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Three-Year Advocacy Plan of Katelyn Boucher

SCHOOL ASSESSMENT: (Rubric Category 1) Hartford Central School has a total enrollment of approximately 500 students !"1#$ %&erage class si'e is approximately 1($ )0* of students are eligible for free or reduced lunch$ +,* of the student population is -hite.Caucasian$ /he school employs 0+ total teachers ma1ing the approximate teacher to student ratio an intimate 1:10$ 2f the 0+ teachers employed +0* are considered highly 3ualified and an additional 15* ha&e a 4asters plus )0 hours or a 5octorate in their field of instruction$ %ccording to the 67S School Report Card Hartford CS5 is in good standing ha&ing achie&ed standard proficiency in the core classes (89% 4ath and Science) on state issued assessments$ SCHOOL LIBRARY PROGRAM ASSESSMENT: (Rubric Category 1) Currently there is only one official member of the library :staff;" -hich is the school librarian$ /his is indicati&e of the small si'e of the school district$ Some general school aides filter in and out of the library throughout the day to co&er the librarian<s lunch period or times -hen she is teaching a class on the other side of the room$ 9ast year the library budget -as cut by =) 000 (it -as reduced from =10 000 to =( 000 allotted expenditure) per year$ /he cuts -ere largely attributed to an effort by administrators to find money -ithin the existing school budget to fund ne- pro>ects (primarily related to the ne- Common Core Curriculum Standard re3uirements)$ 5ue to the depleted amount of funds a&ailable the librarian -as unable to purchase the recommended amount of ne- materials (boo1s media ect) that -as estimated in her yearly collection management plan$ She -as also unable to rene- the school<s subscription to t-o &aluable online databases -hich -ere pre&iously factored into the budget (pre"cuts)$ %s a result of these reductions the librarian has noticed a slight decrease in circulation statistics as -ell as staff member &isits.utili'ation of the library itself$ THE CHALLENGE: ?ased on the current state of the Hartford Central School 9ibrary the goal of the follo-ing ad&ocacy plan -ill be to ma1e the library program &isible -ithin the school community as a &aluable tool that supports the efforts of all members of the school population including students staff and community members$ %s a result of the three"year plan the school librarian hopes that the administration -ill increase the amount of funding allocated to the library program by at least =# 000 (ideally the full original budget of =10 000 -ould be restored) by the year #01@$ /he additional funds -ould be used to purchase the necessary materials and technology that -ould support teachers students and the goals of the general curriculum$ /he librarian -ould ma1e it a point to dedicate a large portion of the purchases to Common Core related materials to coincide -ith the interests of the administration and to >ustify the use of those funds$ /he ne- additions -ould hopefully increase utili'ation of library resources (from circulation of materials and use of the physical library space) and -ould inspire instructional collaboration bet-een the teaching staff and the school librarian$ An the three years A plan for this strategy to ta1e effect A -ould ma1e the most of the current library resources that support CCCS and instructional collaboration and accessing some materials through other mediums$ Adeally the impro&ements brought upon by these actions -ould highlight the library program as an in&aluable asset to the school at large and as a result the administration -ould be -illing to increase the budget and e&en restore it to its former status$

School Strategies (Rubric Category 1 B #)

Prior- YR2 ity1

SMART Objective

T!r"ete# St!$e%o&#er

P&!''e# Activitie S())!ri*e# - +%!t, Ho-, +%ere, +%e', L!be& Activitie by Pri)!ry Ty.e o/ Str!te"y 0MR1 PR1 P2-T1 P2-L3 " S94S -ill create and administer a sur&ey to the staff to determine their preferences for -or1ing.collaborating -ith the librarian$ "S94S -ill attend grade le&el and department meetings to determine possible collaboration opportunities$ " S94S -ill suggest -ays in -hich teachers can collaborate -ith the S94S on content area learning$ " S94S -ill engage in collaborati&e planning sessions -ith teachers$ (4R) "S94S -ill hold a -or1shop.professional de&elopment series in -hich she sho-cases the technology a&ailable to students and faculty that exists in the library$ She -ill also demonstrate ho- to use each tool and ho- they made be used to support instruction$ "S94S -ill schedule subse3uent time during the school year to -or1 -ith teachers indi&idually to integrate specific technology tools into their curriculum$ (E5"/)

Ev!&(!tio': Re!&i tic 4 Me! (r!b&e


?y Cune #01@ through collaborati&e teaching lessons and units collaboration rates bet-een teachers and the S94S -ill increase by )5 * o&er t-o years (as compared to the le&el of collaboration identified in Cune of #010)$


