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ePSIplatform Topic Report No.

2014 / 03 , March 2014

Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc

Luropean ubllc SecLor lnformaLlon laLform
1oplc 8eporL no. 2014 / 03

Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech

AuLhors: uusan Chlapek, !an kucera, MarLln necasky, Mlchal kubn
ubllshed: March 2014

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc

!"#$% '( )'*+%*+,
1 lnLroducLlon .......................................................................................................................... 3
2 CCu acLlvlLles ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc ..................................................................................... 6
1.1 Cpen CovernmenL arLnershlp ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc .................................................. 7
1.2 CCu acLlvlLles of Lhe Czech governmenL ...................................................................... 9
1.3 Cpen uaLa lorum .......................................................................................................... 9
1.4 CCu acLlvlLles aL Lhe local and reglonal level .............................................................. 10
1.3 AcLlvlLles of Lhe nCCs ................................................................................................. 11
1.6 noLable research pro[ecLs ........................................................................................... 11
1.6.1 LCu2 .................................................................................................................... 11
1.6.2 CCMSCuL ............................................................................................................ 12
1.6.3 Share-Sl 2.0 ....................................................................................................... 12
1.6.4 LASl 2.0 .............................................................................................................. 13
1.6.3 SmarLCpenuaLa ................................................................................................... 13
1.6.6 ubllcaLlon of sLaLlsLlcal yearbook daLa as Cpen uaLa ........................................ 13
1.6.7 ubllc secLor budgeLary daLa as Llnked Cpen uaLa ............................................. 13
2 AvallablllLy of Cpen CovernmenL uaLa ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc ............................................ 13
2.1 Czech SLaLlsLlcal Cfflce ................................................................................................ 13
2.2 Czech 1rade lnspecLlon AuLhorlLy ............................................................................... 13
2.3 Czech 1elecommunlcaLlon Cfflce ................................................................................ 13
2.4 MlnlsLry of llnance of Lhe Czech 8epubllc .................................................................. 16
2.3 vysoclna reglon ........................................................................................................... 16
2.6 ClLy of uecln ................................................................................................................ 17
3 CurrenL CCu Challenges ..................................................................................................... 18
3.1 ubllcaLlon of Lhe hlgh prlorlLy daLaseLs ..................................................................... 18
3.2 SLandardlzaLlon across publlc secLor bodles ............................................................... 18
3.3 uevelopmenL of guldellnes for ldenLlflcaLlon of daLaseLs ........................................... 18
3.4 uevelopmenL of Lhe CCu caLalogue ........................................................................... 19
3.3 lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe revlsed Sl ulrecLlve ............................................................... 19
3.6 uevelopmenL of Lhe communlcaLlon sLraLegy ............................................................ 19
3 Concluslons and recommendaLlons .................................................................................... 20

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
8eferences .............................................................................................................................. 21
AbouL Lhe AuLhors ................................................................................................................... 24
CopyrlghL lnformaLlon ............................................................................................................. 23

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
Cpen uaLa, Cpen CovernmenL uaLa, Cpen CovernmenL arLnershlp, Cpen uaLa lorum,
acLlvlLles, challenges, CCu, CC, Czech 8epubllc

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ln Lhls reporL we provlde an overvlew of Lhe Cpen CovernmenL uaLa (CCu) lnlLlaLlves and
acLlvlLles ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc. Czech CCu acLlvlLles are descrlbed and examples of Lhe
lmporLanL open daLaseLs are provlded. 1hls reporL also dlscusses Lhe currenL challenges faced
by Lhe Czech 8epubllc.
ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc number of Cpen CovernmenL uaLa acLlvlLles has been sLarLed ln publlc
secLor, ln academla and ln oLher domalns as well. 8y [olnlng Lhe Cpen CovernmenL arLnershlp
ln 2011 Lhe Czech 8epubllc showed lLs commlLmenL Lo CCu. Some of Lhe Czech publlc secLor
bodles ranglng from mlnlsLrles Lo local governmenLs and munlclpallLles have sLarLed Lo publlsh
Cpen CovernmenL uaLa. CLher publlc secLor bodles are golng Lo publlsh CCu ln Lhe near
Powever Lhere are sLlll some challenges LhaL Lhe Czech 8epubllc needs Lo face. 1hese
challenges lnvolve publlcaLlon of Lhe hlgh prlorlLy daLaseLs, sLandardlzaLlon across publlc
secLor bodles, developmenL of guldellnes for ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe sulLable daLaseLs for openlng
up, developmenL of Lhe CCu caLalogue, lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe revlsed Sl ulrecLlve and Lhe
developmenL of Lhe communlcaLlon sLraLegy.

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
= >*+0'184+9'*
losLerlng Lransparency and effecLlveness of governmenL servlces and enabllng lnnovaLlon
Lhrough openlng up daLa held by governmenLs and publlc secLor bodles are ofLen dlscussed
Loday. Accordlng Lo Cpen knowledge loundaLlon (2012) Cpen uaLa ls daLa LhaL !"# %& '(&&)*
+,&-. (&/+,&- "#- (&-0,1(0%+1&- %* "#*2#& / ,+%3&!1 2#)*. "1 42,1. 12 15& (&6+0(&4&#1 12
"11(0%+1& "#- ,5"(&")07&8" lf governmenL daLa ls publlshed accordlng Lo Lhe Cpen uaLa
prlnclples, we Lalk abouL Cpen CovernmenL uaLa (CCu). lree access Lo lnformaLlon and
posslblllLy Lo freely re-use lL ls seen as an lmporLanL aspecL of Lhe Cpen CovernmenL lnlLlaLlves,
Lherefore CCu ls seen as one of Lhe enablers of Cpen CovernmenL (8auer & kalLenbck, 2011).
Accordlng Lo vlckery (2011) re-use of Lhe publlc secLor lnformaLlon (Sl) mlghL brlng slgnlflcanL
economlc beneflLs Lo Lhe economles of Lhe Lu member sLaLes. Lven Lhough ubaldl (2013)
sLaLes LhaL Lhere ls sLlll Loo llLLle emplrlcal daLa Lo prove Lhe economlc lmpacL of CCu, she says
LhaL 4+!5 +#1"99&- 921&#10") !2+)- %& +#)&",5&- 0' :2;&(#4&#1 -"1" "(& 1+(#&- 0#12 <=>8"
ln Lhls reporL we focus on CCu and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc. Lven Lhough Cpen CovernmenL
uaLa and re-use of Lhe publlc secLor lnformaLlon under Lhe reglme of Lhe ulrecLlve 2003/98/LC
(Sl ulrecLlve, see (Luropean Commlsslon, 2003, Luropean unlon, 2013)) have many common
aspecLs, some auLhors vlew Lhese as Lwo dlfferenL phenomena (ubaldl, 2013). Powever we
see CCu as a way how Lhe governmenL daLa can be publlshed for re-use ln llne wlLh Lhe
requlremenL of Lhe Sl ulrecLlve. 1herefore we are uslng Lerms CCu and Sl (re-use)
lnLerchangeably ln Lhls reporL unless expllclLly sLaLed oLherwlse.
1he goal of Lhls reporL ls Lo provlde an overvlew of Lhe former and currenL CCu lnlLlaLlves ln
Lhe Czech 8epubllc and Lo dlscuss challenges of CCu ln Lhls counLry. 1hls reporL complemenLs
eSl laLform 1oplc 8eporL no. 2013/12 and adds more lnformaLlon abouL one of Lhe counLrles
assessed ln (lngleslas, 2013).
1hls reporL ls sLrucLured as follows. llrsL, evoluLlon of Lhe CCu acLlvlLles ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
ls descrlbed. ln Lhe nexL secLlon examples of Lhe lmporLanL daLaseLs publlshed as CCu are
dlscussed. Challenges and opporLunlLles of CCu ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc are dlscussed ln Lhe
followlng secLlon. Concludlng remarks are provlded aL Lhe end of Lhls reporL.

