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Velkomin til slands Welcome to Iceland

Important information for non-EEA & EFTA citizens moving to Iceland





Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkjanna 4 sland hnotskurn 6 Htisdagar og frdagar 8 Lg og reglur 10 Lgleg bseta slandi 12 Vinna slandi 22 Skattar 28 Greislur til barnafjlskyldna 30 Heilbrigisjnusta 34 Hsni 38 jnusta sveitarflaga 40 Sklakerfi 42 Framhaldsnm 46

Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic

First steps for citizens from non-EEA and EFTA- member states 5 Iceland in a nutshell 7 Major and general holidays 9 Laws and regulations 11 Legal residence in Iceland 13 Working in Iceland 23 Taxes 29 Payments to families with children 31 Health services 35 Housing 39 Services provided by the local authorities (municipalities) 41 The school system 43 Higher education 47


English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens


Upplsingarnar essum bklingi eru fyrir rkisborgara fr lndum Afrku, Asu, Suur-Amerku, Norur-Amerku, Eyjalfu og fyrir rkisborgara eirra Evrpurkja sem hvorki eiga aild a EES- n EFTA-samningnum. au eru Albana, Andorra, Bosna og Hersegvna, Krata, Hvta-Rssland, Makedna, Moldva, Pfagarur, Rssland, San Marn, Serba og Svartfjallaland og krana. Upplsingarnar eru einnig fyrir rkisborgara Rmenu og Blgaru sem koma hinga til lands til a stunda launaa vinnu v eir urfa dvalar- og atvinnuley. eir njta hins vegar smu rttinda varandi alla jnustu og utning rttinda milli landa og arir rkisborgarar EES- og EFTA-rkja.


UppLsInGar OG rGJF
Mikilvgt er a hafa huga a vegna aljlegra samninga, svo sem milli Norurlandanna og aildarrkja a EES- og EFTA-samningunum, gilda mismunandi reglur eftir rkisfangi. essi bklingur er eingngu tlaur rkisborgurum eirra rkja sem talin eru upp forsu bklingsins. bklingnum, Fyrstu skref rkisborgara EES- og EFTA-rkjanna, eru upplsingar fyrir nnur jerni. Bklinginn, samt llum helstu upplsingum um slenskt samflag, m nlgast vef Fjlmenningarseturs (www.mcc.is). Hj Fjlmenningarsetri er unnt a f upplsingar um est er varar innytjendaml, slenskt samflag, slenskukennslu, rttindi og skyldur, tlka- og inga jnustur og eira.

Fjlmenningarsetur (www.mcc.is).
Smar: 450 3090 (slenska/enska), 470 4702 (talenska), 470 4705 (spnska), 470 4706 (lithska), 470 4707 (rssneska), 470 4708 (plska), 470 4709 (serbneska/kratska)

Upplsingar um erlend sendir og risskrifstofur er a finna vef utan rkisruneytisins (www.utanrikisraduneyti.is/verkefni/sendi-og-raedis skrifstofur/islenskar/nr/41).

Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic

The information in this pamphlet is for citizens of countries of Africa, Asia, South America, North America, Oceania and for the citizens of the European states that are neither party to the EEA nor EFTA agreement. These are Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Belarus, Macedonia, Moldavia, the Vatican, Russia, San Marino, Serbia and Montenegro and Ukraine. The information is also intended for citizens of Romania and Bulgaria who come to Iceland to engage in paid employment, because they must get residence and work permits. They do however enjoy many of the same rights as other citizens of EEA and EFTA states regarding services and the transfer of rights between countries.

InFOrmaTIOn anD cOunseLLInG

It is important to keep in mind that due to international agreements, such as those between the Nordic countries and member states of the EEA and EFTA agreements, there are dierent rules in force depending on your citizenship. This pamphlet is only intended for citizens of the states listed on the front page. The pamphlet First steps for citizens of EEA and EFTA member states, contains information for other nationalities. That pamphlet, along with all important information on Icelandic society, can be found on the website of the Multicultural and information Centre (www.mcc.is). At the Multicultural and information Centre you can obtain information regarding immigration issues, Icelandic society, Icelandic lessons, rights and duties, interpretation and translation services and more.


Multicultural and information Centre (www.mcc.is).

Tel: 450 3090 (Icelandic/English), 470 4702 (Thai), 470 4705 (Spanish), 470 4706 (Lithuanian), 470 4707 (Russian), 470 4708 (Polish), 470 4709 (Serbian/Croatian)

Information on foreign embassies and consulates can be found on the website of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (www.utanrikisraduneyti.is/ verkefni/sendi-og-raedisskrifstofur/islenskar/nr/41).

English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens

Hfuborg: Reykjavk (www.reykjavik.is) Opinbert tunguml: slenska Tmabelti: UTC + 0 (enginn sumartmi) jarln: .is Landsnmer: +354 bafjldi 2011: 318.500 jsngur: Lofsngur Stjrnarfar: Lveldi me ingbundinni stjrn Stjrnssla: Rki og sveitarflg
sland er meal annars aili a samningnum um Evrpska efnahagssvi (EES), Frverslunarsamtkum Evrpu (EFTA), Atlantshafsbandalaginu (NATO), Norurlandari og Schengen-samstarnu.


Gjaldmiillinn er krna ISK. Bankar skipta gjaldeyri. Flestar verslanir, fyrirtki og leigublar taka greislukort (debet og kredit). Ekki er vst a teki s vi erlendum gjaldeyri verslunum.

Agangur a Netinu er frr mrgum kahsum og var ef komi er me eigin tlvu. Netagangur er einnig dr ea keypis upplsingamistvum og bkasfnum.

sland var hluti af danska konungsveldinu en fkk fullt sjlfsti 17. jn 1944 egar a var lveldi. ri 1904 fkk sland heimastjrn og 1918 hlaut a fullveldi. ur en sland laut stjrn Danmerkur var a hluti af norska konungsveldinu.

Um 80% landsmanna tilheyra jkirkjunni sem er evangelsk-ltersk. Um lei og stt er um lgheimili er hgt a skja um aild a einhverju eirra trflaga sem eru skr slandi og eru talin upp ar til geru umsknareyublai (www.skra. is/pages/1037).

Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic

Capital: Reykjavk (www.reykjavik.is) Official language: Icelandic Time zone: UTC + 0 (no summer time) National internet domain: .is Country code: +354 Population 2011: 318,500 National anthem: Lofsngur Regime: Parliamentary republic Administration: State and municipalities


Iceland is a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA), the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), the Nordic Council and the Schengen scheme.

The currency is the Icelandic krna ISK. Foreign currencies can be exchanged in banks. Most shops, companies and taxis accept payment by card (debit and credit cards). One cannot rely on shops accepting foreign currencies.

Access to the internet is free of charge in many cafs and other places if you bring your own computer. Internet access is also inexpensive or free of charge in information centres and libraries.

Iceland was an independent country in its earliest history, from the arrival of the rst settlers in the ninth century until the late thirteenth century, when it became part of the Norwegian kingdom, and later came under Danish rule. Iceland received home rule in 1904, and sovereignty under a joint monarchy with Denmark in 1918. On 17 June 1944 it became a republic.

Approximately 80% of the population belong to the National Church which is evangelicalLutheran. When applying for legal domicile you can apply for membership of any of the religious associations registered in Iceland that are listed in the appropriate application form (www.skra. is/pages/1037).

English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens


Nrsdagur (1. janar) Fstudagurinn langi Pskadagur Hvtasunnudagur 17. jn (jhtardagur slendinga) Afangadagur (24. desember) eftir klukkan 12.00 Jladagur (25. desember) Gamlrsdagur (31. desember) eftir klukkan 12.00


Ef unni er essum dgum er greitt samkvmt svoklluum strhtartaxta sem er hrri en hefbundinn yrvinnutaxti.

Almennir frdagar

Annar jlum (26. desember) Skrdagur Annar pskum Sumardagurinn fyrsti Uppstigningardagur 1. ma (aljlegur frdagur verkaflks) Annar hvtasunnu Fyrsti mnudagur gst (frdagur verslunarmanna)

egar unni er essum dgum er starfsmanni greitt yrvinnukaup.

Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic


Major public holidays

New Year's Day (1 January) Good Friday Easter Sunday Whitsun 17 June (Icelands Independence Day) Christmas Eve (24 December) after 12:00 oclock Christmas Day (25 December) New Years Eve (31 Decembe) after 12:00 oclock


For work on these days, workers are paid according to the so called major public holiday rate which is higher than the regular overtime rate.

General holidays

Second day of Christmas (December 26th) Maundy Thursday Second day of Easter First day of summer Ascension day May 1st (international holiday of labourers) Second day of Whitsun The rst Monday of August (Shop and Oce Workers holiday)

When working on these days an employee is paid overtime wage rates.

