&y in s ch a society% b t they $ill "ost certainly not be !ree. They $ill have been red ced to the stat s o! do"estic ani"alsC

:+o-u"ation Contro"4 an# The $"o,a" E"ite <o$ the /ilderberg gro & in =e ters K$hich they o$nL has gone & blic that it act ally groo"s o r &residents and o r &ri"e "inisters# that% yes% its "e"bers really are international ban'ers# yes% royal !a"ilies are involved# yes% the bilderberg gro & r ns the central ban's# and% yes% the elitists see s as the &ro&erty o! a global s &erstate KReuters, >ay 24% 2001% B+ecretive /ilderberg gro & to >eet in +$edenDL. /ilderberg "e"ber )rince )hili&% in his o$n & blication% !f ! Were an "ni a-, brags abo t ho$ he $o ld 'ill eighty &ercent o! the &o& lation# ho$ his great drea" is to co"e bac' as a vir s.


+o yo see% these &sychos are creating a Matrix8li'e control syste" and tal'ing abo t 'illing yo % !ro" Ted T rner at the *.<. to )rince )hili&. They are o t o! control and on a "assive &o$er tri&. +hony En%iron&enta"i & )eo&le li'e Ted T rner and >a rice +trong have been & shing% $riting the textboo's !or a "assive environ"ental "ove"ent control syste" to steal all o! the &rivate &ro&erty not already in their $ic'ed hands. They are ra""ing thro gh their agenda sing the &hony environ"ental "ove"ent. The environ"ental "ove"ent has nothing to do $ith saving the environ"ent% and everything to do $ith stealing &ro&erty and e"&o$ering $orld govern"ent. The <e$ World 0rder gang is &ro"oting their $orld8$ide landgrab as a religio s "ove"ent. Ja"es 1ob rn% an actor involved in the environ"ental "ove"ent% said: BWe?ve lost o r $ay. The earth is a living organis". We?ve got to &raise o r >other Joddess.D UN Ta1eo%er an# :+o-u"ation Contro"4 I &rod ced a doc "entary video called " erica Destroyed 1y Design. We traveled six tho sand "iles aro nd A"erica and $itnessed the horror o! the *nited <ations ta'ing over o r national &ar's and "on "ents thro gh "echanis"s li'e the World ,eritage sites and the >an and the /ios&here &rogra"s. <o$% nder the Deserti!ication Treaty% &assed by congress and signed into la$ on 0ctober 17% 2000% seventy &ercent o! the co ntry is nder *nited <ations E risdiction Kso rce: 1ongressional =ecordL. Thro gh international treaty congress has given control over "ost o! the .0 states? land "ass to the *nited <ations. *nder the g ise o! &reserving o r nat ral reso rces% the entire $orld is being brain$ashed thro gh every "edi " i"aginable to relinA ish control over &rivate &ro&erty to the *nited <ations. R<ote to & blisher: I<+@=T gra&hic: 148biodiversityS.


The *nited <ations 1onvention on /iodiversity% rati!ied by "any nations $ay bac' in the 1990s% stated that h "an beings are nothing "ore than cattle and " st be controlled by a centrali(ed la$ en!orce"ent &olice state# that &ro&erty rights are not absol te# that &eo&le are the &roble"# and that a global tyrannical govern"ent is going to have to ste& in to save the earth. This a &ri"e exa"&le o! tyrants "a'ing exc ses !or their cri"inal activities. The *< 1onvention on /iodiversity =e&ort then goes on to tal' abo t ho$ $e " st get rid o! eighty8&l s &ercent o! the $orld?s &o& lation K$e?re tal'ing abo t !ive8&l s billion &eo&leL or else there $on?t be eno gh reso rces to go aro nd. Tal' abo t a rationale !or slavery. The *nited <ations% in this re&ort% brags abo t ho$ $onder! l ancient societies $ere in sing in!anticide% h "an sacri!ice% ho"icide% !e ding% and other bloody &ractices as a $ay to control &o& lation. They act ally endorse these &ractices in this re&ort. The *nited <ations doesn?t E st tal' abo t 'illing &eo&le in the na"e o! saving the earth% they?ve act ally & t their &lans into action. The / r"ese ar"y 'illed t$o tho sand &eo&le and drove thirty tho sand !ro" their ho"es to "a'e $ay !or a *nited <ations bios&here sanct aryKso rce: 4ondon Guardian% >arch 24% 1993L. The *< has also laid o t detailed &lans o! ho$ they can " rder hal! the $orld?s &o& lation by restricting !ertili(ers and access to irrigation $ater KJ/A +ection 11.2.2.. &age 391L. This *< doc "ent has already tal'ed abo t bi(arre occ lt rit als li'e h "an sacri!ice as being integral &arts o! "aintaining &o& lations at s stainable levels. It tal's abo t ho$ ancient societies sed the environ"ent and considered it to be holy# ho$ 1hristians are bad beca se they c t do$n the sacred groves $here they engaged in their s&ecial rit als that hel&ed "aintain and re&lenish nat re.


This bloodthirsty control8!rea' the"e echoes thro gh elitist circles at &laces li'e the Jeorgia g idestones% o$ned by Ill "inati leaders% that tal' abo t red cing the $orld &o& lation by eighty &ercent Kthe n "ber $e heard !ro" )rince )hili& and Ted T rner so "any ti"es be!oreL# the state"ent that the elite " st "aintain the &o& lation% !orcibly% at !ive h ndred "illion. And no$% !ro" recently declassi!ied govern"ent doc "ents in A stralia% $e learn that $orld8!a"o s "icrobiologists% <obel )ri(e $inners% $ere serio sly conte"&lating and &lanning to release biological $ea&ons to red ce an over&o& lated $orld KThe "ge, >arch 10% 2002% B/ rnet?s sol tion: The &lan to &oison +@ AsiaDL. The revelation is contained in to&8secret !iles declassi!ied by the <ational Archive o! A stralia. I challenge everyone to read the night"are 2yoto TreatyUa total *nited <ations ta'eover o! the $orld?s energy s &&ly and a h ge taxing "echanis" to control the &o& lations o! the earth. /ehind this <e$ World 0rder ta'eover &lan is E n' science. There is no global $ar"ing. Tho sands o! scientists have co"e !or$ard to say $e are in a nat ral $eather cycle% and that one "aEor volcanic er &tion e"its "ore carbon gasses than all o! "an?s ind strial o t& t co"bined over .0 years. Eu)enic Those $ho control the "achinery o! govern"ent $o ld have s believe that they have o r best interests at heart% b t in reality they are obsessed $ith i"&le"enting horri!ic &rogra"s o! &o& lation control. @ genics &rogra"s in the *nited +tates !ro" the 1920?s to 1939 sterili(ed h ndreds o! tho sands o! A"ericans% declaring the children o! single &arent !a"ilies si"&le8"inded i! they scored nder a /] on their re&ort cards. Those children $ere sterili(ed% and% in "any cases a!ter being ta'en into c stody% $ere interned in "axi" " sec rity "ental instit tions $here "edical st dents $o ld cond ct hysterecto"ies and engage in "edical ex&eri"entation on the". The yo ng "en $ere castrated.


In another govern"ent8s&onsored atrocity% tho sands o! blac' "e $ere told they $ere receiving treat"ent !or sy&hilis. In reality% these Nex&eri"ent s bEects? $ere being allo$ed to die slo$ deaths% in so"e cases !or over 50 years% $hile they s&read the disease to tho sands in the T s'egee @x&eri"ent. *"uori#ation I:l oridation is the greatest case o! scienti!ic !ra d o! this cent ry% i! not o! all ti"eI KDr =obert 1arton% IMar3etp-aceI 1anadian /roadcast 1o"&any <ov 25th%1992@A Dr Ro1ert Carton, a scientist who spent <= years wor3ing for the /0 9$" :l oride is a 'no$n toxin that ca ses cancer% severe bone !ract res and retardation o! children. -eading scienti!ic instit tions% "aEor niversities and <obel la reates have ex&osed its danger% yet !l oride is being cra""ed into the $ater $orld$ide. The a"o nt o! solid scienti!ic evidence that !l oride 'ills is over$hel"ing. Those $ho dis& te this reality are !lat8earthers% denying the !acts o! $hat is ha&&ening in o r society. 0nly 2O o! @ ro&e !l oridates their $ater. In 1992 a st dy by the <e$ Jersey De&art"ent o! ,ealth K1ohn )D% A /rie! =e&ort on the Association o! Drin'ing Water :l oridation and the Incidence o! 0steosarco"a a"ong yo ng >ales. New 5ersey Dept of (ea-th, No% Bth ,*++<. L !o nd a strong lin' bet$een !l oridation and bone cancer Kosteosarco"aL in yo ng "ales. They re&orted that osteosarco"a rates $ere three to seven ti"es higher in !l oridated areas than non8!l oridated areas. :l oridated $ater has been lin'ed to decreased birth rates beca se it inter!eres $ith levels testosterone o! "ales K:reni +1% :l oride in Drin'ing Water ^ Decreased /irth =ates. 5ourna- of Toxico-ogy H 9n%iron enta- (ea-th No C<% &&1098121% 1995L. 1hinese st dies sho$ red ced IQ in children overex&osed to !l oride thro gh drin'ing $ater. : rther e!!ects incl de "e"ory loss% headache% red ced concentration% de&ression and con! sionK[hao -/% -iang J,% [hang D<%W ;=% @!!ects o! a ,igh :l oride Water + &&ly on 1hildren?s Intellligence. #-uoride <+;C && 1908192% 1999. -i ;+ et al% @!!ect o! :l oride @x&os re on Intelligence in 1hildren. $aper to <=th Conference of !nternationa- 0ociety for #-uoride Research, BeiAing%+e&t%1995L. 119

A "aEor niversity st dy cond cted over decades co"&ared rates o! bone cancer in <orthern Ireland% $here $ater is !l oridated% and the +o th $here $ater is not treated $ith !l oride. The rates o! rare bone cancer $ere 5.O higher in the <orth. The evidence that !l oride is a dangero s toxic $aste that the <e$ World 0rder is dis&osing o! in o r $ater s &&ly is over$hel"ing. A -arta&e Another $ides&read che"ical attac' la nched by globalist E ggerna t is as&arta"e% the taste that 'ills. 1alling as&arta"e a &oison is doing it a !avor. According to the scientists and brain s rgeons I?ve intervie$ed% this is one o! the biggest 'illers in the *nited +tates today. It is in over nine tho sand !oods. Baccine Then there are vaccines. @verything !ro" cancer vir ses to D<A !rag"ents and "erc ry has been !o nd in vaccines. The entire vaccine s &&ly is conta"inated. And $hat is the govern"ent doingT >andating "ore and "ore inEections o! o r children. The Chicago Tri1une re&orted in 2001 that 90 to& scientists "et in 1hicago to &resent over$hel"ing evidence that cancer vir ses !o nd in "on'eys are in "any o! the vaccines. A recent &oll in the *nited 2ingdo"% sho$ed that over 70O o! the &o& lation o&&oses the "andatory inEection o! the "easles% " "&s and r bella K""rL vaccine. A ne$s anchor has gone & blic $ith the !act that this vaccine has brain8da"aged his child. A tis" is & over 2000 &ercent and is rising in the ind strial $orld &ro&ortionately $ith the increase o! "andated vaccinations. @lites thro gho t history have al$ays so ght to control their ser!s. <o$ the elite has al"ost nli"ited technologies. They have the technologies that $ill allo$ the" to have extended% &erha&s eternal lives $ith the hel& o! cybernetic inter!aces. The globalists Kand


they tal' abo t this in their o$n &olicy &a&ersL are not abo t to allo$ yo and yo r !a"ily to have access to this technology. *nless $e sto& the"% they are going to herd s into the reservations to control s $ith this ne$% advanced technology. They are obsessed $ith it. *nchec'ed% they $ill exter"inate eighty &ercent o! s% $hile creating a technology8driven "etro&olis8 to&ia !or the"selves. The ato"ic soldiers% )roEect +,ADC I co ld go on !or days. I have roo"s ! ll o! doc "ents and 1ongressional testi"ony. Wa'e8 &. 0&en yo r eyes and loo' aro nd yo . A b nch o! sic'o control8!rea's r n the $orld. Conc"u ion Fo ?ve seen the historical record. Fo ?ve seen the !acts that govern"ent s&onsored and controlled terroris" in the !inal decades o! the t$entieth cent ry% going into the ne$ "illenni " in 2001. This is a call to ar"s% a call to the in!or"ation $ar% to $a'e & yo r !riends% yo r !a"ily% &eo&le in yo r co"" nity% yo r ch rches% yo r niversities% yo r schools% and to reali(e $hat $e are !acing. The evidence is absol tely over$hel"ing and cannot be denied. -oo' at elites thro gho t history. Their &leas re and enEoy"ent is !eeding &on &o& lations and controlling the". We are dealing $ith control !rea's. Fo have to learn abo t h "an history to nderstand o r ene"y. Fo have to loo' aro nd yo and st dy the syste"s o! &o$er that s rro nd yo . Jet o tside the &aradig"% o tside the box. @d cate yo rsel! on these !acts% and then ed cate others on ho$ to resist the syste". Whatever yo do% never t rn in yo r !irear"s. We are trying to !ix these &roble"s &eaceably% b t $e do have every right to de!end o rselves and o r !a"ilies !ro" this tyranny. Fo see% this is a $arning to everyone. I! $e are nable to de!eat this <e$ World 0rder% the terror attac's are going to begin to escalate. They are going to get $orse% ntil the *nited <ations &rogra" !or an eighty &ercent $orld &o& lation red ction is act ally reali(ed.