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
? @AB "4+9:9+9%, 9* +C% )D%4C E%F8#$94
Several lnlLlaLlves almed aL assessmenL of Lhe lmpacL of Lhe CCu lnlLlaLlves or of Lhe currenL
sLaLe of Sl re-use has been conducLed. ln Lhe Lable 1 overvlew of ranklng achleved by Lhe
Czech 8epubllc ln Lhe Cpen uaLa 8aromeLer (uavles, 2013), Lhe Cpen uaLa lndex (Cpen
knowledge loundaLlon, 2013) and Lhe Sl Scoreboard (eSl laLform, 2014) ls presenLed.
"#$%& '( )*+ #,- ./0 1#,23,4 56 78& 9:&;8 <&=>$%3;? @5>1;&( A+#B3&@? CD'EF )=&, G,5H%&-4&
I5>,-#735,? CD'EJF &./0 .%#7651K? ,L-LJ
95>,71M )=&, +#7# N#15K&7&1 )=&, +#7# 0,-&O ./0 /;51&$5#1-
Cu8 Cverall
/ hlghesL
oslLlon / #
1oLal score
/ hlghesL
oslLlon / #
Score /
oslLlon / #
43.18 / 100 22 / 77 463 / 940 22 / 70 290 / 383 14 / 33

ulfferenL crlLerla were applled ln Lhe Cpen uaLa 8aromeLer, Lhe Cpen uaLa lndex and Lhe Sl
Scoreboard. 1he Sl Scoreboard assesses only Lhe Luropean counLrles, buL Lhe Cpen uaLa
8aromeLer and Lhe Cpen uaLa lndex lnclude counLrles from oLher parLs of Lhe world as well.
1herefore scores from dlfferenL lndexes cannoL be easlly compared. lL ls also necessary Lo
menLlon LhaL all of Lhe lndexes menLloned above use crowdsourclng" for gaLherlng Lhe daLa
on Lhe lndlvldual counLrles (uavles, 2013, Cpen knowledge loundaLlon, 2013, eSl laLform,
2014). l.e. people from Lhe assessed counLrles usually helped Lhe auLhors of Lhe lndexes Lo
perform Lhe assessmenL of Lhe lndlcaLors ln Lhe respecLlve counLrles.
1he unlLed klngdom Lopped all of Lhe Lhree lndexes followed by Lhe uSA ln Lhe Cpen uaLa
8aromeLer (uavles, 2013) and Lhe Cpen uaLa lndex (Cpen knowledge loundaLlon, 2013). Spaln
recelved Lhe second hlghesL ranklng ln Lhe Sl Scoreboard (eSl laLform, n.d.). Czech 8epubllc
ls poslLloned ln Lhe flrsL half of Lhe assessed counLrles. Powever lL does noL belong Lhe Lop Len
CCu counLrles.
Cpen uaLa 8aromeLer (uavles, 2013) shows LhaL Lhe governmenL, buslness and clLlzens ln Lhe
Czech 8epubllc sLarL Lo be aware of CCu and lLs poLenLlal beneflLs. Powever pollLlcal, soclal
and economlc lmpacLs are noL as evldenL as ln Lhe leadlng CCu counLrles.
ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc access Lo lnformaLlon ls guaranLeed by Lhe CharLer of fundamenLal rlghLs
and freedoms (AcL no. 2/1993 Coll.). Czech 8epubllc ls an Lu member sLaLe wlLh Lhe lree
Access Lo lnformaLlon AcL no. 106/1999 Coll., whlch also lmplemenLs Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
Sl ulrecLlve. ln response Lo Lhe CCu movemenL and Lo Lhe new requlremenLs seL by Lhe
revlsed Sl ulrecLlve changes Lo Lhe relevanL Czech leglslaLlon are belng proposed.
ln Lhe followlng secLlons we descrlbe Lhe currenL Czech CCu lnlLlaLlves ln deLalls.
=G= @F%* A':%0*<%*+ H"0+*%0,C9F 9* +C% )D%4C E%F8#$94
Czech 8epubllc [olned Lhe lnLernaLlonal Cpen CovernmenL arLnershlp (CC) lnlLlaLlve ln
SepLember 2011 (CovernmenL of Lhe Czech 8epubllc, 2012). Czech CC AcLlon plan was
lnLroduced ln Aprll 2012 (CovernmenL of Lhe Czech 8epubllc, 2012). 1he followlng
commlLmenLs of Lhe Czech 8epubllc were seL by Lhe CC AcLlon plan (CovernmenL of Lhe
Czech 8epubllc, 2012):"
?8 15& "-29102# 2' "# @!1 2# A0;0) B&(;"#1,. 12 &#,+(& 15& -&92)010!0,"102#.
9(2'&,,02#")0,"102# "#- ,1"%0)0,"102# 2' 15& 9+%)0! "-40#0,1("102# ,&!12(.
C8 ,1(&"4)0#0#: 15& ,*,1&4 "))2D0#: '(&& "!!&,, 12 0#'2(4"102#.
E8 049(2;0#: "!!&,, 12 -"1" "#- 0#'2(4"102#8F
Cpen CovernmenL uaLa was selecLed as an lmplemenLaLlon Lool for Lhe Lhlrd commlLmenL of
Lhe Czech CC AcLlon plan. 1he AcLlon plan proposed Lhe followlng sLeps Lo lmprove Lhe
access Lo daLa and lnformaLlon (CovernmenL of Lhe Czech 8epubllc, 2012):
ldenLlflcaLlon and overcomlng of Lechnlcal and legal obsLacles - selecLlon of Lhe
sulLable llcense for CCu ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc and seLLlng of Lechnlcal sLandards for
creaLlon of an open daLa lnfrasLrucLure ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc and esLabllshmenL of
rules for Lhe publlc procuremenL secLor - lnfrasLrucLure enabllng sharlng and llnklng of
publlc procuremenL daLa should have been esLabllshed,
openlng up Lhe mosL lmporLanL sources of daLa - 10 daLaseLs were selecLed for
openlng up based on Lhe publlc dlscusslon (see Lable 2),
developmenL of a caLalogue of Lhe publlc admlnlsLraLlon daLa.
"#$%& C( +#7#@&7@ =%#,,&- 75 $& =>$%3@8&- #@ )*+? @5>1;&( A*5B&1,K&,7 56 78& 9:&;8 <&=>$%3;? CD'CJ
+#7#$#@&P-#7#@&7 <&@=5,@3$%& =>$%3; @&;751 $5-M
1he Commerclal 8eglsLer MlnlsLry of !usLlce
1he lnsolvency 8eglsLer MlnlsLry of !usLlce
ubllc Lenders lnformaLlon sysLem MlnlsLry of Local uevelopmenL
LlecLlon resulLs Czech SLaLlsLlcal Cfflce
8eglsLer of AcLlve LeglslaLlve 1asks - 8AL
(deparLmenLal Lools supporLlng Lhe
Lransparency of sLaLe admlnlsLraLlon and Lhe
parLlclpaLlon of Lhe publlc)
MlnlsLry of 1ransporL