English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens

Samkvmt slensku stjrnarskrnni skulu allir vera jafnir fyrir lgum og njta mannrttinda n tillits til kynferis, trarbraga, skoana, jernisuppruna, kynttar, litarhttar, efnahags, tternis og stu a ru leyti. Konur og karlar skulu njta jafns rttar hvvetna. slenska lgreglan er rkislgregla og er innanrkisrherra yrmaur allrar lggslu landinu. Dmstigin eru tv, hrasdmstlar og hstirttur. Lg og reglur eru ekki nkvmlega eins neinu rki og v er mikilvgt a kynna sr lg nju landi. Upplsingavefurinn www.island.is inniheldur viamiklar upplsingar slensku og ensku, vef Alingis (www.althingi.is) m nna slenska lagasafni og vef Stjrnarrsins m nna lg og reglugerir sem ddar hafa veri yr ensku (www. stjornarrad.is / www.government.is). slandi gilda srstk lg er vara rttindi barna. llum ber skylda til a lta vita sma 112 ef grunur leikur a brn su beitt lkamlegu, andlegu ea kynferislegu ofbeldi. Sjlfrisaldur er 18 r slandi. fr einstaklingur lgri, a er fjrri og sjlfri, samt v a hann last kosningarrtt. Blprf er hgt a taka daginn sem einstaklingur verur 17 ra en ley til a kaupa fengi miast vi 20 r. Allir sem eru 18 ra og eldri mega ganga hjskap og skr sig samb1, einnig einstaklingar af sama kyni. Hgt er a f skilna tt makinn vilji a ekki. Vi skilna er eignum og skuldum venjulega skipt til helminga milli hjna nema samningur ha veri gerur um anna. Samkvmt lgum er forsj yr brnum sameiginleg vi skilna og sambarslit nema anna s kvei. Foreldrar urfa a kvea hj hvoru eirra barn skuli eiga lgheimili og ar me hafa, a jafnai, fasta bsetu. Sslumaur getur rskura um greining varandi umgengnisrtt en ef greiningur er um forsj arf a vsa honum til dmstla. Ef foreldri sem fer eitt me forsj gengur hjskap er forsj barns einnig hj stjpforeldrinu. Taki a aftur mti upp samb verur forsjin einnig hj sambarforeldrinu eftir a sambin hefur veri skr sameytt eitt r jskr. Hraakstur og akstur undir hrifum fengis er litinn alvarlegum augum og eru refsingar har fjrsektir, kuleyssvipting og varhald vi treku brot. Sektir geta einnig haft hrif veitingu slensks rkisborgararttar.

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1 egar flk er samb br a saman; ef flk er skrri samb br a saman eins og hjn og ntur kveinna rttinda, til dmis sambandi vi skatta, a s ekki gift. Hgt er skr samb sna hj jskr slands ar til geru eyublai.

Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic


Under the Icelandic constitution, everyone is equal before the law and enjoys human rights regardless of gender, religion, opinions, national origin, race, skin colour, economic status, lineage, and other status. Women and men are to have equal rights in every respect. The Icelandic police are state police and the Minister of the Interior is the supreme head of all policing in the country. There are two court levels: District Courts and the Supreme Court. Laws and regulations are not exactly the same in any two states, therefore it is important to familiarize yourself with the laws in a new country. The information website www.island.is contains extensive information in Icelandic and English. On the Parliament's website (www. althingi.is) you can nd the all laws and on the government ministries website you can nd laws and regulations that have been translated into English (www.stjornarrad.is/www.government.is). Special laws are in force in Iceland on the rights of children and young people in force. Everyone has a legal obligation to inform the police by calling 112 if they know or suspect that children or young people (up to the age of 18) are being abused physically, mentally or sexually. The age of majority is 18 years in Iceland. Then the person receives legal competence (the right to decide his or her own nancial and personal aairs) and also the right to vote. A driving test can be taken on the day an individual turns 17. The minimum age to be permitted to buy alcohol is 20. Anyone who is 18 or older may get married and register in cohabitation1, including individuals of the same sex. You can get a divorce even if your spouse does not want to. When people divorce, their assets and debts are usually divided evenly between the spouses (this is the standard arrangement in law) unless they have made an agreement on some other arrangement. By law, parents have joint custody of their children when they divorce or break o a cohabitation, unless otherwise decided, meaning that they share the responsibility of looking after the children. The parents must decide with which of them the child shall have legal residence and thereby, regular permanent domicile. The district commissioner can make a ruling in disputes regarding rights of access/visitation rights, but if there is dispute regarding custody it must be referred to the courts. If a parent with sole custody marries again, the custody of the child also rests with the stepparent. If the parent with sole custody registers a new cohabitation partnership, the cohabiting party also receives custodial rights after the cohabitation has been registered at the National Registry for one continuous year. Driving above the speed limit and under the inuence of alcohol are considered serious oences and are punished by high nes, suspension of driving licence and imprisonment in the case of repeated oences. Fines can also have an eect on the granting of Icelandic citizenship.

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1 When people are in cohabitation they live together; if they are in registered cohabitation they live together as a couple and enjoy certain rights, for example as regards taxes, although they are not married. It is possible to register the cohabitation with the Registers Iceland by using the appropriate form.

English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens


Rkisborgarar rkja sem ekki eiga aild a EES- ea EFTA-samningnum urfa a skja um dvalarley hj tlendingastofnun ef eir tla a dvelja lengur en rj mnui slandi.

Dvalarleyfi er forsenda lglegrar bsetu slandi. ur en kOmI er TIL LanDsIns

/ 12 /

a eru nokkur atrii sem mikilvgt er a skoa ur en komi er til slands. Athuga arf hvort vegabrfsritun s nausynleg fyrir komuna til landsins og hvaa fylgiggn fr heimalandi urfa a fylgja umskn um dvalarley. Dvalarley er forsenda lglegrar dvalar landinu.

tlendingastofnun veitir upplsingar varandi vegabrfsritanir og hvaa rki eru undanegin vegabrfsritun. Upplsingar eru vef tlendingastofnunar (www.utl.is).

Ef umskjandi getur ekki sjlfur veri samskiptum vi tlendingastofnun arf hann a veita astandanda ea rum aila slandi umbo til ess. Sj nnar vef stofnunarinnar (www.utl.is).

Stt er um dvalarley samrmi vi tilgang dvalar. Helstu okkar dvalarleyfa eru: Dvalarley vegna atvinnu.

Dvalarley vegna nms. Dvalarley vegna vistrningar (au-pair). Dvalarley vegna fjlskyldusameiningar.
Dvalarley grundvelli atvinnu skiptist rj okka sem eru dvalarley rttaflks, srfringa og ley vegna tmabundins skorts vinnuai. Dvalarley grundvelli atvinnu eru ekki gen t nema vikomandi fi einnig atvinnuley slandi og skja arf um bi leyn samtmis. Vinnumlastofnun (www.vinnumalastofnun.is) veitir atvinnuley. Upplsingar um atvinnuley eru bls. 22. Astandendur rttaflks, srfringa og eirra sem stunda doktorsnm slandi geta stt um dvalarley grundvelli fjlskyldusameiningar.

Dvalarleyfi og atvinnuleyfi ru EES- og EFTA-rki gildir ekki slandi.

Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic


Citizens of states that are not members of the EEA or EFTA agreements must apply for a residence permit from the Directorate of Immigration if they intend to stay in Iceland for longer than three months.

A residence permit is essential for legal residence in Iceland. BeFOre arrIvInG In The cOunTrY
There are a few things that you must check carefully before coming to Iceland. You should nd out if you have to have a visa to be allowed into Iceland, and what documents from your home country you will have to submit with your application for a residence permit. Remember: you will have to get a residence permit to be allowed to stay in Iceland legally.

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The Directorate of Immigration gives information on visas and what states citizens are exempt from the requirement to have visas. Information is available on the Directorates site (www.utl.is).

If you cannot communicate with the Directorate of Immigration yourself, you must give the name of a relative or another person in Iceland (your agent) who can do this for you. For further details, see the website of the Directorate of Immigration (www.utl.is).

Residence permit
When you apply for a residence permit, you must specify what is purpose of your stay. The main categories of residence permits are: Residence permits for employment.

Residence permits for education. Residence permits for au-pairs. Residence permits for family reunication.
Residence permits for employment are of three types: for athletes, for qualied professionals and for people who are employed in non-skilled jobs because of a temporary shortage of labour. You will not be granted a residence permits for employment purposes unless you are also granted a work permit, and you must apply for both permits at the same time. The Directorate of Labour (www.vinnumalastofnun.is) grants work permits. For information on work permits, see page 23. Relatives of athletes, qualied professionals and doctoral students can apply for residence permits on grounds of family reunication.

Residence permits and work permits in other EEA and EFTA states are not valid in Iceland.

English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens

Umskn um fyrsta ley

Umskn um fyrsta ley arf a vera samykkt af tlendingastofnun ur en komi er til landsins.

Ef umskjandi er maki, samvistarmaki, sambarmaki ea barn lgmtri forsj slendings, norrns borgara ea tlendings sem fr a dvelja lglega landinu, samkvmt dvalarley ea bsetuley, m skja um dvalarley eftir a komi er til landsins. Samkvmt lgum er barn einstaklingur sem ekki er orinn 18 ra. Rkisborgarar rkja utan EES og EFTA, sem eru astandendur rkisborgara EES- og EFTA-rkis2, urfa ekki a skja um dvalarley en skulu skja um dvalarskrteini hj tlendingastofnun innan riggja mnaa fr komu til landsins. Nnari upplsingar um dvalarskrteini, fylgiggn og umskn eru vef tlendinga stofnunar (www.utl.is/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=46&Itemid =49&lang=is).

/ 14 /

Dvalarleyfi er ekki gefi t nema umskjandi uppfylli kvein grunnskilyri. eirra meal eru: Trygg framfrsla. Tryggt hsni. Sjkratrygging. GrunnskILYrI DvaLarLeYFIs
Trygg framfrsla
Umskjandi verur a geta snt fram trygga framfrslu og er tt vi eitthva af eftirfarandi: Atvinnutekjur ea fastar reglubundnar greislur.

Eigi f (til dmis inni bankareikningi). Greislur fr rum nnum fjlskyldumelimi (ef umskjandi er barn
undir 18 ra ea foreldri 67 ra og eldri). Ef framfrsla er formi atvinnutekna ea fastra reglubundinna greislna arf a framvsa rningarsamningi, launaselum ea vottori fr vinnuveitenda um starfshlutfall og rningartma. Ef um er a ra eigi f, sem umskjandi notar til framfrslu, arf a a vera gjaldmili sem skrur er hj Selabanka slands (www.sedlabanki.is). Sama gildir um nmsln ea nmsstyrki vegna nmsmanna.

2 Astandandi essu tilviki telst maki, samvistarmaki ea sambarmaki rkisborgara EES-ea EFTA-rkis, barn hans ea maka (undir 21 rs aldri ea hans framfri) ea foreldri hans ea maka (sem er hans framfri).

Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic

Application for the rst permit

The application for your rst permit must be approved by the Directorate of Immigration before you arrive in Iceland.