)lease st dy this and loo' at the !acts. Fo need to get o t the $ord. Fo have to "a'e it the iss e in yo r co"" nity i! $e are going to de!eat this syste". >ore terror attac's are co"ing% and it is & to yo get the $ord o t o! $ho is behind the"% beca se by doing that% $e are able to shine the s&otlight on these creat res and to sho$ ho$ they are sing terror to get "ore &o$er and control. When $e ex&ose their evil &aradig"% the globalists lose the &o$er they have over s. <o longer $ill they be seen as o r loving saviors E st ta'ing o r rights a$ay !or o r best interests# they $ill be ex&osed to be the bloodthirsty% evil tyrants that they are Then the ill sion $ill be shattered% the c rtain o! lies thro$n bac' to reveal the" !or the beasts that they are. I! yo don?t shatter that ill sion o! control% it is over !or A"erica% it is over !or the $orld% and it "eans absol te% total deh "ani(ation. We need )a l =everes all across this co ntryUblac'% $hite% old% yo ngUto !ight !or this =e& blic and against these slave "asters.


<ote: Alex Jones is a doc "entary !il""a'er and syndicated tal'8radio host. /e!ore the attac's% in J ly o! 2001% Jones $as on the record on his radio and television sho$s and on his $ebsite G $$$.in!o$ars.co" G stating that 0sa"a bin -aden $as a 'no$n 1IA asset and that his intelligence so rces $ere stating that the govern"ent $as &lanning an attac' on <e$ For' as a &retext !or "ore control. The boo' yo have E st read% +**; Descent into Tyranny% is ada&ted !ro" his !il"% +**; The Road the Tyranny &rod ced in late 20016early 2002. Jones decided to $rite this boo' beca se his !riends% !a"ily and listeners s ggested that it $o ld be hel&! l in reaching


"ore &eo&le. Do(ens o! reA ests !ro" the hearing i"&aired !inali(ed the decision to $rite the boo'. > ch o! the boo' is a $ord8!or8$ord transcri&tion !ro" the !il"% +**; The Road the Tyranny. The !ollo$ing cha&ters have been added by the a thor to ho&e! lly give the reader a greater nderstanding o! $hat $e !ace as a s&ecies. We are des&erate to get this boo' o t as A ic'ly as &ossible to the &eo&le so they can &revent the existing govern"ent terrorist &aradig" !ro" ex&loding across the $orld. The &ages o! this boo' the"selves are the bibliogra&hy. To read the articles% govern"ent doc "ents and legislation cited in this boo' in detail% &lease visit o r $ebsite at $$$.in!o$ars.co".


WORLD 0AN3ERS *EED O** O* CRU'0LIN$ ECONO'IES In "ate 5665, the toc1 &ar1et in the Unite# State i -"un)in)@ The contro""e# &e#ia te"" u that it i a y&-to& o! cor-orate )ree# an# an acci#enta" occurrence@ The truth i that recent"y re"ea e# centra" ,an1 carte" #ocu&ent ho. that the entire )"o,a" !inancia" &e"t2#o.n in a -ur-o e!u""y en)ineere# con o"i#ation@ The !o""o.in) i a tran cri-t o! an inter%ie. .ith a.ar#2.innin) in%e ti)ati%e 8ourna"i t $re) +a"a t in .hich +a"a t ,"o. the I'* Wor"# 0an1 -ro)ra& o! "a%ery .i#e o-en@ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Transcri&t o! Intervie$ o! Jreg )alast% Jo rnalist !or //1 and 0bserver% -ondon% by Alex Jones Alex Jones =adio +ho$% >onday K)>L% >arch 5% 2002 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV AJ: This is earth shattering. 1an yo brea' it do$n !or s and tell s $hat the econo"ists have doneT J): Well% IMll tell yo t$o things. 0ne% I s&o'e to the !or"er chie! econo"ist% Joe +tiglit( $ho $as !ired by the KWorldL /an'. +o I% on //1 and $ith J ardian% basically s&ent so"e ti"e debrie!ing hi". It $as li'e one o! the scenes o t o! >ission I"&ossible% yo 'no$ $here the g y co"es over !ro" the other side and yo s&end ho rs debrie!ing hi". +o I got the insight o! $hat $as ha&&ening at the World /an'. In addition% he did not brie! "e b t I got so"e other so rces. ,e $o ld not give "e inside doc "ents b t other &eo&le handed "e a giant stash o! secret doc "ents !ro" the World /an' and the International >onetary : nd. And so one o! the things that is ha&&ening is that% in !act% I $as s &&osed to be on 1<< $ith the head o! the World /an' Ji" Wol!ensen and he said he $o ld not a&&ear on 1<< ever i! they & t "e on. And so 1<< did the cra(iest thing and & lled "e o!!. AJ: +o no$ they are threatening total boycott. J): Feah% right. +o $hat $e !o nd $as this. We !o nd inside these doc "ents that basically they reA ired nations to sign secret agree"ents% in $hich they agreed to sell o!! their 'ey assets% in $hich they agreed to ta'e econo"ic ste&s $hich are really devastating to the nations involved and i! they didnMt agree to these ste&s% there $as an average !or each nation that signed one8h ndred and eleven ite"s that they are reA ired to sign on to. I! they didnMt !ollo$ those ste&s they $o ld be c t8o!! !ro" all international borro$ing. Fo canMt borro$ any "oney in the international "ar'et&lace. <o one can s rvive $itho t borro$ing% $hether yo are &eo&le or cor&orations or co ntries 8 $itho t borro$ing so"e "oney and having so"e credit and ...


AJ: /eca se o! the debt in!lation &it theyMve created. J): Fes% $ell% see one o! the things that ha&&ened is that 8 $eMve got exa"&les !ro"% IMve got inside doc "ents recently !ro" Argentina% the secret Argentine &lan. This is signed by Ji" Wol!ensen% the &resident o! the World /an'. /y the $ay% E st so yo 'no$% they are really &set $ith "e that IMve got the doc "ents% b t they have not challenged the a thenticity o! the doc "ents. :irst% they did. :irst they said those doc "ents donMt exist. I act ally sho$ed the" on television. And cite so"e on the $eb% I act ally have co&ies o! so"e... AJ: Jreg )alast dot co"T J): Fes% greg&alast.co". +o then they bac'ed o!! and said yea those doc "ents are a thentic b t $e are not going to disc ss the" $ith yo and $e are going to 'ee& yo o!! the air any$ay. +o% thatMs that. / t $hat they $ere saying is loo'% yo ta'e a co ntry li'e Argentina% $hich is% yo 'no$% in !la"es no$. And it has had !ive &residents in !ive $ee's beca se their econo"y is co"&letely destroyed. AJ: IsnMt it six no$T J): Fea% itMs li'e the $ee'ly &resident beca se they canMt hold the nation together. And this ha&&ened beca se they started o t in the end o! the 70s $ith orders !ro" the I>: and World /an' to sell8o!! all their assets% & blic assets. I "ean% things $e $o ldnMt thin' o! doing in the *+% li'e selling o!! their $ater syste". AJ: +o they tax the &eo&le. They create big govern"ent and big govern"ent hands it o!! to the &rivate I>:6World /an'. And $hen $e get bac'% I $ant to get to the !o r8&arts that yo elegantly lay o t here $here they act ally &ay o!! the &oliticians billions to their +$iss ban' acco nts to do this trans!er. J): ThatMs right. AJ: This is one o! the biggest stories ever% &lease contin e. J): +o $hatMs ha&&ening is 8 this is E st one o! the". And by the $ay% itMs not E st anyone $ho gets a &iece o! the action. The $ater syste" o! / enos Aires $as sold o!! !or a song to a co"&any called @nron. A &i&eline $as sold o!!% that r ns bet$een Argentina and 1hile% $as sold o!! to a co"&any called @nron. AJ: CAnd then the globalists blo$ o t their shell cor&oration% @nron a!ter trans!erring the assets to another d ""y cor&oration and then they E st roll the the!t ite"s o!!. J): Fo Mve got it. And by the $ay% yo 'no$ $hy they "oved the &i&eline to @nron is that they got a call !ro" so"ebody na"ed Jeorge W. / sh in 1977. AJ: *nbelievable. +tay right there. We are tal'ing to Jreg )alast. /=@A2


AJ: We are tal'ing to Jreg )alast. ,e is an a$ard8$inning Eo rnalist% an A"erican $ho has $or'ed !or the //1% -ondon J ardian% $ho has dro&&ed a "assive bo"b8shell on the Jlobalists and their cri"inal activity. There is no other $ord !or it. Fo lin' thro gh at in!or$ars.co"% yo can lin' to his $eb site 8 greg&alast.co"% or any o! the other great re&orts he has been & tting o t. ,e no$ has the secret doc "ents. We have seen the activity o! the I>:6World /an' !or years. They co"e in% &ay o!! &oliticians to trans!er the $ater syste"s% the rail$ays% the tele&hone co"&anies% the nationali(ed oil co"&anies% gas stations 8 they then hand it over to the" !or nothing. The Jlobalists &ay the" o!! individ ally% billions a &iece in +$iss ban' acco nts. And the &lan is total slavery !or the entire &o& lation. 0! co rse% @nron% as $e told yo $as a d ""y cor&oration !or "oney la ndering% dr g "oney% yo na"e it% !ro" the other re&orters $e have had on. ItMs E st incredibly "assive and hard to believe. / t it is act ally ha&&ening. Jreg )alast has no$ bro'en the story $orld8$ide. ,e has intervie$ed the !or"er to& World /an' econo"ist. 1ontin ing% +ir $ith all these &ointsC !or the average &erson o t there% in a n tshell% $hat is the syste" yo are ex&osingT J): We are ex&osing that they are syste"atically tearing nations a&art% $hether itMs @c ador or Argentina. The &roble" is so"e o! these bad ideas are dri!ting bac' into the *.+. In other $ords% they have r n o t o! &laces to bleed. And the &roble" is% this is the chie! econo"ist% this is not so"e "inor g y. /y the $ay% a co &le o! "onths ago% a!ter he $as !ired% he $as given the <obel )ri(e in @cono"ics. +o he is no !ool. ,e told "e% he $ent into co ntries $here they $ere tal'ing abo t &rivati(ing and selling o!! these assets. And basically% they 'ne$% they literally 'ne$ and t rned the other $ay $hen it $as nderstood that leaders o! these co ntries and the chie! "inisters $o ld salt a$ay h ndreds o! "illions o! dollars. AJ: / t itMs not even &rivati(ation. They E st steal it !ro" the &eo&le and hand it over to the I>:6World /an'. J): They hand it over% generally to the cronies% li'e 1itiban' $as very big and grabbed hal! the Argentine ban's. Fo Mve got /ritish )etrole " grabbing &i&elines in @c ador. I "entioned @nron grabbing all over the &lace. And the &roble" is that they are destroying these syste"s as $ell. Fo canMt even get drin'ing $ater in / enos Aires. I "ean it is not E st a A estion o! the the!t. Fo canMt t rn on the ta&. It is "ore than so"eone getting rich at the & blic ex&ense. AJ: And the I>: E st got handed the Jreat -a'es. They have the sole control over the $ater s &&ly no$. ThatMs been in the 1hicago Trib ne. J): Well the &roble" that $e have is 8 loo'% the I>: and the World /an' is .1O o$ned by the *nited +tates Treas ry. +o the A estion beco"es% $hat are $e getting !or the "oney that $e & t into thereT And it loo's li'e $e are getting "ayhe" in several nations. Indonesia is in !la"es. ,e $as telling "e% the 1hie! @cono"ist% +tiglit(% $as telling "e


