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In an organisational setting, a team is a group of people with different individual skills that share a common aim of executing a task

or group of tasks (Thomas, 2004, pp.4). o matter how carefull! planned a pro"ect is, it is almost certain that changes are going to #e made #efore it is completed which can #e caused #!$ mistakes made during pro"ect planning, changes due to re%uest #! client, or changes in mandate (&eredith ' &antel, 200(, pp.)*+). ,hanges are evolutionar!, developmental, transitional, drastic or transformational (-a!ne, 200., pp.(), and can occur in an! phase of the pro"ect which ma! #e good or #ad for the pro"ect (/randon, 200*, pp.204). 1hen changes do occur, team mem#ers react differentl! to it (which could #e positive or negative) due to their personalit! t!pe, #ased on their genetic and environmental influences (1ong, 200+, pp.2)(). egative reactions include$ pessimistic attitudes, feeling helpless or overwhelmed, apath! and inertia, #urnout (anger), checking out (getting another "o#), while positive reactions includes$ comprehension, %uestioning and testing, positive perception, shifting #ehaviour, and internali2ation (-a!ne, 200., pp.4(). The negative reactions could lead to conflict in the team, #ut a positive #ehaviour increases understanding, transparenc!, and acceptance #! other team mem#ers (1ong, 200+, pp.20+). Though in most cases team mem#ers look negativel! at change #ecause of its effects on the 0 constrains (pro"ect scope, time and cost), pro"ect managers should not look at change from that angle, #ut should take charge and tr! to manage the change to the pro"ects and organisations #enefit. /aca (200., pp. )*3)+), advices us to lead, communicate, negotiate, solve pro#lems, and control while implementing change management$ and -a!ne (200., pp.+4) gives six essential skills and #ehaviour a change leader should have4 )) 5nticipate the future4 6tud!ing events, and knowing the #est time when a change is needed 2) -lan the change4 1ith the help of team mates, create steps and plans that would #e used in making the change 0) ,ommunicate effectivel!4 7escri#ing and making sure that all affected trul! understand the change. 4) /uild commitment4 &aking sure we involve team mates in the change process while also avoiding resistance .) &anage transitions4 8elping the team move from the past to the future. *) 9ncourage learning4 The leader learns, and also encourage others to capture and act on lessons learned from change. ,hange in #usiness is inevita#le and its complexit! is accelerating at an ever increasing rate (-a!ne, 200., pp.)), change leaders should #e armed with the right attitude, appropriate knowledge, and all other necessar! skills when implementing change, in order to guarantee

success. 5 nota#le change leader is 6teve :o#s, who as 6tephen (n.d.) wrote, #rought consumers products no one ever knew we needed$ such as the i-od, the i-hone, and the i-ad. Reference: /aca, ,. (200.) Project Manager's Spotlight on Change Management. ;niversit! of <iverpool =nline <i#rar! >=nline?. 5vaila#le from4 http4@@site.e#rar!.com.e2prox!.liv.ac.uk@li#@liverpool@doc7etail.actionAdocI7B)0)0)(02 (5ccessed4 20th Ce#ruar! 20)4) /randon, 7 (200*) Project Management for Modern Information Systems. ,ovent Darden, <ondon4 IE& -ress &eredith, :.E. ' &antel, :r., 6.:. (200() Project management: a managerial approach. +th ed. 8o#oken, ew :erse!4 :ohn 1ile! ' 6ons. -a!ne, F (200.) Planning and Managing Change. ;niversit! of <iverpool =nline <i#rar! >=nline?. 5vaila#le from4 http4@@site.e#rar!.com@li#@liverpool@doc7etail.actionA adv.xB)'docI7B)04(*2)2 (5ccessed4 2)st Ce#ruar! 20)4) 6tephen (n.d) Leadership: Steve Jobs >=nline?. 5vaila#le from4 http4@@organi2ingcommunication.wordpress.com@20)2@)2@0(@leadership3steve3"o#s@ (5ccessed 2)st Ce#ruar! 20)4) Thomas, . (2004) Concise dair on !eamb"ilding and Motivation. ;niversit! of <iverpool =nline <i#rar! >=nline?. 5vaila#le from4 http4@@site.e#rar!.com.e2prox!.liv.ac.uk@li#@liverpool@doc7etail.actionA docI7B)00GG000 (5ccessed 4 20th Ce#ruar! 20)4) 1ong, /.T.H. (200+) #"man factors in project management: concepts$ tools$ and techni%"es for inspiring team&or' and motivation. 6an Crancisco4 :osse!3/ass.

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