If your are a spouse, same-sex union partner, cohabiting spouse or a minor (under the age of 18) in the legal custody of an Icelander, a Nordic citizen or a foreigner who is residing legally in the country in accordance with a residence permit or a permanent residence permit, you can make your application for a residence permit after arriving in Iceland. Citizens of non-EEA and EFTA states, who are relatives of citizens of EEA or EFTA member states2, do not need to apply for a residence permit, but should apply for a residence card from the Directorate of Immigration no later than three months after arriving in Iceland. For further information on residence cards , documents to be submitted and your application, see the Directorate of Immigrations website: (www.utl.is/index.php?option=com_content &view=article&id=46&Itemid=49&lang=is).

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A residence permit is not issued unless you meet certain basic requirements. These include: You must be able to support yourself financially. You must have found a proper place to live (secure housing). You must have health insurance. BasIc cOnDITIOns FOr a resIDence permIT
Secure means of support.
You must be able to demonstrate that you have reliable means of nancial support. This may take any of the following forms: Employment wages or xed regular payments.

Private funds (for example in a bank account). Payments from other close family members (if the applicant is a minor
(under the age of 18) or a parent aged 67 or older). If your means of nancial support is in the form of employment wages or xed regular payments, then you must submit your employment contract, payslips or a certicate from your employer stating the proportion of full-time job you are employed in and how long your employment is to last. If your nancial support is in the form of private funds, these must be in a currency listed by the Central Bank of Iceland (www.sedlabanki.is). The same applies to student loans or education grants for students.
2 Relative here means: the spouse, same-sex union partner or a cohabiting spouse of a citizen of an EEA or EFTA member state, his or her spouses child (under the age of 21 or dependent on him for maintenanc) or his or his spouses parent (who is dependent on him for maintenance).

English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens

Upplsingar um vimi vegna lgmarksframfrslu eru a nna vef tlendinga stofnunar (www.utl.is/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=77&Itemid =79&lang=is).

Greislur formi flagslegrar astoar fr rki ea sveitarflagi teljast ekki trygg framfrsla.
Tryggt hsni
Me tryggu hsni er tt vi a umskjandi geti snt fram a hann megi dvelja hsni, sem skr er sem barhsni fasteignaskr, me samykki inglsts eiganda. inglstur eigandi hsnisins arf a skrifa undir eyubla sem stafestir etta (www.utl.is/images/stories/Yrlysing_huseiganda.pdf).

/ 16 /

Umskjandi arf a kaupa sjkratryggingu sem kallast sjkrakostnaartrygging hj vtryggingaflagi sem er me starfsley slandi. Tryggingin arf a gilda minnst sex mnui fr skrningu lgheimilis ea ar til vikomandi er binn a vinna sr rtt til a vera sjkratryggur slandi (nnari upplsingar veita vtryggingaflgin; (www. vordur.is, www.tm.is, www.vis.is, www.sjova.is). Brn og unglingar, yngri en 18 ra, eru sjkratrygg me foreldrum snum ea forsjrmnnum. Sama gildir um kjrbrn, stjpbrn og fsturbrn. eir sem ekki eru sjkratryggir urfa a greia hrra gjald fyrir heilbrigisjnustu. Upplsingar um sjkratryggingar og eira eru a nna vefsu Tryggingastofnunar rkisins (www.tr.is) og vefsu Sjkratrygginga slands (www.sjukra.is).

Fylgiggn og vottor
tlendingastofnun og eiri stofnanir gera r krfur a llum erlendum vottorum, sem eru rum tungumlum en ensku ea Norurlandamli (dnsku, norsku, snsku ea nnsku), fylgi ing sem unnin er af lggiltum skjalaanda. Upplsingar um lggilta skjalaendur slandi eru a nna vefsu Flags dmtlka og skjalaenda (www.ds.is).

ur en stt er um dvalarleyfi slandi arf a tvega mis vottor og ggn sem urfa a fylgja me umskninni. a fer eftir tilgangi dvalar og tegundum leyfa hvaa fylgigagna er ska. Upplsingar um hvaa fylgiggn urfa a fylgja hverju tilviki eru vefsu tlendingastofnunar (www.utl.is).
Ef sta ykir til skilur tlendingastofnun sr rtt til a ska eftir stafestingu lgmti erlendra vottora. Um er a ra anna hvort apostille-vottun fr heimarki umskjanda ea tvfalda stafestingu fr utanrkisruneyti heimarki og sendiri vikomandi rkis slandi ea nsta sendiri (ha vikomandi rki ekki sendir slandi).
Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic

Information on criteria for minimum nancial support can be found on the Directorate of Immigrations website: (www.utl.is/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=77&Ite mid=79&lang=is).

Payments in the form of social assistance from a state or municipality are not considered to be a means of financial support.
Secure housing
Secure housing: you must be able to demonstrate that you are allowed to live in housing that is registered as residential housing in the real estate registry, with the consent of the registered owner. The registered owner of the housing must sign a form to conrm this. (www.utl.is/ images/stories/Yrlysing_huseiganda.pdf).

Health insurance
You must buy health insurance, called medical expense insurance, from an insurance company that is licensed to operate in Iceland. It must be valid for at least six months from the date on which you register your legal domicile, or until you have acquired the right to be medically insured in Iceland (further information is given by the insurance companies; (www.vordur.is, www.tm.is, www.vis.is, www.sjova.is). Minors (children and adolescents under the age of 18) are medically insured with their parents or custodians. The same applies to adopted children, stepchildren and foster children. If you do not have health insurance, you must pay a higher fee for health services. Information on health insurance and more can be found on the Social Insurance Administration website (www. tr.is) and the Icelandic Health Insurance website (www.sjukra.is).

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Supplementary documents and certicates

The Directorate of Immigration and other institutions make the requirement that all foreign certicates, that are in languages other than English or the Nordic languages (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish or Finnish), must be accompanied by a translation by a certied translator. Information on certied translators in Iceland can be found on the website of the Association of Certied Court Interpreters and Translators (www.ds.is).

When applying for a residence permit in Iceland, there are various certificates and documents that you must submit with your application. What these are will depend on the purpose of your stay and the type of permit you are applying for. You can find information on the documents to be submitted is on the Directorate of Immigrations website (www.utl.is).
The Directorate of Immigration reserves the right to request conrmation of legitimacy of foreign certicates. This could involve either an apostille certication from your home state or a double conrmation from the ministry for foreign aairs in your home state and the embassy of that state in Iceland or the nearest embassy (if the state in question does not have an embassy in Iceland).
English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens

Nnari upplsingar um apostille-vottun er a nna vefsu HCCH (www.hcch.net/ index_en.php?act=text.display&tid=37). au ggn (ef vi ) sem nausynlegt er a skila frumriti eru: Sakavottor.

Hjskaparvottor. Fingarvottor. Forsjrggn, skilnaar- ea dnarggn. Stafesting samb ea samvist.

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Mikilvgt er a gildistmi vegabrfs s a minnsta kosti rr mnuir fram yfir tlaan dvalartma.
Kennitalan er tu stafa tala sem er eins konar lykill a slensku samflagi. Umskn um kennitlu og beini um skrningu lgheimilis er hluti af umskn um dvalarley. tlendingastofnun sr um a skja um kennitlu fyrir einstaklinga sem urfa dvalarley ea dvalarleysskrteini slandi.

EFTIr kOmu TIL LanDsIns

mrgum tilvikum arf umskjandi a undirgangast lknisrannskn og skila lknisvottori til tlendingastofnunar. eir sem leggja fram erlent lknisvottor yngra en riggja mnaa, sem meti er fullngjandi a mati lknis slandi, urfa ekki a fara lknisskoun hr landi. bar fr EES-rkjum (annarra en Rmenu og Blgaru), Sviss, Bandarkjunum, Kanada, stralu og Nja-Sjlandi urfa hvorki a framvsa lknisvottori n undirgangast lknisrannskn. Nnari upplsingar eru vef Fjlmenningarseturs (www.mcc.is/ heilsa/laeknisskodun).

tlendingur arf a mta myndatku sem fer fram hj tlendingastofnun ea nsta sslumannsembtti. Sna arf vegabrf. Myndataka a fara fram um lei og tlendingur er kominn og eigi sar en egar lknisrannskn hefur fari fram.

Dvalarleyskort er ge t um lei og lknisvottor hefur borist tlendingastofnun og myndataka hefur fari fram. Dvalarleyskorti er stafesting lgmtri dvl rtthafa ess. Upphaf dvalar miast vi tgfudag kortsins.

Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic

Further information on apostille-certication can be found on the HCCH website (www.hcch.net/index_en.php?act=text.display&tid=37). The documents (if applicable) you must submit (originals, not copies) are: Criminal record.

Marital certicate. Birth certicate. Custody documents, divorce documents or death certicates. Conrmation of cohabitation or same-sex union.

NB: your passport must be valid for at least three months longer than the period you intend to stay in Iceland.
ID No. (identication number)
An ID No. (identication number) is a ten-digit number which you need in many situations in Iceland. An application for an ID No. and the registration of your legal domicile are parts of the application for a residence permit. The Directorate of Immigration handles applications for ID numbers from individuals who need residence permits or residence cards in Iceland.

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AFTer arrIvInG In IceLanD

Medical examination
In many cases you will be required to have a medical examination and submit a medical certicate to the Directorate of Immigration. If you submit a foreign medical certicate less than three months old, which is considered satisfactory by an Icelandic doctor, you will not have to have a medical examination in Iceland. Residents from EEA states (other than Romania and Bulgaria), Switzerland, the U.S.A., Canada, Australia and New Zealand are not required to submit medical certicates or have a medical examination. For further information, see the Multicultural and Information Centres website: (www.mcc.is/heilsa/laeknisskodun).

Foreign nationals must be photographed at the Directorate of Immigration or the nearest district commissioners oce. A passport must be shown. The photograph should take place as soon as you have arrived and no later than when you have your medical examination.

