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Asthma attack: what you need to do

There are more than 1,000 deaths a year from asthma in the UK, 90% of which could be pre ented, accordin! to a "011 !o ernment report# Asthma is responsible for tens of thousands of hospital admissions, the ma$ority of which are emer!ency admissions# %ontrol it
Visit your doctor at least once a year for a check-up and to discuss asthma treatment options. Read our information onasthma treatment in adultsand asthma treatment for children.

If you're on the right asthma treatment, your chances of having an asthma attack are greatly reduced. Visit your doctor at least once a year for a check-up and to discuss asthma treatment options.

&s it an asthma attack'

You can tell you're having an asthma attack if: your reliever inhaler isn't helping you have to keep using your reliever inhaler as the effect wears off uickly your symptoms are getting worse you're too !reathless to speak, eat or sleep

"ften, using your reliever inhaler will !e enough to relieve your symptoms when you start having an attack. #ometimes, symptoms are more severe and urgent action is needed.

(hat to do
$urrent guidelines for children and adults having an asthma attack are to: take your reliever inhaler %usually !lue& straight away and try to !reathe deeply and steadily sit down and loosen any tight clothing if your symptoms haven't improved after five minutes, or you're worried, call ''' or see a doctor urgently continue to take a puff of your reliever inhaler every minute until help arrives

)riends and family

It(s important that friends and family know how to help in an emergency. )sthma *+ provides a free )sthma )ttack $ard, which helps you to recognise an asthma attack, and e,plains what to do. -his includes helping the person having the attack to sit up comforta!ly, talking to them to calm them, helping them to use their reliever treatment, and calling for help if their condition doesn't improve.

*re entin! attacks

.ost people who have asthma attacks will have warning signs for a few days !efore the attack. -hese include having to use your !lue reliever inhaler more often/ changes in your peak flow meter readings, and increased symptoms, such as waking up in the night. 0on't ignore these warning signs, as they indicate that your asthma control is poor and you risk having a severe attack. 1ollow your personal asthma action plan. If your symptoms continue to get worse, make an urgent appointment to see your doctor or asthma nurse. 2ever !e frightened of calling for help in an emergency.

After an attack
If you've had an attack, or you're needing to use your reliever inhaler regularly, arrange to see your doctor or nurse - the dose of your preventive treatment may need to !e ad3usted.
4age last reviewed: 5678979859 2e,t review due: 567897985:

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