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Lesson 9

Chess Tactics: Double Attack & The Fork!

Part 1: Essential Tactical Knowledge: Double Attacks & The Fork Concepts:
Learning to double attack in chess !hat is a "#ork$% "The Killer Kni&es$' "the Fearso(e Forks$ and "the )o#t )poons$

Now that you have learned the basic terminology of chess, some fundamental strategies, and received your introduction to the different phases a chess game might take like the Opening stage it is time to learn what 90 of chess is all about! Tactics! Two is Better Than One, Double Attacks are Sim l! "ore Fun! cuuuuuuuuC *+, o# chess is tactics The reason% All games are (wdRdwdwd} eventually decided by tactics. )o' though it is true that 7gw8ndw0k} the di##erent positional and long ter( strategies -ou will 6wdw0wdw0} learn later are .ust as i(portant' -ou (ust #irst learn how to 5drdwdwdw} use tactics Tactics win pieces' (ore pieces leads to a &wdwdwdwd} better chance at check(ating the ene(- King' and 3dwd*dwdw} check(ating the ene(- King is the goal o# the ga(e

2wdwdwdP)} %dwdQdwdK} /ur #irst tactic o# discussion is the double attack' or fork in v,./9 !"#$ so(e cases0 1ere white has two possible (ethods o#
"#$c% and "#&d'( are both double attacks) double attack' and the- both win (aterial A double attack is si(ple: A (o&e that attacks two pieces at the sa(e ti(e

Double Attacks Continue#: The Fork! The $ni%ht an# &awn 'oin the Fun! cuuuuuuuuC !hen a Knight and pawn double attack two ene(- pieces' (wdwdwdwd} this is called a fork. !h- the di##erent na(e% 2ecause 7dwdwdndn} the Knight and the pawn attack in such a wa- that is split 6wd%d&dPd} 3 .ust like the #ork -ou use to eat 4n our diagra( both the 5d'dwd%dw} Knight and Pawn are "#orking$ at least two ene(- pieces0

&wdw(wdwd} 3d%dwdkdw} 2wdrdrdwd} %dwdwdwdw} v,./9 !"#$

Though it is possible #or a Knight to #ork up to eight ene(pieces' like this position here' it is highly unlikely# The (ost co((on #ork is one or two pieces' and rarel- three0 Though i# the ene(- King is #orked' good results will usuall- #ollow

5 ChessKid0co(

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Lesson 9
()am le *: The +$iller $ni,es- . Double Attacks b! /ooks, Bisho s an# 0ueens! cuuuuuuuuC The best wa- to learn how to use tactics is practice' and we (wdwdw)wd} will get to the worksheets soon enough 2e#ore we do howe&er' 7dwdwdwdw} it is good to learn how to 1in# &iable 7worthwhile8 tar%ets #or a 6kdwdwd*0} tactic0 This is the (ethod o# recogni9ing tactical patterns0 5dwdwdw0w} Patterns repeat' right% !ell' in chess positions repeat too0 To &wdwdwdwd} #ollow are three &er- co((on wa-s to double attack and #ork 3dPd*dwdw} -our opponents0 $nives first!

2w+Pdwdwd} %dw,wd&dw} !hen white does a double attack with the +strai%ht- 7like a v,./9 !"#$ kni#e8 (o&ing pieces' we call these "Killer Kni#e$ double
1.Rxf1! Rxf1 2. d!"! # winning by double attack) attacks0 :ot real kni&es o# course' .ust (ake belie&e 1ere white pla-s a co(bination #or a killer*knife double attack)

()am le 2: The +Fearsome Forks- . Double Attacks b! $ni%hts an# &awns! cuuuuuuuuC !hene&er the enemy ,ing is lined up on a straight line with (*-wdkdw)} his pieces' there (ight be a chance #or the double attack used 7d%0wd%0%} in our pre&ious diagra(0 T%at is a &attern! Likewise' 6wdndrdnd} whene&er we ha&e a strong Knight in the center' with lots o# 5dwg.0wdw} ene(- pieces around it' we should look #or an opportunit- to &wdwdPdwd} e;ecute a "Fearso(e Fork$ tactic0 Can -ou see it%

3dwdPd.dP} 2wdP/w)Pd} !hite<s Knight on d= is a super>horse-' and black hasn<t %,wdQdR+w} castled the King -et 4t is white<s .ob to punish the black King v,./9 !"#$ #or hanging around too long0 !hite pla-s 10?a@ ' sacri#icing
+hite used the strong ,night and the open file for the $ook to create a -earsome -ork tactic)

the ?ook in order #or the c6>pawn to beco(e unde#ended0 A#ter black has to pla- 1000A;a@ 7or lose the Aueen8 white pla-s B0:;c6C ' #orking the King' Aueen and ?ook on eD0 !e call this a Royal 'ork!