Residence permit card

A residence permit card is issued as soon as the Directorate of Immigration has received your medical certicate and your photo has been taken. Your residence permit card is a proof that you are legally resident in Iceland. The date from which your residence period runs is the date of issue of the card.

English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens

Rkisborgari utan EES- ea EFTA-rkis sem er astandandi EES- ea EFTA-rkisborgara skir um dvalarskrteini hj tlendingastofnun. Vi umskn arf hann meal annars a leggja fram vegabrf, stafestingu fjlskyldutengslum, fara myndatku hj tlendingastofnun og gti auk ess urft a fara lknisrannskn (www.mcc.is/ heilsa/laeknisskodun). egar astandandi rkisborgara EES- ea EFTA-rkis uppfyllir ll nausynleg skilyri er ge t dvalarskrteini sem sent er dvalarsta umskjanda, og verur a heimilisfang um lei lgheimili hans. Upphaf dvalar miast vi tgfudag skrteinisins.

Flutningur lgheimilis innanlands

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Ef ytja arf lgheimili milli staa slandi arf a fylla t eyublai Flutningstilkynning innanlands. Eyublai er hgt a nlgast vefsu jskrr slands (www.skra.is/ pages/1031) ea skrifstofum sveitarflaga (www.samband.is/sveitarfelogin). Mgulegt er a fylla eyublai t Netinu og senda a rafrnt ea prenta a t, skrifa undir og skila beint til jskrr slands ( psti ea faxi) ea skrifstofur sveitarflaga.

Skrning r landi
tlendingur sem tekur aftur upp fasta bsetu erlendis arf a skr sig r landi me v a fylla t utningstilkynningu hj jskr slands. Eyublai er hgt a nlgast vefsu jskrr slands (www.skra.is/pages/1031) ea skrifstofum sveitarflaga. Mgulegt er a fylla eyublai t Netinu og senda a rafrnt ea prenta a t, skrifa undir og skila beint til jskrr slands ( psti ea faxi) ea skrifstofur sveitarflaga.

Endurkoma trunni ley

tlendingur sem hyggst taka aftur upp fasta bsetu slandi arf a fullngja smu krfum og egar hann kom fyrsta skipti til landsins.

Mikilvg atrii um kennitlu og lgheimili:

tlendingastofnun sr um a aa kennitlu fyrir umskjanda

Ef tlendingur arf kennitlu rum tilgangi en vegna unar

dvalarleys arf stofnun/fyrirtki a skja um kennitlu fyrir hann.

tlendingur getur ekki stt um kennitlu fyrir sjlfan sig. egar dvalarleyskort/dvalarskrteini hefur veri ge t er tlendingur
skrur me lgheimili jskr.

tlendingur ntur engra dvalarleystengdra rttinda slandi fyrr en

hann hefur fengi tge dvalarleyskort/dvalarskrteini.

Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic

Residence card
Citizens of non-EEA or EFTA states who are relatives of EEA or EFTA citizens must apply for residence cards from the Directorate of Immigration. When applying, they must submit a passport and conrmation of family relations, have their photographs taken at the Directorate of Immigration and may also have to have a medical examination (www.mcc.is/heilsa/laeknisskodun). When a relative of an EEA or EFTA citizen meets all the necessary requirements, a residence card is issued. This is sent to the applicants residence, which becomes the persons legal domicile. The beginning of stay is based on the issuing date of the card.

Transfer of legal domicile within Iceland

If you need to move your legal domicile between locations in Iceland it is necessary to ll out the form Notication of change of address in Iceland. The form can be found on the website of Registers Iceland (www.skra.is/lisalib/getle.aspx?itemid=5854) or at the oces of the municipalities (www.samband.is/sveitarfelogin). You can ll out the form online and send it electronically, or print it out, sign it and submit it directly to Registers Iceland (by mail or telefax) or at the oces of the municipalities.

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Transfer of legal domicile to another country

A foreign national who returns to permanent residence abroad must register as moving out of Iceland by lling out a notication of transfer of legal domicile abroad with Registers Iceland. The form can be found at the oces of the municipalities and the website of Registers Iceland (www. skra.is/lisalib/getle.aspx?itemid=5854). You can ll out the form online and send it electronically or print it out, sign it and submit it directly to Registers Iceland (by post or telefax) or at the oces of the municipalities.

Return expired permit

A foreign national who intends to resume permanent residence in Iceland must full the same requirements as when he rst arrived in the country.

Important points regarding ID Nos. and legal domicile:

The Directorate of Immigration will see to obtaining an ID No. for you if you are
applying for a residence permit.

If you need an ID No. for purposes other than obtaining a residence permit, an
institution or company must apply for an ID No. for you.

You cannot apply for an ID No. yourself. When your residence permit / residence card has been issued, you will be
registered in the National Registry as being legally domiciled in Iceland.

You will have no entitlements or rights relating to residence in Iceland until you
have been issued with a residence permit / residence card.

English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens

Launegar slandi njta smu rttinda varandi laun og nnur starfskjr sem samtk aila vinnumarkaarins semja um. slandi er heimilt a semja um lakari kjr en almennir kjarasamningar segja til um. Hj Alusambandi slands (AS) er hgt a f bkling um rttindi og skyldur vinnumarkai (www.asi.is).


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eir sem ytja til landsins vegna atvinnu urfa a hafa atvinnuley slandi. Fyrsta ley er vallt tmabundi og er veitt tlendingi en er bundi tilteknum atvinnurekanda. Atvinnuley verur a hafa veri veitt ur en umskjandi hefur strf. Undanegnir atvinnuley eru makar og brn (yngri en 18 ra) slenskra rkisborgara og makar og brn rkisborgara sem eiga aild a EES-samningnum, a undanskildum rkisborgurum Rmenu og Blgaru. Vinnumlastofnun gefur t atvinnuley en umskn er send til tlendingastofnunar me umskn um dvalarley. Nnari upplsingar um atvinnuley eru vefsu Vinnumlastofnunar (www. vinnumalastofnun.is) og Fjlmenningarseturs (www.mcc.is).

Allir sem vinna slandi eiga a hafa skriegan rningarsamning. rningarsamningi a koma fram nafn starfsmanns, upplsingar um atvinnurekanda, upplsingar um hvar star er unni, laun, rningartma, uppsagnarkvi og aild a lfeyrissji og stttarflagi. Nnari upplsingar eru a nna vefsu Alusambands slands (AS) (www.asi.is), Vinnumlastofnunar (www.vinnumalastofnun.is) og vefsum einstakra stttarflaga.

Mikilvgt a athuga

A laun su samkvmt kjarasamningi. A vinnutmi s ekki lengri en lg og kjarasamningar leyfa. A orlof s samrmi vi lg og kjarasamninga. A laun su greidd vegna veikinda ea slysa. A launaseill fylgi egar laun eru greidd. A atvinnurekandi borgi skatt af launum. A atvinnurekandi greii gjld til lfeyrissjs og stttarflags.

Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic

Workers in Iceland have the same rights regarding wages and other employment benets negotiated by the parties to the labour market. In Iceland it is not permitted to negotiate worse terms than minimum terms set by collective agreements. A pamphlet on rights and obligations on the labour market is available at the website of the Icelandic Confederation of Labour (AS) (www.asi.is).

Work permits
Those who move to the country for employment must have a work permit in Iceland. The rst permit is always temporary and is granted to the foreign national, but is tied to a specic employer. A work permit must be granted before the applicant starts working. Spouses and children (under the age of 18) of Icelandic citizens, and spouses and children of EEA citizens, except citizens of Romania and Bulgaria, are exempt from the requirement to obtain work permits. The Directorate of Labour issues work permits, but applications must be sent to the Directorate of Immigration with the application for a residence permit. For further information on work permits, see the websites of the Directorate of Labour (www. vinnumalastofnun.is) and the Multicultural and Information centre (www.mcc.is).

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Employment contracts
Everyone who works in Iceland should have a written employment contract. An employment contract should stipulate the name of the employee, information on the employer, information on where the work is done, wages, employment period, resignation clauses and membership of a pension fund and a union. Further information can be found on the Icelandic Confederation of Labours website (www.asi. is), the Directorate of Labour (www.vinnumalastofnun.is) and the websites of specic unions.

Important to note
That wages are in accordance with collective agreements. That you cannot be asked to work for longer than the working hours permitted by
law and collective agreements.

That leave is paid in accordance with law and collective agreements. That wages are paid during absence from work due to sickness or injuries. That you receive a payslip when wages are paid. That your employer pays taxes on your wages. That your employer pays dues to your pension fund and union.

English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens

Launaseill er skrieg stafesting fjrh launa og gjldum sem atvinnurekandi hefur dregi af launum, svo sem skatt- og lfeyrissjsgreislur.

Flestir atvinnurekendur borga laun beint inn bankareikning. Bankar gera mismunandi krfur til eirra sem skja um a stofna bankareikning. Allir bankar gera krfu um a umskjandi s me kennitlu og skilrki me mynd.

Lgbundnir frdagar

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Samkvmt estum kjarasamningum eiga eir sem eru fstum launum a f greidd laun fyrir lgbundna frdaga sem lenda vinnudegi, lkt og um hefbundinn vinnudag s a ra, tt ekki s unni eim degi. Ekki er greitt fyrir fasta yrvinnu essum dgum. Ef unni er frdegi er greitt srstaklega fyrir a.

Allt launaflk a borga lfeyrissj. a fr greitt r lfeyrissji egar a lkur strfum vegna aldurs ea rorku. Atvinnurekanda ber a halda eftir kvenum hluta launa starfsmanns sem nefnist igjald, en a er s hluti sem greiddur er til lfeyrissjs, samt mtframlagi fr atvinnurekandanum sjlfum.

Vandaml vinnusta
Ef upp koma vandaml samskiptum vinnusta er hgt a leita eftir upplsingum og asto hj trnaarmnnum vinnusta, stttarflagi ea Fjlmenningarsetri. Strstu stttarflgin eru Eing-stttarflag (www.eing.is), VR (www.vr.is) og heildar samtk stttarflaga eins og Bandalag hsklamanna (BHM) (www.bhm.is) og Bandalag starfsmanna rkis og bja (BSRB) (www.bsrb.is).

