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Parboiling of rice.

Part I: Effect of hot soaking time

on quality of milled rice
M. A. Kaddus Miah. An..-arul Haque.- M. Pau1 Douglass & Briall Clarke
Ft>o:><l G'O"r. l niti'"'" 0( Bios...-.;""", ""d Th"<>Io,,' , er . ..... 1d Sil"",. 5;1"",_
Bedfo.-<l M K"5 "I)T. UK
Thi' ,!ud}, in'-"Iigawd Ihc CIf",,! of soaking lime on Ill< quali!}' of porboiled rice. The
I',ddl' "'a, """ked ;n waler" 25 .nd SO "C for 15. 30. 60 "nd I:!(I min. Thc soaked
poddl' was slcarned, dried. 'Iored and milled, With increa,ing soaking lime" ,ignifican(
inc",ase ifl walor absorplion and milling and head rice (honce redUC1ion in brohn
rice) wa, obscr .... d. A signiflC"dm difference in milling yield. al the 1% Ic, .. I. "'-as obtained
be!",',,",," the raW ria- control and (11<- hot soaked parboiled samples. A largc reduclion in
fissu",d gr.in ",'as obscr .... d .fkr soaking, (j is sUU<sled that fills the void
spaces and cements Ihe crock< inside lhe endospenn, tll<: grain harder and
minimizing inmal and brrab gc mining_
Keyword. O, If.sion. I><aJ ne<. m' <m,I Ii,,"n"," mHHnl. .I:orp<k>n.
Introduc tion
Rice is onc of Ihe food crops of t he world
and i, second only 10 ",heal in terms of annual
produclion for food U ... It is the slaple food of o,-er
half of the world', population (q. AH & I'"oo}'a.
1974), Aboul 90% of Iho ,,"'odd', rice is produced
and con.umed in Asia (M.rShan & Wad,worlh.
19(3) , The world's rice production increased frum
520 milli"n !"nnc' in I m Iu 597 million lonne, in
2000 (FAOSTAT, 2(01). Appr",im",dy of
Ihc world', poddy prodUClion i, porboiled_ Parboil
ing i, prac!isc<i in many pari. or thc IO.'orld ,uch
India. Ilangiade'h. Mya,,-",ar. Malo}'.ia.
Sri lanka. GII;n<a. South Africa. Italy. Spoin.
naiiand. Switzerland. USA and France (Pillai),ar.
198 1 ). In )ndia and Bangladesh. ""peeli,'.ly . bout
60 and 90% of t"" total rice consumplion is
p'"boiled (Choudhury, 19(1).
Parboiling i. a h}'drolhonnal Ircatment applic-d
10 raw paddy. DUring t hi' process. grd,n rh.ngcs i1<
physical a ... arch gdat,n,.teS bttau>c of
'Co,,"'!'OIHIonl: f,,: Olll} 86-'ln
<--"",;1: . , ..... '" 'u "'"nll<ld ,K , \I k
c ___ ...
Ih. hoal trealment in Ihe proscncc of waler.
Parboiled padd)' pro"d a higher milhng yield
and reduce> nUlrien! 10>5 during mill ing and "00'
( Rao & Juli.no. 1970)_ Cm,ks. ,k\-do[,<d
"'ilhin the g,.in during maturil}', cau" breakage
upon m;lling, These ifllemal <racks. ",hid cannot
be..en bl' Ihe n.ked el'e. 'pl illi1e l!1" ins into smallcr
por1ions cooking and p,,,,,ool: ing "'ll,hc .
Such b",abge ofrice mal' be climinaled by proper
"""king and stcaming (Ali & rand)", 1974).
Parboiling indud ... and d,)'_
ing. Tho ""in objec!ivc of soaking is 10 achie'-e
and unironn Waler .bsorpllon (Win,berly.
Thi. walCf ab"'rplion m.}' be 1<>
obtain a dcsimbk mo;"ure ",nlenl of the ",aked
paddy, .ilhe, hy Ihe dumlion of ",,,,k
ing or soaking a! an ele"aled lem[,<r.ltU"" During
lhe parboiling pr""",,,, .bou! moisture con-
Icn!. ""et ba,;. (w.b.). i, ",quired ifl so.ked paddy
for prope' hydration (Gariboldi. 1974). ",hici1 may
be "ehie"ed when the paddl' is """ked at a room
tcmpe"'dture for 36-72 h (Farouk & Islam, 19(5).
