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Idaho State Department of Education August 31, 2009 !!!


Media contact: Melissa Mc rath $20%& 332'(%1% mrmcgrath)sde"idaho"go#

S*+E,I-.E-DE-. /*-A A--0*-1ES -E2 -*.,I.I0S.A-DA,DS 30, IDA40 S1400/S

50ISE 6 Superintendent of +u7lic Instruction .om /una announced toda8 that all Idaho pu7lic schools !ill 7e implementing ne! nutrition standards for school meals this fall to impro#e the health and nutrition of all Idaho students" 9Studies sho! that eating health8, nutritious meals has a positi#e impact on student achie#ement" .hat is !h8 it:s critical for Idaho schools to offer health8 choices and instill nutritious eating ha7its in students throughout the 8ear,9 Superintendent /una said" 92hile man8 Idaho schools alread8 ser#e nutritious, 7alanced meals e#er8 da8, these ne! nutrition standards !ill ensure Idaho leads the nation in our efforts to impro#e the health and !ellness for all Idaho children"9 In 200%, the State Department of Education:s 1hild -utrition +rograms !or;ed !ith foodser#ice professionals and dietitians from across Idaho to de#elop 1< ne! nutrition standards 7ased on the most recent Dietar8 uidelines for Americans pu7lished 78 the *"S" Department of 4ealth and 4uman Ser#ices and the *"S" Department of Agriculture $*SDA&" 1urrentl8 the *SDA, !hich manages the -ational School /unch and 5rea;fast +rograms, is updating its dietar8 re=uirements in a partnership !ith the Institute of Medicine" Idaho is 7eing proacti#e in implementing ne! standards no! to impro#e the nutrition of all school meals" *nder the ne! nutrition standards, all Idaho schools participating in the -ational School /unch +rogram !ill: Ser#e more foods !ith !hole grains, fruits, #egeta7les, 7eans, lo!'fat mil; and lean protein> /imit foods high in fat, sodium or sugar> and Discontinue salt sha;ers, sugar pac;ets, deep'fat fried foods and foods !ith trans fats" .he State Department of Education has 7een !or;ing !ith schools since ?anuar8 to train school foodser#ice staff and educate parents, teachers and administrators on the ne! nutrition standards" .o assist schools throughout the transition, the Department has created guidance, recipe ideas and 1< training #ideos, !hich are all a#aila7le online" In addition, the Department has created information specificall8 for parents so the8 can offer more health8 choices to their children at home" .he !e7 site includes tips, suggestions and recipe ideas" .o learn more a7out the ne! nutrition standards, please #isit http:@@!!!"sde"idaho"go#@site@cnp@" AAAAA

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