that he started A estioning $hat $as ha&&ening. Fo 'no$% every$here $e go% every co ntry $e end & "eddling in% $e destroy their econo"y and they end & in !la"es. And he $as saying that he A estioned this and he got !ired !or it. / t he $as saying that they even 'ind o! &lan in the riots. They 'no$ that $hen they sA ee(e a co ntry and destroy its econo"y% yo are going to get riots in the streets. And they say% $ell thatMs the I>: riot. In other $ords% beca se yo have riot% yo lose. All the ca&ital r ns a$ay !ro" yo r co ntry and that gives the o&&ort nity !or the I>: to then add "ore conditions. AJ: And that "a'es the" even "ore des&erate. +o it is really an i"&erial econo"y $ar to i"&lode co ntries and no$ they are doing it here $ith @nron. They are getting so greedy. J): IMve E st been tal'ing to% o t in 1ali!ornia E st yesterday% !ro" here in )aris% the chie! investigators o! @nron !or the +tate o! 1ali!ornia. They are telling "e so"e o! the ga"es these g ys are &laying. <o one is $atching that. ItMs not E st the stoc'holders that got ri&&ed o!!. They s c'ed "illions% billions o! dollars o t o! the & blic &oc'et in Texas and 1ali!ornia in &artic lar. AJ: Where are the assetsT +ee% everybody says there are no assets le!t since @nron $as a d ""y cor&oration 8 they trans!erred all those assets to other cor&orations and ban's. J): Well yea% this st !! has really gone E st li'e a three8card >onty ga"e. I "ean re"e"ber that there is "oney at the botto". Fo did &ay 1ali!orniaMs electric bills according to the investigations% they are telling "e that they $ere & "&ed & nnecessarily by 9 to 128billion dollars. And I donMt 'no$ $ho they are going to get it bac' !ro" no$. AJ: Well they ca ght the Jovernor b ying it !or Y143 &er "ega$att and selling it bac' to @nron !or Y1 &er "ega$att and doing it over and over and over again. J): Fea% the syste" has gotten co"&letely o t o! control and these g ys 'ne$ exactly $hat $as ha&&ening. Well% yo have to nderstand that so"e o! the g ys $ho designed the syste" in 1ali!ornia !or dereg lation then $ent to $or' !or @nron right a!ter. In !act% here IM" in -ondon right no$ and $e have% the /ritish has so"e res&onsibility here. The g y $ho $as on the a dit co""ittee o! @nron% -ord Wa'eha". And this g y is a real &iece o! $or'% there isnMt a con!lict o! interest that he hasnMt been involved in. AJ: And he is the head o! <> =othschild. J): There isnMt anything that he doesnMt have his !ingers in. ,eMs on so"ething li'e !i!ty /oards. And one o! the &roble"s% he $as s &&osed to be head o! the a dit co""ittee $atching ho$ @nron 'e&t the boo's. And in !act% they $ere &aying hi" cons lting !ees on the side. ,e $as in >argaret ThatcherMs govern"ent and heMs the one $ho a thori(ed @nron to co"e into /ritain and ta'e over &o$er &lants here in /ritain. And they o$ned a $ater syste" in the "iddle o! @ngland. This is $hat this g y a&&roved and then they gave hi" a Eob on the board. And on to& o! being on the board% they gave hi" a h ge cons lting contract. +o yo 'no$% this g y $as s &&osed to be in charge o! the a dit co""ittee to see ho$ they $ere handling their acco nts.


AJ: Well% he is also the head o! the board to reg late the "edia. J): Fes% he is% beca se I have r n into real &roble"s% beca se he reg lates "e. AJ: They are also trying to &ass la$s in @ngland $here yo Mve got an 7008year old $ell% or in so"e cases a 20008year old $ell that the =o"ans b ilt thatMs on yo r &ro&erty and they say $e are & tting a "eter on it. Fo canMt have yo r o$n $ater. J): Fea% and thatMs -ord Wa'eha". I "ean this is the g y !ro" @nron. ,e is a real &iece o! $or'. ,e canMt be to ched here beca se li'e I say he act ally reg lates the "edia. +o i! yo co"&lain% heMs got his hand on yo r &en. AJ: / rro$ into <> =othschild% yo Mll !ind it all there. Jo thro gh these !o r &oints. Fo ?ve got the doc "ents. The I>:6World /an' i"&losion% !o r &oints% ho$ they bring do$n a co ntry and destroy the reso rces o! the &eo&le. J): =ight. :irst yo o&en & the ca&ital "ar'ets. That is% yo sell o!! yo r local ban's to !oreign ban's. Then yo go to $hatMs called "ar'et8based &ricing. ThatMs the st !! li'e in 1ali!ornia $here everything is !ree "ar'et and yo end & $ith $ater bills 8 $e canMt even i"agine selling o!! $ater co"&anies in the *nited +tates o! A"erica. / t i"agine i! a &rivate co"&any li'e @nron o$ned yo r $ater. +o then the &rices go thro gh the roo!. Then o&en & yo r borders to trade 8 co"&lete !ree "ar'eteering. And +tiglit( $ho $as the chie! econo"ist% re"e"ber he $as r nning this syste"% he $as their n "bers "an and he $as saying it $as li'e the o&i " $ars. ,e said this isnMt !ree trade# this is coercion trade. This is $ar. They are ta'ing a&art econo"ies thro gh this. AJ: Well loo'% 1hina has a 50O tari!! on s% $e have a 2O on the". ThatMs not !ree and !air trade. ItMs to !orce all ind stry to a co ntry that the globalists ! lly control. J): Well% yo 'no$ Wal"art 8 I have a story in "y ne$ boo' abo t ho$ Wal"art has 300 &lants in 1hina. There is al"ost nothing in a Wal"art store that co"es !ro" the *nited +tates o! A"erica% des&ite all the eagles on the $all. AJ: @xactly% li'e 1975% then they have big !lags saying I/ y A"ericanI and thereMs hardly anything 888 itMs 0r$ellian do ble8thin'. J): WhatMs even $orst is they $ill hire a !actory and right next to it $ill be the sister !actory $hich is inside a &rison. Fo can i"agine the conditions o! these $or'ers &rod cing this lovely st !! !or Wal"art. ItMs really.... AJ: And i! an elitist needs a liver% they E st call. J): K-a ghsL I 'no$% itMs gri". In !act% I tal'ed to a g y% ,arry W % is his na"e and% in !act% he bro'e into% heMs been in 1hinese &rison !or 19 years. <o one believed his horrible stories. ,e act ally bro'e bac' into &rison% too' a ca"era $ith hi" and too' &ict res o! the conditions and said this is the conditions o! !actories $here Wal"art is getting its st !! "ade at% itMs all....


AJ: I $as threatened to be thro$n o!! TP here in A stin $hen I aired video o! little girls 58years old chained do$n to die in 1hina% s'innier than Je$s in concentration ca"&s. And I $as threatened% i! yo ever air that again% yo $ill be arrested. J): Well yo 'no$% it is horri!ying st !! that% n!ort nately% I have been handed and +tiglit(% $as very co rageo s !or hi" to co"e o t and "a'e these state"ents. The doc "ents really sealed it beca se it said this is $hat really ha&&ened. They really do say sign on the dotted line agreeing to 111 conditions !or each nation. And the & blic has no say# they donMt 'no$ $hat the hell is ha&&ening to the". AJ: Jo bac' into &rivati(ation. Jo thro gh these !o r &oints. ThatMs the 'ey. It sends billions to &oliticians to hand everything over. J): Fea% he called it briberi(ation% $hich is yo sell o!! the $ater co"&any and thatMs $orth% over ten years% letMs say that thatMs $orth abo t . billion b c's% ten &ercent o! that is .00 "illion% yo can !ig re o t ho$ it $or's. I act ally s&o'e to a +enator !ro" Argentina t$o $ee's ago. I got hi" on ca"era. ,e said that a!ter he got a call !ro" Jeorge W. / sh in 1977 saying give the gas &i&eline in Argentina to @nron% thatMs o r c rrent &resident% Jeorge W. / sh. ,e said that $hat he !o nd $as really cree&y $as that @nron $as going to &ay one8!i!th o! the $orldMs &rice !or their gas and he said ho$ can yo "a'e s ch an o!!erT And he $as told% not by Jeorge W. b t by a &artner in the deal% $ell i! $e only &ay one8!i!th that leaves A it a little bit !or yo to go in yo r +$iss ban' acco nt. And thatMs ho$ itMs done. AJ: This is the .... J): IMve got the !il". This g y is very conservative. ,e 'no$s the / sh !a"ily very $ell. And he $as & blic $or's ad"inistrator in Argentina and he said% yea% I got this call. I as'ed hi"% I said% !ro" Jeorge W. / sh. ,e said% yea% <ove"ber 1977% the g y called hi" & and said give a &i&eline to @nron. <o$ this is the sa"e Jeorge W. / sh $ho said he didnMt get to 'no$ 2en -ay ntil 1995. +o% yo 'no$..... AJ: +o no$ they are having these $hite8$ash hearingsC J): Well% yo 'no$% I $as there in >ay% telling &eo&le in /ritain yo Mve never heard o! @nron% b t ... And these are the g ys $ho have !ig red o t ho$ to "ani& late this govern"ent. In !act% $e sa$ so"e interesting doc "ents% a "onth be!ore / sh too' o!!ice% /ill 1linton% I thin' to get even $ith / shMs big donor% c t @nron o t o! the 1ali!ornia &o$er "ar'et. ,e & t a ca& on the &rices they co ld charge. They co ldnMt charge "ore than one8h ndred ti"es the nor"al &rice !or electricity. That &set @nron. +o 2en -ay &ersonally $rote a note to Dic' 1heney saying get rid o! 1lintonMs ca& on &rices. Within 57 ho rs o! Jeorge W. / sh ta'ing o!!ice% his energy de&art"ent reversed the cla"&s on @nron. 02% ho$ " ch is that $orth !or those g ys. Fo 'no$ that has got to be $orth a lot% that &aid o!! in a $ee' all the donations. AJ: -isten at the bo"bs yo are dro&&ing. Fo are intervie$ing these "inisters% !or"er head o! I>:6World /an' econo"ist 8 all o! this% yo Mve got the doc "ents% &aying &eo&leMs +$iss /an' acco nts% all this ha&&ening. Then yo Mve got )art 2% $hat do they 129