Cold nc' .. "theless rrquire, a quan-
lily or water and is !imc-ln.uming and labour
112. ..... of h., ......... on m ......... q.""'. M. A. K ... , ...... ai,
During ",aling. when grain moiSl"re exceed,
30--32%. the hush .plil cau,ing leachmg and.
ullimately. dc\haping of lhe rico. High l<mpem
lure ",aking ,hould lherdore he ,,,icily monit.
ored and stopped al the appropriate poinl whon
the mOiSIUre content of I"" rice i. about
(llhaltachM),a. 1985).
Rice process;ng loss is high in Asia. panicularl}'
in Bangladesh w""re c. 10 .. has been
reporled (Ihque " Ill . 1997) bee.",", of primil i"e
pro,ohsing melhods. Cakubling from" reported
yearly prod ""lion of c. 14.1 milli,," metric Ion no'
lhis 10'" is oqui, ... lenl 10 94 1 O(X) melric 10nn.
"'hi<h could he uscJ 10 f""d c. 10.5 million people.
In A,ia and Afr"' . paddy i, gonemti)' "'"k<tl in
cold waler for 24---4l1 h. which prod"""s a high
population of anaerobic hacteria. laclic aci.d bac
leri". staphylococci and yeast, This period of
soaking and use of the same "'ater repe",edl}'
prodllCes off odour. poor qualit )' and bad laste in
lhe final product ( Ramaling<Jm & Raj. 1996),
From Ihe commereial and consumers' point of
"icw. Ihe main qualily crileria of par boiled rice
are: oplimum milling ),ield: maximum head nee:
minimum brolen internal fi",ur-
ing: unifonn grain si, .. " and dos irabLe colour 'md
Allhough a few studies ba,'. """n condUC1<-d on
",,"king. no ')'''emalic .. udy ha. l:>c<:n performl
to obserw Ihe eff""l of hot .oaking on Ihe degr
of water absorplion and milling qualilies. As t he
introduct ion of hOI "", king for an appropriale
dural ;on m,,)' sa"e "aluable process ing tinl< and
imp'o,'c t he q""hly of p<trboiled rice. Ihi. stud}'
ha. """n undertaken 10 l.st lhe hypot hesi, Ihal an
"ppropnatc soaking condition for 3
desirable qualit y in p<trboiled milled rice be
idenl ified,
Mate.ial. and method.
,\ high yidding long grain rle.., "ariet )' ( BR4).
dowloped by the Bangladesh Rice R""""reh
Inst ilule. used t hroughoul Ihe
The p<tddy was grown in 8angladesh du,ing
AUiUSt 10 December 1997. AfI.r han'eSling. t he
grain, were ..,paroled from panicles by Ihe drum
be'l ing method and dried by sp",,,ding on a solid
Hoor under lite sun 10 adtie,," a mo;sturt conlenl
of Iyp;cally c. . About 97'10 malured ftlled
grain ,,'as obtained, The mean lenglh/breadlh
ralio of Icn randoml), ",I"""d l'rain, ,,'as 2.7,
The am)"lose Cunnl of Ihi, r"" "ancly is
( Hi ,was f/ al. . 19921 and t he grdnuh: .i,e "'"
"'ithin Ihe range of 5--8 mm (Ali & Pand)"a. 19741.
Al>onl 20 kg of paddy <ampk ",'as hrougl1l 10
Ihe UI( in lan".1,)' 1998 (.1)("'1 a month afler
ha,wst ing). Each of 2{1 polylhene bags (250
Ihick) ""as filled wilh I kg of sampie . ..,aled and
>lored in an incubalor al 25 "C.
Determination of mm", un' conte nt W.)
Th. mOl"u ronl<nl of the paddy Wa' dclcnnin<tl
by Ihe standard <),'cn met hod IOS 1980) , Grain'
,,'etc ground in a piale mill (model - MLI 204.
Nidcr",n Brol her< Ltd. Lineon. UK) and Ihree
samples "f abouI 5 g cacb were pla,,--d in tin di,hes
in Ihc o.-cn al 130C for 2 h. The d i,""" were
token from t he o,,"n and cooled for 10 min in "
de,iccator. Moisture conlent was caleulad from:
moisture conlenl perrettlage (",",b,)
- [I - ( .. ,f"" 1] x 100.
",het< "' , and "', are wcights (g) of wCl and dry
sampk . ITsp,.-<li,-.ly.
