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Roll N !"#$

MAXIMUM MAR,S& 20 MAXIMUM MAR,S& THREE HOURS 'PART-II* 2 HOURS - +0 MINUTES 80 NOTE: '.* F.$)/ attempt PART-I 'MC()* on separate OMR A0)1#$ S2##/ which shall be taken bac after +0 minutes. (ii) O3#$1$./.0456 //.04 o7 /2# o8/.o0)590)1#$) 1.ll 0o/ "# 4.3#0 6$#:./;


(;1; '.* Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate Circle on the OMR A0)1#$ S2##/; '20=1>20* (ii) Answers given anywhere other than !"# Answer Sheet shall not be considered. 1. %29/ .) ?L./2o4$982@AB a. A method of $rinting c. Circulation of %ewspapers 2. %29/ .) ?D !!@AB a. &ead body of an animal c. (ront $age of %ewspaper 3. %29/ .) "@ l.0#B a. A railway track c. #eporter+s name printed with story 4. I0/$9-P#$)o09l Co!! 0.69/.o0 .)& a. Communication with personal friend c. ,ith self 5. %29/ .) ABCB a. American -usiness Circle Corporation c. Audit -ureau of Circulation

b. A system of local bodies d. %one of these. b. "ake'up of newspaper d. %one of these b. )e*t written on lines d. %one of these b. ,ith $ublic d. ,ith family b. American -usiness d. %one of these c. 0ameed %i/ami

6. %2o 19) /2# 7.$)/ E:./o$ o7 :9.l@ ?N919-#-%9C/BA a. "a.eed %i/ami b. "u.eeb %i/ami d. %one of these

7. %2#0 T#l#3.).o0 T$90)!.)).o0 19) )/9$/#: .0 P9D.)/90B a. 1234 b. 1256 c. 1224 d. 1257

8. T2# S "E#6/ 9llo//#: /o 9 0#1)898#$ $#8o$/#$ .) 69ll#:& a. Creed b. -eat c. 8mbargo d. (eature 9. A Eo $09l.)/ 12o .) 0o/ 9//962#: 1./2 90@ 0#1)898#$ .) 69ll#:& a. #etainer b. Correspondent c. (ree 9ancer d. Stinger 10. I:#0/.7.69/.o0 M9$D 1$.//#0 o0 /2# /o8 o7 0#1) )/o$@ 894# .) 69ll#:& a. Credit 9ine b. Slug 9ine c. 8mbargo d. )ip 11. D$; Go""l#) .) D0o10 9) 79/2#$ o7& a. Advertising b. $ublic #elation c. $ropaganda d. %one of these 12. T2# 6o!! 0.69/.o0 "9)#: o0 8 $629)#: /.!# o$ )896# .) 69ll#:& a. $ublicity b. Advertising c. $ropaganda d. %one of these (Page 1 of 2) (Page 1 of 2) 13. UPI .) /2# 9""$#3.9/.o0 o7& a. :nited $ress of ;ndonesia b. :nited $ress of ;ndia c. :nited $ress ;nternational d. %one of these 14. T2# 0#1) /29/ 988#9$) /1o o$ /2$## :9@) "#7o$# 90 #3#0/ .) 69ll#:& a. (ollow up b. 9ead story c. Curtain raiser d. %one of these 15. P$#)) 90: P "l.69/.o0 O$:.0906# 19) .0/$o: 6#: .0& a. 125< b. 125= c. 122= d. %one of these 16. Co!! 0.69/.o0 1./2o / 1o$:)& a. >isual communication b. %on'>erbal communication c. "ass communication d. %one of these 17. T9"lo.: 0#1)898#$ .) o7 )!9ll ).F# 1./2& a. < columns b. 6 columns c. = columns d. %one of these 18. T2# $#9:.04 o7 /2# )6$.8/ /o 62#6D /2# #$$o$) .) 69ll#:& a. Composing b. $roof'reading c. 8diting d. %one of these 19. A "$.#7 .0/$o: 6/.o0 o7 9 82o/o4$982 .) 69ll#:& a. 8mbargo b. Credit line c. Caption d. %one of these 20. OB )/90:) 7o$& a. !pen -o* b. !utdoor -roadcast c. !fficial -eat d. %one of these

PART G II '. * '. .* '. .. * PART-II is to be attempted on the separate A0)1#$ BooD; Attempt ONL< FOUR ?uestions from PART-II selecting T%O ?uestions from EACH SECTION; ALL C #)/.o0) 69$$@ E(UAL !9$D) 8*tra attempt of any ?uestion or any part of the attempted ?uestion will not be considered. SECTON-I



&iscuss the concept and process of communication@ ,hat is the importance of "ass Communication in this modern age@ A%ewsB is the real soul of Cournalism. ,hat are the ma.or functions and values of news@ &iscuss in detail. )he present era is considered as the era of development of electronic media in $akistan. Critically evaluate the role of present )> Channels in social development@ &iscuss the role played by the "uslim $ress during $akistan "ovement@


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(;J; Survey the status of "aga/ine Cournalism in $akistan@ ,hat are the functions and scope of maga/ines in our society@ &efine AAdvertisingB@ ,hat are the principles of successful advertising@ &iscuss the latest trends in advertising being practiced in our society@ ,hat is the purpose and scope of $ublic #elation in any organi/ation@ &escribe the ma.or responsibilities of a $ublic #elation !fficer@ A(reedom of $ressB and A#esponsibilityB are two common issues in the field of .ournalism. &iscuss and evaluate the case of $akistan regarding these concepts@ DDDDDDDDDDDDD (Page 2 of 2)


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