Vinnueftirlit rkisins er mist vinnuverndarstarfs landinu. Hlutverk Vinnueftirlitsins er a tryggja a gtt s a ryggi starfsmanna, hafa eftirlit me vinnuastu eirra og a rstafanir su fyrir hendi til a koma veg fyrir slys vinnusta. Upplsingar um Vinnueftirliti samt upplsingaefni um ryggi vinnusta eru vef Vinnueftirlitsins (www.vinnueftirlit.is).

Mat nmi
Mat menntun getur btt stu flks vinnumarkai, auki mguleika vinnu og hkka laun. mis runeyti hafa umsjn me nmsmati og viurkenningu starfsrttindum erlendis fr. Nnari upplsingar og umsknareyubl eru a nna vef Menntagttar (www.menntagatt.is).

Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic

Pay slips
A pay slip is a written conrmation of the amount that your employer has subtracted from your wages, such as taxes and pension dues.

Bank account
Most employers pay wages directly into a bank account. Banks make dierent demands regarding who can open a bank account. All banks, however, will require you to have an ID No. and personal identication with a photo.

Legal holidays
According to most collective agreements, those who have xed wages will receive wages for legal holidays that fall on a working day, just as if it was a regular working day, although working is not required on that day. Fixed overtime is not paid for work on such days. If you work on a holiday, you will receive special payment.

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Pension fund
All workers are obliged to pay dues to a pension fund. You then receive pension payments from the fund when you stop working due to age or disability. Your employer is required to hold back a certain part of a your wages; this is the premium you pay to your pension fund, together with a complementary payment from your the employer.

Problems at the workplace

If problems arise in interpersonal relations (how people treat each other) at your workplace, you can seek information and assistance from your union representatives at the workplace, your trade union, or the Multicultural and information Centre. The largest unions are Eingstttarflag (www.eing.is), VR (www.vr.is) and umbrella organisations for trade unions such as the Association of University Graduates (BHM) (www.bhm.is) and the Federation of State and Municipal Employees (BSRB) (www.bsrb.is).

Health and safety at the workplace

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is the centre for health and safety at the workplace operations in Iceland. The role of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration is to ensure that attention is given to the safety issues, that working conditions are monitored and that measures are in place to prevent accidents at the workplace. Information on the of Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and information material on health and safety at the workplace, can be found on the website of the of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (www.vinnueftirlit.is).

Recognition of education (professional qualications)

Recognition of your education (examinations you have passed, certicates you hold) can improve your status on the labour market, increase your employment prospects and lead to higher wages. Various ministries are responsible for the recognition of educational and professional qualications from abroad. Further information and forms can be found on the Educational Gateway website (www.menntagatt.is).

English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens

eir sem eru me tmabundi atvinnu- og dvalarlei eiga ekki rtt atvinnu leyissbtum. eir sem missa vinnuna geta leita eftir asto hj Vinnumlastofnun vegna atvinnuleitar. Vinnumlastofnun sr jafnframt um skrningu atvinnulausra og greislu atvinnuleysisbta. Upplsingar um atvinnuleysisbtur er a nna hj verkalsflgum og vefsu Vinnumlastofnunar (www.vinnumalastofnun.is).

Svrt vinna

/ 26 /

a er lglegt a stunda launaa vinnu sem ekki er gen upp til skatts. Launu vinna sem ekki er gen upp til skatts er kllu svrt vinna. Ef upp kemst um svarta vinnu er lgmarkssekt tvfld s fjrh sem annars hefi veri skattskyld. Ef laun eru svikin undan skatti borgar atvinnurekandi ekki au gjld sem arf a greia, til dmis vegna slysatryggingar starfsmanns, rttinda hans til veikindadaga og orlofs, enginn rttur vinnst hj lfeyrissjum og rttur til atvinnuleysisbta skerist. Ef vissa rkir um atvinnuskrningu er hgt a leita til stttarflaga, samtaka stttarflaga og Fjlmenningarseturs.

Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic

Unemployment benets
Those who have a temporary work and residence permit are not entitled to unemployment benets. Those who lose their job can seek assistance with looking for a new job from the Directorate of Labour. The directorate also handles the registration of unemployed workers and the payment of unemployment benets. Information on unemployment benets can be obtained from trade unions and on the website of the Directorate of Labour (www.vinnumalastofnun.is).

It is against the law to work and accept payment that is not declared to the tax authorities. Paid employment which is not declared for taxes is called moonlighting (svrt atvinnustarfsemi or a vinna svart in Icelandic). If it is found that you have been moonlighting, the minimum ne is double the amount which would otherwise have been taxable. If you work for wages that are not declared to the tax authorities, then remember: your employer is not paying his part of the insurance premium that should be paid to cover things like insurance if you are injured and your right to leave due to illness; also, no pension premium is paid into your pension fund and your right to unemployment benet is not as great as it would be if the work was paid for in the proper way. If you are unsure about the status of work you are doing, you can seek assistance from your union, of trade union federations and the Multicultural and Information Centre.

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English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens

Allir sem vinna slandi eru skattskyldir. Skattur af tekjum einstaklinga skiptist tekjuskatt til rkisins annars vegar og tsvar3 til sveitarflags hins vegar. Tekjuskattur er repaskiptur og fer skatthlutfalli eftir tekjum launega. vefsu Rkisskattstjra (www.rsk.is) er a nna upplsingar um stagreislu skatta mia vi fjrh tekna. Atvinnurekandi tekur stagreislu af launum starfsmanns en starfsmaurinn rtt fastri fjrh skattafsltt (persnuafsltt4) hverjum mnui. Atvinnurekandi getur ekki teki tillit til persnuafslttar sem korti veitir nema a hafa skattkorti undir hndum (www.rsk.is).

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Skattyrvld gefa t skattkort. S sem ytur lgheimili sitt til slands fr sent skattkort egar lgheimili hans hefur veri skr hj jskr slands. Skattkort jafngildir ekki heimild til atvinnu. Rkisborgar rkja sem ekki eina ailda a EES ea EFTA urfa a hafa atvinnuley. Greiddir skattar koma fram launaseli. Nausynlegt er a varveita launaselana til a sanna a skattar ha veri greiddir. Einstaklingar hjnabandi, stafestri samvist ea skrri samb geta samntt persnuafsltt sinn. Nnari upplsingar eru vef Rkisskattstjra (www.rsk.is).

Ef fr ekki sent skattkort eftir a hefur fengi lgheimilisskrningu skaltu skja um skattkort hj Rkisskattstjra ea skattstofum.
Allir eir sem eru skattskyldir slandi urfa a skila skattframtali hverju ri, venjulega marsmnui. ar skal telja fram heildarlaun rsins undan, samt skuldum og eignum. Ef greitt hefur veri of miki ea of lti skatt er a leirtt gst sama r og skattframtali er skila. S sem hefur greitt minna en honum er skylt arf a greia a sem upp vantar og s sem hefur greitt meira en honum er skylt fr mismuninn endurgreiddan. Tali er fram Netinu (www.skattur.is) og er veykill (agangsor og lykilor) sendur lgheimili allra skattgreienda, 16 ra og eldri. S skattframtali ekki skila tlar skattstjri tekjur og lg gjld eru reiknu samkvmt v. vefsl Rkisskattstjra (www.rsk.is) er a nna eyubla skattframtals og bkling um skattlagningu slandi ensku, nnsku, norsku, snsku, frnsku, spnsku, sku, plsku og rssnesku.
3 tsvar er einn af tekjustofnum sveitarflaga, kvei hlutfall sem teki er af launum, h tekjum launega. tsvarsprsenta getur veri mish eftir sveitarflgum. 4 Almennur persnuafslttur er fst fjrh sem allir launegar f skattafsltt og dregst fr skattgreislum launega.

Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic

Everyone who works in Iceland must pay taxes. Taxes on your wages consist of income tax to the state on the one hand and local tax3 to the municipality on the other. Income tax is divided into steps and the tax percentage is dependent on the wages of the worker. On the website of the Directorate of Internal Revenue (www.rsk.is) you can nd information on the amount of tax deducted; this depends on the amount of your wages. An employer deducts tax from your wages, but you are entitled to keep a xed amount (your personal allowance4) which is automatically subtracted youre your tax each month. Your employer cannot apply this personal allowance unless he has your tax card. (www.rsk.is).

Tax card
The tax authorities issue tax cards. If you transfer your legal domicile to Iceland you will be sent a tax card when your legal domicile has been registered with Registers Iceland. A tax card is not the equivalent of a work permit. Citizens of non-EEA and EFTA member states must have a work permit. The tax you pay each month is stated on your pay slip. It is important to keep your payslips to prove that your taxes have been paid. People who are married, or in a conrmed same-sex union or registered cohabitation can jointly use their personal allowance (tax rebate). Further information can be found in the website of the Directorate of Internal Revenue (www.rsk.is).

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If you are not sent a tax card after your legal domicile has been registered, you should apply for a tax card at the Directorate of Internal Revenue or tax agencies.

Tax return
Everybody who is liable to pay tax in Iceland must submit a tax return every year, usually in March. On the tax return you are to declare your total earnings for the previous year, and also your liabilities (debts) and assets. If you have paid too much or too little tax in advance, this is corrected in August the same year as the tax return is led. If you have paid less than you should have, you are required to pay the dierence and if you have paid more than you should have, you receive a refund. The tax return is submitted online (www.skattur.is) and a web key (user name and password) sent to the legal domicile of all taxpayers, 16 years and older. If a tax return is not led, the Directorate of Internal Revenue will estimate your income and the dues are calculated accordingly. On the website of the Directorate of Internal Revenue (www.rsk.is) you can nd a form for tax returns and a pamphlet on taxation in Iceland in English, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, French, Spanish, German, Polish and Russian.
3 Local tax is one of the municipalities sources of income, a certain percentage which is taken o wages, regardless of how large or small your wages are. The local tax percentage can dier from place to place. 4 Personal allowance is a xed amount which all workers receive as a deduction from their taxes.