De!erminatioo of bulk densily and porosily
The porosit y () of Ihe paddy was cakulatoo by
measuri ng lhe lrue densily (I'J) using the pycnom-
eter ""'lhod ( Mohse"in. 1970) and Ihe
den,ity (r.) leneon. Void Motor (Jelleon,
ScientifIC Hemel Hontp".ad, UI(). as
(I - r.,.I ",) x 100, Measurement< were repeated
f.w lIm"".
Delerminatioo of Ih. quanl ity of soaking "'ater
According to I1)RC (1976). lhe tolal quantily of
"'ater abs.orbcd during the "'''king oper"tioo .s:
11' = ""("' r - m. l + ".
,,'here lVi. the quanlity of wa ter {kill required for
(e.eluding ","'"pomtion loss). M'd t he
"'eight of p<tddy at initial moisture conten! (kg).
m. Ihe inilial moisture content of paddy (Io ). rn,
Ihe final moisture conlen! of ",aked lX,dd)'
M' " the ,,'';gbt of waler required 10 fill t he inler -
",nul .. spaces (kg) and i, exp ... sscd as:
Intem.,,., .. 1 loom.1 of Food Sc!<ncc .00 Tochooloc lOO!. :no }ll- lJ7 c >oo>. ' .,-..., ..
t_ .. _ no" . .. _ .... . ' .,. M ... . _ .....
w. _ (w, >< </r.) " p...
,,/Icn: P. IS 11>< un,l " ... "'1 of "OI\<T (Looo l& m ' ).
Durin& 11>< "",hoilioZ pm<:ffi.
occurs. Se'",aL ,uca,cl><1"$ ha"c uoed dilf.,-.,nl
quan,i,in of .... ,'" 10 oompnl"'IC fo' ., .... """'Iioo
"* ( IIlRc' 1976: .t. Wad, .. -.,nh. 1\19)).
In Ihi, npcrimonl. C",,('O,allun I"", "OIS e<1;m.l<d
10 I>< 7.S, . by mal .nor. and Ib<fffore Ih<
10lal '1uan"l) of "",., uoN dun", _king "as
W( L- O.075),
Oiff .......
lI),d'ali01' of ..-ale, in'u lhe grain i. ha<lrally a
d,ffusion f'<'>"C'"- In earl) ,, .... k. IIke' (L960)
(ormulalN diffu""" ha,ed "" ,he
"",gbl ,"",ca"" of whoa' ' ",ncl, durinL! ,mmc"iQn
in "", ... by ""nl l he Fi<k', law modo!.
X - Xo "
\1 ft I'
"here X. " ,he ,nl1,al. un,form mo"lure co,".n'
1& g '. dry ba,,,). X ,h. moiSlure coni .. "
fo' a giv." nM.>'p,jon period (g '. dry basi.). X.
,I>< eIfCl..1"'C mo;;'lul<' con'cn' .1 the hound.n!
wrf""" ,inl<S :> 0 (g '. dry ba".). S ,I><
c.poS! ,urf",.., .rea of paddy (cml l, V t hc ,""Iume
of paddy (cm' ). D .. ,he dilf"""" c<:>dfi<im'
(cm' , '). e Ih< ab!<>rpoion ,,,no (.).
Considering. 1.(.1', - Km. a con
Slan . ,he abmce equa';on could Ix "'ri".n OS
r - X ... K",o/ii. Theref"",. ,he isolllomnal mooS-
' ul<' ga,n durinll absorpl,on is
p"'ponio"al 1<> t he squal<' '00' of Ihe """kinll
luno (.). Al paddy .MOrbJ .... I .. Ih,OIIJ-h ""plllary
11<1"'" of lhe .JI.Uow port$. " ... gIIl u",rea ..
,a p,d 01 Ihe "" .. I of abso'pllon. 1'1,c,do, .
""-",, d,lfu,,",n equalion ... La.e, modifo<d 10 Ih<
foUo ... ,n! fonn

"I'ttt-< X, .. Ih< In'CTa'J'lI foo- .h< ;lra,pl.l,nc
Cold _ Id",
I'addy " .... """kcd ... ith lap ,,'ale, ro' IS .10. 4S. 60
and IZ(I min. The I .... of _king ..
..... measured and ranged from 2110 22 "C. A
. _ ."--' - ""
sample or padd)' ,,'as in a conl.i"", wllh
26 mL ofrold ",,,,le. plattd in an ,,,,,,,baIO' " I
a con>lanl IrnIptraln"" of 2!i"C.
A Sla,nless 511",1 pan conlainin! 762 ml or .... I ..