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
+#7#$#@&P-#7#@&7 <&@=5,@3$%& =>$%3; @&;751 $5-M
llnanclal sLaLlsLlcs - governmenL debL MlnlsLry of llnance
llnanclal sLaLlsLlcs - governmenL flnanclal
MlnlsLry of llnance
llS - accounLlng records and flnanclal daLa
from Lhe CSlS (CenLral SysLem of SLaLe
AccounLlng lnformaLlon)
MlnlsLry of llnance
Cnllne access Lo daLa regardlng Lhe fundlng
of pollLlcal parLles
MlnlsLry of lnLerlor
CenLral reglsLer of granLs MlnlsLry of llnance

ln !une 2013 lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe Czech CC AcLlon plan was assessed and Lhe plan was
updaLed (CovernmenL of Lhe Czech 8epubllc, 2013a). MosL of Lhe commlLmenLs were noL
lmplemenLed even Lhough acLlons Lo lmplemenL Lhem were Laken (CovernmenL of Lhe Czech
8epubllc, 2013a). new or revlsed AcLs LhaL were supposed Lo lmplemenL Lhe commlLmenLs 1
and 2 were prepared buL due Lo Lhe slgnlflcanL number of serlous commenLs Lhey were
reLurned Lo responslble mlnlsLrles for revlslon.
Cnly Lhe elecLlon resulLs and parLlally Lhe daLa on publlc Lenders were publlshed as Cpen
CovernmenL uaLa (CovernmenL of Lhe Czech 8epubllc, 2013a) ln llne wlLh Lhe CC AcLlon lan
schedule. 8emalnlng daLaseLs selecLed for openlng up were noL publlshed as CCu before Lhe
deadllne seL by Lhe Czech CC AcLlon plan. Powever Lhe MlnlsLry of llnance has already
publlshed Lhe budgeLary daLa and accounLlng records as CCu on Lhe MonlLor porLal. More
lnformaLlon ls provlded ln Lhe separaLe secLlon below.
naLlonal CCu caLalogue was planned Lo be launched before 31sL March 2013 (CovernmenL of
Lhe Czech 8epubllc, 2012). ueadllne for Lhls commlLmenL was noL meL and Lhere ls sLlll no
naLlonal CCu caLalogue malnLalned by Lhe governmenL ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc as of Llme of
wrlLlng Lhls reporL. Powever Cpen uaLa caLalogulng sLraLegy of Lhe Czech publlc admlnlsLraLlon
(Chlapek eL al., 2012b) was prepared ln 2012. 1hls CCu caLalogulng sLraLegy descrlbes Lhe
concepL of Lhe Czech naLlonal CCu caLalogue, roles responslble for caLalogulng and
malnLenance of Lhe caLalogue as well as caLalogulng workflow and requlremenLs for Lhe daLa
caLalogulng sofLware. ln order Lo help Lhe publlc secLor bodles Lo publlsh CCu Lhe Cpen
CovernmenL uaLa publlcaLlon meLhodology of Lhe Czech publlc admlnlsLraLlon was also
lnLroduced aL Lhe end of 2012 (Chlapek eL al., 2012a).
unlmplemenLed commlLmenLs of Lhe Czech 8epubllc seL by Lhe Czech CC AcLlon remalned as
acLlve commlLmenL ln Lhe revlsed CC AcLlon lan ln 2013 (CovernmenL of Lhe Czech 8epubllc,

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
=G? @AB "4+9:9+9%, '( +C% )D%4C I':%0*<%*+
Cpen CovernmenL uaLa has been menLloned ln some sLraLeglc documenLs of Lhe Czech
governmenL. Cne of Lhem ls Lhe CovernmenL anLl-corrupLlon sLraLegy for Lhe years 2013-2014
(CovernmenL of Lhe Czech 8epubllc, 2013b). ln Lhls sLraLegy CCu ls one of Lhe Lools LhaL
should help lncrease avallablllLy of Lhe daLa and lnformaLlon held by Lhe publlc secLor bodles ln
Lhe Czech 8epubllc.
lree access Lo lnformaLlon held by Lhe publlc secLor bodles ls seen as a prerequlslLe for
developmenL of Lhe lnformaLlon socleLy ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc accordlng Lo Lhe sLraLegy called
ulglLal Czech 8epubllc 2.0 - A way Lo Lhe dlglLal economy" (MlnlsLry of lndusLry and 1rade of
Lhe Czech 8epubllc, 2013). 1hls sLraLegy also menLlons CCu as one of Lhe Lools LhaL should
help Lo reach Lhls goal. Lnsurlng LhaL Lhe publlshed daLaseLs are easlly dlscovered by seLLlng up
Lhe Cpen CovernmenL uaLa caLalogue ls menLloned as one of Lhe sLeps ln Lhls sLraLegy
(MlnlsLry of lndusLry and 1rade of Lhe Czech 8epubllc, 2013) as well as ln Lhe CovernmenL anLl-
corrupLlon sLraLegy for Lhe years 2013-2014 (CovernmenL of Lhe Czech 8epubllc, 2013b).
1here are also CCu acLlvlLles lead by Lhe MlnlsLry of lnLerlor of Lhe Czech 8epubllc. As lL was
menLloned above one of Lhese acLlvlLles ls a revlslon of Lhe relevanL Czech leglslaLlon whlch
should sLrengLhen openness of Lhe governmenL daLa and whlch should also reflecL Lhe
requlremenLs of Lhe revlsed Sl ulrecLlve. LxLendlng Lhe orLal of Lhe publlc admlnlsLraLlon

wlLh Lhe Cpen CovernmenL uaLa secLlon and CCu caLalogulng feaLures ls belng dlscussed as
well. ln order Lo promoLe CCu wlLhln Lhe Czech publlc secLor, one of Lhe largesL Czech
eCovernmenL conferences lSSS ls hosLlng Cpen CovernmenL uaLa Lrack Lhls year (1rlada, 2014).
=GJ @F%* B"+" K'08<
CLakar MoLe[l lund, laculLy of lnformaLlcs and SLaLlsLlcs of Lhe unlverslLy of Lconomlcs,
rague and Lhe laculLy of MaLhemaLlcs and hyslcs of Lhe Charles unlverslLy ln rague
esLabllshed Lhe Cpen uaLa lorum ln 2013 (CLakar MoLe[l lund, 2014b, unlverslLy of Lconomlcs,
rague, 2013). Coal of Lhe Cpen uaLa lorum ls Lo fosLer adopLlon of Lhe Cpen uaLa prlnclples,
especlally ln Lhe governmenL domaln, Lo coordlnaLe acLlvlLles of Lhe CCu experLs and Lo
collaboraLe on CCu relaLed research. Cpen uaLa lorum also performs Lhe Cpen uaLa


ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
ln 2013 Lhe Cpen uaLa lorum organlzed Lhe flrsL Czech Cpen uaLa challenge ln whlch 23
appllcaLlons re-uslng or provldlng Cpen uaLa were awarded (CLakar MoLe[l lund, 2013a).
Second Cpen uaLa challenge ls currenLly belng prepared (CLakar MoLe[l lund, 2014c).
=GL @AB "4+9:9+9%, "+ +C% $'4"$ "*1 0%I9'*"$ $%:%$
Cpen uaLa lorum also esLabllshed a parLnershlp wlLh several Czech munlclpallLles wllllng Lo
open up Lhelr daLa ln 2013 (CLakar MoLe[l lund, 2013b). Members of Lhe Cpen uaLa lorum
and Lhe represenLaLlves of Lhe munlclpallLles exchange Lhelr experlence wlLh CCu and Lhey
work LogeLher Lo sLandardlze Lhe CCu publlcaLlon process as well as schemas and formaLs of
Lhe selecLed daLaseLs. 1hanks Lo Lhls acLlvlLy daLaseLs wlLh Lhe same or slmllar Loplc (llke granLs
for culLural evenLs) publlshed by dlfferenL clLles around Lhe Czech 8epubllc should be
lollowlng Loplcs were dlscussed aL workshops:
deflnlLlon of CCu and aLLrlbuLes of CCu,
reasons for openlng up daLa,
poLenLlal CCu beneflLs,
posslble approaches Lo lmplemenLaLlon of CCu publlcaLlon lnLo pracLlces of Lhe clLles
and munlclpallLles,
CCu publlcaLlon process and recommendaLlons,
recommended meLadaLa scheme,
dlscusslon abouL parLlcular daLaseLs.
1he followlng daLaseLs were dlscussed aL Lhe workshops:
granLs awarded by clLles and munlclpallLles - granLs for culLural or sporL evenL,
offenses accordlng Lo Lhe AcL no. 200/1990 Coll.,
SLrucLure and daLa formaLs of Lhe above menLloned daLaseLs were dlscussed aL Lhe workshops.
Powever ln case of Lhe budgeLary daLa lL was recommended LhaL Lhe Cpen uaLa publlshed by
Lhe MlnlsLry of llnance of Lhe Czech 8epubllc aL MonlLor porLal should be re-used because Lhls
daLa already conLalns budgeLary daLa provlded by Lhe clLles and munlclpallLles.
Powever noL only Lhe clLles and munlclpallLles has sLarLed Lhelr CCu acLlvlLles aL Lhe local level.
8eglonal governmenL of Lhe vysoclna 8eglon has declded Lo [oln Lhe CCu movemenL and Lhe
vysoclna 8eglon has already publlshed some of lLs daLaseLs as CCu (vysoclna 8eglon, n.d.).

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
=GM 34+9:9+9%, '( +C% NA@,
CLakar MoLe[l lund ls a long-Lerm advocaLe of publlshlng governmenL daLa and coordlnaLes
acLlvlLles of Lhe Czech nCCs and as well as Lhe Czech Cpen uaLa communlLy. CCu communlLy
ls also sLeered by Lhe pro[ecL nsSLaL.cz
(CurSLaLe) whlch ls a plaLform [olnlng more Lhan
LhlrLy onllne Lools whlch help clLlzens Lo follow Lhe work of pollLlclans and offlclals, lmprove
Lhelr nelghbourhoods and Lake an acLlve parL ln publlc affalrs. Some of Lhe onllne appllcaLlons
are based on Cpen uaLa. 1he web dlrecLory nsSLL.cz ls admlnlsLraLed by CLakar MoLe[l lund.
CLakar MoLe[l lund also supporLed Lhe creaLlon of a Czech verslon of Lhe uaLa !ournallsm
Pandbook whlch ls lnLended for [ournallsLs (Znamencek ed., 2013), sLudenLs and all Lhe
people lnLeresLed ln Cpen uaLa as well as for waLchdog organlzaLlons. ln lebruary 2013,
CLakar MoLe[l lund LogeLher wlLh more Lhan 30 companles called for on Lhe governmenL Lo
meeL lLs commlLmenLs and Lo open up Lhe remalnlng nlne daLaseLs sLaLed ln Czech CC AcLlon
ln order Lo fosLer exchange of Lhe CCu besL pracLlces beLween Lhe unlLed klngdom and Lhe
Czech 8epubllc, CLakar MoLe[l lund LogeLher wlLh Lhe 8rlLlsh Lmbassy rague and Lhe depuLy
of Lhe arllamenL of Lhe Czech 8epubllc !an larsky and ln parLnershlp wlLh Lhe Luropean
Commlsslon and Lhe LsLonlan Lmbassy ln rague organlzed a conference called Cpen uaLa:
smarLer sLaLe and beLLer servlces" (CLakar MoLe[l lund, 2014a). 1hls conference gave Lhe
represenLaLlves of Lhe Czech publlc secLor, buslnesses, academlc lnsLlLuLlons and nCCs a
unlque opporLunlLy Lo share experlence wlLh CCu experLs from Lhe unlLed klngdom, LsLonla
and Lhe Luropean Commlsslon as well as wlLh represenLaLlves of Lhe Cpen uaLa lnsLlLuLe and
Lhe CpenCorporaLes.
=GO N'+"#$% 0%,%"04C F0'P%4+,
Czech unlverslLles and research lnsLlLuLlons are parLlclpaLlng ln several lnLernaLlonal and
naLlonal (Llnked) Cpen uaLa research pro[ecLs. Lxamples of such pro[ecLs are descrlbed below.
!"#"! %&'(
CreaLlng knowledge ouL of lnLerllnked uaLa (LCu2)
ls an Lu l7 funded research pro[ecL. 1he
goal of Lhls pro[ecL ls Lo develop Lechnologles LhaL wlll enable scalable managemenL of large


ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
Llnked uaLa collecLlons and Lo provlde hlgh-quallLy lnLerllnked daLaseLs (LCu2, n.d.).
ueveloped Lools and daLaseLs are assessed ln a seL of use cases ln dlfferenL domaln lncludlng
enLerprlse search, classlflcaLlon and lnLerllnklng of dlfferenL daLa sources or publlcaLlon of Lhe
Llnked Cpen CovernmenL uaLa.
!"#"( )&*+&',
ls an Lu l7 funded research pro[ecL. 1he pro[ecL consorLlum conslsLs of parLners
from Lhe Czech 8epubllc (Charles unlverslLy ln rague, LLA), Slovak 8epubllc (AuuSLn, Lhe
MlnlsLry of lnLerlor of Lhe Slovak 8epubllc), lLaly (unlverslLy Mllano-8lccoca) and neLherland
(SlnCuL). 1he goal of Lhls pro[ecL ls Lo develop a sofLware Lool and a meLhodology LhaL wlll
help organlzaLlons Lo publlsh Lhelr daLa ln an open way. 1he developed Lool shall auLomaLe
some sLeps of Lhe daLa publlcaLlon workflow (e.g. LransformaLlon of Lhe daLa lnLo varlous open
formaLs lncludlng Llnked Cpen uaLa, cleanslng and anonymlzaLlon of Lhe daLa, lnLerllnklng of
Lhe daLa and lasL, buL noL leasL, caLalogulng of Lhe daLa). 1hls Lool shall also be able Lo perform
regular updaLes Lo Lhe publlshed daLaseLs. 1hls Lool wlll lnLegraLe varlous exlsLlng Lools (daLa
caLalogulng Lools, daLa LransformaLlon and llnklng Lools eLc.).
Alongslde Lhe developmenL of Lhe Lool and Lhe meLhodology lL ls a goal of Lhls pro[ecL Lo do
Lhe plloL lmplemenLaLlons of Lhe Lool and Lhe meLhodology aL several organlzaLlons ln Lhe
Czech 8epubllc and oLher counLrles. CovernmenL bodles as well as clLles and reglonal
auLhorlLles are amongsL Lhe candldaLe lnsLlLuLlons for plloL lmplemenLaLlons. 8esldes Lhls Lhe
pro[ecL wlll help Lo publlsh open daLaseLs. 1he pro[ecL ls sLlll open Lo new organlzaLlons
lnLeresLed ln performlng Lhe plloL lmplemenLaLlons, however Lhe remalnlng capaclLy of Lhe
pro[ecL ls llmlLed. 1he pro[ecL also offers consulLaLlons and supporL durlng lmplemenLaLlon of
Lhe Lool and Lhe meLhodology. Anyone lnLeresLed ln collaboraLlon wlLh Lhe pro[ecL should vlslL
Lhe hLLp://www.youropendaLa.eu/ webslLe and flll ln Lhe prepared quesLlonnalre.
!"#"- +./0123+4 ("5
Share-Sl 2.0
ls Lhe Luropean neLwork whlch alm ls Lo exchange ldeas and experlence around
Cpen CovernmenL uaLa and lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe pollcles ln Lhls area (Share-Sl 2.0, 2014).
1hls neLwork ls formed by 46 parLners of dlfferenL caLegorles lncludlng publlc secLor bodles,
academlc lnsLlLuLlons, sLandards bodles and commerclal and non-commerclal organlzaLlons.


ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
1hls pro[ecL ls co-funded by Lhe Luropean Commlsslon under Lhe lC1 ollcy SupporL
rogramme (lC1 S) as parL of Lhe CompeLlLlveness and lnnovaLlon lramework rogramme.
!"#"6 %73+4 ("5
Czech 8epubllc has lLs represenLaLlve also ln anoLher Lu funded LhemaLlc neLwork - LASl 2.0
1he alm of Lhls pro[ecL ls Lo 0-&#10'* 15& (&4"0#0#: )&:") %"((0&(, "#- 2%,1"!)&, 12 "!!&,, "#-
(&/+,& 2' 9+%)0! ,&!12( 0#'2(4"102# GHBIJ 2# 15& K+(29&"# !2#1&#1 4"(7&1. "#- 12 9(292,&
4&",+(&, "#- 122), 12 ,104+)"1& 15& 9(2:(&,, 2' 15& K+(29&"# 4"(7&1 12D"(-, 29&# -"1"" (ku
Leuven, 2010). 1hls pro[ecL ls funded by Lhe Luropean Commlsslon under Lhe 2007-2013
CompeLlLlveness and lnnovaLlon lramework rogramme 2007-2013.
!"#"8 +9/0:&;1<'/:/
ls an Lu l7 funded pro[ecL whlch alms aL creaLlng a Llnked Cpen uaLa
sources and relaLed sofLware Lools ln Lhe domaln of Lhe envlronmenLal proLecLlon
(SmarLCpenuaLa, 2013). use of Lhe Llnked Cpen uaLa prlnclples should help Lo beLLer uLlllze
geodaLa creaLed and managed under Lhe reglme of Lhe lnSl8L ulrecLlve. lL ls an lnLernaLlonal
pro[ecL wlLh parLlclpanLs from several counLrles lncludlng Lhe Czech 8epubllc.
!"#"# 3=>?@A/:@B< BC D:/:@D:@A/? E1/0>BBF G/:/ /D &;1< '/:/
1he goal of Lhls pro[ecL ls Lo develop a meLhodology and reference archlLecLure for publlshlng
of Lhe sLaLlsLlcal daLa ln Lhe form of Llnked Cpen uaLa and Lo evaluaLe Lhe meLhodology and
Lhe archlLecLure by publlshlng Lhe daLa of Lhe penslon sLaLlsLlcs. lnLerneL appllcaLlon for
presenLaLlon of Lhls daLa wlll be developed as well. 1hls pro[ecL ls funded by Lhe 1echnology
Agency of Lhe Czech 8epubllc.
!"#"H 3=>?@A D1A:B0 >=GI1:/0E G/:/ /D %@<F1G &;1< '/:/
1he goal of Lhls pro[ecL ls Lo develop a new meLhod for publlshlng selecLed subseL of Lhe
lnLegraLed lnformaLlon SysLem of Lhe SLaLe 1reasury daLa as Llnked Cpen uaLa. 1he daLa wlll
be Lransformed Lo Llnked Cpen uaLa accordlng Lo Lhe developed meLhod. lL wlll be furLher
llnked Lo oLher relaLed publlc secLor daLa ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc. 1he developed meLhod wlll be
generallzed Lo a form of a cerLlfled meLhodology so LhaL lL wlll be posslble Lo apply Lhe meLhod
ln oLher publlc secLor domalns. 1hls pro[ecL ls funded by Lhe 1echnology Agency of Lhe Czech


ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
8epubllc and Lhe CLakar MoLe[l lund.

