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No : FRM/KUL/01/02 Revision Number : 03 Valid Date : O tober 1! 200" #$O %lause : &'('1 and &

)re*ared b+

%,e -ed b+

.**roved b+

Valid Date

Rosmaidar! M' )d' 1. Faculty 2. Study Program 3. Course Title . Course Code %. Prere&uisite '. Course Status #. Course *escri)tion ,. (+-ecti.es

Dr' $unda .riana! M' )d'! MM'

: Language and Literature : English Literature : Statistics for Language Research : S!"E #23#$ :" : ()tional : Statistics is an elementary course in methods a))lied to statistical )ro+lems: resolution of assigned or chosen )ro+lems a))ro)riate for statistical a))lications. : /t the end of this course0 students are e1)ected to +e a+le to a))ly the a))ro)riate statistics correctly in research methodology and students can 2ee) a+reast in statistical )rocedures and terminology in statistics.

3. 4ee2ly Teaching Process

5o 67ee28 1 2 3 !ntroduction


Su+"To)ics !ntroduction and early SL/ research ;istogram0 fre&uency )olygon0

References :oster !+id !+id

Class 9ode Lecturing Presentation !ndi.idual 7or2 >ro7sing materials 6grou) 7or28

9easures of central tendency 9easures of .aria+ility

cumulati.e fre&uency )olygon <ariance and standard de.iation0 = scores 6)o)ulation and a single )oint of interest80 Standard error of the mean0 &uartile de.iation0 range ;y)othesis testing0 )ro+a+ility and le.el of significance0 ty)e 1 and ty)e !! error0 sam)ling distri+ution Le.el of measurement0 num+er of grou)s0 num+er of categories0 category si=e0 nature of grou)s0 data0

Research terminology


?rou) )resentation using PPT aid

;o7 to choose statistical models


?rou) )resentation using PPT aid


!nter.al models

)arametric and non)arametric models. T"test for one grou)0 t"test for un)aired 6inde)endent8 data t"test for )aired 6related8 data0 one 7ay analysis of .ariance


?rou) )resentation using PPT aid

# , 3

!nter.al Correlation 9odel (rdinal models

Mid Term Test 4hat is correlation@0 )earson )roduct moment coefficient 4ilco1on signed ran2s0 9an 4hitney

!+id !+id

E"learning ?rou) )resentation using

A 1B 11 12 (rdinal correlational model 5ominal Test Ta+les




test0 !+id !+id !+id

PPT aid ?rou) )resentation using PPT aid ?rou) )resentation using PPT aid ?rou) )resentation using PPT aid !+id E"learning

Friedman test. 4hat is correlation@0 S)earman ran2 coefficient Chi s&uare Pro+a+ilities associated 7ith .alues as e1treme as the o+ser.ed .alues of = in the normal distri+ution

13 1

Summing u) Final Semester

1B. Scoring System 1%C attendance and classroom )artici)ation 1%C assignments 3BC mid term BC final semester

11. Teaching and Learning Strategies Lecture D &uestions and ans7er (ral )resentation using PPTE(;P : seminar )rocedures 6discussion after )resentation8 E"learning !nternet +ased materials

Com+ination of those fi.e

12. Course Re&uirements E.ery student is re&uired to attend all meetings. E.ery student is re&uired to +e acti.e )artici)ant in class acti.ities Students in grou)s are re&uired to ma2e a ma1imum of ten F )age )a)er 6using 12 Ftime ne7 roman fontG 1.% s)acesG / )a)er 8 on a to)ic of their interest to +e )resented in class discussion on the last meeting +efore the final semester e1amination. E.ery student is re&uired to ta2e mid" semester and final semester e1aminations. 9issing classes 7ill +e made u) +ased on the agreement +y students and lecturer.

13. References :oster0 !. 4. 62BB28. Statistika dan probabilitas. Ha2arta:

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