... as h<alN 10 100 C a nd u 600-, sample or ""ddy
"". poured inlo Ih< ""n. "hi<" ","uhed in 'h<
lemptraluI<' d,oppn& by Z(I "c ","hin .10 t. The
pan ... ilh lid waS "ansfo,red (0 un o,'cn
m;oinla,,>ed .1 """""'"' IrnIp ..... ' ..... of 80 ' c.
Samples ",..,re _led fo, IS .IO. 4S. 60 or IZ(I min
and th,,, mo,,1 li re <"nlcnlS d,ICn"lnro aftor each
ILOalin l""a1l""n' , Od ","""" I of wrf""" molSt u""
by bioIun, pafICI
An ol"<""'n1la\ malbemal"".1 m<l'lkl conta,ning
') .0].
"". ' 0 fil "",;'Iu"" pin n. """kinl lime (I)
dala. "'be,,, R and C "I<' li",. cons"'nU. This
equal ion .. 'as .. >Cd 10 .h 'I"" rimcnlal da la
oblail>Od. The h),drJIIOfl rale ",,5 (lrlermil>Od from
lhe model equalion for cach consUli"e m,n"le 1'
tl umer;cal diffcrtnl;.li,m,
of ....... pIes
Al Ihe rnd or rach and
I""all""nl. c. I> of " ' <I gra,n " ... I.k.n and
placed in 0 Un con","",', "'h",h "") kq>1
u""o"ere<! "' uo own :11 1.10 'C fo' 10 min. A
lid .. " . also placed in lhe 0'= . ... hi<h ......
indudN dunn! each .. ..,;&hi ... , The sample " .. ,
th<n remo'-cd .nd .ool<:d. uo<:o,-. red. at ,oom
.cmperalu"" for 2 h and "..,ighed. Th< sample "'a.
llItn """,00 lOO "ei&Joed apin. The gfOOl>d rice
.... 5 Ih"" rcplacnl. ut>COwred. ,n Ih< o,'cn al
1.lO ' C for 2 h. cool<d fo, 10 min co,-ered wilh
110< lid and re-.. ..,;sJoed. Each lrealn""" .... 1
rcp1>.""IN Ikm: limes, The follo .. ,ng formula
wai used '0 <\culal" Ihe moi.lUre cOotcIII (MC)
(lIS. 19I!O).
MC(%) = 100\1 - ("' .... / "'1"" ))
where "" i, th< wcilht of ,,'<1 "'hoIe:
bd""", pl<'.)l>dition,nl (,). "" Ih< .. ..,; .... of .. .."
whole sample .fl., pre.roOOilioning (,). "'l Ihe
wci&/ll of &1<>"00 .,,,"pi<- before (I) ......
110< "rigbl of ,,",uod afk' dry''"1 ,d the
o"(tI b) .
. ..... of h., ......... on m ......... q.""' .... A. K .. , .... .. ai,
Sample, ,,'-C'" ,,,o.m<:d ;n a 4l cara<';t )' p"'''"'''
<"<>Okor "' .n ,,<SS p",s>"r. of I ",mo,phor" for
10 min. during which Ihe temperatu'" inside t he
pressure cooker increased to 121 ' C After slcam
ing. lap waler w ... sprayed onlO the cooker.
through a rubber tubing. a{ a ra{e of I.j() ml s I
for fa,{ cooling before opening {he lid, Moi,wf.
conlent wa, {he" determi ned on a ""presen{a{i"e
sample and fo und to be bet"'",,,n 32 and 37%.
MoiSlure meter calibration
One kIlogram of p;1ddy waS parboiled for <.I ib
r",ion of a moi"ure meter (model Gminer ]I
PM M. F.nnT. S<un,horpe. UK). a capaci .
,"""" type melcr "' it h a specified accunlcy of
. The init i.1 contont of stcamed
paddy wa, determined by Ihe o,'en me{hod using
c. 20 g of sample. "The rema ining paddy was placed
in a thin-layer drior. After I h. {wo ",mples of 100
"lid .w g were r,,",owd and {he moi,{uf. con{on{
WaS detennin.,d three time, by {he moi,{ure metof
and o"en method. fespecli,ely. TI,e samplo
wa' ' hen staled in a pia,{ic jar rOf h at fOOm
{empcra{ure (c . 20- 22 "q fot ' ompering. Tho
",me prO<Oedun: of moi"",,, det"nnioa'ion Wd,
followed after ewry 30 min of dl)' ing fm 4 h. The
moi,tuIT "m'en' of the gmin ",a. al>o
detenni ned by bolh method .