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
? 3:"9$"#9$9+. '( @F%* A':%0*<%*+ B"+" 9* +C%
)D%4C E%F8#$94
As lL was menLloned above, no offlclal CCu caLalogue ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc has been launched
yeL. 1herefore ln Lhese secLlons we provlde examples of Lhe Czech publlc secLor bodles LhaL
publlsh some of Lhelr daLaseLs as CCu.
?G= )D%4C ;+"+9,+94"$ @((94%
Cpenlng up of Lhe elecLlon resulLs daLa was one of Lhe commlLmenLs of Lhe Czech 8epubllc ln
Lhe CC AcLlon plan (CovernmenL of Lhe Czech 8epubllc, 2012). Czech SLaLlsLlcal Cfflce was
able Lo fulfll Lhls commlLmenL ln Llme. Czech SLaLlsLlcal Cfflce now provldes Lhe uaLa of Lhe
2011 census as CCu as well (Czech SLaLlsLlcal Cfflce, 2012).
?G? )D%4C !0"1% >*,F%4+9'* 38+C'09+.
Czech 1rade lnspecLlon AuLhorlLy (2013) publlshed CCu abouL lnspecLlons, sancLlons and bans
ln SepLember 2013. uaLa abouL lnspecLlons, sancLlons and bans are provlded as Lhree separaLe
daLaseLs ln CSv, xLSx and CuS (Cpen uocumenL SpreadsheeL) formaLs.
rovlded daLa are parLlally anonymlsed - daLa abouL lndlvldual enLrepreneurs are provlded
only as aggregaLed daLa wlLh no personal lnformaLlon lncluded (Czech 1rade lnspecLlon
AuLhorlLy, 2013). CompleLe records are avallable only ln cases where some legal enLlLy ls Lhe
sub[ecL of lnspecLlons. 1hls approach was Laken afLer consulLaLlon of Lhls lssue wlLh Lhe Cfflce
for personal daLa proLecLlon (Czech 1rade lnspecLlon AuLhorlLy, 2013).
?GJ )D%4C !%$%4'<<8*94"+9'* @((94%
Czech 1elecommunlcaLlon Cfflce (herelnafLer "15& <''0!&") has declded Lo lncrease lLs
Lransparency by openlng up lLs daLa (Czech 1elecommunlcaLlon Cfflce, 2013). 8ecause of Lhe
large number of daLaseLs LhaL Lhe Cfflce collecLs and manages a pro[ecL was conducLed whlch
almed aL ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe sulLable daLaseLs for openlng up. 1hls pro[ecL lnvolved Lhe
followlng sLeps:
deflnlLlon of Lhe openness crlLerla for Lhe daLa of Lhe Cfflce and how Lhese crlLerla
should be saLlsfled,
ldenLlflcaLlon of beneflLs and rlsks of openlng up of Lhe daLa of Lhe Cfflce,

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe candldaLe daLaseLs LhaL should be publlshed as Cpen uaLa,
esLlmaLlon of Lhe amounL of work needed Lo open up Lhe ldenLlfled daLaseLs,
seLLlng up Lhe daLaseL prlorlLles,
deflnlLlon of Lhe Lerms of use for Lhe Cpen uaLa of Lhe Cfflce,
deflnlLlon of Lhe relevanL parLs of Lhe newly proposed lnLernal guldellnes relaLed Lhe
Cpen uaLa of Lhe Cfflce,
recommendaLlons on how Lhe Cpen uaLa of Lhe Cfflce should be caLalogued and whaL
aLLrlbuLes should be lncluded ln Lhe caLalogue record,
ldenLlflcaLlon of appllcaLlons LhaL mlghL help Lo lncrease Lhe openness of Lhe Cfflce,
speclflcaLlon of pro[ecLs requlred Lo puL Lhe recommendaLlons lnLo pracLlce.
8ased on Lhe efforL esLlmaLes and Lhe rlsk analysls 30 daLaseLs were selecLed for openlng up
(Czech 1elecommunlcaLlon Cfflce, 2013). Accordlng Lo Lhe prlorlLles of Lhese daLaseLs a
roadmap for Lhelr publlcaLlon was seL for Lhe years 2014 and 2013.
?GL Q9*9,+0. '( K9*"*4% '( +C% )D%4C E%F8#$94
ln 2013 MlnlsLry of llnance of Lhe Czech 8epubllc publlshed subseL of Lhe SLaLe Lreasury daLa
as CCu (MlnlsLry of llnance of Lhe Czech 8epubllc, 2013) on Lhe MonlLor porLal
. 1hls daLaseL
conLalns flnanclal daLa and daLa from accounLlng reporLs provlded by all Czech publlc secLor
bodles Lo MlnlsLry of llnance of Lhe Czech 8epubllc. uaLa ls avallable for bulk download,
however a seL of SCA web servlces ls also avallable. 1hese servlces allow downloadlng daLa
on lndlvldual publlc secLor bodles. Alongslde Lhe web servlces Lhe MonlLor porLal also allows
users Lo vlsuallze Lhe daLa and Lo analyze lL uslng Lhe web based analyLlcal Lool.
?GM R.,'S9*" E%I9'*
AL Lhe local level vysoclna 8eglon ls one of Lhe Czech reglons LhaL has sLarLed Lo publlsh Cpen
CovernmenL uaLa (vysoclna 8eglon, n.d.). vysoclna 8eglon currenLly publlshes varlous geo-
daLaseLs abouL envlronmenL, culLural herlLage or meLropollLan LelecommunlcaLlon neLworks
as well as oLher daLaseLs, for example publlc conLracLs or daLa abouL culLural evenLs.


ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
?GO )9+. '( BTSU*
Lven Lhough Lhe ClLy of uecln ls noL Lhe only clLy ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc LhaL publlshes CCu or
LhaL ls aL leasL plannlng Lo launch lLs CCu lnlLlaLlve, Lhe ClLy of uecln can be named as an
example LhaL shows LhaL CCu has already reached Lhe local admlnlsLraLlon as well. ClLy of
uecln provldes open daLaseLs abouL lLs SWC1 analyses, publlc conLracLs, properLles owned by
Lhe clLy, budgeL, accounLlng sLaLemenLs and several geo-daLaseLs (ClLy of uecln, n.d.).