do a!ter they start i"&lodingT J): Well% then they tell yo to start c tting yo r b dgets. A !i!th o! the &o& lation o! Argentina is ne"&loyed% and they said c t the ne"&loy"ent bene!its drastically% ta'e a$ay &ension ! nds% c t the ed cation b dgets% I "ean horrible things. <o$ i! yo c t the econo"y in the "iddle o! a recession that $as created by these g ys% yo are really going to absol tely de"olish this nation. A!ter $e $ere attac'ed on +e&te"ber 11% / sh ran o t and said $e got to s&end Y.0 to Y100 billion dollars to save o r econo"y. We donMt start c tting the b dget% yo start trying to save this econo"y. / t they tell these co ntries yo Mve got to c t% and c t% and c t. And $hy% according to the inside doc "ents% itMs so yo can "a'e &ay"ents to !oreign ban's 8 the !oreign ban's are collecting 21O to 30O interest. This is loan8shar'ing. I! !act% it $as so bad that they reA ired Argentina to get rid o! the la$s against loan8shar'ing. beca se any ban' $o ld be a loan8shar' nder Argentine la$. AJ: / t Jreg% yo said it yo rsel! and the doc "ents sho$ it. They !irst i"&lode the econo"y to create that at"os&here. They set & the entire cli"ate that does this. J): Fea% and then they say% $ell gee% $e canMt lend yo any "oney exce&t at these loan8 shar' rates. We donMt allo$ &eo&le to charge 3.O interest in the *nited +tates. ThatMs loan8shar'ing. AJ: )art 4 and )art 5. What do they do a!ter they do thatT J): -i'e I said% yo o&en & the borders !or trade% thatMs the ne$ o&i " $ars. And once yo have destroyed an econo"y that canMt &rod ce anything% one o! the terrible things is that they are !orcing nations to &ay horrendo s a"o nts !or things li'e dr gs 8 legal dr gs. And by the $ay% thatMs ho$ yo end & $ith an illegal dr g trade% $hatMs there le!t to s rvive on exce&t sell s s"ac' and crac' and thatMs ho$... AJ: And the sa"e 1IA national sec rity dictatorshi& has been ca ght shi&&ing that in. J): Fo 'no$% $e are E st hel&ing o r allies. AJ: This is E st a"a(ing. And so% drive the $hole $orld do$n% blo$ o t their econo"ies and then b y the rest o! it & !or &ennies on the dollar. WhatMs )art 5 o! the I>:6World /an' )lanT J): In )art 5% yo end & again $ith the ta'ing a&art o! the govern"ent. And by the $ay% the real )art 5 is the co & dMetat. ThatMs $hat they are not telling yo . And IM" E st !inding that o t in Pene( ela. I E st got a call !ro" the )resident o! Pene( ela. AJ: And they install their o$n cor&orate & &&et govern"ent. J): What they said $as here yo Mve got an elected &resident o! the govern"ent and the I>: has anno nced% listen to this% that they $o ld s &&ort a transition govern"ent i! the &resident $ere re"oved. They are not saying that they are going to get involved in &olitics 8 they $o ld E st s &&ort a transition govern"ent. What that e!!ectively is is


saying $e $ill &ay !or the co & dMetat% i! the "ilitary overthro$s the c rrent &resident% beca se the c rrent &resident o! Pene( ela has said no to the I>:. ,e told those g ys to go &ac'ing. They bro ght their tea"s in and said yo have to do this and that. And he said% I donMt have to do nothing. ,e said $hat IM" going to do is% IM" going to do ble the taxes on oil cor&orations beca se $e have a $hole lot o! oil in Pene( ela. And IM" going to do ble the taxes on oil cor&orations and then I $ill have all the "oney I need !or social &rogra"s and the govern"ent 8 and $e $ill be a very rich nation. Well% as soon as they did that% they started !o"enting tro ble $ith the "ilitary and IM" telling yo $atch this s&ace: the )resident o! Pene( ela $ill be o t o! o!!ice in three "onths or shot dead. They are not going to allo$ hi" to raise taxes on the oil co"&anies. Note; This !nter%iew too3 p-ace on The "-ex 5ones 0how on March C, <==<. #or1es.co reported on a 6ene8ue-an Coup D:9tat on March *<, <==< in an artic-e tit-ed, >Coup DI9tat !n 6ene8ue-a Wi-- 4et ,i- #-ow.& AJ: Jreg )alast% here is the &roble". Fo said it $hen yo !irst ca"e o t o! the gates. They are getting h ngry% they are doing it to the *nited +tates no$. @nron% !ro" all the evidence that IMve seen $as a !ront% another shill% they $o ld steal assets and then trans!er it to other older global co"&anies% then they ble$ that o t and stole the &ension ! nds. <o$ they are telling s that terroris" is co"ing any day. ItMs going to ha&&en i! yo donMt give yo r rights &. / sh did not involve 1ongress and the others $ho are s &&osed to be in the accession i! there is a n clear attac' in the secret govern"ent% Washington )ost 8I1ongress <ot Advised o! +hado$ Jovern"ent.I We have the +&ea'er o! the ,o se not being told. This loo's li'e co & dMetat here. IM" going to co"e right o t $ith it. We had better s&read the $ord on this no$ or these greedy creat res are going to go all the $ay. J): IM" very sad abo t one thing. I re&ort this story in the "ain strea" &ress o! /ritain. IM" on the //1 des&ite -ord Wa'eha". I 'no$ he doesnMt li'e "e there. IM" in the //1% IM" in the "ain daily &a&er% $hich is the eA ivalent o! the <e$ For' Ti"es or $hatever% and $e do get the in!or"ation o t. And IM" E st very sorry that $e have to have an alternative &ress% an alternative radio net$or' and everything else to get o t the in!or"ation that "a'es any sense. I "ean this in!or"ation sho ld be available to every A"erican. A!ter all% itMs o r govern"ent.


IN*OWARS@CO' ECCLUSIBE: 0OHE'IAN $ROBE To un#er tan# the &in# et an# character o! the Ne. Wor"# Or#er cro.#, it i i&-ortant to e9a&ine their acti%itie .hen they are on :ho"i#ay@4 On 7u"y 1D, 5666 the ecrecy o! an e"ite enca&-&ent in Northern Ca"i!ornia a,ru-t"y en#e#@ The tory ha ,een !eature# on the co%er o! Esquire Magazine, the San Francisco Chronicle, a .e"" a on te"e%i ion !ro& En)"an# to 7a-an@ Thi tory o! the occu"t ritua" con#ucte# ,y the Ne. Wor"# Or#er e"ite at the 0ohe&ian $ro%e i true an# #ocu&ente# on !i"&@ Occu"t Acti%itie at the E"ite 0ohe&ian $ro%e in Northern Ca"i!ornia E9-o e#E A"e9 7one Te"" Hi Story Au tin, TC 88 -ast J ly% doc "entary !il""a'er Alex Jones in!iltrated /ohe"ian Jrove% beco"ing the !irst &erson to ca&t re the bi(arre occ lt activities o! the all8"ale elite cl b "e"bershi& on videota&e. This !ootage recently aired in @ngland% Ireland and +cotland on *2 1hannel :o r as )art Three o! a !o r8&art s&ecial: The 0ecret Ru-ers of the Wor-d. Alex Jones $as inside the 2%300 acre elite co"&o nd !or over !ive ho rs% and states% IThan' Jod I ca ght the $hole thing on videota&e beca se no one $o ld believe "e i! I hadn?t. I have tro ble believing $hat I $itnessed $ith "y o$n t$o eyes. It $as act ally that bi(arre.I :or over 127 years% $orld leaders have traveled to +ono"a 1o nty 1ali!ornia in the "onth o! J ly. Al"ost i""ediately% bi(arre r "ors began to circ late in the local &ress that so"ething dar' and occ lt $as going on. The r "ors entailed dar' stories o! "en in blac' and red robes and a giant 508!oot stone o$l% to $hich so"ething% or so"eone $as being sacri!iced. Alex Jones% being a radio tal'8sho$ host had heard the r "ors "any ti"es% so he decided to loo' into it and did so"e research. To his s r&rise% "ainstrea" "edia articles !ro" )arade >aga(ine% the Associated )ress% =e ters% the +acra"ento /ee% and the Washington Ti"es con!ir"ed the incredible. World leaders $ere traveling yearly to the r ral red$ood8covered hills o! <orthern 1ali!ornia and &hotos act ally existed o! the giant stone o$l and the "en in blac' and red robes. II $as angered%I Jones said% Ithat in over .0 years there had been only a hand! l o! ne$s stories $ritten on /ohe"ian Jrove% and that these stories cal"ly re&orted on the r "ors and engaged in a $hite$ash% th s hiding a giant story in &lain vie$.I =eading abo t all the la$ en!orce"ent and +ecret +ervice &rotecting the Jrove?s "ysteries every J ly% Jones too' the challenge o! Jon =onson o! World o! Wonder )rod ctions to Iblo$ /ohe"ian Jrove $ide8o&en $ith his hidden ca"eras.I


A!ter traveling !ro" A stin% Texas to +an :rancisco% Jones and the other "e"bers o! his tea"% "et & $ith the /ritish !il""a'ers and began a three8day investigation be!ore atte"&ting to enter the Jrove. 0n J ly 1.% 2000% Alex Jones and his assistant% >i'e% eA i&&ed $ith t$o hidden video ca"eras and disg ised as "e"bers o! the /ohe"ian 1l b s ccess! lly in!iltrated the elite c lt co"&o nd. 0ne o! the "ost co""only as'ed A estions is: ,o$ did they get inT :ollo$ing is a transcri&t o! a ta&ed intervie$ $ith Alex Jones% $ho describes his in!iltration o! the s &er8secret elitist ca"& and $hat he $itnessed inside: IThe /ohe"ian 1l b lies $ithin a range o! large hills and cli!!s $ith 4008500 !t. dro&s. The cl b itsel! consists o! large log cabin8style ho"es b ilt into the gorge $alls. There is only one entrance on the north side o! the co"&o nd% $hich is a &aved road% a&&ro&riately na"ed I/ohe"ian Aven e.I A lo$ barbed8$ire !ence s rro nds the entire &eri"eter o! the cl b% b t the !ence doesn?t "atter beca se there is only one &lace $here the hills co"e together% leaving an o&ening traversable by !oot or car. +i"&ly stated% the /ohe"ian Jrove is a $alled city. A!ter being dro&&ed o!! near the /ohe"ian 1l b% $e inserted o rselves into the $oods abo t 100 yards !ro" the "ain entrance. A!ter going over the barbed $ire !ence% $e !o nd o rselves in $hat can only be described as a "oat. The entire area along the road to the !oot o! the cli!! $alls had been d g o t and !looded. We $ere able to "a'e o r $ay across the ex&ansive s$a"& by E "&ing !ro" bro'en tree li"bs and other debris. A!ter cli"bing & a stee& e"ban'"ent% & lling o r $ay & by gri&&ing on tree roots% $e !o nd o rselves in a large &ar'ing lot% $ith h ndreds o! cars. We sa$ several do(en /ohe"ian 1l b e"&loyees6servants getting o t o! the vehicles% $hich $ere everything !ro" >ercedes8/en( to :ord Te"&os. At abo t 100 yards thro gh the trees% $e sa$ a " ch larger &ar'ing lot% !illed $ith "ore late8"odel% l x ry8style cars. 0bvio sly% this $as the &ar'ing area o! the act al 2%000 "e"bers o! the /ohe"ian 1l b. When yo co"e in on the "ain road% the "oat% the s$a"& and the e"ban'"ent are o!! to the right Ko!! to the $estL E st .0 yards o! so. /y going across the s$a"& or "oat% $e "ade o r $ay &ast the !irst t$o chec'&oints% $hich consisted o! a s"all g ard shac' on the le!t8hand side o! the road and another .0 yards do$n the road another g ard shac' on the right8hand side o! the road. It?s a good thing that $e decided to snea' aro nd the !irst t$o chec'&oints% by entering thro gh the /ohe"ian Jrove e"&loyee &ar'ing lot% beca se the real chec'&oints lie dee&er inside the Jrove. There $as a chec'&oint in the "iddle o! the road Ka large g ard shac' $ith several do(en sec rity &eo&leL and then g ard shac's on the le!t and right 133