Dry'ing and .. .,.-ag. of $team.d paddy
A thin-Ia)"er bbor .. tory "",10 dri<-r "'ith ,i . siev",
Wa. u>e<!. in "hkh hOI air pa,>e<! through the grain,
The diameter. ",oss"",{ional "rea aod depth of
each 'Le,'e wa. 195 mm. 0.03 m' and 45 mm.
ro,prt'u,'ol)'. Th. ini{ial mO"{Ure conlenl Wa'
dotennined by (he o,'on me{hod. Tho dfy bulb
'empem,ure. wc, bulb lempem.ure and rdatiw
humidi,y w<rc moni'ored by a , ling p'ychrome'or,
Thc paddy WlI' d i"ided inlO si, "<Iual pans and
pbced on 'he SLe"es(2 mm aperture) fordl)'ing. Thc
a"erag<: grain dept h and d l)'ing air wlocily were
2 mm and 004 m s I. respect;"ely, All ",mple, Wef.
inilially dried a{ 35 ' C until Ihe mOi'lUre colllelll
"'1SC. I The drying (empera{ ure chose n "'a.
based on a sWdy by Uddin eI "I, < 1987). "here"
drying tem""r .. t ure ranging from 31 {o 37 ' C Wa'
used. Samples were {hen SUbjected (o '.mper-
in a staled pia;{ie container a' c. 10--22 "C,
Finally. after about 45 min of further dfymg a' c,
22- 24"C. a m"i" u", con' en' reading of 16% WlI,
achined. which. will he >cc n later. i\ equi"alen' to
a moi"uIT con'cn' of 14% a, dc,cnniocd hy t he
O\'Cn mel hod.
Tempering of p',ddy during dr)' i"g " ,"cry
imporlant for obtaining bettOr milling quali t )'.
When {he parboiled was dried ,"pidly
without tompering. a ,{eep moist ure gradielll
doveloped between the ,urfa"" and {he re nl", of
Ihe kernel. ",uing up internal strosses. At a renain
<{ago. (he Kcmd ",Iin<, 'hese "",,,,,,. by ,r..eking,
Those cr.cb .ro incyor;ibk .nd stt up hne'
of weakn"" along whkh frdC!uro. m.)" oasily
o'-... ur under '""'-"h.niea) <lro'" during milling
( Bhallochal)-' '" S,,-.my. 1%7) , To o,"id t hi'
happening. {h" ""mpl"". at moi"ure ,-"n'cn' of c.
18 . wore kepi in ai rt ighl plastic container< a'
e. 22 C for 16 h. During this equilibration
process. moisture dist ributed el'enly t hroughoul
Ihe grain. allowing a moisture contcn! 10 be
",ea,um.! . Aftef drying. {he "''''plc> were cooled
and hp{ in ",alod pol)'{h' ''e bap. All ",",pi", ,,"" "
,{om.! ut a temperature of25 ' C in"n incubator.
Ri<"C milling im'ol"Os lwo operdtions. hu,king and
poli,hing. A l50-g .. mplo "f parhoiled p"ddy ,,-.,
dehusked usi ng a Satake rubber roU hulkr (model
THUJ5 A. l td. Tokyo . .lap'IO). Thc
" .. ight of Ihe cloaned brown rice "'as recorded.
Tho bro"'n rie<: " .. ," {hen polished by an
Iype polisher (McGill Miller no, 2. Rap",o.
Urookshire. TX. USA) for I min {o obtain a
{ypic"1 degfee of poli'h of c, 8%. weigh' of t he
ck"ned poli,hed ,ie<: was recorded, All ",mple.
,,'ore "'pliea{M {hftt limes for {he and
poli' hing ol"'r ... {i"n" Individual "plicate ,i"""
,,'<re 15(1 g "'",pics fro", ""ch 600 g of the ofiginal
ho' soaked padd}' ,
Milled nc.: yic ld ,,'as pro,,,,d 0' the pe,,-"Cntag<
rOlio ofmilled ric< after and polish in,. 10
'Il< " .. ig./!! of unn, illcd paddy. Head ricc yield was
expressed as {he pe"",n{agc ""io of {he "'eigh{ of
",hole (unbroken) kernel {o {he "'eight of the total
milled rie<: yield. Broken Tie<: ",as quant ified "'
100 - head rice )ield,
In"r"'''''rlal lo"m.1 of Food Sc!<ncc .00 Tochooloc lOO!. :no }ll-l J7 c >oo> . ' .,-..., ..