()am le 3: The +So1t S oons- . Double Attacks That /eall! Aren4t that 5oo#! cuuuuuuuuC Tactical patterns like the ones shown in e;a(ples one and two (wdwdn0wd} happen everyday in c%ess games all around t%e (orld! 7)wdwd%0w} Ese the worksheets to see (ore patterns o# double attacks 6wdwd%dw0} and #orks0 1ere we tried to pro&ide an e;a(ple o# a "not>so> 5dw8wdwdw} i(pressi&e$ #ork: !e call the( )oft )&oons!

&wdwdwdwd} 3dwdwdw)w} 2wdwdw)K)} %dw1wdwdw} v,./9 !"#$

"#&c.( is met by "###$e%, guarding the $ook#

A "spoon$ is a #un ter( #or a double attack that doesn<t realldo an-thing0 4# a Knight tried to #ork an ene(- Knight' #or e;a(ple' that (ight be a spoon because an ene(- Knight can capture the sa(e wa- -our Knights can0 1ere white gi&es a check and double attacks the ?ook and King' but to no a&ail as black can si(pl- protect both pieces0

5 ChessKid0co(

Page B o# 6

Lesson 9

Chess Tactics: Double Attack &The Fork!

4nstructor<s Fuide
The i(portance o# this lesson' as well as the other "tactical lessons$ to #ollow' should be &erclear: Tactics are the (a.or deciding #actor o# e&er- chess ga(e0 The basics o# counting attackers and de#enders was discussed in Lesson =' but here the concept o# attacking -our opponent<s pieces in speci#ic wa-s is introduced0 Elti(atel- no a(ount o# general chess ad&ice or positional chess knowledge can help a chess pla-er who (isses tactics0 The double attack is sel#>e;planator- & its (erit is ob&ious: Attacking two things at the sa(e ti(e is better than attacking one0 ?ecogni9ing and e&en creating the opportunities #or power#ul double attacks and #orks is a (ore di##icult (atter0 1owe&er' with practice -our students will e&entuall- "bu- in$ to learning these tactical (ethods so that the- (a- be aware o# the tactical patterns in their own ga(es0 &ractical 6otes an# A#,ice . Lesson 9: The best t! e o1 #ouble attack is one that tar%ets two +un#e1en#e#- or +looseieces7s8uares in !our o onent4s osition9 Teachin% !our stu#ents to alwa!s look 1or +han%in%- :un#e1en#e#; enem! chessmen is the 1irst ste towar#s hel in% them to use #ouble attacks an# 1orks e11ecti,el! in their own chess %ames9 <a,e !our stu#ents la! ractice %ames, raisin% their han#s to show !ou e,er! time the! use# a #ouble attack or 1ork a%ainst their o onent9 Durin% these ractice sessions, stu#ents will naturall! want !our a ro,al, likel! callin% !ou o,er 1or multi le +s oon- #ouble attacks9 &oint out e,er! time the! thou%ht the! ha# a +$iller $ni1e- #ouble attack, or a ower1ull! +Fearsome Fork,- but instea# the! were actuall! onl! attackin% their o onent with a s oon9

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Page G o# 6

Lesson 9 Lesson 9: =hich is it>

A "Killer Kni#e$' a "Fearso(e Fork$ or a ")o#t )poon$% Circle the correct answer beneath each diagra(0 BO6?S: Circle the white piece that is doing the attacking in each position0

cuuuuuuuuC (wdwdwdwd} 7dwdwdn0k} 6wdwdwdw0} 5dwdwdRdw} &wdwdwdwd} 3dPdwdwdw} 2P+Pdwgwd} %dwdwdwdw} v,./9 !"#$
Circle the correct answer: Knife? Fork? OR Spoon?

cuuuuuuuuC (wdrdwdkd} 70%dw(w0%} 6wdwdwdwd} 5dwdwdwdw} &PdPdwdwd} 3dPdwdwdw} 2wdwdwdP)} %dwdwdwdK} ,./9 !"#
Circle the correct answer: Knife? Fork? OR Spoon?

cuuuuuuuuC (wdwdn)w0} 7d%dwd%d%} 6wd%(w)%d} 5d&d%)wdw} &wdw)wdwd} 3dw)wdw)w} 2wdwdwd*)} %dwdwdR+w} v,./9 !"#$
Circle the correct answer: Knife? Fork? OR Spoon?

cuuuuuuuuC (wdwdwdw0} 7dw2wdwd%} 6wdwdwd%d} 5dwdwd%dw} &wdwdwdwd} 3dw,wdwdP} 2w)wdwdwd} %dwgwdw+w} v,./9 !"#$
Circle the correct answer: Knife? Fork? OR Spoon?

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Page H o# 6

Lesson 9 Lesson 9: $ni,es & Forks!

