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Introduction :
Responsibilities of one member company Automobile workshop is to offer quality and quick service for the transport of passengers and goods The main measure toward the development of the auto sector: offer quality service is to establish well-organi ed service-centers across the country! help in providing repairs work" vehicle maintenance and supply of spare parts for the vehicles! #anagement and control of transport and management principles as well as various attachments undertaken in the auto firms have unveiled my capacity in designing an auto shop! Trade automobile in country! $b%ective: To create more produce to comfort for everyone" reduce stress at work" decorations in your living! &ring automobiles are fast and mordent for everyone! 'ou will not have to use a product or service is e(pensive and sometimes inefficient service centers! #arket trading: the area of )o*hi#inh *ity )eadquarters *ompany Automobile workshop+ in ,istrict - )o *hi #inh! *ost: will depend on kind of product! *lient: client companies" person have salary average or high! .......................................................... Tr/ch nhi0m c1a m2t c3ng ty th4nh vi5n 6 h2i th7o 3 t3 88 l4 cung c9p ch9t l:;ng v4 d<ch v= nhanh ch>ng cho vi0c v?n chuy@n h4nh kh/ch v4 h4ng h>a */c bi0n ph/p chAnh BCi vDi sE ph/t tri@n c1a ng4nh 3 t3 :

,<ch v= F *hGng t3i sH cung c9p ch9t l:;ng l4 thiIt l?p tJ chKc tCt d<ch v= trung tLm tr5n c7 n:Dc! F 3 t3 h2i th7o giGp BM trong vi0c cung c9p sNa chOa c3ng trPnh " b7o d:Mng (e v4 cung c9p ph= tQng cho (e ! F Ru7n lS v4 ki@m so/t c/c nguy5n tTc v?n chuy@n v4 qu7n lS cUng nh: file BAnh kVm kh/c nhau B:;c thEc hi0n tWi c/c c3ng ty 3 t3 BX c3ng bC kh7 nYng c1a t3i trong vi0c thiIt kI m2t cNa h4ng tE B2ng ! F 3 t3 th:Zng mWi quCc gia ! #=c ti5u: tWo ra s7n ph[m hZn B@ an 1i cho t9t c7 m\i ng:]i " l4m gi7m cYng th^ng tWi nZi l4m vi0c " trang trA trong cu2c sCng c1a bWn! #ang (e 3 t3 B:;c nhanh ch>ng v4 mordent cho t9t c7 m\i ng:]i ! &Wn sH kh3ng ph7i sN d=ng m2t s7n ph[m ho_c d<ch v= l4 tCn k`m v4 B3i khi trung tLm d<ch v= kh3ng hi0u qu7! F aiao d<ch th< tr:]ng: khu vEc Tb )c *hA #inh F Tr= sd chAnh *3ng ty 6 3 t3 h2i th7o 6 d Ru?n - )c *hA #inh! F *hi phA: sH ph= thu2c v4o loWi s7n ph[m! F eh/ch h4ng: c3ng ty kh/ch h4ng " ng:]i c> trung bPnh tifn l:Zng ho_c cao !

2. Responsibilities :
ghRij*h #AkAahR: )e is the head of the service department and for that matter the workshop" and is directly responsible of the repair garage manager! )e directly supervises the following subordinates lorkshop controller Reception engineer moreman! A ghRij*h #AkAahR- The service manager will be the head of the workshop and for that matter has direct responsibility of the repair workshop! )e will supervise his subordinates like the Account officer" Reception engineer"

gtorekeeper" moreman" Auto electrician" technician" mechanic" Trainee mechanic and a driver! Ak A**$nkT $mmj*hR oThe account officer will be responsible for the determination of the profit and loss account for each department on the chart as well as obtaining funds for the organi ation and also guides the organi ation to use the financial resources wisely! T)h m$Rh#Ak:jn the car vehicle repair business" a moreman is one who has been appointed to supervise the work of mechanics in the workshop! )e is appointed to this position because he has gone through apprenticeship training and has become a skilled mechanic! )e will attend to the road-testing of the vehicles and supervision of the technician" mechanic and the trainee mechanic as they work on the vehicles! The foreman again will be responsible for %ob allocation! A gT$RhehhbhR-The storekeeper will be responsible for the smooth running of the store facilities of the workshop! The storekeeper will co-ordinates all store staffs and also ensures that there is easy access to the items in the store! Rh*hbTj$k hkajkhhRg-The reception engineer will be responsible for welcoming customers and discussing customers needs as well as opening a %ob card and following up to the completion of work that had been carried out by the technician! #h*)Akj*g -The mechanics are people who have gone through apprenticeship training with little theoretical qualification and e(ecute all repair work on the vehicle with supervision! TRAjkhh #h*)Akj*g oThe training mechanic will work under the supervision of the technician and the mechanic and after the work has been delegated to the trainee mechanic hepshe will be supervised by the technician or the mechanic! AnT$ hqh*TRj*jAk- Auto electricians are people who have gone through apprenticeship training in the automobile electrical system with some theoretical qualification and also put in technique how to deal with faulty auto