sides o! the road% $hich $ere 'ind o! li'e the Jer"an8style chec'&oints yo see in old ne$s reels. I told >i'e I tho ght it $o ld be a good idea i! $e tried to get on one o! the large tr c's Kthe !lat8bac' o&en tr c's that had &added seats that $ere &ic'ing & "e"bers o! the /ohe"ian 1l b as $ell as the e"&loyeesL. +o% $e $ent ahead and $al'ed thro gh the $oods to the /ohe"ian 1l b "e"ber &ar'ing area and $aited !or one o! the large tr c's to & ll &% at $hich ti"e "ysel! and >i'e cli"bed onto the bac' $ith t$o older gentle"en. >i'e and "ysel! "ade s"all8tal' conversation as $e got onto the blac'8to& road and drove dee&er into the Jrove% no$ a&&roaching these larger chec'&oints. In the t$o or three "in tes that $e $ere on board the tr c'% $e ca ght an interesting conversation on ta&e% as t$o o! the "e"bers disc ssed the &rices o! their cere"onial robes Kall o! that is in "y video% Dar' +ecrets: Inside /ohe"ian JroveL. 0 r !irst close call ha&&ened as $e neared the "ain chec'&oint. The tr c' act ally sto&&ed% at $hich ti"e an older% gray8haired "an "ade eye contact $ith the driver o! the tr c' and $al'ed aro nd the bac' o! the tr c' to stare "ysel! and >i'e right in the eye. 0bvio sly% he $as a!raid that $e "ight be g ests o! the t$o older gentle"en $e $ere riding in $ith in the tr c' Kas /ohe"ian 1l b "e"bers are allo$ed to bring g estsL so he didn?t as' s $ho $e $ere or $hat $e $ere doing. The g ards $ent ahead and $aved s on $ith a loo' o! s s&icion. Then $e $ere really inside the /ohe"ian Jrove. We had heard all o! the bi(arre r "ors and $ere abo t to !ind o t $hat $as really going on inside. The "ystery $as getting closer to being solved. The tr c' drove in !or several "ore "in tes and sto&&ed at $hich ti"e $e o!!8loaded. I told >i'e that I $anted to get to cover. It too' s abo t 5. "in tes to an ho r to $al' all the $ay thro gh to the botto" o! the gorge% at $hich &oint the road ended and a car co ld no longer drive on it% as it t rned into a concrete8&aved% blac'to& !oot8&ath. We reached the end o! the gorge% $hich is an observation dec' at the to& o! a 4008!oot cli!! overloo'ing the = ssian =iver and the s"all to$n o! >onte =io on the other side. It $as "y &lan to have the least a"o nt o! contact $ith the /ohe"ian 1l b "e"bers and sta!! as I co ld and to $ait ntil night!all to atte"&t to get o t o r hidden ca"eras and to catch the 1re"ation o! 1are cere"ony on ta&e. At this &oint% I sho ld digress and go bac' and say that as $e $ere $al'ing into the Jrove $e ca"e $ithin abo t ten yards o! the 50 !oot stone o$l that sits to the north side o! the s"all la'e. We $ere only abo t seven yards a$ay !ro" the blac' altar that sits at the base o! the o$l. +o% already at this &oint $e had &roven a big r "or tr e: yes there is a giant stone o$l G yes there is an altar. As $e $ere $al'ing dee&er into the grove% &ast the la'e% $e even sa$ little "etal crosses stic'ing & !ro" the $ater?s edge. We?ll get to those little "etal crosses later.


+o% no$ $e had been there abo t an ho r at the observation dec'. There $as no one aro nd. All o! the s dden% there $as an older gentle"an% abo t 93830 years old% $earing a +ono"a 1o nty +heri!!?s De&art"ent ni!or" co"ing & the &ath . We didn?t even see hi" co"ing. I believe he $as the +heri!!% and he started s&ea'ing to s in so"e 'ind o! code. ,e loo'ed directly at "e and said% IWere yo here in 1914T Are yo one o! the old onesTI <o$ obvio sly% I $as 23 years old and the "an 'ne$ I $asn?t aro nd in 1914 and that I $asn?t one o! the old ones. 2no$ing that he $as testing "e% I E st cal"ly said% IFeah% I?" $ith the ,illbillies.I To ex&lain that% there are abo t 9. di!!erent cl bs $ithin the /ohe"ian 1l b. All the di!!erent cl b ho ses and log cabin8style "ansions that are b ilt into the cli!!s have di!!erent na"es and di!!erent "e"bershi&s. The "ost elite cl b% according to &ress re&orts is >andaley% $ith ,enry 2issinger and )a l Polc'er% !or"er :ederal =eserve 1hair"an and other <e$ World 0rder bosses. The ,illbilly 1a"& is the ca"& that the / shes are "e"bers o!% along $ith "any other notables in A"erican ind stry% ban'ing% "edia and govern"ent. At that &oint he s"iled and said% IWell% enEoy the day.I ,e then t rned aro nd and $al'ed o!!. A!ter he le!t I said to >i'e% I-oo'% $e?ve got to get to a ne$ &osition and hide o rselves in the $oods.I +o $e traveled bac' into the gorge% o!! the cli!!side and the observation dec'. Abo t hal!8$ay into the gorge% $e noticed that t$o "en in dar' s its and s nglasses $ere !ollo$ing s. I decided to slo$ do$n. The t$o "en %$ho $ere obvio sly &rivate sec rity% +ecret +ervice or so"ebody?s &rivate body g ards% $al'ed & to s and as'ed s o r na"es. I gave the" "y !a'e na"e and >i'e gave the" his !a'e na"e% and $e told the" that $e $ere "e"bers o! the ,illbilly 1l b. They said% Ita'e it easy% don?t stress yo rselves o t and enEoy yo rselves%I $hich $as a the"e that ca"e & "ore later. At this &oint% $e had been con!ronted t$ice and $ere no$ being !ollo$ed. I told >i'e that $e had to get into a heavily &o& lated area $here a lot o! the Jrove "e"bers $ere congregating. +o $e $ent into several o! the cl bs and al"ost had o r identities blo$n. We $ent in and had a !e$ drin's% beca se everyone $as drin'ing co&io sly and they $ere o!!ering s $ine in so"e o! the cl bho ses. We then got bac' on the road and into a large o tdoor !easting area% $here h ndreds o! tables $ere being set !ro" so"e &arty or revelry. I told >i'e $e sho ld go & the stee& road into the hills $here so"e o! the larger str ct res $ere located. It too' s abo t 20 "in tes to $al' & the road into the only hills that $ere accessible by !oot. At that &oint so"e o! the e"&loyees began to as' s $hy $eren?t riding the tr c' &. We told the" that $e $anted exercise% at $hich &oint they started acting &retty s s&icio s.


We noticed that high & in the hills "any o! the large log cabin str ct res $ere deserted% $ith "any large o tside dec's. +o $e $ent into the Web 1a"& and E st "ade o rselves co"!ortable. KThe ca"&s have di!!erent na"es li'e -ost /oys% Doo"% Dragon etc.L We si"&ly sat o t the next ho r% reloaded o r hidden ca"eras and got the" bac' into &lace. /y then% the shado$s $ere getting long and it $as E st a !e$ "in tes ntil d s'. We started to hear bi(arre chanting and singing co"ing !ro" do$n belo$ s in the gorge. +o $e traveled bac' into the gorge. 0n o r $ay bac' do$n% $e sa$ tho sands o! "en chanting and singing dr n'enly beneath the giant red$oods. It $as li'e so"ething o t o! a !antasy novel. I ex&ected to see a dragon co"e ho&&ing by any "o"ent. There $ere h ge s' lls hanging do$n !ro" the !loodlights% satanic8styled o$ls $ith glo$ing eyes% Ka lot o! tra&&ings o! deathL that $e co ld no$ see in the t$ilight ill "inated by the large !loodlights. The !easting revelers $ere beginning to brea' & and to travel do$n &aths to$ards the la'e. We decided to go ahead and "ix in $ith the" and go $here they $ere going. They $ere going to$ards the east side o! the ban' abo t 100 yards across the north ti& o! the la'e $here the idol and altar stood. As $e $ere $al'ing aro nd the la'e% the only blac' "an $e sa$% a very large "an% sa$ "ysel! and >i'e $al'ing very A ic'ly co"&ared to other "e"bers in the cro$d K$e $anted to get a good &lace on the east side o! the ban' to $atch the 1re"ation o! 1are rit al G "ost o! the r "ors I had heard $ere no$ co"ing tr eL. ,e said% Itro ble yo rselves notH Ta'e it easyH The cares o! the $orld are o!! yo r sho ldersH Fo ?re not s &&osed to $al' that !ast.I ,e then gave s t$o ! ll8color &rogra"s. 0n the cover o! the &rogra"% they sho$ >oloch% the big o$l% $ith a b rning body en!la"ed beneath it Kthe &rogra" can be vie$ed at in!o$ars.co"L. Rnote to & blisher: &lease insert i"age: bg6&rogra"Vscan $ith the !ollo$ing ca&tion: )rogra" 1over !ro" the /ohe"ian Jrove 1re"ation o! 1are 1ere"onySAlso a little de"on% $ith the initials )J $as s$ee&ing & so"eone?s ashes on the lo$er le!t8hand corner o! the &rogra" K$hich is also on "y !il"% Dar' +ecrets: Inside /ohe"ian JroveL Rnote to & blisher: &lease insert i"age: bg6&rogra"Vde"on $ith the !ollo$ing ca&tion: De"on B)JD on )rogra" 1over !ro" the /ohe"ian Jrove 1re"ation o! 1are 1ere"onyS. Tho sands o! the "en began to gather on the eastern ban'% &rivate servants Kas o&&osed to the /ohe"ian Jrove e"&loyees% $ho all $ear red shirts and $ho $eren?t allo$ed to be &resent !or the rit alL began to & t o t chairs !or their elderly e"&loyers. The s n had no$ s n' behind the hill. It $as co"&letely dar' and yo co ldn?t even see the other side o! the $ater. There $ere bats !lying aro nd and a lot o! nat ral !og b ilding on the s r!ace o! the $ater Kthere is a lot o! !og in <orthern 1ali!ornia that ti"e o! yearL. )ict re this% i! 1o nt Drac la lived in <orth A"erica% he $o ld live in +ono"a 1o nty. This $as s&oo'y st !!. The hair on the bac' o! "y nec' $as beginning to stand & at this &oint.


Then% o t o! the $oods% all o! the s dden ca"e thirty &riests in blac' robes% their !aces &ainted & li'e death% $ith a "an dressed li'e the Jri" =ea&er & lling a $agon $ith a bo nd body. Then $e noticed so"ething that $e had seen d ring the day. -arge blac' cano&ies had been n! rled o t o! the trees on the $estern side o! the ban' K$e?re on the eastern side G only abo t 30 yards a$ay at that &ointL and they n! rled those% and the $agon & lled behind it. The "en then began to yell o t% breathing heavily% Ib rn hi" againH ,e?s going to get $hat he deservesH 2ill that son o! a bitchHD <o$% I " st digress and say that the reason I $as able to see the &riest in the blac' robes% the &riest &ainted8 & li'e death% and the bo nd body on the bac' o! the $agon% $as beca se they $ere all carrying torches. The &lace $as so"e$hat ill "inated by the torches being carried by the thirty &riests in !ront and the thirty &riests behind the $agon. )robably o t o! the entire rit al that I $itnessed% the "ost i"&ortant as&ect o! the cere"ony $as $hat ha&&ened !irst. The $agon $ent behind these big blac' sheets hanging o t o! the trees% do$n to the gro nd% obsc ring the vie$% and !or abo t 10 "in tes nothing ha&&ened. It $as A iet exce&t !or the hate! l sho ts o! the old "en% $ho said things li'e% I0h yeahH / rn that bastardH 2ill hi"H That?s $hat he deservesHI All $e co ld hear $as the" $his&ering and s"ac'ing their li&s. This $ent on and on. <o$ on the $est side o! the ban'% K$e?re $ere on the east side% abo t 90830 yards a$ayL at the !ront% abo t 100 yards a$ay on the north side% is the idol% sitting in dar'ness. <o one $as &aying attention to that. @veryone $as distracted as they stared across the $ater at $hatever $as ha&&ening behind those blac' c rtains $ith that bo nd body. Whether it $as an e!!igy or real% $e do not 'no$. KThis is 'ind o! li'e the +' ll and /ones rit al that the <e$ For' 0bserver ca ght on ta&e. They clai" that the video sho$s the" slitting the throats o! cere"onial e!!igies.L Is all o! this in e!!igyT We don?t 'no$. We $ere all !oc sed at $hat $as going on across the &ond. + ddenly the o$l $as lit & by so"e !lood lights and o t ran a h ndred &riests or so in blac'% red and green robes. >ost o! the" $ere in blac'% so"e in red and a co &le in silver or green robes. Then% o t ca"e the high &riest% $ho $ent thro gh all his incantations abo t the dead K$ho is dead at the Jrove in the &ast% "ay their s&irits be conE red and bro ght bac' there by the Igreat o$lIL. ,e &raised the o$l !or abo t t$enty "in tes and he tal'ed abo t Igoodly Tyre and /abylon.I KI 'no$ ho$ bi(arre this all so nds% E st re"e"ber that $e have all o! this on ta&e in "y video% Dar' +ecrets: Inside /ohe"ian Jrove% $hich has aired nationally in the *nited 2ingdo"% and "ight air here in the *nited +tates% nless it is s &&ressed.L +o% the &riest tal'ed abo t Igoodly Tyre and /abylon.I Well%% there is only one Igreat o$lI o! /abylon and IgoodlyI Tyre. I! yo read yo r /ible% or any historical doc "ent o!