Intcrnal fISSuring
Fissuring wa, qu.n!ifoed as the rJ !io of cracked
grnin !o "hole rice . 'pressed a, a percent.ge. A
l50-g ",mplc of paddy was Jehu,kod in a Sat.kc
rubber roll huHer. gi.;ng 114 g of brol'n rirt. A
represent.ti,. "'mpl. (c. 10 g) Wa' takm from the
dehu,kod brown ne. ror m<mittmng in!crnal
r,,,uring. A magnirying gla ..... " used to identiry
immature gmin. which dC"doped black .pol> in
the hydrolhcrmal trcatmm!. The grain w.s
di" ided inlo whole .nd broken rice. Only malure
whole rice w., """,\ to idcmify fis.sured l!1.in. The
.. mple wa. pia.""" on a PCl ri di,h and in""IigOled
thoroughly under" high power stereo micrO'iCOpe
equipped with" "ideo monilor. The remaining
100 g of brown rice was polished for ) min a
MeDiI! abra,i,.., type poli,hn The ",me so!ling
procodure as obo,.., was followed for (he poli,hod
""'plc. The head ne. ob"'incd aftor polishing Wa'
Ihon monitored ror r,,,,urc<l gmin us"'g Ihe <loreo
SlaliSlk .1 <lesigt'
b perimenl;l) "'"ork was set "I' os a ,ingle f"C1ori"1
de,ig:n. where lime wo, lhe main
All lreatments were replicatod three time, to
achie'-e reliabilily of {he {csl result. and . 1", to
obl.in a mca,ure or the erro . A
comple{ely randomi",-'" design (CIl. D) was used.
a",uming {hal (h. e,perimental condition, were
The cxpcrin,cnlal dat a WaS ,hen
analysed h)' G<:nOSlat 5. rdca .. 4_1,
Res ults . nd dlscu .. ion
Mol"ur. conlenl. bulk densiTy and porosity
of ""ddy
The inilial moisture content or (he paddy "'a.
10.8'10 . Thc den,;ty and PO'OS;I)" of paduy
wcrc 600 kg m ' and 56.3Y . re'pe<1i<'<ly. Follow
ing (it c cakula{;on described in th. methodology.
I JO) m L kg , wator ",as used for ""aking_
Water abstH"pl;oo during soaking
The cff""t or ,,,,,ki ng lime "n ,.-"tor ab<"'l'litm for
cold and 1001 water soaking i, . hown in Fit!. I (.
c ___ ...
E" ... . f ... , ......... on ....... , ... .... Id_ "- .. of. . "


1100 ><>aI.'OS

Cold soakinl

"" So.ting time l min ) '""
1 Elft of"""l'"I"m< on nt<r ""b-
,,'" me;""", '''''!<nl. ""or h'" 100 'C <old I,l 'C
( 0 )), ... "'r ..,.' inl ... 1 ","", in, tAl, 'n.: ,n" .. 1 "";"urc
conlro' of tll< pOO<ly b<forc """klnl 10.
tlnubk logari thmic plot or moisture Co ntenl 'os.
",,. king lime)_ The total moi;ture con'cn' after
",caming the hOI I>',udy i, .Iso .ho".-n.
Arter a 15min w"king. Ihe moi'lure contenl of
samples from Ihe cold .nd hOl ""''<ing wore 14,5
and 23.7'10 . respec{i'"ely. On ""'king for 120 min.
lhe moisture contCnt for cold "",king increased 10
18.8'10 and for hot ""'king 10 3(1. 1'10 . Garibokli
(19741 reported thal required moi.ture content
of properly io)'ura{od soaked p"ddy i. around
](W . There Wa< a further increase In absorbed
",,,,,turo conlcn' on Ihe hot so.ked
paddy. Tho paddy hOl _ '<ed for 15 min
in<TCa",d 10 :?'IA'V. moi>lure c"nlonl. wh<rca.
arter 120-min hOI soaking lhe moiM"re content
incre.lsed 10 37'V .
Moisture gain during soaking
A lreatment used on all hOl """king
oper .. lions before lhe p"ddy WaS dried and milled.
Hhhough d,t. ,.-as con,idered for
co,"""ri>on purp<tS<'S_ Figure 2 ,how, moi$lure
gaIn a. a func,ion of lh. <q uare roo, of
time. Inilially the paddy oruorbcd nloi<1ure "cr),
mpidl}' becau\<: of th, capi llary imrnrnli"n or Ih<
.hallow pores. The ".pour P""UfC diifcrence

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