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
J )800%*+ @AB )C"$$%*I%,
Accordlng Lo (Chlapek eL al., 2013) Lhere are 6 challenges LhaL Lhe Czech 8epubllc currenLly
needs Lo face ln Lhe CCu domaln or open Lasks LhaL mlghL help Lhe Czech 8epubllc Lo reap Lhe
poLenLlal CCu beneflLs:
1. publlcaLlon of Lhe hlgh prlorlLy daLaseLs,
2. sLandardlzaLlon across publlc secLor bodles,
3. developmenL of guldellnes for ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe sulLable daLaseLs for openlng up,
4. developmenL of Lhe CCu caLalogue,
3. lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe revlsed Sl ulrecLlve,
6. developmenL of Lhe communlcaLlon sLraLegy.
JG= H8#$94"+9'* '( +C% C9IC F09'09+. 1"+",%+,
Accordlng Lo (Chlapek eL al., 2013) a relaLlvely small seL of hlgh prlorlLy daLaseLs should be
ldenLlfled and subsequenLly publlshed as CCu. 1hls seL of daLaseLs should be conLlnuously
revlsed and exLended accordlng Lo demand. 1hls approach Lo CCu publlcaLlon should be
preferred over Lhe approach ln whlch all governmenL daLaseLs should be publlshed as CCu
excepL Lhose LhaL are speclflcally classlfled as non-open. 1he laLLer approach mlghL lead Lo
publlcaLlon of daLaseLs wlLh no poLenLlal consumers, whlch ls consldered lneffecLlve (Chlapek
eL al., 2013).
JG? ;+"*1"019D"+9'* "40',, F8#$94 ,%4+'0 #'19%,
AlLhough Lhe publlc secLor bodles dlffer from each oLher, some of Lhem hold and malnLaln
slmllar daLaseLs. Accordlng Lo (Chlapek eL al., 2013) publlcaLlon of Lhe same or slmllar daLaseLs
should be sLandardlzed across Lhe publlc secLor bodles. SLandardlzaLlon should brlng easler
lnLegraLlon of slmllar daLaseLs held by dlfferenL publlc secLor bodles.
JGJ B%:%$'F<%*+ '( I891%$9*%, ('0 91%*+9(94"+9'* '(
8ecause ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe rlghL daLaseLs for openlng up mlghL be a nonLrlvlal Lask,
knowledge sharlng ln Lhls area should be supporLed. Accordlng Lo (Chlapek eL al., 2013)
guldellnes should be developed LhaL would help publlc secLor bodles ln ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe
daLaseLs for openlng up.

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
JGL B%:%$'F<%*+ '( +C% @AB 4"+"$'I8%
1here ls currenLly no offlclal CCu caLalogue ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc. ln order Lo make publlshed
open daLaseLs easlly dlscoverable, such caLalogue should be esLabllshed (Chlapek eL al., 2013).
Powever lL does noL necessarlly have Lo be slngle cenLral CCu caLalogue. naLlonal CCu
caLalogue mlghL have a dlsLrlbuLed archlLecLure uLlllzlng sLandard meLadaLa schema of Lhe
caLalogue record wlLh cenLrallzed search feaLures LhaL would allow search for open daLaseLs
across Lhe publlc secLor bodles and Lhelr daLa caLalogues.
JGM ><F$%<%*+"+9'* '( +C% 0%:9,%1 H;> B90%4+9:%
As an Lu member sLaLe Lhe Czech 8epubllc musL lmplemenL ulrecLlve 2013/37/Lu whlch
amends Lhe Sl ulrecLlve by 18Lh !uly 2013. Accordlng Lo (Chlapek eL al., 2013) speclflc
aLLenLlon should be pald Lo Lhe followlng lssues:
speclfy ln whlch slLuaLlons daLa should be publlshed ln open and machlne-readable
formaL LogeLher wlLh Lhelr meLadaLa, l.e. clarlfy appllcaLlon of Lhe ArLlcle 3 of Lhe
ulrecLlve 2013/37/Lu (see (Luropean unlon, 2013)),
speclfy whaL llcense or whaL Lerms of use should be applled Lo Lhe publlshed
governmenL daLa ln order Lo ensure compllance wlLh Lhe Ceneral prlnclple of Lhe
ulrecLlve 2013/37/Lu (ArLlcle 3),
develop Lhe CCu caLalog ln order Lo faclllLaLe search for Lhe avallable daLa and Lo
lmplemenL Lhe ArLlcle 9 Lhe ulrecLlve 2013/37/Lu.
JGO B%:%$'F<%*+ '( +C% 4'<<8*94"+9'* ,+0"+%I.
Accordlng Lo (Chlapek eL al., 2013) Lhere ls noL always a common undersLandlng of Lhe concepL
of Cpen CovernmenL uaLa. A communlcaLlon sLraLegy should be developed ln order Lo
effecLlvely dlssemlnaLe lnformaLlon abouL CCu and Lo coordlnaLe CCu acLlvlLles ln Lhe Czech
8epubllc. 8e-use poLenLlal of CCu should be also promoLed wlLhln Lhe publlc secLor ln order Lo
avold lneffecLlve and uncoordlnaLed publlcaLlon of Lhe same daLaseLs by dlfferenL publlc secLor

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
J )'*4$8,9'*, "*1 0%4'<<%*1"+9'*,
AlLhough Lhe Czech 8epubllc does noL belong Lo world's leadlng counLrles ln Cpen
CovernmenL uaLa (uavles, 2013, Cpen knowledge loundaLlon, 2013, eSl laLform, 2014)
number of CCu acLlvlLles has been sLarLed aL dlfferenL levels of publlc secLor, ln academla and
ln oLher domalns as well. 8y [olnlng Lhe Cpen CovernmenL arLnershlp (CC) Lhe Czech
8epubllc showed lLs commlLmenL Lo CCu. ln 2012 Lhe Cpen uaLa caLalogulng sLraLegy of Lhe
Czech publlc admlnlsLraLlon (Chlapek eL al., 2012b) and Lhe Cpen CovernmenL uaLa publlcaLlon
meLhodology of Lhe Czech publlc admlnlsLraLlon (Chlapek eL al., 2012a) was developed whlch
shows Lhe Lop-down approach of Lhe Czech 8epubllc Lo CCu.
Powever no offlclal CCu caLalogue has been esLabllshed and from Lhe daLaseLs LhaL should
have been opened up as one of Lhe Czech CC commlLmenLs, only Lhe elecLlon resulLs was
publlshed wlLhln Lhe Llmeframe seL by Lhe CC AcLlon lan by Lhe Czech SLaLlsLlcal Cfflce. 1hls
mlghL lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of CCu pracLlces lnLo Lhe day-Lo-day operaLlons of Lhe
Czech publlc secLor bodles ls slower Lhan expecLed.
nowadays Lhere are more publlc secLor bodles LhaL publlsh some of lLs daLa as Cpen
CovernmenL uaLa. Czech 1rade lnspecLlon AuLhorlLy, Lhe MlnlsLry of llnance of Lhe Czech
8epubllc, Lhe vysoclna 8eglon or Lhe ClLy of uecln can be named as examples. 1hese examples
also show LhaL Lhere are CCu acLlvlLles aL boLh naLlonal and local level. CLher publlc secLor
bodles llke Lhe Czech 1elecommunlcaLlon Cfflce are plannlng Lo publlsh CCu ln Lhe near fuLure.
Some of Lhe Czech unlverslLles and academlc lnsLlLuLlons also parLlclpaLe ln lnLernaLlonal and
naLlonal research pro[ecL almed aL (Llnked) Cpen uaLa. Cpen uaLa lorum has been esLabllshed
ln 2013 and ln Lhe same year Lhe flrsL Czech Cpen uaLa Challenge was organlzed (CLakar
MoLe[l lund, 2013a). Cpen uaLa lorum has also esLabllshed a parLnershlp wlLh several Czech
clLles and munlclpallLles ln order Lo fosLer exchange of knowledge and experlence abouL Lhe
CCu publlcaLlon and Lo sLandardlze Lhe publlcaLlon process, formaLs and schemas of Lhe
selecLed daLaseLs.
We hope LhaL Lhe sLeps already Laken by some of Lhe Czech publlc secLor bodles show LhaL
CCu galns momenLum ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc. Powever Lhere are sLlll some challenges LhaL Lhe
Czech 8epubllc needs Lo face. 1hese challenges lnvolve publlcaLlon of Lhe hlgh prlorlLy daLaseLs,
sLandardlzaLlon across publlc secLor bodles, developmenL of guldellnes for ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe
sulLable daLaseLs for openlng up, developmenL of Lhe CCu caLalogue, lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
revlsed Sl ulrecLlve and Lhe developmenL of Lhe communlcaLlon sLraLegy.
1. 8AuL8, llorlan, kAL1Ln8CCk, MarLln (2011). Llnked Cpen uaLa: 1he LssenLlals. vlenna:
edlLlon mono/monochrom.
2. CPLALk, uusan, kuCL8A, !an, nLCASk?, MarLln (2013). vyzvy vyuzlvnl oLevienych
daL v C8 [CCu Challenges ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc], reLrleved lebruary 27, 2014 from
3. CPLALk, uusan, kuCL8A, !an, nLCASk?, MarLln (2012a). MeLodlka publlkace
oLevienych daL veie[n sprvy C8 [Cpen uaLa publlcaLlon meLhodology of Lhe Czech
publlc admlnlsLraLlon], reLrleved !uly 31, 2013 from
4. CPLALk, uusan, kuCL8A, !an, nLCASk?, MarLln (2012b). koncepce kaLaloglzace
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8. Czech 1rade lnspecLlon AuLhorlLy (2013). Cpen uaLa - uaLabze konLrol, sankcl a
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10. eSl laLform (n.d.). eSl Scoreboard Cfflclal Source, reLrleved lebruary 26, 2014 from