electrical systems and the maintenance of electrical components" battery" charging system" etc! gh*nRjT'-The security man will be in charge of the security aspect" he should also help in the prevention of pilfering and burglary! ,avid" aandillacrsttu" pvs-vvw .......................................................... ,x*) iy Rnzk q{ : |ng l4 ng:]i BKng B}u b2 ph?n d<ch v= v4 cho r~ng v9n Bf h2i th7o v4 ch<u tr/ch nhi0m trEc tiIp c1a ng:]i qu7n lS B@ (e sNa chOa! |ng trEc tiIp gi/m s/t vi0c c9p d:Di sau BLy F Bifu khi@n )2i th7o F TiIp nh?n k s: F moreman ! #2t #AkAahR- kg:]i qu7n lS d<ch v= ,x*) iy sH l4 ng:]i BKng B}u c1a h2i th7o v4 cho r~ng v9n Bf c> tr/ch nhi0m trEc tiIp c1a c/c (:dng sNa chOa ! |ng sH gi/m s/t c9p d:Di c1a mPnh nh: nhLn vi5n t4i kho7n" k s: tiIp nh?n " th1 kho " moreman " tE B2ng Bi0n " k thu?t " cZ khA" )\c vi5n cZ khA v4 m2t trPnh Bifu khi@n ! Tj e)$zk ijk *)* - */n b2 t4i kho7n sH ch<u tr/ch nhi0m cho vi0c (/c B<nh c/c t4i kho7n l;i nhu?n v4 m9t m/t cho tng b2 ph?n tr5n b7ng (Ip hWng cUng nh: c> B:;c kinh phA cho c/c tJ chKc v4 cUng h:Dng dn c/c tJ chKc sN d=ng c/c ngucn lEc t4i chAnh m2t c/ch kh3n ngoan ! T)h m$Rh#Ak : Trong kinh doanh sNa chOa (e 3 t3 " m2t moreman l4 m2t trong nhOng ng:]i BX B:;c bJ nhi0m B@ gi/m s/t c3ng vi0c c1a c/c cZ trong h2i th7o! |ng B:;c bJ nhi0m v4o v< trA n4y bdi vP 3ng BX tr7i qua B4o tWo nghf v4 BX trd th4nh m2t th; cZ khA c> tay nghf cao ! |ng sH tham dE v4o B:]ng thN nghi0m c1a (e v4 gi/m s/t c1a c/c k thu?t vi5n " th; cZ khA v4 cZ khA thEc t?p sinh khi h\ l4m vi0c tr5n c/c ph:Zng ti0n ! Ru7n BCc m2t l}n nOa sH ch<u tr/ch nhi0m phLn bJ c3ng vi0c!

#2t th1 kho - Th1 kho sH ch<u tr/ch nhi0m v?n h4nh tr3i ch7y c1a c/c cZ sd l:u trO c1a h2i th7o ! Th1 kho sH cQng phCi t9t c7 c/c nhLn vi5n cNa h4ng v4 cUng B7m b7o r~ng c> th@ d d4ng BIn c/c m=c trong cNa h4ng! e g - */c Tjb k s: tiIp nh?n sH ch<u tr/ch nhi0m B>n kh/ch h4ng v4 th7o lu?n vf nhu c}u c1a kh/ch h4ng cUng nh: md m2t th c3ng vi0c v4 theo di B@ ho4n th4nh c3ng vi0c BX B:;c thEc hi0n bdi c/c k thu?t vi5n ! * e) - kg4nh cZ khA l4 nhOng ng:]i BX qua B4o tWo nghf vDi At trPnh B2 lS lu?n v4 thEc hi0n t9t c7 c/c c3ng vi0c sNa chOa tr5n (e vDi sE gi/m s/t ! * e) - h\c vi5n cZ khA B4o tWo sH l4m vi0c d:Di sE gi/m s/t c1a c/c k thu?t vi5n v4 th; m/y v4 sau khi c3ng vi0c BX B:;c giao cho c/c cZ khA thEc t?p sinh anh p c3 9y sH B:;c gi/m s/t bdi c/c k thu?t vi5n ho_c th; cZ khA ! AnT$ th; Bi0n th; Bi0n tE B2ng l4 nhOng ng:]i BX qua B4o tWo nghf trong h0 thCng Bi0n 3 t3 vDi m2t sC trPnh B2 lS lu?n v4 cUng B:a v4o k thu?t nh: thI n4o B@ BCi ph> vDi h0 thCng tE B2ng b< li Bi0n v4 b7o trP c/c th4nh ph}n Bi0n " pin" sWc h0 thCng " vv Ak - */c nhLn vi5n an ninh sH ch<u tr/ch nhi0m vf khAa cWnh an ninh" 3ng cUng n5n giGp BM trong c3ng t/c phng chCng tr2m cTp v4 s: Yn cYp vYt ! ,avid " aandillac r sttu" trang vs -vvw

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