Dsing the S94S<s lesson plan boo1 from #01)"10 and #010"15 the number of collaborati&e teaching lessons.units -ill increase by )5 *$ "%s e&idenced by the plan boo1 and through email records the o&erall amount of collaborati&e planning meetings and communication bet-een the S94S and teachers -ill increase as -ell$


?y Cune #015 as a result of promotion and instruction by the S94S (0* of teachers -ill ha&e integrated technology into at least one unit of instruction for the #010"#015 school year$


"Dsing an end of the year teacher sur&ey created by the librarian responses -ill indicate that (0* of teachers from the o&erall faculty ha&e included technology into at least one unit of instruction o&er the #010"#015 school year$


?y Cune #010 through participation in data"dri&en analysis forums the S94S -ill ha&e an acti&e role in preparing students for state issued assessments for the follo-ing school year (#010" #015)$ %s a result school administrators -ill be able to notice a direct lin1 bet-een school library resources and state test scores$

"S94S -ill re3uest access to the results of past years< state examinations bro1en do-n by the school data specialist . test coordinator$ %dministrators /eachers 2ther Staff (data.test specialist) "S94S -ill reach out to sub>ect area teachers to >ointly conduct data dri&en analysis of the exams to identify strands of -ea1ness or lac1 of proficiency in certain s1ills particularly those related to information literacy$ "S94S -ill use information from the data"dri&en analysis to create collaborati&e lessons meant to target and strengthen specific s1ills and ade3uately prepare students to perform proficiently on state assessments$ (E5"/)

"Dsing the S94S< lesson plan boo1 for the #01)"#010 school year entries -ill chronicle her participation in data"dri&en analysis meetings as -ell as subse3uent planning meetings -ith teachers to create lessons that target specific s1ills$ "/he plan boo1 -ill also indicate the amount of those lessons actually administered by the S94S o&er the course of the year$ "6ext year<s data dri&en analysis of the #010"#015 state assessments -ill indicate -hether students< performance -as impro&ed by the lessons and preparation$

Community Strategies (Rubric Category 1 B #)

Prior- YR2 ity1 SMART Objective T!r"ete# St!$e%o&#er P&!''e# Activitie S())!ri*e# - +%!t, Ho-, +%ere, +%e', L!be& Activitie by Pri)!ry Ty.e o/ Str!te"y 0MR1 PR1 P2-T1 P2-L3 " 9ocal Eublic 9ibrarians -ill be in&ited to hold sign up sessions at the school for families and students to obtain a public library card at # school.community e&ents: 2pen House (2ctober) and the %cademic Celebration (Cune)$ " S94S -ill include public library plug and a lin1 to a library card application on the parent<s page of the library site$ " S94S -ill promote the public library in a 3uarterly ne-sletter$ (4R) (ER) ?y Cune #015 parent.community usage of the 94C<s -ebsite (and in their remote access of library resources) -ill increase by #5* o&er the pre&ious year$ Earents Families Community 4embers "S94S -ill promote the -ebsite (particularly the parent page) in 3uarterly ne-sletters$ "S94S -ill highlight a ne- set of resources a&ailable on the -ebsite for each publication$ "S94S -ill sho- parents and community members the resources a&ailable for remote access through the library -ebsite at 2pen House pro&iding a brief o&er&ie- as -ell as an opportunity for indi&idual consideration of the site$ (4R) (ER) Dsing Geebly site &isitation records the S94S -ill be able to trac1 ho- much usage the library site is getting compared -ith the numbers from the pre&ious year ( online database remote access records from #010"15 may also be trac1ed through the &endor and -ill account for more specific usage data)$ /he parent.community.remote access users -ill increase by #5* from the pre&ious year$ Ev!&(!tio': Re!&i tic 4 Me! (r!b&e


?y Cune #01@ (0 * of the school<s students and 50* of parents -ill ha&e access to the local public library<s resources by signing up for a library card promoted through the school librarian$

9ocal Eublic 9ibrarian Eublic 9ibrary Staff Earents Community 4embers Students

"/he results of an annual library sur&ey (administered in Cune) -ill indicate that (0* of students and 50* of parents.families ha&e access to the resources a&ailable through the local public library$


Library Community Strategies (Rubric Category ))

Prior- YR2 ity1 H 7r#

SMART Objective (Rubric Category #)

T!r"ete# St!$e%o&#er (Rubric Category @) 9ocal Eublic 9ibrarian 6et-or1 of 9ocal S94S /eachers