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
11. eSl laLform (2014). 1he Sl Scoreboard, reLrleved lebruary 26, 2014 from
12. Luropean Commlsslon (2003). ulrecLlve 2003/98/LC of Lhe Luropean arllamenL and of
Lhe Councll of 17 november 2003 on Lhe re-use of publlc secLor lnformaLlon, reLrleved
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13. Luropean unlon (2013). ulrecLlve 2013/37/Lu of Lhe Luropean arllamenL and of Lhe
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14. CovernmenL of Lhe Czech 8epubllc (2013a). lmplemenLaLlon AssessmenL of Lhe Czech
8epubllc AcLlon lan Cpen CovernmenL arLnershlp ln 2012 and lLs updaLe,
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ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
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34. vlCkL8, Craham (2011). 8evlew of recenL sLudles on Sl re-use and relaLed markeL
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ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
33. vysoclna 8eglon (n.d.). CpenuaLa - kra[ vysoclna [CpenuaLa - vysoclna reglon],
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36. ZnAMLnCLk, 1oms (Ld.), 8CCLk, !an, Cl8uLkA, !an, kCC, eLr, 88lCkCv,
Mlchaela (2013). ilrucka daLov zurnallsLlky [uaLa !ournallsm Pandbook], reLrleved
March 18, 2014 from

3#'8+ +C% 38+C'0,
+>Q#, 98%#=&2 ls an AsslsLanL rofessor aL Lhe laculLy of lnformaLlcs and SLaLlsLlcs of Lhe
unlverslLy of Lconomlcs, rague. Pe has exLenslve experLlse ln developmenL of lnformaLlon
sysLems ln boLh prlvaLe and publlc secLor. Pe ls a co-auLhor of Lhe Cpen daLa caLalogulng
sLraLegy of Lhe Czech publlc admlnlsLraLlon and Lhe Cpen uaLa publlcaLlon meLhodology of Lhe
Czech publlc admlnlsLraLlon. Pe has parLlclpaLed ln Cpen CovernmenL uaLa pro[ecLs for several
Czech publlc secLor bodles. Pe ls a member of Lhe board of Lhe Cpen uaLa lorum.
R#, G>S&1# ls a hu sLudenL and researcher aL Lhe laculLy of lnformaLlcs and SLaLlsLlcs of Lhe
unlverslLy of Lconomlcs, rague. Pls research Loplc ls Cpen CovernmenL uaLa. Pe ls a co-
auLhor of Lhe Cpen daLa caLalogulng sLraLegy and Lhe Cpen uaLa publlcaLlon meLhodology of
Lhe Czech publlc admlnlsLraLlon. Pe co-developed conLenLs of Lhe Czech CkAn lnsLance.
T#173, U&S#@2V ls an AsslsLanL rofessor aL Lhe laculLy of MaLhemaLlcs and hyslcs of Lhe
Charles unlverslLy ln rague. Pls maln research Loplcs are xML, Llnked uaLa and Llnked Cpen
uaLa. Pe ls a co-auLhor of Lhe Cpen daLa caLalogulng sLraLegy of Lhe Czech publlc
admlnlsLraLlon and Lhe Cpen uaLa publlcaLlon meLhodology of Lhe Czech publlc admlnlsLraLlon.
Pe has parLlclpaLed ln Cpen CovernmenL uaLa pro[ecLs for several Czech publlc secLor bodles.
Pe ls a member of Lhe board of Lhe Cpen uaLa lorum.
T3;8#% G>$#, works as an Cpen uaLa CoordlnaLor aL Cpen SocleLy lund rague. Pe ls a PlsLory
graduaLe of alacky unlverslLy, Clomouc and he earned hls masLer degree ln Lrasmus Mundus
rogramme LuroculLure from Lhe unlverslLy of Cronlngen. Pe works as a [ournallsL for
uaLablog.cz. Pe ls acLlve ln Lhe open daLa communlLy ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc. Pe ls lnLeresLed ln
comblnlng hls deep lnLeresL ln Lhe Luropean unlon wlLh Lhe role of Lhe Cpen uaLa ln publlc
secLor, malnly ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc and Slovakla. Pe ls a member of Lhe board of Lhe Cpen
uaLa lorum.

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 03 , March 2014
Cpen daLa and Sl ln Lhe Czech 8epubllc
)'F.09IC+ 9*('0<"+9'*
2013 Luropean Sl laLform - 1hls documenL and all maLerlal Lhereln has been complled
wlLh greaL care. Powever, Lhe auLhor, edlLor and/or publlsher and/or any parLy wlLhln Lhe
Luropean Sl laLform or lLs predecessor pro[ecLs Lhe eSlplus neLwork pro[ecL or eSlneL
consorLlum cannoL be held llable ln any way for Lhe consequences of uslng Lhe conLenL of Lhls
documenL and/or any maLerlal referenced Lhereln. 1hls reporL has been publlshed under Lhe
ausplces of Lhe Luropean ubllc SecLor lnformaLlon laLform. 1he reporL may be reproduced
provldlng acknowledgemenL ls made Lo Lhe Luropean ubllc SecLor lnformaLlon (Sl) laLform.

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