English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens


Foreldrar sem hafa veri vinnu sex mnui ea lengur slandi eiga rtt launuu orlo vi fingu barns, vi ttleiingu barns ea vi varanlegt fstur barns yngra en tta ra. Foreldrar f annahvort orlofsgreislur5 ea fingarstyrk6 r Fingarorlofssji en a fer eftir stu eirra vinnumarkai. Mlst er til ess a flk haldi fram a borga gjld til stttarflags mean fingarorlo stendur, ef slkt er ekki gert tapast au rttindi sem vikomandi hefur hj snu stttarflagi. eir sem hafa unni sr rttindi rki sem aild a EES-samningnum geta mrgum tilfellum utt au rttindi me sr til slands. Foreldri arf a lta tilskilin vottor um unnin starfstmabil og tryggingatmabil ru rki fylgja me umskn. eir sem ekki eru vinnu eiga rtt fingarstyrk ef eir hafa veri bsettir og me lgheimili slandi tlf mnui ea lengur. Upplsingar um fingarorlof, fingarstyrk og foreldraorlof er vef Fingar orlofs sjs (www.faedingarorlof.is).

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Barnabtur eru greislur fr hinu opinbera til ess a astoa barnaflk. Fjrssla rkisins greiir barnabtur t fjrum sinnum ri, 1. febrar, 1. ma, 1. gst og 1. nvember. Barnabtur eru greiddar t fyrsta sinn ri eftir a barn fist ea yst til landsins. Greiddar eru barnabtur vegna barna a 18 ra aldri og t ri sem au vera 18 ra. Vi kvrun barnabta er teki tillit til tekna foreldra ea forsjraila samkvmt skattframtali og eru barnabturnar greiddar eftir . Ekki arf a skja um barnabtur vegna barna sem ba hj foreldri ea forsjraila slandi. vef Rkisskattstjra (www.rsk.is) er a nna upplsingar um barnabtur og eyubl vegna greislu barnabta nokkrum tungumlum.

5 Orlofsgreislur eru mnaarlegar greislur til foreldris. Starfshlutfall sex mnui fyrir fingu barns arf a vera a minnsta kosti 25% til a f orlofsgreislur. Mnaarleg greisla nemur 75 ea 80% af mealtali heildarlauna. Nnari upplsingar eru vef Fingarorlofssjs (www.faedingarorlof.is). 6 Fingarstyrkur er mnaarlegar greislur til foreldris sem er utan vinnumarkaar, fullu nmi ea minna en 25% star. Fjrh fingarstyrks er lgri en fjrh fingarorlofs.

Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic


Maternity / paternity leave
Parents who have been employed for six months or longer in Iceland are entitled to paid leave when they have a baby or begin the adoption or permanent foster care of a child younger than eight years old. Parents either receive leave payments5 or birth grants6 from the Maternity and Paternity Leave Fund; the amount paid depends on their status on the labour market. It is recommended that you continue to pay dues to your union during maternity/paternity leave. If you do not do this, the rights you have gained with your union will be lost. Those who have earned rights in a state that is party to the EEA agreement can, in many cases, transfer their rights to Iceland. A parent must then submit the required certicates regarding periods of work and insurance periods in another state with the application. If you are not employed you will still be entitled to a birth grant if you have lived in Iceland and had your legal domicile in Iceland for twelve months or longer. Information on maternity/paternity leave, birth grant and parental leave can be found on the Maternity and Paternity Leave Funds website (www.faedingarorlof.is).

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Child benet
Child benet is a payment from the government to assist people who have children. The State Financial Management disburses child benet four times a year, February 1st, May 1st, August 1st, and November 1st. Child benet is paid for the rst time the year after a child is born or moves to the country. Child benet is paid for children up to 18 years of age and throughout the year they turn 18. When deciding child benet, consideration is given to the income of the childs parents or guardians according to their tax returns.. It is not necessary to apply for child benet for children who live with parents or custodians in Iceland. You can nd information on child benet, and forms for claiming child benet, in several languages the website of the Directorate of Internal Revenue (www.rsk.is).

5 Leave payments are monthly payments to parents. To receive these payments, you must have been employed in at least 25% of a full-time position before the birth. The monthly payment amounts to 75 or 80% of the average total wages. Further information is to be found on the website of the Maternity and Paternity Leave Fund (www.faedingarorlof.is). 6 A birth grant is a montly payment to a parent who is not on the labour market, studying full time or working at a level less than 25% of full employment. The amount of the birth grant is lower than the amount of the leave payments.

English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens

Einstir foreldrar eiga rtt greislu melags fr hinu foreldrinu. Melag er greisla me eigin barni til foreldris sem barni hefur lgheimili hj. Foreldrar geta kvei fyrirkomulag melagsgreislna sn milli ea gegnum Tryggingastofnun rkisins. Foreldrum ber a framfra barn sitt a minnsta kosti til 18 ra aldurs og 20 ra ef barn er nmi. Tryggingastofnun rkisins sr um a borga melag, eftir rskur fr sslumanni, skili melagsgreislur sr ekki fr v foreldri sem ber a greia melagi. heimilt er a semja um lgri fjrh en lgmarksmelag. Ef greiningur kemur upp um melagsgreislur skal leita til sslumanns (www.syslumenn.is). Upplsingar um melag og melagsgreislur eru vef Tryggingastofnunar rkisins (www.tr.is).

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Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic

Child maintenance (support).

Single parents are entitled to receive child maintenance (support) from the other parent. Child maintenance is a payment you make for the support of your own child to the parent with whom the child has its legal domicile. Parents can decide how child maintenance payments are to be arranged between them or have this done through the Social Security Administration. Parents are obliged to pay their child maintenance at least until the child reaches the age of 18, and the age of 20 if the child is in fulltime education. The Social Security Administration oversees the paying of child maintenance in accordance with rulings from the District Commissioner, if child maintenance payments are not received from the parent who should be paying maintenance. You may not agree on a lower amount than the minimum rate of child maintenance. If a dispute arises regarding child maintenance payments, you should ask the District Commissioner (www. syslumenn.is) for help. Information on child support and child support payments are on the Social Security Administrations website (www.tr.is).

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English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens

Allir eiga rtt neyarasto hj hinu opinbera heilbrigisker slandi.

Neyarasto, alvarleg slys og veikindi 112 Sameiginlegt neyarnmer slandi er 112. Hvar sem er landinu er hgt a hringja 112 og leita eftir hjlp. Allir geta hringt 112 r venjulegum sma (landlnu) og farsmum (GSM) ar sem samband nst.

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Tlkun innan heilbrigisjnustunnar

Sjklingur sem ekki talar slensku rtt samkvmt lgum tlkun upplsinga um heilsufar, fyrirhugaa mefer og nnur hugsanleg rri. S rf tlki arf a taka a fram egar tmi er pantaur hj lkni heilsugslust ea sjkrahsi. a er vikomandi stofnun sem kveur hvort hn greii fyrir tlkajnustu.

Heilsugsla og heimilislknar
Heilsugslustvar eru um allt land og llum hverfum hfuborgarsvisins. ar er veitt ll almenn heilbrigisjnusta og anga leitar flk jafnan fyrst vegna veikinda ea annarra heilsufarsvandamla. Flk rtt a leita til hvaa heilsugslustvar sem er en skilegt er a sna sr til heilsugslustvar sem er nst heimili vikomandi. Auk almennrar lknisjnustu sinna heilsugslustvar mravernd, ung- og smbarnavernd, sklaheilsugslu og hjkrun heimahsum. Brn, undir 18 ra aldri, eru undanegin komugjaldi heilsugslur og gjaldi vegna vitjana lkna heimahs. sjkratrygg brn greia fullt gjald. Upplsingar um heilbrigisml og stasetningu heilsugslustva hfu borgar svinu m nna Heilsugslu hfuborgarsvisins dnsku, ensku og plsku (www.heilsugaeslan.is). Upplsingar um stasetningu heilsugslustva um land allt eru vef velferar runeytisins (www.velferdarraduneyti.is/hbr/stofnanir/heilsugaeslan/nr/31457).

Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic

Everyone is entitled to emergency assistance from the public health care system in Iceland.

Emergency assistance, serious accidents and illnesses 112 The emergency telephone number in Iceland is 112. Wherever you are in the country, you can phone 112 and seek assistance. Anyone can call 112 from an ordinary telephone (landline) or from a mobile phone (GSM) where there is connection.

Interpreting within the healthcare services

A patient who does not speak Icelandic is entitled by law to the services of an interpreter regarding health, proposed treatment and other possible measures. If you will need an interpreter, you should say this when you make an appointment with a doctor, at a health clinic or a hospital. The institution in question (the hospital or clinic) will decide whether it will pay for the interpreters services.

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Health care clinics and general practitioners (doctors)

There are health care clinics all over the country and in all neighbourhoods in the capital area. These provide all general health care services, and people usually go there rst because of illnesses or other health related problems. You may go to any health clinic you choose, but it is recommended that you go to the one closest to your home. In addition to general medical services, the clinics provide maternity care, infant and child health care, school health care and home nursing. Minors (children and adolescents under 18) are not charged appointment fees at the health care clinics or fees for house calls from doctors. However, minors who do not have health insurance must pay the full fee. Information on health care issues and the locations of health clinics in the capital area can be found on the website of the Primary Health Care of the Capital Area in Danish, English and Polish (www.heilsugaeslan.is). Information on locations of health clinics throughout the country is on the website of the Ministry of Welfare (www.velferdarraduneyti.is/hbr/stofnanir/heilsugaeslan/nr/31457).

English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens

LknIsJnusTa uTan OpnunarTma heILsuGsLusTva

Utan opnunartma heilsugslustva eru vallt heilsugslulknar vakt vi allar heilsugslustvar landsbygginni. Ef rf er lknisjnustu utan opnunartma heilsugslustva hfuborgarsvinu, a er um kvld, ntur ea helgar, sinnir Lknavaktin essari jnustu a Smratorgi 1, 201 Kpavogi, ea sma 1770. Lknisjnusta utan opnunartma er drari.