P&!''e# Activitie S())!ri*e# - +%!t, Ho-, +%ere, +%e', L!be& Activitie by Pri)!ry Ty.e o/ Str!te"y 0MR1 PR1 P2-T1 P2-L3 (Rubric Category ,) " 9ocal Eublic 9ibrarians -ill be in&ited to hold sign up sessions at the school for staff to obtain a public library card at # school.community e&ents (mentioned abo&e) as -ell as during an additional day during the library summer program$ "S94S -ill gi&e a presentation to faculty and staff members during a professional de&elopment day in the beginning of school year about the resources a&ailable to them that the Hartford 9ibrary does not o-n$ She -ould then introduce the interlibrary loan program and pro&ide a brief tutorial on using the ser&ice$ She -ill also do the same for ?2C8S 4ultimedia Ser&ice -hich pro&ides many resources to area schools including class sets of specific texts$ (E5"/)

Ev!&(!tio': Re!&i tic 4 Me! (r!b&e (Rubric Category +) "/he results of an annual library sur&ey (separate from the parent sur&ey) -ill indicate that ,0* of faculty and staff members ha&e access to the resources of other libraries through &arious mediums$ "9ibrary circulation and interlibrary loan records -ill sho- that an increased number of staff members are utili'ing the additional ser&ices$

?y Cune #015 as a result of promotion by the S94S ,0* of faculty and staff -ill ha&e access to the curriculum resources of se&eral local libraries through public library membership and the interlibrary loan.?2C8S 4ultimedia ser&ices$


?y 5ec ember #010 the S94S -ill attend three professional de&elopment -or1shops related to librarian<s role in the ne- era of the Common Core Curriculum Standards and in Cune #010 the S94S -ill gi&e a presentation at a local ?2C8S library conference on the information collected from the -or1shops$

9ocal 9ibrarians ?2C8S Staff 2ther 9ocal 8ducators

"S94S -ill attend three -or1shops related to the librarian<s role in the ne- era of the Common Core Curriculum Standards (by 5ecember #010)$ (E5"9) "S94S -ill present her combined findings from the three -or1shops and share ne- information -ith other local librarians at the annual ?2C8S library conference (Cune #010)$ (ER)

"S94S -ill sho- e&idence of -or1shop attendance through personal notes as -ell as certificates or professional de&elopment forms gi&en at each e&ent$ "S94S -ill get feedbac1 from fellolibrarians by as1ing them to rate the presentation at the ?2C8S conference -ith comments and suggestions (-hich -ill ideally be positi&e)$

Legislative Strategies (Rubric Category 0)

Prior- YR2 ity1 H 7r1

SMART Objective

T!r"ete# St!$e%o&#er

P&!''e# Activitie S())!ri*e# - +%!t, Ho-, +%ere, +%e', L!be& Activitie by Pri)!ry Ty.e o/ Str!te"y 0MR1 PR1 P2-T1 P2-L3 " S94S -ill sign up for and pay to become a member of state and national professional library organi'ations such as the %merican 9ibrary %ssociation (%9%) and the 6e- 7or1 9ibrary %ssociation (679%)$ "S94S -ill subscribe to a &ariety of library publications such as School 9ibrary Cournal (S9C) and ?oo1list$ " S94S -ill read the information and share the resources a&ailable through those memberships$ (E5)

Ev!&(!tio': Re!&i tic 4 Me! (r!b&e

?y Cune #010 the S94S -ill be an acti&e member in state and national library professional organi'ations and -ill subscribe to a &ariety of library >ournals.publications$

%dministrators (e&idence of E5) 2rgani'ations (%9% %%S9 S9C etc$)

" 8&idence of acti&e membership in both state and national professional library organi'ations and subscription to library publications -ill be recorded and could be obser&ed in the S94S< professional portfolio$


?y Cune #015 S94S -ill ad&ocate for school libraries (in general) by submitting a letter to a state representati&e as1ing him.her to support increased funding for education in their district$

State Representati&e

"S94S -ill -rite a letter explaining the &alue of school libraries >ustifying the need for an increase in state funding for education (particularly library programs)$ S94S -ill point out that library programs and staff often get cut first in times of budgetary crisis$

"/he confirmation email from the state representati&e<s office or a response from the representati&e -ould pro&ide e&idence of the S94S< attempt to ad&ocate for school libraries$

Abbrevi!tio' : Priority1 " H H high 4 H medium 9 H lo- (Rubric Category 5)

YR2 I 7ear of focus and initiation 7r1 H 7ear 1 7r# H 7ear # 7r) H 7ear ) (Rubric Category 5)

Ty.e o/ !#voc!cy tr!te"ie I 4R H mar1eting ER H public relations E5"/ H professional de&elopment pro&ided by the librarian to teaching staff E5"9 H professional de&elopment for librarian (Rubric Category @)

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