the ti"e% they $ere b rning children in the /abylonian and 1aananite 'ingdo"s be!ore the o$l8god >oloch. + ddenly% Kagain% $e had initially been "isdirected !ro" the o$l by the activities behind the c rtains across the ban'% then $e $ere &aying attention to the o$l and the &riests on the island L bac' on the $est ban'% there $as an old8!ashioned river8style boat% $ith that gri" rea&er character $ho had been driving the $agon% and he $as &oling hi"sel! across the $ater $ith the bo nd body & on the bo$. ,e bro ght the bo nd body to the high &riest $ho $as $aiting !or it at the !oot o! the o$l% at the botto" o! large circ lar ste&s on $hich the o$l sits. Then% in very "acabre !ashion% t$o o! the blac'8clad &riests r bbed and caressed the sacri!icial body and bro ght it be!ore the o$l. The body begged !or its li!e% over a s&ea'er syste". They re! sed it "ercy. They too' it & onto the altar. The Igreat o$lI told the" to b rn the body K$hich they called Id ll care%IL$hich loo's li'e a h "an $ra&&ed & in blac' cloth. =ight above the altar there $as a large stone la"& that $as b rning that they call the Ieternal !la"e.I The high &riest too' an nlit torch and lit his torch $ith this !la"e. The body again begged !or "ercy. The high &riest then $al'ed do$n K$ith so"e di!!ic lty% beca se this high &riest $as so old% he co ld hardly even $al'L% and lit the &yre on !ire. ,e began to say that he $o ld read the signs in the re"ains% a dee& occ lt tradition. This is not the ,olly$ood devil $ith red &aEa"as G this is the real deal% /abylon "ystery religion8style. The body contin ed to screa" in &ain. + ddenly% all o! those little "etal crosses that $e had seen along the ban' d ring the day b rst into !la"e. +o% I $as there $itnessing so"ething right o t o! the "edieval &ainter ,ierony" s /osch?s 6isions of (e--: b rning "etal crosses% &riests in red and blac' robes $ith the high &riest in a silver robe $ith a red ca&e% a b rning body screa"ing in &ain% a giant stone great8horned o$l% $orld leaders% ban'ers% "edia and the head o! acade"ia engaged in these activities. It $as total insanity. +o the rit al ended and all the old "en started brea'ing & and going bac' to the big hall in the giant red$oods. >ysel! and >i'e high8tailed it o t o! there% $al'ing at a bris' &ace. We enco ntered no resistance $hen $e le!t. We $al'ed right by g ards and $ere o t on the "ain road% /ohe"ian Aven e. It is a lot easier to get o t o! the Jrove than it is to get in% beca se a lot o! these $orld leaders that yo read abo t in the ne$s leave the Jrove to go into the s"all to$n >onte =io. They go into the bars !or &rostit tes that are !lo$n in !ro" aro nd the $orld to service the". Do$n the road the /ritish "edia $as $aiting to &ic' s &. They as'ed s% IDid yo get itT Did yo get itTI 0ne o! the &rod cers% John +ergeant% said% IFo ?ve done it AlexH Fo ?ve blo$n /ohe"ian Jrove $ide o&enHI


There is so " ch "ore to this story that $e don?t have ti"e to get into. I decided to have this intervie$ transcribed and & t on "y $ebsite% WWW@IN*OWARS@CO'. Fo really need to get the !il"% or at least loo' at the &hotos or the stills o! the video on in!o$ars.co". -oo' at the &rogra" there $ith the b rning body and read the "ainstrea" "edia ne$s stories abo t the history o! the Jrove% and yo $ill reali(e ho$ real all this is. Fo need to do this beca se a $ee' a!ter I got o t o! the /ohe"ian Jrove% a gro & called the /ohe"ian Jrove Action <et$or'% Ka gro & that &rotests the Jrove and is against the corr &tion% elitis" and ho$ $o"en are denied access% beca se the Jrove is all8"ale% o! co rseL% contacted di!!erent &ress o tlets. I got ten nsolicited "edia calls !ro" the $est coast "edia. I gave the" the in!or"ation% and $e & t the video cli&s on the $eb at in!o$ars.co". They all said that the in!iltration and $hat o r ca"eras ca ght on ta&e $o ld be a h ge story. A!ter that% $e never heard !ro" the" again. That sho$s the &o$er o! the Jrove. The only &laces $e have been able to get in!or"ation o t abo t /ohe"ian Jrove has been on tal' radio across the co ntry% the Internet% and no$ across the *nited 2ingdo". ,o&e! lly% they?ve bro'en the ice abroad by broadcasting this over *2 1hannel :o r and this tr e story o! /ohe"ian Jrove $ill "a'e it into the "ainstrea" *nited +tates "edia. This has really been li!e changing !or "e% to go in there and $itness this and then have so"e &eo&le s&in it% li'e% Ioh% it?s E st !raternity ! n.I These &eo&le $ere deadly serio s. This is a story that needs to be told and the establish"ent is trying to s &&ress it. )lease s&read this in!or"ation to every corner o! the $orld. Alex Jones WWW.I<:0WA=+.10>


3NOW YOUR ENE'Y: THE CO''UNIST 'ANI*ESTO So&e -eo-"e thin1 that .e(re !i)htin) an internationa" co&&uni t con -iracy@ In rea"ity, Co&&uni & i &ere"y a ,a tar# chi"# o! the Ne. Wor"# Or#er@ Co&&uni & con o"i#ate the -eo-"e( .ea"th into the han# o! an a""2-o.er!u" centra" tate, an# nationa" o%erei)nty i then co""a- e# into the )reater he)e&ony o! .or"# )o%ern&ent@ Ne%er the "e , it i a %ita""y i&-ortant e9erci e to rea# the Co&&uni t 'ani!e to .ritten ,y 'ar9 an# En)e" in 1FG<@ In thi e9erci e, e9a&ine each o! the ten -"an1 an# then co&-are the& to the current -o"itica" c"i&ate o! the Unite# State > our "a. , )o%ern&ent tructure , an# the out"oo1 o! the A&erican -eo-"e@ It i c"ear to anyone .ho ha a ru#i&entary un#er tan#in) o! -o"itica" y te& that the )"o,a"i t ha%e i&-"e&ente# at "ea t ei)ht o! the -"an1 in the Unite# State , .ith the other t.o -artia""y in -"ace@ We a A&erican ha%e ,een coerce# an# &ani-u"ate# ,y the occu-ationa" )o%ern&ent to ,eco&e -racticin) co&&uni t @ Thi i .hat the )"o,a" ,an1in) carte" .ante# a"" a"on): to e"" the -eo-"e on acce-tin) !eu#a"i & ,y -ac1a)in) it a a &o%e&ent !or an# ,y the -eo-"e@ THE TEN +LAN3S O* THE CO''UNIST 'ANI*ESTO

1@ A,o"ition o! -ri%ate -ro-erty an# the a--"ication o! a"" rent to -u,"ic -ur-o e@ 5@ A hea%y -ro)re i%e or )ra#uate# inco&e ta9@ /@ A,o"ition o! a"" ri)ht o! inheritance@ G@ Con!i cation o! the -ro-erty o! a"" e&i)rant an# re,e" @ D@ Centra"iHation o! cre#it in the han# o! the State, ,y &ean o! a nationa" ,an1 .ith tate ca-ita" an# an e9c"u i%e &ono-o"y@ I@ Centra"iHation o! the &ean o! co&&unication an# tran -ortation in the han# o! the State@

<@ E9tention o! !actorie an# in tru&ent o! -ro#uction o.ne# ,y the State, the ,rin)in) into cu"ti%ation o! .a te "an# , an# the i&-ro%e&ent o! the oi" )enera""y in accor#ance .ith a co&&on -"an@ F@ EJua" "ia,"ity o! a"" to "a,or@ E ta,"i h&ent o! In#u tria" ar&ie , e -ecia""y !or a)ricu"ture@


9@ Co&,ination o! a)ricu"ture .ith &anu!acturin) in#u trie K )ra#ua" a,o"ition o! the #i tinction ,et.een to.n an# country ,y a &ore eJua,"e #i tri,ution o! the -o-u"ation o%er the country@ 16@ *ree e#ucation !or a"" chi"#ren in )o%ern&ent choo" @ A,o"ition o! chi"#renL !actory "a,or in it -re ent !or&@ Co&,ination o! e#ucation .ith in#u tria" -ro#uction, etc@ etc@


3NOW YOUR HERITA$E: THE 0ILL O* RI$HTS Di tru t!u" o! a -o.er!u" centra" )o%ern&ent, the thirteen ori)ina" tate .ante# to car%e into tone the -eo-"e( $o#2)i%en ri)ht @ They #i# thi .ith the !ir t ten artic"e o! the Unite# State 0i"" o! Ri)ht @ Contra t the !orethou)ht an# u, tance o! the ori)ina" 0i"" o! Ri)ht .ith the na1e oi" i#eo"o)y o! the internationa" ,an1er a containe# in their Co&&uni t 'ani!e to@

The )rea"ble to The /ill o! =ights Con)re o! the Unite# State beg n and held at the 1ity o! <e$8For'% on Wednesday the !o rth o! >arch% one tho sand seven h ndred and eighty nine. THE 1onventions o! a n "ber o! the +tates% having at the ti"e o! their ado&ting the 1onstit tion% ex&ressed a desire% in order to &revent "isconstr ction or ab se o! its &o$ers% that ! rther declaratory and restrictive cla ses sho ld be added: And as extending the gro nd o! & blic con!idence in the Jovern"ent% $ill best ens re the bene!icent ends o! its instit tion. RESOLBED by the +enate and ,o se o! =e&resentatives o! the *nited +tates o! A"erica% in 1ongress asse"bled% t$o thirds o! both ,o ses conc rring% that the !ollo$ing Articles be &ro&osed to the -egislat res o! the several +tates% as a"end"ents to the 1onstit tion o! the *nited +tates% all% or any o! $hich Articles% $hen rati!ied by three !o rths o! the said -egislat res% to be valid to all intents and & r&oses% as &art o! the said 1onstit tion# vi(. ARTICLES in addition to% and A"end"ent o! the 1onstit tion o! the *nited +tates o! A"erica% &ro&osed by 1ongress% and rati!ied by the -egislat res o! the several +tates% & rs ant to the !i!th Article o! the original 1onstit tion. 1onstit tional A"end"ents 1810: The /ill o! =ights Note: The !ollo$ing text is a transcri&tion o! the !irst 10 a"end"ents to the 1onstit tion in their original !or". These a"end"ents $ere rati!ied Dece"ber 1.% 1391% and !or" $hat is 'no$n as the I/ill o! =ights.I A"end"ent I 1ongress shall "a'e no la$ res&ecting an establish"ent o! religion% or &rohibiting the !ree exercise thereo!# or abridging the !reedo" o! s&eech% or o! the &ress# or the right o! the &eo&le &eaceably to asse"ble% and to &etition the Jovern"ent !or a redress o! grievances. A"end"ent II