Tannlknajnusta slandi er veitt einkareknum tannlknastofum. a er byrg foreldra a fara me brnin sn reglulegt eftirlit til tannlknis.

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Sjkratryggingar slands endurgreia hluta kostnaar fyrir brn, ellilfeyrisega og rorkulfeyrisega. riggja ra, sex ra og tlf ra brn eiga rtt eftirliti og forvrnum hj tannlkni einu sinni ri, sr a kostnaarlausu. Tannlknaflag slands er me heimasu ar sem nna m tannlkna eftir landsvum (www.tannsi.is/tannlaeknar). Neyarjnusta tannlkna hfuborgarsvinu er opin um helgar og stofutma virkum dgum. Hgt er a hafa samband sma 575 0505. Upplsingar um tannlkni vakt eru heimasu Tannlknaflags slands (www.tannsi.is/neydarvakt-t). Ef neyartilfelli kemur upp um kvld ea a nttu til er sjklingum bent a sna sr til bramttku sjkrahsanna.

aptekum eru seld lyf samt smvru sem yrleitt tengjast heilsu einhvern htt. ar er bi hgt a kaupa verkjalyf sem ekki eru lyfseilsskyld og anga er hgt a fara me lyfseil fr lkni til ess a f lyfseilsskyld lyf afhent. Listi yr lyfjaverslanir og aptek er a nna vefsu Fjlmenningarseturs (www.mcc. is/heilsa/apotek). Landlknisembtti hefur eftirlit me allri heilbrigisjnustu slandi. Hj embttinu er hgt a f upplsingar um heilbrigisjnustu og anga er hgt a leita vilji flk kvarta yr jnustu heilbrigiskersins (www. landlaeknir.is).

Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic

MeDIcaL servIces OuTsIDe The reGuLar OpenInG hOurs OF The heaLTh care cLInIcs
Outside regular opening hours of the health care clinics, there are always health care doctors on call at all rural clinics. If you need medical services outside the opening hours of the health care clinics in the capital area, i.e. during evenings, nights and weekends, services are provided from Lknavaktin at Smratorg 1, 201 Kpavogur, or in tel. 1770. Medical services outside regular opening hours are more expensive.

Dental services
Dental services in Iceland are provided at private dental clinics. It is the responsibility of parents to take their children for a regular check-up with a dentist. Icelandic Health Insurance reimburses part of the cost for children, pensioners and disability pensioners. Children aged three, six and twelve are entitled to monitoring and preventative treatment from a dentist once a year, free of charge. The Icelandic Dental Association has a website where you can nd dentists by region (www. tannsi.is/tannlaeknar). The dental emergency service in the capital area is open during weekends and during business hours on weekdays. It can be reached at tel. 575 0505. Information on the dentist on call is available on the Icelandic Dental Associations website (www.tannsi.is/neydarvakt-t). In case of an emergency during evenings or nights patients are advised to go to the emergency ward of the hospitals.

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Pharmacies sell medicines and small goods which are usually related to health in some way. You can buy pain killers that do not require a prescription, and take a prescription from a doctor to receive prescription medicine. A list of medicine outlets and pharmacies can be found on the Multicultural and information Centre's website (www.mcc.is/heilsa/apotek). The Medical Director of Health oce monitors all health services in Iceland. At his oce you can obtain information on the health services and make complaints regarding the services of the health care system (www.landlaeknir.is).

English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens

A leigja hsni
bir til leigu eru oftast auglstar dagblum. Flki hsnisleit, sem br utan hfuborgarsvisins, er rlagt a leita upplsinga skrifstofu sns sveitarflags.

Mikilvgt er a gera skriegan hsaleigusamning7 vi leigusala egar b er tekin leigu. a arf a kynna sr vel skilmla samningsins, svo sem reglur um tryggingu, uppsagnarfrest og eira.

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Eyubl fyrir hsaleigusamning slensku, ensku, spnsku og plsku er hgt a nlgast vefsu velferarruneytisins (www.velferdarraduneyti.is/malaokkar/ husnaedismal/eydublod) og Fjlmenningarseturs (www.mcc.is). Hsaleigusamninga er einnig hgt a nlgast skrifstofum sveitarflaga og hj balnasji (www.ils.is).

Hsaleigubtur sveitarflaga
Ef tt lgheimili slandi getur stt um hsaleigubtur8 hj flagsjnustu sveitarflaga. Hvort hsaleigubtur fist greiddar og fjrh eirra fer eftir leigufjrh, tekjum og fjlskyldustr vikomandi. ur en hgt er a skja um hsaleigubtur verur a vera bi a inglsa9 leigusamningi hj sslumanni sem gildir a minnsta kosti sex mnui. Upplsingar um hsaleigubtur m f hj flagsjnustu sveitarflaganna og hj velferarruneytinu. Ef bi er gistiheimili, atvinnuhsni ea herbergi fst hsaleigubtur ekki greiddar. Upplsingar og reiknivl fyrir hsaleigubtur eru vef velferarruneytisins (www. velferdarraduneyti.is/malaokkar/husnaedismal/husaleigubaetur/reikniforrit).

Rafmagn, heitt vatn, smi og Neti

egar utt er inn b er mikilvgt a lta lesa af mlum vegna rafmagns og hita svo leigjandi/kaupandi greii einungis fyrir sna notkun. Skrifstofur sveitarflaga geta ge upplsingar um fyrirtki sem selja rafmagn og heitt vatn sveitarflaginu. Nokkur smafyrirtki eru starfrkt slandi og bja au upp mismunandi ver og jnustu fyrir sma og nettengingu. Best er a leita beint til smafyrirtkjanna til a f upplsingar um jnustu og a ver sem au bja.

7 Hsaleigusamningur er samningur sem leigjandi gerir vi leigusala um leigufjrh og eira 8 Hsaleigubtur eru styrkur sem flk getur fengi fr sveitarflagi eftir kvenum reglum til a greia hluta af hsaleigu fyrir hsni sem a br . 9 inglsing samninga miar a v a skr opinberlega til ess a tryggja og vernda rttindi eirra sem samningana vara.

Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic

To rent housing
Apartments (ats) for rent are usually advertised in newspapers. People looking for housing, who live outside the capital area, are advised to seek information at the oces of their municipality (local authority).

Rent agreements (leases)

It is important to make a rental agreement in writing (lease)7 with the landlord when renting an apartment. You must make sure that you understand everything about the terms of the agreement, such as rules on insurance, notice and other issues. Forms for rent agreements (leases) in Icelandic, English, Spanish and Polish can be found on the websites of the Ministry of Welfare (http://eng.velferdarraduneyti.is/forms/) and the Multicultural and information Centre (www.mcc.is). Rent agreements (leases) can also be obtained from the oces of municipalities and the Housing Financing Fund (www.ils.is).

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Municipality rent benets

If you have legal domicile in Iceland, you can apply for rent benet8 from the local (municipal) social services. Whether you will be granted rent benet, and the amount involved, will depend on the amount of the rent, and also your income and family size. Before you can apply for rent benet, you must register9 a rent agreement (lease), valid for a minimum duration of six months, with the district commissioner. Information on rent benet can be obtained from the municipality social services and the Ministry of Welfare. If you live in a hostel, commercial housing or an individual room, you cannot receive rent benets. Information and a calculator for rent benet are on the website of the Ministry of Welfare (www. velferdarraduneyti.is/malaokkar/husnaedismal/husaleigubaetur/reikniforrit).

Electricity, hot water, telephone and internet

When moving into an apartment it is important to have the meters for heat and electricity read so that you will pay only for what you use. Municipality oces can provide information on companies that sell and provide electricity and water in the municipality. Several telephone companies operate in Iceland and they oer dierent prices and services for telephones and internet connection. It is best to go directly to the telephone companies to get information on the services and prices they have to oer.

7 A rent agreement, or lease, is an agreement which a tenant makes with a landlord on the amount of rent and other issues. 8 Rent benet is a grant that people can receive from their local authority (municipality) according to certain rules to pay part of the rent for the housing they live in. 9 Registration of agreements aims at registering agreements publicly to guarantee and protect the rights of the parties to the agreements.

English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens

Sveitarflg bja upp miss konar jnustu. ll sveitarflg eiga samkvmt lgum a bja upp grunnjnustu kvenum svium. Sveitarflg reka leikskla og grunnskla og bera byrg flagsjnustu. Flagsjnusta getur meal annars falist fjrhagsasto og asto vegna hsnismla. Sveitarflg bera jafnframt byrg barnavernd. Rttur til flagsjnustu, sem a tryggja fjrhagslegt og flagslegt ryggi ba, er byggur v a vikomandi eigi lgheimili sveitarflaginu sem stt er um asto hj.

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Vegna skilyra lgum um tlendinga, ar sem fram kemur a framfrsla tlendings skuli vera trygg, getur fjrhagsasto fr sveitarflagi haft hrif rtt til skrningar lgheimilis og umskn um rkisborgarartt. nnur asto fr sveitarflagi, svo sem vegna fjlskylduerleika, vegna barna og ungmenna, skilnaar ea heimilisofbeldis, hefur ekki hrif. Hsaleigubtur hafa hvorki hrif lgheimilisskrningu n umskn um rkisborgarartt. Ef rf er jnustu sveitarflags er hgt a panta vital skrifstofu sveitarflagsins. Sum sveitarflg bja upp tlkun vi slkar astur. Leiksklar og grunnsklar eiga a leitast vi a veita foreldrum asto tlks vegna samskipta eirra vi skla barna sinna.

egar flytur til slands og skrir lgheimili itt kvenu sveitarflagi skir um jnustu ar. getur til dmis stt um hsaleigubtur, jnustu dagforeldra og um leiksklaplss, skr brn grunnskla, fengi upplsingar um fyrirtki sem selja hita og rafmagn, um sorpflokkun, tmstundir, slenskukennslu og margt fleira.

Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic


The local authorities (or municipalities for example the City of Reykjavk) oer various types of services. All local authorities are obliged by law to oer basic services in certain elds. The local authorities run pre-schools (kindergartens) and junior (compulsory) schools (for children up to the age of 16), and are responsible for social services. Social services include, for example, nancial assistance and support for housing. The local authorities are also responsible for child protection. Social services are intended to ensure nancial and social security of the people in the local community. To qualify for these services, the person in question must be legally domiciled in the local government area where assistance is applied for. Due to requirements in the Foreign Nationals Act, which states that the foreign nationals must be capable of supporting themselves, receiving nancial assistance from a local authority (municipality) may aect the right to register your legal domicile and apply for citizenship. Receiving other assistance from a municipality, such as due to family diculties, for children and adolescents, divorce or domestic violence, does not have any eect. The fact that you receive rent benet has no eect either on the registration of legal domicile or on application for citizenship. If you need services from your local authority, you can ask for an appointment at the oce. Some local authorities oer the services of an interpreter (someone who speaks your language) for this purpose. Pre-schools (kindergartens) and junior (compulsory level) schools are to seek ways to provide parents with the assistance of an interpreter in their dealings with their childrens schools.

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When you move to Iceland and register your legal domicile in a specific municipality, you apply for services there. For example, you can apply for rent benefit, services of day parents and a place for your child in a pre-school (kindergarten); you can also register your children in junior (compulsory-level) school. The local authority (municipality) will also provide you with information on companies that sell hot water and electricity, on sorting waste, leisure activities, Icelandic teaching and many other things.

English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens

Samkvmt lgum hafa allir jafnan rtti til nms n tillits til kyns, fjrhags, bsetu, trar, ftlunar og menningarlegs ea flagslegs uppruna.

Dagforeldrar annast gslu barna heimahsum. Starfstmi er virka daga og er dvalartmi barna mismunandi, en aldrei lengri en nu klukkustundir senn. Flest brn gslu hj dagforeldrum eru aldrinum eins til riggja ra, geta yngri ea eldri brn veri gslu hj dagforeldrum.

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Dagforeldrar eru sjlfsttt starfandi og kvara yrleitt sna gjaldskr sjlr en borga arf fyrir dvl hj dagforeldri. Sveitarflg niurgreia hluta kostnaar ef dagforeldri er me ley fr sveitarflaginu til a starfa sem dagforeldri. Hgt er a f upplsingar um dagforeldra skrifstofum sveitarflaga.

Leiksklar eru fyrir brn fr tlf mnaa aldri til sex ra aldurs en a er mismunandi eftir leiksklum og sveitarflgum hve gmul brnin eru egar au f plss. Foreldrum er frjlst a kvea hvort brn fari leikskla ea ekki. Langest brn slandi ganga leikskla. Liti er leiksklann sem fyrsta sklastigi og leiksklagngu sem mikilvgan undirbning a grunnsklagngu. Sveitarflg niurgreia kostna vegna leikskla en foreldrar borga hluta kostnaar sjlr.

Stt er um leiksklavist hj vikomandi sveitarflagi.

Stundum er bi eftir plssi leikskla og er v flki rlagt a skja um plss svo jtt sem kostur er, jafnvel ur en barni er ngu gamalt til a f plss.

Grunnsklanm er skylda. Grunnskli er fyrir brn aldrinum 616 ra og er mia vi fingarr barnsins. Nm grunnskla er keypis. Mismunandi er eftir sveitarflgum hvar hgt er a skr brn skla. Hgt er a f upplsingar um a hj jnustumistvum Reykjavk ea skrifstofu vikomandi sveitarflags (ww.reykjavik.is, www.samband.is, www.mcc.is/sveitarfelagid). mrgum sveitarflgum geta brn fari frstundaheimili ea heilsdagsskla eftir a hefbundnum skladegi lkur. Greia arf fyrir slka jnustu.
Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic


According to the law everyone has the same right to education, regardless of gender, nancial status, residence, religion, disability and cultural or social origins.

Day parents
Day parents provide caret of children in private homes. Their working hours are weekdays only, and the duration of stay for children varies, but is never longer than nine hours at a time. Most children in care with day parents are from one to three years old, but younger or older children may also be placed with day parents. The service of day parents must be paid for. Day parents are private operators and usually decide their own rates. The local authorities pay part of the cost if the day parent is licensed to operate by the authority. Information on day parents is available from the oces of the local authorities (municipalities).

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Pre-schools (kindergartens)
Pre-schools, or kindergartens, are for children aged from twelve months to six years. At what age children are able to go to kindergarten varies from place to place. Parents are free to decide whether children go to pre-school or not. The vast majority of children in Iceland go to pre-schools. They are considered as the rst level of the school system, and attending pre-school is seen as an important preparation for junior school. Municipalities subsidise the cost having children attend pre-schools, but parents pay part of the cost themselves.

A place at preschool is applied for with relevant municipality.

Sometimes there is a waiting period for a preschool place, therefore people are advised to apply for a place as soon as possible, even before the child is old enough to get a place.

Junior (compulsory) school

Junior school attendance is compulsory (all children must attend, by law). The compulsory level of school is for children aged from 6 to 16. Compulsory school education is free of charge. Information on where to register your children for school is available from the social service centres in Reykjavk or at the your local municipal oces (www.reykjavik.is, www.samband.is, www.mcc.is/sveitarfelagid). In many areas, children can attend after-school centres or an all-day school after the ordinary school day ends. Such services must be paid for.

English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens

Margar rannsknir hafa snt fram mikilvgi ess a foreldrar tali murml sitt vi brnin sn. Sums staar er boi upp murmlskennslu fyrir brn, mist af sveitarflaginu ea samstar foreldra. ll bkasfn slandi eru samstar sn milli vi a bja upp bkur fyrir brn msum tungumlum.

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Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic

Mother-tongue teaching
Several studies have shown the importance of parents speaking their mother tongue (their own language) with their children. In some places mother-tongue language teaching is oered for children, either by the municipality or by cooperation among parents. All libraries in Iceland are expected to share their resources so as to oer books for children in various languages.

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English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens

Allir sem hafa loki grunnskla slandi, ea sambrilegu nmi erlendis, geta stunda nm framhaldsskla. Nm framhaldsskla er ekki skylda. Borga arf innritunargjld framhaldsskla slandi en au eru mismunandi eftir sklum.

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Nnari upplsingar um framhaldsskla er hgt a nna vef menntamlaruneytisins (www.menntamalaraduneyti.is/stofnanir) og upplsingabklingnum ,,Nm a loknum grunnskla sem nlgast m vef Fjlmenningarseturs (www.mcc.is).

Nemendur sem hefja nm hskla urfa a hafa loki stdentspr ea sambrilegu nmi. Sj sklar bja upp menntun til hsklagru. Greia arf innritunargjald Hskla slands, Hsklann Akureyri, Landbnaarhskla slands og Hsklann Hlum. Borga arf sklagjld ara skla. Nnari upplsingar um hskla eru vef menntamlaruneytisins (www.mennta malaraduneyti.is/stofnanir).

Bkasfn eru llum opin. bkasfnum er hgt a nlgast bkur slensku og rum tungumlum, alfriorabkur, orabkur og nnur uppettirit. Flest bkasfn bja upp netagang.

slenskukennsla fullorinna
Margar stofnanir og fyrirtki bja upp slenskukennslu fyrir tlendinga. Kostnaur vi a skr sig nmskei getur veri mismunandi og stundum eru au keypis. Sum stttarflg veita styrki til slenskunms. Hgt er a aa sr upplsinga hj vikomandi stttarflagi. Upplsingar um slenskunmskei og nmskeishaldara er hgt a nlgast vef Fjlmenningarseturs (www.mcc.is).

Fyrstu skref rkisborgara utan EES- og EFTA-rkja // slenska // Icelandic

Upper secondary school
Everyone who has nished compulsory school (up to the age of 16) in Iceland, or comparable education abroad, can go to upper secondary school. Upper secondary school education is not obligatory. Registration fees must be paid in upper secondary schools in Iceland. These dier from school to school. Further information on upper secondary schools can be found on the Ministry of Educations website (www.menntamalaraduneyti.is/stofnanir) and in the information pamphlet Upper Secondary Education in Iceland which can be found on the Multicultural and information Centres website (www.mcc.is).

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Students who wish to start studying at a university must have completed senior school and passed the matriculation exam or comparable education. There are seven university-level institutions in Iceland that oer education towards a university degree. At the University of Iceland, University of Akureyri, the Agricultural College of Iceland and the University at Hlar you pay only a registration fee.; at the others, you must pay a tuition fee (for your teaching) as well. Further information on universities can be found on the website of the Ministry of Education (www.menntamalaraduneyti.is/stofnanir).

Libraries are open to all. In libraries you can nd books in Icelandic and other languages, encyclopaedias, dictionaries and other reference books. Most libraries oer internet access too.

Icelandic lessons for adults

Many institutions and companies oer Icelandic lessons for foreigners. The cost of registering for courses can vary and sometimes they are free of charge. Some trade unions give grants for Icelandic studies. You can get information about this from your union. Information on Icelandic courses and course operators can be found on the Multicultural and Information Centres website (www.mcc.is).

English // Enska // First steps for non EEA and EFTA citizens

ISBN: 978-9979-799-32-0 Publisher: The Immigration Council Chief Editors: Multicultural Centre, Ari Klngur Jnsson and Elsa Arnardttir Ministry of Welfare, Linda Ros Alfredsdottir Design: Gunnar R Kristinsson / myndunara ltd. Printing: Isafold printing tgefandi: Innytjendar Umsjn: Fjlmenningarsetur, Ari Klngur Jnsson og Elsa Arnardttir, velferarruneyti, Linda Rs Alfresdttir Hnnun og umbrot: GRK / myndunara ehf. Prentun: safoldarprentsmija

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