4n each diagra( there is an opportunit- #or either white or black to appl- a double attack 7whether b- kni#e or #ork8 to the opponent0 Circle the piece and draw an * on the sIuare it should (o&e to0 BO6?S: Ese algebraic notation and write down the (o&e to the right0

cuuuuuuuuC (w0wdw-wd} 70%0wdwdw} 6wgwdwdw)} 5dwdw.wdw} &wdwdwdwd} 3dPdPdw)w} 2PdPdw/3)} %dwdRdw+w} v,./9 !"#$
White to Play: Find the double attack by... Fork!

cuuuuuuuuC (w)wdwdkd} 7d%dwd%0%} 6'd%dwdwd} 5dwdwdwdw} &wdwdwdwd} 3dPdPdwdw} 2PdPdwd3)} %dKdw1w,w} v,./9 !"#$
White to Play: Find the double attack by... Knife!

cuuuuuuuuC (wdwdwdwd} 7)wdwdwdw} 6wdwdwdwd} 5dwdwdwdw} &wdwdwdwd} 3dwdPdwdw} 2w/w+wdwd} %dwdwdw0w} v,./9 !"#$
White to Play: Find the double attack by... Knife!
5 ChessKid0co(

cuuuuuuuuC (wdrdrdwd} 70w0wdw0k} 6wdwdw0w0} 5dwdw0wdw} &wd'2Pdwd} 3,wdwdPdw} 2w(wdwdP)} %dw1w,w+w} v,./9 !"#$
Black to Play: Find the double attack by... Fork!
Page = o# 6

Lesson 9 Lesson 9: $ni,es & Forks @ Trick!!

4n each diagra( there is an opportunit- #or either white or black to appl- a double attack 7whether b- kni#e or #ork8 to the opponent0 Circle the piece and draw an * on the sIuare it should (o&e to0 BO6?S: Ese algebraic notation and write down the (o&e to the right0

cuuuuuuuuC (rdw-rdkd} 70%gwd%0w} 6wd%dw2w0} 5dwd%dwdw} &w(w)wdwd} 3dwdwdQdP} 2P)*dw)Pd} %dwdRdR+w} v,./9 !"#$
Black to Play: Find the double attack by... Knife!

cuuuuuuuuC (wdwdrdkd} 70w,wd%d%} 6w0wdwd%1} 5dw0wdwdw} &wdwgwd')} 3dwdwdw(w} 2Pdwdw)wd} %dwdwdR+w} v,./9 !"#$
Black to Play: Find the double attack by... Knife!

cuuuuuuuuC (rdwdwdw0} 7dwdwdwdw} 6%dwdwdnd} 5)%gwdw(w} &wdwdw0wd} 3dPdwdwdr} 2wdPdw)wd} %dR/Rdw+w} v,./9 !"#$
Black to Play: Find the double attack by... Knife!
5 ChessKid0co(

cuuuuuuuuC (wdw)wdw0} 7dwdwdw0w} 6%gwd%dw0} 5d%dw)%dw} &w)wd&)wd} 3)w/wdwdw} 2wdwdwdPd} %,wdwdRdK} v,./9 !"#$
Black to Play: Find the double attack by... Knife!
Page D o# 6

Lesson 9 $ni,es, Forks & S oons!

Answer Ke!orksheet Page 1: "!hich is it$
Dia%ram A* . ,nife# Circle white ?ook on #=0 Dia%ram A2 . /poon# Circle Knight on dD0 3 2oth pieces are protected and the Knight on e@ can capture the Knight on dD' so this "#ork$ is actuall- a "spoon$0 Dia%ram A3 . -ork# Circle the Knight on e60 Dia%ram AB . /poon# Circle the white ?ook on cG0 Despite the double attack' black can pla10002#H' protecting both the 2ishop and the c6>Knight0

!orksheet Page B: "Kni&es & Forks$

Dia%ram A* . "#Nd%( Forking the King and Aueen0 Circle e=>Knight and "J$ d6>sIuare0 Dia%ram A2 . "###0d1() A "kni#e$ double attack o# the King and the a6>?ook0 Circle bB> 2ishop and dH>sIuare0 Dia%ram A3 . "#&e.) A "kni#e$ double attack o# the b@>?ook and the g6>sIuare 7which is the threat o# check(ate80 Circle e1>Aueen and "J$ e=>sIuare0 Dia%ram AB . "###Ne2( Forking the King and Aueen0 Circle dH>Knight and "J$ eB>sIuare0

!orksheet Page G: "Kni&es & Forks 3 Trick-$

Dia%ram A* . "###&d3) A "kni#e$ double attack o# the bH>Knight and the hB>sIuare 7which is the threat o# check(ate80 Circle d@>Aueen and "J$ dD>sIuare0 Dia%ram A2 . "###$g'() A "kni#e$ double attack o# the g=>Knight and the King 7white<s #B> pawn is pinned0 )ee Lesson 1+80 Circle hG>?ook and "J$ gG>sIuare0 Dia%ram A3 . "###&4g'()) A "kni#e$ double attack o# the c6>?ook and the King 7white<s #B> pawn is pinned0 )ee Lesson 1+80 Circle gH>Aueen and "J$ gG>sIuare0 Dia%ram AB . "###$d') A "kni#e$ double attack o# the cG>2ishop and the hG>sIuare 7which is the threat o# check(ate80 Circle d@>?ook and "J$ dG>sIuare0

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