A $ell reg lated >ilitia% being necessary to the sec rity o! a !ree +tate% the right o! the &eo&le to 'ee& and bear Ar"s% shall not be in!ringed. A"end"ent III <o +oldier shall% in ti"e o! &eace be A artered in any ho se% $itho t the consent o! the 0$ner% nor in ti"e o! $ar% b t in a "anner to be &rescribed by la$. A"end"ent IP The right o! the &eo&le to be sec re in their &ersons% ho ses% &a&ers% and e!!ects% against nreasonable searches and sei( res% shall not be violated% and no Warrants shall iss e% b t &on &robable ca se% s &&orted by 0ath or a!!ir"ation% and &artic larly describing the &lace to be searched% and the &ersons or things to be sei(ed. A"end"ent P <o &erson shall be held to ans$er !or a ca&ital% or other$ise in!a"o s cri"e% nless on a &resent"ent or indict"ent o! a Jrand J ry% exce&t in cases arising in the land or naval !orces% or in the >ilitia% $hen in act al service in ti"e o! War or & blic danger# nor shall any &erson be s bEect !or the sa"e o!!ence to be t$ice & t in Eeo&ardy o! li!e or li"b# nor shall be co"&elled in any cri"inal case to be a $itness against hi"sel!% nor be de&rived o! li!e% liberty% or &ro&erty% $itho t d e &rocess o! la$# nor shall &rivate &ro&erty be ta'en !or & blic se% $itho t E st co"&ensation. A"end"ent PI In all cri"inal &rosec tions% the acc sed shall enEoy the right to a s&eedy and & blic trial% by an i"&artial E ry o! the +tate and district $herein the cri"e shall have been co""itted% $hich district shall have been &revio sly ascertained by la$% and to be in!or"ed o! the nat re and ca se o! the acc sation# to be con!ronted $ith the $itnesses against hi"# to have co"& lsory &rocess !or obtaining $itnesses in his !avor% and to have the Assistance o! 1o nsel !or his de!ence. A"end"ent PII In s its at co""on la$% $here the val e in controversy shall exceed t$enty dollars% the right o! trial by E ry shall be &reserved% and no !act tried by a E ry% shall be other$ise reexa"ined in any 1o rt o! the *nited +tates% than according to the r les o! the co""on la$. A"end"ent PIII @xcessive bail shall not be reA ired% nor excessive !ines i"&osed% nor cr el and n s al & nish"ents in!licted. A"end"ent I; The en "eration in the 1onstit tion% o! certain rights% shall not be constr ed to deny or dis&arage others retained by the &eo&le.


A"end"ent ; The &o$ers not delegated to the *nited +tates by the 1onstit tion% nor &rohibited by it to the +tates% are reserved to the +tates res&ectively% or to the &eo&le.

THE DECLARATION O* INDE+ENDENCE Thin1 a,out a"" the a,u e that the )o%ern&ent co&&it a)ain t the -eo-"e, an# then co&-are tho e a,u e to tho e "i te# in the Dec"aration o! In#e-en#ence@ I< 10<J=@++% J ly 5% 1339.


The unani&ou Dec"aration o! the thirteen unite# State o! A&erica, When in the 1o rse o! h "an events% it beco"es necessary !or one &eo&le to dissolve the &olitical bands $hich have connected the" $ith another% and to ass "e a"ong the &o$ers o! the earth% the se&arate and eA al station to $hich the -a$s o! <at re and o! <at reMs Jod entitle the"% a decent res&ect to the o&inions o! "an'ind reA ires that they sho ld declare the ca ses $hich i"&el the" to the se&aration. We hold these tr ths to be sel!8evident% that all "en are created eA al% that they are endo$ed by their 1reator $ith certain nalienable =ights% that a"ong these are -i!e% -iberty and the & rs it o! ,a&&iness.88That to sec re these rights% Jovern"ents are instit ted a"ong >en% deriving their E st &o$ers !ro" the consent o! the governed% 88That $henever any :or" o! Jovern"ent beco"es destr ctive o! these ends% it is the =ight o! the )eo&le to alter or to abolish it% and to instit te ne$ Jovern"ent% laying its !o ndation on s ch &rinci&les and organi(ing its &o$ers in s ch !or"% as to the" shall see" "ost li'ely to e!!ect their +a!ety and ,a&&iness. )r dence% indeed% $ill dictate that Jovern"ents long established sho ld not be changed !or light and transient ca ses# and accordingly all ex&erience hath she$n% that "an'ind are "ore dis&osed to s !!er% $hile evils are s !!erable% than to right the"selves by abolishing the !or"s to $hich they are acc sto"ed. / t $hen a long train o! ab ses and s r&ations% & rs ing invariably the sa"e 0bEect evinces a design to red ce the" nder absol te Des&otis"% it is their right% it is their d ty% to thro$ o!! s ch Jovern"ent% and to &rovide ne$ J ards !or their ! t re sec rity.88+ ch has been the &atient s !!erance o! these 1olonies# and s ch is no$ the necessity $hich constrains the" to alter their !or"er +yste"s o! Jovern"ent. The history o! the &resent 2ing o! Jreat /ritain is a history o! re&eated inE ries and s r&ations% all having in direct obEect the establish"ent o! an absol te Tyranny over these +tates. To &rove this% let :acts be s b"itted to a candid $orld. ,e has re! sed his Assent to -a$s% the "ost $holeso"e and necessary !or the & blic good. ,e has !orbidden his Jovernors to &ass -a$s o! i""ediate and &ressing i"&ortance% nless s s&ended in their o&eration till his Assent sho ld be obtained# and $hen so s s&ended% he has tterly neglected to attend to the". ,e has re! sed to &ass other -a$s !or the acco""odation o! large districts o! &eo&le% nless those &eo&le $o ld relinA ish the right o! =e&resentation in the -egislat re% a right inesti"able to the" and !or"idable to tyrants only. ,e has called together legislative bodies at &laces n s al% nco"!ortable% and distant !ro" the de&ository o! their & blic =ecords% !or the sole & r&ose o! !atig ing the" into co"&liance $ith his "eas res. ,e has dissolved =e&resentative ,o ses re&eatedly% !or o&&osing $ith "anly !ir"ness his invasions on the rights o! the &eo&le. ,e has re! sed !or a long ti"e% a!ter s ch dissol tions% to ca se others to be elected# $hereby the -egislative &o$ers% inca&able o! Annihilation% have ret rned to the )eo&le at large !or their exercise# the +tate re"aining in the "ean ti"e ex&osed to all the dangers o! invasion !ro" $itho t% and conv lsions $ithin. ,e has endeavo red to &revent the &o& lation o! these +tates# !or that & r&ose obstr cting the -a$s !or <at rali(ation o! :oreigners# re! sing to &ass others to


enco rage their "igrations hither% and raising the conditions o! ne$ A&&ro&riations o! -ands. ,e has obstr cted the Ad"inistration o! J stice% by re! sing his Assent to -a$s !or establishing J diciary &o$ers. ,e has "ade J dges de&endent on his Will alone% !or the ten re o! their o!!ices% and the a"o nt and &ay"ent o! their salaries. ,e has erected a " ltit de o! <e$ 0!!ices% and sent hither s$ar"s o! 0!!icers to harrass o r &eo&le% and eat o t their s bstance. ,e has 'e&t a"ong s% in ti"es o! &eace% +tanding Ar"ies $itho t the 1onsent o! o r legislat res. ,e has a!!ected to render the >ilitary inde&endent o! and s &erior to the 1ivil &o$er. ,e has co"bined $ith others to s bEect s to a E risdiction !oreign to o r constit tion% and nac'no$ledged by o r la$s# giving his Assent to their Acts o! &retended -egislation: :or Q artering large bodies o! ar"ed troo&s a"ong s: :or &rotecting the"% by a "oc' Trial% !ro" & nish"ent !or any > rders $hich they sho ld co""it on the Inhabitants o! these +tates: :or c tting o!! o r Trade $ith all &arts o! the $orld: :or i"&osing Taxes on s $itho t o r 1onsent: :or de&riving s in "any cases% o! the bene!its o! Trial by J ry: :or trans&orting s beyond +eas to be tried !or &retended o!!ences :or abolishing the !ree +yste" o! @nglish -a$s in a neighbo ring )rovince% establishing therein an Arbitrary govern"ent% and enlarging its /o ndaries so as to render it at once an exa"&le and !it instr "ent !or introd cing the sa"e absol te r le into these 1olonies: :or ta'ing a$ay o r 1harters% abolishing o r "ost val able -a$s% and altering ! nda"entally the :or"s o! o r Jovern"ents: :or s s&ending o r o$n -egislat res% and declaring the"selves invested $ith &o$er to legislate !or s in all cases $hatsoever. ,e has abdicated Jovern"ent here% by declaring s o t o! his )rotection and $aging War against s. ,e has &l ndered o r seas% ravaged o r 1oasts% b rnt o r to$ns% and destroyed the lives o! o r &eo&le. ,e is at this ti"e trans&orting large Ar"ies o! !oreign >ercenaries to co"&leat the $or's o! death% desolation and tyranny% already beg n $ith circ "stances o! 1r elty ^ &er!idy scarcely &aralleled in the "ost barbaro s ages% and totally n$orthy the ,ead o! a civili(ed nation. ,e has constrained o r !ello$ 1iti(ens ta'en 1a&tive on the high +eas to bear Ar"s against their 1o ntry% to beco"e the exec tioners o! their !riends and /rethren% or to !all the"selves by their ,ands. ,e has excited do"estic ins rrections a"ongst s% and has endeavo red to bring on the inhabitants o! o r !rontiers% the "erciless Indian +avages% $hose 'no$n r le o! $ar!are% is an ndisting ished destr ction o! all ages% sexes and conditions. In every stage o! these 0&&ressions We have )etitioned !or =edress in the "ost h "ble ter"s: 0 r re&eated )etitions have been ans$ered only by re&eated inE ry. A )rince $hose character is th s "ar'ed by every act $hich "ay de!ine a Tyrant% is n!it to be the r ler o! a !ree &eo&le. 146

<or have We been $anting in attentions to o r /rittish brethren. We have $arned the" !ro" ti"e to ti"e o! atte"&ts by their legislat re to extend an n$arrantable E risdiction over s. We have re"inded the" o! the circ "stances o! o r e"igration and settle"ent here. We have a&&ealed to their native E stice and "agnani"ity% and $e have conE red the" by the ties o! o r co""on 'indred to disavo$ these s r&ations% $hich% $o ld inevitably interr &t o r connections and corres&ondence. They too have been dea! to the voice o! E stice and o! consang inity. We " st% there!ore% acA iesce in the necessity% $hich deno nces o r +e&aration% and hold the"% as $e hold the rest o! "an'ind% @ne"ies in War% in )eace :riends. We% there!ore% the =e&resentatives o! the nited +tates o! A"erica% in Jeneral 1ongress% Asse"bled% a&&ealing to the + &re"e J dge o! the $orld !or the rectit de o! o r intentions% do% in the <a"e% and by A thority o! the good )eo&le o! these 1olonies% sole"nly & blish and declare% That these *nited 1olonies are% and o! =ight o ght to be :ree and Inde&endent +tates# that they are Absolved !ro" all Allegiance to the /ritish 1ro$n% and that all &olitical connection bet$een the" and the +tate o! Jreat /ritain% is and o ght to be totally dissolved# and that as :ree and Inde&endent +tates% they have ! ll )o$er to levy War% concl de )eace% contract Alliances% establish 1o""erce% and to do all other Acts and Things $hich Inde&endent +tates "ay o! right do. And !or the s &&ort o! this Declaration% $ith a !ir" reliance on the &rotection o! divine )rovidence% $e " t ally &ledge to each other o r -ives% o r :ort nes and o r sacred ,onor.

D01*>@<TA=F :I->+ /F A-@; J0<@+ 911: THE ROAD TO TYRA Y !ite& 61A The "ainstrea" "edia is $hite$ashing and lying abo t $hat really ha&&ened on +e&te"ber 11. This !il" is sha'ing the !o ndations o!


Washington% D.1. as the "ost co"&rehensive and revealing doc "entary !il" covering $hat really ha&&ened on +e&te"ber 11th and $ho stands to gain. The govern"ent needed a crisis to convince the &eo&le to $illingly give & their liberty in exchange !or sec rity. <o$ the &ain! l !acts are in. The dar' !orces o! global govern"ent are ! nding% training and &rotecting terrorist net$or's $orld$ide. 911: The =oad to Tyranny doc "ents the r thless history o! govern"ents orchestrating terrorist attac's against their o$n &eo&le to scare the" into total s b"ission. In this br tal ex&ose yo $ill $itness the birth o! a global &olice state that s r&asses 0r$ell?s night"arish visions. It?s all here: the history o! govern"ent s&onsored terroris"% the "odern i"&le"entation o! !ear8based control and% "ost !rightening o! all% the <e$ World 0rder?s ! t re &lans. This is one !il" yo cannot a!!ord to ignore. The ! t re o! !ree &eo&le every$here is at sta'e. ORDER FORM
(Videos are $25.95 each if bought separately or $20.00 each if you order 3 or more videos. Please include $5.00 shipping and handling for one tape, $7.00 for two tapes, $9.00 for three tapes, $11 for four to five tapes, $13.00 for six tapes, and $15.00 for seven or more tapes)

Please send me the following videos by Alex Jones. I am enclosing $________ plus $________ S&H for a total of $________ ______911: The Road to Tyranny ______Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove ______Police State II: The Takeover ______Police State 2000______America: Destroyed by Design ______Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed Please send my order to: Name:_______________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:________________________________________________ Send order to: Alex Jones, 3001 S. Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704 Order toll-free at 888-253-3139 or online at WWW.INFOWARS.COM D01*>@<TA=F :I->+ /F A-@; J0<@+ DAR" SECRETS: # S#DE $OHEM#A %RO&E !i'e( )*+ The 1l b at /ohe"ian grove is located inside a 2%300 acre red$ood grove. 2no$n "e"bers have incl ded <ixon% @isenho$er% =eagan and the / sh !a"ily. At this nholy &lace a 4%000 year8old 1aananite c lt is being revived. @ach year at the /ohe"ian Jrove% "e"bers


o! this all8"ale ltra8elite cl b don red% blac' and silver robes and cond ct an occ lt rit al $herein they $orshi& a giant stone o$l% b rning a h "an being Bin e!!igyD as a sacri!ice to their o$l god. <o$% !or the !irst ti"e in history% an o tsider has in!iltrated /ohe"ian Jrove $ith a hidden video ca"era and ca ght the rit al on ta&e. That "an is Alex Jones and the shoc'ing !ootage he ca ght on ta&e is E st &art o! this " st8see bo"bshell !il"% Dar' +ecrets: Inside /ohe"ian Jrove. Kr nti"e: 125 "in tesL ORDER FORM
(Videos are $25.95 each if bought separately or $20.00 each if you order 3 or more videos. Please include $5.00 shipping and handling for one tape, $7.00 for two tapes, $9.00 for three tapes, $11 for four to five tapes, $13.00 for six tapes, and $15.00 for seven or more tapes)

Please send me the following videos by Alex Jones. I am enclosing $________ plus $________ S&H for a total of $________ ______911: The Road to Tyranny ______Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove ______Police State II: The Takeover ______Police State 2000______America: Destroyed by Design ______Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed Please send my order to: Name:_______________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:________________________________________________ Send order to: Alex Jones, 3001 S. Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704 Order toll-free at 888-253-3139 or online at WWW.INFOWARS.COM D01*>@<TA=F :I->+ /F A-@; J0<@+ ,O-#CE STATE: THE TA"EO&ER !ite& 6/A Alex Jones ex&oses the &roble"8reaction8sol tion &aradig" being sed to terrori(e the A"erican &eo&le into acce&ting a highly controlled and o&&ressive society. :ro" children in & blic schools being trained to t rn in their &eers and &arents% to the <ational J ard and Ar"y &atrolling o r co ntry?s high$ays% this !il" reveals the "ost threatening develo&"ents o! &olice state control in o r age.


(Videos are $25.95 each if bought separately or $20.00 each if you order 3 or more videos. Please include $5.00 shipping and handling for one tape, $7.00 for two tapes, $9.00 for three tapes, $11 for four to five tapes, $13.00 for six tapes, and $15.00 for seven or more tapes)

Please send me the following videos by Alex Jones. I am enclosing $________ plus $________ S&H for a total of $________ ______911: The Road to Tyranny ______Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove ______Police State II: The Takeover ______Police State 2000______America: Destroyed by Design ______Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed Please send my order to: Name:_______________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:________________________________________________ Send order to: Alex Jones, 3001 S. Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704 Order toll-free at 888-253-3139 or online at WWW.INFOWARS.COM

D01*>@<TA=F :I->+ /F A-@; J0<@+ ,O-#CE STATE *))) !ite& 6GA Alex Jones ex&oses the gro$ing "ilitari(ation o! A"erican la$ en!orce"ent and the gro$ing relationshi& bet$een the "ilitary and &olice. Witness o r "ilitary training $ith !oreign troo&s and learning ho$ to control and contain civilian &o& lations in 0&eration: *rban Warrior. Fo $ill see +&ecial :orces helico&ter attac's on +o th


Texas to$ns% concentration ca"&s% broad *nconstit tional &olice actions% search and sei( re and "oreC Kr nti"e: 125 "in tesL ORDER FORM
(Videos are $25.95 each if bought separately or $20.00 each if you order 3 or more videos. Please include $5.00 shipping and handling for one tape, $7.00 for two tapes, $9.00 for three tapes, $11 for four to five tapes, $13.00 for six tapes, and $15.00 for seven or more tapes)

Please send me the following videos by Alex Jones. I am enclosing $________ plus $________ S&H for a total of $________ ______911: The Road to Tyranny ______Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove ______Police State II: The Takeover ______Police State 2000______America: Destroyed by Design ______Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed Please send my order to: Name:_______________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:________________________________________________ Send order to: Alex Jones, 3001 S. Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704 Order toll-free at 888-253-3139 or online at WWW.INFOWARS.COM

D01*>@<TA=F :I->+ /F A-@; J0<@+ AMER#CA: DESTROYED $Y DES#% !ite& 6DA

:ind o t ho$ the sovereignty o! the *nited +tates is being s bE gated to global interests. Witness as the *nited <ations indoctrinates honor st dents !ro" across A"erica. -earn the tr th abo t the 0'laho"a 1ity /o"bing !ro" eye$itnesses% ne$scasts and govern"ent doc "ents. Watch as Alex Jones is arrested $hile leading a &rotest o! over 100 concerned citi(ens into the driver?s license !acility% &rotesting the bio"etric <ational ID card%


$hich is already being i"&le"ented. This bloc'b ster !il" covers the *nited <ations ta'eover o! o r national &ar's and "on "ents% as $ell as the *< assa lt on &rivate &ro&erty and " ch% " ch "oreC Kr nti"e: 125 "in tesL ORDER FORM
(Videos are $25.95 each if bought separately or $20.00 each if you order 3 or more videos. Please include $5.00 shipping and handling for one tape, $7.00 for two tapes, $9.00 for three tapes, $11 for four to five tapes, $13.00 for six tapes, and $15.00 for seven or more tapes)

Please send me the following videos by Alex Jones. I am enclosing $________ plus $________ S&H for a total of $________ ______911: The Road to Tyranny ______Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove ______Police State II: The Takeover ______Police State 2000______America: Destroyed by Design ______Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed Please send my order to: Name:_______________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:________________________________________________ Send order to: Alex Jones, 3001 S. Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704 Order toll-free at 888-253-3139 or online at WWW.INFOWARS.COM

D01*>@<TA=F :I->+ /F A-@; J0<@+ COM,REHE S#&E A .A- F# A C#A- RE,ORTS E/,OSED !ite& 6IA Alex Jones intervie$s Walter / rien% 1o""odity Trading Advisor K1TAL o! 1. years abo t the biggest ga"e in to$n. There are over 7.%000 :ederal and regional govern"ental instit tions: school districts% $ater and &o$er a thorities% co nty and city govern"ents G and they o$n over 30 &ercent o! the stoc' "ar'et. This is an absol te " st8see to & ll bac' the c rtain o! lies on the &rivate ta'eover o! o r society. This ta&e also


incl des an intervie$ $ith Joe /anister% !or"er I=+ +&ecial Agent ex&osing the !act that the I=+ is a collection agency !or the &rivate% r n8!or8&ro!it :ederal =eserve. Kr nti"e: 125 "in tesL ORDER FORM
(Videos are $25.95 each if bought separately or $20.00 each if you order 3 or more videos. Please include $5.00 shipping and handling for one tape, $7.00 for two tapes, $9.00 for three tapes, $11 for four to five tapes, $13.00 for six tapes, and $15.00 for seven or more tapes)

Please send me the following videos by Alex Jones. I am enclosing $________ plus $________ S&H for a total of $________ ______911: The Road to Tyranny ______Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove ______Police State II: The Takeover ______Police State 2000______America: Destroyed by Design ______Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed Please send my order to: Name:_______________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:________________________________________________ Send order to: Alex Jones, 3001 S. Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704 Order toll-free at 888-253-3139 or online at WWW.INFOWARS.COM A 'ESSA$E *RO' ALEC 7ONES I have been absol tely a"a(ed and excited by the incredible res&onse I have received !ro" &eo&le $ho have gotten "y latest !il"% +**; The Road to Tyranny. The ne$ !il" and "y ne$ boo'% +**; Descent into Tyranny are% $itho t a do bt% so"e o! the best tools $e have to & ll bac' the c rtain o! lies and "ani& lation being s&e$ed by the &ro&aganda syste"s o! the <e$ World 0rder. I?" as'ing everyone $ho is i"&ressed $ith the ne$ !il" and this boo' to order additional !irst generation co&ies and to give and6or resell the" to the & blic. /y doing this% yo $ill s &&ort those $ho are !ighting !or !reedo". And E st as i"&ortant% by & rchasing original co&ies% yo $ill ens re that a


high8A ality boo' or !il" gets into the &eo&le?s hands.

:reedo" lovers all over the $orld are setting & & blic and &rivate vie$ings o! "y !il" in ch rches% schools% g n sho&s% h nting and shooting cl bs% veterans? organi(ations and even local "ovie theaters in an e!!ort to alert the &o& lation. A!ter the vie$ing% "any o! these activists o!!er original co&ies o! +**; The Road to Tyranny & rchased !ro" s !or sale. In a si"ilar $ay% "y boo' co ld be o!!ered in these ven es% or in local stores or boo'!airs. Fo don?t need to do the "ath to nderstand the ex&losive &o$er o! grassroots action in the in!o$ar. The =e& blic is in great danger o! being co"&letely overthro$n and needs yo r hel& no$.

RESISTANCE IS NOT *UTILEE Re i tance i not !uti"e in thi !ina" ,att"e a)ain t the !orce o! )"o,a"i &@ it i a nece ity that a"" !ree -eo-"e oun# the a"ar& in the )reat tra#ition o! +au" Re%ere@ /*-2 )=I1I<J :0= A-@; J0<@+? PID@0+ ,el& s get the $ord o t by & rchasing original co&ies o! o r doc "entary !il"s and distrib ting the" in yo r co"" nity. 0 r b l' rates are: 850 or "ore ta&es6DPDs: Y1..00 each G F0* +AP@ Y10.9. )@= TA)@ 820849 ta&es6DPDs : Y19.00 each G F0* +AP@ Y9.9. )@= TA)@ 810819 ta&es6DPDs: Y17.00 each G F0* +AP@ Y3.9. )@= TA)@ 8489 ta&es6DPDs: Y20 each G F0* +AP@ Y..9. )@= TA)@


K+hi&&ing and handling to be calc lated by order G shi&&ing costs are lo$er &er ca&ita on large ordersL The only video o!!ered in DPD !or"at is 911: The =oad to Tyranny 0rder -ine: 77782.484149 >ail to: Alex Jones 4001 +. -a"ar% + ite 100 A stin% T; 37305 <0T@: I! ordering by "ail% &lease call to get shi&&ing charge &rior to sending yo r order /*-2 )=I1I<J :0= A-@; J0<@+? /002 +**; D90C9NT !NT, T2R"NN2 8 .89 boo's Y1..00 GF0* +AP@ Y5.9. )@= /002 8 10819 boo's: Y12.00 GF0* +AP@ Y3.9. )@= /002 8 20849 boo's: Y10.0088 F0* +AP@ Y9.9. )@= /002 8 50899 boo's: Y9.00 88 F0* +AP@ Y10.9. )@= /002 8 100 or "ore boo's Y7.00 88 F0* +AP@ Y11.9. )@= /002 K+hi&&ing and handling to be calc lated by order G shi&&ing costs are lo$er &er ca&ita on large ordersL



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